Author: Juliana

  • Welcome to “Snark” Thursdays!

    As I just commented, there has been a somewhat serious decline in the amount of bitchiness and snark around here. We’ve become entirely too PC for my taste. You know, like caring about others by encouraging donations, asking you to show up at events where you would meet great folks running for office, or my…

  • Would you have gotten on the bus?

    Watch the full episode. See more American Experience. Premiering on May 16th on PBS. Tomorrow Oprah will host Congressman John Lewis as part of the 50th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides.

  • And so it begins

    Yesterday I received an email from this group encouraging me to “Boycott Georgia”.  Here’s an excerpt: Juliana, Georgia is following Arizona’s footsteps with their version of the discriminatory and draconian anti-immigration law HB87. Once again we see the same alliance of extremist groups and private prison corporations – those who pushed for similar bills in…

  • Timely Reminder

    The Atlanta Business Chronicle has recently printed a great OpEd written by our friend Amir Farokhi, Executive Director of Georgia Forward.  Haven’t heard of Georgia Forward, watch this short video. Amir makes several important points, not the least of which is this statement: We know what we need. We must work together to innovate and…

  • Georgia General Assembly Open Thread

    Today is Sine Die… translated from latin means, we leave a big mess for the citizens of Georgia to clean up, no, really it does. Any bets on if the AZ style immigration bill makes it to the Gov’s desk.. I give it a 2 in 5 chance. Will there be a brawl in the…

  • Thursday Open Thread

    Cobb County Democrats hold their annual JJ Fundraiser this saturday… please consider attending and supporting the work of the Cobb Dems. Details here. He may not have a certificate of live birth, but yes the President has a computer, and an Ipad. It seems it’s “Opening Day” in ball parks around the nation. I don’t…