AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: No Southerners? BASENAME: no_southerners STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/19/2008 03:51:49 PM ----- BODY: Obama's picks show a distinct lack of regional representation, well, this region anyway. SouthMap2.gif Map_Key.gif ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2008 04:17:20 PM Why is Atlanta pink? It should be a combination of red, pink, blue and brown with some granola West Coast for good measure. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2008 04:29:50 PM And since the South has become HQ of the GOP, where is our bench? Who among serious southerners were interested AND available for cabinet consideration? Other than Shirley Franklin, who? The South is reaping what it sows. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2008 04:30:39 PM Maybe they should vote for him first? You know that whole democracy thing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2008 04:47:04 PM Appointments aren't democratic, why would we be worried about "that whole democracy thing" which I think people are starting to realize is BS... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2008 04:57:35 PM Yeah, it's so common to reward people who don't do anything for you in democratic politics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 02:16:38 PM That map ain't accurate - I can state with authority that the coast of the Florida Panhandle should be pink, not red. You won't find a boiled peanut on 350 miles of coastline. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 02:39:45 PM Also, carpetbaggers have infiltrated much of NoVa and none of WVa should be considered Yankee territory. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 03:02:59 PM "Yeah, it's so common to reward people who don't do anything for you in democratic politics." You're right Zaid, Sanford Bishop and other southerners did nothing for Obama. Nothing but campaign their tails off for the guy like his supporters in the northeast and other areas. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 03:05:24 PM "Who among serious southerners were interested AND available for cabinet consideration? Other than Shirley Franklin, who?" Um, Sanford Bishop. Know him? Congressman from our state. Yeah. As far as the reaping what they sow part, I take it you'll support the idea of Obama not hiring anyone from any states where he lost. Wait, let's go a bit further, how about not hiring anyone from a Congressional District he lost, or county commission district, or precinct! Blah. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 06:31:58 PM "You're right Zaid, Sanford Bishop and other southerners did nothing for Obama." If he's not qualified, he's not qualified; making selections by affirmative action by regime is stupid. No one cares about Bishop on a national scene. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 07:39:09 PM How is he not qualified Zaid? I'm definitely not arguing in favor of affirmative action, instead I believe his experience representing such a large agricultural district during his 15+ years in Congress is a good qualification to start. If you've ever had a discussion with the guy you'd know that he is in tune with his constituency, therefore he's knowledgeable on agricultural issues. Interesting that you're coming out against affirmative action. I've met few Democrats who would say such a thing. Oh wait, you're not a Democrat :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2008 01:04:21 AM I'm with TBS. The South has who, Democratically speaking, again? The political "innovation" from this place consists of the FairTax and Contract with America. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 10:24:06 AM By all accounts, Sanford Bishop was a finalist for Agriculture, but I'm not sure he's any more qualified than Vilseck...who is from the state that launched Obama and certainly understands agriculture issues. I'd be Shirley's problems with the Atlanta budget might have knocked her out of consideration. But she could end up a Deputy Secretary or something. I understand that the outgoing governor of NC was under consideration for a cabinet post (not sure which one), but he told Obama's team he didn't want to go to DC. You might see Kaine in something once he is through being Governor in VA. The bench ain't all that deep in the South... and considering how racist the white vote turned out to be in the Deep South, it's no wonder there's no cabinet-level picks from this area. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 10:46:31 AM The secretaries are only loosely about "qualifications". And since some of the guys were from Texas, it isn't about paying back either. (Obama lost Texas in the general and in the primary, sort of.) However, much of his Super Tuesday success came from the South. Regardless, this seems to be a tactic that relegates the Republicans to a Southern party, by appearing moderate and taking away the rest of the areas. Sucks for those of us who live here. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 05:23:13 PM If George Bush can be called a southerner, then I think Ron Kirk and Lisa Jackson can easily be counted, too. At least they were born, raised, and educated in Texas and Louisiana, which is more than one can say for our New Haven-born, Andover-prepped, and New Haven-educated president. I think the critics at Tapped are right: the "problem" isn't a lack of southerners, it's a lack of "real" Southerners - white men. Which isn't really a problem at all. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: A little Friday cheer. BASENAME: a_little_friday_cheer STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/19/2008 05:30:40 PM ----- BODY: iconIn honor of Stefan's "No Southerners?" post, I'd like to present Pajiba's list of the 5 Worst Southern Accents in film. Personally, I'm with the commenter who nominated Nicholas Cage in Con Air for an Honorable Mention. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2008 05:48:02 PM I *love* Varsity Blues, and James van der Beek's fake Texas accent: "I dawn't whant yo' life!" Tee hee. My nomination for worst southern accent in TV? Kyra Sedgwick's supposed Atlanta accent on The Closer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2008 05:48:38 PM I'm sorry, any list that leaves off Sean Penn in All the King's Men is woefully incomplete. THAT is the worst southern accent on film ever. Kate Winslet and Anthony Hopkins serve to compound the travesty, too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 11:44:30 AM Nominations closed? I hope not: 1) The White Dude (Lucas Black) in Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift 2) Alicia Silverstone in Beauty Shop. A terrible movie filmed in Atlanta, that somehow has Queen Latifah, Kevin Bacon, Andie MacDowell, and Mena Suvari in it. And Kimora Lee Simmons and Rudy from the Cosby Show. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 12:41:57 PM i second the nomination of the white dude in fast and the furious tokyo drift....that was jab a fork in your eye awful. what made it worse was that it was totally unnecessary to the plot line that he had a southern accent. he could have been white trash from anywhere in the US ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: What's cooking? BASENAME: whats_cooking STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/19/2008 08:53:39 PM ----- BODY: Levi Johnston's Mother Arrested on Drug Charges, via Cajun Boy and Paula. She could have made more money by just telling all to the National Enquirer. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 03:44:51 PM The deception site is pretty pathetic. Not a Palin fan by any means, but come on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 11:02:12 PM Well, today was the "due date" so we'll know soon enough. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2008 11:11:46 PM Um, not the Governor. That second site focuses more on her than her kid (the one that's having the child). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Dimitri U. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:28:14 AM Why some people are tempted to do some illegal acts and are contrary to law? Those can ruin their respectable image to the society. There wasn't a payday for Sherrie Johnston; instead there were felony arrest warrants for possession of narcotics. She was arrested for possession of the prescription drug Oxycontin, which has garnered a lot of national attention for rampant abuse of the narcotic painkiller. Ordinarily, an oxy bust, even a felony oxy bust, wouldn't get a lot of attention. The thing about Sherrie is that it isn't so much what she did; it has more to do with who she is. Who she is, is the mother of one Levi Johnston. Levi got a lot of attention as the fiancé of Bristol Palin, daughter to Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska and former candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States. Yes, the guy who got her preggers. The Bristol Palin saga has been a subject of a lot of debate and coverage in the media of the course of Palin's campaign, and it appears that the show will keep going on. Sarah Palin may have the extra cash to bail her out, but this is something most people would have the good sense to stay out of. You can read more in the article posted on the payday loan blog at ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 11:07:26 AM I realize this is spam, but I felt part of this needed to be addressed. "Why some people are tempted to do some illegal acts and are contrary to law?" Addiction and/or money. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Rick Warren does King Celebration BASENAME: rick_warren_does_king_celebrat STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/21/2008 12:31:47 PM ----- BODY: While checking out activities for the Martin Luther King Jr. celebration week, I found this gem on the King Center's (pdf) list of activities:
THE MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. ANNUAL COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE Monday, January 19, 2009 - 10:00 A.M. Open to the public. (Limited seating) Ebenezer Baptist Church - Horizon Sanctuary, 407 Auburn Ave., NE, Atlanta, GA The Commemorative Service is the spiritual hallmark of the King Holiday Observance, and features tributes to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from national and international leaders. Also included is a 12' x 19' JumboTron which will broadcast the Commemorative Service live. It will be positioned in front of the Martin Luther King Historic Site Rose Garden for visitors in the Historic District. Keynote Speaker: Rick Warren, Pastor, Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA. For More Information Contact: Barbara Harrison at (404) 526-8911.
Looks like the great Reverend Rick is all down with the people. On Monday, he celebrates Dr. King's life and legacy and then on Tuesday he's doing the invocation for Obama. My mind is confused about how Rev. Rick will talk about Dr. King's legacy of equal rights and then still preach about who is excluded from God's love. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2008 06:33:17 PM Are you going to call out the African American ministers who preach homophobia on a weekly basis at their churches that will no doubt be in attendance and have participatory roles in this service? Remember, if were only white religious Christians who supported Prop 8, it would not have passed, and the Georgia marriage amendment would have been a lot closer than 75-25. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 01:38:52 AM "Are you going to call out the African American ministers who preach homophobia" - I'm not even sure how to even answer this question. Are you asking this question because the author of the post is also African-American or are you asking this question to open up another line of debate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 10:14:54 AM Hi all, I would like to reiterate the question Decaturguy asks, not because the original poster is an African-American, but because several local black ministers enjoy quite a high profile during the King Week celebration of Dr. King's life and legacy and yet they preach hate and intolerance instead of the civil rights for all that Dr. King, and later in life his widow, called for. For example, in 2004, their youngest daughter, Bernice King, participated in a march against same-sex marriage in Atlanta. This is directly against what her mother, Coretta Scott King, and her older sister, Yolanda King, worked for. Both were very outspoken supporters of gay rights saying that gay rights are a civil rights issue. Why should we take certain people seriously, i.e. the black ministers and in particular Rev. Bernice King, when it seems that they only want to trade in on the legacy of a man who worked tirelessly for what these people are so adamantly against – that being civil rights for all people? If I am reading the schedule of events correctly, this is a day to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday as a national holiday and to act on “his teachings and principles of nonviolence and human rights.” Do these ministers that are so quick to jump on the King legacy bandwagon when the cameras are rolling not believe that gay people are human and deserve the same rights are heterosexuals? Do these ministers who are so quick to scream for equal rights when it benefits them not think that black gays and lesbians deserve equal rights too? Equal rights for everyone are just that – equal rights for everyone. They can’t just pick and choose. I have a hard time with the hypocrisy and I really want someone to ask them these questions and I want them asked every day, not just on a Monday in January. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 10:27:56 AM Agreed, we all seem to accept MLK's life and legacy as leading toward acceptance and openness, but there are many who do not share that view close to home. "Bishop" Eddie Long was super fun about that in 2004, along with Bernice King. I don't think we can call out Warren and his Porpoises without at least mentioning that his views go over quite well with many of the cloth in his audience. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 01:35:06 PM Smitty, I think that Rubyduby and MOS appropriately answered your question about why I said what I said. Rick Warren will not be the only minister who will be there on Jan 19 who does not support gay equality. We just wonder why you're singling out Warren. Is it because he's white? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 01:49:21 PM Oh, I just want to be clear about Rick Warren. I don't wonder why he's being singled out. He's being singled out because he is a hot topic right now and that's fine. I happen to believe in my little heart of hearts that he's one of the biggest pieces of excrement to ever grace this state's presence (and that truly is saying something). But my little semi-logical mind tells me that he's just another charlatan taking the sheeple for all they aren't worth and then some and if they are stupid enough to fork over their money and blindly follow this snake oil salesman cum religious “leader,” then they really do deserve their places in their own private Idaho. But then again, I don't particularly have a very nice opinion on any of these megachurch ministers. Ya know, Bezerko went to high school with Creflo... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 04:38:58 PM I don't understand the question. Is it that if we are going to criticize someone, we have to criticize EVERYBODY who does the same thing? I know we're all supposed to fight injustice wherever we find it, but we can't ALL fight EVERY BIT of injustice ALL THE TIME. I think we are allowed to pick examples that are more meaningful to us some times. Besides, it's not like this is the US Justice Department. it's just a blog. Is criticism of white people only legitimate when it comes from white people? Are Latino's not allowed to speak about discrimination at the hands of white people? How about straight people? No criticism of straight people by gay people? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 10:37:02 PM Massa Decaturguy, I is just gonna sit right over here from now on until you tell me what white folks I'm allowed to criticize. Lordy Bee, I must have bumped my head on that ol' tree in the field. I apologize for my uppity words cuz I know as a black person that I'm only allowed to call out my own kinfolk. Now I do know that there are some black preacher folk who don't speak good of the gay folks, but what you need remember is that Dr. King spoke highly of everyone. But, this fella Rick Warren he sho' nuff don't like the gay people. So I guess I wuz just trying to show the hypocrisy (that sho' nuff is a big word) of how that Rick fella can speak on behalf of Dr. King when Dr. King preached day and night about equality of all folks. Now I'm a gonna go back in the field until Massa Decaturguy tells me when I can speak not so highly of the white people. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 10:48:49 PM Nice Smitty. Way to raise the level of the conversation. I stand by my statements. How can I be shocked and outraged by Warren, when Bernice King will be there as well? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2008 11:07:00 PM who was looking for "shocked and outraged"? I bet Bernice, Eddie, Creflo, and whole bunch might be there as well - so go ahead and get your protest on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 09:48:47 AM I don't know why Decaturguy is trying to turn Rick Warren coming to speak at the King Celebration and the ensuing criticism of such into a black/white thing - clearly it should simply be 'a bigot of gigantic proportions coming to speak where he most certainly would not be welcome if Mama King were still alive' kind of thing. I could care less what color Rick Warren is, his heart is a black hole, completely devoid of tolerance and that's really all I meant. When I mentioned Bernice King yesterday, I was trying to point out our very own homegrown hate (and also to point out the situation where a direct descendant of MLK, Jr. actively preaches against what he stood for). To try to answer Jerry, I agree that we can't fight every battle every time, but I also think we have a responsibility to ourselves and our community (be it the GLBT community, the progressive community, etc.) to call out bigots for the whole world to see whenever we get a chance and we most certainly have a chance to pile on this flaming bag of dog poo (the Right Reverend Rick) when he comes to town in January. I most certainly do not agree with the invitation for him to give the invocation at the inauguration, but then again I don’t agree with there being an invocation at the inauguration at all. That being said, since he accepted the invitation, he now needs to accept the criticism that comes with it from every person who is opposed to his version of religion (be they black, white, red, green, etc…). Will he change his mind? No way, that would be bad for business, but at least the people who are opposed to him get a chance to voice that opposition. Here. On this blog. And everywhere else on the intertubes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 10:59:13 AM I agree Ruby. I'm just sayin' it's not hypocritical to call out one example of injustice but not another. We all do what we can. In the other thread on this someone tried to dismiss the criticism by saying it wasn't important enough, and here someone seems to be trying to dismiss it by saying that your criticism has to be perfect or don't bother. Neither argument is convincing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 12:11:59 PM In the other thread on this someone tried to dismiss the criticism by saying it wasn't important enough, and here someone seems to be trying to dismiss it by saying that your criticism has to be perfect or don't bother. Neither argument is convincing. I'm really trying to let this go, but I must respond. First of all, I'm not saying that anyone's criticism of Warren is not important or should be dismissed. All I'm attempting to say is that when you do criticize him, and you do so because of where he is speaking (this time at a MLK event), but you gloss over all the other hypocricy of the folks who will be there (including certain members of the King family) then your criticism loses a little bit of credibility. Lets remember that this is the same King family who decided to have Coretta's funeral, a woman who passionately spoke in favor of gay rights, at Eddie Long's church a couple of years ago and allowed him to preside over the ceremony. Therefore, my initial point was that given all of this history, to single out Warren for hypocricy over his views about gay rights and speaking at a King event, yet not mention all the other stuff, seems like you have a grudge, and weakens your overall argument. My preference is to accept his presence there, and try to use the opportunity to influence his and others views, much the same way that Rev. Lowery did at Eddie Long's church the day of Coretta's funeral. But I'm not criticizing the approach of others on this. Just my preferance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 02:21:37 PM Perhaps someone showed Warren a copy of that tape (Lowery-calling out Bush) cause his church has removed "some" of it's homophobic language from it's website. ( sorry no link-you all use teh google) I can't help but think Saddleback Church would make a wonderful name for a gay bar.. sorry it makes me giggle just thinking about it, maybe The Eagle should have "saddleback nights". ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Botanical Garden to assist Injured Workers BASENAME: botanical_garden_to_assist_inj STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/22/2008 11:15:07 AM ----- BODY: Story here Otherwise known as please don't sue us or hire an attorney. Bridges fall by themselves and that's all you need to think about it. I grant you that the contractors involved in this incident have had OSHA violations and deaths at their jobsites before, but don't worry about that. Workers Comp will pay your initial medical bills and for your flights back to wherever you are from. Have a good day! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Prop 8 stops marriage, not hate BASENAME: prop_8_stops_marriage_not_hate STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/22/2008 10:23:12 PM ----- BODY: Apparently the warm glow the homophobes of California must have gotten when Prop 8 passed didn't last too long - a lesbian woman living in the San Franscisco area is reported to have been gang raped by four men. To all our GLBT friends, I hope you are safe and warm somewhere, and please keep yourselves safe, ok? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rptrcub EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 12:36:46 PM I waver between carrying a switchblade, baseball bat or a gun. Seriously. These people have been emboldened by Prop 8 and will not stop until we're marginalized, and the most extreme elements won't stop until we're dead. That's not histrionics; that's the truth. I am not going down without a fight, and I refuse to let them cower in fear. I hope they find these bastards and nail them to the wall. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 02:15:09 PM If this had happened here, we don't have a hate crimes law to prosecute this criminals with. I hope the victim was treated with respect and dignity at the hospital. Maybe folks in GA will remember to support Sen. Forts Hate Crimes bill when it comes up again in 2009. I know Atlanta Stonewall will be keeping a close on it. We really need to be loud about this. If half the folks who march in Gay Pride parades showed up at the capitol to support a Hate Crimes bill it would be amazing and powerful! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 04:21:39 PM Just be sure you're properly trained on that Glock! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 04:23:25 PM And if this same attack happened here, the AJC would likely ignore it... or they would not point out the hate crime aspect of it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 04:29:25 PM Appropriate story for this thread. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: New media, no thanks BASENAME: new_media_no_thanks STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/23/2008 08:11:21 AM ----- BODY: Newspaper Shuns Web and Thrives, from NY Times:
"Why would I put anything on the Web?" asked Dan Jacobson, the publisher and owner of the newspaper. "I don't understand how putting content on the Web would do anything but help destroy our paper. Why should we give our readers any incentive whatsoever to not look at our content along with our advertisements, a large number of which are beautiful and cheap full-page ads?"
Although much smaller, the TriCityNews is an alternative weekly, similar to Creative Loafing, only it's "just published the biggest issue in its history" and "is double-digit profitable." Related: The New Loaf, sorta same as the old one! Excerpts from a re-organization, from Atlanta Magazine. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: What would MLK do? BASENAME: what_would_mlk_do STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/23/2008 08:37:55 AM ----- BODY: Certainly not this.
Pumping fists and chanting "no justice, no peace," about 200 people marched through Cherry Tree Crossing housing development Monday in a demonstration against police brutality, led by shotgun-toting members of the New Black Panthers Party's Augusta chapter.
Yusuf Shalid, a family friend of Mr. Elmore who'd spoken at his funeral earlier, watched the march disapprovingly. When it ended, he tried to talk members of the crowd into going home. He told them the Panthers shouldn't be carrying guns through a neighborhood where children live, nor should marchers be walking around with cups of beer and drinking from bottles in paper bags.
The last thing Augusta needs is some Bobby Seal wannabe who's caught in a time warp. What happened to Justin Elmore wasn't right, but these protesters dishonored the memory of a man who, whatever else he might have done, reportedly cared about his community. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 09:48:11 AM Let's be careful about casting aspersions on Bobby Seale. Frankly, I think the world would be a lot better with a crop of Bobby Seale wannabes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 10:00:54 AM Sorry, but I don't. A drunken mob with guns in a residential community is not my idea of an ethical protest. It sets a horrible example of community action for the kids and runs the real risk of leading to more senseless violence. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 10:08:43 AM What does: "A drunken mob with guns in a residential community is not my idea of an ethical protest." have to do with Bobby Seale? That was my question. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 10:40:45 AM I see your point. A wannabe, (by my definition), is someone who attempts to emulate the behavior of others, but gets it wrong. Presumably, Seale would be a role model of someone who's founded a new chapter of the Black Panthers. Although Seale has totally moved on from his radical youth, I wonder how many people use his early behavior as justification for violence. Even though the Black Panthers were founded for self defense. Beyond that, I find resurgent groups like this very troubling. They seem out of place and time, and way more virulent than the originals. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 02:59:15 PM "Although Seale has totally moved on from his radical youth, I wonder how many people use his early behavior as justification for violence. Even though the Black Panthers were founded for self defense." Mel, while I agree that groups like this are troubling, especially with your assertion that they seem out of place and time, I disagree with you about the NBPP justifying violence. While they are doing a disservice to the mechanisms in place that work to ensure justice for all, their actions by themselves are not necessarily violent. They are most definitely not non-violent, but I see their show of force as a declaration of their right to defend themselves as a community *against* violence and injustice rather than as promoting those things. And for the sake of perspective, lets not forget that the original Black Panther Party raided the capitol building in Sacramento in a highly public attempt to conduct armed protest, an event which effectively ended the gun-toting-in-public era of the BPP. For what it's worth, the folks out in Augusta only exuded a perception of militancy rather than an all-out assault on social and political order in the halls of government. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 03:16:13 PM With a record number of young African American males in prison; record number of African American children on school lunch and public health care; and numerous other inequities;it hardly seems surprising that a resurgent Black Panther Party would form. We should be so lucky to have leaders the likes of Bobby Seale and Angela Davis emerge now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 04:57:50 PM Might need a Gay Panther Party too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 05:34:01 PM "We should be so lucky to have leaders the likes of Bobby Seale and Angela Davis emerge now." I'd hope instead for new leaders the likes of MLK, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Ralph David Abernathy, Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan, and on and on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 05:37:11 PM I would have added Abraham Lincoln to the list, but Obama might be his heir. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 10:31:43 PM Well come early 2010, we'll have "the MLK papers brought to you by Coca Cola" right next to the fish tank... all sanitized for your historical protection, ugh. Every movement needs it's militants and it's radicals.. they are just as necessary as the moderates and the negotiators. If everyone showed up in buttons downs, phi beta kappa pins, blue blazers, briefcases and saddle shoes we'd just be bored into submission, sometimes ya just gotta throw an elbow to make a point. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 11:47:15 PM It is detrimental to causes when those contain "militants and radicals". I am going to really crudely channel Iris Marion Young here and say when you have passionate rhetoric it causes people to exclude the messenger. if you are dispassionate and use reason to bring your arguments to the table, people listen to you and take into consideration what you have to say. Having militants does nothing but stir up passions and cause antagonism between parties instead of solving issues. (I'm about to go anti-democratic here, fair warning) I know its real easy to say get people involved and that is somehow a good thing, but it is simply false. Adding more voices to discourse (and ones that are militant or radical--which is different from extreme--to boot) will only exacerbate problems. Having people whose mission is to incite riots can not be considered healthy discourse or even deserving of a seat at the table. If your goals are wrapped up in these individuals or you use them even as mere vehicles for your message, you will be no where near successful and probably won't have your agenda even heard. Ok so taht was kind of rambling, what i hope to convey is that having certain people speak for you, or try to garner support for your cause is not good. Radicals who wish to incite violence aren't good (read: not just poor messengers but bad people). They aren't. And they are even worse in the framework of our democracy. It is nice to think that voicing the concerns of the disenfranchised through these agents is good because more people get involved or what have you, but that is bad political theory (and mainly because we need fewer voices at the bargaining table but I digress). So yeah, don't think having provocateurs is a good thing. There is a much more articulate argument against democracy I'll make at a later date. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 11:49:31 PM btw:,M1 page 56 on if you haven't read it. It's good (albeit a little unconvincing at the end of the day). Your local library may even have a copy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 11:56:50 PM Alright, one last post... Building on the above, the people who are disenfranchised and need someone to speak for them, aren't getting involved with the law making process to begin with (due to time constraints, lack of interest or whatever it may be). If they do have a uniform set of concerns, does it do anyone good if their messengers marginalize their views? Wouldn't it be better to keep their views at least on the backburner so that when they can be brought up appropriately and addressed, rather than having them permanently ignored? I bring up the Jesse Jacksons to show how this works. They want pretty much the same thing. Yet they approach their tasks antithetically toward each other. Which one is more successful? (Hint: not the father) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 06:21:28 AM In the 50's and 60's I think you would have been hard-pressed to find a mainstream American who did not think these folks were passionate militants. "MLK, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Ralph David Abernathy, Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 07:50:17 AM “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” MLK Jr. I'm going to be in the middle here. I think groups like Greenpeace do militant things and get results from that. I think militant groups sometimes do stupid things that marginalize themselves and ultimately hurt their cause. I would say that there are also different levels of militancy. I don't think carrying guns like that is good, but there are other acts of civil disobedience that could achieve the goal. How long have the protests been going on down at Ft. Benning for SOA Watch? 18 years? Although they have probably forced some changes there, what would they have to do to escalate the effort? If you believe that hundreds- if not thousands- of murders are being committed with that place's sanction, wouldn't you be willing to get pretty militant to end it? MoveOn tried to get (relatively) more militant with that stupid "General Betrayus" ad, and I think they shot themselves in the Birkinstock instead. MLK and John Lewis and a bunch of others were pretty militant when they walked across that bridge against the orders of all those cops with sticks and dogs and even guns. But that event, coming shortly after the "I have a dream" speech, probably did more to galvanize peoples' perception of the injustice going on than any other. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 09:12:57 AM And Catherine brings up something I could have mentioned. There is a big difference between concerned and empathetic and passionate. Jesse Jackson the First (JJI) is passionate. His son is empathetic. The point about passion vs. reason is about more than how to get one's message across. It is more how make the failed system of system of democracy "work". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 11:35:11 AM I also think MLK Jr and John Lewis were successful because they were peacefully protesting injustice. They marched and civilly disobeyed unjust laws. Had they marched with guns, clubs or other weapons, the public's sympathy to the injustice of discrimination might not have been forthcoming for quite some time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 12:32:13 PM If you were to ask me, they epitomize dialogue without passion. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Santa Claus Bailout Hearings BASENAME: santa_claus_bailout_hearings STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/23/2008 10:02:41 AM ----- BODY: I give it one out of three hos. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 10:09:11 AM That's fair, Eliot Spitzer has the other two. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 02:06:16 PM Now that's an economic indicator I'd like to see.. has the economy reached a level in which the service industry that provides personal attention like Elliot requested-is that down too? I'm not being flip-I'm really curious. Are sex workers also seeing business drop? They say everyone is staying home more.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Overheard in the cubicle farm BASENAME: overheard_in_the_cubicle_farm STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/23/2008 04:02:48 PM ----- BODY: iconThis maybe a ongoing post title... I've been trying to come up with something like a "daily grumble" but that's been taken, or a daily gripe, but really aren't they all? Anyway, you know how you walk by people's desks and over hear things you just can't believe - or in my case make up, well at 4 pm today, the post just named itself. I work in a rather unusual place, which I won't name, suffice to say we have "all kinds". My co-worker, clearly speaking to a relative, was describing his uncle's funeral last week, when I heard this: "they did it up right, they took him to the graveside in a Harley Davidson three trike pulling a glass hearse". Now I'm pretty much a gal about town, but this stopped me cold. So I beat a hasty retreat to my desk and googled the puppy up... and low and behold, you too can be transported to your final resting place by the Tombstone Trike and Hearse Company. Dang I might have to reconsider my cremation arrangements now... That's like totally cool. Anything good overheard in your cubicle land, farm, space smaller than a veal lives in? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 05:04:10 PM the other day i saw a truck towing a horse trailer that had a horse and a glass carriage with a coffin inside. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 06:28:32 PM The other day I was asking a vendor in Philadelphia if they would be able to get us something by Monday, and he says "I don't know about you down south, but up here we got this thing called Christmas coming up". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 09:56:50 PM WOW Paula.. you saw it then! I never have any fun ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Georgia should get an additional U.S. House seat BASENAME: georgia_should_get_an_addition STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/23/2008 05:07:04 PM ----- BODY: States in South, West to gain seats in Congress
Southern and western states are poised to snatch more congressional seats from the rest of the country as Americans pursue open spaces and warmer climates.
Brace projects Arizona to add two seats, while Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina and Utah could add one each. States projected to lose single seats are Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
Does anyone know how this works? Will all the seats be redrawn, or will the new district be carved from one or two existing districts? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 05:39:47 PM Depends who is in charge at the time. They get to decide how it works. Wouldn't be surprised if the GOP gives up on Barrow and focus on getting rid of Marshall. It makes their job easier because its easier to pick off one seat than two, but it doesn't look like JM is defeatable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 06:10:58 PM Don't forget the Justice Dept gets a say so too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 06:12:08 PM I came back to say that grift, the courts will probably be the ONLY voice to be honest. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2008 09:53:39 PM cough*Chip*cough*Rogers is counting on this new seat... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 09:16:45 AM When the 2010 Census is complete, I think it's a law of Congress that goes into effect to reapportion seats. There are 435 seats in the House, and that is divided by the population of the United States according to the Census. That tells you how many people are supposed to be in each House District. Then they divide that number into the state population according to the census to see how many seats that state gets. I'm not sure the procedure for the partial seats... you know, places like Montana that didn't quite have enough for a 2nd seat last time. But there is a formula to decide that stuff. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 09:20:21 AM OH! Federal law requires the Clerk of the House to notify each state government of its entitled number of seats no later than January 25 of the year immediately following the census. Sorry, it was going to bug me who was actually in charge of the divvying up :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 11:46:21 AM Sorry, you made curious Mel! Here is the current method of apportioning seats (prettier version at ): The apportionment methodology currently used is the "Equal Proportions method"[5], so called because it guarantees that no additional transfer of a seat (from one state to another) will reduce the ratio between the numbers of persons per Representative in any two states. In this method, as a first step, each state is automatically guaranteed at least one seat in Congress. That means there are a total of 385 seats left to assign. The remaining seats are assigned one at a time, to the state that "deserves" another seat the most. Thus, the 51st seat always goes to the most populous state (currently California). The apportionment method uses a mathematical formula to express the priority ordering of states for an additional seat. For instance, in the example above, California has already received a second seat and thus "deserves" a third one less. The formula used by the method of equal proportions is A=\frac{P}{\sqrt{n(n+1)}} where P is the population of the state, and n is the number of seats it currently has. An equivalent, recursive definition is A_{n}=\sqrt{\frac{n+2}{n}}A_{n-1} where n is still the number of seats the state has, and for n = 1, A is explicitly defined as A_{1}=\frac{P}{\sqrt{2}} A sequential definition may likewise be given where the n = 1 case is defined as above, but the formula is A_{n+1}=\sqrt{\frac{n+1}{n-1}}A_{n} When all states have one seat, the largest value of A corresponds to the largest state. But now that California has two seats, its priority value decreases, and it has to take a step back in line. The 52nd seat goes to Texas, the 2nd largest state, but the 53rd goes back to California, and so on until all the seats have been handed out. Each time a state gets a seat, its priority drops and another state comes to the top of the list. Here is how the Clerk of the House divvied up the seats after the 2000 census: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 12:52:29 PM This math probably changes a little bit if Washington, D. C. gets a seat. Also, I'm guessing that it's North Carolina, not South Carolina, that's getting another seat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 12:58:38 PM Mel, to answer your question partially: there is no statutory requirement to fashion new districts from the old ones. For the most part, states are either redistricting a body such as a state legislature or county commission where the new body has the same number of members as the old one (in most states, this is also the case for Congress). Out of political necessity and ease of drawing the districts they are generally remolded to adjust population as needed to retain the "cores" of the old districts. Georgia's House has generally been renumbered starting with 1 in the NW corner of the state and ending with 180 after going across, down, across repeat. The Georgia Senate does something a little more interesting, they have historically started with 1 in the SE corner of the state and numbered up, although they have made a habit of "moving" districts to other parts of the state when the area they originally came from can no longer sustain the population. Case in point: Districts 5 and 6 were once in South Georgia and were moved to Gwinnett and Cobb counties respectively because map drawers decided to eliminate one of these districts in a reapportionment and "give" the remaining senators the territory carved up. If you were the Senator from Districts 2, 3, and 4 and your districts ate up the territory that used to be 5, the fact that your number was retained meant that those in power thought the new district was still "yours" as opposed to whoever the unlucky guy that used to be 5. Although this has been the tradition, there is no statutory basis in the law for this method which means if you so desire you can start completely from scratch. That can really come into play when a body's size (such as Georgia's Congressional delegation) grows or shrinks. We are likely to see Georgia add one seat. However, population growth in the state is most certainly not uniform and each existing district would have to have increased its population by about 10% in 10 years in order to be drawn the same way in a 14 member map. Will Republicans in the legislature try to more or less retain existing districts, with the caveat being that South Georgia's districts (which are losing population relative to the rest of the state) will encroach further north towards Atlanta and North Georgia's districts will shrink because of population growth - leaving a carve out somewhere around metro Atlanta of a new district? There may also be some pressure to try and draw a "Cobb" or "Gwinnett" district that is wholly contained by one of those counties as they are going to be large enough to get their own district, if mapmakers so decide. Of real note, since the Voting Rights Act was passed in the '60's, Republicans and Democrats alike have tried to use it's various provisions to maximize their political gains. But...every census year since then ('71, '81, '91, '01) a Republican President and Justice Department has overseen the early stages of interpretation of the Act, at least before the courts become involved. Thanks to Barack Obama's election, 2011 will be the first time a Democratic Justice Department is in place to oversee the initial interpretations of the law which will be interesting. I mentioned the fact that there is no statutory requirement that districts be retained, in other words mapmakers can start from scratch and now honor any previously drawn districts if they so choose. This is easier to do now because of advanced computer technology, the older practice was mostly followed because it was easier to do the math from a starting point such as that. There is one slight caveat here: if a court intervenes and draws a map they almost always start as a basis point with the most recent legal map adopted by an actual legislative body. When Georgia's districts were thrown out in 2004 and a special master was appointed to draw new ones, he used as his basis the last legal map passed in the 90's and modified it based on the census. Thus the 2004 map of the House and Senate looked like an updated version of the '90's map (which the Republicans were starting to make great gains on) and 2004's elections were basically what would have happened had that original map been in place for 2000 and 2002 (ie the Republicans were heading for a takeover). When the Republicans modified the court maps in 2006 by changing a few districts like HD 48 in Sandy Springs, that made the current map the most recent legally drawn map passed by an elected legislature. So, I would expect that it is highly likely that our remapping ends up in the hands of a judge (particularly if a Democrat is elected governor who can veto any Republican maps) which means a special master would be appointed who would modify our existing maps to account for population changes, a few lost districts and a few new ones (in the legislature) and carve out a 14th district in Congress. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Happy Holidays! BASENAME: happy_holidays STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/24/2008 08:51:25 AM ----- BODY: Tree_2008.jpg Here's to a great holiday to all our writers, commenters, fans, critics. You all contribute to our success and we appreciate it. Consider this your holiday open thread. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 09:32:27 AM For your Christmas gift, read Sheldon Wolin's "Democracy Incorporated". I have a feeling that it will please all of y'all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 09:55:50 AM Hee hee, those ornaments look a lot like the ones you gave me for my tree last year :-) (they're up again!) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 02:02:49 PM I'll drink to that! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 03:22:47 PM Merry Christmas! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 08:21:31 PM Happy Holidays IRE! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 10:33:54 PM Link says do not hotlink, so effectively you have given me nothing. I will remember this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2008 10:36:19 PM Happy Hollidays everyone! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/25/2008 01:36:08 PM Aw crap. Try this one. I hope you enjoy it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/25/2008 11:40:58 PM I believe I've eaten too much! Yum Catherine's salad and Mels too.... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Obama's Holiday Message BASENAME: obamas_holiday_message STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/24/2008 02:02:05 PM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Green power, meet boundaries BASENAME: green_power_meet_boundaries STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/24/2008 10:57:31 PM ----- BODY: Ok, I know it's beyond bizarre to post this bizarre story on Christmas Eve, as NORAD tracks Santa (at this moment, he just visited Ambato, Ecuador), but I'm a bizarre dude. Thus I bring you news of a gross - and illegal - scheme by which a "doctor" in California used fat from liposuctions for biofuel. Thankfully there are no details about how this tour-de-nasty was accomplished, although it's worth noting that turning corn into ethanol is a lot more efficient if you remove the intermediate step of someone eating it and turning it into body fat. And now, as Santa passes through Matthew Town, Bahamas, I wish a merry Christmas, and to all a good night. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/25/2008 07:01:47 AM Clearly, this dude saw Fight Club one too many times. Happy Holidays, y'all! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Weird searches BASENAME: weird_searches STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/27/2008 09:16:12 AM ----- BODY: An old blogger meme I still enjoy is weird search requests. All blogs get a significant amount of traffic from search engines. The words and phrases people search for that ultimately land them on your doorstep are often bizarre and fascinating. As you would expect, the majority of searches are for news stories or names of politicians. Bloggers figured out a long time ago that a quick way to bump traffic is to publish names of political candidates or officials linked to their websites. Another quick bump comes from publishing news feeds or headlines. What's left can reveal a lot about a blog and its readers. Here are a few recent examples from our logs: ohnoyoudidn't (totally understandable) evilpaula (totally random) what is a cooter (a double entendre) erik underwood debate king and rick warren (no stranger duo) wet kiss (right back at you) lynn westmoreland is an idiot (indeed he is) willow palin school (is she pregnant now?) are you smarter superintendant [sic] (clearly the answer is no) obama not qualified (give it a rest folks) genarlow wilson sex tape (a perennial perve favorite) what does rick warren really want (God only knows) shepard fairey gay (umm, don't think so) democracy beast party smackdown juliana blog cooter festival ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: A second chance. BASENAME: a_second_chance STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/29/2008 11:31:40 AM ----- BODY: iconTick tock ... tick: Extra second added to 2008 | Reuters
The world's official timekeepers have added a "leap second" to the last day of the year on Wednesday, to help match clocks to the Earth's slowing spin on its axis, which takes place at ever-changing rates affected by tides and other factors.
What will YOU do with that extra second? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 12:55:40 PM Consummate my nuptials, not counting foreplay. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Time to get back to work BASENAME: time_to_get_back_to_work STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/29/2008 12:26:27 PM ----- BODY: Politics is like bad crack without a good rehab program. As exhaustive as the last election season was and as much as I have enjoyed uninterrupted sleep, David Broder writes a piece that pulls me back in. In Broder's article "The GOP South" he writes:
The Southern domination of the congressional Republican Party has become more complete with each and every election. This year, Republicans suffered a net loss of two Senate and three House seats in the South, but they lost five Senate seats and 18 House seats in other sections. No Republican House members are left in New England, and they have become ever scarcer in New York and Pennsylvania and across the Midwest.
Georgia has been in this 6/7 congressional seat stalemate for too long, Icky Chambliss has been re-elected, and Johnny's seat is up in 2010. So what are Georgia Dems going do to end this streak? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 01:14:02 PM Make it 7/7 through re-apportionment? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 01:30:57 PM I think it is less about what Georgia Dems do and what non-Southern Republicans do. As long as the Republican brand can be tied directly to the political attitudes of the South, they are going to be strong here. Outside of the Perimeter, our only victors are conservative "Democrats" like Marshall and Barrow, or old hold-outs like Porter DuBose who will keep going on his incumbency until he eventually retires and leaves his seat to a Republican. I think it is only when the Republicans make a play to be relevant in the rest of the nation that cracks will form in the Southern version of the conservative coalition that can be exploited. That will probably happen with the epic fail of Sarah Palin, Huckabee, or a similar politician and their "dumb as I wanna be" followers. Then the country club set will be tired of who they've allowed to loaf on the practice greens for so long. Meanwhile, the South will unfortunately be bringing up the rear as we finally get to moving into the 21st century. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 02:18:41 PM odin....are we mixing apples and oranges? Congressional or State House? We are stretching OTP. Just very slowly. The pickups will be in the exurbs first. The rural areas will be tougher to win. We need to win from the urban areas out, not the rural areas in. The urban,suburban & exurban Democratic leaders should find some issues that impact the rural areas and work to increase their image with a populist message. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 02:55:53 PM much of the talk about how hard it is for Dems to win in rural georgia is balderdash. You have dozens of counties that are majority aa yet rural (Stewart County comes immediately to mind. SC, you will of course remember, was the sight of a pivotal scene in "Ulysses" by Joyce, J.). Also, DB's seat was drawn for a Dem (as most seats are wont to be, drawn for a specific party). If, and I mean IF we are in power w/redistricting, watch for Dems to "suddenly" become more competitive in rural areas. "Each and every" is such a p*ss f*cking poor phrase that ever serious writer who uses it should be shot. That's your lesson from the Department of Redundancy Bureau. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:05:17 PM SnDeak, Yeah, sorry - I was referring to the national Parties. Statewide is a totally different spectrum. I guess my point is that Dems to the federal delegation are barely recognizable as Dems around the rest of the country, and this will probably continue to be so. I am reasoning that is so because Southern Dems have to compete for Southern hearts and minds while having a different national brand. The GOP gets to play on their home turf, so long as the Southern GOP *is* the national GOP for all intents and purposes. That's also why you won't see culture warriors dominating the Connecticut or California delegations anytime soon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:07:24 PM And yeah, I realize that my mention of DuBose mixed my metaphor, except to say that even statewide, Dems will be pretty conservative compared to the national spectrum. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:20:51 PM I have to wonder how much longer this so-called southern Dem will be around. Look at the migration patterns in VA and NC. The same pattern is taking shape in the major cities in GA. The suburb and exurb areas in GA are filled with people from the midwest and northeast. We hit the right themes - Transportation and Education - and the moderate Rs from other states will start voting for Democrats. I think we have a chance with a Maryland or Pennsylvania approach in 2010. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:21:52 PM Oops- I mean and VA,NC or PA & MD approach in 2010 ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Hostilities Continue Between Israel-Palestine BASENAME: hostilities_continue_between_i STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/29/2008 12:47:17 PM ----- BODY: israel_palestine_map.gif Consider this a Middle East Open Thread ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 01:39:27 PM Bookman summarizes my feelings nicely. Link ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:50:05 PM "However, Israel’s decision to strike back decisively against Hamas in Gaza over the weekend was necessary and appropriate" Bookman shows no literacy in the conflict here. Chief among targets were police headquarters and a University. These are appropriate targets? Police cadets who had just graduated were bombed, young kids who wanted to go out and stop criminals, not fight with Israel. "A strong Hamas would not tolerate peace." But how could that be true when they've offered several times through mediators like the Carter center to support peace agreements under the UNRES242 model? For months Gaza has been under one of the worst sieges in modern history, deprived of all basic necessities. And when the ceasefire ran out last week, Israel struck first, not the Palestinians. Bookman is extremely sharp when he knows his facts, but here quite frankly he doesn't. He's relying on emotional rhetoric, not any real knowledge of what's going on. It seems like Hamas=EVIL and Israel=GOOD seems to be an intelligent enough of an equation for him, the actual history and facts on the ground be damned. I found a much better article, and it's by an Israeli (their press always has the best reporting on the conflict, much better than America where almost no one understands anything about what goes on, probably couldn't draw a map of settlements if their life depended on it): ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:52:22 PM Also, I would recommend to the blogger up top to use a map that has settlements. That map creates a fiction of independent Israel and Palestinian territories, whereas actually a wall and thousands of settlements and IDF troops penetrate deeply into both the West Bank and Gaza (the Gaza withdrawal was partial). Palestinians have never been able to even travel to the town next door without going through a military checkpoint, of course Israelis have special roads they can take without that hassle. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:55:19 PM I'm shocked ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:56:43 PM Are you willing to debate with some actual facts or statistics or griftdrift do you want to behave like a child? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:57:52 PM Given our previous repartee'? Not really. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:02:07 PM So you concede defeat or at least the behavior of an eight year old. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:05:10 PM No. I refuse to fight. Very pacifist of me don't you think? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:10:10 PM Umm...this kind of rhetoric doesn't help the Palestinian case... After the elections in 2006 Dr Al-Zahar stated his "dreams of hanging a huge map of the world on the wall at my Gaza home which does not show Israel on it...I hope that our dream to have our independent state on all historic Palestine. I really wish both sides would knock this shit off and get serious about peace. Israel has got to create jobs and an economy in Gaza and the Bank and Hamas has got to stop lobbing missles into Israel every freakin day. Hamas won those 2006 elections by feeding people and providing social structure to the region. It had nothing to do with their rhetoric about eliminating Israel. Everyone should have learned something from that election. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:11:23 PM To return to the topic at hand, I'll give you one reason it's a poor map. The West Bank has 2.3-2.4 million Palestinians living in it, but somewhere between 250,000-275,000 Israeli settlers. According to Israeli sources (note I have not yet used a single Palestinian source for any of my claims, as I think there's too much racism against them for people to trust them), like the Israeli Center for Human Rights, B'Tselem, the settlers control the majority of water supplies, the best land, agriculture, and resources of the West Bank. Thus, it is not a good idea to place the above map up there because it is not based upon any sort of reality. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:16:59 PM " really wish both sides would knock this shit off and get serious about peace" The Palestinians have come to the table many times for peace and have been subjugated and ignored, quite frankly. That's the actual history of it. In 2006 Hamas decided to "use ballots instead of bullets" (Fareed Zakaria), won a free and fair election, and immediately began to make overtures for peace. They agreed to any peace plan, including recognition of Israel, that would be approved by Palestinians in a referendum (Carter Center). Instead, they were immediately met with an embargo and attacks by the US and Israel, who began funding Fatah (Vanity Fair, State Department) to overthrow them, the legitimate rulers. Hamas was undergoing the same transition that the ANC and IRA did eventually, from military to political, but the Israelis had no intention of doing the same thing the Nationalists and British eventually learned they had to do with their opponents: negotiate. Also, while many Palestinian actions are counterproductive (while the rocketing causes almost no real harm, it doesn't really have a purpose and simply heightens hostilities with Israel), the "bot sides" are not equally to blame because of the facts I laid out and the fact most Israelis live safe, rich, US-subsidized lives, while Gaza has literally been starved to death by the Israelis. They are without basic means, electricity and water. These are war crimes, violating the Geneva and Hague Conventions, and I think that Israel is at least a party to the former. Collective punishment and starvation of a population are far worse than maybe a few hundred idiots lobbing rockets that kill 7 people a year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:19:38 PM "Hamas has got to stop lobbing missles into Israel every freakin day" One last point, Hamas did not lob missiles against Israel for 18 months during their ceasefire, so I don't know where you got "every freakin day" from. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:20:56 PM I'll probably lean closer to Zaid on this than most others. That comes with a very heavy caveat that I don't know this area very well, since most of my interest in politics is keeping my own country together ... Everyone else out there seems to be able to cause and deal with as much of their home-brewed troubles as we. Anyhow, Israel has long had this have-our-cake-and-eat-it-to stance when it comes to their security. They seem to simultaneously want the benefits of dealing with Palestine as a separate nation and a protectorate. If the Palestinian territories are really to be treated as separate entities, meaning you can make war on them and refuse them right of passage through their terrority, then get the fuck out of there and leave them alone. If an Israeli wants to settle in Gaza or the West Bank, let them apply for a residence visa. If the Palestinian territories are a part of Israel, then you can't call in airstrikes on your own people unless there is out-and-out insurrection. If Hamas is a criminal organization, so be it. Send in the SWAT team. Maybe I have the delusion that Israel wants to be seen as a first or second world power rather than a failed state like Pakistan where tribal regions are at war with the central government, I dunno. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:24:49 PM Also I want everyone to sign these two petitions: One is first by J Street a new progressive Jewish lobby to counter AIPAC calling for a ceasefire: The second one is from, a worldwide group seeking to bring together the Muslim world and the West and which is part of: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 04:43:48 PM What's the magic word? You need to learn some manners young'n. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 12:17:21 AM I don't think many people will join him. This is why: "Dean's Israel troubles began at a Sept. 3 campaign event in Santa Fe, N.M. When it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he said that day, "It's not our place to take sides." Then, on Sept. 9, he told the Washington Post that America should be "evenhanded" in its approach to the region. The media and the Democratic establishment reacted as if Dean had called Yasser Arafat a man of peace. On Sept. 10, 34 Democratic members of Congress, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, wrote Dean an open letter. "American foreign policy has been -- and must continue to be -- based on unequivocal support for Israel's right to exist and to be free from terror ..." they wrote. "It is unacceptable for the U.S. to be 'evenhanded' on these fundamental issues ... This is not a time to be sending mixed messages; on the contrary, in these difficult times we must reaffirm our unyielding commitment to Israel's survival and raise our voices against all forms of terrorism and incitement." The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported that Dean had badly damaged his own campaign. "Sources in the Jewish community say that Dean has wrecked his chances of getting significant contributions from Jews ..." the paper wrote. "Many believe Dean's statement will drive more Jews toward Lieberman and Kerry, enabling Kerry to take the lead again." I think we can say it's pretty ridiculous when you become a pariah for using the word "evenhanded" in respect to Israel. The far right nationalist fanatics seem to have a lot of hold in U.S. politics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 01:33:41 AM To give you something a little positive, Zaid: I didn't realize that Webb cared deeply about prison reform. This only struck me because the politics of "weakness" seem to have the same stampeding effect, whether it is endorsing dumb foreign or domestic policy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 02:01:10 AM Here's the fun thing about Jim Webb. Who's going to call a Reagan appointee and Navy man weak? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 07:46:35 AM There have been over 2000 missile attacks from Gaza over the last year. In the past six months of the 'truce', Hamas has pretty much stopped their attacks, down to a couple missiles a day, but have stockpiled the missiles. The guidence system on the missiles suck. They are just pointed and fired towards a city. Israel should have used more restraint in the scope of their retaliation, that is for sure. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 03:45:08 PM The underlying assumption is that Israel has not only the right to exist, but to exist as-is. It's easy for us to sit here and accept that, but maybe not so much for a lot of Palestinians. If we decided to give the Baja Penninsula to Guatamala, wouldn't Mexico be pissed off? Maybe a better example is if we gave the northern part of Guatamala to Mexico, since they don't use it anyway. Guatamala would be pissed, and how are they supposed to fight back if the deed had already been sanctioned by the countries with the biggest armies? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 03:58:36 PM " There have been over 2000 missile attacks from Gaza over the last year." And they're not from Hamas, and they've killed seven people over the course of the year. During the same time Israel has killed or imprisoned hundreds of Palestinians illegally. What kind of restraint should the Palestinians use in their response to Israel? The problem is the frame here is always in terms of "Israel's response." What about Palestinians' response to daily IDF incursions into their streets, settler violence and expansion, and, well, a huge-ass wall separating their towns and villages with armed checkpoints? I don't think violence is necessarily productive for the Palestinians, but it's hard to argue that people under the conditions they are would not use violence. Ever since Hamas was elected Israel has sharply restricted food and medicines going into Gaza, and destroyed their electricity infrastructure. Would you stand by and let someone do that to you? Second of all, they refuse to negotiate with Hamas despite several overtures by the organization that it would accept any peace agreement accepted by the Palestinian population by internationally certified referendum, including recognition of Israel. The question is if the next administration will stop blocking negotiations and push Israel to come to the table and finally allow Palestinian statehood which is really the sticking point here. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 04:10:42 PM "Ever since Hamas was elected Israel has sharply restricted food and medicines going into Gaza, and destroyed their electricity infrastructure." Taken by itself, this is a horrible act. But elections have consequences. When you elect a terrorist group to run your government... and that group will not renounce its goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth, you reap what you sow. I'm inclined to say a pox on BOTH of their houses. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 04:23:21 PM ". But elections have consequences. When you elect a terrorist group to run your government... and that group will not renounce its goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth, you reap what you sow. I'm inclined to say a pox on BOTH of their houses." You're not telling the truth. Hamas has said repeatedly, even during their election campaign, they were going to be elected and then negotiate with Israel. Immediately following their election their political wing approached the Israelis for negotiations and said they would approve of any peace deal including approving Israeli right to exist provided that it was given through a referendum. Israel rejected this, because it does not want to end its occupation or remove its walls. Did you follow the election closely? I have a feeling you did not. For many this was seen as Hamas's transition moment, like the IRA and ANC transitioned from militant groups to full on political parties. Unfortunately the Israelis didn't play ball. Final point, the logic you used "reap what you sow" was quite beautifully dismantled by the upper levels at CAP's think progress (I'm just flattered to be in this organization, they're doing great work to oppose this slaughter, I'm hopeful because Obama picked so many CAP people they will influence him). I don't think you understand how vicious the logic you're using is. Here's the link: Commenting on Israel’s attack on Gaza, NRO’s Andy McCarthy wonders whether the strikes will “demonstrate that terrorism is a loser for those who vote for it.” The question is whether the Palestinian people are educable. Which brings me back to the first point: the Palestinians voted to put in power — i.e., vest with the power of a quasi-sovereign government — a terrorist organization which thinks legitimate governing consists of bringing about the annihilation of its sovereign neighbor and, meantime, targeting the said neighbor’s civilian population with bombing attacks. When you do that, you make yourself a target. It’s one thing to defend Israel’s disproportionate attacks as a legitimate attempt to destroy Hamas’ capacity to launch rockets into Israel, but it’s quite another to defend them as an attempt to “educate” the Palestinian people. The former is debatable, the latter is a forthright embrace of terrorism, the use of force against civilians to achieve a political goal. McCarthy’s advocacy of violence against people who vote the wrong way raises an obvious question. Granting, for the moment, McCarthy’s simplistic interpretation of Hamas’ election, (which was more a vote against Fatah’s incompetence and corruption than it was for Israel’s destruction) if Palestinian civilians have made themselves targets by voting into power a party that advocates the destruction of Israel, have Israeli civilians made themselves targets by voting into power successive governments that have continued a military occupation while expropriating Palestinian land? Have Americans made themselves targets by voting in governments that support that occupation? According to McCarthy’s reasoning, the answer to both questions is yes. This is very similar to the justification offered by Osama bin Laden for attacks on American civilians in his November 2002 “Letter to the American People“: The American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change it if they want.[…] This is why the American people cannot be not innocent of all the crimes committed by the Americans and Jews against us. Allah, the Almighty, legislated the permission and the option to take revenge. Thus, if we are attacked, then we have the right to attack back. Whoever has destroyed our villages and towns, then we have the right to destroy their villages and towns. Whoever has stolen our wealth, then we have the right to destroy their economy. And whoever has killed our civilians, then we have the right to kill theirs. This is the rhetorical company in which McCarthy now finds himself. While we shouldn’t be surprised that there are many things that conservative extremists from all cultures agree on, decent and reasonable people should agree that there is no legitimate justification for intentional violence against civilians, by anyone. -- So essentially Israel reaps what it sows because it continually elects leaders who engage in collective punishment and bombing of civilians (the first targets on their list in this recent raid was Islamic University and two police stations where the graduating class was having its ceremony, now we can see Al Aqsa TV station has become a target as well)? Of course not, that's a barbarian's logic, and as that link shows, the logic of Bin Laden himself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 09:37:40 AM Zaid, You are the king of the straw man argument. All Hamas has to say, is fine you are a country, in a negotiation, but we need to ask our people if you are a country, and of course, they just elected us who essentially have a single tenet platform which is that you aren't a country, also we will supervise the elections that determine whether we think you are a country, also, please release all of our terrorists, we are running low since they keeping blowing themselves up on your buses and in your cafes so we need more, kindly release them. Yes, the settlers are nuts. Israel has really tried hard these last few years to reign them in and remove them from certain areas. And that's all about peace, just to get peace. Israel gets nothing out of it except hardship and the very weak assurance that they will try to tamp dawn the muslim youth who are blowing up buses, even though they claim to have no association or control over them. Israel's entire existence is based upon not negotiating with terrorists, but they had to anyway and they got nothing out of it except giving up land. (oh, and "Palestinian land", what a term of art, does that mean land in Palestine, or land that belongs to those that call themselves Palestinian, so interesting). I enjoy your schoolboy arguments, keep 'em coming. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 04:01:34 PM " they just elected us who essentially have a single tenet platform which is that you aren't a country" You're the king of complete bullshit. Did you even read the Think Progress link?I bet you didn't even follow the Palestinian election. It was mostly about domestic issues and overcoming Fatah's corruption and incompetence. "I enjoy your schoolboy arguments, keep 'em coming. " Well, you're going all Alan Dershowitz on me and pulling facts out of your ass, so maybe we can do schoolboy vs. douchebag. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 04:08:56 PM Vanity Fair has thrown the ball to Obama's court: 8/12/obama-and-israel-the-audacity-of-empathy.html I don't think it was productive for him to choose the son of an Israeli terrorist for his chief of staff (emmanuel has not condemned his father's actions either), but Obama himself is very good at bringing together people who disagree; perhaps he can be a little different. This is the operative part: "So I’m not yet convinced that Obama is a see-no-evil supporter of Israel just because he made this statement in July during a visit to the Hamas-targeted town of Sderot: “If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that. I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.” Hell, we’d all expect that. Most Americans felt exactly that way after 9/11. But there are two sides to this story. If Obama wishes to preserve his reputation for strategic omniscience—and perhaps move this conflict at last beyond the depressing, blood-soaked status quo—he will need to flex those empathy muscles on behalf of the Palestinians too. Early next year, I’d like to hear him say something like this: “If somebody uprooted my family, placed us in a glorified refugee camp, and wouldn’t allow us to travel or trade with the outside world, I would do everything in my power to fight back. I would expect Palestinians to do the same thing.” And yes, I know that’s a world-class simplification, but so was Obama’s remark at Sderot. In both cases, the extenuating circumstances are cleared away to bring the emotional truth into stark relief. The Israelis and the Palestinians have inflicted an awful lot of pain on one another, and arguments about how one side’s crimes are justified by the other’s are beside the point. The fact is, families on both sides of this conflict are traumatized and deeply, deeply angry. Come January 20, the question for Obama will be: what to do about it." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 06:00:48 PM Zaid: Regarding negotiations; in a negotiation, both sides have to be able to give something to the other in order to get something. At the previous round of negotiations, Israel, in response to the Palestinian promise of no more attacks, Israel removed a lot of settlers at great political cost. However, the rocket fire did not cease so the Israeli government got forced into a more aggressive stance. It was politically impossible, after dismantling settlements and getting nothing for it, to return to the bargaining table to give up even more while still getting nothing in return (from the Israeli's people's point of view). This is not to say there isn't good in Gaza, but the Gazan government isn't good for them. You want Obama to be able to lead to a new peace? Me, too. Everyone does, but Hamas is painting itself into a corner. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 06:31:55 PM ". At the previous round of negotiations, Israel, in response to the Palestinian promise of no more attacks, Israel removed a lot of settlers at great political cost. However, the rocket fire did not cease so the Israeli government got forced into a more aggressive stance." The settlers did not have any right to be there in the first place, they are illegally there and that is not subject to negotiation. Keeping settlers in occupied land does not reduce violence, there's no sane argument that that is possible. It is not a negotiating point. Second of all, you are misrepresenting the Gaza pullout, it was, first of all, partial. Israel still occupies part of Gaza, keeps roads, checkpoints, and military units there. It also does not respect Gaza's sovereignty. Again, the entire discussion seems to center around Israel's "right to defend itself," not the Palestinians' right to defend themselves. I don't think a single day has gone by without Israeli soldiers in Palestinian territories since 1967, on their streets, imprisoning and holding without trial people, denying them basic rights. It was well understood within Israel that the "pullout" from Gaza was really an expansion plan. As soon as the plan was made public, Finance Minister Netanyahu announced that "Israel will invest tens of millions of dollars in West Bank settlements as it withdraws from the Gaza Strip." That's right, take some people who had no right to be in Gaza, and expand them in the other half of Palestine. More of a settler relocation on stolen land than giving stolen land back, if you will. Second of all, you've vastly misrepresented the Gaza pullout plan. There was zero Palestinan representation. There was no Palestinian negotiation. The fact that you said a quid pro quo was made, land-for-peace, is either willfull ignorance or a lie. FInd me one Palestinian negotiator that had any voice in what Israel did with Gaza. Just one. If there were any Palestinian negotiators they would not have approved the plan. Gaza was left completely sealed off from the rest of the world, its most treasured assets (namely, a coast, and water resources) still in the hands of Israelis. Sara Roy, Harvard's preeminent scholar of the Middle East, writes that "under the terms of disengagement, Israel's occupation is assured. Gazans will be contained and sealed within the electrified borders of the Strip, while West Bankers, their lands dismembered by relentless Israeli settlement, will continue to be penned into fragmented geographic spaces, isolated behind and between walls and barriers." THe Israeli Physicians for Human Rights, as the partial removal of settlers was ocurring, wrote that it was the height of hypocrisy that we were being made to sympathize with settlers while "the human catastrophe taking place today in the Gaza Strip" was not being talked about at all. The settlers essentially were rewarded for taking other peoples' land at gunpoint, they were given beachfront property after being removed from their homes in occupied palestine. Meanwhile, as Amira Hass (another Israeli, note I don't quote those evil Palestinians), an Israeli living in Gaza (Gaza proper, amongst Palestinians, not stolen settlement land), noted that "For the sake of about half a percent of the population of the Gaza Strip, a Jewish half-percent, the lives of the remaining 99.5 percent were totally disrupted and destroyed." The settlers, according to her, lived "in a flourishing park, and splendid villas just 20 meters from overcrowded, suffocated refugee camps." On the final days of the operation in Gaza for the partial removal of settlers, with great irony, the Israelis announced they are extended the seperation barrier around Ma'aleh Adumim, where they are building 3,500 new houses and apartments. The barrier cut well into the West Bank, separating Palestinians from East Jerusalem. As Noam Chomsky points out (that Jewish anti-semite!), "more land was taken in the West Bank than was abandoned in the entire Gaza [Strip]." Now that I've put aside your misplaced, unfactual rant about the settlements and "giving up land" (you can't give up something that isn't legally yours, and there is absolutely nothing you can ask for in return, either, not that they did -- I already pointed out not a single Palestinian was consulted on the pullout nor was any agreement reached), I will respond to the charge that the "Gazan government isn't good for them." If you're trying to paint me as someone who is a total apologist for Hamas that is not true. There are a number of counterproductive things they do, however you're being illogical with the particular claim here. FIrst of all, they were not consulted in any sort of pullout deal quid-pro-quo on rockets. Second, they did not fire rockets during the entire ceasefire period or pullout period. Those were other people, a handful of criminals. Who regularly arrests those people? Policemen. What was Israel's first target during its recent raids? Police stations. Police are civilians, they are not combatants, by the way. T hird, it was Israel that fired first once the ceasefire expired. Of course, this is formal violence between the Hamas government and Israeli government. The Israeli government on a daily basis commits illegal violence against Palestinians by even having its military presence within Palestinian territories or in Palestinian streets, with its checkpoints, walls, illegal arrests, and torture. At the same time, there will be Palestinian criminals, and until the ceasefire expired they were not Hamas doing this, who launch rockets. As I pointed out earlier 7 people total have died from those rockets the entire year. Certainly a grave threat indeed. That's not to demean the deaths of those 7, but I'd love to see you cry as much about how many Palestinians died in the same time period from Israeli activities in the occupied territories, which far outnumber the casualties on the Israeli side. Or perhaps decry the collective punishment that is being visited upon Gaza ever since it elected Hamas by the embargo. Or explain to me how you can expect any Palestinians to stop violence while their people are still occupied. Certainly Israelis have a right to defend themselves, but so do occupied people. No one, who isn't insane, can argue that building homes and apartments in Palestinian territory helps secure Israel. It is land theft, and oppression -- when it steals water resources, the best agriculture, and reduces the Palestinians to obvious poverty -- and the condition of the Palestinians is not being compared by Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu and Jimmy Carter to apartheid for any light reason. So I welcome further debate on the topic, but at least tell the truth next time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 12:37:45 AM MOTS: You are clearly outmatched in facts and in word count. Please concede. Thank you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 01:33:25 AM Zaid: "You can't return something that isn't legally yours." You act like all the positions Israel takes are "illegal" but you don't consider any of the acts that Hamas or the Palestinians to be unlawful in any way. That is my overall point. Getting past all of this requires both sides to push past their immediate boundaries, but that's not going to happen without some actual reflection. I am not going to debate you any more on this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 02:54:18 AM " You act like all the positions Israel takes are "illegal" All the things I deemed illegal are illegal declared so by the organizations in charge of doing so. I don't just "act" like they are illegal. Second of all, I don't condone many things Hamas and other groups, especially ones like Islamic Jihad, do, but unlike you I don't attribute to them crimes they didn't committ because I don't understand timelines. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:50:25 PM I still say before we can call anything legal or illegal, Israel needs to decide whether or not the Palestinian territories are part of their country. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 10:41:13 PM It is. BTW: I work for AIPAC. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 01:34:57 AM Trolling Inc., maybe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:37:33 AM You know, despite being a silly little troll, I think Zaid has gotten off easy here. Let's perform a little thought experiment. How about another troublesome border rife with criminality & gunplay, an unstable government, roving gangs and revolutionary fervor, desperate grinding poverty, historic problems with civil & human rights, smuggling tunnels galore making a mockery of any real border control, and of course immigration issues galore. That last bit ought to tip you off. Let's try Mexico. Long a troublesome border. Our First decisively international campaign of conquest came with the Mexican War (1846-7). (Yeah argue with me about 1812, will 'ya?). Let's put on our imagination caps on. Imagine if you will a 'rouge' element of Mexican rebels & revolutionaries harassing Our border, citizens & towns & cities. Imagine no more, it happened as late as 1911-1919. []. John 'BlackJack' Pershing, the future commander of all US forces in Europe fighting WW1, was head of this punitive expedition, For Years actually, in a largely fruitless effort to constrain 'banditry' & rebel attacks. So imagine if you will the same 'guerilla' tactics of 'ol Pancho Villa but with some suitable modern weapons thrown in for good measure. And similar *Thousands* of rockets & missiles falling on towns and cities within a 25-30Mi of the border, Brownsville, TX, DelRio, McAllen, Laredo, El Paso, and let's not forget: San Diego too. The current tally for 'average' launches Per Day from Gaza is at least 10-20 Absent Any Other Hostilities, (this was prior to the current military action & response). This was just the 'normal average' for a fine summer's day. So EVEN During the Truce, rockets Regularly Fell on the cities, towns and Civilian population of Israel. True, most of these were wildly Inaccurate, but they still caused Millions of dollars worth of direct & indirect economic damage. Much like the US border, about 500K citizens live within range of these rockets. True, there were 'slight' outright deaths attributed to such Constant& ongoing attacks, due to extensive and expensive civil defense measures & shelters. Dozens were & are seriously injured every year, and the entire southern part of Israel is effectively held hostage to these attacks, just as intended. Now some may argue this is a 'legitimate' expression of protest or resistance due to the ongoing occupation. But Outright Occupation of the Gaza Strip Ended in 2005, with no noticeable change in the hostilities. But the truth remains, that such rocket attacks are yes, Military Attacks Occurring Daily on Civilian Populations, and are indeed Targeted as such, and as such are Wholly illegal according to the Laws of War & the Geneva Conventions. As our friends in the PA remind us. Further they are stupidly (Militarily) counterproductive, but above all Meant to draw out a abject and forceful Military response & counter attack from the country attacked. That's what terrorism does, and how it 'works'. Drawing out a 'disproportionate response' to your attacks in order to gain wider sympathy & expression to your political goals that can be obtained in no other manner. So getting to my question. Consider Perhaps 1 day, 1 week or Just 1 month's worth of a Similar Bombardment from Mexico on our Southern Border. Perhaps a few spare 100-200 or so. My question is simple. Would it take us weeks, months or simply a year (like last time) to effectively Own Mexico after ensuing wildly popular the US invasion? Please provide work details with your answer. Yeah, and don't let me go without noting the tragic nature of the conflict, the miserable & useless use of force by everyone & sundry, the stupidly of the tactics, politics and ideologies involved within the entire 'complex' of this idiocy. But watching this for ongoing 40 some odd damn years? I know it's a 'special case' but I'd dearly love for those supporting the cause of revolution and liberation to explain to everyone & sundry, why it Only applies to certain countries, and really not others. Israel remains as ever the only troubled but tangible democracy within 1500KM in any direction. It would be nice if the neighborhood was hospitable to either democracy, human rights or multi-ethnic harmony or comity, but it's not. This is why there IS no 'Israel' on ANY 'Arab' maps of the ME. Not now, not ever, even 50 years on. The neighboring countries have never accommodated themselves to that reality. They feel as if they don't have to. The PA & Hamas will effectively fight their cause, and all they have to do is supply the arms & money to wage a proxy war. It did wonders for Lebanon too. Hence these nations' cruel and abysmal use of the Palestinians as their stalking horse & miserable pawns. Discriminated against in Every other Arab land where they once lived, traveled & worked & thrived, for 50 damnable years, just in order to remain an issue to use in their domestic politics and plutocratic-autocratic power plays. And to wage a never ending war they know that cannot be won, 'but still must be fought'. Yeah, tell me about it. Who's Zooming who Zaid? Regards, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:49:06 AM I'll restate the question as it was poorly worded above: Consider Perhaps 1 day, 1 week or Just 1 month's worth of a Similar Bombardment from Mexico on our Southern Border. Perhaps a few spare 100-200 or so missile strikes on civilians in cities & towns. Would it take us weeks, months or simply a year (like last time) to effectively Own Mexico after the ensuing wildly popular US invasion? Please provide work details with your answer. Inquiring minds want to know... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 03:34:48 PM "Consider Perhaps 1 day, 1 week or Just 1 month's worth of a Similar Bombardment from Mexico on our Southern Border. Perhaps a few spare 100-200 or so missile strikes on civilians in cities & towns. Would it take us weeks, months or simply a year (like last time) to effectively Own Mexico after the ensuing wildly popular US invasion? Please provide work details with your answer. Inquiring minds want to know... JMP" Inquiring minds would want to know why your analogy is so broken it's almost embarassing to read it. After all, the US is not occupying Mexico, nor does it carry out almost daily raids in Mexican territory, airspace, and waterways with little to no impunity or outcry. Why you may decry (rightly) rockets over the past year that have killed a total of seven people, you don't decry (wrongly) Israeli raids into Gaza and the West Bank in violation of Israel's own ceasefire that have killed scores of people, let alone the fact Israel directly occupies the West Bank and Golan Heights and virtually controls Gaza without directly occupying most of it, all in violations of agreements, and international law. As for the "wildly popular," you obviously have not read the Israeli press, where many are decrying the attacks and embargo (rightly) as a war crime. A scene from Northern Israel today, where thousands of Israeli citizens joined the worldwide protests of collective punishment: It is curious, how in Israel there is a robust debate about this in the press and political sphere, yet in the United States despite how divided the populace is on the question, a total of two members of Congress -- Kucinich and Copps (Congress's only former nurse) -- have called for a ceasefire while the rest are not bothered that Israel is using US weapons and materiale in ways that are illegal by the riders attached to Congressional bills (they are not allowed to be used against civilians, US law also forbids aid to governments that use torture). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 03:42:04 PM It is curious, how in Israel there is a robust debate about this in the press and political sphere, yet in the United States despite how divided the populace is on the question, a total of two members of Congress -- Kucinich and Copps (Congress's only former nurse) -- have called for a ceasefire while the rest are not bothered that Israel is using US weapons and materiale in ways that are illegal by the riders attached to Congressional bills (they are not allowed to be used against civilians, US law also forbids aid to governments that use torture). It's not curious. Congressmen who hope to achieve something (other than a start to a quixotic bids for the POTUS every four years) realize no political capital is gained from their constituents by taking up the issue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:12:41 PM " Congressmen who hope to achieve something (other than a start to a quixotic bids for the POTUS every four years) realize no political capital is gained from their constituents by taking up the issue." From the polling data I just posted, about half the country seems to think that toeing the hard-right Israeli line is wrong. Seems like the political capital is equivalent on both sides with raw public opinion, yet they always seem to be eager to jump out there and proclaim fanatic support of anything Israel does. Hmph. I'm surprised you're actually taking part in the debate though, shouldn't you be off somewhere prepping your grand essay on abolishing democracy or whatever you keep blabbering about? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:15:48 PM Or, as Glenn Greenwald puts it: "Is there any other significant issue in American political life, besides Israel, where (a) citizens split almost evenly in their views, yet (b) the leaders of both parties adopt identical lockstep positions which leave half of the citizenry with no real voice? More notably still, is there any other position, besides Israel, where (a) a party's voters overwhelmingly embrace one position (Israel should not have attacked Gaza) but (b) that party's leadership unanimously embraces the exact opposite position (Israel was absolutely right to attack Gaza and the U.S. must support Israel unequivocally)? Does that happen with any other issue?" I can't think of another issue. Let's pass the hat around, can anyone else think of another issue like that? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:18:18 PM Another Congressmember, Donna Edwards, has called for a ceasefire. 3-432. A few hundred more to go before we actually have a Congress that claims to represent it's people. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:21:53 PM Trust me, I'm surprised I'm wasting my time engaging you too. As for abolishing democracy, I have no intention of writing anything grand (on anything) on that, but if we ever do meet in real life, I'll be happy to tell you why democracy is not only a bad system, but offensive as well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:25:09 PM Just publish the book on abolishing democracy, IRE, so you can make it big. -- On topic, Certainly something is messed up when almost all members of Congress when asked about the issue will rush to defend Israel unconditionally, when the country is so split on the issue. There's a huge disconnect between public opinion and public policy. I think this further shows exactly how much we need to fix campaign financing. They know that anyone who doesn't back Israel unconditionally will have their opponent deluged in campaign contributions from hard-right Jewish and Israeli groups that are completely unseen in their congressional district. The study by Walt and Mearshimer published in their book The Israel Lobby quite deftly shows that the number of Congressmembers who have survived after criticizing Israel can be counted on two hands. Not necessarily because American constituents as a whole care about Israel enough to vote someone out over that issue, but because hard-right Israel/AIPAC groups flood their opponent with cash so that they can hammer them on other issues and completely outraise them, which is unfortunately a huge deal in our broken system. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 06:38:48 PM (This is trying to resurrect a lost post here): Mexico is a poor analogy eh? Well there are some who think that we now occupy about half of Mexico. Just like the Arab irredentists who are not reconciled to the fact of the existence of the State of Israel some 50 years on, there are many Mexicans who feel the same way about our 'wars of conquest' from the 19th century. Their arguments are that the various 19th century despots & military dictators who ruled over them had no right to give away any territory in any treaty to the US, and that they were not the 'true representatives of the people', and therefore had no moral authority to do so. They remain deeply resentful of these 'concessions;' some 160 years on. So 50 years vs 160, what's the difference? They remain deeply resentful of the loss of TX & CA especially, given the agricultural & economic strengths of both currently and historically. Ditto for the Cubans and Gitmo BTW. So I'll make the question even easier for you Z. Name me just one country where this constant bombardment of civilian territory would be acceptable? One country in the world who would respond differently from the 80 rockets indiscriminately fired into cities & towns on X-Mas eve? The 1000's that rain down every year? Yeah, there's Plenty of vigorous debate and even protests & resistance to violence, as long as it's against the Israeli military. Now this is typically a good thing, but it's also a strangely uniquely Democratic expression in the Mid-East. You have very few living exponents of non violence from the Palestinian side. Why is that? They're targeted for death, execution and assassination, their families shunned & exiled for such an egregious affront to 'the resistance' & 'solidarity'. So you can practice non violent resistance as a member of the IDF, (and there are many cases of this in the Israeli Military), but evidently not as an influential citizen of Gaza or the West Bank. It'll get you killed, fast. Real Robust debate? Unknown almost anyplace in the ME, besides Israel, again strangely enough. No one in their right mind favors wars, and the American public is not alone in this. But it's again hard to see how this 50 year conflict can be resolved with the larger state actors in the neighborhood pulling the strings & supplying the arms & money having never reconciled themselves to the existence of the state of Israel, in any form or in any recognized secure borders. There is no real military solution, and it would be really nice to be able to live to see some peace over there. But as they say, there has to be some recognition by some future generations that they resolve to love their children more than they harbor their deeply & dearly held hatreds. For the folks who singularly invented the simple pedestrian human suicide bomb and indeed reinvented modern day terrorism, I'm just not seeing it. And yeah, naturally I'll blame Congress for this. Yeah that's the ticket. Regards, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 03:57:37 AM "Well there are some who think that we now occupy about half of Mexico." To equate Mexican street gangs who rant about taking back California with international law is not appropriate. This isn't the opinion of a few people, this is the actual law. The Mexican-US border is not in any sort of international dispute, there is not a single state on earth that declares that, while every single one recognizes the Palestinians as occupied, including the US and Israel. There is no UN resolution that says any part of Mexico is occupied, there are hundreds that point out that Israel is occupying Palestinians, unfairly hoarding their resources, and undermining their sovereignty. Israel itself recognizes that the territories are occupied and not legally theirs, that's why we call their expansions in the territories "settlements" as opposed to just "Israeli land." The analogy is not only false, I think if you reported it to the middle east departments at various universities you would be charged with manslaughter for the death-by-asphyxiation you induced amongst their faculties. "You have very few living exponents of non violence from the Palestinian side. " This is completely false, the majority of Palestinian resistance is nonviolent. It takes place through demonstrations, being arrested by the IDF for standing in front of bulldozers and tanks, the like. I know it doesn't seem to make the news when Arabs do anything other than blow something up, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The majority of Palestinians in Israeli jails are people who take part in this resistance, not people who take part in violence. Of course, the only way for nonviolent resistance to work against another state, as is pointed out by the South Africa and Poland examples, is through international support. That is where the BDS campaign -- boycott, divestment, sanctions -- comes in. The British academics are currently in an academic boycott against Israeli universities, which is considered a victory by the Palestinian nonviolent movement. The aim is to bother Israel enough through international condemnation that it simply decides it's not worth continuing to keep the territories through force. Palestinian children wake up every morning to Israeli jets patrolling their skies, their navy at their ports, and soldiers on their streets. They have to walk through militarized checkpoints, they have a gigantic wall cutting through their towns, their olive groves are destroyed as land is expropriated for subsidized settlements. That's an occupation, and it's illegal. Before you mention Gaza withdrawal, reference my discussion with MOTS that points out that they expanded in the West Bank in greater numbers than they ever existed in Gaza, meaning a reshuffle of occupation moreso than anything else. "But as they say, there has to be some recognition by some future generations that they resolve to love their children more than they harbor their deeply & dearly held hatreds." While in general this is absolutely a true thing in reference to any conflict, using it in this context is not going to work. For the simple reason that this was not something "they say," it was a phrase used by Golda Meir, to decry that "the Arabs" are hateful and that "the Jews" are peaceful, and that is why all the Arabs understand is force. I'm not blaming Congress for the existence of the conflict, I'm blaming them for highly subsidizing one side of the conflict, providing weapons, intelligence, and diplomatic cover (UNSC vetoes) for human rights abuses and war crimes. Included among TARGETS (I capitalized it to differentiate it from collateral damage, which I'll get to in a minute) in the recent air strikes have been: Al Aqsa TV Station, Islamic University, and graduating police cadets. The justification offered by the Israelis is that there are members of Hamas who attend the university, or broadcast on the TV station or that some of the police officers were Hamas-affiliated. Hamas is a political party. Of course there's tons of people affiliated with Hamas who have never touched a gun in their lives. Now political affiliation is apparently enough to strip you of geneva protections. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are not buying that argument, calling the strikes "war crimes." They are no more legitimate than if Hamas or someone else decided to blow up an Israeli university because there were students who belonged to the Likud party or Kadima. It's apparent to me why they were struck, the Israelis are doing two things: 1. They want to show that they are tough as far as domestic political calculations. The Likud (far-right) Party was leading in polls until very recently when Kadima launched these strikes. 2. They are trying to destroy Palestinian infrastructure. They want the territories as hobbled as possible. Acting as if Congress are impartial, neutral observers is really not going to cut it. They run to the podium to declare that anything Israel does is completely OK and then sign off on cluster bombs that according to US law are not allowed to be used on civilians (and Israel immediately uses them against infrastructural -- civilian -- targets). Heck, when Howard Dean made the mistake in 2003 of saying we should have a "more evenhanded" policy in the middle east, Nancy Pelosi and 34 members of Congress wrote an open letter to Dean condemning his use of the word "evenhanded." I wish I was shitting you, but I'm not. That's how restricted the debate is on this issue. If you are someone who moderately believes in liberal democracy, that should horrify you. It should horrify you that while the country is completely split on the issue, 98% of the members of Congress are terrified to do anything but unconditionally support whatever the Israeli government does. "Name me just one country where this constant bombardment of civilian territory would be acceptable?" Considering that this is true for both Palestinians and Israelis, and even moreso against the Palestinian side (look up bombardments and deaths for the last, I don't know, 18-24 months), I don't see how it's a relevant question. No one should accept their people dying or being threatened, but you've invented a fiction whereas Israel is sitting pretty and being pelted with rockets for no reason, and that the Palestinians have been unharmed during the same time period. You're looking at the far less violence of one side and completely ignoring the far greater violence of the other. Israel carries out daily operations within Palestinian territories, many of them violent. You've fallen for a trap, and its implications are decidedly unjust: Israel has a right to defend itself, the Palestinians do not. If the silly Palestinians would just sit still and not resist, perhaps Israel would one day give them freedom or basic rights or something like that. It's a very deadly trap, and it puts you significantly further to the right than many within Israel themselves. Lastly, I totally condemn the suicide attacks against civilians, but if you had reviewed the discussion between MOTS and I, you would know that Hamas has rightly abandoned that tactic and hasn't used it for 2, maybe 3 years (I have to look it up). Even after 18 months under an embargo that has reduced most Palestinians to only eating one meal a day, having electricity for a few hours a day (if they're lucky), and has turned Gaza into a "humanitarian disaster" (UN), Hamas upheld the ceasefire between it and Israel. It's unfortunate that other criminals decided they should pelt Israel with rockets (that kill, as I reported before, 7 people a year), but as I have reviewed, they are far from unprovoked. Hamas has hinted it may return to suicide attacks if Israel doesn't stop, but I would be opposed to that in principle. They are horrifying. However, extremism tends to reinforce itself. As Israel first starves then attacks the Strip quite mercilessly (inflicting more pain in one day to civilians than the Palestinians have to Israelis in years), there will be growing support for increased hostility, unfortunately, even terrorism. You're an incredibly intelligent poster when you want to be Prince. The question I'm wondering on this particular topic is whether you are capable of being a fair one, or an informed one. So far on this issue I haven't even evidence of either. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:04:35 AM I really don't know why I'm not asleep but I have to post one last time because I didn't point one last thing out about your analogy: If Israel isn't occupying Palestinians, then why Palestinians get Israeli citizenship? They kinda just sit under Israeli tanks and don't really get any sort of legal rights. I think most at this point have been too humiliated and brutalized to be really proud of being Israelis, but I'm sure they'd love to have voting rights or something like that rather than just being subject to another people's soldiers. Anywho I can't believe I'm arguing with the absurdist Mexico analogy. It's like reading Free Republic... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:17:28 PM I'll take you up on that democracy discussion IRE. By the way, I don't think "democracy" is a "system". It's an ideal, or perhaps a goal. It just means "the will of the people", right? It doesn't imply any specific way to get there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:33:48 PM 2much2type. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:45:24 PM Yeah, it's just the Mexican street punks who think about these things. And Mexico itself is not spiraling into a dictatorial infused narco-state with a running low level drug fueled insurgency that's killed a record 5K people this year. And of course the government can not really be called legitimate either. []. And while the border Boundary is not typically in continual legal dispute, there have been and indeed are many legal challenges that need to be resolved every year. No, there's typically not running gun battles about them, just yet. But that's my point Z. You can't have peace without the surrounding states finally coming to recognize Israel. They can't & they won't for mainly fear from revolt and for purely domestic political machinations. And NO, while the majority of the Civilians in Gaza or the West Bank may be non combatants, the entire world recognizes Hamas & rightly so as a terror organization. There are scarcely few of anyone in either the PA or Hamas who actually regard Themselves as 'non violent' or practicing the same philosophy of MLK & Gandhi. It's just not happening. Now whether or not Hamas eventually, with the fullness of time & some reason Becomes a full fledged recognized political party, capable of actually negotiating for peace, remains to be seen, as with your analogy to the IRA. But at the moment, these 'non violent resisters' are indeed lobbing an average 2000-3000 rockets per year into exclusively civilian areas of Israel. For the past 7 years. That spells war to me, and eventually when you declare war on someone, they'll show up to finish the fight. Hamas does not want Peace, it never has. It wants victory. This is Fine. They have a right to fight their oppression, but it's called War. And during war, certain rules & expectations apply. And yes, with even the low number of just 2k rockets fired per year, that many rockets in such a small area? There has to be huge stockpiles, constant resupply, and nearly everyone in Gaza has to have seen, heard and felt some of these launches. There were NO recorded protests that have been noted. Not now, not ever. Not ONE person willing to stand on the street and bravely and rightly say 'This is madness, and it will come to no good'. They'd be gunned down in a heart best and they know that. But that's how Gandhi started, right? It was a brave and fool hardy act to challenge the might of the imperial British Army, but they did it. And it changed history & the world. In the 40+ years I've followed the conflict, there's yet to be produced one such Palestinian citizen. And please, Palestinians, and especially citizens of Israel, have more rights in Israel than in any other surrounding neighboring Arab nation. They are pariahs and actively hunted in Lebanon, closely watched and despised in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, legally controlled and discriminated against in Syria and even in the 'moderate' Gulf States, all Western Allies. No Palestinian can legally become citizens of any of these lands, due to the nonsensical irredentist stance of these Arab nations. There are as we speak Palestinian members of the Israeli Parliament (Knesset). They have no counter parts anywhere in the Arab world. You can become a citizen of any of these lands, why not any Palestinian? So at the moment we have war, which sadly is exactly what Hamas wanted, in order to satisfy their increasing demands for greater & tighter control over the territory. It's a power play and a calculation that at least some of them will survive (again) to claim a Pyrrhic victory of the great Israeli war machine. And it will probably serve their purposes by making them more powerful, and gaining a tighter dictatorial control over Gaza. After all, one of the first things Hamas did in recent weeks was to arrest the remaining few vital & important (rival political party) PA supporters left in Gaza. Yeah, lovers of democracy and non violence they're not. I suspect those arrested 'resisters' will meet the same fate as other rival PA supporters, to be executed in cold blood in the streets 'like dogs'. (Their distinction & words, not mine). Hostilities have to first cease in order for there to be the prospect of peace. It was true with the IRA, and it's true the world over with any 'liberation & guerrilla movement'. This is the way conflicts eventually end or are resolved. At the moment that looks a bit less likely to be seen in our lifetimes. I know all the neighboring Arab counties representing over 100 million people will be evidently only too eager to see the 3 million Palestinians continue to be used as their pawns for at least another century. That's a huge part of the problem, as they're the ones supplying all the arms. Regards, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 08:49:31 PM Not knowing which one was the real I-P debate topic, I'll cross-post Greenwald here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 09:02:40 PM And Matt Yglesias, too ( "I got an email from a reader the other day saying: I was wondering if you would consider opening up this question to response: Do the people of Israel have a fundamental right to uphold and protect a Jewish state? I ask, not because it necessarily precludes judging the nation’s recent actions in Gaza, but because the passion of the discussions on your blog and others seem to indicate, on some level, a disagreement on this point. For example, I have noticed some commentators may say “of course, Israel has the right to defend itself”, and then go on to compare it to apartheid South Africa — which is problematic at the least, since nobody would say the Boers had a fundamental right to a Boer nation. Ditto for criticism of Israel’s “racist immigration policy”, and so forth. In reply, I said: Sure. I don’t think Israel has any obligation to give in to, say, demands for an unrestricted Palestinian “right of return” to live within Israeli territory. Nor do I find it especially problematic that Israel uses Jewish ancestry as the basis for its immigration policy. Germany and other countries do the same. But this is precisely what makes it so untenable for Israel to be exercising sovereign control over the Palestinian territories. What Israel is governing right now isn’t a Jewish state, it’s a binational state in which most of the Arab population is being denied its basic rights. We can see from the condition of the Israeli Arab population that Israel is perfectly capable of functioning as a Jewish state that respects the rights of a smallish Arab minority, but it’s obviously untenable to remain a Jewish state while granting full rights to the Gaza and West Bank Arabs. So under the circumstances, Israel has no choice but to cease governing and colonizing the territory in the West Bank and Gaza." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 09:56:28 PM Yes, there's remarkable unanimity on what needs to be done eventually. Less so on 'what went wrong' and almost none on 'what needs to be done now' in order for peace to have any chance of success. Lobbing 1000's of rockets into civilian areas of Israel helps no one, and advances no cause well. Hamas knows this. They do not seek peace, they seek political power and victory over their oppressors. Again, as I said, that's fine & understandable, it's called a state of War. It's just not peace. They could have kept a cease fire, (which they demonstrably have not), and gone ahead and implemented a long denied strategy of non violent resistance, that might have yielded the best results. But arguing that they're Jeffersonian Democrats just waiting to be unmasked or properly 'understood' is just simple idiocy. They sought war, they attacked, and now we all can wonder again when the wars will end. And again, typically you never answered any of my questions or points. You're a fine debating partner as long as you never respond to anyone directly on any of the points raised. Regards, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 10:18:02 PM Regarding your posting and debating, with so much pop and circumstance -- Regards! Pip pip cheerio, chap! -- you are not nearly as polite when you use ridiculous strawmen like: "But arguing that they're Jeffersonian Democrats just waiting to be unmasked or properly 'understood' is just simple idiocy." All of this coming from the chap who self righteously typed out maybe an 800 word rant about how bad the Russians were in the Russian-Georgian war is hilarious, given that the war started with Georgia's merciless bombing of South Ossetia that ended up killing ten Russian peacekeepers. If you're going to resort to strawmen and badly butchered Golda Meir quotes about how the Arabs just need to stop being so hateful and learn the lyrics to "Imagine," you're just engaging in self-satire given the fact you're remarkably intelligent when you put some effort into it or real intellectual curiosity. You're doing neither, you've become an ugly puppet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 10:54:22 PM They need to play this on US airways and place a tag on the bottom: "Subsidized with your tax dollars." Unfortunately, the same scene could be in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Colombia, or many other places where we see our tax dollars at work. I guess we don't need that money to be paying for things here, right. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 02:28:23 AM Debate between Former Ambassador John Bolton and middle east expert Juan Cole debate the recent flare up on Alan Colmes radio show: Interesting, given that Bolton a few days ago was quoted saying that this should provide an opportunity for the US to strike Iran. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 02:30:07 AM Interesting that like Cole points out that total number of Israelis killed by Hamas in the past 3 years: 25. Number of Palestinians killed in a single day of Israeli bombing: 250+ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 03:44:07 AM Yes, I thought you'd like that as boisterous little popinjay yourself, Z. I thought it was a Abba Eban quote myself, but your limitations are obviously showing. The causes of the Russian-Georgian war are many & complex but the analogies might be made here too. Russia used overwhelming military force to quickly crush and defeat an entire nation to rid itself of opposing territorial claims by Georgia that amounted to a small but significant part of their small nation. Yes, it was bullying by a larger nation, and came close to wiping Georgia off the map, the Russians still occupy and effectively control much of this 'newly acquired territory' they claim to have liberated from the oppression of Georgian rule. In that they've got support from several civilian factions living in the breakaway regions. The Russians were never deterred in their mission to cripple Georgia for their temerity to even challenge their military might and the questionable but long standing territorial claims on the 2 breakaway ethnic regions. The Georgian's naturally believed the US would come in to aid their 'struggling new democracy' against the yes, evil and again expansionist Russians. We did not. Now like way back when, we made about the only viable 'realpolitik' choice and to try and get negotiations going on how to try and resolve the conflict. That may take years, again. So let's review again for those of you slow enough to miss it the first time. Russians, Bad. Use of disproportionate overwhelming military force to turn back 'pin prick' or much smaller Georgian attacks, yes, also reprehensible, but completely understandable & predictable. But thinking about these logically without resorting to name calling and ignoring of any and all arguments, evidently well beyond your capacity in any shape or form. To me, that's not sad, just pretty predictable too, Z. And yeah, find the place where I said that I thought that a land invasion of Gaza was a good idea. Because I don't & it's not there, but evidently that escaped your notice too. I like and read many of the same sources you quote Z. I'm very familiar with them. But I still think this is how terrorism works, by actively Inviting an overwhelming disproportionate use of force in response to smaller more widespread attacks, in order to gain a carefully calibrated political propaganda advantage. I care not that 'Only 25 people' have been killed in 3 years of 1000's of Constant rocket attacks. 100's of Millions worth of economic damage has been done, and now Israel's enemies actively talk greedily of wanting to strike at the nuclear reactor at Dimona. For the IDF, that was game over. You want to threaten the entire power grid of the nation & actively court a nuclear melt down & disaster that would poison most of the surrounding territory? I'm sorry, much like the Russians, there's not a nation on earth that would long tolerate that. And again, that was my original question. Where on earth would this be tolerated? Hypothetically, would you care much if I sent several gangs over to your house to do a daily drive by on the residence? I'm sure we'd have a really low chance of actually hitting anything important, most of the time. That's what it means to live with the constant threat of terror. Even with a 'low chance' of death, it's still intolerable. Everywhere. And yeah, we've subsidized the PA & Gaza infrastructure too, directly from US tax dollars. And we've yet to find the Palestinian criminals who executed several of our diplomats on station there just a few short years ago during the Bush administration. John Eric Branchizio, John Martin Linde, and Mark T. Parson, all American diplomats were murdered by Palestinian terrorists on October 15, 2003 in Gaza. Where's the justice there? Like I said, real nice folks, just don't expect them to not kill you if they think you're a political rival, helping same, or trying to 'sue for peace' or negotiating for same in any form or fashion. Yeah the prospects for a real & lasting peace with these folks is just dramatically...sad & distant. Again you've got lots of other people's fine commentary that must stand in for your errant and misbegotten thoughts and arguments. So please answer the questions, hmm? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 04:02:38 AM " Yes, I thought you'd like that as boisterous little popinjay yourself, Z." George Galloway is debating me as Christopher Hitchens? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 04:14:06 AM Yep, that's it. I always thought Hitch was an over rated, self important, pompous, preening, ill informed twit & all around, general purpose A-Hole. So if it fits? Let's exchange overexposed for overrated, and you're there Z. It's not good company. He could never answer direct questions either. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 04:50:52 AM I don't intend to debate with you if you are fixated with strawmen. Putting words into your opponent's mouth is not a respectable strategy, and you can't use all the faux pomp and circumstance you want, but you've shown yourself not to be a fair debater by saying that I think of Hamas as "Jefferson Democrats" when I bitterly condemned them throughout the topic, the only difference being that unlike you I didn't stick up my head up my ass and claim that they broke the ceasefire (they didn't, the BBC reports that on November 5th the Israelis did), that they have not offered peace treaties to Israel (they have offered several), and that they are conducting suicide bombings (the tactic was formally abandoned shortly before Hamas's election). They have enough real crimes and abhorrent behavior for the defenders of Israel's-far right not to invent more so as to paint Israel as an advocate for peace, and not one that has repeatedly blocked negotiations and expanded its territories. While you may or may not be right about nonviolent resistance (I can't tink of a single foreign occupier that was defeated solely by nonviolent resistance from a captive population, especially one reduced to a concentration camp conditions as Congressman Ron Paul described Gaza two days ago, and no, India does not count, if Britain's global power wasn't sapped by WW2 it would not have left a single colony) without foreign support, like the US standing with solidarity in Poland, or Catholic priests going to South America to act as human shields against CIA-backed death squads, or any other conditions. Huge chunks of Lebanon's territory would likely still be in Israeli hands if it were not for Hezb'allah's resistance, and I doubt that Israel would ever have returned lands to Egypt or entered into durable peace agreements without the threat of Sadat/Nasarism nationalism on the horizon. States do not give up territories or power voluntarily. They have to be forced to. The United Nations has several times attempted through its Security Council to force agreements on the issue, they've been vetoed single-handedly by the US, well over one hundred resolutions on the issue. It's not an impartial bystander. I don't see what continuing to point out "Hamas does bad things" means other than an effort by Israeli hawks and their increasingly desperate sympathizers to continue to block arrangements to reinstate the ceasefire that expired two weeks ago and started off this bloody fighting. Likud, too, is guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, as are Kadima and Labor. They have killed and injured far more civilians than Hamas, Fatah, and Islamic Jihad combined, and they have the added crimes of occupying these populations as well. According to the Israeli Committee on Housing Demolitons (again, I don't quote Palestinians, because you subscibe to Meir's thesis either implicitly or explcitily that Arabs hate their children too much to stop fighting or some other racist bullshit like that), corroborating with sources like Human Rights Watch, from 2000 to 2004 alone 50,000 additional Palestinian refugees were displaced by Israeli demolitions of Palestinian houses. These demolitions are illegal, they violate treaties, statutes, and conventions signed by the Israelis. In 2007, the former head of the Shin Bet (special ops and intel in Israel), as the Guardian reports, had to cancel a trip to the UK after it was reported authorities would potentially arrest him for war crimes. The United States stands alone in not recognizing these crimes. This isn't the consensus of far-lefters and Al Qaeda cells. This is a global consensus, and its the US leadership that is in the extreme. In 2004 the Jerusalem Post interviewed the Likud Party's architect of their plan's territories (easily found through Google, as are all the documentation here), Arnon Soffer. Soffer was a demographer at Haifa University, he was tapped for his ideology moreso than skills in mapmaking, to say the least. He told the Jersulem Post, "[W]hen 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it's going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful. It's going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day." In 2007 Stoffer was interviewed again to see if his position or Likud's has changed. He replied, "That statement caused a huge stir at the time, and it's amazing to see how many dozens of angry, ignorant responses I continue to receive from leftists in Israel and anti-Semites abroad, who took my words out of context. I didn't recommend that we kill Palestinians. I said we'll have to kill them." One might reference another interview after reading this one. 60 Minutes interviewing the FBI, who had debriefed Saddam Hussein: PELLEY: Did you show [Saddam] pictures from the Anfal campaign [ie, Iraq's attempted genocide of the Kurds], those terrible, terrible pictures? FBI AGENT PIRO: Yes, I did. PELLEY: And his reaction? FBI AGENT PIRO: Necessary. -- So, given that Israel's mainstream parties have placed themselves way out of the spectrum of international law, accepted war crimes as a way of life, and have both killed and displaced more civilians than any other combatant in the conflict, should I accept that they are simply terrorist organizations, infiltrated by people obsessed with Zionist expansionism, that they should simply be wiped out rather than negotiated with? Of course not. That's a monstrous proposition. The just proposition is to do what it takes to save lives and bring peace. Likud is not going anywhere, and neither is Hamas. The question is, what are we going to do to get us to peace, and that starts with a renewal of the successful Hamas-Israel ceasefire of the past 18 months (Israel continued operations through the Palestinian territories and Palestinian criminals did launch attacks, although like I pointed out they killed a total of 7 people during this time, but the important thing is that Hamas and Israel did not fight eachother), so that we can move on to further engagement. Israel has refused to negotatiate with Hamas despite the fact that it has publicly stated it wants to negotiate and will accept any two-state solution offered in a referendum. Instead, Hamas was met with Israel-US funding of Fatah to overthrow it and a complete embargo of Gaza, placing it under conditions of a "humanitarian catastrophe." That was not a good move, it pushed Hamas's moderates to the side, further radicalized people, and I dare say much worse will happen now. As for the US funding of Palestinians, I've condemnend their funding of Fatah several times in my replies on this blog post. DId you not read them? I would however ask a question, if you can put off the blind-hatred towards Palestinians blinders for a second, Rachel Corrie was murdered in 2003 by Israeli bulldozers. The housing demolitions, condemned by the United Nations and International Court of Justice (Hague) as illegal, are fundamentally criminal acts. As far as I know, the US has the same position, but shit, they're not going to do anything about it. Therefore if someone tries to obstruct one, they are not committing a crime, they are actually being more or less good samaritans. Rachel Corrie, a US citizen, stood in front of an Israeli bulldozer as it was trying to demolish a Palestinian home. She was trying to stop an illegal act. The bulldozer ran her over and killed her. So one might want to ask, yes, it may be difficult to pursue terrorists like Osama bin Laden. They hide in caves. They do cowardly things, they are pretty despicable all around. How hard is it to extract justice from one of your allies? I imagine it wouldn't be that hard, to call up the Israeli officials, who are getting the white phosphorous and cluster bombs they are raining down (illegally) upon civilians in Gaza right now, and point out that we're basically their sugar daddy, and say, well it can't be hard to find the man who piloted the bulldozer, or the IDF general who ordered the demolition, or whatever and send him to the US to stand trial or even -- gasp -- have the Israeli Supreme Court demand that international law be applied an housing demolitions be ended (the 50,000 figure displaced was simply 2000-2004, I shudder to think how many more Palestinians are homeless since then). It shouldn't be very hard. But we haven't done it. Despite the fact that all over this country there's vigorous debate about this issue, our politicians piss themselves running to the podium to demand that there's no criticism of Israeli actions, and that the Palestinians, who bear almost entirely the pain and suffering of the conflict, simply won't do what the Israelis say and shut up and be colonized like good little Arabs. I recall two different notes that would be appropriate to this. Since you're a fan of at least acting the American stereotype of Brits, you should appreciate the first. It's by George Orwell, in his Notes on Nationalism. In it, he wrote that the nationalist, "Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them, and there is almost no kind of outrage — torture, the use of hostages, forced labour, mass deportations, imprisonment without trial, forgery, assassination, the bombing of civilians — which does not change its moral colour when it is committed by ‘our’ side." The Israel debate in the US is besieged by the nationalists, who hold that for something to be right, it simply has to be done by Israel, and that for something to be wrong, it simply has to be done by Palestinians. For many years the Israelis and US demonized the PLO, which is now Fatah, they refused completely to negotiate with them, they were just terrorists. Then Arafat started dropping Palestinian demands, he started opening up to what the major Israeli sources came to call "negotiations between Israel and itself" -- the Oslo Agreements. When that happened Fatah went off the naughty list and onto the nice list. The group Israel once funded to balance with the PLO/Fatah-- Hamas -- sprang up as a much stronger force due to Fatah's corruption and incompetence and now they are the group that just can't be negotiated with. After all a prime premise of the Israeli negotiation is that they have all the chips on their side of the table. If the Palestinians don't like what they offer, they can walk away and not do anything about it -- they don't have the type of military prowess or capability that the Lebanese did which were originally able to chase Israel out of their country. The second musing I find appropriate for this comes from Gideon Levy, a former member of Simon Peres's administration, a once Zionist hawk-turned dove by what he witnessed Israel perpetrating in the territories. He writes for Israel's paper of note, Haaretz. They say he has a special stack of paper cancellations in the Haaretz offices, proudly portrayed because Haaretz values its independence, not Zionist ire. He writes witnessing the latest bloodshed: "They liquidated Nizar Ghayan? Nobody counts the 20 women and children who lost their lives in the same attack. There was a massacre of dozens of officers during their graduation ceremony from the police academy? Acceptable. Five little sisters? Allowed. Palestinians are dying in hospitals that lack medical equipment? Peanuts. Whatever happened to the not-so-good old days of Salah Shahadeh? When we liquidated him in July 2002, we also killed 15 women and children. At least back then, moral qualms were raised for a moment. Here lie their bodies, row upon row, some of them tiny. Our hearts have turned hard and our eyes have become dull. All of Israel has worn military fatigues, uniforms that are opaque and stained with blood and which enable us to carry out any crime. Even our leading intellectuals fail to speak out on what havoc we have wreaked. Amos Oz urges: "Cease-fire now." David Grossman writes: "Hold your fire. Stop." Meir Shalev wants "a punitive operation." And not one word about our moral image, which has been horribly distorted. The suffering in the south renders everything kosher, as if the horrible suffering in Gaza pales in comparison. Everyone is hungry for revenge, and that hunger is excused by the need for "deterrence," after it was already proved that the killing and the destruction in Lebanon did not achieve it." He reminds us that the destruction not only has turned Gaza into some kind of freakshow mix of the Warsaw Ghetto and bombed-out Sarajevo, but that it is exacting an enormous moral toll on Israelis, too, turning them further and further into a complete garrison state. Now here's a question, why is it words like that appear in Israel's most-read paper prominently and you'd never read anything like that in an American paper? I'd say that the lives of one of the most tortured populations on earth -- the Palestinians -- depends on the answer to that question. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 05:53:42 AM Almost worth the price of admission, but with the unneeded use of juvenile invective and silly ad hominem arguments, it still however marks you as an low life A-Hole. And I really do not see where you 'bitterly condemn' anyone, save for Israel & the IDF. And yet somehow I knew that dear Rachel Corrie could be invoked too. Always a good trope. OK, I'll raise you half a dozen More American Lives that have been lost directly due to the rain of Rockets in the past 8 years. My case against terrorism wins now, right? Ah, but none of them will star in an American musical, they were just dead Jews. No place on earth would terrorists get a helpful 10 minute(!) warning, in Arabic, telling the occupants of various buildings harboring military targets (like hidden caches of rockets) that the Air Force is coming to bomb them, and to Get out now. It's amazing really, and has led to a so far fairly remarkable toll of 3/4 of all casualties being armed militants in Gaza. (You can dispute that, I've already seen PA sources saying unconvincingly that 1000's had been killed in Gaza Days ago). So you can count the bodies. They never tell the whole tale. The 'tiny bodies' will prove ever useful to Hamas and star forever in their own 'death porn' video's on the net urging ever more religious fervor and mad suicide attacks on their sworn enemies. Including US. It's a never ending cycle, and they like it like that. They're very comfortable with their own 'acceptable losses', a Hamas spokesperson has just been quoted as saying as much this morning. I'd love to see a cease fire. I'd love to hear it from any Hamas spokesperson, such as the one in Jerusalem today, that they will simply no longer rain death & destruction indiscriminately down from the skies with their ever beloved 'liberating' rockets. They have not. They will not. Not now, not ever probably. And there's the rub. You speak of bodies and of misery and suffering. There's no denial of that. There's just your (& others) refusal that Israel has any real right to exist. That sentiment they can't, and probably should not abide. And no nation ever would or could. That spells more war and stalemate to me. So sing a song for dear brave Rachel Corrie. She did what almost no Palestinian has Ever had the guts & intelligence to do. Stand in front of the military machine, unarmed, as yes, a non violent resister. A hero in her own land, a prophet without honor or real followers anywhere in the Palestinian territories. Why is that? Then wave your bloody, silly histrionics elsewhere. You've lost it hack. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 12:43:55 PM So let me get this straight Prince; You jump into the middle of an ongoing argument, and your very first sentence is a juvenile invective, and now you are going to try to claim the high ground? Chill out. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 04:57:44 PM I'm chilling most of the time Jerry. This was a days old argument with the trolling Z. I called him what he is, and did not use any 'juvenile invective' until several rounds of his, yes, typical insults. And an ongoing argument on Israel/Palestine? Where to start, eh? But thanks again for telling the occasional posters where to get off. My input started here BTW: January 3, 2009 1:34 AM. You tell me where I went wrong. Thanks again. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leo Rochon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 12:11:35 AM Question....How long would the U.S. fight if Russia decided to establish a Russian state in say...Texas? I agree that the decendants of persecuted Jews probably deserve a land of their own, but you can't just move in on top of people who have lived somewhere for over 1200 years. U.S. blind support for Israel is absolutely baffling to me. Most of the dialogues you hear in the news and other media simply skips over what caused all this mess in the first place. What we have now is an "irreversible wrong". Jews in Palestine are so firmly rooted that it's impossible to get them to leave, and the Palestinians will fight for eternity for the land they were so rudely pushed off of. Heck give the Jews their own tropical island paradise somewhere so they can live in peace, and give the Palestinians their land back. This is ridiculous. Besides, if Jacob and Esau were twins and the Israelis are from Jacob and the Arabs from Esau, shouldn't they all be related? And if so, what right do all these European Jews have to the holy land? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 02:49:46 AM I say they're all related, and this is probably a big part of the problem. There's no more intransigent and bloody wars than between family or close kin. But your comments take us back to the founding too. Still, there has been a documented continuous presence of Jews in the region, for yes well over 5,000 years. The Caesars fought the Jews, and this of course is mentioned in the Bible. 'Palestinians' as such are an artful invention of the 1970's. But yes, many various Arab speaking tribes also occupied the land. Unfortunately, then as now, when 1948 came and the Nation of Israel was created as a Secular State, they refused to allow it to be born or see themselves as part of any polity involving Jews, and hence immediately attacked. And lost. All this despite several UN resolutions decrying such a unilateral attack of 7 Arab nations of some 60-70 some odd million people upon Israel, then with perhaps some 2 million people. The cause of the war was their Rejection of the 1947 UN Partition Plan at the time, which envisioned 2 states, living side by side, One Arab, one primarily Jewish. This again was anathema to the Arabs and they promptly attacked, despite years of careful negotiations. So no 'irreversible wrong' here. We have a legally 'created' state mandated by the UN, much like the surrounding Iraq, Syria, Lebanon & Jordan were right after WW1. As I was saying in a prior post, if you're going to tell me that the creation of these states as legal entities in the 1920's Must take precedence over Israel similarly created in the 1940's, well because why? Those nasty Europeans did it? Yeah, and the British did not do that in Iraq, the French in Syria & Lebanon & the Brits again in Jordan were not intimately involved in drawing up those maps? Umm, No. That's silly and again ignores history. Then as now, seemingly many people are willing to 'suffer the Jews to live'. Everyone wants that tropical island too. All the ones worth a damn are of course occupied, and even the ones we used for Atomic testing way back when (1950's) (Bikini atoll) have required the expenditure of 100's of millions just to supply the now exiled Islanders. And mark me for one as thinking I'd be willing to let the Russkies buy whatever part of TX they think they can control. I'm thinking they'd sell it back to us at fire sale prices not soon after the deal. You have to know how to govern and administer a territory. This is not easy to do as the terrorist government of Hamas is finding out to their evident surprise & chagrin. And again terrorism has a unique logic, and their suffering has to have a political theater for it to thrive. Here's another commentary on it: []. Regards, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 02:55:48 AM Oops that should have read: Then as now, seemingly many people are Not willing to 'suffer the Jews to live'. Sorry for any confusion. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 09:26:46 AM Ah, yes, the anti-Semitic card. The equivalent to Republican false outrage during Israel / Palestine discussions. And yes, equivalent to claims of Western hate of Muslims. The simple fact of the matter is this is brutal power play. Realpolitik is done this way around the world, and the aggressor gets tut-tutted as they get down to business and then later rewrite the history books to have a clean legacy. Most European nations did it, we did it, Pakistan will probably soon have to do it, and so on and so on. Even as you do it, though, you don't get to claim the high ground. Our Native Americans (a few select tribes) were more than likely threats to Eastern seaboard security once upon a time. "Yeah, and the British did not do that in Iraq, the French in Syria & Lebanon & the Brits again in Jordan were not intimately involved in drawing up those maps?" I wouldn't exactly describe these places as the homes of tolerance and ethnic kumbaya. And we rightly denounce people like Saddam who bombed and gassed his minority population(s) into submission. And it is not like they weren't engaging in domestic terror and low-level violence, if not outright revolt, from time to time. Like the Palestinians, the Kurds were a captive population that maintained some degree of armed regional control, and likely harassment of the central government. As they say, war is policy conducted by other means. Israel has decided in can subjugate a people within its own borders, Hamas has calculated that it can bloody the IDF's nose enough to get it to leave it alone (if only they can get the IDF to fight on their turf). But, ultimately, Israel has to either spin off the Gaza Strip into its own entity or give it back to Egypt (which they likely wouldn't do for military reasons), or, it has to integrate the Arab people into its own population. But this quasi-separation cannot last. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leo Rochon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 09:33:10 AM The difference I see between Israel and the the surrounding Iraq, Syria, Lebanon & Jordan as you say is that boundaries were set in those countries, but there was no intrusion of one people on another. the people who lived in those countries still live in those countries. In Israel we have the injection of foreigners into an occupied land. We also can't equate a Jew to an Israeli. What this situation is akin to is allowing Catholics to establish their own catholic state in a Buddhist territory. To be a Jew refers to a religion. Israeli refers to a bloodline. since when does a religious belief translate into being indigenous to a particular place? There are many Catholics in Rome, but they are predominately Euro-Italian people. The mere fact that someone professes to practice the religion of Judaism does not make them heirs to that land. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 09:39:22 AM OK thanks Prince. I get it now. You think Z is a troll, and he continually insults you, so your strategy is to engage the troll and insult him back. Makes sense. Should make the blog better too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leo Rochon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 09:47:32 AM This is a good read: Adrienne Maree Brown Why Gaza Matters To Us On December 30, I attended a rally/memorial for Gaza in Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn is home to the largest community of Arab and Arab-American people within US borders. I went with two young women who have focused on Palestinian human rights, and were in Palestine last year doing work with youth to develop a creative and nonviolent response to the wall, and a third young woman who is learning about the situation much as I am. One point of the conversation on the way to the rally focused on how, in the Geneva conventions, collective punishment is a war crime. The tactics used by Israel in response to the use of rockets by Hamas - sound bombs, blocking food and medical supplies into the area, and now days of air strikes - these are forms of collective punishment, effecting and killing children, women, civilians, elderly. I am including (click for more) the best piece I have read so far that frames the situation in Gaza, and encourage you to consider it and pass it along. I welcome thoughts and responses, welcome others to move out of silence! When we arrived to the area near the rally and memorial, the streets were lined with clusters of people. We met up at an Arab bakery, got warmed up. Whole families were in attendance, together. One of the women who'd been to Palestine last year says it was that way there, that you are expected to understand your political situation and be involved at any age. As soon as we got to the actual rally, we saw sign with a shoe taped to it, one of the more humorous I've seen in a while. Most folks were holding Palestinian flags. There were chants - "Free, free Palestine!", "1, 2, 3, 4 - Stop the Killing, Stop the War!!", and "Muslims/People, United, Will Never Be Defeated" by a side group. Several chants were happening at a time, reminding me that its hard to be organized in grief, under attack. The waves of powerlessness keep you chaotic. We didn't stay for very long, and I was overwhelmed by the need to do more, overwhelmed by the jaded tones of Palestinian voices knowing that it is too late, the blood is everywhere. I don't know how it feels to be Arab, seen as a terrorist monolith, with displacement and massacre of my people approved of by the major super powers of the world. It would seem that to be Palestinian, now, means that sophisticated technology is being used to build walls through your land, tear down your home, bomb and strike you; and if you respond with rockets, you are called a terrorist, and expendable. I do know that the majority of people of color in the US came here either because they were stolen from their own lands and brought to work here, or displaced from their homelands by war, poverty or persecution, and driven to be in this space. Many of us had our cultures erased or diluted in this process, and have forgotten what it means to be connected to the ancestral land of our people. I can't overemphasize the depth of this loss of culture and place; I know it makes it hard for many people in the U.S. to even understand the displacement that has been happening in Israel-Palestine since 1948. I know that most of the people I surround myself with every day look back on the massacres of Native Americans as a point of irreconcilable grief and shame in the founding of the U.S. It is not enough to say it was sad but oh well, that's how history progresses. It's the part of history that keeps us from the future we want. The cowboys vs. indians games many of us were taught to play as children are fabled re-imaginings of colonization, much like the current heroes vs. terrorist stories being presented today around the world, amplified in Israel and the US. It is shameful, and sensational. How many times must we allow the same thing to happen before we learn no good can come of it? We get to a point like this when we look at history in a shallow way, or in a reactive way. It's very hard, with the Holocaust of Jewish people in our recent collective history, to clearly see what is happening in Israel now. And yet, this is very clearly a cycle of trauma playing out - to avoid extinction, a campaign was launched for Israel as a place for a people without a place...unfortunately, the place was inhabited, and the struggle of those inhabitants with the growing settler population and expansion of Israel has been a bloody mess since then. In July 2008, Barack Obama (then a presidential candidate) voiced the key argument from the Israeli government - Hamas is firing rockets at civilian Israeli homes and they must defend themselves. This is a short sighted analysis. The fact is that Palestinians have been under attack since 1948, attacks on their homes, farmland and right to exist. Their efforts to exist, to participate as a democratic society up against a force increasingly funded and armed by the U.S. has so far earned Palestinians no right to defend themselves. Palestinians, in response, democratically elect a body that promises to fight and defend their homeland. Ceasefires and negotiations are all shadowed by the constantly constructed Wall, the ongoing displacement and enclosure of Palestinian civilians, the growth of checkpoint culture, the denial of a right to return which would mean a right to truly coexist. What is deeply needed is a truth and reconciliation process, with ownership taken on all sides. Instead, as is happening more and more with nations that obstruct the desires of the U.S. and its allies, the small and violent and desperate attempts at warfare (in reaction to extinction of their culture and people) by a smaller body are labeled terrorism, and they are marked for obliteration by a larger body that gets the OK to do so with the silence and lack of action by economic global partners. This happened in Germany during World War II, this happened during the founding of the U.S., this happened in South Africa during Apartheid. Friends know that I tend to root (and organize and mobilize) for the underdog. But this has been hard to write about or maneuver, as I've had Jewish friends who I respect tell me I don't understand, that it is more complicated than I am seeing. History is certainly overwhelmingly complex, and I don't believe that good vs. evil is the way of the world - but I do believe that humans participate in evil actions, can slowly become complicit in evil policy, driven by fear. It is beginning to feel, to me, that those friends of mine simply cannot accept the reality of what is being done in their name, by their families, by their people. I am an American citizen, it is hard to sleep knowing the things my country is doing around the world, and I work on many levels to change the course of this country, recognizing the privilege/responsibility of citizenship I was born into. As an American, I am part of the funding body of all that Israel does, and from that vantage point, this is not so complicated: Gaza is a massacre, checkpoints and walls and limiting medical and food supplies - these are signs that an apartheid is happening, and the Israeli government is evolving Zionism into something akin to an Afrikaner or even Nazi politic, even as thousands of people in Israel join hundreds of thousands around the world to protest this murderous direction. The more that Palestinians are pushed against a wall, the less likely peace is possible. The United Nations shares much of my analysis, perhaps as uselessly. Even President Jimmy Carter has referred to Israeli's current political approach as apartheid. The governments of 3 countries (the US, Egypt, and Israel) are allowing this moment - having denied the Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere adequate food and medicine for months, largely impassable borders on both sides (Egypt's government has held a closed border against the desires of it's people), and now after rockets were fired - apparently more for prison break style attention than impact - it gives Israel the opportunity to obliterate these people, one walled prison at a time. Many Palestinians in other parts of their homeland stay quiet, not wanting to bring the murderous eye onto them. The Palestinian rights activists I talk to are numb, bitter and hopeless; others of us try to rally something more than grief and confusion - wishing we could change the course of this. As people of color who have our own various histories of resisting the erasure of our cultures from this planet against the spread of military-corporate assimilation, we must stand with the Palestinians, speak out, and take action. The anger and mourning we feel should drive us to break the cycle of domination vs. extinction. Fear, including the righteous fears of Jewish people who want to exist, and the righteous fears of Palestinians that they will be relegated to life in a walled prison and never allowed to be home - these fears are not going to create a world in which peace is possible. We must approach the Israeli people as brothers and sisters who have gone astray in the wake of their own trauma, help them to clean the blood from their hands, and come home to the human family. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 10:13:42 AM Welcome Leo! So glad to have a new commenter. Just a tip for you - generally speaking it's preferred to include a link in your comment instead of copying an entire passage from another site. A link serves several purposes, not the least of which is to provide your readers the source from which you draw your information. So, could you leave a link for what you've quoted above? Thank you and again, welcome! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 02:06:25 PM Again we seem to be talking past each other, which is pretty common on the topic. So I'll do some bullet points here as it's not too clear that anyone has read the ensuing argument which has now stretched on for a few days. Only slightly shorter than the conflict itself. 1.) I do not support the Israeli invasion of Gaza. It's counterproductive for any number of realistic, military and humanistic reasons. 2.) Again I will ask in vain, where in the world would 1000's of rockets fired almost to the outskirts of Tel Aviv on civilian populations by yes, a well known terrorist operation be tolerated by any nation? It's madness and guaranteed to garner a military response, as it would from anyone. 3.) Again yes, the situation in Gaza, (again now occupied for the first time since 2005) grows ever more dire in direct response to these attacks and security threats. First in the form of suicide bombers, and now more recently with the new tactic of salvos of 1000's of hard to track short range rockets. Again, after watching wars go on for 40 years by now, we've got to ask isn't there a better way? 4.) Again, I will say that non violent resistance is an unknown quantity in the Mid-East, and has never really been tried in the Palestinian case. Why is that? It Yes, worked with one of the most powerful nations in the world, Britain in India. And I just luv the way others here have denigrated this magnificent and useful example. 5.) The necessary conditions for a successful resistance to the deplorable conditions that exist is strangely enough Dissent. Someone taking a fresh look at the political morass that has been created and to think anew. This is Impossible for Hamas or even the PA, as dissent of any form is not tolerated, and in Gaza, it'll get you killed, quick. We've got many recent examples of this too. 6.) Again we've got many fine quotes on this thread about dissent of this operation In Israel, by Israeli's, and some of them in the leadership. Plenty of Dissent here & in solidarity with the plight of the Gazans. But Where is a similar expression of Dissent on the Palestinian side? Think this is relatively unimportant? Why are we doing & thinking the same useless idiocy after more than 50 years? The first step to resolve any ongoing intractable dispute is new & better thinking. On all sides. We've got only one side Allowed to think freely to apply all their ingenuity to try and bring a fresh approach to the conflicts. 7.) And Please, this is the ME, Everyone has blood on their hands. And it goes way back, and selective history will not help us. Each and every surrounding country in the region has had their own massacres of Palestinians. In Jordan, in Syria, in Lebanon, and by their own Arab 'brothers'. So again, the histrionics and long pleading screeds, eloquent though they may be, and the inevitable 'death porn' videos which litter the web, only go on to serve propaganda purposes, and will more likely only extend the reign of terror. 8.) In the end, you can sit here and whine about it, or you can try to be a part of the solution. How do you create peace? And yeah, I was not the first one on the thread to be calling names either. Folks, it's clear we won't solve it here, but just continue to call names or misunderstand each other. So protest if you think it'll make much of a difference, or fight the oppressors if you think it's intolerable and there's no other way of opposing the situation. But know that armed violent resistance allows ANY state to apply the well known logic of War to the problem. And as always 'war is the health of the state'. Never claim to be 'seeking peace' though the application of war or terrorism. It's war. By the state, against the state it's the same logic. This is what Gandhi & MLK understood too. But I often get accused of preaching, hence I'll cut this off. But again, history is an unknown country too. Cheers, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 04:57:57 PM When Israel outlawed Palestinians waving flags during the first intifada then relayed the orders "break their bones" to any remaining protesters, I think the Palestinians, not well-fed white people sitting in the States, decided that maybe your line of reasoning might be a bit flawed. They saw Hezb'allah's success in ejecting Israel from Lebanon and many of them had other ideas. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 05:02:33 PM We could use the UN to impose ceasefires and solutions, but well over 100 vetoes from the US have shown what route that takes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 06:39:19 PM Even if the US didn't veto, it is not clear that the UN would be able to "impose" anything. I miss Prince already. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 07:56:38 PM The UN has imposed successful ceasefires all over the world when the Security Counci l was allowed to do so. I see no reason they could not here except for US belligerence (it stands virtually alone in not condemning the siege of Gaza). While the whole world stands agasp in horror of this bullshit, the Dems are putting together a resolution egging Israel on. Fuck the Democratic leadership. I'll say it. They're a bunch of cowards who will never stand up for anything on principle, they have lobbyists dicks up there ass just as much as anyone else. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 07:59:06 PM And MOTS you miss him because he's a version of you -- meaning arguing, using little to no facts and then being called out on it -- except with a bullshit faux british pomp and circumstance routine going on? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 08:54:01 PM Zaid, You gotta learn to make your arguments forcably without insulting your adversaries all of the time. A sharp elbow or two once in a while to make sure they are still paying attention, but after a while, no need to just continue pissing people off. And, because I like gasoline and fires: I'm sure someone will have a way to show this as a sham, but there may be a flaw in the civilian rocket deaths theory... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leo Rochon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 11:23:02 PM My apologies folks for not providing the link to the article I posted. Adrienne Maree Brown is a contributing writer for Here's the link to her article. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:35:00 AM Zaid, You will find that the less vulgarity creeps into your arguments, the more people will take them seriously. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 10:01:33 PM There are no arguments from Z, only trolling. An argument requires some adherence to facts, and acknowledgment of same, and refutation of points made in opposition. This is something that Z's not done here and in fact is rarely prepared to do. It's simple enough. I've made perhaps a score or more of assertions of fact above. Pick one or two and refute it. You've not done so, just whined a bit more. I'll make another assertion. In 40 years of struggles & conflict with Palestinians, Arab nations have actually killed far more Palestinians than have Israelis. It's actually not even close. But we never hear that cited in any of the 'tragic histories' of their suffering as a people. Why is that? Just 2 years ago (May, 2007) facing a similar situation in Lebanon, the Lebanese Army flattened a refugee camp and exiled the entire inhabitants (about 50K+) killing & wounding 100's of innocent civilians & residents of the camp. We heard nary a protest about that weeks long invasion & rampant shelling of the long standing camp, nor the massive destruction of homes, buildings & shops. So yes, it's a huge complex problem. How to extract the terrorists operating & seeking to hide in amongst a civilian populations. But the history is there. Much of it's not ancient history either. In almost every Arab land they've ever occupied or lived, up until the present day, some one (or more) of 'the resistance' elements of the Palestinian population has either fomented war, civil wars or terrorism. And this leads inevitably to more war, wholesale massacres of Palestinians, and then their explosion. From Jordan. To Lebanon, and beyond. Again after 40 years, I'd say we've all had enough of the game of war, and need to think anew. Someone needs to think about 'resistance' without guns. It's the only true path to peace and survival. Again, Arguments. Assertions: Facts supporting assertions. Suppositions drawing from facts, and again feeding back to facts proving the assertions & central points countering opposing arguments. Summation & conclusions. No we mostly get tolling. Not arguments. Not even disputes, really. There are many, many facts that might be disputed. I've yet to see this done in any coherent fashion. That's not British or rude, it's just logic. It knows no country, race, age creed or religion. Anyone can do it. Try it sometime! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 10:06:25 PM Ya know, JMP, when Catherine was admonishing people to be nice, I don't think she had only one person in mind... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:14:28 PM The thing is Prince, this isn't History class. We can all cite facts to support our points. We get to argue the bigger picture. I don't know about you, but I am no expert in Middle East history or politics. What we are are amateur philosophers. We get to talk about what is right or wrong. There is no value to an argument whose point is that "rocket attacks will result in retaliation". We all know that. They all know that. The real questions are: Are the rocket attacks justified? Is Israel a legitimate country? How come the Palestinians don't have a country? How would you feel if Georgia were occupied by Pakistanis? How much retaliation is justified? You skip right over the essential issues and act like anything that is inevitable is automatically right. And you take 800 words to do it. I think you are the one avoiding the issues. - Not all Palestinaians are Hamas. - Not all Hamas are violent. - Many Palestinians don't accept that their houses and property were given away by others. - Palestinians don't have tanks and jet fighters to exert their will. Does that make their cause less worthy? From my perspective, predicting who will win is in the realm of sports. Determining who is RIGHT is more like politics or philosophy. What is going on in the ME is not sports. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:14:06 AM Thanks Jerry, I'll try to make this make this short. 1.) Nothing happens in the ME, or indeed in any intractable conflict w/o understanding the history. If you want to understand a conflict, you first have to remove the current overlay and look a bit to the history. The history of the Montgomery Bus Boycott did not begin with Rosa Parks, etc. 2.) "What we are are amateur philosophers". We're agreed on that. 3.) "There is no value to an argument whose point is that "rocket attacks will result in retaliation". My argument here of course was the type & kinds of retaliation. And in the last 3 posts to show demonstrably that when attacked Most states retaliate, and throughout Recent history, most Arab states have attacked Palestinians unmercifully, and far worse in fact than have the Israeli's. 4.) I generally agree with the rest of your points however. 5.) "Determining who is RIGHT is more like politics or philosophy. What is going on in the ME is not sports." That's agreed. And the central problem here, lost on everyone it seems, is that they're Both right. Or have their own legitimate logic of 'self defense' hence the desperate need for non violent resistance. Your 'right' does not commonly soon prevail when an opposing army is involved, and you're resistance is terroristic or 'small war/group' actions. But as ever it remains a sport for the Saudi's and other wealthy oil oligarchies with which they've waged a 40 year now proxy war with Israel. Again, I truly think we cannot know or hope to be able to judge 'who's right' without knowing at least some of the history here. You really can't understand the problem or the issues without it. And without it, we're just bloviating on crass uninformed suppositions. Regards, in 300 words, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:27:23 AM I'll also answer this directly too: "How would you feel if Georgia were occupied by Pakistanis?" Of all the immigrant Pakistanis I've met in Ga. & elsewhere? I'd only too happily see a wholesale replacement of some or all of my local Repug's & idiotic native peckerwoods with almost anyone of them. I'm willing to start a 'lend lease program' as soon as we can figure out the details. And just for grins, my short answers recapitulated for those not wanting to read too much of the above thread. No. Yes. History. See above & probably just enough Not to start a war. "The real questions are: Are the rocket attacks justified? Is Israel a legitimate country? How come the Palestinians don't have a country? How would you feel if Georgia were occupied by Pakistanis? How much retaliation is justified?" Regards, JMP (And please, JM rather than Prince). ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Is Social Security a Ponzi scheme? BASENAME: is_social_security_a_ponzi_sch STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/29/2008 01:35:13 PM ----- BODY: Ponzi%20charles.jpg BusinessWeek thinks so. Of course, Ponzi schemes only collapse when the the plan cannot get enough new people in to offset the payments to the old, but social security requires enrollment, so if it is a Ponzi scheme, it's a perfect one. Thoughts? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 01:44:40 PM Couldn't you say that any insurance is a Ponzi scheme? After all, that is what Social Security is meant to be. Insurance. It's not an investment program. It's not a pension plan. It's insurance that we pay into during our working years, and collect on upon retirement. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 01:59:36 PM Yeah, Social Security is essentially life insurance. Not that crap they sell on Price is Right (which is really death insurance). The SS bet is that you live longer than 65 years and need the money. Also, I think Ponzi schemes usually have someone pulling off the top. I do love the corporate media, though. The health insurance "industry" consumes three times the resources just to shove money and paper around that nationalized systems do. They also manage to have double the per capita cost while excluding the (as I'm sure they would argue) most expensive / least profitable quarter of the population. Yet these are necessary and "innovative" organizations that must be considered when we remake the system. Meanwhile, we have Social Security, which had a very real impact on poverty among the elderly and will be pulled from the cold, dead fingers of Americans with far more difficulty than their firearms. And somehow, this is an example of failure (or even weakness). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 02:59:29 PM The drape of his jacket is awful (does the jacket even fit?), the tie pin too high, the pocket square needs some shape, and the gorge should be elongated. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:08:01 PM Auditioning for DFI, IRE? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 03:52:44 PM IRE won my undying love and DFI affection when he was willing, dare I say eager, to stop a wedding because of bad formal wear. The offer has been extended-he's on the DFI Board if he wants to be. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 08:30:16 PM I'll take. This is the best night of my life. For that and for this: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 12:22:08 PM No. The shortfall in SS is created by the baby boom. It is a temporary condition that will resolve itself as the Boomers die. Eventually we will again have more people paying in than collecting. It's a cycle. In the meantime, just raise the cap enough to cover the shortfall. The big problem is going to be when the government has to start paying back all the money it has borrowed from SS. At that point, if we create some scam to pay SS but create more debt elsewhere, it WILL be a Ponzi scheme. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 01:25:33 PM Also, I think Ponzi schemes usually have someone pulling off the top. The federal government is "pulling off the top" aren't they buy paying for general government programs through Social Security funds? Don't misinterpret me, I believe in Social Security, but in essence, the story is right. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 02:13:32 PM I agree the story is basically right: "Superficially, these critics have a point, and there is a parallel between Social Security and a Ponzi scheme. But on a fundamental level, they are very wrong". When SS has surpluses, it uses those surpluses to buy government bonds. Those bonds fund government expenditures, but they are obligated to be paid back. In a Ponzi scheme, there wouldn't even be a surplus to play with. Having said that, I remember George Bush not being too impressed with a filing cabinet full of IOU's, so no telling what secret executive order he has signed to screw this up too. Poor Obama is likely to find a sticky note in that filing cabinet that says "bonds cashed. Filz clozed. IDOU (I Don't Owe yoU. Ha.) GW". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 04:02:03 PM I wouldn't say the story is right, because Social Security won't collapse upon itself. The gap is easily fixed by raising the cap, and it's not even at its worst as far as worker-retiree ratio that it ever has been. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 11:22:20 AM It is going to be hard to argue with you Zaid: I don't see where the article said that SS will collapse. I see the opposite in there; that SS is sustainable. To me, the story being "right" means that you would agree that SS is sustainable (in other words, it is NOT a Ponzi scheme). You however, claim the story is not right AND SS is sustainable. How is someone supposed to respond to that? "Assuming that technological progress continues over the next 70 years, and output productivity growth continues over the next 70 years, the finances of Social Security are relatively easy to fix. A fairly minor cut in benefits, combined with a relatively small increase in taxes, will bring the system back into balance again." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 04:04:59 PM "To me, the story being "right" means that you would agree that SS is sustainable (in other words, it is NOT a Ponzi scheme)." I agree with that right there, but the interpretation in the top blog says that BusinessWeek concludes that it's a Ponzi scheme which is not true. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 10:44:17 PM It is all a lie. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: It's A Boy! BASENAME: its_a_boy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/29/2008 11:20:07 PM ----- BODY: iconAnchorage Daily News:
Palin's daughter Bristol gave birth to the healthy 7-pound, 4-ounce baby in Palmer, the magazine reports on its Web site. The full name: Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2008 11:46:08 PM Glad to hear everything went well and both the mother and baby are healthy. Unfortunately, I think the conspiracy nutjobs will come back out of hiding and create all kinds of unneeded drama. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 01:10:13 AM Regardless of whether they believe in conspiracies, people should leave Palin's family alone it's not their fault she's an ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 10:49:15 AM I'm still confused about what people were claiming who was whose baby-daddy or what the whole paranoia was about. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 11:14:05 AM You don't have to be a conspiracy nutjob to be entertained by that family. It's like the Beverly Hillbillies North. It's a made-for-TV movie in real time. Can a "Palin's On Ice" tour be far behind? Skating moose (mooses?); Tripp, Trig, and Track triple axles, Levi's mom spilling OxyContin out of her Spandex; Sarah with the rifle that matches her outfit; Levi in a hockey mask... many possibilities. They ooze drama. It's got to be better than Jon and Kate Plus 8. Maybe even better than Tyra Banks. I'm waiting for them to start their own band. They could use the same agent that Joe the (sic) Plumber uses. Call themselves 'Klondike' or something. Tie in with Rock Band. In fact, they could be a band created by Rock Band. Kinda like the Monkees were created so that a TV show could be made about them. Sarah's already got the clothes apparently. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 12:55:50 PM I'm shocked the name wasn't "Snowblower" or something else recreational. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 02:39:42 PM Jon and Kate plus 8 is terrible. The shot of her with her submarine stomach makes me want to hurl. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 04:13:55 PM I despise Jon and Kate plus 8. They way they snipe at each other all the time... I don't even know why they married. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 04:27:49 PM Again I think their family should be left alone and the newspapers should butt out. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 06:25:41 PM They apparently sold the baby pictures and story to People magazine for $300,000. Once you do that, you are fair game. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 06:49:32 PM That brings up a great point, we ought to stop buying that crap People Magazine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 09:44:44 AM You'll have to pry my People magazine from my cold, dead hands. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 09:51:37 AM Speaking of magazines, the best magazine I discovered recently was the nearly unfortunately named Japanese rag, Men's Ex. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Israel plays rough with Cynthia BASENAME: israel_plays_rough_with_cynthi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/30/2008 08:43:10 AM ----- BODY: For once, Cynthia McKinney is the sympathetic character - the AJC reports that she was on a boat full of peace activists (and humanitarian supplies) bound for Gaza that came under attack by the lovable Israeli navy in international waters. (Apparently three Al Jazeera journalists were on the boat as well, so you can imagine that they're not amused by the incident.) I guess when your dad is Billy McKinney, you can expect some rough treatment from Israel... although I have to ask, how much longer until Olmert is out of there? (Answer: some time in February, i.e. too long.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 12:18:21 PM Sympathetic? Cynthia? You cannot tell me that she did not plan this and HOPE to be attacked, harassed, or whatever by the Israeli navy. She put out a notice that she was going to run the blockade. There are legitimate ways to get medical supplies (if that's all Cynthia was carrying) to the people of Gaza. She just wanted to have a high profile means of slamming Israel, a country she has long despised. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 12:42:34 PM Yeah, they didn't need Cynthia to help carry the stuff. This was entirely a public relations ploy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 03:53:08 PM People have been doing this for a long time, trying to break through the Israeli blockade to feed the starving people. I don't know if it's a "public relations ploy" because the average American probably won't have their opinion boosted of McKinney because of this. "There are legitimate ways to get medical supplies" Actually there are none. That's the whole point of a blockade. I know her personally so maybe my opinion is biased (but then again people who think she hit a cop [she didn't] probably don't know her well either). Also, I don't think disagreeing with Israeli policies means you "despise" the country. We get enough of the "antisemite" slur from the right wing, its disappointing to see it from Democrats. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 04:03:04 PM Hey, I'm not the only one who remembers ol' Billy McKinney getting on the evening news to say the "J-E-W-S" were responsible for her losing her seat. I also remember a significant number of her contributors being people whose goal is to have a map without Israel on it. There's a reason the entire Jewish population of West DeKalb demanded that the General Assembly REMOVE them from Cynthia's 4th District into John Lewis's 5th. Did the blockade also successfully keep out all international aid organizations? If so, how did we get reports on what was going on in Gaza? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2008 04:12:55 PM A lot of Jewish money did come in against Cynthia McKinney. So we're allowed to talk about black votes, and women votes, and money and organizing but not Jewish? OK. That makes sense. Considering AIPAC and the rest openly decry candidates as pro jewish or anti jewish themselves and organize people by their religion, that doesn't make any sense unless you know absolutely nothing about the Israeli lobbies. Second of all, that was a comment her aging father made, not her. Sins of the father sins of the daughter? And you've never said anything embarrassing? Wow, I must be talking to Jesus Christ. How's pop? "Did the blockade also successfully keep out all international aid organizations? If so, how did we get reports on what was going on in Gaza?" They've blocked all international aid for months on end. That's what a blockade is. They recently let in I think ten shipments of aid, which might feed a Palestinian block for a week. You haven't been following this story, it seems. But then again, you seem to equate criticism of crimes against humanity with "despising" a whole country, so I'm not surprised. They recently expelled the UN special envoy on Human Rights, Richard Falk, an American professor at Princeton. Reporters Without Borders (RWB) also issued a scathing reprimand of the Israelis following them expelling AP, Reuters, BBC reporters during the embargo because they weren't covering the story like they like them to. The Israelis also turned back a Libyan aid ship. Of course the Egyptians are responsible too. They are shooting Gazans trying to escape into Egypt. These are one of the most tortured people on the planet, no doubt. The reason that the boats announce they are going before they go is so they can get press coverage so the press will cover it when their boats are blocked. They know they have no chance of getting through, the Israeli Navy will see them from many kilometers away and stop them. Trying to break the embargo is an attempt to point out that the embargo exists more than anything else. This one had someone notable on it so the press reported it. Oh, and I just read a report that Al-Aqsa TV station in Gaza has been bombed. RWB has condemned the attacks, and especially Olmert's justification for bombing it -- that it's a propaganda voice. I expect before the ground invasion Israel will try to remove the rest of the foreign press if they can, probably try to block internet access as well. They don't want word getting out of the inevitable massacre, much as they stopped the press from going into Jenin in 2002. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 09:22:36 AM Zaid, Did you ever read Cynthia's bio when she was in Congress? It was all, Cynthia singlehandedly did X and stood with the peoples of Y against Z. This is her MO. You say, the reason they tried to bring aid was not to bring aid, but to bring attention to the blockade? THAT'S A PUBLIC RELATIONS PLOY. I assume you have been to Israel and the Middle east since you speak so eloquently about it. If so, you also know that nobody wants the Palestinians. Jordan is a Palestinian state and they won't even accept them. Is it terrible what's happening to the people of Gaza right now? Yeah, it is. Unnecessary suffering and death is always tragic. But when you are talking about affairs between states, and you refuse to discuss how both sides erred to get where we are, you lose any credibility you might have had. You think you are speaking truth to power, but instead you are coming across as that kid in the class that causes everyone to roll their eyes when he raises his hand. By the way, "Jewish money"? I think money from Jewish people might be better, but I am sure the subtlety is either lost on you, or you are intentionally being caustic, either way, pointing it out won't do a thing. And if you actually knew anything the electoral history of Cynthia McKinney, you would know that a lot of her campaign money her first term (and maybe her second, cannot quite remember) was raised by Jewish people and through fundraisers at Jewish people's houses. I have attended meetings with Cynthia back when she was in office in 2005, and trust me, she is the last person you want representing your Congressional district. The 4th is much better off with Johnson. You act like Gaza was super awesome before Israel began this campaign. They have been launching rockets and threatening Israel for months through the cease fire. They could have extended it, but they didn't. They increased the rocket fire by 10 times when it officially ended (though they had been violating it for months). The Israeli military campaign began 4 days ago, and already they are completely out of supplies? That speaks to poor governance. I know what you are going to say: People from Gaza could not move freely in and out of the country and nor could goods. That's true, but why was that? When the Palestinian Authority was in control things had loosened up a good bit. Then Hamas essentially drove Fatah out through force, a pretty grisly effort as I recall. (Once again, this is their thing, did you see that an Israeli bomb hit the prison for political prisoners, and when reporters got there, all of the political prisoners had been shot in the head? Think long and hard about who you are defending here.) Then they pissed off Egypt and got that border closed. So, the government consistently and continuously fired missiles at the country next to it (or, at its own country since it is essentially a semi-autonomous region) and threatened its neighbors to the point that they closed their borders. Then when the forecast retaliation came (Israel had been warning for months, the Gazan government had been telling its people and everybody else that Israel wouldn't do anything before elections), they were completely ill-prepared and had alienated all that could help them. People suffer when they put their government in the hands of terrorists, that is unfair but it is what occurs. Even France supported the Israeli action, that's how ridiculous Hamas is being. Only those whose stands are not based on a realistic view, but on emotion see it otherwise. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: groundloop EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 09:27:46 AM The Israeli navy doesn't care who they rough up, if anyone gets in their way then watch out. Look up information on the USS Liberty - a US recon ship the Isreali Navy attacked during the Six Day War, killing 34 US sailers and injuring over 170 more. Israel made claims of mistaken identity, but documents and facts have disproven that claim. Could it be that Israel decided to take action in Gaza now because they're reasonably sure Bush will turn a blind eye? I gotta think they're afraid that Obama will call them out on the fact that there's plenty of blame on both sides for what's happening over there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 09:45:19 AM Obama will call them out that both sides are to blame? What the hell kind of weak call out is that? Look, either Gaza is a semi-autonomous region, it's own country, or just a province of Israel. It's certainly not its own country, so we will get rid of that one for the time being. If it's any of the other two, then "under maritime law" as that aid organization is so fond of saying, Israel can close their port and deny access to anyone they want. End of story (well, unless they did something to injure a vessel to the point where it cannot return safely to port, but since Cynthia is now in Lebanon that doesn't quite work). You realize Bush has been in office for eight years, right? And the Six Day War? What is that, 1967? You are suggesting that one event in 1967 and another in 2008 form a continuous chain of events sufficient to prove an Israeli policy despite the thousands of ships that come and go freely each year? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 10:57:07 AM So what if it is a publicity stunt? Is that bad? practically everything Greenpeace or Code Pink or MoveOn or a thousand other issue advocates do is a publicity stunt. Wasn't John Lewis getting arrested a publicity stunt? Isn't the nuns crawling under the fence at Ft. Benning a publicity stunt? That doesn't mean it isn't a good deed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 11:36:10 AM JerryT, They took donations in order to deliver humanitarian aid. According to the poster above they had no intention of doing so. But I was speaking about McKinney's involvement being for publicity's sake, which was disputed above. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 11:40:51 AM OK, so it's not the publicity aspect of it you object to, it's the alleged deception. That's cool. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 03:41:11 PM "Mouth of the South" I hope you realize that just because Gaza doesn't have statehood doesn't mean it is not protected by international law. There's a reason they are expelling the press and UN officials right now. " It was all, Cynthia singlehandedly did X and stood with the peoples of Y against Z. This is her MO." So you mean she's basically like any other politician? ". They have been launching rockets and threatening Israel for months through the cease fire. " But you say nothing about the fact that Israel carried out operations and an embargo (violates 33rd article of Geneva Conventions) as soon as Hamas was elected and entered into a ceasefire with them. Of course, it doesn't make the news when the IDF raids a refugee camp and kills half a dozen people, but Palestinians remember. " Then they pissed off Egypt and got that border closed." What are you reading, the Jewish version of Stormfront? Egypt is shooting up refugees fleeing bombing. I don't know why you're trying to rationalize all this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 03:43:47 PM Also, MOTS, your noninterpretation of history and law in this region deserves a Zbigging: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 04:33:40 PM Update on the case: Boat was clearly rammed in "international waters" CNN says. Considering this means an illegal attack and endangering of US citizens, if Israel was any other country they'd have a few Hellfires up their ass right now. I don't believe in violence though so I'll say that the State Department should jam all their TV signals and replace them with the Rickroll. I don't think Rick Astley is part of the Geneva Conventions. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 06:26:54 PM "international waters"? Under what, UNCLOS? Israel isn't a signatory, neither is Turkey (the "Dignity" left from Cyprus, I am guessing as to its flag), and as I recall under its own language it is not self-executing, so what are you referencing? Article 33? I assume you mean of the 4th convention. it reads: No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Pillage is prohibited. Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited. I don't know that Israel violated that but I am sure Hamas did. "all measures...of terrorism are prohibited." Firing rockets randomly into towns and hitting a kindergarten class in Monday certainly qualifies. Also, suicide bombers on buses, are you kidding me? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 06:38:33 PM ""international waters"? Under what, UNCLOS? Israel isn't a signatory, neither is Turkey (the "Dignity" left from Cyprus, I am guessing as to its flag), and as I recall under its own language it is not self-executing, so what are you referencing?" International maritime waters. Israel is not exempt. There is a reason their navy is vehemently denying it rammed the ship despite the presence of CNN crew "Also, suicide bombers on buses, are you kidding me?" When was the last suicide bomb by Hamas? Are you fucking kidding ME, by bringing up an act that last was used well before Hamas was even elected and abandoned by Hamas (though they are hinting it may return) years ago? You don't know the facts of the conflict, you just know the crimes of one side and not the other (and not attaching that to any sort of timeline makes it even more of a failure). "I don't know that Israel violated that" I'm sure the well-known conspirators against international law in the Hague and the UN who have said they have, wait, what the fuck? Arguing with you like slamming your head against the wall repeatedly hoping that Yahweh will activate the rules of quantum physics and let you go right through. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 06:45:51 PM Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, special investigator for the United Nations Human Rights Council: "Certainly the rocket attacks against civilian targets in Israel are unlawful. But that illegality does not give rise to any Israeli right, neither as the Occupying Power nor as a sovereign state, to violate international humanitarian law and commit war crimes or crimes against humanity in its response. I note that Israel's escalating military assaults have not made Israeli civilians safer; to the contrary, the one Israeli killed today after the upsurge of Israeli violence is the first in over a year." "Those violations include: • Collective punishment: The entire 1.5 million people who live in the crowded Gaza Strip are being punished for the actions of a few militants. • Targeting civilians: The airstrikes were aimed at civilian areas in one of the most crowded stretches of land in the world, certainly the most densely populated area of the Middle East. • Disproportionate military response: The airstrikes have not only destroyed every police and security office of Gaza's elected government, but have killed and injured hundreds of civilians; at least one strike reportedly hit groups of students attempting to find transportation home from the university." Next will you come up with a rationale why it is not illegal for them to target Islamic University or Al Aqsa TV station? Or do you know international law better than Falk? Man, the UN and Princeton should hire you instead. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 03:49:37 AM Wow, interesting. I was looking for a "liberal" Atlanta site and stumbled upon neo-con lite (or in this case, heavy). We're honestly going to talk about Irael's legitimacy of action in international waters and ignore that Israel has broken more UN resolutions than any nation on earth? Ignore the human toll of decades of occupation for some semantic talk of what's legal in this certain situation and ignore that Israel's current existence is illegal, and has been for decades, under the UN? I'll pretend for now that some republican trolls have gained access to the messageboard. Btw, what exactly, as somebody has said, is wrong with a "publicity stunt"? Cynthia Mckinney was invited, because of her long standing support of Palestinian and human rights, unto that ship as plenty of high profile people have in these missions to break of the brutal, unjustifiable blockade against an entire population. And what did I see this morning on the news? Not footage of the hundreds of Atlantans and millions nation/worldwide that rallied against Israel yesterday, but the story of the boat that rammed Cythina Mckiiney. In this media bought off country, if that's the only message we could get across about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza than so be it, unfortunately. Saturday, at 2pm, there will be a pro-Palestinian protest in front of Cnn. I'm hoping a few hundred more people show. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: matthewAPN EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 01:42:10 PM It saddens me that the discussion has centered around whether McKinney was part of a publicity stunt, when in fact she and others were risking their lives in attempt to bring aid to other people. She was invited as part of an international delegation. McKinney is no longer 4th District Congresswomen, she has moved on to the national and international stage. Cynthia continues to make bold stands for issues she believes in, and that has required a lot of personal sacrifice and risk-taking on her part. I doubt many BFD commenters would be willing to take medical aid into a warzone. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 04:40:21 PM I think many people's personal hatred of McKinney for whatever reason sort of gives her a "damned if she does or if she doesn't" reflection in the eyes of many. Unfortunately the bigger issue here is that Gaza has literally been "starved to death" (Jimmy Carter, April 2008) and now being pummeled with bombs with a casualty ratio 100:1 to its opponent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 07:11:44 PM "Wow, interesting. I was looking for a "liberal" Atlanta site and stumbled upon neo-con lite (or in this case, heavy)." Victory is mine! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Reggie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 08:41:03 PM I think it's important to put recent developments in the broader context of the situation in Gaza and especially the role of Hamas in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 1. Hamas is an extremist organization whose goal is to eliminate Israel and replace it with an Islamic state governed by Sharia law--i.e., no rights for women, no freedom of religion or expression, and severe penalties for violators including execution by stoning for adulterers. Do you agree with these goals? 2. Hamas has been systematically firing rockets and mortar shells into Israeli towns and villages with the intent of killing and maiming as many civilians as possible. In recent weeks they have acquired longer-range and more accurate missiles threatening a much larger part of the Israeli population. How would you feel if your homes, schools, and places of worship were being targeted by rockets and mortars on a daily basis? Would you be okay with your government taking no action to stop the attacks? 3. Hamas has a policy of deliberately locating its military facilities in the midst of large concentrations of Palestinian civilians in order to maximize civilian casualties in the event of a military strike by Israel. The following excerpts from the Hamas Charter and quotations from Hamas leaders demonstrate how virulently anti-semitic and extremist this organization has always been and remains: Article 7 of the Hamas Covenant states the following: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Cedar tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslem). Article 22 claims that the French revolution, the Russian revolution, colonialism and both world wars were created by the Zionists. It also claims the Freemasons and Rotary clubs are Zionist fronts. "You may speak as much as you want about regional and world wars. They were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it."[98] Furthermore, Article 32 of the Covenant makes reference to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: "Today it is Palestine, tomorrow it will be one country or another. The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying." Expressions by Hamas prominent figures and scholars: A report by MEMRI from 2002 states that the Hamas monthly Falastin Al-Muslima published a series of articles by Ibrahim Al-'Ali on how Allah punished the Jews by transforming them into animals such as "apes, pigs, mice, and lizards". According to MEMRI, the author stated that "The transformation was actual" and not metaphoric.[99] In an editorial in The Guardian in January 2006, Khaled Meshaal, the chief of Hamas's political bureau denied antisemitism: "Our message to the Israelis is this: We do not fight you because you belong to a certain faith or culture. Jews have lived in the Muslim world for 13 centuries in peace and harmony; they are in our religion "the people of the book" who have a covenant from God and his messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him), to be respected and protected." "Our conflict with you is not religious but political. We have no problem with Jews who have not attacked us — our problem is with those who came to our land, imposed themselves on us by force, destroyed our society and banished our people."[6] In an interview aired on Al-Aqsa TV on April 9, 2008, Hamas Culture Minister Atallah Abu Al-Subh stated that "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the faith that every Jew harbors in his heart".[100] In 2008 Imam Yousif al-Zahar of Hamas said in his sermon at the Katib Wilayat mosque in Gaza that "Jews are a people who cannot be trusted. They have been traitors to all agreements. Go back to history. Their fate is their vanishing."[101][102] Sheik Yunus al-Astal, a Hamas legislator and imam, in a column in the weekly newspaper Al Risalah in 2008 discussed a Koranic verse suggesting that "suffering by fire is the Jews' destiny in this world and the next." Astal concluded "Therefore we are sure that the Holocaust is still to come upon the Jews.[101][102] Holocaust denial According to MEMRI, In 2003 Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi published an article in the Hamas weekly Al-Risala in which he called the Holocaust "the false Holocaust" and "the greatest of lies". In this article Rantisi expressed support to Holocaust deniers Roger Garaudy, David Irving, Gerd Honsik, and Fredrick Töben, and to the idea that the gas chambers were a myth. Rantisi also stated that "the Nazis received tremendous financial aid from the Zionist banks and monopolies, and this contributed to their rise to power", and accused the Jewish owned Berlin-based investment bank Mendelssohn & Co. of funding the Nazis, calling it a "Zionist bank".[103] In 2005, Khaled Mashaal described Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial as "courageous" and stated that "...Muslim people will defend Iran because it voices what they have in their hearts, in particular the Palestinian people."[104] ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 10:12:06 PM So, ignoring grift's trolling, this new user's argument is basically, the starved and occupied population has people that say mean things about Israel, thus that gives us perspective? If I remember correctly, the Israelis repeatedly said they were going to "bomb Lebanon back into the Stone Age." Taken literally, this is a statement of genocide. You can also find just as many quotations by Israelis about the sort of things about Palestinians. Thus are the Israelis irrational actors that can't be negotatied with? I don't think so. Second of all, MEMRI is a hate site dedicated to creating demonizations of Muslims and Arabs. They've been caught too many times fabricating quotes or making things up. Such as one of the quotes you provided yourself, saying Ahmedinijad denies the Holocaust when in a 60 Minutes interview he clearly says he believes it happened. What, do you work for AIPAC or something? Trying to make a war of quotations is not going to be productive to bring about peace. This is becoming a joke. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 10:20:53 PM "Issues of reliability and veracity MEMRI is operated by a group closely associated with the Israeli intelligence organizations. Now, in an article in Haaretz, we find that the Israeli Army has sought to plant stories about "terrorism" in the press, and "Psychological warfare officers were in touch with Israeli journalists covering the Arab world, gave them translated articles from Arab papers (which were planted by the [Israel Defense Forces] IDF) and pressed the Israeli reporters to publish the same news here." --Amos Harel, IDF reviving psychological warfare unit, Haaretz, January 25, 2005." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Reggie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 10:35:04 PM The quotes and excerpts are all accurate. They come directly from the Hamas charter (read it yourself) and from statements by Hamas leaders. Why are you skeptical? Do you deny that Hamas is an Islamic fundamentalist organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic state governed by Sharia law? They freely acknowledge this and their actions have been entirely consistent with these goals. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 11:05:35 PM "Do you deny that Hamas is an Islamic fundamentalist organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic state governed by Sharia law?" First of all your literacy of the region is so low that you don't even understand that Sharia is simply the Arabic word for law. While they are definitely Islamist, they aren't fundamentalist. There are Christian and secular members of Hamas, and Wahabbis and the like hate them. There's a reason the Saudis are bankrolling Fatah. As far as I know, their charter uses plenty of inflammatory rhetoric, it was created largely when Hamas was starting out as a very militant organization, before its transition into a political organization. They should probably amend their charter so idiots like you stop quoting it as their aim or intention, which is quite obvious in recent interviews Messal and others have given to SKY or mediations through the Carter Center, which point out that Hamas will accept any long term truce or peace deal that is approved by referendum of the Palestinian people. As even Wikipedia points out: "The possibility of a ceasefire with Israel Hamas omitted its call for the destruction of Israel from its election manifesto, calling instead for "the establishment of an independent state whose capital is Jerusalem."[38] On 8 February 2006, Hamas head Khaled Mashal speaking in Cairo had clarified that "Anyone who thinks Hamas will change is wrong", stating that while Hamas is willing for a ceasefire with Israel, its long term goal remains: Israel must withdraw from all land occupied in 1967.[66] On 13 February 2006, in an interview in Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta,[39] Mashal declared that Hamas would stop armed struggle against Israel if it recognized the 1967 borders, withdrew itself from all Palestinian occupied territories (including the West Bank and East Jerusalem) and recognized Palestinian rights that would include the "right of return". He reaffirmed this stance in a 5 March 2008 interview with Al Jazeera English,[67] citing Hamas's signing of the 2005 Cairo Declaration and the National Reconciliation Document, and denied any rejectionist stance. Critics of this offer[who?] suggest that Israel would never accept the Palestinian refugees right of return, as it would create a demographic majority of Muslims in Israel, and thus cancel its Jewish nature. Hamas does not feel bound by the "Road Map to Peace" promoted by the Diplomatic Quartet, since in its view Israel is not abiding by it.[41] Hamas rejects the establishment of a "Palestinian entity [...] with no true sovereignty, whose principal duty is to maintain Israel's security."[67] After coming to power, some Hamas leaders have announced that Hamas was giving up suicide attacks and "offered a 10-year truce [with Israel] in return for a complete Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories: the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem."[68][69][70] Hamas also declared a unilateral ceasefire with Israel which, after Israeli air strikes in response to Hamas smuggling weapons into Gaza, was formally renounced.[71]" Why was none of this included in your rant? It reminds me of the idiocy of when the ANC would be make inflammatory statements and then people would say we can never let the blacks have rights in South Africa, they'll kill all the whites. Third, you never bring up the fact that Kadima, Labor, and Likud certainly have not shown they believe Palestine has a right to exist. After all, they've expanded settlements deep into Palestinian territory faster than any of the Israeli governments before them. Their wall cuts deep between cities and towns, and highly-subsidized condos and palm-tree laden subdivisions are going up behind electrified fences not 20 yards away from refugee camps (though I be remiss, I should point out that is from Amira Hass, an Israeli Jew who lives in Gaza amongst Palestinians who writes for their largest paper, Haaretz). In 1996 Netanyahu's government (as the major Israeli press is reporting, the reason Kadima is striking irrationally at targets that have nothing to do with anything is to show "it is tough" so they don't lose to Netanyahu in the upcoming elections) was honest enough for their information minister to say exactly what he thinks about Palestinian statehood: "The Palestinians can have a state if they want, or they can call it fried chicken." You are cherrypicking the worst of Palestinian statements and also you are elevating words to the levels of actions, which is particularly absurd with this conflict in this region where harsh rhetoric from all sides is common (you conveniently ignored the Israeli high command's statements of "bombing Lebanon back into the Stone Age," which I don't hold against them because I understand it was simply saber rattling). If Kim Jong Il says he loves Democracy, his country is even called Democratic Republic of Korea, should we take that at face value? You keep mentioning the fact that they say "Jews" when they talk about Israel. That doesn't mean they are antisemitic. These are people who grew up in refugee camps not allowed to go into certain roads, or having to go into their homes on curfew, things that Jewish people didn't have to do because Isreal elevated them to positions above. Israel calls itself the "Jewish State." Put 2 and 2 together, when they say Jews they mean Israelis. If they really wanted to kill all Jews or Israelis, I wonder why they never killed Amira Hass who live smack dab in the middle of Gaza or they don't kill B'tselem or other Israelis who mean them no harm? It seems so easy. But I suppose heated rhetoric from a handful of blowhards defines the Palestinian cause better than their actions, yes? No, it no better defines the Palestinians than Bibi's info minister's fried chicken comment or the comment about throwing Lebanon into the stone age. Your war of quotations is a war of slander, and it has no place in real negotiations for peace. Hamas was repeatedly told, as Fareed Zakaria and other commentators have pointed out, "put down the bullet, pick up the ballot." They did precisely that, as the US and Israel urged them, and they won the elections. The first thing Israel and the US do is start arming and funding Fatah to start a civil war ("The Gaza Bombshell," Vanity Fair). Instead of engaging with Hamas's moderates, they take actions that will only further alienate and radicalize the Palestinians. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:18:59 AM You really have no sense of humor do you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 11:38:48 AM I like how Wikipedia is now our best source: "even Wikipedia", I actually guffawed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:01:45 PM This argument is very much like the Middle East situation in some ways, so in order to make it more closely resemble reality, I propose that the Moderators (acting out the role of the U.S.) express complete support for MOTS regardless of hir actions, and restrict Zaid to 20 words or less per post. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:02:37 PM Zaid, National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski on CNN at 3 today. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:04:18 PM People keep condemning Palestinians not acknowledging Israel's right to exist on their (Palestinians) native land- do you also expect high profile Israeli politicians to recognize a Palestinian state, as hardly any do? Hamas has extreme members and has made extreme statements, as does the Republican party of the US, but I don't think that justifies bombing and starving us. I agree, though, let's put things into perspective: You're a 26 year old Palestinian (Palestine is a very young population). You were born and raised without a national citizenship, in land controlled by a foreign power currently occupying your grandparents' old land. You have not been able, your entire life, to leave the square miles that constitute either Gaza or the West Bank, never had a trip to Paris or Disney World or even 30 miles north of your home, because Israel controls who comes in and out of your borders and aren't liberal about it. If you're in the West Bank, it may have been months since you've seen other Palestinian family members, your mosque or church or business because Israel has built and controls a huge wall in the West Banks that cuts communities in half. You are probably unemployed, but it may take you a day to get from one West Bank city to another because the West Bank is crippled with hundreds of Israeli checkstops at any moment. If you have a heart attack and need to get to a hospital quickly, you're pretty much screwed. You can only use the one crumbling road with many checkpoints in your own land than a much fancier, checkpoint free road system built on your own land to help Jewish settlers illegally living in the West Bank zoom from town to town. If you live in Gaza, you've been one of 1.5 million people deprived of electricity, basic cooking supplies, insulin, chemotherapy, etc., for 18 months. Because Gaza is the most condense populated strip of land in the world, whenever Israel drops a missile or bomb on anybody, assuming they're trying to avoid civilian casualties in the first place, which they rarely care about, a member of your family or friend is probably killed or maimed. You've probably had at least one house demolished by the Israeli military on suspicion you were sitting on top of a tunnel, harboring terrorists, or somewhere a Jewish settlement wanted to be. When some of your people, tired, angry and with nothing to lose, fire homemade rockets into the south of Israel it's used as another reason to continue the decades long wiping out of your population, to the outrage of all of the world except the US and a few small pacific nations Israel has been able to buy votes from in the UN. The real marble in this situation is how every Palestinian isn't Hamas at this point. Long live Palestine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:17:13 PM "Israel's right to exist on their (Palestinians) native land" All depends on when you draw the line in history. Isaac or Ismael. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:23:50 PM Well, we're not all biblical fanatics that give a crap about Ismael or Isaac. Israel, the biggest breaker of international law in the world, with not less than 65 UN violations: UN Resolutions Against Israel, 1955-1992 1. Resolution 106: "...‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid" 2. Resolution 111: "...‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people" 3. Resolution 127: "...‘recommends’ Israel suspend its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem" 4. Resolution 162: "...‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions" 5. Resolution 171: "...determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria" 6. Resolution 228: "...‘censures’ Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control" 7. Resolution 237: "...‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees" 8. Resolution 248: "...‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan" 9. Resolution 250: "...‘calls’ on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem" 10. Resolution 251: "...‘deeply deplores’ Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250" 11. Resolution 252: "...‘declares invalid’ Israel’s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital" 12. Resolution 256: "...‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation" 13. Resolution 259: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation" 14. Resolution 262: "...‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport" 15. Resolution 265: "...‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan" 16. Resolution 267: "...‘censures’ Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem" 17. Resolution 270: "...‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon" 18. Resolution 271: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem" 19. Resolution 279: "...‘demands’ withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon" 20. Resolution 280: "....‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon" 21. Resolution 285: "...‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon" 22. Resolution 298: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem" 23. Resolution 313: "...‘demands’ that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon" 24. Resolution 316: "...‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon" 25. Resolution 317: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon" 26. Resolution 332: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon" 27. Resolution 337: "...‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty" 28. Resolution 347: "...‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon" 29. Resolution 425: "...‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon" 30. Resolution 427: "...‘calls’ on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon’ 31. Resolution 444: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces" 32. Resolution 446: "...‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention" 33. Resolution 450: "...‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon" 34. Resolution 452: "...‘calls’ on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories" 35. Resolution 465: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program" 36. Resolution 467: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon" 37. Resolution 468: "...‘calls’ on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return" 38. Resolution 469: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians" 39. Resolution 471: "...‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention" 40. Resolution 476: "...‘reiterates’ that Israel’s claims to Jerusalem are ‘null and void’ 41. Resolution 478: "...‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’ 42. Resolution 484: "...‘declares it imperative’ that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors" 43. Resolution 487: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility" 44. Resolution 497: "...‘decides’ that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith" 45. Resolution 498: "...‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon" 46. Resolution 501: "...‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops" 47. Resolution 509: "...‘demands’ that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon" 48. Resolution 515: "...‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in" 49. Resolution 517: "...‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon" 50. Resolution 518: "...‘demands’ that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon" 51. Resolution 520: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut" 52. Resolution 573: "...‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters 53. Resolution 587: "...‘takes note’ of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw" 54. Resolution 592: "...‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops" 55. Resolution 605: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians 56. Resolution 607: "...‘calls’ on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention 57. Resolution 608: "...‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians" 58. Resolution 636: "...‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians 59. Resolution 641: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians 60. Resolution 672: "...‘condemns’ Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount 61. Resolution 673: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations 62. Resolution 681: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians 63. Resolution 694: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return 64. Resolution 726: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians 65. Resolution 799: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:30:06 PM You understand those aren't laws, right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:35:57 PM Is there any such thing as international law, really, at this point? Humor us with the closest thing to international justice we can look towards at this point. Everybody, come to CNN 2pm Tomorrow! Fwd: Friends and Comrades! On Tuesday, 400 Atlantans protested in front of the Israeli Consulate demanding an end to the US-funded Israeli massacres in Gaza and to allow humanitarian aid into the region. With our collective voices, we refused to be silenced, stopped traffic during rush hour and marched through Atlanta's streets in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Palestine. With the death toll at 428, Palestinians continue to endure relentless state-sponsored Israeli terrorism. As Israel threatens a ground invasion of Gaza, we must continue to demand an end to the massacres of Palestinians and demand that CNN not invisibilize the death, suffering and displacement of Palestinians. Please join us on Saturday, January 3rd @ 2 pm in front of the CNN Center located at 190 Marietta St NW Atlanta, GA 30303 Meet on Centennial Olympic Park Drive side in front of the big red CNN letters. (if taking MARTA get off at CNN Center Station on East/West line) 2:00 - 3:00 pm- Demonstration in front of CNN Center 3:00- March to Woodruff Park 3:30-4:00 Rally in Woodruff Park Tell your friends, families, mosques, churches and synagogues! Bring signs, banners and your voices to demand an end to the massacres! Free Palestine! End Israeli Apartheid! In Love and Solidarity, Emory Advocates for Justice in Palestine, Athens for Justice in Palestine, International Action Center Please call Vanessa Faraj @ 404-405-7703 with any questions! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:47:04 PM International Law = treaties & conventions What I win? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:48:05 PM invisibilize isn't a word. why are you pissed at CNN? why don't you protest at the Israeli consulate, I think it's on Spring. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:53:54 PM (Ahem, MOTS, if you read her entire post you'd see they protested there on Tuesday!) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:56:47 PM "This argument is very much like the Middle East situation in some ways, so in order to make it more closely resemble reality, I propose that the Moderators (acting out the role of the U.S.) express complete support for MOTS regardless of hir actions, and restrict Zaid to 20 words or less per post." My own modest proposal would be to restrict Zaid to posting no more than 51% of the current total number of comments in any given thread. Just to give the other kids in the class a chance to say something. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 01:57:47 PM I didn't write the flyer, but the last two protests have been at the Israeli consulate, if you bothered to read it. It also explained why people are pissed at CNN. Interesting how this debate is centering on semantics and pedantic shit rather than concentrating on the human toll of this tragedy and imperialism and colonization worldwide and most tragically in Palestine. What a joke of a blog (and it's supposed to be to the left, is my understanding? Just shows how far neoconservatism has reached). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:11:10 PM Maybe, just maybe, we are keeping it light here because arguing with strangers on a blog about the Israel-Palestinian conflict achieves absolutely nothing? I know that's a very neocon thing of me to say, so feel free to call me some bad names now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:19:06 PM My mistake. Anyway, I will withdraw from the fray. If you do choose to post here again, please refrain from name calling: neo-con, biblical fanatics, etc. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:21:17 PM No, no, it's cool, I didn't realize people started public blogs to be insular but it's cool if the bloggers here can't debate on the merits but rather pendatics of the situation in the Mid East with strangers in Atlanta. I'm sure between the ten of you can can mobolize a progressive movement. Thank Goodness, or thank Isaac's God, for Atlanta Progressive Blog for the rest of us, who believe discussion and facts can achieve something. I'm out! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:24:00 PM There's the plug I knew you were waiting to drop! ...and scene. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:25:25 PM Oh, because I know it'll be mentioned I meant "mobilized". But, I do with you all power on the issues we do agree on. Later. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:27:31 PM Hey, I've never blogged on APN, nor am I a blogger, but like most progressive Atlantans I'm glad to see progressive voices on the web in our city. What are you guys, really? Have you looked on your blogs and realized what a bad joke this is? Wow. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:29:19 PM pendatics? hmm is it like semantics with pendantic? I think it must be, that word is awesome. Anyway, I am no Israel defender, but I think it is a mistake to be one-sided about this conflict. But keep in mind, I do not speak for the members of this blog. I would guess many of them agree with you, but you might want to give them time to speak. The same charge could be leveled at me as well. How ironic. and sarcastic. or ironastic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:30:16 PM Feel free to continue calling me names. It's been a long time since I've been called names in these parts. It's fun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:31:35 PM Dude, why are you being so cute and sarcastic about a grave situation? Don't you realize something is deeply disturbing about your reactions to all this - and in large the US reaction to all this? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:33:53 PM All the more reason to put aside ridiculous statements and name calling and actually discuss it. And as far as cute and sarcastic, I think you mean sarcutic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:35:51 PM What a twisted group this is! Stand aside and let the left of this country do their thing. In fact, you guys are aside, being silly online. Keep it up! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:41:29 PM How is supporting Hamas a leftist ideal? I don't think it's that clear cut. How does it jibe, with say, a pluralistic state and women's rights? Aren't we in favor of those too? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:41:44 PM I'm being cute and sarcastic about an open thread on a blog. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:47:19 PM Grift: Zaid does have a sense of humor but your ignorance is so glaring that you don't realize you can't joke about this stuff. Too bad you don't even know the basic facts about anything, you must work for AIPAC and you refuse to acknowledge Israel has done anything wrong. Next time stop your bullshit character assassination and stop being such a huge asshole for a minute. Love, IRE imitating Zaid. PS: I bet a dollar that Giselda and Zaid are posting from the same IP, or that they are friends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:47:59 PM You know, we had a pretty active discussion going on here with actual facts and stuff...right up until someone showed up and started calling us names like neocon. Meanwhile, that other website that you plugged as the promised land of progressives who care and discuss things with actual figures and facts and discussion at all about these topics. I wonder what that could mean? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:50:02 PM Sarawaraclara: Stop your bullshit character assassination unless you just want to troll. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:51:17 PM IREasZaid, you're such a cute little puppy when you get excited! But please, try not to pee on yourself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:52:04 PM "How is supporting Hamas a leftist ideal? I don't think it's that clear cut. How does it jibe, with say, a pluralistic state and women's rights? Aren't we in favor of those too?" Do you really think opposing the decades of occupation and oppression of Palestinians equals supporting Hamas's view? There were plenty of posts here about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Palestine and this is how you chose to respond: "is it like semantics with pendantic? I think it must be, that word is awesome." "invisibilize isn't a word. why are you pissed at CNN? why don't you protest at the Israeli consulate, I think it's on Spring." "I like how Wikipedia is now our best source: "even Wikipedia", I actually guffawed." "You understand those aren't laws, right?" And then, after all those non-engagements on the real issue, you say this: "All the more reason to put aside ridiculous statements and name calling and actually discuss it. And as far as cute and sarcastic, I think you mean sarcutic." Are you kidding me!?! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:54:07 PM Too late. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:55:18 PM By the way, whoever said I know Zaid or we're the same person is wrong, and owes a dollar. Perhaps the majority of the world that condemns Israel is also Zaid? What a joke. Who are you guys, liberal activists of Atlanta? My name is Giselda Rendon and I'll gladly defend my links in this community and what I've done in the past. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:55:40 PM I don't really care for Grift and IRE gladhanding eachother and I don't know who Giselda is, but I found something probably everyone can agree with, including the one person who is caring to actually debate the facts (Mouth of the South). White House Deputy Press Secretary needs a shoe in the face: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:58:26 PM "You understand those aren't laws, right?" I already posted a high official of international law's views on the subject, I wonder do you want Ban Ki Moon to come here and tell you personally about all this? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 02:59:23 PM "including the one person who is caring to actually debate the facts (Mouth of the South)." Wow - how off can you be. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:01:18 PM That would be pretty cool so yes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:03:16 PM "why are you pissed at CNN? why don't you protest at the Israeli consulate, I think it's on Spring." So when protesters march on broadway in NYC, probably the biggest sight for mass protests in the US other than DC, they're protesting broadway right? It's called visibility. "Wow - how off can you be." I mean, I've proved him wrong maybe a dozen times in this thread but he's respectful enough to actually debate the issue. Innerredneck, the quotation guy, and grift and basically here to masturbate to the sound of eachother's voices. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:06:31 PM I can only speak for myself when I say yes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:07:53 PM Yeah, you see how my statements go to your arguments whereas yours go to me as a person? That's the difference. Those were not laws, I don't understand your point. You were using words that don't exist. How is that not fair game? I really do appreciate Zaid's sourcing, not a joke, but wikipedia on a topic like this is not going to be credible, and "even wikipedia" makes it sounds like it was a reach to get to wikipedia from the sources he was talking about, as in, "this source is unimpeachable". You implied that your views represented the left, I am suggesting it is not a left/right issue, because right now, Gaza's government is Hamas. The people of Gaza have elected terrorists to govern them. That totally sucks for them as well as for everybody else. I am not an Israel supporter, but feel the need to drag the views on this thread more towards reality. As I said before, if you think the Left supports Gaza/Hamas, I again ask you how that view can comport with other views of the Left like women's rights and pluralistic society? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bankimoon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:09:07 PM I agree with Sarawaraclara. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:09:09 PM Ok, Zaid, I apologize for misunderstanding you. The whole carnage has me on edge, yet it's fly paper (or perhaps the online world) for other types, apparently. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:09:13 PM I love a good debate. Let's take a look back at our last attempt, Zaid. "Bookman summarizes my feelings nicely" "Bookman shows no literacy in the conflict here." Debates are fun. Talking to walls? Not so much. But hey! I'll give it another swing. Actually my views pretty much match President Carters including agreeing with his statement that Hamas needs to stop firing rockets. Both sides have responsibility here. And if that is seen as kowtowing to Israel or however you want to put it, then once again, there's really not much point in continuing our conversation. Stridency of any political stripe will never attract me to engage. But I do like the name calling. The last time that happened I think I was branded a corporatist. Not that neo-con is new but at least I know I've got both economic and foreign policy covered. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:11:56 PM Regarding Broadway: I think protesting on Broadway is only appropriate when they shut down the musical Cats. I cry for Mungo Jerry. As far as CNN: Spring actually turns into Centennial Olympic Park, so maybe marching from one to the other? But it seems to me its not CNN's actions that you wish to condemn but Israel's, so protesting them at their consulate would seem better. However, I have already been corrected on that point. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:16:44 PM Alright, MoftheSouth, we're onto something now. The bombing, occupation and murder of both Gazans and Palestinians in the West Bank trascends Hamas, to most of us. It's something that's been ongoing for decades. Hamas's view, any Iraqi's view, any Afghan's view or republican's view of women's rights or any social issue is not a pretense for war, for starving and bombing civilian popuations, ever. Have you tried to be a woman and pray at the West Wall? Have you been a gay right's protester in the heart of Orthodox Jewish Jerusalem? That's beyond the point. What we have here is what the world, entire world aside for US/UK and six small countries condemns as a brutal onslaught of a population. If opposing war, colonization, imperialism isn't a left value than I don't know what is. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:18:54 PM "but wikipedia on a topic like this is not going to be credible" That's why you go to the Wikipedia article and they have these numbers on the top right of every sentence. They're called superscripts. You click on the superscript and it takes you to a weblink of a newspaper article or BBC interview or whatever. Do you want me to link you, if you can't find it I'll get you there. Also I feel kinda bad about insulting quotation guy. He was trying to argue a point, actually, and I doubt he's enough of an asshole to get invited to IRE-Griftdrift circle jerk sessions. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:20:32 PM I am not arguing that Israel is a super awesome society for the left. But I think a member of the American left can have a view other than supporting Hamas. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:20:56 PM Well so much for that. Bake to sarcastic and cute. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:21:32 PM This is the most recent Human Rights Watch report on the fighting: An excerpt: "Israel and Hamas both must respect the prohibition under the laws of war against deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch expressed grave concern about Israeli bombings in Gaza that caused civilian deaths and Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilian areas in violation of international law. Rocket attacks on Israeli towns by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups that do not discriminate between civilians and military targets violate the laws of war, while a rising number of the hundreds of Israeli bombings in Gaza since December 27, 2008, appear to be unlawful attacks causing civilian casualties. Additionally, Israel’s severe limitations on the movement of non-military goods and people into and out of Gaza, including fuel and medical supplies, constitutes collective punishment, also in violation of the laws of war." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 03:24:41 PM "I am not arguing that Israel is a super awesome society for the left. But I think a member of the American left can have a view other than supporting Hamas." I have yet to meet someone on the left who supports Hamas, including myself. I don't think any of us actually support Hamas or Kadima or Likud, but we understand you make peace with the conditions that exist, not the ones you hope exist. Heck, ideally the Israelis and Palestinians would both elect Swedish Social Democrats and solve their problems through competitive Bingo, but we're not dealing with what's ideal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: shelby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 04:00:31 PM I have no desire to debate Israel-Palestine, I just dropped by to say Zaid can suck it for putting that circle jerk image in my head. Charming as ever, you child. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 07:16:47 PM Eh, it's democratic blogger porn night. I found something interesting over at Glenn Greenwald's blog: "This Rasmussen Reports poll -- the first to survey American public opinion specifically regarding the Israeli attack on Gaza -- strongly bolsters the severe disconnect I documented the other day between (a) American public opinion on U.S. policy towards Israel and (b) the consensus views expressed by America's political leadership. Not only does Rasmussen find that Americans generally "are closely divided over whether the Jewish state should be taking military action against militants in the Gaza Strip" (44-41%, with 15% undecided), but Democratic voters overwhelmingly oppose the Israeli offensive -- by a 24-point margin (31-55%). By stark constrast, Republicans, as one would expect (in light of their history of supporting virtually any proposed attack on Arabs and Muslims), overwhelmingly support the Israeli bombing campaign (62-27%)." By a large margin Democrats oppose the Israeli siege. That's incredibly heartening, giving that their leadership seems to fall lockstep behind any thing Israel does, ever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 08:19:16 PM "I am not arguing that Israel is a super awesome society for the left. But I think a member of the American left can have a view other than supporting Hamas." Do you believe, if one opposes the Iraqi war, civilian death toll and occupation one supports ba'athists? If I want an end to the occupation in Afghanistan do I support the Taliban? The West Bank is not controlled by Hamas, even though they democratically voted for them, yet Israel occupies them, commits daily raids and killings just the same. This is way beyond Hamas. Like most screwed up civil strife in the Middle East, the US and Israel actually supported Hamas in arms at one time against the PLO. This is about the worst occupation in the world, currently, and the slow, drawn out ethnic cleansing of a people. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 08:27:50 PM Well, anyway, I apologize if I got over-heated and insulted people. If anyone would like to get off the internet, turn off the biased, bought off news and do something about this Palestinian massacre join the hundreds and perhaps by tomorrow thousands of us in front of CNN at 2pm tomorrow (after that we'll march to Woodruff (sp?) Park and have a rally there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 08:38:10 PM This march, btw, is being called and endorsed by many groups including Amnesty International and Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition. According to this thread and others, though, there's leftists supporting Israel or "both sides". What groups those would be...I have no idea. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 10:38:39 PM I meant to post some of this earlier, but most of it you are getting now. At any rate look, Zaid makes me look smart, and Zaid, that means you have to rethink a lot (read: everything you've thought about your existence thus far). All you liberals: think about this, Israel has broken more non-binding resolutions than any other country in the world. Now, I do want to say this, y'all have made my day off much more interesting. As far as the substantive issues go, I've often felt, move all the Israelis to Argentina, and all the Palentinians to rural-China. No on can move back until there is a peaceful situation. Of course no one listens to me but I think that's the only way to go. Now, Zaid, you are welcome to our circle jerk but keep in mind, grift has rejected all my invitations (and it is really starting to hurt my feelings). Really what I am trying to say is, Zaid if you want to hurl invectives, learn wtf you are talking about s*ithead, cause if you don''t I'll take you down. Now for y'all other dudes, there is drinking to be had. Good night. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 08:48:15 PM Reflexively ignoring IRE (figuring its trolling), I find that Greenwald hit it out of the park on the issue: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 01:19:11 PM Zaid that's not a nice thing to say at all! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 05:05:00 PM IRE you're the most fucking immature older person I've ever had the unfortunate time to associate with and I thank the stars I only have to interact with you on a website because I don't think I could resist laying you flat on your ass. Is that nice enough for you redneck? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2009 05:07:01 PM :'( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 09:22:14 AM Zaid, Please email me ASAP at catherine (at) Thank you. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Happy New Year to you all BASENAME: happy_new_years_to_you_all STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/31/2008 01:40:59 PM ----- BODY: icon I'm not on the party circuit tonight, since I've long called NYE amateur night and as we all know I'm a professional... One early party stop and home by 9 is my plan. So what are your plans? Will you be getting married? Will you be hiding out in a motel room hunkered down with a loved one? Will you be having a girlie sleepover? Will you be making steaks for your family and celebrating the "East Coast NYE"? Will you be making lists of resolutions? Will you be watching bad movies from the 80's-my personal fav is Streets of Fire Will you be watching the folks in Times Square freeze their butts off? Do tell... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wes F in Hapeville EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 02:22:01 PM We're staying in as well - your statement about Amateur Hour is truth. WF ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 02:35:48 PM Numbers 2-5 (a modified 3 and 4). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Amber EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 05:59:56 PM "Will you be getting married?" You put that on the list specifically because you know someone who *is* getting married tonight! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 06:38:03 PM Yup.. I even heard a rumor that we might blog the thing.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 07:50:32 PM We're hunkered down in a hotel room in Tybee Island. Champagne on ice, iPod playing our favorite music, will be blogging *the* wedding later. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 08:24:40 PM Streets of Fire is NOT a bad movie. Honey. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 08:27:35 PM Oops. Hehe. I thought Catherine posted that. OK, so I started partying a little early. Reading comprehension rules are suspended for this night, right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 08:41:00 PM Pretty weird that there are random explosions every few seconds reverberating off of the adjacent building, but no sirens, no helicopters, no big lights. I guess terrorism rules are suspended tonight too. Terror Alert Level: Beige. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 10:52:39 PM OK, so coming back from dinner they've got the main drag totally blocked with fire trucks, cops, and ambulances. Looks like someone got a little carried away with the fireworks perhaps. Not surprising since everyone we have encountered so far seems genuinely drunk. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 11:49:02 AM Love me some Tybee Island. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:24:30 PM We were in New Orleans traversing Bourbon Ave for NYE, way fun. Of course the mounds of alcohol did help the hilarity a bit. Way to many pictures on facebook to go into details. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Log Cabin Republican to Challenge Anne Fauver BASENAME: log_cabin_republican_to_challe STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/31/2008 05:27:53 PM ----- BODY: ...for Atlanta City Council via DecaturGuy Charles Stadtlander is running against Anne Fauver for City Council. As documented on Atlanta Public Affairs, Stadtlander doesn't like drag shows, or at least he didn't when he was in Missouri. According to the River Front Times:
Charles Stadtlander, president of the political organization for gay, lesbian and bisexual Republicans, says he now has reason to believe that homosexual sex occurred after the show. "Those actors wore revealing outfits, used inappropriate language and simulated sex acts," said Stadtlander. "Pretty inappropriate. But it pales in comparison to what they did later that night." Stadtlander says he has learned that two of the show's participants had consensual sexual intercourse at a motel. "Two dudes doing it is just — nasty," said Stadtlander.
Oh well, at least he actually lives in the district this time. ----- EXTENDED BODY: pink-elephants.jpg ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 01:21:37 AM For anyone who wants to start off 2009 with blogging-politics hilarity, read this: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 08:45:34 AM Wait wait wait. Maybe I'm confused and read this wrong, but... eh? The leader of a GOP GLBT advocacy organization has issues with with the consensual *ahem* affection of the people that said organization advocates for? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 11:53:51 AM Surprized? Confused? What's the big deal, just another republican who hates sex. In this case a gay republican. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 04:27:00 PM I think Obama should appoint this person to some high office to be inclusive. Inclusive of self loathing gay people or something like that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2009 10:27:53 PM We need to get this mailed out on the RNC email listserv ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2009 11:44:47 AM Jason, I think you read it right though I still cannot figure it out. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 01:28:33 AM Admins would it please be possible to get a thread about this: Intelligence Squared is a debate series that's brought together a lot of bigwigs to debate stuff. Karl Rove and Bill Kristol debate against the motion vs. two journalists. The podcast and transcript is available at that link and the Intelligence Squared website respectively. I haven't listened to the debate yet but I'm downloading it now. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Cover It Live for Jen & Tony's Wedding BASENAME: cover_it_live_for_jen_tonys_we STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/31/2008 07:35:20 PM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY:
Jen & Tony Get Hitched(12/31/2008) 
Powered by:
CatherineAtlanta:  Hello out there! Got started a little early.
CatherineAtlanta:  Weather is lovely here at Tybee. Sea breeze and fireworks.
CatherineAtlanta:  Thunder, do you want me to invite you to produce?
[Comment From Thunder]
Thunder hates being on the other side of a CiL
CatherineAtlanta:  Where are you tonight, Thunder?
CatherineAtlanta:  just sent the invite.
[Comment From Thunder]
Sure but I mightn't be here for long.
Thunder:  if you sent it to my hotmail ihate using hotmail.
CatherineAtlanta:  where do you want it?
CatherineAtlanta:  that's the only address I have.

