Author: Juliana

  • Be still my heart.

    Help Jim Today! I’m usually cranky after reading emails from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee since Georgia is usually way off the radar. Imagine my surprise to receive an email titled “This one’s for Max” today! This year, we have a real chance to make Chambliss feel the sting of defeat, but only if thousands…

  • What you can do.

    17 Days. We’re down to the wire! Just 17 days until we count the votes and declare a winner in elections across the country. There are a myriad candidates that need your help in these final days. Here are opportunities from the Atlanta Obama office. If you know of more, please post them in the…

  • Go Bab’s Go!

    Streisand asks: Who is Sarah Palin? I try to check in on Barbra Streisand’s website now and then. Today I found an sharp and eloquent statement about VP Candidate Sarah Palin. Here’s a taste: Both Sarah Palin and John McCain know that if this election continues to be about the housing market, the economy, healthcare,…

  • Oops, sorry Joe.

    No vote for you! Perhaps Joe Wurzelbacher (“Joe the Plumber”) should have flagged down one of the trillion or so ACORN workers in Ohio. Then maybe he would be able to vote. Yes, that’s right, it seems Joe the Plumber may not be registered to vote.

  • Live From Manuel’s

    I’m going to try this live-blogging thing. Ataru and Bernita need to not worry, however. OK. It’s a madhouse here already. Even with the limited election menu, the Manuel’s kitchen is working hard! Nachos were yummy, as usual. We arrived at 6:30 and got the last table in the room. We’re nestled in the lower…

  • Bowling for Democracy!

    Come out for the Third Annual Bowling for Democracy; October 16 at Midtown Bowl we’ll gather for bowling, snacking, bidding, and CAKE!; We’ll have a buffet of snacks (not like last years madness!); many cool things for you to bid on in the Silent Auction; and CAKE! Funds raised will be used to roll out…