Author: Juliana
I gotta lotta sailors* in my life…
So this whole pirate thing was a bit keen to me. NAIROBI, Kenya — Navy snipers on the fantail of a destroyer cut down three Somali pirates in a lifeboat and rescued an American sea captain in a surprise nighttime assault in choppy seas Easter Sunday, ending a five-day standoff between a team of rogue…
Happy Easter Bonnets everyone!
Hope your bonnet is just as fabulous!
Handful of headlines I never thought I’d see.
ABOUT TOMORROW’S WHITE HOUSE SEDER From NBC’s Les Kretman Tomorrow, President Obama will hold a Passover Seder at the White House with family and staff. The Seder, it turns out, is a fulfillment of a vow that a small group of Obama campaign staff made during their Seder last year, on April 19. Unable to…
Would I? Hummm no.
This question is for those of us who moved here of our own choice. Anyone who willingly left other places to come to the “New” South. It used to be, something like 8 out of 10 folks in metro were from somewhere else. We moved to Cobb County in 1989, having left the NYC metro…
Caption this
This fantastic picture of the GA House floor last night is from Lucid Idiocy.
Compelling and fascinating video
I’ve been watching 4+ hours of the Vermont House of Representatives. It’s now 9:00 pm and they are about to call the vote, it will be a roll call vote. Vote is 97 to 50, 3 votes shy of veto proof. Sorry it was 95-52. They are voting on gay marriage, VT already has civil…