Azure:  Hi all. This is so exciting. I actually just watched the previous two weddings and feel like a complete voyeur.
CatherineAtlanta:  Wow. cool.

CatherineAtlanta:  i'm going to watch on my iPhone and blog here.
Azure:  Oh you are becoming such an iPhone snob.
CatherineAtlanta:  I love it. I played with all the way down here in the car.
Azure:  Did you email Rusty, Amber, et al?
CatherineAtlanta:  well, til the battery ran out and then I used Jerry's.

CatherineAtlanta:  Jen is going to twitter them.
CatherineAtlanta:  or is that tweet them? I never know.
CatherineAtlanta:  I pulled a "Jay" and we got a better room for the same price.
Azure:  That's funny. Nita texted the same thing recently.
Azure:  It seems to work.
CatherineAtlanta:  We have a balcony and can sorta see the beach.
Azure:  More important, can you smell the ocean?
Thunder:  My ATR email is the one I prefer.
CatherineAtlanta:  YES! It's great.
CatherineAtlanta:  Thunder, sweetie, I don't have that one.
Azure:  Seven minutes until the nuptials. From now on, I'm only attending weddings virtually.
Azure:  This is the business.
CatherineAtlanta:  Yes, I think it's the bomb.
CatherineAtlanta:  I'm so happy for them. I think it's cool that they were able to do this the way they wanted to.
Azure:  It's so modern of them.
CatherineAtlanta:  No family. That's the way! LOL
Azure:  We had a small wedding too. It's the only way to go. Every big wedding I've ever attended has ended in divorce.
Azure:  I'm convinced small weddings are good luck.
CatherineAtlanta:  Whenever I go to a big wedding it seems like the bride and groom have a miserable time.
Thunder:  Hi Azure! Hi CatherineAtlanta!
CatherineAtlanta:  did you roast a chicken?
Thunder:  Me?
Azure:  One of my dear friends was so nervous during her wedding, she remembers nothing. Absolutely nothing. Total wedding amnesia.
CatherineAtlanta:  thunder, welcome!
Thunder:  BTW: Twitter users, you can participate! Just post your username!
CatherineAtlanta:  No, Azure was going to roast a chicken for the first time.
Thunder:  Azure it is so easy!
CatherineAtlanta:  OK, it's time! Where is that gorgeous bride.
Azure:  There are green bars! Where's the picture?
CatherineAtlanta:  They never start on time. What are we thinking?
CatherineAtlanta:  Thunder, what are you up to tonight?
Azure:  My parents were married on New Year's Day. Easy to remember the anniversary.
Benson:  Can someone post the link? People at the party (Juliana) want to watch.
Azure:  I'll email you the link Benson. She doesn't want it posted.
Thunder:  BENSON I MAY HEAD UP THERE I am waiting for some chums to arrive.

CatherineAtlanta:  Well, Jen said not to post it on the blog, but here it is:
Benson:  Thunder, just give it up, you already dissed me!!
Thunder:  NAH BRO!
CatherineAtlanta:  oops
Thunder:  Who all is there now.
CatherineAtlanta:  Hey, Ed, can I delete a comment that I made?
Azure:  I'm getting antsy. Where's the picture?
Thunder:  Don't think so.
Thunder:  It hasn't started if there are green bars. All I know.
CatherineAtlanta:  Oh, don't worry, Azure. I'm sure it's all fine.
Thunder:  So what is everyone' resolution?
Azure:  Focus on friends and family in 2009. No more politics.
CatherineAtlanta:  I don't do them. But, I have begun to exercise regularly and will continue. We made a little home gym in our basement.
Thunder:  Azure you serious? No more of the Game?
Azure:  Done. Stick a fork in me.
Thunder:  No way. I can't believe that for some reason.
Benson:  hi, jules here.. what's up with this wedding?
CatherineAtlanta:  how 'bout you Thunder? What's upfor you for 2009?
Thunder:  Don't die.
CatherineAtlanta:  dunno, jules. probably just the typical delays.
Azure:  Not sure Jules. I'm getting a little freaked out. The other weddings started on time.
Thunder:  HI JULES!
CatherineAtlanta:  LOL Thunder. That's a good resolution. I'll join you in that one.
Benson:  oh, I want to see the dress!
Azure:  Whew! There it is.
Thunder:  I tried to find a plaid dinner jacket for tonight but I was SOL with thrifting.
Azure:  Yea! Can I zoom this picture?
CatherineAtlanta:  Cool! music begins.
Thunder:  does anyone else have no audio?
Azure:  Beautiful. Nat King Cole.
CatherineAtlanta:  I have audio! Oh i'm going to cry.
Azure:  Oh my God. She's stunning.
Thunder:  awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
CatherineAtlanta:  She looks great! What a dress!
Thunder:  is she crying?
Azure:  Smile Jen!
Thunder:  I'm glad he has a waistcoat.
Azure:  Her hair looks amazing.
CatherineAtlanta:  Oh, the Prophet. LOVE IT!
Azure:  I love this.
Thunder:  I like Khalil Gibran
CatherineAtlanta:  How cool that their friend gets to officiate.
Thunder:  it is the second most translated book in the world. I have no audio so I can only critique the aesthetics.
CatherineAtlanta:  Tony looks really happy. Jen looks gorgeous!
CatherineAtlanta:  Aw, very cool.
Azure:  I'm crying.
Thunder:  It is melting my heart of stone.
Azure:  Short and sweet. Lovely.
CatherineAtlanta:  Perfect. Lovely. How cool. They looked so happy.
Benson:  DFI loves the dress
Thunder:  It was nice!
CatherineAtlanta:  I want to see that dress in person.
Azure:  Congrats to the new bride and groom. May they have many years of happiness.
Thunder:  I believe I can now speak for the DFI and we will withhold judgement on the tux.
Benson:  I love attending wedddings this way, half in the bag and in my pj's
CatherineAtlanta:  Yeah, me too, Jules.
Thunder:  Congratulations to the two of them!
CatherineAtlanta:  Ahem, you don't congratulate the bride, people!
Benson:  Thunder, my bad cause I couldn't consult..
Thunder:  Jules I'll be up there soon!
CatherineAtlanta:  Best wishes to the bride. Congratulations to the groom.
Azure:  Catherine is so old school. OK, best wishes to the bride.
Benson:  Best Wishes to the bride, congrats to the groom
Azure:  Good night all. Back to my photo organizing. Catherine, please consider deleting this CIL when you guys are done.
CatherineAtlanta:  Yes, I am old school, but it does make sense!
CatherineAtlanta:  Jen wanted to see it. I'll figure it out. night folks!
Thunder:  OK I am out of here! Jules, there is much we must discuss. Do not leave until my arrival!

