Author: Juliana

  • I just love “the google”and these interweb thingys!

    You too can have your own Kenyan Birth Certificate! Who knew I was the spawn of Rick & Ilsa and born in a hot tub! Sheesh I always thought I was a Jersey Girl. Love it! Hat Tip: Grayson on Facebook

  • Guess whose pit stains these are?

    Ok chickens, this should not come as any huge surprise to ya…. Do you need a hint? I called her the “Devil Wears Payless” in the day, took some crap for it, but I stand by my comment. It is completely inexcusable to sweat through a shantung silk suit like this, oh the horror!  Seriously,…

  • Happy Birthday President Obama

    Image from Huffington Post. In other “birther” news: The President (48) and veteran reporter Helen Thomas (89) share a birthday, so naturally Obama dropped into the Press room, brought her cupcakes and sang to her. Obama posed for pictures with Thomas and said they both wished for world peace and an end to prejudice. And…

  • Kyle Bailey to lead National Stonewall Democrats

    Hard work pays off! A rising star in Georgia progressive politics has been named interim executive director of the National Stonewall Democrats. Kyle Bailey, 26, has been tapped to lead the organization as Jon Hoadley steps down to lead One Kalamazoo, a new Kalamazoo, Mich., organization formed to protect the city’s nondiscrimination ordinance in an…

  • Caption this

    Too bad it didn’t go down like this. Instead it sounds like it was meh. Beer served: Bud Light for the President, Sam Adams for the Professor, Blue Moon ( owned by Coors) with orange slice for the Cop, and the VP goes non-alcoholic with Buckler.

  • Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, one of 16, to receive a Medal of Freedom

    Accomplished in fields ranging from sports and art to science and medicine to politics and public policy and representing a diversity of backgrounds, the White House announcement said the recipients were selected for their work as “agents of change.” “Each saw an imperfect world and set about improving it, often overcoming great obstacles along the…