Category: Random

  • Oh, yes he did…go there

     My inbox today,  from Better Georgia. Why did conservative pundit Erick Erickson endorse Democrat and U.S. Veteran Scott Holcomb? Well, because of you. You are among more than 540 people who have signed a petition asking Speaker Ralston and GOP House Leaders to denounce the worst ad of this political cycle. Your action helped draw attention…

  • Why I am voting no on Amendment 1

    While I realize that most regular readers of this blog are already in agreement with me that Amendment 1 is bad for Georgia, I feel like I need to get out some thoughts as to why we need to vote against this dangerous constitutional amendment.

  • Final Debate-Tonight!

    Unless you are living under a rock, you’ve no doubt heard that tonight is the final debate between Gov. Romney and the President. The topic this evening is Foreign Policy. Because this has been an insanely long campaign, costing billions of dollars, you’re going to want to watch with some friends and drink. The LBGT…

  • Wednesday Night -slacker edition

    Yeah, Yeah… we’re all busy..! I’m not going to do that, but I will offer up some links I like today. Early Voting has started. I got the email. How many Congressman are doing a Get Out the Vote Gangnam Style Video? Only one I know… it’s fantastic… Some meme’s are meant for Tumblr.. this…

  • David Cooke for Macon Circuit District Attorney

    More on this impressive candidate here.

  • Happy Pride Week Atlanta!

    We got events all up in here! Pride Kick Off Party with the LBGT Caucus & Obama for America When: Tuesday – October 9 – 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Where: Cowtippers Restaurant  1600 Piedmont Road Atlanta GA FREE!  With lots of Obama Swag… oh yes, there will be buttons! Pride in Piedmont Park What: Visit your…