----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/31/2008 09:11:58 PM I hope the delay isn't due to a wardrobe malfunction. A cummerbund crease. Or a ribbon rip. Something like that. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Promoted from comments BASENAME: promoted_from_comments STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/03/2009 11:16:53 AM ----- BODY: iconHappy New Year Zaid... Is Bush The Worst President Of The Past 50 Years?
When a group of pundits gathered for a recent Oxford-style debate, the proposition alone was provocative: "Bush 43 Is the Worst President of the Past 50 Years." But when you consider that one of the panelists defending President Bush's legacy was his longtime adviser Karl Rove, the night became even more interesting.
NPR article here, podcast here. FWIW- I'm not sure I care if he is or isn't, the fact remains that there is a lot of work to do in the 111th Congress, in our communities and on President Elect Obama's plate. Even if Bush was the 10th worst President, does a label really matter? Discuss. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:10:10 PM Yes. Take Reagan. Gave the conservatives a chance to polish any of the bullcrap from Bush's shoulder and they will. We probably won't have a Cult of W like we do with Reagan, but there should be no illusions as to how disastrous this Republican rule has been ten years later. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:33:17 PM I listened to the entire debate, which was hard because anytime Bill Kristol or Rove was speaking all I could do was scribble furiously on a piece of paper the best ways to kill myself if their propagandizing was to ever succeed and Bush was seen as triumphant as they portray him. I have to say the most hilarious part was when Kristol basically tried to character assassinate the Guardian journalist by pointing out he was British, and then saying something to the tune of, "How DOES the world feel about the United States? Do they hate us in East Asia? No! It's Liberal Elites from Western Europe! Those Liberal Elites from Western Europe hate us no matter what we do and hate George W. Bush!" I don't know if Kristol remembers, but Bush's approval ratings in the US are the lowest of any President since Truman, and I don't think there's a country on earth where he's more (relatively) popular than here, so either Those Liberal Elites procreate rather fast or maybe, just maybe, Bush is unpopular past the New England-Western Europe nexus of Marxists and hippies. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 06:10:38 PM Got to put Clinton and Carter in any of these discussions. Actually other than LBJ they are all racing to be the worst of the last 50 years. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 06:20:33 PM Bush being named "the worst" is important to the extent that the publicity it generates should (or could) serve to discredit some of the disastrous things he stands for. That is probably our job here in the blogosphere; identify bad policies, connect them to people or a party, and don't let people forget. Cronyism, greed, deregulation, war, anti-intellectualism, faith-based policymaking, deception... all these things are generally bad. As long as Republicans continue to accept these things as a means of achieving their ends, we need to try to make them take responsibility for the consequences. I wish they would stop eating babies too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 07:16:29 PM Carter, I might be persuaded to give some bad marks to, but Clinton? Naw, the guy wasn't a progressive by any means, but the trains run solidly on time. Clinton may have not had huge moments of inspiration, but he was an excellent administrator. I don't think he saw the writing on the walls in terms of "free" trade, but again, not many others did. And compared to the parade of lamers like Bush I, Nixon, and Ford, he definitely stood above that particular crowd. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 07:25:20 PM Clinton caused more destruction the the Democratic Party in Dixie than anyone else. Plus he enacted the deregulation of the financial sector that caused the BS we are in now. He basically sounded the death knell for unions. He f*cking LIED UNDER OATH. You want me to go on? Look, who cares he didn't see the writing on thewall w/r/t free trade. That is still admitting it was sh*t legislation. If our standard for good POTUSes is that he is better than Reagan or Bush I, whoop dee f&cking dee. I'd like to have some higher standards. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 07:50:57 PM Dixie was lost to the Democrats with or without Clinton. In fact, his victory in the Presidency (along with Carter) is probably what kept the electability = white Southern male alive far beyond its time. And totally fuck that Lewinsky tripe. I don't know how Clinton specifically screwed the unions. Yes, manufacturing went overseas to lower wages, but I'm not sure that it wouldn't have gone to "right to work" states down South here otherwise. He also took a pretty serious shot at getting us to a better health care system, shifted the tax code in a progressive direction, and presided over S-CHIP (which is a good wedge to open to further government-backed health care). His crew also did a pretty well-reviewed job in Bosnia in halting ethnic cleansing without bogging down in a massive mess. And of course, there was that work on cleaning up the national deficit during his economic peak so that we could try and save for a rainy day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 09:28:23 PM "Dixie was lost to the Democrats with or without Clinton." And what happened in 1994 and beyond? Clinton became a wedge and most of that was because of Lewinski. "I don't know how Clinton specifically screwed the unions." NAFTA. If you want to continue to say he couldn't see the writing on the wall then you're still admitting it was bad legislation. "He also took a pretty serious shot at getting us to a better health care system." Yeah and failed and made the topic toxic for quite some time (it is much less so now, but still incredibly dangerous for the way the Clintons handled it). Let me make an analogy. The POUTS' job is to get legislation passed. Yeah, there are de facto roles he must play but let's face it, the laws that are enacted during his tenure are what define him. I liken this to a place kicker in football. He may kick 99 FGs out of 100 in a year. That 100th he misses was in the Super Bowl for the victory and he missed it. Then he hasn't done his job. Same way with healthcare. Not only was it an Epic Fail, it was an EF on an issue near and dear to the hearts of progressives that made progressive legislation dangerous to adopt. Why do you like his efforts again? "His crew also did a pretty well-reviewed job in Bosnia..." And then there is Rwanda. Bang up job there. Let's see, couldn't stop thugs using ancient technology from killing more people than Hitler did during the same period. Sure fine, blame it on the international community. But then you are admitting an American President couldn't, and wouldn't try to marshall the IC to stop that? Once again, Epic Fail (shit when he apologized in Rwanda he gave some bullshit half-assed apology when he was there and there not long enough to even shut down the engines of the plane). "And of course, there was that work on cleaning up the national deficit during his economic peak so that we could try and save for a rainy day." +1. So, in review, failed as a leader of the Party, failed to help workers in America (workers who also support his party), failed miserably in human rights abuses and stopping genocide, failed at getting the KEY progressive legislation passed, and did a good job with money. C+ at best. There is no need to hold the same rosy vision of Bill-dog that Republicans have of Reagan. I love being Zaid sometimes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 09:47:19 PM Dude, Clinton ain't my Reagan, but by no means is he my Nixon, which is what you're saying in putting him down in your worst in 50 years crowd. Your statement is that Clinton is just as bad as every Republican president we've had in the past 50. I'm saying that isn't true. My standard isn't perfection in that point. My standard is somewhat bright spot in really crappy procession. "Yeah and failed and made the topic toxic for quite some time" Well, the toxicity did show up in the elites, but let's face it - once the first shot was fired, it was up to the DC Elite to be sure that it was toxic. Meanwhile, you had S-CHIP working away out there. You get people wondering why middle class people get such crap for so much money when those Other People get good government care for their kids for very little. The disgust isn't at the program's poor performance - it is why everyone doesn't have it. "NAFTA. If you want to continue to say he couldn't see the writing on the wall then you're still admitting it was bad legislation." Yeah, I referred to that above. Again, I don't see how that *specifically* screwed union workers. Dixie is / was more than happy to be the anvil upon which labor was broken - the Mexicans just got to the finish line first. Everyone got screwed in that one. Look, I hate the DLC as much as anyone else, and of course Clinton was the founder / flagbearer of that "Third Way" movement. They idolized the market just a little too much, and forgot why we did all this regulating in the first place. There were even some clever innovations in there, like pollution markets and the formulation of market incentives to drive toward social goals. However, the chief difference of the DLC and the Republicans is that the DLC believes a properly operating market can help the little guy just as much as the big if you design it and the support systems right. The Republicans believe that the little guy getting crushed is a feature, not a bug. Survival of the best innovators / risk takers and so on. I'm for giving Bill the status of competent, okay President, not build a shrine to the man. Obama's the first Prez I've had any excitement over in my life. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 09:59:34 PM Also, as for the market thing - I believe the market does have a lot of power. However, it is merely an evolutionary algorithm conducted using humans rather than computers. EA's are what you use when all of your other tools have broken down against a complex problem. The greatest challenge for a market is to get the price signals correct. Take CO2 emissions - a no brainer for a market. All you want to do is transform carbon sinks from "infinite" (un-priced) to the finite commodities they really are. Allow X Gigatons to be emitted per year, auction them as assets, and then have them swapped around. Of course, there are problems with things like trying to make the NHS in Britain into a market-driven deal ... I think it was one of the BBC documentaries ("Fuck you Buddy" as an episode?) that showed all the perverse ways that administrators figured out to game the system for bonuses. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 10:06:15 PM Also, don't forget that Clinton gave your boy Richardson a major boost by naming him the Energy Secretary. And, point man for NAFTA in the House. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 10:26:44 PM "Your statement is that Clinton is just as bad as every Republican president we've had in the past 50 years." Not at all. I can point to several accomplishments from Billdog that are good. Something I can't really say for the GOP POTUSes. What I am saying, is, let's call a spade a spade. He was a bad President. He was so bad that his VP tried to distance himself from Bill. Does that sound like a decent POTUS for you? We've just had decades of OK or middling POTUSes (and I'll admit its not like they are a dime-a-dozen). "Also, don't forget that Clinton gave your boy Richardson a major boost by naming him the Energy Secretary. And, point man for NAFTA in the House." Not at all ignoring that, nor would I say Richardson is perfect (he's far far far far far FAR FAR FAR *FAR* from it). See, I don't think we are actually disagreeing on anything per se, probably just different perspectives on certain elements of Clintonism. But because I am Zaid, your ignorance is so glaring on the subject that even if we do agree 90% on certain things, you are unfit to even direct a general train of ESP toward the section of the library that contains texts on Clinton. Oh wait, you go to Tech, there aren't books on social sciences. Look, unless you want to stop trolling and not be a giant asshole and stop this bullshit character assassination, you need to move aside old man. (It's been a while since he brought up the debate about age). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 10:36:45 PM Hahahaha, good times, IRE. I did want to twist the Richardson knife a little, though. "He was so bad that his VP tried to distance himself from Bill." Actually, that was probably one of the dumber things Gore did. For whatever reason, Clinton's zipper problems were supposed to spill onto Gore, and that was enough to keep him from claiming credit on an economy that looked rather good in 2000. Also, somehow I remember Bush getting to the left of him on some bullshit CO2 rhetoric in the campaign. For whatever reason, it seems they didn't want Gore to come off as some kind of Crazy Environut or something. I think it was in Dr. Drew's book that I saw a suggested speech for Gore to use when Clinton's character was brought up in debate. Namely that a coke-head, drunk-ass, draft dodger that had never run a business that wasn't bailed out by Daddy's Men had no business calling out a guy for Blowjob by Proxy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 03:11:43 AM I don't know what's going on except IRE has developed an unhealthy obsession with me (I guess he moved on from Joe Lieberman biographies?). I don't bring up anyone's age unless they step in the shit first and bring mine up, and IRE's up in an cow's butt right now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 03:14:54 AM "Obama's the first Prez I've had any excitement over in my life." If I could ask a sincere question, how are you excited about Obama and why weren't you excited about other Presidents? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 03:25:02 AM I want to thank the admins for putting it up. If you want any space in anything I write for let me know and we'll see what we can work out. "Bush being named "the worst" is important to the extent that the publicity it generates should (or could) serve to discredit some of the disastrous things he stands for. That is probably our job here in the blogosphere; identify bad policies, connect them to people or a party, and don't let people forget. " I think this is absolutely crucial. We have an opportunity to make a clean break and discredit the bad policies of the past 35 years. But that only happens if we really seize it and not back down to pressure from the inevitable people that will try to stand in the way (I'm hearing that the GOP wants to filibuster just about everything in the Senate, maybe it's time to go back to the history books and look at the strategies of a Mentzenbaum or a Gravel closely). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 09:51:20 AM IRE's up in an cow's butt right now. Don't judge me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 10:07:24 AM "If I could ask a sincere question, how are you excited about Obama and why weren't you excited about other Presidents?" Well, my life has been relatively short. The only Presidents I have lived through are George HW Bush, Clinton, George W Bush, and now Obama. As I've said earlier, Clinton was competent, but he didn't do anything so fantastic that it made me think of government as a great thing for people's lives. He was well designed for my apathy - kept the trains running and didn't blow up the system, had some pretty competent guys under him and generally spoke like I thought the head of a state should speak. GWB, I could tell was an idiot from the moment he started campaigning. My chief emotion in 2000 was a sinking feeling accompanied by, "Holy shit, they fell for it?!?" You may look at Obama as centrist, but even without going too far left, he has laid out a very ambitious agenda. A total overall of the country's largest technological system (energy), a major revision of its fastest growing system (health care), and an across-the-board end to Teh Stupid are pretty major things to get excited about. His election comes with a feeling of relief, that the adults are back in charge, and that the wheels of progress are turning again. My engineering field has some of the brightest minds in the country dedicated to one of the most monumental tasks humanity has ever undertaken, so I know that big moves are usually also slow moves. So, I'm not expecting Obama to deliver overnight. But, I am pretty excited about him pointing us in the right direction. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 10:09:44 AM Well, I guess I lived through Reagan, too, but I never remember that guy once on national TV. I think the first Presidential speech I can recall is George Sr. telling us we were about to go hit Saddam. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:04:45 PM The writing on the wall with NAFTA was that we could try to keep some jobs in this hemisphere with a chance of continued progress, or lose them ALL to China or elsewhere. Saving jobs for the USA was never an option, unless we want to start talking about big tariffs on imports, which also isn't going to happen, especially for USA-owned companies. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: This isn't even a clown car-more like the short yellow bus BASENAME: this_isnt_even_a_clown_carmore STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/03/2009 12:20:41 PM ----- BODY: icon
Three top contenders have emerged for the seat of Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who is leaving Congress Friday. By some counts, there are as many as 18 people who are at least considering a run, but State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz, Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley and former Transportation Security Administration official Justin Oberman appear to be the three leading candidates. "There's tier one, then there's everybody else," said Eric Adelstein, a Democratic consultant in Chicago, who ran the race of Rep. Melissa Bean, among others.
Among the other candidates believed to seek the seat are Alexander Victor Forys, a physician focused on healthcare reform; Charles J. Wheelan, a public policy professor; Chicago nightclub owner Joey Vartanian; art foundation manager Israel Vasquez, Cary Capparelli, a local businessman and son of a former State Representative; Jan H. Donatelli, a former Delta Airlines pilot and recent Obama campaign activist.
Geesh and I always heard that the Illinois political machine had a handle on all their cats...hum. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 01:19:31 PM Joey Vartanian seems like the logical choice. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 01:27:28 PM MOTS- ya know I was thinking that the night club owner seemed like a good option.. I mean isn't the US Congress a bit like a night club these days...what with all the scandals, payoffs,VIP rooms, money in the kitchen, short pours on health care and all that wheeling and dealing. He ought to fit right in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 01:29:58 PM The Armenian Caucus needs another member. VOTE VARTANIAN! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 03:36:29 PM Can we revoke Chicago's right to elect its own government and place it under control of the Feds and a military junta? Can't be worse than it's been. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2009 04:07:45 PM Until we get ourselves some porn stars in the mix, this looks like a much lamer version of the post Gray Davis (the recall that gave CA the governator) special election. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Terry McAuliffe to run for Governor of Virginia BASENAME: terry_mcauliffe_to_run_for_gov STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/04/2009 12:09:11 AM ----- BODY: Former DNC chief announces Virginia governor run
McAuliffe faces two other Democrats who have been active for nearly a year in an already contentious nomination fight to succeed Democratic Gov. Timothy M. Kaine. State Sen. Creigh Deeds narrowly lost the attorney general's race in 2005, and former House Democratic Caucus chairman Brian Moran is also in the race.
See the campaign site at ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 08:49:33 AM Oh, for the love of Jeebus!!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 11:04:02 AM Paula: why do you say that? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 03:43:34 PM There's not enough bandwidth on the Internet to adequately explain how awful I think he is. And I actually don't really have enough time, either. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:02:47 PM tehLAWLz. I didn't think you needed to say anything more than he is a serious carpetbagger. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:46:38 PM This will probably help Creigh Deeds in the primary. Mcauliffe and Moran will split the NoVa vote. He may raise tons of money since Virginia has no individual contribution limits . ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 04:57:43 PM Ironically, I just heard that Tim Kaine is going to be the new chair of the DNC. It will be interesting to see if this foretells future setbacks to the Democratic party or the final march down to the South to pursue and disband the Republicans once and for all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 06:26:02 PM Go Creigh Deeds! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 09:25:16 AM Mcauliffe used to call my cell phone about once every two weeks and ask for Mary Landrieu. He is a hoot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 10:22:45 AM Virginians take their governors quite seriously. It is considered the highest honor that the voters can bestow... higher than Senator, Congressman, or even President. McCauliffe's very shallow roots in Virginia will crush him...but he will have the money to compete. This could be bad for the Democratic ticket b/c it means the primary is going to be bloody. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: One more seat to fill in Obama's cabinet. BASENAME: one_more_seat_to_fill_in_obama STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/04/2009 02:18:45 PM ----- BODY: iconBill "I shaved my beard for this" Richardson is withdrawing from Commerce Secretary bid.
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, tapped in December by President-elect Barack Obama to serve as secretary of Commerce, has withdrawn his name for the position, citing a pending investigation into a company that has done business with his state. "Let me say unequivocally that I and my Administration have acted properly in all matters and that this investigation will bear out that fact," he said Sunday in a report by NBC News' Andrea Mitchell. "But I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process."
So who shall Obama tap next? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 02:38:50 PM I say Roland Burris just to stick it to Gov. Blago ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 02:39:57 PM That's the second one that's withdrawn his name facing activist fire. I have to tip my hat to public watchdogs. "So who shall Obama tap next?" Bow chicka bow wow. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 03:24:19 PM If any of the ties come back to haunt the people building the spaceport down there, I'm gonna be mighty pissed. The voters already shot down a bond issue on construction for it down there, but I can at least see the logic. The Spaceport people didn't make a strong enough case that it would eventually be something besides the loading area for a millionaire roller coaster. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 07:43:54 PM BTW: I officially announced that I would like to be considered for this position. I'd even do it as a "placeholder" for the real Bill dog. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 01:57:56 AM Remember when Barack Obama declined to visit Georgia on behalf of Jim Martin because he didn't want to waste his political capital on a probable loser? In view of the Warren drama, the Blago scandal, and this, that calculation seems a bit silly. He should have spent it when he had most of it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 03:07:24 AM Barack Obama, I think it can be fair to say, is not someone who is particularly outspoken, I think his style is on consensus. That can be a good thing or a bad thing, but given Washington's consensus it usually reaches, I'm leaning towards we're in for a rough patch for some time now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 03:37:53 AM Case in point: 40% of Barack Obama's proposed stimulus package will be in 300 billion dollars in tax cuts, the larger single package of tax cuts than anything Bush handed out, according to the Wall Street Journal.( The cuts are based on the last cut stimulus package which, "Economists of all political stripes widely agree the checks sent out last spring were ineffective in stemming the economic slide" notes the Journal. So why exactly is he doing this? I think it's because he's going along with Washington Consensus circa past 35 years which is, Tax Cuts Solve Everything, Or At Least They Make Campaign Contributors Happy. That strategy I think will join Everything Israel Does Is OK, Palestinian Life Doesn't Matter and Hey, Private Insurance Has A Very Serious Role in Healthcare. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 04:00:47 AM Here's a chart by Mark Zandi (a Republican) from to show you exactly what stimulates what: It's dollars per amount of stimulus generated. As you can see, foodstamps and unemployment benefits actually create the most bang for the buck, infrastructure spending is third, aid to states is fourth, a payroll tax holiday comes in fifth, and all other tax rebates follow in level of stimulus they create. Corporate tax cut, which seems to be abundant in the new package being proposed by President Obama, ranks third to last, creating only .30 on the dollar stimulus (making it actually not worth it). How about a logic game on this? Why from the chart I posted do the food stamps and unemployment benefits create the largest stimulus per dollar spent? Because the money goes to working-class people, who spend almost all of it to survive. It's 85-90% spent, maybe, going straight into the economy. Giving a gigantic tax break to a rich person means he dumps it into an offshore tax haven that boosts the economy of China. Obama is talking major tax cuts for people he didn't say he was cutting taxes for while he campaigned. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 10:13:33 AM Zaid, I think your chart is showing where Obama's cuts will go. Look closely at the difference between "refundable" and "non-refundable" tax breaks. The first goes more to the lower classes, which have little to no tax burden already, and the second more to the higher classes. Also, I think when Obama is talking "business" tax cut, there are plans to target that to businesses (especially small ones) that are already in trouble or wish to buck the trend and expand some. He's buying paychecks now so he won't have to make them later. The upside may not be as great as with infrastructure, but it does help control the downside as well. That said, I'd like to see a lot of infrastructure spending. We've neglected it for so long, and it benefits everyone. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 02:48:42 PM Greg Palast of the BBC calls Richardson a "Kissinger-American" Ouch. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 10:19:22 AM Last night, I heard on talk radio some blathering about how Obama's proposed tax cuts are socialist because they are geared towards the non-rich. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:09:34 AM Yeah, I heard about the "welfare" cuts as well. Of course, the fact that someone doesn't pay income tax doesn't mean they don't have payroll, sales, or other taxes. I think Obama should draft a bomb-thrower (perhaps a super-safe Congressman like Waxman, Lewis, or Wexler) to force the Republicans to admit that the only tax cuts they consider legitimate are those that go to the very wealthiest, like capital gains and / or estate tax. It is also interesting to hear the economic rhetoric - these guys really do believe that the economy begins and ends at capital, and that labor is an inconvenience at best. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 03:58:03 PM The thing that kills me is that no matter how much you make, they always take out taxes. Sure, it gets refunded to you every April, but even working as a burger flipper part time, you still get taxes taken out of your paycheck! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Gov. Tim Kaine is the new DNC Chairman BASENAME: gov_tim_kaine_is_the_new_dnc_c STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/04/2009 07:44:37 PM ----- BODY: According to the Washington Post,
Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine will become chairman of the Democratic National Committee later this month, serving as the top political messenger for Barack Obama's administration even while he finishes his final year in the governor's mansion, several sources said. Kaine, who emerged as one of Obama's vice presidential finalists this summer, will operate from Richmond in a part-time capacity until January 2010, when he will become the full-time DNC chairman. Kaine is constitutionally barred from running for reelection.
Does this give Southern States an advantage? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2009 08:22:29 PM Not sure but I do now it gives Southern Catholics an advantage! The Pope w00t w00t! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Quote of the day BASENAME: quote_of_the_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/04/2009 10:11:45 PM ----- BODY:
You can go back to your, what do you call it, your Google, and you figure out all that.
George H. W. Bush (from Political Wire)
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Tondee's Renovates BASENAME: tondees_renovates STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/05/2009 05:51:55 AM ----- BODY: New Look! New Bartenders! New Content! If you haven't been to Tondee's Tavern for a while now is the time to spend some time hanging out at Georgia's friendly online political "tavern". Visitors will notice a refreshed bar area, the addition of two existing Georgia blogs - Safe as Houses and Georgia Women Vote. Thunderstruck features everyone's favorite bartender. You'll always find Proprietor, Jon Flack, at The Flack Attack. For more details and background, check out our conversation with Jon Flack on Kudzu Vine last night. Be sure to listen to the end to hear Tim's outrage of the week, wherein he takes Minnesota (soon to be ex) Senator Norm Coleman to task. Listen or download The Kudzu Vine now! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Statement from DPG Chair Jane Kidd BASENAME: statement_from_dpg_chair_jane STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/05/2009 01:13:55 PM ----- BODY: On the passing of former Attorney General Griffin Bell.
Bell, who served as Attorney General under President Jimmy Carter, was a native of Americus and passed away today in Atlanta. "Today, our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Griffin Bell, and although we are saddened by the loss of a great statesman, we honor his memory and the contributions he made throughout a career of public service. I feel a deep personal loss today, because of Judge Bell's close relationship with my family, but his true legacy transcends personal relationships. As Chief of Staff to former Governor Ernest Vandiver, he was a principal architect of the plan to desegregate schools in Georgia. As a federal judge, he worked to implement the Civil Rights Act, and as Attorney General in the Carter Administration, he fought to improve the credibility and professionalism of the US Department of Justice. These are just a few of the extraordinary accomplishments of an extraordinary Georgian. "He leaves us with a legacy of devotion to a greater good and commitment to the citizens not only of his country but of the world."
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Wendy from Rome is back in Rome BASENAME: wendy_from_rome_is_back_in_rom STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/05/2009 02:16:58 PM ----- BODY: Yeahhh Wendy's back in Georgia. Received this tidbit from a Poythress for Governor email:
CAMPAIGN MANAGER HIRED: GEORGIA PEACH WITH NATIONAL EXPERIENCE Wendy Davis, twenty-year political veteran, has returned to Georgia to serve as my campaign manager. In the last 17 months, Wendy has worked in 22 states as National Field and Training Director for 21st Century Democrats and as a senior political staff member for Governor Bill Richardson's Presidential campaign. A Georgia native, she is a DPG state committee member, former president of the Young Democrats of Georgia, and active with the Floyd County Dems. Wendy has worked around the state for many notable Democrats such as Secretaries of State Max Cleland, Lewis Massey and Cathy Cox; Congressman Sanford Bishop; State Senator Steve Henson; former Atlanta City Council Member Doug Alexander.
Congrats Wendy!! Ladies and gentlemen the race for Governor just got interesting... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2009 11:34:07 PM Always good to see Wendy back in action. And my goodness, has it been 20 years? Yeah, that will make you feel a bit older quick. Cheers & Good Luck to her, JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Mama voted for Obama BASENAME: mama_voted_for_obama STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/06/2009 04:11:38 PM ----- BODY: From the people who brought you Why Mommy is a Democrat, it's Mama Voted for Obama. Very cute, but more of a rip of, than riff on, Green Eggs and Ham. Mama-cover-298x383.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Kabuki BASENAME: kabuki STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/07/2009 11:36:17 AM ----- BODY: Senate Democrats plan to accept Roland Burris for President-elect Barack Obama's vacant seat. USA Today blog is updating. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:47:04 AM ...if the court rules that the Illinois Secretary of State has to sign the appointment. Which I think he/she does; it looks like an administrative duty. Honestly, I am not sure what the Senate cognoscenti is thinking on Burris. I think the Adam Clayton Powell case is clear on this, and the argument that the Senate has a different electoral history than the House doesn't do anything for me. They are just dragging this out. That said, I would make sure Burris doesn't cast the deciding vote on anything for the time being. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:54:55 AM Roland Burris would have to resign from the Chicago Olympic bid if he is seated. Although, from my reading, it appears only "elected officials" are banned from serving on Chicago 2016, and RB was not elected. Sure that goes against the spirit but not the letter of their rules. That's your Olympic news for the day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 01:06:28 PM I don't know what Adam Clayton Powell case you are referring to, but I think Article 1, Section 5 of the US Constitution is pretty clear too. "Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members". Personally, I think it would be a mistake to seat him. Once he is in, it would be hard to get him out, and what if he DID pay to get the appointment? Or at least promised something to Blago in return? Would they REALLY kick him out if he promised to leave and didn't? Even if he won his election? There's just too many open flames to be introducing a flammable material. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 02:31:40 PM Yes, and that constitutional phrase you refer was take to mean in Powell v. McCormack that all Congress could do was look at was the standing qualifications (i.e is he over 30, etc.). (a) The Court’s examination of relevant historical materials shows at most that Congress’ power under Art. I, § 5, to judge the “Qualifications of its Members” is a “textually demonstrable constitutional commitment . . . to [that] co-ordinate political department of government” (Baker v. Carr, 369 U. S. 186, 369 U. S. 217) to judge only standing qualifications which are expressly set forth in the Constitution; hence, the House has no power to exclude a member-elect who meets the Constitution’s membership requirements. Pp. 395 U. S. 518-548. (b) The case does not present a political question in the sense, also urged by respondents, that it would entail a “potentially embarrassing confrontation between coordinate branches” of the Government, since our system of government requires federal courts on occasion to interpret the Constitution differently from other branches. Pp. 395 U. S. 548-549. 7. In judging the qualifications of its members under Art. I, § 5, Congress is limited to the standing qualifications expressly prescribed by the Constitution. P. 395 U. S. 550. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 02:34:23 PM If he did pay to get the appointment, I think he would certainly be removed by his peers. They do have oversight there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 03:10:15 PM OK, that makes sense actually. Can't have the Congress excluding everyone except rich, white guys, for example. So if the SoS signs that form, they have to seat him, but then they could try to throw him out with 2/3 vote. Unlikely they would actually do that, but it would be easier than if he had been elected. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 04:12:54 PM I still think it says something about Burris' character that he accepted the appointment. It just feels dirty, but MotS convinced me that the Senate does have to seat him once the Illinois SoS is ordered by the courts to verify the governor's appointment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 06:02:29 PM So, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, a person who's political skill will help determine the success of the Democratic agenda, has effectively been outmaneuvered by the most corrupt, least popular governor in the United States. This does not bode well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 06:29:15 PM As opposed to being outmaneuvered by the most corrupt, least popular President in the United States? Hopefully, he doesn't go Plaxico with the loaded gun that 58 Senators provides. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 09:00:01 PM I'm no big Harry Reid fan, but it looks like he did the only thing he could; convince the IL SoS to not sign the papers. Buys some time, which allows all the fixers to figure something else out. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 10:41:48 AM Reid could have refrained from threatening not to seat Blagos pick - that he did and is now going back on his vow shows him to be an ignorant, blustering weakling. If he wasn't certain he could follow through on his threat, he simply shouldn't have made it. And while I'm not forgiving, his inability to stand up to a yet to be indicted president with the power of the veto us forgiveable in comparison. At this point, it's like Barney Fife is running the Senate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 11:38:50 AM Reid was fine when we were in the minority. Probably a good choice, even. But now we have to have someone more forceful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 11:54:42 AM A much more eloquent statement of Reid's pwnage: I think we need us a big Blue State Senator for Senate Majority Leader. Someone who knows how to survive with piranha. While Obama's showing the Senate that he's going to be the Alpha Dog (nice move on washing the CIA's hands a little for them), Reid's effectiveness is mirroring that little chihuahua that runs out yipping at you when you come to the door. Which is too bad ... I think we're going to need a Don Corleone type to force McConnell to play the one card he has (endless filibuster) until it is time for the Day of Reckoning. The Republicans will need a good ol' fashioned union busting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 09:17:06 PM I wouldn't use the phrase "union busting" around Democrats persay, but I think a Feingold-led Senate might be something other than a conduit for capitulations to special interests. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Gwinnett begins fast-track deportations January 12th. BASENAME: gwinnett_begins_fasttrack_depo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/07/2009 02:37:13 PM ----- BODY: Sorry for the delay in posting this, but the end of the year was a bit intense for me.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tuesday, December 30, 2008 Hundreds of Gwinnett County inmates who are in the country illegally will be fast-tracked for deportation once federal immigration officials begin a 26-day "surge" to screen foreign nationals. The surge will begin Jan. 12, with federal immigration officials working in 15-person teams from 6 a.m. to midnight at the Gwinnett jail, said Stacey Bourbonnais, spokeswoman for the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department. The surge is the latest step in an effort to forge a partnership between the county and the federal government that would allow local jailers to begin deportation paperwork. During the surge, agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will check the immigration status of all foreign-born inmates booked into the jail regardless of their claim to citizenship. Inmates here illegally will be processed for removal to their home country, Bourbonnais said. Gwinnett has been waiting since March for approval from ICE to begin training deputies to flag illegal immigrants who are arrested — no matter the offense — for deportation. "This hopefully will bring us one step closer in getting the green light on that program and will give ICE an idea of the approximate numbers they would be receiving from our jail," said Gwinnett Sheriff Butch Conway. "I'm very pleased that ICE has committed these resources to Gwinnett County and our citizens." The Sheriff's Department currently does not track inmates' immigration status, but it does count which ones are foreign-born. So far this year, 14,084 foreign nationals have been booked into the jail, and department officials estimate that about 60 percent of them are here illegally. The Cobb, Whitfield and Hall County Sheriff's Departments as well as the Georgia State Patrol are already participating in the program, known as 287(g). Not everyone is in favor of the program. Pastor Carlos Alberto Gutierrez, minister of Mount Sinai Christian Church in Norcross, joined about 50 people earlier this month in demonstrating against the program at the Gwinnett jail. "It's not a good idea," said Gutierrez. "A lot of families will be separated — children from parents. We're praying every day and every night."
More on this issue, but not necessarily GA only, from MALDEF, Detention Watch Network, The Southern Coalition for Social Justice. In GA we should keep checking in with This World Now blog. I'm sure they will have an update soon. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 10:15:21 AM Violent offenders & gang members..yes send them packing. For years the Gwinnett BOC and Chamber have turned a blind eye to immigration for obvious reasons Build, Build, Build. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 10:21:21 AM Totally agree, if they cannot build things, send them away. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 10:48:08 AM The larger issue is what to do with the literally tens of thousands of illegals who have been working, paying taxes and raising families. Should they be seperated from their family and sent back for a traffic violation? What about anchor babies? It's not exactly family values to split up the family now is it? I think we should ask these folks one question.. Do you wish to be a US citizen? If yes, them have them start the process by paying a fine, doing community service and getting at the back of the line for citizenship. If they say no, then deport them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:15:19 PM Why exactly call them illegals? The name is dehumanizing. "I think we should ask these folks one question.. Do you wish to be a US citizen? If yes, them have them start the process by paying a fine, doing community service and getting at the back of the line for citizenship. If they say no, then deport them." Do you have many foreign friends? I don't think I've ever met a foreign resident here who wouldn't instantly answer YES to the question. Everyone wants citizenship. Who do you expect to say no outside of drug runners and murderers? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:43:50 PM "Why exactly call them illegals?" Because they broke the law. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:34:42 PM "Because they broke the law." You probably speed sometimes. Are you an illegal? Heck, everybody's an illegal then! Wait, does that mean we're all really legal? I mean I'm over 16 so I'm obviously legal... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:40:14 PM A more relevant question is: Do we call the employers who hire undocumented workers "illegals"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:50:42 PM Look, I worked for Homeland Security/GEMA and I understand the need for having an immigration policy where we know who is coming in and out of the country, and there are a lot of legitimate security concerns. That being said, we should pursue immigration reform without demonizing people who decided they don't want to get shot in a Mexico City drug brawl or join a prostitution ring and wanted to have a shot for the American dream. Calling them "illegals" is just a slur. It removes human agency from them, it turns them into some kind of sinister, criminal conspiracy, alien group. That's not acceptable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:59:05 PM Employers should be held accountable as well. If they hire "undocumented workers" (is that better?) they should be fined an amount equal to the average yearly salary for an employee. My suggestions still gives any one a shot at citizenship if they want it. Except for violent criminals and gang members, do you not agree with that? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 08:02:03 PM Sndeak I wouldn't say that's an unjustified position. But one last elephant in the room on immigration: no more NAFTA. We don't need trade deals that basically take a sledgehammer to anyone who isn't one of the multinationals. Immigration spiked right after passing NAFTA, and a workable Mexican economy would be great to get it back down again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 08:37:16 PM NAFTA sucks. We should be encouraging economic and social improvements in Mexico. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 12:27:18 AM I'm going to avoid NAFTA for now. The funny thing is I have the classic libertarian position on immigration. I believe immigration is the key to a sustainable economy. I want the borders to be more open. I want the path to citizenship to be easier and god knows less bureaucratic. And getting those type of policies past the paranoia and fear is a helluva lot more important to me than whether a descriptor is humanizing or not. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 01:16:01 AM OK, but do you understand that using that label exactly stokes paranoia and fear? You gotta put yourself in their shoes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 01:30:12 AM I understand that fighting that particular battle waste cycles. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 01:54:23 AM "I understand that fighting that particular battle waste cycles." Good luck getting immigrants and immigrant advocates to work on your Libertarian comprehensive reform plan while simultaneously insulting them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 02:05:14 AM Good luck getting anything passed if you reject allies just because they don't walk and talk the way you want 100% of the time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 01:19:10 AM "Good luck getting anything passed if you reject allies just because they don't walk and talk the way you want 100% of the time." I didn't reject you, I just told one person that there's a better phrase to use if you don't want to insult the immigrants. You're a bit too touchy about this mate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 11:48:06 AM "NAFTA sucks. We should be encouraging economic and social improvements in Mexico." Ironically, that was one of the stated goals of NAFTA. Ideally, that is what free trade does, encouraging economic and social movement. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 02:05:34 PM "Ironically, that was one of the stated goals of NAFTA. Ideally, that is what free trade does, encouraging economic and social movement." The important thing to note is that NAFTA doesn't really have anything to do with free trade anymore than the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) has anything to do with democracy. It essentially disposes of tariffs and protections for the poor, expands rights of investors, and allow big multinationals to keep getting subsidies on their agriculture goods, for one, sending them into Mexico where true-price farmers are put out of work by the millions. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Senseless BASENAME: senseless STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/07/2009 06:28:17 PM ----- BODY: iconFrom Creative Loafing:
Southeast Atlanta residents shaken by the this morning's murder of a bartender at Standard Food and Spirits will hold a 7 a.m. vigil tomorrow at the Memorial Drive restaurant. Rally participants are encouraged to bring candles to light.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Only in Georgia, Folks BASENAME: only_in_georgia_folks STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/07/2009 06:37:53 PM ----- BODY: This is so insane, it magically skips past merely offensive and goes directly to WTF. Griftdrift, would you like to answer for your fellow-Moultrians? h/t CajunBoy ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 06:09:41 AM Oh my ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Amber EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 06:46:55 AM :o ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: plange EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:14:32 PM whoah ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sPatrickC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:47:10 PM Wow. I had blocked out how bad Mediacom/OnMedia local inserts were. Thanks for the reminder. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Listen up! BASENAME: listen_up STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/07/2009 06:53:52 PM ----- BODY: icon From time to time "the management" of this here little blog (that's me, and Melanie, by the way) finds it helpful to remind our readers and commenters of the importance of manners and tolerance. We welcome a spirited debate. What we don't care for is when the debate spirals into personal attacks and name calling. Several recent threads have done just that. I am taking this opportunity to remind you all of a few guidelines: -Please refrain from name calling. -Don't preach. Legitimate disagreements are likely to come up. -Keep your comments to the topic at hand. -Read the thread as thoroughly as possible and try to go along with the flow. -If you are quoting from another source, please provide a link instead of extensive copying and pasting. All blogs live and die by the linky-love so link, link, link. -Keep it brief if you can. We know that some of the topics are very involved, and that a few words are often not enough, but you lose most of us if you go beyond two paragraphs. -Be nice. In general, most of us are working towards similar goals. How we reach them may differ, but rudeness, vulgar language, and castigation will not win anyone over to your point of view. Carry on. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:26:45 PM Thanks, now I can't do anything I would normally do. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:28:33 PM You could link to the things you'd normally do. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:42:40 PM Look at any thread posted in the past 17 months and you'll see I do all of the above at once. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 11:48:25 PM You keep it brief. I think if you add linking you will be good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:02:43 AM I do keep it brief. (RESISTING. SAYING. OBVIOUS. JOKE. RESISTING. SAYING. OBVIOUS. JOKE.) Here is your link. You can go back to your what do you call it, your Google and figure out all that. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Vigil at the Standard BASENAME: vigili_at_the_standard STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/07/2009 08:22:05 PM ----- BODY: In the early morning of January 7th, The Standard was robbed and one of the two bartenders was shot to death. The AJC story about John Henderson, the bartender who died, is linked here. There will be a vigil tomorrow (Thursday) morning at the Standard on Memorial Drive. The Facebook Event Page is here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/07/2009 08:42:40 PM You're two hours too late. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Obama & The BCS BASENAME: obama_the_bcs STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/08/2009 10:02:41 AM ----- BODY: iconRick Reilly has some thoughts on using Obama's political muscle to change the BCS.
Call Myles Brand, president of the asleep-at-the-wheel NCAA, and ask him if he and his greedy presidents are going to stand in defiance of president-elect Barack Obama, who wants a playoff and wants it yesterday. Ask Brand what he's going to do if Obama starts asking the Justice Department to look into anti-trust hearings against the BCS. The Utah attorney general has already launched an investigation into that very thing. Or ask him what he'll do if Obama asks the Department of Education to consider withholding federal funds from these schools that have entered into this secret club called the BCS. You don't think playing in the title game means millions in general-fund donations for a school? That's as unfair as anything Title IX fought against.
And in case you missed it, here's video of Obama saying he was going to throw his weight around on this issue. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:25:12 PM Here's my vote against the Utah national champions ... Of all the places these talent athletes could have gone, they decided to live in UTAH. J/k. The guy does make some decent points. BCS is somewhat like those college rankings - it's as much about heritage as it is about the current quality of the institution. That explains how those MIT dorks are always #1. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:29:57 PM Ha! I have some non-religious, smoking and drinking friends who decided to move to Salt Lake for the skiing, so.. it can't be that bad. But, those Utah players obviously aren't snowboarding on the weekends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:40:13 PM Here's my thing. Barack Obama would be the ONLY reason, I repeat, the ONLY reason we have a national championship, and even then, it ain't happening. But really, at the end of the day, do we want a playoff? No, no one does. If you say you do you are lying to yourself. We LOVE the controversy in college football, we like arguing about this and the only reason we feel so strongly FOR a national championship is because IT IS SOMETHING ELSE TO ARGUE ABOUT WITH COLLEGE FOOTBALL. Think about it, what on earth would it settle if we had a play off? I mean aside from not really meaning anything, it wouldn't do jack. Case in point, are we really going to say that last year's Giants are a superior team than the Patriots? You are insane to say that. Same thing here. Ball bounces one way during the UofU and and UF game, UofU wins and no one's going to say that UF is "worse". Then of course people will howl when Boise State returns to form and gets shut out. Of course once GSU gets shut out of the championship they deserve in 2010 I will be demanding a playoff. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:47:16 PM "Case in point, are we really going to say that last year's Giants are a superior team than the Patriots?" According to John Madden's metrics, yeah. Because Eli Manning "knows how to win big games." Sorry, I just dislike Tom Brady. I can't root for eternal winners. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 12:50:17 PM I forgot to add this one though (sorry for the double post): I absolutely hate Mormons. I lived in Salt Lake for a while. It is a heck of a town. If it weren't for the Morons. Whoops, Mormons. Go Utes! Joseph Smith was called a prophet! dum-dum-dum-dum-dum ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 01:02:18 PM Ahem. Last year, Georgia won the SEC Basketball Tournament despite being the worst fucking team in the SEC going into the tourney. This is why we have playoffs! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 01:21:08 PM "This is why we have playoffs!" So a worse team can be the "winner"? Look, think about it, really, what we love most about college football is controversy. I don't believe anyone who says other wise (yes the sport is fun to watch, but people are drawn to it because of the entertainment derived from the debate. Think about this, skiing is f*cking awesome sport to watch, but there is nothing else to it. Football has that extra essence which makes it appealing and NO ONE but NO ONE wants to lose that). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 01:24:47 PM Puh-Playoffs? You kidding me? Playoffs? Playoffs? You're talking about playoffs? God Bless Jim Mora. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 01:27:01 PM "but people are drawn to it because of the entertainment derived from the debate" Is this why I still watch Heroes? Because I want to bitch about it? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 01:30:31 PM Probs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 01:38:28 PM But yeah, I mean think about this, do we really, at the end of the day, say UofU, or Boise State when they beat OU, or UF or Oklahoma of today is superior to this exact amount? No, I don't at least. I will say that there is a decent argument to be made that says these teams are pretty good and having an upper most echelon that includes them is fine and it is a fitting way to end the season. And as I said, with a lucky bounce, UofU could beat UF in the first round or whomever it may be, go on to win and few will say they are "legit" champs. Keep the system. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 02:40:45 PM we didnt run the ball. we didnt try to run the ball. we couldnt complete a pass. we sucked ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 07:46:48 PM I love college football and I do think the current system is broken, but I really do not think President-elect Obama needs to get involved. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 08:25:20 PM It ain't changing other wise and its not like he's really spending much time on this. The only reason he's on record about this is some journalist askedhim about it. Just admit no matter what obama does you'll object. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 08:32:14 PM He also said it on Monday Night Football when he was not specifically asked. BTW, John McCain's answer was "steroids in baseball." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 08:51:58 PM All I know is four figures was too large of a bet for tonight. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 11:12:20 PM Tebow is a spaz. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 09:45:08 AM It's a jobs program. Think of the thousands of sports pundits who would lose their jobs if we had a clear cut champion. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Study suggests passive racism common BASENAME: study_suggests_passive_racism STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/08/2009 09:01:23 PM ----- BODY: From the article:
In the first scenario, the white person did not comment afterwards. In the "moderate" case, the white person said, "Typical, I hate it when black people do that," after the black person left the room. In the "extreme" case, the white person remarked, "Clumsy n****r." "Even using that most extreme comment didn't lead people to be particularly upset," said co-author Elizabeth Dunn, assistant professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
Like, seriously? Who are these people? My personal thought balloon in the "moderate" case (and probably yours too) would probably be something like "well F you too, you racist assclown!" But it gets better...
Immediately afterwards, the participants were asked to choose either the black person or the white person as a partner for an anagram test. More than half of experiencers chose the white partner -- regardless of the severity of the comment that person made earlier.
I would personally regard someone who I knew only by the use of the "n-word" as a racist boor, and possibly dangerous, but apparently other people wouldn't have that problem... *sigh* ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2009 09:47:54 PM I read this headline today alongside the one talking about the Senate unanimously passing a resolution praising Israeli violence against Palestinians. I wonder if they are related? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 02:41:59 AM I blame the Canadians. Personally. And think we should invade. But just for the resources, actually. But the navel gazing psych story was so vital that the CBC did not even index it seemingly. It's not in there today nor yesterday either. []. Strange. But Google did pick it up right after this one at the top of the UBC list: [] So yeah, we needed another Uni study to find out that "many people unconsciously harbor racist attitudes, even though they see themselves as tolerant and egalitarian". Excuse me? We ran a recent election here that proved that in spades for much of the South. You can hear it every day live in most of the cities & towns in the state too. SSDD. Regards, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 09:46:57 AM Think of it as a jobs program. Keeps all those PhD's and grad students from having to work at Dunkin Donuts, at which they monumentally suck. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 10:21:23 AM You also have to be careful with popular reporting. I'm sure there are some more specific hypotheses being sussed out. The Implicit Bias stuff is especially interesting, not because of the sociological reality, but because of its revelation of how the brain is thought to work. The Implicit tests all assume a model that the brain actually generates several responses to a stimulus that must vie for the right to come to the surface. In this case, the gut reaction of "blacks are bad" being suppressed by "I have no reason to judge." ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Some changes afoot. BASENAME: some_changes_afoot STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/09/2009 05:56:59 AM ----- BODY: iconSirota signs on to OpenLeft, other news. With Matt Stoller off to progressive-ize the US Congress, David Sirota steps in as a weekday contributor to Open Left. Always a pleasure to have more Sirota to read! If you haven't checked out Ink-Drained Kvetch yet, do take a look. Today she reports the news that Nat Hentoff has been laid off from The Village Voice. I like IDK - it's part journalism-analysis; part news; and part jazz. What could be better? If you're in Atlanta, this new site deserves your attention: Atlantans Together Against Crime & Cutbacks. Formed in the aftermath of the tragic murder of John Henderson at The Standard early Wednesday morning:
Atlantans Together Against Crime & Cutbacks (ATACC) has been established in response to the wave of violent crime that is taking over our city.
Last, and sadly, least so far, is a new site called This World Now. Labeled "a groundbreaking Web 2.0 media portal" . I've visited a few times and I can't quite figure out what it's all about. I welcome the proprietors, posters, commenters, or anyone affiliated to help us understand the goals of this new site. What's new on your blogroll or RSS Feed? Do tell. Consider this your Friday Open Thread! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:54:31 PM Sirota and I are Facebook friends and ideological soulmates. Rock on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 12:30:48 AM Does anyone else thinks this sucks? If that's open government, lol. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 10:47:18 AM I would like to see a few more answered, but what are you thinking needs to be added? Questions are asked, then they are answered. Not sure what else there is to it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 01:17:08 AM "Questions are asked, then they are answered. Not sure what else there is to it." People put a lot of effort into getting the questions ranked up there and getting people to vote, and the answers they give were completely ridiculous. It's like Gibbs decided to give all trite answers on a lunch break, and it took weeks for them to answer them. Then, they cherrypick which ones they want to answer, instead of answering the highest ranked ones. I've long thought that the "open government" thing was more or less a blitz to make it seem like they care what people think but they don't really care what people think. This isn't changing my mind. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 12:07:31 PM “Will you consider legalizing cannabis/marijuana/hemp so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a multi-billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?”—DJ C, Chicago, IL Open for Questions Response, 12/15/08: “President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana.” ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 12:35:40 PM "I've long thought that the "open government" thing was more or less a blitz to make it seem like they care what people think but they don't really care what people think. This isn't changing my mind." Well, the Internet is going to be a channel just like phones, email, direct letters, and everything else. The better representatives will go and solicit input, but at the end of the day, they have to synthesize it into some combination of what they feel is best and what their constituents really want (not necessarily what they ask for). The main difference I can see with the Internet is that everyone can see what everyone else wrote and see when the representative is mis-representing the zeitgeist or not. In that way, I see an improvement. Another big difference is (hopefully when they post more bills and such online) non-experts can benefit from a wide range of expert analysis, rather than a few pre-selected outlets. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 12:52:26 PM The other part of the trick is that if the group doesn't answer the top-ranked questions now, the press is probably going to start asking them, if nothing else to do the "Angry liberals hound Democrats" bit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 02:01:29 PM I'm scared of seeing smarter-sounding bullshitters than the dumb-sounding Bush bullshitters in that we can't do this if that happens. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 02:40:27 PM Interesting follow up on the special prosecutor question that ABC pushed onto Obama. It's interesting to me how cavalier the President-elect is about war crimes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 03:37:27 PM On some level, Zaid, I almost have to commend you. You are our exhausted sense of rage. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 08:28:29 PM I'm not that angry about it or most of the stuff on here, but I don't see any reason not to call bullshit when I see it. If somebody tortured Obama's wife to death or something I don't think he'd be saying, "Aw, well, shucks let's be postpartisan and look forward!" Shmuck! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:06:04 AM Update: John Conyers still "looking backward" at stuff like the rule of law ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 11:18:13 AM At this point, I'm starting to conclude that Conyers has played the progressives for suckers and is just waiting for you to buy his next book. He's got all the subpoena power he wants in his committee. He wants to hold hearings on this matter, he's more than welcome to. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 11:29:57 AM I think if he did that, Pelosi would say "k bai bai conyers" ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Gupta BASENAME: gupta STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/09/2009 12:41:41 PM ----- BODY: Despite TV, little known about Gupta
Gupta is registered to vote in Georgia, which does not have party registration, and he does not appear to have voted in partisan primaries. And Martin Matheny, a spokesman for the Georgia Democratic Party, said Gupta hasn't been involved in party politics in the state. Still, Carson said "I'm sure Sanjay is a Democrat and I don't doubt that he's sympathetic to a general Democratic approach (on healthcare)."
Related: Conyers: Gupta not up to S.G. post ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 01:26:25 PM I'm with Conyers and Krugman on this. The hitjob he did on SiCKO ended up being nothing more than reading PhRMA talking points, and while there's no doubt he's a qualified doctor, there's plenty of qualified doctors out there who aren't shills for the pharmaceutical industry. Why not the PNHP president instead? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 01:32:29 PM I'm more into seeing who the next NASA director is going to be ever since I heard Griffin is going to get booted. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 01:44:38 PM Since when has GW headed NASA? I thought he hadn't finished at Tech? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 02:00:38 PM You do realize the SG is supposed to educate and inform the public about the President's health policy so it would be good to have someone who works well on TV in that role. Additionally, SG reports to Dir of HHS (I believe) so its not as if he is formulating policy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 02:04:10 PM Sorry for the triple post but if he has shown he's a good shill that basically says he's qualified for the post. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 03:59:12 PM He has to oversee 6,000 doctors and it's not accurate to say he doesn't formulate policy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:05:03 PM The SG doesn't oversee squat except his/her own office. The *only* time that the SG can have any sort of authority over the PHS Corps is during a national emergency. The SG, however, does promote policy, and if the SG goes off the reservation, he/she can be fired for it. See Elders, Jocelyn. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:08:31 PM I found through reading that they usually are advocates for health system reform, and he was shown to be quite clueless on the issue when he debated Michael Moore on Larry King. That's probably why single payer advocates like Krugman and Conyers oppose him. Certainly there's a more qualified person somewhere other than Celebrity Doctor Guy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:10:17 PM Also, it doesn't matter if the Surgeon General is known or not no one ever knows them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:10:20 PM Also, it doesn't matter if the Surgeon General is known or not no one ever knows them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:15:03 PM Yeah, I mean.. if they were going to get a Celebrity Doctor, they should gone after Dr. Robert Rey! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:19:40 PM Quite honestly, he has no background in public health. He's a fine doctor, but there's also thousands of doctors who have extensive public health experience. They should get the job. The fact that Obama got more money from HMO's and the pharmaceutical industry than his opponent has to pay for something, I'm thinking Gupta and Podesta (didn't wait a single year before ending tenure as chief of staff before joining American Insurance Association) and Daschle are all rewards to them. (Read "The Whore Factor" by Matt Taibbi on Daschle's background lobbying for health insurance companies after he was defeated and forced to step down from Senate Majority Leader). The fact that the thousands of doctors in Physicians for a National Health Program who have been working on public health and universal healthcare for years have not been thrown a single bone shows that money talks and apparently speaks the language Obama likes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:22:36 PM Also, reading through the Trudy Lieberman's piece at the Columbia Journalism Review, I wondered if Gupta has a serious enough of an appreciation for the word "factcheck" to be the nation's highest public health official. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:24:33 PM Oops, forgot our new rules. Here's the link: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 04:45:43 PM One thing to keep in mind is that I don't think Gupta is going to be the point-man for a new health system (although Conyers is indeed suspicious of him). I think Obama has already assigned that role to Tom Daschle, after realizing that the Senate values nothing so highly as the ability to show their "collegiality" to one of their own. His reception in the Senate shows that he's got an opening to drive home anything that Obama and the House formulate (although, as with the recent stimulus discussion, the House may actually serve as leadership). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 05:04:08 PM "In Washington there are whores and there are whores, and then there is Tom Daschle. Tom Daschle would suck off a corpse for a cheeseburger." I must say if nothing else, I do always like Taibbi's way with imagery. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 06:27:11 PM Remind me to tell you my Sanjay Gupta story sometime. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:31:37 PM Tell us your Sanjay Gupta story. I don't know if Tom Daschle would suck a cheeseburger off a corpse but he'd probably blow Ariel Sharon for a rise in poll numbers. It's remarkable that his incompetence and cowardice got him any role in an administration. I think the Republicans are greeting him cordially because they're thinking in the back of their minds, "Hot Damn! What did we do for the good old Jesus to bless us with this guy again? He's such a pushover he makes Harry Reid look like an Austrian body builder!" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:37:13 PM Chris Hayes and Keith Olbermann discussing Gupta brings up a much better point: Why are those who were right about things but who were outsiders from the betlway consensus considered unserious and those who were wrong but go to enough DC cocktail parties considered the serious, sober people? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kimmiega EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:53:29 PM Well, isn't this why we have a confirmation process so these questions are asked and documented? My excitement level over this, about a 3 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:58:25 PM "Well, isn't this why we have a confirmation process so these questions are asked and documented?" The Senate, PhRMA's favorite body, gets to ask those questions, not Conyers. However Conyers will meet with Obama over the question, the news has reported. Hopefully he can get him to change his mind. The best defense of Gupta I've heard is that his job is mostly irrelevant. If that's the case, why not get a better doctor and someone without a history of poor statements, knowledge, and misinformation on the health issue -- or someone who even maybe has a background in public health... -- to do it just to be safe? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 10:03:43 AM "Tell us your Sanjay Gupta story." Really need to tell it face-to-face. Preferably over Mojitos. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 01:13:02 AM LOL ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: 50-State Strategy Here to Stay? BASENAME: 50state_strategy_here_to_stay STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/09/2009 06:46:50 PM ----- BODY: iconPerhaps you've heard the rumors that Howard Dean is on President-Elect Obama's shit list (or at least, Rahm Emmanuel's list, which amounts to the same thing)? Politico has it that Dean wasn't invited to Tim Kaine's investiture as new DNC leader on purpose, and was snubbed for the HHS gig, which has lead many blogizens to gnash teeth about lack of props for Howie, and wonder where goes the 50-state strategy. But then this evening I get this email from Barack himself:
We're in a strong position to build the Democratic Party, renew our commitment to the principles we share, and continue the outstanding work of Chairman Howard Dean. Among his many achievements, Governor Dean launched a strategy to reach out to Americans in all 50 states -- north, south, east and west. This 50-state strategy helped Democrats compete in states where we hadn't in years, including states like Virginia. Governor Kaine has seen the power of the 50-state strategy firsthand, and under his leadership, Democrats will continue to organize and compete in every corner of our country.
Do you suppose he actually pays attention to what people think? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 07:45:48 PM There are people with money in Georgia, Alabama, Texas, etc who will give to the Democratic party and they give more when they think it's coming back to them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kimmiega EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 09:30:30 PM well I hope those folks with money keep some of it here and stop sending millions out of state. It's a darn shame that folks doesn't see that connection, keep sending money to Franken, and it don't help our folks here. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 11:38:58 PM I think some of this is mountains from molehills. Howie has thick skin and is probably thrilled to have a break from all the drama. I do, however, believe that he has a lot to contribute and that the country would benefit greatly from his leadership on nearly anything he put his mind to in the upcoming administration, if he were sought. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2009 11:55:56 PM "President-Elect Obama's shit list (or at least, Rahm Emmanuel's list, which amounts to the same thing" I sure hope they don't have the same shitlist. I think Rahm Emmanuel's shitlist includes puppies, Arabs, daisies, and the American Dream. My friend David Sirota sent me something calling him "soulless"; he's too kind. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Transgender Activist comments on City Council Candidate Charlie Stadtlander BASENAME: tansgender_activist_comments_o STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/10/2009 12:43:12 PM ----- BODY: iconI'm not sure how many folks read this blog, but I thought I would bring it to your attention and add Monica's comments. She is right on with this comment:
He apologizes now for his statements in 2005 and 2006, but what he wrote makes it difficult to accept, especially when his most recent volunteer work is raising funds for the Human Rights Campaign and he doesn’t support trans inclusion in the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Ask me if I'm surprised. HRC (and Log Cabin Republicans, which Stadtlander used to help lead in Missouri and Georgia) are the two largest LG(b) organizations that still won’t support a fully inclusive ENDA, even when the new President-elect does.
For what it's worth, like all communities the LBGT has no one spokesperson, however I can say Monica speaks for me regarding the disconnect with ENDA. I remain disappointed by any "equality" organization or person that would quite deliberately set out to exclude anyone. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Pete S. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 01:38:49 PM Does Charlie also apologize for voting and supporting George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004? How can Democrats support and work for Charlie Stadtlander when he has a past history of supporting and funding Republicans? I noticed on his website the number of Democratic LGBT activists that are on his team. Have they sacrificed their progressive leanings to support a candidate who believes in exclusion? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kimmiega EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 01:47:13 PM Pete S... I guess you'd have to ask them.. However, I will go out on a limb here and assume that they will remind you that this race is *cough* non partisan. Whatever, he's Keith Gross without all the money in my opinion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Pete S. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 01:59:04 PM This guy represents all that is bad in nonpartisan and partisan politics. I read the article in Project Q and my opinion is that Charlie Stadtlander will say anything to advance his own cause - himself. The biggest joke of a comment which really illustrates how this guy will say anything and thinks he completely awesome is: "Every election I have voted in Georgia, I pulled the Democratic lever.‚Äù Excuse us Charlie, but you just moved to Atlanta 2 years which means you only voted in 1 election where you pulled the Democratic lever. That would be the 2008 primary election. BTW: Georgia doesn't actually have "levers". Charlie Stadtlander votes for Democrats in July 2008 (according to him) and then continues to have a Purple Party in August 2008 claiming he is the VP of the Log Cabin Republicans? Is this guy a pathological liar, has an inferiority complex, or is it that he is just smug and not trustworthy? As a resident of City Council 6, this guy will not get my vote and as a Democrat he will not get my money. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/10/2009 05:18:16 PM Count this activist as NOT on that train. Too bad i live in Natalyn's district (keepin the Atlanta/DeKalb real) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 01:24:33 AM "I noticed on his website the number of Democratic LGBT activists that are on his team. Have they sacrificed their progressive leanings to support a candidate who believes in exclusion?" Do you think realpolitik in any way plays into this? After all, most top Democrats do not support marriage equality and yet there is a strategic sense in supporting them (although the really, really blue state ones have no excuse). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 11:27:24 AM I doubt it, there's not actualy strategy to put marriage into play and the Atl City COuncil bears nothing on the issue. Unlike a lot of other states our size, our cities hold no real legislative power at all from a state or policy perspective. Most of their power is inside their border-only, and even then is hampered, see Living Wage Georgia for examples. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 11:34:51 AM "realpolitik" hilarious. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 02:08:46 PM Yeah, well, that's because they passed a law making living wage ordinances illegal. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Presidential Inauguration News BASENAME: presidential_inauguration_news STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/10/2009 01:48:46 PM ----- BODY: For those of you heading to Washington, DC for the Inauguration, please join your fellow Georgia Democrats for these events: The Georgia Inaugural Champagne and Jazz Brunch Sunday, January 18, from 10:00am to 1:00pm Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill 400 New Jersey Ave, NW Washington, DC 20001 Tickets are $75.00 per person. To purchase your tickets in advance, please go to .......................... The Georgia State Society's Inaugural Gala Monday, January 19, 8:00pm to midnight Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History 10th Street and Constitution Avenue in Washington, DC Washington, DC. The Honorable Sanford Bishop, Chair of the Georgia State Society, and the members of the Georgia State Society cordially invite you to put on your tuxedos and ball gowns, and join them for the Georgia Inaugural Gala. Tickets are $200.00 per person and may be purchased online at ........................... DNC Winter Meeting Wednesday, January 21 at 12:00 noon Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington DC. This meeting is open to the public. A report from the DNC meeting will be posted at Join the email list and recieve a full report of the meeting. As many of you have heard, President-Elect Obama has appointed Governor Tim Kaine to be the new Chair of the DNC. Click here to read more. To submit questions for Chairman Kaine, please click here. At this Winter Meeting, the DNC will elect the remainder of the Officers to serve for the next four years to the DNC Executive Committee. ................................. For those of you staying in Georgia, please visit the Georgia DNC website at for blog updates and reports from the Inauguration throughout the week from your Georgia DNC Team: Jane Kidd, Chair, Democratic Party of Georgia Michael Thurmond, 1st Vice Chair, Democratic Party of Georgia Page K, Gleason Richard Ray Sally Rosser David Worley ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: I Scream, You Scream BASENAME: i_scream_you_scream STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/11/2009 11:46:52 AM ----- BODY: iconWe all scream for Obama-themed ice cream! Ben & Jerry's has released "Yes Pecan!": "An inspirational blend [of] amber waves of buttery ice cream with roasted non-partisan pecans". Proceeds from the month of January go to the Common Cause Education Fund. On a related note, the jokesters at have been having some fun with ideas for a Bush-themed flavor. My personal favorite so far: Cluster Fudge. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 11:55:46 AM The pe-CAN pe-CAHN problem rears its ugly head again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 12:01:02 PM This is an old family joke from my Great-Aunt Chapel, proper Southern lady, born and bred in Alabama: "What's a pe-CAN?" "It's where a Yankee goes to the bathroom." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2009 03:39:59 PM There is no problem. One side is wrong, the other is a bunch of f%cking idiots. Then again, Ben&Jerry's isn't just a group of damn yankees, they are LIBERAL damn yankees. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Opening Day thread BASENAME: opening_day_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2009 12:29:40 AM ----- BODY: iconToday is the opening day of the Georgia General Assembly. Thoughts? Predictions? Fears? Warnings? Put them here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 08:05:45 AM Ah the circus has come to town...My prediction/warning: for those that actually work in the area, traffic is going to suck out loud. Other than that, anything goes with the majority of that bunch. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 08:53:11 AM ooo! ooo! pretty banner! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 09:34:51 AM Tax cuts, and commensurate levels of services cut. Republicans keep their sh*t together, leaving Democrats impotent this year. Mainly that means Speaker Richardson shows some benevolence and eases up on his choke hold on the House, only to resume it in 2010 to send a message to the incoming governor. Wouldn't be surprised if we here more from either Barrow or Marshall about local issues. W/r/t the banner: this *IS* the ruling of the court. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 09:46:22 AM I agree, not dicta. But that is a sweet banner. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 10:05:07 AM Because i can't get to my site you are reading it here first. The Democrats won't nominate a candidate for Speaker. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 11:31:33 AM Why, are they worried Mike Jacobs won't vote for him? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 01:59:30 PM "So we can move forward." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 10:31:44 AM I think we have a problem with our 95th state house rep. He seems to be afraid of reporters, debates, speaking in public, or maybe he just doesn't exist or maybe he's just chicken. Despite repeated telephone calls and e-mails, Collins did not return requests for comment for this article. Here in Newton County in the 95th district we will now be represented - and we use that term loosely - by Toney Collins, who was elected on Nov. 4 by doing nothing. have tried every way possible short of stalking Toney Collins outside his home in order to get in touch with him. I had a project in one of my college courses that required me to make a profile for both candidates in the 95th district. I began trying to reach Collins in early August and have never heard back from him. I don‚Äôt claim to know a lot about politics in the 95th district, but what I can‚Äôt help but wonder a thing or two about this man. I had to follow various aspects of the campaign. I know that Collins has been accused of not showing to speak at forums he was invited to. I know that in August, Project Vote Smart named him as one of the "scaredy pants" who wouldn‚Äôt tell them where he stood on the issues. I also know that he claims to be a proponent of education, yet doesn‚Äôt contact a college student whose grade rides on speaking with him. I also know that this student drove from Gwinnett County all the way to Conyers for him to not show to another forum. In short, I hope Mr. Collins shows up more for Georgia than he did for me. We have two candidates running for the district seat - Erick Hunt, a Republican and Toney Collins, a Democrat. Both were invited to the forum. Erick Hunt came, made an articulate presentation, was in tune with the issues facing the district and the state and shared his ideas on how he could best represent the district. Toney Collins did not show. Well, sort of did not show. During the forum he did come late, appeared at the door of the hall, handed a person standing there some literature and disappeared back into the dark night. Only one of the two candidates running for the Georgia House‚Äôs District 95 seat spoke at the forum. Democratic candidate Toney Collins reportedly briefly dropped by the forum but did not speak, leaving his opponent Republican Erick Hunt to address the audience alone. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: GRUS BASENAME: grus STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2009 12:34:16 AM ----- BODY: iconI recently subscribed to the Georgia Rural Urban Summit (GRUS), email list and just received the first email. I have to say it's the most extensive listing of progressive political events, announcements, happenings and job postings that I've ever seen. Since I'm new to the list, I don't know if this is a regular thing, but I sure hope so. I've posted most of the email below the fold. If you like what you see, go sign up here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: January 12, 2008 Call to Action GRUS Third Thursdays at the Capitol begins Thursday, January 15, 2008 Room 310 Coverdell Office Building from 2:00 ‚Äì 3:30 pm Join GRUS for a Town Hall and Teach-In on the current economic crisis and the Road to Recovery. Find out how we got here and how we can get out, with an Economic Recovery Package as a down payment on the Next New Deal. As we all know, this is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and now many major economists ‚Äì both conservative and liberal ‚Äì are saying that it may be worse than the Great Depression. Even with action, unemployment is expected to reach 7 percent this month and 8 percent by next summer. Without action, it will reach 9 percent by the end of next year and 10 percent in 2010. Free and open to the public, this Town Hall will also feature Sen. Vincent Fort discussing the foreclosure crisis in Georgia and what needs to be done on the state and Federal levels. This Week 1. Monday, January 12, 9:15 am ‚Äì Press Conference to Protest Rate Hike Request by Georgia Power. This is your opportunity to tell the Georigia Public Service Commision (PSC) that Georgians cannot afford a rate hike in their utility bills starting now for nuclear power that may or may not be delivered for 7-10 years. Please plan to attend a short press conference and if you choose, testify before the Georgia PSC. The Press conference will be short and in front of the Public Service Commission offices located at 244 Washington St., SW- a half block south of the Capitol on the left-hand side of the street. The Public Service Commission meeting will begin at 10am. All are welcome to participate. For further information:§ion=more_15354 2. Monday, January 12, 12 noon ‚Äì LGBT & Allies Rally. On the steps of the State Capitol, the Atlanta Black LGBT Coalition, an Atlanta based activist group, and our allies will express disapproval of the decision to have Reverend Rick Warren deliver the keynote address at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Service on January 19, 2009. The selection of Pastor Rick Warren as the keynote speaker at this service is an affront to the very spirit of non-violent social justice and inclusivity in which the King Center was founded. Warren's widely broadcast statements regarding homosexuality and women's rights to reproductive choice threaten our progress toward achieving a more just and loving society. Assigning Rev. Warren such a prominent role does not build bridges between communities. This choice drives more wedges between the many disenfranchised that are pitted against each other by the agents of racism, sexism and homophobia. The Atlanta Black LGBT Coalition is committed to a social justice agenda that advances the human rights of all marginalized communities. For more information contact Darlene Hudson 404.441.4827 ( or Craig Washington 404. 790.5884 ( 3. Tuesday, January 13, 7:00 pm ‚Äì Know About Nuclear Power. Georgia WAND Educational Session with Q& A. The program will be presented by Amanda Hill and the WAND Nuke Committee. At 6:30 snacks will be provided. To be held at Central Congregational Church, 2676 Clairmont Rd NE, Atlanta, 30329. Join the group for a lively discussion on the decisions that will need to be made about nuclear in the future. And after presentation have a Q&A discussion about nuclear power and nuclear weapons issues facing us today. For more information contact Georgia WAND at 404.524.5999 4. Tuesday, January 13, 6:00 pm - The Role of Youth in Promoting Peace Event. To be held at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Change, 449 Auburn Ave., Atlanta, 30312. The Metropolitan Atlanta Violence Prevention Partnership is working in conjunction with the King Center to conduct a community forum for middle and high school youth. The purpose of the event will be to teach young people skills for influencing decision makers to adopt scientifically proven violence prevention techniques. Acting as change agents, the youth will demonstrate effective consultation skills through skits, role plays, and other fun interactive exchanges. Because of the limited number of training slots youth who wish to participate must confirm their attendance by calling or e-mailing Reginald Crossley at 404.409.7761 or . This event will help to empower youth as agent of change and leaders in violence prevention for a safer community. 5. Wednesday, January 14, 9:00 am ‚Äì ‚ÄúBy the People‚Äù Wednesdays. Every Wednesday during the 2009 General Assembly, the ACLU, Planned Parenthood of Georgia, GRUS and other groups will hold a mini-lobby training and give updates on issues and proposed legislation. At each Wednesday session, you‚Äôll learn how to talk to legislators, what issues are hot, why we care about the issues, and receive guidance on how you can best help to pass or stop legislation. We will even walk you over to the Capitol, give you a tour, and assist you as you meet with your senators and representatives. All Wednesdays that the legislature is in session, the group meets at The Coverdell Office building, room 306 (the office building is across the street from the Capitol, the south side, on Mitchell St). For more information call the ACLU at 404.523.6201 or visit 6. Thursday, January 15, 7:00 pm - "Soldiers of Conscience" Film screening. Third Thursday Cinema series features the first film for 2009, a PBS presentation that should not be missed. Every soldier wrestles with his conscience over killing. Although most decide to kill, some refuse. This film reveals that far more soldiers decide not to kill than we might expect. This is their story. It was filmed with official US Army permission and contains graphic images of the war in Iraq and actual footage of basic training. A $3 donation is suggested for the evening which includes refreshments and a moderated discussion. At the Unitatian Universalist Congregation, Rooms 209-210. Renee Vorbach: 770.491.6817 or Sven Lovegren: 404.634.7750 Directions to UUCA: located on the I-85 North access road between North Druid Hills Rd. and Clairmont Rd. opposite the underpass. Enter top doors and proceed down left hallway to last room on left. 7. Friday, January 16, 7:30 am ‚Äì Athens MLK Freedom Breakfast - U.S. Rep. John Lewis, a long-time civil rights activist, will be the keynote speaker at the sixth annual Freedom Breakfast honoring the life and work of the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The breakfast will be held at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education, 1197 S. Lumpkin St. Athens.Tickets are $18 each and are available by calling the University of Georgia Office of Institutional Diversity, 706.583.8195. The event also will feature the presentation of Fulfilling the Dream Awards, which recognize individuals from UGA, the Athens area and surrounding counties who have made significant efforts to carry on King's work. 8. Monday, January 19, 12:30 pm - MLK March. Meet at corner of Auburn St and Peachtree St., the March begins at 1pm) A number of groups have plans to participate. The Georgia Minimum Wage Coalition, The Georgia Job/Family Collaborative, 9to5 Atlanta and many other groups will be marching. Look for the banners! This announcement from Georgia WAND: Join WAND and other community partners for the Martin Luther King (MLK) March as we celebrate the historical change in Washington and continue to work hard here at home for equal rights for all. Signmaking and drum-making earlier that day. Please let us know if you want to join in the fun. Call Amanda at Georgia WAND 404.524.5999 For more on MLK Day & Week Activities visit 9. Thursday, January 22, 6:00 ‚Äì 8:00 pm. Stand Up for Reproductive Justice Annual Awards Event. The theme of this year‚Äôs event, presented by Feminist Women‚Äôs Health Center, is Come Together. FWHC decided to change the name of the event from Stand Up for Choice to Stand Up for Reproductive Justice in order to request that we all Come Together in support of all people who work for Reproductive Justice. FWHC wants to be collaborative and cooperative allies in the Reproductive Rights Movement that has its roots in communities of color. To be held at The Ballroom at Twelve, located in Atlantic Station at 361 17th Street, Atlanta 30363. For a list of honorees, and to purchase tickets, go to For sponsorship, tickets, or questions, contact Amy Heustess at 404.348.5449 or And hey, you can even volunteer to help for the event too. Save the Date 1. Saturday, January 25, 3:00 pm ‚Äì 4th Annual Rally for Darfur. Almost 3 million people displaced from their homes. Over 300,000 civilian deaths. The worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st century is in its 5th year. Don‚Äôt be a bystander. Stand up and act now. This rally is sponsored by the Darfur Urgent Action Coalition of Georgia, and features a Holocaust survivor who is also a Korean War veteran, and a Darfuri refugee and activist. To be held at 201 Washington St SW, Atlanta 30303. For more information, contact Melanie Nelkin, Chair, Darfur Urgent Action Coalition of Georgia, at 2. Sunday, January 28, 6:00 pm ‚Äì Lighting Up The Future. Through coercion, abuse, and imprisonment, more than 250 adolescent girls are sexually exploited in Georgia each month on the streets, through escort services, and online. Spearheaded by the Juvenile Justice Fund, A Future, Not a Past is a statewide campaign to stop the prostitution of girls in Georgia by building a barrier between children and those who seek to harm them through commercial sexual exploitation. Join A Future, Not a Past as they light up the future for children who have been victims of commercial sexual exploitation. It will be an educational evening for the cause featuring a silent auction and live performances to raise funds that will support ongoing efforts to protect Georgia‚Äôs most vulnerable child victims. To be held at the Westin Peachtree Plaza, 210 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta 30303. Tickets are $100 or $50 for volunteers. For more information on attending or becoming a volunteer visit or call 404.805.5134. 3. Wednesday, February 4, 7:30 am (verify at rsvp)- Environmental Legislative Breakfast. Wake up for conservation at the 2009 Environmental Legislative Breakfast. This event is a great opportunity for you to meet with your legislators, friends, and colleagues at the start of the legislative session. Tickets are available here: Reserve your spot today. To be held at the Freight Depot across from the state Capitol at 65 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Atlanta 30303. For info contact Georgia Conservation Voters at 404.522.8144 or 4. Tuesday, February 10- 7:00 pm -"The REAL State of the Union " with Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery and Jay Bookman, editorial columnist, Atlanta Journal and Constitution. Please join us for this annual event that analyzes the state of our government and the current political climate, the good, the bad, and the hopeful. One of the most anticipated events of the year, you‚Äôll laugh, cry and be inspired. To be held at Hillside Chapel and Truth Center, 2450 Cascade Rd. Atlanta, 30311. For more information contact Georgia WAND 404.524.5999 5. Wednesday, Thursday- February 11,12 ‚Äì 9:00 am ‚Äì Poor Peoples Days at the Capitol. All are cordially invited to be a full participant in the activities of Poor Peoples‚Äô Day. Each day we have a full day‚Äôs agenda. This years‚Äô theme is ‚ÄúThe Peoples‚Äô Bailout‚Äù, the change we want to see. We can not let corporate giants steal money from the people without putting up a fight. Our silence will only lead to more abuses. If we don‚Äôt stand up and fight for justice, who will? So, be among those who will stand up and speak out for what is just and what is the right thing to do. Wednesday participants will gather for ‚ÄúEducation Day‚Äù at the office of the Georgia Citizens‚Äô Coalition on Hunger at 9 Gammon Ave, Atlanta, 30315. Registration begins at 9:00 am. There will be workshops sessions on: wages, healthcare coverage (single payer), homelessness, foreclosures, Human Rights (Women, Disability, Anti-Violence, Police Brutality, Children); Privatization (Jails, Transportation, Education, Social Services); Prison Industrial Complex (School to Prison & Military Pipeline). Bring your issues and your voice to add to the dynamic discussions and the proposed solutions to our concerns. On Thursday participants will gather at the Task Force for the Homeless at 477 Peachtree Street at 9:00 a.m. for ‚ÄúAction Day.‚Äù Join the group for a grand motor caravan to the State Capitol for a rally and demonstration, press conference and visits with key elected officials. The group will present the ‚ÄúPeople‚Äôs Bailout Plan, the change we want to see. For more information call 404-622-7778 or email Of Interest 1. Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority, Inc. Announces the 2008 - 2009 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program for Fulton County‚Äô General Public. This program will continue until the funds are exhausted. For those who are unemployed, underemployed, or whom by circumstance may be eligible to receive a one time grant to the vendor who supplies the primary source of heating their home. Please contact 404.320.0166 for more information about income requirements and documents that are needed. 2. Bread for the World will offer an Atlanta workshop that provides advocacy tools, resources, and information to help individuals and organizations work more effectively for justice for hungry people around the globe. The workshop ‚Äì designed especially to engage congregations and campus and community organizations ‚Äì is scheduled for January 31, 9:30 a.m. to noon, at Central Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington Street, SW, in downtown Atlanta. For more information, contact Rev. Elizabeth Coleman at 404-827-0105. 3. The theme of the 16th Annual Hands On Atlanta Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Summit is The Fierce Urgency of Now. The summit will examine current challenges facing our local, national, and global communities as well as introduce attendees to activities that empower change as inspired by the life and legacy of Dr. King. Guest speakers for the 2009 summit include Ambassador Andrew Young, Kathy Cox, School Superintendent, and Bernice King, The King Center. This annual celebration honors not only the teachings of Dr. King, but explores his messages of service, activism, diversity and nonviolence through film screenings, community conversations and a day of volunteer service. The Service Summit is hosted by Hands On Atlanta, The King Center, and presenting sponsor Delta Air Lines. Monday, January 19, thousands of volunteers will Take a day ON‚Ķnot a day OFF as they participate in direct service projects in and around metro Atlanta. Activities include meal preparation, renovation, muraling, and landscaping of various schools and neighborhoods. Throughout the celebration, over 4,000 individuals will participate in the Summit. For more information about Hands On Atlanta, and the 16th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Service Summit, please visit HandsOnAtlanta or call 404.979.2800. 4. New GBPI Report Finds Investment in Disease Prevention Could Save $426 Million for Healthcare Payers in Georgia in Five Years. The Trust for America's Health (TFAH) and the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (GBPI) released a report today examining potential return on investment for public health interventions in Georgia. The report, Prevention for a Healthier Georgia: Investments in Disease Prevention Yield Significant Savings, Stronger Communities, finds that strategic investments in disease prevention could result in significant savings to Georgia's health system and its payers, including employers and the state budget. Read at: Job Opportunities 1. Internships - Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper - For students and graduates at all levels. Work at the office side-by-side with knowledgeable professionals and receive support from the internship coordinator. Offering unpaid and a few paid internship opportunities in all areas of UCR work including education, legislation/policy, communications, field work, fundraising, legal, and general administrative. How to Apply: Contact Christina Cooper, Administrative Assistant, at or 404-352-9828 ext. 17. 2. Director of Communications ‚Äì Georgia Budget and Policy Institute. Information about GBPI is available at The Director of Communications will manage GBPI's communications activities with the goal of increasing public understanding of budget, tax, and economic issues important to low and moderate income Georgians. In addition, the Director of Communications will promote GBPI, its work and reputation, to key audiences. Qualifications include a Bachelor's degree and a minimum of three years in public relations/affairs, marketing, communications, journalism, or related field. Compensation: Competitive salary commensurate with experience and available funds. GBPI offers health, dental, vision, long-term disability and SEP IRA retirement contributions. Generous vacation, holiday and sick leave. To Apply: Please send resume, writing sample (i.e. clips of published op-eds, press releases, or other published works), cover letter, names and contact information of three references, and salary requirements to Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, Communications Director Search, 100 Edgewood Ave, Suite 950, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Email: The Georgia Budget and Policy Institute is an equal opportunity employer that values workplace diversity. Persons of color are encouraged to apply. 3. Field Organizer ‚Äì Amnesty International, Atlanta. Position plays a critical role in the development and implementation of regional responses to new or emergency human rights crises. Collaborating with Campaign and External Affairs staff, will organize fundraising, public awareness and campaign events, participate in the development and implementation of long-term regional campaign strategies and serve as AIUSA‚Äôs public representative for the territory. Qualifications: A BA plus four to six years of directly relevant experience is required, including working with diverse communities, have excellent oral and written communication skills, including public speaking, training and facilitating, and the ability to speak a second language is preferred. Must be able to travel up to 25% of the time and work on weekends and evenings as needed. Applications to: Jared Feuer, Regional Director, Amnesty International, Southern Regional Office,, 730 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 1060, Atlanta, Georgia 30308, 404.876.5661 x14, Fax: 404.876.2276. ¬© 2008 Georgia Rural Urban Summit ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 05:42:24 AM Thanks Mel, GRUS was an early follow on from listservs & email lists at the dawn of the internet age. It still provides a valuable service that currently no 'lefty' blogs really covers for simple announcements and time sensitive events postings. Everything 'old' is new again. Truly no one does it better when it comes to progressive political events. I'm glad that it's getting a bit more press. Thanks again, JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Let's Get to Work. BASENAME: lets_get_to_work STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2009 11:39:21 AM ----- BODY: iconGeorgia Democrats opt out of Speaker election. With so many tough issues facing the Georgia legislative session beginning today, Georgia Democrats have opted not to run a candidate for Speaker of the House. In a move sure to be criticized by some, I applaud their interest in moving beyond the political gyrations and getting down to the "peoples' business". ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 01:45:06 PM That's one way of interpreting it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 02:52:00 PM Although there is always time to gripe about hawks. Which always should be done. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 03:07:24 PM I don't think it has anything to do with "moving beyond the political gyrations" or "getting down to the peoples business. It was a weak move, by a weak leader of a weak party. In other words, an attempt to save face when at least a dozen in his own caucus would have probably voted for Richardson even if he had run. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 03:12:36 PM "when at least a dozen in his own caucus would have probably voted for Richardson even if he had run. " And some of the names are? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kimmiega EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 03:30:33 PM or the fact that he's running for Gov and didn't want the vote to be something that ends up on a primary opponents mail. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 03:31:29 PM Well, Rural, you can start with Carter, Cheokas, Greene, Hanner, Jacobs, Jones, Shaw - the 6 Democrats who voted for Richardson the last time there was a vote for Speaker back in 2007 (Mike Jacobs voted for him as well but is no longer a Democrat). Black, Hudson, and Parham didn't vote for the Speaker last time, but voted for his Rules. At that time, Richardson said "The people who voted for me and voted for the (House) rules will get treated very nicely with committee assignments. I only have 110 positions that are plum and plum positions go to the people who say 'Hey, Glen, I have confidence." In other words, if you want your preferred committee assignement, or if you want your bill to be considered, you vote for me for Speaker and/or vote for my Rules. If not, you won't be able to get anything done. I'm sure the same was the case this year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 03:36:35 PM So, it would have been better somehow for someone to run and lose? I guess I just don't get it. Democrats are outnumbered. Wouldn't have won. Why waste time and give fuel to future opponents? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 03:44:48 PM
Why waste time and give fuel to future opponents?
Totally agree. But, I also agree with this: a weak leader of a weak party.
Can we get a new leader already? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 04:10:33 PM Of course, everyone knows he would lose. But a strong leader uses stuff like this to unify his caucus and serves as a test of loyalty and a early demonstration of who may get out of line. A weak leader, like Dubose, knows he has nothing to keep his troops in line, so he takes a pass. It is also symbolic to demonstrate that this is the opposition party. Do we really want the House Democrats to work together with the Republican leadership to help pass their agenda? If so, why didn't we just vote for them instead? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 04:47:23 PM DuB is pretty weak but for as weak as he is, Glenn is even stronger and with limited pork to give out this year, legislators need to do all they can to curry favor. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 04:52:13 PM Exactly how much more of the people's business is now being done as a result of this? Or did they just go home early? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 07:23:14 PM OK DG,what would you have a weak leader in a weak party (at a weak time and in a weak place, I might add) do? I mean, it may not be wise for a weak leader in a weak party to try to follow a strategy as if that weren't the case. To paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, you play your politics with the Democrats that you have. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 10:57:02 PM Not even putting up a leader even knowing that they will lose kind of is a "Yeah we suck that bad" move for the other side to take pride in I think. In most parliamentary systems opposition parties still run someone. Just throwing in the towel at the start of it is basically pulling down your pants and bending over. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 10:43:46 AM OK DG,what would you have a weak leader in a weak party (at a weak time and in a weak place, I might add) do? I mean, it may not be wise for a weak leader in a weak party to try to follow a strategy as if that weren't the case. You make a pretty good case for a new leader, don't you Jerry? That's what some of us have been advocating for a couple of years now. Let's let Dubose run his failed campaign for Governor and let someone else have a chance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 11:47:12 AM Not disputing that DG. It's just kind of a head banger to say that a weak leader should act more strongly. So who should run for Speaker for the Dems? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 01:12:51 PM I guess Teilhet would probably be the most obvious choice. Not sure that he has the necessary chutzpah for the job, but would be an improvement over Porter. I'm sure there are others who would be good if they stepped up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 02:00:56 PM I meant to run against Richardson. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 07:40:53 PM I saw this on the Kos. Some serious brilliance on the part of the Dems there. Okay, so you need to come within the razor's edge of majority to pull stuff like this, but it is still pretty slick to get even half of the chairs in a backroom deal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 08:38:53 PM One has to imagine the TN Dems' caucus meeting went something like this. go to 5:18 at the absolute minimum. Then watch the entire movie. Twice. Then watch the SPanish Prisoner. It takes brass balls. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 11:16:08 PM I seriously can't give over how big a pair of brass balls my TN Dems had. For the general BforD readership: I made $970,000 last year, how much did you make. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: More Invocation News BASENAME: more_invocation_news STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2009 04:03:42 PM ----- BODY: iconOpenly Gay Episcopal Bishop to Deliver Invocation at Lincoln Memorial | NY Times
President-elect Barack Obama has asked Bishop Gene Robinson, the openly gay Episcopal bishop who helped advise him on gay rights issues during the campaign, to deliver the invocation at a kickoff inaugural event on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, two days before the inauguration itself.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 04:35:09 PM I read that this was chosen before Warren, but I wouldn't be surprised if all the uproar over bigot giving the invocation didn't force their hand to do more for LGBT people, which is exactly why we weren't wrong for protesting it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 04:57:25 PM This will be recorded in the annals of history as one of the most significant setbacks, and moments of progress, in the eternal and elusive search for equality. I can rest easy now, knowing that symbolic, meaningless addresses are determining the footing of Americans. Hey, maybe now HRC can claim to have done something other than raise money and endorse the other HRC. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 05:02:18 PM From the article:
Bishop Robinson said in a telephone interview on Monday that he believed that his inclusion in inaugural events had been under consideration before the controversy over Mr. Warren, but that Mr. Obama and his team were also seeking to heal the pain that Mr. Warren’s selection had caused among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocates.
I suppose we'll never know whether Robinson was seriously considered before the Warren pick or whether he was just casually mentioned. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 05:14:04 PM "I suppose we'll never know whether Robinson was seriously considered before the Warren pick or whether he was just casually mentioned." Yeah, but due to the controversy around Warren, the Obama team has done a lot to comfort the concerns of the LGBT community, which I think is great. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 06:03:23 PM Good to know the LGBT community needs so little to anger them and so little to placate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 06:10:44 PM A guy who compared MLK's social gospel to Marxism and homosexuals to pedophiles and other criminals doing the invocation for the first minority President is a pretty big deal, maybe not to white rednecks but to some people it is. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 06:14:55 PM And note these are not offhand comments by Warren, these are his central beliefs he preaches and promotes constantly. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 06:38:34 PM And I repeat, other than giving a speech which is heavily moderated (and probably written) by Obama's office, what's this do? Save your fire. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 07:30:08 PM cry moar ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 11:26:37 AM Oh, IRE, don't hate... appreciate! It's an exchange of symbolic speaking roles. As an Episcopalian, I'm very have to have Gene+ participate in this way :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 09:29:57 PM Another accommodation to LGBTs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 09:56:07 PM Ezra Klein says it well ( "This is, incidentally, why it's useful for progressives to criticize the president. Politicians respond to incentives. To noise. To anger. Warren, on some level, was a response to the loud protestations of evangelicals who believed the Democratic Party had no place for them. It's hard to see Robinson is anything but a response to progressive activists who sense that Obama was more willing to risk cross those who supported him than those who opposed him. Erase the anger from either side and it's not worth Obama -- or any president -- taking the risk to placate them. But this is a step in the right direction. This is genuinely inclusive. If it was the plan all along, the Obama administration sure did a good job keeping the secret. And if it wasn't, then equality activists have something to be proud of this morning. They changed the incentives." ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Obama's Economic Recovery Plan BASENAME: obamas_economic_recovery_plan STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2009 04:51:11 PM ----- BODY: Get ready for wiki government. And that's a very good thing. Discuss on here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 05:20:53 PM The Senate democrats and various lefty and center citizen groups are piling on him over his economic plan. I say they should, personally. 40% of it is in tax cuts when Jared Bernstein and others leading his economic team have admitted a dollar in government spending would do more good than a dollar in tax cuts at this moment. I've no problem with him keeping to campaign promises on middle class tax cuts (though quite frankly it might be foolish policy), however he has gone way off the deep end with a lot of these cuts, they mirror the stimulus checks Bush repeatedly tried and failed with. The fact of the matter is people can't spend right now, as Jim Moran, a conservative Democrat pointed out on Hardball two days ago, consumers are already at 120% spending (normal is 70-80%), they really should concentrate almost all of this package on government spending to boost the economy, not on more failed Reagaonomics. I know Obama brought a lot of Reagaonomics folks onboard his team, and he has to pay back his pound of flesh to all the corporate support he got I suppose, but let's think about the economy for once and not just play politics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 05:38:16 PM Because this topic will quickly turn into Zaid's a communist because he agrees with Kent Conrad and Jim Moran this topic should now be about Elizabeth Hasslebeck's son headbutting President Bush: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 05:40:25 PM One point that people miss with the consumer spending and stimulus not getting there immediately... Getting people back to heads above water sooner will mean they leave the status of maxed out sooner. Which means a return to spending. Also, this first step by Obama's team (and in other interviews) suggests that they are intent on letting the Senate have Obama's way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 05:47:27 PM "Also, this first step by Obama's team (and in other interviews) suggests that they are intent on letting the Senate have Obama's way." Letting the Senate have Obama's way? Wat ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 05:56:26 PM There's an old saying by a negotiator: "I'm always hell-bent on letting the other fellow have my way." Always thought of it as a good one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 06:09:07 PM So you mean he will defeat their concerns and get the bill the way he wants it? Personally I had enough rubberstamping of George Bush to rubber stamp more bad ideas. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 06:19:08 PM Jim Moran and Dennis Kucinich discuss this on hardball, keeping with the new rule of providing links to stuff ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 06:29:51 PM Zaid, No, the point of the quote is that you let the other guy think he came up with your ideas on his own, and then walk away happy for "beating" you when giving you exactly what you want. His advisors have essentially leaked that they are low-balling the Congress knowing that they are going to what greatly to mark it all up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 07:29:09 PM I don't think it's the size of the package that's as much of a contention as much as it is the ineffective tax cuts all over it. They say they're going for 80 senate votes. If what you say is true, they're not going to get that, they'll just look stupid publicly saying that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 09:17:34 PM "I don't think it's the size of the package that's as much of a contention as much as it is the ineffective tax cuts all over it." That's what she said. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 09:57:14 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 10:06:23 PM +1 to collapser. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 10:50:51 PM Anyway, here's Paul Krugman's chiming in: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 10:59:45 PM Aaaand here comes in the right to praise Obama and lol @ those silly nobel laureates like Krugman who know he's wrong: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2009 11:58:51 PM did i read this right? olmert calls bush to tell him to do something bush calls condi and tells her to do something then olmert brags about humiliating US policies? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 04:19:10 PM Rep. DeFazio I think pretty much says it all on why we don't need a lot of absurd advice from Summers (he literally calls out Larry Summers), who has a history of screwing up on all this: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 05:14:57 PM Update: Obama threatens veto if Senate doesn't release second half of TARP. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 05:18:29 PM We should have an actual Zaid open thread rather than forcing him to hijack one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 05:37:40 PM I'm viewing it as an open economic thread and posting news updates. If your panties are in a wad over that, you don't have to read any of it, either. That's the great thing about an open and public internet. In other words, cry moar? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 07:02:34 PM far be it from me to speak to the intention of the original poster but, I think it clearly states "discuss on" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 08:14:38 PM he'ed the venue. yes we can. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 10:36:16 PM Zaid, I thought you'd like your own thread, I was merely suggesting to the powers that be that they give it to you. Why would you assume I didn't want to read it or was being sarcastic? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:01:04 AM I don't know, after you misused three facts a post in the I/P thread I thought you might give up trying to be taken seriously and had turned to court jester? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 08:58:17 AM ***sits down, opens a bag of popcorn, waits for fireworks*** ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 10:46:30 AM So much for detente. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Is it January 20th yet? BASENAME: is_it_january_20th_yet STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/13/2009 10:42:48 AM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 12:52:51 PM I think Bush's legacy will be that all future presidents will use him as the measure of how bad it could be, as in " at least I didn't let the economy melt down like Bush", or "at least I didn't start a huge war just to impress my daddy". It's a new low benchmark for incompetence, hubris, ignorance, carelessness (in all meanings), and probably corruption. We now have shiny new examples of many things to avoid in a good government. It's Bush's one great achievement; take the idea of poor government- both from a wonky policy perspective and an esoteric philosophical perspective- and manifest it so boldly, so large, and so spectacularly damaging, that there shouldn't be too much disagreement on what to avoid ever again. Or at least until the next poseur comes along (Sarah Palin). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 04:45:09 PM I'm trying to think whether corporate governance is better with a dumb-sounding leader (Bush) or a smart-sounding one (Obama). Guess I'm about to find out. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: No Campaign Disclosure for General Assembly Members? BASENAME: no_campaign_disclosure_for_gen STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/13/2009 03:58:43 PM ----- BODY: Maybe this has already been talked about but this is the text of a bill dropped by Joe Wilkinson (R- Badideaville), italicized portions are to be struck from the current law.
"(a)(1)(A) The candidate or the chairperson or treasurer of each campaign committee organized to bring about the nomination or election of a candidate for any office, except county and municipal offices, or the General Assembly and the chairperson or treasurer of every campaign committee designed to bring about the recall of a public officer or to oppose the recall of a public officer or designed to bring about the approval or rejection by the voters of any proposed constitutional amendment, state-wide proposed question, or state-wide referendum shall sign and file with the commission the required campaign contribution disclosure reports. A candidate for membership in the General Assembly or the chairperson or treasurer of such candidate's campaign committee shall file such candidate's reports with the commission and a copy of such report with the election superintendent of the county of such candidate's residence."
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 04:12:05 PM Can I have bad government for $1000 Alex? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: olyellar EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 04:24:53 PM Actually, if I'm reading it right, I'd wholeheartedly endorse this idea. It appears that this does not eliminate the disclosure, but ends the double-filing that you have to dow tih the county. If that's the case, I'll go down and lobby for it my own self. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: olyellar EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 04:26:40 PM I should preview first - "do with" not "dow tih", but yall probably figured that out. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 04:31:56 PM The poster up top didn't copy it exactly. It removes "General Assembly" from the first part as well. It would remove all requirements for disclosure under that statute. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: olyellar EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 04:36:58 PM I think that eliminates the exception - I think GA members would still have to file disclosures under the amended law. I stand willing to be wrong. Where's Campbell? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 04:46:37 PM You may be right with the updated change. The original left the General Assembly in the first section but eliminated it from the second, thus removing entirely from disclosure. However, if the exception is removed from the first section, then they would have to file with the commission. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Your Afternoon Commute just got a lot better BASENAME: your_afternoon_commute_just_go STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/13/2009 04:52:53 PM ----- BODY: John Lemley is being replaced on WABE afternoon drive time by Dennis O'Hayer. Oh Happy Day! naked-cowboy-still-in-times-square7.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 05:04:04 PM From one dynamic individual to another. Seriously though I've known the O'Hayer since I was 8, good for him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 07:19:03 PM OK, I'm not getting this. Almost the last man on local TV news who knew anything about local & state government, and was willing and somewhat able to report on it, now's doing an announcing job for local public radio. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's seemingly little reporting in the radio gig, and now WXIA (NBC affiliate, Ch.11) is definitely free to dumb down their coverage of the Leg, which was just about the best still going on TV. The rest of them barely have much of a presence as far as really following news from 'Under the Gold Dome' continuously, well or even adequately. So I'm happy to see a really competent, good & knowledgeable guy being still employed somewhere in the news biz. But I really can't imagine that they'll be 'beefing up' their local state political & radio reporting. And of course none of this has anything to do with the pictured 'Naked singing cowboy' in NYC/Times Square. Unless he's now claiming to be from Ga. or somehow related to Dennis... But yeah, Gimmicks. We all need more & simple gimmicks to improve things, everywhere. Cheers, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 07:51:17 PM I didn't even notice a naked cowboy. Sure goes to show where your mind is. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 11:19:36 PM The Famous Naked Cowboy? In the Middle Of Times Square? Yeah, like I said, I'm a big fan of simple, effective PR gimmicks. Evidently, so's lots of other people too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 11:35:18 PM I want to hasten to add that of course the NC, a well known busker & publicity hound, is not only an idiot, but he's a only a marginally talented Repug as well. And there's no truth to the rumor that he was tutored in his publicity arts by Abbie Hoffman. But he's about the only guy anyone knows who's famous for working out of doors in his undies. That is all. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 11:54:35 PM Thank you Jesus. Now if they would just get rid of Lois, I might actually be able to listen to the station. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:05:48 AM OK, I draw the line on hating on Lois. Seriously, an attack against Lois is an attack against me. I'll let is slide this time MelGX, but no other times. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:57:40 AM OUTSTANDING!!! Now the 9-3 hours can be fully written off as Lois-Lemley, and I can tune in for ATC with a smile on my face. I really think he just exaggerated his normal speaking voice so that he sounded as unnatural and smarmy as Theresa Sanders (who makes me want to scream every time I hear her). All he had to do was stick to the tone of voice and phrasing he uses to read the traffic report and I wouldn't have complained. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 01:29:19 AM JMP, GPB has a good news show called Georgia Gazette. Unfortunately, you have to get outside the WABE sphere to hear it on the radio. Fortunately, you can download the podcasts I'm sure Dennis will do more than 30 second cut ins during NPR (it that really that much different than 90 second cut ins on TV news?). I certainly hope so. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 01:43:20 AM WABE has now met one of the two conditions precedent for my planned gift to go into effect. Look out Lois, I am coming for you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:12:19 PM I've always thought that Lois's voice is far less suited for the career of "radio personality" than it is for that of "sex line operator." I will also be withholding my donation (until I hear her voice on my telephone instead of my radio, that is). ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: TN Democrats bust out a major move against right wing Republicans BASENAME: tn_democrats_bust_out_a_major STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/13/2009 07:44:39 PM ----- BODY: iconRead the whole thing, but the gist of it is, that the GOP was bragging they'd elect Jason Mumpower ( yeah I did not make that name up-oh and the resemblance to Joe the Plumber is a little freakish) and he'd spearhead all sorts of nasty legislation getting to the floor..abortion votes, 2nd amendment votes, anti-immigrant votes, anti-gay votes you get the idea.
The election of Williams was what Democrats called the "nuclear option:" electing a Republican who was friendly to Democrats, creating coalitions between the parties. As recently as Monday, Mumpower had dismissed such talk, saying that Republicans were united. Afterward, Naifeh acknowledged that the move was likely to anger Republicans, but said he thought Democrats and Republicans could continue to work together, he said. "Emotions are high right now, and I would hope that we would be able to have a good session," Naifeh said. As the vote took place, the House chamber at moments erupted into near bedlam, with spectators raining down boos, hisses and angry shouts, all of which was quickly quieted when Naifeh threatened to have unruly audience members removed from the chamber.
hat tip to Odin( sorry saw your comment a minute ago) this blogger and kos diary Well looks like some big pimping was had just north of us! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 08:57:09 PM I STILL think the Caucus meeting went something like this. You want to work here? CLOSE! You think this is abuse? You don't like it? Leave. What's the point? In any case I got to argue with you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 09:13:49 PM What does it take to be Majority Leader? (this is for Reid) Brass balls. Go and do likewise. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 09:19:18 PM ok we need to import some of these TN Dems into the US Senate and not the harold ford shiteater kind neither. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 10:28:13 PM Harold Ford is the epitome of TN Dems. Just FYI. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 11:22:53 PM Same thing happened in TX too this past week. And count me as thinking that we should have taken that 'nuclear option' in the US Senate when we had the chance too. We can regret that now, and will soon. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2009 11:58:04 PM "Harold Ford is the epitome of TN Dems. Just FYI." Yeah, so much of the epitome that he's no longer an elected official in any office in TN. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:02:42 AM And replaced by one of the finer Congressman in the House, I might add (even after Ford's former campaign manager ran against him in a dirty, race-baiting primary whose focus was placing the DLC back in that spot). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 01:32:47 AM Great story, and awesome ninja moves from the TN Dems. That's how it's done. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 04:09:59 PM +1 to odin. Just saw your post. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 04:24:44 PM ABC man, ABC. In everything you do. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: I really think we've heard enough BASENAME: i_really_think_weve_heard_enou STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 12:13:00 AM ----- BODY: iconFrom TV Spy:
President George Bush wants a final 15 minutes from the Big Four nets on Thursday. The White House on Monday asked ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC for 10-15 minutes of primetime airtime for a live farewell address to the nation. It would be Bush's last public appearance until he greets President-elect Barack Obama at the inauguration on Jan. 20, the Associated Press reported. The nets were officially noncommittal as of late Monday, but it seems likely that most, if not all, will grant the request, although some may argue that the address may not be especially newsworthy and will have plenty of coverage on cable and other outlets.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 01:06:43 AM Just damn, please make him just go away! While the last days of this long nightmare dwindle down, I was just thinking about an article Ebert wrote back before election day 2000, "It's the Presidency Stupid." "We are sleepwalking toward Election Day. Beguiled by George W. Bush's easy smile and casual indifference to the details, we are on the brink of electing him to office. This isn't choosing a president, it's casting the lead in a sitcom about the presidency." I know you guys don't like links to old articles, but back then, I was mystified that someone dumber than me might be POTUS, and now that it's comming to an end, I'm mystified by what's happened. What the Hell was that? Couldn't most intelligent people see this comming? I couldn't find it in the archives at or at the Sun-Times, but I found the text of it here: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: More positive change BASENAME: more_positive_change STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 12:20:13 AM ----- BODY: Change Sweeping to the FCC:
Julius Genachowski, technology adviser to President-elect Barack Obama, is poised to become chairman of the Federal Communications Commission at a time when communications policy lies at the intersection of sweeping changes in the high-tech business landscape. With Genachowski's private-sector experience and ear to Silicon Valley, the appointment could signal greater focus on new Internet technologies for the agency, analysts said.
The hits just keep on coming. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: AJC rumor BASENAME: ajc_rumor STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 12:27:50 AM ----- BODY: I heard a rumor this evening that within six months, The AJC will only publish print editions from Thursday through Sunday of each week. Monday through Wednesday, they will publish web editions exclusively. If true, it's not all that surprising. Editor & Publisher reports for the six-month period ending September 2008, The AJC "saw one of the steepest losses in daily circulation (down 13.6%) but it advanced its net combined audience by 3%, thanks to increases in online and print readership." Increased audience, but not revenue. All while cutting circulation to Georgians who still want the dead tree edition, aka the cash cow. The Ledger reported recently, "for the third time in less than two years, The AJC will again reduce its circulation area."
In last week's edition of The Towns Sentinel, a reader put forth the case of an AJC carrier who delivered to all of Towns County. The county borders North Carolina and has the highest point in Georgia, Brasstown Bald. It is home to Zell Miller, former Georgia governor and former U.S. senator. "A business owned by Carolyn Shook, who has delivered The AJC for many years has been lost," began the letter by Carl Schultz. Schultz wrote that Shook's route had 800 daily and 1,500 Sunday papers. "Attempts to purchase them directly from The AJC via her pick-up [point] at one of the 27 counties has been denied by The AJC.
The AJC certainly isn't alone. Newspapers have been hemmoraging money for years, and the downturn in the economy only makes these ailing businesses even more vulnerable. But if someone doesn't figure out how to monetize these monsters soon, there will be no professional news gathering organizations left. And yes, that would be very bad indeed. Related link: Jeff Jarvis on David Carr's proposition for an iTunes model for news. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 05:39:29 AM Yeah, no correlation here at all. News Consumption? UP everywhere. Newspapers & Reading of same? Down universally. AJC's coverage of local & state politics? Down probably close to 90% since the 1980's. Staff cuts, coverage cuts. Non regular coverage of much of what goes on 'under the Gold Dome'. Much the same story around the nation too. Again, if you're unable or unwilling to actually cover and report on the news, 'without fear or favor'? Someone else will do it for you. And possibly for cheaper too. That day has arrived. No more news from the 'village idiots' who give us all the received wisdom from on high from unnamed 'well placed sources' who just now issue press releases for them. Newspapers should mean Reading, & catering to a reading and literate public. When I read the AJC today, it's like reading the juvenile Scholastics magazine. It's been so 'dumbed down' to capture the Non literate audience, they've lost their original mission. Hence the hemorrhaging of subscribers continues. They can get their news elsewhere. And now do. Again SSDD, since, oh for much of the past 20 years or so. The hurricane will never hit NOLA, until it does. They had a newspaper that fought to cover the disaster, they're surviving. Essential needs get met. Vital reporting remains to be done. JMP [] ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 10:40:25 AM Hey Mel... how much validity do you give that rumor? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:58:39 PM On a 10 point scale, I would give it an 8. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 01:02:30 PM Yikes, that's high. Ah, the information economy, but nobody thinks information is worth paying for. Odd. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 01:12:45 PM For Christmas, I received a weekday subscription to the New York Times. I still love reading papers, but yeah.. AJC is a rag. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 04:07:23 PM I always thought that the price of the paper was basically just a nominal fee to keep the circulation to relatively serious users and that the classifieds and advertising actually paid the bills. Is that not the case? If it is the case, then it seems like it's not US who aren't paying up, it's the advertisers on the website. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 04:50:14 PM With print editions, circulation numbers drive ad rates. That's why the paper's decision to voluntarily cut circulation is so puzzling. Sort of related, does anyone know what the story is behind Evening Edge? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Digital TV Transition Update BASENAME: digital_tv_transition_update STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 02:08:29 AM ----- BODY: Last week was a crazy week in the digital tv transition world The Obama Transition team said "delay the date" The FCC said "no way, don't delay" The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights sent this to Congress
On behalf of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), the nation’s oldest, largest, and most diverse civil and human rights coalition, with nearly 200 member organizations, we are writing to support President-elect Obama’s proposal and to urge your support for extending the upcoming digital television transition (DTV) until there is a plan in place to minimize the number of viewers who will lose TV signals. Most importantly, this plan needs to fix the flaws in the federal coupon program created to offset the cost of this transition to consumers. LCCR believes it is critical that America leaves none of its communities and viewers behind as it transitions to digital television.
What You Can Do Now! * Get on the Coupon Waiting List - - This will ensure that as soon as a coupon is available - you're in line to get it. * Volunteer at a DTV Assistance Center - * Help out on MLK Day "Digital" Service Day * Participate in the "Friends and Family" Coupon Swap. If you don't need your coupon then donate it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Governor's Perdue's State of the State address BASENAME: governors_perdues_state_of_the STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 07:55:12 AM ----- BODY: iconThis morning at 9:30 am... consider this an open thread for that. You can try watching it here. As is tradition, the opposition will respond, join them at this event. Event: House Democrats' response to the State of the State address "DuBose Porter gives the Democratic response to the Governor's speech" What: Rally Host: Georgia House Democratic Caucus Start Time: Tomorrow, January 14 at 2:00pm End Time: Tomorrow, January 14 at 3:00pm Where: Appropriations Committee Room, Georgia State Capitol ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: zahra EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 05:14:23 AM My name is zahra and i'm first genaration American citizen from iran and i am very happy to have Mr Obamma as our peresidnt an proud to be an American ! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 11:10:50 PM I really hope Obama don't bomb your country but if Cheney didn't probably won't happen ^_^ ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Kiss. Kiss. BASENAME: kiss_kiss STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 09:18:04 AM ----- BODY: iconYou've been invited. Melanie and I think of this site as something of an extension of our homes. We're kind of a good team, she and I. She's good at making sure the place looks nice and that everything is up to date and feffy. Me? I fill the role that I've filled so many times in my life - that of the "cruise director". I like to make sure everyone in attendance is relatively happy. After all, you are all guests here and we like to think that we throw a good party. Many of the writers and commenters on this blog have been guests at my home. I pride myself in being a qualified host. I always try to have refreshments that appeal to my guests. If I am offering something that I know is not a favorite of a guest, I offer an alternative. I (with the help of Info Man) select music and other entertainment that we hope will appeal to everyone - or a changing variety so if you can't stand Patti Smith you'll be happy when The Staple Singers come on next. So, lately, I feel like I'm in the middle of party gone terribly wrong. The place looks really great (thanks, Melanie). We have a good variety of guests. Plenty of fascinating topics to discuss. Unfortunately, we have some unruly guests who can't seem to understand the nuances of party etiquette. I really didn't think it would come to etiquette class. Alas. 1. Be polite. Don't insult people. 2. If you don't like another guest, move on. None of us want to watch you insult each other (except IRE). 3. Didn't someone teach you not to show up a party empty-handed? Bring a clever remark; a link to something nifty; or a compliment. 4. If you realize you're the only one talking it's probably time to either leave, or be quiet. 5. A party is not school. A conversation is not a lecture. The idea here is to engage, not preach. 6. When your hosts ask something of you, it's good manners to comply. 7. Guests can always be asked to leave. P.S. Zaid, providing links to quoted material is not a "new rule". It is, in fact, one of the founding principles and reasons for blogging. So, quit with the snarky references to this "new rule". ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 11:08:33 AM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 11:11:47 AM IRE, You are hereby commanded to invent a cocktail based on this very fine liquor. Bonus points if it is of the Cement Mixer / Irish Car Bomb variety. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 11:32:33 AM I gots a link guyz ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 11:45:50 AM Uh? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Zaid's Fabulous Open Thread! BASENAME: zaids_fabulous_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 12:31:13 PM ----- BODY: Get hyped y'all! Zaid.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:36:24 PM Best. Thread. Ever. If only because I didn't get a graphic with my thread. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Afro Spidey EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 12:45:16 PM Finally I feel welcome. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 02:45:02 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 05:20:14 PM Zaid is this you? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 02:27:15 PM Couldn't find a better place to post this: Also, why am I not surprised at this part of Broun's biography. "The son of a Democratic state senator from the liberal college town of Athens, Georgia, Broun attributes his conservative transformation to the wonder working power of Jesus. Broun’s born-again moment arrived in 1986, during the height of the Reagan Revolution, while he toiled as a doctor in rural Georgia, struggling to keep afloat during the first year of his marriage. He had suffered through several “broken marriages and episodes of broken relationships and financial problems,” Broun recalled during a November 2007 speech on the House floor." I think I say this again - it's cool if you need some healing power to get yourself together. But, if you, by your own admission, fuck up your life when operating under your own power, then Stay. The. Fuck. Out. of. Mine. Because, frankly, I do just fine on my own. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2009 09:57:48 AM Seriously can we allow picture posting in comments? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2009 10:37:15 PM Agreed. This thread is more disappointing than that time Family Guy didn't do a cutaway. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 08:14:34 AM You think that's bad? Do you remember the time I wore a salmon-hat for Muhammad? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 10:14:15 AM This thread sucks even more than Meg. Peter: Shut up, Meg. You suck. Even more than that movie with Pauly Shore. (cutaway) Pauly Shore: Buuuuddy...whoooa, we’re like, in a DOME! Peter: This movie sucks slightly less than Meg. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 11:12:15 AM Family Guy's jokes are just written by manatees pushing idea balls together. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 02:31:15 PM IRE, You're just putting people at risk. That's wrong. It's RONG! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 03:14:04 PM Someone should mount a campaign to get Family Guy taken off the air. I nominate this thread's namesake. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 11:03:00 PM I'm going to post this here, why not. Seriously, wth has happened to Jessica Simpson? At one of the forums I read, some dude said in response: "Southern-Country-Hot is really only a very short putt from Redneck-White-Trashy." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 10:25:58 PM where is your god now? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 10:17:26 AM MelGX this is a serious question: what do you think of SarahPAC's logo? I think it's brilliant, it puts Alaska in the heartland of America and puts its size in scale to make being governor of it more impressive, and to keep small state governors in their place. Just wanted your thoughts cause you are an expert onthisstuff, I am not. interestingly, Hawai'i is not in the map of the U.S... hmm...a subtle dig at the Obama-nator? All I care about is that we don't turn into France. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 11:11:07 AM I actually don't like it at all.. while I agree with nothing she stands for, she is very pretty, this is a bad picture of her.. Plus is it necessary to show off how big Alaska is relative to the rest of the US? I mean yeah it's big but hardly anyone lives there. NYC is relatively small but ya know it is the big apple? I'm not crazy about it, and look forward to what Mel says. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 11:27:32 AM I think its supposed to be awe inspring due to its size. I echo the hope MelGX weighs in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 11:56:31 AM It's not terrible, but there's an unusual emphasis on PAC rather than SARAH. Both the font weight and color choice cause SARAH to recede. Futura is an interesting choice of typeface, as it's sort of the poor man's Gotham these days. But you asked about the icon, and I have to agree it's cheeky as all get out, with loads of implied meaning. Speaking of logos, here are some you might enjoy: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 05:04:06 PM DuBose is in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 04:46:40 PM In other news: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 04:26:29 PM I miss Bush. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 09:21:28 PM You sure you mean to capitalize that B? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 09:27:27 AM Alright, Zaid, let's try to keep the humor PG-13. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 09:42:39 AM Why? That's the worst kind. Go all in or don't. But this BS wishy-washy PG-13 crap? It's got to end buddy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 03:45:16 PM There have to be bush jokes in pg-13 movies. I will dedicate my life to finding them if I have to. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 04:54:20 PM A nobl'r quest, one could ne'er have. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 05:52:06 PM This thread is now about teaching people how to argue via 70's britcom ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 07:39:52 PM Then I'm out. At least you aren't doing it through Francaphonecoms. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 02:22:15 PM Nice to see Zaid tearing up others for once: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 10:47:14 PM Oh come, now, can anyone resist the intellectualism of our colleagues at PeachPundit? " Harry 02.11.09 at 8:54 pm The only hope to get rid of Pelosi would be that the latinos and blacks turn against the homosexuals. But not likely, I know." -- My ex-Congressman is such a tease. The multi-millionaire thinks he can pull off a I'm-poor-and-oppressed sit-in, via standing in front of a door for 5 minute YouTube camera photo-op. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Presidential pixels BASENAME: presidential_pixels STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 02:42:47 PM ----- BODY: The official portrait of the incoming 44th President of the United States has been released, and is the first to have been taken with a digital camera. This is appropriate of much. obama.portrait.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 05:22:18 PM Ironically, he also appears to be the first to wear a flag pin in his portrait. Those other guys must hate America: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Pollie peeps BASENAME: old_dogs_new_media STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 03:26:00 PM ----- BODY: The American Association of Political Consultants (founded in 1969 and purveyors of the Pollie Awards), now has an open facebook group with 1,193 members. I joined out of curiosity, because I wanted to see how an organization whose membership is comprised of competitors, could build an online community. The short answer is they don't. Political consultants are notoriously secretive about their bag of tricks, so sharing is not considered a virtue, at least not before awards season. However, occasionally some interesting tidbit pops out of the group, such as this one from today: ----- EXTENDED BODY:
AAPC is collecting research, examining case studies and involving our political experts in analyzing what did and did not work in America’s traditional campaign strategy. Some early research is revealing: * Political mail fundraising seemed far outdistanced by online fundraising with several general consultants now wondering if direct mail donors are a dying breed. * Newspapers felt the bite in advertising money that should have gone their way, but did not in any appreciable numbers. Indeed, even banner ads were far less prevalent than expected – despite evidence of the effectiveness of the medium. * Money spent near the end of the campaign not only broke all records – totals will last for years, and yet, much of the last splurging on traditional GOTV efforts were wasted. Voters were not listening to last minute blasts - be they on the phone, on TV or in your mailbox. * Investing in people going door to door, having campaigners spend a little time with senior voters on the phone, and having creative online, personalized messages sent to targeted publics became the winning strategies.
----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: No relation BASENAME: no_relation STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 05:18:25 PM ----- BODY: Governor Bev Perdue, North Carolina's first female Governor, was inaugurated on Saturday. So when you see headlines like the ones that recently popped up in my email box: "Perdue Calls For Open Government" or "Perdue Promises Accountability to the Public", do not be shocked out of your chair. It's Bev doing the people's business, not Sonny doing big business. Here's a snapshot of her first day on the job:
Monday morning, Perdue signed five executive orders into law. One order will make it easier for taxpayers to access records online of how taxpayer dollars are being spent by government. Another order looks to make gubernatorial campaigning more positive and less costly. An accountability order means surprise inspections of state agencies. Perdue has committed to conducting ongoing town hall meetings and is also creating a citizen oversight panel to check how tax dollars are being used.
Congrats to Governor Perdue and to the North Carolina Dems who helped elect her. Read more about the Governor here, read her inauguration speech here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: SCHIP passes US House BASENAME: schip_passes_the_us_house STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 05:57:53 PM ----- BODY: From Congressman John Lewis' office today:
Rep. John Lewis Speaks on Children's Health Insurance Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed the State Children's Health Insurance Program bill with a 289-139 vote. Passage of the bill was managed by the House Ways & Means Committee of which Rep. John Lewis is a senior member. The legislation, formerly vetoed by the Bush Administration provides health insurance for more than 7 million children. The program will protect coverage for those children and expand it to include an additional 4 million children who would otherwise be uninsured. The legislation is paid for through an increase in the federal tobacco tax, as well as a prohibition on kickbacks to physicians from hospitals they own. Rep. John Lewis made this statement today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of the bill: "Mr. Speaker, at long last, we will do what is right for our nation's poorest children; today we will expand SCHIP to 4 million more children. We have a mission, an obligation, a mandate to provide health insurance for all Americans. And now we have a Congress and a President who will meet that obligation for our children. It has taken too long. This nation has been wrong to choose war and greed over children and health. Children need our help. They have a right to health care. Today we will do what is right and pass this expansion of SCHIP."
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 06:49:25 PM I wish I knew what Bright and Marshall were thinking. Bright has now cast two votes so far that are really making AL Democrats ticked. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 07:40:51 PM "How the hell did Rick Goddard raise $1.1 million last year?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 11:14:00 PM Anyway, on a more serious note, after reading some of the comments regarding the legislation, apparently the tobacco provision is still there, which I believe was Marshall's official reason last year for voting against it. I did a Google search and found: from 2007. Glad to see Taylor switched his vote. Bright has me scratching my head though. If Griffith can support it then I don't see why Bright can't. Also interesting to see Cao vote nay. I guess he really does want to be a one-termer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 09:55:10 AM "Anyway, on a more serious note, after reading some of the comments regarding the legislation, apparently the tobacco provision is still there, which I believe was Marshall's official reason last year for voting against it." Man, that's got to be a crappy district. You have to vote FOR tobacco (one of the least favorite things in the country) and AGAINST kids (one of the most favorite things). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 10:44:03 AM I'm not defending the vote, so say what you will. I do think the liberal infighting over this is quite hilarious :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Georgia's Inaugural Watch Parties & Celebrations BASENAME: georgias_inaugural_watch_parti STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 06:28:34 PM ----- BODY: For those who are staying here in Atlanta and not making the multi-million trek to DC, here's a roundup of some Inauguration Watch Parties and Evening Celebrations around the Peach State. Got more? Add them in the comments... Noon Watch Parties UGA/Athens: -Russell Library Auditorium, UGA Main Library, West Entrance -Memorial Hall 407 (Adinkra Hall) -East Campus Village Fireside Lounge -Tate Student Center Atlanta: - Amsterdam Cafe, Amsterdam Walk, 502 Amsterdam Ave, Atlanta, GA - Panther's Den, 75 Piedmont Ave, Atlanta, GA Nightime Celebration Parties Atlanta: - Halo Lounge, 817 West Peachtree, Atlanta - sponsored by Young Democrats of Atlanta, Young Democrats of Georgia & Red Clay Democrats - Amsterdam Bar & Cafe, 502 Amsterdam Ave, Atlanta - sponsored by Atlanta Stonewall Democrats - PushPush Theater, 121 New Street #4, Decatur - sponsored by the Georgia for Democracy Film Club ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 09:14:47 AM Something for the OTP's: the Walton County Democratic Party is hosting a preinaugural ball on Saturday, January 17th in Monroe. Tickets are only $10. If you would like to attend, please contact me. Also, if you can't attend but would like to make a donation, they would be more than happy to accept that too. They are a great group of Democrats who have worked extremely hard since reorganizing in June of 2007. They have accomplished a great deal in a short amount of time in the face of some pretty big odds in psycho red land. Just putting this out there... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rptrcub EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 10:27:27 AM Georgia State: The Student Government Association is hosting a viewing in the Student Center Ballroom from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. The center is at Courtland and Gilmer streets. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: How awesome is this... BASENAME: how_awesome_is_this STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2009 07:11:37 PM ----- BODY: Remember how furious we all were when a certain individual from House 80 abandoned us to hang out with his friend Jill Chambers? Well, Tennessee Republicans are experiencing that same feeling, except much, much worse - Republicans won control of the state House, but Democrats engineered an astonishing ploy to elect a renegade Republican of their choosing as Speaker rather than the anointed Republican candidate, by a single vote. In return, they were able to keep the post of Speaker Pro Tempore, and they will keep a lot of state employees that otherwise would have been ousted by new Republican leadership. To say that Tennessee Republicans are unhappy would be a huge understatement, but I think we can all enjoy the savory taste of schadenfreude here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: plange EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2009 08:00:07 PM it is cool-- but someone else beat you to the punch-- see several blog post down-- dated jan 13 ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Gerrymandered! BASENAME: gerrymandered STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/15/2009 01:00:09 PM ----- BODY: Slate has this slideshow of the most gerrymandered districts in the country. Alas, no Georgia districts made the list. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 01:09:09 PM The Illinois 4th is caaaarazy. Reminds me of the old Georgia 13th. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 01:37:12 PM NC 3 and IL 4 take the cake. Funny to see all the NC Dem districts. Kind of shows how hard the party has worked to maintain their majority there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 02:08:44 PM AZ 2 is also pretty ridiculous. I'm a large fan of the two islands connected by a strip. Must be fun to doorbell that strip. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 03:56:40 PM An odd shape is neither necessary nor sufficient to show that a district is gerrymandered, IMHO. That Arizona district was drawn by an independent commission (two D, two R, one I). IIRC, it was drawn to be both competitive without diluting the voting strength of its Native American residents. I hate that it's totally acceptable to effecitvely disenfranchise voters - like, say, residents of Athens - as long as you do it with an eye-pleasing circle. And it's completely unacceptable to draw an irregular map, no matter how representative it might ultimately be. It's pretty much the ultimate expression of how shallow our dedication to democracy is - we prefer a pretty map to a representative one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 04:51:26 PM Except I thought the whole idea is that we were represented by a geographic area, rather than ideological or ethnic blocks. If we wanted to do the second, we could just have party / ethnic lists and assign them proportionally like a parliamentary system. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 10:03:37 PM My objection is more to the definition of gerrymandering employed. The original gerrymander was both oddly shaped and drawn to advantage a particular political party. AZ-02 may be strangely shaped, but it was not drawn to advantage a particular party. The map as a whole was drawn to be competitive without dividing a community of interest. So how is it a gerrymander? Because it's oddly shaped? Effectively, that's the definition employed by the Slate feature, and it's objectionable because it completely ignores the worst feature of gerrymandering - the unfair advantage given to one party - and focuses on the superficial one - the shape of the district. And that focus leads them to label as a "gerrymander" a map drawn without any of the traditional goals of gerrymandering. It's inaccurate, and it's irresponsible, too. I mean, I assume the intention of this feature is more than identify oddly-shaped districts. I'd guess this is a misguided attempt to promote good government, which they've undercut by attacking as a gerrymander a map that was drawn by one of the few non-partisan redistricting processes in the country. It's simply disappointing all around. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Happy Birthday Dr. King BASENAME: happy_birthday_dr_king STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/15/2009 04:15:10 PM ----- BODY: Happy 80th Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Thank you for sacrificing your life so I can have a better life. A life of promise. A life where I can be judged by the content of my character and not the color of my skin. From the "I Have a Dream" speech:
It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this check — a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.
On January 20, 2009, America will celebrate knowing that one of your dreams are ringing true.
With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: More Events to Celebrate the Inauguration-all around Georgia BASENAME: more_events_to_celebrate_the_i STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/15/2009 06:36:45 PM ----- BODY: iconMartin sent me this the other day, and I've been tardy getting this posted. Since he sent it, possibly more events have been listed, so check in here too. Some are parties, and some are day's of service, so feel free to triple book yourself! Here you go... lots to do... so don't sit home - really you'll be glad you went out and met other great Democrats all over Georgia. Upcoming Inaugural and Day of Service Events Pickens County Jan 20th Inaugural Celebration Location(s) Appalachian Technical College 100 Campus Drive at Burnt Mountain Road Jasper, GA, 30143 Jan 20 2009 - 6:00pm Music! Food! Fun! (Casual dress) Please RSVP with names and phone numbers of guests: Call (770) 735-1956 or e-mail Chatham Black & White Inaugural Gala Location(s) Savannah International Trade & Convention Center 1 International Drive Hutchinson Island, GA, 31402 Jan 20 2009 - 7:00pm Celebrate the Historic Inauguration of Barack Obama in Style The Savannah Business League in partnership with The Chatham County Democratic Committee will host a Presidential Inaugural Gala on Tuesday evening, January 20, 2009 to celebrate and commemorate the inauguration of Barack H. Obama as the 44th President of the United States. The gala will be a black & white affair held at Savannah’s magnificent International Trade & Convention Center on Hutchinson Island. Attendees will enjoy exclusive live video of inaugural balls in Washington, DC, dinner, live music, dancing, and a toast to the new Presidential administration, embracing our theme: Together We Can. RSVP here 1 (888) 671-5551 Douglas County Inaugural Party Location(s) Tuscany Hills Clubhouse 5282 Tuscany Drive Douglasville, GA, 30135 Jan 20 2009 - 7:00pm The venue is located next to the Olde River Plantation sub-division on Highway 166. Price: $10 for adults and $5 for children For More Information: (404) 276-2121 ----- EXTENDED BODY: Walton County Pre-Inaugural Ball Location(s) A.P. Henderson Building Social Circle, GA, 30025 Jan 17 2009 - 7:30pm “Barack Obama is the first African-American president,” said Ollie James, chairperson of the Walton County Democrats. “This is history.” Black tie event starting at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 17 at the A.P. Henderson Building in Social Circle. The building will be decked out in red, white and blue and a live band will provide music while people eat, dance and celebrate the upcoming inauguration of the new president. “A lot of people can’t attend the inauguration in D.C.,” James said. “We’re having a celebration here to commemorate (Obama’s) win.” Sharna Fulton, with the Walton County Democrats, said the event would serve to show that Walton County does have its share of Democrats. “To us, it’s a huge deal Barack Obama has been elected,” Fulton said. “It’s a year of change. Gwinnett Pre-Inaugural Breakfast And Food Drive For MLK Jr. Day Of Service Location(s) Georgia Diner 1655 Pleasant Hill Duluth, GA, 30096 Jan 17 2009 - 8:30am As part of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service we are having a food drive. Please bring along some canned food for the Salvation Army Food Bank. We will collect it when you arrive at the Duluth Diner. We will be discussing the legislative session with our elected officials and the Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. We suggest getting there between 8 and 8:15 to order your breakfast. A purchase is not required to attend! Clarke County Democratic Committee's Day Of Service Location(s) Howard B. Stroud Elementary School 715 Fourth St. Athens, GA, 30601 Jan 19 2009 - 9:00am Join us for the Stroud Elementary School Renovation Project Place: Howard B. Stroud Elementary School Impact Areas: Environment: Community Gardens, Renovation, Revitalization and Repair: Murals/Painting, Renovation, Revitalization and Repair, Children & Youth: Elementary school Project Attributes: Best for Beginners Caring Collegians Dynamic for Differently-Abled Fun for Families Good for Groups Hot Project Kool for Kids Super for Seniors Terrific for Teens Project Description: Stroud is a beautiful school with an amazing land area. We are looking to add plants and construct a garden as well as paint the quad areas in order to have an outdoor class area. Come out and join our youth in the effort to beautify Stroud Elementary!! Douglas County Day Of Service Location(s) Lowe's Parking Lot 7001 Douglas Blvd Douglasville, GA, 30135 Jan 17 2009 - 10:00am This is our opportunity to serve the Douglas County Community with a furniture and clothing drive for Goodwill of North Georgia at Lowe's Shopping Center on Douglas Blvd. Look for the large truck in the parking lot. It will be there all day Saturday. Goodwill accepts your new or gently used items — like clothing, appliances and furniture. The sales of your donations help fund job training and other career services that help people become successful at work. Tift County MLK Breakfast And Food Drive Location(s) Donaldson Dining Hall at Abraham Baldwin College Tifton, GA, 31793 Jan 19 2009 - 8:30am Tift Democrats are partnering with PLIGHT (Proud Loving Individuals Giving a Hand to Teens) to collect 500 cans from January 13 -19. Members will take (or have cans picked up) for use at the Soup Kitchen, 2737 S. Central. Collection points are the Soup Kitchen, Main Street Office at 504 Main St, and the MLK Breakfast on Jan. 19. The MLK Breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m. Jan. 19 at Abraham Baldwin College's Donaldson Dining Hall. Tickets are $9 with children 5-and-younger admitted free. Tickets must be purchased in advance as there will be no tickets sold at the door this year. This year's speaker for the breakfast is the Rev. Gregory Durr Sr. of Adel. Rev. Durr is pastor of Holy Community Church in Adel and is very active in the community. Everyone is invited to attended the breakfast. For tickets and more information, contact Fran Kinchen at 556-7439 or Lorenzo Williams at 386-4360. Lincoln County Day Of Service And MLK Celebration Location(s) First Baptist Church 154 First Baptist St Lincolnton, GA, 30817 Jan 19 2009 - 10:00am Meet at the First Baptist Church in Lincolnton at 10AM for a Youth Clean-up Project throughout the County. We will meet back at the First Baptist Church to view Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech and enjoy pizza. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 07:36:29 PM Are people really wearing black tie to the Atlanta Inaugural Ball? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2009 08:11:16 PM No, White Tie. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2009 12:12:24 AM Pictures from Walton County event. Way to go! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: My Morning Wheatley BASENAME: my_morning_wheatley STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/16/2009 09:01:37 AM ----- BODY: ...with apologies to GriftDrift. and Thomas Wheatley for that matter. The Eggs and Issues Breakfast was on the 13th, and T-Dubs summarized two of the issues as follows (there were more than two):
TRANSPORTATION: One of the the state’s issues that everyone agrees is a mindblowing problem is also the most up in the air. That’s not a good sign. Perdue told the crowd that he wouldn’t support a proposal until it showed that it could pay a “dividend” — in other words, it needed to be results-based. Cagle pushed the one-cent regional sales tax proposal that nearly passed last session, but ultimately failed by three votes in the Senate. Richardson wants a statewide plan, he says, because transportation is a statewide issue. For the lieutenant governor, it was all about the roads. Not once during Cagle’s address did he mention “rail.” Richardson mentioned light-rail in the suburbs, which sounds cool, but would never work. (Gotta have the density, folks.) He proposed the idea of truck routes that bypass Atlanta as well.
Cagle never even mentioned rail. Awesome. I will slightly take issue with Wheats here on Suburban rail. Suburb to Suburb rail is not supportable here, but Suburb to Downtown and Midtown (and Athens) rail I think could work, but with that Atlanta-hating crowd, the word "Downtown" together with "rail" makes them think of homeless people in train stations, this despite the fact it was held at GWCC.
TORT REFORM: This one could be interesting. Perdue said he wants to enhance Georgia’s pro-business image and “cement [our] position as a leader in the biotech industry” by exempting manufacturers of FDA-approved products from tort lawsuits. Basically, companies with a “significant presence” in Georgia won’t be subject to product liability claims in the state if the FDA approved the product. The other bill: “Relief” — or as it’s known in some parts, “attorney’s fees” — if a claim against a litigant is dismissed at the earliest possible stage of the legal process. If the attorney in the case doesn’t notify his or her client of the law, that attorney is responsible for the damages.
This one's a bad idea in two parts here, one Loser Pays, the other is Immunity for Drug Companies. Loser Pays is, essentially, the English system (but also the French and some others), and in it, if you lose, you pay the other side's legal fees. The problem here is, that if you lose "at the earliest stage of litigation", a lot of times it is because of a pleading or venue issue, both technicalities. With the county venue system that we have in Georgia, it is often very difficult to determine all the facts necessary to prosecuting a lawsuit without conducting discovery, which is exactly what this bill aims to protect defendants against. Judges can go forever without ruling on motions, so a plaintiff could end up paying for months and months of legal bills for the defendant for a simple defect. In practice it would be terrible. In theory it isn't much better. One of the hallmarks of our legal system and our society that even the largest company must answer for the wrongs they have done to the small. With the possibility of having to pay oppressive fees, middle glass Georgians will likely forgo many suits where they have been wronged, leaving dangerous behavior unchecked by our civil justice system. Oh, and drug companies? The proposal attempts to give drug companies immunity if they passed the FDA pre-screen. But the FDA doesn't have the money to effectively conduct their reviews, which are just a cost benefit analysis with a small sample size conducted by the drug company. (Talking about the FDA budget: "At least there’s not a substantial cut, but the agency won’t be able to do much with food or drug safety,” says William Hubbard, a former FDA associate commissioner who joined other former FDA officials in urging the agency’s budget be doubled over five years.) Additionally, giving immunity to companies "with a substantial presence" which I take to mean locating manufacturing or research here since Perdue spoke of it in terms of strengthening Georgia Bio-Tech industry, but not other companies in other states whose behavior was the same is violative of the Commerce Clause, which is in the Constitution, a document that Perdue has never heard of. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rptrcub EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 10:28:21 AM I am curious as to how suburban fear of "crime" may play out with attempts, again, to improve rail infrastructure, especially now with the high-profile robbery/murder at The Standard. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 10:56:16 AM Drug companies are about to get the same preemption protection given to FDA-approved medical devices as soon as the Supreme Court rules on Wyeth v. Levine. Sonny's proposal is dumb not because of what it purports to do, but because it is unnecessary given the current state of Supreme Court precedent on the subject. Now, if Congress gets rid of the preemption provisions in the FDCA perhaps his legislation might actually do something. Also, I think drug and device manufacturers seeking FDA approval pay hundreds of thousands of dollars every time they submit an application for pre-approval of a new drug or device. It's also not a cost-benefit analysis...the statute requires that new products be reviewed to ensure they are safe and effective. Maybe read Riegel v. Medtronic about the hundreds of hours of review that go into a premarket approval application. It's not the slipshod rubber stamp you're painting it to be, and I know this because I've actually seen an application and the back and forth between manufacturer and FDA before approval is granted. There's also extensive post-approval reporting and oversight requirements that must be met or approval can be withdrawn. There is a case to be made for eliminating federal preemption for drugs and devices, but it's not based on the popular misconceptions of how little the FDA does before approving these products. When you actually work in this field, you learn what all goes into the process. I don't agree with a loser pays system, but I think the most controversial aspect of the proposal is requiring plaintiff's attorneys to pay the fees if their client cannot after a lawsuit is determined to be frivolous. I'm not sure that will pass muster under the GA constitution. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 12:16:01 PM I'm skeptical of this density claim - I don't think I've ever seen a conservative agree that any region has sufficient density to support new light rail, and I've never seen a liberal argue for rail on the basis of density. How is density being measured? What level of density is necessary for light rail? How was that figire determined? How does that compare with the level of density that - I suppose - is necessary before a new road or road expansion is justified? Is that even the metric used for roads? If not, why not, and why is it nevertheless appropriate for rail? I've looked around for the answers to those questions, and as yet all I've found are conservative bloggers repeating the density assertion in every city of any size, all without any further explanation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 12:26:07 PM Sara, They absolutely conduct a cost-benefit analysis. I know what the statute says, and I know what they go through, but they balance based on small samples. That much is a fact. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 12:28:37 PM Oh, and regarding Cagle and the nothing in support of rail: Dear Emory Morsberger: Re: Your contributions to Cagle in '06 I told you he cared for neither Brain nor Train. MoTS ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 12:55:31 PM I don't know what you mean by they balance based upon small samples. The statues are very clear about all the detailed information the manufacturer has to provide, clinical trials and studies, etc. The information is presented to prove a drug/device is safe and effective. Now some risk is always allowed for, because no drug or device is ever proven 100% risk-free, and often the conditions they are prescribed to treat are life-threatening so the FDA weighs whether it would be better to keep a product off the market because it presents a small known risk against the benefit it could provide to the vast majority of patients. Defibrillators, for example, present risks but they also keep people alive. I am sure most people with congestive heart failure would rather take the risks and have a product that keeps their heart beating, as opposed to wondering if they are just going to keel over at any second. In my personal experience, the FDA does review the submissions and goes back and forth with the manufacturer many times about additional information needed, things they want studied in additional animal or human studies, the language of the warning label and packaging, etc. They do not just rubber stamp anything. If you want to bolster the safety screening process for drugs and devices, I would suggest improving funding and resources to the FDA. They are certainly in a better position to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a complex medical device or pharmaceutical product than 12 random people on a jury in podunkville, USA. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 01:30:30 PM It is about density and land use, Drew. Now, don't get me wrong, I love SUPERTRAINS! But if rail is extended to areas with land use patterns characteristic of larger swaths of big box retail and 1-acre lot fortified subdivisions, it just won't work economically. Density in this context is just another word for scale. Not enough ridership to support the line, and then people will bitch about taxpayer money subsidizing service (see: MARTA's troubles). Ideally rail centric transportation corridors have 1.) a mix of land use, 2.) is walkable, and 3.) is easily accessible to enough riders to scale. That is something incredibly absent in a lot of suburban and exurban communities in the metro counties. Extending rail to those places just gives potential riders a half measure. Commuters will still have to jump in a car and ride a "mini-commute" to park and hop on a rail. That's a niche market. The sought after impact to VMT and congestion would be marginal at best. Until we develop with density, or embrace mixed-use TND or TOD (if that makes it sound better), rail just doesn't make much sense. Lots of liberals argue that point Drew (see: yglesias and Atrios, and a whole truck load of new urbanist). That doesn't mean we shouldn't build a couple of teh awesome SUPERTRAINS (e.g. Atl-Athens). We just don't develop in a way that supports them. Wheatly is correct on that score. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 03:50:48 PM Sara, Agreed with all that you said except for one point. We are agreed that the FDA does perform a cost-benefit analysis, but I think an argument can be made that a jury is in a better position to judge the costs in whatever specific facts they have in front of them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 06:18:25 PM There is a huge problem with letting juries do that calculus, and it's not that most are woefully unqualified to assess the safety of a complex medical product. Imagine this scenario, which has nothing to do with medical devices or drugs but everything to do with product liability law: The Lincoln Navigator is sold with laminated glass in its side windows, while the virtually identical Ford Expedition is sold with tempered glass. Tempered glass is designed to break into tiny rubble when struck in order to prevent lacerations. Laminated glass is designed to be very difficult to break because you essentially have to tear through the laminate. In one accident in the Navigator, the vehicle crashes into a retaining pond and the occupants are unable to break out the windows to escape as the vehicle fills with water, and they drown. In another accident, the Expedition rolls over on a deserted highway after the driver almost falls asleep and overcorrects, and an occupant is ejected out of the passenger window. In separate lawsuits involving a virtually identical vehicle, the people in the first accident claim the window should have been tempered glass because it would have been possible to kick or smash out the window and escape the vehicle before it filled with water, and the people in the second accident claim that the window should have been laminate because it would not have shattered during the rollover and the occupant would not have been ejected onto the roadway. Two juries find that Ford's design choice of laminate and tempered glass was unreasonably dangerous and award damages. In both instances, a jury performed a cost-benefit analysis and found the other option was better. So what glass should Ford use in its windows? Now, extrapolate that out to a medical device or pharmaceutical. I don't know enough about drug formulation to give a concrete example there, but I can imagine a scenario where formulation A is slightly less likely to cause side effect X but slightly more likely to cause side effect Y, while formulation B is the opposite. Allowing individual juries to decide which formulation should have been used, or to decide that a specific formulation was not safe and effective, would create competing and contradictory pressures on the manufacturer for the very same drug. Meanwhile, all of this would have been presented to the FDA, who would have already performed a cost-benefit analysis and made a determination that formulation X or Y was the most safe and effective. Why are we going to let individual juries in courts scattered throughout the country to rehash that decision for them? Particularly when juries are going to be focusing on the bad outcome that formulation X allegedly caused their plaintiff and worrying much less about the risks that changing that formulation might cause to hypothetical folks... I know we end up on opposite counsel tables on this one, but as someone who has fairly extensively briefed federal preemption for medical device manufacturers at this point, I feel very comfortable with the Supreme Court's ruling in Riegel and think there is no reason to overturn it. I also think extending its holding to pharmaceuticals makes a lot of sense too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: thomaswheatley EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 10:40:05 PM Yo yo! Since writing that post, I've read some more about the statewide transportation funding scheme that's about to be proposed in the House, as well as its possible projects. Galloway mentions them here. I initially took what Richardson said at the breakfast to mean a standalone light-rail system in the 'burbs. Like, say, Woodstock. But from what I've since learned, what the speaker talked about would be light-rail stretching from downtown to North Atlanta. This totally changes the argument, and is akin to what you said. That could theoretically work. LR to Cobb, if you recall, was proposed by the Transit Planning Board in its Concept3 plan. Take care, Stefan. And don't you dare ever apologize to me! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: thomaswheatley EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 10:43:50 PM Oops. In the second paragraph, third sentence, it should read "would most likely be light-rail stretching..." You never know with these cats. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2009 11:28:42 AM Sara, We can agree to disagree. I like your Navigator/Expedition analogy, but I would argue that there is no reason a jury couldn't understand the point you made. The company has a ton of pressure to get its drug approved and the FDA gets a lot of outside pressure as well, I am not sure the deference we give to their findings is wholly warranted. Vioxx was approved and it had serious problems. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Hail Sullenberger BASENAME: hail_sullenberger STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/16/2009 12:50:29 PM ----- BODY: There isn't much to say about US Airlines flight 1549 that hasn't already been said. But, allow me to repeat something for emphasis: good training, expertise, and experience matter. No doubt this would have been a very different kind of story today if Captain Chesley Sullenberger, a man with forty years of experience, hadn't been the one piloting the craft. Similarly, kudos to the rescue personnel who showed flexibility, professionalism, and above all, skill in plying their trade. We are used to employers crying poor. Seems like the usual first PR lob is to moan about how the XYZ union is bleeding them dry. Then, the second move is to offer buyouts to the most senior, experienced members of the organization. Today, I'm so glad that no one deemed Capt. "Sully" "too expensive" to retain. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 05:07:30 PM Don't forget the flight attendants. Most often thought to simply bring drinks and provide info, they're responsible for the cabin when it goes down. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2009 09:28:49 AM You are absolutely right. They are also often the some of the last people off the plane, and the first to be injured. So, big fat kudos also go to: flight attendants Donna Dent, Doreen Welsh, and Sheila Dail, as well as first officer Jeffrey Skiles. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Road Trip BASENAME: road_trip STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/16/2009 09:12:23 PM ----- BODY: Not sure how many of you will be making the trek to DC for the festivities this Tuesday, but today I made mine. I had planned to fly, but various circumstances intervened and it turned into a car trip. I canceled the ticket, and will use those large fluffy dollars for other air travel. I was rolling at 6 am( which is why I wasn't at the Horne party) not too many folks up at that hour, so I barely dipped below 80 mph till Greenville. A pit stop at the Micky D's, a egg mcMuffin, a refill on the java and I kept rolling. Tunes are critical for the ride, but at 6 am I decided to listen to a audiobook, and what cheery thing did I pick? Blackwater, yeah I know what you are thinking, a downer...but my other choices were lets just say even heavier. Beowulf, The Aeneid, The Canterbury Tales, and the Divine Comedy-I'm saving Dante for the ride home. But 4 hours of soldier of fortune wannabe's was quite enough so I switched to music and spoken word. The special Obama play list was first up -natch, various artists singing about Obama and voting, a podcast of his 2004 convention speech ( which made me sad cause it reminded me of Keenun) then Martin Luther King's We Shall Overcome speech. Now I was feeling it, so naturally that meant a stop at WalMart. I know...whaaaa? ----- EXTENDED BODY: Yes, WalMart somewhere outside of Greensboro. I had to go to the camping and outdoor department to pick up a stash of "toasty-toes" and warm hand thingies. These are mission critical items for Tuesday, having already gotten the "we are going to freeze our asses off" email from my date on Tuesday. I bought a bunch, they will be distributed as necessary ( don't worry Mel -I'll save you some) Then back on the road. I see various GA plates speeding by me, and I was sorry I didn't go through with my "Inauguration or Bust" sign. This road trip is severely lacking in comparison to the Unity Express. I try to spice things up at the VA Welcome Center - I can't pass up free maps! By Richmond I was hungry again, and I stopped at Dunkin Doughnuts and got one of their new flatbread sandwiches, yum and relatively unmessy driving food. Yes, Subway would have been healthier, but hard to eat at 80 mph. Exactly 10 hours later, jittery from caffeine, and ears ringing from the Clash, NIN, Goldfrapp, George Michael, Gil Scott-Heron, Public Image Ltd., Siouxsie & the Banshees, just to name a few, I arrive at the apartment in Alexandria. The apartment is warm, clean, has WiFi and is outside of the fray for now. Two people at the local Safeway commented on my Obama You Betcha button, and wished me well on Tuesday. I'm happy to be here, and will post more interesting stuff as I can. Have you got a inauguration road trip story? If so post away.. Oh and IRE, if you know what's good for you, do. not. mock. my. music. choices. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 10:22:17 PM The Aeneid is overrated, Chaucer is a wuss, and I would only read the Hollanders' translation of the Divine Comedy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: indie_rock_elitist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 10:30:32 PM I approve of Goldfrapp. Maybe add Built to Spill's keep it like a secret or Modest Mouse's Lonseome Crowded West. Then again I heard this cut off the Gene Harris & The Philip Morris All-Stars album "Live" called Low Down Blues Medley and WOW. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 10:50:37 PM I am a cultural maven. Few songs encapsulate the world better than the Lord Loves a Drinkin Man, or How can I be so Thirsty Today (When I Drank so Much Last Night), or Thrown out of Every Bar, Are you Sure Hank Done it this Way?, or Old 45s by Dallas Wayne, or the Wild Side of Life (I'm listening to Hank Thompson sing it right now), It's Only Cocain by Country Dick Montana, or some Heather Myles songs like Playin' Every Honky Tonk in Town or Gretchen Wilson's One Bud Wiser, the Buck Starts Here by Robbie Fulks will bring a tear to your eye, Frank Sinatra's version of Drinking Again is great. Then there is Yellowman's Zungguzungguguzungguzeng. And in light with recent developments, an anti-pig song. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 11:01:29 PM IRE.. I have 4445 songs on the IPOD.. Plenty of drinking themed ones in there.. John Lee Hooker, Louis Prima ( Mint Julep) John Hiatt ( the tiki bar is open)UB40 ( Red, Red Wine) But I'll check out the others.. thanks.. it's a long trip home. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 11:17:51 PM How could I forget Red Simpson's Born to be a Trucker, or the Twangbanger's Rock Bottom Good lord, so many great songs for the open road, so little time. Muddy Waters did an album with two other greats (their names escape me) called the Super Super Blues Band I happen to like it, others don't, YMMV, then I also like Carrie and Lurrie Bell's album Gettin' Up. If you want some classical recommendations I can provide. And then of course, whicever album 96 Degrees in the Shade appeared on is legend, as is Sound System's Island Anthology (if you don't love the song Sound System you don't have a pulse). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 11:56:22 PM Last but certainly not least, the Texas Tornadoes singing the story of my life. Do yourself a favor and listen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 11:57:20 PM Last but certainly not least, the Texas Tornadoes singing the story of my life. Do yourself a favor and listen. THey just don't make songs like that anymore. and by "Like that" i mean, heartfelt and poetic. Ok so Hank III is both. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Virgil Fludd Speaks for Me BASENAME: virgil_fludd_speaks_for_me STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/16/2009 10:41:47 PM ----- BODY: He's my Facebook bud and he posted this tonight: We've seen the cuts, but where's the vision? We are one week into the 2009 legislative session, and what have we seen so far? The biggest issues this year all revolve around money. With a still faltering economy, addressing these issues will be more complex and cumbersome than in past years. From a practical standpoint, there are some decisions we simply must make. Despite the current economic climate, there are a number of key policy decisions that must be made to help chart our state's course for the next 10 or 20 years. As we begin this year's session, the lack of priorities and deficit of vision that have marked the last six years of Republican rule are becoming more and more clear. Remember the old saying about the dangers of being penny wise and pound foolish? It's a truth that holds whether times are good or bad, whether government is flush with revenues or pinched. Saving nickels and dimes is fine, but not when long term investments that keep Georgia competitive, strong, healthy, and well-educated are never addressed. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the Republicans in power have done – and as a result, we're behind the eight ball on transportation, trauma care, economic development, education, health care, and a host of other issues. It is particularly distressing in transportation. We have not even nibbled around the edges on this one. We have now reached a point of no return. The legislature, the governor and the DOT all need to be held accountable for taking bold action – this year. Our future and your future depend on it. Every day that passes without action on transportation is another day that sees Georgia becoming less desirable for businesses looking to relocate – and if you can't move people and goods around the state, you can't do business effectively here. Transportation is, unfortunately, only one example where we've seen little or no vision or long-term thinking from the party in power. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Take a look at the Department of Corrections, where the state is not talking about reducing prison populations and diverting minor offenders to other avenues of rehabilitation. Instead, they want to reduce the number of prison chaplains and even close down four prisons. Even more obvious and disturbing is the problem of poverty and homelessness in Georgia. Thanks to a partnership of public and private sources, the homeless and disadvantaged often have food and a place to sleep when the weather turns cold, but we are unwilling to muster the political courage to address the root problems – education, health care, job creation, and all of the other factors that lead to poverty and homelessness. So far, this session, we've seen a rush to cut the budget. That is a necessary move, given these tough financial times. But what we haven't seen, in the rush to cut, is a real vision of where Georgia can be in ten, twenty, or even fifty years. By investing wisely today, even in the midst of financial troubles, we can build future prosperity for our state, and leave us better-prepared and better-equipped for our future. Here's what you can do. Remember that your legislators, Republican or Democrat, work for you, and we should be held accountable to you. Call us, email us, and make sure your voice is heard. As a start, try emailing your Representative and asking them two simple questions: Where do you want to see Georgia in ten years, and what are you doing to get us there? ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 11:03:52 PM I really like him. I met him at a GADCC dinner and he was very cool. Good for you Rep Fludd.. he speaks for me too ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: MLK Day of Service BASENAME: mlk_day_of_service STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/16/2009 11:13:52 PM ----- BODY: iconA Day on Not a Day off that is the message from many in the community. If you would like to give back to your community while celebrating the legacy of Dr. King, there are numerous ways and places to choose from. For details about events listed below and planned by local Democratic organizations go here.
Even if you can't make it to Washington, DC to participate in the 2009 Inauguration, you can still take part in the celebration. Recently, Barack and Michelle Obama called on Americans to help celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by participating in a National Day of Service on Monday, January 19.
Here is a list of the service events happening near you: Atlanta - Hands on Atlanta MLK Service Summit January 19th, 9:00 am * Several events - please click on the link for details* Athens - Clarke County Democratic Committee's Day of Service January 19th, 9:00am Cartersville - Bartow County MLK Brotherhood March and Food Drive January 19th, 2:00pm Douglasville - Douglas County Day of Service January 17th, 10:00am Duluth - Gwinnett Pre-Inaugural Breakfast and Food Drive January 17th, 8:30am Jesup - Wayne County Day of Service January 15th, 10:00am Kingsland - Camden County Meeting and Food Drive January 13th, 7:00pm ----- EXTENDED BODY: Lincolnton - Lincoln County Day of Service and MLK Celebration January 19th, 9:00am Rome - Campaign for Change/Rome Young Democrats Day of Service January 19th, 9:00 am Savannah - Chatham County Day of Service January 17th, 8am - 12:00pm Tifton - Tift County MLK Breakfast and Food Drive January 19th, 8:30am Valdosta - Lowndes County Weekend of Service January 17th, 10:00am Warner Robins - Houston County Day of Service January 17th, 8:00 - 4:00pm ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2009 11:32:20 PM Also the Archdiocese is having a Mass to celebrate MLK at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception downtown at 1. We will be joined by the Archbishop of New Orleans, if I am not mistaken. I would also like to say the Most Rev. Wilton Daniel Gregory has been one of the leading voices (if not the leading voice) in promoting an African American liturgy within the Catholic Church. To say that Atlanta is truly lucky to be under the guiding spirit of Archbishop Gregory is a gross understatement. I truly urge all Catholics, both "lapsed" and current to come out on Saturday and listen to Archbishop Gregory, you will not be disappointed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2009 03:02:58 AM Thanks for the cross post here Juliana, it'll be helpful, hopefully. In Cartesville & Bartow Co. the MLK Parade steps off @ the Civic Center @ 2PM, we'll be collecting food at our later meeting that eve. And IRE, Atlanta has indeed been fortunate to have a succession of the first African American Archbishops, beginning with the late Bishop Eugene Antonio Marino, who became lapsed himself. I've heard Bishop Gregory speak on a few occasions, and he's a powerful speaker. But it's good to see such involvement from everyone. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Dear Snellville Voters, Don Balfour (R-Plant Vogtle) does not work for you. BASENAME: dear_snellville_voters_don_bal STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/17/2009 02:10:56 PM ----- BODY: He works for Georgia Power. Georgia Power wants to build two new nuclear plants, which the Public Service Commission is considering allowing them to do and then get those costs back from those than consume power. But Georgia Power has told Sen. Don Balfour to circumvent the process by pushing a bill through the legislature saying they can make you pay for the reactors to be built, and by YOU I mean small home consumers, not larger consumers of powers like textile mills and Walmarts. From Political Insider:
But as unveiled, the Georgia Power bill sponsored by Senate Rules Chairman Don Balfour has this line: "These financing costs shall be recovered from each customer through a separate rate tariff and allocated on an equal percentage basis to standard base tariffs which are designed to collect embedded capacity costs." Translated into English, this means: "Large industrial and commercial plants - whether a Kia auto plant or a big box Wal-Mart - shall not be charged - much - for this adventure. Not in advance. Instead, the burden will fall on small businesses and homeowners who are much likely to shell out money for trouble-making lobbyists."
Don Balfour, looking out for corporate lobbyists, not people. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Or maybe he just likes giant fish: nuclear_plant.jpg ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2009 03:06:43 PM .....lawd hav mercee, if folks down here on Lake Blackshear see how big nuke kee ear plants make fishes grow, they'll be wanting one down here..... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2009 05:59:53 PM The Plant Vogtle expansion is Phase II of Sonny's Go Fish Georgia Initiative. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: And Shirley Responds BASENAME: and_shirley_responds STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/17/2009 04:33:06 PM ----- BODY: As I was bumbling around the City of Atlanta's website, I saw this on the frontpage. Posted yesterday - 1/16/2009 Mayor Franklin's response to comments and emails I appreciate your suggestions on how the City might generate additional savings. During my administration we have achieved over $100M in operating savings within our General Fund (which excludes among other things the Airport and our Water/Sewer operations). We have been extremely aggressive in identifying, quantifying and executing savings opportunities. The list you sent is a familiar one. I have to say that the savings numbers you include are simply not credible. For example, we hired CHM2Hill to analyze our solid waste collection operations and advise us on whether we should privatize the service. They advised against it. In 2003 we had UPS (which runs the largest and most sophisticated private fleet operation in the world) analyze our fleet management operation and advise us on whether we should outsource it. They advised against it. Last summer we had another fleet management consulting firm that specializes in privatization look at the operation again to give us advice on whether we should privatize. They concluded that we were operating at industry best practices in terms of costs and service levels and advised against privatization. ----- EXTENDED BODY: I understand that there are privatization advocates out there that throw out "projected savings" numbers. That is all very interesting, but at the end of the day the savings opportunity is always quantifiable. A private firm has three potential sources of savings: - cheaper capital (due to scale) - cheaper labor (usually due to non-union labor) - better business processes When we look at the opportunities in the City, what we generally find is that the City is operating at the peak of the scale curves due to our size (smaller cities usually aren't). Our capital financing capabilities are almost always better than what can be found in the private sector. Our labor is generally cheaper since we do not have collective bargaining in this state so we don't have the type of public sector unions you find in the Northeast and Midwest. That leaves business processes, and our typical approach is to bring someone in to analyze whether there is enough gap between our practices and what a private firm can do to justify privatization. As the examples above demonstrate, the answer has typically been a resounding "no". Have we looked at every area? No, but we have looked at the obvious ones. Not sure I believe that outsourcing fire services is such a wise idea, or whether the public would support such a move. We tried water and that was nothing short of a disaster. Bottom line is that I have pursued privatization, merging services and outsourcing for 7 year. When opportunities arise where real savings or service improvements can be demonstrated, I will be supportive. My staff always seems to be analyzing one privatization opportunity or another, and we have outsourced a half a dozen operations over my time here. But as I said, do not be fooled by the numbers thrown out haphazardly by a few uninformed people. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: matthewAPN EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2009 12:39:02 PM I never thought I'd say this, but she actually makes reasoned, logical sense, in her case against privatization. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 11:17:43 AM Wait, you mean she engages in actual management consulting and analysis to determine whether something is better as a public or private function? As opposed to knowing, as any good administrator should know, that privatization is always more efficient than the government, because it just is? And then she has the further gall to imply that government employees earn their current level of compensation and aren't lazy sacks of union crap. No wonder everyone's been wanting her to step down lately. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: plange EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 11:41:46 AM Odin- I actually agree with her-- privatization is usually the bandaid response of the conservatives. You shouldn't be asking whether it's more "efficient", but whether they provide a better "service" to the citizens, as they're not always compatible. Give me a government that is a little inefficient but generally does a better job taking care of its citizens than a streamlined, efficient, gleaming government that doesn't give a crap about the people it serves. I for one don't want my fire department, or anything else that takes care of the welfare/well-being of citizens, to be privatized!! All they'd care about then is the bottom-dollar, not us. I want government to handle this, not some company. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 12:14:54 PM Plange, Check the sarcasm detector ;) Yeah, I agree with her, too - especially since she has mapped out the places where privatization could potentially save government money in highly specialized areas. Although a government the size of Atlanta (as Franklin noted) is large enough to get critical mass for keeping up business practices among a large number of employee segments. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: plange EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 01:46:38 PM oops, my bad! I was wondering!! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Wooten retires from AJC BASENAME: wooten_retires_from_ajc STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/17/2009 04:42:56 PM ----- BODY: And the AJC is looking for a new conservative columnist to replace him. It just won't be the same without My Morning Wooten. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rusty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2009 05:36:19 PM Says here he's still going to write a column: So we haven't likely heard the last of "My Morning Wooten." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2009 04:39:39 AM For fucking crying out loud, if one more person pulls a Brett Favre and "retires" while not actually retiring, I am going to kill people. Starting with said person. ESPECIALLY if said person is Jim Wooten. Let's face reality - the AJC is going to syndicate Anne Coulter or some other established hack and dispense with even home-grown conservative BS. Seriously, people, when you "retire", you STOP WORKING, and in the case of Jim Wooten, good riddance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2009 10:11:16 AM Thanks for making us accessories. Turd. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: shelby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2009 11:43:56 AM Saaaaayyyyy.... Hasn't Grift been putting on a suit and interviewing recently? :-o (That would rock.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2009 04:35:37 PM As usual I feel like an ancient mariner here, but Crazy Jim's been semi-retired for years. This will make his 2nd or 3rd attempt at it actually. He had a 'writing partner' perhaps slightly less than a decade ago(?), and really stopped writing in complete cogent sentences & paragraphs ever since. It's just been those silly 'pithy' short one liners & bullet points for years. Really, short handed blog posts before there was blogger. And this is from the desk of the once most famous, storied & respected newspaper in 'the new South'? He's really been constitutionally unable to actually form any real arguments on much of anything in a complete full editorial, either consistently or often for close to 15-20 years by now. So yeah, time enough to let the old bugger toddle off and bring on some new fresh idiocy for them to work with. These from the same people who actually cut the late Great Molly Ivins off their Op-Ed pages. And most of the letters. And any real liberals, (Yes Plural). And any & all labor reporting from the rest of the paper. And any effective, useful or timely business reporting. I could go on. So ask not 'why the papers are going into the dumpsters' all over the nation. Know that people are still reading & need to be informed. They're just getting more of the stuff they want from more intelligent yet 'amateur' or 'non profit sources'. All within a decade of being predicted, and their hot shot media consultants claiming that it would be impossible to replace them. Done & Done. Wooten's on his last snide little dingy to escape the undertow of the once great ship going down. Good riddance to bad rubbish! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 02:42:54 PM This **** isn't done yet: Ready to bury *him*. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Tissue, please. BASENAME: tissue_please STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/19/2009 06:13:16 AM ----- BODY: iconInaugural Concert Thread I tuned in to the rerun around 8PM last night. Garth Brooks. Of all the artists for me to tune in for, Garth Brooks? Really? But, within a few minutes I was all choked up. But, this one really got me: Did you watch? What was your favorite? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 07:33:19 AM Catherine, I was totally thinking about you during the Pete Seeger segment! I choked up too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 01:21:55 PM The Rising really got me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 01:43:52 PM yeah, Grift, The Rising *always* gets to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 03:29:21 PM I was there and I started crying as soon as the gospel chorus started singing the Rising. I cried through the whole thing. It was so beautiful and inspirational, and a wonderful way to recognize how far we have come and what a wonderful country we we live in. Easily one of my favorite experiences of my life. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 05:08:29 PM What video is that supposed to be for Grift? I'm getting a message saying it's no longer available due to a copyright issue with HBO. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 05:28:44 PM yeah - hbo is putting the hammer down on all youtube videos of the concert thingie ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 05:41:37 PM And this one is just about a user taking down a video. I fail to see the significance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2009 08:34:35 PM That's pretty messed up. They're not going to make enough money with their packaged "inauguration special"? They can't let us see the raw video more than once? The celebration of the inauguration of the first-ever African-American President is bought and paid for by Time-Warner? Just let us have this moment you fucking robber-barons. We'll still buy your friggin dvd even though it will have Pepsi ads at the beginning and end. Can you accept less-than-maximum profit for at least this one financial quarter? I dare you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: aquariusrizing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 07:27:59 AM they ran it again that night at 7, and are running it at odd hours, saw it on the latino hbo yesterday... I was kind of disappointed in the show, though... there were moments, but it was over produced, imho, and the pairings of celebrities reading all that Lincoln, Kennedy, Rev. King, Lincoln, Kennedy, Roosevelt, Rev. King stuff to fill time between set changes got on my nerves. And was that lileth from frazier/cheers introducing the acts? some of whom really should have practiced together w/the band more than once... esp. Jon Bon Jovi. bleh. Garth Brooks was WAY better than expected,I loved the duet he sang w/the girl during a little bit softer now... And my favorite moment was the look on our President Elect's face when U2 said that Isrealis and Palestinians were looking for a new day, in Bono's ad libbing near the end of the campaign theme song. He looked, um, troubled. Just grumpy, I guess, sorry I wasn't as blown away as I could have been. I'm waiting to tear up when I see that Bush limo leave our White House for the very, very last time, ever. And for the speech today, that should be something else! Praise be, and Glory too, this is a great day. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Caption Contest BASENAME: caption_contest_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/19/2009 09:20:00 PM ----- BODY: Her Daddy will be President tomorrow, but what is Sasha really thinking?
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 12:50:27 AM Meant as a light hearted repast before the main event later on today. And to apply to either Sasha and/or Malia Obama: Inauguration, starts 11.30AM. Swearing in @ 12 Noon. Karl Rove’s warrant for immediate arrest anywhere in the continental US broadcast on all police & FBI channels by 1PM EST. Arrest and capture by Friday, Noon. Sent to Gitmo forthwith, torture regime ended about a month later with one of its chief architects as its last victim as a guest, just like classical literature. Fini. OK, How much was that doggie in the window? I’ve never really seen a ‘catfight’ with Nobel Prize winning Economists, but daddy says they’re Nasty! Is that really Geo Bush out there vacuuming change off the bottom of the reflecting pool? What did daddy mean about all the skeletons in closets and dead bodies buried by the Bush family? In the White House? Just how crooked were those Bush’s? Was that really a poisoned apple that nice older Quaker Oats guy looking Bush lady gave us earlier? Will the FBI confirm that? Is that Rick Warren a huge gas bag or what? Saxby Shameless at the Ebenezer MLK service? I mean Really! To Look Up: Old Negro Spirituals, who exactly were they? Why did Eric Holder break into a song about ‘the impossible dream’ when daddy asked him about improving the prospects of social justice over at the DoJ? Everyone is crying so much all the time now. I’ve not seen so much crying since grandma’s 2005 Chile Con Carne recipe disaster. Is daddy really sure he wants to say all those nice things about all those awful & hateful people like John McCain? Note: Ask the Carter kids about how to live with a ‘do-gooding daddy’ in the WH. Evidently, the cynical press has a miserable record of really never tolerating it for long. That fancy new French chef will never get my PB&J sandwichs just right like momma does. The lighting on Mr. Lincoln makes him look mighty surprised at night! Cheers & Good Luck & Keep warm to all our fellow Georgians in DC! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 06:19:26 AM I hope my bedroom is finished when we get home tonight. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 09:01:02 AM Yeah good job dad but Harold and Kumar were better. We'll get a puppy they says. It will be fun they says. You'll get to name it they says. Too bad no one listens to me. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: For your listening pleasure! BASENAME: for_your_listening_pleasure STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/20/2009 05:42:57 AM ----- BODY: icon On Saturday a group of us got together for the 20th Georgia Politics Podcast. Grift, Grayson, Jen, myself, and host, Joseph sat down to talk about the Georgia Legislature, crime, and some other stuff. Thanks to Amber and Rusty for providing the equipment and the Georgia Podcast Network! Then Sunday evening The Kudzu Vine welcomed Buzz Brockway in Davids' absence. We discussed the legacy of President Bush, the Georgia legislature and other things. Martin Matheny of the Democratic Party of Georgia joined us for a few minutes to fill us in on DPG doings. Live from DC we also welcomed Juliana for a report from pre-inauguration weekend. Take a listen or download from Blog Talk Radio. In honor of President George Bush's last day in office I bring you The Blue State Cowboys with their farewell to GWB, Crawl Back to Crawford. (Be kind, I think these guys are all attorneys during the day.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Inaugural Open Thread BASENAME: inaugural_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/20/2009 07:49:16 AM ----- BODY: NPR reports that the DC Metro was already packed at 4:00 a.m. I don't know about you, but I will be obsessively checking this site all day. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 10:57:24 AM Just wanted to tell everyone who canvassed, phone banked, donated your time, effort and money, and voted for the Obama/Biden ticket, thank you and enjoy this day. This is what we worked so hard for. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 02:37:00 PM Anyone besides me fail the "are you smarter than John Roberts" test? I thought Obama was the one who flubbed the oath and got smacked down on FB! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 08:54:31 PM Thumb's up for Michelle's gown! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Fun. Fun. Fun. BASENAME: fun_fun_fun STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/20/2009 09:57:17 AM ----- BODY: iconCNN/Facebook Fun C'mon over to It's a great interface and all your friends are there! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 02:35:26 PM It doesn't work on my phone :-( ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Only OUR Reverend Lowery BASENAME: only_our_dr_lowery STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/20/2009 01:13:29 PM ----- BODY: could give a benediction which included these words:
"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right".
I love that man! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 01:49:37 PM That was just plain awesome. ATL in the house! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 04:45:12 PM Definitely one of my favorite parts of the whole ceremony! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 04:45:22 PM its a good thing for him there's no orange people ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 07:41:55 PM I LOVE him!.. This was seriously the best part of all those speakers besides Obama ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 11:02:21 PM In all seriousness, that clown Warren could only dream to aspire to the courage and wisdom of a Lowery one day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 03:11:26 AM I think it's one of the Rev. Lowery's fav lines, but always delivered with gusto. And I think Big Rick W. did a credible job, about as well as could be expected. Nice to see for the day. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 11:37:04 AM All I remember is his porn star rendition of SASHA and MALIA ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 12:02:06 PM LOL Zaid - I had the same reaction. He sounded like "Chester the Child Molester" when he said their names. way creepy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Razor Sharpalla EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 01:31:04 PM Ha ha yeah the Rev Lowery was just a regular motivating machine...are you that lost? Do you think God sits around all day and worries about skin color? You are obssessed with this and I must ask if there would be all this hoopla if Condaleeza Rice or Alan Keyes were voted the President? Hmmm think Oprah would be crying? You liberals are such hypocrites! save a tree but kill innocent babies and the arguments are so pathetic.....Oblahma has accomplished only a campaign and NOTHING else but I unlike the libs will pray and root for OUR president whether he is black or white or red or yellow get some knowledge before you write things ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Razor Sharpalla EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 01:36:38 PM Yeah Rick Warren is real clown?.....I mean how can you sit and say you loved a man of God and call another man of God a clown you need some help ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 03:16:37 PM **TROLL ALERT *** TROLL ALERT *** Red lights are blinking. Call security. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 03:21:14 PM i love tolhouse chocolate chip cookies from the oven, but think chips-a-hoy are a complete joke ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: aquariusrizing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2009 06:55:35 AM I always love Rev. Lowery. He manages to get the knife in and twist it with that wry grin, then pulls it out and blesses everyone while we're still wondering what he really meant by that... very, very, very effective method of making sure you're being actively listened to. He is an Atlanta treasure, and I was in tears that he was finally recognized nationally like that. I hung on every word, as I've been doing since the age of 7, every chance I've gotten to hear him. People who didn't get bussed, didn't march, never faced the national guard w/guns drawn on women and children, wearing gas masks, can't be expected to understand how valuable his ability has always been to take the violence out of the situation by speaking to the injustice at hand. For those too young to remember, he has been against war, including the Vietnam one, and has often been one of the first members of the old guard African American Clergy to say so, for example, re Iraq. There have been many times over the years where it was his calm humor and wisdom that prevailed, in the face of potential violence. Proud, Proud, Proud of Rev. Lowery. Always! Maddy ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 04:42:11 PM Interesting take on Rev. Lowery's rhyme. I am not interested in Limbaugh's faux outrage, but this man's perspective does make me think: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: aquariusrizing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/25/2009 06:29:56 PM Made me think too. I've all too often encountered an obvious, immediate dismissal from rare individuals, based on the fact that I am white. It hurts less and less every time, but used to break my heart. When I am able get past that w/love and light, I often make a new friend... but some resentments are so deeply set that my energy is best spent w/those who are already evolved or at least evolving beyond jusdging folks by the color of their skin. The link helped me understand that these folks are just now getting their first taste of it. I am sensing hurt feelings beneath the anger, and see why Rev. Lowery's last comment evoked such deep feelings now. thanks. maddy ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: BASENAME: wwwwhitehousegovblog STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/20/2009 02:46:28 PM ----- BODY: iconAmazing! While perhaps not in the true spirit of a "blog", this new addition to is a good sign for those who appreciate Communication, Transparency, and Participation. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 03:58:10 PM It's not communication because you can't say anything back, neither is it transparency or participatory. But whatev I'm being mellow yellow ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 05:32:40 PM It's one way communication, and given the thoughtful and civil comments that typify comments on AJC articles, I don't know that they need to open this particular avenue of communication. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2009 06:54:50 PM I learned in elementary school from a very insistent guidance counselor that if it's one way, it's not communication. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 09:28:33 AM Zaid brings up a salient point however, if I am correct in assuming his definition of communication, what he thinks of communication contains some necessary elements of communication but not all of the sufficient elements. Frankly I think this satisfies what "communication" is. The White House isn't shutting off both streets of dialogue just one particular avenue that doesn't promote anything. What they are doing is a great way to bring people into the fold. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 09:41:57 AM I'm not sure where the new link to the Google Questions widget (which is what was powering the Open for Questions at I think) is, but it would be nice if they kept and expanded on that. The last admin showed an amazing ability to ignore how there was at least one "impeach" sign at major televised parades, but hopefully this one doesn't go to all the trouble of hearing what we think and casting it aside. You've also got to remember that roughly half of the people out there are of below average intelligence, so I wish a lot of luck to the people that have to sift through the questions and comments. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Maite Galipienso EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 05:42:19 PM Hi, I don't live in America , so perhaps my opinion don't have the same consideration as the others who wrote before me,but, from the distance (I am in Barcelona-Spain) no other country is able to do what the States have done in this short period of time. Two years ago in the airport of Nairobi I saw a book in the bookshop, it was: "Dreams from My Father" from Barack Obama. I read it very quickly, 'cause I found it very interesting. Nobody or only very few people knew this man at that time in Europe, and now.... he is the President of the United States... Really Great!!!!!. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 07:13:38 PM Maite, Thank you so much for your comments! We welcome anyone from anywhere who is interested in the conversation. I think many of us recognize the amazing accomplishment we have achieved as a country, and the remarkable journey of President Obama, but it is always rewarding to hear from someone, like yourself, who views us from afar. Please feel free to join in anytime. We look forward to your comments and perspective. I will be visiting Barcelona this year, and am really looking forward to our brief stay there! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 10:27:52 PM I've been to Spain before I enjoyed Al Hambra and also Gibraltar on the coast. There are a few places that have done remarkable leadership changes like Obama, even better, though. Bolivia with Evo Morales is one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Carol EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2009 09:33:54 AM With regard to economic stimulus, I would like to see an income tax brake given on a one-two year basis for interest paid on credit cards. Many years ago interest paid on credit cards was an allowable deduction. Given the financial constraints of our citizens at this time, I would think this would be a way of helping them in a cost effective manner. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: O-o-o-bama! BASENAME: ooobama STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/20/2009 06:05:50 PM ----- BODY:
That's our President's "happy" pose. He also comes in "determined". No word on whether there will be a Cheetos version. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 03:13:47 AM They had a Bill Clinton version too, and we should have bought the set when we had the chance, right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 06:30:57 AM Just remember to mark clearly which bottle is "Stay Soft Fro" and which bottle is "Miracle Gro"....... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 06:49:28 AM Which does raise a new point about our current POTUS....... ...I never recall even one time hearing a story during his campaign about how he had a runway tied up while his plane sat on the tarmac so he could receive a "$400 haircut" Bless him for that. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Greetings from DC BASENAME: greetings_from_dc STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/20/2009 07:44:07 PM ----- BODY: Hello everyone! Melanie and I are here in DC for the "thing". It's a little hard to describe just how overwhelming the experience is. This "event" is filled with many many acts of kindness and numerous gifts along the way. I will quickly try to acknowledge those who were part of my experience, even if you were not actually with me today. I want to thank everyone in GA who helped to elect President Obama. Without your hard work, today would not have happened. I'm fortunate to have a husband who humors me and my political addiction. He has wonderful co-workers who offered their apartments and helped transfer keys. Thank you to Mary Long who kicked off the weekend with tickets to the Jazz Brunch and gave us the opportunity to hear Ambassador Young give a touching and wonderful speech. Thank you to George Birchby for gifting me his tickets, thank you to "Big D" who furnished us with da'bomb of after inauguration reception tickets at Union Station (which I believed saved our lives). I'm a bit tired, so I'm going to try to quickly give you some bullet points from today. -People people everywhere. Seriously, we were greeted by crowds of gianormous size at every Metro stop. I'm a city girl- NYC to be exact-and even I was shocked. -The Metro employee who looked out at the sea of humanity at our stop and said "WOW". -Is this the line? Really? -The stupidity of local businesses who blocked parking lots and threatened folks with towing, or the Holiday Inn that kicked people out trying to get warm and not putting the tv on so folks could watch in their lobby. -Fur... OMIGOD I haven't seen that many fur coats since Fred the Furrier had his end of year sale in 1987. Good thing the PETA folks were not around. -The Obamalicious button-HUGE hit. Could have sold lots of those. -The cold...numbing and daunting-seriously no real way to prepare. -The Fabulous Hat moment on Miss Franklin vs. not fabulous hat moment of Poppy Bush -The tears... yes there were tears. It takes you by surprise when it overwhelms. But they were the good kind. -Glad I didn't have to find out what was in those port-a-potties. -The way everyone wanted to know where you were from, and wanted to tell their story. -The scale of the super structure he was standing on. It was scary big, glad I wasn't up there. -The crowd looked like America, and it was intensely personal for everyone we met. -The cops, soldiers, transit police etc. who tried not to look like they were are scared, even though I think it had its moments. -How I got to meet a former Congressman while online at the Metro-very cool guy not throwing his weight around, patiently waiting like the rest of us. -In the spirit of the day-all DFI fines were suspended. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Finally I apologize in advance to all of you who tried to text and email me today to get something in real time, or were worried about us. But the cell coverage like all the systems today were jammed. In addition so much was happening we really needed to keep our wits about us. Tomorrow we plan to crash the DNC meeting... woohoo... If you have any stories today, please add in comment. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Brian Illari EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2009 10:44:27 AM Thought you might be interested in some video of the DC Metro scene... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: I went to DC, got tickets to the Youth Ball, and even saw Obama on my 2.5 inch phone screen. BASENAME: i_went_to_dc_got_tickets_to_th STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/21/2009 03:26:11 PM ----- BODY: youthball_01.png ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_73 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/23/2009 07:47:48 AM ----- BODY: iconThere was some big thing going on in DC on Tuesday. Lots of people attended. Some people didn't make it. Meanwhile, Obama staffers got a nasty technological surprise. Roe v. Wade celebrated an anniversary. There are lots of ways to see the GOP. M. Night Shyamalan and Paramount Pictures are royally pissing me off. New York gets a new Senator? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 09:34:40 AM I find it kind of funny that some of those guys sounded like they expected Apple stuff there. I can't think of too many institutions that go that way. On some level, it is almost good to see that kind of tech shock in the White House. Then the staffers need to be taken to centers of defense, state bureaucracies and some medical places to see some *truly* obsolete equipment. Then, we should get some modernization. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 11:26:50 AM Gillibrand will make a great addition to the Senate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 11:27:40 AM Metallica as told by LOLcats. Seriously worth your time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 11:37:28 AM "Gillibrand will make a great addition to the Senate." I don't know, they had all of Broadway to choose from. They could've gotten a bisexual tap dancer. Why, you ask? Because then New York could've been like, instead of a Blue Dog piece of shit, we have a fucking BISEXUAL TAP DANCER. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 11:40:21 AM Uh...ok? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 11:43:36 AM Idk, it makes more sense than putting installing another useless shill in one of the most lefty states in the country. Eh, I guess dicks like Schumer might enjoy the company. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 11:48:07 AM "It’s the NRA rating that could be a problem for Gillibrand, who will have to run for re-election in 2010. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of Long Island, a stauch gun-control advocate, said she’ll oppose her. McCarthy’s husband was killed and her son injured in 1993 when a gunman went on a rampage on the Long Island Railroad, killing six and injuring 19. “I’ve spent 15 years trying to prevent gun violence in this country, and if he does pick her and if no one goes and primaries her, I will primary her,” McCarthy told Newsday. “I will do that. I’m not going to give up on this. I’m not going to let New York State get represented by someone who gets a 100% rating from the NRA.” Oh snap. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 11:52:24 AM Honestly, I think Gillibrand is just a caretaker appointment. Paterson probably wanted to avoid getting on the bad side of either the Kennedy or Cuomo mafias and just promoted someone random. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 12:13:27 PM Could've promoted someone random without a 100% NRA rating and one of those "fiscal conservatives" who happens to vote for Wall Street thef- bailouts. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 12:15:42 PM Zaid, You're probably the first person I've met that would actually benefit from copying and pasting jokes off various websites. Might want to give it a try sometime. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 12:17:56 PM Aw, give Zaid points for trying humor. Keep at it, buddy! Now, in order to raise the level of Open Thread discourse a bit, I give you: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 12:18:21 PM No one likes "Enter Sand(cats)?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 12:21:21 PM Sorry, IRE, it's cute, but I'd much rather take a vacation to Wetwang. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 12:30:08 PM Eh, that's ok. Icanhaznoocarplz? K thx bai. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 01:22:51 PM Dude, Obama could do some serious Thermopylae type action with all the firepower his caravan packs. Also, one must take a moment to watch NY-Sen. She goes left or gets primaried. Hey, check it out - democracy in action (as much as it can be with an appointment). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 02:58:49 PM Zaid, Do you know Senator Gillibrand? Or do you come to these fabulous, but nasty character assassinations, via what you read on the intertubes? I have personal friends who know her and they know that she will represent NY very well in the US Senate. I agree with RD, you are the freaking King of cut and paste. Then you just absorb it into your brain. and out spouts some version of wackiness you seem to think is an opinion we actually care about. As far as Rep. McCarthy goes, does she not forget the mental illness the LI gunmen had. In 1993, Sen. Gillibrand wasn't even a politician. IF Rep. McCarthy is going to make it her mission to oppose NRA endorsed candidates, then shouldn't she be spending her energy opposing those that made it really easy in the early 90s to get a gun regardless of mental capacity than those who were freshly out of law school when the tragic incident occurred? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 03:30:36 PM In order to serve New York "very well" she'll have to reverse her positions on the issues that have made her the darling of Blue Dogs like RuralDem. Not that she isn't capable - she went from having the lowest HRC score of any New York Democrat yesterday to being a supporter of same-sex marriage today - but Im hesitant to belive that she'll become more liberal on issues like immigration, warrantless searches, or peace without statements to that effect from the Representative herself. As it stands, I don't see a lot to be happy about in the elevation of someone who recently prided herself on being one of the state's most conservative Representatives to Senator. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 05:22:31 PM "have made her the darling of Blue Dogs like RuralDem." I really think we should have some type of fact check on this website. Something that allows a user to check their statements before they submit something. Otherwise, stuff like this gets posted. I'm glad another Conservative Democrat is in the Senate, but other than this thread, I don't think I've ever mentioned Gillibrand's name on here. In fact, I really do not know that much about her. She's certainly one of the Blue Dogs that I have followed the LEAST. That's not to say that I have anything against her, I've just never really followed her. So, yeah, have some clue of what you're talking about. Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 06:27:28 PM Perhaps there should be an overreacting check, too. You yourself said she would be a "great addition", and I know you had a thing for the Democrats who find Democratic Party icky and Blue Dogs in particular, so I figured that "darling" wouldn't be all that hyperbolic. Clearly I was wrong to poke you before you had your nap. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 06:45:35 PM Maybe so, though apparently you would fail to utilize it as well. Sure, I did say she'd be a great addition. I think ketchup is a great addition to my hamburger, but I'm not going crazy about ketchup. "I know you had a thing for the Democrats who find Democratic Party icky and Blue Dogs in particular" So, if what you're saying is correct, then why do am I not a fan of the New Democrats? I'll be waiting for an answer. I didn't know Joe Biden or John Edwards found the party to be "icky". Clearly, you were wrong to post on something you obviously know nothing about :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/25/2009 11:12:40 PM The corporacrats taking the senate seats pissed one senator off enough: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Congrats to Cong. Hank Johnson BASENAME: congrats_to_cong_hank_johnson STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/23/2009 03:24:26 PM ----- BODY: Congressman Hank Johnson, 4th CD, will be the newest subcommittee chairmen on the House Judiciary Committee. Yeah for Congressman Johnson. As a sophomore Congressman, he's moving on up and very quickly. According to CQ Politics,
Johnson will head the Subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy, which will have a narrower jurisdiction this Congress. Johnson's panel will handle antitrust law but not intellectual property issues, which will be pushed up to the full committee level.
Keep doing us proud! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2009 05:28:16 PM Congrats to Congressman Johnson. Glad to see one of our state's Congressmen in a powerful position. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/24/2009 09:20:03 AM It's that whole being Buddhist thing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/24/2009 05:43:18 PM Given his contentious fight for the seat and his very poor speaking style, I was wary of him but he's done a commendable job on the committee, and has dedicated himself to holding officials accountable to the rule of law, I think he more than deserves the seat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/24/2009 05:55:31 PM Also, his refusal to vote for the "Everything Israel Does Is Kosher" bill along with 95% of the rest of Congress was refreshing. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: House Democratic Caucus pledges to fight to keep nurses in school BASENAME: house_democraic_caucus_pledges STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/23/2009 03:41:56 PM ----- BODY: I can't imagine how Georgia's Republican Governor has more time on his hand to care about the number of people serving on a school board than he does to keep school nurses. I couldn't imagine growing up without having a school nurse - not that I was a sickly kid - but it was always the assurance that if something did go medically wrong there was a nurse professional onsite at the school. I moved into my Edgewood neighborhood because of the volunteer efforts of the late Dr. Brumley who set up a medical facility at Whitefoord Elementary. When the Atlanta School Board was forced by the State to cut school nurses in the mid-90's, Dr. Brumley established a medical facility at a public elementary school to serve all the children attending the school and their siblings. There aren't many Dr. Brumley types left in Georgia so it is critical that our legislators step up to the plate and find the money to keep school nurses. I'm glad the Democratic House Caucus opposes the Governor's cuts.
Children can't learn when they are sick and teachers can't teach when they are running a health clinic. Atlanta -- According to the Governor's FY 2009 amended budget proposal school nurses will soon become a thing of the past. The recommendations submitted by the Governor last week cut $30 million in state funds which would eliminate the school nurse program. The Georgia House Democratic Caucus leaders oppose this cut and have pledged to work to restore the program. Democrats believe in promoting preventive medicine and supporting nurses in schools so children can focus on learning and avoid complications that arise when health problems go untreated. They also believe every family should have access to a doctor and every school should have a nurse. "We have a growing number of working families without health insurance and some of those parents rely on school nurses to keep their children safe and healthy while they are in school." said Pat Gardner (D-Atlanta), Chairperson for Health and Human Services Policy Committee for the Georgia House Democratic Caucus. Georgia House Democratic Caucus Education Policy Chair, Rep. Kathy Ashe (D-Atlanta) said, "We must fight for our children and their right to receive appropriate health care while they are in school. If children don't receive the care they need their medical issues could escalate. It's a short sighted approach that will eventually cost our state additional funds and more importantly, diminish our children's ability to do the job they go to school to accomplish - learning. I am asking our parents and teachers to express your concern about these cuts to your state representative and state senators. Email if you need assistance finding your elected representatives."
Removing school nurses is extremely short-sighted. Georgia House Democratic Leader, Rep. DuBose Porter (D-Dublin) added real life examples. "In Dublin, we have one nurse for four elementary schools. Numerous daily school-age related illnesses aside, our nurse manages diabetic children who must undergo daily blood sugar testing; she takes care of a child on a feeding tube, and has a student going through stage 4 cancer. The management of these health issues takes a trained professional." said Porter. "In one of the four schools alone there are 38 students on asthma inhalers, students who at times have had to be rushed to the hospital with acute asthma attacks. We should not balance the state's budget by cutting health care to sick children or making our teachers become health care providers." Georgia House Democratic Caucus Chairman Calvin Smyre (D-Columbus) agreed and pointed out legal questions that may arise, regardless of safeguards designed to protect the school. "The governor should be asking, who will administer this care...the teachers? The liability on untrained school employees administering health care could easily become an issue. Teachers in Georgia schools now are not allowed to administer medications. Nurses in our schools give out over 5 million doses per year. There are approximately fifteen million annual visits to the office or school health room for illness, medication and injury in Georgia," said Smyre. "Children can't learn when they are sick and teachers can't teach when they are running a health clinic." In conclusion Porter noted, "We are willing to fight to stop this cut that will directly damage our schools and our children, but it will take a great effort to get the message to this Governor. Now is the time for Georgians to engage in the political process. Times are changing and Georgians can no longer assume basic services will continue. Georgians must become involved in the process."
The Georgia House Democratic Caucus has an Email to handle issues that relate to the Governor's proposed cuts. To voice your concern email Together we can continue to protect our children's future. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: State Rep. Stacey Abrams speaks for me BASENAME: state_rep_stacey_abrams_speaks STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/23/2009 11:37:22 PM ----- BODY: Go to Tondee Tavern's Barrel Room and read what State Rep. Stacey Abrams has to say about Republican Ed Lindsey's HR-1 property assessment and taxation bill. It's good stuff. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/24/2009 08:54:35 AM Great stuff! Representative Abrams shows great examples of what this bill could mean and the importance of thoughtful and fair tax policy. Thank you for posting this. It is excellent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/24/2009 12:27:39 PM Love me some Rep. Abrams, that's my Rep!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/25/2009 04:33:10 PM Not sure how much, at this point, I agree or disagree with Rep. Abrams. But that's beside the point. She sure writes a beautifully presented, thoroughly enlightening blog post about it all. These are the GA legislators who need to be blogging... a lot. Come to think about it, having her narrate the post, as a voice-over, would make a terrific multimedia presentation for her POV, one that could then be distributed easily via social media... now that so many GA politicos, legislators, etc. are on FB, Twitter, blogging, etc. Just need to target the clever multimedia-ist to whip something up. (Wish I was that person, but I'm not half that clever.) But someone who works with graphics at lot, hint hint, sure could give it a snappy treatment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/25/2009 04:33:37 PM Not sure how much, at this point, I agree or disagree with Rep. Abrams. But that's beside the point. She sure writes a beautifully presented, thoroughly enlightening blog post about it all. These are the GA legislators who need to be blogging... a lot. Come to think about it, having her narrate the post, as a voice-over, would make a terrific multimedia presentation for her POV, one that could then be distributed easily via social media... now that so many GA politicos, legislators, etc. are on FB, Twitter, blogging, etc. Just need to target the clever multimedia-ist to whip something up. (Wish I was that person, but I'm not half that clever.) But someone who works with graphics at lot, hint hint, sure could give it a snappy treatment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/25/2009 04:36:50 PM Musta hit something more than once. Can you delete one of these comments? They're duplicates. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Yay! BASENAME: obamas_other_familyplanning_mo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/24/2009 04:07:34 PM ----- BODY: iconObama's Other Family-Planning Move | Wash. Monthly
Because of Bush's actions on UNFPA, fewer women in developing countries received pre-natal care, fewer doctors were trained to deal with pregnancy complications, fewer HIV prevention programs could operate, and less medical equipment was made available to expectant mothers. Obama is going to make this right.
And by make it right, they mean restore the funding that Bush blocked. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: 843527 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 12:46:27 PM Yet another place to spend US taxpayer $s ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Only In Georgia. BASENAME: only_in_georgia STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/25/2009 10:45:08 PM ----- BODY: iconPolice Chief Resigns Amid Shoplifting Charge | WJBF
Harlem, GA - Jerry Baldwin, Harlem's Police & Fire Chief is now out of a job. Thursday evening Columbia County investigators say he stole items worth about $12 from the Evans Wal-Mart. According to a police report Baldwin stole 8 packs of gum, 2 bottles of tarter sauce, crystal light and grape jam.
Hah! I love his shopping list. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 06:09:12 AM Somewhere Oliver Hardy is chuckling. That's another fine mess you've gotten us into Jerry... The give away was the list that only a slapstick comic would need. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 07:47:36 AM I bet the gang over at the Evans Diner will have a good time hashing this one out over coffee. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 10:20:34 PM Not that I condone shoplifting, but it actually seems like he was doing a little grocery shopping. Kind of sad, when your fire/police can't afford his groceries. (If this is in fact what was happening and hes not just some random klepto.) ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Hey Rush! BASENAME: hey_rush STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/26/2009 06:16:16 PM ----- BODY: iconHere's a dollar. Buy a clue. In the face of push back from President Obama, today Rush Limbaugh proposed his own bailout scheme (you know how to find it... I'm not linking to him). The gist of it is, since 54% voted for Obama and 46% voted for McCain, 54% of the bailout funds should go to President Obama's bailout proposal and 46% to the conservate "supply side" scheme. Apparently, Mr Limbaugh just can't grasp that President Obama is President of 100% of the United States of America. Not 54%. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 07:42:29 PM I seem to remember that last go around, the winning side touted the slim win as "a mandate" for doing anything the hell they wanted. Strange how things change. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 07:49:04 PM Hey Rush, Where was that kind of thinking back in 2000 when Gore got more votes than Bush? Imagine the grief America could have saved by only implementing 49% of Bush's agenda? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 08:22:37 PM I love how much the talk of "bipartisanship" has come up as of late. As if winning an election doesn't really mean anything, we just have to do consensus with the losers. Hey here's some things that were bipartisan I can think of in the past few years: Iraq War Resolution Military Commissions Act Failed TARP Yeah bipartisanship is great. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 10:32:26 PM Well, Mr. Bimbaugh did say recently that he hoped Obama failed, so presumably we should be pleased that he proposed a plan that is only 46% fail. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Brain Pacatte EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 10:52:46 PM To Heck With Limbaugh, we may have larger problems. I have some genuine concerns with current proposed legislation. On a personal level this is a difficult time for me however, on a national level it is looking progressively [SIC] worse for every citizen due to the PRO (Pelosi, Reed and Obama) Triumvirate basking in the Washington limelight with little or no challenge by our representatives. Recently, Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia made the statement: “…our country is struggling, doing nothing is unacceptable.” While I certainly agree with him I am more concerned about some legislators actually doing something - i.e. blindly following this troika. Absolutely nothing has been accomplished as a result of the initial 350 billion dollar distribution to major lenders. A blatant disregard for oversight has trickled down and adversely affected the average individual. When it was announced congress would appropriate funds to stimulate the economy the trenchermen of Bank of America, Countrywide, Citigroup et-al lined up at the trough and were fed. Unfortunately, due to a lack of oversight theses funds were not used to shore up the lending arm of these institutions as we, the American public, were led to believe. For having misled congress and the American people they have received not so much as a slap on the hand. Ironically, they have gotten back in line at the congressional buffet for a second helping. It is no big secret the economic situation is getting worse. Just shy of packing my bags and moving into an abandoned grocery cart I have cut the frills out of my lifestyle. Every State and Federal agency I contact informs me (much to my surprise) that I am not destitute enough to receive assistance. I do not live beyond my means. As a matter of fact, I barely get by. I understand the concept of, “ask not what your country can do for you…” I only ask: “what more does my Country want of me?” It may be too late for me but please keep in mind my true measure of freedom is not tallied by the quantity or quality of my possessions but rather the boundaries and fetters of my existence. Congress has a job to do for their constituents. It appears the PRO Triumvirate is, quite frankly, a juggernaut designed to focus on one side of the government ledger. If left unchecked it can only to leave the governed with the last remaining vestige of freedom being nothing more than begging to become a welfare recipient. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 11:29:42 PM It's not any big secret that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama, and probably any other leaders in government we have until we publicly finance campaigns, primarily care about what are referred to as "the important people" in high political science literature -- interest groups that have funded them, like gigantic banks. Personally I feel like Obama's basically being a mafia don for the bank saying he'd veto any package that didn't include the other no-strings 350 billion. But it's not about him personally, it's about the system that funds our politics. It's the same reason his healthcare plans are more or less giveaways to AHIP. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 12:24:26 PM This deserves some BforD lovin'. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 12:55:36 PM Ya know, I would believe her. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 03:47:00 PM Since we mentioned the "bailout" and TARP here, this is relevant ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 04:14:22 PM From TFA: Bernie Marcus could have been on "a 350-foot boat out in the Mediterranean." If the union really had any Mafia-like qualities, I'd say they should be in negotiations with some Somali pirates right about now... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 04:18:09 PM I love how the heads of the biggest banks in the world use the same braindead /GOP/conservative line of "WE"RE GONNA TURN INTO FRANCE" that I could get from any College Republican or Democrat-Cuz-My-Dad-Was. Not much intellectual development there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 04:49:45 PM I'm just scared we are turning into France you know? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 06:32:14 PM Now if only that freaking socialist would stop patronizing their beaches with his big boat. C'mon, isn't an All-American destination like Panama City good enough for you? We can start calling it a Freedom Vacation. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: School of the America's Protesters sentenced today BASENAME: school_of_the_americas_protest STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/26/2009 07:52:23 PM ----- BODY: iconI have been remiss in keeping up with my fellow activists trying to close the School of the America's, now know as Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Today, the six activists who crossed in federal military land on Nov 23rd, the final day of protest at the gates of Ft. Benning were on trial. In years past I've had friends on trial, but often I've just attended to bear witness and offer comfort and support. This year, I could not attend, since I was still making my way back from DC. During the long drive back, I pondered that while I had the thrilling experience to be at President Obama's Inauguration, others were worrying and preparing for their trial. I felt a bit guilty that others were doing some heavy lifting on the activist front while I was fretting over what to wear at an inaugural ball. The legal team would have advised them to prepared for 3 month stays in federal prison and face up to a $5,000 fine. Often it's not the prison time that is so daunting, but the fines. In then end, of the six defendant's, one got a $1,000 fine, one a $500.00, one house arrest due to illness and five received 2 month sentences. Given that the Patriot Act allows for more, this is a relief. More on the six, here. Based on this article, it sounds like Judge Faircloth was in quite the odd mood. He usually isn't that chatty and finds the annual trial to be quite tedious. He may not have to endure our protests much longer, since the talk is to move the Nov event to DC where quite rightly we need to press the closure case to congress. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2009 11:31:45 PM If they close the SOA, and judging from last year's vote, they may very well be able to do so this year (they were 7 votes away), it would be appropriate for Obama to hand pardons to all those who have been jailed trying to shut down that hellhole. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 07:45:14 AM "As for Judge Faircloth, some have wondered if the judge, knowing Julia had prepared herself completely for jail time, wanted to punish her in a new way by denying the martyrdom of incarceration. Julia does not believe this and neither do I. If we do not believe a human heart beats in the breast of Judge Faircloth then we might as well pack our bags, go home and never show up at the gates of Fort Benning again. I wonder if we, the so-called faith-base, do not believe in the power of conversion because we never plumbed the depths of our own divine nature. Julia knows her own holiness. And she saw the same in Judge Faircloth. I, for one, am a believer." Judge Faircloth is a good guy, who I've known for years. He will do what is right, whether it is to suspend sentences or lock em up and throw away the key. If freed, consider yourself fortunate. If locked up, then get ready to be a part of a new peer group. He is a good ole small town guy who will utilize a values system to guide him, and apply the law as necessary. Be glad he is hearing this case, as some mercy might be shown for trying to trespass this heralded Federal Facility. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 03:30:28 PM Is he one of those small town judges who came up during the civil rights era and understands the value of civil disobedience and will reward a light sentence in return? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 09:33:33 PM I'll just say that he's small town enough to probably guess if he is being patronized at in a snarky way, or if in the company of someone who is genuinely apologetic and deeply worried about being incarcerated. Simply put, I wouldn't go into a long, "Oh, please don't throw lil ole me in that there briar patch, massah Faircloth", at all. Plus, he has a pretty interesting book out......... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 09:40:07 PM OK... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Brilliant BASENAME: brilliant STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/27/2009 11:32:09 AM ----- BODY: Mary Norwood, Atlanta City Council member and candidate for Atlanta Mayor, lists this as her campaign's phone number - 404-Mayor-09. Just brilliant. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 11:57:36 AM This is such an interesting race. I assume that Caesar will drop out and some point and that will leave just Kasim and Mary. I think Mary may push her way to the top through the gentrified neighborhoods. If she can get the crime campaign on board with her, it would be quite helpful. Kasim cannot raise money for the next few months, so Mary, if she plays her cards right, could have a dominant hand come June. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 12:17:34 PM What's the skinny on Jesse Spikes, and that Mack guy? Is there anything Rufus Terrill won't run for? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 04:38:26 PM Spikes is the MLA guy. Honestly, I haven't heard anything about him or seen him around so I assumed he wasn't serious. Honestly, if I knew anything about his politics I would consider voting for him on the grounds he used to run a BBQ restaurant. Seriously, he has a good resume, he went to Harvard Law School and is the son of a sharecropper from Henry County, which, frankly, sounds like someone we should run for Senate, not Mayor. Also, he is a Rhodes scholar, which beats me as I was only a Rhodes "finalist", which means I can get at a job at a BBQ restaurant. Maybe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 11:53:20 AM I am unclear as to whether this post was intended to be sarcastic. If so, why? If not, is it truly brilliant? Like Einstein brilliant? Or like Snuggie brilliant? ( In any event, a memorable phone number is good marketing if nothing else. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 01:05:03 PM No sarcasm intended. We are in awe of the chops. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 03:56:33 PM collapser - you have to keep in mind that the bar for candidates in this state is pretty low. some don't even remember to reserve their names for website domains, leaving them open to opponents using them for trash talking. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 09:29:33 PM Good to know, although I have to say I'm more impressed that she put her home phone number on her website than I am that she managed to get a good phone number from AT&T for her campaign. And yes, I agree that Georgia politicians are generally inept at best. Anyway, thanks for the clarification. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 09:58:42 PM Mary's home number is listed everywhere and on every piece of mailing she sends to her constituents. She's an elected official. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collapser EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 10:10:20 PM True, but I don't think the average elected official invites people to call him or her at home the way she has: "To learn more or to discuss the issues that matter to you, you can also phone me at home. My home number is 404-237-3774, and you can also email me here. I look forward to hearing from you." Just to be clear, I agree that she is an impressive candidate. I was merely seeking clarification as to whether the post was snarky or not. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Haggard Watch BASENAME: haggard_watch STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/27/2009 06:42:27 PM ----- BODY: iconPastor Ted is back! New revelations about a relationship with a young parishioner surface! Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of Nancy, follows Pastor Ted around with a camera, results to be shown on HBO. Mrs. Pastor Ted tells all on Oprah (tune in Wednesday!). Pastor Ted will meet your life insurance needs! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 07:43:46 PM I'd love to change his heart. He apparently sees his homosexuality as a challenge, whereas he should see it as a reason to change his beliefs away from being hateful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 11:59:48 AM This guy totally deserves it, but the younger Pelosi's last documentary was churlish and mean-spirited. Most of her subjects deserved it, but some did not, like the mom who she kept doing before and afters with the picture with her in the wedding dress. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 01:48:17 PM i've been trying to come up with the best word to describe that life insurance website, and all i can come up with is unsettling... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 04:42:41 PM watching him on Oprah now - this guy is creepy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 12:08:55 AM I believe hate the sin not the sinner and I think I pity Haggard more with him being a self-loathing homosexual than anything. He was indoctrinated and now he indoctrinates. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 09:45:41 AM "Hate the sin and not the sinner" is crap. It just allows you to put a smiley face on your judgment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 04:32:02 PM I don't know what the origin of it is, and I'm sure plenty of people you and I would disagree with would use it in ways we wouldn't agree with, but my interpretation of it is that I dislike actions that are bad but if someone's redeemable and they're struggling like Haggard is I won't demonize him. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Another consequence of being a red state BASENAME: another_consequence_of_being_a STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/27/2009 07:55:40 PM ----- BODY: Being completely left out of the The American Renewal and Reinvestment Act. At a time when Georgia is in dire need of funds for transportation, energy, environment, education, and health care, Georgia's obstructionist Republican Congressmen want to make damn sure we are left out in the cold. And as usual, John Barrow and Jim Marshall can't seem to get off the pot. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 08:12:23 PM Barrow and Marshall are fighting mighty hard for title of most worthless Democratic congressmen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 08:32:13 PM Even the shopping list the state people came up with is pretty sad. Renovating all of the MARTA stations on the transportation side, and a few on ramps and junctions. Is that all they can come up with? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 08:34:35 PM Zaid: Ever tried looking up votes? Apparently is something your browser has never encountered. Mel: For all we know Marshall and Barrow could vote for it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 08:39:18 PM "Mel: For all we know Marshall and Barrow could vote for it." They could also try and earn their keep for once by getting out and leading. This is the time for those socially conservative, populistic Blue Doggy types to help shame their Republican counterparts into coming together to fix this country's problems. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 08:40:53 PM "Zaid: Ever tried looking up votes? " Have Marshall and Barrow ever tried not embarrassing themselves by being the only Democrats to vote against things like expanding SCHIP (though this time around one of those two got their head out of their asses)? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 10:03:28 PM this post sums up my feelings on the matter.,278719,281227#msg-281227 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 10:25:54 PM This is a done deal. Obama has a mandate. Democrats who are noncommittal toward this administration help no one, least of all themselves. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sPatrickC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2009 11:30:56 PM Renovating the MARTA stations? Like the ones that are built yet? That could have been helpful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 03:03:48 AM Part of the problem with SCHIP was that everyone was running around calling it SCHIP instead of saying "I believe that parents who work for a living should be able to take their kids to the doctor, when they get sick." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 06:27:19 PM 243 DEMS YES 12 DEMSNO 178 REPB NO 0 YES I'm being told that was the vote count on the bill. So they take out birth control, jam in tax cuts, and not a single Republican votes for it and even some of the more asshole-ish Dems vote against? Hopefully someone is being taught a lesson about capitulation... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 07:30:55 PM It takes both sides to be bi-partisan. I agree there is some inefficiency in the bill and some things that aren't being done right. They want to sit on the sidelines and wait for the hook and ladder instead of joining the bucket line. Weak. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 07:53:06 PM The dithering duo did indeed vote for the bill. Speculation: Obama et. al. sold the removal of family planing etc. as an effort to garner Republican support, but in fact, it was an effort to maintain Democratic support. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 07:59:50 PM Bipartisanship is dumb if you're doing it in principle, it should only be done out of necessity to get something passed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:35:23 PM Zaid, The game plays out in multiple hands. If you call someone an obstructionist, that is rhetoric. If it occurs with a demonstrated pattern, it is a label. The calculus currently has the House GOP gaining nothing from helping the Dems out and everything to gain from sitting on the sidelines. The trick is going to make the sitting on the sidelines more painful than helping out with needed votes. Or perhaps the House GOP is serving as a nice punching bag as an example to the Senate GOP'ers. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:41:13 PM Also, for fun, replace every mention of "Republican" with "terrorist" and keep the same language of surrender versus confrontation. Moving one's adversary is all about changing their payoffs to opposing you. I'm seriously hoping this is a set-up for phase one of that shifting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:47:44 PM [odinseye] I think the differnce between you and me is I see Obama as a sort of bought-off waffler playing it safe in Washington and you see him as a brilliant chessmaster that lies about his intentions and is really out for a big progressive win. I don't think there's much evidence that his center-right advisors and cabinet are anything but that. They're not closet leftists out to discredit rightism. Matt Yglesias is closer to my view: [comment edited to remove odin's IRL name - paula] ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:52:59 PM Ahem, x-nay on the eal-r ame-n, please. If I wanted that posted, I would have a different username. And Obama isn't a super hard-left guy for sure, but I think he is pretty crafty. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:59:29 PM Also, the difference between Obama and Reid (maybe to some degree Pelosi as well) as that he shows more awareness of the big picture and his actions seem linked into some greater sweep. The other two play poker hand by hand while he uses the flow of play to shift the odds. However, on the Big Three he advertised during the campaign, the one we will have to keep him most honest on is the health care reform. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 09:02:27 PM "And Obama isn't a super hard-left guy for sure, but I think he is pretty crafty." Every single thing about his life history and politics shows that he's a guy who works on consensus, not on trying to get the right thing done and disregarding bad ideas. So basically he's going to try to get detente with gigantic financial lobbies and big interests instead of really taking them on FDR-style. If you're hoping he's some kind of genius and is really going to pull the country out, all I can say is keep hoping. He's a consensus based guy and that means consensus with the bad guys (to oversimplify), too. He doesn't have a set of balls to go and stand on any sort of bank's steps and say "I welcome their hatred" like Roosevelt did, and he certainly would never be referred to as the "Lion of the Senate" like Johnson. He took more Wall Street cash than any Democrat in history during his campaign, and much more than McCain and if you follow the investment theory of politics, their investments are paying off as he railroads in the other 350 billion with little real oversight, brings on Geithner and Summers (architects of the financial disaster if you could find any), and then loads up this "stimulus" with corporate tax cuts that are based on failed models of the past. Yeah I'm pessimistic, but in my defense, the guy is going to live pretty in the White House and the rest of us aren't going to if he doesn't stop playing politics and gets serious just trying to help the country and rally its people for the right solutions, not the ones most politically expedient because he wants everyone to like him. As for healthcare, a friend of mine who actually ran the students for obama for our state actually used a few curse words under his breath to describe Obama's plans, but you didn't hear that from me. You're going to continue to regulate a failed system -- private insurance? Give me a break. We already have 1300 state mandates on private insurers passed by legislatures. How much did they help? Everyone knows moving to a single-payer system based on Medicare is the solution, they're just dancing around it because they have no intention of taking on AHIP and PhRMA. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 09:17:17 PM Thanks, Paula. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 10:28:27 PM "You're going to continue to regulate a failed system -- private insurance? Give me a break." That's why I said that's the piece we need to keep him honest on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 12:04:44 AM You got a game plan, man? Because it seems like the odds are against it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 08:18:15 AM It's amazing how Zaid has all this insight and wisdom to the world of politics and policy yet he's sitting on the sidelines. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 08:37:14 AM I certainly believe that if we were starting from scratch single-payer would be the way to go. But, getting to that from where we are now is not going to be quick. In the meantime we're going to have a melded system that includes private insurance for some, publicly underwritten insurance for some, and a medicare-style for others. I just don't see any other path. Even if we *could* just turn off the private insurance system, what would happen to all those jobs? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 09:26:40 AM Catherine, I'd use the power of the market (TM). Public competes with private. With a twist - the public system comes with a couple of spare commissioners and inspectors general to continuously trumpet the horrors of the private system. A continuous kneecapping if you will. Unless, of course, the private guys clean up their act. And they will also have to figure out how *not* to hemorrhage money when going up against a system with single digit overhead. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 09:29:22 AM And if you think the public / private competition will not kill off the private guys, I invite you to read a few space blogs under the headings MirCorp and Beal Aerospace. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 09:48:29 AM At the risk of the ire of IRE, France has a system that integrates private and public health coverage. It's considered among the best in the world (well, Malta, too, but that's hardly comparable - though if anyone would like to fund a study of the Malta health care system - I'm happy to oblige ;-) I'm all for single-payer, ultimately, but I don't want us to be of the "Single-payer or nothing" mindset, because then nothing will change. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 10:23:08 AM Oh no. Oh nonononono HECK NO. We WILL NOT become France while I am alive, do you hear me? Re: the claims that the BHO is a shill for the corporate class, I am sure they were dying to get the Lilly Ledbetter act passed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 10:56:15 AM IRE, I am actually with you on the France thing. I want to actually *be* in France, not in a France-like country. If we became too much like France I'm not sure I could convince "what's his name" to move there... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 12:41:50 PM I really wouldn't mind being able to walk out of my door and up the street a couple of blocks and travel anywhere in the city without parking, though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 04:15:50 PM "Re: the claims that the BHO is a shill for the corporate class, I am sure they were dying to get the Lilly Ledbetter act passed." You ever hear of appeasement? I guess corporations don't pay people they just walk around enslaving them because they can do anything and it's not in their interest to throw people bones, right... Paul Krugman summed it up perfectly: January 28, 2009, 6:59 PM Zero lower bound The House has passed the stimulus bill with not a single Republican vote. Aren’t you glad that Obama watered it down and added ineffective tax cuts, so as to win bipartisan support? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 11:12:50 PM Well, I don't know about you all, but I'm visiting France in May, and can't wait to get there! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 11:14:26 PM k but just don't bring any back with you to infect us. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 11:32:34 PM Like what exactly...? I plan to eat lots of; pate, brie, wonderful bread, fresh veggies, drink gobs of wine and honestly I'm not bringing it back except on my already growing ass. Zaid, it's really hard to tell when you are kidding.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 09:20:36 AM I think he means bringing back any of the Frogs themselves. Or it could be a reference to 28 Weeks Later. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 09:52:59 AM You know, all this hatin' on France kind of ignores the fact that if it were NOT for France, we'd have Queen Elizabeth II as a our Sovereign Head of State. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 10:11:14 AM Meh, that was French royalty and power play. It's when those Frenchies started running their own country that they had problems. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 12:29:04 PM So, to everyone that moaned and groaned about Marshall and Barrow surely voting against the stimulus..... Care to admit you were wrong? Oh wait, I forgot, that means possibly praising them, and we know that cannot happen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 12:33:33 PM To be honest there probably isn't much to praise, they either had leadership come down on them like a ton of bricks or were threatned with ads running against them in their districts. But yeah after what Jimmy said about the first bailout i am not surprsied. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 12:47:22 PM Ok, there might not be much to praise, but I do think it's time those who constantly bash Marshall actually fess up and admit when they are wrong. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:29:34 PM Okay +1 for doing what leadership told them to do. One better than a GOP'er in this case. Meanwhile, as the president of the guy's fan club, you should ask him to update his website. I couldn't find anything newer than 2006 up there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:35:17 PM So, you can make a fan club joke, yet you cannot send an email to the webmaster about updating the website? How sad. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:51:27 PM This one's for Zaid: Rural, It's not like *I've* got any pull with the guy. Or, frankly, much interest in whether he lives or dies politically. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:59:22 PM I have no pull with him. Also, if you don't care about his political career, then why complain about the website? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 02:02:26 PM Which, I think even my most liberal friends on here who have nothing for Marshall or Barrow can admit that Alabama Democrats have it worse so far this session. Personally, I like Griffith and Bright, but they've even disappointed me on some of their votes so far. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2009 12:20:30 PM RD, dear, I've already given Zaid this lecture, so don't take it personally. But, you've really seriously got to lighten up a little bit. For your own good. I'm really worried about your blood pressure. When odinseye2k tweaks you about being in the fan club, he just does it cause he likes you (if you were school children in the 1920s, he'd dip your pigtails in an inkwell or something). Honest. Anyway, I know it can't be easy to be the lone voice of Rural Moderatism in a sea of Urban Liberals, but we're still listening even when we give you a hard time. OK? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2009 01:03:41 PM Dude, I *am* a kid in school - why do you think I hide my real name? I don't want my parents to find out I'm on here. Seriously, though. RD, I rake you pretty hard here but you are 10x more sane than some of those cretins on the far right. They things they worship, Ohmigod... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2009 02:02:24 PM Paula, I've been on this blog for what, like three years now? I know how it goes. Now, the idea of you giving me the same speech that you gave Zaid is pretty dang offensive, and that does get my blood boiling :P ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2009 04:43:24 PM There now - was displaying a sense of humor so very hard? ;) ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The President's Hero BASENAME: the_presidents_hero STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/28/2009 04:52:55 PM ----- BODY: iconJohn Lewis. While watching the inauguration last week, I wondered what President Obama said to Congressman Lewis when he stopped to hug him on his way to the podium. Well, now we know.
After absorbing the thudding roar from the Mall, Obama glanced to his right. He spotted there on the steps, a few feet away, John Lewis's squat, bald, hatless--the eleven-term representative of Georgia's fifth congressional district and the only one of the speakers at the March on Washington still among the living. Obama bent to embrace him. "Congratulations, Mr. President," Lewis whispered in his ear. Obama smiled at the sound of that and said, "Thank you, John. I'll need your prayers." "You'll have them, Mr. President. That, and all my support."
I just enjoyed reading this comment at the New Yorker, I think you will too. Fair warning it's a two tissue alert. Hat tip: Jane Kidd ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:56:01 PM He's my hero too. I don't know how anyone can't be in awe of him: "As Lewis walked around the Mall last week, shaking hands, posing for hundreds of photographs, a young African-American introduced himself as the police chief of Rock Hill, South Carolina. “Imagine that,” Lewis said. “I was beaten near to death at the Rock Hill Greyhound bus terminal during the Freedom Rides in 1961. Now the police chief is black.” ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: DTV Transition Delay Update BASENAME: dtv_transition_delay_update STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/28/2009 06:03:49 PM ----- BODY: The Senate said YES. The House said NO. Here's how Congress voted. The Nielsen Co. estimates that more than six million households are still unready for the switch. 2.5 million persons are still on the waiting list for government coupons Is Georgia prepared for the digital transition? Nielsen predicts that less than 10% are unprepared in Atlanta. In Rep. John Linder's (R) congressional district (CD7), 98,000 coupons have been ordered - a jump of 6% between Dec. 31,2008 and Jan. 20, 2009 - only 37% of the coupons have been redeemed. So there are 62,000 unredeemed coupons in Linder's district and 6,100 coupons won't be mailed to recipients before the Feb 17th transition deadline. Rep. Westmoreland's (R) congressional district (CD3) has nearly 64,000 unredeemed coupons in his district and 5,800 coupons won't be mailed to recipients before the Feb 17th transition deadline. Rep. John Lewis' (D) congressional district (CD5) has nearly 76,000 unredeemed coupons in his district and 7,200 coupons won't be mailed to recipients before the Feb 17th transition deadline. So what to do: If you need a coupon, still apply. Get on the waiting list. The NTIA is sending out new coupons only as older, unredeemed ones reach a 90-day expiration date. Donate coupons you don't need. The government's coupon program will accept any coupon that is valid and has not expired - regardless of who ordered it. So if your household is eligible for coupons but won't need them, you can give your unused coupons to a neighbor, or APPLY now and give one or both to a neighbor to use. Send coupons to: Atlanta DTV 2009 , 2020 Howell Mill Road, Suite C108, Atlanta, GA, 30318. * Please note that coupons cannot be bought, sold, or exchanged for goods other than converter boxes. Contact your Congressperson and let them know how you feel about the DTV Transition. There may be other bills coming to the House floor. Become a volunteer and help others with the transition - visit ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 07:16:54 PM All this so old people can watch soaps? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 07:25:35 PM old people have the AARP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 07:33:39 PM Are you suggesting this is about poor people? Or poor old people? Or old poor people? I don't see how the AARP is a substitute for soap operas. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 07:58:50 PM It's a civil rights issue. People who currently receive breaking news, weather alerts, and other emergency information via free over-the-air television should continue to do so. It's not about soap operas. Television is more than entertainment shows. An extension will allow high awareness of the transition to be translated into direct assistance so people can actually make a successful transition. The legislation that the House voted NO would have: * eliminated the coupon waiting list by fully funding the coupon program – freeing up more coupons for people who need them. * allowed people to reapply for coupons that have expired or been lost. This has been a 3 year federal mandate that continues to make the transition to digital difficult for some. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:47:40 PM Thanks for reminding me to do this Smitty. I have applied for 2 coupons to donate for those who need them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: tvjay EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 10:51:57 PM Smitty, have you tried using one of these decoder boxes? Just having one does not mean that you will receive the digital signals, you know? Depending on where you live, your reception (if any) will vary. We are at the end of a very long transition where both government (the FCC during several past administrations) and the industry (an advisory group along with the National Association of Broadcasters) defied the rest of the world and adopted a transmission standard that makes indoor reception difficult at best. This system was "invented" by Zenith and is only used in the U.S. and South Korea. The coverage areas were calculated based on having an outdoor 30ft. mast antenna installed. So, a decoder box is only one step in restoring off-air reception. If you've been using a rooftop antenna to receive analog signals, chances are you'll receive some digital stations without any other changes. But if you've been using a set-top antenna and you're located more than 5 miles from the transmitter, get ready for a surprise. I'm just sayin'... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 04:52:21 PM We are so turning into france. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 05:15:38 PM Oh dear god please no... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 05:35:58 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 11:14:58 PM tvjay, that's the only way Smitty watches tv - through a converter box. Smitty doesn't have cable in the State of Georgia. I get to watch "The Hulk", "Rescue 911", and other cool shows on The Retro Network - WSB's 2nd channel. Yes, I am aware that some have trouble getting digital signals when they live a distance from a major antenna. Which is why the extension to June is a good idea. The last thing we need is someone slipping off an icy roof in February trying to install a rooftop antenna. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 11:24:22 PM It's funny how spread out people are on this. People in rural georgia are upset and with the Dems and techies at the gaming boards I go to are laughing at rural people and cheering on the non-extension. Social cleavages. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Priorities out of order. BASENAME: i_cant_get_past_it STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/28/2009 06:17:43 PM ----- BODY: iconI can't get past it. Ever since the news broke that Merrill Lynch had paid out $3-$4 billion (with a "B") in bonuses just before the close of the buyout from Bank of America I've been stewing. Let's just think about these big numbers for a moment. Let's say it was $3 Billion. With $3 Billion you could reward three people with One Billion dollars each; or 30 people with $100 Million each; or 300 people with $10 Million each; or 3000 people with $1 Million each; or 30,000 people with $100,000 each. These are bonuses. Over and above their salaries (which range from $60K - $600K). All while this legendary company fell to ruins. Meanwhile, in the rest of the country we have countless examples of people struggling. Iraq war veterans have taken to the web seeking assistance for food, cribs, washing machines, and other essentials. A 93 year-old WW II veterans froze to death in his home this week after the local power company installed a limiting device due to unpaid electric bills. Now, I'm not suggesting that this $3 Billion should have been divvied up among foreclosure-bound homeowners or seniors unable to pay electric bills. But, in these tough times we must have our priorities in order. Clearly, they are out of order now. It's past time for standing up to these greedy bastards. I must admit that I feel more powerless about this than I have about anything in many moons. Why isn't there more outrage? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:02:43 PM Here's a great article I read just recently: In it, the writer talks about how Merrill seems to be first into big messes: "Hintz wanted to know what Eisman was up to. “We just shorted Merrill Lynch,” Eisman told him. “Why?” asked Hintz. “We have a simple thesis,” Eisman explained. “There is going to be a calamity, and whenever there is a calamity, Merrill is there.” When it came time to bankrupt Orange County with bad advice, Merrill was there. When the internet went bust, Merrill was there. Way back in the 1980s, when the first bond trader was let off his leash and lost hundreds of millions of dollars, Merrill was there to take the hit. That was Eisman’s logic—the logic of Wall Street’s pecking order. Goldman Sachs was the big kid who ran the games in this neighborhood. Merrill Lynch was the little fat kid assigned the least pleasant roles, just happy to be a part of things. The game, as Eisman saw it, was Crack the Whip. He assumed Merrill Lynch had taken its assigned place at the end of the chain." Couple that with the fact that brokers usually work pretty hard just to match market returns in the long run, let alone beat them by any appreciable margin. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 08:52:02 PM I wish Obama would just declare war on these fucks but he took too much of their money during the election campaign. I expect him to twiddle his thumbs and mouth some kind words about bipartisanship and coming together while bankers burn down the economy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2009 09:14:07 PM And all of this is even affecting people outside this country too. When the economy declines in America, largely due to this speculative nonsense that came about in the CDO market, everyone else suffers too. Should a little girl in Bangladesh starve because Bill Clinton and Phil Gramm got too damn greedy and eviscerated Glass Steagall? Should a mother in Peru die because she didn't get the antivirals she needed because she lost her job at a sweatshop due to the economic collateral damage of a recession whose wheels were greased by some dumbshit like Madoff whose Ponzis wiped out entire foundations and took down companies? These people don't even have anything to do with Wall Street or their lobbies on K Street. They wouldn't even know what a Congressional fundraiser is, or why it's "Good bipartisan politics" to follow an agenda of tax cuts and deregulation like we have for the past 35 years. Hell, they might not even enjoy a Club for Growth luncheon! If you really think about it, these people are criminally sick. I have to agree with Maureen Down in today's new york times( "How are these ruthless, careless ghouls who murdered the economy still walking around (not to mention that sociopathic sadist Bernie Madoff?) — and not as perps? Bring on the shackles. Let the show trials begin." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jenjust EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 04:31:29 PM I have some perspective on this as an employee in the world of finance. I know these things called "bonuses" are really an integral part of competitive pay packages. I myself have enjoyed bonuses for the last six years averaging 20-25% of my salary, and I consider it part of my package; otherwise, I would feel underpaid. A relative who is much higher up the food chain, with one of the major players mentioned, is used to receiving about 97% of his income in the form of a "bonus". Without that bonus, he would be ridiculously underpaid for his level of education and responsibility. As at my company, the higher up you are, the greater the risks and the greater the rewards -- usually. All that said, the risk portion of this equation is not being felt at these big banks. At my small firm, no one got bonuses this year. SO all of us were essentially underpaid for our hard work in 2008. But that's the chance we took with our compensation packages when we negotiated them -- we feast or famine based on the success of the firm as a whole -- which in turn reflects how much money we've made (or lost) for our clients. That's NOT what's been happening in the business world (and some would say in our society at large) since the 80's -- none of the consequences, all the rewards. CEOs of major corporations have been failing miserably and still walk away with millions. These major banks and brokerages have done nothing to protect their customers' financial health, and yet continue to pocket huge bonuses. I know, I know; I myself have made the arguments about "market conditions" and what these large companies have to agree to, in order to find a CEO or executive willing to take on their failing enterprise. I don't have a solution. But I do despair about what we teach our children about truth, responsibility, and doing the right thing. That's never been the duty of the business world, but I wish there weren't so many terrible examples there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 04:43:02 PM I don't think people are angry at people like your small firm, and we all know many of you are very hardworking. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 06:31:00 PM So many questions to ask to one who allocates capital, but here's the most constructive one I can imagine: How do we restore capital to its rightful role as facilitator, rather than driver of, useful enterprises? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 10:02:04 AM jenjust - I think you made the point excellently... your firm did not pay bonuses because the performance of the company as a whole didn't warrant it. So while everyone in your firm worked hard, the results ended up with you being underpaid for your efforts because of the overall financial results. At these big banks and firms, it's like they are oblivious to results...they're getting their "bonuses" regardless. That's what pisses people off, especially when a firm has to go to the government to be saved. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: open_thread_2 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/29/2009 07:46:46 PM ----- BODY: iconSo, like, have you ever gone to get your hair cut, and there's someone finishing up before you, and you don't pay any attention, just sit down to read the magazines in the reception area? But then the guy before you goes to pay, and he looks at you, and is all like, "Oh, you look so familiar. Do I know you?" And you're all "I dunno. Do you?" And he's all like, "Oh, well, maybe I don't." And you're all like, "I guess not." And then he leaves, and all of a sudden you're like, "Oh! I do know that guy!" What, it's never happened to you? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 08:15:24 PM THat's cold Paula. Real cold. Can't believe you would totally dis someone like that. Re: the thought of an open thread on BforD -- ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 08:37:11 PM It's not like I dissed him on purpose, IRE. Besides, he's the one who claimed not to know me first. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 07:31:03 AM So, who was it......... ....inquiring minds want to know.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 09:39:24 AM He seems not to want to reveal himself, so I'll just say this: I was surprised to find out that a certain blogger drives all the way from Castleberry Hills to get his hair cut in North DeKalb. Now, *that's* attention to grooming. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2009 11:25:59 AM D'oh! I totally missed this. I will say that some people have great taste. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: State Senator Seth Harp does Jay Leno BASENAME: state_senator_seth_harp_does_j STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/29/2009 07:50:50 PM ----- BODY: Well Senator Seth Harp isn't actually on the show, but he does Georgia Republicans really proud with his latest bill - SB41. Last night, Jay Leno gives the nation a vision of our pain in Georgia. Nah, why worry about cutting school nurses, transportation gridlock, or Georgia's budget deficit. Seth Harp really thinks Georgians should care about that attorneys on tv commercials are actually lawyers and not actors. Yeah that is so way up in the concerns of Georgia families while they stand on the unemployment line. Seth Harp is about as good as Rep. Paul Broun and Rep. Lynn Westmoreland. Now Broun and Westmoreland have definitely given Georgia some proud moments at the national level. So far this legislative session, Seth Harp is winning with more media name ID. I'm sure he will have some strong competition before this session is over. Just brilliant (complete sarcasm for BfD newbies). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 08:32:31 PM What the fuck. Sometimes I'm so embarrassed to live in this state. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 08:40:37 PM We will reach the douchebag-per-state limit yet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 08:51:29 PM From the bill: "The General Assembly recognizes and declares that the attorney-client relationship is a sacrosanct one in which the client is entitled to faithful and zealous counsel and representation.." Unless you're indigent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 09:06:43 PM At least we're not france ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 09:29:27 PM At least we have that... BTW: Am I to take the recent France comments from Zaid to be BforD snarky? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 10:13:04 PM Jay just did this to the entire state of Georgia: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2009 11:35:10 PM Ya know that isn't really the stupidest thing said or done.. just the one Leno knows about. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 08:21:26 AM LOL. Maybe Nugent, Wentworth, and others are taking all the good clients? Just seems a bit ironic that a lawyer is sponsoring the legislation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 10:33:26 AM He went to Mercer for law school, they don't teach the morality of the law there. This is a Chamber of Commerce bill because they think that poor people who get injured will be less likely to sue without this type of advertising. The theory is that people who are well off tend to call a lawyer they know personally when they get injured, whereas poor people, who are less likely to know a lawyer socially, call one of the big advertisers. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_74 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/30/2009 05:58:31 AM ----- BODY: icon Renee, sweetie, we saw him first. Winnings may go to creditors instead of charity. No license for you! This is one way to get me to watch The Super Bowl. Not sure why this was rejected by NBC. The Jolly Green Giant hasn't seemed to get us to eat our vegetables... Yup, that's my President. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 08:59:09 AM When will PETA learn the irony of treating women like meat in order to convince people not to eat meat? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 09:25:25 AM Another corrupt Democrat... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 09:36:17 AM Oh, IRE, why did you have to make it about a corrupt Democrat? As if the GOP has no corruption? How about another corrupt politician? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 09:41:16 AM Because I have no tolerance for corruption in my party. If you want to be an elected official and a Democrat and you are corrupt I am going to call you the f*ck out. Corrupt republicans don't mean sh*t to me. I don't care if there are no corrupt Republicans or if they all are, I want to be better than them. Bring up a corrupt Republican my response is whoop-dee, I'll take schadenfreude in it, but I don't care about them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 10:19:56 AM Damn I hate American Idol! Sorry, but it was on every tv at work last night. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 10:31:52 AM From USA Today on Zellwege "relishes moments like these, where she can click with humanity without the click of paparazzi cameras." Yes, that is the story of my life -- clicking with humanity. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 11:19:42 AM "Oh, IRE, why did you have to make it about a corrupt Democrat?" I'm waiting for Blago's impeachment vote count to show up on FailBlog. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 12:37:13 PM BTW: Anyone else hear or watch the clip about what Michelle and the BHO like to, uh, do with (to?) each other? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 08:07:22 PM Now this is a customer complaint letter: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 08:33:49 PM Dude, somebody else is pissed: The Senator from Missouri even, holy cow. Now that would be a major disincentive from using TARP money ... it would be very interesting to see shareholders pressing suit against their own corporate officers to take the pay cut and accept the government money. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Who the Dems will be smacking down over the next 4 years BASENAME: who_the_dems_will_be_smacking STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/30/2009 12:31:12 PM ----- BODY: From Faux News:
4:30 pm: Michael Steele was elected Republican National Committee chairman on Friday, defeating the incumbent party chief and three other challengers over six rounds of voting to become the first black to lead the GOP. The former Maryland lieutenant governor takes over a beleaguered GOP as Republicans seek to rebound from back-to-back defeats in national elections that gave Democrats control of Congress and the White House.
From NYT:
4:05 pm: After five rounds of balloting, former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele and South Carolina GOP chief Katon Dawson were locked in a close race to reach the 85-vote majority needed to assume the party's top spot. Steele was six votes shy with 79, while Dawson had 69. They were going head-to-head in what is likely to be the last voting round, the sixth, and both were hoping to pick up some of the 20 votes Michigan state party chairman Saul Anuzis got before he exited the field.
Sorry for the delay...naptime called. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
1:01 pm: And the election for Republican National Committee chairman goes to a third round. None of the five Republicans running got the majority of votes needed on the second ballot. That means a third vote will take place. Candidates need 85 of 168 votes cast to win. So far, none of the five has dropped out. Current GOP chairman Mike Duncan is seeking re-election. He got 48 on the second ballot. Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele also got 48. South Carolina GOP Chairman Katon Dawson got 29, while Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis took 24. And, former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell trailed with 19.
12:22 pm: Neither former President George W. Bush's hand-picked national party chairman nor his four challengers got the required 85 votes needed to become party chief on the first tally, pushing the election to a second ballot Friday. Of the 168 votes cast by the Republican National Committee, Chairman Mike Duncan, who is seeking a second two-year term, got 52, while former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele emerged as his leading threat, with 46 votes. Of the others; South Carolina GOP Chairman Katon Dawson got 28, Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis took 22, and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell trailed with 20.
Erick Erickson and his Red State Avengers no likey Steele. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:03:28 PM Nope, apparently all the "major conservative players" are supporting Blackwell, at least, that's what they're saying. That says quite a bit if Blackwell can only muster 20 votes. Either the GOP is full of moderates, or those "major conservative players" are split like most reasonable people. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:40:17 PM I just flipped to C-SPAN and they're broadcasting it if anyone is interested in watching it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:41:20 PM PP Fanboys must be flipping out...Steele takes the lead 51-44 on the third ballot. 85 votes needed to win. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:49:15 PM Go Michael Steele! I want to see a so-called RINO chairperson just to watch the Republicans tear their own hearts out. If the Moral Minority happens to be a casualty of war, I hope it is messy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:52:15 PM Go Michael Steele! I want to see a so-called RINO chairperson just to watch the Republicans tear their own hearts out. If the Moral Minority happens to be a casualty of war, I hope it is messy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:54:15 PM Go Michael Steele! I want to see a so-called RINO chairperson just to watch the Republicans tear their own hearts out. If the Moral Minority happens to be a casualty of war, I hope it is messy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 01:55:33 PM Uh, sorry for spewing all over the post. I blame the 500 error. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 02:15:23 PM Duncan withdraws before the 4th vote ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 04:05:38 PM Steele wins with 91 votes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 04:05:46 PM It's Michael Steele. Hilarious. Too easy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 04:15:45 PM Let the identity confusion begin. First up, who wears the pants in the GOP family? Rush Limbaugh and co. or Michael Steele? It's gonna be fun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 04:28:03 PM I'm happy ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2009 09:17:03 PM Rachel Maddow did a hilarious GOP horserace thing about this in a beautiful purple derby bonnet! Good Luck to you Mr. Steele. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2009 11:50:06 PM "Steele couldn’t praise them enough, and at times, he was at a loss for words. “You and I know that in the history of mankind and womankind, government—federal, state or local—has never created one job,” he said. “It’s destroyed a lot of them.” Yeah, being black doesn't make you a moderate. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Bush's True Legacy BASENAME: bushs_true_legacy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/31/2009 11:38:33 AM ----- BODY: iconSCOTUS Steps Closer to Repeal of Evidence Ruling | NYT
In 1983, a young lawyer in the Reagan White House was hard at work on what he called in a memorandum “the campaign to amend or abolish the exclusionary rule” — the principle that evidence obtained by police misconduct cannot be used against a defendant. The Reagan administration’s attacks on the exclusionary rule — a barrage of speeches, opinion articles, litigation and proposed legislation — never gained much traction. But now that young lawyer, John G. Roberts Jr., is chief justice of the United States.
The Exclusionary Rule has been dying for a long time, but is it finally on life support? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 12:03:31 PM Bush's legacy I thought was kidnapping people in the middle of the night, drugging them, and sending them to a secret prison in eastern europe to get waterboarded. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 01:24:23 PM That probably stopped 1/20/09, this is enduring, thus, a legacy. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Cognitive Dissonance BASENAME: cognitive_dissonance STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/31/2009 04:45:15 PM ----- BODY: iconOkay, so it turns out that the octuplet-having woman who is all over the news is some kind of baby-obsessed nut whose own mother thinks she's a little off. My question is: what will the religious right make of someone who, on the one hand, implanted and carried eight embryos because she didn't want to destroy or abort them, and on the other hand, is an unwed mother of fourteen? Hero or villain? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2009 05:00:30 PM Villain. She's not white. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 02:08:24 AM Hero. They love people who aren't white but who subscribe to their ideology (see: bobby jindal). They can be token (insert race here). I personally lean more pro-life, but the religious right doesn't do itself a lot of favors by the way it discusses the abortion issue sometimes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 10:40:07 PM The conservative disgust with "unwed mothers" has two dimensions: first, they dislike women who have sex for pleasure, rather than procreation; second, they dislike women who believe that they can do anything of importance without men. This woman doesn't meet the first part of the definition - she's obsessed with parenthood, not sex, and didn't even have sex to conceive her children - but she does meet the second. I think that practical considerations - the number of never-married and no-longer-married women out there - have forced the religious right to minimize the importance of the second, so I'd guess they'd consider her a hero rather than a villain. I do think it's interesting that the media has chosen to report the mother's diagnosis that the daughter is "obsessed" with children - I don't recall that in previous multiple birth stories. Maybe being married insulates you from accusations of insanity here. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jac1975 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 11:26:21 AM I think it has to do with the fact she already has 6 children under the age of 7 already... at least with other multiples, they had fertility issues. It's not like they had a dozen kids and then had a dozen more. I'm shocked any doctor would help her. It has to be a violation of ethics when you already have 6 children to do the in vitro thing again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 11:41:09 AM Zaid is pro-life? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 11:44:41 AM I said I leaned pro-life. I consider myself a moderate on the issue. "My body my choice" is not convincing to me, and neither is saying that abortion doctors are murderers. I like what Obama has said about how we should all work together to reduce abortions, I only hope he makes good on that moderate stance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 11:54:33 AM Certainly we can all agree not to use provocative language around here. When referring to someones' view of abortion please use the terms: "pro-choice" for someone who believes in abortion rights and "anti-choice" for someone who does not. The use of pro-life suggests that those of us who are pro-choice are somehow "anti-life", which is not the case. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 12:00:00 PM " Certainly we can all agree not to use provocative language around here. When referring to someones' view of abortion please use the terms: "pro-choice" for someone who believes in abortion rights and "anti-choice" for someone who does not. The use of pro-life suggests that those of us who are pro-choice are somehow "anti-life", which is not the case." OK, here's my problem with that. I think groups are allowed to use whatever name they want to describe themselves. How would you like pro-life people to call you anti-life? It doesn't make any sense. Not anymore than anti-choice! It's not a provocative term, it's the mainstream term. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 12:15:57 PM Zaid, If you are a member of a group that refers to itself as "pro-life" then go ahead. If not, out of respect for the people who maintain and pay for this site, please use the language that we prefer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 12:24:12 PM I think "pro life" people do call those of us who are pro-choice "anti-life". I KNOW they call us "baby killers". I like anti-choice b/c it's accurate. The "pro life" movement does not want a woman to have a choice, period. And how can you be pro-life when you support an aggressive use of the death penalty in the same breath as many, if not most, anti-choicers do? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 12:37:16 PM RE: Pro and anti... it's a bit mind boggling to me that these same "lifers" would wish to end stem cell research as well.. cause it kills cells, but seemingly have no regard for the living who might benefit from life saving treatments. At least the Catholics are consistant on the death penalty and war stuff, others not so much. Also, as someone who believes in privacy, and the only one responsible for my choices, yeah it is MY body..I'm not a ward/uterus of the state. Or in the case of the California woman, her uterus was a clown car. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 12:41:54 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:08:23 PM I don't mean to insult people, it's just that the debate is always cast as pro-choice vs. pro-life because sides get to define themselves. It casts both sides in favorable light, because how can you be against either choice or life? Honestly, if the debate was more honest it'd be "pro-right to have an abortion" "anti-right to have an abortion," but this is how the debate happens really. I'm not trying to offend anyone. Although I do find it curious that if there's one thing upper-middle class liberals can get real riled up over, it's abortion. Other issues don't seem to get the same fire, like economic justice or maybe stopping drones from bombing defenseless villages or something like that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:15:00 PM To expand on that, I've seen plenty of little "Who should we vote for in this primary" things amongst Democrats where it goes like this: Moderator: Candidate 1 is for tax breaks for big oil, invading iran, and is against universal healthcare. Crowd: Well that sucks but hey he's gotta be electable right I mean those are fair compromises. Moderator: AND HE"S ALSO PRO-LIFE. (crowd devolves into angry pitchfork-wielding mass) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:28:54 PM "We can find common ground between pro-choice and pro-life Q: The terms pro-choice and pro-life, do they encapsulate that reality in our 21st Century setting and can we find common ground? A: I absolutely think we can find common ground. And it requires a couple of things. It requires us to acknowledge that.. There is a moral dimension to abortion, which I think that all too often those of us who are pro-choice have not talked about or tried to tamp down. I think that's a mistake because I think all of us understand that it is a wrenching choice for anybody to think about. People of good will can exist on both sides. That nobody wishes to be placed in a circumstance where they are even confronted with the choice of abortion. How we determine what's right at that moment, I think, people of good will can differ. And if we can acknowledge that much, then we can certainly agree on the fact that we should be doing everything we can to avoid unwanted pregnancies that might even lead somebody to consider having an abortion." Obama summed up my position perfectly. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:45:16 PM Ya know the only problem with you and Obama is this is framed in far too simplistic terms. The very same folks would would restrict my access to reproductive services also doesn't want educate kids about reproduction at an age appropriate time, wants to force a religious dogma about "cells", wants to pretend that every baby conceived is a wanted child-total fiction, and it also supposes that we're doing a bang up job taking care of the kids born-um yeah not so. Choice implies you had one.. had access to services, had the education before hand to know what you were doing. If you are living in a rural or poor community "choice" is pretty rare. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:53:01 PM You know Jules I actually agree with you 100%. I think we should vastly expand the education and proper services to prevent unwanted pregnancies. That's why I said earlier I think the way the religious right goes about its abortion battle is not the right way, because they also oppose things that could stop unwanted pregnancies. I also want to point out I don't see women who had abortions or doctors who performed them as murderers or want them charged or anything. I just see abortions as highly unfortunate for all involved (including the fetus, which puts me out of step with a lot of "progressives") and I think there needs to be a lot done to get to a place where we wouldn't need to have them as much. Have you ever read Freakonomics? One of the studies in the book shows how there was a crime drop in the 1990's that correlates exactly to when abortion was legalized in the states -- showing that there weren't criminals to commit those crimes in the 90's. I don't see that as an argument for abortion -- I see that as a testament to how poorly the poor are treated to where they, who predominantly have abortions, have their kids basically fated to become criminals. If anything, smart people who oppose abortions will work very hard to do all the things you listed and also work to uplift the poor in our communities. With all that being said in criticism to the religious right, my criticism of the pro-choice folks is that often their argument is completely selfish. "My body my choice" ignores anything in the way of rights to the fetus. They need to be able to identify when life begins and show some level of understanding with people who might be concerned with the fetus's life. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:01:05 PM Sorry, we must part ways on this.. I don't think cell clumps or fetus's have rights. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:03:34 PM I respect that difference but I don't appreciate being attacked just for using the phrase "pro-life." And I repeat I wish progressives were as adamant and militant about things that aren't contentious social issues; I feel like those things tear us apart more than anything else. In small cliques in Atlanta it might work to go pitchforks on anyone who uses the term pro-life but it won't work elsewhere. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:11:25 PM Ok, and I wish we wouldn't use the term choice at all, pro or anti. Hopefully it will be communicated as reproductive justice, on the progressive side and we view the issue far more holistically than it is currently. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:14:15 PM I've heard reproductive justice more and more used for it, but I'm not from Atlanta and in most parts of Georgia I don't think that phrase would fly unfortunately even though I think it describes things better than choice and life. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:16:32 PM The Freakonomics study was a somewhat dubious one (can't remember exactly why) but I heard from a lot of people that that was one of the many very bad uses of statistics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:16:58 PM There is a moral dimension to nearly everything that we hold dear - war, the death penalty, abortion, hunger, health care, and on and on. It is easy to look at the circumstances of someone seeking an abortion and believe that with the right mix of educational and other programs. But, the fact is, women and girls get raped. Women and girls are victims of incest. Accidents happen even with the most organized, educated, and prepared couple. I grow sick and tired of people drawing conclusions and making judgments about abortion. It's a legal procedure. If you don't want one, don't get one. If you are concerned about it, volunteer to adopt a child. As for this: "Although I do find it curious that if there's one thing upper-middle class liberals can get real riled up over, it's abortion. Other issues don't seem to get the same fire, like economic justice or maybe stopping drones from bombing defenseless villages or something like that." Take a look at the mix of issues that get posted on this blog. I don't think you'll see an over-abundance of threads about reproductive rights/choice. I assure you that most of us (the ones I know personally) get pretty riled up about much more than choice. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:18:14 PM My criminology prof told me the same thing about the statistics on it but he wouldn't elaborate because we're going to formally study it later, but I'd be interested in looking at that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:23:54 PM Well, then take it out for a spin in your neck of the woods and help educate folks. RJ: includes the prison industrial complex and it's treatment of women in prison. FYI: Women are routinely still shackled while giving birth. It includes heath options for immigrant women regardless of documented status. It includes the disparity of health care for women and girls in rural poor communities. It affords education and health choices outside mainstream big pharma. Would help certify midwives-which GA has not embraced. Would offer women with disabilities options. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:32:51 PM I have a lot of fun in the South. Once I was a flea market and made the mistake of talking politics. One woman came up to me and told me, "George Bush is a GERMAN!" I didn't know what to say, so I just kinda let her go on. "He's a german! His whole family is German blood! If they followed the law he'd be out of there!" I tried talking to the lady about the upcoming election, and she had opinions on that too. "There's...McClane [she a Die Hard fan?] and...and...Bomber!" And then somehow the topic turned to how black kids use really bad language and listen to really bad music. It still doesn't top the time I tried to talk to Paul Broun about Israel though... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:37:16 PM Why shackle them in prison? I mean, if you're clamped into stirrups, you aren't going anywhere. Speaking of justice issues, this article in Mother Jones will horrify you: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:42:33 PM That fits well with this ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:46:15 PM Is anyone else finding the irony in Zaid arguing for moderation in certain issues. I'll take a poke at the source of zealotry being a contact with horrible circumstances. It is true, upper middle-class liberals are more susceptible to the effects of social issues than economic ones (in a lot of cases). Although as an engineer, I am extremely ambivalent about the H-1B visa. On the one hand, it is a destroyer of one of the few guaranteed ways into the UMC. On the other, I have a good number of friends trying to get green cards to work in the industry. On balance, I think the thing has been made a sham by those who have exploited its loopholes. I also very much like labor unions, although I can't say I've ever dealt with one in my workplace. The whole science/religion thing is a particular itch for me as well, as I can see highly educated colleagues harassed or lose their research paths due to the ignorant members of backwaters around the country. Also, at least in my case, it is far more infuriating to deal with social issues (which raises the volume of my response) because you are dealing with immovable definitions pulled from superstition or ancient fields of thought. At least you can get people (all but the most lost in Limbaugh-land, anyhow) that killing innocents is bad, poverty sucks, and hauling around an infected leg for your whole life is bad. The trick then is just what to do about it. Of course, on the other hotbutton issue, it's more about who has relatives / ancestry on a given side that gives the fire of zealotry. We've all got our special axes to grind. It's odd that we're so rare - everyone else is pretty much busy keeping their own little corner at peace. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:50:27 PM Interesting that you link to Roberto, since many of us had the distinct honor and pleasure of meeting him about a year ago. We held an event at Manuel's with him, and while I liked it and though the raised numerous and interesting issues many other folks were decidedly uncomfortable with his views. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:50:35 PM Oh that reminds me, I do know one person personally on the website but I'm not allowed to say his name (and he's not Voldermort either!) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 05:00:35 PM Jesus, TBS. That's horrible. They made such a big deal over the foster kids during Martin's tenure, but he'd never dream of pulling crap like this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 05:11:15 PM Have pitchforks greeted the pro-life DNC chair yet? That said, I don't think any excuses need to be made for the fact that the Democratic electorate is less willing to compromise on some issues - no one would think it quaint that the voters would dismiss an anti-civil rights or pro-segregation candidate, right? So why be surprised when this civil right is defended with similar intensity? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 05:25:23 PM Because they let the party get taken over by corporate hacks and warmongers that actually hurt people but get upset when someone infringes on their right to kill their fetus. Or at least that's how it's viewed by social conservatives. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 05:25:52 PM "Is anyone else finding the irony in Zaid arguing for moderation in certain issues" Nope. Not at all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 06:35:41 PM Social conservatives don't care about "corporate hacks" or "warmongers", but even if they did, they would be wrong to believe that no harm has been done by the criminalization and over-regulation of abortion. And they would be foolish to blame efforts to defend against that harm for the success of "corporate hacks and warmongers" in the Democratic Party. They might as well blame support for other civil rights. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 11:13:14 AM A real and topical link from me. Blowin ure mindz. Im doin it rite. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 02:05:46 PM MOAR! Just throwing this out there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 06:59:55 PM Sullivan is tedious. Opponents of integration were no less offended by the Civil Rights Act than they were by Brown v. Board of Education or Loving v. Virginia. For a more modern example, homophobes are no less offended by the Employment Nondiscrimination Act than they are by Lawrence v. Texas. They whine about the means not because they have a commitment to democracy but because it's easier to whine about means than it is to defend their ends. It's easier to attack the Supreme Court for usurping the will of the people than it is to defend the notion that black and white should be segregated, that gays should be criminals, or that the government should force a woman to bear a child. And Douthat is as dishonest as any conservative, as usual. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 09:29:23 AM I like Douthat. The point of that was merely to present a thought experiment for pro choicers about how pro lifers work. Its admitted that its not perfect or even wholly accurate, its just supposed to spark thought. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 11:50:46 AM MOAR! again. Not really entirely 100% OT but who cares. Its funny. To me. Hopefully you too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 06:50:23 PM Ah. Looks like we have an answer: "Conservative radio talk show host Bill Handel in Los Angeles, who has branded the births “freakish,” said on the air Tuesday that people are ready to boycott any corporations that help the octuplets or their mother." (In contrast, that awful Duggar family gets its own TV show.) ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: This is gonna be way too easy BASENAME: this_is_gonna_be_way_to_easy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/01/2009 02:37:22 AM ----- BODY: Either the Republicans are rolling Michael Steele out a la Palin style or he's just a complete idiot. CNN reports Steele saying this:
I thought it was very important to send a signal, and you sent it loudly, very clearly, that this party, the leadership of this caucus, would stand first and foremost with the American people. You made it very clear that in order to grow through this recession that you not redistribute the wealth of the people of this nation.
Seriously with the "redistribute the wealth". Are you kidding me? Mr. Steele, let me be the first to inform you that your party is the party of redistributing wealth. Remember the last 8 years when the largest windfalls were earned by the oil industries but your buddy Bush didn't want to tax them - you know like give something back to the American people that were spending $3-$4 on a gallon of gas. Mr. Steele, need I remind you that your boy's tax cuts really only helped the top 1% of income earners. Your guy Bush's version of helping people with health insurance was the idiotic idea of capping tax-free benefits of health care so the wealthiest Americans who could afford private insurance would receive tax breaks. Seriously with the "standing with the American people". Mr. Steele, is your Party standing with the American people as they stand on unemployment lines, at job fairs, on the courthouse steps watching their homes get purchased by someone else, or at the food bank lines? You are aware that the dire straits most Americans are facing did not occur in the last 12 days since the Obama Administration took over. No, Mr. Steele, the economy is in crumbles because of the 8 years that your Party has stood with the American people. ----- EXTENDED BODY: As one Black American to another Black American, please drop the sharecropper shtick:
"My mom was a sharecropper's daughter with a fifth-grade education," Steele said. "And my mother knew how to balance the budget without taking money out of my pocket."
First of all, as a Black person I don’t know what the heck you mean by saying your mother knew how to balance the budget without taking money out of your pocket. Eh? That is so Palin-nesque. Secondly, please stop the Reagan-Clarence Thomas "pulled yourself up by the bootstraps" meme. It is a difficult task to pull yourself up by the bootstraps when the government (Republican Party) has taken the boots and the soles from the American people. Don't act like your success has been your success alone. Your Party may teach you to dislike those "liberal activists" like Rev. Lowery, but without Rev. Lowery and Dr. King and the NAACP your butt would not be on the center stage now. So remember your history without disgracing your past. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 12:17:32 PM Michael Steele is a nut. People playing the "he's a moderate Republican" card have no idea, and I'm pretty sure that comes from where he is located (the northeast) and the color of his skin -- which don't really matter. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 03:18:45 PM Exactly what would you consider a moderate, Zaid? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 03:51:02 PM Lincoln Chafee is a moderate in general, not really a moderate within the Republican Party, which has gone quite a bit to the right, but I think he would've been a good choice for them if they want to appeal to moderates overall. If they really want someone who represents Republicans well I would've gone with Mike Huckabee but I don't think he was even interested in running (he'd rather run for President and if you're RNC chair you can't do that). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 05:02:09 PM Speaking of Palin, she is apparently off to DC to beg for Alaska's part of the stimulus package. So much for "thanks, but no thanks." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 07:49:37 PM I'm taking Palin's new, more mainstream hair style as a definitive sign that she intends to run for President in 2012. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 11:10:27 PM I love that he blamed his loss to Cardin on the fact that he's a black Roman Catholic from Washington, D. C., not merely because he was too conservative for Maryland. Otherwise, I'd like every Republican who claims to oppose the stimulus because it increases the national debt to explain how they reconcile that opposition with their support for the $4 trillion increase in the national debt during the Bush Administration. I wish there were a way to tag every member of Congress with the total amount of deficit spending they approved over the course of their career. It'd expose these so-called deficit hawks for the hypocrites they are. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 11:14:24 PM What gets me is the "fiscally conservative" Blue Dogs who hate spending on social programs but can find plenty for war and industry bailouts. Maybe you're only fiscally conservative towards those who don't write you campaign checks? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 08:14:58 AM "Otherwise, I'd like every Republican who claims to oppose the stimulus because it increases the national debt to explain how they reconcile that opposition with their support for the $4 trillion increase in the national debt during the Bush Administration." Because poor people don't strap on bomb vests in crowded malls. Or at least not until things get another major tick worse. Also, killing people is noble and manly. Helping out people rather than lecturing them is for women and atheists. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jac1975 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 11:20:53 AM Why isn't anyone noting the whole GOP schtick of "Well, hell, the Dems have a black (fill in the blank), so we best find one too!"??? They did it in 2004 when they put up what's his name against Obama in Illinois. Who didn't think that the only two serious GOP candidates were Blackwell and Steele when we have a black Democrat as President of the United States? Now it happens that both are kind of nutty, and the GOP picked the least nutty of the two... but still. If Hillary were president now, the GOP would have elected a woman just so you could have "like" going against "like". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 11:41:45 AM "Why isn't anyone noting the whole GOP schtick of "Well, hell, the Dems have a black (fill in the blank), so we best find one too!"??? They did it in 2004 when they put up what's his name against Obama in Illinois. Who didn't think that the only two serious GOP candidates were Blackwell and Steele when we have a black Democrat as President of the United States? Now it happens that both are kind of nutty, and the GOP picked the least nutty of the two... but still. If Hillary were president now, the GOP would have elected a woman just so you could have "like" going against "like"." I noted it. The guy wears race on his sleeve too, constantly bringing it up. He did in the Senate race, too. He acts like he's a "moderate" because he's a Black Republican, but he is as much on board with their rich guys' agenda as anyone else in the party. Rather than repudiating some of the Party's more extreme elements, he's standing right with their defunct right-wing policies. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 12:58:46 PM If only they were defunct. "They" in the previous sentence refers both to the people and the policies, separately. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Mea Culpa BASENAME: mea_culpa STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/01/2009 09:42:30 PM ----- BODY: Terrance William Gainer, the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms, takes to Facebook to deliver a full apology to those poor folks who got stuck in the Purple Tunnel of Doom at the Inauguration. He promises to make it up to all those affected by re-staging the whole Inaugural. OK, not really, but it's still a pretty good apology (below the fold). ----- EXTENDED BODY:
For far too many of you Inauguration day did not turn out as planned. On behalf of the entire 2009 Inaugural Team, I apologize to each one of you who did not get onto the Capitol grounds, to those stuck in the tunnel, to those who had negative interactions with police officers, and those who experienced all three terrible situations. In addition, I regret the inability of the myriad of officials involved in the planning or the execution to respond to the chaos which unfolded. Many of you had a very negative reaction to my initial reaction that “puffy or heavy coats” might have been one of any number of factors that contributed to our break-down that day. Obviously, I failed to better understand the anger, humiliation, frustration and sense of helplessness that was felt and experienced by so manyor explain myself. The number of citizens adversely affected by this is still unclear. The initial information I had was less than 5000. I have now seen the photographs from the tunnel and the streets near the purple gates. I have watched hours of tapes of several of the gates to the Capitol grounds. I saw thousands of people in massive groups. Movement seemed impossible. They yelled for information and guidance. It apparently fell on deaf ears. Wether it is 5000 or 10,000, it is too many. There is little solace for you in the fact that for many the event was successful, even if crowded and cold. That no one was seriously physically injured, hospitalized, nor were an arrest made is positive but does not excuse failures elsewhere. This was a massive undertaking; the biggest event in DC history. The planners included, as you know United States Secret Service, United States Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department of DC, Park Police, Presidential Inaugural Committee, Armed Forces Inaugural Committee, numerous executive branch agencies, DC government, and the States of Maryland and Virginia. The plan was approved by many and executed by scores, depending on the area of responsibility. Senator Feinstein has directed that a very exhaustive and transparent investigation and review be conducted by the United States Secret Service, United States Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department of DC, Park Police and the offices of the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms. This has begun. We assigned senior personnel who were NOT involved in the planning and execution. The Senator expects the report no later than 60 days and hopes that it is closer to 30. Over these several days I have tried to provide information as I knew it or as it became know to me. My experience is that initial information is often inaccurate, or incomplete, and even insensitive because of the lack of context. I operated from the presumption that silence and no comment was frustrating per se. Meeting with people who were in the tunnel and people involved in this Facebook group, reading and responding to emails, and watching the films (amateur and professional) continues to shed light on weaknesses in the planning and execution. Some failures resulted from good intentions but poor follow through; other failures were the result of inattention; many problems were directly related to the number of people. Some facts as I know them today. The north bound tunnel was never intended to be used as a pedestrian walk way; the north bound tunnel was never intended to be used as a holding area for guests arriving at the purple gate, or for anyone else. But I watched the tape where law enforcement personnel directed people from the street to the tunnel. I believe, although at this point I cannot say with certainty, they were trying to clear the street and bring some order. There have been many questions about gates being opened or closed. As to the Purple gate it opened before 8am; people with special needs were admitted. Watching films of that gate, and there are no direct angles, indicate that the flow of pople was very slow, very limited around 9 am. The initial understanding is thast the USCP officers were attemping to bring some orgaization to the gate area. People moved through this gate until well afternonn. There was room on the grounds in overflow areas; the use of those overflow areas was part of the plan if more people came then past experience indicated. Many more came, everybody invited came. But the same amount of tickets were given for this Inaugration as the last several. The reason everbody did not get through the screen into those open overflow areas is a central as yet unanswered question. The joint investigative is working that as a key question. Why was the gate area near purple so congested, as well as near the blue gate and the silver entrance? Preliminarily, based on interviews, reviewing tapes, emails, this face book information, some people came to the incorrect gate, too little information for those not familar with the area to navigate their way to the correct gate, hundreds, maybe thoudsands arrived with tickets sent to them by enties which were meant to be commerative and were not valid for admission, many heading to the parade and they could not get to their gates, poor, incorrect of no crowd mangement in the vicinity of the gates, the Mall filled quickly and people wandered or were improperly advised to try other streets or, unfortunately, tunnels. We continue to gather facts. I respectfully request you give the joint review team an opportunity to complete the report. We are here to listen (read) ; we want to understand more about your experience. But, I have another confession; I am brand new to face book; I joined last night. Although I typed many a homicide investigation during my days in Chicago, I remain a slow, hunt and peck typist. I love spell check on my computer and black berry and regret I have not found that same support on face book. So give me some slack in that area. I cannot answer all your questions; all the facts are not avilable yet; the investigation and review continues. In addition, many more were involved in the planning and execution and they are not here with me. But all the leaders of this operation are committed public servants who deeply regret our collective or systemic failures. We will get to the bottom of those weaknesses or failures and also tell about things that worked. Thank you.
----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2009 10:00:33 PM Can I assume if you got stiffed at the silver gate this apology applies as well? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The President wants you to party that is BASENAME: the_president_wants_you_to_par STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/02/2009 11:29:51 AM ----- BODY: icon
Host a House Meeting President Obama and members of Congress have a plan to put nearly four million Americans back to work, but they need your help. The economic crisis can seem overwhelming and complex to many, but you can help the people you know connect the recovery plan to their lives and learn more about why it's so important by hosting a house meeting. You can submit a question about how the plan will impact your community. Governor Tim Kaine will record a video for meeting attendees that will outline the plan and answer as many of your questions as possible.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 11:50:18 AM Ugh. I tried the various "submit questions to the Obama team!" thing for a couple months. We even got a few of the questions the groups I'm involved in to the very top, and the Obama team simply skipped over them. A couple of the other questions they took all of a month to answer in two sentences which were more vague PR than substantive. I'm done with that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 11:26:32 AM What questions did you want answered? Can you repost the exact questions as worded? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Title removed by Author BASENAME: omar_the_tent_maker_is_inspire STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/02/2009 02:21:11 PM ----- BODY: 2412794847-model-displays-creation-italian-fashion-house-gattinoni-during-rome-fashion.jpg Seriously I love me some Shepard Fairey, but really... did this designer think we were all going "Liz Taylor" and start wearing caftans? DFI has some concerns. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:12:01 PM Omar? Tents? Stay classy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:34:21 PM Zaid, well all the "Yes we can caftan" jokes were taken.. and this is an old joke from the Liz Taylor 70's days... which yes, I know you were not born yet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:38:18 PM Hey let's poke fun at people's age that's a smart argument, and racist jokes from the seventies sure are funny now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:41:13 PM I have nothing to say other than the fact I thought it was funny the five most recent comments were Zaid's with 6 of the top 8 being his. He is becoming more and more like me every day... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:42:24 PM I don't know, I've had fun looking up the history of the Omar the Tentmaker phrase being used to describe people who are bad designers apparently. Boris Karloff's legacy never dies. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:51:35 PM I wasn't making fun of your age, just pointing out you likely were not of a generation to have remembered Carol Burnett using it.. oh and those caftans linked are anything but bad, they are gorgeous. Odd you know Boris Karloff but not Carol Burnett.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:51:41 PM I know I will probably regret this, but how exactly is "Omar the Tentmaker" a racist reference? Is it racist if you don't get it? Signed, Confused Honkey ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:54:31 PM It comes from the old boris karloff film Omar the Tentmaker about an incompetent arab oaf (played by a white guy), it's about equivalent to blackface, honkey. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:55:08 PM TBS- oh who knows, apparently we are all racist according to Zaid. Who by the way has never met me, or most of the folks on this blog.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:57:01 PM If you made the comment in good faith I take back what I said but the term does have a racist past. Of course I know boris karloff I did a lot of film and drama in high school. Next you'll find that I'll even pick up on Arsenic and Old Lace references! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 03:58:26 PM "Who by the way has never met me, or most of the folks on this blog.." That's par the course for the internet is that not everyone knows eachother personally. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:04:02 PM Actually Zaid, with only handful of exceptions I do know most people who comment on this blog. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:07:53 PM That's rare for a blog, I'd say. I know most of you seem to know eachother from all living in Atlanta, and I don't live in Atlanta. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:14:23 PM Well, perhaps it's also that we view this little corner of the world as a community as much as a "blog" and many of us have made significant efforts to get to know others in this community. I don't live in Atlanta either. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:16:11 PM I see what you're saying. I post on a few webboards where it's like that and all of us who work at the two papers I write for here view eachother that way but it's also not hard for people in different corners of a city to meet eachother. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:20:36 PM "I know most of you seem to know eachother from all living in Atlanta, and I don't live in Atlanta." I don't live in Atlanta and I've had the pleasure of meeting a majority of the posters on here. We disagree politically from time to time, but they're some of the nicest and most welcoming people I have ever met. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:24:07 PM I never watched any Boris Karloff films either. However, the Carol Burnett shows I remember from early childhood were hilarious. I still miss Mama's Family too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 04:43:19 PM How many others have their hands raised about wanting to ban Zaid?? I have both of my hands held high. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 05:08:51 PM Getting to know your commenters: Zaid is pro-life. And now you know. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 05:26:05 PM and pro-caftan ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 10:02:51 AM Forget about the muumuus - check out the shoes! Go Martha! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 06:28:18 PM Ruby! Yes, these are fabooo. Interestingly I toured MT Vernon while on the Very Cold, Very Interesting, Very fun, Inauguration week. I thought it was fitting, given the George Washingon was first and all. Oh and FYI: Martha was the Cindy McCain of her day.. yeah George married well.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Rep. Calvin Hill's sexual confusion BASENAME: repcalvin_hills_sexual_confusi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/02/2009 07:36:54 PM ----- BODY: Also subtitled "What a Doofus". The AJC reports that State Rep. Calvin Hill is really, really angry that Georgia State University employs professors who have research expertise in "oral sex", "queer theory", and "male prostitution". Hill wants to use this against Georgia State when it comes to slashing their budget. Woohoo let the grandstanding begin. Here's the sexually ironic part of Hill's grandstanding: On January 29, 2009, he posted this on his website:
Did you realize that every month, 200 to 300 young girls are sexually exploited in the state of Georgia? Yes, you heard correctly, 200-300 girls a month right here in Georgia. With almost 100 of them engaged in street prostitution, another 100 exploited through escort services and more than that appearing in Craigslist or servicing their johns in major hotels. This exploitation of our young girls has really turned into an epidemic. This is why I recently co-chaired a committee on the commercial sexual exploitation of children and we presented our findings and legislative initiatives this morning at a Capitol press conference. When passed, this legislative package will provide law enforcement with the much needed tools to treat these children as victims of child abuse and put the vermin who prey on them in jail.
Now, Calvin where do you think statistics like those you mentioned come from? The Sex Fairy godmother. No, Calvin, the statistics come from researchers and professors who actually study, oh my god I'm going to say it, S-E-X. So Calvin if you want to end the sexual exploitation of children you might want to learn from the professors on why engaging in oral sex at an early age can lead girls to be continually exploited or why exploited young boys end up as male prostitutes or why exploiting children leads them to have sexual identity confusion later on in life. Calvin you can't have it both ways - you can't fight for an issue without wanting to really know its origins and the causal effects. Cut the grandstanding and get back to the people's work. Find smarter ways to cut the 2 billion dollar deficit, end transportation gridlock, and keep school nurses. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2009 10:02:49 PM Yep. Fairies. All of 'em. Thanks for the reminder here Bernita. I saw this nimrod on the news grandstanding and it took me all the way back to ol' Jesse Helms' gambits creating, igniting & then 'heroically' fighting & the inevitable resulting 'culture wars' throughout the 80's & 90's. Really silly. He took out what I think was a short synopsis of some faculty Research and then Claimed that they were actually Courses to be taught to their dear tender Children! IEEK! Someone Call the cops! Just so Stoopid. The CDC will tell you as well as the UN, that to actually Generate the needed and accurate statistics to describe & delineate the nature & extent of the problem & issues of concern to public health, you Need; surveys of the participants, descriptions of the behavior of the affected groups, interactions with the wider population, and the extent, distributions and spread of the conditions & behaviors involved. Research is the only way to do that. Epidemiological, Sociological, Anthropological, Psychological Scientific Research. With like the horrid specter of lots of Numbers and Math & Statistics & Tables & such. Stuff they may not quite appreciate under the Gold Dome. And if you want to mock, ignore, degrade & or denigrate the science behind the needed research you may Desire for your policy purposes? Then that means you're just another know-nothing redneck Legislative peeckerwood trying to make some silly & profoundly stupid, and yes Anti-Scientific point when Redbaiting your local Uni Profs just won't suffice. And on the cusp of another Great Depression? We really don't have the time for such useless & senseless diversions, but they're pretty predictable coming from the Rethug's, right? Yeah Science. How very quaintly 20th century in Ga. Never to be seen or heard again in the halls of our august State Leg. as long as we're ruled by complete & utter venal ninnies like this. Let's hope that it was simply mendacious as usual. Otherwise he's literally 'dumb as a box of rocks'. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 12:02:29 PM Here is his contact info: 404.656.0129 CLOB Office 678.493.7257 - Office 770.345.2394 - Fax 770.712.2879 - Cell I find texting him about his Male Prostitution class is the way to go. Suggestions: "Calvin R U teaching male prostitution this semester? C U there." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 12:14:59 PM Text sent! I say we all send him one text with the above message. Then follow up with a "pwnt". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 12:37:54 PM We should get this posted on enough places so that he can be contacted by those that have a position on these issues. Maybe HuffPo? DailyKos? I would think 10,000 text messages might change his mind. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Rep. Calvin Hill is really finding ways to end Georgia's budget deficit BASENAME: rep_calvin_hill_is_really_find STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/02/2009 08:19:37 PM ----- BODY: NOT!! As I was perusing his website, I ran across this gem of a statement, posted on Jan. 28, 2009
We have even had suggestions that we reduce our Legislative pay. Not a bad idea, but I doubt the $853.00 a month that I take home would do too much to balance the budget. We are doing away with our automatic pay raise - unlike Congress - but that would have been only something like $25.00 a month.
WOW, Calvin, just WOW! You don't want to reduce your pay, but you have no problem with cutting the pay of school nurses. You know nurses also have families - families who count on them for food, a roof over their heads, and to pay bills. Nope, don't cut Calvin's pay because that wouldn't help reduce the budget, but cutting the amount of money the State pays for each child's education is a way better plan. Don't cut Calvin's pay, but it's ok to cut mental health services. Seriously, someone has to run against this guy in 2010. Someone needs to challenge Calvin Hill based on his true arrogance. Does he live in the same Georgia that I live in? Does he understand that cutting public services may help reduce the budget but places thousands of Georgians at risk. Calvin Hill wants everyone else to just "suck it up" while he gets to enjoy the privileges of being a state representative. Calvin Hill - a man of the people. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 06:10:01 PM Ol' Calvin lives in Canton, so it's safe to say he doesn't live in the same Georgia you and I do. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Obama Nominee for Chief Performance Officer Withdraws BASENAME: obama_nominee_for_chief_perfor STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/03/2009 10:58:09 AM ----- BODY: AJC story here Almost sunk Geithner and now sinks Nancy Killefer, the dreaded not paying taxes on household help. Really, this is inexcusable, nominees have been shot down for this time and time again, surely someone knew these people had domestic help and it wasn't disclosed on their tax returns (Killefer even had a tax lien against her for not paying taxes on her staff - public record!) So Geither, Daschle, and now Killefer, but who knew this could be a problem? Oh yeah, everybody. Somewhere, Zoe Baird is slowly shaking her head.
ZOE BAIRD - President Bill Clinton's first nominee for attorney general withdrew in 1993 after it was learned that the $500,000-a-year corporate lawyer employed an illegal immigrant Peruvian couple to provide nanny services for her son and chauffeur her around and didn't pay the required Social Security taxes for them. A federal law enacted in the fall of 1986 made it illegal to hire undocumented workers. Her case gave birth to the term "Nannygate." KIMBA WOOD - Amazingly, just two weeks later, Wood, a federal judge in New York who was expected to be Clinton's second choice for attorney general, withdrew her name. She admitted her baby sitter of seven years had been in the country illegally when hired in March 1986 - before such hiring was against the law. Wood stressed she had broken no laws and had paid all required employment taxes. CHARLES RUFF - After Baird and Wood, this Washington lawyer and former Justice Department official was removed from Clinton's "short list" of candidates for deputy attorney general after it was learned he failed to pay Social Security taxes for a woman who did domestic work for him one day a week over the previous eight years. RON BROWN - Clinton's then-newly confirmed commerce secretary acknowledged in 1993 he had not paid Social Security taxes for a woman who cleaned his house three hours a week over four or five years. He said he hadn't thought he owed taxes because she worked so few hours, but he scurried to pay the back taxes and penalties and remained in office. FEDERICO PENA - Like Brown, Pena had already been confirmed as to his post, transportation secretary in this case, when the Baird case prompted him to acknowledge he failed to pay Social Security taxes for a substitute baby sitter who looked after his two children while their regular caretaker vacationed in 1991. He promised to pay more than $100 in back taxes. SHIRLEY S. CHATER - Chater, the president of Texas Woman's University was Clinton's nominee to head the Social Security Administration when the White House disclosed on Aug. 3, 1993, that she failed to pay Social Security taxes for a part-time baby sitter from 1969 to 1975. But she had paid the back taxes before her nomination, and she was confirmed. BOBBY RAY INMAN - The retired Navy admiral withdrew in January 1994 as Clinton's nominee to be defense secretary. Among many reasons, he listed his failure to pay required Social Security taxes for a former part-time housekeeper until just after Clinton nominated him. STEPHEN BREYER - When Breyer was a nominee for the Supreme Court in mid-1994, it was disclosed that the then-chief judge of the U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston had failed to pay Social Security taxes for an 81-year-old U.S. citizen who worked part time in his house for 13 years. Breyer said he did not know he was supposed to pay taxes for the woman until after Baird's case, whereupon he paid the overdue taxes. He was confirmed as a justice of the high court. MICHAEL P.C. CARNS - The retired Air Force general withdrew in March 1995 as Clinton's nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency as he acknowledged failing to make promised payments to a Filipino youth who had worked for the Carns family as a household helper overseas and whom Carns had legally brought into this country when he was transferred back. LINDA CHAVEZ - The conservative commentator withdrew in January 2001 as President George W. Bush's nominee to be labor secretary after it was disclosed that she gave a Guatemalan woman free room and board in her home and $1,500 during a two-year period in the early 1990s even though Chavez knew she was an illegal immigrant. BERNARD KERIK - The former New York police commissioner withdrew in December 2004 as Bush's nominee to be homeland security secretary. Amid a rising list of problems with the nomination, Kerik said he was backing out because he discovered he had hired an illegal immigrant as a housekeeper and nanny and failed to pay required employment taxes and make related filings on the worker's behalf.
- from the AP via SPT ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 11:43:16 AM Seriously, WTH is going on with the BHO? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 11:57:51 AM Not to sound like Zaid, but it would probably be a lot easier to get your taxes right if you don't hire nannies and housecleaners, accept rides from strangers or lobbyists, or any of this other jet-setter type stuff. Maybe be a Democrat that lives like one, you know? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 12:03:35 PM You mean like Kucinich? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 12:31:11 PM odin - the car thing is ridiculous, but for a two-career family, a nanny and housecleaner is pretty reasonable. but, yeah, not paying the taxes is just plain stupidity. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 12:35:46 PM Goes to show McKinsey is still a ship of fools. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Yikes, dropping like flies BASENAME: yikes_dropping_like_flies STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/03/2009 01:02:57 PM ----- BODY: Daschle drops out because of tax problems. daschle.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 01:10:01 PM Well, there's Daschle and Richardson now. It's time to look into Gregg's taxes now. Maybe time for the Dean / Conyers route? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 01:14:15 PM Dean for HHS! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 01:19:03 PM Say goodbye to anything resembling national healthcare. You don't bring in a Fmr Majority Leader to HHS for his policy expertise, you do it *to drive policy through congress*. Maybe Dean gets tapped now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 01:21:26 PM let's just dig up as many ex-senators as we can find. What's Chafee doing? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 01:28:17 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 01:31:09 PM No more former Senators, Republicans or Clinton Administration retreads! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 01:49:23 PM On another topic, there are some days where I almost agree with David Brooks, and some days when I wish he was still in high school so he could be stuffed in a locker. Today is one of the latter: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 04:50:01 PM Odin: what's it like getting stuffed in a locker? Pwnt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 05:28:21 PM Wouldn't know. I drew a salary from the jocks as well as protection. Going on a joyride through town to Biggie thrown up to the max on the way to prepare for a pre-calc exam was also pretty fun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 06:21:42 PM I'm glad about this, it would dog us forever! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2009 10:51:01 PM BTW, on the holy fucking shit meter ... Obama has gone socialist! TARP money is suddenly worth a lot less to executives if this pans out: McClaskill made a pretty impassioned floor speech on this last night or the night before. I guess the next move is outright nationalization. I'm also wondering how many of these default swaps and strange implements are intertwined amongst the weakest players. Is it technically feasible to look into all of these different entities' books and start crossing out "debts" that mutually offset? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 12:23:58 AM From that article: "That is pretty draconian - $500,000 is not a lot of money, particularly if there is no bonus," said James F. Reda, founder and managing director of James F. Reda & Associates, a compensation consulting firm. "And you know these companies that are in trouble are not going to pay much of an annual dividend." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 11:10:53 AM Two thoughts: 1) I've always thought $500,000 was "chump change" too. But I'll sacrifice if you want to give me a job at that salary. 2) Today's Washington Post online has a headline we'd NEVER have seen under Bush: "Obama Says He Erred in Nominations". Imagine that...a President willing to go in front of the cameras and say, "I screwed up." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 12:54:21 PM I actually wonder how long it will be before one of these CEOs figures out a good "pay for play" scam with the newfound lending facilities of these banks. Also, one of the stories linked to this was talking about how craptastic finance work was, and it was all about the Benjamins. A side effect of driving creative and intelligent people out of moneychanging and back to real business seems like another big plus to this plan. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 01:00:25 PM And it will lower drink prices and cover charges at New York bars. All to the good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 02:07:09 PM There's a larger arc and narrative to who Obama is picking for his cabinet (screwups and hacks, to be blunt): ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 03:45:38 PM One of whom just shut down a bunch of Bush auctions in Utah. On the downside, Interior probably won't be having any more of those great parties for a while. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 08:41:50 PM "One of whom just shut down a bunch of Bush auctions in Utah." You're remiss to point out what shut down that auction the first time was a very brave college student who deserves a pardon. Robert Reich chimes in on Daschle very astutely ( "Meanwhile, people at the top seem to be living far different lives in a different universe. They're the executives and traders on Wall Street who have lived like kings for years off a bubble of their own making while ripping off small investors, the financial louts who are now taking hundreds of billions of taxpayer bailout money while awarding themselves huge bonuses and throwing lavish parties, the corporate CEOs who are earning seven figures while laying off thousands of workers, the billionaire hedge-fund and private-equity managers who are paying a marginal tax rate of 15 percent on what they say are capital gains while people who earn a fraction of that are paying a higher rate, and, not the least, the Washington insiders who have served on the Hill or in an administration and then gone on to pocket millions as lobbyists for the same companies they once regulated or subsidized. To the American who's outside the power centers -- the places of entitlement and I'll-scratch-your-back-while-you-scratch-mine deal making -- the entire system seems rotten. I'm sorry Tom Daschle won't be in the Obama administration. He would have served the public well and with distinction. But the public wants change, real change, big change. There's no tolerance any longer for the way things used to be done." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 09:19:26 PM "You're remiss to point out what shut down that auction the first time was a very brave college student who deserves a pardon." This is quite true. I apologize on that account. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 02:30:25 PM Another good piece of news from the Obama victory: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 03:39:45 PM Are you sure you gave the right link? Her having surgery is good news from Obama? Wha? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 03:40:59 PM I'm asking people to consider the reaction to that headline with a McCain presidency. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 03:47:02 PM Well it would allow Obama to appoint another justice in her spot but she's a lefty anyway and I feel bad for her more than I'd feel happy about another appointment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 04:08:41 PM And I don't think McCain is that ideological about the Supreme Court, so he'd probably just appoint another lefty and keep the balance the same. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 04:29:10 PM Zaid, There is no way he would appoint a liberal, or frankly, anyone who believes a right to privacy is found in the Constitution, or even someone who doesn't snort when he hears the word "penumbras". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 04:31:24 PM I don't know, McCain kind of became a foreign policy extremist recently (I remember him saying he wouldn't meet with the President of SPAIN), but he's always been a pragmatist in the domestic policy sphere, on things like campaign finance he's to the left of many Senate Democrats. Plus, he'd be facing a pretty progressive country and Democratic Congress, and he knows there's no way he'd ram in another conservative. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 04:50:56 PM He wouldn't appoint a liberal. The best you'd get is Kennedy-like. Campaign finance does not work like Supreme Court nominees. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 05:06:44 PM I guess we could assume the Democrats in Congress will be as worthless as ever and actually accept that as an appointment but I'm optimistic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 09:38:22 PM We will probably get Leah Ward Sears, which, I suppose, would be cool for Georgia, but not so great for the quality of Supreme Court Jurisprudence. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 10:33:58 PM What's with the bi-partisan hating on the Good Justice? That's Leah btw. She seems likable enough. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Help the Fed Regulate Nasty Bank Practices BASENAME: help_the_fed_regulate_nasty_ba STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/04/2009 12:11:56 PM ----- BODY: bad%20bank.jpg When you sign up for a checking account, most banks automatically enroll you in a "courtesy overdraft protection" program. This program means that the bank will approve overdrafts from your ATM or debit card, and charge you a $35 fee for each transaction, etc. But what if you don't want the service? Well, the Federal Reserve has proposed a new regulation that will require banks to ask your permission before they sign you up. The Center for Responsible Lending says:
Banks should simply not be allowed to enroll their customers without their permission, in systems that approve overdrafts without warning, and that artificially increase the number of $35 fees the banks' can charge for a shortfall. This practice is out of control. It is costing working people big chunks of their hard-earned income.
The "gotcha" practices that banks are using to inflate overdraft fees are not acceptable. If you'd like to tell the Fed what you think of the proposal, you can email your public comments to include in the subject "Docket No. R-1343." You can also use this form, provided by the Center for Responsible Lending. Remember that your comments will be public. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 02:05:04 PM Sternly Worded Letter Writers of the World Unite! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 04:10:01 PM You dropped the same link in the Daschle post, did you mean to post that here as well? If it is just for general consumption, I believe you have a thread for that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 08:36:27 PM I gave the thread for IRE because there wasn't enough awesomeness in it to contain us both. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 08:38:26 PM btw I have not seen that banksy before. Is it a new one? How does that guy not get caught? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: House passes DTV Extension bill BASENAME: house_passes_dtv_extension_bil STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/04/2009 09:48:12 PM ----- BODY: Today the US House passed the DTV Extension bill. The bill passed 264 to 158. Television stations will now have until June 12th to switch their signals from analog to digital. What this means: * the reported 67,000 Atlantans not ready will now have the opportunity to make the transition before their tv sets go dark. * the 3.2 million people on the government coupon list will hopefully now receive their coupons to purchase digital converter boxes * the delay allows more time for the government to better fund the converter-box coupon program, give local residents a little more time to take action, and will help local organizations do more work to ensure a smoother transition for our communities. * the four month extension will be a rolling transition for the nation's 1,700 television stations. They, along with the FCC, will determine when their analog powered antennas will convert to all digital. * the stimulus bill, now sitting in the US Senate, contains the funding for the government DTV coupons. Help make sure that your neighbor is ready, donate a coupon and/or help them apply for a coupon. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2009 10:47:45 PM They should have killed the signal for half a day about a year ago to get people moving on this. Rather than treating this like a standard switch, though, it seems like both government (and especially) the TV companies treated digital signals as a premium product for far too long. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 10:29:26 AM Doesn't this bill just give the option for TV broadcasters to delay the switch? It's not an order; broadcasters can cut off their signal anytime after Feb 15 or whatever day it is that the switch was supposed to occur. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: He Writes Op-Eds BASENAME: he_writes_opeds STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/05/2009 12:11:13 PM ----- BODY: iconPresident Obama has an op-ed regarding the economic crisis in today's Wa Po. In it, he snaps a wet-towel at the nay-sayers without ever even naming the elephants in the room.
In recent days, there have been misguided criticisms of this plan that echo the failed theories that helped lead us into this crisis -- the notion that tax cuts alone will solve all our problems; that we can meet our enormous tests with half-steps and piecemeal measures; that we can ignore fundamental challenges such as energy independence and the high cost of health care and still expect our economy and our country to thrive. I reject these theories, and so did the American people when they went to the polls in November and voted resoundingly for change. They know that we have tried it those ways for too long. And because we have, our health-care costs still rise faster than inflation. Our dependence on foreign oil still threatens our economy and our security. Our children still study in schools that put them at a disadvantage. We've seen the tragic consequences when our bridges crumble and our levees fail.
More here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 05:34:22 PM Hey the Bush Dogs think they're still relevant. That's cute. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: "I forgive you" BASENAME: i_forgive_you STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/05/2009 01:03:04 PM ----- BODY: Rock Hill man apologizes on TV for 1961 attack on congressman, via grayson. 375-16804-7792.embedded.prod_affiliate.6.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 04:14:12 PM John Lewis is a saint. He'd be a way better leader than Nancy Pelosi in that he's both firm in his principles and someone who can behave in a way with people he disagrees with that isn't destructive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2009 06:53:42 PM This is amazing, when I read about Cong. Lewis meeting the black sheriff of Rock Hill during the inauguration weekend, how amazing is this! Good for both of them, good for the folks who read the article and think they can do better and good for the country to have leaders like Lewis! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 12:42:51 AM Just amazing that we can all live long enough to see small bits of redemption every now & again. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 10:55:40 AM You should also check out the story of the high school kids throwing Fred Phelps off their lawn. Sometimes it feels that history is on our side, after all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 04:29:32 PM There's only one way to take care of Fred Phelps: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_75 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/06/2009 07:44:23 AM ----- BODY: iconDoes Christian Bale resemble Kermit the Frog? You be the judge. Wasn't it great how the RNC elected Michael Steele, and now they don't have any racists in the party at all? As if I needed more reasons to waste time on the Internet. Miley Cyrus adds herself to my List. The funny thing is that what I'm most disturbed by in this picture is the red shoe pompoms. Some people are thinking too much about the Obamas. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 08:45:51 AM Miley Cyrus link bad. Also, we have the same hair stylist. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 08:55:59 AM No links seem to work. And MotS: did you just say that you have a "hair stylist?" I'm going to let you think about your answer so I don't have to revoke your man card. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 08:59:55 AM Fine. Hair Pilot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 09:18:29 AM Try links now. Also, MotS, see here re: the hair stylist issue: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 10:02:16 AM OK, so, I have a technique for getting a horrible song out of my head (start singing a Beach Boys song really loud - try it - it works). But how does one remove a horrifying image from their mind? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 10:15:50 AM You can be stylin' without being gay, IRE. It just makes you Italian. And family. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 10:18:27 AM Without being a fem, I mean. Dammit. Well, I lost my politically correct points for the day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 02:59:43 PM This is complete and total crap: Screw you, Ben Nelson and Susan Collins. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 03:06:38 PM They both also went after education spending. Nebraska voters have an argument they can make about Nelson being the only Dem. they can get or something like that, but Maine has no excuse for keeping Collins. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 03:32:58 PM A certain Georgia blog went MIA today. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 03:40:47 PM The education spending is less excusable to cut than the science spending. As much as I'd love to see the basic sciences get some cash, I want to see the funding levels raised permanently. I'd hate to see a one or two year bump, lots of excited grad students to enter the field, and then the funding to dry up again and screw the professional researcher labor market even further. If you look at the aftermath of NIH funding being doubled in the Clinton years (I believe), the universities acted a little irresponsibly and made life worse for scientists. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 04:33:35 PM grift--yours? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 05:23:44 PM Gosh, someone doesn't read their Decaturguy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 07:33:28 PM So wait, Decaturguy took his down? I love me some Decaturguy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 07:47:44 PM Nope, I'm still hanging around. Guess again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2009 09:56:00 PM Oh, Andre. Eh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2009 04:39:48 PM Ok, just saw the red show pom poms.. oy... but it's a good thing no one hated on Mr T..he was great to lots of kids through Make A Wish.. I swear we asked him for stuff for years and the man never said no.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2009 06:06:09 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2009 09:11:31 PM Forget being an incompetent and complicit House Speaker, this is Nancy Pelosi's greatest crime: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2009 09:26:09 PM Zaid: you know the rules, and so do I. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 06:22:53 PM maybe my favorite rnc chief yet ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 07:43:28 PM You wouldn't get this, from any other guy. I also love how he is dismissing like half of the RNC staff, including the communications people. Nice move dips*it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 08:10:13 PM I don't plan to rest until I see Michael Steele in a sweet video with Fitty and Luda about "them sweet things weeze call coe-pur-it tax cuts, dawg" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 08:16:53 PM Wait, so are you prioritizing that, or your quest for a PG-13 movie with bush humor? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 08:20:11 PM It'd be sweet if I could get them all one in place. Maybe an "American Pie" remake as Michael Steele as a disenfranchised ex-Democrat who plans to join the Republican Party "to get it on with Sarah Palin"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:14:47 AM 2/3 support investigating Bush-era abuses. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Live blog from Rich Golick's town hall meeting BASENAME: live_blog_from_rich_golicks_to STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/07/2009 12:55:11 PM ----- BODY: 12:55 P.M. Being the freak I am, I've decided to delay enjoying the wonderful weather to bring you coverage of Representative Rich Golick (R-Smryna). I intended to keep a low profile, but Representative Golick recognized me even though I've only met him a couple of times under the dome - be other things as they may, the man knows his constituents, even the ones he knows are on the other side. The crowd looks a lot like it did the last time I came to one of these (last year maybe?) - mostly older, and very white. At least several people seem to be old friends of Rich's (he remembered my name, so I figure I can be on a first name basis with him too) and have referenced the campaign commercials (which I didn't see). 1:00 P.M. We're getting underway, starting with a legislative update from the perspective of the Republican leadership. The first issue Representative Golick is hitting is the budget, probably as near and dear to these folks' hearts as it is to ours. "There are going to be cuts across the board", and he's being honest about having some votes ahead that are not going to please everyone. Apparently he's against taking money out of the school nurse program, but he doesn't know what he wants to cut instead. ----- EXTENDED BODY: 1:08 P.M. By my count, I now see two black people here, and I might be the only person between 20 and 40 in here. Rich is talking like the suspension of the session for a few months is a done deal - apparently he feels like the Senate is game for that. 1:14 P.M. Rich just said that he expects a transportation package to pass both the House and Senate and go to the voters. Since the House squashed the transportation bill last year, we might presume that the House plan (a statewide SPLOST to fund a specific list of projects, which might pay for paving roads in Savannah as well as it might pay for something useful up here) is what Rich favors and what is more likely to show up on the ballot. I guess I'll take that over the nothing we got last time.. 1:21 P.M. We're supposedly talking about energy, but apparently that means "water". You can see that it's a pretty full house in here:
Rich is thanking some people 20 years ago for some good vision on creating a water plan - gee, those people were probably Democrats. Apparently the vision going forward is coming from Georgia Power, and Rich is framing the question not as "Do we want nuclear plants?" but as "Who is going to pay for the nuclear plants?" Unsurprisingly, the answer is going to be "us", and at least Rich seems to be unsettled by the idea of us paying for this stuff before we see a watt of power. 1:34 P.M. Rich is talking about his priorities as chairman of the Judiciary Committee. One thing that maybe we can all agree on is giving prosecutors leeway not to seek the death penalty, not a bad idea after the Brian Nichols nonsense. 1:37 P.M. First comment from the masses is about how silly the way we vote on SPLOST's is (and yup, it's dumb). One of Rich's friends with a gruff voice is whispering not-so-quietly to the folks next to him. (Seems his name is Alex, incidentally.) 1:44 P.M. We have at least one person here who would rather not get any money from the stimulus than subject himself to whatever strings we want to put on the cash. Dude, can I have your cut if you aren't going to use it? Apparently Sonny wants to smack hospitals with a 1.6% tax - Rich says the House ain't going for that brilliant idea, thankfully. 1:52 P.M. Alex is asking whether anything is going to be done to reduce the occurrence of conflicts of interest in government. Call me crazy, but isn't it a little shady for Judy Manning to combine her political title with her real estate business? 1:55 P.M. "What are ya doin' to create jobs?" Not surprisingly, Rich is talking about all those jobs Sonny brought here with that Kia plant without mentioning our friends at the Herb Butler union hall in Doraville who got sweet nothing when it came to preserving THEIR jobs. 2:00 P.M. What we're essentially hearing from Rich now is to use these hard times as an excuse to permanently shrink government - can we shrink Sonny's go fish program, plz? Apparently Smyrna City Councilman Mike McNabb is here as well - I admit I know next to nothing about the people running this town - and he just told Rich to vote against some pandering that Ed Setzler seems to be pushing. 2:05 P.M. The Georgia Power situation seems to be touching a nerve - this is probably the third or fourth comment about how concerned people are about the cost of this nuclear plant, and about this cockamamie prefunding scheme they're pushing (of course, there's been no debate about whether a nuclear plant is a good idea in the first place...). 2:10 P.M. Next comment is from a guy who's apparently blaming landlords for deteriorating neighborhoods. He said he attended Cobb County Commission meetings about the topic - wonder if he knew about former commissioner Annette Kesting's history in this area. (He mentioned her replacement, Woody Thompson, so I bet yes.) Rich is bringing this back to local control, which is probably the right answer as long as you don't have people like Annette Kesting calling the shots. 2:19 P.M. Back to Georgia Power again. It's interesting that in this crowd of Republicans we might actually agree on this issue - turns out no one loves the utilities except their lobbyists. I'm glad Rich is in a good place on this, and he makes it seem like the evil PSC might actually be working in the interest of consumers on this one as well. 2:24 P.M. I'm not sure we're winding down, but got to say, my interest is flagging a bit. The current question is back to the issue of possible furloughs of state workers (which Rich discussed some time ago). It could we worse - we could live in California. 2:38 P.M. We have a woman from a vocational rehabilitative service who is basically asking that her program not be cut; Rich seems amenable to that. 2:44 P.M. We're wrapping up, and the one universal opinion is that everyone is very happy with these town hall meetings. I have to say, Rich does a better job staying in touch with his constituents than he has to to keep his seat (I suppose having that big cash chest helps) and I would rather have a strong rep I disagree with 65-70% of the time than a guy like Matt "A Few Cents Short Of A" Dollar. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2009 03:57:50 PM Thanks for this, incidentally how did you hear about this town hall? Was it in an email? Interesting that the constitutional amendment HR1 didn't come up... humm... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2009 04:01:32 PM I got a robo call from Rep. Golick. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2009 04:24:50 PM Interesting stuff. Thanks again for giving up the beautiful day and taking one for the team to blog this ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Oh brother..."Bat-lights" now BASENAME: oh_brotherbatlights_now STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/09/2009 08:34:51 AM ----- BODY: Bat-signalBatman_1989.jpg Scene: Richmond VA: JJ Dinner-Saturday night Characters/Performers: Terry McAuliffe, 15 member marching band, campaign staff Mike Henry and senior strategist Mo Elleithee and later in the evening lighting the night sky outside the convention center with two "Go Terry Go" bat-lights. Oh yeah, it sounds like it was quite the um er *cough* show, yeah you just can't make this up. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 09:43:30 AM Is it wrong of me to hope he gets his ass handed to him in the primary? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 09:46:00 AM No. Effing carpet-baggers have a section in hell reserved for them (interestingly enough, it is an exact replica of the North). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 09:55:36 AM Moran has absolutily choked since McAuliffe entered the race. T-Mac is such a freakin' spotlight hound. You should read some of the VA blogs about his antics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 11:23:16 AM ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Men We Love BASENAME: men_we_love STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/09/2009 12:07:26 PM ----- BODY: iconSorry if I'm starting to come off as a crazed fangirl about this, but I just loves me some Captain Sully. If you didn't catch the interview with him and the rest of the crew on 60 Minutes, go check out the many YouTube clips. Throughout the entire interview, he exudes professionalism, empathy, candor, and smarts. I love that he didn't rise to Katie Couric's bait about whether he "said a prayer" while landing the plane. And while we all know it doesn't take much to make me cry, I think this counts as a legitimate tear-jerker. P.S. I totally want one of those "Sully is my Co-Pilot" shirts! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 06:46:30 PM I feel like the psychology around this is that we really need a hero right now, and I think we're failing at that in every other area but we do have the awesome captain. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 06:49:14 PM BTW is this a play on Esquire's "Women We Love"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 08:02:43 PM "BTW is this a play on Esquire's "Women We Love"?" No, it's a long-running BfD feature, although hasn't been used in a while. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 08:06:33 PM Oh, this is what I was referencing: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 08:23:57 PM Perhaps we do need more pictures of half-naked men on this blog. I'll ask Mel and Catherine about it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 09:47:40 AM NO! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 10:20:12 AM I demand gender-parity in terms of half-naked pictures. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 10:38:07 AM Zaid - Take it up with Esquire. They started it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 11:00:05 AM Men are not sex toys to be oggled at and objectified! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 11:12:32 AM Speak for yourself, IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 11:18:51 AM The two of us are the exceptions that prove the rule. What can I say? The Ladies love the IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 12:05:08 PM naked houseboys we once loved and oggled found here. NSF ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 02:50:21 PM Lord, Jules, I wasn't expecting full frontal nudity in your link! But me likey :) As for seeing Sully half nude, I don't think so. PLEASE NO! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 02:54:28 PM Lord, Jules, I wasn't expecting full frontal nudity in your link! But me likey :) As for seeing Sully half nude, I don't think so. PLEASE NO! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:05:05 PM TBS-Happy Valentines! These poor boys have been stacking up in the spare room for weeks to good home ;) (eh, I figure if IRE is going down the Esquire route-this is the least I could do) Oh and I just noticed Paula said "half naked" oops my bad! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:22:43 PM WTF did I do to get called a perpetrator of anything here? I mean granted it's a safe bet to blame me/associate me with the guilty but I am innocent this time! And Jules, the acronym is "NSFW", not "NSF" as you typed, leading TBS to bouts of nausea and embarrassment for having looked at the despicable practice of objectifying men. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:31:26 PM Oh, brother.. seriously doubt TBS was ill at objectifying men... oy! Oh and not everyone is at "work" many of us have no work place any longer.. ergo NSF... fill in the blank. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:36:19 PM Well I think the new acronym should be NSFX (where "X" is equal to whatever place you may be at where materials that meet local prurient standards will be deemed offensive/shocking/embarrassing or otherwise unpleasant situations). You must copy everything including the parenthetical statement. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:49:36 PM What have I started? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 04:56:23 PM I am A-OK with objectifying men! I just wasn't prepared for the photo... but I certainly did enjoy it! What made me nauseated was the thought of a half nekkid Sully. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 05:05:29 PM TBS - You leave my Sully out of this! On the other hand, it's nice to get the thread back on topic... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 10:23:16 PM What, is Ashcroft the AG again? No..IRE as long as the David in Florence isn't wearing any pants.. eh those puritans on on their freaking own if they see someone nekkid.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: The REAL State of the Union BASENAME: the_real_state_of_the_union_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/09/2009 06:25:02 PM ----- BODY: icon5th Anniversary of Iraq War: 7th Annual The REAL State of the Union Together Again! Come hear Jay Bookman, AJC columnist and renowned Civil Rights activist, the Rev. Joesph E. Lowery as they discuss the REAL State of the Union and the new direction of our country. Light refreshments at 6:15pm, program at 7:00pm Tuesday, February 10th, 2008 7:00-9:00pm Hillside International Truth Center 2450 Cascade Rd. SW Atlanta, GA, 30311 US Admission: Free For more information, check out the Georgia WAND website here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 08:14:03 PM That would be a great conversation to hear. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2009 08:55:20 PM When you say light refreshments.. it means cake right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Peter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 08:39:47 PM Another powerful evening. Good to see so many familiar faces (and the new ones too). Yes, there was cake. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 11:47:20 PM Does anybody have any details about what happened or a transcript or video? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:14:20 AM Zaid-email the women at WAND, they are the organizing and sponsoring group. There were various folks taping, but I don't know if they were doing it personally or professionaly for the organization. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Seriously, with the Grandstanding: Rep. Tommy Smith edition BASENAME: seriouslywith_the_grandstandin STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/09/2009 11:14:19 PM ----- BODY: I'm just going to start a new blog column calling out Republican legislators who prefer to grandstand rather than take care of the people's business. Grandstander for today: Rep. Tommy Smith See Tommy grandstand here. Tonight on Channel 46, Rep. Tommy Smith (R-Nicholls) has decided he is the new water czar for the City of Atlanta. Yes, the City of Atlanta. Now you may wonder why a legislator who lives 4 hours away from Atlanta has decided he is the savior of Atlanta residents who are getting bogus water and sewer bills. Why? Tommy, why? Because grandstanding on an issue is way more fun than actually dealing with the State's $2 billion deficit, finding more jobs to cut Georgia's 8.1% unemployment rate, and funding public education. Yes, Tommy is the new Atlanta water czar who says that if Atlanta's water department doesn't voluntarily get its act together then he will have to write some of his own legislation to fix the problem. Now in 2004 when the City of Atlanta needed legislation to generate sales tax revenue for water and sewer improvements, guess who voted for the bill. You got it, Rep. Tommy Smith. Oh, that's when Tommy was a Democrat. Yes, he stood with Democrats to vote for a bill that would
allow the city to offset skyrocketing sewer bills for its residents, fulfill obligations to federal environmental agencies, and provide better stewardship of water resources to downstream cities.
Tommy voted for the bill in 2004 because it was a good bill that would help the City of Atlanta residents with their water and sewer bills. Now Tommy needs to build some points with his new Republican party so he must take on the evil and monolithic City of Atlanta. Tommy, if you're going to help us Atlanta folks fight the "man" then help us without all the grandstanding. Help us with the high crime rate, help us educate our children, and help us pay lower property taxes. In other words, do the job that the folks in House District 168 voted you to do. In case you want to see Atlanta's water czar in person, he's holding a meeting next Tuesday at 12:30 pm. He might even wear his cape to the meeting. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Quote Unquote BASENAME: quote_unquote_4 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/10/2009 07:43:55 AM ----- BODY: icon
It's a little hard for me to take criticism from folks about this recovery package after they've presided over a doubling of the national debt.
-- President Barack Obama in his first televised news conference ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 09:14:50 AM I'm sure it's also a little hard to come into the house where every single thing is busted. Is there a single part of public life that W and friends *didn't* completely fubar? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 10:21:57 AM I think that's true when there's people complaining it's too big, but not true from the Krugmanite perspective of it's way too small and the "moderates" cut a lot of essential stuff from it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 10:25:29 AM On that point, I went to a conference this weekend where Chris Hayes explained that the filibuster used to be 67 votes. It's been 60 since the seventies. Maybe it's time to bring it down to a simple majority or eliminate it, because if fighting for something as common-sense as this has been this hard, I can imagine that getting 60 votes on anything else will be a huge pain the ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 10:33:21 AM I hope that Obama et al have a way to go back to the well when needed for more. There are three main things to think of here since the economy is extraordinarily complex.: 1) The "all at once" blast strikes me as the mythological Russian approach to landing on the moon. They fired one big blast at the last minute at the surface and attempt to let the craft fall the rest of the way. This is technically the most efficient solution, since everything runs at 100% design spec and even rockets have economies of scale. 2) The "mid-course correction" approach is better in the real world where you have all of the control. Especially since this stimulus is since a hodge-podge of so many programs and is going to be used as a political tool, it is a good experiment to calibrate all of those estimates and models of stimulus multipliers. In the super-short term, less effective because it may not staunch all of the bleeding, but it would probably lead to more effective policy for the short-medium term. 3) Unfortunately, one planner doesn't have all of the controls, so there is a combination of a need to mollify everyone and also the chance that there may not be a 2nd stimulus even if desired. In other words - here goes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 10:37:17 AM I disagree. The filibuster allows the minority voice to be heard. Just because we (Democrats) aren't in the minority now doesn't mean we won't be again soon. The danger of representative democracy is that sometimes the majority of the people are wrong. Without the right to filibuster (essentially opposing cloture) and other tactics, the minority is powerless to be a check on the majority. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 12:23:08 PM There's also an interesting technical point here. Even without the filibuster, there really is a requirement to have 60 votes to pass this stimulus because it violates standing budgeting rules within the Senate. Thus, to set the rules aside, 60 votes are needed. The best thing about the Internet is there is a wonk that publishes details on *everything.* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 12:49:05 PM If there are >59 Senators, the minority doesn't deserve a voice. There's also a loose enough sense of party discipline that 64 senators of one party doesn't mean anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 01:34:08 PM I say keep cloture at 60 votes, but actually make them go through with any threatened filibuster, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-style. It's just cheating to say you are willing to stand around reading the phone book on the floor of the Senate, but then never have to do it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 01:57:42 PM So now it's the moderates fault? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 02:05:56 PM Grift - Isn't it always? ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 02:08:55 PM Always makes me the happiest when I have both sides pissed off. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:44:18 PM I love how inside the Beltway opposing things that most people support out in the public = moderation, and standing up for what most people want = fringe lunatic left. As for the Filibuster, most representative democracies don't have it and they are working just fine, aren't they? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:46:57 PM I'm sorry I missed this point: "I say keep cloture at 60 votes, but actually make them go through with any threatened filibuster, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-style. It's just cheating to say you are willing to stand around reading the phone book on the floor of the Senate, but then never have to do it." While we still have something as useless as the filibuster, I would say that a good tactic for the majority party to use is to literally make them filibuster and then not let the Senate go home for vacation, keep bringing the thing up to vote again and again until they pass something. I wish Mike Gravel was still there in the Senate he'd go off on their asses. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 09:20:24 AM I don't know about "most" rep. democracies, but many have procedures for checking the ability of the majority to pass laws by speaking for extended periods of time. And there are a number of procedures in foreign democracies that require supermajorities to close debate and force votes. Excepting the African democracies, the only English style democracy I can think of that allows 50% close is Australia. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 02:08:34 PM Not 50, but 50+1. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 02:10:54 PM Also, the other democracies' minority protections don't necessarily include ways for the minority to block just about any piece of legislation, which our filibuster -- with a few exceptions -- does. It was built that way by Madison, who feared democracy. At least they pared it down from 67. As for the idea that it could be used against Democrats when they're in the minority, if we wiped out the filibuster -- well, the Dems were in the minority in the Senate and they seem to have forgotten about that filibuster thing while they were there anyway. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 09:03:01 AM I thought I could use shorthand when speaking about common terms. I will attempt to refrain from doing so in the future. Thank you for the correction. As far as the Dems when in the minority, the threat of the filibuster was used in negotiations, but I certainly see your point as I agree the Dems were timid during the Bush period. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 09:49:49 AM "but I certainly see your point as I agree the Dems are timid." FIFY. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 01:05:13 PM How about instead of having 60 votes to end a filibuster, you have to get 40 votes to sustain a filibuster? Does that change the balance of power in any meaningful way? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 08:24:14 PM I wouldn't have such a big problem with it if the Republicans wouldn't use it on pretty much anything. If it was saved for extreme circumstances I'd understand. But right now basically what it does is undermine democracy by it not mattering that the country elected 59 Democratic senators and wants their agenda put through because the Republicans can snap their fingers and filibuster and shut everything down. One poster said we should make them actually do it. I say, why not? We can even keep the Senate from adjourning, and just outwait them. I don't want them using their filibuster to kill something like universal healthcare, and if we actually make them do it the country might get mad enough at them to take them out in the next election. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: GOP groups target own over stimulus vote BASENAME: gop_groups_targets_its_own_ove STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/10/2009 11:32:02 AM ----- BODY: iconVarious articles on this subject, but what I want to know is, what's their solution again? I'm confused... From FOX Paula's fave: Robo calls From the technicolor yawn. Local press Open note to Sen. Collins: Hon, really, you might want to rethink your relationship with your GOP frienemies. Valentine's Day is Saturday - you can do better than the BF who picked the Payless Princess over you back in the fall. I'm just saying. S'rlsly, txt Harry and Chuck, I bet they have more than chocolates and roses for ya. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 04:00:48 PM Harry and Chuck are some of the finest enablers of the other side there are. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 10:52:47 AM Why Obama will fail: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 02:02:02 PM This means war, IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 06:45:00 PM Oy.. IRE... please I beg you stop. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 09:17:05 PM Jules, I'm never gonna give you up. You also know I'm never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you understand. Zaid: fair warning: I'm always down for a little p0wnag3. BTW: I have a PhD in administering p0wnag3. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 09:34:19 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 11:54:57 PM Collins strikes again: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 09:25:26 AM Relatedly, I can't believe Specter actually fought *for* boosting science funding. I also didn't realize he was a cancer survivor. I guess Biden's "everyone has something to keep them from being a total douchebag" speech has some merit after all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 04:15:56 PM Oh yeah, The National Republican Trust email (via Newsmax) is a study in hyperbole: "But then three traitorous Republican senators broke ranks to back Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the Democrats." "For far too long we have allowed GOP politicians to run as Republicans and vote like Democrats." "Please remember the stimulus bill is just the first skirmish in a long battle with the liberals in Congress and the Obama White House. They have already admitted planning the most liberal legislative agenda in history. We must stop them. We need to rebuild the GOP to do it. Help us today. Time is of the essence." Oh, and send all your money. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 08:20:01 PM The thing about the GOP is that you can never be right wing enough. I remember on the onset of the Iraq war when the US decided it was going to blow the shit out of Iraq for no reason at all, there were Republicans on their talk radio calling Bush too soft for not taking out Iran and Syria too, and there were a number of legislators who made comments to that regard without being laughed out of the room. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Future car BASENAME: future_car STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/10/2009 02:44:51 PM ----- BODY: This will be mine.
We see the FT-EV concept as a great vehicle for the urban commuter. It is ideal for someone who drives fewer than 50 miles a day, mostly on flat surface streets, and has easy access to recharging options, such as a personal garage or a recharging station on a city street. While this vehicle will be perfect for the urban setting, it might not be the best solution for the rural dweller.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:55:05 PM needs moar laserz ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 03:56:42 PM link fail ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 06:45:49 PM Mel, Hate to disagee, but this should be the car of the future: An American, union made vehicle! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2009 10:20:46 PM I hear you David, but with Lakshmi Mittal buying up all the steel mills in the US, there may not be anything that can save the big three. Anyway, I love japanesium. And since the last American car I bought fell apart in less than a year, I won't make that mistake again. Ever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 09:32:25 PM For part of this year we had a GM, a Ford, and a Dodge. Two of the three had over 100,000 miles and were running fine. I sold the 100,000+ to a good friend (meaning a trusted it). I would give the American/union worker another chance. Don't believe the Bob Corker hype. BTW, our Ford is a Mercury Mariner Hybrid. Same car, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore all drive ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Georgia Power - 1 and Georgia Consumers - 0 BASENAME: georgia_power_1_and_georgia_co STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/11/2009 02:45:39 PM ----- BODY: SB 31 passed in the State Senate. It passed 38 to 16. For those not familiar with SB 31, SB 31 will allow Georgia Power the right to charge consumers for the construction of future nuclear power plants. According to Georgia WAND:
The two nuclear reactors proposed by Georgia Power have not been approved by either the Public Service Commission (at a state level) or by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (at a federal level) and are currently undergoing legal challenges. There is absolutely no certainty that these reactors will ever be built. Why should Georgia ratepayers already struggling during the current economic climate have to suffer increased utility bills for power that, if approved, would be supplied for at least 7 to 10 years? Currently, the law states that Georgia Power can ask ratepayers to help pay for the construction and operation of the reactors AFTER they come online. Georgia Power wants to change that and have us pay for them NOW - even before they have been approved.
Well this was a bipartisan sponsored bill and from the vote tally both Republican and Democrat State Senators decided this bill was good for Georgia consumers. Here is how they voted (photo courtesy of John Sepulvado at Georgia Public Broadcasting) Final_Vote.JPG 32 Republicans and 6 Democrats voted for SB 31. 2 Republicans and 14 Democrats voted against SB31. Vote tally is below the fold. Check out GPB's live blog of the SB 31 debate and vote. The best line is from my State Senator, David Adelman:
This wouldn't work for Waffle House, it shouldn't work for Georgia Power.
----- EXTENDED BODY: Republicans in favor of SB 31: Balfour, Bulloch, Butterworth, Chance, Cowsert, Crosby, Douglas, Goggans, Grant, Hamrick, Harp,Hawkins, Heath, Hill, Hill, Hudgens, Jackson, Johnson. Moody, Mullis, Murphy, Pearson, Rogers, Seabaugh, Shafer, Staton, Thomas, Toleson, Unterman, Weber, Wiles, Williams Democrats in favor of SB 31: Golden, Harbison, Jones, Powell, Seay, Tarver Republicans who opposed SB 31: Chapman, Smith Democrats who opposed SB 31: Adelman, Brown, Butler, Fort, Henson, Jackson, Orrock, Ramsey, Reed, Sims, Stoner, Tate, Thompson, Thompson Excused: Gail Buckner (D) and George Hooks (D) ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 06:33:27 PM Rich Golick now knows that his constituents think this is bogus, and he didn't sound too thrilled about it himself on Saturday, so I feel hopeful that the House might view this nonsense with a little more skepticism. What on Earth does Valencia Seay think her constituents want here? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 09:55:43 PM Seriously, what a bunch of pansies we have in the Senate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2009 10:41:11 PM Oh come on, now, guys. Bipartisanship is good and we can't always side against the corporate lobbies, that'd make us extreme leftists, or people with actual conviction, one or the other. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 09:30:49 AM On the surface, I don't have a huge problem with this. One problem with nuclear power is that its economic viability has a lot to do with the going interest rate (as does almost any power station that does not consume much or any fuel) rather than anything happening in the real world. If you pay as you go, the interest rate drops out of the equation. It's a precedent that should be usable for renewable power sources if it hasn't already. Of course, in the details, the fact that it sounds like it is structured as a "heads I win, tails you lose" deal is not so good. Part of the deal should have been *very* strict penalties for schedule delays or failure to acquire a license to put some Georgia Power skin in the game. Also, the grassroots appear to be pretty bi-partisan against it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 09:50:12 AM Smitty, That WAND excerpt is inaccurate by the way, the law doesn't actually say they can't get the money first, but the convention is to build it first and get paid after. See OCGA 46-2-25. Let's see if the house can speak to reason. Odin, Did you read the bill? It exempts the big power users and leaves it on the rest (mostly residential) population. How is that a good plan? Not ponly that, but this plant will power not just part of Georgia (who is paying for it) but Florida as well, who is NOT paying for it. This is like me buying a car but my neighbor getting to use it whenever he wants. Oh and also, I don't own the car, Georgia Power does. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 09:53:30 AM MotS, That's why I said the details were bad. The comments on avoiding the cost of money being a potential positive still stand. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 09:57:54 AM Lobbying on this SUCKED, the reasons we got from some of our Dems. "I used to be an electrician so I support this" Sen. Jones "I'm conflicted on this bill, i'm hoping the amendments pass" Sen. Golden "I am voting against it" yay Sen. Curt Thompson oy, i've begun to hate lobbying on corporate bills. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 10:18:01 AM Of course, this is the same pack of jackasses that just had to have a GOVERNMENT entity, MARTA, spend money to wine and dine (or BBQ and sweet tea) them in order to get proper funding. What the hell? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 10:33:39 AM Incredible. Absolutely incredible. This is the "small government", "free market" party? Odin, I'm shocked. Surely you aren't in favor of nuclear power? Let's put all our efforts into energy conservation so we don't need these facilities at all (we'll probably never get them anyway). This is a giant boondoggle. Georgia Power/Southern Company are taking us all for a ride. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 10:41:43 AM "Odin, I'm shocked. Surely you aren't in favor of nuclear power?" Actually, I am as a mid-term solution. Especially with fuel reprocessing to close the cycle and minimize the waste (neutralizing the waste is still a big deal). I also don't understand the fear of the final repository and transport. The stuff is nasty, but not unholy. I'm also pretty gung-ho about nuclear power in space for both power generation and especially as a propulsion mode through heated hydrogen. Atomic fuel is just so much more dense energy-wise in both volume and mass than anything we currently have. We're talking about shaving 25-50% off the mass of spacecraft. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 10:52:17 AM Of course, I should qualify the "nukes in space" thing by talking about actual spaceships rather than satellites. The kind of things you don't leave parked in mid-earth orbit to get smacked by a commercial satellite owned by a nearly bankrupt company. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 11:35:41 AM "(neutralizing the waste is still a big deal)" Yeah, kind of a big deal... Are we really interested in pursuing this before we have a solution to the waste? Not me. Again, let's concentrate on conservation *first*, in hopes that we won't need all this extra power. Problem is, Georgia Power/Southern Company have no interest in conservation - it kills their bottom line. I've said it before, and say it again. We need a new approach to energy that allows our power companies to thrive while we're practicing conservation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 11:47:17 AM No problems with conservation as a first line of defense. However, even with conservation, there will still be a growth in required power base. Also, I don't think it is necessary to solve the waste problem 100% before building new plants. After all, do we recycle 100% of the materials in wind turbines? How pure are the toxics used in silicon production? We do have a responsibility to do the best we can. Everything comes with pluses and minuses. However, I would say that before we undergo an expansion (and to some degree, even a continuation of current generation) in nuclear power, a pre-condition should be the closing of the fuel cycle, which is also not undertaken for political reasons. This is an obvious step, since it improves the efficiency of a given gram of nuclear fuel by a double-digit factor. It should also diminish the quantity of waste we have right now by a major amount. This is a technology we understand. Further, reprocessing allows for the tranching of waste products by level of radioactivity and half-life. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 12:39:36 PM What's this going to cost? $3 billion? I would think we could get a long way down the road on a renewable energy project for THREE BILLION DOLLARS. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 01:16:29 PM Three billion buys you one of these: Keep in mind the power levels quoted here are peak and the megawatt-hours are probably a better unit of comparison to a nuclear source, which is 24 constant by its nature (and in fact is hard to reduce the output over a certain time). The Vogle add-ons are rated for about 2 gigawatts. Also, keep in mind I'm not out for an either-or here. The problem with transitioning away from fueled power concepts is that we become more dependent on conditions of nature rather than our own will. Thus, it will probably take a rather careful portfolio planning concept to get the energy we need when we want it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 01:43:31 PM I'd just like to point out that libertarians for the most part were against this abomination. (although we have no problem with nukular power) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 02:12:30 PM This isn't a yes/no question to nuclear power, it's a yes/no question to whether we have to pay up front for it, whether or not it actually gets implemented. That part is heinously stupid no matter what you think of nuclear power. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 02:29:15 PM Yeah, but if you libertarians had your way, there wouldn't be any regulation either. "The market" would determine best practices. Companies would be building those cheap-ass Russian nuke plants over here and then just go out of business when they blow up. Or melt down. Or whatever they do. Then, libertarians wouldn't let anybody file any lawsuits for remedy. "It'll all work itself out in the end. Perhaps a tax cut would help." Of course, Halliburton will have seen this all coming and gained control of the market for potassium iodide, restricting supply and therefore driving up the price. Some clever entrepreneur would capitalize on the tragedy though. A radiation theme park! Come to Moultrie and experience small doses of residual radiation! Get a taste of what the former residents must have gone through! (Enter at your own risk. Must be 'this' high to enter. A (small) portion of proceeds are donated to commercial stem cell research.) Visit the Phillips Milk of Magnesia hospitality tent! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 02:39:08 PM Not all libertarians believe in no regulations, Jerry. You know that. ;-) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 03:26:02 PM lolwut? Sensible libertarians? lolwut. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 03:53:47 PM Say, is that a big government in your pocket or are you just happy to be here? :-) I don't think I've ever thought of it like this before, but defining one's political philosophy by the size of the government seems overly simplistic. The size of the government is self-determining by other criteria. If taxes are too high, the economy will suffer. If revenue is too low, infant mortality and crime will go up. Trying to bypass the actual issues in search of a one sentence philosophy to inform one's perspective is a shortcut to nowhere. But that's just my opinion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 04:13:10 PM I'd rather be laughed at for calling myself a sensible libertarian than scoffed at while others call me a DINO. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 04:57:16 PM Jerry, I think the sentiment is "government should only be as large and powerful as needed to do what is asked of it, and no more." Kind of like the idea of a lean, mean business if I hear it correctly. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 05:03:50 PM Odin, that's what we ALL believe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 08:14:26 PM "I'd just like to point out that libertarians for the most part were against this abomination. (although we have no problem with nukular power)" If I remember correctly, Libertarians range from "Government is evil and shouldn't ever spend money on anything, ever" to "Government is evil, taxation is theft, RON PAUL RELOVEUTION," so I don't really care that they're against corporate welfare if it's for the reason they're just reflexively against government spending money because the Market Is King. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 08:16:36 PM " I don't think I've ever thought of it like this before, but defining one's political philosophy by the size of the government seems overly simplistic." Of course, that's the point. They designed the phrase "Big Government" as a slogan to use the negative phrase "Big" -- usually assigned to demonize something, used a lot in early 20th century and late 19th century against big industries that were using government largesse to take out smaller ones -- to demonize government. Arguing over something's size as the ends instead of a means makes no sense, but political sloganeering is designed to be emotional and not to make sense. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 08:16:43 PM If people call me a DINO. Good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 08:27:16 PM At least when they call you a DINO you can be like a badass one like a tyrannosaurus rex. When you're a RINO, well, who wants to be a RINO when you can be a freaking tyrannosaurus rex. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 08:29:58 PM Exactly my point! T-rex>donkey. Heck, even a triceretops would kick a donkey's, uh, ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 11:26:30 PM "If I remember correctly, Libertarians range from "Government is evil and shouldn't ever spend money on anything, ever" to "Government is evil, taxation is theft, RON PAUL RELOVEUTION," Well, that's about as fair as if I said Democrats range from socialist to full bore communists. What makes it more funny, Zaid, is just a few minutes later you say "political sloganeering is designed to be emotional and not to make sense." Rich ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 11:45:13 PM OK, at the national libertarian convention, they had a question they posed to all the candidates when they were vetting them (Reason magazine did this): "Do you believe in the non-aggression principle?" (taxation is theft, regulation is violence) Every single hand shot up. That's the level of political diversity within the National Libertarian Party. If they don't represent you, then maybe you should mention that, but they do represent Libertarians. As for your comment about socialists, you probably are closer than you think, considering mainstream politicians of both the Dems and Reps. support socialism in at least a few ways and places. I don't see that many politicians running to abolish Medicare. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 11:54:13 PM This is a great survey of the kinda stuff that went on at the LNC, incase anyone wants to read into it. It's interesting that some people tried to knock out the nonagression principle, which would be a good idea if the party doesn't want to be viewed as extremist, imo. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 11:56:12 PM You just listed some of the reasons I no longer consider myself a member of the party, Zaid. And I have mentioned that multiple times. In fact I've made it pretty clear that my positions are filtered through a libertarian lens but not through some platforms the geeks put together at their latest convention. And you would know that if you took the time to examine what I've said in the past and in this thread instead of coming up with clever slogans and then decrying their use by others. As far as socialism, I understand that our system works because it is a mixture of socialism and capitalism which doesn't make me very popular with the libertarian kids. But my personal philosophy is to err towards the capitalism side. And that's a philosophy that is more than a clever one liner about "big government". But what I find really funny is that based on you positions is you and RuralDem are actually closer to each other than either is to me. That tickles me a bit. So any day I find myself opposite of either of you is a day I feel comfortable that I'm dead in the center of my personal philosophy. So yeah, today I'm feeling fine as wine. P.S. The reason I pointed out the Libertarians were on your side on this one was to show you did have allies, they just didn't have a vote in the matter. But once again, some don't care if someone agrees with you, because they just don't agree enough. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:06:38 AM I agree with most of what you said but I will apologize I don't know you that well. I'll also add as caveat that I did watch the Governor's race last time and the Libertarian nominee certainly wasn't play the taxation-is-theft game, thankfully for that party. That all being said, I don't think the party has any real place in the modern world. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 10:15:14 AM I know you to be a reasonable person Grift, so I don't want to hassle you, but this is an opportunity for me to rant regarding the Cult of Libertarianism. You may be able to temper the libertarian philosophy but many others don't or can't, and the LP seems to encourage it. You and I know that there are always trade-offs; what do we get for our money? What happens if we don't spend the money? But libertarians (small 'l') generally think all government spending is wasteful. I believe that is a false premise but the promotion of it actually causes it to be true; funds must be designated to elaborate oversight and regulation to appease paranoid free-marketeers; funds are cut ensuring half-assed ROI; no money spent until something becomes a disaster, which is more expensive to fix. The NASA budget may be a good example. They tried to do it "faster, cheaper, and better". Well, they got two out of three, but by being unable to do the "better" it made much of the period a huge waste of money. And Atlanta's sewer system; never did get the money together to fix it correctly before giant sinkholes disrupted businesses for months on end all over the city, including Peachtree St.! Like religion, libertarianism is dangerous in the hands of amateurs. It is too easily corrupted into a destructive force because of the simplistic and attractive veneer. None of us want government to be bigger than necessary, we just have to find common ground on what is necessary. Libertarianism reduces politics to the realm of bookkeeping. It leaves out the morality of doing the right thing and the concept of community. Nothing gets considered unless someone gets to make a profit or at least gets a tax break. We have a bad enough income and wealth disparity as it is. Libertarianism would just make that worse, and we all know where that leads, and it ain't pretty. I know libertarians talk a lot about 'personal responsibility' or 'personal freedom' but I think those are just necessary corollaries to small government. If one is going to believe in smaller government, one also has to believe in more personal responsibility. Which brings up one last thing: I find your comment about capitalism (I'm going to substitute libertarianism) vs. socialism interesting. I think socialism is a political philosophy that has a necessary economic mechanism to achieve the social goals. Libertarianism on the other hand, seems more like an economic goal that has some social implications that come with it. That is why it is dangerous. Bad goals. But maybe we can talk more about this over beer sometime. Or we could talk about NASCAR instead. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:28:14 AM I love Allen Buckley. Negotiating the rules of the Senate debate with him and the Isakson campaign manager were awesome. Lefty ( and I were representing Majette and Allen wanted like 30 minute answers to everything with unlimited rebuttal. It was great. WSB was having none of it however. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:29:12 AM Alan Greenspan, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman -- the Libertarians have given too many bad people to the world as of late. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Not sure what y'all thought of Judd Gregg for Commerce, but... BASENAME: not_sure_what_yall_thought_of STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/12/2009 04:25:29 PM ----- BODY: ...sounds like it ain't gonna happen after all:
"I want to thank the President for nominating me to serve in his Cabinet as Secretary of Commerce. This was a great honor, and I had felt that I could bring some views and ideas that would assist him in governing during this difficult time. I especially admire his willingness to reach across the aisle. "However, it has become apparent during this process that this will not work for me as I have found that on issues such as the stimulus package and the Census there are irresolvable conflicts for me. Prior to accepting this post, we had discussed these and other potential differences, but unfortunately we did not adequately focus on these concerns. We are functioning from a different set of views on many critical items of policy. "Obviously the President requires a team that is fully supportive of all his initiatives. "I greatly admire President Obama and know our country will benefit from his leadership, but at this time I must withdraw my name from consideration for this position. "As we move forward, I expect there will be many issues and initiatives where I can and will work to assure the success of the President's proposals. This will certainly be a goal of mine. "Kathy and I also want to specifically thank Governor Lynch and Bonnie Newman for their friendship and assistance during this period. In addition we wish to thank all the people, especially in New Hampshire, who have been so kind and generous in their supportive comments. "As a further matter of clarification, nothing about the vetting process played any role in this decision. I will continue to represent the people of New Hampshire in the United States Senate."
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 04:52:27 PM "Nothing to do with the vetting process" eh? If Obama was really Chicago, there should be some great blackmail material for when the time comes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 05:01:06 PM He must have a tax problem. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 07:59:54 PM He was a shit choice. Good. And just so you know, his badness had everything to do with partisanship. Gregg clearly showed he had no loyatly to the administration by refusing to give up R status and then with his BS about how he would vote while being vetted. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2009 08:06:39 PM I thought he sucked, mostly because he voted to abolish the Department he was going to be the head of in the 90's. Smacked too much of Bush appointing people to positions they hated so they could destroy "big government" from within. Obama's cabinet choices mostly suck. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:17:05 AM Ashley Judd would have been a better choice. My understanding of his withdrawal had to do with differences over the stimulus and census. Whatever... maybe we can get someone with more ideas and less baggage. Krugman? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:26:05 AM Krugman keeps saying he doesn't want a cabinet position, but he keeps blasting Obama in op-eds too. Maybe he just wants an adviser position. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: The Life Without Parole Bill BASENAME: the_life_without_parole_bill STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/12/2009 09:46:40 PM ----- BODY: iconAs part of Griftfdrift's lawyer caucus, here are my thoughts on SB13, the life without parole bill. First, a little background: Life without parole is only available if one seeks the death penalty. The jury then has the ability to choose between death or life without parole (LWOP). In non-death penalty murders, there's only one option - life with parole (Life). Note: On a life sentence, you are eligible after 30 years. Section 1 allows prosecutors to seek an LWOP sentence on all murders. Will this cut down on death penalty cases? Absolutely, but it will not mean the end to the death penalty in Georgia. Section 5 allows death penalty jurors three options - Death, LWOP or Life. This was probably a compromise provision. If the State's going through the hoops of a death penalty trial, it's unlikely that the crime warrants Life over LWOP. But hey, the option is always nice. When I first read Section 3, it appeared to me that it would allow for LWOP for serious violent felonies aka The Seven Deadlies, but I believe my first reading was incorrect and I was thrown off by some of the language. I think it just clarifies that when they say "life without parole" they really mean it. Heh. Assuming my second reading is correct, I withdraw any major criticisms of this bill. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 10:29:59 AM I think it seems like a good bill, and was prepared to accept it even if it potentially made LWOP available for the 7 deadlies. I'm amazed that LWOP is not currently an option for a DA unless they pursue a death sentence--it gives such a huge incentive to the DA to over-charge murders that probably should not be death penalty cases, just to ensure they have the LWOP option. Inevitably that practice results in some death sentences in cases where the facts don't really merit the DP. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Friday Open Thread: Valentine's Day Edition BASENAME: friday_open_thread_valentines STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/13/2009 12:00:13 AM ----- BODY: heart_tree.jpg Winter holiday tree in Sweden, where hearts are a traditional holiday theme. From PB's photostream. <3 Geek bling. Heartware from Swarovski Crystal for your favorite nerdy girl. Via Skirt Magazine. <3 Last Stand for Peace is today. Atlanta WAND (Women’s Action for New Directions) began the Stand for Peace action on August 29, 2002 at the corner of 14th and Peachtree in Atlanta with the hopes of influencing then U.S. Senator Zell Miller to vote against possible U.S. attacks on the people of Iraq. Rain or shine, the group has continued the action every Friday since. In light of the 2008 Election, the action will end today. Please join them Friday, February 13, 2009 anytime from 12pm to 1pm and stay to have lunch afterwards. <3 Enjoy the Make-Out Mix from NPR. "Feel the love with more than 100 songs chosen by NPR Music's partner stations. Hear music for the romantics, the heartbroken and the heartbroken romantics, by everyone from Brahms to Iggy Pop." <3 From ABC News, vote for the worst love songs of all time here. The current "winner" is "You're having my baby", by Paul Anka. <3 And Love songs that make musicians swoon, from Chron. <3 The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published the new Legal Guide for Bloggers. For newbies and old timers alike. <3 Yesterday was the shared birthday of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. A new book, Angels and Ages: How Darwin and Lincoln Ushered in the Modern World, connects the two. <3 Yesterday was also the 100th Anniversary of the NAACP. <3 Love. Hugs. Peace. A new movement harnesses power of youth, encourages charitable giving, celebrates volunteerism. <3 America loves us some Obama. Pew has word clouds of single words used to describe then candidate Obama and now President Obama. A follow up to the previous Candidates in a Word series. Related: Support for Stimulus Plan Slips, But Obama Rides High. <3 Labor of love. Last week, our dear friend Angela Trigg moved to Mobile, Alabama to take up residence in the historic "Greene-Marston House" (also known as Termite Hall), where members of her family have resided for five generations. When she isn't making herself indispensable to the Alabama progressive community, Angela will be working to restore Termite Hall to its past glory. You can follow her progress on the Termite Hall blog here, and make a small donation to thank her for all her hard work on behalf of Democrats in GA. <3 Politics Magazine has published the winners of the 2009 Reed Awards online for your viewing pleasure. <3 I'm doing the thread today because Paula is in China. Safe travels! <3 Update: Tyler Perry Donates $110K to Covenant House to help keep Atlanta teens off the street. Awesome. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 10:19:54 AM Making out to the voice oh John Lemley is something I will pass on. By the way, did you hear they fired Wanda Yong Temko to give Lemley the afternoon shift? LEMLEY! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 10:30:02 AM That's horrible about Wanda Yong Temko. Lemley is worse than a rank amateur. It's letter writing time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 10:43:47 AM Not sure how you have a makeout mix without Mazzy Star... Or Morphine. And the Bobby Darin, Joni Mitchell, and Bruce Springsteen choices were lame. Wanda Yong Temko/John Lemley? What's the diff? Have to take a look at worst love songs. I'll certainly have some commentary on that... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:05:44 AM Oh and don't forget that you can do a sleepover at the Aquarium aka fish tank on saturday night.. Motions of the Oceans Valentine’s Day Dinner & Lecture Saturday, February 14, 2009, 6 p.m.- 9 p.m. Georgia Aquarium’s Oceans Ballroom During the Aquarium's first “Motions of the Oceans Valentine’s Day Dinner and Lecture” event, guests will be treated to an entertaining discussion with Dr. Al Dove and Sr. Biologist Patricia Dove (yes, they’re married) as they take you on a unique voyage to discover the secret mating rituals of animals. The evening will begin with a reception filled with seductive bites and drinks, followed by an enticing dinner by Wolfgang Puck Catering and culminating with a provocative look at animals’ mating behaviors. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:33:48 AM This is effed up love. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:39:24 AM I went to school with Wanda Yang Temko, don't ya know. Oh the stories I could tell... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 11:52:45 AM Don't click on the ire link, it will haunt you for a good 20 minutes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:31:11 PM at least its not a rick roll. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:34:56 PM IRE and you have our ever loving thanks for that small mercy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:35:09 PM It's worse than a rick roll. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:38:33 PM How is that possible MelGX? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:39:00 PM It's quite the new phenom... children having children. I know various friends whose daughters are going through puberty a whole lot younger than my generation.. We'll see more of this.. she was at least 15... but it won't be long before there will be a story about the 11 or 12 year old. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:42:38 PM babies havin' babies! Don't judge. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:46:04 PM The "Right to Life" organizations think this is a good thing. "Last night Michaela Aston, of the anti-abortion Christian charity LIFE, said: "We commend these teenagers for their courage in bringing their child into the world." I'm sorry, but I do judge and that's just twisted. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:53:44 PM To each their own? Just keep in mind, next time I totally rickroll yall dudes, that at least it's not a story about a 13 year old dude bein a dad. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 12:57:32 PM And I think I'd be remiss if i didn't say that I don't think there is a single pro-life group that thinks this is really "a good thing." Perhaps prima facie yeah, but at the end of the day i'd say the Pro-Life movement doesn't want sh*t like this to happen. BTW: just cause i can...the national council of catholic women have a full page ad in today's NYT. It's interesting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:03:54 PM "To each their own?" Do you really want to have the debate about why society has laws to prevent minors from engaging in all sorts of activities? These are children. They are incapable of making their own medical, financial or legal decisions. They aren't even old enough to drive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:08:04 PM Here's the link to the ad (PDF file): And it's bullshit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:11:17 PM I didn't so much mean the kiddies when I said that. And im pretty sure i cast aspersion on that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:16:56 PM Any other day and I'd ask why you think that. actually any other day i'd probably still pass on the question. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:32:43 PM I read the Catholic womens ad you posted and then I looked up the actual bill ( and unless they changed it, it doesn't seem like it would subsidize abortions. However it does seem like it aims to eliminate regulations on them, which is a bad thing I'd say, most people would probably say there should be some sort of regulations on abortion. As for the kid having the child, I think the pro-life groups are saying it's not a good thing that he knocked up a girl at that age, but that it's good the child wasn't aborted. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:33:00 PM Well, I'll answer you anyway IRE. Speaking as a lapsed Catholic, I do not believe the church should attempt to dictate (or even influence) reproductive health policy to anyone other than members of its congregation. The same goes for same-sex marriage. Funny how the "nanny state" is such a selective criticism. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:44:19 PM " Speaking as a lapsed Catholic, I do not believe the church should attempt to dictate (or even influence) reproductive health policy to anyone other than members of its congregation. The same goes for same-sex marriage. Funny how the "nanny state" is such a selective criticism" Are they dictating? I think they're just lobbying on the issue like anyone else. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:47:56 PM All I will say in response, and this is all I will say, unless says something truly salacious, is that as Catholics we're taught to actively promote a sense of justice in the world. We're taught that heck, if no one else is doing X (where X is whatever promotes justice or equality or human decency etc) we have to do it everywhere. It seems that a basic tenet of what any church ought to do is reach out to the community (plus I don't think there are any faiths that say keep this within our ranks). So in that regard it becomes the Church's (here meaning all members of the Catholic faith) responsibility to enact laws that would promote a goal of justice. If the Church were to limit itself in scope only to its congregation (which I disagree with for all faiths for a number of reasons) then you would have to say that it can only serve the hungry--in its congregation. It can only provide AIDS relief--to its congregation. It can only provide decent education--to its congregation and so on and so on. In short, there is no reason whatsoever to assume that a church's aims ought to be limited to its members. Don't think there are any serious Catholic political or social justice groups that honestly believe in a nanny state criticism so I think that point is moot (plus I actively support a nanny state but that's a topic for another day). I mean there are certainly people who are part of such groups and individually will say "my political beliefs are opposed to a nanny state" but I don't think there has been a serious criticism levied against it, vis-a-vis it being an official doctrine. PS: I just like saying vis-a-vis. Even if I misuse it, vis-a-vis the nature of this thread. Vis-a-vis. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:51:27 PM I lied... I forgot to add, the common critique of the above is that people will say "fine but if you are pro-life you can't just forget about the child afterward." No you can't and I don't think for a second you'll find a true Catholic teaching that isn't concerned with human dignity from the beginning of life to a natural death. As a matter of fact you won't. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:52:48 PM The way I see it, people have a right to participate in the system to make laws that they feel are necessary, and they aren't "dictating" as long as they stay within the boundaries of the democratic system to do so. If the Catholic church took out guns and started killing people who disagreed with it (old-school catholic church?) then that would be dictating. They aren't dictating by buying a NYT ad and running (in my view, pretty effective) lobbying campaigns on a number of issues. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 02:02:31 PM Back to OT...makin out to NPR songs would be teh weird. Do not want. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 02:08:11 PM You're more of a cat stevens/yusuf islam guy? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 02:15:09 PM More of a Motley Crue or Warrant guy myself. Cherry Pie is a damn romantic song FTW. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 02:42:20 PM This is obviously before my time but in ballroom class we've started listening to a lot of frank sinatra for the dancing and I think he'd be appropriate too ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 03:11:39 PM Ballroom class? Can we come to the recital? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 03:27:01 PM Zaid please tell me your doing the ballroom dancing for a girl. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 04:32:45 PM It's an hour credit, there's no exams, and taking it will get me basic knowledge of half a dozen dances well enough to do them at a formal event. It's a win-win-win. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 05:35:29 PM "Zaid please tell me your doing the ballroom dancing for a girl." What the hell are you talking about? You do ballroom dancing for ALL the girls. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 08:00:42 PM Odin: hush and finish doing my homework. Zaid: understood. Your man card can remain in your possession. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2009 02:12:41 AM Aw, go easy on odin. Taking dancing at Tech might very well help you get all the over girls there. Heck, you might even be able to get both of 'em. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2009 03:38:15 PM LAWLz. He got Pwnt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 11:02:00 AM Meh, whatevs. Just remember to be nice to the nerds next time you're delivering my pizza. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 01:26:33 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 03:53:15 PM Tasteless? Probably. Who cares. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 03:57:20 PM Nadya Suleman=owned ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 03:59:48 PM and CATFIGHT,0,7115841.story ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 11:23:58 PM DAMMIT Bill Donahue you are a F&CKING IDIOT. Dammit all to high holy f%ck, please allow me to copy and paste. "I hasten to add that the University of Georgia would never choose a depiction of Muhammad to hawk condoms. Indeed, only a few years ago an inoffensive depiction of this Islamic figure in a Danish cartoon" Here is the thing. Depicting Muhammad is offensive to Muslims. Now, allow me to copy and paste FROM LAST F&CKING WEEK'S READINGS! "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. Avoid giving offense, whether to the Jews or Greeks or the church of God," In other words: don't offend people, even their religious beliefs. What a moran Bill Donahue is. Ugh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 11:28:11 PM I don't know where in the world that came from, but I think I can agree that the Dawkins-types, the Donahue-types, and the Spencer-types are all morans. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 11:38:54 PM Blegh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 11:43:49 PM Wow, we are in the news. If CNN wants to come interview someone they oughta interview me. I'd dress up like Rick Astley for it even. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 12:03:17 AM And since we're on the topic of people who fail at religion: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 10:26:45 AM I just wanted to link to a story that was on a Think Progress site. Best. Thread. Ever.: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 03:53:18 PM No, my friend, these is the best Yglesias threads (read them side by side) then ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 09:34:02 AM Dude ain't the baby daddy. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Jekyll-and-Hyde BASENAME: jekyllandhyde STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/13/2009 01:36:00 PM ----- BODY: 600 people ill, 9 deaths, thousands of products recalled, billions lost, and more bad news every day. All because Stewart Parnell couldn't make enough money by keeping a clean plant. What a lousy human being. He should do serious prison time. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:54:44 PM Dude's an ass. Thinking more about "spending more time hunting and in his boat" and "in the house he bought here 14 years ago" and let such a little thing as you know, the spread of a deadly bacteria, slip from his mind. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 01:57:15 PM I have a nasty feeling that if Georgia regulators found out about this and the media didn't turn it into a national story, that they wouldn't have done anything serious about it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 02:54:23 PM That's not fair Zaid. It's just as likely that they find problems and force companies to make corrections all the time BEFORE they turn into big stories. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 04:29:15 PM Eh, after reading Fast Food Nation and reading about the gutting of OHSA, I really don't think so. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 04:50:00 PM There is a special place in hell for this guy. In China, this sort of thing could get you the death penalty, and while I am vehemently anti-death penalty, I can see the appeal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2009 05:09:00 PM Seems to me he should be made to eat hundreds of peanut butter products a la the dear hunter not knowing which will make him ill..just like he did to his consumers... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2009 10:31:05 AM As I begin pondering options of acreage, inputs, and all other things that go into producing another crop of peanuts, it is so disheartening to have to sit helplessly by as this imbecile destroys all credibility, integrity, and any other buzzword of support for our Georgia peanut industry. It takes a whole year of hard work, many trials and tribulations to grow a crop of peanuts. Many years of building an equipment base, learning the always changing features of controlling disease, weeds, and trying to hit that formula that gives a decent crop. Then something stupid like this comes along and dashes all before you can even get started. The only "fifth" I wanna see him plead is "Please don't hit me upside the head with that fifth of liquor bottle again" And I'm talking a good ole thick GLASS bottle, not the plastic ones. The hell of it is his looks kind of remind me of that Illinois Governor, makes me wonder if they are relations. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Funny & Informational BASENAME: funny_informational STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/14/2009 05:45:27 PM ----- BODY: iconThe economy is down and crime is up. Maybe I've been watching a few too many movies, but I figure this is as good a time as any for.. The Rules of Gunfighting. Now, some of you may think like this commenter:
"Frick makes it sound like a gunfight is something you know you're going to get into beforehand, like an invitation-only event. How am I supposed to know when I'm going to be in a gunfight? If I knew I was going to one, I wouldn't go."
But as the Scout Motto says, "Be Prepared." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2009 10:18:01 PM Jen B. reads Field and Stream? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 11:36:32 AM There's a new masthead tagline in there somewhere. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 12:17:20 PM IRE, I read where the internet takes me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 01:49:54 PM That's a dangerous thing to do. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Bitch, please BASENAME: bitch_please STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/15/2009 04:47:07 PM ----- BODY: iconWell, well, well--look what crawled up from its festering cesspool of crotch rot and megalomania to be DRA-Ma queen for the day.
"What's in it? Have you read it? We found 30 million for mice. Got 30 million for mice. You can't be serious. What a joke. $30 million for mice. Does that create jobs?" Price intoned.
Then she waves the stack of papers around like she read the whole thing, but clearly has not...
"There are no federal wetland restoration projects in line to get funded in San Francisco," Pelosi spkesperson Drew Hammill said. "Neither the Speaker nor her staff have had any involvement in this initiative. The idea that $30 million will be spent to save mice is a total fabrication."
I repeat bitch, puhleaze. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 05:32:29 PM That, and out of an $800B package, the GOP could only find *this* to attack? Not even the $1B to NASA for Ares acceleration and global warming research? Not even that NIH (or was it NSF) money that Specter himself begged for? Personally, I'm still worried about the debt / dollar issue. I know this stimulus is important, but we're actually taking a bet that the fire relights before our ability to borrow money falls apart. Obama's going to have to do some budget balancing as things get better (even if this causes a bit of a dip like it did for FDR), especially in the taxes department. Top rates are just gonna have to go up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 05:50:09 PM I read a fantastic idea today regarding the stimulus package and the GOP members of Congress bitching and moaning about it -let them just opt out for their districts. Let them come home and in a town hall meeting tell the people of their district that they don't want the money for their district because its wasteful. I would love to see John Linder (R-Asshat Supreme) try to make it out of the hall in one piece after telling the good people of GA's 7th (that would be moi) that he took a page out of Sarah's book and said "thanks, but no thanks". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JohnRose EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 06:18:21 PM @odinseye: Our ability to borrow money is not going anywhere. I've heard ridiculous stories of the possibility of the Treasury's investment grade being downgraded, but that's just silly. Right now we have everyone in the world RUSHING to buy treasury bonds at ZERO percent return. We might have more of a problem if this were just the USA economy in a depression, but this is the entire world. We are only at ~60% GDP of debt right now- very comparable to most other industrialized nations, and much less than some other countries (like Japan). We should definitely be trying to put ourselves on a better long-term debt footing, but that's going to mainly mean fixing our health care system and reducing worldwide military commitments, not drastic disaster-scenario shutdowns of government. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 06:21:14 PM "Personally, I'm still worried about the debt / dollar issue. I know this stimulus is important, but we're actually taking a bet that the fire relights before our ability to borrow money falls apart. Obama's going to have to do some budget balancing as things get better (even if this causes a bit of a dip like it did for FDR), especially in the taxes department. Top rates are just gonna have to go up." From Ralph Nader (OH NO O_O!!!!!), an idea: "The most discussed and popular one is a simple sales tax on currency trades across borders. Called the Tobin Tax after its originator, the late James Tobin, a Nobel laureate economist at Yale University, 10 to 25 cents per hundred dollars of the huge amounts of dollars traded each day across bordered would produce from $100 to $300 billion per year." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 06:50:26 PM John: Psychology is a very powerful thing in markets (more so than your free trader / rational theorist may admit). One day we're fine, and the next, who knows? Being fundamentally secure is better than betting on someone else's largess or maintaining the same view of the world. As for the health care thing, for almost any expansion I'd ask for pretty strict adherence to a pay-as-you-go approach. Shifting the health care system is going to take a major rethink on roles of government and private expectations, so putting the price tag up front is important. There is going to be a lot of crap from the other side preventing this, but honesty will be important to cementing its legacy along the lines of Social Security. Zaid: I think the speculator tax (Bernie Sanders also brought it up for stock speculation, IIRC) is a good one. There's probably a trade in there between how much cash is raised versus the increasing size of divergences in the market (not engaging in speculative manipulations until the difference between price and expectation gets to a certain size) or any other weirdnesses that may arise from playing with the system. As with anything, test small, study a lot, and then scale up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 07:00:09 PM PS - what is up with Georgia having the craziest nutters that decide to go in front of a camera? Even other states that I would consider even more banjo-riffic (don't worry, when I finally end my voluntary exile to return to the Left Coast, I'll probably stick up for the South) than ours don't seem to have the crazies. Paul Broun cut himself a new winger track recently: Yes, the guy is speaking out *against* modern medical records. Also against evidence-based medicine. This reminds me of an old joke: "What do you call the guy that finished last in med school?" "Doctor." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2009 09:41:01 PM You should try having a discussion with Paul Broun about the Middle East sometime. We over at UGA did, and hilarity ensued, which was quickly beset by the terrifying reality that this guy gets a vote in Congress. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JohnRose EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 08:49:59 AM I agree that any increase in government-provided health care should be offset by increased taxes or reduced spending. And psychology is of course crucially important in economics. Psychology is precisely the reason why the United States has such power to incur cheap debt- because we are seen as very, very stable. There's nothing on the horizon that seems likely to change that. We can afford to incur more debt if we are doing it to invest in worthwhile projects. Energy efficiency, health care efficiency, education, science- those are all investments that will pay for themselves over and over again if we invest in them now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 09:59:31 AM I totally agree, John, especially with the last sentiment. All I'm saying is that we would do well to pay for them after the recovery, and while Democrats are still in power. Otherwise, someone might see those surpluses and decide the richies need some more of their money back. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 10:37:56 AM Illiteracy is a terrible thing. And the fact that it strikes even of our most highly placed citizens, like Tom Price, shows that nobody is immune. Please consider a small donation to Reading is Fundamental in Tom Price's name. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 11:22:28 AM I was on Price's youth advisory council when I was in high school, and I wouldn't say it's so much that he's illiterate that he doesn't mind lying and smearing. You're giving these people too much credit if you just think they're dumb. I swear liberals did a lot of credit to George Bush by acting like he or his administration were dumb (all it did was let them play the populist card against those elite liberal intellectuals). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 01:05:46 PM Some very successful people are illiterate; they have learned to hide their shortcomings in different ways. It must make it that much harder for him when even the children of his youth advisory council cannot support him in this. Reading is fundamental, and everyone should do it, whether straightforward or between the lines. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 01:23:38 PM Knowing him personally, he's a very smart man, he's not illiterate. He just wants to hook onto something to attack the Democrats with, knowing most of his constituents won't read the fine print. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 01:35:26 PM BTW, I like how Graham, a Republican is open to nationalizing banks but Chuck "Wall Street" Schumer isn't: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 01:38:07 PM Seems like shitty staff work to me.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 01:47:50 PM OK OK OK! I admit it! I'm illegitimate! I can't read! Now can I have my job back? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 02:03:51 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 02:58:47 PM Lots of smart people cannot read. Like Genghis Kahn. Even more smart people cannot understand sarcasm. Also like Genghis Kahn. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 04:19:19 PM You so told Dr. Price by telling him he can't read. He's gonna go cry in a corner now and promptly disavow his party and join the progressive caucus. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 04:24:18 PM BTW this topic is now about kittens ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 04:49:53 PM Yes, I "told" Price in the first comment. I kept it going until you got it as a public service. You're welcome. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 05:02:11 PM I'll pass the message along: Tom Price, you're a multimillionaire with a doctorate who can't read. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Noted Author Aaron Glantz in Atlanta on Tuesday at the Carter Center BASENAME: noted_authoraaron_glantz_in_at STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/16/2009 03:18:07 PM ----- BODY: icon Aaron Glantz (Rosalynn Carter Fellow for Mental Health Journalism) author of: The War Comes Home: Washington's Battle Against America's Veterans What: Book Siging & Comments from Aaron Glantz When: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Where: Carter Presidential Library & Museum Theater 441 Freedom Parkway, Atlanta GA This event is free and open to the public This event is co-sponsored by Georgia for Democracy and The Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition. Books will be available for sale at the event by A Cappella Books
Aaron Glantz, who reported extensively from Iraq during the first three years of the Iraq, interviewed more than one hundred recent war veterans, and in The War Comes Home: Washington's Battle Against America's Veterans he intersperses their haunting first-person accounts with groundbreaking investigative journalism. This timely book does more than provide us with a personal connection to those whose service has cost them so dearly. It compels us to confront how America treats its veterans and to consider what kind of nation deifies its soldiers and then casts them off as damaged goods.
For those of you who'd like to meet Mr. Glantz tonight (Monday) a casual gathering is being organized this evening at Manuel's at about 9:00 pm. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: New Vocabulary Words and phrases BASENAME: new_vocabulary_words STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/16/2009 04:56:52 PM ----- BODY: iconTo go along with the "new" economic conditions. "Jingle Mail": has nothing to do with Christmas, it's when you mail your house keys to your mortgage company instead of paying. "Skips": More than 3,000 cars left outside Dubai's international airport in recent months. Most of the cars -four-wheel drives, saloons and "a few" Mercedes -had keys left in the ignition. Those who flee the emirate are known as skips. "Recession Boyfriend":Someone you normally wouldn't be excited about dating but we are in a recession and they have money, so you go out with them "Recession roadkill": One of the many thousands of people who have been laid off or lost their jobs because of the recession. "DABA Girl": I can't explain, you have to go here. "Canniversary": A year from the date on which you were fired from a job. "Economic Vegetarian": Only eating Vegetables because you can't afford to buy meat. You heard any? Please add in comments. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 06:04:47 PM Ah, the DABA girls. Mistresses of their universe until they reach 35. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 06:28:44 PM It has been my experience that the phenomenon of recession boyfriends is a myth. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 07:01:05 PM IRE: well it was true in the 80's recession when I did it.. yeah I'm heartless.. but hey I had a sucky job and he didn't. Got an Hermes scarf outta the deal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 07:10:05 PM "Terry Douchebags" I don't think this one is new, but the economic conditions certainly haven't hampered our business school majors' ability to grace our newspaper with the worst of op-eds. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 08:00:11 PM Awwwww, that's so cute. It's almost like they think that the Yaley and Harvard types would ever give them the time of day. Because guess which school made it on the top 30 of Business Week. And guess which one didn't. It's what I love about Joe the Plumber conservatives. They think if they lick the boots clean enough, they will actually get invited to the party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 08:25:16 PM Hmm...that gives me hope. It could be that times just ain't tough enough... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 08:41:52 PM vis-a-vis the DABA girls...I'm moar of a hot chicks with *****bags guy myself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 11:00:17 PM "Think of your friends who are finance, risk management or economics majors. A good number of them will go on to become bankers. They're normal people, just like you and me. And what kind of message do we send young college kids by telling them they'll never make more than $500,000 in a year as a banker? The supply of talented bankers will dry up faster than a keg at a frat party. " The quality of these analogies and the appeal to Think of the children! makes me think the Terry D-bags are getting a little desperate as their Friedmanomics collapses around them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 08:42:14 AM I agree, did you see the part where he explained that investment bankers and stock brokers were viewed just like lawyers? What a dolt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 05:01:00 PM Perhaps you can run a field test in NYC this weekend IRE ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 07:02:29 PM TBS: Introduce yourself to me this weekend. PS: My hatred of Yankees may get in the way of such a test. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 07:16:27 PM IRE, It's alright. You can spray-paint "A-Roid" on the rubble of the old Yankee stadium before going out. BTW, we are going to need terms for a) a Republican that comes back to Georgia to praise the stimulus that he voted against and b) a Republican grandstander that will demand to return the money to the Feds in order to defend his or her child's trust fund future. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 07:18:38 PM Hmmm, HTML tags don't like me. "Trust fund" was to be striken through. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 10:27:32 PM btw, IRE, per our new snark: WE'RE GONNA TURN INTO EUROPE! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 10:30:37 PM I don't mind Europe at large, it is France that I care about. BTW: That square in Helsinki is one of my favorite parts of the world (the stories I could tell...). I would move to Finland if A) it were America B ) not so damn cold and C) so effing expensive and D) dark for most of the winter. The late days are over rated. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 10:40:21 PM I had McDonald's with my sis in Zurich and it cost about 20 bucks for the both of us and they even charged us for ketchup packets. I could take France, but no damn Democrat is going to turn my country into Switzerland. I'm an American and our ketchup packets are free damnit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 11:36:33 PM To add to a comment in Yglesias' post: "And rich people have it pretty good here in the land of the free. By contrast, take a look at a “bad” neighborhood in Helsinki and compare it to a “transitional” neighborhood in DC—to say nothing of a genuinely down-and-out American ghetto—and it’s almost laughable." Yeah, I've got to say in Germany, I lived in the "bad" part of Berlin with the Turkish immigrants and artists, and wandered through the red light district alone. Both at a couple of ridiculous hours. My own neighborhood scared me a little (mostly because of the drunks), but if that is the worst that Berlin had to offer ... well, I'd say College Park would be there as soon as you gave them tickets. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: With apologies to the Epstein brothers BASENAME: with_apologies_to_the_epstein STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/16/2009 08:50:21 PM ----- BODY: icon1942 (Casablanca) Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here! 2009 (Chi-town) FBI Agent: I'm shocked, shocked to find that perjury is going on in here!
U.S. Sen. Roland Burris insisted today that he never changed his story about the contact he had with the administration of ousted Gov. Rod Blagojevich over doing campaign fund-raising for Blagojevich.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 09:41:28 PM Then Gov. Blagoadkjfakjhasdhjfvich hit me up for an exorbitant campaign donation and all I got was this lousy Senate seat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2009 10:50:43 PM BlagojevittivittivichiMNightShyamalan is pretty bad, but isn't the only difference between him and so many other politicos that he got caught and shamed for quid-pro-quo whereas that's pretty much the name of the game elsewhere? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 08:36:44 AM The title of this post should also be "Bitch, Please!" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 09:45:23 AM Too bad Admiral Ackbar wasn't there to help him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 10:47:46 AM I was long wondering what Burris had to offer to Blago. The most innocent version I could think of was Blago was out to poke everyone in the eye on his way out. What are the prospects for a primary to keep the Repubs from stealing Obama's seat? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Idiots BASENAME: idiots STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/17/2009 11:53:05 AM ----- BODY: To the IT idiots at the AJC who inexplicably, and without notice, changed Jay Bookman's feed, to hell with you. For those of you playing at home, the new feed is here: And to Jay Bookman, a kiss on the cheek for the link love. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 01:00:01 PM You would think that the AJC would recognize that Jay is a major draw to their site, and make it easy to get to his blog. But, nooooo, it takes forever to find it, and then forever again to load. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 01:10:45 PM Thanks, Mel, for speaking up! What the hell is wrong with these people? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2009 03:55:14 PM I don't know if this is the appropriate thread, but it is called "Idiots" and Limbaugh vs. Robertson is too delectable to pass up. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Not too early to start worrying about 2010 BASENAME: not_too_early_to_start_worryin STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/17/2009 11:49:31 PM ----- BODY: For those of you (specifically me) who breathed a sigh of relief that with William Jefferson gone, we had cleaned house enough to avoid a Mark Foley or Ted Stevens disaster in 2010, I regretfully mention that John Murtha, Grace Napolitano, Roland Burris, and Charles Rangel are all in danger, along with who knows how many other people we don't know about yet, of becoming a 2010 storyline. Fortunately for us, Sam Adams and Rod Blagojevich are not in Congress, and most people will have forgotten about Tom Daschle and Nancy Killefer. At least so far there have been no mentions of Congressional pages. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 12:14:46 AM If you want to find out who's corrupt, it's not hard. Go to and look at campaign contributions. Murtha was up to his ass in defense tech people lobbying him for pork, and at some point, when you become that enmeshed in legal pay-for-play, you're probably going to step over the line at some point. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 02:43:17 AM And let's not forget no Obama staffers have been charged with a crime. YET. There are a number of cheap, effective anti-anxiety drugs available today. I'll note, because it's not obvious from the post, * That the article describes an investigation into a Murtha donor, not Murtha himself; and * That the article states that Napolitano's loan received the blessing of the FEC in 1999. I'm less sanguine about Rangel and especially Burris, but I doubt anything significant will come of the Rangel investigation and I doubt that the Burris investigation will harm the Democratic Party, given that it's other members of the Democratic Party who have called for it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 07:54:11 AM It doesn't have to be illegal for it to look terrible. I also remind the readers that John Murtha is a current "Most Corrupt Members of Congress" member: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 08:26:39 AM Rangel's fall will just bring us a freshman Representative from Harlem. Dunno about Murtha's district that well. But the guy definitely has felt the corrupting effect of all that money flowing through his hands. I think Burris' damage is limited to his Senate seat, since Senate Dems were tripping on themselves to denounce him and lock him out of the Senate building and other theatrics they can point to later. The trick will be to find a strong primary opponent to knock him off and protect the seat from a Republican move. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 10:41:18 AM I'm also not entirely sure whether Reid played the Burris thing right or not. He got out in front of it for sure, but he pretty well shot his wad well before the ability to do something about it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 10:45:53 AM It seems like it is never to early for Democrats to 'worry' about something or other. I don't see the need to start the hand wringing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 11:20:43 AM You can tell when Democrats are in power by the fact that the standard for concern shrinks from "lawbreaking committed by multiple high level officials and confirmed by multiple sources" to "looks terrible". I don't care to see the Whitewater-Travelgate rules of engagement restored, where the standard for wrongdoing is whether a Republican can express outrage over it without snickering too loudly while doing so. I don't think any Democrat should be. So I see no reason to accuse Grace Napolitano of being a crook when her supposedly crooked actions have been reviewed and blessed by the very people who are paid to make that determination. Until there is actual evidence of actual wrongdoing, I see no reason to do PeachPundit's work for them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 11:39:07 AM Here's the difference, though. As Democrats, we believe in government's role in national life. That means we also believe it is big deal when trust is violated or offices are used to benefit politicians personally first, and maybe help the people out later. The Napolitano thing is uncool, but it is an instance of a stupid rule that needs to be fixed. Personally, I don't see a reason for an interest rate above that of a CD, since a politician's campaign fund is for their own benefit, after all. Now, when Ken Starr opens his mouth, it is important for us to remind him that he is lucky we aren't trying to find him an accessory to conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 01:45:26 PM Remind me of what the problem with Murtha is again? He steers federal money to his own district whenever he can? He TURNED DOWN a bribe in the ABSCAM sting? Cynthia McKinney gets bounced because she couldn't bring home the bacon and Murtha catches flack because he does. Sometimes you just can't win. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 02:15:15 PM Murtha's an earmark king, a top porker. There's nothing wrong, imo, with bringing money back to a district to work on things like social spending that is truly needed, but there is something wrong when you're brining back millions of dollars to fill the pockets of campaign contributors who contribute little to the country as a whole --- see CREW's page on Murtha here: . I'm reading a book called Turkmeniscam where the editor of Harpers' became a faux lobbyist for Turkmenistan in Washington to see how the lobbying game worked first hand. Part of the beginning of the book talks about lobbying in general. It talks about the ABSCAM, and the reason he was named in the end an "co-conspirator" is unindicted cecause he said he wasn't interested in a bribe "at this point." Murtha's top buddies in the lobbying game is the PMA Group. PMA calls itself the "premier Washington consulting organization in the defense arena." He's so close to it that one of his former staffers, Julie Giardina, actually left his office and worked with PMA -- making her a liason between the two. Second, there is Daniel Cunningham, who also lobbies for PMA -- and get this -- is used by Murtha as "his unofficial driver." In 2006 PMA gave roughly 300k to Murtha and in returns got $95 million dollars worth of contracts. The defense contractors even got together and held a "Breakfast for a Champion" gala for him at the Ritz Carlton -- it cost $2,500 to get in as a PAC and $1,000 for an indidivual. Every single PAC that paid was rewarded by Murtha's subcommittee. A reasonable objection to all this is that Murtha doesn't do anything more than many other members of Congress. You could say that other than a rare Kucinich or Feingold you don't find people who don't pay to play. Of course, Kucinich and Feingold are one of the few that haven't had their heads up their asses the past few years, and the effect of pay to play on Washington has been pretty apparent. So if Murtha is normal for DC maybe DC itself is a bit too corrupt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 09:55:43 PM odin, I agree, and I do think it is outrageous that a member of Congress may profit from a loan to their campaign. But I didn't read this post as outrage over Napolitano's loan. I read it as another REPUBCANS COMIN O NOEZ!!1! post, where concern over actual wrongdoing is secondary to what the Republican Party might say, which effectively validates whatever the Republican Party might say, regardless of actual wrongdoing. I don't like that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 10:01:33 PM "odin, I agree, and I do think it is outrageous that a member of Congress may profit from a loan to their campaign. But I didn't read this post as outrage over Napolitano's loan. I read it as another REPUBCANS COMIN O NOEZ!!1! post, where concern over actual wrongdoing is secondary to what the Republican Party might say, which effectively validates whatever the Republican Party might say, regardless of actual wrongdoing. I don't like that." I remember a conversation I had at Young Democrats one time. Idiot guy #1: "I think we should use scare tactics about the economy." My friend Nikita: "I don't think it's right to scare your constituents into voting for you!" Idiot guy #1 with Idiot guy #2 (interjecting): BUT IT WORKS! Nikita and me: (more or less F YOU GUYS) (crowd devolves into shouting and yelling) -- I agree with Drew. The problem is corruption, it's almost as if the topic, by talking about "2010" seems like the problem is that Democrats get caught being corrupt and get replaced with the GOP. I don't think party matters, it's the fact that they're corrupt that matters. It also reminds me of a time a friend of mine was scared there'd be a terrorist attack so McCain would be elected. Like, I'm pretty sure the main thing to worry about is the terrorist attack, not the resulting McCain election. Being so focused on partisanship and forgetting the big picture is really dangerous. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 12:10:01 AM Lobbyists aren't actually the problem, you know. Money donated to campaigns pales in comparison to the network benefit exchange that is really at the heart of it. But get excited about campaign disclosures and lobbyists, it keeps the system running. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 12:12:35 AM The "network benefit exchange" comes from lobbyists. You don't get into the room with the Congressman that often if you don't donate the big bucks or just happen to have some personal connection to him or her. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 12:16:27 AM That being said, we generally don't mean all lobbyists when we talk about lobbyists and the need for public campaign financing. I mean, I've lobbied before, you probably have to. But the problem is these high-paid jetsetters who actually rake in incomes greater than members of Congress and can essentially terrorize members of Congress into voting their way by the kind of money they can generate by bundling for their opponents if they vote a certain way (even if it's against the wishes of their constituents). Heck, a link like this is very common: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 12:40:51 AM Campaign cash is what you see, but it is not really what's going on. The corporate exchange is much more nebulous but much richer. That's why Bush did so well (for a time). Every group can get lobbyist type access, when i speak of the network benefit exchange, it is both above and beneath lobbyists. Much more at the Federal level, but even at the state level. Look at Georgia Power and CW Matthews. CW Matthews appears in the disclosures, but nothing compared to whats really being exchanged. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 09:21:18 AM I just think you have to be careful about throwing accusations of corruption around casually. Murtha is head of the committee that oversees DoD appropriations. Of COURSE he's going to get lobbied by defense contractors. Anyone in that position will. That should not be an indictment of corruption. Murtha's district has historically been driven by the coal and steel industries. Well the steel is gone and the coal ain't what it used to be. Murtha trying to reinvent his district so that the residents have jobs is "corruption"? Murtha is one of the most senior members of the HoR, and he has been involved in defense related matters ever since he's been there. You will be hard pressed to find anybody in Washington in a defense related job that isn't connected to him somehow. Is the implication that committee heads can't have any contacts in the area for which they are responsible? All committee heads have some influence in how their appropriations are distributed. It's part of why they want the job, and it's part of why we keep electing incumbents- we like them to have influence. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 10:59:40 AM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 03:41:07 PM How do you think Murtha got to be head of the committee that assesses DoD allocations? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 04:22:16 PM Well, he's a vet, the first Vietnam vet to serve in the House, and he was an officer in the Marines. When he got there in 1974, it's not too hard to imagine that he was looked to to provide some insight into military affairs. It is also easy to believe that he welcomed the opportunity. In the 30+ years since then he would have had to work hard not to become somewhat of an expert. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 04:53:06 PM There's plenty of military vets who don't have contractors licking their butts, though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 05:00:52 PM You've got a horse/cart problem. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 05:13:40 PM I do have a problem with those horses downtown people take rides on. It's like, damn, it's a city, and it's a horse, what kind of antiquated **** is that? But seriously, I didn't make up the idea that Murtha is corrupt. Search around a bit, and he's just the pork barrel defense lobbyists' best friend, and has been on CREW's list of most corrupt members of Congress for years and years. Heck, that sting you or someone else mentioned, the reason he is known as an "unindicted conspirator" is because he told the sting agent he won't take a bribe "at this time" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 05:57:30 PM If you want to use that stuff as evidence of corruption then go ahead. I have looked around. All that CREW has is that lobbyists give him a lot of money and he takes care of his district. And I can't believe him saying "at this time" is meaningful in any way. It's not like he was under oath. He was trying to get a pushy (fake) briber off his back. People say things to avoid a confrontation when they want to get out of a situation. Earmarks aren't the same as corruption. If you can find a quo to go with the quid pro, then bring it on. Otherwise, you're going to have to change a lot of things about about bills get written and passed and money gets spent in Washington, and it doesn't necessarily involve corruption. It's just a messy system, but the alternative is to have a dictator decide and nobody else gets to have any say. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 06:04:44 PM " It's just a messy system, but the alternative is to have a dictator decide and nobody else gets to have any say." Wait, so the alternative to privately financed campaigns is a dictator? The strawmen came out hard this time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 06:07:43 PM As for taking care of his district, no, he's actually taking care of whoever gives him money, which includes alot of people outside his district. The PMA Group, which is basically under siege by the feds right now, is not based in Murtha's district. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 08:58:44 PM Zaid, please. This is absurd. 1. PMA is a lobbying group and they represent OTHER COMPANIES. Even if he was corrupt, he wouldn't have been feeding PMA. He would be feeding who they represent. 2. What is "privately financed campaigns"? 3. I don't know how you expect it to work. I know that in my business, if I want to sell something to a customer (especially a new product), I probably have to show it to them. I am all for a ban on gifts to legislators of any amount from lobbyists, but as far as campaigns are concerned, lobbyists and their firms work under the same rules as everybody else. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 09:03:04 PM Murtha's office is basically a clearinghouse for PMA's staffers. They work for him then they work for PMA. He has one of them actually act as his driver. PMA is currently under siege by the FBI for investigations. I give Murtha 6 months max before he has to resign in disgrace. The opposite of "privately financed campaigns" is "publicly finance campaigns" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 09:06:43 PM Big Game Hunting with John Murtha By Ken Silverstein Check out this story on last week’s raid on properties owned by businessmen close to Congressman John Murtha: The Tribune-Democrat has learned that federal raids on the businesses and homes of Bill and Ron Kuchera are focused on a potential misuse of corporate funds. Kuchera Industries and Kuchera Defense Systems of Windber were raided by agents from three federal agencies on Thursday as part of an ongoing investigation led by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania. A source close to the investigation told The Tribune-Democrat that the investigation is focused on the actions of the corporate officers. The source said the investigation is examining the alleged use of corporate funds for unapproved purposes… Multiple sources have told The Tribune-Democrat that part of the investigation is looking into the financing of LBK Game Ranch in Croyle Township. The 161-acre ranch is a private business owned by CEO Bill Kuchera. Customers at the ranch pay a fee for the opportunity to hunt big game. The ranch, which includes a lodge to house guests, shares the same address as Bill Kuchera’s home. Records show that the LBK Game Ranch generates estimated annual sales of $150,000. The ranch often is used to entertain Kuchera clients and suppliers. In the fall, LBK Game Ranch was the site of a high-end fundraiser benefiting the campaign of U.S. Rep. John Murtha, D-Johnstown. Sources tell The Tribune-Democrat that the one-night event raised as much as $100,000. Now check out the $8.2 million Murtha secured in earmarks for the Kuchera firms for 2008. Also note the $40,000 in lobbying fees that Kuchera Defense Systems paid to Ervin Technical Associates, a lobbying firm that is closely connected to Murtha. And see, too, the tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to Murtha from the company’s executives. It’s not clear where the federal investigation is heading, but it’s pretty obvious how companies bag earmarks from Murtha. It’s also pretty obvious why a few years ago Murtha reportedly described a Democratic plan for ethics reform as “total crap”. -- ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 09:22:13 PM Weird. I've been to fundraisers for candidates. I never felt like it was corruption. However, IF the city needed some Velcro, and IF I had a competitive price, I sure wouldn't mind, all else being equal, getting the deal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 09:30:55 PM You do understand that "Barbecue for Congressman Bob!" is a little different than "Club for Growth 2,500 dollars-a-plate Gala" right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 09:36:08 PM Speaking of lobbying, this is a very smart move on behalf of healthcare advocates: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 10:03:09 PM There isn't that much of a difference. In both cases the candidates for election are effectively determined by the minority with enough disposable income to fund their campaigns. But if it doesn't "feel" like corruption, then it must be good for democracy for money to influence who will and will not be a candidate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 08:50:38 AM OK, so it's not Murtha that is the problem, it's the system? I might agree with you all there. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Oozing charm from every pore, they oiled their way across the floor... BASENAME: oozing_charm_from_every_pore_h STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/18/2009 05:56:03 PM ----- BODY: icon It's like being at a bar, and you just know one of them will roll up with his "game". Well as the title suggests, our state has been crawling with sketchy characters the last two days. Now to refresh y'alls memory-all these Republican's voted against "the stim", so I find it kind of bizarro that they've come to town and my tv to "sell" it. It has really brought out the all star team, in addition to our senators, I'm treated to this guy and mighty mouse all the dang time! Lordy, it's only been 48 hours and already I'm sick to death of the ridiculous anti-stim talking points they have come up. Sick-to-death I tell ya-oy. Apparently M-M (mighty-mouse) has been tagged to do the heavy lifting with the old tired canard, for the love of our grandchildren. Now if that didn't make you throw up a little in your mouth, I bring their latest and greatest... {GOP flack-hack} "well you know {shrug} it might help us here BUT {sigh} it has so many "strings attached". All that's missing is the wink. Returning to reality for a moment um er, wasn't it the lack of "strings' that got us partially into this mess? The brainiac's -I mean elected officials, don't they realize that someone has to do something? Frankly I agree with this guy's rant, but I digress. Now, those are the national politicians, don't even get me started on the locals who in the media decry the stimulus, but in committee have to wear bibs to catch the drool. Seriously do they expect voters* to believe that the trillions of dollars of national debit magically appeared at noon Jan 20th ? Bitch, please. *Note I say voters, and not the American public... cause well they are "like" too caught up in the "like" wit and charm of a 18 year old and her "like" nitwit cuz. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 08:12:57 PM It's absurdist theater. $278 billion in tax cuts isn't enough. Investing in job creation is a waste of money. I mean, every time the Weather Channel shows snowfall there's some pinhead in cnn five minutes later saying the theory of global warming has been refuted. The underwear business in D.C. has to be booming because there's a lot of Repubs crapping themselves for having to be in a position of hoping that the stim fails. I think there's going to be a few more houses on the market come November 2010. Maybe those bastards will outsource themselves to Haiti, where the free market reigns supreme. Soft, pink, puffy, hairless dweebs are welcome there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 09:12:10 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 09:14:36 PM JT: Ditto Zaid: Ditto ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2009 11:16:20 PM Don't hate on the sketchy creepy d00dz at the bar. Don't hate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 10:02:57 AM The editor at 11Alive must have been on the phone while posting that story: "The state could get as much as 6 dollars in stimulus money." I remember when we had to walk 6 miles to school, barefoot, and could STILL proofread our writing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 10:06:18 AM That mayor from Michigan was awesome. You could tell he was a factory guy at one point in his career (or had lots of family). I was waiting for him to take the final step, though, and ask the Fox correspondent what economic value he was generating by sitting on TV and spewing crap all day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 10:09:00 AM Oh, and the Fox guy definitely had that douchey Fox anchor way of laughing things off when they get owned. That "oh, ha ha, you totally destroyed me but it doesn't matter because I don't actually care about anything I say or what effect it has in the world" way that really pisses me off during arguments. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 12:28:07 PM My other favorite argument from the GOP has been that the tax cuts don't count b/c they are geared to the poor and middle class. And this makes those tax cuts nothing more than "welfare payments" since many of the poor don't end up paying taxes anyway. These people kill me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 12:48:35 PM Yup, TBS. And we're about to see this in Georgia too. I'm sure you already know, but the Repubs seem to be out to gin up a new round of business tax breaks (although I would support the ones centering around starting a whole new business - always down with the entrepreneur) to make sure our betters get their share. So, rather than take the opportunity to maintain services or even upgrade the necessary facilities to provide these services more efficiently in the future, the GAGOP looks like it is doubling down on trickle-down. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 05:54:05 PM Well, I'd like this guy and the Michigan mayor to get in the same room. Maybe Eric Cartman could run into the room and yell "Class war!" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 06:14:21 PM Aw man, it's the traders playing populism. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: RNC Chairman let me introduce you to Ms. Edgy and Mr. Off the Hook BASENAME: rnc_chairman_meet_ms_edgy_and STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/19/2009 09:18:35 PM ----- BODY: 92034-712544.jpg One funny guy that Mike. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 09:40:48 PM Democrats should counter with Luda. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 09:56:13 PM And, you of course obligate me to return to Mr. Stewart: No police lights, no police sirens... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2009 11:23:22 PM I don't really know where else to post this because we dont have an open thread, but this is a really horrifying read and I hope Obama and/or any other officials in charge of defending the rule of law read it: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 08:54:45 AM I think the best way to use Luda is to send him to RNC events and get together and bring a video camera. I am sure hilarity would ensue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 09:41:37 AM First of all, let me say that I'm extremely impressed with the color palatte of Ms. Edgy and Mr. Off the Hook's ink. I do hate to have to be the one to tell them that the lighter colors are gonna fade in about 10 years and they are going to have to have them retouched. Hate to be Debbie Downer, but that's just how it it. And secondly, I'm sure the Grand Old White Guy Party is gonna love the urban-suburban flair coming soon to a party near them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 09:53:00 AM HCWDB pwns. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 10:36:01 AM MR. Off the Hook could use a scaling. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 11:47:01 AM I think Mike Steele could ultimately be more entertaining than Gov. Fashion Victim ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 05:06:49 PM WTF XD ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 09:07:03 PM She's very attractive. Anyway, Steele is a joke. I usually laugh when I see him on tv. If the GOP wanted an African American leading the party, they should have gone with Blackwell. I disagree with him on most issues, and I am no fan at all of his. However, I do not think he'd embarrass the GOP like Steele is currently doing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 10:20:58 PM Dude, RD, please tell me you don't think Ms. Edgy is attractive. Please. She's got a f*cking UGLY tramp stamp that's not even done right, oddly proportioned, unhealthily skinny (seemingly from coke) want me to go on? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 10:25:25 PM IRE: cranky or what tonight... I'm sending you a seems you need it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:11:44 PM Awwwwww Jules, can I say "thanks" from the bottom of my heart? I think it is that no one appreciates tweed any more. And it seems the cape has gone out of fashion (I'm not talking Ataru-esque cape but rather, a Black Fleece one such as: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:19:49 PM You had me a tweed! I fucking love tweed! And you are right.. no one does, and really so many should-whats with peoples these days! Capes are tricky.. some can carry it off.. others it's more of a challenge. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:30:30 PM I think it is a great aesthetic yet I can't seem to justify acquiring any tweed items myself, living in the South and all. That said I'm considering commissioning a 19 or 20 oz tweed suit. Or just a 2b version of this: BTW: Anyone who wants to know what a perfectly made jacket looks the link. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:37:24 PM People who think Palin's cute or hot need ta get out more. Like to the closest Waffle House. It should have competitive women to that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:40:50 PM Colbert just said, "in the name of Odin", to take up arms. Need odinseye2k to comment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:41:44 PM My Parson's-graduate sis got me a tweed jacket. At least I think it's tweed, I have absolutely no fashion knowledge or sense. All I know is I look like a "frigging" (thank you, RNC Chair!) pimp in it. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Friday Open Thread: Canuck Edition BASENAME: friday_open_thread_canuck_edit STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/20/2009 12:05:50 AM ----- BODY: obama-harper.jpg Yesterday was President Obama's first visit abroad, and it was to our neighbor to the North. Obama:
I came to Canada on my first trip as President to underscore the closeness and importance of the relationship between our two nations, and to reaffirm the commitment of the United States to work with friends and partners to meet the common challenges of our time. As neighbors, we are so closely linked that sometimes we may have a tendency to take our relationship for granted, but the very success of our friendship throughout history demands that we renew and deepen our cooperation here in the 21st century.
On the thickening of the border, I just want to make this clear -- and I want to make this clear to our American friends -- not only have we since 9/11 made significant investments in security and security along our border, the view of this government is unequivocal: threats to the United States are threats to Canada.
The first meeting of the two North American Leaders was, by all accounts, a love-fest. And rightly so. Canadians are the kinder, gentler North Americans. Man, I love me some Canucks and I love me some Obama. There's a lot of ugly going on in the world right now, but yesterday's press conference was a beautiful thing. Yes we Canada! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 08:17:45 AM Hey, what's the capital of Canada? Washington D.C. And I may have to move to Canada in June. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 09:54:19 AM Kindler and gentler? Maybe smellier (of maple syrup) and more likely to succeed in intramural hockey. We could go to war with them and take them tonight, but there'd be heavy civilian casualties when the Canucks have their civil war over who gets to drive the tank. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 10:02:43 AM Pwnt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 11:50:24 AM IRE: Ottawa Zaid..before all that happens Ontario would break free, and make French the official language and Quebec it's capitol. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 11:57:32 AM And of course the Baldwin brothers would die in a daring Canadian air raid. But we'd still have Adam, so it's cool. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 11:58:58 AM No Jules, it's, never mind... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 03:05:42 PM I was kinda pissed the little kids didn't get paid well and didn't get to go on the awards circuit. If they win I hope they get to go up on stage = ) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 04:17:24 PM Today was the bi-annual Filene's of Boston's "running of the Brides" which as now gotten so big they have to hold it at a convention center. The team began lining up before 3 am.. It takes serious dedication to participate in this ritual. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 05:00:13 PM I think they moved it to the Hynes Convention Center because the Filene's Basement where the running usually takes place is closed for renovations. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 07:11:32 PM Is this the best this crowd can do with Canada? Pwnt?? Yeah. Please. It's naturally escaped the attention of many that behind the Brits, it's the Canadians who are one of the few nations in the world actually willing to consistently fight & die for OUR & Nato's cause in Afghanistan. They've lost at least 108 brave soldiers there so far. Moreover, those peace loving Canucks have also fought beside us in allied coalitions all throughout the 20th century, from WW1&11, to Korea & even in 'Nam. And yes, for their minuscule armed forces, they're always willing to serve the world over, in hot spots and wherever the UN needs peacekeeping troops. Despite this, & jokes about overtaking 'The Great White North' belie the fact that besides a wealth of celebrated comedians they've sent streaming south in recent decades, we've always not so secretly coveted their vast supplies of natural resources. So Yes, the US had 'active' invasion plans kept by the War Dept. until 1931. The Navy recently reprised this grand tradition by wryly noting that due to global warming & the naturally Northward shifting growing regions of North America, that starting by about 2050 if not slightly later, much of core of the wheat, corn & food crop growing regions would be safely located within Mid & southern Canada. And yeah, there's also quite a spirited resource arms race going on for the Arctic too, also due to global warming creating the first real easily navigable 'Northwest passage' in over several 1000 years. The unrequited dream of famed European explorers for at least 600 years has been finally achieved. If you wanted cheaper shipping while dodging the few remaining Polar Bears, it's here. And the place has been recently reasonably run by Liberals for much of the last 20 years, hence they had a surplus up until this past year, and their market is one of the few that have lost the least in the recent crash. Ergo, Canada; Not just a great place to visit, a good idea & a decent investment too! There's not many places that we can say the same about either. Cheers, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 07:51:08 PM Being from that region, like most people in that region, I don't think NATO is doing anything except stirring up shit in Afghanistan but whatev. BTW learn to do a patriotic american circle jerk every now and then mate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 08:40:04 PM On that note, in the "what the fuck" department: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 08:48:46 PM As usual, the typical moronic & needlessly nonsensical blatherings we've come to expect from Z. More great Obama pics of the visit here via the at the link: []. And happily, I'm not yer 'mate' Z. What part of the Taliban's wondrous program or governance do you support? Is it the blowing up of girls schools, or just the killing of their teachers & intimidation & murder of innocent students? Perhaps the systematic planned destruction of cultural heritage of the nation? Or the autocratic expansive imposition of a certain kind of wickedly reprehensible Sharia Law? Do tell? Hmmm? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 09:06:10 PM Not supporting military solution to a political problem that has only increased the popularity of terrorist-folk = YOU SUPPORT THE TALIBAN!!111 More strawmen from resident British-wannabe? Yeah I'm trying to toe down on the ad hominem on here because most of the folks are really cool but you pissed me off, Princey. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 10:15:23 PM Other Prezs in Canada Here: [] And Z, Let's take this slow, so even you can follow it. Where was Osama Bin Forgotten ON 9-11? In Afghanistan, as the preferred guest of the cruel & tyrannical Taliban leaders who had previously refused to give him (or his Al Queda compatriots) up to any sort of justice for his alleged terrorist attacks & dealings Prior to the 9-11 attacks. So, Protecting & harboring a well known terrorist mastermind who caused the deaths of over 2,500 Americans, just a 'minor political problem' to your mind perhaps. What happens to Afghanistan will involve plenty of politics, no doubt. It's been a particularly savagely neglected & poorly fought war, but it's the only one we've got that's yes, justified. You tell us differently, and then tell us how we were supposed to respond differently. 'Stuff was already well stirred before we got there, and will probably remain so long after we're gone. Now what & how this has anything to do with 'a patriotic american circle jerk' as you claim is beyond me. Again, you tell me. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2009 10:35:03 PM We met this Chinese-Canadian guy on an airplane, and he was still pissed off that W. visited Mexico before visiting Canada. Apparently, it's considered a sacrosanct tradition that U.S. Presidents go North on the first official visit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/21/2009 12:27:04 PM "Now what & how this has anything to do with 'a patriotic american circle jerk' as you claim is beyond me." I think he meant hating on Canada. Self-proclaimed intellectuals should practice some reading comprehension and also keep a strong model of mind in their back pocket. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/21/2009 01:59:00 PM Hating on canadians is a proud American pasttime, and yes, Canadians do it to America, too. It's all in good fun. As for those concerned about Waziristan/Baluchistan (there is really no "Pakistan/Afghanistan/Iran" to the Pashtun), I reccomend you read this by two women who are both concerned about the region's women and understand the foolishness of NATO's chosen strategy: The pomp-and-circumstance guy might think better than to call a Bihari sympathetic to the Talibanis, but that would require a level of sophistication that the guy doesn't have. Doing pomp and circumstance bullshit is faux politeness, it's condescension. Accusing those who disagree with policies of being on the side of people like the Taliban really are no better than those in 2003 who accused me of being in Saddam Hussein's pocket after I (mostly) accurately predicted everything that would happen in Iraq as a result of an unprovoked US invasion. It has no place in civilized discourse. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Your Early Oscar Open Thread BASENAME: your_early_oscar_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/20/2009 04:31:19 PM ----- BODY: iconTo watch it go to ABC affiliate at 8 pm EST. All the nominees are here. Red Carpet hosts: Tim Gunn on ABC, various other people I don't know on other channels coverage starts as early as 5 pm. To take a trip back in time go here. If you've just taken a hit of acid go here, click on the time line at 1969. Any guesses who will make a political statement while accepting their hot golden man statue? Predict how many actors will mention Obama- I say no less than 5, not including the host what his Wolverine face... Fashion victims here here and here. News about Oscar, here, here and here. For the first time in forever, I've seen all of the best pic nominees. I'd like MILK to win, but Slumdog is great too. Mickey Rourke was a billions times better than Brad Pitt... sheesh what were they thinking.. Sean was good too.. Him or Mickey. Winners? Predictions? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 09:48:40 AM I just want to say that it is bullcrap that Heath Ledger is up for a *supporting* actor nod. The guy carried Dark Knight - that movie wasn't about Batman, it was about the Joker hands down. Heath's Joker made me almost beg to go back to Schumlaker-esque "villains" and cartoons. Pure insanity mixed with a sociopathic bent that made him a master manipulator. In other words, he scared the ever-living hell out of me. Ledger took Joker dead cold serious even though this was a comic book story, and came up with something that had some serious real life to it. The Dark Knight and Battlestar Gallactica guys should get together and make some real hardcore science fiction one day. The good stuff that makes you wonder "hey, why can't *we* do it that way." Okay, I'm done with my DK lovefest. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 09:53:40 AM And by good science fiction, keep in mind that BSG is one of the few shows I've seen that dedicated an entire episode to a *labor dispute.* Think Red Mars' gift economies or flag-of-convenience countries. Think of the serious class implications of longevity treatments or (as in Heroes) superpower serums. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 12:15:17 PM I'm tell you all right now that if Kate Winslet doesn't win the Oscar this year, I'm taking a hostage of some asshat at the Academy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 12:18:40 PM I'm going to have to go geeky with odin for one and say Heath Ledger definitely carried The Dark Knight, yet as an amatuer filmmaker myself, I have to recognize that technically, he was a supporting actor. Yet I don't think that from a certain sense, one of my friends was wrong, when he said "he made Batman a supporting character at best in that film." The Joker's performance was pretty great, and everytime Batman was on the screen I groaned because of his pneumonia-laced voice. Although I will say that the Joker's motivations as a character were weak. The way Ledger acted him was brilliant, but if Joker was in a book or something I'd think he was just kinda ridiculous. "I wanna blow stuff up 'cuz it's fun!" Real development there. CAP reflects on BSG: Though I still give best socially conscious show to Captain Planet. I actually got to see Milk yesterday and was really glad I did. Sean Penn gave a great performance, definitely oscar worthy. However, Slumdog Millionaire really tops Milk in every way. Milk was a good biographical, politically conscious film, but Slumdog transcended cultural barriers in the essence of the thing. When I saw it with my mom we enjoyed it but we didn't think it would catch on in America, but we were wrong. I'm shocked that a film set completely in India, half of it in Hindi, with little to no cultural relevance for most white Americans, ended up outgrossing Benjamin Button. This was a movie they were once talking about releasing straight-to-DVD. I'm glad they decided to bring the little kid actors to the Oscars too. They were completely jipped ( so I'm glad they get to finally get some recognition. I fully intend to break out in Bollywood dance as soon as it gets Best Picture. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 12:21:23 PM Of the two I saw, The Reader and Benjamin Button, and of those two, I liked The Reader the best. I really wanted to see The Wrestler because it looks like it's really good, the same goes for Milk. Got a feeling it's going to be Rourke for best actor. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 12:22:31 PM Not seeing Slumdog = fail ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 02:08:02 PM Ok, I decided to watch the 1969 clip without the suggested hit of acid. After I picked my jaw up off the ground, me and Bezerko are wiping the tears from our eyes. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. I can say that the drugs at that time must have been outfuckingstanding! I am embarrassed for every single person associated with that in any way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 04:43:56 PM It's the planet of the Apes thing puts it over the top no? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 06:29:55 PM My predictions is that black tie will get further eviscerated tonight. Notch lapels, black trousers, and a regular tie will be seen more often than appropriate black tie accoutrements. And don't get me started on the lack of waistcoats, cummerbunds, or DB jackets. Because we are talking about actors, here is a plug for one of my friends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 06:34:23 PM IRE: Likely you are correct.. all in the name of being hip no doubt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 07:12:38 PM Or ignorant. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 07:13:22 PM Post Oscars, I'd like a little DFI advice on something. My future place of employment is going to be a culture of the highly casual, but still an office. Just for kicks I was wondering if there was a tie-less option that was sharp but a little different than polo shirt and slacks or unbuttoned dress shirt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 07:32:33 PM Yes. First off, don't call them slacks. Pants if you must. Second, polo and Chinos are a no-no. At all times. Unless you want to look like you work at blockbuster or some two-bit place of employment. Third, as a junior member, you never want your clothes to make you stand out. This would be as far as you want to go. Now, if you are going to wear a jacket sans tie, you MUST wear a pocket square. Before you guffaw this is what will make you look sharp. they are cheap, pick up several in solid colors or subtle patterns at Fielene's Basement. Won't cost you much but it will make you look like a million bucks. Also, a white linen one wouldn't hurt. There are plenty of sites detailing how to fold them. The rule with wearing them is that they pick up or contrast a color on your shirt (if you wear a tie, do it to the tie, not the shirt). NEVER MATCH YOUR PS AND SHIRT/TIE! EVER! There is so much more to say but just work with the pocket square for a while. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 07:41:23 PM Odin: IRE gives pretty good advice.. but seriously call me we can chat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:01:44 PM Jules, if you recommend to him anything at all from Kenneth Cole, or Boss, you and I are done-zo. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:02:19 PM i'm watching the preshow sean penn looks like an f'ing pimp damn ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:06:17 PM Ok IRE: what about Zegna? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:09:30 PM Zaid, sadly Sean is one of those guys that really struggles to clean up well. He really should just wear jeans and a leather jacket.. it's what works best for him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:11:48 PM Zegna is ok, I own several items from Zegna. Their cashmere is especially nice and well priced. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:11:49 PM The slumdog cast looks gorgeous. My fellow Biharis are the most beautiful people there ^_^ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:13:57 PM DANNY BOYLE BUTTON YOUR DAMN EFFING SHIRT AND WHICHEVER D-BAG WAS THERE WITH ALL THE CHAINS, NO TIE, AND WHATEVER OTHER SHIT YOU WERE WEARING GO CRAWL INTO A HOLE! I like the batwing bowtie the high school musical kid was wearing. Robert Downey Junior needs to know that the only acceptable color of a pocket square while wearing a tux is white or cream, preferably silk. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:15:18 PM Danny Boyle's from Radcliffe. They do it dirty. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:20:04 PM Miley's dress... good christ what the hell? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:20:46 PM At first I didn't know why miley was there then someone told me Bolt was nominated. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:26:26 PM Penelope Cruz in 60 year old Balmain! Hollee crap.. yeah they don't make them like that any more ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:28:15 PM The roped shoulders are out of control on these dudes' jackets. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:30:15 PM get on with the showwww ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 08:33:53 PM Mr. Wolverine looks well in formal wear. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 09:08:43 PM Meanwhile, Jack Black continues to take grooming tips from Wolverine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 10:07:50 PM This is perhaps the best Oscars I have ever seen. inb4you'veseenliketwoZaidyou'relike12. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 10:34:42 PM You've seen like two Zaid, you're like 12. This is actually the first one I've ever watched and I'm only doing it cause I'm with my mom (Gob bless her). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2009 10:36:23 PM I used to watch them with my mom since I was very little actually :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 12:15:53 AM Overall good show.. I think all deserving... Love Kate & Sean. I liked the new fangled presentation method. However that musical number in the middle was hideous and the pool boy who was serving the drinks had to remove all the sharp objects from the room out of sheer terror. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 09:20:08 AM Watched every minute starting at 2PM with the countdowns. Glad Sean Penn won. Loved his acceptance speech. Everyone looked fab. I adore Hugh Jackman - he was great last night. I even liked the musical extravaganza in the middle. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:45:11 AM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 12:23:29 PM I was in Chelsea last night at a watch party, the crowd went crazy at Kate and Sean's win. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Hillary is blogging! BASENAME: hillary_is_blogging STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/22/2009 06:17:40 PM ----- BODY: iconCheck it out here. Good for her, and yeah for that thing called transparency! The site in general is pretty interesting. Other Diplomat punditry here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:21:34 AM I think all the government agencies should have Twitters, actually. CIA4u: We r torturin ppl 2day lul ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 12:13:54 PM There's a pretty major push by the GenY crowd at NASA to do this kind of thing. It's called OpenNASA, but I don't think it's really caught on too much yet. I'm considering joining in (and using my real name there) to help promote the agency. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 01:43:14 PM Very cool. I've added a little badge. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 03:44:03 PM This seems related to the State Department: So if I understand it right, corporate lobbyists for big moneyed interests that donated to our campaign = oh we'll waive the no lobbyist rule for you. Human rights advocates = no wai. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 04:17:26 PM And in the good news department, it seems that seeing the people you're paying for to be blown up changes your mind about stuff: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: The Employee Free Choice Act BASENAME: the_employee_free_choice_act STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/23/2009 01:43:55 PM ----- BODY: Local update courtesy of the DPG:
In Washington, President Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress are fighting for our middle class. An important part of that effort is the Employee Free Choice Act, which levels the playing field for workers who choose to join a union. But here in Georgia, big business and their lobbyists are doing their level best to fight the Employee Free Choice Act with H.R. 22, a bill that is devastating to Georgia's workforce. FACT: The Employee Free Choice Act restores workers' rights to join a union, if they choose to. It strengthens our middle class and grows our economy. FACT: Despite what opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act may say, EFCA doesn't take away secret ballot elections. What it does do, however, is let the workers, not big corporations, decide whether to form a union through majority sign up or secret ballot. Workers can still have a secret ballot election if they choose. The Employee Free Choice Act is important national legislation that protects workers, and that's why here in Georgia, we must stop H.R. 22. We've received word that H.R. 22 is headed for a vote in the House Industrial Relations Committee tomorrow. If a majority of the committee members vote yes on H.R. 22, it will go to the House floor for a full vote. The time to stop H.R. 22 is now, in committee, before it goes any further. And we need your help to do it. We know that Democrats will stand up for workers rights, but please take a moment now to call one or more Republican members of the House Industrial Relations Committee and tell them to stand up for Georgia's middle class and vote "NO" on H.R. 22. House Industrial Relations Committee Republicans Mike Coan (R - Lawrenceville) Chairman 404.656.6801 Bobby Reese (R - Sugar Hill) Vice Chairman 404.656.0314 Terry England (R - Auburn) Secretary 404.656.0183 Mark Hamilton (R - Cumming) 404.656.0188 770.844.6768 - Office Billy Horne (R- Coweta County) 404.656.0287 Tom Knox (R -Forsyth County) 404.656.6831 Edward Lindsey (R - Atlanta) 404.463.2247 Jeff May (R - Monroe) 404.656.5116 Jimmy Pruett (R - Eastman) 404.651.7737 Roger Williams (R - Dalton) 404.656.3904 Clay Cox (R - Lilburn) 404.656.0188
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 02:10:59 PM I can't support card check. It's probably the biggest ideological disagreement I have with Obama. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 03:39:06 PM You have a problem with short-circuiting captive audience disinformation campaigns? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 03:39:13 PM Under EFCA workers can still choose to go the ballot route if that's what they want. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 07:38:55 PM I think this legislation would make an already flawed system far worse. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 07:56:20 PM Details? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 11:00:57 AM I think it gives unions too much power. While it doesn't abolish secret ballot elections, in a practical sense unions are going to opt for the card check option wherever possible because they can do so without giving the employer notice of the impending effort to unionize. As other Democrats have noted, secret balloting is the preferred method of unionizing not just in this country but in other countries with unions. Allowing a union to secretly begin circulating cards to employees for signature pretty much invites pressure, harassment, and even retaliation for those who refuse to sign a card. Those who sign cards could also be endangered in the event the union doesn't hit the threshhold percentage of signatures, if the employer nevertheless gets ahold of the cards somehow and can see who was and was not in favor of unionizing. This is precisely the sort of thing that the anonymity of secret balloting is intended to prevent. I just think it's a really poorly thought out idea that will end up having more negative consequences than people realize. I recognize a majority of Democrats disagree with me, and I can live with that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 03:41:48 PM I think your logic only makes sense if you think unions are either foolish or nefarious, and they really aren't either inherently. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 04:18:42 PM "Allowing a union to secretly begin circulating cards to employees for signature pretty much invites pressure, harassment, and even retaliation for those who refuse to sign a card." I dunno, if a workplace is bad enough that a union thinks they can hold a successful drive (or at least make a good show of it), the organizing election is going to be ugly no matter what. If nothing else, adding power to the unions in this instance makes me feel not too sad. If there weren't law practices devoted to subverting organizing drives and a great deal of conservative chicanery to break down the independence of the NLRB and elections overseers, then we would never have had to go down this road. Also, I'd say that there are plenty of ways in "secret" elections for employers to make it dangerous for people to participate in a failed election. Now that it appears to be all but impossible to conduct a clean election under the current system, the cards may have to be the way to go. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 04:33:18 PM J reports from the Capitol that HR22 has passed out of committee. Saddle up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 04:50:16 PM Yay the Republicans are practicing their favored pasttime: thwarting the grand liberal marxist conspiracy! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 05:22:56 PM I'm glad the DPG is putting out action alerts, but wouldn't your time be better spent contacting Democrats (including maybe some of the sponsors of this resolution) and urging them to vote No? The last time I checked, a lot of Republicans got into politics to defend their version of pro-business interests, the same way a lot of Democrats got into politics to defend a woman's right to choose. There is nothing you can say to a pro-choice Democrat to prevent them from voting for a pro-choice bill, there's probably nothing you can say to an anti-labor Republican to prevent them from voting for an anti-labor bill. They've already heard the pros and cons and made up their minds. It's ideological. So again I'd start calling Democrats in the House and see if you can't pin down 61 "No" votes and if you don't have 61 already find the people that are wavering back and forth and concentrate on them instead. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:04:00 PM "Allowing a union to secretly begin circulating cards to employees for signature pretty much invites pressure, harassment, and even retaliation for those who refuse to sign a card." Wait. "Allowing a union to secretly begin circulating cards?" Isn't that required under current law? Isn't a union required to gather the signatures of 30% of the employees before it can request a union election? The difference between the law as it is and the law as it would be under EFCA is not whether a union would circulate a petition, secretly or not. As I understand it, the difference is the power the law gives to the boss. If more than 50% of the employees demand union representation, they may decide to forgo an election and form a union. Under current law, the boss can veto that decision. Under EFCA, he can't. The boss should not have that power. The EFCA is right to take that power from him and restore it to his employees. As for ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:09:20 PM Crap. As for "pressure, harassment, and retaliation" on the part of the union, those concerns are speculative. The "pressure, harassment, and retaliation" on the part of the boss is proven. The law should address them first, and the EFCA does. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: What's this really about? BASENAME: whats_this_really_about STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/23/2009 07:40:00 PM ----- BODY: That's a question I often ask myself when it comes to the actions of Republicans. Maybe I just have a suspicious nature, or maybe they really do always have a hidden agenda. The latest tidbit that has me puzzled is HB 38, a bill sponsored by Ed Setzler to prevent the implantation of micro-chips in humans without their permission. A breathless email today from Shady Fields urged her flock to show up at the Sub Committee hearing tomorrow to speak in support of this legislation. So, as the world goes to hell in a handbag, the faithful are concerned about unwanted micro-chip implants? Really? Has there been some rampant micro-chipping going on that I hadn't heard about? Not that I think asking someone's permission before implanting them with a foreign object is really a bad idea, but it's just all so odd. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 08:26:35 PM Oh good grief, here's my .02.. Ed's friends in the GOP don't like him very much to have him carry this bill for them. Can we say John Birchers or what? I mean seriously we are 2 billion dollars in debit and this is what we have to worry about? Not only that, his buddy from Cherokee Sean Jurgeson carried the cockamaime Interior Decorators vs. Architects bill and that was debated for 45 minutes! Hey, isn't this is supposed to be their bench, the young guys to move up when their elders move on to Congress aka Chip Rogers. I suppose it's one of two things, either they have others itching for those seats or they somehow are viewed as a threat.. in either case, can I haz some transportation and a job pleasze.. Work on that nitwits. What a bunch of policy light weights.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 10:51:01 PM Ed Setzler is one of the few members of the GOP House that I've had a good long conversation with, and I found him a truly pleasant person. He's like a pro-life Libertarian, and civil liberties issues are very close to his heart. He's not carrying anyone's weight, he really believes this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 10:59:06 PM Ok, Zaid.. what's a Pro-life Libertarian? I thought they didn't espouse all that getting involved in personal private decisions? Is that what Congressman Ron Paul is? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:14:53 PM Jules, Yes, RP is one of those. And no, they don't seem to see the irony that "liberty" is a higher value for wealth than for a woman's body. Of course, they wave that concern away with mystical thinking. No one ever said that True Believer Libertarianism involve thinking or moral development deeper than that of an angsty 15-year old boy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:17:04 PM Odins I see that social issues is one thing you don't budge on much, so I'm going to pre-empt the "doesn't anyone see the irony in that Zaid isn't staunchly one way on every single issue omGZZ!" first, then explain that believing in liberty for unborn kids is completely consistent with libertarian ideas if you think life starts at conception, which is why the national party actually has quite a few pro-life members. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:18:21 PM And Ed Setzler is a very thoughtful person who put up with an hour of discussion with little progressive Zaid in a very respectful manner and he doesn't deserve to be maligned in this way, either. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:29:50 PM Yes, but that is exactly what I am alluding to - that fact that they just go with "oh, God calls that murder" and step away from it. I get hardnosed on issues like that because they are science-based (well, technically the ethics comes first with preconditions and then the science comes and checks them off). And, with a lot of them, I see them as having either one or a relatively clustered subset of answers that follow logically from the ethical precepts. And when people try to show me some other answer without being able to give me even the most basic steps (and yet somehow still believe they know what's up), that's when I get all bunchy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:32:36 PM Assume they do it Because Their Church Told Them So. Doesn't sound like you start your conversations with people you disagree with with very strong assumptions. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:35:09 PM In other words, would the people who cut me off and insulted me for even referring to anti-abortion people as "pro-life" in the other thread a few weeks ago immediately jump onto Nat Hentoff and call him a christian fundamentalist woman-hater GOP-stooge, when he's actually a pro-life atheist and a life-long progressive activist who worked at the Village Voice and regularly contributed to the Washington Post and Progressive Magazine? Ideological totalitarianism is dangerous. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:48:04 PM Been watching Lake of Fire lately.. but I digress I'm not sure he's been maligned. The question has been asked about priorities. He brought this bill a year ago and it died in committee, what's different now? Are we in danger of being picked up and having nameless faceless people implant these things in our bodies? Versus being stuck in traffic for hours every day, or having no money to pay teachers, firemen, cops, or a functioning DOT. I didn't say he wasn't nice.. as if his being nice to you is relevant to policy. Whatever I'm sure he is nice. Oh and why do you speak of yourself in a self effacing way, little ol me.. good grief your entitled to engage an elected official same as the rest of us. No doubt it was a grand exchange. I'm sure you both learned something useful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2009 11:54:05 PM Well, this: "That's a question I often ask myself when it comes to the actions of Republicans. Maybe I just have a suspicious nature, or maybe they really do always have a hidden agenda." Made it seem like Setzler's getting a raw deal here. As for myself, well I don't think my rep. earl earhart would ever hear me out in the way setzler did. Especially after I kinda me not going so easy on him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 12:15:29 AM "a few weeks ago immediately jump onto Nat Hentoff and call him a christian fundamentalist woman-hater GOP-stooge..." Or just at first blush he seems to be the type that just enjoys being the perennial gadfly. I can be moved on some trimester fiddling, but my litmus test for a reasonable person is to start at the blastocyst. If they can't get that answer correct, they're pretty much a waste of my time. Of course, in an ideal world, the NIH would get a few tens to hundred of million a year to perfect birth control and invent a male version and we'd have this problem totally sidestepped. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 12:25:02 AM Most "pro-life" libertarians I've met are converted Republicans. Such non-libertarian ideas as pro-life, pro pre-emptive war, anti-immigration have only recently emerged in the Libertarian party. It's one of the reasons some who still lean libertarian no longer associate with the party. And odin, libertarian philosophy has more to it than some 15 year old boy masturbating while reading Ayn Rand and listening to Neil Boortz. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 12:36:09 AM Maybe he saw these: FDA Approves Computer Chip for Humans: CBS 46 Investigates: Microchips In Humans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 12:39:16 AM That's an interesting concluding sentence, because I really feel like Neil Boortz got his philosophy at 15 years of age, masturbating to Ayn Rand, and didn't intellectually develop since then. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 08:07:22 AM Mel, They view the microchip implantation as the mark of the beast. Religious zealots were in the same uproar about social security numbers years ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:47:13 AM I think you're right Will. When I first read the email, I thought maybe it had something to do with stopping birth control implants. But after I made the post, I found a few "end time" websites with blather about the chips being "satan's mark". Which raises an obvious question. Why would people who excitedly anticipate the rapture oppose these supposed signs of the rapture? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:18:32 AM I was merely answering this question: "Has there been some rampant micro-chipping going on that I hadn't heard about?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:23:07 AM Well no one is "excitedly" anticipating the rapture and those who do would not be pleased to know that the destruction of the world is eminent. This would probably be Aristotle's wet dream but I'm a little wierded out by this. And if I am weirded out, you got some problems. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:37:25 AM Yeah, the Mark of the Beast was the first place I went to in my head as well. Real ID had some opposition from these lines. In the Real ID case, it shows that just because people are a little crazy, it doesn't mean they can't be useful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 12:40:45 PM These people believe they have a mandate by God to save souls. They think they are being vigilant, using the political and legal systems to thwart Satan's every move. Hence, their opposition to microchip implantation. Yes, they eagarly anticipate the rapture and even attempt to hasten it at times. So when they see one of these "signs" they dont really oppose it. It's prophecy and they anticipate and accept what comes. It's their job to help bring the prophecy to fruition. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 02:03:06 PM "And odin, libertarian philosophy has more to it than some 15 year old boy masturbating while reading Ayn Rand and listening to Neil Boortz." Grift, If that wasn't snark, it came to mind FAR too easily. Just sayin'. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 02:16:37 PM You talk about that like it's a bad thing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 03:39:26 PM I should call Setlzer up and ask him, "So you're doing this to thwart Satan, right? Cool." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 04:30:08 PM I want that much metaphysical control. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 05:06:11 PM Hypothetical conversation: (ring ring ring) Rep. Ed (a friend of mine who worked for his campaign making phone calls who is his neighbor calls him Mr. Ed)*.: Sup. Zaid: Hi I'm calling because I heard you had this new bill out about microchips. Rep. Ed: (cocks brow) Oh, so you heard. Zaid: Yes, it's just that I have all these friends who think that there's an evil conspiracy behind everything that Republicans do, and that you're really fighting off Satan or something like -- Rep. Ed.: Yes, that's right. Zaid: that and -- wait, what? Rep. Ed: I introduced the microchips bill not because I'm a noted civil libertarian and good friends with the only Lesbian member of the assembly*, but because I literally think that Satan wants to implant us with microchips and that the whole thing is actually a plot to legalize and subsidize abortion on demand. Zaid: (stammering) I-I'm dumbfounded. Who knew that all this time that the lefty blogosphere was right about you guys? Rep. Ed.: (evil laughter) Yes, Zaid! Now you know! But I cannot let you take this secret with you. Your phone -- which we carefully replaced with an identical Halliburton-CIA replica -- is rigged to explode in 5 seconds. Zaid: No, nooooooooooooooo (BOOM) *Actually true ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 05:14:33 PM Implanted chips are satan's work? I WANT ME SOME! I'm gonna get a tattoo that looks like what people think an implanted chip would look like. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The President would like a word... BASENAME: the_president_would_like_a_wor STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/24/2009 08:58:32 PM ----- BODY: iconPresident Obama will be speaking in just a few minutes.. Reactions Comments Open thread ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:15:12 PM With Bush you could do all sorts of games with how many times he says freedom. What kind of games could you play with Obama? Hope-change? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:16:47 PM DFI report: Michelle in a sleeveless dress color is eggplant, not a typical choice. Nancy in a sweater, again not your average choice. I've noticed Nancy is way off her game since the inauguration.. Armani must be on the outs. HRC is Lilly Pulitzer hot pink! Zeeoha. I predict Saint John knits takes a stock hit tomorrow. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:17:33 PM clap for michelle? lol ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:24:36 PM I hope there is booing-hissing. Not because I'd personally boo-hiss but because it was hilarious when the Dems. did it to Bush over social security in 2005. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:40:02 PM Zaid, that was 5 years into his term and he'd really stepped on himself by them. I doubt we'll see that this year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:42:37 PM I just realized who that idiot in the back who never stands is, my ex congressman tom price. He's actually talking during hte speech too ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:43:43 PM He's referred to as Mighty Mouse on this blog ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:45:26 PM I mean whether I agree or disagree I'm not going to get caught on a camera sitting and talking to my buddy on a CNN camera while everyone else is applauding and yelling and standing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:53:26 PM They booed at "free of earmarks" which was kind of wrong actually. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:53:30 PM He see's it as a badge of honor.. I should post the poster that hung outside his office after the 2006 election. Joe L looks bumming too.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:55:57 PM Not enough applause to cutting the military budget. There was like 6 people out there who clapped, and 2 of 'em you know were Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich so we have 4 members of Congress with balls. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 09:57:35 PM Well 4 additional. I assume Paul and Kucinich have ones that would sink the Titanic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:12:58 PM The fit of Biden's suit was perfect. I expect bespoke. Glad to see the pocket square is getting some love. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:28:25 PM Biden is a snappy dresser. Always has been. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:29:06 PM Oh my GOD MAKE BOBBY JINDAL STOP SPEAKING. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:40:01 PM +1 on Bobby's Sing Song Hour and America Bed Time Story Show. Loved the soft shoulders on Biden's suit. Jindal needs a darted jacket so he doesn't look like the cloth is swallowing him ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:41:47 PM Also, he needs to f%ck the four in hand and go with a half windsor (maybe a tight windsor knot). The FIH just is not imposing and he's scrawny enough that he needs to have a bold and assertive knot to make him more intimidating. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:47:00 PM Love Ya IRe mean it, but there is simply no way to "butch" him up with knot in a tie my friend.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:47:12 PM "Bobby Jindal apparently believes it’s appropriate to address the citizens of the United States in a tone that suggests we’re all nine years old. UPDATE: What’s with the attack on “something called ‘volcano monitoring’”? Volcano monitoring is where they monitor volcanos. So as to better understand, better predict, and better prepare for natural disasters. Is that so complicated? Are only hurricanes worth responding to?" Someone needs to show Bobby Jindal the classic movie Dante's Peak. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: econeil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:51:17 PM So, I kind of feel that if/when Bobby and Sarah run together... the campaign will go something like this: "Vote Against Literacy! Jindal/Palin 2012!!!" Sweet Lord. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:51:31 PM Wouldn't really make a difference. He's a creationist don't ya know. Science is just bothersome. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 10:52:28 PM Dante's Peak is in the upper most echelon of great movies. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2009 11:10:08 PM Palin/Jindal.. well I guess we know who would be wearing the pants in that relationship ~wink~ you betcha ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 09:31:30 AM Also, note Obama's moment in the speech about using "Cold War weapons." The substance behind that tidbit is that he just posted a new Undersecretary for Acquisition (DoD weapons director). This is going to hit some people I know a bit close to home, but I think it is necessary to make some serious reassessments of our national needs in this area: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 09:57:09 AM I noticed that as well odin regarding the "cold war weapons". His appointment of the Harvard expert really caught them off guard. Now, regarding Nancy sitting behind President Obama. That was an extremely poor choice of outfits for her last night. We watched on CSpan and the way the camera was angled, all we could see was two giant boobs right over and to the right of Obama's head. Not cool camera people...not cool. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 09:58:34 AM Also, it was so exciting last night. It's been over 7 years since I've watched a presidential address. I'd almost forgotten what it was like and this time, I actually didn't throw things at the tv. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 10:19:06 AM Oh, and apparently even Fox was luke-warm on the Jindal response. D'oh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 10:24:39 AM Re: Jindal, keep in mind Locke gave a sh%t response in 03, and Clinton did as well in 88. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 10:24:41 AM Also, I didn't realize that Jindal sounded like a Tracey Jordan (30 Rock) impersonation of the mountain-folk page Kenneth. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 10:30:32 AM "What kind of games could you play with Obama? Hope-change?" Check on the NYT interactive feature to calibrate future drinking games. Oddly enough, hope and change were almost never mentioned. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 10:49:35 AM "Re: Jindal, keep in mind Locke gave a sh%t response in 03, and Clinton did as well in 88." Locke's response was apparently good enough to get the wingers to send lots of death threats to his family. That's at least one major reason he dropped off the map until now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2009 11:19:48 AM Jindal is not going to get anywhere. I doubt he even gets the nomination, and if he gets that, there's no way he's two-bit idiocy could take on Obama. I really think the next GOP nominee will not have a southern accent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 09:17:43 AM The latest bit of GOP victimhood warming up on the blogs seems to be Matthews' use of the word "outsourced" in relation to Jindal's response. They claim that it's mocking his Indian heritage. I can't remember if I picked up on that while hearing the response to the response or not. It might have been better to simply say the GOP is desperately looking for someone who hasn't had their PR glossiness wilted away in the spotlight. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 10:41:30 PM Jindal taken apart by Kenneth the Page ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Hey look! Bobby Franklin has a twin! BASENAME: hey_look_bobby_franklin_has_a STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/25/2009 11:22:01 PM ----- BODY:
Sen. Dave Schultheis, of Colorado Springs, on Wednesday opposed a bill requiring all pregnant women to be tested for HIV, so that if they are infected their babies can be treated to prevent the transfer of the virus. "This stems from sexual promiscuity for the most part, and I just can't go there," he said. "We do things continually to remove the consequences of poor behavior, unacceptable behavior, quite frankly. I'm not convinced that part of the role of government should be to protect individuals from the negative consequences of their actions."
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 08:55:40 AM The wages of sin is DEATH! Wow, sorry, something got into my morning coffee... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 08:58:54 AM But seriously, why go the "promiscuity" route when it is a bill *requiring* medical actions. Just mutter "free choice," "privacy," "government intrusion into difficult personal matters," and on and on. On the other hand, can you really be pro-life and pro-infant-HIV at the same time? Do people really (voluntarily) disable their mental faculties to this degree? Permanently, I mean. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 09:23:25 AM Is this the same dude who equated homosexuality to murder earlier in the week? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 04:01:25 PM Colorado will just not let us have the coveted "Most Nutcases Per State" award again this year :( ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Send an email to MSNBC! BASENAME: david_sirota_on_msnbc STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/26/2009 06:49:45 AM ----- BODY:

