Author: Juliana

  • Disclosure Open Thread

    Barnes has lots, DUH Karen Handel’s gamble seems to have paid off, although still probably not enough to run statewide in a clown car. McBerry reported raising $56,000 this quarter and said he has $28,000 on hand. Which is just enough to buy yard signs for me to see posted to trees. His staff and…

  • Feds are cracking down on unpaid internships!

    With job openings scarce for young people, the number of unpaid internships has climbed in recent years, leading federal and state regulators to worry that more employers are illegally using such internships for free labor. Wait, stop the presses, you don’t mean for profit companies are taking advantage of people during tough times! Rick, I’m…

  • How Women Will Benefit From Health Care Reform

    Join the National Womens Law Center and the Coalition on Human Needs Webinar. During the webinar, we’ll provide a summary of the key provisions impacting women and their families and outline what to expect with the new law in effect. We’ll also explain what the restrictions on abortion coverage mean for women and talk about…

  • PSA for Queering the Census

    Featured here is my number one political girl crush, Mara Keisling Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. What Box Do You Check? Details below the flip.

  • Crazy is NOT the new black

    Sigh, where to begin with all the K-razy this week. Eric Cantor- nope you are not a victim, even if you do keep calling the whammmmbulance. I had to giggle at this remix, but really it’s a sad commentary on the -big-ass air quotes “loyal opposition”, end big-ass air quotes. Sarah Palin channeled her inner…

  • “Anger is only one letter short of danger”

    It’s likely you have already seen the headlines about recent events involving Congress people and their families being preyed upon by the angry and disgruntled. In case you have not-here is a smattering of the most recent ones: Threats linked to health votes prompt security Rep. Slaughter: FBI Investigating Vandalism at NY Office, Incident was…