Tag: Nathan Deal

  • Dump Deal?

    With every news cycle, the stories get worse and worse for Congressman Nathan Deal. First came the report that the would-be Governor is financially insolvent. Then, yesterday, the AP reported that Deal failed to disclose $2.85 million in loans. Given the number of tax returns and financial disclosures Deal has been forced to correct and…

  • Would You Hire Deal to Run Your Business?

    I have a confession. For about 15 minutes yesterday, I felt sorry for Nathan Deal. I mean, you know, a father stepping up to help help his daughter is commendable, right? Even if his loyalty to his family clouded his business judgment, I was prepared to give him a mulligan on this one. But no.…

  • Ouch

    This must be bad for Deal and his family. In the midst of his campaign for governor, Nathan Deal faces such dire financial troubles that he must sell his home to avert foreclosure or bankruptcy. Even if Deal liquidates all his assets, however, he still might be unable to repay a nearly $2.3 million business…

  • Hypocrisy

    These people have no shame. Today, the RGA went up with a website bashing Barnes for daring to practice law. How original. Among other gems, the site exclaims, “There’s a lot of money to be made getting the guilty off the hook.” They should know. Nathan Deal  used money from his campaign account to pay…

  • Too Corrupt for Congress

    Barnes pops Deal in new commercial:

  • Friday Trash? Surely Not.

    Here we are on the Thursday afternoon before Labor Day, and Nathan Deal continues to do his “I’ll reveal my tax returns when I’m good and ready strip tease” while his lawyer defends him. Anyone who’s ever watched the West Wing knows  that more often than not, whatever a politician intentionally releases on Friday is…