Tell MSNBC: "We Want David!"

Take a moment this morning to let MSNBC know that you'd like a progressive voice on every night at 10PM!  MSNBC has put out the call for a new show on their network.  David Sirota, our friend and supporter is seeking support to be named the new host of a show following Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.  Chris Bowers, over at OpenLeft provides all we need to write a compelling letter to "the powers that be" at MSNBC. 

Highlights from Chris Bowers are below the fold.

  • David is great on TV: David appears on television about once a week, and always does a great job. You can see this for yourself by going to his website, and clicking any of the links on the left-hand column. He's forceful. He's funny. He is unabashedly left-wing and populist. He can really make conservatives angry while still offering a clear message. Television is a difficult medium to consistently perform well, but David has a proven ability to do so.
  • David is a leading anti-corporate, pro-grassroots voice: In David's two books, Hostile Takeover and The Uprising, and voluminous writing online, he has proven himself to be a leading voice against the corporate imbalance that has come to dominate our economy, and the increasing backlash against it. This is exactly the sort of voice we need on a cable news network that is, lest we forget, part of a gigantic conglomerate that sells everything from news to military grade weapon systems.
  • Don't get angry about the media, become the media: For years, left-wing complained about the sorry state of the Democratic Party. You know the complaints: too timid, too centrist, too disorganized. However, about five or six years ago, progressives began to do more than just complain about the Democratic Party, they decided to start becoming the Democratic Party. In a campaign Jerome Armstrong termed "the silent revolution," progressive grassroots campaigns sprang up around the country to run for elected positions in the Democratic Party. In several states around the country, these campaigns succeeded in transforming the local state Democratic Party. Even I jumped into the mix, becoming a local precinct captain and winning a seat on the Democratic state committee here in Pennsylvania. The apex of this effort was when Howard Dean became DNC chair.

    The same principle applies to the national media. Like many people on the left, I complain about the corporate media all the time. However, rather than just complaining about the corporate media, shouldn't we be working to take it over? We have done a great job of building online progressive media, but even with the recent changes at a cable news network like MSNBC, the Republican media dominance of the last few weeks shows that we still lag behind on television. That is why it is a good thing for progressives to campaign for new cable news network time slots whenever such openings appear.

  • The more progressives campaigning for the new MSNBC show, the more likely it is that a progressive will land the show: Speaking of progressives campaigning for cable news network time slots, as many people know The Young Turks and Sam Seder are already underway for the new MSNBC time slot.  As a fan of both Sam's and Cenk's, I wish them both the best of luck in winning the new show.  Further, I believe that the more progressives we have publicly campaigning for the time slot, the better the chance of any progressive eventually winning the time slot.

    It is the same principle as the extended 2008 primary season, which I strongly believe helped President Obama's chances in the general election. The more public supporters that David, Sam, and Cenk each have, the more attention it draws to all progressives campaigning for the time slot, and the more interest it demonstrates in progressives winning the new show.

