There is going to be a review of the ballots. It is permitted and it will occur. Let’s clear up a few things. The signed ballots did not REPLACE a roll-call vote. Nor was it a departure from protocol. It is our version of a roll-call vote. Due to time and fear of voter intimidation, […]
Tonight on Kudzu Vine – Charlie Harper
Join yours truly, host David McLaughlin and co-host Tim Shiftlett tonight at 7PM on BlogTalkRadio for a lively conversation about Georgia Politics with Charlie Harper from that other Georgia political blog. We’ll be talking Georgia Senate races, Georgia legislative races, and more. As time allows, we’ll be talking about other topics related to southern politics. […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Twelve years later and still Stevie Wonder singing this on the Tribute to Heroes Special brings tears to my eyes. I may be naive, but I am all for giving diplomacy a chance. Some bad news, some good news, for liberals, progressives, or whatever they call me these days. Oh, Michelle, you’re winning me over. […]
The Importance of Running for Office
I’ve written about this before, so for some of you, this will be old hat. But I have this crazy notion that a functioning Democratic Party should field candidates every cycle, in every election. Right now, our friends on the wrong side of the aisle have fielded, or are imminently going to be fielding, candidates […]