Category: Law

  • Troy Davis and the AEDPA

    For the last 2 years I have been writing over at my home blog, Going Through the Motions, about the strange and sad saga of Troy Anthony Davis. Davis sits on Georgia’s death row and is likely to be set for execution very soon, even though seven of the nine witnesses who testified against him…

  • I’m Speechless

    Happy Friday.

  • Soto Soto 2

    Steven D. Schwinn at John Marshall Law School (Chicago) says she’s “No Activist (by any Measure)”.  He even quotes “empirical research on judicial activism” by Professor Corey Yung.

  • Soto Soto

    OK, so you hate the “quote” about the Circuit Court being the place where law is made. Yes, there’s video.  Your more fair minded friends might benefit from watching more of it than they’re showing on TV.  The whole thing can be found here, start at about the 40 minute mark for some context. SCOTUS…

  • Obama’s Introduction to Judge Sotomayor

    Just in case you missed it: Short version: This is a big deal, I’ve thought a lot about it. She’s really smart , she recognizes that a Judge’s job is to interpret the law, not make it, she has broad extensive legal experience, and she didn’t grow up with a silver spoon.