    Write an email now: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 09:06:36 AM Between current conservative partisan Fox News and soon-to-be liberal partisan MSNBC, it seems like all that is left for CNN to do is to referee the grudge match. Of course, CNN could hire more real reporters and investigate facts behind both sides' talking points. But we know that's not a profitable model. I'd settle for moments like Chris Matthews' for now though: Or this: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 10:51:58 AM Have you ever watched Olbermann, Madow, or Sirota on TV? They aren't Democratic "partisans" they're real investigative reporters -- they fact check "both sides," unlike CNN, which pretty much invites lobbyists on to give their side without identifying them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 12:33:59 PM Latest ratings have FOX NEWS blowing the doors of MSNBC again, basically back to pre-primary numbers. Not good news for MSNBC or CNN. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 12:41:57 PM Bill Maher calls it "fake fairness." That's the whole idea behind "fair and balanced." Like a seesaw, the ends are the TWO opposing viewpoints, and the moderator, I guess, is the midpoint who's supposed to maintain equilibrium. The problem with this concept, though is that having two positions on one issue means you have to use the same frame, and that's why it's usually a bad idea to go on Fox or CNN. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 03:37:32 PM I remember all that "fairness" during the run up to the war, where "fair" entailed quoting a Republican leadership hack and Democratic leadership hack about the nefarious threat from Iraq without fact-checking the statements of either. That's why I particularly like Rachel Maddow. She researches stuff. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Young Democrats Taking Action: Economy, Environment, & Your Electric Bill BASENAME: young_democrats_taking_action STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/26/2009 11:21:44 AM ----- BODY: Several Action Alerts are now active on our Young Democrats of Georgia Website. Can you spare a couple of minutes to take action that could save the state and taxpayers Millions of Dollars and protect our Environment? Click on the links below for info on the legislation and to take action: Fixing the Budget: Take Action on House Bill 356 Raising Revenue: Support Sunday Sales, Vote Yes on Senate Bill 16 Stop the State from Raising Your Electric Bill: Take Action on Senate Bill 31 Help our Environement: Take Action on Two Important Environment and Transportation Efforts Support the work of Young Democrats, make a contribution online today at ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:47:03 PM Going to be setting up a big Thank You email to all the Dems that voted against this bill. I actually don't think the voters will forget. Lord have mercy, I know I won't. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Next time you see Karla Drenner, Kevin Levitas, and Calvin Smyre... BASENAME: next_time_you_see_karla_drenne STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/26/2009 02:39:19 PM ----- BODY: ...smack them, and ask them why they voted for SB 31 when people like Rich Golick and Jill Chambers voted no. (apologies for linking to PP, the House web site isn't updated yet) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 02:55:11 PM Don't feel bad. Dubose plugged Peach Pundit from the well today. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 03:05:17 PM Golick and Chambers are some of the few people in either party in competitive districts who have had competitive campaigns run against them that highlighted their voting records. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 03:16:23 PM Davis is in a competitive district and he voted for it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 03:25:29 PM With all respect, Chris, the fact that Golick and Chambers survived their competitive campaigns in a very Democratic year, in a year where Jill made a couple of trips to the funny farm, and in a year where we did manage to knock off old boy Steve Tumlin, has to have them feeling pretty secure for the long term. They didn't have to vote no. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 03:33:00 PM Why exactly does it matter if their district is competitive or not when this will be a non issue to most voters at the polls by time the next election? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 03:38:54 PM It won't be a non-issue when people get there electric bills. If not then 2012. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 03:39:44 PM Meant to say if not 2010 then 2012 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 03:59:52 PM Speaking of electric bills why don't you guys take a look at the Let's Raise a Million project (LRAM), something I'm involved in to help indigent people save on their electric bills and also to help reduce fossil fuel consumption: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 04:22:39 PM Ataru if you spend at parity with Jill she will probably lose, just based on how early votes vs people that voted closer to the election voted (and how you'd expect them to vote based on their demographic and electoral history). The real spending barrage didn't happen until later in October after a lot of those people voted. Plus with redistricting if that district shifts a few points more Democratic it becomes a solid Democratic seat instead of a lean-Democratic toss up (with a strong/entrenched Republican incumbent). Now as for Steve Davis, that guy is a partisan ideological believer who will go down with the ship. He has shown no inclination to change with the times (or his district) and I think he'd rather go down fighting what he believes to be the good fight (in accordance with his ideology) than shift with the wind. I've also heard a lot of speculation that he isn't running next time anyway so political concerns (like election results) would be even less of a motivator than they otherwise would be in that case. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 04:43:18 PM Don't forget Amy Carter and a couple of those other SW Dems. They are NOT our friends right now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 07:17:13 PM The floor speeches were long and lots of opinions were available. Instead of "smacking" them someone could politely ask what their reasons were... Karla envoked Jimmy Carter, and others felt that it wasn't much going to be avoided come one or another way. Frankly we were lucky to keep the delegation together on HR1 so if it were me, before I try the vinegar approach, since the session isn't over, you might try some honey first.. there are other crappy things out there still to come.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 08:39:33 PM Do I strike anyone as a honey type of guy? ;-) It would be pretty tough for them to convince me that there was some justifiable reason for voting for this, quite frankly. What does Jimmy Carter have to do with this, anyway? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 08:45:50 PM The entire list courtesy of Tondee's Tavern: Rep. Ellis Black Rep. Amy Carter Rep. Mike Cheokas Rep. Hardie Davis Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler Rep. Karla Drenner Rep. Carl Epps Rep. Gloria Frazier Rep. Carol Fullerton Rep. Mike Glanton Rep. Keith Heard Rep. Joe Heckstall Rep. Henry Howard Rep. Sistie Hudson Rep. Lynmore James Rep. Darryl Jordan Rep. Kevin Levitas Rep. Howard Mosby Rep. Quincy Murphy Rep. Nikki Randall Rep. Jay Shaw Rep. Calvin Smyre Rep. Al Williams ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 08:50:41 PM So, will anyone actually call out Drenner or any of the more liberal members who voted yes? Will anyone openly praise Hanner, Parham, and the other more Conservative Rural members who supported it? Hahahahahahhaha. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 08:51:32 PM Arghhhh that should say "who did not support it" not "who supported it" :( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 08:59:28 PM Sure, I'll praise anyone who didn't support it, right here and now. Great job, everyone who voted against it. "One SB 31 supporter, Rep. Karla Drenner (D-Avondale Estates), even suggested that SB 31 would hold down the price of gasoline at the pump." Like, seriously? Sounds like a Georgia Power talking point with no basis in reality whatsoever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 09:03:55 PM Also, this is a rare circumstance, so I do want to note it: I agree with Grift about the impact of the legislation. I spoke with a few people in my area after it passed and they were furious. I doubt this will be forgotten anytime soon. I wonder how many possible primaries we'll see from just this legislation? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 09:57:39 PM Rep. Ellis Black Rep. Amy Carter Rep. Mike Cheokas Rep. Hardie Davis Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler Rep. Karla Drenner Rep. Carl Epps Rep. Gloria Frazier Rep. Carol Fullerton Rep. Mike Glanton Rep. Keith Heard Rep. Joe Heckstall Rep. Henry Howard Rep. Sistie Hudson Rep. Lynmore James Rep. Darryl Jordan Rep. Kevin Levitas Rep. Howard Mosby Rep. Quincy Murphy Rep. Nikki Randall Rep. Jay Shaw Rep. Calvin Smyre Rep. Al Williams These people are NOT our friends. F*CK em all. Turds. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 10:02:44 PM 30% from all over the state, urban rural, conservative and liberal. So, what's the theory? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 10:12:03 PM They are turds? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:45:24 PM I'm very disappointed in the Dem caucus on both sides. So what I'm seeing is had the Democrats actually had any balls (the ones that voted forit) this legislation would have been soundly defeated on both sides of the Assembly. I would say "assclowns" but that's not in my domain :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2009 11:48:08 PM Tim's finally come over to the dark side. (hands him copy of the Nation and Progressive Democrats of America membership card) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 09:40:23 AM Zaid, there is no Dark Side, only more light :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 10:24:51 AM "So, what's the theory?" When you're in the minority on a bill that's going to pass anyways, may at least pick up some campaign funds? The worst part of this thing is that it essentially kicks the PSC in the nuts. I forget who said it, but it was said best that a collection of insurance salesman, Realtors, ex-farmers, and so on declared themselves more knowledgeable about industry policy than a board of experts. Of course, this is a place where that fancy book-learnin' ain't good for much. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 01:36:09 PM But it wasn't going to pass anyway. That's the problem. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 06:46:42 PM PS, what do you mean by "wasn't going to pass anyway?" I thought it was just a plain ol' bill. Was there really that much resistance to it on the Republican side of the House? And I truly ask for my own education. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 06:56:49 PM The whole point of this bill was that it made people on the traditional left and right angry. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 07:21:36 PM There are 101 Republicans in the House, and only 84 of them voted yes, so clearly there was resistance on their side of the aisle ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 10:48:35 AM I see. Seems that Smyre and DuBose would have found a good chance to threaten some rural Georgia seats with this going down. I mean, it's so visceral. The General Assembly literally voting to take your money and hand it to Georgia Power, no strings attached. Well, time to enjoy the greatness of cost-plus contracting. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Here's your chance... BASENAME: heres_your_chance STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/26/2009 09:46:55 PM ----- BODY: Eggs & Issues Breakfast. Hosted by Representative Karla Drenner. Saturday, February 28, 2009 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Clarkston Woman's Club 3912 Church Street (Between the International Bible Church and the First United Methodist Church) The event will include a FREE continental breakfast as well as the chance to hear more information about and to express your opinion of current trends facing Georgia's 86th House District. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Transportation Town Hall in Rockdale BASENAME: transportation_town_hall_in_ro STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/26/2009 10:04:24 PM ----- BODY: iconThe Georgia General Assembly's Rockdale Delegation Invites you to a Town Hall meeting, this Saturday! Who: Sen. John Douglas and Sen. Ron Ramsey, Rep. Toney Collins, Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler, Rep. Pam Stephenson and Rep. Randal Mangham, Chair What: TOWN HALL MEETING When: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2009 Time: 9:00 A.M. Where: Rockdale Career Academy 1064 Culpepper Drive, Conyers GA 30094 This event is free and open to the public, light refreshments will be served beginning at 8:30 am ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 11:33:28 AM Oh sure...Toney Collins says he'll be there. Right. And I'm the tooth fairy. If he actually shows, you know it will snow on Sunday because hell is in the process of freezing over. But I may have to go for the opportunity to see Speed Racer. And heckle. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 04:43:20 PM We will want video of that missy ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_76 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/27/2009 06:11:00 AM ----- BODY: icon By special request. For me it's a tie between Neil Diamond & Charles Nelson Reilly. What's up with Lionel Ritchie? Sure, $1.3 million is a lot, but bravo for refusing the bonus! So just how does one form one of these clubs? It's elemental, my dear. Now is your chance for Atlantic Station digs. Hmmm... this sheds some light on Senator Gregg's surprising withdrawal. What do Madonna, Mike Tyson, and Sly Stone have in common? h/t to Sarah. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 07:40:52 AM Monica Lewinski? Another example of the old adage- just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 10:41:43 AM Re: Gregg - I knew there was something. I was just hoping it was salacious enough for Obama to squeeze a couple of votes out of him here and there. No need to be greedy - just sign the dotted line on a national health system would be all I'd ask for. By that time, we also need to get Franken seated and Burris replaced. Now that Burris has no political future, he's a pure wild card. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 01:37:01 PM Most of the Senate Democrats themselves wouldn't sign on to any kind of real national healthcare (meaning based on single payer, like most people want and most countries have), you gotta be kidding me if you expected there was anything we could've done with a Republican from New Hampshire of all places to get them to sign on. Obama's economic team is a Republican wet dream. How about bringing Stiglitz on to something, or Dean Baker, or someone who was actually right about stuff in their career? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 02:32:02 PM Zaid, Look at the new Obama budget. Look at the fact the guy called for a carbon tax on national television. Look at the fact that the guy is starting to turn the gears on a machine aimed at re-leveling the American playing field slowly and confidently. Look at the fact the guy is getting *John McCain* to go on TV and praise the plan to pull out of Iraq. So, juxtaposing your constant sniping with the willingness to defend small-minded suburban Georgia GOP members because they gave you a warm fuzzy for having a conversation (and maybe Sirota hasn't told you to hate on them yet) is getting a bit frustrating. Congressional Democrats' approval had a double-digit net swing in the positive direction this week. Obama just walked off a $500B spending / ~$150 middle class tax cut bill with nearly unstoppable numbers. He's appointed a guy to DoD that is going to make several sectors of the defense industry crap itself. In this case, perfect is becoming the enemy of pretty damned good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 06:08:01 PM I'm sorry I messed with Mr. Hope-Change. Maybe he can sic Rahm Emmanuel on me like he dealt with Paul Krugman. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 06:13:43 PM And you're kidding yourself if you think his recent announcement of "Maybe we'll keep 50,000 troops in Iraq through 2011 lololol" is anything to be proud of. The Congressional Democrats should've ended this shit back in 2007 with the power of the purse. And I don't happen to appreciate his expansion of bombing raids on defenseless villages in my own country, and fuck anyone who thinks that's productive. Try air-raiding cities in the US claiming to be trying to get some eric rudolph type character and see how much that reduces anger at the government. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 06:16:46 PM And the biggest package of tax cuts since the Bush Administration is not "pretty damned good," it's hairbrainned and idiotic and designed to win political points with people who don't understand economics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 06:27:40 PM And as for the small-minded GOP members you blindly hate as much as you say I blindly snipe at Obama, who was the only person at UGA willing to help you with your crusade against a bill that would never even get out of committee and was just there to make a few far-right GOPers happy? The rest of the Young Dems treated you like a loser and didn't want to help at all, 95% of them didn't even pay attention to a word you said, and I decided I'd help you against the bill, and I'm the one who's the GOP's best friend, huh? Maybe next time I won't help you, I see how you repay your friends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 06:43:41 PM Dude, I just said you were applying an interesting standard. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 06:51:29 PM Yeah, the standard in that I'm not as bigoted towards religious or southern people as you are? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 10:57:41 AM Yeah, I'll point to the beam wedged in my eye. I think I've said before that the only positive thing I learned about the South in history class was Sherman's march. And religion has this way of pointing to the black part of my soul. Ah, well, always something to work on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 11:11:36 AM Totally random other topic: It looks like a lot of questions regarding the exact nature of the planet's carbon cycle are going to go unanswered for a while. This sucks for my friends at Orbital Sciences, one of whom was actually working on the satellite. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2009 07:59:34 PM I remember we had a convo. about Hitchens once. The guy is way out of his league here: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Assisted suicide "ring" busted BASENAME: assisted_suicide_ring_busted STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/27/2009 07:35:57 AM ----- BODY: Ever heard of the Final Exit Network? Me either. Apparently they're a Marietta-based semi-virtual organization offering "support" to those who need "relief" from their suffering. That support and relief has brought four of its members to the attention of the GBI. It's a little unnerving to look at the quite ordinary townhouse in Cumming where one of the relief operations apparently occurred. I'm hoping that this will reignite debate about whether people who do this ought to be referred to as a "ring", although the chances of us getting a law like Oregon's are pretty much zero - I mean, we're dealing with people who can't handle alcohol on Sundays, you know this ain't gonna fly. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 01:34:42 PM What Oregon law? Ring? Are you trying to argue for or against assisted suicide? I can't figure out anything from this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 01:48:30 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 01:50:45 PM This Oregon Law. I'm not against assisted suicide but this group strikes me as creepy and if the allegations are true, they'll do harm to the legalization of assisted suicide. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2009 01:51:29 PM I found this interesting Q: Can a non-resident move to Oregon in order to participate in the Act? A: There is nothing in the law that prevents someone from doing this. However, the patient must be able to prove to the attending doctor that s/he is currently a resident of Oregon. -- I wonder if there's people who buy up Oregon property just for that purpose. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 05:42:35 PM Basic research from the Googles: See also: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 08:23:35 PM It's "The Google" not "the Googles" We may be in the age of hope-change, but never forget your bushisms. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 08:30:01 PM Really Z? You're a champion wanker for that and more. It's Sat night, I'm going out. You can play with yourself at the link. Have fun. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 09:16:47 PM Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and/or took a lot of Ritalin today... ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Future of the Conservative Party. BASENAME: future_of_the_conservative_par STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/28/2009 11:13:38 AM ----- BODY: A Georgia boy, no less! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 12:50:10 PM Oh my. Probably the most coherent message that has ever come out of that wacky conference. Let's hope he outgrows it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 02:15:35 PM He seems brighter than 4/5 of his party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 03:46:32 PM He's obviously too smart to be a Republican for long. The College Dems will turn him out once he gets to Harvard. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 08:27:57 PM He may have to wait a little longer than he thinks: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2009 09:18:17 PM I wonder what kind of country would emerge from Coulter's suggestion of raising the voting age to 40 and Boortz's suggestion of revoking the 17th amendment. Maybe they'd finally get the country they want? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2009 01:58:10 PM Tween pundits are apparently popular among conservatives: Maybe this is the natural result of being both pro-child labor and anti-education as a matter of policy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2009 08:05:58 PM Someone should ask him if he had read Atlas Shrugged. Usually you have to get to at least 16 before you do that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 12:48:14 PM He could found some kind of little Internet company (shop, not a Google) or other non-technology entrepreneurship. In that case, he's probably conservative forever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 01:54:29 PM WTF is he talking about? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 03:40:11 PM Future of the conservative movement, future of the progressive movement meets today: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 05:37:14 PM He gave that same speech on Fresh Air or a similar program a few months ago. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Obama's DOJ Budget BASENAME: obamas_doj_budget STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/28/2009 04:28:32 PM ----- BODY: iconI haven't had time to look at the details (and yes, I know the devil is in the details), but some of the highlights look good:
    The President released the Administration's FY 2010 top-line budget proposal today which includes $26.5 billion for the Department of Justice (DOJ), a 3.5 percent increase more than the FY 2009 budget. Expands Prisoner Reentry Programs - Includes $109 million for prisoner reentry programs, including an additional $75 million for the Office of Justice Programs to expand grant programs authorized by the Second Chance Act that provide counseling, job training, drug treatment, and other transitional assistance to former prisoners. Enhances Federal Civil Rights Enforcement - Includes $145 million for the Civil Rights Division to strengthen civil rights enforcement against racial, ethnic, sexual preference, religious and gender discrimination.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Upgrade BASENAME: upgrade STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/01/2009 10:50:12 AM ----- BODY: upgrade.jpg It's that time again. Time to upgrade the Movable Type software that drives this blog. Hopefully, it won't be as crazy as last time when we lost all the archives and no one could comment for weeks, but one never knows. It's always an adventure with MT, so hold on to your sugalumps and wish us luck. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2009 12:30:13 PM So then why use MT? I ask cause I don't know. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 05:24:03 PM MT is awesome. He should be Governor. In other news, the site looks great! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 10:02:41 PM Obama's great at finding who doesn't pay taxes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 10:34:38 PM Requirements to being in Obama Administration Cabinet: 1) Must have been noted advocate of failed , even criminal policies, whether they be insanely stupid wars (Iraq: Biden, Emmanuel, Holbrooke), or economic deregulation bonanzas (Geithner, Summers, et al) 2) Must not pay taxes, or at least all of them, especially on luxury items most Americans don't have (private driver taking you to every single place you go apparently if you owe hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes on said driver) 3) Must not be eminintely qualified and actually ask for the job (see: Howard Dean -- ) I think I gots it covered. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 09:26:16 AM I really wish he hadn't gone with Sebelius. She's a good pick for the post, but also our 60th Senator (and a good hedge against Reid or Dodd blowing up in 2010). Maybe he'll let her campaign while still in the Cabinet? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 04:03:06 PM Sebelius is a step up from Daschle, but I don't know if that says much. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: BASENAME: post_4 STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/01/2009 07:27:13 PM ----- BODY: kerry1.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Test entry BASENAME: test_entry STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/01/2009 11:14:33 PM ----- BODY: I know the comments aren't working, but please stand by. Update: to comment, please log out and log back in. Thanks to Grift for the tip. Blogging might be light for a few days as the authors figure out this software. It's quite different on the back end. That is all. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 02:52:05 AM fsdfsfa ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 02:58:14 AM Duuuude! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 02:59:07 AM People may have to sign out then sign back in ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 08:22:00 AM what's with the horseshoe? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 08:55:02 AM Working just grand on this end! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 10:06:17 AM Having to make this comment from IE - maybe Firefox is greedily holding on to cookies like it usually does. The new backend looks like the MT 4 running my personal blog, which I have to say I'm just fine with. Everyone should be happy with it... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 10:14:14 AM Thanks for the tip Ataru. I can't log in from Firefox... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 11:39:01 AM testing... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 12:08:43 PM That's what she said! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 12:24:57 PM ..... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 12:37:53 PM Thanks for checking y'all. We have seven days to report any problems and after that we're sort of on our own. Thanks also to Sarah at MT. This upgrade seem to have gone a whole lot smoother than the last one. Whew. If anyone has any issues/problems and can't leave them in the comments, please email me at ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 03:52:44 PM oh dear ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Matt Wilkerson EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 11:59:21 PM test ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 02:02:48 AM the backend works a helluva lot better. much improved. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 10:56:58 PM Comments on front page right column are no longer ordered by time but by time of the post (not the comment). weird. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Kudzu Vine 3/1/09 BASENAME: kudzu_vine_3109 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/02/2009 08:56:19 AM ----- BODY: Wherein I make a reappearance. Check out Kudzu Vine from last night. David,Tim and I covered the south last night from Texas to Florida; Alabama to Maryland. Would you like to be a guest on Kudzu Vine? Is there a topic you'd like us to cover? If so, drop me an email and we'll see what we can do! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 12:47:23 PM I'm on news staff for WUOG, we should trade ideas sometime. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 05:12:58 PM My toaster loves WUOG! Seriously, WUOG would emanate from that thing all the time when I lived on Harris Street. My next door neighbor's VCR/DVD combo would do the same thing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 05:28:01 PM Ok, no idea what that means but, ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 05:33:01 PM My toaster would receive and play the signal from WUOG. Seriously. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 05:48:42 PM How does a toaster play a radio signal? Did it come from outer space? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 06:13:17 PM It's your station. Your should probably wear a Geiger counter to work. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2009 10:29:21 PM We actually moved to the new student center this semester they're building. A lot of the older folks were understandably unsettled by the move because the new place isn't worn out and torn down enough to be indy or whatever, but they're working on drawing absurd po-mo art onto all the walls to get it there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 08:54:36 AM WRAS>every radio station in Georgia combined. They even fired me once! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Meghan McCain can't date anyone, also has poor grasp on grammar BASENAME: meghan_mccain_cant_date_anyone STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/02/2009 11:55:29 PM ----- BODY:
    "The election killed my personal life," and it ends, "So to all the fathers out there: If you want your daughters to be single in her 20s, I can say this--run for president."
    meghan-mccain.jpg Not enough for you? Read the rest. it's totally worth your time. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 01:03:32 AM Holy crap. I'd hit it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 01:11:31 AM She's on facebook. And you both hate Obama. I think you are in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 01:58:48 AM thank you that visual is stuck in my head before I go to sleep. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 03:43:06 AM More hotties for you at the link Z. Geez, pretty & pathetic. But let's get back to the question at hand. Poor Ms. M. Obliviously now a Ron Paul fan too. Sitting all lonely like in that 5 star hotel. Her million dollar heiress cred not getting her any action. Boo-Hoo! So why is this strange? "When I find my father’s face staring back at me on a potential date's Facebook page I am equally put off. I don’t want to see my father’s picture near any picture of a guy I am attracted to, especially if we haven’t even had dinner yet." It's pretty natural for all sorts of GOPers. See also: Chuck Robb. And yeah, I'm really impressed by this too: "She graduated from Columbia University in 2007." Umm, in What exactly? Poly Sci? Union busting? Transgendered studies? What & Why? But yeah, over all my heart bleeds. Fresh cut flowers from room service and all too. Don't worry about it too much Z, you can't afford to take her to dinner anyways. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 03:46:04 AM Nope the links are not working well here either: So here's the proper link I was trying to cite above: []. I think they've made an appearance here in the last few months too. JMP. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 08:56:35 AM She's hot. I've said it before, I'd put up with her. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 08:59:09 AM Well, I think she'll look back with fondness on the daddy jokes once the creepy comments revert back to the "I'd love to have you save me from drowning" variety. JM - Re: the DABA's. Yeah, I can definitely see these girls as part of the reason CEOs drive their banks off cliffs and then jump out the 100th story window afterwards. Also: "Little did I know, dating would become much more complicated and much less fun than it was in college." Isn't this pretty much a universal experience? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 09:02:27 AM I think she'll look back with regret when she didn't answer the Thunder's calls! HOLLA! PS: as far back as 06 or 07 I was saying the McCain daughter was hot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 09:13:44 AM Don't worry, man. When she goes back to the Arizona bar scene, she'll probably meet lots of guys that call themselves Thunder (or similar things). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 09:27:14 AM "I'd hit it": I know it's a very popular thing to say among The Youth, but this is one of my least favorite expressions. It combines all the charm of objectification of women, with the wit of implied violence. And no, I don't have a sense of humor about it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 10:12:54 AM There is only one The Thunder. And he'd tap it with the fury of an angry god. HOLLA! Hopefully "I'd tap it" is more acceptable than "I'd hit it." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 10:41:18 AM Once again, IRE shows he's the most sensible of all BFDers, willing to put aside partisan politics for some booty. As for me hating Obama, MOTS, that's a hilarious way to treat people who don't think he's as Bill Maher snarks, "Chocolate Jesus." I think he's done good, bad, and ugly things, just like any other politician. Welcome to reality. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 10:43:51 AM And as for my language, everyone else trashing her because you don't like her dad isn't exactly the most classy... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 03:09:52 PM ANyone else enjoying the Rush v Steele fight as much as me? It pleases me to no end to see these GOP bigwigs doing the infighting we do best. BTW: I think I will keep coming back to this thread whenever I have a random post. Meghan McCain just gets to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 03:29:05 PM Cantor's in the act, too. It is rather beautiful, and it's a strategy that works best because of Rush's ego. If he actually cared about something besides his ratings, he could simply shut up and this would go away. It's also perversely brilliant in that the press loves these "he said, she said" controversies and high school gossip, although I think that was probably just a stroke of luck to tap into that. I am all for making the Repub leadership either stand with or against Limbaugh. Showing their true enslavement to the man and his rabid audience is just icing on the cake when they have to go and prostrate themselves before the mighty AM dial. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 03:48:48 PM The problem with AM radio is you can never get a good signal in the underground bunker. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 03:51:51 PM " BTW: I think I will keep coming back to this thread whenever I have a random post. Meghan McCain just gets to me." I mean, you don't have to agree with it to say, "DAMN IT"S FINE." Let Limbaugh, Steele, et al devour eachother. There's enough fighting within the Democratic Party we need to do to iron things out. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Just call him Dr. Phil "Mr. Earmarks" Gingrey BASENAME: just_call_him_dr_phil_mr_earma STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/03/2009 01:55:03 AM ----- BODY: I hereby decree that Congressman Dr. Phil Gingrey, of Georgia's 11th District, is renamed Dr. Hypocrite Gingrey. Time and time again, Dr. Hypocrite talks a good game about how he's against those "tax and spend" liberals. In 2007, he proposed the Earmark Reform Act of 2007 to cut money spent on earmarks in half. Then in Dec. 2008, he coined an op-ed stating:
    Especially considering that for all the campaign promises of scalpels and line by line reviews, President-elect Obama seems more likely to need a shovel so that he can pile on more spending. This money will have to come from somewhere and have no doubt about from where - from you and the pockets of every other taxpayer. We all recognize the truth in Benjamin Franklin's aphorism about "death and taxes," but it is difficult for hardworking Americans to accept tax increases when Washington demonstrates no inclination to cut wasteful spending.
    Tough talk from a hypocrite. Dr. Hypocrite didn't vote for the stimulus bill, although he went on the teevee and said he wanted to work with President Obama. Now it seems that Dr. Hypocrite has requested a whopping $36,257,750 in earmarks. Yes, that's $36 million dollars. This does not include the three FY09 spending bills that passed back in the fall (Defense, Homeland Security, and Military Construction/Veterans Affairs). Whoa nelly...wait a minute...who is spending how much of taxpayers dollars? Could it be...say it ain't so...Dr. Hypocrite. No, not you. You want to stop those damn liberals from spending Americans' hard earned monies...oh, my bad, that's the stuff you say when the bright lights of the teevee cameras are coming in for your close-up. Silly me...I thought you were being all honest with the American people. ----- EXTENDED BODY: See, I'm not going to do the Yankee liberal thing and criticize each of your earmarks cause my granddaddy owned a farm and cotton insect management is important to the rural economy. No insects equal better cotton crop which equals more cash. But, my one criticism is that Phil you need to stay true to your game. If you're gonna be blowing up on our teevee sets and on our editorial pages about how us liberals like to spend the money then Phil don't ask for the money. Pull a crazy Paul Broun and just say "no" to the earmarks. Since you have requested so much money from the Obama Administration, please do tell your constituents that the Carters, Buford, and West Point dams are getting fixed because of them damn "tax and spend" liberals and President Obama are giving up $21 million dollars to make sure their homes don't flood. Yup, when you cut the ribbon at Kennesaw's newly built amphitheater, you tell them that President Obama and the Democrats provided $71,000 to improving their downtown. Put a little whisper in the ear of your Rethug buddy, Speaker Richardson, and let him know that you did request $190,000 for his county's airport and a business technology park. And when you start feeling all good about requesting almost $500,000 for Cobb County senior citizens, please don't forget to mention President Obama, Speaker Reed, and Speaker Pelosi. Dr. Hypocrite, you keep requesting those earmarks and us Democrats will keep reminding Georgia voters who are really helping their families. Rep. Jack're next ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 03:23:02 AM Thanks for keeping an eye on Dr. Phil here Bernita. Our problem remains that the political hypocrites are likely to be quite successful, as ever. They speak to 2 different audiences, with forked tongues for each. The 'conservatives' usually only really care about the rhetoric & the 'right' noise they hear on the TV. The rest of his constituents really had better care about the 'real deal', and what this nimrod is bringing home to his district. Right about now? He's likely having his most successful year as a Congresscritter in that regard. Well at least until the F-22 cutbacks. So a conundrum for sure. Thanks for the note, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 08:49:17 AM In mystical time, there used to be a press that called people on crap like this (on both sides). Now, that mystical time probably didn't really exist, but it is good that we have the Internet. Not only does the 'Net watch these things, it can also easily link back to old versions of their scamination. Besides, I think the dictionary definition of "pork" is "something that benefits someone else." Maybe we need to get a group together like the Flaggers and hold up "Your liberal Gingrey earmark tax dollars at work" signs at every one of these future openings. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 10:46:04 AM "Now, that mystical time probably didn't really exist" This used to be Public Citzen's job. Now we have TV sponsored by (insert mega corp here) and you don't see that as much. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 03:57:08 PM BTW, Gingrey is a really great guy on a personal level even if he's a political dunce. *puts up flame shield for not completely demonizing every Republican ever, which is apparently taboo* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 04:01:07 PM For further reading, Cobb has a long history of promoting politicians that supposedly hate government but send back tons of government dollars "Gingrich represents Cobb County Georgia, which the New York Times -- reasonably enough -- selected in a recent front-page story to illustrate the rising tide of "conservatism" aimed at ridding us of the "nanny state." The headline reads "Conservatism Flowering Among the Malls," in this wealthy suburb of Atlanta, one of several that "offer -- particularly to whites -- a sense of prosperity and safety, conservative Southern values and a relaxed, friendly way of life." It's a "Norman Rockwell world with fiber optic computers and jet airplanes," Gingrich comments with pride. With its "history of inhospitality toward blacks," Cobb County is scrupulously insulated from any urban infection so that the inhabitants can enjoy the fruits of their "entrepreneurial values" and market enthusiasms in "the conservative heart of a conservative region," defended in Congress by the leader of the conservative triumph. A small footnote: Cobb County receives more federal subsidies than any suburban county in the country, with two exceptions: Arlington Virginia, effectively part of the Federal Government, and Brevard County Florida, the home of the Kennedy Space Center. When we move out of the state system itself, Cobb County is the leading beneficiary of the "nanny state." Its largest employer is Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company, which is designing the F-22 advanced tactical fighter and other military aircraft. 72% of the workforce are in white-collar jobs "in expanding areas of the economy like insurance, electronics and computers, and trade" -- all carefully tended by "the nanny state." It's remarkably easy for conservative entrepreneurial values to flourish while one is feeding happily at the public trough. Meanwhile praises to market miracles reach the heavens, notably where "conservatism is flowering among the malls."15 An interesting sidelight is the silence over this matter during the electoral campaign, when Gingrich propaganda was smashing the New Democrats. Notably absent is a simple rejoinder that would have stopped the juggernaut in its tracks: Gingrich is the country's leading advocate of the welfare state -- for the rich. The reasons for the silence are not hard to discern: class interests prevail over narrow electoral ones. It's agreed across the board that the rich must be protected from market discipline by a powerful and interventionist welfare state." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 04:19:35 PM Well, yeah. The whole idea of Cobb County is to benefit from the trappings of Atlanta without having to pay for it. It's also interesting that for all of Gingrich's entrepreneurial greatness, his income currently derives from political consultancy and Wingnut Welfare on the think tank circuit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 12:58:17 AM Money flexes its muscle on politicians D or R though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 10:21:04 PM Although, apparently sometimes the new boss isn't the same as the old boss, as this e-mail from Physicians for a National Health Program shows: " PNHP President Oliver Fein Invited to White House Summit Update from PNHP We have good news. This afternoon we received word that Dr. Oliver Fein, president of Physicians for a National Health Program, has been invited to participate in tomorrow's White House summit on health care. He will therefore be joining Rep. John Conyers in the meeting as a strong advocate for a single-payer national health program. Given this development, we are canceling the demonstration outside the White House that was planned for tomorrow. While it remains true that the number of single-payer advocates in the summit will be few in number, we feel we have won an important victory and that demonstrative activity at the White House at this juncture is unnecessary. Please continue to urge your members of Congress and President Obama to support single-payer national health insurance, the only fundamental solution to our health care crisis. And thanks to everyone who called and e-mailed the White House about including the single-payer viewpoint at the summit - you helped make this victory happen! Cordially, Quentin Young, M.D. National Coordinator Physicians for a National Health Program" ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Cage Match BASENAME: cage_match STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/03/2009 06:21:44 PM ----- BODY: Although Rush has about 400 pounds on Michael Steele, my guess is that Steele is wily. Whatever the outcome, it certainly is amusing to watch. (This one is for you, IRE.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 07:54:46 PM Let 'em devour themselves, there's no point to them. Really, there's enough political diversity within the Democratic Party to not have to have these fringe-right nuts in our political sphere. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2009 10:03:32 PM This was the only topic on Game On tonight. It was me and 2 GOPers all ganging up on Rush! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 01:27:40 AM BTW better video than having to see either Limbaugh or Steele ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 09:53:30 AM GIBBS: I was a little surprised at the speed in which Mr. Steele, the head of the RNC, apologized to the head of the Republican Party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 10:17:43 AM Next step is to get Crist and/or the Govinator involved in this mix-up. We just need to hammer in a few cracks, and then let the next couple of rounds of policy work start prying open the coalition. A Colins here, a Graham there... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 11:44:25 AM Considering there is a strong challenge for Specter in the primary, what are the odds he switches parties? PA ain't been friendly to GOPers lately. Plus the Dem field would likely be clear... just a thought. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 11:45:41 AM The Governator is out anyway due to term limits, hopefully Cali can elect a Dem so they can get their universal healthcare bill through. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 12:07:52 PM somebody must've forgotten to tell this guy he's a Democrat, cuz he's got balls ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 12:18:50 PM That didn't stop him from going on TV and telling his fellow Party members that they needed to do something to help fix this crisis. Of course, between his recent budget battle (where his support came almost exclusively from Democrats) and the whole Kennedy family thing, he's probably written off by the wingers anyways. UHC may actually be better approached through the initiative process in CA since it would simultaneously affirm majority desire for the program and put it into law. This is how CA has kept its education spending relatively high over the years. Of course, the state itself is also in some pretty colossal budgetary doo-doo. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 12:33:07 PM Also, damn. The new budget increases flavored malt beverage taxes from 20 cents/gal to $3.30 cents/gal (reclassified from beer to liquor). And you thought Sunday sales here in Georgia were bad. Corporate taxes are also surprisingly low in CA, generating about 10% of the budget, comparing to 40% by personal income and 25% by sales tax. Lots to learn about my new home. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 12:41:05 PM Wow, but the GA corporate tax is only 3% of total revenues. Pro-business, indeed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 01:15:58 PM I'd like to take the time to formally declare my candidacy for YDG Jackass of the Year. It is my firm desire and hope that I can be the first repeat, and back-to-back winner of this award, in the organization's illustrious 50 year history. While I am sure there may be other worthy candidates, I think it has been clearly shown why I have far exceeded them in the quest for this award. I appreciate others' aspirations for the award, but I humbly call on all of them to step down, so that the already overburdened Awards Committee Chair may have a lightened load, and that the Young Democrats of Georgia can march on, and help solve the many problems plaguing Georgia. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 02:10:28 PM That's truly graceful of you IRE. Actually, to help your case for the award you should conclude that statement with something tacky and stupid. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 02:18:23 PM I kinda like the idea of getting the single-payer programs through state-by-state, especially considering they're insanely popular (they are only a few votes away from a veto-breaking vote in the CA assembly to get a single payer universal healthcare system), but there is the free riding problem. If one state does UHC, what if other people move into the state and overload the budget for it? That could be an issue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 03:03:32 PM "If one state does UHC, what if other people move into the state and overload the budget for it?" Hey, if they can find work, I'm all for it. California might even be able to pull businesses out of Nevada and Oregon and still have some business taxes, since the UHC would be a major break for companies that offered it. And, those that traditionally don't offer health care could lure in workers without raising their salaries. There's actually a neat case of living wage law in Washington state. The minimum wage in WA is something like $2.50 / hr higher than it is in Idaho, where it is the same as the federal level. The local McDonald's, Taco Bell, and other such employers couldn't find anyone to staff places in Western Idaho because they all went to compete for work in Eastern Washington. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 03:10:28 PM Yeah, there's a wage/price effect that goes both ways. Wages can be dragged up just as much as they can be dragged down. In N'Out, a living wage employer and awesome burger joint, is probably responsible more for living wages in areas more than any local wage law. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 03:18:48 PM tee hee: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 03:32:25 PM Limbaugh challenged Obama to a debate on his show today: I say he does it. He should go on and kick his face in. President of Harvard Law Review vs. a fatass on the radio? Easy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 03:40:24 PM JerryT: how is this: all yall haters and can get f&cked! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 04:31:24 PM I loves the In N' Out. Awesome, fresh food, good staff, (relatively) clean places. But, my God, are they ever always packed! As for the Obama debate, I say he waits a few days before doing it. And bring a moderate Repub along for extra hilarity (perhaps as a moderator to really eff with Rush?) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 05:10:21 PM That's more like it IRE! Do I get a campaign manger fee for helping you? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 10:06:03 PM Another good way for Obama to handle Limbaugh is to respond like this: "Presidents usually only debate the rival candidate opponents. I encourage Mr. Limbaugh to run in 2012 if he feels up to it. I look forward to our spirited debates." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 08:43:39 AM I bet Rush would just announce for President and then insist Obama debate him, start calling him chicken. It would be grand. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 09:11:50 AM What I love about In N'Out: the perfectly designed packaging that lets you eat in the car without making a mess. What I don't love about In N'Out: the secret Bible verses printed on the bottom of the drink cups. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 01:35:33 PM "What I love about In N'Out: the perfectly designed packaging that let's you eat in the car without making a mess." You must have a greater mastery than I. Special sauce and grease always gets everywhere even when I eat them stationary. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 01:42:20 PM "What I don't love about In N'Out: the secret Bible verses printed on the bottom of the drink cups." Considering that the company seems to follow good Biblical practice of social justice for their workers and a high standard of quality, and a quick check on the family doesn't show too many signs of outright religious activism, I've pretty cool to let that one slide. Since I've been anointed (irony intended) the resident hater / screener of religious "thought" and all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 01:55:10 PM the resident hater / screener of religious "thought" and all. hmm. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 02:17:57 PM I got the guns, you got the God. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 04:44:43 PM Can I have the gays? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 07:15:16 PM Looks like the counterattack to the Rush-Rahm sideshow is starting to form. I'm not sure if it is going anywhere due to all of this being settled in the primaries, but a Chicago writer is starting to poke sticks at Obama by saying that Clinton was a better President for staying away from liberalism's failures "like welfare." But the poke has already gotten to CNN, so we'll see who runs with it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 11:02:55 PM I like the Rush-Rahm sideshow, in that I like to see bullies beat up on eachother instead the rest of us for once. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 10:01:34 AM Odin - I agree with you on In N'Out. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Take This Sabbath Day... BASENAME: take_this_sabbath_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/04/2009 06:10:46 PM ----- BODY: Lord, Beer me strength. Your Georgia Legislature killed the only bill that anyone really cares about...Sunday Alcohol Sales. AJC story here. pabst.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 06:38:13 PM So, we are thus reading that the Biblical crowd and Georgia Power are the only two entities that get their voices heard at the Capitol. Par for course I guess, but damn. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 08:05:10 PM That's it. I have lost all faith in our representative democracy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 08:14:11 PM That and the fact that they sacked the Transportation board specifically to get transportation stuff moving forward ... ... and seem to be on the path to fail to pass any new transportation legislation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2009 08:19:08 PM Oops. I guess I projected something I heard forward. I guess a couple of big bills just went forward. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 09:21:27 AM "I have lost all faith in our representative democracy." I'm holding you to that Jen B. I've been saying that for a while. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 09:23:46 AM I think it's ironic that the religious right is ALL about "letting the people decide" when they are pretty sure they'll win *cough* gay marriage *cough*. But when they know they'll get their ass beat, not so much. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 09:27:33 AM Yeah, local control, when we think we will come out better, testing when we won't. If they had any idea how drunk I have to get Saturday night in order to still be drunk enough to make church tolerable, well, I think they might reconsider. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 09:41:06 AM The only reason I go to church is cause I know there will be booze during the ceremony! OK that was bad... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 09:56:52 AM Ha, MotS. Although I did once have a pastor that talked about his work in Thailand when he was much younger. I used to actually wait for his sermons in hopes that one of those stories would pop out. He also made a pretty mean Puyallup Fair type burger (super-sauteed onions) for the Lions. A pretty good guy - I wish he was the rule rather than the exception in my dealings with the faithful. Maybe I'm just going to the wrong crowd. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 12:57:41 PM odin: It's not that, it is that the people who get the soapbox are the worst representatives. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 01:22:49 PM Explain Puyallap Fair-type Burger. Understood the reference to the Fair, but know nothing of the burgers there. We need more food reviewing on this blog, btw. The last effort I can remember is this one: And Paula, what happened to the Sichaun outing? Hmm? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 01:30:26 PM MotS, Well, I think the true prize of the Fair food-wise is the scones. They used to be use scones freshly made and using local jams, since strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries all grow pretty readily in Western Washington, IIRC. They also used to be pretty inexpensive. Now, they are over-commercialized, expensive, and small. But the memory remains. As for the burgers, I don't think they were especially special. Just cooked well and slathered in caramelized onions. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 01:43:19 PM I am hungry. We just got a huge shipment from Omaha steaks. I think there needs to be a BfD cookout. Preferably on my roof. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 01:47:51 PM where'd trackboy1 go? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 02:09:57 PM Last I heard, he and progreader1 were headed to DC. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 02:15:04 PM For? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 02:26:44 PM That's all I got. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 02:32:00 PM Dang. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: New York Times worries Barack Obama is turning White. BASENAME: new_york_times_worries_barack STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/05/2009 09:10:41 AM ----- BODY: story here... you be the judge: 05gray_600.JPG His hair does look grayer. Wait, what did you think we were talking about? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 11:27:58 PM His hair will grow realllly white if he sticks to half-steps and the plans won't succeed as a result. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 01:07:25 AM I don't envy bank or Federal accountants right now. A month to account for $100B+ balance sheets ... that's got to be a ridiculously big job if they are out to understand just what is on those books. The trick is going to be figuring out how to cut the mountaineering lines and send some people over the cliff. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Oops BASENAME: oops_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/05/2009 12:03:14 PM TAGS: bloopers,cnn,georgia ----- BODY: Georgia, peanuts, and transportation. No, I don't think she's talking about the legislature. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 02:39:24 PM Somebody just came back from a quickie in the break room. Although on my way back here from winter break, I sure felt like I was getting served "peanuts" by Northwest. It took a lot of work and creative scheduling, but I managed to shave a 12 hour delay down to about five or six at the final destination. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 08:57:00 AM she's hot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 09:38:55 AM I'd take it to dinner O noes misogyny. Now we're gonna get tied up and beaten with Betty Friedan books. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 12:12:33 PM Zaid - Say whatever you want, but don't be surprised when some of us fail to take you seriously next time you get indignant about something someone says. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 02:43:55 PM So either you accept all things PC or no things PC? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 02:49:48 PM I think the idea is that if someone says something, and you think it's offensive, just let them know and don't really chew them out if they didn't mean harm. That time I used the word "pro-life" got castigated for it is ridiculous, imo. It's mainstream verbiage most people on both side agree to use, and it's not meant to insult anyone. Maybe it's not accurate, but when sides frame their debates they always frame positive, not negative. The debate is really pro right to have an abortion anti right to have an abortion, not about "choice" or "life" those are just positive frames the respective side uses. For more, see What Orwell Got Wrong which is the reflections of about a dozen authors on Orwell's essay Language and Politics as it relates to the 21st century. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 05:01:08 PM Zaid - It's not about PC or not-PC. It's about the fact that you make a huge big deal when people use language that you don't like (e.g., "illegal immigrant" to refer to undocumented workers), but get upset when people call you out on other language issues. And while I know that you are at least some percentage joking in this case, I'm just letting you know that I won't be taking your language rants seriously in the future (to the extent that I took them seriously in the first place, of course). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 07:20:51 PM Is it possible for me to find it kind of silly to not allow people to use the words pro-life to describe a political stance people use on themselves but kind of mean spirited to call someone else an illegal immigrant? With one, I'm letting someone else define themselves, with the other, I'm against defaming someone who doesn't want that label on themselves (notice I also would use pro-choice to establish the pro-right to have an abortion side). You should be able to see the difference. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 07:54:10 PM As for the things about women, I accept that as rightful reprimanding but I also implore you to realize I do respect women as does probably IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 08:38:05 PM Zaid - 1) I'm not the one who called you out about using the term "pro life", nor did I ever engage in that particular argument. I was actually irritated with the youthful tendency to use expressions that are demeaning to women. So, I don't know why you keep bringing up that particular dead horse. 2) I can't spend my time worrying about IRE (sorry, IRE!). That's like trying to empty the Hoover Dam with a thimble. 3) Come to think of it, probably the same could be said for you. So, forget I ever said anything about this issue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 10:52:04 PM I never claimed you were the one going after me about that but that just bugged me in general and no one stood up for me when I was getting that ridiculous attack that I'd never gotten before so I thought I'd address it. As for the women thing I think you're justified and with good intentions but I don't think IRE or I are disrespectful to women in actuality. Guys just use this kinda language, especially youths. I think you're right in the long run it might have actually foster sexism. You can stop insulting me now, given that I've given your point of view some consideration respectfully. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2009 07:50:56 AM OK, truce. But where did I insult you in this particular thread? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2009 02:03:13 PM " 2) I can't spend my time worrying about IRE (sorry, IRE!). That's like trying to empty the Hoover Dam with a thimble. 3) Come to think of it, probably the same could be said for you. So, forget I ever said anything about this issue." It's pretty harsh to give up hope on someone. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 09:57:18 AM That's not an insult, Zaid. It's a statement of fact. I have limited time, and you and IRE both are prolific in your comments and your youthful enthusiasms. Neither of you really need me to worry over you anyway (that's what your mothers are for). When I decide to insult you, it will be unmistakably insulting. One more thing: I just wanted to clarify that I never meant to imply that I think that you harbor disrespect for women in your heart. My quibble was with a particular expression that I don't like, even coming from people I do like. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 03:21:18 PM "I can't spend my time worrying about IRE (sorry, IRE!). That's like trying to empty the Hoover Dam with a thimble. WTF IS THAT S**T SUPPOSED TO MEAN??? BTW: Nothing I say or do should be interpreted as either enthusiasm or concern for something. "Neither of you really need me to worry over you anyway (that's what your mothers are for)." Mommy drinks 'cause I cry. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bankimoon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 03:30:13 PM I've always liked IRE. If I don't say so myself, thought he had a certain sex appeal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 06:07:18 PM A UN Sec. General is in the IRE corner. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 10:59:24 PM Recognize. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 03:37:08 PM ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Now Hiring BASENAME: rnc_is_hiring STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/05/2009 04:46:58 PM ----- BODY: So the RNC is hiring. Via YouTube. Behold one applicant, a young man from Georgia who believes that Obama supporters are predisposed to murder: I always thought my feelings of murderous rage were caused by Bush's failed policies. Go figure. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 04:57:17 PM It seems that across the board the GOP response to losing every branch of government to the Democrats is to get even more extreme, more divisive, and less willing to compromise. Well, whatever works for them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 05:15:14 PM And it looks like Rick Santelli won't be going anywhere in the Party either after this pwnage: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 05:30:01 PM And Gupta dropped from the SG position. Somewhere John Conyers and Paul Krugman are smiling. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 05:38:17 PM Stewart's send-up was awesome. It actually made me think of Letterman going off on McCain when he got stood up. Regardless of the political persuasion of your host, it's just plain stupid to leave someone in the lurch who can spend a half hour on national (albeit basic cable in Jon's case) television trashing you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2009 07:39:13 PM Some rumblings about why Gupta didn't want the job: "According to Farrell, Gupta had misgivings about both the pay cut he would have to take and the fact that he could be reporting to two high-level bosses: both the health secretary and health reform office director." The health industry flack didn't want a pay cut for the honor in serving his surprising. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 08:48:14 AM I'm betting on a Gupta income tax issue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 09:25:41 AM Doesn't anyone like to hire CPA's anymore? They're nice people, really. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 09:31:49 AM I think a convenient spot for Dr. Dean just opened up... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 09:40:05 AM That's kind of like making Al Gore the head of the EPA, though. He'd certainly be good at the job, but you start to get the feeling that he has bigger fish to fry. I wouldn't have said that as the case for HHS, but down to SG and you'd think his time is better spent doing campaign consulting with liberal parties in other countries. Or trashing the few remaining New England Republicans. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 09:44:23 AM I do kinda feel it's a step down from HHS. But Obama took a hell of a lot of HMO cash during the campaign and I didn't expect him to be very serious about healthcare, to try to cobble out some solution that basically throws taxpayer money at private insurance companies, which is exactly what Daschle had in mind, but I do think with real leadership in Congress we can get something that would make single payer a long term feasible goal (like opening Medicare up as an option to everyone, if enough people buy in bye bye HMO's and cost inflation). I'd like to see him advise the Progressive caucus. For a caucus much larger than either the Blue Dogs or New Democrats, they really have to work on their outreach and clout-building. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 09:46:45 AM Case in point: Though single payer advocates like Oliver Fein and John Conyers got last minute invitations to the Health Summit only after threatening to picket outside the White House (having hundreds of doctors outside the white house picketing you during a health summit is a PR nightmare), the actual panels during the health summit, almost every doctor there said their solution would be based on medicare and expanding it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 09:55:55 AM "almost every doctor there said their solution would be based on medicare and expanding it." I'm totally cool with that, given a few preconditions: 1) Community rating - no skimming the top with offers of lower rates, except perhaps for voluntary measures such as regular consults with a dietitian. 2) All come, all served - again, no pre-existing condition screening. 3) Public Option / Medicare / whatever is offered to all. At that point, if the private insurers can compete with the public option, I wish them luck. Kind of like the Post Office competing with FedEx and UPS. Everyone seems to be able to keep each other relatively honest in that world. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 11:23:32 AM The only problem to me is if we just automatically enrolled everyone in Medicare the costs would go tumbling down a lot faster than if we simply made it an option and let it grow over time. It also would ensure that no more tax dollars are used to subsidize private insurance plans. Either way, I see single payer as the top of the barrel to argue for and a Medicare option for all being the bare minimum advocates will accept before walking away from the table. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 12:04:20 PM I'm hiring a facebook scrabble foe. You know how to reach me. lol wut. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 01:43:38 PM "The only problem to me is if we just automatically enrolled everyone in Medicare the costs would go tumbling down a lot faster than if we simply made it an option and let it grow over time." Here's the thing, though. Cost reduction (after the first big smashes of getting rid of the most wasteful and self-serving aspects of the for-profits) is going to be the product of a series of discrete improvements in both physical technologies (drugs, devices, whatever) and social technologies (organization, evidence-based medicine or other techniques to improve efficacy on the first try). At some point, I still see competition as important to that. Both amongst the providers (device makers, doctors) and the organizers, who will experiment with those social technologies. The trick is to make sure that the only avenues for advantage available are legitimate ones. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2009 02:46:29 PM This is interesting to me. AHIP has been a bit too excited about the new Administration and what's going forward on healthcare. I think they understand the danger of going all "Harry and Louise" versus a popular President. They'd rather be a wolf in sheep's clothing. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: International Women's Day! BASENAME: international_womens_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/08/2009 12:23:10 PM ----- BODY: Today is International Women's Day. While each country that participates may be inclined to determine their own theme, The United Nations has pronounced this years theme to be: Women and men united to end violence against women and girls. Tune in to WRFG-FM (89.3) for IWD programming today from 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 03:55:23 PM b (^_^) b ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Georgia Earmark Controversy? BASENAME: georgia_earmark_controversy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/08/2009 03:14:05 PM ----- BODY: iconUS Rep Bishop's link to earmark raises questions | AP
    Relatives of U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop were employed by a local youth program to which he steered federal funding, and state authorities have launched an investigation into possible misappropriation of funds at the program.
    Bishop claims he didn't know his stepdaughter and her husband worked there, but this was before it was discovered that their checks were directly deposited into his wife's bank account. Where did she think that money was coming from? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 03:53:16 PM Yeah, not good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bankimoon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 04:00:47 PM Time to go Sanford. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 04:12:34 PM Well, there's your answer for the Bishop as Ag Secretary story ... Also, what is it with all this penny-ante crap? You hear about these guys in trouble for tens or maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars. C'mon, if you're going to abuse your office, I want to see seven figures at least. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 05:15:34 PM The Good Old Boys need a Madoff to show 'em how corruption's done. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 06:25:49 PM And... What's the betting pool like for how long it takes for him to apologize? My Congressman did it within a day I think. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2009 07:37:33 PM I doubt it. It looks like Newt's out to pick a fight. Same with Ron Paul, although his beef goes back to the Primaries of last year. Newt has nothing to lose by pissing off Rush and everything to gain. Guys like Cantor and Steele think (and may know) that they need the nutjob contingent to stay in power. Newt's probably banking on his ability to steal a few of them while taking over the sane remainder of the GOP (which, while small, is still larger than Rush's base). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 01:50:58 AM You think Gingrich's comment was calculated to divide the GOP into with him and against him? That's interesting. Either way, I will enjoy seeing the crazies tear eachother apart. It would really help if the GOP at a national level just kinda went away and made it so that Dems. have solid control over Congress again and most of the political battles would be within primaries. It would be a great way for Democrats to sort things out and move past the DLC. I think those Democrats who demand that their base tow the party line (ahem UGA Young Dems) no matter what should realize that the kind of infighting we have never gets as ugly or divisive as what we're seeing the GOP right now. Thinking a policy is too friendly to corporate contributors and making it known in a sane fashion a la David Sirota is a lot better than throwing molotov cocktails at eachother, wary of pissing off a psychotic radio host's fans. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 10:57:32 AM "You think Gingrich's comment was calculated to divide the GOP into with him and against him?" I think it's less that and he wants to be a party leader again. And he doesn't like the direction things are going. So, that's going to put him in confrontation with Rush and his squad sooner rather than later. It's also consistent with this whole "bipartisan" kick he's been on for the past couple of years (I actually went to a YDG / CRG joint thingee hosted by his daughter). Now, his version of bipartisan (like most GOP) is more along the lines of "why do you keep fighting my ideas?" but he's at least making noises. So, yeah, I see it more likely that Gingrich is mounting a deliberate challenge to Rush rather than just getting caught saying something dumb on camera when he thought no one was listening. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 11:02:02 AM I'm not buying this as a scandal (yet). I'm not sure why Creighton was having his paycheck deposited into his mother-in-law's account, but "weird" isn't necessarily unethical. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 11:27:39 AM To add to the Gingrich thing - once he and a couple of others from the moderation faction get a little bit of Rush's blood on the floor (figuratively speaking), that is when we are going to see far more interesting action and divisiveness within the GOP. And once that happens, Obama and the Dems get a lot more leverage to yank away random votes for the agenda. It's going to be a multidimensional problem, with various players very conservative on some things and with us on others (think of Dingell's split between fuel efficiency standards and universal health care, both in line with his UAW base and Detroit Auto). But, it should be easier with Republicans in play than without. Now, if only we could get David Broder to feed Gingrich's ego by naming him a "nonpartisan statesman" or some other rubbish... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 11:47:07 AM "I'm not sure why Creighton was having his paycheck deposited into his mother-in-law's account, but "weird" isn't necessarily unethical." True. I guess the follow-up question is what did Creighton do for the money? Was he a real employee or a "contractor?" Because the latter would *really* smell. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Republicans Want To Raise Taxes! BASENAME: republicans_want_to_raise_taxe STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/09/2009 07:50:01 PM ----- BODY: iconGrocery sales taxes making a comeback for visitors | AJC
    House Republicans are discussing bringing legislation to the chamber on Thursday that would put the state's 4 percent sales tax back on groceries. Under the Sims bill that passed the House Ways and Means Committee last week, Georgia residents who file income tax returns would be able to deduct either the taxes they paid on groceries, documented with receipts, or get a credit based on the number of dependents in their family.
    Only one word for this: Bullshit. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 08:27:07 PM First Georgia Republicans hike taxes on homes, then they hike taxes on food. Maybe next they'll tax immunizations and institute fares for school buses. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 08:29:06 PM It's funny, the cover story of the AJC today is how the House Repubs are planning all these new tax cuts. Imagine if the headline was this instead. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 09:11:15 PM Their buddies in the national party aren't making any more sense: So the argument they're making to Obama is, private insurers can't compete with Medicare (thus meaning Medicare is a more efficient model), thus we shouldn't offer it to everyone? Blatantly admitting that they're placing the interests of HMO's over the citizenry? I'm loving their slide into permanent minority status, but I'm afraid that the states they still control will become even more extreme as they start acting like animals backed into a corner. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 08:59:33 AM Wait a sec, you only want to tax grocery store purchases of residents of other states? Commerce clause? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 09:06:29 AM Wait a sec, you only want to tax grocery store purchases of residents of other states? Privileges and Immunities clause? No? What about Dormant commerce Clause? Still Nothing? Hmm. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 10:09:57 AM How about just the Do You Even Think About Your Own Vacations clause? Seriously, when I'm off on a break, I would chip in if I'm staying with someone or get some snacks and drinks, but I usually eat out as much or more often than dine in. Why not just go to the old standbys of hotels and rental cars while they are on the subject? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 04:24:18 PM They're killing the idea, apparently. So says Galloway. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 08:29:18 PM It'll be back. But even if it isn't, the party endorsed a sales tax on food - in itself, regressive - then compounded the offense by offering the refund only to those who pay income taxes, then further compounded the offense by refunding no more than the amount paid in income tax. It's like they had a contest to see who could design the most regressive implementation of a sales tax. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Kudzu Vine Recap BASENAME: kudzu_vine_recap_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/09/2009 09:05:28 PM ----- BODY: iconFunny what gets attention. So, for nigh on 2 years David & Tim and various other co-hosts have been covering Georgia and Southern US politics on Sunday evenings on The Kudzu Vine. We've had a wide variety of guests, including live debates among candidates; live coverage from the DNC convention; live reports from Washington DC; Manuel's; and other locales. But, it's sports that gets the attention. I can't help but laugh. Last night David floated the idea that perhaps Craig Robinson, brother to First Lady Michelle Obama, might be considered for the UGA Basketball coach opening. Apparently this is newsworthy... h/t Grayson. UPDATE: Comments now allowed. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Today's Headlines, behold the irony BASENAME: random_headlines_oh_the_irony STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/09/2009 09:35:37 PM ----- BODY: iconSome days I look at the collection of headlines on the news feeds and well my head just starts to hurt( maybe it's the heat) For example: America Is Becoming Less Christian, Less Religious yet...Experts: Churches need a security plan Obama Says Government Will Not Open the Door for Human Cloning( from my BFF's at FOX)but hey! Speaking of cloning and molded plastic Barbie is 50, how glam and fab! Octomom Nadya Suleman's former publicist calls her 'greedy,' 'nuts' and yet she's getting free nursing... but wait I thought U.S. healthcare system pinched by nursing shortage Oh and then there is this, andResearch Finds Chimps Can Plan Stockpiling, Use of Weapons hands down two best news stories of the day. Weirdness in your news feed, do tell. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 10:34:25 PM This may be a creative way to deal with the passage of SB 31: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2009 10:42:31 PM I agree with my heroes assessment - headline writers are the true artists. His and my favorite - Elvis Statue Found On Mars Another great one - Vultures Attack and Eat Corpse at Funeral ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 09:18:55 AM The many faces of irony. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 09:29:47 AM The NY Post has the world's best headlines. I remember when Spitzer got busted and the headline was "Ho No!", when Sam Waksal was convicted it was, "Waksal the Floors!" I keep asking for the book of the best Post headlines for X-mas or B-day (April 15, BTW) but no one listens to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 10:35:55 AM nevermind that i think that rush billboard thing is the lamest idea ever, but could they have picked out 5 weaker slogans then these? "Americans didn't vote for a Rush to failure" "Hope and change cannot be Rush'd" "Failure is not an option for America's future" "We can fix America, just don't Rush it" "Rush: Say yes to America" god jab a fork in my eye ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 10:36:47 AM nevermind that i think that rush billboard thing is the lamest idea ever, but could they have picked out 5 weaker slogans then these? "Americans didn't vote for a Rush to failure" "Hope and change cannot be Rush'd" "Failure is not an option for America's future" "We can fix America, just don't Rush it" "Rush: Say yes to America" god jab a fork in my eye ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 11:06:58 AM MARY SQUIRES ANNOUNCES for Insurance Commish! First reported at the Tavern, FTW! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 11:08:59 AM MARY SQUIRES ANNOUNCES for Insurance Commish! First reported at the Tavern, FTW! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 01:09:26 PM Did y'all hear the 911 call when octomom thought one of her kids had wondered away a few months ago? It turns out the kid went with his grandmother or something. I think anyone in their right mind would be upset not knowing where his or her child is, however, she seemed to be faking it, acting too dramatic. Anyway, this woman is clearly mentally unstable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 01:20:01 PM People make fun of Obama with this one: "Hope and change cannot be Rush'd" Hope and change has kinda become a joke. Why did they pick this one? I swear you can't trust the Democrats to be cool for too long. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RuralDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 01:30:50 PM Zaid, And you think the Green Party is cooler? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 04:50:13 PM Henry Waxman Socialized Medicine Carbon Tax Pulling Out of Iraq! BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA Did I scare Rural Dem away yet? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 04:51:01 PM Henry Waxman Socialized Medicine Carbon Tax Pulling Out of Iraq! BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA Did I scare Rural Dem away yet? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 04:56:10 PM To comment seriously, "Hope and Change' is a phrase that Obama doesn't use himself, it's used by his opponents, some of the more crude ones, to malign him. The fact that the DCCC picked that shows they are incredibly out of touch. If they pick that, Limbaugh will just get a kick out of it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 05:10:56 PM And 10+ Obama: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 05:18:00 PM Mary Squires is kickass. Posting problem preventing it going up earlier. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 06:02:54 PM And thats a screw you AIPAC on that one ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 08:37:59 PM Hopefully Holder's keeping an eye on these guys: We don't need another Oklahoma City or Waco. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 08:41:28 PM Hopefully Holder's keeping an eye on these guys: We don't need another Oklahoma City or Waco. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 08:44:55 PM A preview of the we surround them thing: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Mary Squires wants to be YOUR Insurance Commissioner BASENAME: mary_squires_wants_to_be_your STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/10/2009 05:14:09 PM ----- BODY:
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 10, 2009 For more information, contact: Brandon Thorn 678-262-6765 Mary Squires Announces Candidacy for Georgia Insurance Commissioner (Atlanta, GA) Mary Squires announced her candidacy for Georgia Insurance Commissioner today, becoming the first candidate to enter the race. "I am excited to be the first candidate in the race for Insurance Commissioner. It is a very important position. The Insurance Commissioner impacts the quality of life for every day Georgians more than any other race in 2010." Squires was elected to the Georgia General Assembly in 1998. Squires served two terms in the State House (1999-2003) and one term in the Georgia State Senate (2003-2005). In addition to her legislative experience, Squires served ten years in the Georgia Army National Guard. Mary Squires currently is the Executive Director of the Georgia Society of Professional Benefit Administrators, Inc., a self-insured health care trade association. Squires also serves as the Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Olive Industry Association, a national agriculture research and trade association. Squires currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her two teenage sons, Patrick and James.
    As Martha Stewart would say, it's a good thing. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 07:44:41 PM A very good thing! Best of Luck to you Mary! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Fundraiser for Amir Farokhi, Candidate, City Council At-Large Post 2 BASENAME: fundraiser_for_amir_farokhi_ca STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/10/2009 06:36:51 PM ----- BODY: iconAmir's campaign and how we can use smart solutions to make Atlanta a remarkable, global city. Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Location: Einstein's Restaurant 1077 Juniper St NE Atlanta, GA Come help put Amir over the top before the March 31 disclosure deadline! Free hors d'oeurves will be served. Cash bar Suggested Contribution $50. Host committee currently in formation. Host levels: $500, $250, $100. Questions? Contact Joshua Smith at joshua(at) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: Amir Farokhi ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 11:24:16 PM Amir pwns. Just FYI. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2009 11:28:59 PM Iranian American? I'm on board. Well, I read his website before saying I'm on board -- meaning I think he's a brilliant guy who probably would be a capable mayor one day -- but the Iranian American kick isn't bad either. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 01:00:51 AM Should probably run spellcheck / grammarcheck on that issues page, tho. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 10:25:40 AM Wow, very impressive indeed. I like his detailed positions on the issues. What does Farokhi currently do in his community? Any idea who is opponents might be? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 11:11:58 AM This woman who is the vice chair of the VaHi NPU is running against him and I *think* one other dude may get in the race. Or it may be that the dude whose name escapes me is running and the woman may run. At any rate, one opponent, maybe one more. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collardgreen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 05:53:09 PM His likely opponent is Liz Coyle, who has long been a community organizer. She will be formidable, but why hasn't she gotten in yet? me thinks she overestimates herself... Amir is a superstar in the making, and everyone should get on board. he pwns indeed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 06:23:21 PM Is Amir involved in any type of community work? How do you all know him? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 07:16:16 PM From his ML&A bio: * Amir serves on the Board of Directors at the Charles R. Drew Charter School and on the Board of Trustees of The Galloway School. Amir is also a member of L.E.A.D. Atlanta's Class of 2006. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 09:39:39 PM Is he Muslim or Zoroastrian? My angle on all this is I wanna piss off the most rednecks possible by supporting him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 11:14:30 PM Rednecks would like the Zoro. Lots of fun with fireworks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 11:19:35 AM I can't remember his other opponent's name either (not the Virginia-Highland person), but he was handing out flyers at the John Henderson memorial service. Not real cool. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 01:03:49 PM Ouch. No, that's not cool at all. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: COMPLETELY off topic plus trivia question BASENAME: completely_off_topic_plus_triv STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/11/2009 01:21:17 PM ----- BODY: Fashion commenters have at it...
    And guess who said this?
    [T]he truly unforgivable mistake of the Chinese authorities was the failure to intervene on a timely basis to nip the demonstrations in the bud, rather than -- as would have been both wise and efficacious -- to intervene with force when all other measures had failed to restore domestic tranquility to Beijing and other major urban centers in China. In this optic, the Politburo's response to the mob scene at 'Tian'anmen' stands as a monument to overly cautious behavior on the part of the leadership, not as an example of rash action. . . . "I do not believe it is acceptable for any country to allow the heart of its national capital to be occupied by dissidents intent on disrupting the normal functions of government, however appealing to foreigners their propaganda may be. Such folk, whether they represent a veterans' 'Bonus Army' or a 'student uprising' on behalf of 'the goddess of democracy' should expect to be displaced with despatch [sic] from the ground they occupy."
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 03:17:36 PM Chas Freeman said that, his opponents in the Israeli Lobby used the statement out of context to try to bash him and pretend that their opposition to Obama and General Blair's nominee wasn't about Israel. The fact of the matter is that Freeman is a realist thinker, and knows China is not a democratic country, and that the best option with Tianemen Square would've been to handle it earlier in clearing demonstrators with riot police (which is exactly what would happen to you if you occupied a similar space in America like Times Square, for months) rather than resort to the brutal force that they did. But oh, AIPAC, Chuck Shumer, The New Republic, etc. I'm sure were just concerned about Chinese human rights! Which is why they opposed Henry Kissinger's high advising to McCain (he surely would have a spot in his circle now had he won), who outright justified the Tianemen Massacre, and I'm sure they oppose all other security and intelligence officials who have less than completely 100% pro-human rights records (read: all of them). Or maybe their jihad against him was about something else... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2009 06:12:05 PM And on that topic ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 01:02:18 PM I suppose the above plushy abortion explains why you have to pay fashion models so much money. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Earmark Reform BASENAME: earmark_reform STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/12/2009 09:07:55 AM ----- BODY: iconFrom Obama's speech yesterday:
    These principles begin with a simple concept: Earmarks must have a legitimate and worthy public purpose. Earmarks that members do seek must be aired on those members' websites in advance, so the public and the press can examine them and judge their merits for themselves. Each earmark must be open to scrutiny at public hearings, where members will have to justify their expense to the taxpayer. Next, any earmark for a for-profit private company should be subject to the same competitive bidding requirements as other federal contracts. The awarding of earmarks to private companies is the single most corrupting element of this practice, as witnessed by some of the indictments and convictions that we've already seen. Private companies differ from the public entities that Americans rely on every day -- schools, and police stations, and fire departments.
    Sounds like a good start! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 09:32:21 AM Also, I love how the Repubs always point out the earmarks that go toward scientific study as "wasteful spending." Like volcano outgas monitoring (yeah, Bobby, I know you believe the planet is 6000 years old, but there are these things called geologists that help keep us on the West Coast and Rockies areas safe). Or also like honeybee research, which is kind of important when your agriculture depends on bee-borne pollination. And said bees are dying from a mysterious pathogen. Of course, when you look at the priorities of pork-battlers like Sen. Graham (one might think of a convention center as a giveaway to downtown restaurateurs), they of course are all for the good of the people. Also, one thing that pops up in that discussion - if Ron Paul never votes for an appropriations bill (by his own admission), why the hell do you allow him to put ANYTHING in a given bill? Freeze that bitch out until he plays ball. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 12:51:23 PM Don't kvetch about Ron Paul. We need a Libertarian in the House for the luls. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 12:54:10 PM And you'll like this odin: The stem cell thing. wait wat ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 02:08:02 PM HB388, you mean? The way I read it is to clarify legal rights of donor and recipients of in vitro materials. I'm sure there's a wingier interpretation out there (the whole parent / donor / client / whatever classification gets really weird with in vitro stuff), but at first scan it seems like the kind of thing I'd need to hear from a lawyer about to see if there are even cases out there that even pertain. I thought all the crazy Personhood / abortion clinic protester hijinx were usually dispatched with on the first day of the legislature anyways. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 05:40:41 PM My fellow blogger Dustin informed me that it would keep UGA from getting $1 million in research funding on stem cells. The Georgia legislature loves to pander doesn't it? ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Gossip Girl BASENAME: gossip_girl STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/12/2009 11:17:41 AM ----- BODY: iconI know I should be above posting this "news" item, but, let's face it, I'm so not.
    Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin, the teenage daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin, have broken off their engagement, he said Wednesday, about 2 1/2 months after the couple had a baby. Johnston, 19, told The Associated Press that he and 18-year-old Bristol Palin mutually decided "a while ago" to end their relationship. He declined to elaborate as he stood outside his family's home in Wasilla, about 40 miles north of Anchorage.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 12:45:47 PM Well, sounds like they are making the right decision to not get railroaded into a marriage they were not ready for. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 12:58:05 PM i am so happy gossip girl is coming back on monday! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 01:52:18 PM LOLz. She got pwnt. At least the baby will be OK. BTW: Moose meat taste like ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 01:59:49 PM PWNAG3 lolz!!!!!eleven!1! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 02:17:40 PM they oughta call it the senate undermine the president caucus if they can ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 03:17:27 PM One could only wish: Although I wish Johnson would have played it a lot more like the Rock than a Hulk rip-off. Having "Obama" throw around some Jabronis and do the turn that $*( sideways number would have been hilarious. Yeah, I used to watch the Rock when he was still the Rock. What? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 05:34:08 PM I saw that a few days ago. It was frickin' awesome. I wanna see Obama suplex McConnell and roundhouse kick Ben Nelson. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2009 08:16:31 PM I love the Rock! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 12:12:19 AM Anyone have any guesses as to why Obama keeps bending over backwards to defend Bush officials from prosecutions, from using signing statements to block whistleblowers to this? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 01:47:49 AM Going back to this, Rachel Maddow said it might be 15-20 Democrats forming this new coalition. So how many more Democrats do we need before we can actually pursue the kind of agenda most people in the country voted for if we have that many Democrats jumping off to go and align themselves with Republicans? We need to start fundraising for primaries for some of these senators that are reasonably able to be beaten and then go on to win a general (like Delaware's senators). ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: BASENAME: if_you_cant_take_their STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/12/2009 09:22:23 PM ----- BODY: "If you can't take their money, drink their whiskey, screw their women, and vote against 'em anyway, you don't belong in the Legislature" is a quote by Molly Ivins (1944-2007) that's often attributed to Texas politics. It was first used by Jesse Unruh (1922-1987) in California politics in the 1970s. Unruh was talking then about lobbyists. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Crossover Day open thread BASENAME: crossover_day_open_thread_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/13/2009 06:20:50 AM ----- BODY: And by "open thread" I mean "can some of y'all embryo types tell me what else happened yesterday, because the AJC thinks HB 480 is all anyone cares about"? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 11:53:45 AM I have nothing to say that isn't hateful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 12:30:14 PM lolwut? The legislature accidentally our state. Is this bad? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 05:34:15 PM I'm gonna need to ask you for a verb between "legislature" and "accidentally" for that to make sense. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 05:34:47 PM Or between "accidentally" and "our," even better. Tech grammar FTW. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 06:00:32 PM I think it's an internet meme. Bad Techie you are odin! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 06:03:41 PM Odin: if I pwnt you in memes, just give up. On life. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 08:27:36 PM I love Hateful Jules. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 08:51:09 PM I always thought there was an inverse relationship between girls at your school and tech lingo you're aware of, but I guess not. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 09:28:52 PM What can I say, I'm getting old. I get the lolwut, and the ceiling kitty phrasing, but I still can't figure out what "The legislature accidentally our state" part means. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 10:21:48 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 10:40:03 PM btw: what kind of legislature finds it appropriate to debate Bingo for 20 minutes? I mean, I know the answer, but is 20 minutes really necessary? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2009 11:35:43 PM I've been wondering for a long time what would happen with the state GOP branches when the national one finally caved in from its hubris. I wondered if they would get weaker as collateral or if they would dig in like wounded, crazy animals caught in a corner. I'm afraid it's leaning towards the latter, and Georgia might just become a petri dish for the far right if the Democrats don't get things together. Sonny Perdue swept the floor with an entrenched Democratic establishment and way less money because he understood the grassroots and its value. I'm sure we have our version of Perdue someone. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2009 02:42:33 PM Zaid, you are correct.. we've become the anti-Obama agenda state. On purpose. What's freaky is that Obama has a 68% approval rating- yeah, we're some kind of petri dish alright and is growing a massive fungus. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2009 05:35:06 PM The South is a huge outlier in a variety of political polls, especially considering popularity of the parties, Congress, and Obama, and probably policy proposals as well (I've only seen the partisan stuff). Red State Blue State tells us it is actually the margin amongst the upper-middle and upper classes that swings states one way or another. Their numbers in the population are magnified by the fact that they vote at very high rates. Big differences between reds and blues in those classes - religion and how they got the cash. In the blue states, the wealth is earned by professionalism and education. The red, by ownership and management of traditional industries. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2009 05:52:43 PM So what all that meant to say is that the GOP is getting tuned to that business-centric, personal responsibility, and love of God and family thing for those that are well enough off to not worry. The question is how to deal with that value set in Gwinnett, Cherokee, and Cobb Counties without giving up on being Democrats. I'm thinking less social issues and how artificially low taxes and a preference of carpet-bagging and foreign companies over organic growth and innovation threaten the long-term health of the state. Even if you do have a four-year degree from Tech and can solve a differential equation or two. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2009 07:35:31 PM I've lived in Gingrichville since we moved out school shooting-zone since I've been around 8, and the upper middle class set mostly doesn't care about social issues, they're just the cliche greedy bastards. Honestly, I think the set that needs to change is working class people in georgia via some kinda populist thingy. At the end of the day, Cobb's always going to circle the wagons around its corporate welfare and bankroll the GOP to steamroll labor rights and lower taxes. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: You've seen them elsewhere, now see them here! BASENAME: youve_seen_them_elsewhere_now STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/13/2009 11:47:39 PM ----- BODY:
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2009 12:14:23 AM Stewart was awesome, and inadvertently taught us Americans a lesson about corporate media the next day: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2009 12:36:29 PM I think Stewart should definitely have dug in a little bit harder with the "I know you aren't as dumb as you pretend to be" angle. Also, I don't think this would have worked with a Kudlow or a Santelli. For whatever reason, Kramer has either just enough of a conscience or need for a decent reputation to let himself become roadkill Thursday night. If he hadn't actively tried to defend himself, Stewart wouldn't have had nearly so big of a target to strike at, and that would have been quite a shame. Because also as Stewart said - the deal is a lot bigger than just one or two commentators or some bad stock picks. It was the fact that a large part of the financial world became a bad game of Liars' Poker and the explosion took us all out. Also, there is one reform idea I'd really like to see looked at and expanded upon. Basically, the idea is that in the future, ratings agencies will only be allowed to forecast on real economics, such as the outlook for a given market or default rate or something. Derivatives ratings would be modified to look more like the FDA. A derivative would be limited to a market cap of a few billion dollars and required to spend 10 years under the microscope in order to establish ranges on volatility and reaction to a full macroeconomic business cycle. Only then could a derivative be released into the market with the gathered statistics on that derivative publicly available from government sources. The seat of the pants boys obviously wouldn't like this, but we've come to see they aren't off in their own little sandbox anymore. Of course, they would still be welcome to do what they were supposed to do in the first place, which is to judge the relative merits of various real economy activities based on the trade-off between risk and return. But, that seat of the pants thing should only be for things that can be explained in plain English, such as "we believe that fuel prices will go up and make people drive smaller and alternatively powered vehicles in the next 20 years." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2009 02:22:08 PM We've got that, but I don't trust anything by a NY senator to regulate the financial industry, to be honest. They should bring back Glass-Steagall full force to cut down on speculation and anti-trust banks that are "too big too fail" to start with. They also need some kind of international supranational organization to be able to regulate this stuff, which I think is supposed to go under IMF guidelines, but lol @ that organization since the 70's pretty much having its hands off capital controls. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: PETA attempts to become more irrelevant BASENAME: peta_attempts_to_become_more_i STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/14/2009 02:06:26 PM ----- BODY: TOFU.jpg So, you are the President of PETA, and you want less people to eat meat and more people to eat tofu. What do you think is the best way to get that accomplished? Whatever you said, it's wrong, and the best way is to steal George Clooney's sweaty towel and ask him if it's okay if you use his sweat to flavor tofu so that every will want it. And you will call it Clofu. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2009 07:31:20 PM No such thing as bad publicity, right? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Common Sense? Under the Dome? BASENAME: common_sense_under_the_dome STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/15/2009 06:07:30 PM ----- BODY: iconIn what can only be described as an amazing display of common sense, the Georgia Senate passed SB 157 by a vote of 52-2. Among other things, this bill would restrict the Sex Offender Registry to people who actually committed offenses which were sexual in nature. Seems like a no-brainer, but this is what has been occurring:
    At 17, Darnelle Harvey took part in the robbery of a Dairy Queen in Chamblee. Brandishing a gun, he ordered a 16-year-old to lie down as the holdup progressed. This got him a false imprisonment conviction, and because the victim was under 18, Harvey became a sex offender.
    Yep, I've seen this happen. I'm glad the legislature is on the path to rectify this situation. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wes F in Hapeville EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2009 05:33:43 PM It is nice to see this passed, but I still have a question: Why did Sens. Preston Smith (R-Rome) and Bill Hamrick (R-Carrollton) vote against it? WF ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Thoughts and best wishes to Dr. Lowery. BASENAME: thoughts_best_wishes_to_dr_low STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/16/2009 08:29:19 PM ----- BODY: "ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- The Rev. Joseph Lowery was recovering Monday after the civil rights icon was hospitalized following a dizzy spell as he greeted parishioners at Ebenezer Baptist Church. Lowery was the keynote speaker at a service to mark Ebenezer's 123rd anniversary. Called "America's Freedom Church, " the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached there from 1960 until his death in 1968. The 88-year-old had preached for about 40 minutes, said the Rev. Raphael G. Warnock, senior pastor at Ebenezer. "He was shaking hands and he just became a little weak and lost his balance," Warnock said. "Within moments, he was able to respond to questions." Warnock said doctors in the congregation took a look at Lowery before the paramedics were called as a precaution. Warnock accompanied Lowery to the hospital and said he was doing fine Sunday evening." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2009 10:02:29 PM :( ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Ya gotta love some Chuck Grassley every now and again BASENAME: ya_gotta_love_some_chuck_grass STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/17/2009 06:24:46 AM ----- BODY: It's pretty tough to disagree with this sentiment:
    The first thing that would make me feel a little bit better towards them [AIG executives] if they'd follow the Japanese model and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say I'm sorry, and then either do one of two things -- resign, or go commit suicide.
    I would suggest seppuku for Dick Cheney, myself, but I imagine his cyborg body wouldn't be significantly damaged... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 10:21:20 PM The AIG derivatives folk are beyond bad people, but eh, I think TP summed this kind of "witness problem, TRY TO SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!" mentality grassley is showing: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Tread. With caution. BASENAME: tread_with_caution STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/17/2009 06:29:19 AM ----- BODY: iconHere we go again. First I got a tweet that drew me to Grift. OK. The newspaper discussion. Maybe we can get beyond "blogs bad papers good" this time. Alas. I guess that whole "you get more with honey than you do with vinegar" thing is passe. Sad really, because most of the bloggers I know are news hounds with great respect for the role and traditions of journalism. Meanwhile, The Seattle Post Intelligencer prints its last issue today. It will now be a web-only paper. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 08:41:15 AM I'll say it. I don't like the path we're on. It's not a knock against blogs or bloggers per se, it is, however, a knock on the current state of blogging qua news. I don't like the fact it appears how internet news is currently disseminated may soon replace the void left by newspapers. Then again, considering how balls-less the press has been lately--for whatever reason--I can only say, "meh." Like, seriously, how the WaPo still gonna call what we did "torture" rather than what it was: torture. If the press were to nut up again, it wouldn't have as many problems. IMO. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 09:00:21 AM I couldn't agree with you more, IRE. I have grown weary of the "paper bad v blog good" and vice versa argument. The fact is that the printed newspaper is becoming less and less popular and marketable. Instead of crying as they die before us, perhaps we should be thinking about what form we'd like to see our news take for the future. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 09:53:13 AM Well first off, you need to stop agreeing with me. I've kind of got a theory, don't really have time to write it out and I can't articulate it as well as I ought to, but, I think newspapers will ultimately be fine and will survive. HOWEVER, they will be very different vehicles, serving a very upscale clientele, a la The New York Observer. Think about it. Who reads a hard copy of the paper? It's lawyers, journos, etc, and some plebeians who ride mass transit. If newspapers retool themselves for the upper echelon of readers, similar to what the NYO does, you'll have a vehicle for high level ads that *directly* reach consumers with disposable, or at least, discretionary income. You can charge more for ads because you A) Higher end services want in and B ) you know exactly who is reading. Does that make sense? If someone wants to refine that and claim it as their own; go for it. The next 10ish or so years of news is scary. If we can have more sites in the model of TPM then good and I'd have no problem with the new medium. But right now, that's far and away the exception. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 12:18:43 PM Beannachtai na Feile Padraig! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Wow. Just wow. BASENAME: wow_just_wow_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/17/2009 12:49:14 PM ----- BODY: iconThe Sixth Sense I'm probably way behind everyone on this. A friend sent me a link to this presentation by Pattie Maes & Pranav Mistry at last month's TED. Take the eight minutes to watch the video and come back and tell us what you think. Wicked cool? Techno scary? So passe? h/t: Steve. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 02:33:09 PM I want to see gamma rays, hear x-rays and ... SMELL dark matter! I want to feel the solar winds of the supernova flowing over me. Mind refuses to be blown until I get to play with it. Now an AI that can go and fetch relevant information on the fly during a discussion or review session - that would be hyper-cool. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 03:45:12 PM Go read Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge. When that future gets here, my mind will be officially be blown. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 04:15:26 PM Seriously, just how much do I really need to know? This is overload as far am I concerned. It's all cool and sh*t but whatever this is just too too something. Eventually we will loose all senses and be completely dependent on machines. As it is I'm getting dumber by the day, relying on machines. I barely can remember important phone numbers. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 05:29:33 PM Wow. I wonder what my word cloud would say? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: joseph EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 08:42:29 AM Hi friends I am Joseph from London. Joseph Not to sure what you are trying to say..I mean is it or is it not. Anyhow I know I am rambling but try to see it from someone reading it the first time without thinking about it first. Luwow Goldman ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: joseph EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 08:44:24 AM Hi friends I am Joseph from London. Joseph Not to sure what you are trying to say..I mean is it or is it not. Anyhow I know I am rambling but try to see it from someone reading it the first time without thinking about it first. Luwow Goldman ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: SB 13: Update BASENAME: sb_13_update STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/17/2009 06:21:23 PM ----- BODY: iconRumor has it that Speaker Richardon, Rep. Fleming and Rep. Ehrhart are seeking to amend SB 13 aka Life Without Parole Bill to add the non-unanimous death penalty provision, meaning only 9 jurors - opposed to 12 - would be needed to impose the death penalty. Please contact your state Representatives to express your disappointment, outrage or shame. If you need a conservative talking point: PAC, the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council, opposes this change. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 09:19:23 PM Sometimes it stinks having strong Ds as your rep and senator. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 10:18:51 PM I f'ing hate Rep. Ehrhart and him being my rep. these days. To return to our much maligned Ed Setzler, I emailed him once about the non-unanimous death sentence thing and he told me he was against it b (^_^) b ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: War BASENAME: war STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/17/2009 06:30:09 PM ----- BODY: So it's been six years this week. What's the consensus? Was it worth the lives lost in Iraq? Was it worth the untold amounts of suffering by families here and there? Was it worth the expense? When was the last time you thought about it? As voters it really is up to us to decide the "worth" since we're the ones who put the people in power who make these decisions. I'd be curious to know looking back, what you all think. Six years.. it's a long time ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 09:21:53 PM No war or loss of life is ever "worth it", and I fear that this might be the wrong way to evaluate whether or not we ought to have gone to war (and I mean in any situation, not just now). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2009 10:14:03 PM I think a better question is what are we going to do to stop current wars and prevent future ones. I agree with IRE, but obviously in extreme situations I would try to quantify whether war costs are worth preventing some kind of greater evil, but that's more rare than we think. MLK Jr. called America "the greatest purveyor of violence on earth" 42 years ago, and unfortunately, I have seen little that leads me to believe we have changed from that. We're the chief exporter of death in the world, and it's something we have to come to terms with before it spiritually kills us one day. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Community organizing BASENAME: community_organizing STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/18/2009 01:31:45 PM TAGS: art,community,music,"new ideas" ----- BODY: What happens when a musician and producer samples various amateur musicians from YouTube? A beautiful thing called Thru You. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 12:43:29 PM That's great. Let's see if we can get the synthesizer out, then it would be golden. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 12:46:37 PM That's great. Let's see if we can get the synthesizer out, then it would be golden. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Did Chris Dodd just sign his political death warrant? BASENAME: did_chris_dodd_just_sign_his_p STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/18/2009 06:40:32 PM ----- BODY: Not only did he admit that he was responsible for adding the language to the stimulus bill that is preserving the AIG bonuses, he apparently started off by claiming he wasn't:
    On Tuesday, Dodd denied to CNN that he had anything to do with adding the language, which has been used by officials at AIG to justify paying millions of dollars in bonuses to executives after receiving federal money.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 07:41:49 PM Well this isn't exactly a secret. But we were all watching a different show back in the fall. I remember some of the uber liberal bloggers being all over this when the TARP was first rolled out. He took major hits at the time. His seat was at risk before this; when he moved his family from CT to Iowa during his ill fated presidential campaign. But voters in Ct are a little odd, they re-elected Liebertoast.. so who knows.. bet he has a couple serious challengers though.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 09:23:34 PM Eh ... I dunno. I'm getting mixed reports: Dodd may have acquiesced, but it sounds like there was pressure involved. Geithner's got himself a Treasury Department running at half-strength, so I disagree with Sirota's characterization of him as "incompetent" for not knowing about the bonus loopholes. However, Geithner and Summers need either to show some results or feign some interest in what non-experts think of their maneuverings. Like a lot of wunderkinden, they may think that the key psychology is that of the experts. In most cases, they'd probably be right. But, when the fourth wall is lying in rubble on the ground, it's going to be important to keep up confidence that taxpayer moneys are going to good use. I'm really hoping that those guy's deep love for securitization has some basis in the mechanics of finance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 09:46:16 PM Dodd's one of the financial industry's best friends in the Senate. Why is anyone surprised at all? Those Democrats who claimed we should be more pro-wall street and all that to be "moderate" or whatever and that this would ensure safe seats definitely have to be eating crow now. The Republican could beat him out using left wing populism, literally. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 09:50:17 PM As for Geithner, Summers, etc. they all need to be fired and replaced with people who aren't so ideologically neoliberal. For someone who emphasized having a cabinet with diverse views, Obama staffed it full of center-right deregulators, and this is not going to work out. Their ideological fixation on not nationalizing is awful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 10:03:52 PM And a big f'ing F U to these people, the Senate Undermine Obama Caucus ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 10:22:34 PM Update: "Dodd is the biggest recipient of AIG political contributions over the past decade, taking in $280,238, about $80,000 more than the second largest recipient (George W. Bush)." And I think odins' narrative also is at play here. It seems Treasury really leaned on him as well to not try to cap AIG's bonuses. These people are pathetic. Literally pathetic. They ought to learn how people who don't have their luxurious lifestyles live one day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 10:48:23 PM I think in the short term, Geithner et al's approach may work. Get the machinery that has carried the debt load (although without the craziest aspects like 30 or 35:1 leveraging, default swaps used as side bets rather than insurance) back up and running to keep the ship going. At any rate, we're looking to be too deep into it to switch course rapidly without blowing the thing up and starting totally from scratch. Test cases for the new government-primed security markets (kind of the financial version of the stimulus to replace private spending with public) seem to be starting to open. After the engine starts working again, though, I'd definitely ax Summers. Geithner may or may not be worth keeping, but he definitely needs more adult supervision. At this point, we can deal with the root critiques of Stiglitz and others (which, in Stiglitz' case boils down to securities smearing away information and amping up moral hazard and other such bad things) in terms of what we want our lending facilities to look like. At that point, I think there needs to be a very serious examination as to whether or not the financial industry can actually generate profits or if it is purely a facilitator or thief. In that second case (which I lean toward myself), the goal should be to totally redesign the spectrum of risk / agility to match our economy. And create separated institutions to handle each. We do need risky capital out there, but it should be for enterprises that have large and real upsides like technological development or experimental towns or the like, not just for risk's own sake. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 10:58:16 PM There is one "fire Geithner" scenario that may work, but it's got to be done very soon, and very roughly. Namely, rather than put up new Treasury officials one by one, Obama will have to draw up a "slate" of nominees (I don't know if this is even possible, even with a friendly Congress) to get Treasury totally restaffed in a hurry. I don't know if anyone is going to like that, since it will involve a lot of back-room dealing, horse trading and of course spook the markets for another couple of months with a No Confidence vote in Treasury. Too damned many bad choices. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 11:27:25 PM Whatever they do, they ought to do it fast. Obama's first term could end up being known as the one that took on the financial crisis and lost, and the kind of extreme Republican that could rise out of that with right-wing populism would make Bush/Cheney look like Feingold/Kucinich. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2009 11:34:22 PM And I don't want any more politicians who are against nationalization and for "public bears the costs, private corporations get the profits" acting like they're surprised when they hand these big companies tons of money and they abuse it because we haven't wiped out their executives and put them under direct control to forcibly do what needs to be done with bad assets and cleaning out the bad apples. I mean, we have examples of countries that tried to do it the public-private route (Japan) that failed miserably and companies that briefly nationalized (Sweden) who did it well. We have Lindsey Graham and Alan Greenspan of all people coming out for nationalization, and yet the Wall Street Dems. keep twiddling their fingers. Why? It's pretty obvious why. AMY GOODMAN: Why is Obama saving these bankers? JOSEPH STIGLITZ: Well, we could all guess about the politics. We know one of the problems about American politics is the role of campaign contributions, and that’s plagued every one of our major problems. Under the Bush administration, we couldn’t deal with a large number problems, like the oil industry, like the pharmaceutical, the healthcare, because of the influence of campaign contributions. Now, my view is, one of the problems is that whether it’s because of that or not, it lends an aura of suspicion. The fact that there was so much campaign contributions from the financial sector at least raises the concern. -- And my fear here is that the right wing is the group that is mobilizing populism about this, and blaming all the wrong people for it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 02:45:13 AM Dodd: "I was changing the amendment because others were insistent." It's like a bad romance novel: Dodd tried to resist Geithner's advances, but he was too insistent! I'd like to believe that this is like Lieberman, but Lieberman could count on pro-war Republicans to return him to the Senate. I don't think Dodd can count on pro-bailout anyone. If he can't turn this around, he should step aside. Otherwise, I hope everyone in Washington learned their lessons from this: 1) the worst details of the bailout will become known at the worst possible time, and since 2) the majority party will be held accountable for them, 3) the majority party should ensure that those details are defensible. But I don't see evidence that they have yet. Congress and the White House have decided to clean up the mess that AIG made, but they haven't decided to demand the power they need to prevent future messes. By now, any decision made by any bailed-out company should be subject to veto by the White House or Congress before it goes into effect. Clearly, that isn't the case, and until it is, AIG et. al. will continue to do what they do best - create an unprecedented mess - and the White House and Congress will continue to shoulder the blame. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:20:07 AM Time to go Dodd. GTFO. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:30:54 AM Time to go Dodd. GTFO. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:43:38 AM "And my fear here is that the right wing is the group that is mobilizing populism about this, and blaming all the wrong people for it." Except that when things like this bonus business come up, the people I would put in the Yearbook as "most likely to be mentioned next to Joseph Goebells in a history book" are actually out there defending the AIG bonus pay as properly earned bounty for succeeding in the brutal winner-take-all arena. They may wise up eventually (or a new crossbred comes into play), but for now they are blunted a little by the asses they have their noses stuck in. Re: Nationalization - it's going to be important not simply to cast aspersions, but to address the psychological problem, which is drawing the wrong lesson from Lehman Brothers. Paulson killed Lehman Brothers for no reason other than spite and moralizing, to prove an example to other banks of what they did wrong and why and how they should pay for their sins. Perhaps momentarily satisfying, but it unleashed a serious crapstorm. Geithner may appreciate the elegant complexity of the dance he is doing to avoid nationalization. However, at this point, ALL ideological outlooks, including our own should be considered desirements rather than requirements. The only requirement should be to get a functioning lending facility operating in this country again. There are many ways to construct a lending facility, and the system of the 80's seems to be the choice. However, the list of desirements currently seem to be: -Don't go to Congress for more money -Don't nationalize the banks -Don't induce fundamental restructuring of the current financial system It is worth pushing for the set to become: -Minimize federal money injected into the system -Minimize Federal Reserve money injected into the system -Minimize built-in risks of inflation and global currency battles -Maximize public confidence in plan's effectiveness and honesty ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 12:55:33 PM Okay, let's say a company has a set retention bonus structure in place, and then it decides it wants to receive bailout money from the government. Without the language it either needs to somehow retract its bonus structure (which will probably involve payments of some kind) or give up the potential bailout payments which could cause it to go under. What if the company feels it needs the people who know what the hell is going on to stay for the company to survive, but they feel the urge to jump ship? How does the company achieve both goals? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 04:41:43 PM "What if the company feels it needs the people who know what the hell is going on to stay for the company to survive, but they feel the urge to jump ship? How does the company achieve both goals?" Hire some H1-B's or fresh college students. I'm sure they would perform better in this instance. Unions across the country have bent over backwards in their contracts or just been straight-up bent over. People in a variety of jobs are being involuntarily furloughed in order to keep the number of people working somewhere constant. My eyes are completely dry for those who precipitated this mess and now have to surrender bonus pay. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 08:19:37 PM Dodd's gotta step down. We can't tolerate a (nother) Republican from CT in the senate. Whether you blame him or the white house more for this, it really is destroying him in the court of public opinion and will have electoral results. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 08:32:03 PM As for the right wing populism, epic luls inside: "What if the company feels it needs the people who know what the hell is going on to stay for the company to survive?" It really doesn't. Especially in the case of AIG. Their derivatives people? The folks who dropped an atom bomb into the machinery of the global economy? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 11:34:49 AM PS Zaid - I think I'm now pretty much on board with you on the nationalization front. I've finally come to understand the problem well enough that I think some of the problem is actually vapor and would be pushed aside by government fiat. Although, I have a feeling that a lot of this vapor also means that woefully undercapitalized banks probably exist and need to be patched up. Of course, FDIC has been doing that to many smaller banks, IIRC. For reading enjoyment: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 01:38:26 PM Matt Taibbi is like literary sex. We're actually facebook friends but the only communication we've ever had is how he thinks facebook is absurd. I'm not reflexively for nationalizing anything except for maybe some basic essentials, but I think when it makes sense we can't have this ideological tendency to just kneejerk against it that we see from so many pundits, or the Schumer-style objection, which comes as a result of being paid not to support it by Wall Street (interesting to see Sen. Graham and Greenspan be open to it and not northeastern Democratic senators). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: econeil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 04:25:39 PM Want to know what's even grosser than AIG handing out multi-million bonuses to its derivatives department? Irrational ranting and screaming about blaming Wall Street for things that are just as much a fault of the American people as a handful of old fat white guys in the boardroom. Dodd has his faults, and he's a bit creepy. But the biggest problem in America today is the complete gap between public policy/gov't and corporate America. Obviously no one wants a shill for industry, but at the same time you have to give Dodd credit for at least trying to come to a mutually acceptable agreement. As someone who works in the very industry that is now so popular with mainstream media to skewer, I have to wonder at what point people are going to take responsibility for their own actions and the state of their own lives rather than blame others. That goes for everyone from Chris Dodd, Ed Liddy, and Jim the people screaming up and down about corporate bonuses just because they're unhappy with someone earning more than they do. Newsflash: Excessive greed is wrong, yes. But working hard should be rewarded. Just because you want a trust fund doesn't mean you deserve one. And if you aren't financially independent yourself, be it on a man, your parents, or lobbyists, then for the love of God, shut up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 04:52:26 PM "But working hard should be rewarded." That's the same thing that I hear undergrads say when they want an A on their paper even when it didn't go so well. In my line of work, it doesn't matter how hard you try. If you fail to tackle the laws of physics and develop something that works, you fail. No bonus, no "ata boy," just a "damn, that's too bad." And if you try to wave your hands to hide what physics plainly tells you, you become the goat for two decades' worth of undergraduate lectures (see Challenger, Columbia). It is also becoming more and more clear that what happened at AIG wasn't innovation or an improvement in the financial world in any objective way. It was essentially an innovation in lying, cheating and preying on people, and I'm sure we'll reach stealing before too long. Now, as for the huge mountain of debt that is choking this country, yes, it did originate from ordinary people. Mortgages, living on the credit card, and so on. That debt was bad. However, one must also fess up that all of that easy money kept a lot of people from being thrown up against the wall that should have been quite some time ago. We made huge leaps in productivity via technology, and that bounty was not shared beyond the executive suite with maybe some good table scraps for those that invented the new technology. "but at the same time you have to give Dodd credit for at least trying to come to a mutually acceptable agreement." No, when you are bankrupt, you don't get mutually acceptable agreement. You get "get the fuck back in there and fix this thing." Isn't that the response you would get if you walked into the office of management with a travesty on your hands? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 05:02:48 PM And, so as not to point too fine a point on it ... The main reason to be pissed at people like AIG-FP is not that they blew up their portfolios - even makes some bad calls. It is the fact that AIG-FP encouraged others to wipe their ass with every guideline and established good practice in both lending and insurance. They did willingly stupid things with other people's money for self-enrichment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 05:12:28 PM Anyways Zaid, The part in the Taibbi piece that caught my attention (and I've heard this in other places) that the real triggers for disaster were the changes in credit ratings. It wasn't until cash requirements changed that counterparties began to realize just how screwed they are. Nationalization won't entirely put that genie back in the bottle, but it is a lot cheaper to borrow Uncle Sam's AAA rating than it is to simply plow cash into these guys. Sell off everything that is actually worth something, kill a few players (and break all of them up), and go ahead and let the Feds play financial SuperFund. They're the only ones patient enough to see what these things are actually worth, and will probably help a lot of people get their debts in order. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2009 12:42:49 AM I didn't know much about credit ratings until I read about them in Naomi Klein's latest book. Then I realized exactly how politicized they can be and how explosive. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Breaking News... BASENAME: breaking_news_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/19/2009 04:38:13 PM ----- BODY: iconDetails coming in. Today the Georgia General Assembly voted to deny President Obama honorary membership to the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus. Yeah. They voted it down. And in other news, yesterday we learned that Governor Perdue has signed on to a Texas case seeking an end to Department of Justice review of Georgia voting activities.
    "Congress' insistence that Georgia has 'a continuing legacy of racism' ... is nonsensical when an African-American candidate for president receives a greater percentage of the vote than his white predecessor candidates," Perdue argued in the brief.
    Really? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 08:59:58 PM If Holder over at the DoJ has the brains and the political smarts we give him credit for, Sonny's going nowhere. And he might as well expect a much higher degree of scrutiny for everything voting related measure he and his lick spittle knuckle dragging Leg caucus wants to ram through. But the same proposal on 'voting rights' has been shopped around to almost every 'conservative' Southern state by none other than Ga.'s very own 'clever' Hans Von Spakovsky, for yes, Years. Thank goodness that with the Obama administration, it will not be enacted without even a review, as it had under the corrupt & criminal Bushnicks. But the Bush DoJ wanted this Bad & in a very bad way. And yes, evidence of consistent overt hostility to our President in your state Leg (see next post here) is Prima facie evidence that you really do Need a continuation of the DoJ supervision of everything concerning voting & minorities in the state. TPM has the best & most consistent coverage of this vital issue & the messianic idiotic, venal mendacity of 'Clever Hans' and his myriad disenfranchisement schemes. Papers won't dare touch this, and really never understood it. Even the really 'smart guys' @ the AJC. Cheers, JMP [] ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:10:20 PM Again guys, no place does the vital link show up here if I put it in the URL box, w/o someone putting it in the body of the message. Which is probably not how it's supposed to work. Thanks for the post Catherine, and the TPM link to the TX case & Hans Von S.' involvement in it is here: And to avoid any confusion or excessive critique of my wonderful language, the above post should now read in part: "And he [Sonny P.] might as well expect a much higher degree of scrutiny for every voting related measure he and his lick spittle knuckle dragging Leg caucus wants to ram through." Hopefully he will & shall. And then go on to lose, which may indeed take awhile. Cheers, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:15:43 PM Yes, this is the same legislature that wants us to "prove" we are citizens, and has another bill written HB225) that would make it it illegal for you to register voters if you are not a resident of GA- yeah we don't want no Freedom riders here. Oh I could go on, but why ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2009 11:50:10 AM The plantation owners don't like any damn hippies or uppity youngun's coming to tell them how to run their state. Seriously, I wonder why Southern politicians complain so much of Federal interference when they are obviously so unequipped to run their own state. Just look at Gwinnett for examples of Small Pond / Big Fish syndrome. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2009 01:26:20 PM I'm surprised they didn't go outside and shoot guns in the air afterwards for their great victory against Obama. Next on the agenda, building a bowling alley in the georgia capitol and inviting the President to play. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2009 04:14:09 PM Probably about the only way the GOP is going to beat Obama in the next couple of years. It's okay though, we can get Bill Murray and the Amish kid for his team. Or maybe Geithner's test markets exploding (I severely hope not - financial drawing boards are expensive). But hey, exciting times! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Live Blog from Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Press Conf BASENAME: live_blog_from_georgia_legisla STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/19/2009 04:39:29 PM ----- BODY: edited- The Press Conf is in response to the vote of HR673. Sen Keith Heard( HR673 author) is speaking now about the vote today ( Can't link to it now-they pulled from site) This vote was to make President Barack Obama a honorary member of the GLBC. The vote was 68 yeas to 70 neas. A PDF will be posted later with the votes. Georgia is the first to make the President a honorary member, since Rep Smyre is the President of National Black Caucus of State Legislators so that's why it was initiated here. Rep. Austin Scott (R-153) objected and had it pulled from the rest of the calendar and asked for it to be voted on sep. A motion to reconsider was placed, they need 91 votes. A member of the press is asking if a white person had won would they have objected. Sen Jones is trying to answer tactfully. The GLBC is also commenting on the fact that Perdue signed on with Texas about removing the section 7 ( not sure about this one) I will link to this later. 4:49: Rep Symre is speaking now-he feels it's very disrespectful and tomorrow is headed to DC for meeting with President Obama. -Good grief the man is going to have to "apologize for Georgia" Sen Fort is commenting now- He also feels this was very disrespectful, is outraged and pointed out that this was passed in the senate no issues. 5:05 They have ended to press conf and adjourned to the GLBC meeting, which was orginally scheduled for 4:30. I expect this meeting to be quite lively. Press here and here. Note: from the author- I've been working as a Legislative aide this session and have been loath to publicly comment much about this session. However today's antics with the Privileged Resolutions is just the latest in a long string of hateful, nasty and obviously racially biased attacks on the President and his supporters. A few weeks ago we had preacher go off about the President and having the "answer to God" ( alluding to the President's position on a women's right to choose) you hear "those people" all the time. It's also been the anti-Obama agenda all day long here. The same week the President signed stem cell bill, we voted it down. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 05:01:40 PM We're a disgrace to the nation. Austin Scott is never going to be Governor. There are just not that many rednecks left. And the ones who are left are too broke to worry about this silliness. Not that it matters whether President Obama is an honorary member of the GLBC or not. I am sure he will relish the opportunity to put a nail in the GA GOP's coffin during the 2010, 2012 and 2014 elections. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 08:51:29 PM They should've included something in the bill to guarantee it's passage. Something no American legislator would vote against. "Obama will be an honorary caucus member and Israel is the greatest country ever." (runs away) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:10:53 PM Zaid, To be clear this is an honorary membership to the GEORGIA Black Caucus.. I seriously doubt the GA GOP would vote for inclusion with Israel any more than for President Obama. The day started with two bills one about beavers and right of ways and another about regulating the size of hunting lights, examples worn by Elly Dobbs and quips from the R-s about "coon-dogs" and trees and he most famous coon dog ever.. oh and FYI we have no regulations on the size of light if you want to hunt alligator at night. oh and earlier this week we had some mo-ron speak about how it's all Obama's fault that bullets are so expensive and he couldn't buy cheap bullets to shoot his wild pigs.. yeah you really can't make this shit up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:23:05 PM I know what the bill is, I'm just saying if we included something completely unrelated with it about israel that it would pass, it was a joke ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:26:10 PM As much as I truly dislike RatBastard Sherman, perhaps a nice cleansing fire would be beneficial to the state again. Just burn it down and start over. How f'in stupid do you have to be as a state to continue to spit in the eye of a very popular president? On a side note, if anyone wants a nearly 3 year old total pain in the butt - he's yours. I'll throw in the DVD collection we've amassed thus far...or does anyone know where I can buy a boatload of patience? I appear to be fresh out and am willing to pay any price!!!!!!!!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 09:52:04 PM Zaid, No it wouldn't. You think the GA GOP has love for Israel? I doubt that, I rilly rilly do. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 10:13:31 PM Ruby- sorry hon- I don't take em' when he's ready for his first Def Leppard/ACDC/Alice Cooper/Fogaht concert. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 10:15:12 PM sorry "till" he's ready.. Then baby it's on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 10:45:46 PM The pigs and bullets thing was also Austin Scott. I'm convinced there is acid in the water supply. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 10:53:15 PM well, not the good kind clearly ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: j.r.ward EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 11:04:35 PM i was there today in the house during these antics. it made me sick. i have listened to a lot of things i disagree with in the house this session and can usually just shrug it off, but today actually made ashamed. when things like that happen it scares me how behind our state can be. it is a reality check, reminding me of the type of people that will never change. call it politics, partisan politics.... i call it hate, and resentment. it should eventually pass, but should never have been an issue ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: j.r.ward EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2009 11:05:32 PM i was there today in the house during these antics. it made me sick. i have listened to a lot of things i disagree with in the house this session and can usually just shrug it off, but today actually made ashamed. when things like that happen it scares me how behind our state can be. it is a reality check, reminding me of the type of people that will never change. call it politics, partisan politics.... i call it hate, and resentment. it should eventually pass, but should never have been an issue (i am the assist. house photographer) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2009 12:24:05 AM "Zaid, No it wouldn't. You think the GA GOP has love for Israel? I doubt that, I rilly rilly do." Not that many people have love for Israel. It's that you just have to be with every single thing Israel does and pretend you love every single thing about it -- or else. Heck, during Israel dropping literally a few million cluster bomblets on southern Lebanon, Sonny Perdue of all people showed up in atlanta hosting a "WE STAND WITH ISRAEL" rally. I don't know if that dumbass could even point to israel on a map, but it doesn't matter. It means money and clout. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2009 08:24:01 AM I pulled the vote on HR 673. There were 37 Not Voting, including some Democrats. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2009 10:06:53 AM Sndeak: It was the very end of the day, and usually these things zip right through. Many D's were off the floor in a committee meeting, some had left, and saddly some just walked - Rick Crawford (sort of a D) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2009 04:57:42 PM So now I see that Richardson sent it back to committee, the GLBC walked out, and then Richardson had the doors locked? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2009 08:04:34 PM No excuse. We send them there to vote on legislation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 10:03:58 AM Sndeak.... two weeks left in the session. I invite you to visit me one day-you'll see how it really is-you'll get your eyes opened my friend ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 10:06:31 AM Sndeak.... two weeks left in the session. I invite you to visit me one day-you'll see how it really is-you'll get your eyes opened my friend ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 10:18:23 AM Sndeak.... two weeks left in the session. I invite you to visit me one day-you'll see how it really is-you'll get your eyes opened my friend ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2009 12:46:29 PM I've been to a GA session. I'm tired of making excuses for legislators. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 12:59:48 PM I'd like to point out that Mike Jacobs voted NO. No surprise, but it is reason #150256986 to hate him. Racist pig. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: ichibanwaun EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 11:45:29 AM The GLBC had to walk out because they could not defend the line, “unimpeachable reputation for integrity, vision and passion.” Sucking up and disregarding facts would be a step backward even for the GLBC. The GLBC and GA legislation would then have no integrity or sense. Yes, Obama reneging on one campaign promise=no integrity. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 05:45:30 PM Over at peach pundit they're turning this into basically, "LOL OBAMA." I guess it's the best victory they've had in a while. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 06:33:01 PM Rogue is the "n*** guy" from South Park. See "apologies to Jessie Jackson" for details. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 09:45:14 PM I'm starting to just fuck with Erick just for fun Seriously, as much as you guys might think I hate on Obama, I spend most of my time defending him to Republicans. But I'm open-minded enough to where I can call BS on him, like with the banking bailout and afghanistan. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 09:48:54 PM And I think they deleted where I wrote that McCain admitted to Arianna Huffington that he didnt' vote for Bush in 2000. Free Speech ftl ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Angela Davis in Atlanta - Two Events this week BASENAME: the_civil_rights_and_womens STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/22/2009 08:23:16 PM ----- BODY: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Ebenezer Baptist Church 407 Auburn Avenue Atlanta, GA Free and Open to the Public Then, Wednesday am join Ms. Davis and SPARK! Reproductive Justice NOW as they lobby at the capitol. Then they will head across the street to meet with legislators. When: Wednesday March 25th Where: Trinity Methodist Church 265 Washington Street Atlanta GA Time: 9:00 am. The civil rights and women's rights icon Angela Davis will speak about women, privilege, and prisons in honor of Emory University Women's History Month and in conjunction with the Atlanta Consortium of Colleges and Universities. This event is free and open to the public, and a book signing will follow the lecture. Davis's talk is also the culminating event of the series "Motherhood at the Intersection of Race and Class," which opened in January with two traveling art exhibitions by historian and curator Rickie Solinger. Presented by the Center for Women at Emory and the Emory Department of Women's Studies. Cosponsored by the Jessica Glasser Memorial Lecture Fund, Ali P. Crown Endowment on Women's Roles in Culture and Society, SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW, Atlanta Consortium of Colleges and Universities, and the following from Emory: Hightower Lecture Fund, Race and Difference Initiative, the Office of Community and Diversity, the Law School, The Presidents Commission on the Status of Women, Feminists in Action, and Emory Alumnae and Women of Emory. For more information on this event, go to or contact Sasha Smith, 404.727.2001. Davis's long-standing commitment to prisoners rights dates back to her involvement in the campaign to free the Soledad Brothers, which led to her own arrest and imprisonment in 1970. Her eighteen months in jail sparked an international "Free Angela Davis" campaign, and both John Lennon and the Rolling Stones recorded songs protesting her arrest. She was acquitted in 1972. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Insta-poll open thread: Is Geithner done? BASENAME: insta-poll_open_thread_is_geit STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/22/2009 10:55:43 PM ----- BODY: I really hate to say it, but it sounds like the Tim Geithner naysayers might have been right. If Paul Krugman can sum up the situation as "an awful mess", where does that leave us? Consider also that one of the few people defending him these days is John McCain, of all people. Am I missing some reason to believe that Geithner is eventually going to get it together and make the public, investors, and us, the rank and filers who indirectly put him where he is, happy again? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2009 11:10:35 PM I'm pretty sure Geithner and Summers were always loved by the right-wing and loathed by the left. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2009 11:26:01 PM That wasn't to be overly snarky, it's just I think the lefty blogosphere literally was seeing blood when they saw the picks for Obama's econ team. It's the same folks who got us into the crisis by boosting these sorts of policies coming back for round 2, and that kinda applies to his international team with people like Ross and Clinton, too... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2009 11:54:46 PM More instability in the markets FTW! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 03:16:57 AM You assume the problem lies in Geithner. It doesn't. It's in the policy itself. It doesn't matter whether it's Paulson or Geithner who proposes it. It's bad, at least according to Krugman et al. But it won't change, because it seems to be the consensus of the economic elite. We can only hope that they're right and Krugman is wrong - or that the House, fearing the wrath of the voters on 2010, puts together an alternative that is more politically palatable and no less likely to succeed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 08:07:54 AM It amazes me to see the left denouncing leftist policies. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 09:37:50 AM I'm not entirely sure if perpetuating a system that allows bankers to get wealthy playing three-card monty with credit risk and highly subjective (and gameable) rating systems shaking Holy Water on the whole thing counts as a leftist policy. It may be a safe policy, in that it deals with the familiar. It may also be something that only feels safe because of familiarity rather than fundamentals. The benefit I see to securitization is that it "liquefies" loans. Rather than sitting on the thing for 30+ years, you can decide whether you want a lump sum for it or to wait for the payments to trickle in. The downside is that it makes loans something you buy, and allows for certain risks to be hidden. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 09:45:52 AM Yeah, because the government injecting billions (isn't it a trillion now?) into the private sector, assuming control of private businesses can't be called leftist. Excuse me while i call BS. :rollseyes: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 11:02:47 AM No, billion-dollar giveaways to the rich is not leftist. And if we've assumed control of these businesses, how is it that they don't seem to be operating with the best interests of the people in mind? They're even suing us! Either we don't have the control, or the government's policy is to let AIG continue destructive business an usual. Either way, not leftist. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 11:24:41 AM " Yeah, because the government injecting billions (isn't it a trillion now?) into the private sector, assuming control of private businesses can't be called leftist." I'm pretty sure corporate welfare is where the left and right get together and call BS. You do know that size of government =/= political philosophy right? And we don't have control over any of these banks, even though we own huge stakes in them now, which is becoming increasingly apparent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 11:36:26 AM "Yeah, because the government injecting billions (isn't it a trillion now?) into the private sector, assuming control of private businesses can't be called leftist." Also, the scary part is that a vast majority of the money isn't from the government - it's from the Federal Reserve, which is only quasi-governmental. It is said that Bernake, after completing his thesis on the Great Depression, vowed to be an activist Fed Chair if he ever got the opportunity in this situation. He's definitely living up to that vow. Also, even nationalization is not being considered even by crazy liberals like Krugman, Reich, and Stiglitz in the leftist sense. They see nationalization as a temporary, stabilizing measure with a bias toward selling off business units as quickly as they can be found to be worth something. I don't see anyone calling for a Central Bank of the United States to form up in order to give the proletariat the means to control the levers of production. For some reason, no one's even promoting UAW to buy up Detroit with their pension moneys. If the government is out to guarantee hedge funds no downside on bailing out a private sector, why not the same for a group that actually produces something? I'd love to see the PPFI enable labor to actually take over their own industry. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 12:07:14 PM OK, well if these aren't leftist/statist/liberal policies then what are they? Play games all you want "IT'S CORPORATE WELFARE" or "THE FED IS ONLY QUASI GOVERNMENTAL" or whatever other populist BS you can summon, but this matches the paradigm of what a liberal government would do. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and sure as hell looks like a damn duck, don't come to me and say its a god damned mongoose. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 12:43:44 PM I'd still say these are liberal solutions only in that they believe that the government can be competent and solve problems. Fascist (in the real, Italian meaning of the world) governments also believe that state and corporate health are intimately tied, and would act to run a command economy for national interest. I'm not saying that this is a fascist thing to do, I'm just pointing out that right/left is more than just the relative strength of government. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 01:19:16 PM Thanks for proving my point Odin! I think what's happening is that its not a "progressive leftism" being implemented which is leading "progressives to claim this isn't a liberal governmental system. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 01:26:03 PM I'm confused. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 01:41:17 PM Sorry I've been to busy fighting editors today to write anything clearly... The policies coming from Obama, on this at least, aren't progressive. I think that's what has lead the left say his policies aren't leftist. "I'd still say these are liberal solutions only in that they believe that the government can be competent and solve problems" this is kind of getting at what I was saying when I said yall are playing games here and won't just call a damn spade a spade. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 02:59:04 PM I don't understand what you are trying to say, if you're trying to say anything at all, IRE. Yeah, it's an activist government, no doubt, but that doesn't mean it's being active in a way the left wants. Heck, the two biggest active-government, big government, spenders this country had in the past 30 years were Reagan and Bush. Not exactly loved by the left, either. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 03:35:03 PM I'm saying its interesting to watch the left say leftist policies are bad. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 04:02:39 PM I still say it is hard to claim that a policy with guiding principles of keeping entrenched interests in control of the financial system and with a requirement that the state does *not* assume control even as it provides assistance a leftist policy. There are aspects of concern for the common person, namely the preservation of credit for consumers and small businesses, but they seem to be co-requirements rather than driving ones. I still think to label these purely "leftist" policies is to render the term effectively useless by attaching it to any form of government activism. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 04:10:22 PM "I'm saying its interesting to watch the left say leftist policies are bad." Yeah, but you haven't provided a very good explanation for why the three of us have supposedly been unable to call a spade a spade. Are you saying Reagan and Bush were leftists -- they had some of the biggest government expansions, tariffs, and spending of any President -- and it was funny that we wouldn't like them either? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2009 04:43:08 PM Although ... we may be getting much more to the left. Interesting rumors. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 01:56:50 AM b for d is the shiz. i love all yall. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 09:26:39 AM While the above sentiments are true, mods, feel free to delete said comment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 10:13:37 AM While the above sentiments are true, mods, feel free to delete said comment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 11:10:39 AM Love ya too, IRE. Sorry for not saying much at the College Dems meeting - I'm getting pretty damned worn out from the PhD hunt. I was actually just there to pay dues so I could hit Convention. I vent pressure here a lot - therapeutic to displace my frustrations on a hapless former NY Fed Chair. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 11:47:55 AM I'm feeling the bromance brah. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 05:14:47 PM I'm just glad there's someone else on here with sexist attitudes and understanding of internet memes, IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 09:23:10 PM I love me a little sexism. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 10:09:01 PM I'm confused.. who is sexist? When did this happen? We love you back IRE.. sorry meant to tell you that sooner. My blogging has been really quite off since I'm not working at a desk 10 hours a day, those were the days my friends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 10:25:51 PM Thanks Jules! This is the first time I will ever say I love you while sober. The above was not made in such a state. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 10:34:10 AM Footage of the B 52s at the Downtown Cafe before signing with a label. It was filmed by students at GSU. Discovered two years ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 11:01:56 AM Here's more AIG fun: I wonder what a mini-panel discussion with him at Gettlefinger (the UAW chief whose name I can't properly recall or spell) would be like... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 12:02:17 PM Can these fucking people get over themselves, please? I wanna round them all up and drop them off in the slums of Karachi where my parents grew up and tell them to fucking get some perspective before we have to read any more of their bullshit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 02:55:21 PM I like BusinessWeek's response ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 04:39:24 PM The BW guy missed the note on charity, namely: "I'm a master of the universe, and my charity is obviously more noble than those *bureaucrats* who systematically work on problems with taxpayer money." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 11:40:46 PM Looks like Howard Dean's taking his HHS snub and going to the mattresses on health care: Good man. We can get single payer yet if we can at least get a medicare option. Everyone in my family would dump our private plans in an instant, those creeps jack up the prices because heart disease runs in my family. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 09:15:41 AM Dean's a good man. Playing his part as always, even if he does not get central casting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 12:51:36 PM Krugman's problem is that he is confusing the emergency stimulus plan and financial market reorganization, which is the OTHER Geithner plan. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 03:48:13 PM,_and_now_we're_supposed_to_pity_him_yeah,_right/ Taibbi just posted this up on his facebook status. "Krugman's problem is that he is confusing the emergency stimulus plan and financial market reorganization, which is the OTHER Geithner plan" Actually, he's not talking about the stimulus, he's talking about the banking side. Although if I remember right he didn't like the stimulus as much because of the over emphasis on tax cuts. Although, to be honest, I think stuff that needs legislative approval through Congress is going to be a real pain now that we have the Vichy Democrat Caucus up and running in the Senate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 04:50:01 PM The "toxic asset plan" isn't the stimulus plan? I was misinformed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 05:05:40 PM The stimulus refers to the $787 billion stimulus plan, officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. That's basically tax cuts and spending into the economy (stuff like aid to the states, all sorts of little niche programs) designed to stimulate provide employment and kick start the economy and make people not afraid to spend again. The "toxic asset plan" deals primarily with the banks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 07:16:52 PM In any case, Krugman says that Geithner thinks there is "nothing fundamentally wrong with the financial system", but he has proposed big changes: I don't know what the hell you are talking about distinguishing between the "stimulus" and "the banking side". Krugman just spoke too soon. Geithner does want changes. First things first. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 09:42:30 PM I'm sorry, my friend, but you are seriously confused here. The stimulus is spending into states, tax cuts for working families, etc. The banking plan is buying off troubled assets, etc. They are completely different. Geithner does not want real changes. Where is the firewall between commercial and investment banking? He still accepts the "too big to fail paradigm." Krugman's a Nobel Laureate economist. Agree with him or disagree, he needs to be taken seriously, and I'm afraid you're not doing that by way of not taking the appropriate time needed to read and understand his critique. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 10:40:35 PM Geithner's starting to move a bit. I'm not sure if it's Obama or other advisors pushing him, but I was a bit surprised to see him become the front-man for the new powers to peer into and take apart nonbank financial firms. The thing of it is that this new entity sounds like it could become a very powerful thing, and the focus of a great many partisan battles. I'm not entirely sure if this is due to motives or a technocratic love for complex and intricate information machines. "Too big to fail means too big to survive" seems like a good metric to me (and I would hope to our adversaries across the aisle) in this case. I mean, when the chief activity of these guys is to move around bits with computers, is there really a such thing as economy of scale? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 12:59:47 AM To me, "too big to fail" needs to become "you're getting your ass trust-busted or you're becoming publicly owned and operated." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 10:26:09 AM A little off-topic, but can I just say how much I love the Internet? Twenty years ago, we would have been stuck with either dumbed-down explanations of all of this stuff on network TV or a need to go to the library and self-teach all of this stuff. Today, there are experts of every stripe on websites writing blogs, recording videos, and so on and so forth. And a person with some motivation has a real chance of understand how all of this stuff works. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 10:27:18 AM Basic education available here: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Just go. BASENAME: just_go STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/24/2009 03:46:45 PM ----- BODY: n2607281_34485803_4712.jpg You won't regret it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 10:00:27 PM WOW WOW WOW.. She is great, and I was glad to have attended. She spoke elegantly about women, race, transgendered people, and President Obama. I hope that the standing room only crowd got as much out of it as I did. Thanks to all who made it the event possible. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Zogby's internet polls BASENAME: zogbys_internet_polls STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/24/2009 06:50:19 PM ----- BODY: If you're not reading Nate Silver (you should be), you might find this discussion of Zogby's poll showing Obama at 50-50 approval to be informative. Honestly, I've always thought Zogby was no better or worse a pollster than average, but Nate builds a pretty clear case that Zogby's internet polling is completely bogus. The problem is that these numbers are making the rounds, with the Boston Herald story getting significant attention. If they're bogus, and the news media doesn't care, where does that leave the news media? And when did I miss Zogby's fall from grace? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 09:53:31 PM good grief didn't we learn Zogby sucked after the Kerry polling.. Sheesh people are still believing him. repeat after me... Nate is God and there shall be no others. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2009 10:13:43 PM I don't know, it could be accurate. The fact that the Administration all but went to bat for a handful of kleptocrats in AIG probably didn't help them much. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 10:46:55 AM Poorly structured logic, Zaid. The existence of bias or not in polling is a matter of methodology, not suppositions as to Administrative motives. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 11:59:42 AM Of course you're right, but let's say the methodology was kosher -- I could see those results, or edging towards that. It's not hard to see at all given recent news. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 12:59:09 PM "It's not hard to see at all given recent news." Except, of course, that empirically speaking, that statement is incorrect. The polls are showing much more of a "wait and see" attitude in addition to goodwill that something is being done. The "right direction / wrong direction" polls have been swinging in the right direction for several months. Although it is worth noting that the public assessments of the state of the economy are pretty stable as "poor." In other words, things are currently thought to be bad, but there is going confidence that they will swing in a better direction. If you want to have "scientist" in your title, you've got to pay attention to proper use of scientific tools and mindset. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 01:01:31 PM There's a longer discussion on the feelings toward Wall Street here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 02:16:43 PM The good feelings towards Obama are good natured optimism, but they won't last if Geithner and Summers and their antics spend too much time on the television. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 02:18:53 PM That's all I'm trying to say. To be honest I don't have a very good opinion of Zogby's polling, either. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 04:29:25 PM And that's fair. If the equivalence government = Wall Street comes down, numbers could switch fast. It's also a little likely that the fact the public is currently looking to the government for solutions is that, frankly, they've lost all faith in everyone else. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 09:25:24 PM I guess we don't really have a topic on this, but I met Poythress today. I think he's a pretty impressive candidate, but I'm ready to see what Porter's offering. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 10:00:44 PM Hmmm. I'm kind of surprised at your assessment of him that way, especially with his "liberals will never win this state" bit. Although I do hand it to him for being straightforward with his read of the situation. He seems pretty thoughtful in general, and from what he said to us at the Tech chapter, that he'd actually thought on a lot of the state's problems. I did try to push him a little on his "pro-business" part though, and ask why such "anti-business" areas such as California were able to continually create and grow innovative businesses. He didn't refute or explain, so I'm a little confused on his thoughts about that. However, I did like the fact that the businesses he aimed to promote at least had some root in the area, such as waste-stream/cellulosic biofuels (hey, we're always going to need some kind of kerosene or diesel here and there) and green plastics production. And apparently movies were big in Not Atlanta once upon a time... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 10:04:40 PM Man, what was that Jules was saying about being stuck in an office for 10 hours a day? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2009 10:40:06 PM I wrote a little bit about what he said on the blog I write for, he's been sending us updates from his campaign for several months so it was good to meet him: He gave me the answer I wanted on what he was going to do about things like Medicaid-Peachcare privatization and outsourcing to CMO's, and also gave a perfect answer on prison reform. I will say though, his wife came down pretty hard on living wages while talking to me. I didn't even bring it up personally, she brought it up it first, and then started talking about how it's not right for Georgia. Maybe all the wage fuss we're making at UGA made her bring it up. As for his approach to businesses, one person did ask him what his approach to get businesses to come to Georgia was, and it was all infrastructural stuff that he responded with, which is a great improvement over what Republicans and conservative dems usually say -- TAX CUTS. Yeah, we have some of the lowest taxes and spending of any state, and that hasn't really gotten us anywhere. I didn't really ask about social issues, but someone else did ask about the alcohol on sundays (he wants to overturn) and also stem cell research (opposed to all the stuff the legislature is doing to try to stop it). That's not bad, in my view. I'm pretty socially moderate, but yeah, some of the right-wingers in this state are especially crazy and I want to see them rebuffed and he doesn't seem to be onboard with them. An interesting thing his wife told me was that after he got out of government the first time he opened at a small bank, and she said she immediately knew that wouldn't last because he wants to be a public servant. Public service is where his heart is at, which really pleases me, because I'm tired of business people running to declare their candidacies, using business cash to get elected, then making the government a conduit for their business opportunities. It's important we have someone who actually sees serving people as his goal, and a labor commissioner and general, whatever you think of those positions, are definitely public service positions. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 09:45:37 AM Yeah, I may have to see him another time or two, but he strikes me as pretty good. I think I sounded like I was kissing his butt because I was in one of those "my God, all these people hear is complaints all day" phases, so I tried to complement him where I thought his ideas were good before pressing him on other things. I'm guessing he'll probably be at Dems convention since he's so keen on meeting with people right now. I'll have to try and talk to him about leveraging research in Georgia a bit further. Like almost all politicians, he's kind of stuck in that "Gee, you guys are really smart, I'm sure great things will happen" mode rather than figuring out the core competencies of the research universities and associated incubators and how to grow those places up. Bill Richardson still has my favorite answer on developing good scientists and engineers. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 05:39:19 PM I think most informed folk recognize that internet polling at this point is iffy, and Zogby's even more so. People knew he was iffy before Kerry. New Yorker about Zogby in 2004: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 06:02:39 PM Did I read some Bill Richardson love? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 10:36:58 AM I stopped loving him when he lost the beard but started loving him when he re-grew it and abolished the death penalty in new mexico. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 10:36:58 AM I stopped loving him when he lost the beard but started loving him when he re-grew it and abolished the death penalty in new mexico. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 04:19:40 PM Me too Zaid. Sad that whatever it was that kept him out of DC was kind of not that big of deal once all the other nitwits starting showing out. Daschle, et al. Wish he'd stop harassing me for money tho.. he's as bad as Kerry was post 2004. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 05:09:12 PM True, but former Washington governor > New Mexico governor. Yeah, I'm biased. Whatever. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Reminder BASENAME: reminder_2 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/26/2009 01:28:58 PM ----- BODY: Dear Precious Internet Friends, When you are visiting BfD, please use polite words in a cordial way! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 03:06:16 PM I feel a sudden need to go to a rooftop and sign and do jumping jacks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 03:06:38 PM I feel a sudden need to go to a rooftop and sing and do jumping jacks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/26/2009 04:05:59 PM I take your video and raise you this: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/27/2009 09:37:51 AM Put this in the original thread but the new recent comments system doesn't seem to want to bump old threads. At any rate, that 13 year old baby daddy ain't no baby daddy. Well, at least this time. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: SB 13 Update BASENAME: sb_13_update_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/26/2009 08:11:12 PM ----- BODY: iconThe Life Without Parole bill has passed the House unanimously. I can't help but agree with both arguments:
    Some criminal defense attorneys opposed SB 13, fearing prosecutors will be led to seek life without parole in increasing numbers. Other defense lawyers supported the bill, saying it will help ensure the death penalty is administered less arbitrarily and reserved only for the most heinous killers.
    Ultimately, this will cut down on death cases and save the State tons of money. Money they should use to fully fund indigent defense. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Weekend Open Thread BASENAME: weekend_open_thread_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/28/2009 10:38:43 AM ----- BODY: iconIs she in or out? I am confused. Tonight 8:30... it's Earth Hour You think the rain is bad here...well it could be worse. Jim Martins bff TI gets government housing. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: A bazillion bucks and we're still seeing this nonsense? BASENAME: a_bazillion_bucks_and_were_sti STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/28/2009 10:59:55 AM ----- BODY: Apparently some genius decided that the federal stimulus money can't be used to fund operational costs for transit authorities, so a disabled couple in St. Louis is losing their bus route. This is the same genius logic that is forcing MARTA to consider service cuts while money is languishing in capital improvement accounts that never go anywhere because the assclowns in outlying counties would still rather sit in traffic than get on a train. Doesn't preserving routes save jobs, both the drivers' and the people who ride them? This is why I can't think about the stimulus and bailouts and whatever the heck else we're doing without becoming furious. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/28/2009 01:25:57 PM Well, to be honest, the St. Louis populace did vote down the tax measure specifically for the buses. They decided they didn't want it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2009 03:21:32 PM As an "assclown in an outlying area", I for one have been waiting for about 20 years for the sons of bitches at the FUBAR Marta to bring rail outside the perimeter where people who have no other option but to drive into Atlanta everyday actually live. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2009 03:37:07 PM Just to be clear, only the people who WANT to sit in traffic are the assclowns :-) The (increasing, thankfully) minority of people who want MARTA have my deepest sympathy. (I live in Cobb, so I know how it goes.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2009 05:05:47 PM If I was going to stay here, I think I would run for State House in an urban district on a platform of charging a $15 toll to cross the perimeter into the city. It would pay a little extra for schools and urban infrastructure like MARTA. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 11:02:35 AM The perimeter should be an uncrossable wall. I do think crossing it should be a criminal offense payable by fine, so I agree with the above. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 11:03:25 AM Additionally, it's time to retire the term "assclowns". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 03:41:37 PM The toll isn't to keep people out of the city ... it's to keep Milton County paying for all the stuff they're trying to free ride. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 03:48:47 PM The toll isn't to keep people out of the city ... it's to keep Milton County paying for all the stuff they're trying to free ride. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 04:33:20 PM Congratulations to Benson who rocked it out finishing his first FULL MARATHON yesterday! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: It would easier singing with whales BASENAME: it_would_easier_singing_with_w STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/29/2009 06:33:15 PM ----- BODY: Than to figure out who will announce they are running in 2010 for whatnot after the session ends. Friday is the last day of the session-and we all need to buy Grift a frosty chilly at the end of session, he's done an amazing job re-capping each day. We might get SOS back, but only if we don't load up a church bus of candidates first. I'm not even bothering with the clown car imagery on this one. I will make one prediction: we lose at least two constitutional state officers before it's all over. What do you say? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2009 07:45:32 PM Well we have three officers, Ag is staying here, there is a reason Tommy made Terry his deputy and is taking him all over the state. Thurbert's going nowhere. Thurmond's going nowhere. Sounds like 3 takeaway 0. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2009 07:52:22 PM Don't be so sure about Thurbert and Tommy's wounded after the peanut and castleberry food fiasco's. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2009 09:22:46 PM Nah, Tommy ain't running for re-election. Terry Coleman is running though. Or will run. Where the hell Thurber gonna go? Dude don't do nothing as AG and he likes being a politico, but I don't think he likes doing too much work. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: collardgreen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 10:23:51 AM Barnes will run for GOV. Thurmond for LT Gov. Baker will stay. Coleman will run for Ag, but it will be dicey becuase of the peanut thing. Insurance, Labor and Secretary of State will be interesting and important. Time for some new blood! Stephanie Benfield? Rob Teilhet? With all the movement, we could easily lose some, and we might can win some. If Barnes does get in, it will be because the polling says he can win. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 11:28:50 AM collard, you're hearing the same rumors I'm hearing about a possible Barnes "slate" where he will announce not only his candidacy, but an entire team up and down the ticket. If that comes to pass, I also see: Barnes = Gov Thurmond = Lt. Gov Baker = A.G. Coleman = Ag Sec ??? = SOS, Labor, Ins Comm., Ed. I know Mary Squires is running for Ins Comm after first sorta-announcing for SOS. For 2010, I think the Dems best shot is to have whatever backroom deals need to be made to have a solid slate without a clown car primary a la SOS 2006. The "slate" needs to start raising money ASAP to stand a chance. I think that folks like Stuckey-Benfield and Teilhet are better served by staying in the House. It's too soon to kick around their careers, and they are promising enough that if they get into Dem Caucus leadership, they could led us out of the wilderness. But that's me taking a long view. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 06:59:10 PM LOL, and since when have our cats ever marched in parade formation? I don't think this is more than a nice way to keep the clown cars from forming, but I will be shocked if this gets beyond rumorville. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 08:54:32 PM Yeah, there ain't nobody with the backroom dealin' chops right now. I mean, who's gonna do it? Dubose? Jane? Calvin? I would think Roy could but somehow I think he won't. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 09:08:49 PM Here's the thing. Nobody will stop Roy in a primary. Sorry David. It's just not happening. He wants to team up with ONE PERSON, you do it. He's got the polling to show he can win AND he's damn good candidate and he'll raise you money making your life easier. Roy runs because his soul needs that soapbox and he has unfinished business. He'll do what it takes to win and undoubtedly a slate does. That's a dangerous combination for his foes and IF roy runs, I will literally consume a hat if he doesn't have some semblance of a slate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2009 09:55:08 PM Am I the only one who thinks "sleeping with the fishes" for some reason when he reads the title? It must be some kind of subconscious association... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/31/2009 12:13:16 AM BTW Yall heard what happened to the Shamwow dude? It is worth an open thread. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/31/2009 08:20:10 AM That Shamwow dude is one angry sick assclown. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/31/2009 09:29:29 AM I wonder...if he told the lady of the night "you're gonna love my nuts" and when he had his mugshot "camera guy you following me on this?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/31/2009 09:48:06 AM Who the hell kisses a hooker? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/31/2009 09:52:12 AM Don't judge JerryT. Don't judge... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Young Democrats Bring Out The Big Guns: Cleland & Smyre BASENAME: young_democrats_bring_out_the STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/31/2009 09:17:49 AM ----- BODY: Young Democrats have a couple of cool events coming up in April featuring some of our more prominent Democrats. Wednesday April 1st the YDs are hosting our 2nd Annual Murphy Awards. These are the gold-statued Legislative Awards honoring, and poking a little fun, at the hard, and sometimes unnoticed, work our Democrats do under the Gold Dome. Our featured guest this year is State Representative Calvin Smyre. Join the YDs, Rep. Smyre, and our friends and allies as we toast and roast the 2009 Legislative Session - Wednesday April 1st at the event space above Trois Restaurant, 1180 Peachtree Street in Atlanta. Click here for all the info. As if that were enough for April, Young Democrats are also bringing Senator Max Cleland to our Annual State Convention which runs April 17-19th. On Saturday April 18th, the YDs hold our Awards Dinner at Convention at Unicoi State Park in Helen, Georgia. Max Cleland is our speaker and Democratic Party Chair, Jane Kidd, is one of our honored guests. Click here for information about the dinner with Max Cleland. Go here for info on on our State Convention at Unicoi. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 11:27:07 AM awesome night at the Murphy Awards last night! Hope y'all had a good time. Pictures coming up on and our facebook group shortly. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: DFI BASENAME: dfi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/01/2009 02:11:44 AM ----- BODY: Check out Jules' new DFI blog. It's the first of several sub-blogs we'll be rolling out in the coming weeks. We like what Tondee's has done with the group front page combined with more personal blogs, so we're cribbing. Go say hi and leave her a comment. It's a hoot. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 08:20:20 AM Beautiful design, Mel. Jules, I think this might call for a special comment: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 09:35:06 AM I think an April Fool's post on the DFI is definitely in order. Something about the invasion of the piano neck ties or something. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 09:46:19 AM Or black, ventless suits from Joseph Abboud and square toed Kenneth Coles. Van Heusen shirts a plus. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 10:03:19 AM Hey, I used to have a crimson Van Heusen I loved. It had some kind of shiny threads in it instead of colored stripes. I've always preferred a little texture to having lines drawn on me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 10:04:12 AM Hey, I used to have a crimson Van Heusen I loved. It had some kind of shiny threads in it instead of colored stripes. I've always preferred a little texture to having lines drawn on me. I'm also expressly forbidden from having white collar and colored shirt, although I think Lumborg has pretty much ensured my dislike for that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 10:16:33 AM And thank god you don't have those shiny VH shirts anymore! Hugh Hefner wears banker's collars. Ergo, be a pimp, wear them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 10:36:07 AM Forget Hefner. Anyone can get rich selling pictures of silicone. Elon Musk is the man to be nowadays. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 10:44:07 AM Of course, fashionwise, if you want to go for the Mojave Rat look, you've got to go Rutan. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 10:54:03 AM Nerd. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 12:26:32 PM Damn. I only wore those KC's a couple of times. What a waste. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 04:40:17 PM S'ok. I got mine because they were more comfortable than all the wingtips I had come across. Maybe I could have shopped longer, but I had more pressing matters on the agenda. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 04:42:51 PM Also, one day I intend to use space-age materials and proper engineering with the fashionistas to develop a female shoe that is both stylish and walkable for more than two blocks. I will be so tremendously wealthy that I will be able to buy Georgia. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 05:51:35 PM No one wants that sh*tty country anyways. You ever seen Tbilisi? ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Best April Fools' Joke Ever?? BASENAME: best_april_fools_joke_ever STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/01/2009 08:03:18 AM ----- BODY: iconNPR is reporting that the Justice Department has dropped all charges against Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska. Not much detail, other than Attorney General Eric Holder commenting that there were problems with the prosecution. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 09:33:28 AM lolwut? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 11:13:36 AM This would appear to be genuine. It's on the USDOJ's home page (, along with an equally-genuine bit about the resolution of a case against Independence, MO. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 11:26:51 AM America is an awesome country if you're a rich douchebag or politician. You could walk outside and shoot a baby in the face and get off scot free. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 11:28:53 AM I'm not a lawyer but it sounds like the DoJ effed up and has nothing to do with being in a position of power. I'd rather this practice be in place than not be in place. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 11:35:54 AM Speaking of attorneys, Thurber is running for governor. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 01:10:26 PM Baker, Porter, Barnes, Poythress...NEXT.... Somebody needs to warm up the clown car...again. WE.NEVER.LEARN God I hope this is an April Fools joke. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 01:23:06 PM I smell an inside job on the DoJ thing. I don't know how good Holder is at bureaucratic infighting, but there may need to be a targeting of any DoJ employee with a Regent or similar university degree for some bad performance reviews and eventual firing. I think the worst thing about the clown car is that everyone piles on and *no one* seems to come back for the next round or otherwise leverages the name ID they build. And I mean the immediate next cycle, not 10-20 years later. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 01:29:36 PM I was just speaking in general. America f'ing rocks if you wanna get away with awful shit and never get even a slap on the wrist on it, provided you're ultra rich or a high level politician. Sucks for the 1 out of 100 that do get some comeuppance though (Madoff), though to be fair he messed with too many of his fellow rich dudes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 05:58:33 PM They're still going after him ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 10:29:56 PM That is just awful, IRE. Friendly fire. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 11:33:35 PM FYI.. Thurbert running uuummm where did I hear this before.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: New Sheriff In town BASENAME: new_sheriff_in_town STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/01/2009 04:36:31 PM ----- BODY: It is ON. Time to bring back good old fashioned lawyering and law enforcement to Georgia. Rob Teilhet is going to be your next Attorney General! Teilhet Family Low.jpg Teilhet, which is French for kicking ass, is on the right in the above picture. It's a new day in Georgia. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 06:20:22 PM Cutest.babies.ever. He has my vote. Also doesn't hurt that he's one of the smartest folks in the House. You hear that Rs? Intelligence is a good thing. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: The Governor's Race BASENAME: the_governors_race STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/01/2009 08:27:37 PM ----- BODY: iconRelated to the post below, current Attorney General Thurbert Baker is going to make a run for Governor. The only two announced candidates on the Democratic side are Poythress and Baker. Roy Barnes is reportedly mulling a run and DuBose Porter's "inevitable" run is well.. not so inevitable. Regardless, I expect someone to make an issue of the Genarlow Wilson case during the primary. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2009 10:26:46 PM I almost forgot about Wilson. Oh well, screw Baker. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 06:35:27 PM You know, it is supposed to be that when you are a minority party, you band together to try and knock off the present king. thurbert in the primary throws that all to hell. if barnes gets in, what happens? Thurman unannounces and goes back to AG? Seems unlikely, even unlikelier is that he bows out and chooses NOT to run for AG. And this messes with Barnes's decision making too. So annoying. We need clear fields people. Seriously. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 11:14:49 PM No, messy primaries help vet people. Clinton v. Obama got all the Wright stuff out of the way for example. As long as everyone comes back together in the end and doesn't overspend (see 2006, lul). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 12:15:56 AM It's not worth the trade-off, this isn't a Presidential. There are two main reason why we cannot afford this type of primary. 1) we dont have the capital for runoffs especially, and high dollar divisive primaries in general. every dollar we have in the governor's race neeeds to go for making the case the dem is the best person for the job, not to say the other dems aren't. 2) we burn up candidates in the top of the ticket primaries we need for lower elections. clinton lost the primary but she's still a senator, doesn't work that way in state races, and we do not have the bench to win the lower seats. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:07:37 AM Clinton isn't a senator (thank god) but otherwise not bad points. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 08:33:45 PM Let's not forget there's also a Senate race next year. Certain potential candidates could just as easily shift focus to federal office, thus removing the disadvantages of a bitter and expensive primary fight while at the same time bringing some high profile clout on a second front. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Read it, then read it again. BASENAME: read_it_then_read_it_again_2 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/02/2009 01:05:10 AM ----- BODY: Wheats has ripped the top off the Dome like a not quite healed scab, hurting a bit and revealing the festering ooze inside. Sorry for the metaphor, but those people down there in the majority don't inspire me to poetry. Here is a picture of T-Dubs immediately after climbing off the Dome and swatting away biplanes. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Also, Scott Henry helped on that piece, too, but since he doesn't dress like a Gorilla, I didn't notice. My fault. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 08:54:34 AM I laughed out loud at this piece. This was very well done and someone is smarter than your average bear. It's very good wrap of the 2009 session. Not that I don't love Grift, his daily recaps are priceless but CL hit it out of the park on this story. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 04:59:10 PM my senator got in last thank goodness hes a hater apparently ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: If not WABE, then... BASENAME: if_not_wabe_then STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/02/2009 05:59:50 AM ----- BODY: iconWHYY, WGBH, or WBEZ. I've been supporting public radio for my entire adult life. I am an NPR junkie. I listen to Morning Edition most mornings, All Things Considered many afternoons. But, almost nothing gets in the way of my Saturday morning NPR-fest. If I'm up early I start with The Splendid Table; then into Weekend Edition (I follow Scott Simon on Twitter, for crying out loud!); Car Talk; and the icing on the cake? Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. But, among all this NPR love, I have no love for WABE. I find their original programming (aside from Between the Lines) to be dull. I wish I had started keeping track of the times there is dead air for longer than 30 seconds. It's embarrassing that Atlanta has such an awful NPR station. I tried supporting WABE in hopes that I would feel like part of the family. It didn't work. So, now I support NPR through other stations. I've been supporting WEMU (Ypsilanti, Michigan) on and off for over 20 years so and still do. WGBH (Boston) gets a little; WBEZ (Chicago) gets some; WCLK (Clark Atlanta) sometimes gets something. The bottom line? If you listen, you really should support. Can't stomach supporting WABE? Then find another station to support. They really do count on us. Really. UPDATE: Jules reminds us of our very own local Radio Free Georgia WRFG 89.3 FM. I overlooked them since they are not an NPR affiliate but they deserve your support, as well. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 07:49:21 AM Great idea, Catherine. I've been withholding my contributions to WABE in protest of Lois Reitzes for a long time now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 08:05:45 AM Please join the Facebook Group, 6 Hours A Day = 6 Too Many. A group I formed to protest WABE's hijacking of our public airwaves with lame (classical only) programming for 6 hours every day. We deserve better here in Atlanta. One way to get their attention over at WABE, according to an anonymous insider there, is to call during pledge drive and pledge the absolute minimum. But say that you'd pledge more, but not until they strive for better, more eclectic, original programming. That really gets 'em where it hurts apparently. Pledge drive is almost over! Hurry BfD readers! Call WABE and tell 'em you deserve better programming! The FB Group is here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 08:06:11 AM Please join the Facebook Group, 6 Hours A Day = 6 Too Many. A group I formed to protest WABE's hijacking of our public airwaves with lame (classical only) programming for 6 hours every day. We deserve better here in Atlanta. One way to get their attention over at WABE, according to an anonymous insider there, is to call during pledge drive and pledge the absolute minimum. But say that you'd pledge more, but not until they strive for better, more eclectic, original programming. That really gets 'em where it hurts apparently. Pledge drive is almost over! Hurry BfD readers! Call WABE and tell 'em you deserve better programming! The FB Group is here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 08:28:52 AM Oh please! Don't bother communicating with WABE. I've tried that too, and have either gotten no response whatsoever, or some lame-ass "we'll look into your concerns" response. They suck and they aren't going to change. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joseph EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 09:09:34 AM Deleted at the request of commenter. C- ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joseph EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 09:26:39 AM I am with you guys on the fact that WABE still has a long way to go - 6 hours of classical music each work day is way too much. I think there is a feeling at WABE that they addressed people's concerns about not enough news content by creating an HD radio station just for news and also putting that station up on the Internet. The problem is that almost no one has (or wants) HD radio, and if someone is going to listen to internet radio, they'll probably just listen to a "big" station like one of the ones Catherine listed above. With all its faults, though, I still support WABE - and type them up a little note each time I give my half-yearly stating that I would like to see more news and less classical music. In the 10 years I've lived here, the station HAS improved a lot. The local news coverage has expanded considerably, the traffic reports are better, and the quality of their on-air personalities has deepened. This week, I volunteered to take phone calls during the station's pledge drive for the first time. It was a fun experience, and very neat to see where the only local station I listen to is broadcast from. One thing I noticed on the tour was that the newsroom has apparently grown a lot (they have 7 people now) and is continuing to grow. We keep talking about the future of local journalism when newspapers collapse - I think WABE will have a part to play in that story. The Facebook group is a good idea. I think posts like this one are a good idea, too. Ultimately, though, people who feel strongly that the station needs to improve have to get on the station's board and change opinions there. As things stand, I feel like I listen to the station enough that if I should donate what I can afford. Great post - I love this conversation when it crops up during the pledge drives & have been thinking about these issues even more since donating my time to take pledges. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 09:27:50 AM WFSU is a great station ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 09:58:26 AM I couldn't think of a more cliched discussion between liberal elites if I tried, I really couldn't. Maybe talk about some wine or reading the paper or some such sh*t. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 10:05:23 AM Or we could post links to clever pictures or just gurgle the latest internet catchphrase ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joseph EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 10:18:24 AM haha.. I like that "reading the paper" is "liberal elite sh*t" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 10:21:02 AM No not reading the paper, talking about reading the paper is liberal elite sh*t. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 03:10:30 PM Liberals. That's all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 03:32:10 PM I have been a long-time donor of WUNC (RTP, NC). I have recently started donating to WBEZ specifically to help cover costs of podcasting this american life ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 04:04:19 PM What about WRFG? I like almost every minute of their programing. Since they beefed up the signal, I can even hear it in Cobb. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 05:38:01 PM And then Jules took the liberalism to a whole 'nother level. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 06:11:32 PM for those of us who wake up late, don't forget KCRW out in Santa Monica. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Oh Snap! BASENAME: oh_snap STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/02/2009 09:30:17 AM ----- BODY: iconNow this is a letter! The AJC has the letter Senator Emanuel Jones delivered to Sonny Perdue regarding Mr Perdue's brief to the US Supreme Court regarding the Voting Rights Act. You gotta read this letter...
    Your brief even misrepresents you. It cannot represent an official position of the State of Georgia. Under our Constitution, only the attorney geeral can represent the state. Attorney General Thurbert Baker declined the opportuntity to file an amicus brief with the Supreme Court. Instead, you used a private attorney to craft a brief designed to make the Supreme Court believe that your personal opinion is that of this State. Your private attorney even signs the brief as "Special Attorney General", a position that does not exist in this State, but a bogus title apparently intended to confer some governmental legitimacy on the filing. The Attorney General can appoint private lawyers to be special assistants, but no one can appoint a "special" attorney general.
    Senator Jones can come sit by me anytime. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 06:18:12 PM Who was the attorney who wrote it? I am guessing Robert Highsmith without looking. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 06:24:42 PM Nevermind, Anne Lewis. Check out her picture here, she's the one in the riding outfit with the giant bowtie: I wonder how she was paid, anyone feel like writing a open records request? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 06:29:32 PM Nevermind, Anne Lewis. Check out her picture here, she's the one in the riding outfit with the giant bowtie: I wonder how she was paid, anyone feel like writing a open records request? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 08:00:02 PM Oh, dear God. Is that a case for the DFI or Punch-Myself-in-the-Face camera? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 09:28:56 PM dear God is right.. or more like what freaking year is it.. I haven't seen outfits like that since 1984. Oh my.. yes she is serious fashion casualty. If she ain't a D, I can't really help her tho. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 09:48:58 PM MotS: I'll do it if it isn't too much work. What I got to do? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 12:23:37 AM IRE: I wouldn't worry about it, she's deputy counsel for the RPG, she probably did it pro bono, of course, its not bono at all, but whatever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 12:24:14 AM but you bring up a good point, how can someone represent the state if she doesn't work for the state? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 08:24:28 PM It's more likely an ethics violation for Sunny (sic), but that will go about as far as a Yugo in the rain. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Angela TITLE: Borders Makes a Major Announcement - LIVE BASENAME: borders_makes_a_major_announce STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/02/2009 10:58:25 AM ----- BODY: Live streaming video by Ustream ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 06:15:34 PM If she can get Cult Jam to run for City Council President it would be an unbeatable ticket. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Here is your invitation to the Jefferson Jackson Dinner BASENAME: here_is_your_invitation_to_the STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/02/2009 05:34:40 PM ----- BODY: Clever! Not sure I can swing $250.00 a ticket, but good for the DPG for making this invitation a little more zippy. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 09:45:26 PM ugh. $250! Good lord, just because the Dow has been up the past few days doesn't mean anyone has that kind of cash. And, sheesh, haven't I heard everything I need to know about the honorees from the video invitation? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 12:24:44 PM Hey, what's this I'm hearing about a double secret Jello-Shot club event the same night? Damn somebody better invite me! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Compelling and fascinating video BASENAME: compelling_and_fascinating_liv STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/02/2009 08:35:43 PM ----- BODY: iconI've been watching 4+ hours of the Vermont House of Representatives. It's now 9:00 pm and they are about to call the vote, it will be a roll call vote. Vote is 97 to 50, 3 votes shy of veto proof. Sorry it was 95-52. They are voting on gay marriage, VT already has civil unions. What has been so interesting is how long the Speaker is allowing for the discussion and letting members speak without time limits. All of the speakers have been eloquent and intelligent. I'm fascinated by their procedures and decorum. I wish I could say the same about what I've witnessed in our house chambers. The bill has already passed the state Senate by a 26-4 vote, and is widely expected to pass the House. If supporters garner the two-thirds majorities needed to override the veto in both chambers, Vermont would become the third state in the country, after Connecticut and Massachusetts, to allow same-sex couples to marry. FYI: They have a Gold Dome too. The live video is brought to us by the Burlington Free Press. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 09:47:36 PM If gay marriage is going to be allowed in states, it ought to be made law the right way--as in the way VT is doing it--through the legislature. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 11:09:26 PM Er, sorry, but these individual rights things have every right to come into law via the courts. Civil rights never would've won an up-down vote in the South. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 11:27:50 PM Its amazing how we only want courts to implement the laws we want. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 11:29:42 PM I'd also add there is a huge difference between segregation and a civil function that the government has to authorize. Just saying, while we may want to make the two the same, they aren't. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 11:55:00 PM "Just saying, while we may want to make the two the same, they aren't." Right to marry = a civil right, based upon individual liberty. They aren't the same, of course not, but the principle is exactly the same. If you have courts they will make de facto "laws" by interpreting the constitution. Let's get over it, man. You're not going to put up individual liberties up to majority vote in a constitutional model. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2009 11:59:49 PM Well, unless you amend the constitution. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 08:49:28 AM "Its amazing how we only want courts to implement the laws we want." Isn't that true for any branch of government? But that's a major part of the American (well, any democracy) experiment right there - balancing elite and popular rule. Also, if I were a betting man, I'd say that Prop 8 doesn't survive four years. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 08:53:36 AM IRE - I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, but I genuinely don't understand your argument here. Do you also think the Lovings (from Loving v. Virginia) should have waited for the good citizens of VA to legitimize their marriage? Please discuss. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 09:41:33 AM Yes for a lot of reasons. Mainly that "marriage" is either something the state grants a license for, or a religious ceremony. Also your example is something of an Appeal to Emotion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:03:22 AM "Mainly that "marriage" is either something the state grants a license for, or a religious ceremony." Actually, legally speaking, it's only the first. And their appeal is actually an appeal to history, not emotion. Whatever. This topic now about me trying my hardest to piss off newt gingrich: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:23:57 AM When homophobia becomes unpopular, homophones have to get creative. Like pretending that schools or public transit aren't civil functions that government has to authorize. Or manufacturing ad hoc, extralegal standards for what is and is not an appropriate method to end injustice. In this case, apparently, it is totally imappropriate for a court to enforce a constitutional guarantee of equality, or for a person demand that they do so. And state legislatures can ignore them as they like. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:33:29 AM Small critique, Zaid. Your fire is more effective when you concentrate it on the proximate target of your ire. When in you slip implicitly into "he's a bastard, but so is everyone else in power" you get a false equivalence set up. As in, if they are all crooked, why the hell to we bother? Now, to de-threadjack, back to what IRE was saying that there is a false equivalence between gay marriage and racial civil rights. What part of the checklist are we missing: -Liberty accepted as long as "they keep to their own kind" -Random beatings due to group identity -Separate but equal institutions -Completely arbitrary Biblical justifications ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:39:43 AM I think I have no idea what people are criticizing me for anymore...Drew are you accusing me of homophobia? Eh is all I can say. The Appeal to Emotion was that paula asked if I think a loving couple should be able to wed. There was no logical basis for the argument, just emotion, ergo an Appeal to Emotion. I have no idea what Odin is trying to say. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:44:19 AM And that your argument is crap, but I figured I'd get to the root of your problem first. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:52:22 AM Uh. Ok Drew, keep it up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:53:45 AM I'm just curious Drew, do you know what I feel about gay marriage? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 12:06:54 PM I'm sure you're supportive of it, if done "right." Not like this: Because it's wrong for a court to enforce a constitutional guarantee of equality if a legislature has decided to abridge it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 12:08:25 PM You make me LOLz Drew. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 12:49:43 PM IRE - It wasn't just an Appeal to Emotion. It was also a comparison to an existing Supreme Court precedent, and a question about whether you thought it was wrongly decided. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 02:05:45 PM The Red & Black also always makes annoying headlines for my op-eds too and uses a 3 year old picture of me back when I wore a cabbie hat everywhere ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 02:07:46 PM Well I'm not a lawyer so f*cked if I know. Also haven't read it. Do I disagree with the decision though, that is a better question. And for that, I'll let Drew think I have some latent racism mixed in with my latent homophobia. As for what I think about a SCOTUS case? Fucked if I know. I'm not a damn lawyer, I don't know sh*t about sh*t with that sh*t. F*ck, were you really expecting me to answer that? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 02:16:17 PM I don't know if IRE is homophobic, honestly he seems to me to be more about being against judicial activism, which I'm not, which is cool to agree to disagree on. I do however think that time ruraldem came in not knowing shit about the troy davis case and comparing him to that gangster out in LA said something though... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 02:45:02 PM By way of brief background for the unfamiliar non-lawyer, in Loving v. Virginia, a white husband and a black wife who were married in D.C. successfully challenged a Virginia law that prohibited them from being in an interracial marriage within the bounds of the state of Virginia. They pled guilty and were sentenced to prison, but the sentences were suspended if they agreed to leave Virginia. They did, but then challenged the law in court seeking to be able to live in Virginia without threat of prosecution. There are numerous fundamental issues with the right to marry, and the right to actually receive the legal proclamation is only one part. Another important one that people often forget is the right to have that marriage legally recognized the same as other individuals. This is where the Loving decision is so important, because it wasn't about denial of a marriage certificate--it was about Virginia's refusal to recognize it as a legal and permissible marriage. The Supreme Court declared the following in Loving: "Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival." I think that pretty unmistakably puts the right to marry on par with the other civil rights (right to equal educational access, right of equal access to public facilities, etc.) that were only achieved through court rulings rather than legislative action. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 02:55:32 PM Isn't there something in the Constitution that says all states have to recognize all state contracts, or something to that degree? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 02:56:52 PM "I have no idea what Odin is trying to say." I think I'm trying the "walks like a duck" argument. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 03:02:47 PM "Isn't there something in the Constitution that says all states have to recognize all state contracts, or something to that degree?" Quite the opposite, I think. Think of driver's licenses, law boards, certifications ... pretty much everything I can think of requires an explicit agreement to get together across states. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 03:39:05 PM In re: "judicial activism" - opposition to "judicial activism" isn't sensible, either. If the judiciary isn't able to strike down a law passed by the legislature as unconstitutional, then in practice, the constitution does not exist, or only exists insofar as it isn't contradicted by the state legislature. I don't think anyone would argue for that, yet that's exactly what argument against "judicial activism" is. At least on the surface. Otherwise, the Constitution does require that each state recognize every other state's "public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings," but there are exceptions to that requirement. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 03:49:56 PM You're thinking of the full faith and credit clause. It's never really been definitively decided whether the full faith and credit clause requires states with anti-gay marriage constitutional provisions to recognize the legal gay marriages performed in other states. This issue is being litigated right now, but I am not aware of any appellate court rulings that have come down on the issue yet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 03:54:03 PM Correction, from what I am reading the NY Superior Court did rule that NY must recognize gay marriages if they were legally performed in other states. I believe that is the only such decision on the issue at an appellate level. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Sine Die Open Thread: Final Day of 2009 Georgia General Assembly BASENAME: sine_die_open_thread_final_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/03/2009 11:27:04 AM ----- BODY: I'm with the Young Democrats and we are at the capitol already working on some legislation that will have HUGE impact on everyone from Georgia. I'm cross-posting the bills we're working on at on the main page blog. So far we've got Senate Bill 120 in the State House which would allow MARTA some leeway on their spending and keep rail and bus service lines open without raising rates. Senate Bill 64 which would allow for HIV testing and counseling for prisoners before they are released from prison. More is coming, keep an eye on this thread of and I'll update as the day allows. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 11:55:03 AM Senate Bill 164 would allow for the clear-cutting and destruction of protected scenic and wildlife areas near roads and interstates for the construction of Billboard. Contact your State Representative and urge them to VOTE NOT on Senate Bill 164. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 01:57:44 PM HB 481 - the Great Corporate Welfare Bill of 2009, has since been changed by the State Senate to the Capitol Gains Tax Break for the uber-wealthy. So in a year when we can't even pay teachers, we're going to give CEOs and fatcats a massive tax how stupid is this? Contact your State Representative via email and phone and ask them to vote NO on House Bill 481. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 02:55:05 PM Seat belt will now be required in Trucks! yay - Senate just passed the bill that previously passed the house. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 03:15:46 PM House Bill 56 is the new Transportation Bill - attached to this seemingly harmless Sales Tax bill is now the Statewide Transportation Bill which would provide for regional sales tax votes going for regional transportation projects. Senate and House Democrats are working hard to get attachments for Mass Transit and get the operational funding caps lifted for MARTA. If you can, contact your State Senator AND your State Representative and ask them to support House BIll 56 with provisions for Mass Transit and MARTA funding. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 03:42:27 PM Senate Bill 120, the bill giving MARTA freedom of operational funding may yet still be alive. There's a chance it can get added to a supplemental calendar for tonight in the House. If it makes it, there's a very good possibility common sense from FUlton & DeKalb Legislators w ill prevail. Wish us luck! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2009 08:19:32 PM Photos at YDAtlanta's blog: (but less informed commentary) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 11:37:18 AM Thanks Ataru-great stuff and pictures. I bailed at 7 ish. Having been there all day, and couldn't face the fake ass drama any more. Or being hit up by candidates for what not. If our candidates can't find a way to run against this lot we don't deserve to win. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 11:51:06 AM Thanks Ataru-great stuff and pictures. I bailed at 7 ish. Having been there all day, and couldn't face the fake ass drama any more. Or being hit up by candidates for what not. If our candidates can't find a way to run against this lot we don't deserve to win. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 12:13:50 PM Thanks Ataru-great stuff and pictures. I bailed at 7 ish. Having been there all day, and couldn't face the fake ass drama any more. Or being hit up by candidates for what not. If our candidates can't find a way to run against this lot we don't deserve to win. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 11:32:22 PM Flattering photos of YDAtl exec members. Somehow I think that was intentional. Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/05/2009 12:05:40 AM Flattering photos of YDAtl exec members. Somehow I think that was intentional. Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Caption this BASENAME: caption_this_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/04/2009 12:54:53 PM ----- BODY: housefloor.jpeg This fantastic picture of the GA House floor last night is from Lucid Idiocy. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 03:00:53 PM "The Georgia Legislature once again reminds Jen why she hates them." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 03:06:21 PM Jesus. I think a good bill for next year is to go electronic. Maybe some money for Kindles. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 08:14:37 PM Not the first time they will have needed shovels down there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2009 11:17:06 PM This is what's left of MARTA or Transporation Bill? I got your Transportation Bill, RIGHT HERE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/05/2009 01:09:17 PM "Okay, so the Republicans aren't housebroken. But at least they're nice enough to cover the floor when they come in." ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Help a friend of YDAtl BASENAME: help_a_friend_of_ydatl STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/04/2009 01:35:00 PM ----- BODY: Everyone loves Amir Farokhi, but you know how politics works - nothing says "I love you" like a check. So with that said...
    Amir Farokhi believes we can turn Atlanta from a great city into a remarkable, world-class city. The Young Democrats of Atlanta agrees, which is why we have adopted Amir's campaign to become the next Atlanta City Council representative from Post 2 At-Large. We invite you to come out tomorrow night at 7 p.m. to meet Amir and take in the Braves first game of 2009. A $25 donation gets you a Ballpark buffet at Carolyn's Gourmet Cafe at 1151 W. Peachtree Street in Midtown and a great evening with young Democrats and your next at-large City Councilman from Post 2. Additionally, Carolyn's will have SweetWater 420 on draft for $2.50 per glass for the evening. Thank you to all our hosts for the evening! Jeff & Kacy Romig Eric & Paige Teusink Page Gleason and Richard Campbell Mijha & Runako Godfrey Anne Tyler Hamby Ed Hula III Nikema Williams Please visit for more information on Amir's campaign.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Would I? Hummm no. BASENAME: would_i_hummm STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/06/2009 01:04:01 PM ----- BODY: iconThis question is for those of us who moved here of our own choice. Anyone who willingly left other places to come to the "New" South. It used to be, something like 8 out of 10 folks in metro were from somewhere else. We moved to Cobb County in 1989, having left the NYC metro area in search of a different lifestyle and to get out of that rat race. We did our research, and the Atlanta metro area seemed like heaven on earth, unemployment was low (3.9%), job market was very diverse, living choices were also very diverse and a hell of a lot cheaper. Places Rated gave it a darn good score (in those days you did your research by reading the Places Rated book, and reading the newspapers that came a couple days late) We saved enough money to be without work for 6 months if necessary. In my case it was less than a week, and my partner it was less than a month. Our family was just a couple hours away using a world class international airport. Several progressive leaders were doing their best to see that we were indeed moving forward. I'd lived here before (1984) for a little while, and always thought it would be nice place to move back to. Things were not perfect but for the last 15 years I'd say they were pretty good. The last 4, not so much. The average person will have 11 addresses in their life time, needs changing as time goes on, from where to live for an education, where to build a career and then decisions about retirement. In general I felt that the Atlanta metro would do just fine for retirement, health care options (if insured) are numerous, climate was agreeable and with any luck transportation would improve. My parents retired here, and have found much to like about the metro area. Question is, do I feel that way now? Would I choose to move here in 2009? Will I stay? My answer: No, no and not if given other options. What say you? Are you graduating soon, will you stay? Are you out of work-will you look here for a new job? Are your parents thinking of retiring here? Would you start a new business here? Just curious...heck I might just be having a mid life crisis. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 03:44:50 PM I moved here in 2005. Never regretted it for a second, and I left the progressive haven of Boston to come here. I prefer all that is good about Atlanta, even with the warts and things that we need to work on, to anywhere else that I have lived. I can't imagine leaving, though that is probably due primarily to my parents and grandparents living in Georgia now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 04:03:51 PM I hate carpetbaggers. ATL Born ATL Bred When I die I'll be ATL Dead. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 05:23:44 PM Don't you dare move away. I'll come after you and drag you back kicking and screaming. (Unless you take me with you, of course.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 05:27:30 PM Georgia Tech will bring me here, and the job I got from being at Georgia Tech will take me away from here. I really hope that is not true for too many people. That and the fact that I left a lot back West in order to get the education that I did. I am now ready to back to my family and hopefully hold on to some old friends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 05:27:55 PM Georgia Tech brought me here, and the job I got from being at Georgia Tech will take me away from here. I really hope that is not true for too many people. That and the fact that I left a lot back West in order to get the education that I did. I am now ready to back to my family and hopefully hold on to some old friends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 05:51:32 PM Love brought me here. Business and my extended family (that's all y'all) keep me here. Can't imagine leaving unless that French farmhouse becomes a reality. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 10:15:07 PM Atlanta is cold. And I would get the hell out of here, but.. I don't want to take the Florida bar exam. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 10:50:57 PM As Juliana knows, I was almost following behind in a car for the migration. But I was already here in TN for about a decade prior. But yeah. As I've said many times in many venues, 'Those poor bastards, they've got us surrounded again'. (Attb. to Gen. McAuliffe). Yes, it would be much more fun & reasonably challenging w/o all the no account, know nothing peckerwoods. But being involved in politics in a few different states, at least we retain the traditional 'Dixie doodle' excuse of a Confederacy of Dunces. Better education would not make them any less venal or mendacious. What our particular brand of Repug's do manage to pull off is to be typically & needlessly mean & cruel about handing over all the tax payer boodle to their cronies. Eventually people will tire of it. But then again, that would require a concerted campaign by numerous crusading newspapers or news departments someplace. Bloggers can't do it alone, although they've tried mightily on that score. Mostly though, it's ever thus. The Dems just managed to embezzle a bit less out of the state treasury. The Repug's see that as a duty, right & a privilege of the ruling classes. The Dems usually tried to build something with it. Go figure! The fools! Now look what the glorious Chamber of Commerce has wrought. A new budding MS. 'Bama has just about even lapped us now for progress. But for the miserable regressive politics, it's a fairly pleasant place to live. I blame the Yankees for that too. False sense of security & all. Still, I kinda like being known as that (one) Clinton/Obama loving damn loudmouthed Socialist in town. Now I could never do that in 'Jersey! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 11:41:29 PM I was born and bred here, but I travel and read a lot, and I like to appreciate people for who they are no matter what there's culture like, so screw it. I won't ever be an ex-southerner, even if I live in another place it's still part of me and I'm not ashamed of it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: siri EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 11:57:58 PM I would move back to Chicago in a tenth of a second if my wife would agree to it. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 10:34:04 AM My family moved to GA when I was 5. Bezerko was born here. He Who Rules Our Roost is a fine little Georgia boy. But...we are having the discussion on where we might move to. We're looking at the northeast. God knows I hate the cold, but I hate ignorance even more and I simply don't think I could stomach sending my child to one of the public schools in this state. We're already not pleased about the crap we found out about at daycare just last week. It's hard being an atheist in the bible belt. It's hard being someone who values education in a state that is continually at the bottom of the barrel. The grass may always be greener on the other side, but we're more than willing to find out for ourselves. We're doing our research to get out of this state. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 11:29:02 AM Hey Vermont is looking pretty good right now! Yay for them to pass marriage equality. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 12:29:30 PM VT graduates 81% of their kids, in class sizes of 12 on average. Taxes are high, but they spend 11K per student. Commutes are 22 min on average. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 01:00:59 PM "The grass may always be greener on the other side, but we're more than willing to find out for ourselves. We're doing our research to get out of this state." The beauty of moving somewhere else is that the worst case scenario is that you appreciate where you come from more. Besides Tech's excellent stature, I also wanted to ensure that didn't spend my whole life experiencing only one place. And I mean really experiencing - my rule of thumb is that you're just collecting postcards if you don't work in a place or stay for less than three months. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 01:10:33 PM Vermont is where we are focusing our research on. We may look into Oregon too. We want to move somewhere that reflects our ideals so that it is easier to bring Carter up the way we want to. Every year we think that it can't get much worse here, but somehow it does and the majority of people in this state don't seem to mind being the butt of every backwards joke you can think of. Although I did tell Bezerko to hold my beer the other night as I walked towards a fire... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 03:12:14 PM Ruby, please keep me posted.. I have family in Portland Or, my cousin and her daughter ( about Carter's age) live there. I'm sure she'd love to chat about it.. I also have a dear friend living in VT-Burlington area.. let me know.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 03:55:09 PM Are you guys really going to flee the state because you want your kids raised in a more progressive atmosphere? I don't know, that just rubs me the wrong way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 04:56:31 PM Zaid, I'm not sure it matters exactly why someone would want to leave. The point being that instead of wanting to stay, folks are contemplating leaving.. that is a worry whatever the reasons. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 05:06:40 PM "Zaid, I'm not sure it matters exactly why someone would want to leave. The point being that instead of wanting to stay, folks are contemplating leaving.. that is a worry whatever the reasons." Why does matter, because maybe it's a problem that could be dealt with without leaving. But if it's cultural, well then that's a tough one to deal with. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 05:14:50 PM IDK, a part of me says fewer people in Georgia means there is more for me to enjoy. I'm just saying... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 12:50:46 AM As long as we make sure the girl-to-guy ratio leans in our favor, IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 08:26:02 AM Just to add to the discussion about whether our state is still a desirable place to live. I received this e-mail (text pasted below), which claims to be from Rep. Ralph Long. It looks like someone in the Republican leadership is more concerned about Disney World than MARTA... I will always stay true to my commitment to keep my constituents educated about the pressing issues concerning us today. On Wednesday, April 1st, two days before the end of the General Assembly's 2009 session, the Fulton and DeKalb County delegations called a special meeting for the sole purpose of discussing MARTA. At that meeting, the Republican leadership approached the two counties with what they said was a deal. According to the Republican leader, they needed 20 votes to pass S.R. 1, an unpopular bill related to property valuation freezes. We were told that we must support S.R. 1 in order to give the Republicans the votes they needed. In return, the MARTA bill would pass. If S.R 1 did not pass, we were told that the MARTA bill would die in committee and not be brought up for consideration before the end of sine die. The Republican leader said that he lives closer to Disney World than any MARTA train station, and that he only occasionally rides MARTA to ball games. The members of the Fulton and DeKalb delegations thought it in the best interests of the citizens of Georgia, and the citizens of their districts, not to pass S.R. 1, which would have an especially detrimental effect on areas hit hard by the foreclosure crisis. We were offended by the partisan stance taken by the Republican leader. Several members of the delegation pleaded with the Republican leader, reminding him that Fulton and DeKalb have solely supported MARTA for 30 years with no cooperation from the State of Georgia. That pleading was to no avail. The Republican's posture was matter of fact, nonchalant, and dismissive to our cries and the concerns of MARTA riders. The members of the DeKalb and Fulton County delegations decided to stick together against levying transportation priorities against base partisan concerns. This state representative finds the actions of the Republican Leadership regarding MARTA disgraceful. I urge every one of you to read S.B. 120, the MARTA legislation, S.R. 1, and the transportation governance and funding bills that were also under consideration. Please call the Governor and the Republican leadership of the House and Senate to express your outrage at their dismissive and nonchalant response to the pressing need for public transit. "The Truth is Never That Bad" Your legislator hard at work! State Representative Ralph A. Long Call me directly (770)616-2130 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:13:28 AM Maybe the story is less about John Galt than it is about Joe Starbucks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 11:29:46 AM I remember the epic win of john galt inc. being fined for labor violations in NYC recently. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/11/2009 03:31:49 PM no, no, and probably not ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: ... and then there were three. BASENAME: _and_then_there_were_three STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/06/2009 05:28:37 PM ----- BODY: icon General Poythress has just landed two opponents for his run for Georgia Governor in 2010. Just last week Georgia State Attorney General, Thurbert Baker, filed the necessary paperwork for his campaign and today Minority House Speaker Dubose Porter jumped in, as well. Good luck to them all. May the best man win the nomination. Today we also saw Representative Rob Teilhet file to run for Georgia State Attorney General, the seat left open by Thurbert Baker's choice to run for Governor. Representative Teilhet was our guest on Kudzu Vine last night. He gave a great review of the just-ended Legislative Session and his view of a future that includes him as Attorney General. Definitely worth a listen... Best of luck to you, Representative Teilhet! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 07:16:08 PM and what part of Mark Taylor/Cathy Cox was fun and brilliant? Do we not learn?? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 09:08:23 PM Not "we" but "they" They did not learn. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 09:52:35 PM Nothing learned nothing. Glad I have no dog in this hunt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2009 11:37:16 PM Well I'm gonna have a lot of fun. Heh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 02:49:33 AM Eh, I like that the candidates won't have the luxury of ignoring their supporters so they can beg the center-right for their vote. And I like the idea of three credible candidates offering competing plans for Georgia's future. Doesn't mean that's what will happen, but one can always hope. In any case, they can't possibly produce a primary contest as disconnected from reality as the three on the other side will. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 07:48:43 AM Well, from all indications it is about to go to 5 with Barnes and Thurmond. Both have been whispering for a while about the Gov. race. At least we have one strong candidate for far. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 06:07:29 PM Thurmond will run with Barnes as Lt is the word.. but who really knows. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 08:42:05 PM Barnes as LIEUTENANT? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! lulz. Where'd you hear that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 08:58:02 PM You miss understood.. Barnes as Gov.. MT as Lt Gov.. slate style. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 09:25:29 PM Yeah that I've heard. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:18:10 AM Anybody heard anything about a certain Democratic State Senator thinking about entering the AG's race as well? ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Commander-in-Chief BASENAME: commander-in-chief STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/07/2009 08:13:27 PM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 09:00:08 PM ooh thanks for posting.. I saw this elsewhere and meant to post.. Yay Paula.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2009 11:07:47 PM I gots mah army occupyin yu ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 12:32:18 AM Er, in other words I look forward to the day we don't have to await perpetual Presidential visits to places we occupy and stick our guns in their faces. But while we do I bet the soldiers feel appreciated when people like the USO especially send them guests. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 08:11:58 AM yall see pelosi now has a cat cam at the capital? No lie. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:04:24 AM ITS A TRAP. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:07:18 AM "And now, here's a song by a gay man." Name that reference. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:26:02 AM It's a trap? Ask Admiral Ackbar. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:30:08 AM I meant the gay man reference. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:32:19 AM And of course, I pick the one link you DON'T RickRoll to make that particular reference. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:32:30 AM Ugh, family guy. I forget what Cartman said about FG but it is too true. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:34:43 AM Odin, did you watch the video? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:49:44 AM I poked at it - it's disgustingly cat-ladyish. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 10:01:24 AM WATCH MOAR! (Like to the end). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 10:06:48 AM Wow. Eric Schmidtt must have put her up to that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 11:19:00 AM I mean I thought Pelosi approving of waterboarding in 2002 in a meeting with the Administration was pretty bad, but only at this point did I decide she must resign. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Sic Semper Tyrannis BASENAME: sic_semper_tyrannis STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/08/2009 10:50:35 AM ----- BODY: So, the latest conservative talking point is that President Obama is turning into a fascist tyrant who will strip us of us freedoms and civil rights. I really can't formulate a cogent commentary about this, because my head is too busy exploding. Thank goodness for Jon Stewart. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 11:37:58 AM That's the stuff of American politics. You can't have any decent discussion or criticism of Obama going on -- like the Krugman or Stiglitz camp -- while you have the crazies sucking up all the political air comparing Obama to Hitler. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 01:09:25 PM Precisely. Or when any conditions attached to keep GM and Chrysler for bankruptcy raises howls of socialism. The crazies seem to be especially special this time around. Obama's historical relevance will probably not be the end of racial history, but rather the occasion of our generation's particular reckoning of it. What is particularly sick about the situation is that while W was leaving very real tragedy in his wake (our people dying overseas, the end of New Orleans as we knew it, major economic dislocations), we rarely heard of assassination attempts. Now, just because the guy is (half) black you see all of this nastiness pointed his way. Obama is probably the best thing to happen to Stormfront since Ruby Ridge. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 01:17:57 PM Also, fun with Teabagging: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 01:49:43 PM Since Hannity will be at the Atlanta Tea Party, I'm really thinking about making a sign just for him and going to this nutjob festival. Tea Bag or Douche Bag? He "Reports" - I Decide (I choose B) If I could get close enough to Hannity to actually make it onto Faux News, it could be one of those scrapbook moments I pass down to Carter. Or one could go to simply pass out history books since these morons are completely lacking in the subject of what the original Boston Tea Party was all about. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 02:56:12 PM I'm thinking of waiting to see the level of futility relative to media coverage. Any comparison between this and the protests at T-1 month of Iraq's invasion should remind us of how that particular demonstration went. Also, if I were an oppression-minded IRS agent, I would be snapping a lot of pictures for examination of potentially fraudulent returns. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 03:16:45 PM The sad thing is that even mocking them anymore isn't that much fun because they just don't get it. Sad, just sad. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 04:58:28 PM This has got to be the only country on earth that when things are desperately bad, they protest the government trying to do more to make things fair and just and help them put food on the table. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 05:19:33 PM I don't think even this country is that country. Those people are just a few old-school Confederates that never quite got back with the program. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 07:25:24 PM And it appears there is going to be some kind of rally or protest or something at the Atlanta Fed on the 11th. Too big to fail = too big to exist was on the poster. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 08:47:28 PM Speaking of tea parties: As for the Fed sign, I'm pretty sure when bright people say too big to fail = too big to exist -- like Dennis Kucinich or Bernie Sanders -- they mean we should trust-bust. It seems these folks mean literally not exist, which is kinda insane, but I don't think they care. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:08:33 PM Speaking of conservative talking point regurgitators...peach pundit called one of my posts "a good idea." At least it was Pye who picked it up but I still feel a little sick for them liking me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:13:32 PM Reminds me of Michael Moore saying he's "still getting over" Fox News giving SiCKO a positive review. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:26:16 PM Well, IRE, they are large fans of items that are very small budget-wise but spite public officials and government employees. Nothing drives a conservative crazier than to have a government employee treated with some modicum of consideration and respect once in a while. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:28:57 PM Ha, ha. Freedom Party. Next time you see Professor Gingrich, you should ask him how it feels to be part of the Freedom Party. If he's read his Turtledove, he'll know what you mean. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2009 09:42:06 PM I found out he videoconferences to teach his law class. What a lazy ass, I guess it gives him time for his numerous appearances on Fox News every week to remind us Obama's trying to set up a communist dictatorship, or whatever he's saying to that extent. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Handful of headlines I never thought I'd see. BASENAME: handful_of_headlines_i_never_t STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/08/2009 07:05:50 PM ----- BODY: iconABOUT TOMORROW'S WHITE HOUSE SEDER From NBC's Les Kretman
    Tomorrow, President Obama will hold a Passover Seder at the White House with family and staff. The Seder, it turns out, is a fulfillment of a vow that a small group of Obama campaign staff made during their Seder last year, on April 19. Unable to go home for the holidays, the group of about 10 held an impromptu Seder in the basement of the Sheraton Hotel in Harrisburg, PA., as the Obama campaign neared the end of its long primary campaign battle in the state. Obama participated in the Jewish ritual, along with a few friends who were traveling with him that day. At the end of the ritual, after the traditional refrain "Next year in Jerusalem!" Sen. Obama and others in the group jokingly added, "Next year in the White House!" So this year's Seder "is meant not only to celebrate the holiday but also to reflect on all that has happened in our lives" since the Harrisburg Seder, the official said.
    White House invites gay families to Easter event
    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House is allocating tickets for the upcoming Easter Egg Roll to gay and lesbian parents as part of the Obama administration's outreach to diverse communities. Families say the gesture shows that the new Democratic administration values them as equal to other families. And for many, being included in the annual tradition -- dating to 1878 -- renews hope that they will have more support in their quest for equal rights in matters such as marriage and adoption than under the previous administration.
    Obama Loves His "Entourage" ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2009 01:36:16 PM I've also read that Obama loves Battlestar Galactica: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2009 03:39:17 PM Roger Ebert's thoughts on Bill O'reilly is a must read. Keith Olbermann included it on Countdown. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2009 03:42:23 PM He compared him to a tiny mouse with an erection. EPIC. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Phil Gingrey is Ready to Go Tea-Baggin! BASENAME: phil_gingrey_is_ready_to_go_te STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/09/2009 10:13:46 PM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2009 11:50:22 PM I should write to him about it. He usually responds. I don't agree with him on just about anything, but I will say he represents the district (bunch of rich douchebags) pretty well. What pisses me off is the members of Congress in districts with a median income of $30,000 railing against things like healthcare for poor kids. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 09:13:00 AM He responds, personally or with a auto response talking points form letter, email, or (usually) both? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 09:36:10 AM No. The Republicans must NOT become self-aware. I will be deprived of too much comedy. I especially look forward to those that will send in teabag pictures (what, are they too cheap to just send in actual Lipton?) and other such things. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sPatrickC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 10:23:57 AM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 11:02:29 AM The entire Rachel Maddow "insanitea" segment was one of the funniest things I've seen in ages. You would think that there is at least one moron in the GOP who knew of the existence of Urban Dictionary and would at least look the term up. "Who wouldn't want to teabag John McCain?" I laughed despite my revulsion. I find myself giddy in anticipation of just how The Daily Show is going to handle these little tea parties. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 11:23:30 AM Revulsion is right! I mean to I have to be the one to tell them? Gross. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 01:36:23 PM It depends, I write to him about obscure stuff sometimes and get some really detailed replies, so it seems to me like if it's form letter it's at least really good ones. Still, I wrote to him about passing a law about banning George Lucas from making any more movies after I saw Indy 4 and never got a reply... Plus, he lost his porn star mustache. Epic fail. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 03:24:35 PM Some friends and I are trying to figure out how to counter protest this when it happens in Athens. We're thinking of signs that say "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. WAIT A MINUTE...." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 04:55:43 PM Don't bother. These guys are so paranoid that some meeting leaders are telling each other not to give out contact information. You know, the kind of stuff that could be used for organizing later. It's going to come out better when the only station talking about the MASSIVE PROTEST!!11! is Fox News and everyone else laughs. Markos is naming the beast correctly - if the right wants to spend its energies emulating Code Pink, go ahead and let them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 05:09:24 PM Well, we want to see if we can interview a few of the nuts and get some good pictures for the blog. I don't see them as politically potent at all. They don't have the numbers of the anti war movement and have zero legislative presence, but I think using them as the bunt of jokes is more than worth it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 05:35:21 PM Aw man Jack Kingston and I think a state senator too will be coming to our tea party. It's definitely time to crash this thing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 11:11:47 PM So if it rains, and all the tea goes into the storm drains, and the massive amounts of tannin deteriorates the caulk or putty or whatever it is they use to hold the pieces of pipe together, does the city get to charge the doofuses for the repair? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_77 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/10/2009 05:46:18 AM ----- BODY: icon Rolling Stone names 100 Agents of Change. #83 Mitchell Joachim must have been eavesdropping in our car for a decade.... Mr T has been talking about this for years. Tina Fey makes the top 10! And, you know who tops the list. As if we needed any more reasons to adore The Boss. Grift drifts away from Atlanta and discovers elephants and sunbeams. Who knew Roger Ebert could shred Bill O'Reilly as well as he can shred a film? (H/T Bezerko) Is there a CSA serving your neighborhood? I signed up. Maybe you should too? Find one nearby. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 08:55:13 AM WOW, I wonder how the Atlanta Food Bank scored that. Do you think this people just called out of the blue? Good for them, which reminds me I don't have 10K but I do have a few bucks to send their way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 09:01:54 AM When we saw Bruce last year he made two big pitches about the ACFB so he probably didn't much to convince him. He's been spending a lot of time here lately (his last two maybe three albums we recorded here) so he may see the need like we all do. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: indie_rock_elitist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 09:37:01 AM who listens to Bruce Springstein? The Black Lips FTW! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 11:10:33 AM IRE-honey, you really are being a pest these days.. Lots and lots of people listen to the Boss.. he's bigger and better now than his Asbury Park days. Plus he's always been about people and causes... way before it was chic and trendy to do that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: indie_rock_elitist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 11:39:40 AM "These days?" How long have you known me? Seriously it is every day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 01:30:47 PM For all the Gov. Richardson fans: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: miasmo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 01:35:46 PM Bank protest in Atlanta tomorrow: Too big to fail? Too big to exist! Atlanta Federal Reserve Peachtree and 10th Street Saturday April 4th 2:00 pm ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2009 01:38:46 PM I'd like to go to a protest that makes sense for once but I don't have a car and India Night's tomorrow... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 04:45:27 PM I can't believe they actually had to poll this:,-San-Francisco,-Europe,-and-NYC I wonder what the numbers would look like for, say, Florida, Alabama, and Texas? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 05:33:42 PM Not nearly as good. What is it with the South and hating people from outside of it? Love thy neighbor, as long as he doesn't cross the state line? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 09:18:36 PM Maybe it's just a dislike for large, permissive cities. A holdover from the agrarian past. It would be interesting to see if Plains states went the same way. I mean, isn't Atlanta kind of a freak in the South? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 12:37:52 AM Atlanta is known in most of the South as "that place we go to work and try not to talk to black people in." Though now with Atlantic City up and running and people building virtual suburbs in the middle of Atlanta I think they're hard at work trying to drive the minorities back out with gentrification. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 08:27:45 AM Do you mean Atlantic Station? Because I live right by there and it is a rather black neighborhood. It's upscale, but very mixed racially. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 03:38:16 PM Haha freudian slip. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 05:38:38 PM I think the only association between Atlantic City and Atlantic Station is the gaudiness of the Arc D'Ikea. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Is AT&T the Next AIG? Tell Them to Do The Right Thing BASENAME: is_att_the_next_aig_tell_them STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/10/2009 11:57:59 AM ----- BODY: From my friends at the Working Families Network: It's happening again. Another massive corporation looking out for executives and big investors at the expense of workers. Only thing missing are the million-dollar contracts to employees who've already left the company. AT&T made $12.9 billion in profits in 2008 and is on track this year for solid earnings, top executives say. Yet AT&T wants to cut quality jobs and benefits for employees. Take Action: Sign This Petition to AT&T The Communications Workers of America, which represents AT&T workers, has shown the company how to save money without placing the entire burden on workers. But, AT&T executives are looking to use the current economic crisis to hoard even more profits for themselves. This is exactly the wrong thing to do. Take Action: Sign This Petition to AT&T If AT&T really cares about its employees, it will stop trying to squeeze wage increases and benefits from them, and start supporting more quality jobs, a better standard of living and real health care reform. The contract negotiations with AT&T are a critical moment for workers across the country and for the U.S. economy. In these tough times, the best thing we can do is strengthen America's workers and the middle class--and that means ensuring there are more quality jobs with good wages and health care for all. Take Action: Sign This Petition to AT&T ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Happy Easter Bonnets everyone! BASENAME: happy_easter_bonnets_everyone STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/12/2009 08:02:03 AM ----- BODY: easter2006_0331.jpg Hope your bonnet is just as fabulous! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 09:47:17 AM Dude, that looks so much like Suzallo library back at the UW. You're making me homesick. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 11:16:54 AM My Buffett hat is vastly superior to that. Fins to the left! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 11:22:04 AM Oh, and it's Rubyduby's Buffett hat. Bezerko wishes he were that stylish when being three sheets to the wind at an open air amphitheater. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: indie_rock_elitist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 04:32:27 PM I believe that is Notre Dame in the background? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 08:03:45 PM This picture is from the Fifth Ave Easter parade, that's St. Patricks.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 11:54:35 PM Probably my least favorite church for Mass. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: I gotta lotta sailors* in my life... BASENAME: i_gotta_lotta_sailors_in_my_li STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/12/2009 08:23:45 PM ----- BODY: iconSo this whole pirate thing was a bit keen to me.
    NAIROBI, Kenya -- Navy snipers on the fantail of a destroyer cut down three Somali pirates in a lifeboat and rescued an American sea captain in a surprise nighttime assault in choppy seas Easter Sunday, ending a five-day standoff between a team of rogue gunmen and the world's most powerful military. It was a stunning ending to an Indian Ocean odyssey that began when 53-year-old freighter Capt. Richard Phillips was taken hostage Wednesday by pirates who tried to hijack the U.S.-flagged Maersk Alabama. The Vermont native was held on a tiny lifeboat that began drifting precariously toward Somalia's anarchic, gun-plagued shores.
    It's still unclear who did the shooting, if it was USN snipers or a Navy Seal team. They now say-it was a Seal Team. Christensen said Phillips was now "resting comfortably" on the The USS Boxer, which was in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia. More unfolding, here and here. Big "D" reminded me that the US Marine Hymn's second line is From the Shores of Tripoli well geesh, every Marine must be like "Let me at'em Captain" when they even hear the word pirate since that's what the Marine Corp was basically founded to do, go after the Barbary Pirates. Other interesting facts, the ship that had the snipers, and shot the pirates, is the USS Bainbridge-any chance it was named after Commodore William Bainbridge, who fought in the First Barbary War? Um yeah it was. Oh and Bainbridge Georgia, also named for the Commodore. I guess the only question is, who plays who in the movie? Will Steven Seagal make a come back as the cook and play Captain Richard Phillips? Hey why not this guy is being played by George Clooney! Will Russell Crowe play the Commodore in flash backs? The script-it just writes itself. Regardless, the family members of the Captain are very happy tonight in Vermont. *Brother, Grandfather, Uncles, cousins and friends.. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BigD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2009 10:51:57 PM Well I'm glad you have been listening for 30+ years.... this is a truly great day for the Navy... so many things could have gone wrong in so many way but didn't. (Now for some useless and obtuse additional facts) While Bainbridge was a hero of the barbary wars - the big hero was a guy named Stephen Decatur and he has had a number of ships thought out history named after him the current one in commission is DDG-73 - it would have been quite the historical deja vu had it showed up with the Bainbridge too - Decatur died in a duel his second William Bainbridge. the town of Decatur Georgia is named after him too... my theory why so many of the early hero's have towns in Georgia named after them was that Georgia pines where of particular importance to an early 19th century wooden navy - the "Naval Stores" of Tar and Turpentine where of immense importance for wooden ships. Ohhh and FYI...Charlie Swift the Guantanamo lawyer and I were classmates together at USNA (I can tell you I have never been so proud as I was of his actions - but George Clooney playing him is a bit of a stretch or then again maybe I'm just a little jealous) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 12:05:57 AM The second I heard news reports of officials saying they wanted to see a movie made I wanted to puke. Can America ever get enough of its jerking off to violence? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 09:16:00 AM "The second I heard news reports of officials saying they wanted to see a movie made..." Link, please. This is a great human story, Zaid. Not just an American story and not just a violent story. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 09:36:06 AM I don't doubt there are talks of a made-for-TV film, as there always are for this kind of news item. Of course, the question is whether the thing ever materializes. There's a big difference between idle talk with Entertainment Weekly and actual production budgets being written. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 09:44:27 AM Sure, there will always be the made for TV suggestions - but those are not usually put forward by "officials". I would like to hear which "officials" made this request. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 10:28:13 AM I'm an official BAMF and I want this movie to happen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 11:22:15 AM "Link, please. This is a great human story, Zaid. Not just an American story and not just a violent story." Why is it a great movie? Another little hostage, shoot the evil foreign bad guys, save the noble army movie? Isn't that like every other movie out of Hollywood? Some of the pirates were as young as 16. This isn't a great human story. This is the tragedy of the Horn of Africa. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 11:28:54 AM As for BAMFs, how you feel about a movie about punching bankers in the face? It'd be a high-grosser in times like these. We could have Dwayne Johnson raiding CFO's mansions and suplexing them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 11:36:44 AM And you're a catholic right? St. Augustine up on this: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 12:02:10 PM Yes however a Just War Theory could be the best Catholic defense for the move (and maybe the best catholic defense), I don't know. Whenever calculi are needed in a moral theory things immediately become less clear cut. No one is doubting the endemic problems plaguing the Horn. What people are saying is that it is a "good thing" that villains had some form of justice for attacking innocent civilians (using broad easy to define terms because I don't think blog threads are conducive to the type of conversation needed to "solve" this question). Yes there are other factors leading to this etc etc the problem is that with this scenario, perhaps the commonly accepted best outcome is what happened. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 12:07:04 PM Obviously self-defense is merited when you are attacked, but the disgusting "ra ra look at us kicking those evil pirates' ass let's make a movie guyz" mentality is just stupid-assed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 12:09:16 PM And I'd really like to know why there has been such little media reporting of American bombing of Somalia every now and then for a few years now... pirates and emperors... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 09:02:37 PM " WASHINGTON, April 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Monday that three Somali pirates who were killed by the Navy's Seals to end a hostage crisis were "untrained" teenagers. Addressing an audience at the Marine Corps War College in Quantico, Virginia, Gates said that the slain pirates, aged at between 17 to 19, were heavily armed but inexperienced. They were shot dead on Sunday at the end of a five-day standoff with the U.S. military after they attacked a U.S.-flagged cargo ship about 400 kilometers away from Somali and held an American captain as hostage. "As long as you've got this incredible number of poor people and the risks are relatively small, there's really no way in my view to control it unless you get something on land that begins to change the equation for these kids," Gates told students and faculty members. He also noted that there is no purely military solution to piracy in the region." When the smash hit movie comes out, who are we going to get to play the kids, who probably turned to piracy on the behest of a warlord or to pay for antimalarial for their families, who got the bullets in the head? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 11:19:32 PM F*ck Xinhua. The reporters are nice enough but I hate their editors. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 12:42:23 AM I don't give a damn about any movie, but I'm curious Zaid. What would have been a satisfactory solution in your mind? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 03:37:39 PM I concede that the situation maybe was inevitable to end this way, but I don't think we should go around being like "RA RA WE ROCK" because the most powerful military in the world could kill a few developing world teenagers. That's what bothers me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 10:48:45 PM Teenagers with guns. Who had already committed a violent crime and threatened to do more. I'm trying to have empathy for your position, Zaid, but those facts present a huge barrier. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 10:54:47 PM "Teenagers with guns. Who had already committed a violent crime and threatened to do more." You don't know anything about them, and neither do I, all I know is it's sick to celebrate their deaths and pathetic to be so triumphalist about the world's most powerful military overpowering a bunch of poor illiterate teenagers. We can all be happy the captain is safe, but I don't see any grand cause for celebration beyond that, it's just a tragedy. If we're talking about how great it is to get revenge on people who've committed a violent crime I wonder how many Americans would have to die to make Iraqis happy if that's the logic to be used... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:09:04 PM And it's a streak of violent triumphalism that goes a long ways back. I remember back when the US Army took Baghdad. Every news station was masturbating to it. I was thinking the whole time, So you just beat the shit out of this country that's like 150th in HDI in the world? You're proud of that? Get some fucking balls, America. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:20:32 PM I don't know anything about them? I portrayed exactly what they did and nothing more. And it wasn't about revenge. It was about ending a situation where a group of violent criminals held a hostage and threatened to do him harm. And it was ended. And to that I do not celebrate but I say good. And to somehow twist this into Americans dying to balance your notion of a karmic equation? Fuck empathy. I'm not a psychiatrist. I am not paid to attempt empathy with the insane. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:25:54 PM I'm just saying, America kills innocent people all over the planet, but if one of us were to die as an act of revenge, we would mourn it, because they're still human beings and we understand it. You're not paid? Do I give a fuck who pays you? You're a Libertarian, aren't you? I think that already makes me write off your opinion on anything ever, mate :p ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:27:32 PM And I don't understand why the US bombing Somalia pretty constantly for a few years now hasn't really made much of a blip on the US news radar (fuck anyone who dies in that, they're black and speak different languages!), but when we go and shoot up a bunch of kids who take out their frustration on our navy it's proud American heroes USA NUMBA ONE ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:28:45 PM Kind of like why I ponder even attempting a polite rejoinder to you where I state I'm trying to understand your side when I know it will only lead to another wacko ultra-left rant about how the imperial U.S. lusts for innocent blood. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:31:46 PM Violently storming an unarmed ship, taking hostages and threatening to kill said hostages = taking out their frustration. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:33:14 PM Zaid, I guess I'm not sure what shows you are watching, but the news reports I read online have neither been jerking off or anything else. In fact I think the stories linked to above, clearly were not doing anything like that. It was a stand off that ended with snipers shooting the three on the boat after holding the Captain for 5 days. If some in the media have gone all Rambo-I'm not sure a vent here is your best bet- take it up with them. Why do you assume that a movie can't portray the pirates in any other way than you describe? They have nearly 10 million people, whose age I'd imagine is quite young, living on $600.00 a year- the national government can't wrangle the 18 regions, and it's being run by warlords-some not a whole lot older than the pirates. I'd agree it's a serious mess.. however they really messed up when they took a cargo ship with supplies headed for Rwanda for bounty. However, they still managed to take 60 hostages in one weekend.. Some are living quite high on the hog.. Frankly they are not a whole not different than gang "warlords" in urban anywhere USA. Life spans are probably about the same. I'm not proud of it, I'm just saying- and yeah they made a couple dozen movies about them too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:46:14 PM This has nothing to do with "taking out their frustration on our navy." They seized the Maersk Alabama for pure profit, almost certainly without knowing the nationality of the captain or crew. They didn't know the U.S. Navy would ever become involved until the captain gave himself up to save his crew and the ship, and they were stuck with an American hostage. Even then they had numerous opportunities to give him up or let him escape, and instead they continued to demand millions and to tell him that they intended to kill him. That wasn't "frustration" borne of U.S. policy in Somalia-- that was criminal enterprise. You are really twisting yourself in a pretzel to empathize with these guys, Zaid. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 11:54:55 PM You were what, in middle school, during OIF I? Anyways, there is absolutely nothing wrong with national cheerleading, especially when the things to rah rah over are few and far between these days. Our boys did some top-of-the-line, elite, hooah stuff that other countries are unable, and in some cases, unwilling to do. What's not to be proud of? Was it violent triumphalism that prompted hundreds of thousands of Americans to parade in the streets in celebration of our victory over Germany and Japan, or was it pride that through our best efforts, investment, training, and sacrifices that we were able to ensure our safety and security for generations to come. I don't think that the mentality there is much different than with these pirates. We are able project our strength and protect the lives of our citizens, whether civilians or warfighters, in a way never before seen in history. It's a reality that's given comfort to many a family that's had a loved one experience a 15-month deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. And it will certainly continue to give comfort to those families who have loved ones who serve aboard merchant vessels, charting foreign and in some cases, hostile waters. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 04:21:27 PM Woooohoooooz go Obama! Git them 3 poverty stricken teenagers in that there lifeboat off Somalia! Blow their brains out good! Tell them they don't mess with our billionaire military contractors and yachts!!!! It don't matter how many bombs we drop in Somalia or governments we coup d'etat, or nuclear waste of their coasts, them damn pirates!!! Obama 2012, Y'allzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Giselda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 04:23:59 PM Woooohoooooz go Obama! Git them 3 poverty stricken teenagers in that there lifeboat off Somalia! Blow their brains out good! Tell them they don't mess with our billionaire military contractors and yachts!!!! It don't matter how many bombs we drop in Somalia or governments we coup d'etat, or nuclear waste of their coasts, them damn pirates!!! Obama 2012, Y'allzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: vam EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 05:31:10 PM Well said, Giselda. I'm not saying that either side was completely in the right or the wrong. But we have to stop addressing these situations in terms of violence and nationalism. These Somalians did what they did for a reason. Reasons which the USA has a very large stake in. Nationalism is dangerous and detrimental because it distracts people from the reality that there is a global exchange taking place everyday, whether through the economy or military, or just communication. Killing individuals who have been subjectively labeled as "pirates" or "terrorists" and then celebrating that violence as a national success only adds to this problem. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: I'm gonna say it... I really am. BASENAME: im_gonna_say_it_i_really_am STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/13/2009 10:19:21 AM ----- BODY: fishwrapper.jpgThe AJC Sucks. There, I said it. I'm sorry y'all, but it's time we faced the facts. They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery, right? So, maybe if the AJC can admit that they suck, they can begin to get better? Yeah, I know it's wishful thinking. The latest infraction and the one that got me going was yesterday's piece about the Georgia Governor's race. Despite the fact that the AJC reported General Poythress' entry into the race in August, yesterday's piece had this to say about the first Democrat to enter the race:
    Among Democrats, Baker and House Minority Leader DuBose Porter of Dublin have declared for the race. Barnes will likely make his announcement by early June. Poythress also is a possible candidate.
    So, that was strike #1 in my list. Then, this morning I learned about additional layoffs and cuts announced Friday, including the elimination of the AJC graphcis department. Strike #2. Time is ripe for a worthy news source to pop up in metro Atlanta. Today Salon offers commentary on the state of non-profit news. Keep an eye on Grift, Ink Drained Kvetch and new-to-the-dance, Certain Speculation. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 11:56:07 AM Cathrine, I couldnt agree with you more. I have to admit that I myself was hesitant to verbalize my disdain, but you are right. While there are some (Maria Saporta, Jay Bookman and Cynthia Tucker) whom I adore, I cant get around the litany of inaccuracies and just all around dumb decisions they have made. We gotta do better. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 12:01:05 PM The AJC took their distribution boxes back that they donated to UGA for student 'zines. Now our magazine has like only one distribution box left. AJC SUCKS. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 12:06:51 PM Maria Saporta is with the Biz Chronicle now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 12:15:10 PM Thanks. I didnt realize that. I know that I had been missing her. How long now? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 12:18:14 PM She took one of the recent buyouts, maybe the most recent one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 03:31:29 PM Maria also has a blog Saporta Report ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 05:49:05 PM Look for the suck to continue to increase - Cynthia Tucker is taking a step away too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 10:36:26 PM I mean, if the difference between the mainstream news and the wild west of the internet is going to be things like "editors" and "accountability" and "accuracy", then they better man up. Because basically what they are doing is competing with blogs by being a blog; i.e., no editors, no accountability, questionable accuracy. Oh yeah, and no revenue. And I've been a defender. Even I am getting fed up. Give me an online subscription. Feed us the local weather and news for free, charge us for the national feeds and the investigative journalism. I'll pay. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2009 11:25:47 PM Well the do fess up, there's always been a page of corrections printed in newspapers. IDK I have more leeway for the NYTimes etc b/c well, they've earned misspellings etc. and also they print thousands of thousands of words a day. They do it right 98% of the time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 09:28:06 AM "I mean, if the difference between the mainstream news and the wild west of the internet is going to be things like "editors" and "accountability" and "accuracy"..." I think the cream rising will be based on reputation for honesty, transparency, and maybe even a little bit of humility. The trust that individual writers build up, whether on a blog or newspaper, will begin to transfer over to the institutions. Good writers will want good colleagues and so start to gravitate together, further establishing certain institutions as solid news sources or not so solid. A brand will come to be. And then some short-sighted fool or someone out to exploit that brand will buy it. The momentum of the brand will carry it so far, and then like network news and the AJC, credibility will start to be strained as certain things are ignored or covered up that should not be. At that point, the Internet blogs will be like the mainstream media, the son will replace the father, and the circle of life will continue. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: He's off! BASENAME: hes_off STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/13/2009 05:42:56 PM ----- BODY:
    For immediate release:
    Amir Farokhi Launches Campaign with Citywide Solutions Tour Leading candidate listens to voters concerns and offers smart solutions
    ATLANTA - Tuesday, April 14, 2009, Amir Farokhi will formally launch his campaign to succeed Mary Norwood as the Post 2, At-Large representative on the Atlanta City Council. Beginning at 8:30 a.m., Farokhi will tour six Atlanta neighborhoods to talk with voters about the issues facing the city. Traveling by MARTA train and bus in support of smart transit, he will conclude the day with a 7 o'clock celebration at The Standard Food & Spirits at 327 Memorial Dr., SE.
    (Remainder below the fold.) ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    The tour includes West End, Candler Park, Buckhead, Midtown, Downtown and Grant Park. In addition to meeting with residents and local businesses, Farokhi will speak about public safety, transportation, responsible development and city services. "I'm humbled and encouraged by the support my candidacy has received from every corner of Atlanta," said Farokhi, who earned undergraduate and law degrees from Duke University. "I'm working hard to marshal the resources required run a winning grassroots campaign." A 31-year old Atlanta native and first-time candidate, Farokhi has already raised more than $48,000 for his council bid and assembled a broad and diverse coalition of support, including several elected officials and community leaders. "I'm supporting Amir because he offers the fresh perspective, smart solutions and professional experience that our city needs," said State Rep. Stacey Abrams, who serves on Farokhi's Exploratory Committee and who represents House District 84, which includes Atlanta neighborhoods Candler Park, Druid Hills, East Lake and Kirkwood. Farokhi is an attorney at McKenna, Long and Aldridge LLP, where he practices commercial litigation. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Charles R. Drew Charter School in East Lake, the Board of Trustees of The Galloway School and the Advisory Board of Creating Vibrant Communities in the West End. He is also a Principal with the Truman National Security Project and a graduate of L.E.A.D. Atlanta. Following his announcement, Farokhi will hold an aggressive schedule of Policy Roundtables that bring together leading authorities on Atlanta's most challenging issues and neighborhood meet-and-greets that will take him into the homes of voters across Atlanta. To read more about Farokhi's campaign, please visit Farokhi for Atlanta Campaign Kickoff Schedule April 14, 2009 9 a.m., West End - West End MARTA Station 1 p.m., Buckhead - Lindbergh (Piedmont and Morosgo) 2:45 p.m., Midtown - Outwrite Bookstore at 10th and Piedmont 5 p.m., Downtown - Atlanta City Hall 7 p.m., Grant Park - The Standard Food & Spirits on Memorial
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 10:16:32 PM met the Amir team at Outwrite today after needing to destress from 4 different detours fixing power lines and trees. Oy, Good job Amir! and thanks to Phillip and the crew at Outwrite, they are the best! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Got power? BASENAME: got_power STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/13/2009 10:30:09 PM TAGS: powerless,weather ----- BODY: We don't. After the monster storm this morning, there are trees down and power outages all over Metro. Ga Power says it could be tomorrow evening before our power is restored. If we're lucky. Cross Creek and the surrounding neighborhoods could be out until Wednesday evening. Thank goodness for the iPhone. What is or was your power situation? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rusty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 07:19:21 AM Power on our whole block was knocked out last night, and came back around 2:40 in the morning. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 08:15:39 AM Lightning struck multiple times literally right outside my window and no damage. Was a little scary tho. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JohnRose EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 08:38:29 AM I haven't had power since yesterday morning in Decatur. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 08:50:03 AM We got our power back around midnight, but lots of houses are still in the dark in Decatur. City of Decatur officials are reporting over 18 major trees down. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2009 09:56:10 AM We didn't notice any storm last night, but we have a sick two year old and were occupied with keeping his fever down. It's wet outside, but I don't think it was that bad. We never lost our power. This is not related to the topic, but one of the great characters of baseball, Mark "the Bird," Fidrych was found dead yesterday morning. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 07:04:38 AM I had no problems on my side of town and that was a major surprise! Meanwhile at the store, people are clamoring for dry ice. By noon on Monday we had none. I had one guy come in yesterday and offer double what we normally charge if he could get first dibs on our next delivery. I got old school and told him to let his fingers take a walk thru the yellow pages. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: It's an "all skate" now. Well at least in NY's AG race BASENAME: its_an_all_skate_now STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/14/2009 11:59:06 PM ----- BODY: Spitzer- Really... really? REALLY? Wow. Makes our festive mobile look, well, sigh, quite tame. Discuss. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 12:30:48 AM There really really should be a 12 step program for politicians who just can't leave the system. Maybe Cobb Dems need to add that to their classes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 01:26:11 AM Preach it, Jules! You do the curriculum, maybe you should do a class called "Fail: Case Studies in Failed Campaigns That Returned for More Sequels Than Freddy Kreuger", or at least a primer on how not to be a candidate with a bonus section called "Sharon Teague: A Case Study". I suggest calling this sequel "A Nightmare on Spring Street Part XVII: The (Gradual) Quickening." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 06:10:17 AM Hey, if Vitter can keep rolling on, why not Spitzer? Besides, he thrived on the anti-corporate shtick, so he could actually do well in this political environment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 10:53:34 AM I think Spitzer would make an excellent AG and there is no reason for him not to run. His prostitute problem is between him and his wife. It's a shame that he was not in office during the fall of our economic system. Some argue that Spitzer knows where the bodies are buried on Wall Street, and that's the real reason his preference for 'hos became public. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 06:41:17 PM It's also between him and the prosecutor, what with prostitution still being illegal. And the whole lawbreaking thing might be a reason for him not to run for Attorney General. I don't think that Spitzer is all that indespensible, but yeah, given Vitter, him being a john doesn't automatically diaqualify him from being a candidate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 07:39:30 PM Drew - According to Spitzer himself on the Today Show a couple of weeks ago, he has not yet been charged with anything. Why wouldn't charges have been brought right away? Unless the point of the whole exercise was to remove Spitzer from office, not punish prostitution and related crimes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 01:14:08 PM From the perspective of a campaign, that's irrelevant. He committed a crime. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: MARTA Town Hall Meeting BASENAME: marta_town_hall_meeting STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/15/2009 10:05:04 AM ----- BODY: Tonight: 7:00 pm (arrive by 6:15 pm) Place: People TV - 190 14th Street, NW, Atlanta, 30318 Guest Panel: Ryland McClendon, MARTA representative, Honorable Sam Olens, Chair, Cobb County Commission & Chair, Atlanta Regional Commission, Honorable Howard Mosby, GA State Representative - District 90 & Chair, DeKalb Delegation. Host: Atlanta City Council President, Honorable Lisa Borders Call-in phone number: (404) 892-5614 Watch it Live: Channel 24 on cable within the City of Atlanta ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: SSDD BASENAME: ssdd STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/15/2009 01:19:15 PM TAGS: wingnuts ----- BODY: orignal_1033580_bVZQ46X_TEA_PARTY_1.JPG Anti-tax rally tonight at Capitol; traffic snarl likely Conservative talk show host Hannity invites thousands to Atlanta Tea Party Looks like someone has found a new way to agitate the flaggers and fair taxers simultaneously. Now if only they could just work gays and abortion in there somewhere, they'd have themselves a full blown hate fest. And then there's this disgusting tidbit, via Tondee's. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 03:55:40 PM Ah, the crap sandwich. I think one of the problems with the Libertarians is they think the problem is that no one notices them. The problem is that when someone *does* notice them, they are seen to be alternately immature and out of touch with reality. Kind of like teabaggers. Any of these gatherings break 10,000 yet? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 07:24:18 PM I just came back from one of the tea parties. My korean friend got called nigger, I got called an idiot, my friend got shook around and got spit on, and one guy explained to me that the Democrats are just like the Jews who took your land (???). Thankfully, I got a ton of these idiots either on video or .mp3, so the joke's on them... One guy came up to me and said, "THESE PEOPLE DON"T HAVE A CLUE" (referring to counterprotesters, not the teabaggers). And I was like OK... And he says what do you think? I said I'm just here reporting (for HuffPost). He replied, well THEY DON't HAVE A CLUE. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE FAIR TAX? Well, I don't have an opinion, I'm just here reporting. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT? Well, I don't want to go to the store and pay 25-30% tax on each thing I buy. WELL NOW YOU DONT HAVE A CLUE Hey, you know just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you shouldn't say they don't have a clue... DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I PAID FOR THIS SHIRT? (tugs at his own shirt) No... ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS I think you paid too much for that shirt (I leave). IDIOT!! IDIOT!!!! IDIOT!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 07:38:17 PM And we were able to get Jack Kingston to say bad things about Rush Limbaugh. GUERILLA JOURNALISM FTW. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 07:39:57 PM Oh, on video tape. He said the bad things on video tape. ^_^ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 09:22:51 PM I'm wondering why they expected a traffic snarl for this. Sure, 15k is more than the Braves have had for a long time, but ... *ducks* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 03:50:50 PM I just caught something from the Facebook of our College Republicans chapter president... What kind of lame-ass, astroturf wanna-be protest gives out STAGE PASSES?!?!? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Pappy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 04:48:34 PM How'd they find 10,000 people with more than $200,000 in income in this economy? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 05:04:13 PM They all think their taxes are going up, right after most of them just got a tax cut, bizarrely. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Regular Guy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 05:04:30 PM You know I went there being checking out what they had to say about my taxes getting widely spent and I'm a republican but more in the middle cause I dont care about abortions and im atheist, but gays..yea that's fucking weird so I'm the best of both, but if you went down there to anti protest then your either there just there to piss people off or your an idiot. What makes ppl think you can sway southern conservatives, ridiculous. And the blacks...haha well they were differently there to piss whitey off. But i saw some anarchist come though with signs about police who the fuck one in this crowed does. IT WAS FOR TAXES lol man people like to waste their lives. But hay they have the right...right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Regular Guy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 05:05:15 PM You know I went there being checking out what they had to say about my taxes getting widely spent and I'm a republican but more in the middle cause I dont care about abortions and im atheist, but gays..yea that's fucking weird so I'm the best of both, but if you went down there to anti protest then your either there just there to piss people off or your an idiot. What makes ppl think you can sway southern conservatives, ridiculous. And the blacks...haha well they were differently there to piss whitey off. But i saw some anarchist come though with signs about police who the fuck one in this crowed does. IT WAS FOR TAXES lol man people like to waste their lives. But hay they have the right...right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 05:07:21 PM Regular Guy is a joke account one of you guys made, right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 12:48:17 AM Why don't we spend a little more time listening to nobel laureates than we do teabaggers? There are some legit criticisms to be made of Obama that don't include calling him a fascist... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: My phone informs me BASENAME: my_phone_informs_me STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/15/2009 02:22:49 PM ----- BODY: That Casey Cagle is out of the Gov race.... Anyone have any idea what's up? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 02:41:35 PM He has back problems... "I’ve been diagnosed with some serious nerve and bone problems and a degenerative spinal condition. The issue could be hereditary or it could be the result of an old injury, but the unfortunate reality is that it requires immediate surgical treatment." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 02:55:25 PM An AJC commenter said that it's more of a backbone problem... I wish him the best of health, but am so glad this lightweight is out of the race. When will the Republicans learn that it's okay to recruit intelligent, accomplished people for their leadership positions? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 03:23:04 PM I think Sam Olens announcement on friday just got a whole lot more interesting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 04:21:37 PM I've heard a lot about CC at the Gold Dome and an immediate surgery with a race two years out sounds like utter bullshit. Especially for someone who loves to campaign. When he runs for Lt. Gov that will make the bullshit even bigger. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 04:28:22 PM He does have the back problem, but it's not the single level fusion that's making him withdraw, it's the banking and ahem, "misunderstanding of his educational status" that's causing him to withdraw. Allegedly that quote above was from Cagle, but I didn't hear it directly. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 05:05:45 PM MOTS - Are you telling me that Cagle is a HS dropout? Why do Republicans glamourize ignorance? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 09:42:27 PM Sorry guys but belittling someone who has been successful without a college degree is just plain wrong. Of all of the repubs that are/were running for Gov. Cagle is the one that I have a little respect for. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2009 10:04:55 PM Yes, but I think if he wants to run a state, college dropout will need a slightly bigger offset than flipping suits and earning a place on the Dirty Dozen for corporate whoredom. And if you think his success in banking boardrooms was unconnected to his political career, I've got a mortgage-backed hedge fund to sell you membership in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 03:06:11 AM If you didn't know which of the big three Republican candidates had a college degree, would you be able to tell from how they've governed? I think it would be relevant if we had a system where our elected officials were expected to have some degree of formal education in how to run a government before being elected, but that isn't the case. We expect our politicians to have had a career outside of politics. I mean, would Cagle or Handel be better qualified to be governor if they had college degrees in, say, literature? Or mathematics? Or some other unrelated field? I don't think they would be, but if they did, it's probably safe to say that the issue wouldn't come up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 09:18:11 AM "Or mathematics?" I would hope so. Mathematicians are trained to very thoroughly, methodically and (here's the important part) *dispassionately* take apart problems and solve them. They would also be able to understand any modeling or analysis done by their agency heads in the native tongue, rather than needing everything boiled down to a misinterpreted bumper sticker. "We expect our politicians to have had a career outside of politics." That could also be a drawback as well as a plus. After all, can we really say that the last legislative session was a success being run by a bunch of real estate agents, insurance agents, and miscellaneous "small businessmen?" It just seems strange to me that I'm used to hearing about a four-year anything degree being a requirement for basic office work, and then the top officer in the state being without even that basic requirement? Now, if Bill Gates wants to run for governor, he can be my guest. But running dad's trucking company or a grocer doesn't seem like a major qualifier unless there has been some major asskicking in the state government after that point. Can we really say that of Handel, Cagle, or any of the Republican candidates? So, maybe no degree is not entirely a disqualifier for me (but it's pretty damn close), but it *really* raises the burden of proof that this person can handle the job. And I mean this more than just pushing agencies around. I mean, this is the 21st Century. There are cabbies in NYC with PhD's out there. We should be able to expect our leadership to be in at least the top third of educational attainment (bachelors), which is not that high a standard. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 09:27:57 AM It's also crazy if you look at the difference between the US and China. The Chinese government is run by engineers and scientists, and storming forward into the 21st century as the manufacturing center of the world. Yes, they are undermining us with slave labor at the moment, but they are definitely out to follow the Japanese and Korean path to success. The current Georgian leadership is that strange collection of small business owners that we mentioned earlier. We're still trying to decide to move past Prohibition and nail down for certain that the theory of evolution is true. Oh, and occasionally seduce an East Asian manufacturer to please set up shop here. It's sad. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 11:59:23 AM I didn't say I agreed with the system, only that the system does not require - or even prefer - specialized training in how to run government in order to run government. So I don't think that Cagle or Handel's lack of that training disqualifies them. But I do reject the idea that "educational attainment" should be used to determine whether one candidate is more qualified than another. The education has to be relevant to the position. If you wanted a person to build you a house, you wouldn't choose a doctor or a lawyer because they had more education than an architect, right? So I don't see why, if you wanted a person to build you a government, you would prefer a person with a degree in not-government over one without a degree. "After all, can we really say that the last legislative session was a success being run by a bunch of real estate agents, insurance agents, and miscellaneous 'small businessmen?'" No, but I don't think it was because of their profession. Nor do I think it would have been better if it had been run by engineers and scientists. Really, I've met too many of them who will tell you that "tax cuts raise revenues" or "evolution isn't true because [insert inappropriate application of their field to biology here]" or "women can't do math" to believe that they are more capable of good governance by virtue of their degree. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 12:09:41 PM I think the actual educational level is beside the point. Why would it suddenly be a problem for him now? HS dropout is not good enough for Gov but OK for Lt. Gov? That doesn't make any sense. Has he been deceptive about it perhaps? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 01:52:29 PM "If you wanted a person to build you a house, you wouldn't choose a doctor or a lawyer because they had more education than an architect, right?" A better example would be to replace the architect with someone that owns a hair salon. At that point, I'd say the lawyer has the best chance of deciding to go look up the codes, follow them, and be okay. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 02:08:07 PM Actually, a better example would replace the architect with a carpenter. But I think we'll simply have to agree to disagree as to whether a degree in one field also confers superior knowledge of another. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 02:11:37 PM Perhaps. I think to some degree, you are confusing running the office of the Governor with running the state. I have no doubt that Handel, Cagle, and those folks could do the first. I really doubt they have the wherewithal to do much with the second. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 02:18:56 PM Sorry, just saw the last post. Yeah, I'll leave it with this: I'm not out to say that having one degree confers knowledge in another field, but once you are trained to learn a certain way, it makes it easier to absorb other fields. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 03:22:49 PM That, I can agree with. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 03:31:47 PM Sweet. Let's go get ice cream. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 05:44:28 PM Heh. Speaking of naughty Republican candidates, am I the only one who's noticed that Secretary of State Karen Handel has an image of the state seal on her campaign website? I thought that was against the rules. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Office Furniture-1819 style BASENAME: the_internet_is_a_wonderful_th STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/16/2009 05:16:12 PM ----- BODY: iconA week or so ago, a friend and I were talking about the census and what might happen if a few districts were added to the House of Representatives. It was a good conversation, and we hashed over all sorts of wonky political issues, and then it occurred to me, but what about the desks? I mean the actual physical seats on the House floor. Where do they come from, it's not like you can go to OfficeMax and pick up a couple new ones. As I'm not a scholar of the US Capitol art and architecture I went surfing. Very quickly, I was able to find a lovely link all about the Senate Chamber desks, and my favorite tab is the history and mystery. On the other hand it took some digging to get anything close to that on the House side (is there a metaphor here? Perhaps) The short answer on the Senate side seems to be that, if we were to add a new Senators ( Puerto Rico, District of Columbia maybe even Guam) the desk would be built in the Senate Cabinet Shop. Again on the House side, I searched through various documents and more Googling and it wasn't that obvious. So I sent a email to them...I'll let you know what I get back. In my searching, I found the following tidbits interesting, perhaps you will too. Or maybe your are just screaming "omigod what a giant geek she is"... whatever ----- EXTENDED BODY: After the Capitol was burned in 1814 during the War of 1812, the building was gutted and all new furnishings were required. Four years later, funds were secured for the furnishing of the rebuilt Hall. Under the direction of Speaker Henry Clay, an advertisement was placed in the leading newspapers of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York in search of a cabinetmaker who could supply "...chairs and tables...made out of the best St. Domingo mahogany, well seasoned, strong, neat and plain; without any superfluous ornament..." Mercifully it appears Speaker Clay had good taste. I shudder to think of what some recent inhabitants might have picked. A New York cabinetmaker named Thomas Constantine was chosen for the contract. The desks are referred to as the "Constantine desks". Except they shield this knowledge from you till you've learn all about "Splendid Hall" first. Seriously it's ten clicks through the hall till you get to "artifacts". Oy. The desks have a bowed hexagonal shape to allow for the curved seating rows in the old Hall. All the Member desks had unusual shapes, and some had two or three drawers. Thomas Hart Benton's desk was sold in the 1858 auction for $6.25. Hey someone do the math conversion on this and see if even in 1858 that still sounds cheap! ( UPDATE: see below) Unlike the Gold Dome, the desks on the US House floor have not been fitted for each member to vote from their seat, the Member is provided with a personalized Vote-ID Card which can be used to vote electronically. A number of vote stations are positioned around the Chamber. Each vote station has a slot into which the voting card is inserted and buttons marked "yea," "nay," "present." The desks have been modified to include microphones and small speaker boxes-boy these things don't look too high tech, and oh and excuse me they are called the Speech Reinforcement System, you have to love government lingo. What was a little odd in the surfing, is that someone at the clerks office-clearly in the art and history department thinks we all want to know a whole lot more about the "mace" than I think we really do. Oh and the chairs, this is a whole new ball game that wasn't necessarily intuitive either. Did you know that the Member can buy their chairs when they leave? Then a new one is made, but again-not a lot of detail on who does that. Never fear I asked for that as well. After a couple hours of reading it occurred to me that, like your home the Capitol and it's furnishings get worn out or moved around, and have to be replaced. I knew this about the White House, but I suppose it didn't occur to me the same would be true of the Capitol furnishings. Lots more on the sites linked, I found it interesting hope you will too. This just in from my friend Martin Matheny: You piqued my curiosity, so I took a spin through the series of tubes and found some information. Yeah, depending on the data you use to crunch the numbers (you'll see), $6.25 in 1858 was still kind of on the "What a deal!" "clark howard voice" side. A site I dug up called gives you six different ways to calculate the relative value of a buck over history. And the results are... Well, $6.25 could be worth anything from $184.82 to $24,104.97. Here's the breakdown: $184.82 using the Consumer Price Index $138.86 using the GDP deflator $1,257.55 using the unskilled wage $2,380.00 using the nominal GDP per capita $24,104.97 using the relative share of GDP Now, Lord knows, I'm no economist, but I don't think that relative share of GDP is the best indicator, plus it seems to be an outlier anyway. I guess my bet would be on CPI, especially since we're talking about a good someone bought. So Thomas Hart Benton's desk? Worth about $185 bucks. They musta had a coupon. Thanks Martin! ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 08:29:09 PM "Giant geek?" Are you kidding? The history dork in my finds this research extremely endearing. I've spent quite a long time reading through all the links (well it was either this or watch Cars for the 1,985th time). Please keep us posted on what info you get back. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 11:30:48 PM FYI the desk that Obama had, also was used by Wellstone, RFK, Henry Cabot Lodge and Bill Bradley.. now that's some serious mojo working. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 01:05:57 PM That Newt Gingrich link is funny. it says "Newt Gingrich has 3 friends". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joe EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 08:06:55 AM Interesting post ! never knew that members could buy their chair when they leave..! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joe EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 08:19:18 AM oh and i forgot... theymigyht need some refurbishment ( ..joking ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Say What? BASENAME: say_what STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/16/2009 06:46:29 PM ----- BODY: It seems the Georgia State Senate recently threatened to secede from the Union. Although it went largely unnoticed at the time, Jay Bookman is on the case:
    It wasn't quite the firing on Fort Sumter that launched the Civil War. But on April 1, your Georgia Senate did threaten by a vote of 43-1 to secede from and even disband the United States. It was not an April Fool's joke. In fact, Senate Resolution 632 did a lot more than merely threaten to end this country. It stated that under the Constitution, the only crimes the federal government could prosecute were treason, piracy and slavery. "Therefore, all acts of Congress which assume to create, define or punish [other] crimes ... are altogether void, and of no force," the Georgia Senate declared. In other words, in the infinite, almost unanimous wisdom of the Georgia Senate, Michael Vick is being imprisoned illegally, Bernie Madoff should serve no time for stealing $60 billion and the Unabomber must go free. In fact, the federal penitentiary in Atlanta should be emptied of its inmates. But wait, there's more.
    Read the whole thing here (skip the comments unless you want to give yourself a severe headache). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 11:04:00 PM Oh dang, I think we were suppose to ignore this, like a truculent child. I remember this day, it was kind of like invading TN for their water. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 12:10:04 PM Adelman voted for it? Orrock? Kudos to Ronald Ramsey- the only Senator to vote against it. Demerits though for his apparent failure to alert ANYBODY else about the damned thing. I have a "new rule", a la Bill Maher: Anything Georgia Republicans propose at the last minute that you don't get to read- vote against it. The default state for Republican sponsored legislation should be "nay" unless they can convince you that it deserves something else. By this resolution (and their opposition to the honorary Obama thing) they have forfeited any automatic acceptance of anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 01:02:44 PM Ridiculous. I've sent an email off to my State Senator, Horacena Tate. We shall see if she responds (she never has before...) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 01:14:56 PM Ridiculous. I've sent an email off to my State Senator, Horacena Tate. We shall see if she responds (she never has before...) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: The Peach EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 12:14:09 PM This needs to be our new "Limbaugh Test" for conservatives. Ask each if they agree with Texas's governor and this Georgia bill, specifically asking "Do you believe our state has the right to secede from the Union?" If the answer is "yes," call them a "traitor" and "unAmerican." If no, their right-wing let's-refight-the-civil-war psychos will leave them twisting in the wind. Put 'em on the spot, media and bloggers! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 11:23:13 AM The Peach, It would be a lot easier to do that if it had been only Republicans/conservatives who voted in favor of this bill in Georgia. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: McAuliffed BASENAME: mcauliffed STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/16/2009 06:52:02 PM ----- BODY: A BfD commenter once asked me why I hate Terry McAuliffe so much. Well this seems like as good a reason as any: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 07:58:41 PM Hollee crap.. gross.. what the hell was at the end of that road? Voting Oz? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 08:04:51 PM I'm not sure if he's my least favorite DLC toady or not. There's so many to choose from. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 08:10:15 PM He probably hired some random person to plant yard signs around the area. The dude figured he'd get his cash so much easier by dumping them all in one spot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 08:17:33 PM Odin-the You Tube comment said it was staff and volunteers-open it all the way up and seen the note on the right side. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 09:33:58 PM I think this was taken on the road to the annual Shad Planking event in VA. It is a tradition to plaster as many signs as possible on the road leading to the event. In 2008 Mark Warner had 4 ft signs 20ft up the telephone poles. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2009 11:32:35 PM Holy effing sh*t. I like that carpetbagging son of a b*tch even less. Eff him. BTW: Not sure if y'all heard about it but one of BforD's favorites is running for city council. No it isn't me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 07:02:41 AM It's disgusting and obscene and on the verge of being pornographic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 10:29:14 AM Yeah, now that I actually watch the video, I see the situation. At some level, it's a pretty impressive show of staff/volunteer force. I would say he doesn't get a grade until we see how quickly those came back down, though. Still, I can only imagine what else all of those hours could have accomplished. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 11:34:39 AM From, initiative for high speed rail. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 11:36:59 AM previous comment was mine, sorry. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 11:49:33 AM Yeah, I'm totally psyched about that. My family (other than parents) is scattered between the LA suburbs, Bay Area and Sacramento. That western corridor will be money when it gets put together. I think California's been putting some money together for that already. That state could definitely use a selective repeal of Prop 13. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Sarah Palin Supports Her Own Right to Choose BASENAME: sarah_palin_supports_her_own_r STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/17/2009 08:40:58 PM ----- BODY: It seems that Governor Palin is pro-choice, at least when it comes to her own choices. At a recent anti-abortion rights event in Indiana, Palin told the 3,000 person audience that "she had "just for a fleeting moment" contemplated seeking an abortion after learning she was pregnant with her son Trig." Huh. Sounds to me like she made a choice there. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2009 09:12:47 PM " "she had "just for a fleeting moment" contemplated seeking an abortion after learning she was pregnant with her son Trig." Um, how does that mean she's pro choice? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/18/2009 12:22:25 AM *whoosh* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/18/2009 01:59:06 PM Point went over my head because the point doesn't make sense... She at one point considered doing something she thought was wrong a while ago but didn't so she's pro choice now? Pretty poor logic... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 06:36:27 PM I can't believe we have to explain this again. Pro-Choice means that citizens are given the opportunity to make their own choices about their reproductive health. If one decides to carry a child to full term, that is a choice. If one decides to end a pregnancy by abortion, that is also a choice. Governor Palin was able to make the choice carry her child to term. She could have, instead chosen to end the pregnancy thru abortion. Hence, she made a choice. In the world the anti-choice people imagine, there would be no legal option to end a pregnancy and she would not have had the opportunity to contemplate a legal abortion, even for a fleeting moment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 08:06:01 PM I'm sorry but this is a little odd. I mean, I am anti-theft yet I've said, "wow it would be so easy to steal this", but I didn't do it. Hell, shooting the sh*t with people I've said how to execute the perfect bank robbery. That don't make me pro-theft or support people's right to theft. Same sort of thing here. Not entirely the same but it is to show that merely having thoughts about maybe aborting a baby is not in any way the same as she supports her own right to chose. They are two separate issues. "In the world the anti-choice people imagine, there would be no legal option to end a pregnancy and she would not have had the opportunity to contemplate a legal abortion, even for a fleeting moment." Yeah I am going to have to say that A) we don't all have the same world and B ) I didn't know you were so in tune with the pro-life movement. Have you come to our meetings? At the end of the day this doesn't really matter w/r/t/ anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 09:26:48 PM I have nothing to say because IRE said it all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 09:26:48 PM I have nothing to say because IRE said it all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: aquariusrizing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 09:38:59 PM Some very cynical people were whispering hatefully that her decision to fly off in a small aircraft to hospital in the middle of nowhere AFTER her water broke was a yea, that's it, a choice, too... She did know that Trip was going to have issues, because she'd had the tests for risks associated w/ her age. Some women, when they find out they're having a high risk baby/pregnancy, STOP flying all over the place, and put the health of their baby above their own political ambitions. But then, to say so out loud or even speculate about someone elses choice is being just as judgemental as the "pro-life" folks that support the death penalty. And pre-emptive war. And are against stem cell research for the living, and well, you know. Glad to be able to log in again, had trouble a few times and resorted to being a DFI East chapter, in Blakes blog. Hope you don't mind, Jules, I totally HT'd you and BfD. Maddy ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: aquariusrizing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 09:39:35 PM Some very cynical people were whispering hatefully that her decision to fly off in a small aircraft to hospital in the middle of nowhere AFTER her water broke was a yea, that's it, a choice, too... She did know that Trip was going to have issues, because she'd had the tests for risks associated w/ her age. Some women, when they find out they're having a high risk baby/pregnancy, STOP flying all over the place, and put the health of their baby above their own political ambitions. But then, to say so out loud or even speculate about someone elses choice is being just as judgemental as the "pro-life" folks that support the death penalty. And pre-emptive war. And are against stem cell research for the living, and well, you know. Glad to be able to log in again, had trouble a few times and resorted to being a DFI East chapter, in Blakes blog. Hope you don't mind, Jules, I totally HT'd you and BfD. Maddy ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: aquariusrizing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2009 09:41:27 PM oh shoot, sorry about the dbl post. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 12:04:38 AM This is a common theme within conservative Christian circles. It's not enough to do right, you have resist temptation to do evil. The greater the temptation, the greater the praise when you resist it. Hence Sarah Palin's "I really, really wanted to kill that baby. But I didn't! Give me candy." Oh, and if the anti-choice movement hasn't been trying to deprive women of the right to choose, what have they been doing? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 01:29:34 AM "Oh, and if the anti-choice movement hasn't been trying to deprive women of the right to choose, what have they been doing?" Er, trying to stop abortions? And she didn't actually have an abortion, the thought crossed her mind. Are we going to judge people for thought crimes now? The people who'd do that might have more in common with the evangelicals they despise than they think. I think this is tag-team, so IRE gets the next one ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 09:08:21 AM I think the point is that no matter which way she chose, it WASN'T a crime. She is the one who normally supports making one of those choices a crime. Could I fairly paraphrase the process like this? "I made a choice, and it was the right choice, therefore everyone else can- and must be compelled to- make the same choice I did." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 09:28:18 AM ""Oh, and if the anti-choice movement hasn't been trying to deprive women of the right to choose, what have they been doing?" Er, trying to stop abortions?" I call bullshit. If the wonderful leaders of the "pro-life" movement, with their ultimate prizewinner sitting in the Oval Office wanted to stop abortions, then they wouldn't have been shoving abstinence only teaching down everyone's throats. If the ultimate goal is to stop unwanted pregnancy, then those associated with the pro-life movement needed to be handing out condoms like they were candy at Halloween and stop telling pharmacists at Walgreen’s that they don't have to fill birth control prescriptions because it goes against their beliefs (never mind that they are negligent in their jobs!!!!!!). This is once again about making people (in this instance women) follow their doctrine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 09:49:49 AM I think Drew's got the right assessment of her statements. What sexiness the straight and narrow has is due to the fact that it is hard to walk the straight and narrow. For all of Palin's faults, this is a constituency she has worked for a long time. She isn't about to make a slip-up in their language. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 11:44:28 AM What I fail to realize is how this is bad for her w.r.t. her being pro life? I mean, I think we really have a poor conceptualization of a choice here. I would write more but I'm slammed at work so I have a lot more procrastinating to do. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 11:56:41 AM This is being debated at DemocraticUnderground, too. There's more substance to this than the knee-jerk attacks against the pro-life crowd. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 01:27:22 PM It's hypocritical, but it doesn't hurt her - at least with the base. The anti-choice types want to have it both ways - they condemn abortion as murder, then expect priase for the great charity of not committing murder. They pretend pregnancy doesn't seriously compromise a woman's life, health, or liberty, then demand recognition for that supposedly trivial task. Palin is a true believer, so she understands this implicitly. I do hope it illustrates how bankrupt their morality is - "another day without a murder, go me!" - or at least prompts a WTF moment from the middle, most of whom have a higher moral standard. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 02:04:37 PM More importantly than all this, why is this woman still in the news? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 02:13:14 PM Wow Drew. Just wow. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 06:10:00 PM Whatever, IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 07:11:41 PM I'd respond if you came close to even accurately describing any ethos in your comments. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 10:32:03 PM As far as I can tell, "progressives" are trying to prosecute Palin for a thought crime. It's really not hard to make Palin look bad, but it's really hard to make them look good, and some on the left seem to be doing that... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 12:48:15 AM Whereas if she'd made a comment about her unwavering support for Israel, no one would have made a statement that might be considered incendiary. Anyone who's attended Sunday School knows Sarah Palin's shtick for what it is. No need to pretend it's more than that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 12:54:50 AM Everyone knows Sarah Palin's a pandering hack and everyone knows I think our stance on "we give you tons of money and you kill as many people as you want and even spy on us" with Israel is dumb... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: AIPAC, Alberto Gonzales, Jane Harman, and some unsavory allegations BASENAME: aipac_alberto_gonzales_jane_ha STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/20/2009 09:37:20 PM ----- BODY: CQ alleges that Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) was caught on an NSA wiretap offering a quid-pro-quo to a suspected Israeli agent, and was protected from further investigation by Alberto Gonzales because Rep. Harman's support of the warrantless wiretaps we all love was a valuable asset to the Bush administration. Harman has of course issued a denial, although the denial doesn't seem to claim that the allegedly wiretapped conversation did not take place. There is an excellent breakdown at NPR of various opinions regarding the potential veracity of the CQ allegations. I think it's safe to say that investigations will be underway shortly. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 10:20:46 PM Definitely yes on the investigation. Although with the facts so in flux on the first day, it's probably going to take a while to say much more than the whole warrantless system is messed up. Apparent guilt and innocence by a lot of involved parties are going to flop around for a while. Also, the release of the torture memos with less redacting than the CIA wanted (which was probably total blackout) is probably the first shot in a major brouhaha with the national security apparatus. Even with Emanuel's "we won't prosecute" dictate (presumably straight from the boss), a clash is in the air. Just like with Gates let off the leash to take several contractor-friendly programs off the table. I think in all of this, we are just seeing pebbles skittering off the mountainside. Who knows when boulders will start shaking loose? And I'm not thinking of Obama and whatever allies he may have around as playing three-dimensional chess on this one. I'm thinking it is more of a fear as to how deep this particular rabbit hole goes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2009 10:28:17 PM Investigations that reach into the height of Congressional leadership and the most powerful foreign policy lobby of them all? I really doubt those are going to get anywhere. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 12:57:29 AM I say height of Congressional leadership because the initiating post did not mention that part of the quid pro quo was Harman getting AIPAC to lobby Pelosi for her. Considering Pelosi was part of the effort to nix Obama's NIC chief on behalf of AIPAC's bidding, I don't know how much anyone can think she's going to stand up to them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 01:27:31 AM The fact that Harman isn't Chair of the House Intelligence Committee tells us how effective their lobbying was on Pelosi. And the fact that she doesn't have a position in the Obama Administration tells us how effective their lobbying was on Obama. Harman doesn't seem to have many friends in government anymore. I'd like to know why. I'd guess the reason is less flattering than this story. But in Harman's defense, what Josh Marshall said, maybe "Harman, fairly or unfairly, [was] compromised by these wiretaps and thus beholden to the administration." I wouldn't put blackmail past BushCo; maybe Harman was, in that sense, a victim. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BigD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 01:47:46 AM My understanding is that Pelosi and Harman have a blood feud going back many years the origins of which are murky (But, I would bet part of it is that while they are both wealthy, smart and ambitious women with very different personalities and they are from opposites ends of the state but, don't underestimate the North South struggle in California politics) most recently renewed by the fight in 2006 when Pelosi tried to get Alcee Hastings into the chairmanship of Intelligence. Word was Pelosi felt that Harman wasn't partisan enough during the run up to the Iraq war and supported the Bushies too much (Iraq, Warrantless wiretaps, etc.) so she tried to rotate her off the committee. Even back then there were rumors I saw on Blogs that Harman was under federal investigation related to her closeness with AIPAC. I agree with odinseye here - there is something much deeper going on here... I think this has the makings of purge in the intel community (but then again this might just be wishful thinking on my side) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 11:39:54 AM "I agree with odinseye here - there is something much deeper going on here... I think this has the makings of purge in the intel community (but then again this might just be wishful thinking on my side)" And I think the degree to which we find out what is happening will have to do with the solidarity / fractiousness of the intel community. If there's a large contingent that thinks all that has been done in the past few years is horribly wrong and wants to speak out, there will be many leaks that start building the momentum toward thorough investigation. If the intel community senses a common threat and bands together, then we'll have to rely on power dynamics to open this thing up. Even something as simple as the release of those memos and the level of their redaction likely foreshadows the battle for the soul of that community. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 11:51:00 AM I want to be wiretapped. I think it would be fun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 11:56:08 AM We're also about to see another demonstration of blogstorm investigation vs. tradmed investigation ... the immediate question from this is people looking around to see whose sphincters just tightened a little in seeing Harman being outed, particularly by those that might actually have been her friends not so long ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 01:35:03 PM IRE: I think you should request your FBI file- see what they go on ya.. Freedom of Information Act requests are super fun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 01:44:44 PM How do I do that? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 01:52:58 PM Is there any evidence for a "feud" between Pelosi and Harman other than Pelosi's decision not to make her chair of the intelligence committee? Which, in retrospect, may not have even had anything to personality OR policy, but issues like this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 02:40:24 PM Thunder: Just cause I love you... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 03:15:00 PM Awwwwwwwwwww! You've melted my heart of stone! I shall let you know of the results! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 03:30:46 PM I was wiretapped for about 5 years, because my sister was in the CIA admissions process during all that time. I also was a homeland security roleplayer and her an analyst, and now she's a military advisor. Every now and then I leave messages for the FBI in whatever I'm writing or saying, just to keep them entertained... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 03:36:18 PM I was photographed pretty heavily during the SOA trial in 2007. They took a lot of pictures of us, our cars etc.. I don't think it was FBI but rather ICE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 03:41:54 PM The immigration people were watching you for protesting? Sis told me that her boss once said that pretty much everyone that does SOAW gets blacklisted for federal jobs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 04:33:45 PM Ha, ha... Cheney may be too clever by half. I just heard he is telling Fox News that he's been calling for memos showing his "interrogation" program works. It would be great if he inadvertently triggered a systematic release of information in this area to show that they've turned every stone without proof of a good result. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 04:41:20 PM Cheney isn't too clever by half, he's just calling everyone's bluff. America doesn't prosecute itself for hurting or killing other people illegally. Never has, probably never will. He's just enjoying the ride. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 04:43:22 PM Cheney wants the memos that will show how we "broke" those "terrist muzzzlems". Or something. Be interesting to see if you get blacklisted for ALL federal jobs, or just ones that touch national security or law enforcement :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 04:50:24 PM I think her reference was more towards things that you need security clearance for. I'm pretty sure the post office is kosher. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 08:28:19 PM "I also was a homeland security roleplayer and her an analyst, and now she's a military advisor." Huh, that's fascinated. How does that work? With you as a brother? Is she misguided or do you prefer having someone with a little more sensitivity than hoo-ah in the mix? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 09:04:39 PM Homeland Security/GEMA is at least here mostly just atlanta PD, GBI, and a bunch of private groups they train. They aren't really the spooks so much as people who train people at places that are high value targets how to identify behavior and defend against terrorism (one of the other roleplayers in the first simulation I did was head of security at Coke). The stereotype about these sorts of folks is they're all black helicopter hardcore slit your throat at a moments notice people but that's not really true. A lot of them are very worldly, they've traveled a lot, quite a few minorities. Now, my sister's boss was very much a Republican who made lots of Clinton jokes at every opportunity, but it wasn't like what you'd see in Special Ops or the CIA's operational wing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 09:58:07 PM Found on a DU discussion thread: A Timeline of CIA Atrocities By Steve Kangas The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA. (1) CIA operations follow the same recurring script. First, American business interests abroad are threatened by a popular or democratically elected leader. The people support their leader because he intends to conduct land reform, strengthen unions, redistribute wealth, nationalize foreign-owned industry, and regulate business to protect workers, consumers and the environment. So, on behalf of American business, and often with their help, the CIA mobilizes the opposition. First it identifies right-wing groups within the country (usually the military), and offers them a deal: "We'll put you in power if you maintain a favorable business climate for us." The Agency then hires, trains and works with them to overthrow the existing government (usually a democracy). It uses every trick in the book: propaganda, stuffed ballot boxes, purchased elections, extortion, blackmail, sexual intrigue, false stories about opponents in the local media, infiltration and disruption of opposing political parties, kidnapping, beating, torture, intimidation, economic sabotage, death squads and even assassination. These efforts culminate in a military coup, which installs a right-wing dictator. The CIA trains the dictator�s security apparatus to crack down on the traditional enemies of big business, using interrogation, torture and murder. The victims are said to be "communists," but almost always they are just peasants, liberals, moderates, labor union leaders, political opponents and advocates of free speech and democracy. Widespread human rights abuses follow. This scenario has been repeated so many times that the CIA actually teaches it in a special school, the notorious "School of the Americas." (It opened in Panama but later moved to Fort Benning, Georgia.) Critics have nicknamed it the "School of the Dictators" and "School of the Assassins." Here, the CIA trains Latin American military officers how to conduct coups, including the use of interrogation, torture and murder. The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. (2) Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an "American Holocaust." The CIA justifies these actions as part of its war against communism. But most coups do not involve a communist threat. Unlucky nations are targeted for a wide variety of reasons: not only threats to American business interests abroad, but also liberal or even moderate social reforms, political instability, the unwillingness of a leader to carry out Washington�s dictates, and declarations of neutrality in the Cold War. Indeed, nothing has infuriated CIA Directors quite like a nation�s desire to stay out of the Cold War. The ironic thing about all this intervention is that it frequently fails to achieve American objectives. Often the newly installed dictator grows comfortable with the security apparatus the CIA has built for him. He becomes an expert at running a police state. And because the dictator knows he cannot be overthrown, he becomes independent and defiant of Washington's will. The CIA then finds it cannot overthrow him, because the police and military are under the dictator's control, afraid to cooperate with American spies for fear of torture and execution. The only two options for the U.S at this point are impotence or war. Examples of this "boomerang effect" include the Shah of Iran, General Noriega and Saddam Hussein. The boomerang effect also explains why the CIA has proven highly successful at overthrowing democracies, but a wretched failure at overthrowing dictatorships. The following timeline should confirm that the CIA as we know it should be abolished and replaced by a true information-gathering and analysis organization. The CIA cannot be reformed — it is institutionally and culturally corrupt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2009 10:01:35 PM From the same thread, The First Fubar: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 03:25:27 AM I'm with Kos on this one. This was the CIA's & BushCo's way of 'putting the horse head in the bed of Congress' to warn them off any serious investigations of the Bush crime syndicate. You know the torture, illegal renditions, ~100 or more deaths in detention, evisceration of Habeas corpus, etc. They know how to do domestic subversion & counter surveillance, right Z? Who knew he was the plant? But Harman's just the tip of the ice berg here. What continues to be the missing story is the extent & involvement of all the known & unknown crimes of the Bush administration. This is how they get away with it, the usual Mafioso dirty extortion deals, blackmail most foul & 'we've got a file on you' & watching your every move' of 'ol J Edgar. Right Z? Anything to delay or subvert the cause of real justice or investigations into 'what went on'. This can be mighty successful, BTW. Look at all the CIA crimes in Central & South America the Reagan & Bush administrations got away with! Again see for some of the details of this. You can read that (Robert Parry) site for months and not be 'done'! Start with the 'Lost history' posts and work your way up the timeline. But yeah it was Nixon time all over again with Dick Cheney in charge. Everything this time was just much bigger & more secret. Illegal wiretapping & surveillance of Congress? All in a days work my friends, and they were caught at it More than once while doing it too! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 10:11:10 AM One of the legal counsel that was against all of this just appeared on Maddow last night. Thus, we add a parameter to the problem: the desire of those that were innocent to dissociate themselves as much as possible from this horrible thing vs. the desire of those involved to try to keep everyone together and responsibility murky. She also made a good point - as things become declassified, whistleblowers are much less likely to be prosecuted for disclosing secrets. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 11:32:39 AM I watched the interview with the legal counsel. When Maddow started sparring with him over why he didn't resign it became increasingly obvious to me that the guy only came out now to try to cover his own ass before something comes out on him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 11:44:26 AM I read that the NYT confirmed that it was Harman who told them to hold on to the NSA story until after the election, too. So we can thank her for 4 more years of Bush, too. Really, this woman has always been a creep. Her and Feinstein are just mil-indus. hacks, and it's surprising their careers are still around. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 11:51:58 AM I'm sure most of you have seen the clip of Christopher Hitchens going through waterboarding. It was hard to see what was going on in the video becasue it was shot from a distance and you couldn't see his face that well. I saw this demonstration on Current TV the other day from a guy who paid two guys 900 bucks to waterboard him on video. I found it hard to watch. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 12:02:01 PM Right on Z, Keep at it with that disinformation campaign. Thanks Harman for 4 more years of Bush? Please. And the NYT 'confirms'?? Yeah that's really trustworthy too. Truthiness as they see fit. The NYT was holding the bag for Bush in so many ways it was not funny. They held back several stories, including more torture & wiretapping until after the 2004 election. That's the history here. Even you can't dispute it. So is the fact of BushCo using & abusing their powers in every conceivable way. They went far beyond Nixon's crimes, and this time the Press just stood back and let them, with nary a word allowed of dissent on their august pages. Again try this on for size cowboy: Bush-Era Rule Grants FBI Unprecedented Investigative Powers FBI Authority Extends Even to Those Not Suspected of Criminal Activity By Daphne Eviatar 4/21/09 3:52 PM Via the Wash Indy Paper Yeah, and inquiring minds want to know if anyone's paying you for all the constant efforts at disinformation here & elsewhere. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 12:57:39 PM "the guy only came out now to try to cover his own ass before something comes out on him." Yup. But luckily we don't need purity of motives. We need just enough shame and fear of divorce/ostracism/prosecution to talk. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 01:36:31 PM JM Prince why are you always being an apologist for Democrats and demonizing Republicans (Bush crime machine, etc)? You do realize right and wrong is not by party, right? Harman was was of the most vicious defenders of the Bush Admin. NSA program, she sold her soul. I don't care about conspiracy theories of her being blackmailed by Bush or whatever -- you're a high member of Congress and you have a little responsibility in your life to do the right things, no matter what someone else is threatening you with. If you don't think that way, don't take the f'ing job. As Greenwald notes, she was completely fine with the NSA program because she probably thought all it was going to do was target Muslims or Arabs, not Blue Dog defense contractor-happy corporadems like herself. And guess what? The wiretaps on her were legal and with warrants. The program she took to the airwaves to defend was without warrants and was illegal. She's a flaming hypocrite, and that isn't disinformation, that's the facts. She was OK with warrant-less wiretapping on Muslims or other such non-persons, but she's outraged at this legal wiretapping of her. Cry me a fucking river. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 02:25:57 PM I don't get it. What exactly is the alleged wrongdoing here? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 03:25:38 PM I think the whispered allegations are dealing with a foreign agent contrary to the interests of the United States while in office. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 03:40:27 PM Also, from the article: "Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat long involved in intelligence issues, was overheard on a 2005 National Security Agency wiretap telling a suspected Israeli agent that she would lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against two former officials of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 04:23:38 PM Is there something wrong with a Congressperson on the Intelligence Committee lobbying the Justice department on an espionage case? I'm no Harmon fan, but I just don't see the issue here. I am curious about how they got a wiretap on her, but what would be the criteria preventing this sort of contact? And it sounded like as soon as that guy offered something in return (which I'm not sure is improper anyway) she hung up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 04:49:52 PM "Is there something wrong with a Congressperson on the Intelligence Committee lobbying the Justice department on an espionage case?" It depends if that lobbying is about dedicating more resources, revisiting the case, or directly trying to affect the outcome. 1 and 2 are kosher, but 3 would be not too far from treason. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 06:16:50 PM The difference Z? Say it with me now: Command Responsibility. That's what we're talking about here. I'm sure you understand. And if you don't think there was an effective Bush crime regime, you've just not been paying very close attention, right? Harman is a side light here. Not the main ring event. But typically, you'll promote the lies that imagine that she was singly responsible for the torture & wiretapping that went on. No where was there realistic, credible legal authorization to wiretap members of Congress. It was another gross abuse of power. But you want to defend it. Again, why? Nothing about 'conspiracy theories' here either, but since the 'Dems's finally got it into the light of day, I'm sure you'll automatically fault them for this for some 'suspect reason'. We've got your number now Z. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 07:04:15 PM No, I think the "not far from treason" would be for Larry Franklin, the guy who actually passed the classified info. Lobbying for the court to have leniency isn't treason. If those guys were sentenced to death, and anti-death penalty advocates tried to "affect the outcome", would that be treason? Many, many people file "friend of the court" briefs or otherwise try to "affect the outcome" of judicial proceedings. She may be dirty, she may not be a progressive, but I don't see the "bombshell" or "blockbuster scandal". We have to be careful about trying to restrict perfectly appropriate behavior because we may not like someone. Fyi, it looks like Justice is about ready to drop charges against the AIPAC guys after all: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 07:17:46 PM In general, isn't it wrong for a member of Congress to ask the Justice Department to set aside the facts of a case in favor of political considerations? That is the accusation against Harman. It undermines the credibility of the justice system when some criminals can rely on their proximity to powerful politicians to escape punishment for their crimes, while less connected defendants feel the full force of the law. And then there's the accusation that she did this not out of the goodness of her heart but in return for lobbying on her behalf before Pelosi -so it can't even be said that she acted in the interest of justice, but on her own self-interest. I don't think it can be said that the accusations, even if true, are unimportant. I think they're pretty damning if true. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 07:50:53 PM "But typically, you'll promote the lies that imagine that she was singly responsible for the torture & wiretapping that went on." Oh quit, the hyperbole, my faux intellectual friend. She was the most vocal of all Democrats -- save for maybe Joe Lieberman, but does he count anymore? -- in defending warrentless wiretapping of citizens. Now that she's wiretapped -- legally, if I may say, and with warrants -- she's outraged. Glenn Greenwald is right. What a fucking hypocrite she is. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 07:56:19 PM And Pelosi can screw herself too as far as I'm concerned: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 08:01:26 PM Does this count as NYT confirms that Harman quashed the NSA story? It's from thinkprogress, run by CAP, which is basically obama's idea shop. A real anti-Democrat source am i rite! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 10:34:10 PM [This is a repost, as it was not seen]. Thanks for demonstrating once again Z your consistent use of disinformation and slander against all Dems here. Again I'll ask, who's paying you? Let's take it slowly so that even small children like yourself might understand. Again the concept is of Command Responsibility for Torture. And for Illegal Wiretapping. Who drew up the papers? Who Demanded it? Who Conducted it? When? Why? Your pals over @ the CIA were torturing subjects on the order of the President & VP & other Exec officials even Before ANY legal findings. Or 'cover' from Congress. Months, perhaps even as much as a year before anyone Retroactively thought to get any sort of Congressional OK. And you know what happened next Z? They LIED. BushCo did, and they continue to. Massively. Regularly. Hourly if needed to get anything they could though Congress. Yes, Your Pals the Bush's & the CIA. Criminals. Lied TO Congress. About how, when & where & who. All the basics. Then they worked their secret & illegal ops to cover up their nefarious tracks. Naturally, as they had in prior Rethug administrations. The Government ceases to work properly or as intended by the founders if several branches of it, having being taken over by criminal minded Confederates are dedicated to preventing the truth ever coming out, even to their own Congress. Nothing in the Constitution foresaw or prepared us for such perfidy, criminality & madness. They really should have been impeached, but then as now, we did not have the votes for that. Why? Probably precisely because of widespread Disinformation campaigns like the one you wage here. Ditto for Global warming etc. Rinse & repeat. So no one should be distracted by the 'nice shiny things' that are effectively planted & leaked to the papers. Only a rube or a plant, like you would be arguing that 'all Dems who voted this way are as complicit as Bush'. And yes, you've been doing that here since Day 1. What was the point of the torture? To fulfill BushCo needs to justify an illegal & immoral war with Iraq, a country that had not previously attacked us. Again, Command Responsibility. For Torture. It's been pretty damn clear from the start. Except to those whose job it is to not see it and to prevent others from seeing it too. Those are the real crimes we know about here. Everything else you speak of is rank speculation, 3rd hand news via very biased, partisan & unreliable sources. Why should we now take the word of the torturers for much of anything Z? Hmmm? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 11:03:22 PM You know what? I don't have any better opinion of Bush-Cheney than you do, but unlike you, I'm not a partisan hack. I blame people for doing bad things no matter what party they are, and if you are saying that makes me a user of "disinformation and slander of all Democrats" you have some sort of severe logical thinking disability mate. You've yet to refute the WaPo article that says that Pelosi knew about waterboarding in 2002 or that Harman was a vociferous defender of the illegal Bush program and clamped down on the NYT to not reveal it before the election. All you have is blind partisan outrage. And our problems in this life are not by party, bud. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 12:42:01 AM Z says: "I blame people for doing bad things no matter what party they are..." Gee this is quite a step down from treason or complicity for torture. Did Congress do stupid & unhelpful & quasi legal things? You betcha. If today's Thursday, they'll be off tomorrow though. And of course they'll continue to do so, it's a tradition. I don't have to like & agree with every damnable little thing that they do. I live here in ga. recall. But actually thinking that a member of Congress 'might have committed treason' on the say so of 4 year old rumors by the very same gang who got us into all this crap? (Yes, Including the NYT & Wash Post crowd). That's pretty silly, or in your case deliberately deceptive. Which is the point. Whatever the Bush's may have told Congress, (or selected members thereof), we know from the public record that they lied on each and every occasion possible when facing any public scrutiny on the matters. That's public record. So is former Sen. Bob Graham's thoughts & comments on the record as part of the select Intel Comm that they we're 'repeatedly lied to by the Bush administration' and that alone warranted Impeachment. So again, I'll take the badge & honor of defending Democrats vehemently here & elsewhere, anytime, anyplace. It's what I do & who I am. Still, I'm not making excuses for the numskulls and the run of the mill mendacity here and elsewhere though. We just do not know the facts on this matter, and yet you and others are perfectly willing to viciously speculate, not only on severely limited info, but upon those with biased & partisan suspected motives & sources as well. Me, I've rarely seen you openly criticize as many Repug's here as you do Dems. I'd want a count on that claim of yours. I kind of doubt it's even close. Hence my disinformation claim for your operation here Z. You've not denied that either. Wonder why? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 12:49:12 AM " Me, I've rarely seen you openly criticize as many Repug's here as you do Dems." Well, gee, maybe you should spend some time on Peach Pundit, where I spend 90% of my posts defending Obama and the Democrats. Do you think it has something to do with me trying to point things out to different groups of people, that it doesn't make sense to carbon copy the same message to everyone despite the audience? No way that's possible right, that makes too much sense.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 01:00:43 AM Gee Z, I read PeachP, and I've just not seen 'Zaid' comment all too often. In fact, I can not recall it for this month, and I've read most of the posts. Must have been very noticeable & highly controversial too, not the usual baseless crap & clueless sniping you do over here, right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 09:02:36 AM Drew: Your argument based on "political considerations" is an assumption of what is in someone's mind, it's pretty much unprovable, and likely not even an ethical problem anyway. John Lewis has tried to intervene on behalf of Troy Davis. Is that wrong? How is it different? Do we just "trust" him to be doing it for good reasons? So any time a legislator speaks out about an issue, say, bank fraud, and urges the Justice Department to use the full weight of the law to prosecute the wrongdoers, that is wrong? That is also intervention. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:28:37 AM WTF, there were like 10 comments on this yesterday. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:30:48 AM United Atheist League versus United Atheist Alliance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:35:06 AM AAA is the sh*t. It is so obvious that you pathetic humans are no match for us Sea Otters (BTW: I've been a spy for the Sea Otters this whole time.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:41:40 AM Well, your belly is certainly of the proper size for eating from. Sorry, couldn't let it go by. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:44:08 AM jerk. no need to make fun of me asshole. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:13:59 AM Sorry man. It's what happens when you ally yourself with a member of the weasel family: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:47:54 AM We are done brocephus. You're dead to me. You forget I'm part of the horse family. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 01:17:07 PM I think we can infer Harman's motives from her reported behavior. I think Lewis is distinguishable from Harman. He's not using his unique power as Congressman to influence anyone; he's not arguing that Troy Davis deserves special consideration because he's a friend of a friend; and he's not asking for anything in return for his advocacy. I don't think that it's inappropriate for a member of Congress to express an opinion on a case, but I don't think that we should define "express an opinion" so broadly that it might include anything, with the possible exception of bribery. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 03:36:24 PM This topic got so much better when it became about odins and IRE arguing about sea otters. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 03:41:14 PM Although it should be noted making a quid-pro-quo with lobbyists is no good not matter who's doing it for what. I'm pretty sure John Lewis and the DOJ or whoever he's speaking to did not make under the table deals. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 03:56:13 PM I'd still like you to respond to me JMP why it's right for Harman to defend warrantless wiretapping and even clamp down on the story from going into the NYT and then complain about being legally, with warrants, wiretapped. It sounds like the 7th level of hell hypocrisy to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:53:17 PM Again Z, Please describe for us the US Code section or relevant legal ruling that says that any Prez can wiretap anyone in Congress to try and do his bidding, via extortion. Please find that. Or the wholesale blanket approval of wiretaps on your fav Congresscritters. I'm still waiting on that one. There was nothing legal about it W/O an ongoing DoJ investigation, which evidently stopped some 4 years ago. And still the case may be dismissed for lack of evidence from a legacy of the idiotic & highly partisan & corrupt Bush DoJ. Was torture legal Z? How, when & why? And again, the wiretapping story was already being held by the NYT during the 2004 election, at the insistence & behest of the WH & the Bush's. That's the record here. Deny it at your peril. So again, the first instance of crime? Advantage, BushCo. Initiation of criminal activity & motives to do so? BushCo again. Who broke the law, and then sought to cover it up & why? I just love it that you never see or examine your partisan motives, but that any and all Dems are automatically guilty of something. Even if you really can't describe any real crime that may have been committed. And there's all the dead & bleeding bodies all over the floor that you love to conveniently ignore. This was & is meant as a distraction from the main event. Any torture investigations & possible prosecutions, and they're scared witless over that. make no mistake about it. You know that too. It's textbook black propaganda & disinformation. And still you want to argue over who's a hypocrite here? Geez, and I still have not seen nary a post from you over at Peach Pundit defending anyone. Now who's the hack? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:01:42 PM So essentially all your arguments boil down to Bush is Evil and everyone who appeased or helped him is just an innocent bystander that was taken and used. Your line of reasoning is laughable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:03:28 PM And you don't prove something is legal, you prove it is illegal by finding the law it broke. They had warrants when they wiretapped Harman. They didn't for the people they wiretapped, that she vigorously defended because she's a flaming hypocrite and hack. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:27:33 PM Again regardless if she's a "she's a flaming hypocrite and hack", she like everyone else deserves the same protections under the Constitution. Yes, even if she's undermining same in your not humble opinion. Even all those idiotic 'appeasers' or people who don't think or believe as you do. Go figure. That's the beauty of the Constitution. Now the ACLU does that sort of work day in & day out. For well over 90 years. Nazi's & all. Is this just too damn difficult to understand? And you claim to be a college grad too? Let's take it again from the top, S-L-O-W-L-Y. 1.) The 'investigation' (IF ANY) happened 4 years ago. Again, 4 YEARS AGO. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN THEN. There's NO active or pending investigation that we know of, as the case in question is at the docket presently and evidently being adjudicated. 2.) Exposing any innocent or Uncharged person to any charges NOT made under such an investigation or indictment is in & of itself a crime. If there's Another investigation ongoing, someone needed to inform the DoJ about it, or convene another Grand Jury and/or the FISA Court. To our knowledge this has not been done. 3.) Ergo you and others are happily participating in yet another slander campaign with little or no evidence, or even knowledge of what the hell went on, or again, IF any thing remotely criminal was claimed. Lobbying the DoJ on behalf of constituents, yes, even criminals? Goes on every day, year in & year out. See the yearly pardon list for a start. Not a crime. Lobbying on behalf of an American constituent? Even the slimy coal companies that blow up things (mountains) & kill people illegally? Still legal & perfectly OK by the Constitution, for example. Clearly your blind hatreds condition you to supect any & all Dems of 'certain crimes' if they're 'lobbying for those fat cats', but sorry Z, that's pretty well protected by our Constitutional system. 4.) Again what's the crime here? Did she get goods like Sen. Ted Stevens in return for her lobbying efforts? That's when it Starts to be criminally suspect! Read something & run your mouth less. Really. we just don't know much now, other than 'someone' wanted us talking about how suspect & complicit all the Congressional Dems are. Why is that? Why Now? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:35:49 PM " Again regardless if she's a "she's a flaming hypocrite and hack", she like everyone else deserves the same protections under the Constitution" She got them, she was wiretapped with a warrant. And she defended the Bush Admin. wiretapping people bypassing FISA courts and eavesdropping on Americans WITHOUT WARRANTS. I put it in caps, because the read slowly bit you're advising me to do isn't working with you very much. And I claim to be a college grad? I'm not. Also, please inform me how constitutional lawyer and author Glenn Greenwald, and others who have pointed out her hypocrisy somehow misunderstand the law even more than you do... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:40:26 PM To quote Greenwald, for those of you who don't follow his blog ( "So if I understand this correctly -- and I'm pretty sure I do -- when the U.S. Government eavesdropped for years on American citizens with no warrants and in violation of the law, that was "both legal and necessary" as well as "essential to U.S. national security," and it was the "despicable" whistle-blowers (such as Thomas Tamm) who disclosed that crime and the newspapers which reported it who should have been criminally investigated, but not the lawbreaking government officials. But when the U.S. Government legally and with warrants eavesdrops on Jane Harman, that is an outrageous invasion of privacy and a violent assault on her rights as an American citizen, and full-scale investigations must be commenced immediately to get to the bottom of this abuse of power. Behold Jane Harman's overnight transformation from Very Serious Champion of the Lawless Surveillance State to shrill civil liberties extremist. " Is Greenwald, too, a shrill pundit out to burn Democrats at the stake? I think he's just a very concerned civil liberties lawyer. The fact that Harman and Pelosi knew about waterboarding and illegal wiretaps and kept quiet about it is reprehensible. Bush and Cheney aren't in office anymore, but these folks are. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:53:36 PM And I'm getting so sick of your willful obfuscation on behalf of anyone with a (D) next to their name, I'm going to post ThinkProgress's entire timeline on Harman and wiretapping ( On Sunday, CQ reported that the NSA had wiretapped Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA), listening in on a call in which she apparently offered a quid pro quo to a lobbyist group. Harman has vigorously denied the reports. Today, she appeared on MSNBC to express her shock and outrage that her phone calls were listened to, saying she was "disappointed" that the U.S. could have allowed such "a gross abuse of power": HARMAN: I'm just very disappointed that my country -- I'm an American citizen just like you are -- could have permitted what I think is a gross abuse of power in recent years. I'm one member of Congress who may be caught up in it, but I have a bully pulpit and I can fight back. I'm thinking about others who have no bully pulpit and may not be aware, as I was not, that right now somewhere, someone's listening in on their conversations, and they're innocent Americans. Watch it: Harman's anger seems a bit disingenuous, considering that she was one of the earliest supporters of Bush's warrantless wiretapping program. When the practice was revealed by the New York Times in 2005, she defended it as "essential," though admitted she was "concerned" about its scope: "I have been briefed since 2003 on a highly classified NSA foreign collection program that targeted Al Qaeda. I believe the program is essential to U.S. national security and that its disclosure has damaged critical intelligence capabilities," Harman said. "Like many Americans, I am deeply concerned by reports that this program in fact goes far beyond the measures to target Al Qaeda about which I was briefed." In fact, in 2004 she "urged that The [New York] Times not publish the article" revealing Bush's program. Indeed, she issued a press release in 2007 specifically highlighting that the updated FISA bill she approved of would fully allow warrantless wiretapping: This bill does a good job -- a far better job than the bill reported last month by the Senate Intelligence Committee. ... This legislation arms our intelligence professionals with the ability to listen to foreign targets -- without a warrant -- to uncover plots that threaten US national security. The bill also protects the Constitutional rights of Americans by requiring the FISA court, an Article III Court, to approve procedures to ensure that Americans are not targeted for warrantless surveillance. To her credit, Harman warned against "a slippery legal slope to potential unprecedented abuse of innocent Americans' privacy" and stated her opposition to granting telecommunications companies retroactive immunity. Perhaps her outrage at being a target of wiretapping herself will force her to realize that the program she deemed "essential" invaded the privacy of untold millions of Americans. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 12:01:24 AM Again, I care not to burn anyone at the stake, nor very much what Greenwald is saying on the issue. I enjoy his writing, but essentially he's also missing the big picture here. It was & is wrong, illegal & a gross invasion of privacy when they (BushCo) were doing it to other Americans, before, during & after they did it to Rep. Harman. It's not only "an outrageous invasion of privacy and a violent assault on her rights as an American citizen" but to & for Every citizen. Everywhere. Her case does not make this any less so for being more prominent & fraught with more policy implications. That's the missing element here, and the legal framework of the Constitution that protects her, and all citizens, regardless of their 'worthiness' in the eyes of others. We need a restoration of our 'regular Constitutional order', and now as always, I'm not too particular about who or what the 'aggrieved parties' should be in anyone's humble estimation. Be they Hypocrites, liars, thieves & knaves. None of them should be spied on w/o just cause & a specific warrant. That's the Bill of Rights. I want it back, for everyone to enjoy. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 12:01:52 AM Again, I care not to burn anyone at the stake, nor very much what Greenwald is saying on the issue. I enjoy his writing, but essentially he's also missing the big picture here. It was & is wrong, illegal & a gross invasion of privacy when they (BushCo) were doing it to other Americans, before, during & after they did it to Rep. Harman. It's not only "an outrageous invasion of privacy and a violent assault on her rights as an American citizen" but to & for Every citizen. Everywhere. Her case does not make this any less so for being more prominent & fraught with more policy implications. That's the missing element here, and the legal framework of the Constitution that protects her, and all citizens, regardless of their 'worthiness' in the eyes of others. We need a restoration of our 'regular Constitutional order', and now as always, I'm not too particular about who or what the 'aggrieved parties' should be in anyone's humble estimation. Be they Hypocrites, liars, thieves & knaves. None of them should be spied on w/o just cause & a specific warrant. That's the Bill of Rights. I want it back, for everyone to enjoy. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 12:21:18 AM How was it illegal when they did it to Harman? How? Just explain to me how the government isn't allowed to wiretap someone WITH a warrant. I'm pretty sure they're allowed to. The issue is when they bypass the courts and do not get warrants, then we start getting into civil liberties infringements. You've joined the likes of David Frum by defending Harman here ( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 12:35:53 AM Sorry for the double post, but this runs very slow on my machine. And once again, nothing in Z's response or quotes really addresses the central issue. And again, if it's the NSA that the wiretaps are from, that would implicate the regular FISA Court process. We can find out if & when this was done & why. But we do know that no charges from this yes, 4+ Year Old action was taken. It also more strongly than ever suggests that this is well & truly a 'push back' from the blackbag crowd, your buds, Z. Let's do a hypothetical legal thought experiment here Z. Say a wily King you were suffering under you calls your family to arms to defeat a 'dangerous' foreign foe. You're ambivalent, but you reluctantly agree to do so & support his forces to defeat this 'common foe' Even though you don't much see the point. Later the King takes offense at something you or your family might have done, and uses secret, private & privileged information against you to charge you and your entire clan with treason. Now you try and defend yourself and the lives of your kinsmen by asserting that you came to the defense of your country & king when it was demanded of you. Yet, still the King seeks to persecute you to gainsay his own power, and to expand his now thoroughly dangerously despotic rule. What rights do you have against the King & his secret evidence against you? Not much, and you lose your fortune, land, and most of the lives of your kinsmen who are summarily slaughtered by 'just order of the King', all the time claiming 'treason most foul' against you & yours. Now most of this will not sound at all familiar to you perhaps. But it was how things stood before the advent of the Magna Carta in 1215, and the subsequent slow but steady establishment of English Common Law, that protected the rights of citizens against the claims of 'treason' & other crimes against them by their Kings. You? You'll happily dispense with all this august and glorious history, the rights of man etc, with a swipe of your hysterical brow. All those lowly 'appeasers', those 'complicit' Dems, they are now & forever unworthy of any defenses nor any rights. It's because of what they do. Those treasonous malefactors! How is this any different than any tyrant? Again we need a complete & urgent restoration of our Constitutional order from all the poison nonsense and BS that's been poured into & on it. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 09:38:38 AM "Be they Hypocrites, liars, thieves & knaves. None of them should be spied on w/o just cause & a specific warrant." Yes, but there is still psychic pleasure in watching said hypocrites taking on some pain. If nothing else, it would be good to see Harman beaten up with this if only to impress upon her colleagues that you can't cede power (without a trap door to bring it back) to a tyrant and expect that he'll leave you alone. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 09:53:48 AM Goodness, don't you nerds have anything better to do? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 01:34:24 PM Like this? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/25/2009 05:07:12 AM hey u know what jmprince u know what? SAFETY DANCE ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/25/2009 11:41:53 PM No Safety. No dancing. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/25/2009 11:47:46 PM In all seriousness, commenting on this event, it's tragic for this campus. His facebook page shows a pretty normal person. Just yesterday he listed his "top 5 favorite vacation spots." More and more this stinks to me of an argument that went wrong, a crime of passion. However, the NRA, "if everyone had been armed this wouldn't have happened" crowd is already jumping into this. I wish I could personally tell every one of them to piss off. This wasn't on UGA campus, it was legal to concealed carry on prince ave. and it wouldn't have made a difference. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2009 09:20:38 AM Wow. That's pretty horrible. Amazing how many of these things are estranged lovers. I remember at UW a year or so back this architecture student that was shot by an old boyfriend. He just marched on in to the building and killed her. This isn't about everyone being armed. Violating restraining orders of this nature should result in some duration of imprisonment and mandatory psychological evaluation. I'm not really sure what to do with the results, although declaring said person unfit to carry a firearm would be a good first step. And I really wouldn't mind if the whole Georgia Carry crowd was shipped to Somalia. Maybe they'd see what a wonderful society results when the only law is the gun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2009 11:01:50 AM I thought this is an extremely good post on the original topic: So, yes, unlike Republicans, we are not such authoritarians that we declare always us-good, them-bad. However, we've got to keep in mind that it is really us-mostly-good-much-of-the-time, them-really-bad-all-of-the-time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/27/2009 06:27:35 PM "So, yes, unlike Republicans, we are not such authoritarians that we declare always us-good, them-bad. However, we've got to keep in mind that it is really us-mostly-good-much-of-the-time, them-really-bad-all-of-the-time." Or at least us-serious-policy-debates them unhinged-frothing-at-the-mouth-idiocy ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Wednesday Open Thread BASENAME: wednesday_open_thread_31 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/22/2009 12:41:41 AM ----- BODY: Seems there might be things to chat about... Carry on.. I'm off to bed. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 10:00:53 AM I know everyone saw the "Gathering Storm" stupid video for the National Organization for Marriage (whatevah!). Well there is a new organization in town - for your viewing pleasure: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 10:32:21 AM Thanks for making me finally see Prop 8 the Musical. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 10:57:22 AM One more candidate... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 10:19:40 PM So with all of our heavy hitters running for governor, who's running for Senate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 10:28:58 PM I'm pretty sure we've conceded the Senate race. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2009 11:04:55 PM Maybe they should run someone for the Senate race who simply puts out a good progressive message effectively just to raise some important issues, if nothing else. Or maybe we can bring in some guy who comes in last minute and uses a trial lawyer base to win a primary but has zero steam statewide (dodges bricks from Martin campaign) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 12:54:48 AM Z says: "(dodges bricks from Martin campaign)" Let's be perfectly clear here Z. Jim Martin, a highly respectable & worthy public servant of more than 2 decades of exemplary service to his country & state was a decent candidate for Senate, and would have been a fine Senator. But for the money the GOP spent here in Ga. trying to save Shameless's butt, (and it was plenty in excess of 10Mill), we probably would not now be on the threshold of yes, an Al Franken, Senator. That's the base they could not cover for Norm. It's going to happen. And let me say also that Jim Martin has more intelligence, integrity & guts than you'll ever dream of possessing too. For the record. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 08:15:46 AM If and when Roy gets in the race, wouldn't surprise me if Thurbert runs for senate. The talk being: you wanted the big time, you can't defeat Roy (let's call it as it is, no one could defeat Roy, except for maybe Zell running as a Dem), no point going back to AG, step up to the plate and be a big boy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 09:41:49 AM JM, are you saying that Coleman would have won that race if only he had a little more money? I find that highly doubtful, although your overall point is still taken- there is probably a race somewhere that benefited from the expense here. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:28:20 AM The scary thing is that Obama couldn't carry Georgia. Jim Martin couldn't carry Georgia. Mark Taylor couldn't carry Georgia. I'm even wondering if Roy Barnes could carry Georgia with his electoral history. I'm not even sure how "economic populism" is supposed to work in a state that has settled for regional prominence and believes that wage/tax slavery is still a path to prosperity when there are places like China and Mexico just as eager to take the work. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:41:59 AM Because the state is pretty rapidly changing and will be different in 2010. Plus there could be different issues at play. However, most importantly, sometimes you have to remind voters what they think about you ("former governor, yeah I voted for him! He was great!"). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 12:17:42 PM Cool picture: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 12:42:11 PM Well, there is the positive development that people are willing to pay for better transportation (I forgot the poll). They'd probably also be willing to pay for better schools if there was a counter to all the FUD about the ineffectiveness of the spending in inability to raise test scores even with more money. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 12:48:12 PM If you look at the polling and knew the run up in MN, Norm was still close, but desperately short of cash right at the end. He really could have used the money the GOP was wasting down here on Shameless. I still say it was possibly the most expensive race we've seen so far in Ga. And few people realize the extent of the advertising that was being done. The radio alone by 'independent groups' was possibly in excess of 2-3 Mill. Up here in my podunk county, we had radio ads going on every few minutes. It was needless, but they still buried us with it. So yeah, despite it all, I think the sacrifices were worth it. We may come to see the results, but not directly here soon. That's life. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 04:04:33 PM Two things 1) Martin was a fine public servant (most of the time) 2) His coming into this recent race the way he did was hilarious and laughable ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:01:34 PM #3 Things: 1.) Again, it took more guts that you'll ever possess to come into a situation late, to yes, try and prevent a disaster at the top of the ticket. 2.) There was a clear logic in what happened, and only snide know nothing partisan hacks would want to continually question & harp on it. 3.) Hilarious & laughable is the self parody of an anti-Dem partisan hack that you've always been Z. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 08:53:14 AM Hey, I'm all for fielding candidates for every race to at least provide some competition and a platform for the party message, but, unless Issakson has a last minute change of heart and runs for Governor, we aren't going to beat a relatively popular incumbent Senator (Isakson is no Saxby), particularly with some last minute entry into the field, so I think we ought to be focusing our energies on something a little more obtainable like picking off some Republican Legislators in Democratic districts or trying to avoid getting completely swept out of all the statewide Consitutional positions. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 09:26:15 AM Also, it seems like Isakson is one we can pick off on some infrastructure matters ... he really likes high-speed rail, and we could probably interest him in evidence-based medicine and other technological precursors to a better national health system. There's such a big board for Democrats nationally in the Senate, it may be better to focus on the home front this time around. Especially on those lower races in the GGA. Also, it would be really nice in the next Congress if the leadership was given to a Senator from a blue state. Just speaking tactically here. Is the appointment of red state leadership part of a gentlemanly tradition of centrist leadership (that the Republicans broke) or a cheat on another gentlemanly tradition (again, the R's broke, but probably with reason) of not seriously challenging opposition leadership in the voting booth? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 12:56:29 PM I'm not normally comfortable using the word 'fabulous' but I think this qualifies: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 06:00:04 PM That's a pretty awesome cantilevered design. I can only hope the foundation is bolted into the rock face. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 07:19:38 PM Here is a sweet story to cap off everyone's week: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 12:17:40 PM Even sweeter. Arlen Specter (D-PA). Hope the rumors are true, if only to make the R caucus crap themselves. Yes, he may not vote with the D caucus on many, many issues. But, if he votes to allow the vote, it does not matter. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 03:56:49 PM I'm laughing my ass off at the Club for Growth right now. It's their fault the political spectrum went so far to the right, and now one of their primary challengers scared the guy into becoming a Democrat. This is delicious. I feel like calling them and just laughing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 04:32:08 PM Kos is gloating about Zell Miller's "National Party No More" book. I think the thing is that Zell somehow made the mistake of believing that the South is part of the rest of the country politically, which polls are increasingly showing to be untrue. As much fun as it is to poke at, the next big step is figuring out how to get the South back on board. Secession didn't go so well for either side last time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 04:48:55 PM Somehow we attracted like half a dozen secessionists to our blog arguing in favor of the South in the civil war.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: A Few Fun Things For Your Calendar BASENAME: a_few_fun_things_for_your_cale STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/23/2009 10:06:40 AM ----- BODY: MSNBC has a poll up about Obama's first 100 days. Although I'm not a big fan of online polls as they can be somewhat dishonest, this one is fun enough to pass along. The National Action Network is sponsoring a Bus Ride from Savannah to Washington D.C. on May 15th through the 17th. In Honor of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education, the NAACP and the National Action Network are sending a bus to D.C. There's a facebook event up about the ride and how to RSVP, or just email savnaacp at Last but not least - the Georgia Alliance for Retired Americans is hosting a huge Flea Market on Saturday June 20th from 10AM to 5PM at the IBEW Parking Lot (501 Pulliam Street NW in Atlanta). There's no charge of course to get in, if you would like to be a vendor call 404-819-1461. I'm so there. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Hillary Clinton Pwns Rep. Mike Pence BASENAME: hillary_clinton_pwns_rep_mike STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/23/2009 04:18:17 PM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 04:40:40 PM I still think the exchange between her and Ron Paul was the best one ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 04:44:56 PM I wish someone would point out that Chavez has been elected in free and fair elections repeatedly that have been monitored by the carter center, HRW, and all that. And Colombia gets a completely free pass, it has the worst human rights record and government in the entire Western Hemisphere. I think the equation is this simple: left-wing, pro-labor leader = DICTATOR, right-wing, anti-labor leader = FREEDOM yup ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 10:12:02 PM Chavez does have that unfortunate coup attempt on his record, and per Human Rights Watch, his record on civil liberties - including the right to form and join a union - is poor. Of course, it isn't as bad as, say, China, about which Pence would not be similarly concerned, but I think it's wrong to dismiss the charge the Chavez is an authoritarian leader by virtue of the fact that he's won elections. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2009 11:17:18 PM He has lots of authoritarian tendencies, but not really any more so than any other leader in South America. Certainly not anywhere close to Uribe in Colombia. And he probably has a better human rights record than half of our allies. As for the coup attempt, he did serve time in jail and run for president the right way after that. Any way you slice it, it's really, really wrong to call him a dictator. As for Human Rights Watch, this is their conclusion on Venezuela under PSUV: Venezuela is "basically democratic." My problem is that the criticisms of Chavez are so ridiculously off the wall, not that they exist. There's plenty of stuff to criticize about him, legitimately, I think, but this isn't really about him reflecting authoritarian tendencies, this is about him pissing off corporate interests. Which is why Islam Karimov or King Abdullah or Uribe or Hu Jintao are considered great guys by Washington even though their human rights record is a thousand times worse than a Chavez or Morales. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: matthewAPN EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 02:34:57 AM "!Ooh! !Ah! !Chavez no se va!" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 10:44:43 AM More pwnage. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 12:21:49 PM great video, drew. i love how passionate she is in her answer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Decaturguy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 12:39:54 PM Nice job Hillary. I'm not fan of Chavez, but it should also be pointed out that since he has been in power he has also conducted elections in which his interests were defeated. Not many dicatators allow that to happen, do they? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2009 01:26:43 PM If you pick up any newspaper in Venezuela, you'll see headlines like "Chavez is a monkey(a racial slur in Venezuela)" and the opposition controls just about all the private newspapers. Also not very common in a dictatorship.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 09:39:59 AM So it's ok to hug and kiss and walk holding hands with the Saudi King: I don't get the warm fuzzies when I think of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud. But under no circumstances is it ok to acknowledge and shake hands with Hugo Chavez. Not a nice guy, he took down their senate leaving Venezuela with one chamber to check his powers. The REAL reason though that such vitriol is directed at him from the U.S. is that he nationalized the oil industry. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 10:52:39 AM "Not a nice guy, he took down their senate leaving Venezuela with one chamber to check his powers." I want to do that here. No, I'm serious. Screw the Senate! Is there any more worthless group of people ^_^ ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Cagle's Health Condition BASENAME: cagles_health_condition STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/27/2009 08:44:24 AM ----- BODY: iconAJC is reporting that Cagle is "scheduled to undergo surgery Monday to correct a degenerative spine and neck condition." So, there ya go. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/27/2009 09:59:36 AM Well that settles that, right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/27/2009 12:07:29 PM Didn't stop Dick Cheney from doing all sorts of stuff. But then again he's either a demon or a robot, so.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jac1975 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 11:43:45 AM This kind of surgery will definitely put the damper on schtupping interns! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Rally Against Bullying In School BASENAME: rally_against_bullying_in_scho STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 0 ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/27/2009 11:40:02 AM ----- BODY: iconIn honor of Jaheem Herrera's life, Beulah Missionary Baptist Church is holding an anti-bullying rally next Saturday - May 9th - at 2pm. It's pathetic that it has taken the suicide of two eleven year old boys to wake some people up. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sPatrickC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/27/2009 10:08:52 PM Great event, but this Saturday is May 2. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/27/2009 10:27:50 PM Thanks, duly fixed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 12:15:19 PM HAH! I PREDICTED THIS! EAT IT REPUBLICANS! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 12:25:02 PM I think the writing was pretty much on the walls as soon as Specter went against EFCA and saw that the Republican base would not be mollified by throwing labor under the bus just once. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 12:29:52 PM Also, how long until this gets washed away: "My change in party affiliation does not mean that I will be a party-line voter any more for the Democrats that I have been for the Republicans. Unlike Senator Jeffords’ switch which changed party control, I will not be an automatic 60th vote for cloture. For example, my position on Employees Free Choice (Card Check) will not change. Whatever my party affiliation, I will continue to be guided by President Kennedy’s statement that sometimes Party asks too much. When it does, I will continue my independent voting and follow my conscience on what I think is best for Pennsylvania and America." Specter has been an obnoxius git for quite some time in the previous administration ... walking right up to the line of doing the right thing and then folding at the last moment. Hopefully Obama or Biden can impress him with executive power the same way that Bush did, and get what we need done. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 04:04:30 PM The way I see it his switching to the Dems can keep him voting in line with the agenda on at least a few things or breaking a filibuster, but the Dems. should try to primary him at some point, too, given that PA is definitely capable of electing a more progressive Senator. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 04:23:18 PM He's also pretty old. I see no problem with trading him one more unchallenged term if he plays nice and helps us break filibusters. Give the various House Dems another couple of terms to build up their warchests and presence with their constituencies and then open up with everything they have. If we're likely, Specter may even retire as a Dem. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 06:41:21 PM Of course, there isn't much stopping him from switching back to the Republican Party after the election, is there? I mean, if he decides it's in his interest. It's nice to have 60 votes, but I'd rather see the 60th go to someone who didn't support Bush twice and McPalin six months ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 07:28:04 PM I'm pretty sure there's no way in heck, despite what the guys over at PeachPundit and FreeRepublic think, that Toomey would win the senate seat, so I don't see much of a problem if we can get a progressive primary battle in 2010 going. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 10:50:26 PM I actually saw Sen. Spector about 30 minutes before this news broke.. I wondered why he was walking out of the back end of the capitol with a staffer and it looked like his wife... Interesting, wonder if other offers were made to some of the women moderates like Susan Collins and Snowe? They can't be feeling all that good about a party that dis'd them for Palin. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2009 11:37:30 PM "Of course, there isn't much stopping him from switching back to the Republican Party after the election, is there? I mean, if he decides it's in his interest." Yes, but the question is if the GOP caucus is of a mind to make it in his interest to switch back. I would think it would be a bit harder to do the whole "oh, sure, we'll let him play along" with someone that actively betrayed your group not too long ago. I mean, I wonder how much time the GOP leadership spent trying to retrieve Jeffords. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 02:17:37 PM Newt's piece is great: "Arlen Specter's decision to leave the Republican Party in name as he left it in spirit over the stimulus vote is further proof that high taxes, big spending and big government are unacceptable to Republican voters." Of course, Newt does not take the next logical step in looking at the fact that Specter's calculation includes the fact that there are fewer Republican voters than Democratic ones in PA. So, it doesn't exactly do you all that much good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 02:23:33 PM my naem iz newt i thinx im relevant someone needs to make an lolcats with him and that ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: aquariusrizing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 11:29:24 PM Arny has fascinated me for many years. Cspan junkie that I am, he's blown me away a few times he chaired or ranking membered on some of the committees. He was far too respectful of the opposition and fair in terms of time offered, questions allowed, etc., esp. when the lockstep gang were in power. Several times during the lead up to the war, and during our lack of care for our veterans afterwards, I jumped up behind the puter here and went "who IS that guy?". I've often thought he had too much compassion to be a Republican, and have been relieved to see him take moderate stands on their side. That could NOT be easy for him to do. I think his surviving cancer twice, which nobody has mentioned here, has mellowed him on a lot of issues. I don't care how self interested and transparent this move is, it works for me. Did anyone ever see him hold his own w/Imus? Ducks Imus shotputters... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 12:16:34 AM Yeah his first vote as a Democrat was to vote against the Obama budget. what a guy... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: You want HR1913 to pass... send in the Super 6! BASENAME: dc_adventures_in_activism STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2009 08:27:19 AM ----- BODY: jules_in_dc.jpg Meet the Georgia delegation (aka Super 6) who l had the honor and privilege to lobby with on the hill Tuesday. Our task was to meet with our two Senators, and three Congressman and tell "our story" in the hope we would encourage them to support passage of the "Hate Crimes" bill or as it's formally known Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (H. R. 1913). This bill has been kicking around Congress for many years, and the stars seem to be aligning this year for it to perhaps become law. This afternoon it passed out of the house and Senator Kennedy has introduced it into the Senate. We were part of a larger delegation organized by the National Center for Transgender Equality based in DC. I've lobbied with NCTE before, and there is no finer organization when it comes to training, preparation and political savvy. The ED of NCTE is Mara Keisling, who I admire for her political wonkiness, incredible sense of humor and dedication to seeking equality for all. Her staff reflects this same dedication and good nature. Many stories will be written about why this bill was necessary, among the many good reasons, is this:
    The Hate Crimes Prevention Act is supported by nearly 300 civil rights, education, religious, and civic organizations. The bill is also endorsed by virtually every major law enforcement organization in the country--including the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National District Attorneys Association, the National Sheriffs Association, the Police Executive Research Forum, and thirty-one state Attorneys General.
    But at the end of the day it's about hate, and violence against folks who are just people going about their daily lives. It's about the Government being an institution of support and investigation and not re-victimization. When this bill is fully made law, local law enforcement will be taught that it's not OK to look the other way when women, disabled, gay and trans people are brutalized. It sends a message to everyone that while you may think whatever you like, you can't act on it and hope to get away with it. I spent a day and half with my new best friends, I heard their stories, I heard them ask their dully elected officials for support and consideration. In the case of the GA Dem delegation they were heard. In the case of the opposition, it fell on very deaf ears. I will post a few other adventures in activism, later. I have pictures of Ron Paul too... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 09:28:16 AM I think I've met the lady on the far right of the picture. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 02:05:07 PM You all look fabulous! As always. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 06:41:31 PM Zaid-I'm not surprised, she is a very fierce advocate and is President of the Transgender Veterans Assoc. She also has lived in Cobb County a long time and has been in both Price and Gingrey's districts. She worked the Gingrey staffer pretty hard and it was a thing of beauty to watch! Proud to be her friend ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 03:42:38 AM Nice work. Good cause. Introduce the full delegation please Juliana. That would be helpful to many. And no, Gingrey's going to ignore this one too. It's why we need a Dem in there, and why that may take awhile. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Wednesday Open Thread BASENAME: wednesday_open_thread_32 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/29/2009 06:38:24 AM TAGS: "open thread","swine flu" ----- BODY: japanmask.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 07:38:13 AM WTF JUST HAPPENED TO THE SITE ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 08:05:07 AM In the student food court yesterday, the University whatever channel was talking about how the paper masks didn't necessarily stop the transmission of the flu. I was like, great, take away one of the few comforts that probably kept the flighty among us from completely freaking out. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 11:37:38 AM Talk to me IRE. Problems? Issues? What? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 11:52:44 AM THE LOOK! THE BANNER! ITS ALL DIFFERENT! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 12:01:26 PM Is this a bad thing? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 03:39:01 PM I'm with IRE on this one. The new banner is gorgeous, but... waaahhhhh! change!!!! it's different!!! not the same as before!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 04:11:38 PM I adore it. All y'all must embrace change! After all, it's what we all voted for in November, right? Kudos to Melanie. Lovely. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 04:49:47 PM I wouldn't have noticed it until the cute Asian girl in the mask was bumped from the top spot. And that pic is a cornucopia of Japanese typefaces. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 05:18:20 PM But it is gorgeous Melanie. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 05:34:03 PM Thanks CA and JT, but I'm hoping no one is freaked out by it. Maybe it will make more sense in a few days when the other sub-blogs go online. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 08:58:32 PM anyone else hate thomas friedman as much as me? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 09:10:20 PM It's beautiful! Thanks for the DFI must get going on some new posts. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 03:38:12 AM I'm adding you to the blogroll Zaid. Just as soon as I clean out the dead wood. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 08:21:23 AM Matt Taibbi hates Thomas Friedman quite a bit, but you'll have to decide who wins. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 09:39:12 AM I love the new font! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 09:59:24 AM Snaps for the new look of Blog for Democracy! Me likey! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: aquariusrizing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 11:04:22 PM me too, very snappy! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 09:02:21 AM despite my aversion to change, those "mini-banner" for the sub-blogs are incredible. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: What are you doing? BASENAME: mid_week_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/29/2009 12:10:30 PM ----- BODY: iconTweet Tweet So, I joined Twitter back ages ago but then couldn't keep up with it. Recently, I re-upped. I'm following some old friends around the country and Canada; trying to keep up with some politicos and celebs; and, of course, following some local online friends and writers. I don't have a lot to tweet - but the content coming to me is sometimes compelling; sometimes hilarious; and sometimes banal. Here is a small sampling. Do you like to travel with a dog but prefer to not "check it" to the barrel of a plane? Well, here's your solution: Pet Airways. h/t: David Sirota. Why am I not surprised to learn that the swine flu outbreak may have a connection to Smithfield. Maybe we should give Paula Deen a call.... h/t: Andisheh. Some of you may know that I'm a big "That Girl" fan, so when I discovered wowOwow I was thrilled. Marlo Thomas, Whoopi Goldberg, Candice Bergen, Lily Tomlin, and more! All writing about everything from politics to fashion. h/t: Jane Fonda. Did you sign up for a CSA? Now you're wondering what to do with all that food every week? Here's a blog that will help you through: thoughtful consumption. h/t: Leslie_A. Pets seem to be a common tweepic (Tweet Topic). Francesca and Sparky weigh in on the First Dog.... h/t: Martha Stewart. So, do you tweet? Who do you follow? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sPatrickC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 05:42:13 PM I tweet (with the same handle as here: sPatrickC). I have a broad collection of people I follow: politicos, journalists, random friends, YDA buddies, and random people I find interesting. Oh, and I Can Haz Cheezburger. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2009 07:54:30 PM I would've gotten to work with David Sirota if In These Times decided to make the internship they offered me paid. But they didn't. Sad face V_V ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 12:46:26 AM ok fine, I'm back on it.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Who's to Blame for Swine Flu? BASENAME: whos_to_blame_for_swine_flu STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2009 09:16:04 AM ----- BODY: iconTake your pick: Susan Boyle or Democrats? Discuss. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 12:13:49 PM One kind of hopes Ms. Boyle is a member of the Liberal Democrats. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 12:32:36 PM So yea. Today the WHO said H1N1 is actually a milder strain of flu than plain old seasonal flu. Time to move on to the next thing the media will use to scare the crap out of us. Hard to top a global pandemic though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 12:48:37 PM Pandemic+zombies controlled by Al Qaeda? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 03:19:35 PM gay zombies that want to get married ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 05:23:15 PM Obviously, the fault lies squarely with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Here is the very compelling argument: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 09:00:28 PM I blame "crocks" but then again I always do. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Authors wanted BASENAME: authors_wanted STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2009 02:12:50 PM TAGS: meta ----- BODY: Are you a current or former Democratic candidate or elected official? Are you a current staffer for a Democratic campaign in Georgia? Are you a community activist, engaged citizen, government or non-profit sector worker? Are you a regular reader, political wonk, outlier, maven or passionate amateur? Do you enjoy writing? Do you have strong, well-formed opinions you'd like to share? If some or most of these fit, then we'd like to invite you to post on the front page of this blog, or on one of the new blog sections launching this month. Topics will include: campaigns and elections, politics, environment, movies, books, design, tech, law, home arts, and if someone is interested in maintaining it, sports. Contact for details. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 06:55:40 PM Oh geesh, we need to have well informed opinions now? I'm out ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 03:48:44 AM I'm with Juliana on that one too. Semi-informed, perhaps. Economics. But no one reads such things, and there's now, happily, plenty of decent blogs on the topic. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 01:44:18 PM I didn't say well-informed, I said well formed. I'm sure the former is equally important, but we're grandfathered in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/02/2009 09:55:50 AM I take you already have enough wiseasses? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/02/2009 12:48:35 PM You are mighty ambitious in your topics Mel. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/02/2009 12:58:31 PM Mel: If you had included in the qualifications "someone whose moderate views are often derided on this blog," I might have come close to qualifying other than possibly not being a "community activist" (without narrowing down being an activist about what). You know I still love you. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Caption This BASENAME: caption_this_2 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2009 04:19:33 PM ----- BODY: obama100_20.jpg photo credit: Sacramento Bee ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sPatrickC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 04:24:56 PM Doh! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sPatrickC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 04:29:10 PM Doh! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sPatrickC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 04:30:36 PM I told Biden not to talk. I told Biden not to talk. I told Biden not to talk. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 04:45:07 PM "What fresh hell is this?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 04:49:09 PM Summers: I accidentally the economy. Is this bad? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 05:31:15 PM President Obama (thinking): What the fuck did I get myself into? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 06:10:42 PM Guys, I think I have swine flu. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 06:16:31 PM Mel wins! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 03:15:52 AM 'No Larry, really... the age of dithering is done'. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 08:14:15 PM I should've told those Wall Street guys that strongarmed me into hiring a bunch of hacks like you to F themselves. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 10:11:21 PM "Damn. I was supposed to let the dog out." ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Is Isakson Vulnerable? BASENAME: is_isakson_vulnerable STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2009 07:00:13 PM ----- BODY: A new poll says perhaps. Daily Kos has the full scoop. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 07:03:15 PM Too bad Roy wants gov and our congressmen going nowhere. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 07:09:13 PM I'll believe it if Nate says it.. and ONLY if Nate says it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 07:52:11 PM 40% of Georgia Republicans feel that Georgia would be better off as an independent nation and one third support secession, too. I keep thinking that there must be a way for Democrats to use that to their advantage, but it's so crazy. How do you run as a pro union candidate 140 years after the Civil War? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 08:14:38 PM I keep holding out hope that Roy is actually waiting to jump in for this Senate race. He's about the only one statewide that I think can make a go of it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 08:45:40 PM Roy wants a bully pulpit and he likes Georgia. He gets none of that in the senate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 09:43:23 PM The Senator is not vulnerable. Anyone who runs against him is wasting his/her qualifying fee, regardless of what one might read. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 09:51:15 PM "The Senator is not vulnerable. Anyone who runs against him is wasting his/her qualifying fee, regardless of what one might read." Shall we stick our buttocks in the air and assume the position, too? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 03:34:50 AM The numbers looked mighty encouraging, but it's mainly due to the 'B' team running for Gov. But then again they've always gone with the B team too... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 08:55:59 AM Is Isakson vulnerable? No. Not unless he needs some sort of surgery that will only let him run for Lt. Senator. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 09:55:24 AM Zaid- I think the better strategic position for us would be to support other fine people running in races we could win, and as the say "live to fight another day". We could make a difference in the SOS race, the Ins. Commissioner race, the Ag Commish, and AG. There is simply no need to just chase the "sexy" races. We haven't the bench, the money or the organizations to do all of this well. I'm not blaming but I'm also not foolish enough to think Johnny can be beat in our current circumstances. It just is what it is. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 10:17:53 AM Well, [i]somebody[/i] should run against him. We just don't need a bus full of egos wasting their time and talent when most of them could have a better chance winning some other race. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 11:50:31 AM It is funny, all this talk of "no bench" and yet there are all these good, sometimes great, candidates lining up for races. Just sayin. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 04:47:27 PM Let someone with good ideas and some fire like Dale run against him this time and don't drag in an old ghost this time, at least we might hurt them in the war of words that way. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: When you are on the "Hill", don't be surprised what you'll see BASENAME: when_you_go_to_the_hill_dont_b STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2009 08:24:00 PM ----- BODY: Call this post adventures in activism part 2... see part 1 below on the Super 6. I'm always amazed by the many surprises that await while in DC... Leaving the Russell Senate offices we ran into this demonstration. These folks were very organized and very loud! You go ADAPT! Wish I could have helped but we had a different mission. Later on some of the activists handcuffed themselves to the White House.. Fist UP! IMG_1865.jpg A few minutes later inside the Cannon building- who did we run into but this Congressman... IMG_1872.jpg Back outside I saw this vehicle parked along the offices... Ummm I remember the "Thing" but wow that's a old car, I think someones Mom growing up had one. I was fascinated by the many stickers for Burr (no not Aaron) is presumably this guy. I think all those stickers are holding the car together. IMG_1862.jpg Finally my work was done exhausted and hot, I got to ride home on AirTran with this gentleman. He seemed pretty shocked, when I called him Senator and thanked him for his service. Of course as you all know I have no idea who is Dancing with the Stars or wining on Idol. I'm into a different kind of celebrity. I love DC. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 09:27:28 PM And I love that you go to DC to fight the good fight for us. Only 13 more years until we turn Carter over to you for his schooling. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 09:35:50 PM Ruby... if we take Carter to DC before he's 13, a Congressman can escort him onto the House floor and if they are voting Carter can actually make the vote. But only up till 12 I think.. I learned that last summer from Congressman Lewis. Ok, so you all need to figure out where you'll be living and make sure you a friendly enough with the congress person to make that happen.. ok.. got that ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Justice Souter to Retire BASENAME: justice_souter_to_retire STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2009 10:06:30 PM ----- BODY: iconWow. I really thought Stevens or Ginsburg would be the first ones to retire during the Obama Administration.
    At 69, Souter is nowhere near the oldest member of the court, but he has made clear to friends for some time now that he wanted to leave Washington, a city he has never liked, and to return to his native New Hampshire.
    Heh. A city he has never liked... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2009 11:57:18 PM This event probably colored his view of DC a little bit: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 01:35:09 AM Obama should nominate Jonathan Turley. (swoons) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 03:27:56 AM Souter wanted to resign during or immediately after the Election 2000 debacle. He was just so PO'd over the entire deal. He thought it was wholly 'illegitimate' what the USSC did with Bush vs Gore. So he's bided his time and waited for the next Dem in. He was one of GWHB's choice for the court, (the other being our very own benighted Clarence Thomas). But Souter's been about as decent a once formerly 'mainstream Repug' as we're likely to see ever nominated for the USSC. He's actually improved on the court and became more moderate in some respects too. The world of 'respectable NE moderate Repug's' just disappeared from the landscape. Recall he was one of Sen. Warren Rudman's bud's. But again I feel like I'm recalling ancient history here. Obama will probably nominate a consensus woman, (Pam Carlin?) for the seat. It's long overdue. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 08:59:13 AM Or a Hispanic. Maybe an Asian? Is there a half-Asian, half-Hispanic woman legal scholar out there somewhere? Talk about your consensus candidate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 09:10:11 AM In all seriousness, my guess is that Judge Sonia Sotomayor is the front-runner. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 09:42:39 AM What about Justice Leah Sears? I'm starting to get cranky with current admin having few very few southerners in inner circle, she at least would make for a very interesting choice. Or Rendell's wife... uumm where have I heard that? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 12:40:22 PM AJC says two people with "Georgia connections" are on the short list: Leah Sears and Deval Patrick ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 05:23:52 PM Justice Sears impresses the hell out of me. I've seen her at oral arguments twice now and she is just so obviously both incredibly smart and full of class. I really really hope that's who he picks. I have also heard wonderful things about Diane Wood of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. She is supposed to be a total genius. But I agree, Sotomayor fits pretty much every target he would have with the pick. This is probably the most wide open and unobstructed a nomination process that Obama will ever get, with a supermajority and no public ill-will towards his picks, so this really is the time to appoint a young liberal lion who will fight it out for decades to come. I think everyone expects that he has to pick a woman to make up for the loss of O'Connor. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2009 05:57:03 PM I had the honor to help a little on her election campaign in 2004, she's a lovely person too.. I'd really like to see this happen. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Erick Erickson, Seriously WTF? BASENAME: erick_erickson_seriously_wtf STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/02/2009 12:37:41 AM ----- BODY: iconLet this serve as a reminder of what an asshole he is. h/t griftdrift ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/02/2009 02:36:17 AM Like I said in an earlier post, we can't have real policy discussion in a country where we have crazy asses like Erickson taking up all the political space. We should be talking today about the big banks buying out our Congress and 12 Dems siding with them over the American people, but nope, we have to talk about crazy dipshits like Broun, Bachmann, and Erickson. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/02/2009 10:19:31 AM Yes, EE is a numbnut, and compared to the actual mule rapist that we DO have running for Gov, which I guess EE has no opinion on.. Oh I could go on, but why. It seems hypocrisy is now a main plank in the GOP's platform. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/02/2009 11:08:32 AM I mean come on, we're talking about a guy who actually looks up to Class A D-Bags like Limbaugh, Boortz, and Hannity. He got in line to suck on the toes of Dick Cheney and then used the fact that Cheney allowed him to continue the treatment as evidence that he was some kind of great and influential journalist. And yes, there would be so many more productive conversations to have if we could just make the kids leave the room for a few hours. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2009 06:42:57 AM And just think....he is a city council member in Macon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 12:10:42 AM Dustin wanted me to make a post about him, so I did. It'll be up tomorrow morning I hope he reads it and sends his legions of rabies-infected idiots to our site, we always love the traffic :p ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Kentucky Derby Open Thread BASENAME: kentucky_derby_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/02/2009 07:28:05 PM ----- BODY: ALeqM5hSsiF0gyNYoKVRSVQt3BRRQctlfQ.jpg Mine That Bird pulls off upset in Kentucky Derby Hats, hats and more hats. We are unamused by this talk of recycled hats. Must have more of these to dull the pain of recent 401K now 2.5 K. When was the last time your read this? The good doctor never disappoints. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2009 12:50:50 AM I can't think of the Derby without remembering that awesome fundraiser at Vs. I hope you wore that smashing derby hat today. Even around the house. I have a picture of it somewhere. Now where did I put it? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2009 03:00:52 PM The only event that it is acceptable to make your own hat for is Jimmy Buffett's annual swing through town and not everyone can pull off a Mayor of Margaritaville look. One day I promise to show you all my stunning Buffett hat. It really is something to behold... But for something with such a time-honored tradition as the Kentucky Derby to be mentioned as a craft project just shows this town (or perhaps just it's paper) is completely lacking in class. Fiddle-dee-dee indeed! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Fulton County Arts Council National Dance Week 2009 BASENAME: fulton_county_arts_council STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/03/2009 06:47:23 PM TAGS: arts,artscouncil,dance,"fultoncountyarts council" ----- BODY:

