Author: Juliana

  • The President wants you to party…house party that is

    Host a House Meeting President Obama and members of Congress have a plan to put nearly four million Americans back to work, but they need your help. The economic crisis can seem overwhelming and complex to many, but you can help the people you know connect the recovery plan to their lives and learn more…

  • The President’s Hero

    John Lewis. While watching the inauguration last week, I wondered what President Obama said to Congressman Lewis when he stopped to hug him on his way to the podium. Well, now we know. After absorbing the thudding roar from the Mall, Obama glanced to his right. He spotted there on the steps, a few feet…

  • School of the America’s Protesters sentenced today

    I have been remiss in keeping up with my fellow activists trying to close the School of the America’s, now know as Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Today, the six activists who crossed in federal military land on Nov 23rd, the final day of protest at the gates of Ft. Benning were on trial.…

  • Greetings from DC

    Hello everyone! Melanie and I are here in DC for the “thing”. It’s a little hard to describe just how overwhelming the experience is. This “event” is filled with many many acts of kindness and numerous gifts along the way. I will quickly try to acknowledge those who were part of my experience, even if…

  • MLK Day of Service

    A Day on Not a Day off that is the message from many in the community. If you would like to give back to your community while celebrating the legacy of Dr. King, there are numerous ways and places to choose from. For details about events listed below and planned by local Democratic organizations go…

  • Road Trip

    Not sure how many of you will be making the trek to DC for the festivities this Tuesday, but today I made mine. I had planned to fly, but various circumstances intervened and it turned into a car trip. I canceled the ticket, and will use those large fluffy dollars for other air travel. I…