Tag: 2016
Elizabeth Warren Kicks Ass, So Does Kathryn Bigelow – Your Morning Coffee
Is Mexico’s new President getting advice from John Edwards? Maybe. Kathryn Bigelow cleans up, again, at NYC Critics Awards. Atlanta City Council gets a 50% pay raise after 8 years. Can they just make it a full-time job already!? Does your bank pay less taxes than you do? Probably Elizabeth Warren gets a seat on the Senate…
Hillary, Guns, MARTA changes and Monty Python – Your Morning Reads
FLOTUS outshines the stars at Kennedy Center this weekend, and is POTUS totally checking her out or what? Bob Costas goes off on guns during…Sunday Night Football? Yep… Better Georgia weighs in on Tax Cuts and the Fiscal Slip-N-Slide Atlanta City Council debates a pay raise for itself…Is it a full-time job or not? Mother…