    Not long ago, I was honored to be appointed to serve on the Board of the Fulton County Arts Council by Fulton County Chairman John Eaves. Honestly, I didn't know much about the work or mission of the Council before my appointment, but am already completely smitten. This is the sort of service I'd only dreamed of doing, and am so grateful to Chairman Eaves for this opportunity. 

    Last night, I attended my first Arts Council event and was blown away. Below are a few shots from the closing night of National Dance Week 2009, held at the beautiful new Southwest Arts Center Performance Theater. If you like these, see more in my flickr set here.

    dance_001.jpg By far, the most incredible dancer of the evening was Kenichi Ebina, a Japanese Hip Hop Artist. You haven't lived until you've seen a man dressed in full geisha attire performing Hip Hop dance moves. Kenichi performs all over the world, and won the Apollo Theater dance grand championship in 2001 and 2007. You can see video of this insanely talented man on his performing arts website here or on his YouTube channel here.

    dance_002.jpg Kenichi Ebina in motion.

    dance_003.jpg Next up was Atlanta's own Kruti Dance Academy, a very large troop (at least 40), specializing in Indian Classical and Bollywood style dance. Stunning costumes and beautiful, elegant movement.

    dance_004.jpg The awesome Florida A&M University Strikers All-Stars Dance Crew. Their energy level and precision are off the charts. More about the crew from America's Best Dance Crew Bios here. See video of them in action here

    dance_005.jpg Everyone takes a bow to wild applause. It was a wonderful event, right in our back yard and admission was free. From now on, I'll be dragging everyone I know to these events, so consider yourselves warned.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2009 02:45:53 PM You won't have to drag me, looks great! Sorry I missed it on saturday ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Rob for Georgia! BASENAME: rob_for_georgia STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/04/2009 08:59:04 AM ----- BODY: It's not a new plan to help our economy, its the new website of the best Democratic candidate for Attorney General! Check it out and take the first step toward making Georgia a better and safer place. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Checking in with BASENAME: checking_in_with_recoverygov STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2009 12:44:11 AM TAGS: recovery,stimulus ----- BODY: According to, Georgia has been allocated $3,419,967,359 of stimulus funds, most of which has been allocated to the poor and/or unemployed. No word on how much has been stolen from these same individuals by scams like this. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 09:39:44 AM I don't know how many of those scams I have seen around the Web. Like is there some kind of e-scam expo where these guys trade ideas? What's crazier is I saw Drudge et. al waving these things around for a while to decry all the "goviment cheese" Obama's been handing out. Although that does have something to say for the IQ of that part of the wingnut world and its followers. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 09:58:49 AM It makes me crazy. I reported the site to the "waste, fraud and abuse" email address on, but there are probably thousands of these things out there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 10:00:54 AM And what's worse are the tv spots. I don't worry so much about Seniors falling victim to scammers on the web, but some of these crooks are advertising on tv and radio. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Well, that's one approach BASENAME: well_thats_one_approach STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2009 12:06:23 AM TAGS: ajc ----- BODY: Atlanta Paper Tries To Get Readers To Cut Back Digital Habit by Hiring Online Ad Agency
    At a time when newspapers are trying to figure out how to make better use of digital distribution, Cox Enterprises' Atlanta Journal Constitution hopes to convinces readers to take a break from their computers and mobile phones, Adweek reports. And irony of ironies, the paper, which recently cut 30 percent of its staff, has unveiled a year-long, $1 million ad campaign crafted by local independent digital shop IQ Interactive to position the physical Sunday paper as a refuge from the frenzied "digital cacophony" that's associated with readers' work weeks.
    Alrighty then. Related: Atlanta Paper Suggests Readers 'Unplug' From Net, from AdWeek ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rusty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 06:40:37 AM I actually don't think this is the worst idea in the world. Certainly not a worse idea than firing a quarter of the newsgathering staff. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 09:43:11 AM Maybe it will work. Someone needs to figure out how to stop the bleeding. I just don't get how they can cut all the writers who make the Sunday paper a "warm bath" (food, movies, books, sports, entertainment), and still have a Sunday Paper worth reading. We "unplug" with the Sunday NY Times. The few times I've picked up a Sunday AJC, it was just piles of inserts and coupons. I'll pick up one this Sunday though, to check out the redesign. This is my favorite riff on newspapers: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 11:16:03 AM Head, meet sand. I don't know if there is a right answer, but I wouldn't call this a "strategy". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joseph EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 07:25:13 PM This was an interesting article which touches on these issues also: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 02:14:39 AM I'm not sure what the exact metaphor is, but "eating the seed corn" keeps coming to mind. As does, "throwing the anchor overboard". ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: /new BASENAME: new STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2009 12:55:26 AM TAGS: hoohah ----- BODY: If you're just tuning in this week, don't miss the new sections and entries on the right sidebar! And there's even more news, opinion, projects and hoohah coming this week and next, including some new authors. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: RSVP for Ken Burns' new movie BASENAME: rsvp_for_ken_burns_new_movie STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2009 08:57:12 AM ----- BODY: Georgia Public Broadcasting, Ebenezer Baptist Church, The National Parks Conservation Association, Earthwise, and REI, in cooperation with The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site, Present: A film by Ken Burns: The National Parks - America's Best Idea When: Thursday, May 7 Time: 7 pm Where: Ebenezer Baptist Church 407 Auburn Avenue Atlanta, GA 30312 RSVP here ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 10:19:37 AM As a member of the National Parks Conservation Association, I really hate that I can't make it to this. Our national parks are one of the greatest things about this country. This should be an excellent film so if you are free that evening, please by all means go see it! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Specter BASENAME: specter STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2009 10:43:55 AM TAGS: gop,specter ----- BODY: Newest Democrat Arlen Specter came out punching on Sunday.
    Asked whether he believed that he had let people down by changing parties, Specter said issues like Republican attitudes towards cancer research had made him unhappy with the party. Specter went on to suggest that if Republicans had been more aggressive about cancer research, GOP luminary Jack Kemp would be alive today.
    Damn. That's one mean old man. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 11:22:37 AM He's also a whiny little whimp (anywhere other than BforD I'd have used a different word) who I hope gets the sh%t beaten out of him either in the primary or GE. If you watched him on MTP and his "I did nooooooooooot" BS whining made him sound like a weak ass nerd who is still afraid of getting beat up. I'm just glad we have another Joe Lieberman, self interested, ego-maniac who will do anything to get re-elected in the Democratic caucus. I've said this elsewhere but I kind of felt bad for Specter. His only interest is himself and he kept saying sh*t that will hurt him... "I did noooooooot say I will be a loyal Democrat" and "I will not support card check" it was like, dude, STFU. In general. I'm really not happy about the switch. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 11:25:57 AM Honestly, if I was David Gregory, i would have had a hard time not punching that turn in the throat during the interview. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 11:53:26 AM He is who he is, old and not well.. frankly I wouldn't spend much energy on all this, he's not worth it. He will probably have a primary opponent in Sestack (sp?) but I think that's just to help Sestacks name recognition when he goes to run for Gov. Just a hunch. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 01:20:51 PM I think he's a busta, and bustas get primaried. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BigD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 01:37:21 PM Sestak is the only viable candidate still in the race and I agree that he is likely pushing to gain some name recognition for a run for Governor. While I like Joe Sestak he isn't a progressive I would call him about as conservative as Arlen. You can check out Nate Silvers at 538 he did an analysis of Sestak's voting record. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 03:08:55 PM God, I love Nate Silver. I only wish I had access to his data or the time to crunch it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 06:44:35 PM This just in.... Cornyn: Ridge weighs bid for Sen. Specter's seat GOP leaders say ex-Homeland Security boss Tom Ridge weighing bid for Arlen Specter Senate seat PETER JACKSON AP News May 05, 2009 17:31 EST Tom Ridge, the former governor who became the nation's first homeland security chief, may challenge Sen. Arlen Specter in the state next year, Republican Party leaders confirmed Tuesday. "He's considering it," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee in Washington. Bob Asher, the state's Republican national committeeman, said he met with Ridge in recent days and urged him to run. "Governor Ridge is very serious about considering to run, and he is weighing his options," Asher said. Ridge and Specter, who stunned political observers last week by switching his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat, are two of Pennsylvania's best-known politicians. An election showdown between them is certain to garner national attention and generate large campaign contributions from outside the state. A Quinnipiac University poll released Monday showed Specter and Ridge running about even in a hypothetical general-election race. The survey showed Ridge, who has not run in an election since 1998, with a 55 percent favorability rating and Specter with a 52 percent rating. Ridge, 63, served 12 years in Congress before he was elected governor in 1994. He stepped down during his second term after President George W. Bush tapped him to head what would become the Department of Homeland Security after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He left that post in 2005 and now runs a Washington-based consulting firm, Ridge Global LLC. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 06:58:12 PM Arlen Spector is a big bag of WTF> ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 07:31:22 PM I've been trolling some PA blogs to see the reaction.. it's not that pretty- progressives are kind of screwed either way in PA. WOW didn't realize that would rhyme.. make a good button doesn't it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 08:34:18 PM Sestak at least seems to back labor, and if labor comes out for him in PA, where it's strong, he could defeat Specter. If he loses to Ridge, oh well. It doesn't make a gigantic difference between Ridge and Specter to be quite honest. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 09:41:53 PM I'd rather have Ridge any day. Also it appears Ridge lives/lived in Md. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 09:58:33 AM Well, apparently Specter's mouthing off has cost him one of the weapons he'd need to defend his seat: committee seniority. In other words, Specter forgot that when you're making craven moves, it behooves you to kiss the asses of your new friends quite a lot at the beginning of the courtship. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 03:20:15 PM Goodbye, Specter. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Global Day of Action for Troy Anthony Davis on May 19, 2009 BASENAME: global_day_of_action_for_troy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2009 11:07:24 AM TAGS: amnestyinternational,troydavis ----- BODY: Join Amnesty International's campaign to urge Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to exercise leadership and ensure that Troy Davis's death sentence is commuted. Saving Death Row Inmate Troy Davis's Life Is AlterNet's Top Take Action Campaign of the Week. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 02:09:23 PM I've read that the Governor in Georgia does not have commutation policy. Isakson told me he does in person (right before making fun of me and my friend for asking him if he could talk to the SCOTUS folks), but others have told me he doesnt ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2009 07:10:25 PM Isakson was either wrong or lying. Only the Georgia Board of Pardons & Paroles can commute a death sentence to life in prison or pardon a person convicted of a crime. It is specified in the Georgia Constitution, Article IV, Section II. This is why Amnesty International's plea is actually for Perdue to "exercise leadership," rather than to commute the sentence. They want someone to force the Board to reconsider the case, or for the state to stop setting him for execution. But they cannot ask Perdue directly to pardon Davis or commute his sentence because he does not have that power. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 07:26:24 PM Anyone else read the latest thing at PeachPundit where the guy's complaining that we pay people who are wrongly imprisoned for nearly 30 years compensation? What the fuck is wrong with these people? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 09:13:53 AM I dunno, but that particular dude has some serious issues. And anytime someone attempts to take Erickson seriously, you can show them how he implicitly endorses the blatherings of a guy who all but sleeps in bedsheets with eye-holes cut into them. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Progressive Cookbook! BASENAME: progressive_cookbook STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/06/2009 05:03:44 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_cookbooks.jpgThe folks at Georgia for Democracy love two things: building a progressive community and good food! "How do we combine the two?" A progressive community cookbook! GfD needs your help to make a success of it! Submit your recipes today! You know, the ones you've been making for years and years for the progressive potlucks and candidate tea parties and high-dollar donor dinner parties and get-out-the-vote barbeques. Make sure to include any stories that goes with the recipe (perhaps Great-Aunt Myrtle made the dish for the Governor in 1928?), or a suggestion for what kind of political event for which to make it (perfect for appetizers at a book signing?). You can email your recipe, story, and suggestions. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 12:13:46 PM I'll be gathering up my recipes and sending them on in soon, but in the meantime: With age comes wisdom (for most) and Helen is one smart old broad. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 02:54:55 PM oooh Love Helen, missed her when she was ill. I too will send some of the safer items I make. Blintz casserole, creme brulee french toast and my toaster oven eggplant for one short cut. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 09:31:14 PM Don't y'all think Catherine needs to have a tasting party? Everyone brings a dish! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 09:42:14 PM That's a great idea! I'm always up for a party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 10:43:53 PM I only have about five recipes, but I'll donate them all for the cause! I'm also hoping Paula includes her finger sandwich recipes. Those things are amazing. And Jules, you MUST submit the fruit pizza recipe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2009 11:57:08 PM I got samosa recipes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 10:02:25 AM I'll try to get a few together and send them along. But I will have to make up quasi-political stories to go with them! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 10:04:04 AM Is their going to be a cocktail section? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 10:54:27 AM JT- well I hope so! I recently bought an old book ( 1940's) called the New England Sampler and it has funny stories about NE, and mentioned this cocktail.. Here is the recipe for a cocktail invented in the 1890's called the Ward 8(in Boston). From the Cocktail Hacker Blog: The Ward 8 cocktail originated in 1898 at the Locke-Ober bar in Boston Massachusetts. This drink was created to honor the 8th Ward of Boston which brought Martin Lomasney the winning margin he needed to gain a seat in the state legilature. There are mixed stories about Losmasney’s goodness, but one thing is for certain. If a drink was created in honor of him he was certainly a memorable fellow. Ward 8 2 oz Rye Whiskey 1 oz Orange Juice 1 oz Lemon Juice Grenadine to Taste 1) Combine in an ice filled shaker 2) Shake until well chilled 3) Strain into a chilled cocktail glass ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 10:56:28 AM Oh and we must pimp Horne rum too! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 07:08:05 PM I'll tell ya' what. I'll start experimenting so that we can come up with our own signature Horne Rum drink. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 10:51:53 AM That's what we all love about JerryT - always willing to sacrifice for the cause. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Sean Tevis BASENAME: sean_tevis STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2009 12:14:53 AM TAGS: candidate,kansas ----- BODY: What happens when an Information Architect runs for office and loses, then weighs the pros and cons of running again? He tells the whole story in the form of a graphic novella called Running for Office. Via DK. run_for_office_chart.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 02:34:00 AM I love that guy... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 08:36:33 AM He's mighty damned cool. I hope he implements that "opponent's NASCAR jacket" idea. That would be pretty kick ass. Especially if they could put on the laws that were sponsored by the opponent that benefit said donor. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 08:45:00 AM I may have to flip him some coin when I get it. Maybe I should start looking to turn what contributions I can make toward growing a bench of technically saavy, pro-science politicians. It would go a long way toward getting this country back into the 21st century. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 10:11:09 AM He had me a Free Bacon Day. Actually, he had me in 2008. I dropped him so coin back then and will do the same. These are the kind of people we need to support, i.e. those committed to doing something to improve the lot of everyone on this planet, not just those who can pay to play. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 02:01:58 PM I'm happy to say I sent him some money last go round. Every wannabe out there needs to tattoo that flow-chart onto his/her arm. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 03:04:34 PM I also can't believe that they actually did a Web browser cross-tab. Although considering the kinds of people that *still* use AOL, I could definitely see those results. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: To all the ladies in the world... BASENAME: to_all_the_ladies_in_the_world STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2009 10:28:34 AM ----- BODY: ...hope this makes up for not calling. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: We didn't start the flame war BASENAME: we_didnt_start_the_flame_war STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2009 03:28:36 PM TAGS: meta,video,web ----- BODY: Totally tasteless, politically incorrect and not safe for work. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 05:42:16 PM Surprised to see this pop up here. BTW: FIRST! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 07:30:09 PM Seems like something that belongs in a 2009 time capsule for future anthropologists to study. I'm happy to say this mid forty something figured most of it out.. Oh snap! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 09:21:10 PM Believe it or not, it "popped up" in the NY Times tech email from David Pogue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 11:56:03 PM *giggle* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 01:27:10 AM sadly, a scarily accurate representation ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2009 11:00:05 AM FTW! No noobs in this thread, that's for sure. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2009 01:30:09 PM IT'S A TRAAAAAAAP! The video is a fake! People need to stop bumping this thread to the top. I believe the picture in the video is perhaps the most famous picture in the history of the internet. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Social media primer BASENAME: social_media_primer STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2009 04:03:56 PM TAGS: "social media",twitter ----- BODY: Local Atlanta social media maven Tessa Horehled (from Drive a Faster Car), talks with Amani Channel about some of the helpful community actions she's initiated with twitter. Watch and learn here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: open_thread_3 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2009 07:32:18 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_thread.jpgThis movie looks pretty cool. Related story ( kind of) here. Those who "tweet" here. But as always I find truth much stranger and more interesting than fiction. I still can't tell if I think this looks fun or cruel. In the name of all that is holy, please stop sending me this picture! Sandcastles! Fun! Pirates, slower than our guys today . Is anyone going to read this book? What's new in your world? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 10:00:53 PM How much money do you think it would take to pay a ref to call another foul against Lebron James? It's a miracle he got one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2009 10:23:36 PM OMG. My church used to hold Donkey basketball games as fundraisers. Hadn't thought of that in eons. Thanks for the flashback. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 09:24:08 AM Totally going to read Elisabeth's book. Not only do i still completely remember both times I met her with clarity as a person I felt i could instantly trust, but she's been everywhere, on everything, from NPR to Oprah, talking about some of the stories from it. I'm hooked. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Lauren EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 09:44:56 AM I'm with Mel. I actually participated in one of the donkey fundraisers when I was in high school. Hard to imagine now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2009 02:53:47 AM Ha! (The original: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2009 02:58:11 AM Ha! (The original: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2009 02:44:56 PM I saw someone actually ROFL last night. No kidding. Fell right off the bench seat. No injuries. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: More stimulus stuff BASENAME: more_stimulus_stuff STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2009 09:33:14 PM TAGS: recovery,stimulus ----- BODY: has compiled a comprehensive list of stimulus Czars and web sites overseeing the funds in each state. Here in Georgia, Celeste Osborn, deputy chief financial officer, is the point person. The two government websites are Open Georgia, and Georgia Stimulus Accountability. Via NSI Stimulus Blog ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Support the American Clean Energy & Security Act BASENAME: support_the_american_clean_ene STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2009 11:27:12 PM TAGS: congress,energy,environment ----- BODY: blog_icon_earth.jpgFrom the mailbag, from Laura T.
    The American Clean Energy & Security Act is moving through the House Energy & Commerce Committee. President Obama met with E&C Democrats on Tuesday, May 5th, to urge them to craft a strong bill which would cap carbon emissions, grow clean energy solutions, foster innovation, create jobs, protect wildlife and break our addiction to foreign oil. But many are stuck in coming to terms with the "right" solution.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    The facts are so overwhelming that we know we must act now. One of the major ice shelves in Antarctica is on the verge of collapse and NASA is showing that the Arctic ice is melting faster than predicted. Wildlife are changing their patterns and some are facing extinction. While the world has experienced climate adjustment many times over thousands of years, this climate change is happening in one lifetime. The meat of this proposal is a cap-and-trade system which would allow for many solutions to emerge and require heavy green house gas emitters to trade or bank their emissions. The intelligent design of the system looks at renewable energy alternatives (solar, biomass, geothermal, energy efficiency) and carbon capture to promote forests and farms. And like any legislation, this is a work in progress with the goal to cut green house gas emissions 20% by 2020 and 83% by 2050. It needs to get out of the House Energy & Environment Subcommittee, move forward in the House Energy and Commerce Committee by Memorial Day and onto the House Floor this summer. The ultimate goal is to show the world that the United States is a leader in clean energy, not beholden to foreign oil interests and coming to the table in Copenhagen in December to show everyone that we are strong and formidable when it comes to creating a clean energy future. Please join us in contacting the following leaders of the Georgia Delegation in Congress to support a cap on carbon emissions and a clean energy future full of incredible potential. Congressman John Barrow Member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee (also Subcommittee on Energy & Environment) District 12 DC Office: 202-225-2823 Congressman Nathan Deal Member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee District 9 DC Office: 202-225-5211 Congressman Jim Marshall District 8 DC Office: 202-225-6531 Senator Johnny Isakson Recently stated: "It's in all of our interests to reduce carbon emissions" DC Office: 202-224-3643 Research on the Cost of Inaction 1. University of Maryland report "The Economic Impacts of Climate Change and the Costs of Inaction" provides a general analysis on the cost of inaction for the U.S. as a whole and state-based reports on economic impacts of unaddressed climate change for CO, GA, IL, KS, MD, MI, NV, NJ, NC, ND, OH, PA, and TN. Summary page (highlights of report, links to pdfs, and links to state-based analyses): 2. EDF fact sheets on cost of inaction (for all climate fact sheets go to -- General: Agriculture: National security: Health: 3. More general EDF resources... the Dangers of Global warming. This page addresses health, extreme weather, our economy, and fragile ecosystems: 4. For more information on the bill go to:
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Layoffs at GPB BASENAME: layoffs_at_gpb STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/08/2009 12:10:22 AM TAGS: gpb,layoffs,teyaryan ----- BODY: blog_icon_tv.jpgNew Georgia Public Broadcasting Executive Director Teya Ryan seems to have shown up a month or so ago packing a machete. Or so says IntownWriter. Teya Ryan, Teya Ryan, now where have I heard that name before? Oh that's right. h/t grift. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 09:01:23 PM This is such bullshit, Georgia Traveler and Lawmakers are the best shows on that network and they get so little support. These firings are embarrassing to our state and a blow to good broadcasting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2009 12:52:08 AM Geez, I think that's about everyone I knew down there, either as on air talent or otherwise. And most of their award winners too. Got to get rid of all that talent. We've got one of the suckiest PBS & NPR affiliates in the South for certain, and now we're going down the greasy pole faster now. Heckava Job there Teya! Can we trade you off to the G.W. Bush Library soon to do your wonder work over there? Just wondering... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/10/2009 01:32:30 AM She didn't "show up", she was recommended by our wonderful governor. Coincidence? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: That's gonna leave a mark BASENAME: thats_gonna_leave_a_mark STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/08/2009 12:54:31 AM TAGS: "randal mangham" ----- BODY: icon_gavel.jpgRep. Randal Mangham's bad day in court, from Fresh Loaf:
    State Rep. Randal Mangham, D-DeKalb, an attorney, was found liable by a DeKalb jury yesterday for a stunning $625,000 in damages for legal malpractice.
    The client, Karen Smith, accused Mangham of missing several filing deadlines and other procedural snafus that not only lost her the case but prevented her from re-filing. The two had already been to court in 2005, resulting in a $293,000 judgement against Mangham, who appealed the decision.
    It could be even more embarrassing. He could be a DPG officer now had he prevailed in 2007. Ride Sally ride. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 08:08:31 AM Has he resigned yet? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 09:56:52 AM This is mostly an aside, but an amusing example of a profession protecting its own: "According to some attorneys I spoke to, legal malpractice cases are somewhat rare because the burden of proof for the plaintiff is fairly high. It’s not like medical malpractice, where folks have been known to sue their doctors because they didn’t like the outcome of a surgical procedure." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 04:39:37 PM Resigned? When pigs fly. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 04:49:11 PM Yeah, I don't see him resigning.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 08:20:52 PM This isn't exactly the kind of thing one resigns from office for. Embarrassing? Of course. An indictment of his fitness for office? Not at all. If we had a litmus test where no one could hold office who was not successful at their day jobs, who exactly would we be left with? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2009 10:29:15 PM Point taken politicalaka. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2009 12:08:21 AM A really unusual case, as lawyers suing lawyers over malpractice is exceedingly rare. Ditto for the size of the judgment too. I don't know the particulars here, but Halt's been working on the issue for about 30 years now. I've belonged for about 20 of those. It's always been a sorely neglected issue. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Listen up. BASENAME: listen_up_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/11/2009 04:31:06 AM ----- BODY: iconPundits at your service. The 22nd Georgia Political Podcast is ready for your listening pleasure! Grift, Larry, Joseph, Grayson, and yours truly met up at Manuel's Saturday night to talk Governors, the AJC, and other randomly political topics. Take a listen. Thanks to the Georgia Podcast Network for their terrific work. As usual, Sunday night brought another edition of Kudzu Vine on BlogTalkRadio. This week the trio (David, Tim, and me) talked JJ Dinner and more with Martin Matheny; Jackson, MS mayors race with DeMiktric Biggs; and more. We touched on the investigative piece from the AJC regarding Insurance Commissioner (and 2010 candidate for Governor) John Oxendine's fund-raising. Excellent work from the AJC on this! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Oxendine responds. BASENAME: oxendine_responds STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/11/2009 05:37:58 AM ----- BODY: Travis has the details. While a quick response is often thought to be good - this one maybe could have benefited from a pause before sending. Here is a sample, but go read the whole thing, it's a study in how not to respond.
    If you are still in doubt as to the left-wing, anti-conservative, anti-American bias of the AJC, then consider this - with over a year to go before the Republican primary, they rushed this anti-Republican story in the Sunday Mother's Day edition. They placed it above a story of a real Georgia hero - Karmen Callaway, a Georgia Mom whose three sons are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    If you missed the AJC piece, here it is: Oxendine's Big Funder.
    Two Georgia insurance companies with the same boss funneled $120,000 -- nearly 10 times the legal limit -- to Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine's campaign for governor, records in Georgia and Alabama show. The documents show Oxendine, who wields regulatory power over all insurance companies in Georgia, received the money through 10 Alabama-based political action committees set up by Donald V. Watkins, a director of Admiral Life Insurance Co. of America and State Mutual Insurance. Both companies are headed by prominent businessman Delos "Dee" Yancey III and are run out of the same building in Rome. Georgia's Ethics-in-Government Act prohibits officials from taking money directly from companies they regulate. The law also prohibits funneling money through multiple PACs to get around contribution limits of $12,200 per candidate in an election cycle.
    Excellent work from Cameron McWhirter. Check out the details in the sidebar, too. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2009 08:53:15 AM Those folks over at PP are a regular laugh riot acting like no campaign would notice all those checks... I'm not sure what is sadder that we all buy that Ox folks didn't notice ( kind of stupid when every candidate I know knows when they get 50 cents and who it's from) or if they think I buying the stupid excuses. Oh and the really stupid thing is now he's got to keep his nose super duper clean for the next year! Doi, if I wanted that money, I'd have taken it like June of next year when it'd be too late for this kind of investigation. Geesh also this sure makes for some nice campaign attack ads too. Nitwit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2009 09:22:10 AM ugh, does this mean we're going to be left with Johnson and Handel on their side? Not even a fair fight :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2009 09:25:40 AM We can now understand why Oxendine is putting out all of this "Feds stay out of Georgia" talk. He wants to make Georgia has own little pond to play in without any meddling by those obnoxious FBI or FEC types. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2009 10:55:44 AM I guess it also never occured to the campaign staff that they might have to field a question or two about this. They seem very unprepared for that too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2009 11:03:04 AM In the follow up article, they talk to "Oxendine strategist" Jeff Breedlove". Mr. Breedlove also is on the staff of the Georgia State Senate Research Office. Mr. Breedlove also happens to be married to Kathryn Ballou, Ox's campaign manager. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2009 05:04:02 PM Republicans will always be a source of much luls. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Digital Day of Action BASENAME: digital_day_of_action STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/11/2009 08:15:45 AM ----- BODY: icon Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund, LCCREF, we invite you to help educate the community about the upcoming Digital Television conversion on June 12th. WAND, LCCREF, and LCCREF's local partners will be going door-to-door delivering Digital TV coupon applications, information packets, and stressing the importance of the transition deadline date. We provide the training, water, light snacks and the community maps to reach folks who may not know about the June 12th conversion. We will meet at 9:30 am for a brief training and head out to the community. Why help? While you may have cable, satellite, or a newer digital television, there are many in our community who still rely on analog television and use an older tv with an antenna. Communities of color, people who rely on languages other than English, low-income working families, elders, immigrants, and people with disabilities are more likely to rely on over-the-air TV for emergency public service announcements, and they will be most affected on June 12. Sign up here to help us on Saturday. More on the neighborhoods here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Our targeted areas are: Norcross (partnering with LISTA - Latinos in Information Science and Technology) LISTA Techno Centro 5935 S Norcross Tucker Rd Suite #11 Norcross, GA 30093 Clarkston (partnering with the Clarkston Community Center) 3701 College Avenue Clarkston, GA 30021 Southwest Atlanta (partnering with the Coalition for the Peoples Agenda). Pittsburgh Community Improvement Association 942 McDaniel Street SW Atlanta, GA 30310 Sign Up below for the community you'd like to help! Bilingual volunteers welcomed and encouraged! If you have any questions please contact Juliana Illari 770-314-4776 or ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2009 09:43:15 PM Thanks for this Juliana, But Umm, they already blew up my TV with the digital wonder. And it happened way before June too. GPBTV went out months ago. So did their membership checks too. I called them to confirm the problem. They never called back. A twenty year household membership, gone for now. Still, it's what I'll miss the most. Heck, I was once able to pick up 'Bama's APTV most days! They rock on Local & state public affairs people! Where's there a cable company that can supply that to me? So I've got a useless converter box that can not pick up any signals in such fringe areas. I was saying this long before all the hoopla, but essentially for many, many suburban & rural residents? This means 'you've got to buy cable/satellite'. And I'm sorry, plenty of folks just can't afford that. Especially now that everyone's in dire straights. They reckon that it's less than 5-10Mil, I say it could easily be as much as 20Mil or more who are not being served. So if you're in the city, the box might work. Perhaps for Cobb too. But for anyone @ more than 35-45Mi out? Forget about it! So yeah, I've got plenty of alternative information sources. I even get simulcasts & rebroadcasts of the local TV news on the radio. And of course the net. But I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for all sorts of useless garbage that I don't want or need, just to get the minimal service that I watch on a regular basis on the TV. And the Stats people over @ Nielsen etc. want to know where their audiences went? Aways guys. They went away. Heckava Job! Again, I can afford it as many can not. But I've never had it, and never felt the need to get it. Never felt deprived. It's one more useless household expense that is 95% wasted on me. It has limited marginal utility, hence it never got 'purchased'. Come up with an 'a la carte' plan (pay for only those channels you really watch or want), and I'll be more interested. But that's a 25 year argument that makes perfect sense to most people except for the owners & operators who love to charge you for things you really don't need, want or use. As a direct result? Survey's now show people are actually watching less TV for the first time since it's inception as a broadcast medium. Again, Heckava job! Advantage: Youtube! I'm doing more reading too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2009 07:59:55 AM Sorry to thear all this JMP.. But don't give up just are a couple things I'd try. First call the FCC. 1-888-225-5322, folks there are really very nice, they will step through a few things with you that might help. Also, since the "official" change over is still in process, channels are coming on a few at a time, so if you "rescan" you might pick up a few - and for sure you are going to want to rescan on the 12th. You also might try getting a slightly more powerful antenna as well. Try going to the site they will have other tips an so forth. Don't give up! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2009 10:19:58 AM GPB chose to convert prior to June because keeping the analog transmitters going was expensive and if they broke down it was going to be even more expensive to repair something they soon wouldn't need (the transmitters were 40 years old and showing their age). And if you really have a need to get the local news from Alabama? Get a better antenna. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2009 11:17:17 PM Thanks Guys, My reception was pretty marginal in any case, but I could get sound & pictures, now of course nothing. The FCC's been swamped, and I don't have the time to spend on hold for hours. I knew what the deal with GPTV was, but it was about the only real clear stations we got. That's been a tremendous disappointment. Like I said, I strongly suspect that it's 20Mil or more who are being 'left out' of the transition. Me? I'll make it voluntary for as long as I can. Most of the rapacious cable companies etc. are the worst of the worst as far as corporate governance, customer service & satisfaction & ever escalating costs are concerned. And no, we don't have to take it! As for 'Bama, I've got little need of their news, it's just a bit more interesting than ours. There programming is a bit better & actually more adventuresome & has more local 'Southern' content. They took back their Leg too (partly) we might dream of that perhaps soon. Hence my interest in what they might be doing 'differently'. And yes, I know how strange that sounds now. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Instead of JJ. BASENAME: instead_of_jj STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/12/2009 05:10:04 AM ----- BODY: bonegarden1.JPG Tonight you have a great opportunity. You can help the Atlanta Community Food Bank and have a yummy supper. The ACFB Supper Club is at The Bone Garden Cantina tonight! Great food, great drinks (try the sangria!) for a great cause. 20% of your tab benefits the important programs of the Atlanta Community Food Bank. So, if like me, $250 was way out of your Tuesday night dinner budget, follow the giant mariachi skeleton to the Bone Garden, 1425 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd. Suite 6, Atlanta 30318. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2009 02:44:24 PM We would love to be there with you guys tonight, but we're helping to host a job preperation fair this Saturday in Newton County and tonight is the final get together to get all our ducks in a row with our fellow hosts. $250...bwahahahahaaa. Lost their minds they have! I'll gladly save my money for August and the GADCC dinner. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2009 04:42:45 PM Can I defend the DPG for a minute? I know there's a lot here who want to complain about the $250 entry but you know what, it is a fundraiser. It's not meant to be cheap. Additionally, there is probably more money to be had from people who can cough up the additional $150 and will do so, than what will be lost from people who can't cover the price increase. At any rate, that point is moot. Tickets are sold out. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2009 06:06:38 PM I'm thrilled that it's sold out and wish them a wonderful event. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Live from the Hyatt Regency - the DPG Jefferson-Jackson dinner BASENAME: live_from_the_hyatt_regency_- STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/12/2009 06:36:53 PM TAGS: jefferson-jackson ----- BODY: 6:38 P.M. Was late getting here b/c of work, but it looks to be very packed. They are now ringing the supper bell but I will try to get some photos up before I head in.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: The CCDC chair emeriti, David Wilkerson and John Dooley:
    Our dear friends Senator Cleland and Pat Dooley:
    Some of the North Fulton contingent (and YD friend Jan Hackney):
    And some forlorn-looking candidate tables.
    6:59 P.M. Y'all at Bone Garden are probably enjoying better and cheaper food and drink as I write this (but I'm immune, I couldn't eat those chips even if I were there, damn teeth). Dinner bell guy is still ringing (and very blurry):
    Obligatory photo of Our Next Attorney General (I bet the campaign logo will just have that on it, his actual name won't be important anymore).
    The DuBose crew is here - WWRD? (What Would Roy Do?). I like the dark purple shirts, kind of a Mark Taylor look without the green (which sucked, like many other things).
    7:13 P.M. I've finally made my way into the dining room (last time I was here I was dressed in costume for Dragon Con, it looks a little different now). Dare I say, this looks almost... glitzy. There are TV cameras all around and in general it looks like there is a high level of media interest (more than I remember from 2007 at least).

    The media managed to find our labor commissioner, although I didn't stop to listen to what he was saying. I imagine if it was even marginally interesting we'll know about it soon enough.
    7:21 P.M. Camera is on two battery bars, so switching to text for a bit. Not sure what the official schedule is (like it matters), but Will Fowlkes is apparently emcee'ing and he just asked the state senators to move to stage left. As an aside (since I just mentally squelched a really snarky comment), anyone get that e-mail from Winifred Dukes today? 7:25 P.M. We're playing a personalized video greeting from DNC chair Tim Kaine (still feels a bit weird saying that), so I guess we're ostensibly getting under way at the moment. Despite us being a "true battleground" in 2008, unless we get some candidates out there I dunno if 2010 is going to be a repeat. We're getting the standard pep talk - but hey, after a 100 days like this, and Barack still at 66% approval, what's not to like savoring? 7:29 P.M. Oh, speaking of Winifred Dukes, guess who's on stage? Took two tries to get a good response to "Good evening Democrats". Not sure if Rep. Dukes is ever going to end up in a fox hole, or if he would really want to be hangin' out there with Sen. Robert Brown, who has just been introduced to introduce our 22 state Senators (ain't the "Fighting 22" anymore, not after THIS session). 7:33 P.M. Rep. Pedro Marin is coming to the stage now - he just greeted us in Spanish, a fact which will no doubt be noted by the Chip Rodgers of our fine state. 7:44 P.M. Jane is on stage now, reading a letter from Jim Martin, who no doubt has the envy of everyone here - he's on vacation in Europe, which at these ticket prices probably didn't cost him much more than Jane's dress. This is the first time I've seen her that I can recall where she hasn't been wearing something blue. I'm not DFI-certified, but this looks good on her, and I somehow managed not to take a terrible picture of her for once.
    7:49 P.M. Thurbert Baker just introduced Gov. Sanders. I wonder how much this commemorative video they're playing cost to produce? (hopefully less than DPG's web site, which I'm afraid hasn't improved much since I critiqued it). There's nothing but salad at the moment - me quiero whatever y'all at BGT are having. 8:01 P.M. Carl Sanders, accepting GG #1:
    YD friend Steve Leeds introduced Mayor Franklin for GG #2. You can see the media getting up close.

    Mike Berlon and Rex Templeton are recognizing the Tom Murphy award recipients, who are Rep. Al Williams, Bill Dennis, Judy Chattister, Leanne Levitan, Joanne Martin, Winnie Cox, Steve Day, Shirley Hunt, Pete Thomas, Barbara Johnson, Guy Drexinger, Pat Gillis, Terrell Starr, and Ben Myers (my apologies to these fine individuals for misspelling their names). Mike Thurmond is introducing our keynote speaker. Maybe I just missed the food sitting here at this laptop? 8:16 P.M. We're mid-keynote. I DID miss the food. I'm averaging $100 per piece of bread so far. This guy looks a little like Steny Hoyer, neh?
    8:22 P.M. I like this speech - it might be entitled "We Won, But We Have To Finish the Job". I think he's right when he says we still don't have a message other than "change" - worked great this time, but won't work in 2010 or 2012. It's about capitalizing on the promise, with the analogy being that the 60's really came to naught when all was said and done. 8:29 P.M. "Don't succumb to the Republican disease of becoming the church that roots out the heretics." That line got spontaneous applause. Are you listening, MoveOn? The governor is wrapping up and this was much more enjoyable than Evan Bayh in 2007. 8:32 P.M. Jane just handed us over to the benediction - I was wondering when we were going to get this. I guess the program is done. I'm going to go find some more leftover bread. 8:53 P.M. Last post - but hey, the fact that we've been done for 20+ minutes and there are still plenty of people socializing seems notable in itself. This feels like the shortest JJ ever, which is great because people can schmooze more. I vividly remember the World Congress center one clearing out *quick*, whereas even Gov. Barnes stayed long enough for me to run into him.
    Incidentally, Nikema had a chat with Sam about something. I have no idea what it was about, but it seemed peaceful enough. Thus another JJ ends. Someone tell me how the cantina was. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2009 10:48:33 PM Thank You Thank You for this update. You are the best, and I will buy you your next dinner as soon as you can eat it. I was stuck at a board meeting tonight that I couldn't miss. I didn't even get to go to Bone Garden. I'm sure everyone is partying at Manuels. Again, this is great- I owe you AA ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2009 11:25:47 PM Thanks for the update AA, And we were glad to lend along our bread for the effort too. We could have offered up some spare salads & deserts as well. You could have asked! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 03:57:09 AM Yes, AA. Thanks for attending so we didn't have to. Another amazing live blog! You are the best. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Calling out Chris Vaughn BASENAME: calling_out_chris_vaughn_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/14/2009 12:30:09 AM TAGS: ripoff ----- BODY: Really Chris? Here's Lisa Borders' website that launched on April 2, created by Trigger ID in Atlanta. And here's perennial candidate Chis Vaughn's "new" website, NOT created by Trigger ID. How many similarities can you count? He even ripped off the social networking icons directly from the Border's website. Maybe it's because I'm a designer, but a candidate's visual materials speak volumes to me. In this case, we have a candidate without an original thought or idea, who clearly isn't ready for prime time. Since Vaughn has run for something in every election cycle in recent memory, maybe he could just change his masthead from year to year and call it done. Chris Vaughn for Atlanta? Now that's a ridiculous notion. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 10:43:23 AM Although technically speaking, the original ideas are due to Ms. Trigg. I think a bigger issue is the lack of ethics and attention to detail ("Aw, just throw up some look-alike site, it doesn't matter") inherent in stealing someone else's design. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 11:13:03 AM yeah, i mean dud ran as a republican for congress in the 4th, then as a democrat for...well just about everything else. he's a copy, a very thin copy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 01:59:06 PM Tacky, cheap, and unethical. The Trifecta of Politics! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Reggie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 10:09:12 PM Actually, Tim, he ran as a Democrat in the 4th; it was in 2004, when Denise Majette had resigned and Cynthia McKinney regained her seat. But I agree with everything else you and everyone here says. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 11:03:58 PM All that and he wore a hideous jacket on election night 2005. HIDEOUS I'm telling you- it's how many years later and I'm still scared. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 02:23:08 PM I am sick and tired of Chris Vaughn, Keisha Waites and the entire crew of perpetual candidates who keep terrorizing our city and its elections. Dude, do some work in your community, learn how to build a darn campaign, and then come back and run when you have more supporters than yourself and your mama. It's so freaking annoying. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: useless.miscellany EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/16/2009 06:10:34 PM It's even more of an insult to real web developers on both ends, since he's copying an already horrible website from Trigger ID. Errors everywhere, bad designs in Campaign Window. You just can't package and copy other people, especially if they're poorly packaged already. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: useless.miscellany EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/16/2009 06:12:21 PM It's even more of an insult to real web developers on both ends, since he's copying an already horrible website from Trigger ID. Errors everywhere, bad designs in Campaign Window. You just can't package and copy other people, especially if they're poorly packaged already. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/17/2009 12:10:07 AM Really useles.miscellany?? Really? You should get your facts straight and stop hating on Trigger ID. What's your beef? Does Angela threaten you? Are ya feeling inferior in your own website creativity? What errors? and contrary to your very small knowledgebase the site wasn't done in Campaign Windows. You just can't argue with folks who come into the conversation with limited intelligence. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/17/2009 12:50:30 PM I stand corrected, although i could have sworn there was a GOP-run in there somewhere. oh well, Imitation is the highest form of flattery? Prob doesn't apply to politics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: useless.miscellany EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/17/2009 04:04:14 PM

    I don't understand the personal attack, see as how you really don't know anything about me, Smitty. I was challenging the quality of the product in comparison to the ripoff, not Angela Trigg. Please refrain from confusing subjects and objects.

    I do know these things:

    Considering that, I also know this about, and the quality of CW, not Angela Trigg personally (remember, you made this personal, not I):

    Defending practices that represent the old ways of the web is offensive to those of us in the industry. Not everyone can create the next high powered website, and while Angela seems to be a competent programmer, building the entire CW platform from what seems to be scratch, these tools are two to three years behind in usability and design. The bar has been raised on campaigns online, and both sites don't seem to meet it. I hope this claifies any personal misperceptions you have about someone you do not know.

    ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/17/2009 04:27:11 PM Useless: I'm pretty sure you just blew the flimsy cover your moniker gave you to make the attack on your competitor. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: portland EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/17/2009 06:03:46 PM "Every $100 contribution helps us send out a robo-call to your neighborhood." Really? He wants us to donate so he can spam us over the phone. That's swell. I still remember the debate for congress and lol about it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/17/2009 06:52:29 PM IRE, Perhaps not the best of form, but when you tear apart someone else's design, it is not a personal attack. It can still sting, but that's the unfortunate nature of technical work. Although the dude / dudette seems to be tip-toeing on the line with the phrase "seems to be an adequate programmer" which is a slam on skills to the more computer science / engineering types. In some circles, a programmer is someone who finishes a two-year DeVry course but can't really design. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: plange EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 01:04:07 PM useless.miscellany -- not sure why all the hate. We're all trying to make a living here. You may say that using table-design is oh-so passe' and that's your right, but I get tired of the high and mighty attitude designers have with that (seems like usually the same folk get high and mighty about other technologies as well and look down on others from their superior heights). They also are usually designers that are not working under very tight deadlines with clients who are very exacting and want things to work on all browsers. I have to say that I've spent WAAAAY more time making pure CSS sites than sites that I can whip out with table design in no time flat. When CSS becomes mainstream enough that the browsers can all agree on it, then that's a game changer; but if I have to write hacks for not only different browsers, but different browser versions, then that's not clean code. And it's not efficient. I actually have a system of coding that allows for quick changes in design with the same code, so just because you think it's not using CSS it must be one big long spaghetti code, think again. I actually am proud of my modular coding style that I've developed over the years. It's efficient, and elegant code. That's something a programmer can be proud of. To clarify -- they are NOT using CampaignWindow for the website. They are, however, using it for the email campaign. I've also been very upfront with customers of the limitations of our email product, as that's not our main thing. I've always said, if you want tracking, etc., go with something like ConstantContact or MailChimp. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: plange EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 01:07:24 PM And with the HTML validation -- you caught me there, but in my defense, I had less than a week to create not only the front, but the back end that manages it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 07:56:49 PM useless.miscellany, I'll just respond to your Campaign Window comments, because that's what I know. At the time it was developed, 3 or 4 years ago now, there was nothing like it for the price, and still isn't. If you are a candidate or organization on a limited budget, for less than $150 you get a: website, email blaster, content management system, online contribution tie-in, volunteer management, and a bunch of other useful stuff all in one package. This doesn't mean it's perfect. I wish it were faster and had a modular template system like the new MovableType, to make design easier. I also wish it had a second tier, maybe joomla based. That aside, it's still a great value. There are now a few other options available that I've been meaning to explore. Constant Contact now offers joomla sites in their product line, but I haven't investigated the price. I'm sure it's more than a flat rate of $150. As for NGP, yes they have some powerful tools, but are cost prohibitive for most candidates. Even at those rates, they can't seem to afford to hire design talent. These are the people who stuck us with that horrible "mammy" DPG logo and a website that looks like it stepped out of 1996. Still, I recommend them to candidates with larger budgets because they are about the only game in town at that level. It's just a shame their end product, while it is probably very cleanly coded, often looks so dismal. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Welcome Tom Crawford BASENAME: welcome_tom_crawford STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/14/2009 12:49:16 PM TAGS: TomCrawford ----- BODY: crawford.jpgIf you haven't hit "refresh" today, you might have missed a new blog on the sidebar. At long last, after much cajoling on my part, we're very happy to announce our blog team will now include veteran political reporter Tom Crawford, posting on /poli. In real life, Tom is the editor of Georgia Report, an Internet news service that covers the General Assembly and all aspects of Georgia politics.
    Tom has been involved in Georgia politics for more than 30 years, covering his first General Assembly session in 1974 when the governor, a fellow named Jimmy Carter, was squabbling with the lieutenant governor, a former restaurant owner named Lester Maddox. He was a newspaper reporter and editor for 11 years with the Atlanta Journal, the Montgomery Advertiser and the Marietta Daily Journal. He wrote about government and politics at the state and local levels during that period, getting to know many of the colorful characters who have defined Southern politics. He maintained his involvement in the political scene after leaving newspaper journalism, working as a speechwriter and public relations adviser in the late 1980s and 1990s. He returned to political reporting in 2000 as editor of the online news service Capitol Impact's Georgia Report. He is a frequent guest analyst for "The Lawmakers" on Georgia Public Television and contributes political columns to Georgia Trend magazine and several newspapers around the state.
    In what we're calling "the grand experiment", Tom will blog here about more offbeat, humorous and thoughtful asides on politics that might not be appropriate for his straight news gigs. But be warned, he promises to skewer Republicans and Democrats alike. And that's just fine by me. Please go welcome Tom, and check him out daily. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TK EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 03:08:40 PM Excellent addition to BfD. Tasso ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 03:09:44 PM Sweet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 04:15:49 PM cool! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 04:32:19 PM This is VERY cool! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 04:57:48 PM He's already posted more in one day than we sometimes post in a week. He's off and running. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2009 10:38:44 PM Way cool. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_78 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/15/2009 05:21:10 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_thread.jpgRoxana Saberi arrives in Vienna. What a relief. Chrysler dealers unprepared for Project Genesis are soon to close. I know Star Trek is all the rage but someone needs to tell them that Project Genesis from the Wrath of Khan isn't going to help. Thanks to Velcro brand products, astronauts have replaced the Hubble Camera. Four more space walks to come. Watch every minute at Welcome to Atlanta. Jeff Ament (Pearl Jam Bassist) was assaulted and robbed outside an Atlanta studio. Nice. Leo? Harry? Johnny? Who would you pick to play Sinatra? Martin's looking. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rusty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 07:22:27 AM I think of you anytime I hear someone say Velcro now, and am frequently tempted to ask them if they mean Velcro brand hook and loop, or if they mean generic hook and loop. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 08:55:01 AM Does anyone understand how closing dealers helps the manufacturer? Are the dealers not paying for the cars they order? I wouldn't rule out Kevin Spacey for Sinatra. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 09:11:32 AM I would say the effects are 1) deflood the market and help raise the sale price, which would probably also help raise the manufacturer's price. Also, I'm guessing there is some finite cost to maintaining the network such as supervision, ensuring quality is up to Chrysler standards, and so on. The foreign automakers seem to have resisted putting dealerships on every block, so there must be some advantages out there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 09:21:12 AM There's also an almost Twitter-like status feed of the repair mission on Facebook. I think someone at JSC or maybe Marshall is doing the updating. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 09:45:46 AM JerryT, it's complicated, my brother explained it to me and I'm still not sure I understand, but essentially yes. There's this rather complicated system called "floorplan" which essentially means the dealership never really buys the cars but instead finance them through the manufacturer. The debt is only called after the car is sold. As money got tight for the manufacturers and the dealers had trouble selling, the weird system began to fall apart. This article explains it better. Ultimately, dealerships are a not really businesses but a franchised distribution network. When times were good that network was expanded. Now its feeling the dual pressure of a bad economy and the internet (eBay, the internet always has a part) and the network is contracting. Hmmmm. Maybe I should interview my brother and publish it. That might be interesting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 09:54:06 AM Good news about Roxana Saberi. Now we just need to get Laura Ling and Euna Lee out of North Korea. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 11:01:24 AM Now that you mention that, Grift, isn't that floorplan financing what got Jerry Lundgaard in trouble in Fargo? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 11:49:39 AM I have no idea what this means. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 01:14:01 PM "Yah, I'm cooperatin' here!" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 01:19:14 PM I'm listening to some good old fashioned blues (Pinetop Perkins at the moment) on Pandora and watching the astronauts live on It just doesn't get much better than this. I hope they are done by happy hour because it's gonna be hard to break away. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 01:23:24 PM The consensus on the lefty blogs is that the poll is an outlier. Thirty years of polling has shown no appreciable change in support for the right to choose. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2009 03:00:44 PM It's also problematic when you poll on labels rather than actual policy views. This is the kind of thing that makes Luntz rich, but doesn't necessarily improve our discourse. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/16/2009 02:52:39 AM Maybe I'm giving too much credit to the President, but Obama himself has done a lot rhetoric-wise to move the Democratic Party's position from being stridently pro-choice to kinda pro-choice plus trying to reduce abortions. Maybe that's a wider change. I think on social issues the US tends to overall trend more liberal over the long span of history but there's a lot more hiccups than on issues like economic justice (where most Americans are essentially New Deal/Great Society proponents and have been since the New Deal era). The worst part about social issues is that they are the ultimate wedges. A Princeton professor's presentation I once went and watched proved to me pretty convincingly that if you removed race and social issues from the U.S. electoral patterns, we'd be like Norway right now. Which would kick ass. So boo social issues. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/16/2009 05:27:43 PM "Maybe I'm giving too much credit to the President, but Obama himself has done a lot rhetoric-wise to move the Democratic Party's position from being stridently pro-choice to kinda pro-choice plus trying to reduce abortions. Maybe that's a wider change." Obama? Have we forgotten "safe, legal, and rare"? I'm pretty sure it was the Clinton machine that brought the meme into the political lexicon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/16/2009 06:25:33 PM And Howard Dean who instructed the DNC and advised related candidate committees to drop the pro-choice test when looking for candidates in more conservative districts. Of course, the same crowds that get peeled away on social issues would still get peeled away with the "you can't let those cowards leave the brown people alone" kind of rhetoric. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/17/2009 04:02:58 AM Oh yay, more bogus distinctions between "social" and non-social issues. You know what a "social" issue is? One that doesn't affect you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 02:23:11 AM "Oh yay, more bogus distinctions between "social" and non-social issues. You know what a "social" issue is? One that doesn't affect you." That's a pretty bold assumption, but I would say that I agree with Dean and Obama on this one, that some issues that are divisive wedge issues can take the back seat because they are less important, and everyone makes that distinction and thinks some issues are more important than others, so there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 03:02:11 AM Back too soon Z? Are there not any decent prospects at your B&P event? Now tell us why they're wedge issues & how they were 'discovered', developed & manipulated. That would be a nice start. They exist for a reason. They always have. To mobilize fear & loathing. On a mass scale. It's been more or less effective around the globe too. Throughout history. That's why they're so cherished & used for mostly special occasions. Think about it. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 09:59:43 AM Zaid, have you ever wondered whether your tolerance of sexism and homophobia undermines your desire for economic justice, or do you just dream about how quickly the workers' paradise would arrive if only those bitches and fags weren't so demanding of their human rights? Some issues are "divisive wedge issues," but they are issues because of the bigots who wish to perpetuate oppression and they are divisive because of the depth of their hatred. Maybe you should lay the blame on them, rather than join them in claiming that some people's rights are less important than others. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 11:57:37 AM Great thread! A+ would read again! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 03:29:37 PM "tolerance of sexism and homophobia" I wasn't aware I had these, all I said was I agreed with Dean and Obama on where the priorities should lie politically. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 05:20:11 PM Don't be tedious. If by "social issues" you didn't mean what most mean when they refer to "social issues" - namely, the right to choose and women's rights generally and gay and lesbian equality - then what did you mean? Really, locate your gonads and say what issues - and by extension, which people - are unimportant. And don't bother with the appeal to authority, either. I don't care what Dean or Obama beleive, or what you think they believe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 06:56:48 PM You should understand that one's personal beliefs are definitely separate from political pragmatism. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 08:17:22 PM Way to avoid the question. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 08:54:38 PM Now, I don't think the question is even legitimate. In its list of assumptions is that if I rank an issue lower for electoral pragmatism reasons that I think it's unimportant (I don't) and that I'm a sexist and homophobe (what the fuck?). Let's see, I write on a blog with six gay co-authors and have written probably two-dozen posts in favor of marriage equality. As for being sexist, I don't even know of a political issue where I could advocate sexism, was I against Lilly Ledbetter without knowing it? Maybe subconsciously? I'm just recognizing the fact that you're not going to win Oklahoma's 4th district by saying you support same sex marriage, and that there's a lot of great pro-life Democrats out there that we shouldn't try to butt out of the coalition. That's a matter of political pragmatism. It's better to have someone who half agrees with you in office than someone who doesn't agree with you at all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 10:19:58 PM I think we just wanted to know which issues you saw as less politically pragmatic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 10:23:19 PM Trying to be pro-choice or supporting same-sex marriage in conservative-leaning districts are the major ones. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 10:51:43 PM Are those the issues that you speak of here, "that some issues that are divisive wedge issues can take the back seat because they are less important?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2009 11:23:41 PM Sorry I'm the only one allowed in BforD's Sexist-Homophobe Caucus. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 12:27:32 AM A handful of Democrats being elected who are pro-life isn't going to get the law changed, and same-sex marriage is something that'll be fought at the state level for about another 10 years I'd estimate before someone at the federal level can take it up with some degree of political safety. "Sorry I'm the only one allowed in BforD's Sexist-Homophobe Caucus." But I was willing to pay membership dues in Pat Buchanan books and the tears of pregnant women! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 01:00:21 AM Oh, man, I'm going to get yelled at for that one... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 04:12:29 AM Silly boy, trix are for Kids... Yeah, the tears of pregnant women. As payment of a debt incurred by another. A laugh riot. On so many levels Z. Geesh. Let's get back to something ignored: History. That nice Princeton Poli-Sci prof with all the graphs & figures? A very common variety of fool. An educated & civilized one to be certain, but one with perhaps less practical experience in everyday reality as it's actually lived here on the ground. All those black, brown & colored people? They make & made history, as you can well surmise. Here & elsewhere. As full citizens & not. True, for the first few decades after our founding they were not seen as typically part of the common franchise of citizenship. But they were there, still with us helping to build & fight to defend our country. Ditto for women, BTW. You really can't write history, not even political history, without taking into account the aspirations and increasing importance of the needs, wants & desires for freedom and emancipation of each of these groups. And certainly not much past the 1820's say. The first 'nullification crisis' happens on Andy Jackson's watch (1828-1832), and eventually it was the most singular cause, wrapped around the vital economic core of slavery economics that led to the Civil War. Last shots by fired? Variously attributed, but let's say around 1865. The great Civil & Voting Rights Acts to actually be effectively & consistently enforced the Federal Government? One hundred years later, under LBJ. Ditto for Women's Rights. Seventy two years from the Declarations from Seneca Falls to the adoption of universal suffrage for Women in the US with the adoption of the 19th Amendment. And that was Just for the right to vote. More legal rights took decades more of battles & very long & exhausting political fights. Same sex marriage as a political issue in the US? Perhaps only less than 20-25 years old, and only seriously as a National campaign issue of some importance in the last 10 years. Women's rights activists were told for years that they needed to first fight for the franchise of African American men in the 1850's & 1860's. They commonly did, and it certainly delayed the arrival of their suffrage for various complicated reasons. (The pols of the day were often able to 'divide & conquer' then as now). Ditto for the enforcement of Civil Rights for African Americans. They were told that it was 'not time' & too soon' to act on these issues throughout the 1930's & 40's. The great FDR coalition was not enough to try and successfully stop the bestially repugnant practice of systematized lynching murders throughout the South & elsewhere. Many were locally sanctioned by community leaders in the KKK, some of them well known 'law enforcement' officials. So this? Coming from anyone is sheer idiocy: "...proved to me pretty convincingly that if you removed race and social issues from the U.S. electoral patterns, we'd be like Norway right now. Which would kick ass. So boo social issues." It's never been true for the US, and really it's never been true much of anywhere in a democracy worthy of the name. Not even Norway, BTW. Long deadly & bloody encounters were written on the bodies and the landscape trying to 'overcome' some of these pesky 'social issues'. Even the seemingly 'simple ones' we take for granted today. Social issues? It's history, Z. It's the stuff that makes us who & what we are today. Believe it or not. Your ignorance and the benign neglect of or tacit refusal to acknowledge reality from the standard issue poli-sci PhD. dunces notwithstanding. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 08:44:32 AM Like I said, Are those the issues that you speak of here, "that some issues that are divisive wedge issues can take the back seat because they are less important?" Which of these divisive wedge issues are less important? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 09:39:47 AM Zaid, Thought experiment - how tolerant are / should you be expected to be of Democrats who go down the full range of issues ... making America a Socialist paradise, sponsoring state weddings for gays, and providing Medicare funding for abortions, BUT also declare that Afghanistan and Pakistan are terrorist havens that will require twenty years of military-backed reform in order to draw into the civilized world? It might almost be enough to send someone's support to a third party. (And personally, I think Obama's making a huge mistake increasing our presence there) We've all got our priority sets. Sometimes we work on our own, sometimes we help others. But, as therapeutic as it would be to say "if only X wasn't in the tent always making life rough," it's counter-productive. And the assholes in your opposition will always find an excuse to demonize you. Politics isn't about reason on the fringes. It's about someone's ox getting gored (esp. in economic issues), and them grabbing onto any little sliver of an issue they can to block it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 10:01:50 AM I've often felt that there should be mandatory gay marriages. Like, you got a 50/50 shot that the government will force you to have a gay marriage. So like, one day I could be walking down the road and the government comes up and is like "Are you 453-33-3133?" (at this point we have all switched to governmental ID #s for our names) and I go "yeah" and they go "you are marrying 314-69-6969", and it is a dude. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 02:15:47 PM "I've often felt that there should be mandatory gay marriages. Like, you got a 50/50 shot that the government will force you to have a gay marriage. So like, one day I could be walking down the road and the government comes up and is like "Are you 453-33-3133?" (at this point we have all switched to governmental ID #s for our names) and I go "yeah" and they go "you are marrying 314-69-6969", and it is a dude." That's Facebook quote material ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 03:14:36 PM "some issues that are divisive wedge issues can take the back seat because they are less important" Spoken like someone who has no skin in the game on either issue, and so can dismiss the constitutencies behind them when politically expedient. Perhaps if you'd ever had to contemplate having an abortion, or watched your state constitutionally prohibit you from ever marrying the person you loved, you might understand why people took offense at the suggestion that their real life concerns are "less important" and "can take a backseat" to whatever it is you have deemed to be more achievable priorities. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 05:02:21 PM Did you all not vote for Barack Obama, who followed exactly my advice on both abortion and gay marriage? It's hilarious I've become the right winger here. It's actually kind of awesome. IRE and RuralDem can take a breather. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 05:12:15 PM Actually, I'm less " homophobic" than Barack Obama because at least I'll openly advocate for same sex marriage even if I'll tolerate politicians not advocating for it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 05:25:45 PM Zaid, The problem is that you like to dance around issues. Drew stated: You know what a "social" issue is? One that doesn't affect you. You responded: That's a pretty bold assumption, but I would say that I agree with Dean and Obama on this one, that some issues that are divisive wedge issues can take the back seat because they are less important, and everyone makes that distinction and thinks some issues are more important than others, so there. Drew then inquires as to what issues you're referring: If by "social issues" you didn't mean what most mean when they refer to "social issues" - namely, the right to choose and women's rights generally and gay and lesbian equality - then what did you mean? You refuse to answer the question, then state: Now, I don't think the question is even legitimate. In its list of assumptions is that if I rank an issue lower for electoral pragmatism reasons that I think it's unimportant (I don't) and that I'm a sexist and homophobe (what the fuck?). Except that earlier you stated that certain issues were in fact less important, so what the fuck? If you think abortion and gay marriage are less important, say it. If you don't think they're less important, then tell us about which less important divisive wedge issues you were talking about. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 05:27:39 PM And btw, I am not accusing you of being some sort of right-winger. I just appreciate honesty in opinion, something you could learn from RuralDem and IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 06:08:34 PM If you really believe that abortion and gay rights aren't important enough issues to be political priorities for the Democratic party, then have the balls to say so. If you believe they are too politically dangerous to be pushed by the Democratic party right now, then say so. Jen is right, it's the dancing around you do after you get challenged that is annoying as hell. I can give an example of a wedge issue that I think is not important enough that it can be temporarily relegated to the back seat, but I'm not really inclined to help you out here. But I will give you a big hint: it's not a social issue. That's where your slip was showing just a smidge. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 06:56:53 PM I'm not with the extreme pro choice crowd, I'm more moderate on that issue personally. I do support full gay rights including marriage rights, but I think at a national level the gay marriage issue is a nonstarter and has to be done at the states. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 07:19:05 PM I should point out I actually voted for candidates in the Senate and Presidential primary that backed marriage equality. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 07:19:52 PM FWIW, Zaid, I referenced your tolerance for homophobia and sexism, not your homophobia and sexism. But I suppose that is a narrow distinction. Nor did I accuse you of being a right-winger - far from it, really, as I thought the reference to the "workers paradise" would make clear. What I read in those comments was the failure to recognize that "We are tied together in the single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality," as evidenced by the dismissal of the fundamental rights of some people as mere "social issues" that are "less important" than other issues and that have hampered efforts to establish an American social democracy. Which is both really wrong and a little insulting. Otherwise, I don't know what an "extreme" or "moderate" position on the right to choose would be. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 07:54:07 PM Are legislators who get a 100% NARAL rating "extreme" now? Are the ones who supported the partial birth abortion ban "moderate," or are they anti-choice? These words mean nothing without knowing what you intend them to signify. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 08:16:55 PM Would it make you feel better if I referred to certain issues as really important but not politically possible to act on? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2009 02:50:57 AM I have no feeling but outrage, so. . . . I'd prefer if we were to recognize that so-called "social issues" are issues because of prejudice, and that whatever frustration there is over the debate on the issue, it should be directed at the prejudice and those who have exploited it, not those who are opposed to it. As for possible, I don't think anyone has any idea what is possible. Would anyone have said, ten years ago, that Illinois State Senator Barack Obama would be the 44th president of the United States? Or that First Lady Hillary Clinton would be its 67th Secretary of State? Or that San Francisco Congresswoman Nancy Pelsoi would be its 60th Speaker? What is possible changes quickly. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2009 03:41:50 AM Good points. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Mark Sanford for President BASENAME: mark_stanford_for_president STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/19/2009 07:01:41 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_elephant2.jpgIt seems like everyone in South Carolina except Lindsey Graham (who is HARDLY someone who comes to mind when one thinks of "moderate") would rather retreat further into their little conservative values bunker, which probably doesn't have space for Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins. The comments on the link from The American Conservative, which is apparently tired of "tolerating" people like Sen. Graham (to say nothing of those odious RINO's from Maine), make for amusing progressive reading.
    Graham told the crowd there was nothing wrong with any conservative, and he wanted to build an open party that could win in Pennsylvania and Connecticut, as well as South Carolina. "You're a hypocrite!" one man yelled. "I'm a winner, pal," Graham shot back. "Winning matters to me. If it doesn't matter to you, there's the exit sign."
    (from The State) Our 2012 victory will be assured with any Republican from this ridiculous state on the ticket, and Gov. Sanford seems to have the best chance, so yeah, where's my bumper sticker? Edit: no good making fun of these people and getting the gov's name wrong.. must remember coffee before next post. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: A smattering of things I've been meaning to say BASENAME: smattering_of_things_ive_been STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/19/2009 08:48:45 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_kiss.jpgNew favorite word: Poutrage: a combination of a pout and outrage. Especially useful for teenagers, religious hypocrites ( think protesters at Notre Dame), reality show contestants and anyone who bitched about something that they didn't lift a finger to help with but didn't like the outcome of. "Everybody is different in a good way," how come this third grader gets it? I have a great deal of hope for this country if he's the future of community organizing. He's in third grade and organized several hundred folks! Did I mention, he's in 3rd grade? It's election day in CA and PA. Best of luck to my cousin Dan Anders in Philly. I totally agree, these are the best French Fries! Love you, Margaret and Helen Finally I'm going to Lisbon, just to try Tibetan cuisine. Anything I ought to know about either Lisbon or Tibetan food? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Attorney General Race BASENAME: attorney_general_race STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/19/2009 06:59:05 PM ----- BODY: icon_scales.jpgOn the Democratic side, you have Rep. Rob Teilhet and former Dougherty District Attorney Ken Hodges. Both of whom have new campaign sites up and running. On the Republican side, you have Sam Olens with a site that hasn't been updated, a twitter account with no updates and a site that has yet to go live. Races aren't fought and won on the web, but they sure do help. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 08:31:49 PM Dougherty County is nicer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 08:33:53 PM btw mel: I'm sure you've seen this but JIC, this is at the bottom of my firefox page, I use a PC. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_valid_email() (previously declared in /usr/www/users/blogford/cgi-bin/mt/php/mt.php:813) in /usr/www/users/blogford/cgi-bin/mt/php/mt.php on line 819 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 08:37:44 PM Triple post FTW! I think Rob's smiling photo should be the one on the top left. The first shot is of a dour, detached Rob Teilhet. And Ken looks like he will be well connected. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 08:40:11 PM IRE, Heh. Considering I once worked there, I'm kinda embarrassed to have misspelled it. Btw Mel, I have the same error in Firefox and I'm using a Mac. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 08:53:02 PM I have my preference here but can a legal eagle tell me which one is "better" or would be better? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2009 09:06:26 PM I mean, we know PCs are better, which AG candidate is better. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Twitterific! BASENAME: twitterific STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/19/2009 09:28:46 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_bird.jpgTweeting away... I like Twitter. For example, a Tweet earlier today lead me to this alarming example of the recent focus over at the AJC. Can't say I disagree with Mr Levenson's evaluation of the AJC's poor choices:
    Resource-strapped, the newspaper has stopped sending beat reporters to cover some away games of the city's professional sports teams. Most importantly, the AJC has announced large numbers of layoffs in its newsroom that will leave it a mere shell of its former self, severely limiting its ability to cover the people, institutions and events that impact Atlantans' lives. Yet, from the IT department, to former sports editor Ron Ramos to Swartz, the AJC squandered precious dwindling resources chasing a meaningless dead-end story; one it sought to manufacture from one of a thousand sentences Whammer wrote in an e-mail the AJC should never have traced.
    h/t: Sara In other news, Creative Loafing reporter Thomas Wheatley, has been nominated for a 2009 award from the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies for his remarkable feature, Sober. If, like me, you missed it when it was published in may 2008, go read it now. It's quite a piece. Congratulations Thomas. h/t: Andisheh. And, finally, the progressive "network" of blogs will miss him, but it sounds like David Sirota has made an important decision to focus on other things for a while:
    The reason for this change is fairly simple: I'm in need of something more creative, and I want to get back to the basics of writing. It is my passion, it is what I love - and I am interested in more than just the hard-core political world, whose media (blogospheric/magazines/TV shows/etc.) and activist outlets in the Dear Leader Era I believe are becoming less and less creative, more and more sycophantic, and ultimately, completely unstimulating. I say that with an asterisk, though - and that asterisk is In These Times and OpenLeft. Those are two of the few places where I think generally creative and bold-thinking writing is still being done - by journalists, front-pagers, diarists and commenters. That's why, in fact, I am going to keep writing on a limited basis for both.
    I'm happy to report that an invitation has already been extended to David to visit Atlanta upon completion (and publishing) his new book. Even happier to report that David (and his lovely wife, we hope) has assured me that he will be happy to accept that invitation. Good luck to you, David! We look forward to your contributions, whatever they may be. h/t: David Sirota. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2009 01:46:08 AM I had a chance to intern under David, but I literally couldn't afford it. He's a great guy, and I can understand his sadness in that a lot of people in the progressive movement have watched as Obama has taken aim at progressive cause after cause and pulled the trigger with nary a peep. But then again there are advantages to doing that. He seems to have won over even the conservative Catholics ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2009 10:58:18 PM Yeah this just in: Obama the bane of progressives everywhere & oh yeah, BILL SHIPP RETIRES. For Real. For the last time. Another Georgia Giant gone from the press' ink reach forever. I'm sorry to hear of it too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2009 11:01:02 PM Again, BILL SHIPP Retires. Sorry about the typo above, it should have been 'inky reach'. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 02:37:24 AM IDK if he's the bane of progressives, but he certainly does not do a lot of favors to them in general. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 02:44:08 AM Of course, then again, I don't take the either/or approach. He's done some good things and some bad things. Unlike you, JMP, I'm not a mindless shill for anyone with a (D) next to their name and I'm not obsessed with how much I hate Bush... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 03:03:45 AM You know Z? Always with the name calling. As you claim that you're 'respectful', and then you lie about even that. Again. So let's see. You don't know history. You even refuse to find out. You'll parrot any silly thing you see on some posts, but just if it suits you. You can't argue your way out of a paper bag, and logic, as ever, is never your friend. There, I've said many demonstrable things about your 'talent' as exposed here & elsewhere. Without calling you a 'shill'. Because, like, you've got to have a Coherent Viewpoint & Opinion & be willing to Advocate for a Consistent Position to Be a Shill. Clearly, you'll never quite make the grade. I'd call you a weasel, but they're cute & useful. Traits that you're wholly unfamiliar with, no doubt. And yeah, tell us one more time how the US owes Pakistan immediate aid for having invaded Afghanistan. Then tell us when the ISI first started their infamous 'double game' with the mercenary 'irregular' tribal forces in the lawless tribal regions. Go ask dad & granddad about it. And if it's not starting way back at Partition to oust the Brits? Think again. History. Matters. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 09:44:46 AM Teehee. Your post made me chuckle JMP. Cheers! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 11:05:17 PM You made one of the dumbest comments I've ever read on our blog, and we have Libertarians who post over there. The pretentious pot calling the kettle black... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 11:08:30 PM Of course, I didn't even bring that topic up here. Obsessed and stalkerish a little bit, my bullshit pomp-and-circumstance using friend? Cheers and all that 19th century aristocrat stuff mate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 12:33:57 AM Yep. I follow the stupid around just to try and tamp it down a bit. It's hard work, but you make it look too easy. Don't waste a Uni education Z. It's obviously having few good effects on you. From what little we might be able to tell. Ignorance is occasionally correctable. Stupid is forever, Z. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 01:04:33 PM Politics, of course, is a choice between "more" or "less". You don't often get something like a "progressive" winner, because "progressives" haven't done the work to become a majority in most places yet. Whining about a president responding to majority interests is pretty pointless. When progressives make it inevitable, we will get progressive candidates at the top. The work to be done in the meantime is elsewhere. That's what I think anyway. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Darwinius masillae BASENAME: darwinius_masillae STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/20/2009 11:42:54 PM TAGS: creationism,ida,"missing link" ----- BODY: icon_ida.jpgSeems we now have one of those "transitional fossils" the Creationists are always going on about. Heeere's Ida. What a beauty. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 08:05:07 AM Just to clarify, there are many transitional fossils that have already been discovered: Although, I agree this one is quite stunning. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 09:17:24 AM Ida is pretty awesome ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 06:09:38 PM ida is a pretty cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 09:00:51 PM More transitional news about things fossil like: Yep. Evolution is still working. Heliocentric universe, check. CIA still lies. Check. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 10:49:45 PM More Ancient History: If it's the 80's w/the Big Hair and Big bar bands? Yeah, the CIA was still lying. For yet another criminal administration. About another criminal war. That helped to introduce crack cocaine to the US.: and here is MoJo's coverage of it all: Fossils need dead exemplars, right? I call upon the righteous dead soul of Gary Webb. He died to make that story. Lest we forget. Many more bodies & lies piled high right there. Beneath our feet. In a world of our own making. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 10:58:45 PM I don't know what the CIA has to do with anything, but I trust Leon Panetta a hell of a lot more than I trust Pelosi. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2009 11:01:06 PM But instead of making the rounds on the progressive blogosphere shaking your fingers at us for being appalled that Pelosi was an accomplice to war crimes (yeah, being informed that waterboarding had been authorized and not doing anything = legally culpable), why don't you go over to the rightwingosphere that's trying to make the torture scandal completely about her (she's a small fish here as far as I'm concerned) rather than those who actually tortured: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 12:18:18 AM I generally don't waste my time with conservitards Z. Liberals? Even self proclaimed ones? Perhaps. But deliberately & willfully not understanding the central issue of the law in question? After dozens of rounds of being smacked up side your own head with your willfully ignorant & crassly foolish idiocies? Just too stupid beyond words Z. Even for a self proclaimed but yes, still lying 'liberal'. Again for the record. For those too stupid to actually read and comprehend simple paragraphs (UGA Class of 2009+)? Yeah I'm looking at You dopey! Here the essential points again. 1.) NO ONE. REPEAT. NO ONE. Has directly contradicted Pelosi's account of NOT, repeat *NOT* being told about ANY torture happening BEFORE it happened. BushCo went ahead & did this without informing ANYONE. Only later did they think to try and cover their asses with various fairly stupid & deliberately nebulous but ultimately, yes, illegal legal justifications. 2.) The truth may be out there, but thank goodness you and the rest of the howling 'tards are unwilling to wait for any investigation. (You know the search for truth & facts & all). 'To the Gallows! All Dems who were ever (NOT Really) briefed by BushCo.'! They Must be found & punished! That's your & the Repug's ever hypocritical cry. Why that's sounding more liberal every damn time I hear it from the likes of you! NOT! 3.) Name a decade since 1950 and we can give you big sprawling, juicy & very consequential examples of the CIA lying. To Congress, the public & certainly to everyone else who might listen. Of course this is meaningless to you. Facts just Don't Matter to confirmed nihilists like yourself. Verdict First! Trials to suit us later! 4.) Ergo your Repeated & very silly & nonsensical claims of 'legal culpability' or even claims that any Dem was an 'accomplice' to BushCO torture When They WERE Demonstrably NOT in the Chain of Command, is not only laughable. It's pathetically stupid & wrong. You are unwilling to learn and cannot even listen to opposing viewpoints. You evidently have no respect for the Rule of Law, and just parrot here whatever the conservitards might happen to say. Now tell us again why you are traducing the good name of liberals everywhere with your silly pig ignorant lies & RW canards? Still wondering why, but knowing the answer. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 08:59:35 AM ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_79 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/22/2009 06:38:59 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_thread.jpgThe DIY edition. Catherine, Jules and eight travel companions are somewhere in Barcelona, Spain as I type. Here's wishing them a safe and awesome Euro vacation 2009. You can follow them on twitter, etc. Paula is no doubt prepping for the big party for the little guy tomorrow. Thomas Gaber-Kindt is one year old. If you haven't checked out Tom Crawford and Mike Tierney this week, go have a look. And have a great Memorial weekend everyone. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 11:50:51 AM A robo call went out to residents of Newton County this week. Jason Pye has the audio on his nutcase site. You can listen to it here: Ewing and Flemming are Republicans, Schultz, Simmons, Henderson, and Morgan are Democrats fyi, though you could probably figure that out for yourself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 12:09:45 PM Wow, that's a long robo call. Is this how they roll in Newton? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 12:39:23 PM Barcelona is very nice. We have all met up with no problems. We have been to the Gaudi park and the Gaudi church (Famalia Sagrada). The Maritime Museum is fantastic. We drove through La Ramblas in a taxi (no need to go back there!) And the Joan Miro museum is excellent. They haven't figured out how to keep the sewer aromas from drifting up through the vents here though. Oh, and I got lost and had to be rescued. Tomorrow, to Provence! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 02:08:07 PM Mel, would it be possible to allowe for IMG embedding in the comments? I'd be much obliged if that could happen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 02:46:04 PM JT! You're usually the one doing the rescuing. Are you shooting pics? Where are you posting? IRE, tell me how to do it, and I'd be happy to. If it's not in the prefs, I'm lost. BTW, do you think a community board would be a good addition? Or should I just focus on upgrading the comments to allow pics and threaded responses? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 06:37:04 PM Re: the rescue. The very cool and very industrious female cab driver who delivered me to the site of the rescue bestowed Super Hero status on me for my part in rescuing JerryT. In all fairness, however, it was the security guards who did the lions share of the rescue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/22/2009 07:55:41 PM Unedited, un-captioned, raw, outlaw pics here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 01:12:44 AM Fabuloso, thanks for the pics Jerry. Everyone looks wonderful. We took our vacation in early April, by necessity of our business schedule. (Hey we just got around to holding our company 'Holiday party' for 2008 too!) Natch, we could barely take much longer than a week, so we decided to chase Winter North. So the worst Winter I'd ever see in Atlanta was on vacation in Spring in NS. Lovely, really. We sat out on Peggy's Cove and saw rain, sleet & snow alternating every 15 minutes for more than an hour. But we knew it was Spring as the icebergs were merely car sized rather than house sized. Why anyone would run shipping though there during this time is a mystery. (The Titanic went down not too far off shore, 97 YA., April 15.) And none of the ferries were running for the same reason. All of the bays were still iced in. Fun stuff! Maybe next time, (oh, predictably perhaps another 10 years hence), we'll be able to take a proper vacation in Summer/Late Spring? Nah, it'll likely never happen... But it looks like fun from here! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 01:31:34 AM I can't afford to go to Europe right now but if I could go back I'd return to Zurich, that place is heaven on earth. btw I LOVE MICHAEL STEELE "The problem that we have with this president is that we don’t know [Obama]. He was not vetted, folks. … He was not vetted, because the press fell in love with the black man running for the office. “Oh gee, wouldn’t it be neat to do that? Gee, wouldn’t it make all of our liberal guilt just go away? We can continue to ride around in our limousines and feel so lucky to live in an America with a black president.” Okay that’s wonderful, great scenario, nice backdrop. But what does he stand for? What does he believe? … So we don’t know. We just don’t know." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 09:03:54 AM Jerry: Some of your pictures look slightly overexposed. Not that big a deal, here's an article to avoid how to avoid that. You can also point your camera toward the bright area of the shot, slightly depress the shutter, it will determine the correct exposure, than repoint the camera at your subject. 95% of the time it gets it right. It's been more than 12 months since I've been to Europe. Longest stretch in about 5 or 6 years. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Peter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 03:18:56 PM Liberty University Shuts Down Young Democrats 05/22/2009 Today Liberty University in Lynchburg shut down their chapter of the Young Democrats, citing the pro-life, pro-equality stances of the national Democratic Party. Students continuing to use Liberty facilities and its name are subject to formal reprimands from the school. These reprimands can lead to expulsion. Liberty University is threatening students who formally organize on their campus as Young Democrats with expulsion. Disgusted? Sign the petition. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Senator Bonehead. BASENAME: senator_bonehead STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/23/2009 03:09:48 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_bonehead.jpgSenator Saxby introduced S. 1071 on Tuesday, which would, "prohibit President Barack Obama from bringing detainees at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base to the United States."
    Whatever their ties to terrorists groups or activities, these individuals should never be given the privilege of crossing our borders, even if incarcerated. To do so would be nothing short of an invitation for al-Qa'ida to operate inside our homeland.
    Oh shit. An invitation! Well, we wouldn't want to do that.. oh wait, we're already housing terrorists in Supermax (Colorado). Anyone know how to properly dis-invite a terrorist from operating in your homeland? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 08:13:29 PM I think the 80-something senators who voted against including money for closing Gitmo are total boneheads too. Did they not know that Obama campaigned on this throughout? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rusty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 10:04:46 PM I'm so sick of this ignorant bullshit from the Republicans. I think I hate them more for not providing competent opposition to the Democrats than I did when they were in power. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 10:15:21 PM From what I read, the Democratic vote was not so much on the merit of closing GTMO as on their satisfaction with Obama's plan to close GTMO. The Republican Party, tho, still can't go to sleep without their nightlight and blankie, for fear of the terrorist in their closet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 10:20:16 PM "I think I hate them more for not providing competent opposition to the Democrats than I did when they were in power." Considering that the Republican leadership pretty much effortlessly pushed aside the slightest Democratic objection to anything they tried to do, I find it hard to believe that you really think the Republicans are the incompetent ones here. "From what I read, the Democratic vote was not so much on the merit of closing GTMO as on their satisfaction with Obama's plan to close GTMO." While this is their excuse, we have Democratic senators pushing out nonsense talking points about how they won't allow "any terrorists to come to my state!" (Webb was the latest in this chorus). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rusty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 11:04:07 PM
    I find it hard to believe that you really think the Republicans are the incompetent ones here.'re saying I'm intentionally saying something other than what I think? What motivation would I have for doing that? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2009 11:38:38 PM "'re saying I'm intentionally saying something other than what I think? What motivation would I have for doing that?" I don't think you're lying I just find it really surprising that people think the GOP is having a hard time obstructing Democrats. They've managed to have several party-line votes where every single Republican voted no on an Obama initiative. That's pretty impressive. Conservative, corporate-allied Democrats handed the GOP numerous victories over the past few years, and there was rarely any such thing as party discipline on the Dem. side. The GOP may be niching itself out of existence by going so far to the right, but they certainly are doing a pretty good job with what they have to try to stop the Democrats. Heck, that's why the Dems. chose to do healthcare through reconciliation, because they won't be able to get all their Dems. lined up even with Franken to get to 60. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2009 07:03:03 PM Apparently Nathan Deal is trying to outdumbass Saxby: Really! I mean REALLY. Really? This is what passes for "leadership" these days? I mean...for f*@k's sake...c'mon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2009 10:03:16 PM They're all just pandering. They're not really that dumbfuck crazy. Or maybe they are. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 04:06:24 PM Shout out! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Stacey Evans makes it official BASENAME: stacey_evans_makes_it_official STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/25/2009 09:58:11 PM TAGS: "election 2010","stacey evans" ----- BODY: blog_icon_gcap2.jpgAs previously reported by Amy on Georgia Women Vote, Stacey Evans has officially declared her intent to run for Georgia State House District 40, the seat being vacated by Rob Teilhet, now seeking to be Georgia's next Attorney General. Jason Adams, a remarkable first time candidate in 2008, was also rumored be considering a run for the seat, but last report is he won't pursue. I do hope we see Jason again. We need more candidates, and Representatives, like him. So this means, so far at least, Stacey seems to have a clear field. Awesome. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 08:31:21 AM Great news! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Bring it on BASENAME: bring_it_on STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/25/2009 10:20:03 PM TAGS: "election 2010",governor,"karen handel" ----- BODY: icon_brass_balls.jpgKaren Handel has brass balls. Sorry, but I just couldn't keep that to myself any longer. It's a good thing Catherine and Jules are out of the country or one or both of them might come over here and slap me down. I'm hiding from Nita. Seriously, this woman knows how to fly into the storm. I'm in awe of this approach. Her campaign is shaping up to be a case study in how to run as a woman for statewide office. Nothing soft or sweet about it. No rocking chairs on the porch or cookies in the oven. It's all balls to the walls and bring it on. Somehow this candidate, whose bio is a train wreck, who's been a ridiculous and fiercely partisan SOS, who's been counted out of the Governor's race from the get go, is pulling this off. I'm still not voting for her, but something tells me she'll have Republican and Democratic heads on plates (or worse), before it's over. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2009 11:53:41 PM It takes brass balls gentleman. A always, B be, C closing. Always, be, closing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 08:57:25 AM or brass ovaries ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 12:54:47 PM "Somehow this candidate, whose bio is a train wreck, who's been a ridiculous and fiercely partisan SOS, who's been counted out of the Governor's race from the get go, is pulling this off." Well, also, isn't she getting a fair amount of staff and behind-the-scenes support from Sonny Purdue? It never hurts to have the current governor in your corner. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Sotomayor it is BASENAME: sotomayor_it_is STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/26/2009 08:53:02 AM ----- BODY: Did I call it or what?
    President Barack Obama tapped federal appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court on Tuesday, officials said, making her the first Hispanic in history picked to wear the robes of a justice.
    Linky Get ready for a bunch of Repub talking points about Judge Sotomayor's lack of judicial temperament. Updated to add: Two things just occurred to me: 1) Did anyone question Scalia's temperament when he was nominated? I can't remember, but Nino is notoriously cranky; 2) Is it just coincidence that the talking point about the first Latina nominee is that she is "hot tempered"? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 11:18:50 AM You called it! And I assume you approve? I was wondering when this would come down. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 11:41:58 AM Should I care? Does this change the makeup of the court etc? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 11:53:11 AM FYI. She received 25 Republican votes in '98, 8 of whom are still in the Senate: Bennett (R-UT) Cochran (R-MS) Collins (R-ME) Gregg (R-NH) Hatch (R-UT) Lugar (R-IN) Snowe (R-ME) Specter (R-PA) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 03:15:01 PM Mel - I think it's a savvy choice. Not only was she appointed to the Appeals Court by a Republican, but the whole HIspanic woman thing gives her an automatic constituency, and the warm fuzzies of being a "first". But she's no liberal lion a la John Paul Stevens, and If I had my druthers, I would have gone with a someone more lefty for sure. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 04:54:25 PM I agree with Paula. I'm not opposed to her nomination, but I think there were better choices. Hopefully the next pick Obama gets will go to a true liberal lion of the sort that can weave beautiful constitutional law and go toe to toe with Scalia et al for decades to come. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 06:38:43 PM This will be the lead topic on Game On: Stefan T. will be guest host tonight at 8:00 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 06:53:27 PM A Bush sr. appointee. LOL @ Obama pulling his punches on just about everything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 10:55:29 PM The Bush appointee thing is a bit of a canard as it was Democrats' choice for the appointment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2009 11:19:08 PM And she slid through with little Republican opposition for a reason. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2009 12:53:38 AM She's an OK pick, but I believe in tough love for the President. He's pulling punches left and right, and he might not get another chance to have a filibuster-proof Senate and large majority in the House. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2009 02:39:49 AM I just warmed up a bit on her thanks to John Yoo ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2009 11:26:22 AM Zaid, the Republican Party blocked her confirmation to her current position for 16 months, precisely because they feared she might someday be nominated to the Supreme Court. I wouldn't say she "slid through" anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2009 03:09:37 PM Zaid, I know you were a mere infant when it happened and don't remember a time before judicial nominations were always a huge fight, but back when Sotomayor was nominated to the S.D.N.Y., Democrats controlled Congress so in order to full vacancies President Bush often let Senators recommend someone to fill the vacancies in their states. That used to be the way this sort of thing worked for all but the very few court vacancies. Daniel Patrick Moynihan suggested Sotomayor to Bush, who then nominated her. She received little opposition because she was just up for a federal district court slot, the Democrats liked her, and the Republicans were in the minority so there wasn't much reason for them to waste firepower opposing her for the trial court level. She was more hotly contested when Clinton elevated her to the 2nd Circuit in 1998. That she was appointed by Bush I means nothing in terms of whether she is liberal enough. I promise you, this was not "pulling punches" to nominate her. Pulling punches would have been someone moderate. She is not known as a moderate by any means. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2009 04:11:47 PM I swear to god we need IMG embed allowed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2009 05:10:31 PM You use that one too much IRE I like this one "Zaid, I know you were a mere infant when it happened" Appeal to age? I obviously garnered all my political knowledge at the age of 6 and have learned nothing since then, I also can't learn about things that happened in the past at all. History classes? Skipped that shit. "That she was appointed by Bush I means nothing in terms of whether she is liberal enough. I promise you, this was not "pulling punches" to nominate her. Pulling punches would have been someone moderate. She is not known as a moderate by any means." She's known as making right-leaning decisions on abortion (which I'm actually in favor of) and not making any decisions on gay rights. I don't know her civil liberties positions. Are you arguing she's a lefty? Because that's unsubstantiated. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2009 05:13:25 PM "Her record in more than 4,000 cases, including those from 11 years on the Second Circuit, shows her occasional siding with corporate defendants or diverting from a standard liberal position... ..."There is no reason for the business community to be concerned" about Judge Sotomayor, said Lauren Rosenblum Goldman, a partner at Mayer Brown LLP who has represented businesses including Wachovia Corp. and Dow Chemical Co." Aw yes she got the big corp. folks' endorsement too. Rock on! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2009 09:15:18 PM "She's known as making right-leaning decisions on abortion (which I'm actually in favor of)" You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you? I say this because she has not rendered "decisions" on abortion but rather a "decision", and even then, abortion was tangential to the case, which turned on the freedom of speech. But please, do continue to tell me how the person that the Republican Party spent 16 months blocking in an effort to prevent this very outcome is in fact a conservative. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 01:39:08 AM Okay, decisions: Although given that the abortion question was tangential to all of these, I still see the "right-leaning" assertion to be unfounded. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 10:02:11 AM Perhaps rather than relaying others' opinions and calling it fact, one should read 516 pages of her decisions and then come to one's own conclusion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 10:45:35 AM Law nerd. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 11:02:19 AM Odin: I'd be careful with the "nerd" label if I was you. Just saying. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 07:23:54 PM "But please, do continue to tell me how the person that the Republican Party spent 16 months blocking in an effort to prevent this very outcome is in fact a conservative." I don't think she's a conservative, I think she's center-ish. Did I say she's conservative? I said she made a decision the right likes on abortion. Duh. Gotta go with my talking heads on this one: "The Washington Post's E.J. Dionne says that today "liberals would be foolish to embrace Sotomayor as one of their own because her record is clearly that of a moderate." The New York Times' Charlie Savage suggests that pro-choice groups are worried about how reliable a vote she will be. And Daphne Eviatar thoroughly examines Sotomayor's judicial record and concludes that liberals "may end up being disappointed with the president’s choice" because "it’s starting to sound like Obama nominated a highly capable technocrat."" --- Enough with the "The Republicans oppose (x) person and that's good enough!" talking point, dude. They'd oppose Chuck Norris if Obama nominated him for chief ass kicker at this point. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 08:49:32 PM Her decision had nothing to do with abortion. She ruled that the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring one claim, which is a procedural issue. On another claim the 2nd circuit had already ruled on the identical issue and she just upheld that decision finding no first amendment violation. On the last issue, she ruled that the government could permissibly favor or oppose abortion in other countries as a policy decision, without violating equal protection. It's not really an abortion decision, it's a first amendment and constitutional decision that just happened to tangentially involve abortion. SCOTUSBlog did a great writeup on her decisions back when the vacancy first came open, and you can see a lot more here about the decisions she's written. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 09:25:22 PM I would really put more weight behind what some esquires are saying here, not what the talking heads say, YMMV. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/29/2009 11:16:08 AM IRE, You've really got to figure out my style of self-mockery, oblique reference, and irony. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/29/2009 07:21:31 PM I read through the SCOTUSBlog link, and I'm still finding myself agreeing with Dionne that she's moderate-ish. I'll say it again, considering the Democrats haven't had this kind of majority in a long time, they're pulling punches by putting this one through. The Court has moved unbelievably to the right the past 35 years. Heck, Stevens was considering a moderate in 1980 (Yglesias has a commentary on a Cass Susstein article about that here:, and now he's the prime liberal. While I have nothing against her as a judge (and the hysterical attacks against her by the right are great, because it only further makes them look like maniacs), she seems to be eminently qualified in general, the fact is that the court has shifted so far to the right that we really, while we have the opportunity to do so, should've brought someone in who would've balanced things a lot more. Actually, that's a good commentary on most of Obama's appointments to anything. I think I like that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/29/2009 10:19:14 PM Uh, Stevens was originally a conservative. He was appointed by a Republican. Many members of the Court have grown more liberal over time. The people who are calling Sotomayor a moderate are people who don't really understand how the courts work. It is exceedingly hard to find federal appellate court judges who are extremely liberal, precisely because we have a conservative Supreme Court writing precedent that the appellate panels are bound to follow. Trial court judges have sole decisionmaking authority over their cases and only have to worry about being overturned on appeal, but appellate justices serve on 3 judge panels and have to build consensus for their decisions, which naturally brings them closer to the center. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/29/2009 11:27:03 PM So you have some secret evidence that she's a liberal then? O_o ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/30/2009 02:20:55 AM As for this: "Uh, Stevens was originally a conservative. He was appointed by a Republican." He was appointed by Gerald Ford, who would be considered so liberal by today's Republican Party that they'd probably force him out of the Party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/30/2009 09:10:18 AM Nixon first appointed Stevens to the Seventh Circuit, where his record was that of a moderate conservative. Was Nixon a liberal too? The point is, Stevens was a moderate conservative when appointed and grew more liberal over time. It is not unusual for justices to grow more markedly more liberal after they are appointed, as Justices Brennan, Blackmun, Stevens and Souter demonstrate. What is unusual, at least in the modern era, is for a justice to grow markedly more conservative over the years after joining the Court. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/30/2009 02:02:33 PM "Nixon first appointed Stevens to the Seventh Circuit, where his record was that of a moderate conservative. Was Nixon a liberal too?" Compared to these guys, YEAH. To quote John Dean, "Nixon would be considered a Green today." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/30/2009 02:40:33 PM But being relatively more or less conservative to contemporary politicians doesn't make him actually more or less conservative. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/30/2009 03:15:20 PM What are the "actual" watermarks for conservative and liberal today? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/30/2009 04:39:00 PM I don't think that matters. Because the parties have shifted their ideological positions doesn't mean anything. Imagine the Democrats now were in favor of seizing capital, mandating education and employment for people, etc etc, would you say that FDR wasn't a liberal because he would be to the right of contemporary Democrats, or that his SCOTUS Justices weren't liberal? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/30/2009 05:17:44 PM You and I have run into this problem several times before, and this is how I would respond to what you are saying, and let me start by saying let me go ahead and use left and right because I have so much training in comparative economics that liberal means right to me, I think what you can do is say that Roosevelt was to the left relative to his time, our time, or relative to other leaders, or relative even to himself (he campaigned and came to power as a balanced budget conservative, but changed as the times changed). It has to be relative to something, that's how I think anyway. Now returning to Nixon, I think Nixon may've at the time been more conservative than his opponents, but if you're trying to reference him in comparison to a judge he placed that's on the court even now, you have to recognize that Nixon also was the guy that gave us the EPA, the food stamp program, who re-opened relations with China. In many ways he was the last real left or progressive President we had (now this exempts him basically wiping out a million people in Cambodia and all his SE Asia stuff), in that he created new, sincere and long-lasting social welfare bureaucracies. I think one reason I'm so set on the point is so that people can see how far to the right the parties have drifted (in some ways, not all), especially with respect to the fact that their constituencies are to the left of them on many issues (although not on some things like the death penalty, where we've moved right). I referenced polling in a blog post a few weeks ago that showed roughly half of constituent self-identified Republicans, for example, support basically what the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is calling for as far as offering Medicare to everyone and letting that compete with private insurance, yet not a single Republican member of Congress has voiced support for that. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Dealing with Deal BASENAME: dealing_with_deal STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/26/2009 09:31:00 PM ----- BODY: Apparently there was some buzz yesterday about Georgia Congressman Nathan Deal's proposal that birthright citizenship, a policy codified in the 14th Amendment, be stricken from the Constitution:
    Supporters of Deal's proposal say "birthright citizenship" encourages illegal immigration and makes enforcement of immigration laws more difficult. Opponents say the proposed law wouldn't solve the illegal immigration problem and goes against this country's traditions of welcoming immigrants. Automatic citizenship is enshrined in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which says: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside." That provision, ratified in 1868, was drafted with freed slaves in mind. Deal and his supporters say the 14th Amendment wording was never meant to automatically give citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants.
    Oh yeah, and Rep. Deal is a gubernatorial candidate. Oh yeah, and he's having a bit of a statewide name recognition problem. Oh yeah, and he doesn't believe his proposal even has a chance of passing:
    "I think the current makeup of the Congress is such that this will never get a hearing and will never be an issue that we get a chance to vote on," he said. "But I think it's important to keep the issues that are part of the immigration problem alive."
    It seems a certain someone is trying to improve his profile across the state. Too bad he doesn't have a better sense of timing, especially with the Sotomayor nomination announcement today. As Greg Sargent notes, Republicans are going to have a tough enough time reconciling their likely opposition to the Sotomayor nomination with their minority outreach initiatives. They certainly don't need Rep. Deal messing that up even more. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Blog roundup BASENAME: blog_roundup_3 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/28/2009 05:44:50 AM TAGS: roundup ----- BODY: icon_cowgirl.jpgThis week, we've added four new authors for your entertainment: Jenna Colvin is a local Atlanta attorney who serves on the board of Red Clay Democrats and Georgia's WIN List, among others. She'll be writing for /law and /eco. Jason is active duty military, and that's about all I'll say. If you've been reading local blogs for a while, you probably know him, but he'll remain somewhat anonymous here. He'll be writing for the front page about military issues, and anything else that's on his mind. Eric Robertson, Business Agent for Teamsters Local 728 will be writing primarily about local and National labor issues for the front page. And...Sara, who you might know from Going Through the Motions will also be contributing to /law. Welcome all. It's starting to feel like we live in a shoe. There will be two more authors coming online next week (I'm coming Maddie), and we'll be all set. So, let's see what's going on elsewhere:
  • We've added a new local public affairs blog to the roll, Atlanta Unsheltered, from former Creative Loafing Editor Ken Edelstein. Let's see if he check stats.
  • Newt Gingrich is a careless man, but we knew that.
  • Atlanta City Council president and mayoral candidate Lisa Borders has been burgled three times since September, the latest happened Wednesday. Good grief.
  • I'm a Jim Jacoby fan. You've probably heard that Atlanta's own socially and environmentally responsible super developer is repurposing the old Ford plant in Hapeville. And in this economy too.
  • Good on Savannah College of Art and Design for helping to restore historic Ivy Hall. Somehow I had completely missed this until it showed up in my architecture news feed.
  • Those poor World Can't Wait people just can't seem to let it go. Bless their little hearts.
  • Food, Inc., an unvarnished documentary about the US food industry and the regulatory agencies that govern it, opens in Atlanta exclusively at Landmark Midtown on June 19th.
  • AP is reporting that the Feds won't step in to our southern water dispute. Not sure where that leaves us, but maybe Sonny do.
  • A sad story from the AJC about vacant car dealerships for sale. Did you ever think you would see the day when you felt sorry for car dealers?
  • $25 million in Federal stimulus funding for MARTA approved, from Fresh Loaf
  • Fist up Jules! About 100 peeps braved the weather in Midtown on Tuesday to rally against Proposition 8 as part of Day of Decision. I know you would have been at the front of the pack.
  • If you're 21-40 (or young at heart), join the Young Leaders of Planned Parenthood of Georgia for Kiss & Tell, A Sexy Date Auction, on June 10th. All the info is here.
  • And please join the Young Democrats of Atlanta for their annual fundraiser, The Future is Blue, on Tuesday, June 9th. More info on the YDAtl website here.
  • It's almost Summer. Yeaaaaaaa! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 10:17:02 AM I'm glad someone's finding a purpose for the Hapeville land, but is still sad to see manufacturing go. I'm about 99.9% sure my next car will be a Ford. Probably still going to buy cheap plastic from China for a while, though ... Start with the big steps first. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 01:48:43 PM Anyone mind telling me why the YDs are naming an "Outstanding Service & Dedication to the City of Atlanta" award after Mayor Franklin? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 03:59:14 PM JenB: Check your email. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 07:06:32 PM o noes zaid shows intolerance towards homophobia i thought he was totally a homophobe ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: More Events. BASENAME: more_events STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/28/2009 12:14:41 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_megaphone.jpg1. Leslie Fink is hosting a Meet & Greet Happy Hour tonight for Ken Hodges, one of two Democratic candidates for Attorney General, at 5 Paces Inn in Buckhead from 6 to 8:30pm. 2. The Southern Center for Human Rights is holding their fourth annual benefit party on Thursday, June 18th - Justice Taking Root.
    The event will feature dance performances by BE | Brooks Emanuel Dance, hot hors d'oeuvres, DJ and speakers. All proceeds will benefit the Southern Center for Human Rights, an Atlanta-based, nationally-recognized public interest law firm that represents people facing the death penalty and brings class action litigation to protect the civil and human rights of people in the criminal justice system.
    Tickets may be purchased online. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 12:59:35 PM Thanks for posting Jen. BTW, I've been meaning to mention that Ken Hodges' website, which you didn't link to, but is here: is very nicely done. The deep, rich green with the hot gold accents is working for me. And of course, all that NGP technology that you know is back there, is impressive. The campaign logo is "Trajan Bold", which is a safe, but appropriate choice. No faults found, and that's saying something. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2009 01:35:01 PM Dang. I meant to link to his site instead of FB, but must have forgotten to copy it once I switched over. In any event, it's nice to see a color other than red, white and blue. (Is that blasphemy?) ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Georgians in the News BASENAME: georgians_in_the_news STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/28/2009 05:28:49 PM ----- BODY:
    A reporter for a small newspaper was forcibly removed from a press area near Air Force One shortly before President Barack Obama arrived at Los Angeles International Airport to depart California early Thursday. Airport security officers carried the woman away by the feet and arms as she protested her removal. She later identified herself as Brenda Lee, a writer for the Georgia Informer in Macon and said she has White House press credentials. The newspaper's Web site says it is a monthly publication, and a Brenda Lee column is posted on it.
    Link. Why is it always a Georgian? Sigh. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Quote Unquote BASENAME: quote_unquote_5 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/28/2009 07:53:49 PM ----- BODY:
    I think that they say that Rush Limbaugh is the 800 lb. gorilla in the Republican Party, but I think that's mean spirited to say that because I think he's down to 650 lbs., so I think one should be fair to him about this whole thing.
    -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 10:44:54 PM The it. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jenna TITLE: I'm Speechless BASENAME: im_speechless STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/29/2009 03:22:50 PM ----- BODY: Happy Friday. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Blogging the Atlanta Green Expo BASENAME: blogging_the_atlanta_green_exp STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/30/2009 03:31:50 PM TAGS: "environment blog" ----- BODY: I was originally going to live blog this, but it was a little smaller event than I was expecting. In any case, I would be remiss not to start a post so intertwined with the environment without capturing this wonderful weather outside.
    I admit that I was initially underwhelmed with the size of the event at the Georgia World Congress Center. I overheard that 2,000 people or so are expected (the event runs through tomorrow), which with the $5 admission price wouldn't exactly make anyone rich, but wouldn't be a bad start. I talked with Martin Kabaki, one of the event organizers, who said this was the first year of what he hoped would be an annual event. He said that a similar event had already been held in Jacksonville, with other events planned for Gainesville and Miami. As you can see, the scale was pretty small, but it didn't prevent me from spending a full two hours exploring what was here. (Herb Butler wouldn't have stepped foot in any place named for Zell Miller, but hey, some things can't be helped...)

