DPG Chair Election-Update 2
What: Special Election for the DPG Chairperson, who will be completing the unexpired term of the previous chair. When: Saturday August 31, 2013 Time: Check in at noon, election proceedings begin at 1:00 pm. Yes 1:00-not 1:15 or 1:30… One O’clock people. Location: Newnan Georgia- historic Wadsworth Auditorium located at 25 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263. Parking […]
PolitiFac: DPG Chairman’s Race
A note for anyone confused: This isn’t an evaluation made by PolitiFact the organization, but could rather be considered BatGurl’s tryout for PolitiFact. Nothing said here represents the opinion of the writers over at the AJC. With the Democratic Party of Georgia Chair election quickly approaching, it is unsurprising that there is some misinformation spreading […]
Steve Golden endorses DuBose Porter for DPG Chair
Steve Golden, the President of the Young Democrats of Georgia and member of the DPG Executive Committee, has endorsed DuBose Porter to be the next Chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia. An e-mail from Mr. Golden follows: Friends, Since I became involved with politics in the state of Georgia, DuBose Porter has been one […]
Ripe Tomatoes and Other Delicious Things
As we head into the Labor Day week, the official end of summer I give you these items to ponder. The 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom brought us a news/facebook/twitter deluge. I’ve picked out a few items you may have missed. Ten Things you probably didn’t know about the […]
Wednesday Open Thread – The Hangover Edition
Happy Hour is always fun. Even on a Tuesday. Last night I joined a group of fun-loving guys and gals. As is expected in my circles these days, politics was discussed. Here are some thoughts that came up… In Georgia, we won’t be expanding Medicaid… But, it’s more likely for you to contract HIV/AIDS. What […]
We’ve got video!
The DPG Chair Candidate Forum was a great success yesterday! It was standing room only as we gathered to hear from the four candidates, RJ Hadley, Dubose Porter, Mary Squires, and Doug Stoner. However, not everyone was able to attend, so it was videotaped! Many thanks to volunteer, Billie Islam, for taking charge of the […]