Tag: karen handel

  • Barnes: Unafraid of Ray McBerry

    Roy Barnes joined the audience for the Republican guberbatorial debate. Karen Handel was a no show.

  • What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?

    The U.S. Justice Department told Georgia election officials this week that their program for verifying the citizenship of voters has been rejected because it violates the Voting Rights Act. You would think that our state’s officials would have gotten the message by now — this is at least the third time in nine months that…

  • Civil rights? What a radical concept!

    New York Times reporter Charlie Savage writes that Attorney General Eric Holder plans to revamp the Justice Department’s civil rights division so that the division actually does weird things like enforce the country’s civil rights laws. How quaint.

  • Biting the hand that feeds you

    You would think that Secretary of State Karen Handel and her campaign spokesman, Dan McLagan, owe a huge debt of gratitude to Gov. Sonny Perdue for the boost he’s given to their political and professional careers. So how do they repay him? By spitting in his face, figuratively speaking.

  • Once again, the Ox is gored

    I am not very good when it comes to making predictions, but as I speculated the other day, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is continuing to dig into the history of political contributions to Insurance Commissioner John “The Ox” Oxendine.  The latest manifestation is an article in the Sunday AJC by Cam McWhirter that looks at an…