    I took note of every exhibitor at the expo, but I will admit up front that I only talked to those that seemed to have something interesting going on. I'm quite frankly skeptical of the "magic health products" types, which don't really strike me as particularly "green" anyway. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Here they are, in the order I visited them: New Life Journal - No one was at this booth, so I flipped through a couple of pages of the magazine. Didn't seem too remarkable. Owens Corning - Selling that Pink Panther insulation. Not sure if any new technology was involved, but hey, insulation's not a bad thing. Monroe Products - Was purveying a product they called "Hemi-Sync", which supposedly stimulated brain activity, blah blah blah, and some meditational CD's. Pure Energy Solutions - The first exhibitor that captured my interest, they were marketing solar thermal heating techonology as well as photovoltaic cells. The man described the company as an "earth craft home builder", which may or may not have some specific meaning. The water heating technology involves mostly hollow tubes, like a thermos bottle (pictured below), with small copper tubes of water inside them. I was told that the termperatures inside the large dark tubes could reach 400 degrees Fahrenheit, which boils the water in the copper tubes and sends the steam to a condensing bulb which transfers heat to slowly-circulating water that can then be used for hot water or heating.
    Perfect Exteriors - advertising acrylic exterior paint that supposedly absorbs 70% of UV rays and reduces energy costs. Growers Alliance Coffee - This was where I met Martin Kibaki. I learned that he founded the company to remove the middle man between coffee growers in Kenya and consumers here. Turns out they didn't have to work to be organic - the farmers were so poor they couldn't afford any of that fancy chemical stuff anyway. A portion of the money from the sale of the coffee (which was tasty) goes back to the village. Warm Spirit International - Seemed to be selling candles and beauty products. Ardyss International - More health products, along the lines of what you see in the magic pills aisles at Whole Foods, along with something called "Le Vive", a juice that had Noni, Acai berry, and mangosteen extract, among other things. Was also selling some odd corset-looking thing that I obviously didn't ask for details about. "Liv Fit" - Their main product was a rather mysterious concentrated dietary supplement that delivered 250% of the RDA for copper and had a warning not to consume more than five ounces a day. Apparently it worked for all the smiling testimonial photograph subjects, but it sounds a bit out there for me. FAFCO - They were displaying some different solar hot water technology, pictured below. The general idea was some relatively inexpensive polymer resin panels with dimples in the tubes through which the water passes, which mixes it better so that it heats more evenly. There was also a solar controller which flips to the solar system from the conventional hot water system only when it's hot enough to use. FAFCO has apparently been in this business since 1969 and developed this technology in partnership with the government.
    Long Drive Solar - They exhibited a solar/electric hybrid golf cart, with the technology able to power other vehicles as well (since golf carts imply golf courses, which are pretty terrible for the environment). The batteries charge either through the solar panel (warranted for 20 years, if I remember correctly) or from a wall socket.

    Kitchen Craft cooking show - Infomercial-style marketing of "waterless cookware". Dunno what that means, but the food that came out of it certainly looked tasty. I was happy to hear that the cookware is American-made, at least.
    Greenpeace - Their displayed material focused on global warming, with a chart displaying Georiga's place as the fourth-highest per capita worldwide (!) emitter of greenhouse gases between 1960 and 2005. I was pleasantly surprised to notice a union bug on the postcards to the EPA they were having visitors fill out - I was told that Greenpeace makes a point to maintain good relationships with unions. Taylor Construction - Was conducting a prize drawing (probably intended as a marketing tool), with some of the marketing centering around home energy audits and insulation. Enviro Expo - Apparently the 2nd annual "Advances in Green Science and Technology Symposium" will occur in Atlanta on November 14 and 15. Who knew? The Sierra Club - I skipped talking to them, mainly because I'm pretty sure I know what I need to about them. Dixie Home Crafters - Advertising energy-efficient windows and sidings, also conducting a prize drawing. Natural Awakenings Magazine - No one was staffing the booth and it sounded too out there to bother looking at. Garden of Eatin' - I thought this was that brand you see a lot at Whole Foods and Sevananda, but I found out that it's really a small (1.5 acre) farm share operation in Henry County - the guys running it had no idea the big brand existed until they tried to get the domain name. Half shares cost $250 and full shares $500, which is a bit steep but probably is worth the super fresh produce and free range eggs - the lettuce leaf I ate off the plant was pretty fudging good, incidentally.
    Aquarius Atlanta - Lots of cosmetics. Sorry, ladies, this one just wasn't for me. Solar Sun World - More solar heating technology. These people also use hollow tubes, with dark fins inside heating circulating glycol in interior copper tubes. I was told that the positioning of the fins is adjustable, but isn't such a big concern for Atlanta and other locations at this latitude.
    NRG SVRS Based right here, off North Druid Hills, this company was marketing several efficiency-improving technologies, the most significant of which was some capable zone-heating/cooling units. Essentially these are much nicer and more flexible (remote-controlled, even) versions of those terrible wall/window units at hotels and for sale in big-box stores - they can de-humidify, too. Apparently they can bring a room to the desired temperature in 3-4 minutes, so you can only climate control the parts of your house that you actually live in.

    Get Lean Green - This was the highlight of the expo for me - they had not one but TWO separate technologies that I was utterly fascinated by. The first one is some ridiculously stingy computer systems (gee, wonder why I spent 20 minutes talking to the guy?) made by GreenLite PC. The desktop system pictured (with the monitor) runs on 27 WATTS. And the big system I photographed the inside of, with a 1TB hard drive, triple core processor, graphics card, yada yada, does all of that on only 115 watts, at load. I know those numbers aren't made up because these systems were hooked up to power monitors - those numbers are for real. And most amazingly, the big system costs not the $2500 I expected, but a paltry $875 - and the desktop is $465 (without the monitor). I had to restrain myself from placing an order right on the spot.

    On to technology #2 - LED fluorescent lights. Essentially everything we love and have been advertised into loving about compact flourescents, without the heavy metals, and with even longer lifetimes and lower power consumption. The lights are encased in plastic (not glass) tubes and last 22 years, drawing only 15W (compared to ordinary fluorescents, lasting 6-8 years and drawing 40W). Right now the high-power LED's themselves (you can't really make them out in the picture) come from China, but they may be made in California in the near future. So even at $65, I'm thinking of buying these, and they also come in normal household sizes. So CF's may not be The Big Thing forever.
    Shea Butter Secrets - Yeah, I totally skipped this one. Sorry. - Didn't stop to talk, but presumably there wasn't much to be gained above and beyond what's on the web site. Solar LED innovations - More LED's, but not the hard-core industrial kind in the fluorescent replacements. Still nifty little devices, which charge NiMH batteries that can be independently replaced if necessary.
    WOW Green - Eco-friendly cleaning products. Seemed pretty self-explanatory. The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association - I didn't stop to talk, so I don't know if this is as creepy as it sounded, but they were promoting vegetarianism and lifestyle changes in addition to whatever weird spiritual stuff they might have been proselytizing.
    Eletrical Savings System - Last but not least, this is a device invented by some guy in Cumming that claims to smooth out the current spikes that occur when big appliances come on and suck down the big power. At $349, it ain't cheap, but supposedly the evaluations so far had shown that it was legit, with power companies in Canada and Venezuela signing on, and a company in the US trying to sell it to their customers to reduce brownouts. I talked with a guy named Art who showed real utility bills which seemed to confirm that it could lower consumption (or at least recorded consumption) by 25%, so maybe it really is that wonderful. It's pretty small, whatever it is and whatever it does.
    All in all, it looked like a pretty successful first iteration of the event - there seemed to be some pretty interested folks there in addition to the usual curiosity seekers. It's worth checking out, and if they have this indie craft festival in Centennial going again tomorrow you can enjoy that too. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/30/2009 06:56:31 PM I think Zell Miller is a pretty cool guy. eh funds education and doesn't afraid of anything. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Left Behind BASENAME: left_behind STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/31/2009 03:42:10 PM ----- BODY: icon_schoolbus.jpgThe new fiscal year for Georgia schools is fast approaching, but unfortunately, many of the state's poorer school districts will be hurt by the new budget shortfalls:
    A fund designed to help poor school districts provide an education comparable to what's available in wealthier systems was slashed $112 million this year by Georgia lawmakers looking for ways to balance an unsteady state budget. The more than 20 percent reduction in so-called "equalization" funding for the fiscal year that starts July 1 is just the latest blow to poor school systems already slashing staff and salaries, crowding classrooms and killing extracurricular programs.
    The article goes on to describe how suburban counties like Gwinnett are using a loophole in the formula to eek out extra cash, meanwhile poorer districts like the City of Pelham are forced to cut jobs, salaries, and benefits. The Governor's office argues that changes to the formula can't happen without legislation, so in the meantime, poorer districts have to suffer. That argument is understandable, and we obviously aren't the only state in a crunch right now. But I also think waiting on the legislature to take action is simply inadequate. What about all of that stimulus money that got all of the school districts hyped up a couple of months ago? Consider that the Georgia Board of Education approved distributing over $351 million for low-income students and schools a few months ago. Going back to the examples provided by the AJC, Gwinnett County will receive $8,876,600 in both FY '09 and FY '10 for low-income students. The City of Pelham, on the other hand, will receive $231,300 in both FY '09 and FY '10. Now granted, Gwinnett is significantly larger than Pelham, but if Gwinnett is essentially exploiting the equalization fund as Governor Perdue and other officials claim, then why couldn't the Perdue-appointed Board of Education offset the money that Gwinnett is receiving in equalization by giving more Title 1 stimulus money to poorer districts like Pelham? I mean, it was the Board of Education that had a final say in what stimulus money went where. And considering that many of these underfunded operational expenditures also meet the Title 1 funding criteria (warning: opens a Word document) established in No Child Left Behind, I don't see why this couldn't be a viable solution to fixing a $112 million shortfall that is killing valuable jobs and educational programs across the state. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/31/2009 06:26:27 PM Anything to not raise taxes. That's the devil's work right there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/31/2009 07:21:34 PM How high would you like them raised, Zaid? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/31/2009 07:32:01 PM Enough not to have to do stuff like this. I don't have the training to do this, but I'd bet that if someone looked at the kind of tax costs that will be created with all these education cuts (like kids who don't do well in school and fall into crime), that it actually creates a bigger tax burden in the future. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/31/2009 08:10:22 PM Never heard that story before. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/31/2009 09:51:04 PM Although I have to say, as much as the anti-tax wingnuts have screwed our infrastructure, it looks like Cali is going to defcon 3 right now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/01/2009 01:23:43 PM It's time for all those little freeloaders to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and educate themselves /snark ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Vigil in Remembrance of Dr. George Tiller. BASENAME: vigil STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/01/2009 01:19:58 PM ----- BODY: icon_candle.jpgAtlanta Vigil for Slain Abortion Provider, Dr. George Tiller. Tuesday, June 2 *Woodruff Park* 7pm Yesterday morning while attending church service in Wichita,Kansas, heroic abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller, was shot and killed. This is horrible news and a blow to women's reproductive health care in this country. Dr. Tiller was one of very few doctor's who provided late term abortions for women. Dr. Tiller was often the only option for women seeking this particular type of care- women facing one of the hardest decisions facing their bodies and pregnancies. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go to Dr. Tiller's family, his clinic family, and the women of Kansas and beyond. Our thoughts are also here in Georgia and the South, where access to abortion care is limited and our amazing providers and tireless clinic staff, even in the face of real danger, give compassionate, necessary care for women. Thank you for all you do! Anti-choice violence is back and in full force. Many of us have been fearful of the violent back lash after the election of a pro-choice president. During the Clinton administration, anti-choice attacks on providers and clinic workers increased 5 times. In these times, when it is hardest to be visible- when visibility feels like a risk to safety- it is most important that we join as a community to amplify and demand reproductive justice now. Attacks to providers and clinics, threaten lives, make access to basic healthcare impossible, and silences women and our communities. Join us Tuesday June 2nd 7PM at Woodruff Park for a Vigil in Remembrance of Dr. George Tiller. We will peacefully join together as a community of activists seeking answers, comfort, and to collectively think about our next steps. If you have any questions, please email or call 404.532.0022. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/01/2009 10:45:03 PM If you want to be called pro-choice and not anti-life, you should be able to refer to your opponents as pro-life. Groups get to decide what to call themselves. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/01/2009 11:45:18 PM My commentary on this is as long as one side is calling the other baby killers and the other is responding that the other folks are misogynists who want to dominate women, well, we're not going to get anywhere. One issue where Obama is dead on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/01/2009 11:56:32 PM Way to show class, Zaid. A man was murdered in cold blood because he continued to practice medicine in the way he believed was best for his patients. Maybe not the best time or place to complain about semantics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 12:43:31 AM There needs to be [IMG] embed soon. (and I realize this is probably in poor taste too). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 01:22:25 AM If you go over to our blog, you'll see that we've spent the past few days calling out right wing extremists who have done everything they can to justify the murder of Tiller. But at the same token, I've taken the time to defend pro-lifers who are just as ashamed of this as anyone else who are being attacked despite their innocence in all of it. Sara, this isn't going to be solved by letting extremists control the debate, using it to win their partisan battle against the other side. We have to bring people together, not continue to throw molotov cocktails. King valiantly defended whites, even intolerant whites, after the murders of black people, and he did it because he understood that the problem wasn't going to be solved simply by attacking the other side, but by winning them over by looking for their hearts. I don't live in a vacuum where everyone has my exact point of view. I never have. So I've learned, when things like this arise, really extreme acts of intolerance and violence, that it's time to play peacemaker, not continue to demonize the other side and escalate things. I immediately denounced the murder as terrorism and called out the head of Operation rescue and resident Georgian douchebag Eric Erickson for using the murder to attack the left and pro-choice people. I think if we call people on the pro-life side anti-choice, and ramp up the rhetoric against all pro-life people rather than a violent minority (I've seen this on DemocraticUnderground and other places), we risk escalation and further radicalization here. I thought out what I'm doing here, because I don't want to see any more violence. You might disagree with me, but don't be so quick to judge. I don't judge you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 02:46:31 AM Thanks for this Juliana. IRE called it. It's down hill all the way. There's too much confusion in Z's posts to do them much justice here. Suffice to say that this from Z? "Groups get to decide what to call themselves". Is just more errant idiocy. Deadly idiocy. It probably works best in the well maintained & manicured settings of some staid Uni's, but in real life? This is almost never the case universally. So our opponents get to characterize a decent, diligent, hard working, talented, long tenured & very smart Latina jurist as 'an dumb affirmative action hire' and worse still as an out & out "Racist" for some minor comment taken wildly out of context? They'll lie about it until, well forever actually. The ones that liked to 'render vigilante justice'? Were called noble sounding things like 'White Citizen Councils', the 'Sovereignty Commission', 'Committee in Defense of...'. They called their movement without any intended irony the 'states rights' movement for 'limited governance', and of course it's still with us today. Terror. Domestic terror used to advance political aims. And often protected by some of the most powerful forces on the planet: the Church & state. Like demands for the universal & unilateral imposition strict religious Sharia Law on a population? That's what we've got here. In the US. Doubt it? Read here: and the new book by David Neiwert a journalist based in Seattle. He is the author of "The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right" (PoliPoint Press, May 2009). So this goes well beyond 'courtesy' and 'privileged debate'. It stopped being about politics as usual, and became a yes, a decades long campaign of domestic terrorism, oh about the time you were in diapers. That's why you really don't understand. Want to know where to start? It starts with the rhetoric calling for the 'elimination' of 'those baby killers'. For DECADES. By well known clerics, by well respected ministers & TV & radio personalities, like Rush & Bill O'Liely. So the appeal to MLK is touching, since you rarely do so for anything in the ME, preferring the usual irredentist call of the Arab League, but this is a bit different. The terror is strikingly similar, but the war's upon a much larger class of people: Women. MLK called out the terror. Called it for what it was. Are most 'pro-lifers' violent? No, probably not. Survey's show that only a small but irredeemably intractable section of the people who claim to oppose abortion want to see it truly eliminated & outlawed. And again, only a small segment ever has agreed that violence or murder was a proper way to carry this out. But to an persistently & disgustingly unnatural degree, many of the leaders of the anti-abortion forces are in favor or tacitly tolerate violence to suit their ends. Not prayer. Not 'non violent action', but very Violent confrontation. The endangerment of public resources, private property, and yes, even the murder of doctors who dare to perform a Legal and Justified, Life saving Medical Procedure, like Dr. Tiller. There IS a middle ground, and it's easily found all over Europe, where the abortion rates are far lower than in the US. Easily available, Cheap & effective contraception would prevent perhaps 1/3 to half of all abortion, when coupled with medically accurate and early & consistent sex education. But for the most part, we're schizophrenic on the topic of sex as a culture. And you'll not find ONE of the major 'pro-life' organizations that promotes safe, effective & modern birth control. Or, gosh ever dares to pair this with medically & clinically proven effective information on how to prevent pregnancy. The Single Greatest Effective Way to Eliminate Many Abortions! No it HAS to be 2000+ year old Church Approved BC for you & the world, or else you're WRONG, EVIL & a Sinner. NOT even condoms, (originally dating from the time of the Pharaohs) are allowed by the Catholic Church & the 'anti-abortion' crusaders. Not for any reason. Not to prevent the deadly spread of HIV in Africa & elsewhere, not anywhere. So what if 1/4 of all African men/women are either infected with or in danger of being infected with HIV? Your immortal Soul is more worthy of attention and Potential salvation than your life. No condoms for you! Ever! About 600K women per year die from lack of access to adequate BC & abortion. If you're not working for the most readily accessible & available solutions because your dogma demands that other people you do not know somehow need to be enslaved by your centuries old pre-scientific ideology & willful ignorance& stupidity? That's not precisely 'pro-life'. Not by anyone's fair description. So yes, some folks can accurately be described as 'pro-life', especially those few who Do embrace a 'whole life' philosophy, a very small minority of the whole. (They would also be against the death penalty, against war, against hunger & against most human suffering too). Those are some rare folks. I know a few. They're not typical of the 'anti-abortion movement'. They're just not in the leadership. Never were, never will be. Some poseurs will claim to be carefully observant of 'whole life principles', but if they're not out there advocating for more spending by the state for crippled kids & adults? They're really not 'pro-lifers'. No, not really. Life does not begin just at conception and ends for all practical purposes for these folks at Birth. It Must continue for the entire life course. Which BTW, happens to be much shorter for most handicapped people & folks who suffer from chronic diseases. A universal health care plan for everyone? Very pro-life. Find me one group that's advocating this, instead of gearing up to re-fight the Clinton era wars of 'no reproductive health care for women allowed in this plan!' So there's a natural divide here. And like the 'ordinary folks' who just 'went along' with the Nazi's violence (or even the Klan's), the onus lies within the anti-abortion movement to purge themselves of any contact or support of the violent extremists that have yes, defined their movement, well for much of the time you've been alive. Yeah, I know this is too long too... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 03:17:01 AM Given the number of people who have been murdered by pro-life terrorists, not to mention every other crime visited upon them by the pro-life movement, I think you have to find more than the use of the phrase "anti-choice" to justify the comparison of the two extremes of the abortion debate. But I've been thinking about the civil rights era, too. There were a lot of pro-segregation people then, like there are a lot of pro-life people now. And after an event like this, they would offer the same pro-forma condemnation of violence. Then they would fight any and every effort by the federal government to bring the killer to justice or pass federal law to protect the civil rights workers from harm. And that is what the pro-life movement does, too. Even now, they're girding to fight any federal or state effort to prevent them from continuing their campaigns of harassment and protect people like Dr. Tiller from harm. If the pro-life movement wants to illustrate its committment to nonviolence, maybe it should reconsider not only its rhetoric and tactics but its legislative priorities as well. Maybe it should not only abandon its efforts to demonize women who consider abortion and doctors who perform it, but abandon its efforts to criminalize the procedure and instead join with the pro-choice movement to reduce the demand for abortion through promotion of contraception and provison of greater economic and social support for parents. Maybe, but they won't. Instead, they'll do what they do the every time a pro-life terrorist murders a doctor - complain that they have been victimized by the harsh words of the pro-choice movement, then return to the same rhetoric, tactics, and agenda as before. And so it will continue, until the next doctor is murdered. And the next. And the next. But hey. Maybe this time, because I didn't say anti-choice, it will be different! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 03:21:16 AM No, it's not really like the Civil Rights Movement: Part 1: A Classic from Scott Lemieux over @ 'Lawyers, Guns & Money' "FactChuck: Randall Terry=MLK As previously mentioned, NARAL did a convincing job of demolishing this typically atrocious article. One claim made by the hack who wrote it, however, is offensive on so many levels it demands further attention: the argument that Operation Rescue's methods "mirrored the non-violent tactics used earlier by civil-rights activists." * Contrary to FactChuck, violence was not merely "threatened" by radical anti-abortion activists. Members of the group in question in this case were involved in bombings and other extreme acts of violence, and women were injured by Operation Rescue blockades. (Conversely, Martin Luther King never bombed a Klan meeting. Fred Shuttlesworth didn't shoot George Wallace with a high-powered rifle. Nor did civil rights leaders condone such acts.) * Even if we write off the violence as aberrational, to compare the tactics of OR to those of the civil rights movement is empirically wrong and morally and politically reprehensible. Sit-ins were not trying to prevent other people from eating; they were trying to compel restaurants to provide African-Americans with the same service they were providing everyone else. Non-violent resistance on behalf of voting rights did not try to stop white people from voting. (This is not to say, of course, that groups like OR do not use any tactics comparable to the civil rights movement, but these tactics are completely irrelevant to Bray. To borrow Amanda's language, OR can wave all the bloody fetuses and hand out all the pamphlets they want; nobody questions that.) * Perhaps most importantly, civil rights activists had positive law on their side. While it was true that civil rights activists were often charged with trespassing, violating injunctions, and the like, these actions by the state were almost always unconstitutional. (And, by this I don't merely mean that I think they were unconstitutional, but that the United States Supreme Court thought they were unconstitutional.) While Randall Terry may sincerely believe that a fetus is a human life and that this justifies a variety of illegal activity, this belief (unlike equal protection and voting rights) is not inscribed anywhere in American law. OR and its ilk, therefore, are more comparable to the Klan than to the civil rights movement. They use illegal means to achieve illegal ends. What a disgrace that FactCheck would publish this garbage. Further reading: Bader and Bind-Widdle, Targets of Hatred : Anti-Abortion Terrorism. ...from the above-mentioned book, here's some data. In 1991, the year Bray was decided, there were 2 cases of murder or attempted murder of abortion providers, 9 bombings/arsons (or attempted bombings/arsons), 83 cases of invasions, assault and battery, vandalism, death threats burglary or stalking, and 3,885 arrests at blockades. To take one example, by the end of a seven-week Operation Rescue operation in Wichita that summer, "police had arrested 1,734 people for 2,657 acts of trespassing, resisting arrest and violating injunctions against blockading." But, you might ask if you're a FactCheck hack, couldn't this be because they were the victim of trumped-up charges like the civil rights groups Operation Rescue and its fellow travellers are so similar to? Er, no. In fact, Mayor Bob Knight "did nothing to curtail their activities," and governor of Kansas Joan Finney spoke at an OR rally. Think about that--with the tacit or explicit support of the two most powerful relevant political officials, OR members were still subject to well more than a thousand arrests. I think you can see the scope of the threat they posed, and that OR apologists like FactCheck are completely full of shit... Posted by Scott Lemieux at 7:23 PM " JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 03:44:03 AM Not a 'non violent' Civil Rights Movement, Part 2: Via Huffington Post: "A look at recent cases of abortion-related violence: _ May 31, 2009: Prominent late-term abortion provider George Tiller is shot and killed in a Wichita church where he was serving as an usher. The gunman fled but a city official said a suspect is in custody. _ April 25, 2007: Authorities say Paul Ross Evans placed a homemade bomb in the parking lot of the Austin Women's Health Center in Texas. A bomb squad disposes of the device, which contained two pounds of nails. There are no injuries. _ Oct. 23, 1998: Dr. Barnett Slepian is fatally shot in his home in a suburb of Buffalo, N.Y. Militant abortion opponent James Kopp is convicted of the murder in 2003 and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. _ Jan. 29, 1998: A bomb explodes just outside a Birmingham, Ala., abortion clinic, killing a police officer and wounding several others. Eric Rudolph later pleads guilty to that incident and the deadly bombing at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. He justifies the Alabama bombing in an essay from prison, writing that Jesus would condone "militant action in defense of the innocent." _ Jan. 16, 1997: Two bomb blasts an hour apart rock an Atlanta building containing an abortion clinic. Seven people are injured. Rudolph is charged by federal authorities in October 1998. _ Dec. 30, 1994: John Salvi opens fire with a rifle inside two Boston-area abortion clinics, killing two receptionists and wounding five others. Sentenced to life without parole, he kills himself in prison in 1996. _ Nov. 8, 1994: Dr. Garson Romalis, who performs abortions in Vancouver, Canada, is shot in the leg while eating breakfast at home. _ July 29, 1994: Dr. John Bayard Britton and his volunteer escort, James H. Barrett, are slain outside a Pensacola, Fla., abortion clinic. Barrett's wife, June, is wounded in the attack. Paul J. Hill, 40, a former minister and anti-abortion activist, is later convicted of murder and sentenced to death. _ Aug. 19, 1993: Dr. George Tiller is shot in the arms as he drives out of parking lot at his Wichita, Kan., clinic. Rachelle "Shelley" Shannon is later convicted and sentenced to 11 years in prison. _ March 10, 1993: Dr. David Gunn is shot to death outside Pensacola, Fla., clinic, becoming the first U.S. doctor killed during an anti-abortion demonstration. Michael Griffin is convicted and serving a life sentence." See also on Earlier Tiller attacks & demos: No, MLK would not recognize these people, and would unreservedly condemn them for their violent acts & intent. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 03:53:22 AM "No, MLK would not recognize these people, and would unreservedly condemn them for their violent acts & intent. JMP" In all your hyper-inflated blathering you failed to note that I wasn't talking about terrorists, I was talking about pro-life people. Again, all of you have conflated pro-life people in general with terrorists who are a fringe of the pro-life movement, just like people like ELF/ALF are the fringe in the environmental movement. That's wrong, and you are not helping. I wish JMP you could at least not help with less words (eyesore, you know). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 03:56:59 AM And Drew, you're a lot more reasonable and less blindly partisan than JMP, so I ask you this question: if you're going to associate pro-life people who are respectable and polite to you despite the differing of views (this is what, 40% of the country?) with terrorists freely, what do you think the response will be? Will they say, "By golly, he's right!" or will there be a further division between the two sides created? I certainly think O'Reilly, Erickson, and a lot of these folks are complete scum, but you can't associate fringe elements with the mainstream. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 03:58:42 AM And I didn't say calling them anti-choice will cause terrorism, I just think it's immature and useless -- like them calling you anti-life. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 04:00:41 AM Who this well known and Operation Rescue connected terrorist assassinated: Via the DailyKos: "The George Tiller I Knew by loree920 Sun May 31, 2009 at 06:45:47 PM PDT [Promoted by Meteor Blades] Like many in this community, my heart is heavy today. There have been many great diaries that talk about Dr. Tiller's years of service to women, and the threats he has endured throughout the last years of his life. My story is a bit more personal and I want to share it with all of you to give you more insight into the man. In 1975 my Mom noticed an indention in her left breast. She called and made an appointment with her OB/GYN, Dr. George Tiller. After his initial examination, he ordered a biopsy. While performing the biopsy he immediately knew that the lump was cancerous. Instead of just closing and scheduling surgery, he “grabbed a handful”, his words not mine. Her cancer Dr. credited this quick thinking by Dr. Tiller with saving her life, and due to this she didn’t even have to undergo chemotherapy. Several years later my Mother and I were driving by his clinic in Wichita. Mom started complaining of chest pains, so I drove into his parking lot and ran in to get help. Dr. Tiller was by Mom’s side immediately, and stabilized her, before the heart attack could cause severe damage. In 1980 I was pregnant with my first child. I had no insurance and couldn't afford a doctors appointment until I was approved for a medical card.. Mom told Dr. Tiller and he brought me into his office where he examined me, free of charge. I can credit him with the very first picture taken of my son. The last story I have to share is about my friends who could not have children. Dr. Tiller’s office worked with several attorneys in the Wichita area to provide adoption services for his patients who wanted this option. My friends have a 10 yr. old boy now, who is loved and adored. I’m not a great writer, so I apologize that this isn’t nearly as eloquent as some of the diaries on Daily Kos. I just wanted to get this story out to you, so you could hear how this man wasn’t just a tremendous fighter for women's rights. He was a brilliant physician, and a kind and compassionate human being. RIP Dr. Tiller and thank you for all you did for my friends and my family." Yeah Z, tell me again, how many cops did MLK kill? How many people did the SCLC assault? How many ebbil 'white folks' were hit over the head with sticks, signs, had their kids stalked at school, their wives harassed in stores, their work lives constantly threatened by 'outside agitators' bent on their utter destruction? MMMM? Find us a few. Then wake up and find the real terror waiting for you. At home. Where it's always been. The most devastating US terror attack before 9-11? The Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, by domestic Right wing militia forces, including principally, Tim McVeigh. Strangely, an anti-government US Army vet: The single greatest source of terrorism throughout the 1980's into the early 1990's in the US? Anti-abortion attacks on Womens Health clinics. So Pro-life? Perhaps. Occasionally. Prove it! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL:,0,5206324.story DATE: 06/02/2009 04:29:27 AM Umm, I'm like really sorry I tried to make a self professed 'liberal' UGA student read something over 1000 words. Sorry. I know it's exhausting & tiring. Even thinking about it all. But no, you really did not read it. And I'm sorry no one's ever asked before either. How very unreasonable of me! So again, please find the civil 'non violence' or 'pro-life' here: Yesterday’s “slaying of Dr. George Tiller in his Kansas church” was “part of a decades-long history of domestic terrorism aimed at abortion providers,” which has included bombings, butyric acid attacks, sniper shootings and letters filled with fake anthrax. The National Abortion Federation “has documented more than 6,100 acts of violence against abortion providers in the United States and Canada since 1977.”,0,5206324.story See also: "Sarah Palin, like most right-wingers, doesn't get it: Abortion-clinic violence is terrorism" By David Neiwert Monday Jun 01, 2009 4:30pm And again not to be always talking past each other here. I know regular 'rank & file' 'pro-life' people. It's the anti-choice Leadership, political & otherwise I worry about. They're the people who have consistently mobilized the violent hatred & attacks. Mostly strictly for political gain & advantage too. Which is the very definition of Evil to my mind, BTW. Now if you knew anything about history Z, you could understand the distinction. As you don't, won't & can't, well you're probably condemned to a purgatory of your own misapprehensions. But not to worry. It's not affecting the quality of your comments any. I'm saddened by your struggle with all those words, but not unsympathetic. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 07:53:35 AM Love the fallacies from both sides here! Great thread! A+! Would read again! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 08:15:02 AM Seriously, people, you are skating on very thin ice with this thread. I respectfully ask you all to save this discussion for some other thread, some other time, and reserve this one for more appropriate comments celebrating the life of Dr. Tiller. Zaid, you are like a broken record. A tactless broken record. Can you please give it a rest, even a short one? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 09:14:55 AM Okay, Judean People's Front and People's Front of Judea. The sadness of this thing just reminds me of gay-bashing, hippie-bashing, and SUV's out to run over bicyclists (okay, the last is a little hyperbolic, but I've definitely had things shouted at friends on bikes - usually by idiots in trucks). It is entirely about restricting the choices that free individuals have. There just seems to be a certain group so threatened by people living their lives as they see fit that they are willing to move to violence. I really don't know what that is - even my go-to disgust for some organized religions lacks enough explanatory power to latch onto that dark part of the human psyche. Maybe it's projection, maybe it's desire for acceptance in a group on no matter what terms, maybe it's a need to do something, anything significant in the world. And maybe it is just plain derangement and / or self-addiction to righteousness (which in some experiences can be a drug as potent as an opiate). It seems at some point there really needs to be some refining of the legal machinery about incitement vis-a-vis the First Amendment. At some point, the ringleaders must become accessories to the crimes. And when I say that, I do mean that some kind of rigorous test must be put together (or tweaked - as I'm sure many legal eagles here will point out existing statute). As for Dr. Tiller, all I can say is that it is a tragedy that he is a "hero" at all. He was a licensed provider of a legal medical procedure. He did not do so in a war zone, for the destitute out of his pocket (although he may on a couple of occasions - I don't know his biography), or in other circumstances we usually associate with heroism. It should have been a boring office job. The fact that circumstances raised his work to heroism speaks to a certain brand of sickness in our society that I have mentioned above. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 09:51:37 AM P.S. You all need to get to bed at a decent hour! I think the late nights are making everyone cranky. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 09:55:33 AM "even my go-to disgust for some organized religions" Quoted for LULZy-ness. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 10:01:08 AM Just the facts ma'am: What Dr. Tiller Did, Part 1: "Some Thoughts on Dr. Tiller by BooMan [] Mon Jun 1st, 2009 at 12:55:57 AM EST I know most of my readers are pro-choice but I still think it worth considering what it means to ask a woman to carry a pregnancy to term when she knows that the baby will have one of the following conditions: Anencephaly Trisomy 13 Trisomy 18 Trisomy 21 Polycystic kidney disease Spina bifida Hydrocephalus Potter's syndrome Lethal dwarfism Holoprosencephaly Anterior and posterior encephalocele Non-immune hydrops The cached version of Dr. Tiller's admission criteria shows the following: Admission Criteria In order to offer you an appointment, we require that a physician refer you to our center. In addition, we need your genetic counselor or doctor to provide us with gestational and diagnostic information regarding your pregnancy. Over the past twenty-five years, we have had experience with pregnancy terminations in such situations as anencephaly, Trisomy 13, 18, and 21, polycystic kidney disease, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, Potter's syndrome, lethal dwarfism, holoprosencephaly, anterior and posterior encephalocele, non-immune hydrops, and a variety of other very significant abnormalities. Dr. Tiller was acquitted of all charges that he failed to consult a second doctor or demand referrals. A lot of bogus charges have been made against him. Late-term abortions are not performed for frivolous reasons, no matter what Bill O'Reilly says". Again the admission criteria taken directly from Dr. Tiller's site: FYI. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 10:13:01 AM Who Dr. Tiller was & what he did, Part 2: Via the "A Doctor's Story - Why I and my patients will miss Dr. Tiller by dagan68 A Doctor's Story - Why I and my patients will miss Dr. Tiller Mon Jun 01, 2009 at 10:08:42 AM PDT I am an internist in Texas. Dr. Tiller was the only physician in this part of the country to whom I could send patients for critical procedures. I wanted to share a patient's story - and what has happened to that patient's family because of men like Dr. Tiller. This is a true tragedy - I am just heart-broken. * dagan68's diary :: :: * A few years ago, I was on call to take unassigned patients from the ER. My job as an internist is to admit patients whom the ER doctor deems need to be admitted. That night, I admitted a 32 year old man for chest pain. When I opened the door to his room, I realized that this was not a normal "chest pain" admission. Sure, that was his main complaint - however, he was in perfect physical shape, muscular, thin and healthy - not the usual McDonald's physique that would most likely produce coronary disease in a 32 year old. He was, however, sobbing uncontrollably. He was completely stressed out - emotionally and spiritually. He cried and cried and cried. Through the tears, the story finally emerged. I would have been crying too, had it been me. His wife was 28 weeks pregnant - about 7 months (far too late for a normal abortion). He and his wife had just been informed that day by their OB-GYN that the fetus had severe deformities of its heart's left ventricle and pulmonary veins. The fetus would live about 5 minutes upon birth. However, they were told, there was a surgical corrective measure that could be done immediately upon birth that would give the child a 10% chance of living to be 21. Furthermore, that procedure would require a 50,000 dollar co-pay - and the baby would have to have several very expensive open-heart procedures througout its lifetime. The total cost to them and their insurance company ( and by extension SOCIETY ) would likely be 2 - 3 million dollars in the first 15 years of the baby's life. The young man was beside himself - not only with grief - but with overwhelming fear about the future. Any conscious human being with an IQ would be able to immediately realize the ENORMOUS FINANCIAL strain this would take on this young family. This young man and his wife had discussed this together. They had decided that 50 years ago - if this had happened to their grandparents - the baby would be born and just die. They both decided together that they wanted to abort the fetus, mainly, just to get the death of the fetus over for all involved and to do so in a controlled way. They decided they would immediately begin working on another baby to join their other two. They had prayed about it, discussed it with their families and wanted it done. Then they talked to their OB - and found out it was not going to happen in Texas. By the laws of the State of Texas - and by extension the Southern Baptist Convention, late-term abortions are impossible to be done here. And thus, in total despondency - my patient just could not handle the stress and ended up in the hospital with chest pain. I spoke with Dr. Tiller's clinic the next day - and fortunately, he was able to help them very soon thereafter. This family now has 4 healthy kids - and more importantly, are not burdened with the financial disaster of having a child who needs open heart surgery every 3 years. They are ardent Evangelical church-goers and they called me this morning to share their intense grief at what had happened to someone they view as their hero. These issues are so much more than just a surgical procedure for this family. Late-term abortions - despite what Bill O'Reilly has to say - are almost NEVER if EVER done for birth control or because someone just "doesn't want to be pregnant". They are NOT done to fix pregnancy-induced depression. They ARE done to abort fetuses who are found to have disastrous problems like this couple's baby. And in the process, relieve both the family and society from gigantic emotional and financial pain. In all my years of practice, I have had a mere 2 women who have had to do this - one is above - the other was very similar. I thank God there are men like Dr. Tiller who were out there doing this for the women of America. May God Have Mercy on his soul - and be with his family in these trying hours." Dr Tiller was never just 'an abortion Doctor'. He was a fully qualified internist & OBGYN, and provided deeply compassionate and unique care for all who knew him. I'm sorry that I'll probably be unable to make the vigil tonight. Thanks for the opportunity here & there for people to express their grief & frustration over this madness & concerted political violence. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 12:06:43 PM I would also like to take a moment to remember Pvt. William Long, 23, of Conway, Arkansas, who was gunned down yesterday at a military recruiting center. The cops say the shooter had a problem with the military and this was his response. Death penalty, war, UFC, Mortal Kombat, John Wayne... using violence to solve our problems is so ingrained into our society... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 12:18:01 PM Zaid, if this were an instance of a homophobe planting a bomb in a gay bar, not only would we not be called upon to label anti-gay groups "pro-family" in the interest of comity, we wouldn't be criticized for calling the terrorist himself "anti-gay," no matter how respectable, polite most anti-gay people are, or how many there are. I see no reason to adopt a different standard here. The problem with your demand is the implicit equivalence you assert between the pro-life movement and the pro-choice movement, when as Dr. Tiller's life illustrates, there is none. He and his family were terrorized. His clinic was bombed. He was shot. Three times. Even the government, which should have defended him, was so dominated by the pro-life movement that it joined in the persecution, prosecuting him rather than defending him from the violence that perpetrated by the pro-life movement. And he wasn't the only one. He's only the latest victim. I don't think we should ignore the truth of what happened to Dr. Tiller, and I especially don't think we should do so on behalf of those who labeled him a murderer, or so that those who call themselves "pro-life" can continue to ignore the nature of the extremists who serve as the muscle for their agenda. Really, in order to understand exactly who Dr. Tiller is, and why he is important, you have to acknowledge what he dealt with. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 12:31:31 PM In before lock. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 12:35:23 PM Who Dr. George Tiller was and what & why he did it. Part 3: George Tiller Refused To Quit: "Women Need Me" Story from Huffington Post/AP: "To some he was an unflinching hero, to others a remorseless villain. As a late-term abortion doctor, George Tiller knew he had chosen a dangerous career, one that made him a lightning rod. His clinic was a fortress, his days marred by threats, but he refused to give up what he saw as his life's mission. "He never wavered," says Susie Gilligan, who knew Tiller as part of her work in the Feminist Majority Foundation. "He never backed away. He had incredible strength. When you spoke to him, he was a soft-spoken man, a very gentle man. He said, 'This is what I have to do. Women need me. I know they need me.'" Tiller, 67, whose Wichita, Kan., clinic had been the target of anti-abortion protests for more than two decades, was fatally shot Sunday while serving as an usher at his church. The suspect, identified by police as Scott Roeder, was taken into custody three hours later on suspicion of murder. As one of a few doctors across the nation to perform third-trimester abortions, Tiller had survived an earlier shooting, his clinic was bombed, his home picketed. He hired a Brink's armored truck to take him to work for several weeks, he had federal marshals protecting him for 30 months. He built a new surgical center without windows and he was known to wear a bulletproof vest, sometimes even to church. Through it all, he stood defiant. When a pipe bomb heavily damaged his clinic in the mid 1980s, he hung a sign outside the rubble saying: "Hell, No. We Won't Go!" He offered a $10,000 award _ which was never collected. When thousands of protesters gathered at the Women's Health Care Services clinic in 1991 for the 45-day "Summer of Mercy" demonstration staged by Operation Rescue, he was again unbowed. "I am a willing participant in this conflict," he said at the time. "I choose to be here because I feel that it is the moral, it is the ethical thing to do." Story continues below He told The Wichita Eagle newspaper in 1991 that prayer and meditation helped him through hard times. "If I'm OK on the inside," he said, "what people say on the outside does not make much difference." When a woman passing out anti-abortion literature shot him in both arms outside the clinic two years later, he briefly pursued her by car, recalls Peggy Bowman, his former spokeswoman. "He didn't even know he was shot and all of a sudden he saw this blood (and figured), 'I probably shouldn't spend my time chasing this woman,'" she says. Tiller suffered minor wounds _ and was back at the clinic the next day. (That's when he hired the armored truck.) This spring, Tiller was acquitted of misdemeanor charges of violating Kansas restrictions on late-term abortions. Shortly after, the state's medical board announced it was investigating allegations against him that were nearly identical to those a jury had rejected. Tiller's outspokenness rankled his critics, who decried as a publicity stunt his offer several years ago to provide free abortions on the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. He said at the time at least 32 low-income women signed up for the free first-trimester abortions. Abortion opponents also claimed Tiller's large financial involvement in Kansas politics thwarted prosecutions against him. They routinely blamed Tiller's "corrupt influences in the government" whenever legislation strengthening state abortion laws failed to pass the Legislature or was vetoed by the governor. While anti-abortion activists have condemned Tiller's death, Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue _ who also said the gunman was wrong _ told the National Press Club on Monday the doctor was "a mass murderer and, horrifically, he reaped what he sowed." Tiller, a former Navy flight surgeon, hadn't planned to be an abortion doctor. He hoped to become a dermatologist. But when his father, also a doctor, died in a plane crash (his mother, sister and brother-in-law also were killed), he took over the family practice. He soon learned the elder Tiller had performed abortions. "In reading through some of his records, he realized his father had done abortions when they were illegal," says Bowman, his former spokeswoman. "At first, he was really shocked. Then in going through those charts, he totally began to understand the importance of this service." Friends and colleagues say Tiller, a father of four and grandfather of 10, was a strong-willed, unassuming man who was quick with a hug or a joke. He decorated his office with family photos. He cherished rituals; he raised American flags in his clinic parking lot after the 1991 protests were over and later gave them to volunteers. "He was never riled, he was always calm and cool," says Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority Foundation. "He was a very serious man, but a very good-natured one." In a 2008 speech to a young women's leadership conference sponsored by the foundation, he said he was on a hit list in 1994, leading to federal protection. His wife was stalked, he said, and the names of his vendors were made public on the Internet. "But the good news," he said, "is we still live in the United States of America" and Roe vs. Wade allows women the opportunity to terminate pregnancies. Dr. Susan Robinson, a California obstetrician-gynecologist who calls Tiller her mentor, recalls one day when she asked him: "How can you stand it being in a pressure cooker?' He said, 'If it it's none of my business, I don't get involved. If it doesn't matter, I don't get involved. If there's nothing I can do about it, I don't get involved.' " But it was clear his work had taken a toll. Willow Eby, who worked as a volunteer escort at the clinic, remembers a conference she attended last year for abortion providers where he talked about his work. "He explained that this would take your youth, it would take your energy, it would wear you down," she recalls. "But he said he would not let down the women who needed him badly." Tiller once said his "gifts of understanding" helped him bring a service to women that aided them in fulfilling their dreams of a happy, healthy family. It was important, he said, that women have a choice when dealing with technology that can diagnose severe fetal abnormalities before a baby is born. "Prenatal testing without prenatal choices is medical fraud," he declared. Colleagues said Tiller's office walls were lined with letters from patients expressing their thanks. One woman who turned to him was Miriam Kleiman, of northern Virginia. Nine years ago, a routine sonogram revealed her 29-week-old fetus had major brain abnormalities that prevented the baby's heart and lungs from functioning properly. Doctors told her the baby would die in utero or soon after birth. Kleiman's doctors told her a third trimester abortion was not possible. Kleiman says she could not bear a two-month death watch. "There was a baby dying inside of me, and it wasn't if, but when," she says. After desperate pleas, she says, a doctor scribbled Tiller's name on a scrap of paper. She and her husband flew to Wichita and drove through a gauntlet of protesters to the fortress-like clinic. She remembers Tiller and his staff as kind and compassionate. She had the abortion and brought home her baby to be buried. Kleiman, who now has two sons, says she cried when she heard of Tiller's death while watching her son's soccer game. "I fear," she says, "that other people might not have this option in the future _ to have a medical option that was safe, that was legal and allowed us to say goodbye with dignity." ___ Lest we forget. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 04:03:56 PM The murder of Dr. Tiller will be our lead topic on Game On: Feel free to call in tonight at 8:00 pm to (646) 929-0643 to discuss this tragedy and the explosive politics surrounding it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 05:15:35 PM "I would also like to take a moment to remember Pvt. William Long, 23, of Conway, Arkansas, who was gunned down yesterday at a military recruiting center. The cops say the shooter had a problem with the military and this was his response. Death penalty, war, UFC, Mortal Kombat, John Wayne... using violence to solve our problems is so ingrained into our society..." Great point here. It would be wrong to associate all antiwar people with terrorists, as it's wrong to associate all prolife people with terrorists. The problem is the violence itself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 09:41:20 AM "Great point here. It would be wrong to associate all antiwar people with terrorists, as it's wrong to associate all prolife people with terrorists. The problem is the violence itself." Except that the "baby killers" and spitting on GI's upon their return was found to be a myth, and that the most radical anti-war actions involve the blockading of ports. I don't know of any web boards that post the home addresses and photos of defense contractors and/or senior military officials. The "lone crazy" thesis fits the shooter of the Private better, especially since the guy had to travel *outside* the US in order to find a group organized enough to send him after Army personnel. Our anti-choicers homebrew their own. I can't remember where I heard it, but there was a quip that leftie radicals like to break and burn stuff while rightie radicals liked to kill people. I'm thinking the latter deserves a bit more attention. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 10:20:19 AM Either way, it's still unfair to associate your average pro-lifer with terrorists. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 10:34:10 AM What is the "average pro-lifer"? Are they the ones who stalk patients outside local clinics? Are they the ones who financially support Operation Rescue (lets face it-they get their money from somewhere)? Or are they the ones who advocate for sex education; pre-natal care; children's medical care; parental education? If it's the latter, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, in my experience, the former are more prevalent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 10:38:05 AM Logic: this thread has none. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: DOJ smacks down Karen Handel BASENAME: doj_smacks_down_karen_handel STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/02/2009 12:55:45 PM TAGS: doj,election,"karen handel","voter id" ----- BODY: Feds rip Georgia voter system, from AJC:
    In a six-page letter issued last week, and released Monday, Justice Department lawyers said Handel's office had created a system that "does not produce accurate and reliable information and that thousands of citizens who are in fact eligible to vote under Georgia law have been flagged."
    But the system that was created, the federal lawyers found, was flawed and of the 7,000 individuals flagged as potential "non-citizens," more than 50 percent were actually U.S. citizens. Furthermore, the department found, those flagged as non-citizens were overwhelmingly black, Asian or Hispanic.
    It would seem that Handel has finally been called on her cynical tactic to make it through the Republican Gubernatorial primary. And that's a good thing. Here's hoping it bites her in the ass in the General. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 01:10:04 PM There needs to be a review of both sides methodology. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 01:23:31 PM Yes grift, but to paraphrase President Obama, we won. Beyond that, it's already too difficult to vote in this state. The last thing we need is the SOS throwing up more barriers to citizens. I'm convinced this was nothing more than PR for Handel's political career, at the expense of thousands of legitimate voters. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 01:43:10 PM Remember Shirley Franklin's mother's story? Just imagine if there was yet another barrier overcome. Just like Voter ID, this scheme is not fair to certain segments of the population. It's called disenfranchisement. Plain and simple. Karen Handel is a tool and as far as I am concerned she can go to hell with gasoline drawers on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 02:28:16 PM Mel, politicizing the DOJ is a very dangerous thing. We won isn't good enough for that particular branch. I know I'm about to be called "Karen's boyfriend" here, but like many things (WAY TOO MANY THINGS) involving voting, we really don't know anything about the methodology used except the SOS says its fine and the DOJ says it's not. If it takes a court case then so be it, but let's have the method and the scrutiny exposed to the air where it can be judged beyond (forgive the poor metaphor), he said/she said. If it's shown that the DOJ accusation holds water, then I don't necessarily agree that it's racist or even political to the degree that is argued here. But it would definitely go far towards showing a lack of competence as an administrator which has always been where Handel has swayed independents. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 03:19:02 PM "it's already too difficult to vote in this state." Quoting for entertainment value. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 03:44:37 PM A 51% error rate is unacceptable. I am curious as to who the other 49% are (that are supposedly non-citizens trying to register), but Handel needs to find a better way to check that out. From reading about stuff like this in previous years, I highly doubt that so many non-eligible voters are trying to register. There may be timing issues with their citizenship or any number of other innocent explanations that are far more likely than wholesale felony voter fraud. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 05:15:52 PM Of those 49% a decent chunk are probably actual citizens, but people whose paperwork was legitimately in error (i.e. different spellings of name, different birth dates listed, SS# did not match on driver's license, etc.) such that there was reason to question their identity at the time of registration. I think the 51% were people who had easily verifiable reasons why their registrations should not have been rejected. But that is just my ready of the DoJ letter, which is admittedly very convoluted to understand particularly since the state will not give the public many details of their methodology. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 06:16:51 PM The Republicans are trying to take everyone's eyes off the ball of the fact for the last 8 years they'd been doing everything they can to disenfranchise voters, which has been well documented by John Conyers' report, Greg Palast, etc. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 06:25:48 PM And it gives them a chance to do the boogeyman thing with the nefarious "illegal aliens" trying to vote. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 09:01:23 PM "Mel, politicizing the DOJ is a very dangerous thing." OK Grift, check out what Handel sent to her email list today. BTW, I don't recall signing up for the "Karen Handel for Governor" email list, but very clearly recall signing up for the Secretary of State's email list for voting related news:
    Obama Justice Department to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote in Georgia -- Karen Handel Fights to Stop It-- In a recent and shockingly political move, the Obama Justice Department ordered Georgia to stop the process of verifying that voters in Georgia are indeed U.S. Citizens. "It is a sad day for the rights of our state and for the integrity of our elections," said Karen. "I remain committed to continuing the fight for citizenship verification. In the coming days, I will consider every option available to the state, including the possibility of legal action." This morning, Karen posted a petition on her website to tell the Obama Justice Department that Georgians support citizenship verification for voter registration. We've set a goal of collecting 10,000 signatures by next week, so please sign the petition today and ask your friends, neighbors and family members to do the same. Join Karen Handel's fight to stop illegal aliens from voting by signing the petition now. The ruling also prevents Georgia from even verifying that a voter actually exists. This opens the door for groups like ACORN to abuse the voter registration system. Handel said, "The Obama Administration completely disregarded Georgia's obvious and direct interest in preventing non-citizens from voting, instead siding with the ACLU and the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF). Clearly, politics took priority over common sense and good public policy." Committed to the integrity of our elections, Karen has said "Bring It On" in the face of this challenge. Please stand with her by signing her free and fair elections petition right now. This is not just a fight in Georgia. If this injustice is not stopped here, it could spread nationwide and open the door to illegal aliens voting in every state. Here are a sampling of some headlines from around the country... Obama Dept. of Justice Shows Shocking disregard for the integrity of our elections, June 2, 2009 Handel Defiant after feds reject Georgia voter screening Atlanta Journal Constitution, June 1, 2009 DOJ Opposes Georgia voter screening UPI, June 1, 2009 Justice Dept. Rejects Ga. Prevote Citizenship Checks The Wall Street Journal, June 1, 2009 Help Karen today. Sign the petition."
    ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 10:31:09 PM Oh, Mel. Wasn't the banner of this site once something about politics not being for softies? ;-) Look for something from me tonight about this mess. With the usual potshots at both sides. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 10:41:23 PM This is nothing more than typical political babble on behalf of the "oh, it's a she" Karen Handel. She must have received the GOP talking points of the day. On the positive, if she keeps talking about non-voting issues and making videos about the "OX" nobody will notice she is completely unqualified for this position (she still doesn't have a college degree, correct?????!!!!). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:33:34 AM I have a serious question here for my leftward brothers and sisters. An ID is perhaps, the single most important document one needs in society. They are also very cheap. They are also available without any real effort. They are available throughout the state at many places, and from many federal agencies. Does anyone here truly think that not having an ID is the product of anything other than pure, unadulterated laziness? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:59:33 AM Well, there are those crazies who refuse to get IDs because of distrust of the government... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 08:27:08 AM Yeah and I'm perfectly content not wanting them to have any role in our civil governance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 08:32:40 AM So cheap they're free ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 08:58:59 AM Well, there are people who are very poor, very old, or sometimes confused. They may not have computers, so can't easily figure out where to get an ID or how to get there. They may not have extra Marta fare, or may not have the ability to take off during the work day. They may have disabilities that prevent them from easily leaving the house. And they may not have family or friends who can help them out. There are lots of legit reasons people have trouble getting their IDs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 09:19:25 AM Then how do they get to the polls? We're back to the fundamental question that tossed out the, I believe it was, the Rome case. The judge asked granny if she could get to the ID office and much to the chagrin of the plaintiffs, she replied, oh yes my daughter takes me out to get groceries and what not. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 09:31:45 AM I'd also like to point out that Judge Bedford, a major opponent of the original Voter ID law, showed that having identification does not prove citizenship. I can't remember exactly how he described it, but there were at least two points at which the current system allows the chain of identification to be broken and the system used to register non-citizens as voting citizens. Considering that there isn't much evidence for an actual problem with individual voter fraud, and that the "cure" has a less than 50 percent accuracy rate, there doesn't seem to be much reason to go the expense of this system. So yeah, it's a cynical game. The Republicans want to make voting as difficult as possible (since their demographics have greater resources to overcome the difficulty) and the Democrats want to make voting as easy as possible. The fact that Handel's program snagged blacks (which you'd pretty well assume are actually from this country) seems to suggest that she wants to be sure that Georgia is subject to supervision under the VRA for quite some time to come. Which really doesn't bother me all that much. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 09:40:50 AM Re: How do they get to the polls. The fact is that some of the people affected by these types of laws have been voting in the same location (some in the lower level of their senior housing center) for decades without having to show ID or prove citizenship. There are elderly Americans who do not have "birth certificates" of the type many of us have. Birth records were family bibles, church records, etc. Additionally, it seems to me that the Voter REGISTRATION process is supposed to flesh out all these details. I've said it again and again - it sounds to me like Ms Handel doesn't have much confidence in the registration process - maybe that's where the focus should be. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 10:02:40 AM How do they get to the polls? You may have heard about this thing called "get out the vote". Churches, civic groups, and campaigns organize rides, van pools, etc. to help these folks get to their polling places, which are often very near them (in what is known as their "precinct"). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 10:31:10 AM There's also this very interesting thing called "absentee voting". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 10:40:43 AM Paula, you realize your making my arguments for me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 10:42:57 AM They may not have computers, so can't easily figure out where to get an ID or how to get there. Good the thing the white pages everyone still gets has that information then." "They may not have extra Marta fare, or may not have the ability to take off during the work day. They may have disabilities that prevent them from easily leaving the house." If one uses MARTA to the point where it is a legitmate form of transit, then "extra Marta fare" isn't really a problem as they will have monthly unlimited cards. And good thing you can go to Walmart and get fishing license damn near 24 hours, Post Office is open on Saturday, federal IDs can be obtained just about any time via mail, etc. etc. etc. "There are lots of legit reasons people have trouble getting their IDs." Yeah, and with the slightest, most minuscule, insignificant amount of effort, they can be dismissed. Not having an ID is a case of sheer stupidity or laziness. FFS, I can't even procure Blockbuster's services without an ID! "There are elderly Americans who do not have "birth certificates" of the type many of us have. Birth records were family bibles, church records, etc. " What is this? 1900? "Additionally, it seems to me that the Voter REGISTRATION process is supposed to flesh out all these details." It is. However, that concern only matters if you think there is only one opportunity where something fraudulent could with voting. Surely you don't believe that. "The judge asked granny if she could get to the ID office and much to the chagrin of the plaintiffs, she replied, oh yes my daughter takes me out to get groceries and what not." /thread ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 11:30:12 AM Can we not confuse the Voter ID issue with this citizenship/identity check at registration issue? They are very different and I think the merits of DoJ's objection are getting lost in discussion of an old fight. (That, like it or not, SCOTUS has decided for once and for all.) It looks like SoS's identity and citizenship check process has 2 problems: 1) their flagging criteria/process is flawed and is disproportionately flagging minorities who do legitimiately qualify to register to vote and 2) the procedures for correcting erroneous flagging are so unduly burdensome on the registrants that they serve to prevent qualified voters from being able to register and vote. Given this understanding, I think I agree with the DoJ's determination. You don't have to prove discriminatory intent if you have proof of discriminatory impact of a policy, and DoJ's letter indicates that the over-flagging of Black, Asian and Hispanic voters was statistically significant. With the added bonus of making it very hard for people who are unfairly flagged as non-citizens to correct that status and become properly registered, the impact is that minority registrants are more likely to be kept from registering or voting than whites. This is exactly what the VRA and the 15th amendment are intended to prevent. However, I think that rather than throwing out the citizenship requirement altogether, or ascribing a racist purpose to it (it might be there, but we don't have evidence of intent that I'm aware of, just impact), Handel could conceivably change the procedure for checking the citizenship status of new registrants to one that does not have such a discriminatory impact. She can change the criteria for which non-conforming registrations are flagged, or she can change the procedure for notifying a registrant of a failed attempt to register and giving them an easier way to fix the problem. She doesn't need to huff and puff about how unfair this all is when she could just fix the flaws in the current policy. And if she did those things, such that the discriminatory impact was reduced below statistically significant levels, then I don't think requiring citizenship checks at registration is necessarily a bad thing. We keep saying in response to whining about ACORN and registration fraud that it is the job of the states and counties to find and stop the fraud. Now we should let them find non-discriminatory ways to do that job. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 11:33:24 AM Yep ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:33:18 PM Can I just remind everyone that there is no evidence of any voter fraud relating to citizenship or ID in Georgia. None. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:45:28 PM Catherine, An excellent point. Which is the part that keeps the door open to the "Handel wants the Ken Blackwell GOP SoS award" line of allegation. The new ways don't need to absolutely prevent people from voting - they just need to add more burden to the individuals and support systems (as in requiring not just a GOTV ride volunteer call, but a registration / ID getting call) of a constituency that is unlikely to vote for the party currently in charge. Now, we can have a discussion as to whether we want people that can't / won't take on the requirements of the new system in order to vote, but it will end up with a bit of an elitist slant. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:49:09 PM You know, grift, while at the grocery store I remembered that absentee doesn't require any ID, which I always forget because it strikes me as truly strange that it would be considered so all-fired important for in-person voting but not absentee voting, which goes to show something, no? But even with the availability of absentee voting, there may still very well be people who have difficulty getting their IDs for whatever reason, but want to or have to vote in person (perhaps they forgot to request the absentee ballot? I did that one year when I was in college and had to drive home to vote.). As to you IRE, I am once again astonished at your lack of empathy for people with real world problems. Your easy dismissal of these barriers indicates to me that you've never actually met an poor, elderly or disabled person. Although, as sara points out, it's sort of a moot point. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:53:16 PM Yeah. I got no empathy. Keep telling yourself that. Keep telling yourself anything you want. It makes me LOL. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 01:14:02 PM PaulaG, one of the chief complaints (coming from me as well) on the initial voter id front was the lack of action on absentee ballots. By ignoring the one area where there was proven fraud and hammering an area where there is virtually no fraud, Handel came off looking like a political shill. To her credit (and whatever her motivations) she began pushing to tighten absentee ballot verification after that. But it is all moot. And I do have empathy for people who have a hard time. But 45 days of voting? Polls open for 12 hours a day? What else are we supposed to do? Carry them into the polling place and place their hand on the touch screen? Then again, as you pointed out, get out the vote is something in which the parties are well practiced. I'd rather see more action on that end than the government end. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Switeyho EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 06:38:49 AM IRE, perhaps you can tell me how having to show a photo ID helps anything. We're going to task a minimally trained poll worker in photo-recognition, with no real procedure for what to do in the event of a dispute? (My last ID photo was taken 10 years ago.) Or, are we just leaving it up to the judgment of the poll worker? Is that really an improvement? This isn't a business transaction in which a company can choose to not offer service if they don't want to. This is a basic right. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 11:38:15 AM Because you are able to have some level of basic proof that the person voting is actually who they say they are? If you think getting a $10 ID that is practically a necessity for life is onerous then I say, nut the f*ck up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 12:08:39 PM But it's not proof of anything. You're actually ADDING a randomness factor. The "onerous" argument is separate. The issue for me is that you are giving this level of judgmental authority to poll workers. How do you even train someone in facial recognition? If I show up 30 lbs. heavier and less hair and a dark tan, is that OK? Does whatever the assumed standard is only apply to someone who looks "Mexican" or something? But there is no standard, there is no training, and if there is a procedure, I am not aware of it. Consensus of poll workers? That's not right. Either you are eligible or not. It's not an opinion. It's easy to say "so what, it's easy", but it's NOT easy to do right, and since photo ID doesn't solve the alleged problem- which doesn't even exist in the first place- one has to wonder about the motivation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 12:26:20 PM Dude, y'all are seriously worried about issues that can be fixed. Easily. You have to be trained to work the polls. Throw in some time about how to do facial recognition. Done. People will mess up, that is of course the case. But I'm not sure why the most important thing here is somehow human error rather than ensuring we have a more accurate system of voting. And you're right JT, it doesn't prove anything per se. But let's consider this. My ID says I am innerredneckexposed (lost the indie_rock_elitist one). I have a much better chance of proving I am me than if I don't. It is the same reason when I go to the bank and they ask for my ID to cash a check (which I didn't have a couple weeks ago, and couldn't get money), or when I used my debit card yesterday in Nassau they asked for my ID, or when I cleared customs they asked to see my passport. It is because you have a verifiable way of knowing who that individual is. Now, I refuse to think you are saying IDs are a bad way of proving who you are and that there is a level of mistrust you have when presenting yours, or having to have someone show theirs (for whatever reason). I have explained this "it hasn't happened yet" theory a lot of times and I'll do it one last time. There are plenty of things that haven't happened yet, but we still prepare for them in the hopes of preventing them or whathaveyou. I haven't been in a catastrophic car accident, yet I still wear a seatbelt. I haven't been paralyzed by the flu, yet I get a flu shot. I haven't been laid off from work yet I still save up JIC, etc etc etc. What is the old adage, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? Imagine if there is nothing in place for example, and an active GOP candidate gets elected through some form of fraud at the ballot box that could have been prevented. Oopsies on us. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 01:00:29 PM BTW: Here is a pretty good video in defense of my position. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 07:01:05 PM "Throw in some time about how to do facial recognition"? Like what? Even the FBI doesn't rely on crap like this. It's silly/paranoid/reactionary/overly simplistic. You can't "do facial recognition". And you don't get "more accurate". You get more legitimate voters having to appear before some board to prove who they are because some poll worker needs new glasses. I get money from the bank all the time without a photo ID. Sometimes there is a good reason why a problem isn't occurring IRE: Because we already have sufficient controls in place. Just think for a minute about what it would require for someone to vote fraudulently. It's practically impossible. And it's a felony if you get caught trying. Who would do that? If you're going to go down the "ounce of prevention" route, at least show an ounce of probability of the problem actually occurring. It's just a result of the Republicans paranoid delusion that massive amounts of illegal immigrants are stealing library cards and voting for Democrats. (Why else would they not be winning 90% of the vote?) But elderly, urban, minority folks get caught up in the vortex because they haven't had to have a drivers license in the past 30 years and many don't have a birth certificate either. But they've been voting legitimately for all that time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 07:51:55 PM Has anyone read the questionanaire from Ms. Sotamayor? (Of course Drew will no doubt tell you that I am opposed to women and minorities ever ascending to power) It is pretty interesting but it seems like one would forget a lot the panels you've been to the reason for going etc. And then how would she remember even most of the reason she recused herself from cases? Do judges keep a log or something like that? And what is the purpose for admitting people to practice in certain courts? As a layman it seems like if you are a lawyer you can just practice. What happens if your client keeps appealing and it goes to the SCOTUS? Do you have to take a test or something? The legal world seems byzantine and bizarre. :/ BTW Jerry, I'll say I agree with you all points! ^_^ PS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 12:36:46 AM I love all y'all! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 04:04:42 PM Jay Bookman weighs in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 04:14:38 PM And I respond. My Afternoon Jay *ducks* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 04:59:32 PM "And then how would she remember even most of the reason she recused herself from cases? Do judges keep a log or something like that?" There's an order of recusal generated (or should be) when a judge takes that action, so it would have been a matter of some poor research assistant looking through the dockets of all of her cases and finding every one she was recused from. "And what is the purpose for admitting people to practice in certain courts? As a layman it seems like if you are a lawyer you can just practice." When you pass the bar exam in a state, you are generally only admitted in the state courts at the trial court level. For example, I was admitted in January 2007 to Georgia trial courts. I was admitted in April 2007 to the Georgia Supreme Court. I have never bothered to get admitted to the Appeals Court (though I probably should). In most states it works this way. Federal courts have entirely different admissions procedures, and they are set district-by-district (or circuit by circuit, and yes SCOTUS has its own admission procedures.) I just got admitted in April to the Northern District of Georgia federal court. I had to fill out paperwork, have a sponsor, and show up to be sworn. Some districts make you take a test. Some make you be admitted to the underlying state court, while others don't. Every lawyer who litigates generally has a list of where they have been admitted. There's also pro hac vice (temporary for the purposes of one case) admissions to keep track of. "What happens if your client keeps appealing and it goes to the SCOTUS? Do you have to take a test or something?" No test, but you have to be sponsored by someone who is admitted to practice before SCOTUS and submit paperwork and be sworn. One of my coworkers had a case appealed to SCOTUS and was recently going to go through that whole process, but thankfully the Court bounced the cert petition before she bothered. "The legal world seems byzantine and bizarre." Try practicing in it! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 06:24:37 PM Thanks for the answers! And I do mean that. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Around the Services... BASENAME: around_the_services STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/02/2009 08:54:20 PM ----- BODY: A few of the latest headline-grabbing tidbits across our armed services: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2009 11:15:20 PM McChrystal was JSOC/special ops. Will Afghanistan be getting El Salvador'd? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 02:46:02 AM Despite everything? That would be quite the favorable outcome there Z. Think about it. It took quite awhile, but they've got a stable democratically elected government now with yes, a lefty Prez. As you're well aware. Afghanistan? The number of years w/o war in the last 35 can be counted on one hand. So no, we can do w/o all the damn massacres, which set back the cause of democracy by decades in El Salvador. But someone who actually knows how to fight an insurgency? An improvement. However marginal in some notable areas. It's been our 'forgotten war' for far too long, and now it's fully spread to Pakistan. From whence it first came, right Z? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:26:21 AM Thank you for this, Jason. Heartfelt condolences to the families of Pvt. Lee and the Little Rock victims. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Oh damn. Barnes is in. BASENAME: oh_damn_barnes_is_in STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/03/2009 12:05:02 AM TAGS: 2010,governor,"roy barnes" ----- BODY: icon_ga_flag.jpgI'll leave it to Tom Crawford to flesh this one out, but I just got a bulletin from those rapscallions at Insider Advantage saying Roy Barnes is in for 2010. I'd give them a courtesy link, but it looks like their site is already overwhelmed. Rank. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:43:11 AM Baker for Senate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 02:01:32 AM Seriously. With poll numbers like Barnes has been pulling, it would seem to be over for the other Ds. No? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 02:53:38 AM Geez, I would have bet against this just a few short weeks ago. I think he saw the main competition on the Repug side and finally could not resist. He'll definitely get some of the backing from the Biz interests that quietly deserted him in 2002. For obvious reasons after 8 years of the Sonny & Glenzilla treatment. But of course it'll take much more than that, and a campaign apparatus that's working much, much better @ the grassroots than the last one. Roy may well be the 'presumptive favorite' if he jumps in, but it's still going to be more of a fight for the primary than might be envisioned. Let the games Begin! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:27:12 AM I'm gonna say it: F*ck to the yes! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 09:32:27 AM So, this morning I get an email from someone at the Democratic Governor's Association announcing Mr Barnes' press conference being held in Marietta this afternoon. The contact number was a DC exchange. Someone please tell Mr Barnes that there are plenty of talented and capable people in Georgia. Oh yeah, and they know how to run campaigns in Georgia too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 11:01:00 AM For the love of God, would someone please run for United States Senate. Hello? Anyone? Bueller? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 11:06:34 AM Catherine are you sure that isn't just a DGA #? From what I've seen of the Barnes operation it is almost entirely Ga based. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:44:00 PM I have no idea about anything he's doing except that I got an email announcing his press conference with a DC phone number for questions. If he does have Georgia people, why not give a local number? ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: The Reality of Late-Term Abortions BASENAME: the_reality_of_late-term_abort STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/03/2009 07:30:52 AM ----- BODY: Despite what some Fox News personalities will have you believe, late-term abortions are not being done for the personal convenience of women who change their minds in the eighth month. Salon has compiled narratives from former patients of Dr. George Tiller and others who had to make a decision that you hope like hell you never ever have to make:
    "Conjoined twins alone is not what was so difficult but the way they were joined meant that at best only one child would survive the surgery to separate them and the survivor would more than likely live a brief and painful life filled with surgery and organ transplants." They chose to terminate the much-wanted pregnancy, rather than bring a child into the world only to suffer and die. "The nightmare of our decision and the aftermath was only made bearable by the warmth and compassion of Dr. Tiller and his remarkable staff."
    Link ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 08:36:43 AM Andrew Sullivan has also been passing along his readers personal stories and many are heart rending. I'd give a link but he doesn't use tags so I can't link directly to the subject. Use the google. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 04:02:14 PM I think I know the answer to this, but have any of the supposedly reasonable and polite anti-choice organizations acknowledged the help that Dr. Tiller provided to these patients? Or do they, in their polite reasonableness, continue to pretend that these medical issues don't exist? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 04:53:28 PM So Drew, what you are saying is that you want a group that, for sake of this post, regards the act of abortion to be immoral to say that the doctor performed what they consider to be immoral? Or is it that the anti-life crow, in their polite haughty smugness, continue to pretend that they ultimately know the best moral choice? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 06:45:08 PM The punk speaks. IRE, I want exactly what I said - for the anti-choice movement to acknowledge the suffering the choose to ignore and Dr. Tilller's effort to alleviate it. If they can't do that, well, I'm torn. On the one hand, I don't want to see these families further demonized, but on the other, I would like for the public to see the ghoul behind the anti-choice mask. If you think this couple are immoral for wishing to spare their child and themselves suffering, then say so. I would also like to know, tho, how it is the pro-choice side that is haughty and smug when it is the anti-choice side that has decided that it is entitled to make decisions on behalf of every pregnant woman on earth. How does that work? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:05:26 PM In all actuality I don't really care about abortion as an issue. I'm pro life for sure, but that's about it. I'm really not on anyone's side. And yes I find it incredibly selfish and immoral to put one's own self and aversion to suffering so high that you find it permissible to kill someone. That of course, is how you are framing the issue. But you know what Drew, I really don't care what you think about me. Being an asshole, I can sense my kin. I just wish you wouldn't tear down the asshole name. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:13:40 PM Partisans on the left and right using "anti-choice" and "anti-life" is hilarious. Guys, say what the actual issue is here. Pro-(right to have an)abortion or Anti-(right to have an)abortion Just like Pro-(right to have a)gay marriage or Anti -(right to have a)gay marriage. No one's against choice or life -- that's why the sides both frame using those words, they're positives, and you want to be "pro" them. This is hilarious. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:25:40 PM And he's back in his hole. Otherwise, Zaid, I'm gonna call people who think that black people should drink from different water fountains than white a bunch of racist bigots. Is that okay or is there a euphemism preferred by the self-appointed referees? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:54:28 PM The problem with your thinking is that most of these people proudly called themselves racists and segregationists, as did WW2 Axis powers proudly call themselves fascist. It's only after you completely defeat their ideology that their word becomes bad. Honestly, calling people "anti-choice" or "anti-life" if they're on the other side of the argument just smacks of childishness. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 08:41:38 AM More childish than choosing "pro-life" to distinguish yourself from your opponents? Zaid, unless you mis-stated that, then the problem here is obvious. "Anti-choice"ers really are "anti-choice", aren't they? If not, then what is the point? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 11:38:30 AM If you want to be entirely accurate about the language, then the only acceptable terms are abortion rights proponents and abortion rights opponents. Calling someone pro-abortion is every bit as "misleading" as saying someone is anti-choice, since people who support the right to an abortion may nevertheless not be personally comfortable choosing abortion for themselves. This is still a dumb argument, though. What exactly does the semantics of the abortion debate have to do with these stories from Dr. Tiller's patients? Does it negate the difficult choices faced by his patients? Does it change that a doctor was murdered in cold blood for practicing medicine in the way he believed was best for his patients? It just misses the point. The debate shouldn't be about words, it shouldn't be about labels, it should be about the real choices faced by women and their doctors. If those who oppose abortion believe that women should not have the option of terminating a pregnancy that is doomed to either a stillborn delivery or a physically dangerous delivery of a baby with a terrible prognosis, then they should have the nerve to say so. It shouldn't be wrapped up in pointless arguments about what words we're using, it should be about the realities and what choices we believe should be available to women and doctors in those situations. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 12:25:03 PM Words do matter Sara. I would think that anti-choice advocates using the word "murder" to describe an abortion puts it into a context in which some people then feel justified using violence to stop it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 01:32:26 PM I'm not saying they don't matter...I'm saying semantics shouldn't be the primary focus of discussion at a time like this. We lose the rest of the forest on this one tree over and over again. Telling the stories behind the abortions that Tiller performed, focusing on the very complex situations that a woman choosing an abortion is wading through, that is what provides the context that the "murder" label lacks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 04:33:47 PM Except that the semantics are a big part of what keeps this an issue. It is how people without a sliver of medical, biological, or legal knowledge can feel competent to stick their heads into such a complex decision. And how it be considered morally right to threaten violence on healers (which in healthy cultures are respected). Also consider anti-choice "thought," which like the current cries of opposition against Sotomayor stink so thoroughly of misogyny that every other argument is from the 18th century in terms of how female decision-making and sluttiness are conceived. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 05:01:31 PM " Except that the semantics are a big part of what keeps this an issue. It is how people without a sliver of medical, biological, or legal knowledge can feel competent to stick their heads into such a complex decision. And how it be considered morally right to threaten violence on healers (which in healthy cultures are respected). Also consider anti-choice "thought," which like the current cries of opposition against Sotomayor stink so thoroughly of misogyny that every other argument is from the 18th century in terms of how female decision-making and sluttiness are conceived." Quoting for hilarity. Honestly Odin, you know I like you, but seriously, if this is the reasoning GT is producing, it ought to be ashamed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 05:13:08 PM Every argument I've gotten into starts with some variant of calling abortion murder, moves on to either ignoring or mistating known science, and bounces along some puritanical sexual standard. So your mileage may vary, but that's my report on my experience. Maybe overgeneralization, but if you see a logical hole, feel free. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 05:21:51 PM Sure. You use anecdotal evidence. How's that for a start? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 05:36:42 PM I don't think you can use polling data for rhetoric, and i'm not interested in the historical surveys needed to trace out all of the appropriate strains. However, my impressions are based on both personal anecdote and the words of those appearing on TV, whom I would assume to employ the best rhetorical tools available to the movement. Of course, assuming that the liberal media does not sandbag this group by cherry-picking especially poor representatives. In other words, I can't prove the nonexistance of the black swan (the pro-female, scientifically aware pro-lifer), but I've seen many white ones. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 06:01:08 PM Then you are using faulty reasoning and a highly highly inaccurate method of analysis. Something even social scientists don't even like to use, by and large. You also make a really bad appeal to authority. I can keep going why your post was entertaining if you'd like. There are plenty of substantive errors with it as well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 06:04:47 PM FWIW, that's been my observation, too. Anti-choice types tend to be pretty upset that women can get away with that naughty sex. Oh, and arguing logic with someone who supports regulations that endanger the lives and health of women because . . . well, just because? LOL indeed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 06:23:55 PM HAHA Drew, how often do you just make sh*t up? Cause you just did. About me and a lot of other people. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 06:48:30 PM Oh, look. More posturing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/04/2009 07:16:18 PM No you flat out just made up something you think I believe which is wrong. I'll let it slide though if you can provide proof that shows why I think the way you described. Put up or shut up buddy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 08:24:36 AM Well, there's the difference between myself as professional researcher and just regular guy spouting off. Minor quibble on appeal to authority though. I am claiming that authority represents a position of my opponents (and does so in the best way they can). Appeal to authority usually says if you cite an authority with your position, claiming that authority as total proof of your position is a fallacy. So, since you obviously bothered by my assumption that operation rescue and its ilk represent the highest form of your position, feel free to differentiate yourself as to what social goods imprisoning women or their doctors for a medical procedures soul provide. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 08:47:20 AM I stopped caring about this thread a long time ago Odin. Try to keep up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 02:19:01 PM Seems to happen whenever he's obliged to take a position, rather than snark on others, or whine about being misrepresented, don't it? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 03:01:47 PM I've stated my position a lot bro. If you knew me IRL you'd also know my position. I don't ever really not say what I feel. So yeah, its just you. BTW: I am pro-life. I don't really care to explain why, it just seems to be the "safest" moral calculus. ' ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 03:19:05 PM Hey, I'm pro-life too, but I believe women have the right to abortion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/06/2009 10:52:22 AM "More childish than choosing "pro-life" to distinguish yourself from your opponents? Zaid, unless you mis-stated that, then the problem here is obvious. "Anti-choice"ers really are "anti-choice", aren't they? If not, then what is the point?" Anti-life and anti-choice are equally childish, and pro-life and pro-choice are ignoring the issue ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Team Poythress responds BASENAME: team_poythress_responds STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/03/2009 12:11:00 PM TAGS: 2010,governor,poythress ----- BODY: You go General:
    POYTHRESS RESPONDS TO BARNES ANNOUNCEMENT Roy Barnes' announcement today does not change my plans or campaign to be the next Governor of Georgia. Know this: I am in this race to win it, period. I will continue to march towards victory because most Democrats and many Republicans agree with me that this race should be about the future. I've heard them say about Roy Barnes, "we won't get fooled again" and "the new Roy is still King Roy." Regardless of how people choose to express it, Roy Barnes is a polarizing figure in Georgia politics. Folks either love him or despise him. Many have predicted his campaign will reopen the old wounds such as the flag controversy, disgruntled teachers, the King Roy "rat" commercial, his stunning loss to Sonny Perdue and the wreckage it left behind for the Democratic Party. Most Democratic voters understand that these realities will fatally damage his ability to win in the General Election. I believe Democrats will make a different choice for their future by nominating me as their candidate for several reasons: 1. I have the best profile to win in the General Election; 2. I will lead Georgia into the future, not drag us into stale, old debates from the past; 3. I will run a statewide, grassroots campaign that engages voters in towns large and small. That's why, over the past 9 months, I have put out several bold new plans that will create 21st Century jobs, empower and reward teachers, reduce traffic gridlock and create new solutions to our water needs. Simply put, I'm ready to put my vision into action with sensible solutions for the problems we face. So that's what this race will be about: my plans for the future versus the legacy of Roy's past. We are just 13 months from the Democratic primary, and this campaign will be nothing less than a true battle for the heart, soul and future of Georgia's Democratic Party.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:21:53 PM So I'm guessing Mel isn't supporting, or supportive of, Roy Barnes' candidacy? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:27:26 PM Well, let's just say I'm wary. As Tom pointed out, this could mean the return of Kahn. Beyond that, I enjoy watching Wendy work. And the drama is better than TV. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: YDWill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:33:35 PM So true, Mel. So true! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 12:50:02 PM Kahn won't be involved with the campaign, or if he does it will be a very peripheral role. That is what I've been told. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 01:04:13 PM David Poythress seems like a very good man. He's not going to be Governor of Georgia, though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 01:31:48 PM IRE No link to a KHHHHHHAAAANNNN! photo? Very dissapointted in you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 01:36:51 PM grift: how is this? BTW: to the powers in charge, I would donate to BforD if that meant we could [IMG] embed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 01:37:43 PM Er, try this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 01:41:17 PM Dude. Its a comment section. Not a forum. Paint with words (or in your case links...which are like words but not really) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 01:44:19 PM IRE, image embed isn't an option with MovableType. Not even on the MT "Community Site". At least not that I can find in the zillion page documentation. And anyway, isn't the site slow enough already? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 01:54:22 PM Mel: if the site were to slow down for [IMG] embed, i would consider it an investment. Grift: if links are like words it is important to remember that "words are like bullets...they pass right through me." Sorry I just wanted to quote SP. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 06:56:53 PM We just need a candidate named Rick to get in... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/03/2009 07:08:15 PM So we know Poythress and Dubose are staying in. How do they seperate themselves from Roy? Additionally, how does fundraising play a part with Roy in? I'm assuming its going to make fundraising for the rest of the state wide dems more difficult. Third point Are we going to see the floodgates open with the rest of the state wide seats? Lt. Governor, Sec. of State, etc. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Day 2 of the 500 pound gorilla story BASENAME: day_2_of_the_500_pound_gorilla STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/04/2009 12:06:30 AM TAGS: 2010,barnes,dga,georgia,governor,porter ----- BODY: Tom reports on Roy's formal announcement yesterday:
    Roy Eugene Barnes set the right tone for his announcement that he'll try to regain the governor's job from which he was booted in 2002 by Georgia voters: conciliatory, somewhat apologetic, at least giving the appearance that he sort of understands why he and his sidekick Bobby Kahn pissed off so many people back then.
    Barnes has the ability to make it a competitive governor's race, but the Republican nominee (whoever that is) would still have to be considered to have an edge, for the moment anyway Back to Barnes' announcement on Wednesday: Bobby Kahn was nowhere to be seen, but former Barnes aide Chris Carpenter was there. That lends some credence to speculation that Carpenter will be running this campaign, or at least serving as the public face for it.
    Galloway says the DGA is now all about Roy, as evidenced by this moist press release:
    "Roy has the right vision to look forward, restore the values that Georgians grew up with and improve the lives of all Georgians throughout the state," said Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, chairman of the DGA. "Roy has the knowledge and character to get rid of the special interest influence that's rampant at the Capitol and get the economy moving again. His campaign will strengthen a healthy Democratic field." Barnes' entry into the race makes Georgia a high-level pick-up opportunity, as recent polling shows him in a dead heat with and even overtaking the leading Republicans.
    And Team Porter responds, sort of a dollar short. This is the full response:
    "I am not running against Roy or any other candidate, I am running for Georgia. I have a vision and a bold plan to rebuild our economy. I plan to take our state from the bottom 40 to the top 20 in our rankings in education. My transportation plan will get Atlanta out of gridlock and make rural Georgia attractive to industry. For 27 years and as House Democratic Leader I have worked to bring people and policy together to drive projects forward. Bringing people together creates working solutions. That is my leadership style. It is what Georgia needs and separates me from the other candidates in this race and why I will win the primary."
    And so it goes. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_80 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/05/2009 05:41:48 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_thread.jpgGood morning, kids. Did you hear? Some guy gave a speech yesterday. The BBC has an excellent analysis. (h/t DM) What's worse? I governor from whom you expect little? Or a Governor from whom you expect a lot, but disappoints? (h/t Sirota) Snuggles. A fabric softener and a candidate for Governor. (h/t Thomas-CL) Looking for something fun and useful to do this summer? Check out the programs offered by the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Help with the Community Gardens; Sort and Inspect contributions at the Product Rescue Center; even learn to cook with their Simple Abundance program; and of course, you can donate! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 07:09:05 AM Did you mean "A governor"? Funny thing, the 7News logo is one of mine--from 2002 I think. Obama's speech was stunning. I was especially moved by his mention of equality for women and girls. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 10:06:59 AM By the way. I really like the way comments work now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 10:12:53 AM Cool. And not a word out of you IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 10:26:15 AM WHAT DID I DO? (Ignoring of course the last few threads. And the request for [IMG] embed. And plenty of other things too.) I like the new site I really do. And touching on the disappointed in Gov Ritter thing, that I don't get. Mountain West Democrats are by and large, odd libertarians. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 10:34:48 AM Maybe I should move to Colorado. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 10:36:19 AM The 7News logo still looks great. The Credit Score banner next to it kind of cheapens the neighborhood though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 10:46:59 AM They've sort of tarted it up with all the rendering. It's looked better, but alas, brands drift. And yea, the website could use some help. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 10:57:49 AM Speaking of websites, I meant to blog this story from Atlanta Daybook: Sets Record With 34.3 Million Page Views Up 49% Over May 2008 And New Site Best With 4.9 Million Page Views Up 69% Over May 2008, the website for Channel 2 Action News, blew by its previous site record of 30.1 million page views (March ’08) on the strength of news coverage and weather events. The performance topped last May by 49%, and increased over April ’09 by over 28%. “All of our screens are on fire,” said Bill Hoffman, vice president and general manager for WSB-TV and its digital platforms. “It’s a major statement that our television, online and mobile can all hit high water marks at the same time,” he added. “Our news team continues to drive growth with its ability to develop content for each platform,” said News Director Marian Pittman. “We are all learning new skill sets which grow and change along with Internet and mobile capabilities and use,” she added. Page views per visit on, one measure of “stickiness” of a website, increased 55% over May 2008. Page views on’s mobile site set a new record high,. The 4.94 million page views in May 2009 grew 69% over the same month last year, and gained 23% over April ‘09.
    That's pretty amazing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 11:07:03 AM Random, but this is probably the last week I'll post here. I'm about to become a Californian. It'll probably be a couple of years before getting into anything other than Prop 8 while I learn the lay of the land. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 11:08:07 AM Don't go Odin! :( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 11:09:22 AM Oh yeah, and a couple posters to here are having a birthday today! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/05/2009 11:10:32 AM Odin! What's to keep you from posting while in CA? Lucky guy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Switeyho EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2009 10:35:03 AM So NCR gets $96M in tax breaks and incentives to relocate here. I'm no gung-ho capitalist, but I do prefer fairness in whatever type of system you are in. How are NCR's competitors going to react to this? They will (or should) go back to the government in whatever jurisdiction they are in and demand similar packages so that they can stay competitive. But worse than that, what about the small companies? They are not eligible for all these special deals, even though collectively they provide many more jobs than large corporations. How are they supposed to stay competitive? Even for a startup, the message is "start up big, even if you have to take on a lot of debt and risk. Starting small and building up is not a competitive way to go." I'm not sure what the solution is, but it's things like this in our system that drives companies to get bigger and bigger, eventually getting to the point where we forgive all sorts of evils and can't let them fail, and the smaller companies keep struggling along with no real hope of competing on a level field. I was invited to join the Chamber of Commerce recently, but after looking into it, their programs are almost exclusively geared toward giant corporations. The only activity related to small business is a periodic luncheon and some silly awards. Everybody is looking out for the powerful, who's looking out for the rest of us? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2009 11:38:27 AM Odin, best of wishes to you in CA.. please drop in occasionally and let us know how you are. Which of CA's fine cities will you be living in? Lots of great activism happening in different places.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Don't forget to join the Atlanta YD's on Tuesday! BASENAME: dont_forget_to_join_the_atlant STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/07/2009 03:00:29 PM ----- BODY: icon_ydatl.jpgThe annual "The Future Is Blue" fundraiser is this Tuesday at the Sweetwater Brewery from 7 to 10 P.M. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get to hear Mayor Franklin's last major speech as mayor, you'll get a very special pint glass that will only be empty if you want it to be - and best of all, since you're supporting a good cause for only $25 (or $40 if you're not a member), you're guaranteed not to have a hangover! (Unless you're Ed.) So be sure not to miss the fun times! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2009 03:38:55 PM How dare you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2009 11:32:51 PM Sorry, I suppose that WAS an inaccurate statement, especially given that I bet YOU felt fine after the Inc event, whereas yours truly had a different kind of Sunday... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: EU Elections are winding up. BASENAME: eu_elections_are_winding_up STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/07/2009 03:05:35 PM ----- BODY: IMG_2188.jpg These signs were all over Lisbon, along with a few from the Green Party. But the CDU were clearly the most organized. Of the three countries I was in the past couple weeks, the EU election signs were the most plentiful in Lisbon. Headlines this afternoon: BBC Live coverage here. European Parliament's powers grow, but EU voters have switched off European elections 2009: far-Right makes gains across Europe Record low turnout for European elections But my favorite story was Silvio Berlusconi's nudie house guest pictures, which completely dominated all the international news coverage for two days... Forget Obama in Egypt, forget the downed Air France Jet, forget the 65th anniversary of D-Day...It was 24/7 of two young women dressed only in skimpy bikini bottoms were pictured in an outdoor shower together at the Italian prime minister's Villa Certosa on Sardinia's Emerald Coast. Mr Berlusconi is engulfed in scandals over his alleged use of official government flights to bring young starlets to his villa for weekends, the nature of his relationship with Noemi Letizia, an 18-year-old aspiring lingerie model, and a high-profile divorce from his wife, who has accused him of "consorting with minors". Silvio claimed it was part a "vast Left Wing Conspiracy...."
    One of Italy's main daily newspapers, La Stampa, described the European vote as a "referendum on Berlusconi" but the prime minister himself has repeatedly said that the photos are part of a plot by the opposition and "Leftist" newspapers to embarrass him ahead of the poll.
    huuumm where have I heard this before? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: Lisbon, CDU, Silvio Berlusconi ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2009 09:58:57 PM I met the EU parliament's president last year, Diane whatserface, a Lib Dem from the UK. Nice enough person. Hopefully the rise of the anti-immigrant crazies isn't going to set the European Parliament back. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2009 11:31:02 PM Don't forget to mention that the Pirate Party has a seat now! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Eric TITLE: The System is Broke for Working Folks BASENAME: the_system_is_broke_for_workin STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/07/2009 10:16:25 PM TAGS: unions ----- BODY: icon_hardhat.jpgA recent study of employer conduct during union organizing campaigns confirms the concerns expressed by supporters of the Employee Free Choice Act that under the current system workers face an uphill battle whenever they choose to form a union. Here are some hard hitting tidbits from the study:
    * 63% of employers interrogate workers in mandatory one-on-one meetings with their supervisors about support for the union; * 54% of employers threaten workers in such meetings; * 57% of employers threaten to close the worksite; * 47% of employers threaten to cut wages and benefits; and * 34% of employers fire workers.
    Here in Georgia, the Atlanta City Council recently passed a resolution in support of the Employee Free Choice act with Mayoral candidate Mary Norwood avoiding the vote by taking a walk. As the Council President, Lisa Borders does not vote. It should come as no surprise that our Senators are on the front line of protecting the right of corporations to threaten and intimidate their employees, just as long as they are "protected" by being able to vote afterward using a secret ballot I would be remiss if I didn't mention that only two Democratic Congresspeople from Georgia have NOT signed on as co-sponsors for the Employee Free Choice Act, John Barrow and Jim Marshall. Both had sponsored it in the past like Arlen Specter but have chosen not to this time and provided numerous explanations as to why. Thankfully their votes are not needed for passage in the house. Compromise is in the air though, so we may see a vote soon on whatever the wheelers and dealers come up with. Arlen Specter's recent conversion has sparked hope that he will be the 60th vote in the Senate to overcome a filibuster from the Republicans despite his decision to oppose it when he was still a republican, and if not a challenge from Joe Sestak makes it a lot harder for Specter to play hardball with unions if he wants to be competitive as a Democrat in a union heavy state like Pennsylvania. And he now shows signs that he is taking his head out of his ass. Meanwhile, FedEx is throwing a king sized hissy fit over some Teamster supported legislation that would make them play by the same rules as their unionized competitor UPS and give Fed Ex employees a fair shot at joining a union. Since the Roy Barnes announcement came out while I was on vacation I should say that many labor leaders were hoping he would get in the fight and this will no doubt put Georgia on the national radar. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/08/2009 02:00:45 AM Thanks for this Eric, These are some of my comments made in part on TPM Cafe a few months back on this very topic, mainly addressing the 'secret ballot canard:[Revised slightly]: Let's start with some basic history here! 1.) Secret Ballots, the History: []. They were not applied for general Western civic elections until the 1850's principally in 1 minor state in Australia, but then spreading to most of their states, hence it became known as 'the Australian ballot' system during the 19th century. 2.) It was part of a reform effort in England of the 1850's, but was not instituted there until later, (Ballot Act of 1872). 3.) In the US, it was not until the Close of the 19th century that the 'secret ballot' was regularly used in most American elections. The first President elected wholly with this 'new' balloting system was, naturally, that good Dem Grover Cleveland in 1892. So in summation: As a hypothetical putative Traditional Conservative 'strict constructionist', you will search the language of the Constitution & The Federalist Papers in Vain trying to search for the concept of a 'secret ballot'. It's just not there. The Founders in all their wisdom did not see fit to fool with it. So again for all the crocodile tears shed on behalf of the 'sacred American secret ballot'? We spent the first 100+ years of our history almost in blissful ignorance of its widespread influence or use on our elections! The 2nd argument is more practical and based upon the real evidence on the ground, rather than the mere supposition & airy legal/logical arguments & some RW propaganda repeated here. It's this; Even before the Bush Depression, every year 1000's of workers get laid off & fired for trying to organize their workplaces. They face massive, very well funded & well coordinated campaigns of intimidation, threats and sometimes outright violence to try and prevent Unions from forming in their workplaces. Those are the facts according to any objective labor law source you care to consult. Survey's tell us that better than 1/3 of all union organizers are fired for doing just that, trying to get workers their full rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights & the Constitution. They face campaigns of crass intimidation & constant harassment by private security firms that are now as ever empowered by employers to 'hunt & destroy' any such efforts happening in their plants & stores & shops. Most of this is wholly illegal, but the small fines levied on these corporations and the weak enforcement of all labor laws means that they get away with it. For many corporations, it's just a minor cost of doing business. Today, organizing is a process that can drag on for years or decades even, given the level of threats, intimidation, and immediate job losses. No workplace boss that fights using these well honed & practiced dirty, under handed tactics 'loses' an election. They're rigged by dint of sheer exhaustion & a pervasive climate of fear created by the employers. Time & time again. Such elections are indeed similar to petty tyrants being elected by fraud or mobs of goons in the 'banana republics' of yore, where 'the dear leader' always wins. So the real thugs? If you're down on the working floors, you know who they are. They're the ones who'll dangerously lock you in at night to prevent you from 'escaping' your late night janitorial cleaning job. The ones hiring all the illegals to do the jobs more cheaply than the locals can afford to. The ones killing those same workers in increased workplace accidents due to 'language problems' and safety information never adequately being translated or transmitted into the many foreign tongues now seen on the job. The much vaunted 'sacred secret ballot'? Unknown to the Founders & the Greeks & Romans before them who were their exemplars. Not Mentioned in the Constitution. Not exactly necessary for a robust Democracy. A Right Wing Red Herring. We may feel well & good about it, but me? I want my ballot & vote to be counted accurately too, and we're just not there yet. It too waits for further reforms to our electoral system. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/08/2009 11:33:33 AM Welcome Eric! Great first post. You came out of the box swinging! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 01:42:40 AM Unfortunately EFCA seems to have been punted off the agenda for now by the Dem. leadership. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eric EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 12:35:33 PM Thats not entirely true. A compromise is in the works with the goal of satifying the DINOs and Specter that will most likely end up severely modifying the "card check" aspect of the bill. We will have to see what comes out of the negotiations. Another big obstacle is that the Dems are down three votes in the Senate (Kennedy,Byrd, and soon to be Senator Franken), So getting through cloture on anything right now is a challenge if you want to maintain any progressive content in any legislation. Any Healthcare legislation will also be subject to the same (hopefully temporary) limitations. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 02:29:33 PM Kennedy has returned, I know. As for the DINOs, I think their compromise is making it so that 70% of workers have to sign on to bring the union into force, which is really pathetic. We have some corporate-allied Dems to take down, that's for sure. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Colbert cut BASENAME: colbert_cut STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/08/2009 11:41:34 AM TAGS: colbert,comedycentral ----- BODY: amd_colbert.jpgWhat's the buzz? Stephen Colbert gets military cut on USO tour
    Sporting a camouflage suit and tie, TV satirist Stephen Colbert got a GI buzz cut from the top commander in Iraq and promptly declared victory in the war. Colbert, taping Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" from Camp Victory in Baghdad, drew roars of laughter Sunday from the uniformed audience when his first guest, Gen. Ray Odierno, accepted a videotaped order from President Obama to shave the comedian's head. Claiming the war must be over because nobody's talking about it anymore, Colbert announced that it was time to "officially declare we won the Iraq war."
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/08/2009 12:34:53 PM Great fun. Glad that someone is talking about it, cause we still have lots of troups there, many who are on their 2nd and 3rd rotations. The soldiers, sailors and airmen who have returned need help too. I wish instead of the insipid coverage of Dancing with the Stars; news orgs would make a serious commitment to providing at least 4 mins each day on the 2 wars we are engaged in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/08/2009 12:56:25 PM wonder who his tailor is. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/08/2009 11:55:48 PM This is great! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 01:36:43 AM If the government plans to keep boys and girls in harms way for no good reason, might as well have the USO and Colbert entertain them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 09:25:31 PM That was an absolutely brilliant episode. For those of you that missed it: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 10:42:29 PM Part II: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: DTV Transition Questions? BASENAME: dtv_transition_questions STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/08/2009 06:32:20 PM ----- BODY: If you're still puzzled by the transition to digital TV check out the live chat at 11 Alive happening right now! Join the conversation at! See you there! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Around the Services... BASENAME: around_the_services_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/08/2009 10:12:17 PM ----- BODY: icon_military.jpg

    Your periodic update on the happenings around the military... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 01:00:16 PM yeah i was kinda confused by the WABE reporting on the marine school, they spent a LOT of time with the group that was objecting the school, but very little time on what the actual problems with the school were. Seemed to be more kneejerk reaction to a "military" school being in DeKalb, than with the school itself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 01:24:32 PM I guess I might as well chip in. I went to a military academy for three years of high school. It was good for me because I needed some discipline and structure in my life at that point. But it's definitely not for everybody. Wearing uniforms and learning about weapons and tactics can crush a creative or sensitive kids spirit. While J.D. Salinger's creativity didn't necessarily suffer after attending the same school I went to (in the 30's), apparently the school was actually LESS stifling than his mother was! In the end, like my friend Catherine often says, kids are different from each other and trying to set up systems as if they are all the same will always have big problems. Military school can be good for some kids, but it shouldn't be mandatory for all kids. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: About the Authors BASENAME: about_the_authors STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 0 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/09/2009 03:30:42 AM ----- BODY:
    Melanie Goux
    Co-publisher / admin / front page / design / eco

    Melanie Goux is a motion graphic designer, author and activist who has been involved in the personal web community since 1996. She is a volunteer in the progressive political community and serves in several elected and appointed positions within Democratic and progressive organizations in Georgia.
    FULL BIO >>

    Catherine Smith
    Co-publisher / admin / front page / read / eco

    An Atlanta transplant from uber-liberal Ann Arbor Michigan, Catherine is a small-business owner (if you ever need a Velcro brand product give her a shout); political activist and pundit; an avid "crafter"; and accomplished home cook. Catherine was raised by active Democrat parents. Her activism can be traced back to her pre-teens when helping her mother on political campaigns. Her fathers' two stints in the White House under Kennedy and Johnson locked in the Democratic values of her parents. FULL BIO >>

    Jason Adams
    front page

    Jason was born and raised in New Jersey and moved to the South in 1995. In 2000, he relocated to Atlanta, GA and worked for 4 years in sales. Currently, Jason is in his 4th year of teaching and is an 8th-grade social studies teacher in Cobb County. He has volunteered for campaigns since he was 16. In 2008, he ran unsuccessfully for Georgia House of Representatives in District 35 (Kennesaw and Acworth) as a Democrat. Jason and his wife, Leslie, reside in Kennesaw, GA.

    Ataru Atlanta
    admin / front page

    Ataru is a former resident of Second Life who currently works as a computer programmer for a major news organization in the real world.  He serves in several local political organizations and has been involved in politics since 2003.

    Jen Brock
    admin / front page / law

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec nisi dui. Sed facilisis, eros id pellentesque venenatis, urna risus fringilla odio, ut vulputate magna nisl a orci. In non enim dolor, eget sagittis lacus. Aenean luctus fringilla congue. Donec bibendum sem ut ante gravida faucibus. Nulla facilis

    Tim Cairl
    admin / front page

    Tim Cairl is the Executive Director for Young Democrats of Georgia where he has served since 2007. Previously, Tim served as Political Director & Webmaster for YDG and President of the Dekalb Young Democrats. A former Republican and graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, Tim is a veteran of several Democratic campaigns at the local, state and national level where he served in varying leadership & volunteer roles. Tim currently lives in the Candler Park neighborhood of Atlanta.

    Tom Crawford

    Tom Crawford has been involved in Georgia politics for more than 30 years, covering his first General Assembly session in 1974 when the governor, a fellow named Jimmy Carter, was squabbling with the lieutenant governor, a former restaurant owner named Lester Maddox. He was a newspaper reporter and editor for 11 years with the Atlanta Journal, the Montgomery Advertiser and the Marietta Daily Journal. He wrote about government and politics at the state and local levels during that period, getting to know many of the colorful characters who have defined Southern politics.  FULL BIO >>

    Jason D.
    front page

    A native of DeKalb County, GA, Jason is a graduate of Denison University (Granville, OH), where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in History and Education.  Since 2006, Jason has served as an officer and cavalryman in the United States Army.  In January 2009, Jason returned from a 14-month combat tour in Iraq and is currently a resident of Leesville, LA.

    Paula Gaber
    admin / front page / law / pop

    Paula Gaber grew up in the shadow of Washington, D.C., perhaps explaining an early interest in politics.  After stints in New Haven, Connecticut and Los Angeles, California, she found her way to Georgia, where she's been trying to figure out politics Southern-style since 2001.

    Juliana Illari
    admin / front page / dfi

    Juliana was raised in a politically active home, with a father who enjoyed nothing more than for her to play devil's advocate to his conservative opinions. Little did he realize she actually believed all those "liberal" things!  She writes on the front page of Blog for Democracy primarily about social and political issues, but is the Chairwoman of the Democratic Fashion Institute, where she writes humorously about fashion dos and don'ts. FULL BIO >>

    Jenna Moore Colvin
    front page / law

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec nisi dui. Sed facilisis, eros id pellentesque venenatis, urna risus fringilla odio, ut vulputate magna nisl a orci. In non enim dolor, eget sagittis lacus. Aenean luctus fringilla congue. Donec bibendum sem ut ante gravida faucibus. Nulla facilis

    Eric Robertson
    front page

    Eric Robertson is a Business Agent for Teamsters Local 728 in Atlanta, GA. He has blogged for DailyKos and Tondee's Tavern, and writes primarily about labor related issues.


    Sara practiced for five years as a litigation associate in Boston before moving to Atlanta in late 2005 and joining the litigation department of a large law firm. She specializes in defense litigation, with particular emphasis in products liability. Since her arrival in Atlanta, Sara has also written about legal issues, politics, and life in Atlanta at her blog Going Through the Motions. When not meeting the demands of BigLaw, Sara enjoys FSU football and Red Sox baseball, strives to make the perfect cupcake, and can be found most Saturdays drinking beer on a patio somewhere. She dreams of a day when she will no longer have to measure her life in six minute increments.

    Bernita Smith
    admin / front page

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec nisi dui. Sed facilisis, eros id pellentesque venenatis, urna risus fringilla odio, ut vulputate magna nisl a orci. In non enim dolor, eget sagittis lacus. Aenean luctus fringilla congue. Donec bibendum sem ut ante gravida faucibus. Nulla facili

    Mike Tierney

    Mike Tierney has been chronicling and opining about sports doings in the A-T-L for 22 years, until recently with the Journal-Constitution. He writes a few other blogs, namely Atlanta-Sports-Examiner and AJC Smart Spending Blog. And he free-lances for magazines and wonderful gray-old-lady publications like the New York Times. BIO PAGE >>

    Angela Trigg
    admin / front page

    Angela Trigg is an accomplished political activist and organizer, lead programmer at Trigger ID, aspiring author and serious history buff. She currently resides in Mobile, AL, where she is putting her Master's Degree in Heritage Preservation to good use by restoring the historic Trigg family home, affectionately called Termite Hall. She is originally from Sarasota, FL, but lived in Atlanta, GA for more than 22 years before moving to Mobile.

    Stefan Turkheimer
    front page / law

    Stefan Turkheimer is a founding partner of Turkheimer & Hadden, LLC. Prior to the firm's founding, Stefan was a litigator at one of the preeminent workers compensation insurance defense firms in Georgia. He defended Fortune 500 employers against lawsuits in tort and workers' compensation. He graduated, with honors, from the University of Georgia School of Law in 2004. FULL BIO >>

    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: about the authors blog for democracy ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Wow, you think the Gold Dome is bad... BASENAME: wow_you_think_the_gold_dome_is STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/09/2009 07:18:25 AM ----- BODY: ...check out the nonsense that passes for legislative action in Albany. A couple of Democrats teamed up with Republicans to force a leadership change and handed power to themselves. Governor Paterson is furious, not least because this probably doesn't improve his popularity ratings. And as with everything these days, the final resolution of this power struggle will be in court. It really makes our last legislative session seem... normal. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 09:12:00 AM And the two Dems aren't switching parties or caucusing with the GOP and they are under criminal investigation. That deserves a hearty WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWtf. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 12:16:11 PM To be fair, Dems were cheering like mad when Specter went over in a really cynical move to save his own skin. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 02:43:01 PM Albany has been bare knuckle for a long time, they have more grudge matches per house seat than a mafia reunion. This is why it's easier for an out of towner to get elected to the US senate-since they come with a cleaner slate than the rest. It will be interesting to see what goes on, 2010 will be big year in NY. I think Patterson won't last- and it will be a clown car for them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 10:28:37 PM Haha Terry McAullife got owned. Should take the rest of the DLC with him. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Eric TITLE: Somebody Check the Watercooler Content at FedEx BASENAME: somebody_check_the_watercooler STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/09/2009 02:34:00 PM TAGS: "crazy corporations",Unions ----- BODY: icon_water_cooler.jpgFrom threatening to not buy American made planes if they don't get their way, to one of their bigshots announcing that they will destroy (yes i said destroy) members of congress, the FedEx "hissyfit" I referenced in my previous post continues over the house passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act which includes an ammendment that would take FedEx out from under the Railway Labor Act and place them under the National Labor Relations Act. Now they are threatening a Jihad against UPS, who they accuse of conspiring with the evil Teamsters union (bwahahahahaha) to make it easierfor FedEx workers to join a union.They seem to be willing to spend millions on fighting the legislation and punishing those who support it even though they have been forced to lay off hundreds of employees and slash pension benefits. ----- EXTENDED BODY: For those who are not fluent in labor law, FedEx 's air delivery operations are currently covered under the Railway Labor Act which covers airlines and well railroads. Under the RLA, if the workers choose to organize, they would have to organize nationwide as a single unit. And if that doesn't make it hard enough to organize, anyone who does not vote gets counted as a no vote. Needless to say this has given FedEX an advantage over it's workers who see the advantages their counterparts at UPS have due to union representation. While I am usually not in a habit of quoting UPS corporate types this says it all:
    Malcolm Berkley, a spokesman for UPS, read a statement: "FedEx's apparent attempt to raise the noise level here doesn't change the facts. It would appear that FedEx is preparing to spend millions of dollars trying to convince Congress that a FedEx driver delivering a package is different somehow than a UPS driver delivering a package. The packages aren't delivered by airplane, and we don't think FedEx can fool Congress about that."
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 04:15:42 PM so....why isnt UPS covered under the RLA? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eric EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 05:23:05 PM The easiest way to understand it is that FedEx is considered an airline based company that has a ground delivery component and UPS is considered to be a ground delivery operation that has an airline component. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/09/2009 11:46:03 PM Eric you're doing great labor reporting keep it up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 08:04:08 AM Just one more reason to support UPS. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 09:57:23 AM Frankly, I'm a little shocked to see UPS being touted as "the good guy" in anything labor related. Let's just take a little reality check here. UPS would happily be union-free. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend in this example... The competition garnered by having two strong private delivery companies is good for us. It's good for American business, good for consumers, and good for workers. I would even say that it's been good for the US Postal Service as they are now the "economy" delivery service and are working with Fedex to provide services. I use the services of UPS, Fedex, and USPS every day. Each has it's strengths, each it's weaknesses. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 02:28:07 PM I personally like USPS. People who always rag on the USPS's efficiency have no idea. A personal representative from the government goes to every address in the country six days a week almost always without fail. If that's not efficient I don't know what is. Fedex and UPS are much smaller, it's natural for them to be sometimes quicker. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 03:18:44 PM I find USPS extremely efficient, a lot of if depends on how far your personal P.O. is from the hub, but my own mailbox and the W peachtree P.O. deliver faster than any other service i could pay for. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eric EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 09:22:24 PM UPS,FedEx, and the USPS are all efficient companies or entities in their own right as far as customer service. From a consumer standpoint, take your pick. But if you care about whether your dollars go insofar as supporting companies that provide good jobs and respect or have been forced to respect their workers to some degree and have accepted it, you have to go with either UPS or the USPS. As far as UPS being the "good guy" in this scenario, they most certainly are in comparison to FedEx. Here some comparisons: UPS has been under a Teamster contract for roughly 50 years and has a contract where ALL the employees pay ZERO for their healthcare, have pensions and receive more than fair wage increases with a UPS Package Car Driver making nearly $29.00 an hour in wages alone. FedEx has ferociously resisted unionization for decades and has constructed extremely controversial employment arrangements including their sweet heart deal that got them put under the RLA and misclassification of it's ground delivery drivers as "independent contractors" which forces the driver to pay for the upkeep of their vehicles, buy their own gas, and helps FedEx save billions by not paying workman's comp or for benefits at all. UPS agreed to be neutral and respect it's employees right to organize after it purchased UPS Freight (formerly Overnite) . FedEx has refused to allow it employees to organize ANYWHERE and wages vicious anti union campaigns. Don't get me wrong, I have to deal with UPS on a day to day level, I help represent UPS workers and my local represents all the UPS workers in the state. They do violate the rights of their workers. The difference is they do business according to a union contract that includes a grievance procedure that gives UPS Teamsters a vehicle to address violations. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Many thanks to Rusty BASENAME: many_thanks_to_rusty STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/10/2009 12:24:37 AM ----- BODY: Local web developer and friend Rusty Tanton has totally hooked us up so now all of the sub-blog entries will stream on to the front page. Frankly, I'm amazed this is working and am holding my breath no one has any problems. If something looks wonky or acts fussy, please report in the comments, or email me directly. Rusty rocks. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Bye Bye Analog TV...Hello Digital BASENAME: bye_bye_analog_tvhello_digital STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/10/2009 10:16:54 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_tv.jpgOn Friday, June 12th the way we watch television will change forever. This is the day that television stations across this country will switch from analog transmission to digital transmission. This change will affect millions in our community who currently watch free over-the-air television. We need your help from Friday, June 12th through Monday, June 15th to assist affected community members. We need your help with staffing the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund's DTV Command Center. This will be the only Command Center in the Metro Atlanta region. We need volunteers to help with answering the phones, providing online assistance and possibly transporting community members to retail stores to purchase their digital converter boxes. Please sign up to volunteer at one of the many shifts here: Location: Coalition for the Peoples' Agenda 100 Auburn Avenue, Suite #102 Atlanta, GA 30303 Times: Friday, June 12th : 11 am - 8 pm (3 shifts) Saturday, June 13th : 10 am - 6 pm (4 shifts) Sunday, June 14th : 11 am - 5 pm (2 shifts) Monday, June 15th : 10 am - 6 pm (4 shifts) ----- EXTENDED BODY: We need your help with ensuring a smooth digital television for our community members. If you need more information, please contact Bernita Smith at Bernita {at} (404) 867-0066 or Kelli Persons at Kelli{at} (404) 840-4972. Visit our Atlanta DTV website at here. Any contribution to helping folks make this transition will be appreciated, heck-bringing some baked goods over to the volunteers is a big help too! Thank you very much. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Targeted Mailing BASENAME: targeted_mailing STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/10/2009 01:20:36 PM ----- BODY: pa.jpg I am very amused by this solicitation that I received in today's mail. It leaves me wondering what mailing list this joker is using. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 02:25:30 PM Arlen Specter's voting record is to the right of Maine's Republican Senators and even Ben Nelson. What's the threshold of "liberal" for these guys -- left of Ann Coulter? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2009 11:44:38 PM Well said, Zaid. If that mailer came to my place, I can honestly say I wouldn't even read it. Party aside, it's just visually unappealing. I HATE wordy mailers. Makes my head spin, then explode. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Another Black Eye for Georgia Education BASENAME: another_black_eye_for_georgia STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/10/2009 10:54:29 PM TAGS: education ----- BODY: icon_schoolbus.jpg Between one of the state's largest school districts temporarily losing its accreditation, to our inability to implement an evaluation system that actually works, to our inability to keep track of the students that we spend so much effort and energy trying to evaluate, to a financial crunch that will leave many teachers, administrators, and other staffers out of the job, Georgia could certainly do without yet another education scandal. ----- EXTENDED BODY: From the AJC:
    State education officials are investigating whether students, teachers or someone else changed answers on more than 100 standardized tests at four different Georgia elementary schools. Officials said Wednesday that the schools' test scores were improved significantly by the changes, which meant the schools made "adequate yearly progress" under federal standards. If the answers had not been changed, the four schools would not have met No Child Left Behind standards and would have faced penalties under the federal law. The schools had high numbers of erasures on a fifth-grade math Criterion-Referenced Competency Test taken last summer, Kathleen Mathers from the Governor's Office of Student Achievement told the state Board of Education.
    The four schools in question belong to the Atlanta, Fulton County, DeKalb County, and Glynn County school districts. I honestly think that the bigger issue here is the No Child Left Behind legislation itself and its overemphasis on test scores and numbers, but I digress. I'd love to see education reform and improvement in Georgia addressed in a serious manner, but in the meantime, the discourse doesn't seem to have improved much since Miller. Maybe I'm missing something, but it just seems that the let's-make-our-schools-a-priority meme has fallen off the radar, meanwhile we're greeted with cringeworthy news stories reminding us of our inadequacies. And while we're on the subject, is it too early of a stage in this new Congress and presidential administration to ask our legislators to aggressively push for radical education reform? ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: education ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/11/2009 02:39:56 PM If I am reading this right, Georgia has the worst high school graduation rate in the country except for D.C. Perhaps if the Governor focused more on fixing this it wouldn't cost so much to lure corporations here. It also looks like the graduation rate went down for 3 out of the 4 years the current Superintendent had been in office up to 2006 (the latest data), steadily downward except for the anomalous 2004-2005. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: About Blog for Democracy BASENAME: about_blog_for_democracy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 0 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/09/2009 03:33:33 AM ----- BODY: Blog for Democracy was launched in January of 2004 as a way to help demystify the process of political involvement for new activists. Originally, this site was an informal, online extension of Georgia for Democracy, but has since taken on a life of its own. Although a few of the original and current authors serve(d) in elected or appointed positions within state and/or county Democratic Party organizations, this website is not, and has never been, affiliated with any political party organization. The political content herein, as well as our core readership, is generally progressive. The views expressed by individual authors do not necessarily represent the views of any group, organization, business or entity with which they may be affiliated or employed. In the Spring of 2009, Blog for Democracy was expanded to include nine departments, in addition to the front page. As part of this expansion, we are now pleased to feature the writings of professional journalists Tom Crawford, Mike Tierney and Eleanor Ringel Cater. In addition, our blog team includes: attorneys, small business owners, IT specialists, a political consultant, a fashion maven, a teacher, a labor leader, and an active duty soldier. You can read more about the authors here, and link up with them via social apps. If you have problems commenting (and this site has a history of comment problems), please email Melanie and she will create a special login for you. It is nothing personal, but a software glitch from the initial installation that we've never been able to completely fix. Speaking of comments, we reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever. If this happens to you, you will know it. In place of all or part of your comment will appear [comment deleted by "admin name".] We've had to delete very few comments since 2004, and those were considered spam, hate speech or libelous content. We have also banned a couple of commenters for spreading same. If you're new to blogs, please know the views of commenters are not necessarily representative of the group. Site comments are open, and anyone can sign up and leave a comment. We now accept limited display advertising on all blogs. For size and pricing information, please see the advertise page here. If you have comments, suggestions or concerns about this website, please email Melanie or Catherine. Thank you for visiting Blog for ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: about blog for democracy ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Things would have to be really bad for this to sound good BASENAME: things_would_have_to_be_really STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/11/2009 10:45:34 PM TAGS: iraq,"marika on another adventure" ----- BODY: My friend Marika, whose career path can only be described as meandering, sent the following email today. If by some chance you are interested in working on the Iraqi elections with Marika, and have the qualifications listed below, email me and I'll hook you up. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    Dear Friend: Want to be my co-worker? If you are interested in working on helping the Iraqi election commission educate voters on how to vote/where to vote/why vote etc., and you have a very strong PR background, this might be just the job for you. Upside: Feel good about your contribution to the planet. Virtually no living expenses. Don't pay taxes on first 90K. Downside: Live under virtual house arrest. Work 7 days a week. Night and day. A few hours off per day. No social life. Wear body armor. Live with the same people you work with who are the same people you socialize with who are the same people get the picture. You will have no social life. Trust me. See the job description below. If you get the job and hate working here, don't blame me! You were warned!!! Best, Marika
    Public Outreach Specialist-Iraq Location: Iraq Division: Program Management Status: International Full Time Project Description: IFES is providing significant technical assistance to the Iraqi High Electoral Commission (IHEC) and the constitution drafting committee. This assistance will help ensure stronger election systems and the integrity of the constitutional process by increasing the technical capacity of the Commission and constitutional drafting committee and in turn will improve the country's security situation by providing strong and transparent governance. Job Responsibilities: • Key Areas of Responsibility o Advise the Iraqi High Electoral Commission (IHEC) on planning, design and implementation of voter education/public information strategies and campaigns for upcoming electoral projects - governorate, municipal elections, constitutional and Kurdistan referenda and/or other electoral events; o Advise and assist the IHEC in coordination with other organizations involved in the public outreach campaigns, including media, CSO, international donor community and other electoral stakeholders; o Provide advice to the IHEC on institutional design, structure, objectives and areas of responsibilities, particularly of the Public Outreach Division at HQ and GEO levels; o Assist the IHEC in designing a short-term operational plan and timeline for anticipated electoral projects in 2009, as needed; o Review the content, impact and quality of the media outreach products. • Individual/group deliverables o Advise the IHEC on governorate/municipal election public outreach strategy and plan; in coordination with Public Outreach Division management draft a timetable for upcoming electoral events; o Draft and discuss with the IHEC proposals for an optimal Public Outreach Division structure and recruitment of qualified staff, ToRs and areas of responsibility and quality assurance of the division's work; o Assist the IHEC in organizing its archive of past public outreach campaigns. Qualifications: Qualifications: • Bachelor's degree required; Masters degree in a communication/PR/media marketing desirable; • 7+ years experience with 2+ years overseas experience • Demonstrated expertise in the development and implementation of large-scale media and public outreach programs; • Familiarity with political, economic, and social issues in Iraq and the region and ability to work in a post conflict environment with a limited legal and economic infrastructure; • Proven track record with elections or civic education in developing countries; • Proven leadership, staff management, project administration, and financial management skills are required; • Familiarity with the international donor community and USAID; • Arabic language skills preferred; • Fluency in English (oral and written) required; • Strong oral and written communication skills; • Professional, collaborative management approach with the ability to work as a member of a team; • Field experience is necessary for this position and hardship conditions will be experienced.
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: iraq, marika on another adventure ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/12/2009 09:29:08 AM Sounds like fun to me... :/ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/12/2009 09:52:09 AM Go for it IRE! BTW, Marika is a hottie, but probably old enough to be your mother. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/12/2009 10:26:21 AM I'm under-qualified, having never been involved with an election in a developing country... :/ (actually that isn't true, I got some chum from one of the candidates running for President of Guatemala in 07. Also the last night I was there, me and one of my coworkers tried to start a write in campaign for me.) BTW: Age is just a number. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/12/2009 10:45:07 AM Sorry for the threadjack but, this is the 20th year of the Tienanmen Square protests and I watched most of this video last night (it paused on me w/about 15 minutes left) it is nothing short of amazing. China truly is a despicable country ATM. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/12/2009 11:44:55 AM No apology needed. That was remarkable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/12/2009 12:52:40 PM I would amend that to China has a pretty despicable govt ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2009 11:32:49 PM Although not everyone in it. A guy in the people's congress was a visiting scholar at UGA for a while and we became good friends. ----- -------- AUTHOR: JasonA TITLE: Teachers: No thanks needed... or coming. BASENAME: techers_no_thanks_needed_or_co STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/12/2009 05:02:55 PM TAGS: CRCT,Education ----- BODY: icon_education_teachers.jpg

    The school year is over and we teachers are decompressing... if we can afford to. As for a job well done, well, according to Kathy Cox, we just needed a little focus for success... and it was the administrators who led us there. Or did they???

    In other news: It is bad enough that they are just implementing this now, but for middle-schoolers is the punishment still two shame-shames and a no-no? Either way, this tool takes the cake.

