Author: Juliana

  • More Events to Celebrate the Inauguration-all around Georgia

    Martin sent me this the other day, and I’ve been tardy getting this posted. Since he sent it, possibly more events have been listed, so check in here too. Some are parties, and some are day’s of service, so feel free to triple book yourself! Here you go… lots to do… so don’t sit home…

  • Governor’s Perdue’s State of the State address

    This morning at 9:30 am… consider this an open thread for that. You can try watching it here. As is tradition, the opposition will respond, join them at this event. Event: House Democrats’ response to the State of the State address “DuBose Porter gives the Democratic response to the Governor’s speech” What: Rally Host: Georgia…

  • TN Democrats bust out a major move against right wing Republicans

    Read the whole thing, but the gist of it is, that the GOP was bragging they’d elect Jason Mumpower ( yeah I did not make that name up-oh and the resemblance to Joe the Plumber is a little freakish) and he’d spearhead all sorts of nasty legislation getting to the floor..abortion votes, 2nd amendment votes,…

  • Some changes afoot.

    Sirota signs on to OpenLeft, other news. With Matt Stoller off to progressive-ize the US Congress, David Sirota steps in as a weekday contributor to Open Left. Always a pleasure to have more Sirota to read! If you haven’t checked out Ink-Drained Kvetch yet, do take a look. Today she reports the news that Nat…

  • Listen up!

    From time to time “the management” of this here little blog (that’s me, and Melanie, by the way) finds it helpful to remind our readers and commenters of the importance of manners and tolerance. We welcome a spirited debate. What we don’t care for is when the debate spirals into personal attacks and name calling.…

  • Tondee’s Renovates

    New Look! New Bartenders! New Content! If you haven’t been to Tondee’s Tavern for a while now is the time to spend some time hanging out at Georgia’s friendly online political “tavern”. Visitors will notice a refreshed bar area, the addition of two existing Georgia blogs – Safe as Houses and Georgia Women Vote. Thunderstruck…