Category: Law
Quote of the Day
I could write for days about the complete and utter failure that is America’s “War on Drugs,” but I don’t have that kind of time. Instead, I’ll offer a short quote from Colorado’s Republican Attorney General (courtesy of Catherine): “I wouldn’t support legalization of marijuana, but I would prefer legalization to the hypocrisy we’re in…
Dollar Bill, Y’all!
Former State Representative Charlie Smith, Jr. wants to abandon the dollar bill in favor of dollar coins. Reportedly, it’ll save the US government $500,000,000.00 and that’s a lot of zeros. Smith claims he’s circulated more than 20,000 coins in Camden and has convinced several businesses and banks in the county to start using them. The…
“We’re in trouble in Georgia.”
Yesterday’s New York Times had a depressingly bleak story cataloguing all the problems with Georgia’s chronically underfunded public defender system, in which former state Supreme Court justice Arthur Fletcher made the statement above. The article was prompted by a recent Georgia Supreme Court ruling that a death penalty defendant should have accepted the public defenders appointed for him by now-resigned…
Happy early Independence Day!
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle…
It’s July 1st, Get Off Your Phone
The “texting while driving” law goes into effect today. No reading, sending or writing any texts, emails or tweets while sitting at a red light or it’s a $150 ticket. Whether this includes using a Google Maps app on your iPhone is anyone’s guess. It’s certainly internet data, but is it a communication? Can’t wait…
“Please join us on Monday evening, June 28, 2010 for Justice Taking Root, the annual Atlanta benefit reception celebrating the work of the Southern Center for Human Rights. This year’s event features Charles Ogletree, Harvard Law professor, SCHR chair and author of new book: The Presumption of Guilt: The Arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr.…