Author: Juliana
Seems to me
There has been just a little too much hand wringing and pearl clutching going on the last couple weeks for my taste. The video below is the Rev. Al Sharpton speaking at Rosa Parks funeral in October of 2005. His speech is worth all 8 mins, and I bet will shake off that ennui I’ve…
Cobb County Democrats Auction this Friday!
You are invited to attend the always lively and fun auction! Every other year ( you know those pesky even numbered ones) the Cobb County Democratic Party holds a fundraising auction, all proceeds going to the GOTV efforts in Cobb and benefiting all the candidates. The auction consists of both live and silent offerings. In…
One more reason for folks in “flyover states” to hate the New York Times… In the article “The Politics of Polite” the author makes many claims, most of which ignore that millions of people were taught to say Ma’am and Sir out of respect. Ma’am is, of course, a contraction of madam, and its usage…
President Carter wins release of Aijalon Mahli Gomes from North Korea
Roughly 15 minutes ago, at the request of President Carter, and for humanitarian purposes, Mr. Gomes was granted amnesty by the chairman of the National Defense Commission, Kim Jong-Il,” the Carter Center said in a statement. “It is expected that Mr. Gomes will be returned to Boston, Mass., early Friday afternoon, to be reunited with…
I’d like to introduce you all to Tommy Sowers
Every two years this country elects, or re-elects all 435 Congress members, and 1/3 of the US Senate that’s a whole lot of race to keep up with. Sometimes it’s even hard to keep up with our own GA races. Those of us with an interest in politics-some might even say obsession, have friends from…
Resources that won’t cost you a cent.
Here are are few great resources for campaign teams and candidates. Some of you rilly rilly need this information, and don’t have a moment to waste before using it. Please leave your suggestions for other helpful resources in the comments. Still lost in the sauce about a stump speech, read this, do what it says…