Category: Teabaggers
The 312th GOP Debate aka Midweek Open Thread
No, I’m not watching it… but feel free to put any comments here. I’m watching re-runs of Modern Family, why didn’t anyone tell me this show is genius? Oh and Herman, I know it’s been a busy week for you and all, what with the slew of former employees speaking about how you are a…
How is this NOT front page news?
Georgia Militiamen Arrested in Major Domestic Terror Plot Four members of an unnamed North Georgia militia planned to attack cities including Atlanta with deadly ricin, bomb federal buildings and murder law enforcement officials and others, according to charges leveled yesterday. The four elderly men were arrested after a lengthy investigation that began last March, when…
Herman Cain Didn’t Pay Taxes, and Other Daily Reading
He may have had the best possible excuse, but it’s always fun to note when Herman Cain doesn’t do things he should do (or does things he just plain shouldn’t). Cain, evidently, failed to pay Georgia income taxes in 2006. I can’t speak to the exact nature of what was going on in Oakland, but…
…The Harder They Fall
Remember Artur Davis? The Democratic United States Representative from the 7th District of Alabama, based in Birmingham? You know, the district so liberal it has a Cook PVI of D+18, and voted for Barack Obama with over 70% of the vote? Well some of you may well recall that Davis (a man with wide name…
Don’t let those pesky facts hit you on the ass
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.. how you amuse us all with your mixture of mythology and psychotic babbling. Just last week it was all at the same time. Yippee! By now I’m sure you’ve all heard about Sarah’s snafu with history on her bus tour in Boston. Well lets just say, in all fairness, what most folks…
Think things can’t change on a dime?
Watch this. I saw the Tweet at 11:48 pm, it still wasn’t on my Facebook wall by 1:00 am. Ah the power of media…just how fast will this travel tonight?