Category: Democrats
Welcome To the Jungle, Special Election Edition ~Part 1
Auntie Batgurl has had enough of all you junior political consultants on TwitterBook and there’s not enough coffee in the fever swamps aka recent political meetings to keep repeating myself. I’m going to do my best to address all your questions and concerns in this handy FAQ about the “possible” special Jungle election in the…
When you say “The Democrats”, I have no idea who you are talking about
A while ago I made an offer to publish “new voices” on this here blog thingy. I recently got this in my inbox, and frankly I think it has merit. I corrected a few items after a spirited exchange with the original author. I won’t say which parts, blame me for all of it or…
Ok, I’ve had enough of the fucking crybabies.
You can either listen up or not, Bernie or Bust people, but here’s the scoop from someone who at one time was sympathetic to your cause. I’ve been a supporter of Bernie Sanders for years. Not just some Johnny Come Lately who jumped on the bandwagon last year. I’ve been a proponent of his ideals…
Who is this piss ant?
Seriously, who is this guy? Has anyone met him, been interviewed by him, read his other work? No, well then why should I read this article? Apart from the cheap predicable alliteration in the title, what is he actually saying that hasn’t been said by a busload of ignorant others? I’m going to stress the…
Special Delivery of Eye Roll
Congressman Paul Broun is back in the news, again, and not for anything MENSA related. Speaking of MENSA candidates, you can’t mail meth to the pokey. Throw me a bone people, your 2002 retro newsletter is bad. Happy New Year, it’s 2014 and this is useful. See the difference. Lighten up Prince. Seriously, you can’t control everything or every dime, you’re not…
What could be better for a Tuesday night?
Tomorrow night join the Red Clay Democrats for their Annual Backyard BBQ! 2014 will be a very busy year filled with campaigning, events, debates, and elections. With your help The Red Clay Democrats can have a real impact on 2014. C’mon out tomorrow night for food & fun and to support The Red Clay Democrats…