Category: Obama

  • Alice in Wonderland Open Thread

    “Everything is funny, if you can laugh at it.” (not sure how long this will last) “If you drink much from a bottle marked ‘poison’ it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later.” “Curiouser and Curiouser” “I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been…

  • Monday Open Thread

    Rain didn’t halt this celebration. I hope I didn’t put him on the spot. No better choice. Tragedy by storm. Hope she gets a fistbump. Like he did. What’s on your mind?  

  • State of the Union and other stuff

    So, you thought yesterday was busy: The Vicar of Christ takes his red Prada’s and a powder. Then this happens! It’s not the end of the world, unless you are these people. I guess we know what he’s giving up for lent. But as usual the Irish take it in stride and wager on the…

  • Inauguration Open Thread

    This morning President Obama and Vice President Biden were sworn in private ceremonies.  The Vice President was sworn in early this morning at  his residence by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, becoming the fourth woman and the first Hispanic to administer the oath to the president or vice president. The President was sworn in at 11;55 am in…

  • OFA Evolution

    Otherwise known as Obama’s perpetual campaign in three acts. First Act: Obama for America get a Democratic outsider elected President. Check. Second Act: Organizing for America, maintain control of team, momentum, money and get Obama re-elected. Check. Third Act: Organizing for Action, legislative and Presidential legacy building. Thumb nose at DNC, DCCC and DSCC. Buffering Frankly it’s brilliant. For him. Don’t read…

  • Not a slow news day

    Ya know, I am happy for this guy. Sure, some hard feels still linger over 2004, but dude worked his whole career for this gig. Cue clown car for a replacement. I think Gov. Patrick should ask Barney Frank to sit in while the special election is underway. The NRA made no friends yesterday. Sweet…