Category: Law

  • Supreme Court Upholds Terrorism Law, Overturns “Libertarian” Label

    You know those people who call themselves “Libertarians” but are actually Neo-Conservatives just hiding behind their Civil Liberties robes? Yes, I am talking about the Supreme Court. That firewall protecting our rights has decided that even under the strictest scrutiny that a law limiting free speech (of all things, I mean if the ranked the…

  • Hope you haven’t forgotten about Troy Davis…

    On June 23rd, Troy Davis will finally get an evidentiary hearing on his  habeas corpus petition down in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia in Savannah.  (If you are wondering “who the heck is this Davis guy?” right now, first slap yourself hard for being uninformed, and second, read here.)  So why…

  • Hodges’ false argument

    “If the facts are on your side, argue the facts. If the law is on your side, argue the law. If neither the facts nor the law is on your side, bang on the table.” I’ve said for a while that the most interesting race to follow as we trundle towards July 20th is the…

  • Pro-Life, Pro-Death.

    GRTL didn’t endorse Handel because she supports the three exceptions (life of the mother, rape and incest).  No big shocker.  What is interesting is her reason for refusing to sign their pledge. GRTL asks candidates to sign a pledge affirming their belief “in the Personhood of all human beings from fertilization to natural death and…

  • Perdue Signs Texting Bill

    As it turns out, Perdue signed both of the “no texting” bills into law.  So, what does this mean?  SB360 prevents everyone, including adults, from using their phone to, “write, send, or read any text based communication, including but not limited to a text message, instant message, e-mail, or Internet data.”  I’m assuming internet data…

  • Police Heavily in Favor of DNA Database

    A small sample size to be sure, but these guys are likely in favor of Rob Teilhet’s plan to create a larger database of DNA, even if fans of the constitution aren’t so excited.