Author: Juliana
Open Thread
It’s been awhile, and maybe some of you need to vent. I’ve have a busy day. First was shopping for Spring shoes, and aren’t these fabulous, made out of recycled TV’s. From OlsenHaus vegan Spring 2010 collection, more here. After that bit of exhaustive research I learned a little about Nikola Tesla. Why? Do I…
Hang with all 5 mins, it’s pretty good. Rep. Anthony Weiner represents the NY 9th district, and my new hero.
Health Care Summit FAQ
What: Potentially interesting live broadcast of meeting between Republican & Democratic leaders from House and Senate regarding stalemate over Health care bill. President Obama will moderate the discussion, which will take place with 37 members of Congressional leadership (20 Democrats and 17 Republicans) around tables set up in a hollow-square in the 42-foot by 36-foot…
Hypocrisy thy name is… well 111 different names apparently
Think Progress has opened a can of wupass on the 110 GOP ( 1-Dem) Congressmen who voted once sometimes twice against the stimulus, and yet quietly sought millions of said same for their districts. Hold on while I clutch my pearls, GOP misleading voters- no freaking way, you are kidding me! Highlights include: Rep. Phil…
The Book
I was given a copy for my birthday ( thank you, Melanie), and lawdy I swear I didn’t put it down till I’d read all 448 pages. It was so grippingly good I lugged it on a plane. When was the last time you traveled with a hardback book? Is it gossipy? You betcha Is…
Tom Tancredo is…
I suppose I could let you all fill in this thought, but nah, I’ll use my vaulted Front Page status to let you in on a little plan I have. Tom ” I like it when my gun matches the dead thing in my cold dead hand” Tancredo made a huge impression at the Teaboatbirthbagger…