Tune into Kudzu Vine tonight!
DPG Interim Chair, Nikema Williams, will be our guest co-host tonight on Kudzu Vine at 7:00 PM. Our usual host, David McLaughlin is off and Ms Williams generously agreed to join us for the full hour. We’ll talk briefly about the upcoming DPG elections and current state of the party. We’ll then move on to […]
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Georgia Democrats have at least one thing to be thankful for these days, or more specifically, one person. In the midst of very troubling times for our party, it’s comforting to know we have a first vice chair who is both willing and able to steer the ship away from the rocks, conduct a fair […]
In Defense of Rules
I haven’t written here recently, as I have been busy being Presidential. But, as the Young Democrats of America Rules Vice Chair, and an all-around Bylaws and Parliamentary Procedure wonk, I felt like I should weigh in publicly on this issue. I haven’t yet decided who I will be supporting in the Democratic Party of […]
Step Right Up! The circus is about to begin.
For those dear readers who are on Facebook, you may have noticed an explosion of posts on nearly every Democratic Group’s wall over the past few days promoting the candidacy of Keyantwon Stephen for Democratic Party of Georgia Chair. If you haven’t noticed it, that’s OK, that’s why I’m here! In addition to announcing his […]
Hey, look here we’ve already had the Alice in Wonderland post once! Now on to Oz!
Apparently I was too hasty, and should have waited for “Wonderland” to have two possible three new residents, none named Nunn. Welcome to Oz. I realize the Republican guys beat me to the punch on “Dr. Rad” and a Mr. John F. Coyne, III. First up, Dr. Rad “says he won’t have any ties to the “machine” […]
Alice in Wonderland Open Thread
“Everything is funny, if you can laugh at it.” (not sure how long this will last) “If you drink much from a bottle marked ‘poison’ it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later.” “Curiouser and Curiouser” “I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been […]