    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 02:23:42 AM Just go ahead & kill NCLB now, instead of playing with all this nonsense! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Advertise on Blog for Democracy BASENAME: advertise_on_blog_for_democrac STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 0 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/09/2009 03:30:03 AM ----- BODY: We are pleased to offer premium display advertising to fit a variety of budgets and campaigns. Ads may be placed on the front page of Blog for Democracy, on all pages of /poli by Tom Crawford or /sports by Mike Tierney. Advertisers are responsible for providing finished jpeg or gif files in the appropriate size. We reserve the right to refuse any ads for any reason whatsoever. Ads are available in the following three sizes. Email to reserve your ad space today. ad_140x140.jpg
    140x140 RATES One week - $100 Two weeks - $150 Three weeks $200
    . ad_140x240.jpg
    140x240 RATES One week - $200 Two weeks - $250 Three weeks $300
    . . . ad_140x440.jpg
    140x440 RATES One week - $300 Two weeks - $350 Three weeks $400
    . . . . ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: advertise on blog for democracy ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Volunteer with the Center for Civil and Human Rights BASENAME: volunteer_with_the_center_for STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/14/2009 09:50:59 AM TAGS: "center for civil and human rights" ----- BODY: blog_icon_megaphone.jpgThe Center for Civil and Human Rights will host three orientation meetings in June for volunteers to learn how to get involved and help the center with a variety of events and initiatives. Orientations will be held on June 15, June 25 and June 29, from 6:00-7:00pm at Central Atlanta Progress Conference Room, 1st Floor, Hurt Building (50 Hurt Plaza, Atlanta, GA). Click on the date to RSVP or join their facebook group here. The complete list of volunteer opportunities for June 2009 is below the fold. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    Center for Civil & Human Rights Volunteer Opportunities June 2009 Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission Town Hall Meeting In December 2009, a consortium of Atlanta-based organizations plan to convene the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission Town Hall meeting to begin a conversation on the unfinished business of Lincoln's presidency in the context of the 21st century. The Town Hall meeting will seek a historical grounding in Civil Rights in the U.S. with an emphasis on the Lincoln Presidency. Special emphasis will be placed on the Civil Rights heritage of the region and the contemporary status of the dream of freedom and equality in the South. Organizers hope that this will be the first of a series of conversations among many partners and imagine a publication coming out of the event, including a list of partners and their projected plans that touch on the themes of the town-hall meeting. Meeting themes include: Lincoln's evolving vision of equality and freedom; the South's religious and leadership traditions as they relate to the modern Civil Rights Movement; and our vision for Civil and Human Rights in the 21st century. Volunteer event planners are needed and one or two volunteers willing to serve as planning committee chairs would be very helpful. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Event Planners Volunteers are needed to both celebrate and promote awareness of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). CCHR will plan several events in December of 2009 to commemorate the 61st anniversary of the development of UDHR. A volunteer planning committee is being assembled and interested volunteers are invited to attend the first planning committee meeting. Launching Human Rights Curriculum Volunteers interested in developing Human Rights Curriculum for use in a k-12 environment are invited to join a planning committee. The project is in the early stages of development. Story Corps An effort is underway to bring StoryCorps to Atlanta and permanently house a recording booth in CCHR. A small group of volunteers interested in preserving family stories and oral traditions are needed to raise excitement and funds to support the effort (the fundraising goal is 200K). This is a joint effort of CCHR, WABE, and the national StoryCorps office. Volunteers are needed for grassroots fundraising, marketing and events. The project team is utilizing two fundraising strategies: (1)"Home-hosted" fundraisers wherein the hosts invite family and friends to swap stories and contribute to the Atlanta StoryCorps booth fund, and (2) "Two Hundred Give or Get," which calls upon 200 Atlantans to either contribute $1000 directly, or raise the amount from friends and family (e.g., 50 friends contributing $20 each). The full launch is slated for late 2009. Most meetings take place at WABE or on the phone. Technologists, Marketers, Writers (and the generally Internet Savvy) --Create a New Blog Affiliated with CCHR! CCHR would like a community of volunteers to work together to create a blog affiliated with the center that explores both historic and current happenings in civil and human rights and regularly posts human rights stories. The goal is to create a clearing house blog (like Huffington Post or Andrew Sullivan's Blog) but specifically for human rights issues. A volunteer leader is needed to serve as the primary project coordinator and to manage additional volunteers to do blog design, marketing and writing. A team of volunteer technologists are needed to design and build the blog itself and integrate the look and feel with the CCHR website. Writers are needed to develop a content strategy and to create blog posts and one could serve as a content manager or editor. Volunteers with online marketing skills are needed to develop the strategy for building a blog community. All volunteers involved with this project will be encouraged to help build a blogging community around this affiliated blog and other similar interest blogs and internet sites. Social Networkers Help keep the CCHR Facebook (twitter, etc.) community engaged by serving as a Facebook page administrator. Post event photos, group notes and events and community wall posts. Help grow the CCHR community by inviting members to invite their friends (and so on!) Volunteers can work virtually, but CCHR would especially appreciate a lead volunteer that can work from the office once per week - even if only for a few hours. No technical expertise is required, CCHR is interested in volunteers who like online sites and want to activate CCHR through them. Marketing, Public Relations & Writing Volunteers Build momentum for CCHR by serving on the volunteer communications team! Volunteers with marketing, public relations and writing experience are needed to support all kinds of projects such as creating newsletters; writing press releases, Op-Eds, speeches and blog posts; and crafting marketing materials for fundraising and events. This is a great opportunity for marketing and PR volunteers to gain experience and build their portfolios. A volunteer project coordinator who will manage the team of communications volunteers is also needed. Meetings will take place at the CCHR office. Plan Small Fundraising Gatherings Volunteer event coordinators are needed to help plan and execute small fundraising gatherings to be held at private homes belonging to CCHR stakeholders. Volunteer event coordinators would help with event logistics such as preparing the guest list, designing and sending invitations, catering, event set up and break down, etc. Festival Table Display Designers & Managers CCHR needs a volunteer designer or design intern to design a table display for the Center to be used at various special events. Additionally, the center is seeking volunteers to serve as display table managers and organizational representatives at various events and to be pro-active about securing a CCHR presence at a diversity of events in the metro area. A list of upcoming events, relevant dates, times & locations will be shared with interested volunteers. Event Photographers Volunteer photographers are needed to photograph CCHR events, board meetings, community gatherings and visits with dignitaries and key stakeholders. The photographs would be used for promotional and marketing materials and would need to be archived for future reference. CCHR would be happy to recognize the photographer where relevant and applicable. Office Volunteers- Knowledge Management Project CCHR needs an intern/volunteer to assist in reorganizing and setting up a well thought out filing system to ensure excellent knowledge management. Volunteer assistance will ensure the creation of knowledge management infrastructure for CCHR that will have an ongoing, long term impact, providing critical access to grant and donor files, and security for sensitive details about every architectural aspect of the building. Volunteers working on this project can make a significant contribution to the organization's capacity to run efficiently and effectively. Office Volunteers- Information Management/ Data Entry CCHR seeks detail oriented volunteers to manage and maintain organizational data collection and storage from various sources. CCHR currently uses the Raiser's Edge database for fundraising data, but also maintains numerous other stakeholder lists in excel spreadsheets. CCHR seeks help in researching a database system that could capture and manage data gained from various sources such as the CCHR website, on-line social networking sites, events and partnerships. The organization has done initial research on NetCommunity, but needs a volunteer or intern to manage a comprehensive process to identify the right tool and then ensure that all organizational information is centrally located and organized. Volunteer support is essential as the staff is quite small, but the enthusiasm for the center and the associated data continues to grow. Internships To learn about marketing, program development, fundraising, civil and human rights partnerships and programs and other experiences associated with developing the center, consider serving as an intern at CCHR. Candidates interested in the internship program must be willing to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week for a minimum of eight weeks working from the CCHR office in Atlanta. For more information and to get involved, please sign up for a Center for Civil & Human Rights Volunteer Orientation Session June 15th, 2009 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Central Atlanta Progress Conference Room, 1st Floor, Hurt Building, Downtown Atlanta June 25th, 2009 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Central Atlanta Progress Conference Room, 1st Floor, Hurt Building, Downtown Atlanta June 29th, 2009 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Central Atlanta Progress Conference Room, 1st Floor, Hurt Building, Downtown Atlanta     If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Natasha Berry at or by phone at (404) 658-5902.
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: center for civil and human rights ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Aristotle v. NGP BASENAME: aristotle_v_ngp STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/14/2009 11:15:48 AM TAGS: aristotle,democrats,lawsuit,ngp ----- BODY: blog_icon_brass_knuckles.jpgNGP Software (the IT company heavily favored by Democrats), is being sued by chief competitor Aristotle for allegedly making false and deceptive advertising claims that it caters exclusively to "Democrats and their allies". As you might expect when one IT company goes after another, Aristotle has launched an online campaign (complete with ads, astroturfing, etc.), in which it alleges NGP software has facilitated millions in contributions for GOP candidates and organizations, including Saxby Chambliss. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Whether this claim has any merit is for the court to decide, but it's difficult to imagine any GOP candidate opting for an IT company with a donkey in its logo and a mascot named "lefty". NGP Software powers the Democratic Party of Georgia's online efforts, as well as those of major Democratic candidates and organizations. It seems highly unlikely they would risk alienating their client base by taking GOP business. Having been on the receiving end of pitches from both companies, in my opinion, NGP is clearly the superior of the two. Aristotle's pitch was twice the price for half the service, with slack response and an attitude. Perhaps if they spent more time and resources improving their work product and less time suing competitors, they might stop losing market share. Whatever the case, NGP should issue some kind of response to this (most likely unfounded), attack. Update: I was just forwarded the following statement from NGP that was issued waaaay back in December, 2008:
    Misleading Mailers and Website A message from Founder Nathaniel Pearlman When I founded NGP Software in 1997, I was determined to run the company in a principled way: to take good care of our clients; to operate honestly and with integrity; and to charge reasonable fees for the products and services we provide. I was convinced that the Democratic campaigns I cared about were not well served by existing software firms. Indeed, I believe that the success of NGP (which now serves almost 80% of the Democrats in Congress) was made possible because a competing software firm was famous for poor customer service, misleading marketing, and nuisance lawsuits. That other firm, Aristotle, now serves, for the most part, PACs and Republican campaigns (and "adult" web sites with their "Identity" product), as well as a handful of Democrats. Having lost scores of Democratic clients to NGP, they are frustrated and have returned with a vengeance to the misleading advertising and litigious behavior that damaged them in the past. Their strategy, if it can be called a strategy, is to send mailings that claim that NGP is not a Democratic firm, and to sue us because we advertise that we are one. I can honestly tell you that I do not understand their logic, respect their tactics, or admire the way they do business. What sort of firm is NGP? Proudly Democratic. Here are the facts: by any measure, NGP is a Democratic firm. Our software has been used by thousands of Democratic campaigns and exactly zero Republican campaigns. We are pleased to serve many important Democratic entities like the Obama and Clinton campaigns, the DSCC, and the DCCC. NGP is proud to sponsor events, like the upcoming RootsCamp, which build the progressive movement. Our customers also include Democratic leadership PACs and party committees, and progressive non-profits. In addition, a small number of non-partisan PACs use a version of our software. Aristotle has focused on this handful of non-partisan PACs, which they conveniently neglect to mention gave a majority of their contributions to Democrats this past cycle, in order to pretend outrage about what Aristotle claims is NGP's impurity. We have filed a counter-suit against Aristotle, on which we hope to prevail, for their false and misleading advertising, and we believe that we will prevail in the lawsuit that they filed against us (some of the original claims have already been dropped). We can make this promise: that we will continue to operate according to our principles and that we will continue to strive to provide you with the best software and services possible. We appreciate all the kind notes and support we have received on this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to either contact me or NGP's President Stu Trevelyan directly. Thanks, Nathaniel
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ngp, aristotle, lawsuit, democrats ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: The 14,000th post about comments BASENAME: the_14000th_post_about_comment STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/14/2009 06:27:28 PM TAGS: "comment problems" ----- BODY: icon_conversation.jpgThe comment feature on the nine new "department" blogs has been updated so you may now use your TypeKey login (the same login you use here on the main page) to comment there. Be sure to hit "refresh" on your browser before attempting. If you still have problems commenting, please email me and I will create a special login for you on the back end. We want to hear from you! We're getting close to resolving these comment problems, and your feedback is very, very helpful. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: comment problems ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2009 08:38:54 PM Thanks Mel, That will be most helpful & I hope it works. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2009 09:31:24 PM So was all this work worth it to keep up with the Tavern? PS: It all works great on my end. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2009 11:32:40 PM I love what's going on at the Tavern! It's looking very slick over there. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Cobb County Democratic Committee J-J Dinner with Roy Barnes BASENAME: cobb_county_democratic_committ STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/14/2009 11:15:37 PM TAGS: ccdc,jj,"roy barnes" ----- BODY: icon_political_event.jpgThe Cobb County Democratic Committee invites you to join them for their 21st Annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on Friday, June 19th, 2009 at the Doubletree Atlanta Northwest Hotel located at 2055 South Park Place, Atlanta, GA. The theme of this year's event will be "Democrats Serve", and the keynote speaker will be Roy Barnes. Tickets are $75 per person, and can be purchased online here. (Last option on page.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: The reception will begin promptly at 6:00pm, and the dinner program will begin at 7:00pm. Seating is limited. For more details, please contact co-chair Joel Cope at or co-chair Anderia Bishop at ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ccdc, jj, roy barnes ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2009 11:31:29 PM 75 dollars? Should I bring my Gucci-wear too? And hopefully none of those proletariat folk sneak in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2009 11:39:18 PM Well, it is the only fundraiser they hold for the year, and they feed you dinner, so $75 doesn't seem too high. At least not compared to the email I just received from the DNC inviting me to a "special reception" with Mitch Stewart for $250. If you want to stay for dinner it's $1,000. Don't think so. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2009 11:43:10 PM "At least not compared to the email I just received from the DNC inviting me to a "special reception" with Mitch Stewart for $250. If you want to stay for dinner it's $1,000. Don't think so." LOL. If I wanted dinner with an astroturf leader I'd drive over to Newt's house and pick up some KFC on the way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 12:37:22 AM I'll say publicly that I'd be only too happy to pay for a half of Z's seat, if I can duct tape him & his mouth into a chair of my choosing. I think he'd get fed too. But not to worry, I'm reliably informed that he really owns no real 'Gucci wear', but is possessed of several clean T-shirts. As long as his mom has done his laundry this past week. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 02:44:25 AM "I'll say publicly that I'd be only too happy to pay for a half of Z's seat, if I can duct tape him & his mouth into a chair of my choosing. I think he'd get fed too. But not to worry, I'm reliably informed that he really owns no real 'Gucci wear', but is possessed of several clean T-shirts. As long as his mom has done his laundry this past week. JMP" Is the pretentious babbler channeling Dick Cheney? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 05:55:13 AM Sorry Z, if you want us to actually handle you and to indulge your victimization fantasies, well you'll have to pay the full freight. And your usual customary charges for the whips & chains. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 01:42:42 PM Picture of JMP found You're right, IRE, we really do need image embedding in this blog. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 02:22:59 PM Thank you gentlemen. That will do. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 04:56:45 PM Not since the MT vs. CC days has the high-blog-godess MelGX had to weigh in on comments. Well done to both of you! I feel like I am leaving BforD troll status in good hands! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 07:13:37 PM :D ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Blog roundup BASENAME: blog_roundup_4 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/15/2009 05:40:59 AM TAGS: "blog roundup" ----- BODY: icon_cowgirl.jpg Happy Monday. Just a few from elsewhere:
  • Something's cooking over at Tondee's Tavern and it smells really good. Love the new look and flow of the site, and the weather report too. Well done flackattack!
  • Like the Dew has a wonderful tribute to "Pioneering Spirit of the Law" Patricia Collins Andretta Dwinnell Butler, who died last week at the age of 101. For those of us who didn't grow up in Georgia, this site is a treasure trove.
  • The Examiner reports that Justice Carol Hunstein has been unanimously elected to serve as the new Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court.
  • Social media addicts, or those just trying to keep up, might enjoy Mashable.
  • Ed Kilgore explains the "no comeback" rule as it relates to former Governor Roy Barnes, at FiveThirtyEight.
  • Fresh Loaf's Asher Smith has the numbers on why Don't Ask Don't Tell just doesn't add up. And never has.
  • Mostly Media has video of local TV News Directors speaking at the most recent Atlanta Press Club luncheon.
  • Jmac explains why Green jobs training is needed to boost Athens-Clarke County.
  • Intown Writer is all riled up about Kasim Reed's "pandering petition" to stop police furloughs.
  • EveryBlock is now in Atlanta. Via Drive a Faster Car.
  • And PI reports on Max Cleland's return after seven years of exile from public life.
  • ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: blog roundup ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tom Crawford EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 08:54:03 AM Jon's done a good job of revamping the appearance of the Tavern. It's been very quiet over there lately -- as if they've been doing more drinking than blogging at the Tavern. I hope they'll start posting more entries. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 10:04:20 AM "they've been doing more drinking than blogging at the Tavern. You say that as if its a bad thing. The redesign caused me to stop posting. I hate the new design, but that's just me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 12:25:40 PM FYI: This is what I get when I tried to pull up this post : Fathers on film By Eleanor Ringel Cater on June 15, 2009 9:07 AM | in /flix | Comments (0) "Page not found - /flix/2009/06/fathers-on-film.html" Just noting. Thanks again for the updates! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 12:44:36 PM Thanks J.M. It should be fixed now. We had a little glitch this morning with a duplicate entry. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 10:28:09 PM Still buggy on the new MT sign in, BTW. Just not taking anything. Do we all need to start over? Just wondering... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 11:51:57 PM OK J.M., I'm on it, but it may take a few days. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2009 11:54:14 PM J.M., the new blogs should all be working smoothly. Just to clarify, you're having problems on the home page, yes? And by that I mean this page. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 12:35:37 AM Yes, trying to use the newer sign in blocks. Just not working. But I think even when I get to the newer sections I'm unable to sign in unless I use an older post to get to the older MT sign in blocks. If that's making sense. Thanks again, JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Ramping Up the Fight in A-Stan BASENAME: ramping_up_the_fight_in_a-stan STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/15/2009 01:04:05 PM ----- BODY: The war in Afghanistan, although the centerpiece in the Global War on Terror, has always been somewhat of a pariah compared to it's more politically-charged, and for a long time, bloodier, cousin in Iraq. Today, with a new commander taking over NATO operations in Afghanistan, it's anybody's guess what the future holds for that country and it's people. Gen. David McCrystal began his first day pressuring allies to commit greater numbers of troops. With the upcoming surge of American forces, the American presence will almost double there, causing us to maintain almost two-thirds of the fighting force. That is still significantly lower than the roughly ~150,000 American personnel that we've maintained in Iraq. And that most likely won't ever change considering that our logistical capabilities in Iraq, a largely modern and urban country with flat, unchallenging terrain. Add to the fact that the United States has a number of politically friendly, but officially neutral allies that border Iraq (in particular Kuwait, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia), sustaining the force there hasn't been that difficult. Afghanistan, of course, is a different beast (no pun intended). Case in point, despite the assumed renewed focus on non-conventional and special-operationsesque tactics, especially with Gen. McCrystal in charge, we are in the midst of tactical experiment involving some of our newer tactical warfare vehicles. The Stryker, a vehicle that until it received a simple but ingenious armor upgrade, was originally extremely vulnerable to RPG attacks, is currently making it's debut in Afghanistan. But the logistical issues with deploying such a large force are extremely evident. Army leaders hope to transition that success in Afghanistan, but are already seeing the logistical nightmare in deploying heavy forces in a landlocked, rugged country surrounded by countries hostile to our mission. It takes two plane trips just to deploy a platoon's worth of Strykers. Considering the attack on the NATO depot in western Pakistan this past winter, our logistical vulnerabilities aren't exactly a secret. With that said, if Gen. McCrystal can manage to keep our allies in the fight and keep civilian casualties down, the road to success in Afghanistan will be more likely, especially since it seems as if the Taliban's popular support there is waning. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Amazing Photos from Iran BASENAME: pictures_from_iran STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/16/2009 12:22:26 AM ----- BODY: Via i01_19361479.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 12:43:07 AM 1979 all over again. Or worse. Could be the very bad end to the Wiemar Republic example that some had feared too. But not happy circumstances in any case. And yet another obviously stolen election too. They only stole it all too well. And that's just too blatant to be ignored. But a coup to be sure. Nasty, nasty work. And probably not done yet either. Twenty years on from Tiananmen and we're still there watching students facing down the guns and now the tanks in the streets. What progress! JMP (Huffington Post has plenty of amazing pics as well.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 12:47:11 AM what's amazing is that we are seeing them at all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 01:28:15 AM Have to disagree somewhat with J.M. This is Iran's democratic revolution. Unlike the '79 Islamic revolution, I hope to God the students prevail. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 01:39:03 AM And Jules, BBC is reporting that most of the photos are coming through twitter. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 02:05:20 AM They had hoped that the 1979 Revolution was a 'more Democratic one' as well. We can only hope, but yes technology is helping a bit 'more better' here & now. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 08:27:00 AM saw this on boing boing this morning: The purpose of this guide is to help you participate constructively in the Iranian election protests through Twitter. 1. Do NOT publicise proxy IP's over twitter, and especially not using the #iranelection hashtag. Security forces are monitoring this hashtag, and the moment they identify a proxy IP they will block it in Iran. If you are creating new proxies for the Iranian bloggers, DM them to @stopAhmadi or @iran09 and they will distributed them discretely to bloggers in Iran. 2. Hashtags, the only two legitimate hashtags being used by bloggers in Iran are #iranelection and #gr88, other hashtag ideas run the risk of diluting the conversation. 3. Keep you bull$hit filter up! Security forces are now setting up twitter accounts to spread disinformation by posing as Iranian protesters. Please don't retweet impetuosly, try to confirm information with reliable sources before retweeting. The legitimate sources are not hard to find and follow. 4. Help cover the bloggers: change your twitter settings so that your location is TEHRAN and your time zone is GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location and timezone searches. If we all become 'Iranians' it becomes much harder to find them. 5. Don't blow their cover! If you discover a genuine source, please don't publicise their name or location on a website. These bloggers are in REAL danger. Spread the word discretely through your own networks but don't signpost them to the security forces. People are dying there, for real, please keep that in mind... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 08:55:55 AM Does anyone else see the absurdity in statements like "Please don't retweet impetuosly [sic]"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 04:20:32 PM This from mashable earlier today:
    U.S. Government Asks Twitter to Stay Up for #IranElection Crisis A short while from now, Twitter (Twitter) will go down for maintenance due to extraordinary circumstances: The #IranElection Controversy. Originally scheduled to perform maintenance last night, the work was moved to 2 PM PT today so that Iranians could tweet about the crisis. With members of the media kicked out of Iranian cities, millions joining in on protests, and violence erupting all across the turmoiled state, Iranians have been turning to Twitter, YouTube (YouTube), Flickr (Flickr), and other social tools to get the word out about what’s happening on the ground. Well, it looks like Twitter may have had someone pushing for it not to go down last night, during peak Iranian hours: the U.S. State Department According to a CNN blog post, the U.S. government is connecting with Twitter and other major social media companies to make sure that the flow of information from Iran remains uninterrupted. While the Obama administration itself keeping out of the Iran controversy on official channels, it is making sure that information coming from people on the ground is getting through to the rest of the world. The biggest revelation is that the State Department asked Twitter not to go down at its original time last night in order to allow Iranians to tweet out what’s happening in their cities. It also seems that U.S. officials are watching the chatter on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook (Facebook), and elsewhere to keep up-to-speed with the situation on the ground. Social media communication is even more important, since the U.S. has no embassy or official relationship with Iran.
    ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 04:45:47 PM Wow, that's a bad leak from the State Department. I can't imagine they want to be seen as working at cross-purposes with the government over there right now, and ratcheting up the stakes for the Tweeters in the process. Hillary might need to fire somebody. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 10:17:49 PM If I watched the footage correctly, police open fire on demonstrators after they set fire to a building. Whether the demonstrators are right or not, they should've start setting fires to things and not expect to be fired on. They have to choose their tactics well. And I hope everyone who's getting involved with this does so out of concern for electoral fairness, not in some bid to try to make Mousavi some kind of hero. The guy's much worse than Ahmadenijad when it comes to repression, unless we're allowed to wipe his slate blank. The 1979 revolution is seen in a very positive light in the mind's of most Iranians, the best thing we can possibly hope for is that Iranians see it as analogous to that one if you want more people taking part in it. Not an American diktat when they overthrew Washington's little poodle. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 10:20:05 PM And what's the stuff about Iran being a Weimar Republic? They're going to go tramping all over the world with their army now? That's fresh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: http://FT DATE: 06/16/2009 10:32:23 PM The END of the Wiemar Republic you idiot Z. Google it. Wiki it. Learn something for a change, Hmm? One scenario is a carefully crafted coup. But time will tell. And this nonsense? "The 1979 revolution is seen in a very positive light in the mind's of most Iranians". Has not been true for a generation. Ask some ex-pats too. Geez, what a maroon! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 10:42:39 PM "The END of the Wiemar Republic you idiot Z" You mean the rise of Naziism? And post-1979 Iran was imposed by the Western powers? What in the world are you even talking about? Sorry, this analogy makes so little sense that I'm completely unable to follow. You called me an idiot, though. That'll help! "And this nonsense? "The 1979 revolution is seen in a very positive light in the mind's of most Iranians". Has not been true for a generation. Ask some ex-pats too." Ex-pats =/= Iranian public. Expatriate communities, whether they be Jewish, Armenian, Cuban, Persian, whatever, are always more extreme in their views about the area they fled. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 10:45:09 PM To add this to the discussion, I think Obama's being remarkably smart by not openly or publicly trying to take sides in the Iranian dispute. The second he sounded partisan in their election it would be the end of all the student movement. It's the smartest foreign policy decision I've seen out of a US president in generations. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 11:03:08 PM If anyone wants to do some reading on the historical parallels between '79 and now I just thought of the fact that I actually have some of the best reporting of the time with me. Robert Fisk's The Great War for Civilisation the Conquest of the MIddle East has his dispatches as one of two western journalists who was in Tehran during the revolution. Reading back through it's a fascinating experience. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 02:03:21 AM Yes leave it to Z, the self proclaimed 'UGA Liberal' to defend one of the most brutally repressive & deadly regimes in the entire ME & SW Asia: "If I watched the footage correctly, police open fire on demonstrators after they set fire to a building. Whether the demonstrators are right or not, they should've start setting fires to things and not expect to be fired on. They have to choose their tactics well." Yes, well thank you for issuing your very useful pronouncements on how, when & why to protest tyranny. They might well ask: "Any more suggestions your excellency on how we might better suffer oppression but only with your grace & approval?" Yeah that's the ticket. The Liberal way, right? And a coup is not so far fetched an idea: (This from the Huffington Post) And asking some ex-pats is not the only thing I was suggesting. It's a start. Listening to the ongoing terror via first hand reporting might help too. And again, we're a generation or more distant from the glorious revolution you seem to want to revere. Nice touch. It may have done many things. But for the most part, most Iranians are not seemingly happy about how it all came out. As well they might not, give the monstrosities & cruelties that the brutal theocratic autocrats have unleashed. And now it looks, smells & tastes like tyranny, and you want to grade the protests and issue demerits for how they behave? That's rich. Somehow, they always have it coming when the State shoots them down in the streets for assembling & protesting, right? That's the good liberal! Yeah, I can see you cheering on Stalin's Show Trials too. (But they were traitors to the Glorious 1917 Revolution!) It is ever thus with Tyrants. And those that seek to apologize for them. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sblgeomatics EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 07:51:12 AM Thanks for sharing.. regards Photogrammetry mapping ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 01:40:17 PM "Yes leave it to Z, the self proclaimed 'UGA Liberal' to defend one of the most brutally repressive & deadly regimes in the entire ME & SW Asia" Please stop talking before you embarrass yourself further. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 02:59:26 PM For anyone who actually cares about the topic and doesn't want to just call me an idiot and compare Iran to the rise of Nazi Germany, Juan Cole has an excellent dispatch his academic friend in Iran sent him: ( "Today, under slate skies and despite official warnings that the permit to march had been denied, against rumors that orders had been given to shoot to kill, they came. They came by the tens if not hundreds of thousands, marching east to west along the many kilometers of Enqelab Street to Azadi, or Freedom Square. "It would be dishonorable, na mardi, to not go," a young couple explained. "We have to go." Another man asks who is going, what is going on? He is told that the "Mousavi-chiha" are marching starting at 4. He laughs, "Mousavi-chiha nadarim, hame ye Iran hastand!" We don't have Mousavi supporters, it's now all of Iran... That they came to Azadi, a place where thirty years ago the Revolution pivoted towards victory was fitting, for as much as the election campaign had been about who best represented the revolutionary values of Iran, Islam, and the late Imam, the push and pull of the past few days between opposition and Ahmadinejad forces has been a struggle to lay claim to authenticity. Authenticity that lies in the imagined and lived past, places, and practices of the Islamic Republic. It is as if whomever can get to the important places and rituals first and stay there, hang onto them, will win. So at night, beginning at 9 pm, we hear shouts of "Allah Akbar!" from the rooftops, just like in the fall and winter of 1978-1979. We have marches to sacred spots like Azadi and appeals by all sides to the memory of Khomeini..." As you can see, '79 is still an extremely revered event amongst the Iranian public, and I'm glad this isn't about Mousavi (who is a worse thug than Ahmadenijad by any measure) and more about renewing Iran. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 09:28:49 PM We're just so happy that you're reading Z. Now understanding what you read? Well, that might have to come with some more schooling. We guess. But Juan Cole is not a bad place to start. Now tell us how he too reveres the Glorious (TM) 1979 Revolution! Again, I've never made any brief for Mousavi. But you? Keep on telling us about The Glorious Revolution, and how 'revered' it is & will always be by The People! Yeah, and you're not sounding like any common ancient anti-Castro Cuban in the bars of Miami either. Now again, just how should they protest Oh Captain? Geesh. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 10:43:54 PM I did not say anything about a Glorious Revolution. You are completely unhinged and incapable of dispassionate analysis. Mousavi just called for "Days of Mourning." Let's ask ourselves -- where does that have historical signficance? They used that in '79. Which is of course appropriate, given that both the major contenders here are revolutionary figures of 1979, and their various debates were fraught with positive references to the revolution. Stop trying to impose your beliefs and worldview on Iran's people, and quit this bullshit of anytime someone disagrees with you on a foreign policy issue, they're a Taliban apologist or theocratic supporter, so on and so forth (like you did before on my opposition to Obama's Afpak policy, hilariously, because you obviously know nothing about my family). It's making you look like a fool. Not that you need any help there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 10:50:47 PM "Now again, just how should they protest Oh Captain? Geesh. JMP" If they burn stuff, they give the government a reason to shoot at them. When you're protesting, you want to make the people as sympathetic as possible to you and make the government look as unreasonable as possible. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: You Don't Say? BASENAME: you_dont_say STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/16/2009 09:51:04 AM ----- BODY: Khalid Sheik Mohammed, so-called mastermind of 9/11, says he lied to make the torture enhanced interrogation stop.
    Mohammed made the assertion during hearings at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where he was transferred in 2006after being held at secret CIA sites since his capture in 2003. "I make up stories," Mohammed said, describing in broken English an interrogation probably administered by the CIA concerning the whereabouts of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. "Where is he? I don't know. Then, he torture me," Mohammed said of his interrogator. "Then I said, 'Yes, he is in this area.' "
    Los Angeles Times Now who could have possibly predicted that? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 11:10:52 AM WHile I have no doubt that many people do in fact lie to stop torture (and it is one of the many reasons I am vehemently opposed to torture), let's not just accept this prima facie. He has incentive to lie here and potentially stop the torture. That is all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 12:49:46 PM Isn't that a bit of circular logic, IRE? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 01:43:42 PM Cheney having his reputation and his legacy destroyed before his eyes must be torture to him. Maybe that's why he lies all the time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 03:57:07 PM No. There is plenty of reason to believe Khalid is lying. If that's not readily obvious, I'm sorry. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 01:04:51 PM "No. There is plenty of reason to believe Khalid is lying. If that's not readily obvious, I'm sorry." Isn't the fact then that he lied either way, thus not really trustworthy to begin with, then? KSM was not talking to the press, he was talking to the military several years ago if you look at the sourcing of the article and not just think that he came out and said this recently. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: The Maximum Effective Range of an Excuse BASENAME: the_maximum_effective_range_of STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/16/2009 07:51:14 PM ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgBetween taking steps to close Guantanamo Bay, ARRA, the auto bailouts, drawing down the war in Iraq and refocusing our energies towards Afghanistan, pirates, tackling healthcare reform, filling a Supreme Court vacancy, a swine flu pandemic, unrest in Iran, and North Korea straight up acting a fool, the Obama Administration has had a lot on its plate since it took power less than five months ago. But a major, unaddressed issue continues to hound the Administration and its allies in Congress. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    James Pietrangelo II, the former Army infantryman and lawyer whose case the high court declined to review, reserved most of his ire for President Obama instead of the court. "He's a coward, a bigot and a pathological liar," Pietrangelo said in an interview with TIME shortly after the high court declined to hear his appeal. "This is a guy who spent more time picking out his dog, Bo, and playing with him on the White House lawn than he has working for equality for gay people," he added. "If there were millions of black people as second-class citizens, or millions of Jews or Irish, he would have acted immediately" upon taking office to begin working to lift "Don't ask, don't tell." Pietrangelo fought in Iraq in 1991 as an infantryman, and returned as a JAG officer for the second Iraq War, before being booted out in 2004 for declaring he was gay as he was readying for a third combat tour. He was representing himself before the high court.
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell, a policy put into effect by Democrats bullied by culture warriors a decade and a half ago, has the potential to be ended by new generation of blue-bloods that control both the White House and Congress. So why hasn't the policy been ended? From ThinkProgress:
    The Obama administration has repeatedly resisted calls to suspend DADT by executive order. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs last month said that President Obama is looking for a "durable legislative solution," and Obama himself has written that repeal of the policy "needs Congressional action." Many LGBT bloggers immediately criticized Reid's comments, saying that Obama and Congress were "playing hot potato over DADT."
    So the Administration doesn't want to touch it. Congress doesn't want to touch it. In the meantime, gay and lesbian Soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines are left by the wayside. Even worse, they flat out are not allowed to contribute to the processes that help keep our warfighters safe abroad and our civilians safe at home. Honestly, what is the most we have to lose by committing to ending the policy? Are we afraid of the right-wing culture warriors that will retread their same unfounded talking points about unit cohesion and family values that they've had since the 90s? Do we honestly hope to change their minds on the issue? The vast majority of Americans support ending the policy, including most conservatives. Meanwhile, the President continues to maintain a strong approval rating and Democrats are poised to retain control of the House and Senate in the coming election cycle. Granted, the President and Congress have a lot on the plate right now, but it hasn't stopped them from putting forth and encouraging other massive national initiatives that have significantly less public support. I don't mean to go on a tangent, but a similar argument about unit cohesion was made in the days of Jim Crow America. But on July 26, 1948, another Democratic president had the audacity (dare I say, cojones) to issue an executive order which effectively ended segregation in the armed forces. Upon issuing Executive Order 9981, President Truman declared:
    "It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin. This policy shall be put into effect as rapidly as possible, having due regard to the time required to effectuate any necessary changes without impairing efficiency or morale."
    The changes that came about from that order by no means happened overnight. In fact, segregated units still operated through the end of the Korean War. But it certainly got the ball rolling enough that men like Colin Powell, Benjamin Davis, and Kip Ward could commission as officers, meritoriously lead mostly white Soldiers in combat, and eventually become some of the highest ranking military officers in the land. And granted, ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell won't suddenly make the military a gay-friendly institution, but it's a step forward. The more we lose strong Soldiers like Lt. Dan Choi or Cpt. James Pietrangelo, the more we handicap ourselves in this fight. It's not like we can really afford to let them go. My point in all of this is Dems have more to lose than to gain by stonewalling this. The planets are aligned and now is the time to act. We've done a great job so far guiding this ship, let's not ruin the momentum. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 10:14:25 PM How did they do a great job so far guiding the ship? DOMA and DADT were Clinton darlings. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 10:19:20 PM Was referring to this administration and this Congress. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 10:22:36 PM I got chided pretty harshly for being "tolerant of homophobia and sexism" because I pointed out that issues like this are often realpolitik fodder for the Democrats, but I'll say on this one -- DADT is opposed by like 3/4 of the public -- the Democrats are being pathetic, and maybe even a little moreso than usual. They have no excuse for dragging their feet on an issue where the supermajority of the public agrees with them. It's cowardly bigotry at its best. They could do this tomorrow if they wanted with little political fallout. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 10:31:27 PM And what's with this whole thing of having too much on the table? Get a couple of their lobbyist friends and write legislation that repeals DADT and then get some Congressman who's not a coward or fool (Kucinich comes to mind) and make it a privileged resolution, which brings it to the floor as an up or down vote. Tada! I might be being flippant, but I share my blog with half a dozen gay men who are pretty pissed off that the government's still treating them this way in 2009. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/16/2009 11:31:57 PM Yep. DADT was silly & stupid, and if you were not around at the time (or politically unaware, which probably means most of Z's compatriots), you've got little idea of what went down & why. All this happened Even Before Clinton took office. The right wing forces were calling for impeachment due to his 'acceptance' of such 'barbarism'. And the youngsters among you can snicker & titter at all of this, but it was real and it was & remains quite dangerous. Yes, people were on the radio openly talking about assassination to 'save the soul of our nation'. All day. Everyday. On MOST of the channels of the AM radio dial. With NO Net to 'back them up'. There was NO effective way to counter the message of pure hatred. The overwhelming message from ALL & EVERY media outlet (including most of the MSM) was 'well everyone hates gays, it's against most religions, hence we've got to do something to prevent it!' When they were not shouting that, the haters were allowed to go on TV anytime they wanted to make their points. Very little real or unbiased information survived such an onslaught. And oh, BTW? Without the Net? Obama would not have either. Even today. That's the power of the media. So it was seen as a 'temporary fix' that could (and might have been) more flexibly administered than what actually happened, due to several circumstances of history. And folks? History is your guide here. Once again. Who & what was the most powerful Democratic coalition in memory? The Great FDR coalition & Congresses. They got plenty done to save us from the further ravages of the Great Depression, saved the world from fascism on the march, and instituted the Cold War in order to contain expansionist Communism. The defeated tyranny abroad, expanded the middle class at home, and created the modern economy that we still enjoy & feed from. But I'll tell you what they did not & somehow could not do. At the height of the most disastrous world war we've ever known, (WW11), they did not, and could not accept more than a few token Jewish refugees to save them from extermination in Europe. Not much more than a few spare 100's as a matter of fact. Forget Gitmo. The foreign terrorists on our shores? We housed more than 500K German & Italian prisoners of war in this country. They were often seen in the Southern fields tending & harvesting crops, and were allowed to sit down in places that Jim Crow laws excluded blacks from. Including movie houses & concert venues. We treated them so well that 1000's of them actually re-settled in our country, so magnanimous was our treatment of them. By contrast FDR had plenty of opportunities to advance the cause of 'resettlement of refugees' from Hitler's Europe, but very little was done, at least at home. Star refugees like the wave of German physicists who came right before the war would help build our Atomic bomb and more scientific endeavors. Almost all had to leave some family behind due to tragic 'restrictions' on immigration that would remain in place for some decades yet. And this was FDR at the very height of his considerable & newly expansive war powers. It never got any better than that. And he was unwilling & unable to extend this humanitarian impulse to much of anyone who might be a war refugee. Unless they too might prove very useful to the war effort. Some said this was due to the strong anti-immigration sentiment in the country, as well as xenophobia & worse. Public opinion was evidently needed & reserved for the 'more important' war efforts. Still, vast coalitions of Jews & Gentiles begged FDR to 'let in the Jews' who were later gassed by the millions in death camps. After all the fine entreaties? He barely budged, and by almost the end of the war some token spare 2-300 or so were resettled in the US. Example 2. FDR Never signed and his Congress never allowed to the floor an anti-lynching Bill, even though it was regularly introduced into almost every Congress in the 1940's. Again the most powerful & numerous Democratic coalition there ever was, and they were unable to even get it to the floor in the Senate, due to the old Southern moss back racists that FDR needed in his coalition to move legislation that he needed to save the economy & to win the war. Despite the atrocities that were happening sometimes weekly in much of the South, with 'extra-legal' murder of blacks for almost any imaginable reason at all. The Rule of the Lynch (mobs) would reign supreme until the FBI was formally tasked with investigating racial killings some 25 years hence. They would be mostly ineffectual at this until they were officially backed by a DoJ that actually understood the problem, and insisted on an end to widespread racial violence, especially Polling related racial violence. That only came with the Civil Rights Acts or Voting Rights Acts 1964&5. And Hoover's death in 1972. Now? The USSC may well overturn that landmark legislation possibly this week. So lest we imagine that if we whine & pout & shout that things will be done in a thrice, but more realistically effective Coalitions need to be built and tended to advance this position & cause. We all know that it's an important issue for many. And issue of freedom & justice to be certain. But other than your curses, complaints & all that valuable precious & precocious whining, what do you bring to the table? Why should your priorities be acted on more quickly than say, health care for all which has been waiting also some 60 years for fruition? How about fixing & righting a deeply troubled economy? Where does that rank? It's been a bit over 5 months. Everyone wants their own sparkly magic to be applied to their lives. I know it's injustice, and it hurts and continues to be harmful to many. The Asian War internees (also tragically done by FDR & agreed to by a USSC) waited some 40 years for their piece of justice. many died without seeing it. Some other smaller groups of internees were never officially acknowledged. There are vast stretches of territory and humanity suffering & lost due & during the 2nd WW, many have never been acknowledged, accepted, or made right. Wish that we might that all the wrongs of the world can easily, quickly & effectively addressed. They can not. They will not. So yeah, whining is a part of it. But so is recognizing that you need to actually stand up and Do politics to get it all done too. Everything noble, just & true just does not fall into your lap fully assembled and ready to use. It has to be designed & built. There's unfortunately more to politics & activism than just demanding your rights. That's just the start. And yeah, sorry for the length. I'm not certain anyone might read it. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 12:47:00 AM Once again, JMP sees someone with a (D) next to their name being criticized and goes off on an irrational and long-winded rant about nothing :( Coalition to oppose DADT? This isn't exactly a complicated issue and country is overwhelmingly against it, stop being a bullshit apologist ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 01:32:50 AM Once again, you make an intelligent argument appealing to history, the history of bigotry & hatred, the politics of same and the difficulty of overcoming all of these serious impediments, and we get more childish name calling. From our resident 'UGA Liberal'. Yeah. SSDD. Once again Z, if they were actually handing our degrees for merit, intelligence or rigor of your thought or arguments? You'd be waiting a very long time indeed. How & why did Truman issue his EO on discrimination in the Armed Forces? Well as a matter of fact it was a concerted campaign from many quarters, but especially from black Veterans of the First WW, who wanted to go & fight in the new war for their country. Seeing the futility of lobbying FDR on the issue, they successfully lobbied Eleanor Roosevelt to get the Tuskegee Airmen trained & fighting by the end of the war. It was quite a vociferous effort, with many, many lobbying hours & years spent. Working. Hard. To convince other people & to 'give the Negro a fighting chance to fight the Nazi's'. It took awhile. So did effective integration in the Army. Units were still having plenty of trouble in 'Nam with the concept too. Some 20 years later. DADT? The numbers only very recently have actually turned in favor of tolerance & humanity. But nothing is too complicated for those ever clever UGA Libs like Z. Glad to hear that you're catching up on some reading Z. Reading is fundamental. If you keep the mental part that may help some too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 08:33:07 AM Good lord. Why don't you guys get a room. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 09:07:36 AM I was thinking that EXACT thing Catherine! That proves we are great minds b/c we think alike! Seriously though, if y'all gonna piss all over each other at least be entertaining. Shorter posts help with that, otherwise we aren't going to read the insults. Also a sockpuppet or two couldn't hurt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 01:24:24 PM Brevity is the soul of the flame ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 02:07:37 PM I post like 2 sentences and he gets set off talking about Truman and Gentiles and God knows what. It's great. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 03:47:15 PM According to Sen. Reid they have no co-sponsors for the bill to repeal DODT. Obama has said- pretty much all during the campaign that he won't use an exce order like was used by Truman. I'm not going to weigh in on my opinion about this, ENDA, DOMA, Hate Crimes et al till after I hear from all the same groups that are attacking the admin that they will be joining me in DC on Oct 11th at the Equality March on Washington. Right now all HRC and others are using this for is fundraising, sigh, again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 03:54:46 PM I don't think the march is a good idea, tactically. Having been in a ton of marches on DC in the past few years, I'd say how marginalized they are by the media, it's a better idea to take those resources and lobby locally, write op-eds, have smaller actions and rallies, and really do that sort of focused stuff. Reid will go down as least effective Senator Majority Leader ever btw. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 03:55:08 PM Just for clarification: The U.S. did accept more than 100,000 Jewish immigrants between 1938 and 1939. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 04:14:52 PM I'm not marching for the media Zaid. I'm marching in solidarity with a community of people who want congress and the president to act and we will be a visible reminder of their inaction. A march isn't "instead of" something, it's in addition to all of the other activities and it's also a way for communities of all types to participate together. I've heard the dis on the march plenty-but I'm still going. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 04:27:32 PM Cleve Jones was saying (something to the effect of) the difference between today's rallies and the ones done in the 60s etc was that there was a sh&t ton of organizing that went into earlier ones. He was pretty outspoken about not partaking in these rallies. And you want to talk about useless, it begins and ends with HRC. All they've ever done is raise money, support HRC (the woman), and keep HRC afloat. If reid is the most ineffective majority leader, so what. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 04:49:11 PM Needs citation Jerry. Thanks. There's plenty of difference between yes, 'Jewish Immigrants' (however classed) and war refugees, specifically from Germany or occupied territories. But yeah, make an appeal to history using historical analogies to try and bolster your point for advancing civil rights today? And the clear hazard may be that someone takes you seriously, and wants to examine said history critically. And the clear and present horrors that someone may have more than 800 words to say on the topic. Of course water boarding would be easier. Or quicker certainly. Given the title of the post? I call upon the tall dapper ghost of A. Philip Randolph of the BSCP to tell the tale. He wanted a March on Washington also during FDR's time to protest discrimination & for Civil Rights in 1941. The now famous Civil Rights March on Washington, featuring MLK only later came about in 1963, again over the protests of another Democratic Prez worried about civil unrest. So again, 'The Maximum Effective Range of an Excuse'? Can easily be 20 years. That's what I'm saying. Mostly. In under 200 words, and none of them too big. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 05:00:47 PM "About 85,000 Jewish refugees (out of 120,000 Jewish emigrants) reached the United States between March 1938 and September 1939..." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 05:17:56 PM Thanks Jerry, Again, as the citation shows this was wholly inadequate for the need & demand for asylum (as ever), and again we're not exactly talking of the war refugee issue which was happening urgently after 1940. The St. Louis (1939 refugee ship) crisis is also telling here as well. And FDR was unmoved, and refused to allow the legal immigration of 900 Jewish refugees, 254 who would go on later to die at Hitler's hands. But this is well into the weeds for most. Suffice it to say that for various reasons, it took a very long time to successfully work on either Civil & Voting Rights. Some of which took well over 100 years to come to fruition. Even when lives were at stake. This is what history tells us. Accomplishing civil rights politically is neither easy, nor short. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 05:35:49 PM "I'm not marching for the media Zaid. I'm marching in solidarity with a community of people who want congress and the president to act and we will be a visible reminder of their inaction. A march isn't "instead of" something, it's in addition to all of the other activities and it's also a way for communities of all types to participate together. I've heard the dis on the march plenty-but I'm still going." We don't have unlimited resources and time, if that stuff's better spent elsewhere for the cause, than so be it I say. If you really care about something you need to do the most effective thing you can to get there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 05:38:14 PM "This is what history tells us. Accomplishing civil rights politically is neither easy, nor short. JMP" This one's pathetically easy (DADT) and should not be compared to the stuff you were mentioning, if you're talking about political easiness and time. I'm not sure if this analogy you're drawing or the Weimar one on the Iran thread is more farfetched. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 06:29:19 PM Zaid, I really don't think it's "pathetically easy". But far be for me to disagree with you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 06:35:36 PM Yeah, I'm also betting that you'd not see the particular urgency of ridding the police of the sorts that actually led and participated in lynchings either. That sounds pretty self evident, right? But sure. We imagine that now that public opinion has actually swung positively that repealing DADT might be relatively easy. But again that requires legislation now, not just an EO. Which means it has to get in line in Congress. Behind the Dozens of Obama nominees still being held up for one particular Repug pique or another. Probably behind the huge health care push too, and the new financial reform legislation. Which of course appalls all the activists who don't see why this might not be done by Fri afternoon for a signing by Monday eve. I was actually waiting for something equally as petulant coming out from David Mixner too, and he does not disappoint. Now, think back. Not too far back mind you. To the great liberal Hollywood oasis. Filled to the brim with 'The Gay'. Wonderful writers, TV producers, filmmakers, comedy mavens, scads of smart, inventive, creative Hollywood types. And yet still in one of the most Liberal states of the Union? Tell us how the late but oh so miserable Prop 8 fared in yes, the 'fairy Homeland' (forgive me)!? Defeated. Ignominiously too by one of the most inept misbegotten & disorganized political campaigns ever seen. Again in CA. It was like watching Dick Nixon beating up the 'Pink lady' once again. Just disgracefully rotten. Yeah it's all so easy. But only in retrospect, and by the unknowing. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 07:00:48 PM "Zaid, I really don't think it's "pathetically easy". But far be for me to disagree with you." Executive order or up-or-down vote in Congress. It's not like you're crafting some complicated piece of legislation. It's basically pulling the lever on something the re's little opposition to. If Obama can spend all this time using his DOJ to defend DADT or to cover up for Bush's torture, I'm sure he can find the time to do this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 07:15:24 PM And by the way, every time another intelligence official -- like the 22 arabic translators who've been fired -- has to resign because they're gay, the people standing in the way of ending DADT are endangering our national security, too. But it's OK, the gays can wait. It's not like their real human beings or anything, k. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 07:37:53 PM "But sure. We imagine that now that public opinion has actually swung positively that repealing DADT might be relatively easy. But again that requires legislation now, not just an EO. Which means it has to get in line in Congress. Behind the Dozens of Obama nominees still being held up for one particular Repug pique or another. Probably behind the huge health care push too, and the new financial reform legislation." It can be done with an executive order. People in Congress have said that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 08:32:11 PM Umm, No it can not be done with an EO because this is now Congressional legislation that needs to be overturned. The Prez is not a King. No matter how much the prior one imagined himself to be. And I'll bring back something I said at the top of this string: "So lest we imagine that if we whine & pout & shout that things will be done in a thrice, but more realistically effective Coalitions need to be built and tended to advance this position & cause. We all know that it's an important issue for many. And issue of freedom & justice to be certain. But other than your curses, complaints & all that valuable precious & precocious whining, what do you bring to the table? Why should your priorities be acted on more quickly than say, health care for all which has been waiting also some 60 years for fruition? How about fixing & righting a deeply troubled economy? Where does that rank?" Let's quantify that shall we? Just for those still in school. When the NAS last studied the issue, and being un & under insured kills an estimated ~20K+ people a year, and sickens & injures at least 100K more. On the relative sliding scale of 'needs urgent attention, Now' thru 'an historic injustice that needs to be righted & corrected', to say 'joblessness now at Great Depression levels in many places' where should we place 'correcting DADT'? And Why? And certainly, why now? As deliciously provocative and certainly as fitfully comely as all the petulant protests have been, can you beat up the man trying to save all those lives? Be they ever as unworthy of attention as your own? To ask that is the start of understanding here. Sure 'attention must be paid'. But everything has it's cost in time & energy expended. Shouting down everyone who might want to mention that, even if they're allies, well it must be very satisfying I guess. But getting it all done? No one seems to ever be around to listen, learn or hear how that might be done either. The shouting is always more attractive somehow. Sadly. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 08:52:52 PM JMP, you are correct that the president can not repeal DADT via EO, however he can he suspend it's implementation which has the same effect. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 09:09:56 PM Senator Reid when asked why he wasn't doing it said Obama could do it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 09:12:34 PM Instead of Democrats pointing fingers at eachother claiming that it's everyone else's responsibility to act, they should just act themselves in every capacity they have. Their cowardice harms our national security. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 09:12:45 PM "Senator Reid when asked why he wasn't doing it said Obama could do it." THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!!!!!! Seriously though, all y'all are wrong. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 09:26:24 PM Maybe we are all wrong. But Obama's DOJ is even rubbing salt in the wounds here, not just being callous and indifferent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 09:56:02 PM Seriously Z, you are now quoting Barney? Whatever- Barney who for 20 years threw trans people under the bus is now an authority on equality.. give me a break. I wish you could have seen his sorry ass explanation on black wednesday- October 2007 with ENDA. Phulez. No one said that gays were anything less than human-you took it there. What some of us have been pointing out is the "politics" of this issue isn't that simple. I've been fighting the LBGT fight a very along time, and frankly before it was a "equality" fight. I'm not under any allusions that it will be solved by 1 man. It will take more years and many more discussions before folks are comfortable with these issues. If folks thought they were electing the "gay" issue guy they were not listening at all to what he was saying. Either that or they were only hearing what they wanted to. They should have been voting for the Green party then. They have an actual party plank. What a whole lot of folks in the community need to understand is they and their spokespeople haven't been doing all they could either. Just look at the mess that was Prop8. Zero for them to be proud of in that mess. To that end, Obama has done more for equality than many within the community black tie functions etc. If they really were at the table, why isn't we're not asking for their proof of performance? Whiny ass Joe S. geesh and I though all that money was for his vaulted "access". Don't get me started. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 10:34:10 PM "No one said that gays were anything less than human-you took it there." I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy. I said marriage rights were going to be realpolitiked out and people jumped on me as "tolerant" of "homophobia." Now Obama and his Admin. and the rest of the Dems are dragging their feet like hell on gay rights issues and their defenders are tripping over themselves to yell, "No more! LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!" Can't have it both ways. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2009 10:53:24 PM "I've been fighting the LBGT fight a very along time, and frankly before it was a "equality" fight. I'm not under any allusions that it will be solved by 1 man." I didn't say it would be solved by 1 man. I said he could effectively end DADT tomorrow, which is 100% true. And every day that he doesn't do it he's being a bigot and hurting our national security, too. If you are going to go easy on him don't expect him to do anything for you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 12:13:31 AM I wish I'd started a pool ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 12:35:27 AM Zaid.. you pick the location and we can chat! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 12:55:43 AM Maybe we should. We seem to be on the same page but need to iron out a few details. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 01:09:47 AM Word. I'm with grift. Word. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 07:46:58 AM My guess is that there is a "culture" in the military that has to change. We have gone through generations with one set of expectations, and regardless of what rules we pass or what the general public wants, the colonels and generals and even the captains and sergeants are the ones who have to implement and deal with the new rules. I think the writing is on the wall (or maybe the "shot across the bow' analogy would be better) that this change is coming. A little more time isn't unreasonable to determine responses and procedures, evaluate consequences, and develop counseling and training resources. How long does it take to change a culture? Sure, we could force a quick change, but is that any better than a more drawn out but less confrontational process? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Beyond Barnes... BASENAME: beyond_barnes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/18/2009 12:28:31 AM TAGS: "georgia election 2010" ----- BODY: Did you know that there are other state wide elected positions in Georgia? Well there are! ----- EXTENDED BODY: Lt. Governor: This position is apparently bad for your back, but Casey wants to stay in it anyway. No other Republicans are likely to run. Rumored Dems include Michael Thurmond, current labor commissioner, and Tim Golden, longtime State Senator from Southeast Georgia. Secretary of State: Mess with elections, license various professions you have never heard of, decide who gets to host a boxing match, this job is sweet. Karen Handel is running for Governor because she found out you don't need a high school degree for that job either, so it's an open Lay-Z-Boy. In the blue corner, Gary Horlacher has announced for the job, and on the Republican side, Bran Kemp has decided that since he wanted to be Ag Commissioner so bad and didn't get it, he is going to go for the opposite job, because it's the status that's important, not your particular skill set. Attorney General: Wait, an Attorney and a General? This job is the best. You are responsible for keeping people safe, chiefly by holding press conferences. This person can either be the guy that lets corporations slide or the one who holds them accountable. On the Dems side you have Rob Teilhet, state rep and all around awesome, he will get some votes and Ken Hodges, who Phoebe and Putney will vote for, and on the Republican side, Sam Olens, Cobb County Commissioner. State School Superintendent: Preparing for a massive scandal involving misuse of funds about 6 years into your term? This is the gig for you! All that's required is you want people to try real hard. Scott and Westlake are the Dems and Bad Kathy and her flowbee inspired do are on the Republican side. Insurance Commissioner Want regular Georgians to not be screwed by the sleaziest corporations of them all? Try being Insurance Commissioner! You might find it's easier to join them than to fight them, Ox-style. Former State Senators Mary Squires (D- Kickass) and Seth Harp (R- Midland?) are the latest to take up the fight, some more gallantly than others. Agricultural Commissioner: If you can actually make plants grow just by lookin' at 'em, this job is for you. Also if you want to screw family farmers and get them swept up into large corporate farms like Russia but with less appealing fonts, mottos, and logos, well this could be the job for you. Ever looked at the contract between Perdue and a chicken farmer? It is downright nasty. Tommy Irvin running? Who knows, but Black and Wilkinson are the ones with red hats this time round. Labor Commissioner If you have any idea how this one is going to shake out please enlighten us in the comments. Update: Gary Horlacher's site is now linked, and according to the comments Darryl Hicks, Gail Buckner, and Vernon Jones are running as well. I couldn't find websites for any of them. Well I did for Vernon Jones but it was NSFW. Update 2: Rob Teilhet's site now correct. Thanks be to Melanie. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: georgia election 2010 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 01:08:16 AM Not true. How about I just read teh first two sentences and called BS on the rest of this post. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 01:13:01 AM Actually--in all seriousness--Tim Golden will run for Lt. Gov. I heard that before Casey's choice so who knows what that will mean. As one leader in the DPG said "will he be running as a Dem? Sometimes he needs to be reminded." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 01:49:32 AM I will support Mary Squires and actively work for Daryl Hicks for SOS who is running. The rest can call me and ask real nice if they want anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 01:56:14 AM Oh and I love your links.. freaking hilarious. oooh and how did "bad Kathy" and Karen skip most all of the RFI course work.. it's the oddest thing how those two slipped through-generally those R gals are pretty strict. Seems the GA GOP girl crew takes their eyes off lots of their team, *cough* Jill C and her hooker heels. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 04:23:14 AM Vernon Jones and Gail Buckner are both running for SOS, and Jules already mentioned Darryl Hicks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 08:31:35 AM What about U.S. Senate? Are we just going to concede that one? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 09:02:19 AM Have Vernon, Gail, or Darryl actually filed to run yet? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 09:07:22 AM Gail has. Tommy is retiring and Terry Coleman is running for AG. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 09:14:05 AM So, I thought those filings were at the State Ethics website, but I don't see anything for Gail Buckner there. Can someone fill me in on where to find current filings? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:01:39 AM "Democrats" like Vernon and Hodges anger me. Vernon was all up the GOP's butt and Hodges gives money to Republicans. I cannot support "Democrats" who play both sides. Anyone remember Mike Jacobs? Of course you do. According to the FEC, Hodges gave the following to Saxby Chambliss: 8/16/2000 $300 3/2/2002 $500 How do you even think about giving money to a man that attacked and destroyed an american hero and Georgia legend like Max Cleland? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:17:38 AM They are supposed to be there. I had heard Gail filed, maybe she hasn't. I wouldn't really b*tch about 800 bucks over two years ($300 coming before he was even running against Max, making the attack point kind of moot). I mean, hell, Mark Taylor made the GOP Senators give him money in 98, he may have just been triyng to secure favor with Saxby. Anyway, I say all that to say 800 bucks hardly seems indicative of anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:39:04 AM Re: second link, Love Mildred! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:43:30 AM Re: second link, Cagle needs his jacket collar tightened. It flaps about far too much. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 02:21:05 PM Ok, so you say $800 "hardly seems indicative of anything." Further research indicates the following about his campaign co-chair: CALLAWAY, EDWARD PINE MOUNTAIN, GA 31822 CALLAWAY GARDENS/CEO COLLINS, MICHAEL ALLEN VIA MAC COLLINS FOR CONGRESS 08/29/2006 1000.00 26960503062 CALLAWAY, EDWARD PINE MOUNTAIN, GA 31822 CALLAWAY GARDENS/CHAIRMAN AND CEO CHAMBLISS, SAXBY VIA CHAMBLISS FOR SENATE 03/18/2008 500.00 28020140750 CALLAWAY, EDWARD C PINE MOUNTAIN, GA 31822 CALLAWAY GARDENS/CHAIRMAN & CEO GLENN, DYLAN C VIA DYLAN GLENN FOR CONGRESS 08/03/2004 1000.00 24971738726 CALLAWAY, EDWARD C. MR. PINE MOUNTAIN, GA 31822 LYNN CALLAWAY/CHAIRMAN & C.E.O. GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W. VIA RUDY GIULIANI PRESIDENTIAL COMMITTEE INC 03/26/2007 2300.00 27930511932 CALLAWAY, EDWARD MR. HAMILTON, GA 31811 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE 04/03/2008 250.00 28931620918 and state races: PERDUE, SONNY GOVERNOR REPUBLICAN 1 $1,000 RICHARDSON, GLENN HOUSE REPUBLICAN 1 $1,00 CAGLE, CASEY LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR REPUBLICAN 1 $1,000 I'll let you guys do the math. Just sayin it smells fishy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 02:24:41 PM I like Hicks and Squires. Interested to see who is running for Ag. Black is going to be tough... We keep hearing rumors about Terry Coleman jumping in. But I really can't see him running for Agriculture Commissioner. Doesn't the peanut fiasco play into this? What do ya'll think? Does he run for something else? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 05:36:02 PM FYI, your man Rob's website is now here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 07:46:02 PM "How do you even think about giving money to a man that attacked and destroyed an american hero and Georgia legend like Max Cleland?" Except that the money he gave was prior to the crazy Osama ad, which aired in late 2002. That said, your other points are valid. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:29:09 PM And if you actually did ressearch on Hodges you'd know he does have a Democratic pedigree. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:32:52 PM So how would Hodges be as an AG? What was his tenure as DA like? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Illustrious EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/19/2009 03:37:38 AM I would like to see Terry Holley run for something (maybe Agricultural Commissioner). He has very good credentials and is a genuine nice guy. He also can think quick. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/19/2009 10:06:32 AM As DA he was essentially an employee of the giant hospital there. Now he is an actual employee of the giant hospital there. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: A wakeup call for Progressives BASENAME: a_wakeup_call_for_progressives STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/18/2009 05:03:28 AM TAGS: ed,"health care",msnbc ----- BODY:

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    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: health care, ed, msnbc ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 12:54:29 PM You know what would fix the idea of scaring people with a vague "public option"? Just make it Medicare. People like and trust Medicare. I think the reason Congress isn't just making it Medicare that's the public option is because a lot of people in Congress don't want it to actually beat the private sector (which Medicare could easily do). Baucus, who is in charge of one of the two versions of the bill that will come from the Senate (the other will be a HELP committee bill) has received more money from the health industry than any other Senator. He's being paid to make it not competitive with the private insurers. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Does anyone really believe there's a chance in hell that Isakson or Chambliss will support Obama's Health Care plan? BASENAME: does_anyone_really_believe_the STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/18/2009 04:25:36 PM TAGS: barrow,bishop,"health care reform",marshall ----- BODY: icon_doc.jpgDidn't think so. How about instead of focusing time and attention on the last two people in the state likely to support health care reform, we bolster those notoriously skittish Blue Dogs instead? If John Barrow, Sanford Bishop and Jim Marshall can't come through for the citizens of Georgia on this issue, they need to stop calling themselves Democrats. If we can't convince them to come through, we need to stop calling ourselves activists. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Of the three, only Barrow mentions health care on his website, but not in the context of "reform". He supports health care for Veterans. Good. He supports health care for children of low income parents. Great. He's hosted "Health Fairs" around his district to offer limited free health services. OK, but not really a solution to the health care crisis. From Barrow's press release announcing the "Health Fairs": "Times are tough right now," said Barrow, "but folks can take advantage of these services, get some information about keeping their family healthy, and hopefully get some peace of mind." What would give me "peace of mind" Mr. Barrow, would be single-payer health care. Short of that, I'll take the "public option". Make no mistake, fixing health care will be the heaviest lift Obama will make during his Presidency. It's a moon shot, Social Security and Medicare rolled into one. The Republicans, Pharmaceutical and Insurance Companies will all go broke fighting this, because it's not your life they are fighting for, but theirs. Obama's going to need all hands on deck and then some to push through even modest reform. How wonderful it would be if every politician and progressive organization in this state could check their own egos, issues and agendas for five minutes and all pull in the same direction for once. Medical bills are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the US. Insurance companies are murdering people by denying care. Pharmaceutical companies are profiteering. Rising health insurance premiums are killing small businesses and American manufacturing alike. Doctors are quitting the profession because they are tired of pushing paper instead of practicing medicine. Nearly 46 million Americans are without health insurance. Those who have health insurance are subject to the whims of insurance companies. This all has to stop. If you live in a "blue dog" district, please contact your Congressman. If you don't, pick one of the three and share your story. Everyone has a health care horror story, or knows a friend or family member who's been harmed. No one has been left untouched by this crisis. I'll be contacting John Barrow because he's the one who keeps calling and mailing me for money. I'll make you a deal Mr. Barrow. If you pledge to support Obama's Health Care reform, I'll be more than happy to contribute to your re-election campaign. Whatever it takes to get you to do the right thing for the people of Georgia, I'm willing to try. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: barrow, marshall, bishop, health care reform ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 04:36:47 PM The fact is, our deficit will explode if we don't do something serious about healthcare. If they're real fiscal conservatives and not health insurance industry flacks, the Dogs and the Dogs (Senators :p) will work to fix the system and not against the effort to fix it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 11:45:49 PM One in a 100. I'll agree with what Z said above. I know, shocking, but it can happen I guess. I'll also say that there's little danger in Johnny I playing coy with the press. Still there's very little chance he'd ever vote for it. I'd say save the calls for our Dems. They need to hear it. JMP [BTW: I'm also having trouble singing in using the new MT sign in block today. I used an older post to get here.] ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/19/2009 11:06:16 AM I could see Isakson supporting the government option plan. It fits his usual MO to try to find a "third way" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tom Crawford EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/19/2009 11:49:09 AM I don't think any Republican member of the Georgia delegation will ever vote for an Obama-supported healthcare plan under any circumstances. As for the Blue Dog Democrats, remember that Jim Marshall voted against every attempt to increase Medicaid funding and coverage in 2008 -- the only House Democrat who voted against every version of the funding bill. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/19/2009 11:56:05 AM Also if memory serves, S-CHIP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/19/2009 03:20:54 PM "I could see Isakson supporting the government option plan. It fits his usual MO to try to find a "third way"" The government option plan has become the left-wing spectrum band now that the Democrats started their discussion by kicking single-payer off the table (which was a bad move anyway you look at it to not at least put it under discussion). "Third Way" would now be something like not having a public option but slapping more regulations on the HMO's or something. I doubt that outside of the 4 Metro Atlanta Democrats, that we'll get any votes for healthcare from Georgia. All the advocacy organizations I'm involved in are focusing on other states and haven't said a thing about Georgia. We're left behind when it comes to progress again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Progressive Dem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/19/2009 10:08:37 PM If the administration caves in on having a public option, some GOP members might vote for the bill. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/20/2009 01:59:42 AM "If the administration caves in on having a public option, some GOP members might vote for the bill." So will the 80 Progressive Caucus members, effectively killing it. As it should be killed. A single payer system is the long-term goal, but the minimum compromise is a Medicare-style, public option available to everyone. That is the progressive movements' line in the sand, as allt he major orgs and Congresspersons have stated. If Obama wants to cave, well OK. Clinton already saw what happened in 1994 when you craft a plan that your progressive allies hate. They dont' vote for it and don't campaign for it and it dies. If they want that, tread at their own risk. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/20/2009 03:34:23 PM As a follow up, Why does Tom Daschle still think he's relevant? ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Bad Behavior, part 1 BASENAME: bad_behavior_part_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/18/2009 09:36:48 AM ----- BODY: Lord knows the summer heat makes me cranky. But it has apparently really gotten to a couple of worker bees. Join me as we take a look at instances of people (from both sides of the political spectrum) behaving badly. ----- EXTENDED BODY: First up, we have this story about Elizabeth Becton, scheduler/office manager for Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wa). Apparently, Ms. Becton really really really hates nicknames. Politico has the whole story about the following email exchange between Becton and the unfortunate person who accidentally called her "Liz":
    From: XXX Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 11:38 AM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: JPMC Meeting Request Elizabeth, Attached is a meeting request for JP Morgan Chase who will be in DC June 3rd-4th and would like to request a brief meeting with the Congressman. Let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you! Best, XXX ________________________________ From: XXX Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:05 PM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Hi Liz, just checking in on whether the Congressman is available next week. [REDACTED] can confirm a meeting time for you - she is available at [REDACTED]. Thank you! Best, XXX ________________________________ From: Becton, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:07 PM To: XXX Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Importance: High Who is Liz? Elizabeth Becton Executive Assistant/Office Manager Office of Congressman Jim McDermott XXXX Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 XXX phone XXX fax ________________________________ From: XXX Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:07 PM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Hi Elizabeth, I thought you went by Liz - apologies if that is incorrect. Best, XXX ________________________________ From: Becton, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:08 PM To: XXX Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request I do not go by Liz. Where did you get your information? ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:10 PM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Hi Elizabeth, I'm so sorry if I offended you! I thought you had gone by Liz at Potlatch, this was my mistake. Best, XXX ________________________________ From: Becton, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:11 PM To: XXX Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request NEVER. I hate that name. ________________________________ From: XXX Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:13 PM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Hi Elizabeth, I'm so sorry if I offended you! I must have mis-heard. My mistake! Best, XX ________________________________ From: Becton, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:20 PM To: XXX Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Importance: High XXX: If I wanted you to call me by any other name, I would have offered that to you. I think it's rude when people don't even ask permission and take all sorts of liberties with your name. This is a real sore spot with me. My name has a lot of "nicknames" which I don't use. I use either my first name or my last name because I row with a lot of other women who share the same first name. Now, please do not ever call me by a nickname again. As for your meeting request, who is the point of contact for this meeting? If it's not you, then I need to know who because it's very time-consuming to deal with a lot of people for one meeting. Thanks, ________________________________ From: XXX Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:23 PM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Hi Elizabeth, I'm so sorry I offended you! My mistake! XXX can confirm a meeting time for you - she is available at XXX XXXX. Thank you! Best, XXX ________________________________ [UNRELATED EMAILS REDACTED] From: XXX Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:33 PM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Of course! Again, I am sincerely sorry for offending you. I must have mis-heard and it was in no way my intention to make you upset. I always enjoy working with you and seeing you at the WSS events J Best, XXX ________________________________ From: Becton, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:37 PM To: XXX Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Sounds like you got played by someone who KNOWS I hate that name and that it's a fast way to TICK me off. Who told you that I go by that name? They are not your friend... ________________________________ From: XXX Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:38 PM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Hi Elizabeth, Again, I am sincerely sorry for offending you. I don't want to cause trouble as I clearly must have mis-heard the person at Potlatch. It was in no way my intention to make you upset. Best, XXX ________________________________ From: Becton, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:41 PM To: XXX Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Importance: High I REALLY want to know who told you to call me that. ________________________________ From:XXX Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:44 PM To: Becton, Elizabeth Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Hi Elizabeth, Again, I am sincerely sorry for offending you. I don't recall who I overheard. It was in no way my intention to make you upset. Best, XXX ________________________________ From: Becton, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 6:04 PM To: XXX Subject: RE: JPMC Meeting Request Let me put it this way, they don't know me and perhaps they were PRETENDING to know me better than they do and pretended that I go by Liz. They did YOU a disservice. In the future, you should be VERY careful about such things. People like to brag about their connections in DC. It's a past time for some. It's also dangerous to eaves drop, as you have just found out. Quit apologizing and never call me anything but Elizabeth again. Also, make sure you correct anyone who attempts to call me by any other name but Elizabeth. Are we clear on this? Like I said, it's a hot button for me. And please don't call the office and not leave a message. My colleague told me you called while I was away at the Ladies' room. I do sometimes leave my desk.
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 09:59:24 AM As one whose name is often shortened, I can totally relate to "I think it's rude when people don't even ask permission and take all sorts of liberties with your name." But, damn, thats some shrill scolding. PS Please don't call me by any of the obvious nicknames that my full name may inspire. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:07:47 AM I'm a stickler about my name, but there is a point where you enter crazyland...some people never see that line. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:26:49 AM Sure thing Cath. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:26:55 AM i can also relate....but that woman is INSANE some of my co-workers have started calling me nic....which doesnt annoy me as must as it just blows my mind. each time someone calls me nic, i'm just like "uh, i'm sorry, are we related?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:38:55 AM In a perfect world I would prefer to be called Jerrold, but that it be spelled "Gerald", and that you say it with a strong emphasis on the first syllable. However, we are not in a perfect world so I don't care. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:48:27 AM You betcha, Jimbo. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 04:55:16 PM They used to have a Potlatch for DC Statehood when I lived there, I bet that's where she was called Liz. I heard she is in the bathroom all day and never does any work. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 07:40:42 PM Honestly. I fucking hate when total strangers shorten my name to Jen. This may be weird to everyone here, but professionally I go by my full name. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/18/2009 10:22:23 PM My only pet peeve is when people confuse my name with another name beginning in m-e-l. I'd rather be called Mel than: Melinda, Melissa, Melita, Melody, etc. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Bad Behavior, part 2 BASENAME: bad_behavior_part_2 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/18/2009 09:50:16 AM ----- BODY: If Elizabeth Becton's snippy, paranoid antics weren't to your taste, try Don Broderick, Fox news writer and all-around hot head. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Don Broderick was recently accused of hitting a cyclist in Central Park, dragging him on the hood of his SUV, then taking victim blaming to new heights by calling the cyclist a "vigilante". Gawker has been on top of the whole story, and most recently reports that Broderick has a long history of being a charming gentleman:
    We keep hearing more from people who once worked with Fox News writer Don Broderick. Even before he was accused of dragging a cyclist through Central Park, former colleagues tell us, co-workers were afraid to be around him. . . . In the 2002 incident, according to two of our sources, Broderick screamed at a young female production assistant and threatened to "tear [her] fucking head off" after she briefly couldn't find a piece of tape he wanted. The incident began when the PA told Broderick, using Fox's internal text-messaging system, that she couldn't locate some video that he needed for a piece he was writing. She quickly found it, and messaged him to let him know. His response: "Don't ever lie to me again. Next time I'll tear your fucking head off." Freaked out, the PA printed out the bizarre, threatening message and showed it to a supervisor. Not long after, according to a former Fox Newser who witnessed part of the confrontation, Broderick approached the PA in the crowded newsroom, clutching a print-out of the offending text message, and "cornered her." "He started screaming, accusing her of lying to him and saying she was lucky because he only said he was going to tear her fucking head off," the source says. "He continued to shout many other threats and expletives. A supervisor had to pull him back and restrain him." The cornered PA began crying, the source said, and Broderick got into a screaming match with another supervisor who intervened.
    And why, pray tell, is this any more newsworthy or interesting than any other a**hole hothead losing it at work? Well, here's why:
    One former Fox Newser says behavior like Broderick's was routinely tolerated in the militaristic, macho culture engineered by Roger Ailes, which prizes belligerence and casts people who complain about being screamed at by their bosses as pussies. "It's not a friendly environment," the source said. "The men bully the women around because they know they can get away with it." With newsroom bigwigs like Bill O'Reilly shrieking at and allegedly sexually harrassing female employees as a matter of course, Broderick's alleged behavior was smallball.
    Fox News cultivating a environment of bullying and misogyny? Imagine that. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Georgia Theatre Burns... BASENAME: georgia_theatre_burns STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/20/2009 09:45:48 AM ----- BODY: Just painful. georgia theatre fire.jpg I am assuaging my sadness by imagining the benefit concert... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ...Fall 2009 on the first non Football Saturday, the only concert ever to be allowed at Sanford Stadium: 12:30 Pylon, opened Georgia Theatre after renovation in 1988 2:00 The Whigs 3:30 Wide Spread Panic Eveing show separate admission, but combined tickets available: 7:00 Neutral Milk Hotel (probably won't show) 8:00 B-52's 9:30 REM $45 per segment, $75 for a combined ticket. Thoughts? IRE? ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/20/2009 01:36:37 PM I'd like to add Mel & The Party Hats to the list. They used to close the place down (back when Georgia Theatre was open till 4am). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: indie_rock_elitist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/20/2009 02:09:24 PM Yeah, OK, NMH is gonna get back even for a Georgia Theater benefit. Half of those bands are cool. I'd be cool with like an Elephant 6 reunion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/20/2009 03:42:22 PM If you have pictures of yourself, your friends, or your family at the Georgia Theater, let Dustin know. We are going to work on a tribute post. Send your picture and a short caption about the event. (I.E. "This is me and my mom at the B-52 Concert"). Email them to: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/21/2009 05:19:36 PM Has the Dave Matthews Cover Band already moved their headquarters to Andrews Upstairs or will it merely be a formality now that their home venue is no more? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: indie_rock_elitist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/21/2009 06:01:16 PM They've always been at AU AFAIK. Only decent non-local show AU has had was Bob Mould in 05 or 06. Great show, and a better story to tell. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 12:58:59 PM The only time I went there was for Derek Trucks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Troy Davis mass fax day BASENAME: troy_davis_mass_fax_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/22/2009 01:00:27 AM TAGS: "troy davis",troydavis ----- BODY: This from GRUS:
    Monday, June 22nd: Mass Fax Day - People around the country and around the world will be faxing Savannah DA Larry Chisholm, who has the power to reinvestigate Troy's case. Fax #: 912.652.7328 and 912.447.5396. The US Supreme Court is slated to rule on Troy Davis' fate on June 25th.
    Online form at International Action Center is here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: troy davis ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Health insurance nightmares BASENAME: health_insurance_nightmares STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/22/2009 01:11:22 AM TAGS: healthcare,insurance,reform ----- BODY: icon_health.jpgIndividual insurance coverage frustrates Georgians, from AJC
    Policies are suddenly canceled. Monthly premiums rival the size of mortgage payments. Huge bills go unpaid because of surprising gaps in coverage. These lessons and more are embedded in hundreds of complaints filed with the Georgia Insurance Commissioner's office over the past five years. The complaints contain tales of misery experienced by holders of individual policies, a small but increasingly important segment of Georgia's health insurance market.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: healthcare, reform, insurance ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: On decentralizing poverty and Ms. Glover's experiment BASENAME: on_decentralizing_poverty_and STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/22/2009 01:20:08 AM TAGS: Atlanta,gentrification,glover,housing ----- BODY: Front page story from the Sunday NY Times: Atlanta Is Making Way for New Public Housing
    In 1936, Atlanta built Techwood Homes, the nation's first housing project. By the 1990s, a greater percentage of the city's residents were living in housing projects -- sprawling red-brick barracks that pockmarked the skyline -- than in any other city in America. Now, Atlanta is nearing a very different record: becoming the first major city to knock them all down. By next June, officials here plan to demolish the city's last remaining housing project, fulfilling a long and divisive campaign to reduce poverty by decentralizing it.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: Atlanta, housing, renee, glover ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 10:21:31 AM Having worked at Bowen Homes, I certainly would have applauded it's destruction. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 10:45:51 AM Why anyone wouldn't be for the destruction of public housing is beyond me. Worst. Social engineering experiment. Ever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 11:49:37 AM Would be interesting to hear how the people who were booted out of their homes and were unable to find housing near their work/school/family feel about all this. Ms Glover and her people don't keep track of that from what I understand. It's a lot easier to get mostly positive reviews when your critics are far away... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 12:41:33 PM Right. The destruction of the housing is only half of the story. I guess everybody is on vouchers now, but there is no guarantee that there are enough housing units available that will accept the vouchers. So the residents are probably having to venture further and further afield. Look on the bright side: This should help expand the public transportation system to outlying counties. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 01:14:08 PM There were jobs and schools (where the students regularly attended) near the housing projects? The other other side neglecting mention is the fact these become vicious hell-holes of poverty, crime and drugs that created a self perpetuating society with little (if any) chance to not be part of that lifestyle forever. But hey, a few months of moving really is a deal breaker. And while that last comment does sound glib and callous, in all actuality I'm not heartless (in this instance). Just that you really can't say there was any real benefit to having people remain in these projects. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 01:33:32 PM You just have to venture down Boulevard between North and Freedom Parkway to see where a lot of those families went. Almost all those buildings are Section 8. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 01:42:46 PM To answer your rhetorical question, IRE, barely. When I had to travel to my outstation on Bankhead highway, I made sure I had cash and a full tank of gas. Because there were zero banks and no gas stations where I felt comfortable stopping. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 02:04:58 PM "Almost all those buildings are Section 8." Hmmm, then it's not really much different than public housing after all. It's just that now someone gets to make a profit on it I guess. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 02:53:20 PM JerryT - Bing! Bing! Bing! I think you got the answer on the nose. IRE - I don't hear anyone (well, most anyone) saying they should have left Bowen Homes standing as was. I think most thoughtful critics of the Housing Authority were concerned about making sure that the former residents had the support they needed to make a move to someplace that is in fact at least as good or better than Bowen Homes, and that tearing the project down was not just a nice PR move for AHA. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 06:27:09 PM If I understand the law right, AHA has to provide some level of support for finding homes. I could be wrong but I also seem to remember reading about it. And any place is better than Bowen Homes. BTW: anti-capitalism FTW! Gotta love it! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 06:56:01 PM It was government-sponsored mortgages in the 1950's that pretty much built the middle class. I'd say that was pretty darn good social engineering right there. The catch was that it wasn't available to black people. So the white suburbs were built up on government dime, and later we had "public housing projects" to deal with the riff raff in urban territory. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 07:06:46 PM IRE - "AHA has to provide some level of support for finding homes". I think the key in your phrase is "some level". There's a lot of room for argument about what is lawful and/or appropriate there. And while certainly Bowen Homes was a pit of despair, there are many free market apartments just as bad or worse, believe it or not. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 07:28:13 PM Yeah, I'm not sure what the appropriate level is at all. I'm sure a 30 minute workshop at lunch on a Tuesday often qualifies as "sufficient." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 08:35:14 PM Well I'm pretty sure the "appropriate level" doesn't include helping them to get re-registered to vote in their new district. So in effect, the AHA is helping the SoS purge the voter rolls of urban minorities. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/23/2009 01:42:30 AM OK I'm crying here. I'm agreeing with Z, perhaps for the 2nd time in a week. (I'm not going to look.) Yep. History is significant here. Why were the homes first built? Because of red-lining, most 'respectable' housing would not rent to many 'poor folks' AND those that would, were clearly substandard housing. Ditto for Blacks, who only became eligible for Federal housing later in the 1960's. So, be they the urban hell holes that they later became, (some 20-25 years later), they were & in some goodly respects are still better housing than may be obtained on the open market. Even today. Especially for families with children, and of course 'larger families'. Which in this day and age means more than 2 kids. Did they 'work'? Well for a time, they did fine. Conditions change. Economics change. Social situations change. The experiment probably never really recovered from the start of the great de- industrialization of the 1970's & 80's. And incomes for hourly wage earners have been stagnant or declining ever since. Which is a society wide problem BTW. It also helped to birth us the huge real estate bubble where in we lost 8 Trillion dollars in the space of about a year & a half. The mortgage subsidy is one of the largest the Federal government grants. Now tell me how much the entire enterprise in 'poverty housing' has cost us in Federal expenditures? It's been a whole lot less, a minuscule fraction of that cost. Sure, did it become a highly visible & symbolic 'festering training ground for crime'? But any concentration of poverty will do that. Indeed any huge concentration of wealth will do the same. Only when Wall St. does it? Many, many more people suffer & systemically too. So yeah. No one will cry over their demise. But they were built for a definite reason. Those conditions may not still exist, but the need certainly survives. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/23/2009 08:19:42 AM No doubt institutional and individual racism was involved in the building of these projects, but there were also well-intentioned folks who honestly thought they were building safe havens for the poor. Obviously didn't turn out that way, and it's a good reminder about where good intentions can lead, but I think it's unwise and blind to ascribe all the blame to the actions of racism. Also, in the history of "why the projects failed" you can't ignore the epidemic of drugs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/23/2009 12:50:23 PM And if you're talking about drugs, you can't ignore the epidemic of how the drugs got here, which doesn't not involve the government. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Channel One TV BASENAME: channel_one_tv STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/22/2009 12:46:41 AM ----- BODY: Twitter Revolution in Iran aided by old media -- TV, radio
    Los Angeles-based satellite station Channel One TV, which is run by expatriate Iranians, has made contributions...Shahram Homayoun, the president of Channel One TV, said that before the mailed out thousands of camera pens to citizens in Iran to help them document events the government wants to keep quiet. The pens pull apart to reveal a flash drive for plugging into a computer and uploading video.
    Related: Photos of Protest In Support of Iranian Demonstrators at CNN Center, from Creative Loafing ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Barnes has a big-time lead... BASENAME: barnes_has_a_big-time_lead STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/22/2009 12:03:28 PM ----- BODY: from Rasmussen (I know, I know)... Georgia State Survey of 247 Likely Democratic Primary Voters Conducted June 17, 2009 By Rasmussen Reports 1* In thinking about the 2010 Democratic Primary for Governor of Georgia, suppose you had a choice between Thurbert Baker, Roy Barnes, Carl Camon, Dubose Porter and David Poythress. If the election were held today for whom would you vote? 8% Thurbert Baker 48% Roy Barnes 2% Carl Camon 5% Dubose Porter 2% David Poythress 5% Some other candidate 31% Not sure ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: GA can't get Sunday alcohol sales through, but possibly medical mary jane? BASENAME: ga_cant_get_sunday_alcohol_sal STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/22/2009 01:00:10 PM ----- BODY: icon_health.jpg
    According to the Marijuana Policy Project, a Washington-based advocate for legalizing medical marijuana, Georgia already has a limited medical marijuana law on the books. Under this statute, the state is authorized to distribute marijuana received from the federal government to a small number of patients taking part in research programs. Washington's new medical marijuana policy gives Georgia the freedom to exercise its historic roll as the primary watchdog for the health and welfare of its citizens. Whether or not Georgia patients will be given greater access to medical marijuana is now up to the state Legislature.
    Story from Certainly would be an interesting day at the Gold Dome when ( if?) they take this up. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 05:22:59 PM Let's just get them some Salvia. Still legal here I think. ----- -------- AUTHOR: JasonA TITLE: I am going to reinvent the wheel and patent it... BASENAME: i_am_going_to_reinvent_the_whe STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/22/2009 07:58:29 PM TAGS: education ----- BODY: icon_wheel_stoneage.jpg

    I will call it the roamer. I will insist that everyone around me refer to these new wheels as roamers. People will get their degrees on the efficiency, synergy, and collaborative effort of multiple roamers working together, thereby investing themselves in the concept. Those who refuse to use the proper jargon will be ostracized, get stern looks, and negative marks on their Personal Assessment Instruments. As long as I present these new roamers with the required enthusiasm and blanket it in other buzzwords that I will pull off of the web, I should be good... and in the end... they will still be wheels.

    ----- EXTENDED BODY:

    Such is education in the 21st century. Nobody makes the cute commercials or writes about it as they do with business or government, but it is a problem already in play. But look at the bright side: you can play games as you circle the drain.

    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2009 11:53:50 PM And I was just telling the lovely Juliana just the other day that you never can tell about these things. Which unfortunately is the point. Educational bingo notwithstanding, we're not gaining on the problem. Not in 20 or even 30 years of trying to 'regimentize, regularize, and standardize' what's being done in the schools. Learning as a human prospect is ever fickle. Here's a comment from Lucy Kellaway on the same issue in Britain, where they have had 'standardized testing' for much, much longer, perhaps close to 75 years in one form or another. In summation? It has almost no decent or long lasting relationship to the 'real world' of work. It predicts horribly about who might be successful in either later life or in careers of their choosing. It does not and can not predict anything close to 'intelligence'. Other than that? It's been a wonderful invention to waste staggering amounts of time, energy and dwindling public dollars & support. It's largely an exercise in another aspect of 'magical thinking'. Numbers be magic! They must be measuring something important. Well sometimes. If done well. But at the moment? Pedagogy has not advanced far enough to tell us. Via Lucy Kellaway for the "Where the school exam system fails the office life test By Lucy Kellaway Published: June 15 2009 03:00 | Last updated: June 15 2009 03:00 "The real problem with the exam system is that it teaches lessons about work itself that you need to unlearn pretty smartly if you want to get ahead in business. First, it teaches you that there is a fairly straightforward relationship between effort and result. In exams, if you work very, very hard in the evenings you are going to do an awful lot better than if you spend your evenings in the pub. In most office life, this is not true. The relationship between effort and reward is much more complicated. Second, in an exam there is nowhere to hide. If you fail you may try to pin the blame on your teachers or the examiner, but in your heart you know there is no one else to blame but yourself. You either weren't bright enough, or you didn't work hard enough. One of the beauties of office work is that there is no shortage of candidates to blame for one's failures. Management, the market, the culture, one's colleagues, the competitors, an IT failure; the options are endless. You can screw something up royally and get away with it indefinitely. Indeed, so long as you are quite senior you can bring the entire banking system down and still get a big bonus. The third bad lesson from exams is that failure matters. If you flunk finals you don't get the chance to do them again. Real life is much more forgiving. That presentation went badly? There will be another one along soon enough, which might go a bit better. More dangerously still, the politics of exams are upside down. You work as hard as humanly possible while trying to unsettle fellow students by claiming to have done nothing at all. With real work it is the other way round. The secret is to do as little as you can get away with, but make it seem that you are slogging your guts out. In offices, people go home early and leave their jackets on their chairs and instruct their computers to send out work e-mails at 1am. There is no such thing as being seen to work too hard. Finally, exams demand clarity of thought and expression and penalise waffle and bullshit. Whereas in business, alas, waffle and bullshit have become the gold standard. There is, however, one thing that exams do teach you about work that is essential to remember in offices - that boys and girls are different. My daughters weep after exams, because they are girls. They say that they have done horribly badly, because they focus on the bit they got wrong rather than the bit they got right. Boys come swaggering out of exams declaring it to have been a piece of piss. The difference is confidence. Last week, YouGov published a survey claiming that the average office worker acquires confidence at 37 after an average of 30,000 hours on the job. This is one of the worst statistics I have ever seen. Boys arriving in the workplace will profess themselves confident after the first hour. Most of my female contemporaries, thinking that work is an exam in which the full marks one wants are never quite forthcoming, are still searching for confidence at nearly 50". Watch for the BS standard. It's always gaining. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Oh Grow UP! BASENAME: bonehead_politician STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/23/2009 05:34:07 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_bonehead.jpgPerhaps this will turn into a regular feature.
    When a son, angry that his father had ordered him to clean up his room, screamed at Dad and threw a plate of food across the dinner table, Dad called 911. The son is 28-year-old Andrew Mizsak, who lives rent-free with his parents in the Cleveland suburb of Bedford, Ohio, and is a member of the Bedford School Board (and whose mom is a city councilwoman). After police arrived, the habitually untidy son apologized and, according to their report, "was sent to his room to clean it. He was crying uncontrollably." Subsequently, the school board punished Andrew by removing two of his duties.
    FYI: you can follow him on Twitter, and he is up for re-election this fall. He's a real catch ladies-read more here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Move over, John Ensign BASENAME: move_over_john_ensign STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/24/2009 03:03:32 PM ----- BODY: Our favorite holier-than-thou governor of one of the holiest-than-all-y'all states has admitted that his recent absence was due to him having an extramarital affair in Argentina. This is so deliciously salacious on so many levels. Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint will *love* this. Tom Crawford has more... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/24/2009 04:09:14 PM U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! That has nothing to do with the story excpet........ WE ARE ABOUT TO KICK ARGENTINA'S FORMER COLONIZER'S ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/24/2009 04:23:48 PM WE DID IT! TAKE THAT REST OF THE WORLD! U-S-A! U-S-A! USA PWNS YOUR SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE NUMBER ONE! WE'RE NUMBER ONE! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/24/2009 09:59:44 PM that press release was a complete train wreak. Who on earth puts a press conf together featuring a man who clearly is an open gaping wound. Anyone who thought that would "help" needed to loose their job. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/24/2009 11:22:34 PM That man doesn't need to lose his job he needs a medal for making Sanford look that ridiculous. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/24/2009 11:32:27 PM This thread shows how non-cosmopolitan BforD is. Not one mention of the USA KICKING SPAIN'S ASS IN SOCCER! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 12:10:25 AM tl;dr ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 04:07:12 PM From the Huff Post: The 1st Repug. Emo Gov: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Some Closure on Stop-Loss BASENAME: some_closure_on_stop-loss STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/24/2009 10:23:10 PM ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgDespite being overshadowed by the political Scheißestorm going on with our neighbors to the northeast, a significant piece of legislation was enacted today. America 6, or President Obama as he is sometimes known, signed a supplemental war-spending bill that will send an extra $106 billion to war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill was heavily debated in both houses of Congress, not because of the spending measure in its own right, but because of some of the amendments added to the legislation. ----- EXTENDED BODY: While some are decrying the cash-for-clunkers green amendment added to the bill as government waste, some of the amendments have been cause for celebration. For instance, one amendment, proposed by Congressman Chet Edwards, gives the children of fallen warriors complete access to Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits, something that normally would require 10+ years of service. Though the biggest victory for veterans groups came in the form of an amendment that retroactively compensates personnel who fell under the DoD's stop-loss policy. The bill ultimately sets aside $534 million, paying $500 for every month that a service member served beyond his or her obligation. Although all of the branches of service use the policy, the Army, burdened by 15-month deployments and waning recruitment and reenlistment rates, found itself to be the biggest offender. The stop-loss amendment had been heavily debated last year, with some senators arguing that the $500 a month payout was not enough and countered with a $1500 a month proposal. Either way, veterans groups are happy. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 01:49:32 AM Thanks for noticing Jason. Stop Loss was a brutal policy of forced enlistments. It was probably wholly illegal too, as it was judged to be way back in Lincoln's time when the Union was at stake. And really? It forced many, many more soldiers to re-up when they might not have wanted to. The common refrain was, 'well they'll only stop loss you anyway, this way you might be able to get some say where & when...' I can't tell you how many folks I've heard that from. It broke people, it destroyed families, and damn near destroyed the Army & military. We've had a higher combat tempo with these wars than in any other since WWII. And even then, the time frame was shorter and more accommodating typically. It's staggering to consider that we now have good men & women doing 4th, 5th, 6th & yes possibly even 7th tours of duty in combat zones that are always hot & dangerously active. Happily they finally have real leaders now who actually do give a rat's ass about their survival rates and their eventual success at reintegration back into civilian life. It's been far too long in coming. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 09:16:30 AM OK, I know I'm missing something really obvious here, but why is Obama "America 6"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 03:30:40 PM Paula, The Army (and possibly the Marine Corps) uses a tactical call sign system that, with the help of a unit's nickname followed by a numeral, allows individuals to be identified on the radio. Individuals that are identified as "6" are the commanding officer of that unit. The "7" is the senior non-commissioned officer in that unit. The "5" denotes the Executive Officer, the 2nd in command of that unit. For instance, take Band of Brothers. The book and series was about E Company, 2/506 PIR. The nickname for that company was "Easy". Once Capt. Winters takes command of Easy, he is referred to as "Easy 6" in the third person. I've just extended that principle to the top of the chain of command, with President Obama being "America 6". If we were to follow this to its logical conclusion, Vice-President Biden would be "America 5", and I guess Rahm Emmanuel would be "America 7" haha. But yeah, it's one of those little things that somehow drastically changes the way you watch war movies. Everything from uniform standards to jargon are drilled in you so much, that even the slightest departure can destroy your ability to enjoy a film or television show. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 03:48:14 PM JMP, truth be told, I am not opposed to the stop-loss policy as it stands. I am in full support of compensating those Solders, sailors, airmen, and Marines whose lives have been disrupted by the policy, but I don't think the policy should be scrapped. Most outside observers are predisposed to seeing the issue as exploitive, but I honestly don't see it that way. From the standpoint of the unit, losing a significant number of personnel before or during a deployment can be severely detrimental to the combat-effectiveness of that unit. Case in point, I spent the entirety of my 2008 in Baghdad, nine months of which were spent as a combat Platoon Leader. My platoon was only 20 men strong, but all four of my squad leaders, junior Sergeants who were great NCOs, great Soldiers, and who frankly kept me alive, were stop-lossed. Late in the deployment, I was bumped up to XO of my 80-man Troop. Of the personnel that worked directly under me, my armorer, my communications specialist, and NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) NCO, aka, essential members of the headquarters element, were all stop-lossed. Likewise, they were great Soldiers that contributed a great deal to the effectiveness of my unit. Fast forward six months after my redeployment from Iraq. My 80-man Troop is now down to about 40 personnel. Granted, not all of the individuals that left got out of the Army (some moved on to other units), but I am convinced that stop-loss works in keeping units combat effective, which ultimately keeps our servicemen and women alive. Conversely, I think recalling Soldiers from the IRR (Individual Ready Reserve) is a greater travesty. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 05:10:14 PM Thanks, Jason! I love stuff like that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 07:57:26 PM Thanks for the clarification & insights Jason. There's certainly a compelling rationale here. And there's certain reasons to prefer it over the IRR. But I still say that it was the coercive push rather than any 'incentivized' pull, that really made it a dubious approach to filling a desperate need. Naturally, this being the Army & DoD the first concern was over the costs of trying to induce & sway higher retention. Now this being the Army, this may have also been the first tools that they turned to, and for good reasons. But it also was pretty unprecedented and did cause plenty of disruption, pain & largely unrecognized sacrifice. I'm glad that the troops are now being compensated after the fact & fairly quickly. That's good & decent. Still, I always thought it was a deeply hypocritical policy that had plenty of contradictions within it to create enough dissatisfaction to make it a very costly option on many dimensions. We really should have tried harder to do it with better pay & incentives, directly & up front. But as the brass would tell you that's possibly the 'low & slow' strategy too. Who knows? It was largely untried or tried fairly late. SSDD. And in most Congresses? It could have easily taken a decade or longer, (a generation is not uncommon), for these brave souls to be properly compensated. To me, that's just too high of a price to pay for dithering political leaders who were unwilling to bite the bullet and use the forces that were needed. But that's a larger argument too. Thanks for your service & perspective here. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/26/2009 01:53:33 PM Thank you for the compliments. The only thing I really have to add here is that between the tens of thousands of dollars worth of signing bonuses, the free healthcare, and the free education thrown at new recruits, I don't think there is much more the Army, USMC, or the DoD in general can do to incentivize higher recruiting rates. Comparatively, the one thing that did prove to be a boon to recruiting has been the downward turn of the economy. How that holds up once the things start improving remains to be seen, but I do see how the departments of the DoD are in a hard position and unfortuantely there is little that can be done about it besides utilizing the extreme solutions like stop-loss and drawing from the IRR. It's certainly a hard situation to deal with, and one that has little historical precedent as there is no draft in place to compensate for the lack of manpower, and there probably won't be a real solution until the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan both come to a close. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Do As the Doctor Ordered BASENAME: do_as_the_doctor_ordered STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/25/2009 10:09:23 AM ----- BODY: icon_health.jpgAtlanta's own Dr. Drew Westen reminds us that if we want to win the health care battle, we better be properly armed. With words, that is.
    "Universal health care." "The uninsured." "Public option." These are the buzzwords you often hear from Democrats and proponents of President Obama's plan for health-care reform. But if they want to see that plan enacted, they'd do well to excise those phrases from their vocabulary.
    Don't say he didn't warn us! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 11:00:08 AM Here is my congressman on the "issue" I mean ..who I take all my money from. Rep. Tom "Dr." Price ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 11:33:57 AM You know, GM, Ford, Christler, or whatever is left of the domestic auto industry (as well as any other American company with a large workforce) could be more competitive if they didn't have leeches, AKA health insurance companies, sucking the lifeblood out of them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 12:54:57 PM That's questionable BEZERKO, there would likely be higher taxes (replacing the insurance companies) and the reason we aren't as competitive is poor management that can't comprehend trends in buyer preferences, inefficiency switching output and lower wages and fewer regulations in the rest of the world. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 02:08:30 PM "That's questionable BEZERKO, there would likely be higher taxes (replacing the insurance companies) and the reason we aren't as competitive is poor management that can't comprehend trends in buyer preferences, inefficiency switching output and lower wages and fewer regulations in the rest of the world." Considering Medicare is literally 5-6 times more cost-efficient than the best HMO's, as long as Congress didn't give in and make a really crappy public plan and made something like Medicare, they'd definitely save costs. Have you guys seen the polling on this? The overwhelming majority of people are with us. It's not about convincing the people it's about convincing the politicians that they'll lose their jobs if they vote against it. Tom Price, I served on his "youth advisory council" several years ago, he's out for himself and the people who donate money to his campaign and not anyone else that's his problem. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 02:32:59 PM When your house is on fire, the fire department comes by and puts it out. They don't check for insurance cards, co-pays, etc. They just put out the fire. If someone breaks into your home or threatens you in some way, the police department is supposed to be there to protect you. I don't understand what the difference is between those type of immediate threats and a threat to your health. It's not right for someone who's worked and built a life for themselves, bought a house, put some money away, whatever, to have to give it all up because they get sick. It's happening all over the place and happens all the time. I don't see how it could get worse than it is now, but I guess it could. If someone in my family gets sick, especially after business hours, and needs medical attention, no matter how minor or major it turns out to be, it usually costs us 300 to 600 dollars, and that's just our portion. Our health insurance is about as good as anyone who works for a living and has private insurance through their employeer. Even with eye and dental insurance, the costs for those types of care are beyond our means. The whole private system is corrupt and should be eliminated, if it takes higher taxes to pay for it, so be it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 02:52:04 PM They already kicked single payer off the table, despite the fact in 2003 that Obama said he was a proponent of it and that we had to "take back the House, Senate, and White House" before we pursued it. Money talks and shit walks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jkga EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 03:58:10 PM IRE - Higher corporate income taxes wouldn't make much difference to Detroit automakers who aren't posting profits. Their management made a lot of mistakes, but they are saddled with such a heavy burden from a legacy of retiree pension and healthcare obligations (even for people who haven't worked for them for decades) that even if they'd been more innovative with their products over the past twenty years, they'd still be behind. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Are you like me? BASENAME: are_you_like_me STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 0 ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/25/2009 12:06:09 PM ----- BODY: Do you need help keeping up with the GOP sex scandals? Which one is Foley? Who got caught with prostitutes? Well, TPM comes to the rescue: sex-scandal-flow-chart.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 03:59:49 PM I don't know why Dems are so quick to throw stones about sex scandals. We've had quite a few of our own. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 04:24:39 PM It's not so much the sex as it is the hypocrisy. It takes what should be a sad story and makes it ludicrous. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 05:02:52 PM I don't know why Americans are so much into sex scandals as far as outrage goes. It's like if Dick Cheney had gotten a blow job from someone besides his wife we could've impeached him, but killing a few thousand innocent people wasn't that big of a deal. lol @ this country sometimes ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 02:03:05 AM The Media Double Standard for sex & extra marital affairs, explained by the ever meticulous MMFA (Media JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 02:08:04 PM I remember watching that animated movie Heavy Metal years ago on TV. It was like midnight, and they cut out the nudity but left in all the gory limb-severing, skull-crushing violence. It's amazing we're not all more screwed up than we are. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: US House votes to reveal the names of graduates and instructors at the SOA BASENAME: us_house_votes_to_reveal_the_n STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/25/2009 08:04:18 PM ----- BODY: icon_scales.jpg
    U.S. House of Representatives Votes 224:190 to Force the School of the Americas/ WHINSEC to Release the Names of Graduates and Instructors. Washington, DC - the U.S. House of Representatives voted today to force the School of the Americas (renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation - WHINSEC) to release the names, ranks, country of origin, courses and dates attended of students and instructors at the institute. The amendment was offered by Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA), Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA), Representative Sanford Bishop (D-GA) and Representative John Lewis (D-GA) and won by a margin of 224:190.
    This is big progress for Congressman Bishop, since the school is located in his district at Ft. Benning. In other news Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr. (R-CA-52) has a hissy over this, crying that "you are literally encouraging their murder." I doubt that, but perhaps a few more indictments might be in order. Oh and karma is a bitch. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/25/2009 11:49:52 PM I don't get what this would actually accomplish though. I mean, their information is made public, then what? Countries would still send their soldiers and policemen to the school, they'd graduate, and then they'd utilize their training as they've been doing. Or am I missing something here? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/26/2009 02:15:50 AM Yeah, it might be a little confusing to people who havent followed SOA Watch. The point is, the next time some paramilitary shoots up a village for trying to unionize or does Washington's dirty work, we can trace back their training to the SOA and use it against them to further the case for closing the place down and ending defense cooperation with countries like Colombia. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/26/2009 08:32:07 AM This DK diary has more on the Duncan Hunter quote: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/26/2009 11:54:36 AM this is another informative article ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/28/2009 04:03:33 PM Speak of the devil, it sounds like this morning an SOA graduate just led a coup against a left wing leader and has used the military to attack delegations from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/29/2009 10:18:09 AM As Zaid mentioned.. here is a great summary It's a whole lot easier to connect the dots when you have the names. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Health Reform: Be Afraid. Very Afraid. BASENAME: health_reform_be_afraid_very_a STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/26/2009 08:14:35 AM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Friday Open Thread: MJ Edition BASENAME: friday_open_thread_mj_edition STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/26/2009 08:18:31 AM ----- BODY: This is how I prefer to remember him: But I can think of no finer tribute than this: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/28/2009 05:51:35 PM Sorry to hijack Friday's thread, but there is no open Sunday thread - I'm shocked...shocked I tell you. Or not. About the coup in Honduras: School of the Americas Connection The crisis in Honduras began when the military refused to distribute ballot boxes for the opinion poll in a new Constitution. President Zelaya fired the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Romeo Orlando Vasquez Velasquez, who refused to step down. The heads of all branches of the Honduran armed forces quit in solidarity with Vasquez. Vasquez, however, refused to step down, bolstered by support in Congress and a Supreme Court ruling that reinstated him. Vasquez remains in control of the armed forces. Vasquez, along with other military leaders, graduated from the United States' infamous School of the Americas (SOA). According to a School of the Americas Watch database compiled from information obtained from the US government, Vasquez studied in the SOA at least twice: once in 1976 and again in 1984. The head of the Air Force, Gen. Luis Javier Prince Suazo, studied in the School of the Americas in 1996. The Air Force has been a central protagonist in the Honduran crisis. When the military refused to distribute the ballot boxes for the opinion poll, the ballot boxes were stored on an Air Force base until citizens accompanied by Zelaya rescued them. Zelaya reports that after soldiers kidnapped him, they took him to an Air Force base, where he was put on a plane and sent to Costa Rica. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/28/2009 07:10:55 PM Apparently the Cuban, Venezuelan, and Nicaraguan ambassadors were immediately detained and they've started assassinating left wing allies. Chavez has said he's going to help although I don't know if Venezuela's military is more powerful than Honduras's. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/29/2009 01:58:34 AM Not that I think they're going to invade Honduras. It's just the threat of it might force the coup plotters to restore democracy in the country. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Riot Night Revisted BASENAME: riot_night_revisted STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/26/2009 10:20:53 AM ----- BODY: stonewall.jpegThe 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots will be remembered in numerous ways this weekend~ listed in the extended post. A brief history...
    Something unremarkable happened on June 27, 1969 in New York's Greenwich Village, an event which had occurred a thousand times before across the U.S. over the decades. The police raided a gay bar. At first, everything unfolded according to a time-honored ritual. Seven plain-clothes detectives and a uniformed officer entered and announced their presence. The bar staff stopped serving the watered-down, overpriced drinks, while their Mafia bosses swiftly removed the cigar boxes which functioned as tills. The officers demanded identification papers from the customers and then escorted them outside, throwing some into a waiting paddy-wagon and pushing others off the sidewalk. But at a certain point, the "usual suspects" departed from the script and decided to fight back. A debate still rages over which incident sparked the riot. Was it a 'butch' lesbian dressed in man's clothes who resisted arrest, or a male drag queen who stopped in the doorway between the officers and posed defiantly, rallying the crowd?
    These images were shot by a Times photographer named Larry Morris on the evening of Wednesday, July 2, 1969. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    News of the Stonewall Riots trickled down to Atlanta in briefs and blurbs. The mainstream press dedicated little coverage to the riot. Boykin pointed out that there wasn't a Stonewall march in Atlanta until 1971. He said the event that prompted the founding of the Gay Liberation Front in Georgia was a raid of a movie theater in Ansley Mall. The theater was showing "Lonesome Cowboys," a homoerotic send-up of western films, when police stopped the movie and arrested everyone. Read the rest of this great article here.
    More at SoVo. Events Celebrating LGBTQ rights as Human Rights! Friday June 26th: What: Film Screening & discussion: "Unveiled" Focus: the intersection of discrimination based on sexuality, gender and immigration status Where: Manuel's Tavern Time: 6.30PM Saturday June 27th: What: "Transgender Rights Now" March and Rally for Transgender, GLB people and friends and allies. Where: Freedom Park (Moreland Ave. and Freedom Parkway)There will be 3 banner trans issues highlighted by the march * Employment Non-Discrimination * Access to Public Services (health care, housing, etc.) * Public Safety (bathrooms, prisons, police, etc.) March Time: Step-off time is at 3:00pm Rally for transgender rights scheduled at 4:00pm on the steps of First Existentialist Church on Candler Ave. Finally a Stonewall commemoration performance Where: First Existentialist Congregation 470 Candler Park Dr NE Atlanta, GA 30307-2113 Time: 4:30 pm All events are free and open to the public. Please join us! ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: stonewall, transgender ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/27/2009 01:56:39 AM Nice short explanation of the 'Stonewall Riots' from the Colbert report below with journalist Jim Fouratt who was on the scene. (It's at the end of the report in the interview segment). JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/27/2009 07:29:09 PM More on the history here. As the clip above will attest, there's the 'official' version (NYT, say) and what the oral history of whose who were there says. The cops who came into this mafia run dive bar where principally there for their regular 'payoffs'. There might have been some other sort of shakedowns happening too, but that's what set the scene. What happened After that is a matter of some conjecture, but Why they were there really is not, much. The 'regular history' of the moment just was unwilling to record that little 'dirty' feature, which has in truth, always been present. No matter how much anyone seeks to 'protect' the past, this was the NYPD of Frank Serpico, and there were so many illegal kickback scams & schemes going it would take about 2 decades to clean up the Department. It was not pretty. That's what led to the explosion of anger. It was not just the 'regular' hypocrisy & discrimination. It was the people who expected to be paid off just so other folks could 'simply live' & 'be seen out'. Just a note on the divergent history here. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: What happens now? BASENAME: what_happens_now STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/29/2009 11:22:55 AM ----- BODY: Coup Rocks Honduras Army Exiles President, a Ch√°vez Ally, Stoking Regional Tension
    TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- Honduran soldiers rousted President Manuel Zelaya from his bed and exiled him at gunpoint Sunday to Costa Rica, halting his controversial push to redraw the constitution but spurring fresh concerns about democratic rule across Latin America.
    As with most things political, you really have to ask yourself-who benefits? Is it the US? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The Fort Worth Police Dept "Honor" the 40th of Stonewall in an interesting way BASENAME: the_forth_worth_police_dept_ho STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/29/2009 12:59:11 PM ----- BODY: stonewallvets.jpg By beating up patrons in a local bar.
    I got a phone call at 3 this morning from Todd Camp, the founder of Q Cinema and former reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. It was Camp's birthday and the night of a special Q Cinema screening of two Stonewall documentaries... because it was ALSO the 40th anniversary of Stonewall, as anyone knows. Except, apparently, the Fort Worth PD. Or maybe worse, they DID know and wanted to make a point.
    The Dallas Voice has the unfolding events here While I'm sure LBGTQ folks in the Atlanta metro have had their run in's with police, the march organized by local Transgender activists in Little 5 this Saturday went off without a hitch and we were ably escorted by 6 members of the Atlanta PD motorcycle squad. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/29/2009 02:04:43 PM Speaking of Stonewall and bigotry: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: On Collapsing Parking Decks & Good Friends BASENAME: on_collapsing_parking_decks_go STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/29/2009 07:17:47 PM ----- BODY: So today was a normal busy Monday like any other. Around 11:45AM my second visitor to the office had just left, and I was debating between diving into a new fundraising project for Young Democrats of Georgia, or heading to the gym a little early. Then the phone rang and I got a message from God.... ----- EXTENDED BODY: sorta... Normally I leave the YDG office on Pulliam Street any given weekday around 12:15 for lunch. Except I don't really eat lunch unless it's at my desk. I usually head to L.A.Fitness Midtown for a grueling 45 minute workout. Well today, the phone rang and my good friend, and now Resident Angel, Nikema Williams was on the line. It wasn't a business call, it was personal - she wanted to know how I was doing. *For those just tuning in, the nonprofit world is sucking worse than the financial markets when it comes to raising funds to keep our organizations running right now* Nikema's 30 minute conversation about our how each other is doing, how we're feeling, keep-your-chin-up kind of stuff, probably saved my life or at least some major car damage. See the parking deck for LAFitness midtown is the Cynergy parking deck at Abercrombie & Williams Streets in Atlanta. And around 12:30PM on Monday June 29th, a portion of the 4th floor deck collapsed and fell to the 3rd which in turn fell to the 2nd and 1st and so on. The open space/non-reserved parking that LAF folks use, including me, is the middle 3rd and 4th floors, otherwise you're stuck driving around and around up to the 6th floor visitor parking which no one ever does. So driving in a now-clogged line of cars waiting to turn down Williams Street from 5th, I see police cars zooming in, firetrucks everywhere, and then an officer waving me away from the entrance and back towards the GTech campus. Frantically posting a status question to facebook, i learned what had happened, and said a silent prayer for my friends from the gym, that none were hurt. So i'm now imagining lifesavers in little Nikema shapes all working to save me from a massive heartache of a damaged car or a flattened head. Either way, thank God, and thank Nikema, for little favors, and for friendly conversations. :-) ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/29/2009 08:21:00 PM Wow. Close call! Glad you are OK, and thank you Nikema! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/29/2009 10:48:44 PM Mm, Nikema Lifesavers, do they still come in cherry? ;-) I'm not sure how much Georgia Tech had to do with the construction of that deck, but a) I don't think it was zero, and b) it would not surprise me to learn that they helped screw it up. If I were still a student I would seriously wonder about the new campus buildings that went up in the same time frame. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 12:50:11 AM What an amazing story. So glad you took the call. I always knew Nikema wore wings, but this is damn near a miracle. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 01:58:38 AM They really don't build them like they used to. We did work appraising the pedestrian bridge & deck to the Peachtree Center Towers. It was & is hurricane & earthquake rated. Well too. Glad you were delayed Tim. They (WABE) interviewed another gent who was about to go for his car too, and then noticed huge hunks had fallen off the floor. And the ceilings. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 08:19:43 AM Tim - This is why I don't go to the gym! It's dangerous, I tell you! Ataru - I don't know about GA Tech, but I am pointing an initial finger toward Hardin, which was also involved in the Botanical Gardens walkway collapse. I realized last night that I have parked in that deck a couple of times (it's the closest to Interface Flooring, which makes rocking carpet tiles). Even though it's been six months since I've been anywhere close, I was still a little freaked out, so I can't imagine what it felt like yesterday, Tim. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Deadline Day BASENAME: deadline_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/30/2009 12:36:28 PM TAGS: "election 2010" ----- BODY: blog_icon_money.jpgToday is a fund raising deadline for candidates who've already filed for 2010. Candidates with early financial support tend to dominate throughout the campaign, which is why it's better to contribute earlier than later. This isn't a rule, but more a rule of thumb. The names below are not (necessarily) endorsements, but a few solicitations I've received today that I'm just passing along. If you're inclined to make a contribution today, do it before midnight. And PLEASE feel free to add others in the comments: Rob Teilhet for Attorney General Mary Squires for Insurance Commissioner Kevin Johnson for State Rep. HD-58 (Seat vacated by Robin Shipp, election on 10/03/09?) Poythress for Governor Gary Horlacher for SOS ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 01:31:25 PM I'll pitch for Amir Farokhi (city council at-large): ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 01:36:25 PM (I know it's for November but they still have disclosures due.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 01:45:07 PM True dat, as do the Mayoral Candidates. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 01:59:14 PM I'd post a link, but am still pissed that one of our best bloggers was benched by the (adorable, yet strict), campaign manager. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 02:02:13 PM Mel, who do you like in the mayor's race? Was it the candidate the aforementioned "adorable" campaign manager works for? Or do you not have a man in this race as it were. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 02:25:01 PM AL FRANKEN FTW! Suck it Republicans! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 02:27:23 PM I've got no skin in this race IRE, other than a deep affection for some LB staffers. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 02:28:34 PM Man, about damn time. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Only in Decatur BASENAME: only_in_decatur STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/30/2009 01:50:12 PM TAGS: decatur,lsd,radford ----- BODY: jamesradford.jpg<-- Could this be considered an appropriate campaign photo. DecaturMetro has the story of candidate James Radford, complete with discussion. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 03:20:09 PM Decatur is the awesome ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Adams EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 06:05:29 PM Seriously?! I had to stare into the sun for an hour, without squinting, for my photos and these two look like the male and female lead in the remake of Logan's Run. I... am... bitter... Seriously, best of luck to them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 11:19:39 PM Not the least of which was for making most of the audience Google 'Logan's Run' too, right? But yes, best of luck to James. And there's no truth to the rumor that his family runs a mid sized Univ in SW Va. either. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 09:33:03 AM she is levitating above the bench and that doesnt scare you people?! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 11:35:56 AM I think levitating families should have the opportunity to lead. Besides, we know what happens if you try to suppress them. Haven't you seen "X-Men"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 01:39:06 PM no - i havent :-P ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: That's Senator-elect Franken to you. BASENAME: thats_senator_franken_to_you STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/30/2009 03:47:51 PM ----- BODY:
    (CNN) -- Minnesota's Supreme Court has dismissed former Sen. Norm Coleman's challenge to the state's November election results and declared Democratic challenger Al Franken the winner. Minnesota's Supreme Court ruled that Democrat Al Franken won the Minnesota Senate race. Minnesota's Supreme Court ruled that Democrat Al Franken won the Minnesota Senate race. The court's unanimous, unsigned opinion declared that Franken "received the highest number of votes legally cast" and is entitled "to receive the certificate of election as United States senator from the state of Minnesota." For Norm Coleman this now completes what can most charitably be called the "Coleman Trifecta", of losing that is. What's a "Coleman Trifecta" you ask... first you lose to a dead guy ( Paul Wellstone), then to a Professional Wrestler ( Jesse Venture) then finally to an actor from Saturday Night Live. The best part is that Coleman punked the NRSC to spend money they rilly rilly don't have. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 06:12:32 PM Looks like they saved some committee seats for him, including Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and Judiciary, so he'll be jumping right into the hot topics. Also will have seats on Special Aging and Indian Affairs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 11:11:23 PM Really nice to see, and oh, about 6 months late for certain. And I was still getting calls from his campaign almost up until last week too. As I told folks way back during the campaign, their (NRSC) focus on Jim Martin down here to see Shameless,(who lives up to his name daily), reelected meant one thing. Their bases uncovered in a very close MN race they thought Coleman could pull out without much trouble. So looks like the start of the Al Franken decade! But no, this does not mean nirvana has arrived on the US Senate floor either. We'll still need 2 R votes regularly to break the ever determined Rethug filibusters. Which BTW, have become more commonly used in these most recent Congresses (by mostly Repug's 'natch), than ever before in US history. It was never intended to apply to 1:2 or 1:3 votes, and yet it commonly now is. Now go to your Constitution and see how it describes the use of filibusters. You can't. It doesn't! We should have called their bluff under Bush. We'd be in a better position today. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 11:31:56 PM If I was him I'd walk into the Senate and rip off my shirt and let out a tarzan roar. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Vanity Fair tempts the Palinistas BASENAME: vanity_fair_tempts_the_palinis STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/30/2009 06:43:30 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_dread.jpgWith a profile of ruby red bloody meat. Sarah! is served up in all of her garish glory. It Came from Wasilla
    Despite her disastrous performance in the 2008 election, Sarah Palin is still the sexiest brand in Republican politics, with a lucrative book contract for her story. But what Alaska's charismatic governor wants the public to know about herself doesn't always jibe with reality.
    You don't even need a knife to enjoy this dish, it cuts like "buttah"
    Whatever her political future, the emergence of Sarah Palin raises questions that will not soon go away. What does it say about the nature of modern American politics that a public official who often seems proud of what she does not know is not only accepted but applauded? What does her prominence say about the importance of having (or lacking) a record of achievement in public life? Why did so many skilled veterans of the Republican Party--long regarded as the more adroit team in presidential politics--keep loyally working for her election even after they privately realized she was casual about the truth and totally unfit for the vice-presidency?
    Yum! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BigD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 04:18:44 AM "dressed all in black; no red Naughty Monkey Double Dare pumps tonight" - Got to love the this a DFI post? or the winning opening line in the Bulwer-Lytton Contest (aka Dark and Stormy Night contest) Ahhh but the Bulwer-Lytton contest is fiction and this is non-fiction... FWIW I really enjoyed this years Bulwer-Lytton winner in the Detective Category - "She walked into my office on legs as long as one of those long-legged birds that you see in Florida - the pink ones, not the white ones - except that she was standing on both of them, not just one of them, like those birds, the pink ones, and she wasn't wearing pink, but I knew right away that she was trouble, which those birds usually aren't." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 07:01:11 AM I mentioned this somewhere else so forgive me if you've read it already... I thought the hostility was a little unnecessary and excessive but other than that it was a fantastic piece. Two things about her stuck out to me. She'll be great for that Christian conservative base of the GOP and ill be a great fundraiser and campaigner. For that we shouldn't underestimate her. However, I fail to see how someone who so easily and needlessly creates enemies could ever earn a powerful position (VP, POTUS, RNC chair, anything like that), but if her history has shown us anything it is if anyone can do it with that style it is her. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 08:42:36 AM Big D - The Naughty Monkey thing is the actual name of the shoe, not a mere rhetorical flourish. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 09:05:23 AM You have to excuse BigD-he has a shoe thing... Naughty Monkey pumps here ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BigD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 07:42:40 PM Paula trust me I know my ladies footwear but love the double entendre (Hmmm perhaps this is an overshare).... IRE agree we shouldn't underestimate her nor the other GOP that appeals to her base - Huckabee. But, mark my words I'm betting on Huckabee... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: The Next Chapter BASENAME: the_next_chapter STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 06/30/2009 08:16:06 PM TAGS: iraq,military ----- BODY: icon_iraq_flag.jpgAnd so it begins. As the Obama Administration envelops itself in its renewed focus in Afghanistan, Iraqis are celebrating the beginnings of a draw down that's been awaited for a long time. Coalition forces have begun to cease combat operations in urban centers throughout the country. In fact, coalition forces will no longer operate unilaterally in any capacity in all of Iraq. Despite the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki declaring today a national holiday, "National Sovereignty Day" in fact, those elements opposed to a free and stable Iraq have attempted to exploit vulnerabilities associated with today's festivities, ultimately killing scores of civilians in Kirkuk. Closer to home, at least five American Soldiers, four in Baghdad, were also killed today, highlighting the complexities of lowering the security posture in place where military checkpoints, combat outposts, and heavily armed presence patrols have been a normal part of life for the better part of the decade. The drawdown has a long way to go, but today was a significant step forward in seeing Operation Iraqi Freedom through to its end. Despite the actions of a violent few, Iraq has better days ahead of her, and as reluctant as she may be, we're still watching her 6. As we work to get each and every Soldier, sailor, airman, and Marine back home safe and sound, let's just hope she's watching ours. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/30/2009 11:29:14 PM I don't really know what the beef is of the various armed groups in Iraq, but it sounds like propogandaish to say they're fighting to oppose "a free and stable Iraq." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 10:04:36 AM They might be two different groups. There are certainly elements that oppose a "free" Iraq, as in Western style free. And I'm pretty sure that a significant criminal element has established itself there that would benefit from instability. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 01:43:23 PM Why else would they murder innocent civilians? Besides, reports indicate that al-Qaeda in Iraq is behind the attack, which is about par for the course considering that they've been the main proponent of suicide attacks on civilians throughout the country. Please note this early profile of AQI that CSM did up a few years ago: Granted, since this article has been released, al-Zarqawi has been killed, Sunni extremist groups like AQI have been marginalized considering our outreach to that segment of the population via the Awakening, and that in general, Iraq looks less and less like it's on the verge of civil war. But AQI is still active, and most importantly, it's still deadly. Jerry is correct that there are a number of insurgent groups that operate in and around Iraq, each with their own goals and aims. AQI is the one in particular that I'm referring to here. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: We're on twitter BASENAME: were_on_twitter STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/01/2009 12:17:26 AM TAGS: twitter ----- BODY: icon_twitter.jpgAnd we want you to follow us. Thanks to Catherine for setting this up. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: How the myths help the GOP. BASENAME: how_the_myths_help_the_gop STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/01/2009 10:30:02 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_elephant2.jpg The conservative ideology of late relies much on the myths of dysfunctional government and the Democrats' role in same. In How Dysfunction Helps the GOP, Thomas Frank explains well how they hope these myths help with their plan. With 60 in the Senate now, they'll be working hard to turn these myths to reality. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    This is the perverse incentive that is slowly remaking the GOP into the Snafu Party. And in those commercials and those proclamations we should also discern a warning: That even if Democrats manage to set up a solid health-care program, conservatives will do their best, once they have regained power, to drop it down the same chute they did the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
    h/t: Jerry. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 03:35:33 PM The problem isn't the GOP, it's conservative, and business group-allied Democrats. The GOP wouldn't stand a chance if the Democrats could stick to an effective progressive agenda. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 10:59:01 AM Why would the Democrats stick to a progressive agenda? Many of them were elected by non-progressive constituencies. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 05:12:20 PM "Why would the Democrats stick to a progressive agenda? Many of them were elected by non-progressive constituencies." Yeah, you see that polling that says 50% of REPUBLICANS back offering a public national healthcare plan to everyone? Not a single Democrat has an excuse to be chickenshit on health care, unless they like that HMO money they're getting that much. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 05:43:44 PM Zaid, will you please read the links, or at least the complete piece? While health care and how the GOP may screw it up is mentioned in the piece, it's about how the GOP counts and and plots for government failures to maintain their ideology. We know you dislike most of the Democrats - read you loud and clear on that. But surely you can see that the Republicans are worse... surely you can see that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 08:27:31 PM "We know you dislike most of the Democrats - read you loud and clear on that. But surely you can see that the Republicans are worse... surely you can see that." Oh wow, to see the world in black and white partisan hackery... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 10:37:55 AM Being partisan takes courage. You have to commit to a political philosophy. "Partisan" is just issue advocacy at the wholesale level. Yeah, sometimes we get stuck with a Lieberman or a bankruptcy bill, but even UGA has it's Jim Harricks to deal with. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 02:08:54 PM Nationally, the Democrats are in charge now. They can no longer blame the GOP for their failings. If they don't deliver, they deserve everything they get. Being partisan does take courage -- but not being blindly partisan to a party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 03:50:08 PM Not really true that everything is on the Democrats' hands now. Many agency heads are still W appointees, previous programs still have to be paid for or won't be deauthorized for a few years, and plus even if you even if they enact new programs or change directions on existing policies that still doesn't mean they will be readily obvious. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 04:15:17 PM And you can't blame everything on George Bush as an anomaly. He was a puppet. The guys pulling the strings were long-time Republicans. Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Poindexter, and a hundred others. They knew exactly what they were doing and it's the same thing they always do; they loot the treasury, they go to war to satisfy their own egos, and they cultivate fear to keep themselves in power as long as possible. If it is blind partisanship to oppose that, then I'll claim the label too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 11:47:30 PM As far as I know, Obama bombed a funeral yesterday, and has defended indefinite detention and even a doctrine the ACLU has called worse "preventive" detention. Had it up to here with the "it's OK if Democrats do it" mindless idiot gang. Bush is out of office (thank God), can't blame things on him anymore. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/04/2009 01:54:46 AM Not happening, Obama. You might have high quality government health care, so you might not think the rest of us should too, but.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/04/2009 09:06:12 AM Your premise is mistaken. There is plenty of internal criticism from within both major parties. I think that most partisans have just decided that it is more effective to pursue their issue goals from within the stronger position of a major party. We can all pursue specific issues, but when it comes to politics, eventually we have to choose between candidates, and unless you run for something yourself you are never going to find a candidate who reflects your beliefs perfectly. We all have to make compromises if we are going to be politically involved. From there, it is not much of a leap to believe that 'Democrat' is better than 'Republican' (for example), which is all that Catherine was saying. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Quote unquote BASENAME: quote_unquote_6 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/01/2009 10:14:08 AM ----- BODY: Glenn Beck's guest tells us that "the only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama Bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States." Alrighty then. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 01:13:58 PM Fox News - standing guard at the State Hospital "Out" door to find their on-air guests. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: For the Good of the Party BASENAME: for_the_good_of_the_party STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/01/2009 03:32:04 PM TAGS: 2010,barnes,governor,poythress ----- BODY: icon_flaming_mail.jpgThe Poythress campaign just sent a zinger of an email titled "FOR THE GOOD OF THE PARTY, ROY SHOULDN'T RUN AGAIN". Seriously? Really? C'mon Team Beige what's with this kind of messaging - nervous much? Yeah this so helps the Party. In their email, I love how Team Beige disses Roy on being silent regarding the DPG affairs but never mentions what Gen. Poythress did so differently when the Party went to hell in a handbasket. I can't recall Poythress publicly telling Mark or Cathy not run in 2006 and I sure missed the emails about Poythress taking leadership after we lost the Governor's mansion. Come to think of it, I don't believe I have ever seen Poythress at a State Committee meeting until he decided to run for Governor. Yup, now that's some grade A leadership in the Party. I think Team Beige has multiple personalities when they write emails. They start off by saying that Poythress and Roy Barnes are friends:
    Sometimes it takes a friend to speak the truth, even when that truth is hard to hear. Roy Barnes and I have been friends for many years, but I believe I have to say out-loud what is being uttered in hushed tones all across the state: Roy, you shouldn't run.
    Then their paranoia personality appears and goes on a crazed tangent saying invisible Democrats all over the State "are worried that he'll bring the Party down - again". ----- EXTENDED BODY: Then their "Unity" personality appears, in a very flawed and disjointed manner, and lay claim that Roy isn't going to strengthen the Party:
    Not only do Democrats have to stop Roy Barnes in the primary, we have to then come together to win the general election so we can solve some of the toughest policy challenges in the history of our state.
    The final personality appears at the end and Team Beige states:
    For the good of the Party, I hope that Roy Barnes realizes that there's still time for him to change his mind so we can avoid a divisive primary. Ironically, the only sure-fire way to prove that he has changed is for Roy to put Georgia's needs before his own ambition and stay out of the race for Governor.
    Seriously, Team Beige I'm not sure what kind of candidate you are presenting - one that will unite the Party, slew the evil Roy Barnes, or one that can barely get out of the gate for a Democratic Primary. Pick one, any one, but don't send multiple personality emails. In the end, I'm not sure what Team Beige wants from me as a Democratic voter. I'm an undecided voter in the Governor's race and this email definitely doesn't inspire me to join the General as he marches across Georgia burning down every Democratic candidate in his eyesight. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 03:48:09 PM I was going to blog this but decided against it. I'll be voting for Barnes but I still like the other candidates. Gen. Poythress, is quickly losing that respect. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Garry EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 04:55:53 PM Sorry, Bernita. But what the hell does "Team Beige" mean? I'm not sure who Im voting for. But, I'll never vote for Barnes again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 05:59:55 PM I am a Poythress supporter and while these types of emails are entertaining to read I don't really think they do much good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 06:10:16 PM Problem is the campaigns are really only one dimensional when they are just sitting in my in box. I don't open this stuff up. Also why is it in caps? Did I need to be yelled at, yesterday was all hearts and flowers when they wanted my money. I have no dog in this race- and I'm glad not to. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 06:26:57 PM "I was going to blog this but decided against it. I'll be voting for Barnes but I still like the other candidates. Gen. Poythress, is quickly losing that respect." Gotta support the party insider, even if he totally flunked the party last time! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 07:24:53 PM I keep asking myself one question. Who are Roy's people? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kyle EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 07:41:43 PM > Sounds to me like Poythress is telling Barnes he can't win. I don't see thay as "Burning down every Democratic candidate in his eyesight." They are running against each other in this race, right? You don't have to love each other during the primary. Only in the General Election. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 09:40:35 PM It's good to see Bernita back and in fine form. I think the email might have been more useful before Roy announced. But, yes, it still need a bit something more too. But no, no one could have prevented the 'Mark & Cathy bloodbath'. Many, tried to no avail. And again, I think given how the field has shaken out so far, 'ol Roy just found the prospect of another run just about irresistible. Which is fine. This is why we have primaries to decide these things. No one can proscribe the kind of opposition they think they deserve. Well not much, and not anyplace too far from Iran anyways. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 09:48:24 PM Mel, check your email. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 10:34:02 PM "> Sounds to me like Poythress is telling Barnes he can't win. I don't see thay as "Burning down every Democratic candidate in his eyesight." They are running against each other in this race, right? You don't have to love each other during the primary. Only in the General Election." QFT ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 10:36:17 PM "I keep asking myself one question. Who are Roy's people?" The same folks who got all excited about Jim Martin because they thought someone with a big money base and who's been there a long time and has groupies = wins statewide, even though he got his butt handed to him just a couple years ago by a double digit spread. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 01:30:25 AM Zaid, the next time you change URLs, shoot me an email. Don't make me go looking for you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 01:31:31 AM And put a blog roll on the new site. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 08:58:52 AM I deleted the thing. then someone told me I needed to read it. Meh. What does small campaigns do? They attack. The over/under on this is set a 1 news cycle. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 09:18:11 AM I think "Team Beige" means it has been a pretty bland campaign. Seems like attacking Roy is one way to spice things up! Whaddaya want, for him to go sit on a water tower? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 09:41:36 AM Zaid, there's one big difference between Barnes and Martin. Barnes has actually won a statewide race. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 09:57:44 AM Oh, snap! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Journalism: product v process BASENAME: journalism_product_v_process STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/01/2009 07:59:04 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_newspapers.jpgEach day, in some form or another it comes up: newspapers are dying. The internet (more specifically, blogs) is killing them. There have been lively discussions about it here, and there, and everywhere. Thanks to David Sirota, today I was lead to this piece, Product v. process journalism: The myth of perfection v. beta culture and much of it really resonated with me. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    Online, the story, the reporting, the knowledge are never done and never perfect. That doesn't mean that we revel in imperfection, as is the implication of The Times' story - that we have no standards. It just means that we do journalism differently, because we can. We have our standards, too, and they include collaboration, transparency, letting readers into the process, and trying to say what we don't know when we publish - as caveats - rather than afterward - as corrections. The problem with this tiresome, never-ending alleged war of blogs vs. MSM (Arrington attacks The Times) and MSM vs. blogs (The Times attacks Arrington) - (Mark Glaser scolded me for rising to The Times' bait - is that it blinds each tribe from learning from the other. Yes, there are standards worth saluting from classical journalism. But there are also new methods and opportunities to be learned online. No one owns journalists or its methods or standards.
    Robert Picard, at The Media Business reminds us:
    Many of the voices and opinions, however, misunderstand the nature of journalism. It is not business model; it is not a job; it is not a company; it is not an industry; it is not a form of media; it is not a distribution platform. Instead, journalism is an activity. It is a body of practices by which information and knowledge is gathered, processed, and conveyed. The practices are influenced by the form of media and distribution platform, of course, as well as by financial arrangements that support the journalism. But one should not equate the two.
    And lastly, Wendy at Ink-Drenched Kvetch has a great post today about all this too:
    I've been occasionally sentimental at times about wanting to hold on to what I've known as a journalist. I still love print and at least try to pick up the Sunday paper along with subscriptions to several magazines. I cannot read with deep immersion online and probably never will. Like Nick Carr, I worry about the cognitive effects of lengthy periods of time spent online. And the obnoxious rantings of certain techno-utopians border on the asinine when they don't cross it.
    Let the discussion continue. What do you think? Product or process? ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The Walkabout BASENAME: a_shocking_lack_of_pr STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/01/2009 02:52:06 PM TAGS: austinscott,georgia,governor,scott ----- BODY: blog_icon_elephant2.jpgSituation... you are a candidate running for Governor of Georgia, a state with massive problems, your name recognition is low, and you live in a small rural section of the state, and the most votes you've ever gotten is 8400 and change. I get it, you desperately need to raise your name recognition, so instead of climbing the Corey tower, you decide to take a 1,000-mile walk around the state. Ya, know to meet the people and check things out. All in all not a bad idea, except for a few slight problems with the execution. ----- EXTENDED BODY: webscott063009a.jpg Dude, a little free DFI advice: maybe you want to wear, I dunno, a t-shirt with your name on it, carry a sign, or perhaps have pace car with the campaign information with ya. The picture is priceless, there he is; a white guy, in a white shirt, khaki pants, a straw hat and sunglasses walking along the street with a friend also dressed spectacularly. The guy doesn't even seem to be able to attract a honk or a wave, hell I get that going to my mailbox. The interview is stellar as well, he just lights up the camera-not. Really the most pressing problem is garbage-really? It's so precious that he doesn't even seem to understand that it's already against the law to litter! A little more free advice, maybe you'd want to link your walk website to your election website in some way? But hey at least the guy is on Facebook and is Twittering, kind of, last update was 11 hours ago. Austin's walkabout really could be interesting, but's.just.not. Sad. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/01/2009 09:54:49 PM Taking a page from history too, with 'Walking' Lawton Chiles, the former Dem Gov of FL who did the stunt first in 1970 when running (successfully) for the US Senate. Chiles was also re-elected to the U.S. Senate twice, in 1976 and 1982. The walk was pretty successful in garnering free media attention during the time too, and he was forever more known as 'Walking Lawton'. From Chiles' wiki entry: The 1,003-mile walk "In 1970, Chiles decided to run for a seat in the United States Senate. At the time, despite his 12 years in the state legislature, he was largely unknown outside his Lakeland-based district. To generate some media coverage across the state, Chiles embarked upon a 1,003-mile, 91-day walk across Florida from Pensacola to Key West. The walk earned him the recognition he sought, as well as the nickname that would follow him throughout his political career – "Walkin' Lawton". In his journal Chiles wrote that sometimes he walked alone, while other times he met ordinary Floridians along the way. In later years, Chiles would recall the walk allowed him to see Florida's natural beauty, as well as the state's problems, with fresh eyes. After the walk, Chiles was elected easily". This is another ancient piece of political history brought to you by TV. Or the lack thereof. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 09:27:14 AM Hey, I thought this was "D" FI! I think he looks just great. And all that cross-linking and tweeting and stuff is just confusing. Could we use Will Fowlkes as a stunt double for A. Scott? We could set up embarrassing situations and post the photos on Facebook. With the hat he just might pass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 09:41:34 AM My favorite was the details of all the plants and animals he saw while walking, and very little about the people he met. Gracious little was said about them. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Atlanta Mayoral Poll BASENAME: atlanta_mayoral_poll STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/01/2009 11:12:11 PM TAGS: atlanta,mayor,poll ----- BODY: THIS POLL IS NOW CLOSED because PollMonkey is apparently broken and stopped the poll at 77 responses. We'll try it again with different poll software. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 09:59:15 AM What is the likelihood campaigns are stuffing the ballot here? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 10:03:03 AM Pretty high. The "other" category is filling up with votes for Jesse Spikes. I tried to edit the poll to include him, but would have to reset it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 10:06:15 AM I hadn't heard of Jesse Spikes, even though he looks like a serious guy: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 10:13:18 AM I have a total beef with Jesse Spikes for junking up my neighborhood with his signs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 10:19:23 AM Are you city of Atlanta, Paula? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 10:29:31 AM No!!!! That's part of the problem. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 10:46:23 AM OK, well maybe he's not that serious. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 10:48:09 AM And Jim Galloway is reporting that Rep. Stacey Abrams will serve as Lisa Borders' new campaign manager. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 11:45:01 AM Yeah, for someone who claims to have run businesses, met payroll, blah blah blah but can't get signs placed in the district where he's running. That'll be a FAIL. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 12:01:42 PM I don't really like any of my choices. Apparently Jesse Spikes is working the lawyer circuit here in town, though. Lots of money to be found in them thar hills... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 08:55:14 PM The last time I saw that issues page, it had a paragraph on how Spikes had "actively supported and participated in the privatization of major services at both the City and County levels" and looked forward for more opportunities to privatize as mayor. But not anymore. Interesting. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Trippi emerges again... BASENAME: trippi_emerges_again STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/02/2009 12:28:33 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_bonehead.jpgOh sweetie (said in a condescending tone) what are you doing? Rep. Carolyn Maloney(D-NY) you hired Joe Trippi to be your advisor in your race against US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand?? The Joe Trippi, that hasn't won a race since he was in the sixth grade. I admire the issues you fight so hard for...but Joe Trippi. Really? Really? Wow - good luck with that! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 03:38:59 PM So what? Kerry hired the guy who ran 4 campaigns in a row and lost and watered down his campaign to nothing. Trippi does populism well and that's what Maloney needs if she's going to run against the "centrist" (read: corporate) Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 05:39:10 PM "Trippi does populism well" Are ya kiddin' me? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 06:26:14 PM Uh, Kerry LOST. That's "so what". Zaid, I have to believe you are a troll. Wish I could mute you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 07:54:02 PM Yep & Ditto. And this: Doomed. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 08:13:54 PM Good thing he didnt' hire Kerry's consultant then. Trippi took an obscure Vermont governor and turned him into a national star. It wasn't his fault that the media decided to play a scream over and over and over. As for Edwards, well Edwards sucked from top to bottom as a candidate because of how fake and hypocritical he always was, not because of Trippi. Trippi's an ace at what he does, and a lot better than those DLC flacks that Kerry surrounded himself with. He's gotten Bill Clinton to host a fundraiser for Maloney, so I'd say he's on the right track. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 08:15:55 PM It doesn't sound like she had many options. And hers does seem like the kind of campaign Trippi specializes in running, if not winning. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2009 08:17:51 PM Plus, he has some recent victories under his belt ( "Trippi currently heads the consulting firm Trippi & Associates. In the 2006 cycle he produced the media for John Hall's victory in New York's 19th Congressional District and for Jerry Brown's successful bid for Attorney General of California. Over the years Trippi has been involved in various political campaigns overseas. He worked for then PASOK leader Andreas Papandreou's successful campaign for Prime Minister of Greece in 1993 and advised British Prime Minister Tony Blair during his successful bid for a third term in 2005. He also worked on behalf of Romano Prodi in his successful bid for Prime Minister of Italy in 2006." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 02:41:46 AM You know Z, it sounds almost as successful as many Italian military campaigns. But a 'where are they now' sign is popping up in my head too. Only Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown has much of a political future here, and that's only because he's also a former Gov & 3 time(!) Presidential candidate & a well known political commodity & family. So yeah, that and NY's 19th is not a sterling claim to fame. He may have done wonders with Howard Dean, but he also in the end wound up mismanaging some very fine talent along the way. Plenty of it as a matter of fact. So yeah, let's count him as a 'prophet without honor' in his own homeland perhpas. And Tony Blair as an idiot for every using him too. The rest? Never left much of a trace. The Clinton fundraiser is being described as 'strictly proforma', and he may be willing to do one for the incumbent too from the sounds of it. He's not known as 'the kiss of death' for nothing either. I guess it could be worse. They could have also hired Bob Shrum too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 09:21:10 AM I think Trippi's probably OK up to statewide level. His effectiveness does not seem to reach beyond that. And BTW, "The Scream" did not occur until AFTER Howie had lost Iowa. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/04/2009 03:20:54 AM More on 2 time ex Gov. Jerry Brown of CA here: A decent introduction into someone who's always been his own man. No matter what planet he thinks he's on. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: JasonA TITLE: Beth wants to be Super. BASENAME: the_whole_student STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/02/2009 11:37:00 AM TAGS: education,Farokhi,schools ----- BODY: Beth closeup.jpgBeth Farokhi is throwing her hat into the ring for the upcoming State School Superintendent election in 2010. Join her on July 6th for her kickoff announcement at the Square in Marietta at 11:00 am. If you care about education in Georgia and are looking for a candidate with the qualifications AND common sense to make a change, come on down.

    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 02:25:55 AM Someone smart and competent for School Superintendent? Go figure. This is Ga. right? Well it will be a welcome change from the past recent disasters too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 11:17:05 AM I hope somebody (ahem-mainstream media) pays close attention to the incumbent's campaign finances. Is that mean? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Groovy baby BASENAME: groovy_baby STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/03/2009 06:08:48 AM ----- BODY: atlanta_pop.jpgTomorrow marks the 40th anniversary of the Atlanta International Pop Festival:
    Before there was Woodstock, there was Atlanta Pop. Forty years ago this weekend, an unimaginable multitude descended upon the Peach State for a weekend of peace and music that essentially marked the birth of a new South.
    Cultural fallout from 1967's Summer of Love in San Francisco still drifted across the country, and so-called "hippie districts" had taken root in major metropolises. Birmingham had not made the cut, but in Atlanta, something was definitely happening in Midtown, particularly around 14th Street.
    Ironic isn't it? Have a safe and fun holiday weekend everyone and try not to get hassled by the man. Peace and love. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Sarah Palin will not seek re-election, and will resign...really? BASENAME: sarah_palin_will_not_seek_re-e STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/03/2009 03:56:07 PM TAGS: "Sarah Palin" ----- BODY: (Updated by Paula to add Palin's resignation speech.) Wow just WOW.
    Last Updated 3:44 p.m. ET. Sarah Palin has announced that she will resign as governor of Alaska and will not seek a second term. CBS Affiliate KTVA reports that at a press conference this morning Palin said she will resign the governorship within a few weeks. producer Scott Conroy, who covered Palin's vice presidential campaign last year, confirmed through a source close to the governor said she is leaving office.
    Thoughts on this? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 04:07:05 PM I can't imagine it's so she can start campaigning. You don't quit early to do that, do you? I smell a scandal coming. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 04:24:27 PM I was just reading the VF story you posted earlier in the week. If she does suffer from NPD, it won't be good. She'll be completely off the chain. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 04:33:52 PM Top Five Things Palin Will Do Next: 1. Open a running shoe store in Wasilla. 2. Partner with Heidi Pratt to design a line of clothing for career-minded Christian women. 3. Host a late night talk show. 4. Have another baby (but we won't know about it until she's eight months pregnant). 5. Start fundraising for a 2012 Presidential bid. (Ha ha, that one's just a joke.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 05:07:03 PM There's a scandal here, somewhere. You don't quit midway through your first term and announce it on a holiday Friday news dump unless you're hoping it will all blow over before the media and public really start digging. It might be something as minor as needing the money for her family, or it might be as major as an abuse of office charge that would be levelled at her (again) if she didn't resign ASAP. Either way, I hope someone finds it eventually because I want this woman to STAY GONE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 05:31:38 PM If there is a scandal, then the next interesting question would be who is pushing it? Given the bad blood between different factions within the GOP right now, it would not be surprising if it has Steve Schmidt's fingerprints on it, or others inside the Party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Catherine EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 05:53:24 PM Congratulations to the people of Alaska! Whatever the reason, this is very good news for them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.R. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 07:01:03 PM If she wasn't already going to get destroyed in the 2012 primary, the fact that she's bailing on her state mid-term is positioning her to be completely nonviable. The other thing is this frees her to get paid for writing and promoting her book, which I recall was not allowed by Alaska ethics laws. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BigD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/03/2009 08:29:46 PM Catherine, "Congratulations to the people of Alaska! Whatever the reason, this is very good news for them." Uncertain it is - apparently Lt Gov Parnell is a really 'Club for Growth' type they in fact backed him against Young in the 2008 Republican primary because Young wasn't conservative enough - good grief ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/04/2009 01:22:48 AM I think some of the betting is with Sara on a 'bigger/newer scandal', but really? It's not come out by now? What on earth could it be? Worse than book banning, rape kit denying, global & constant craven cronyism? What? And really? We Want her around for the 2012 race! She's comedy Gold people! So no, I do not take this as especially good news. Some will see it as martyrdom and crucifixion by the 'horrible liberal media'/MSM. Let's hope it's just another re-run of the 'new, new Nixon' & the infamous 'Checkers speech'. Well w/o making much sense to anyone, or without much logic, nor with the raw calculating intelligence, political talent or animal cunning of Nixon either. Thank goodness! But still, always a laugh riot and like the top reasons 1-25 Never to join up with a national party that would have her anywhere near the Presidency. So I'm hoping she makes a partial 'come back', enough to spoil the race for plenty of Repug's sometime in the near future. I do not care if it's nationally or up there in AK either. Just please, make her continue in the role of the obvious politically 'useful idiot' she was born to be, evidently. Ronnie Ray-gun she a'int! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/04/2009 03:54:41 AM More decent speculation on Palin's future (yes, in politics) here via The How Palin's Resignation Makes Her the True Frontrunner by John Batchelor & Palin Has Really Gone Rogue by Michelle Goldberg The 1st is the better article, the last one (Goldberg) is a bit sloppy & in need of copy editing, but interesting just the same. I still say that if you had to bet? We've not seen the last of her. She'll be making serious book on whatever it is she's got for a long while. As a Fox TV host & commentator and/or as a national political candidate. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/04/2009 10:46:21 AM Possibly HouseGate? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Independence Day BASENAME: independence_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/04/2009 10:02:31 AM ----- BODY: icon_us_flag.jpg"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. -- Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences: For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. -- And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." -- John Hancock ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Atlanta Mayoral Poll, take two BASENAME: atlanta_mayoral_poll_take_two STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/06/2009 12:16:09 AM TAGS: atlanta,mayor,poll ----- BODY: The previous (Poll Monkey) poll, mysteriously stopped counting votes at 77. So let's try it again, this time using Poll Daddy, and with the addition of Jesse Spikes. Apologies for the do over. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 09:56:03 AM Gotta say...y'all clever. I was going to vote from my laptop at work...can't do it. You foiled me yet again MelGX! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 10:44:19 AM You get what you pay for with these free polls. The appearance of cleverness is purely accidental. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Clinton Delegate running for City Council BASENAME: clinton_delegate_running_for_c STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/05/2009 03:40:02 AM ----- BODY: icon_political_event.jpgMiguel Gallegos, a Hillary Clinton delegate from the 5th Congressional District, is running for Atlanta City Council. Miguel seeks to replace Anne Fauver in this open City Council seat - District 6. According to SOVO, "He joins a race that includes Steve Brodie and Alex Wan, who are both gay men, and Elizabeth Coyle, a heterosexual woman." This will be an interesting race. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: georgianbychoice EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/05/2009 07:26:35 PM If I remember correctly, and this was back in 2002, Alex Wan changed his party from Republican to Democratic (not sure if it was based on his primary voting or what) to challenge Pat Gardner. Just food for thought. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 04:22:54 PM One more. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 05:21:26 PM Clown car! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 10:00:16 AM A sixth candidate for District 6, Tad Christian, just announced yesterday. This is ridiculous. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Health Care for America NOW! BASENAME: health_care_for_america_now STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/06/2009 12:57:31 AM TAGS: hcan,"health care reform" ----- BODY: blog_icon_fistup.jpgWe're moving on to step three. It's time to start calling Congressional offices and HCAN makes it easy to call toll free here. Can you guess which members of Congress from Georgia have pledged support for the HCAN core principles of affordable health care, including a public option? Only three of thirteen: Sanford Bishop, Hank Johnson and John Lewis. Call babies, call! Related: A public insurance plan will help heal a broken health care system, by Michael Bloomberg, via Bookman. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 12:38:58 AM What I've said on this issue for a long time is that it's not about convincing the American people it's about convincing Congress that they'll lose their seats if they don't give us what we want. Specifically targeting Democrats because the Republicans have gone off to looneyville and that's what AHIP and PhRMA are doing (they've hired Dick Gephardt to make their case of all people.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 01:55:30 AM Although I think a public plan can help in many ways (for one it's guarenteed and portable) it'll fail in the long run because private insurance will just dump its sickest people on it and drive its price up. Single payer is inevitable, I only wish Obama stood by it instead of running away from it (in 2003 he said he backed it and we just needed to "take back the House, Senate, and White House first."), because that turns public option into the left wing side of the argument instead of the center. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 07:33:58 AM It's not Obama that needs convincing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 12:47:31 PM "It's not Obama that needs convincing." I disagree. By staking out a position well to the right of where he used to stand, what's going to end up at the end of congressional negotiations will be even further to the right. That's what happened with the stimulus and with the climate bill. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/06/2009 12:53:43 PM And he's trying to get people to stop holding their own officials accountable ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 07:43:27 AM Is it possible the "insurance lobby" has some legitimate concerns? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 12:41:39 PM "Is it possible the "insurance lobby" has some legitimate concerns?" Going out of business. Which is a similar concern the horse-and-buggy industry had when cars were invented. They can come work for Medicare if they want, I guess. Or the millions of new jobs created when we finally take this health care burden off the back of working people. But don't be naive to think these people are reasonable. They are the most vicious industry in the country -- they make a profit by denying people care that they paid for in their policies -- and they are standing up against what the vast majority of people in the country want. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 12:51:28 PM And on the subject of how great the white house has been on this issue, it would be if someone would stuff a sock in Emmanuel's mouth. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 02:48:01 PM Ummmmmm there's a one very big difference between horse and buggy vs car and the current health care debate. Horse and buggies went out of existence due to a private company offering a more compelling product. Not the government mandating that everyone have either a car or a buggy and then offering their version of the car. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 03:26:21 PM "Ummmmmm there's a one very big difference between horse and buggy vs car and the current health care debate. Horse and buggies went out of existence due to a private company offering a more compelling product. Not the government mandating that everyone have either a car or a buggy and then offering their version of the car." Um, no. Do you have the option to join Medicare as someone under 65? It's not competition until you get offered all the choices, is it? Mandate my ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 03:35:37 PM NVM. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 03:45:30 PM It's not competition unless you get offered all the choices? So at my cabin in south Georgia because I can't get Comcast there is no competition even though I can choose DirectTV or Dish Network? Your analogies are getting more bizarre. And my understanding Zaid is your optimal plan is single payer i.e. no competition. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 04:05:52 PM I suppose that ultimately I would prefer single payer. However, I'm not willing to put further stress on unemployment and the economy by eliminating all those jobs just now. Seems to me that the more sensible path is to maintain the existing system augmented by a public option for those who cannot take advantage of existing systems. Seems that will attend to the vast numbers of un-insured without disrupting the existing system too much. After all, there are sick people who need to continue to receive care. I just don't understand how a single-payer system can be put in place without some kind of intermediate step. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 04:41:23 PM Maybe Catherine, I'm not so sure either way. Maybe God should decide, the market is guided by God's hand after all. It's a good thing I don't have to worry about competing products or corporations if my house is on fire. I just call the fire department, and they put it out. No premiums, copays, denial of coverage. Seems to me it's an ethical thing, people get sick and need medical attention. The problem is there's a class of people who believe they're entitled to an outrageous fortune. Markets aren't natural, they're constructed. Markets are moral, they're amoral. Markets aren't the best solution to all problems, they work in some cases but not so well in others, especially when it comes to the ethical role of government. Markets are crude tools and should be chosen carefully. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 04:44:46 PM typo: "Markets aren't moral, they're amoral" sorry! Maybe Catherine, I'm not so sure either way. Maybe God should decide, the market is guided by God's hand after all. It's a good thing I don't have to worry about competing products or corporations if my house is on fire. I just call the fire department, and they put it out. No premiums, copays, denial of coverage. Seems to me it's an ethical thing, people get sick and need medical attention. The problem is there's a class of people who believe they're entitled to an outrageous fortune. Markets aren't natural, they're constructed. Markets aren't moral, they're amoral. Markets aren't the best solution to all problems, they work in some cases but not so well in others, especially when it comes to the ethical role of government. Markets are crude tools and should be chosen carefully. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 04:49:08 PM Bezerko, I agree with you - and if we were designing a brand new system I would be all for a single-payer system very similar to police/fire dept etc. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we can switch to single-payer and only the greedy executives will suffer. Hey, I'm not an economist, just the daughter of one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 05:18:09 PM Quality health care is a right, not a privilege. Fuck the insurance companies. Let them find something else to insure. Controlling access to health care is an unacceptable business model. How anyone can feel the least bit of empathy for insurance companies or their employees is beyond me. What about the millions of Americans forced into bankruptcy every year because of medical bills? What about those who die because they can't afford health insurance or were denied coverage by their carrier? Good grief. It feels like a discussion on Peach Pundit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 06:08:26 PM Heh. I've missed fiery Mel. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 07:32:56 PM So let me ask this: Obama WAS for single-payer I think. Are we saying he has abandoned it? He has sold out already? Or is it something else? Is it possible that he feels this is a negotiation stage and he doesn't want to take anything off the table as a gesture of good faith? I mean, if one side isn't even willing to talk about anything that doesn't include single-payer, why should opponents even show up? If we want to address the concerns, we need them at the table. If he still believed in single-payer and he had the votes, wouldn't he just do it? So either he doesn't have the votes or he has sold out. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 07:33:56 PM Health care is not a right. Yes, I said it. You don't have the right to health care, a job or television. However, I believe that all citizens should have access to affordable, decent health care. And unfortunately, I think the private sector has failed miserably in this regard and therefore, the government should step in and protect its citizens from slowly dying. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 07:44:33 PM I think of health care as an obligation we all have to each other. In times past, the private sector helped to fulfill that obligation but recently, as Jen says, they have failed in their role. Just today after Rahm Emanuel suggested that a public option was up for negotiation President Obama (all the way from Russia) corrected him: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Nikki EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 07:56:58 PM I just don't understand how a single-payer system can be put in place without some kind of intermediate step. I don't either. I think a public option to cover people who are falling through the cracks (kids out of college, but without a job, or a job offering benefits, like I was years ago), kids who can't get on their parents' insurance or for whom insurance from the employer is too expensive to buy; scores of other people. Hell, just in order to not have to deal with health care crap from work, I might opt into a public plan. On the "health care as a right" issue, I really think that while it is not a right, it should be one in any decent, compassionate society. Providing baseline, decent health care is the right thing to do. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 08:09:51 PM I think emergency catastrophic healthcare is a right, i.e. nobody who needs emergency care to save their life should be turned away due to inability to pay or lack of insurance. But that is what Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare should provide. Otherwise, I agree with Jen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 08:11:22 PM Wow, the communism on display here is alarming. I agree with Jen. All humans have a right to decency and dignity at every moment of their lives. This system guarantees nothing close to that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 08:38:04 PM For the record, some people call it Single Payer, but it's hard to get passionate about single payer. I prefer to call it Doctor-Patient run healthcare, which is what it would be. Jerry, good question, and I'm not sure how to answer it. My guess is he's getting bad advice. I wasn't really pleased with some of the choices for his cabinet, for C.O.S. Also, unfortunately, it's up to us collectively more than it's up to Obama. According to legend, FDR said "You've convinced me. Now make me do it." I think that's how we have to look at it. Catherine, I was just saying that I don't think it's a good idea to concede in advance, which has been the strategic tendency for Democrats in order to get something done. I've heard several callers to Air America talk about an I Have a Dream type march on Washington for doctor patient run healthcare. I think it's going to take something like that to get it back on the table. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 08:44:47 PM Seems to me that if the government were to nationalize the health insurance industry, you'd have a single-payer system without any intermediate step. That is a radical solution, but given that the government has been happy to insinuate itself into the banking and auto industries on behalf of the people, I don't see why they couldn't do the same for the health insurance industry. It doesn't seem like the question is whether the government can move to single payer - it could - but whether the government wishes to oversee that sort of radical change. It doesn't. So instead, we get another patch duct-taped to the health care industry crazy quilt. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Just how bad is the worldwide economy? BASENAME: just_how_bad_is_the_worldwide STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/06/2009 02:01:06 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_money.jpgIt's so bad, da'dum, that... Vatican Radio has had to seek ad revenue for the first time in 80 years to offset the cost of keeping up programing in 45 languages.
    Donations down Until now Vatican Radio has been paid for out of the Church's central funds. The Holy See has just published its finances, showing that it had a deficit for the second year running. The costs of Vatican Radio were partly to blame for the deficit. The Church says donations were down in the past year because of the world's current economic problems. It will be a few months before it is known if the commercials are working and whether the audience accepts them.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Honduras; clearly not as sexy as Iran or Michael Jackson BASENAME: honduras_clearly_not_as_sexy_a STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/06/2009 10:49:58 PM ----- BODY: capt.photo_1246910938352-1-0.jpg
    Honduran Coup Regime Blocks Ousted President Zelaya's Return; Troops Open Fire on Supporters at Airport Killing Two One week after a military coup in Honduras, soldiers and riot police blocked the airport runway Sunday evening preventing ousted President Manuel Zelaya from returning to the country. Heavily armed Honduran soldiers also used tear gas and machine guns to disperse an unarmed crowd of tens of thousands of people who had come from all over the country, despite military blockades, to wait at the airport and welcome back their ousted President. At least two people were reportedly killed and more wounded.
    Excellent coverage at Democracy Now! I found this exchange highly interesting:
    JUAN GONZALEZ: Didn't he also, Zelaya, take other stands that were diametrically opposed to US policy? For instance, he began coming out questioning whether the drug war was a legitimate war and should--there should be a possible legalization of drugs. And also, didn't he raise the minimum wage substantially in a country where there's a lot of free trade zones and people working in factories for foreign companies? NIKOLAS KOZLOFF: Well, right. I mean, the first salvo against the Honduran elite was his moves to raise the minimum wage by 60 percent. And you're right. I mean, this is a country where you have these maquiladora assembly plants, and the Honduran elite were, to say the least, displeased by the moves
    It's worth your time to read the transcripts, we-the USA is hip deep in this situation, and you'd hardly know it from the main stream media coverage. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Around the Services... BASENAME: around_the_services_2 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/06/2009 10:58:26 PM TAGS: afghanistan,dadt,military ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgI hope all of y'all had a great Independence Day weekend. With the draw down in Iraq and the ramp up in Afghanistan, our men and women in uniform have been through a lot these past few days alone, and unfortunately, some of them have paid the ultimate sacrifice. With that, here are a few of the latest headlines between the front lines and the home front. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 05:04:39 AM Local service arrangements for Lance Cpl Seth Sharp in Adairsville are here: And I'll quote: "Sharp's body is expected to arrive at Calhoun's Tom B. David Airport Thursday at 3 p.m. Patriot Guard Riders will lead a procession to R. Dudley Barton & Son Funeral Home in Adairsville. Public viewing of the body is set for Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. at NorthPointe Church in Adairsville. The funeral will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at the church. Interment will follow at Eastview Cemetery in Adairsville. The community is being asked to show support Thursday during the procession by lining U.S. Highway 41 with American flags from the Calhoun airport to Summer Street in Adairsville." I'll be trying to make this for a fallen son of our county. Joe Galloway, an award winning columnist for McClatchy News who was there in 'Nam has a distinctly unsentimental view of the late Robert Strange McNamara. He includes a side note on how the ex DoD head was almost killed by an activist artist on the Ferry to Martha's Vineyard in 1972, when he then was leading the World Bank. Go figure, they both still lived there for years afterwards. Here's another patented Joe Galloway broadside: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 09:16:34 PM I can now report that tonight's visitation & viewing for Lance Corporal Seth Sharp, 20, late of Adairsville was extremely well attended. The North Pointe Church in Adairsville was filled to overflowing with food, fellowship & friendship. I think they easily had about 2,500 people come though to show their respects to the family and to honor this hometown Marine's memory & service. He was killed in Afghanistan last week while on patrol serving with Co. E of the 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, literally weeks after arriving in country. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. The funeral will be held tomorrow, Sat, @ 2PM @ The North Pointe Church in Adairsville, 30 Orchard Rd. Internment will follow at the Eastview Cemetery in Adairsville. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Contribution limits increase BASENAME: contribution_limits_increase STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/07/2009 12:56:39 AM TAGS: campaign,contribution,finance,georgia,limits ----- BODY: blog_icon_money.jpgFrom Georgia Legislative Watch, via Tim A.
    As campaign disclosures begin to come in, we should point out that contribution limits have increased pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 21-5-41(k). The new limits for state-wide office are: - $6,100 for a primary election - $6,100 for a general election - $3,600 for run-off election (primary or general) For all other offices: - $2,400 for a primary election - $2,400 for a general election - $1,200 for run-off election (primary or general)
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: We need your favorite recipes! BASENAME: we_need_your_favorite_recipes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/07/2009 01:02:49 AM TAGS: cookbook,"cooking for democracy",recipes ----- BODY: icon_cooking.jpgWe're working on a progressive cookbook and need your favorite recipes to make it great. Baked goods, bar-b-que, salads, veggies, candy, drinks, whatever you love to make, we'd love to include in our upcoming Cooking for Democracy cookbook. Please submit recipes to Paula here. Be sure to include your name and contact info and, if you recall, how you came by the recipe and/or any story behind it. We're shooting for Fall publication, just in time for the holiday season! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Campaign disclosures BASENAME: campaign_disclosures STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/07/2009 05:47:42 PM TAGS: "campaign finance",georgia,governor ----- BODY: Follow the updates here. Revised numbers for this filing only:
    GOVERNOR * Thurbert Baker (D): $704,331.00 * DuBose Porter (D): $231,250 * David Poythress (D): $150,000 * John Oxendine (R): $420,000 * Nathan Deal (R): $980,000 * Karen Handel (R): $430,000 * Eric Johnson (R): $962,773.40 * Austin Scott (R): $180,620.00 * Ray McBerry (R): $18,596.44
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 09:09:30 PM Poythress' numbers are terrible. If he really thinks he can defeat Barnes (which he does) he needs, at the absolute minimum, to not be dead last in the Democratic money race. Especially if he's been in the race so much longer than the other candidates. And the money is going to be flowing only to Roy soon. I hate to say it but any credibility he may have had is fast going out the window. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Garry EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 09:48:13 PM OK, lets be fair about the numbers ......... you're only showing what Poythress has raised in this period. For the cycle he has raised $460,000. Porter is at $230,000 (half of Poythress) and Baker hasn't been seen nor heard from so far today. Poythress has a contribution from every county in the state... do Porter or Baker? Will Barnes? Money doesn't beat Roy Barnes, votes do. Sonny Perdue was outspent 23-3 and still beat Roy and Poythress will beat Roy too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 10:09:39 PM Dubose got into the Governor's race on April 6th. Dubose has raised $230,000 in less than 3 months. Poythress raised only $150,000 in the last 6 months. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kyle EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 10:57:30 PM Porter has no staff, a horrible web site, and has shown up at a scattering of events. Does money matter? Sure. Does it determine a winner? No. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 11:03:44 PM Did Nathan Deal move money from his congressional account? I don't have the energy to dig now.. but wow he's packing and so's Eric Johnson! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/07/2009 11:09:31 PM oops AJC says he ( Deal) moved just 6000 ish from congressional funds. Marathons folks marathons. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 12:17:27 AM Da-damn...Thurbert is bringing the heat...raised $704,331 and has $591,220. Thurbert has on his big boy underwear. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 04:46:16 AM Millions. Of dollars. 2/3 of which will go for simplistic 30 & 60 second nasty attack TV ads. With ever disappointing & disappearing media coverage of local & state politics in all other venues. And the only thing most voters will recall is the negative information that your opponent bought. Yeah. I love this game. From the start it's all about the money. Not the ideas about who's getting the money, where it goes, how to use it & spend it wisely & possibly save it. And once you're in? You can well hide who's getting the state funded largess, and your corrupt crony connections to various crooked land deals & hidden 'side deals' for & by various industries. And the press? Almost always looks the other way as long as you've got the magical 'plausible denial', or the trail is too crooked & long to keep up after. It takes too much work. But the money up front? It's magick. We can see all the glittering gold piled high right in front of our would be champions & saviors. It is ever thus. Has anyone seen these folks on the stump? Is a cool 1 Mill going to make Nathan Deal or Eric Johnson more compelling candidates or speakers? Would 10 Mill do it? Perhaps not. But with enough ads pushing & punishing, who knows? With enough bullets there's always that possible 'golden BB' effect too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 09:22:42 AM Poythress is DOA. Down the stretch, he won't have enough money for media or staff with those numbers. Consequently, he won’t be able to build the name identification needed to realistically compete in the primary. He needs to consider dropping out so Georgia doesn't have to see him lose to Roy again. The '98 Democratic Primary. Barnes - 239,517 (49.2%) Massey - 135,920 (27.9%) Polythesis - 65,860 (13.5%) He didn't even make the runoff!!! Instead of telling Roy to consider what's good for the party, he needs to look at the man in the mirror. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 01:35:29 PM "Poythress is DOA." And there it is, the first shot fired of the great Gubernatorial Comment War of 2010. Pass the popcorn. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 02:12:06 PM Your candidate HAS LIED REPEATEDLY and CAN NOT WIN IN 2010! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 02:23:31 PM I can't argue with it though. If he's really serious about being the man, then he better get busy. I like the idea of a General on the ticket in South Georgia, but if he's not serious about it, then I'm not interested. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 03:37:21 PM IRE, "Your candidate HAS LIED REPEATEDLY and CAN NOT WIN IN 2010!" Who is this directed towards? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 03:42:16 PM All of the candidates except mine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 04:14:56 PM My candidate's Field Director could kick your candidate's Field Directors A**! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 05:16:02 PM Your candidate's Field Director wears combat boots, err, wait a minute... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 06:15:00 PM Full disclosure: I am JerryT's Field Director. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 11:07:16 PM Poythress has more debt than what he raised during this cycle. That's not a recipe for success. There is no dishonor in saving face. Baker also over reporter by $270ish. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 11:12:46 AM Man, Teilhet's total has to put him in the front runner drivers seat. I may need to double check, but he seems to be the only statewide dem outraising both the democrats and the republicans in the same race. I-M-P-R-E-S-S-I-V-E. Over 200k this early is insane money. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 02:03:14 PM And apparently there is like some legal stuff about Hodges having an affair (I believe) or something like that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 02:09:34 PM IRE, you know that's out of bounds. If you don't have a link to a news story, I call bs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 02:35:53 PM IRE ain't bs-ing (this time). Read the entire sordid affair/accusations. It's really creepy - scroll down to the "INFIDELITY" section. Note to self on how to get a divorce. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 02:37:33 PM that you would accuse me of bs= ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 02:41:05 PM BTW: i saw a new problem with this site, when you try to enter a broken heart it doesn't show up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Catherine EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 03:30:46 PM OK, that is some hilarious s**t at the aboutforsyth link. You just can't make it up. I think I have a plot for a Lifetime Movie Network show... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 03:34:34 PM Hah! I thought that petition was filed pro-se, but then realized that there were three lawyers involved.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 04:04:02 PM Alrighty then. Remember that was just the "Request for Admissions". What would be extra fun would be the response. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 04:26:20 PM Well, that's certainly a different take on campaign "disclosures". Apologies to IRE and regrets to Mr. Hodges. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Dean Screams for Health Care Reform BASENAME: dean_screams_for_health_care_r STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/07/2009 09:48:17 PM ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for icon_health.jpgHoward Dean is not known for pulling punches, and he doesn't disappoint in this Esquire interview. I like this part where he basically calls out Republicans for being liarliarpantsonfires:
    ESQ: You say that the public plan shouldn't be able to dip into general government reserves to subsidize its operations. But the Republicans say it will. HD: The Republicans just make things up out of whole cloth. Nothing they say about health care is true. It's all just nonsense and fears and what-ifs. It doesn't happen. First of all, Medicare doesn't dip into government reserves. It has never happened. It might happen in 10 years if they don't cut benefits or raise taxes, but so far, never in the history of America has a program like Medicare used public reserves. The Republican tactic is to raise objections because they never have anything positive to say themselves.
    Want more? Buy his book and get it signed at Manuel's on Friday! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 04:25:07 AM Sheet. I'd so wanted to make it there too. I've got another engagement closer to home that came up this week. But again, we need folks like Dr. Dean out there & fighting for the good cause. I'm glad that he's there. Now go buy the book & call those Other Senators. You know the ones that might vote for all of this. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 08:49:58 AM Pure communist nonsense from America's most famous socialistic communist. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 10:56:10 AM Yes comrade, you bourgeoisie better watch out! The proletariat is coming! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 12:21:48 PM Stop it with the aristocratic elitist nonsense. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 12:42:23 PM I can't believe I won't be in town for this. It just figures.
    Johnson's Second Law: If, in the course of several months, only three worthwhile social events take place, they will all fall on the same evening.
    ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 12:53:05 PM Or is that "the proletariat are coming"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 01:12:04 PM Finally had a chance to read the interview. I just have to say Give 'em Hell Howie! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Some Young Democrats Events You Don't Want To Miss BASENAME: some_young_democrats_events_yo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/08/2009 11:55:52 AM TAGS: Savannah,"Young Dems" ----- BODY: Whether you're a Young Democrat, or Young-At-Heart Democrat, you are welcome and invited to the following events! Young Democrats 2009-2010 Leadership Academy Reception Thursday July 9th 5:30-7:30PM 5 Seasons Brewery at the intersection of Howell Mill Rd & Marietta Street Atlanta, GA Young Democrats in Savannah - Friday Mixer at Blowin Smoke BBQFriday July 10th 5:30-8:30PM Blowin Smoke BBQ, 514 MLK Jr Blvd Savannah, GA Young Democrats in Savannah - Retreat Afterparty at Venus De Milo Saturday Jul 11th 7:00-10PM Venus De Milo, 38 MLK Jr Blvd Savannah, GA from ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Amir Farokhi leads Post 2 candidates in cash BASENAME: amir_farokhi_leads_post_2_cand STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/08/2009 06:13:06 PM ----- BODY: Disclaimer: This is a press release from the campaign, not an endorsement by this blog - but the (wo)man on the street has been heard to note that Amir is obviously the best candidate in at least one respect. ATLANTA (July 8, 2009) - Amir Farokhi, candidate for Atlanta City Council Post 2 At-Large, today announced that he has raised $97,291.73 from more than 400 contributors. In the race to succeed councilmember Mary Norwood, Farokhi is ahead of all candidates who complied with the state's July 7th filing deadline. Rest below the fold - but do the math, that's more than $200 per person. It's also a lot more than Ray McBerry Special raised for the governor's race.. *snicker* ----- EXTENDED BODY: Farokhi attributes his early fundraising success to voters' strong desire for change on City Council. "Even during a recession, people have given to my campaign because they see the possibilities of a Council that's focused on smart solutions," he said. "With the passionate support of so many Atlantans, we are already running a strong campaign that will change the way business is done at City Hall." Born and raised in Atlanta, he has relied heavily upon a broad network of community leaders and residents who he met through his years of community service. "It doesn't matter what you look like, how much you make or where you live, all residents want the city to work well and uses resources responsibly," said Farokhi, who has contributors in nearly every Atlanta zip code. "Voters want a Council that will put politics aside and act in Atlanta's best interest." Farokhi currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Charles R. Drew Charter School in East Lake, the Board of Trustees of The Galloway School and the Advisory Board of Creating Vibrant Communities in the West End. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tom Crawford EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 08:22:30 AM Maybe Amir could give some of that campaign cash to his mom, Beth, who is running for state school superintendent. It would be great to have a school superintendent who actually supports the theory of evolution -- it's been 16 years since we had one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 11:24:21 AM Oh snap! ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Vote or Die BASENAME: vote_or_die STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/08/2009 06:32:09 PM ----- BODY: Voting is now in progress for Creative Loafing's "Best of" poll. Remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain about the results! You have to vote in at least ten categories in order for your ballot to count, and provide the necessary contact info. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 06:45:10 PM Vote or Die. "What the hell does that even mean?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 06:54:18 PM "What do you think it means, bitch?" :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 07:10:25 PM Hah! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 12:28:02 PM Maybe my attention span is shot to hell, but that thing is insanely long. I don't even know where to begin. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: New Poll! How long will Rahm last? BASENAME: new_poll_how_long_will_rahm_la STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/08/2009 06:58:35 PM ----- BODY: You may have heard that White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, got his hand slapped a bit yesterday. MoveOn stepped in quickly.
    "The goal is to have a means and a mechanism to keep the private insurers honest. The goal is non-negotiable; the path is" negotiable, the newspaper quoted Mr. Emanuel as saying. But Mr. Emanuel did not get the last word. Within hours, the chief of staff was big-footed - all the way from Moscow -- by his boss, Mr. Obama, who is in Russia prior to the meeting of the "Group of Eight" economic powers. The White House issued an official statement declaring that Mr. Obama remains committed to the public option.
    Is this the beginning of the end for Mr Emanuel? What do you think? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 07:16:09 PM Poll fail it doesn't work. And that's not the first time I've heard that! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Catherine EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 07:27:37 PM It's working now. Sorry! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 07:36:26 PM He stepped on his pee pee, but he isn't going anywhere. If reports are accurate, he's far to valuable to the President and his policy agenda to let go over a PR mishap. Hell, Sec. Geither survived his extremely rocky first few months at his post. Have we forgotten ? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2009 08:04:20 PM He's too volatile to last more than one term. But he is vicious enough to last one term. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: We Stand Alone, Together BASENAME: we_stand_alone_together STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/08/2009 08:07:06 PM TAGS: military,veterans ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgWith less than a month to go before the post-9/11 Montgomery G.I. Bill signed into law last year comes into effect, schools are bracing themselves for the rush of new Iraq and Afghanistan veterans that will soon become members of academic communities across the country. In fact, the Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that the number of veterans enrolled will jump 25% to 460,000, up from 354,000 last year. While the bill grants an unprecedented number of benefits to modern-era veterans, some have been concerned about those veterans', many of whom who've experienced months of combat, ability to cope in the relatively low-stress environment of the university. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Enter John Schupp, an ambitious chemistry professor at Cleveland State University. Schupp was able to identify a recurring problem amongst his veteran students; a number of the veterans that chose to use their G.I. Bill benefits had difficulty fitting in and adjusting to their new lives on college campuses:
    Many of them will encounter a classroom culture shock that can leave them agitated. Ask Colin Closs, a former Fort Campbell soldier studying at Cleveland State University in Ohio, what bothers him most about how veterans are treated on campus and he lists strange and sometimes rude questions people have asked. "Was it hot?" "Were you always in a tent?" "Did you ever kill anybody?" Closs benefited this past school year from a program at Cleveland State started in 2007 by chemistry professor John Schupp to form some freshman-level classes with all veterans. Schupp's idea is to keep the military men and women together as a unit so they can support and motivate each other. The University of Arizona adopted his program last year and schools in at least a dozen states are working on programs modeled on Cleveland State. Closs said after leaving the military, he had trouble interacting with people who don't understand his wartime experiences. But when he takes classes with other veterans, they can talk about problems they may have, whether its educational or personal. "It's like the VFW hall without the alcohol," Closs said.
    The particularities of the program aren't complicated. Veterans take history, math, biology and chemistry classes together during their Freshman year, helping them establish a social network that potentially making adaption on campus and eventually graduating much easier. Admittedly, Schupp had an uphill battle to get the program, called SERV, or Supportive Education for the Returning Veteran, off the ground. The few classes he was able to initially get together were poorly attended, creating somewhat of a financial liability for the school. But officials bit on the proposal, and it eventually became successful enough that it's now it's being adopted all over the country. I personally think this is a great idea. And it's not without precedent either. Organizations like The Posse Foundation have successfully taken students from similar, albeit diverse, backgrounds, nurtured their leadership and organizational skills, and sent them together to schools across the country, helping fulfill their academic and social potential. Even our leaders are starting to catch on. Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown first introduced the idea to capitalize on the program in the last Congress, but it gained little traction. But recently, in the House, Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) has proposed SERV Act legislation which would provide grants to schools that implemented programs like this. Hopefully this legislation will be able to ride the wave of pro-veteran sentiment that Congress has taken a liking to lately. I mean, it took them long enough to update the G.I. Bill in the first place, but I digress. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Congrats to Rob Teilhet BASENAME: congrats_to_rob_teilhet STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/09/2009 11:42:48 AM TAGS: 2010,disclosures,fundraising,teilhet ----- BODY: I know he worked hard for this. From PI:
    One of this week's down-ticket surprises was state Rep. Rob Teilhet of Smyrna, who was the leading fund-raiser in the race to replace Thurbert Baker as attorney general. Teilhet raised $203,569 and has $181,524 on hand. Former Dougherty County prosecutor Ken Hodges raised $128,280 and has $120,334 on hand. Republican Sam Olens, the chairman of the Cobb County Commission, doesn't yet have any primary opposition. He raised $185,959, and has $175,143 on hand. All three drew heavily from the legal community. The politically astute Barnes Law Group, which is dominated by a certain former governor, gave $3,000 each to both Teilhet and Hodges. But Teilhet got additional contributions totaling $3,500 from two attorneys within that particular firm. Neither of them named Barnes.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Reed gets big boost from labor. BASENAME: reed_gets_big_boost_from_labor STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/09/2009 01:10:23 PM ----- BODY: kasim_reed.jpg 42 local affiliates and 87,000 members make up the Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council. Today State Senator Kasim Reed received their endorsement for his bid to be Atlanta's next mayor. Following Senator Reed's remarkable second quarter fundraising reports this puts him in good stead against current City Council President Lisa Borders and Councilwoman Mary Norwood. A mid day press conference today featured representatives from: ANGLC, CWA Local 3204, Teamsters Local 728, AFT Local 1565, BCTGM Local 42, IBEW Local 613, and AFSCME Local 3. Complete press release below the fold. Congratulations Senator Reed! ----- EXTENDED BODY: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ATLANTA LABOR COUNCIL ENDORSES STATE SENATOR KASIM REED IN 2009 ATLANTA MAYOR'S RACE State Senator Kasim Reed (D-Atlanta) Clinches First Major Endorsement in Bid for Atlanta Mayor from Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council AFL-CIO (ATLANTA) July 9, 2009 - Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council AFL-CIO has endorsed State Senator Kasim Reed (D-Atlanta) to be the next mayor of Atlanta, union leaders announced today at a press conference at the IBEW Auditorium. For the last 20 years, the Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council has endorsed every successful candidate for mayor of Atlanta. A candidate screening panel comprised of members from the Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council interviewed leading candidates and concluded that Sen. Reed is the best qualified candidate to serve the citizens of Atlanta as mayor. The Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council represents 87,000 union members across metropolitan Atlanta. "After a thorough review and screening of the major candidates for mayor of Atlanta, The Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council is proud to endorse State Senator Kasim Reed as the next mayor of the city of Atlanta. We believe Kasim Reed is the right person to move Atlanta forward," said Charlie Flemming, President of the Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council AFL-CIO. On the heels of reporting the strongest financial quarter to date and besting any candidate in the race with more than $500,000 raised, Sen. Reed has now received the first major endorsement of the 2009 mayoral campaign. "I am deeply grateful that the Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council has decided to support me in my candidacy for mayor. Through my 11 years in the Georgia General Assembly, I have been a consistent supporter of the hard working men and women of labor and this will continue if the people of Atlanta honor me by allowing me to serve as their next mayor," said Sen. Reed. "Labor serves as the backbone of so many of our industries in Atlanta and their contributions to our economy are immeasurable." Speakers at the press conference included Charlie Flemming, President - ANGLC, Walter D. Andrews, President - CWA Local 3204, Eric Robertson, Political Director - Teamsters Local 728, Verdaillia Turner, President - AFT Local 1565, Isaac M. Gobern, Business Agent - BCTGM Local 42, Beatrice Andrews, Assistant Business Agent - IBEW Local 613, and Greg Fann, President - AFSCME Local 3. ABOUT ATLANTA NORTH GEORGIA LABOR COUNCIL AFL-CIO ANGLC is comprised of 42 local affiliates that represent 87,000 union members across metropolitan Atlanta, including workers in the building / construction trades, communication and transportation sectors, as well as city, county, and federal governments. Workers represented include employees from AT&T, UPS, Kroger, Nabisco, Kaiser, Owens Corning, City of Atlanta, Fulton County, Lockheed, MARTA, Northwest Airlines and Pilots Association at Delta Airlines, among others. ABOUT KASIM REED State Senator Kasim Reed (D-Atlanta) has a well-established track record of legislative excellence. Sen. Reed was first elected to the Georgia General Assembly in 1998 as State Representative for District 52. In the House, Sen. Reed served two terms as a member of the House Judiciary Committee, Education Committee and Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Committee. Sen. Reed has continued his successful leadership in the State Senate, where he has served since 2002. Sen. Reed is the Vice Chairman of the Senate Democratic Caucus and currently serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Higher Education Committee, Ethics Committee, Transportation Committee, and the State and Local Government Operations Committee. For more information, visit ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 02:58:40 PM I had talked to a couple of people about the endorsement and it came down to one candidate wants to privatize the city, another who is in bed with developers, and a slightly arrogant SOB. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SFultonDiva EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 06:00:05 PM Kasim Reed is the guest speaker at tonight's Fulton County Democratic Party meeting. 7:00pm at the Communications Workers of America (Local 3204) Hall at 307 Logan Street SE Atlanta, GA 30312. You should come out and hear his plans for the city! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 08:39:39 PM I haven't been to an FCDP meeting in at least four months and I don't think I've missed anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eric EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 09:33:00 PM I really had a good time being one of the first speakers at the press conference.Although noone will probably recall my speech because i was followed by Walter Andrews of CWA who is a much more accomplished speaker.I have been in Kasim's corner for a while now though and it felt good to finally be able to back him up with my union's full public support.The crowd was at least as large as the Rally for Jim Martin that labor had and the crowd was fired up.members of my Local are already voluteering.It should be noted that no candidate that I am aware of has ever won election for Mayor of ATL.And to the "arrogant sob " remark, no politician in my memory that has ever moved up has not had a degree or arrogance and raw ambition.I appeciate that Kasim asserts himself in what i actually see as a very purposeful and thoughtful way. Not to mention he has close to a 100% pro worker voting record which says more to mee than anything I may not like about his style. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 09:36:22 AM Kasim is a strong candidate. With Labor behind him he can put a ton of boots on the ground making phone calls, knocking on doors, etc. I don't see how Lisa or Mary will be able to match the help that organized labor is about to give Kasim. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 09:45:24 AM Eric's speech was good by the way. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: One way to stand up to the Party of No BASENAME: now_this_how_to_build_a_party STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/09/2009 01:54:29 PM ----- BODY: asking what have they achieved. I get mail from the Nebraska Democratic Party (don't ask why, its a long story):
    The Nebraska Democratic Party is announcing that we have set up an email hotline to collect information on "What has Lee Terry Done?" It is designed to help identify what, if anything, the Republican Congressman has done for Nebraska. "We know he jaywalks and maybe uses profanity, but otherwise, we don't know what Lee Terry is doing in Washington." Said State Chair, Vic Covalt. "Other than voting No, we have no idea whether he does anything back there." Covalt said. Lee Terry has voted lock step with the Party of No on everything this year. No on the Stimulus. No on Women's right to equal wages. No on the SCHIP program to get insurance for Children. No on supporting the troops. No new commands for Offutt Air Force Base.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    We might be missing something here, but it seems to us that a faceless congressman with the minority party in Washington is not good Representation for Nebraska. If you know of anything positive that Lee Terry has done in his six terms in Washington, let us know. We have created a special email account so people can send in proof to support their statements. "We know that the Party of No likes to bend the truth or simply use misleading rhetoric," said Vic Covalt, "so we asking for documented proof to support claims that Lee Terry has done anything." Please send in anything you know to If you agree that Nebraska deserves a better class of representative, help us lead the charge. Become a sustaining donor of the Nebraska Democratic Party.
    We can definitely duplicate this in Georgia with so many of our Congressfolks who are locked in tight with the Party of No while our State's economy is failing and the education system is quickly tanking. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 03:17:44 AM Yep. We definitely need more like this. Those primaries have a long reach huh? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 10:59:07 AM Yes, but that might require the state party pulling its head out of its ass and growing a pair and a spine all in the span of one short year. All in all, I have a better chance at winning a gold medal for curling next year at the Winter Olympics than the likelihood of this happening. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: How many Christians does it take to tell a Republican politician that adultery is wrong? BASENAME: how_many_christians_does_it_ta STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/09/2009 03:12:53 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_dread.jpgFirst, Gov. Sanford takes his Christian "spiritual advisor" on a road trip to NYC so he can dump his soul mate. Which is beyond absurd because 1. Who takes a friend with them to dump someone? 2. Couldn't Sanford and his spiritual advisor have had this conversation in SC instead of traveling to NYC? 3. Since Sanford obviously didn't dump is soul mate during the NY trip, what did his "spiritual advisor" tell him - "oh yeah keep cheating on your wife cause your soul mate is much nicer". Seriously, this "spiritual advisor" really needs to have a talk with the Lord about his job description. Be warned the above link goes to the Christianity Today political blog. Secondly, what the heck is up with the Christian fellowship that Sen. Jon Ensign needed to tell him that ruining 2 families was not a smart idea. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn was part of a group of Washington-based intermediaries that confronted fellow Sen. John Ensign in an effort to convince him to end an extra-marital affair. In an effort to try to end the affair, Hampton told Ralston he reached out to a group of "intermediaries involved in a Christian fellowship home in Washington, D.C.," the Sun reported. The group "confronted Ensign and suggested that the Hamptons needed to be given financial assistance - in the millions of dollars - to pay off their $1 million-plus mortgage and move them to a new life away from Ensign," according to the Sun's report.
    And did the really brilliant, Sen. Ensign end the affair - nah, the brilliant wizard continued the affair, gave pay raises to both his mistress and her husband (his staffer), got their son employed with the Republican Party and finally paid everyone off with a severance package of $25,000. Do ya really need a group of Christians sitting around a living room to let you know that breaking your marriage vows are wrong; especially when your entire political career is based on saving "family values"? The Party of NO definitely says Yes when it comes to cheating on their wives while protesting that Obama and Democrats are destroying American families. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 04:11:16 PM By the way, the Fellowship group referenced above was the subject of a very scary sounding book, and profiled on Fresh Air recently: Both Ensign and Sanford are associated with the group. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 03:01:27 AM Yep, the highly secretive 'Family' of Washington, DC fame is deeply & Catholiclly creepy and has been so for decades. And I noted this in one of Tom's earlier posts on Sanford here. Sen. Ensign's giving Gov. Sanford a run for his money in the creepy but deeply & tragically funny adultery show. This from Josh Marshall's "There's a lot of salacious back and forth today about the Ensign scandal. But beneath the tabloid headlines there's a critical question that needs to be asked: Which is more emasculating? Getting paid a hundred grand by the guy who screwed your wife? Or being a fifty-something United States senator and still needing mom and dad to cut the check to pay off your mistress and her husband? Thoughts?" Yeah. Get the popcorn. This is mighty interesting nuclear hypocrite theater smack down territory. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 10:09:52 PM More from the great Josh Marshall of TPM on 'The Family', also known as 'The C Street Group' (for the location of their Men's only cloister like dormitory: I quote in full here; "Ensign's Weirdest Moment 07.10.09 -- 12:32PM By Josh Marshall Yes, I know that's pretty bold billing given the recent news out about Sen. Ensign (R-NV). But beyond all the salacious detail there's a picture emerging of the man -- who, remember, is a high-profile senator and had been considered a serious presidential candidate -- that combines deeply manipulative traits with an almost childlike approach to those in authority around him. Ensign is a member of something called the C Street group, which is part of a highly secretive religious outfit called 'The Family'. It's a combo religious fellowship and Capitol Hill group home where a number of Republican members of Congress live. And it's run by a guy named Doug Coe. (Because the comedy never stops, remember that Gov. Sanford too is a member of the C Street group/Family.) In one of the more surreal episodes in this whole drama, while folks from 'The Family', including Sen. Coburn (R-OK), were trying to get Ensign to end his relationship with the girlfriend and write her and her husband a big check. So Ensign agrees to do this. But the members of his fellowship had so little trust he could follow through that they had him write out a letter to the mistress that he was ending the relationship and then drove him to the local Fedex office to make sure he actually dropped the letter in the box. So he does that. But then after he shakes them loos he calls the mistress to tell her his friends made him write the letter and to ignore it. It makes having his parents pay the couple off sound far less out of character. And this was a man who was going to run for president." Another po' mouthed White evangelical hope shot to hell by thinking with the little head. Who knew the attrition would be so terrible? Secretive society & Cloisters? Men's only Bible study for weeks at a time? Who could have predicted... TPM has many, many links imbeded in that one above, BTW. Follow it up. Tres Creepy! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: A "Whites only" pool in 2009? BASENAME: a_whites_only_pool_in_2009 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/09/2009 04:59:14 PM ----- BODY: Sign the ColorofChange petition.
    Two weeks ago outside Philadelphia, sixty-five children from a summer camp tried to go swimming at a club their camp had a contract to use. Evidently, the club didn't know the kids were largely Black. When the campers entered the pool, White parents took their kids out of the water, and the swimming club's staff asked the campers to leave. The next day, the club told the summer camp that their membership would be canceled and that they would refund their money. When asked why, the club's leader said the "kids would change the complexion ... and the atmosphere of the club." A "Whites only" pool in 2009 should not be tolerated. The club's actions appear to be a violation of section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act. Whether or not any laws were violated, a "Whites only" pool should be something every American condemns.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    Please join us in doing exactly that, and please email your friends and family and invite them to do the same. Your signature will also be used to call on the Department of Justice to evaluate suing the facility under federal law. It takes just a moment to do both, here: Obama is President but that doesn't mean that suddenly all is fine when it comes to race in America. This is a vivid reminder of what we know still lies beneath the surface. We all know stories like this one -- similar incidents play out quietly every day in different communities across the country. The difference in this case is that folks got caught and there was a contract in place that makes for a potentially illegal act. Standing up now isn't just about making things right for these kids in Philadelphia or bringing consequences to this swim club (called the Valley Swim Club). It's about creating a climate of accountability everywhere.. If we can publicly shame the Valley Swim Club and hold them accountable for this incident, it will make others think twice before engaging in this kind of discrimination. Please join us in condemning the Valley Swim Club's blatant discrimination and calling on the Justice Department to investigate whether they violated civil rights laws. And please ask your friends and family to do the same. Thanks and Peace, -- James, Gabriel, William, Dani and the rest of the team July 9th, 2009
    Background story here ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 06:51:51 PM Nita! Three posts on the same day! So good to have you back. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 06:55:17 PM And this story is just surreal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 07:14:49 PM I like this story for the simple reason that it made me good about living in Georgia for once! At our community pool, not only do we have day campers of all races, we have moms and dads of all sexual orientations, families from all class strata, and quite a bathing suit size range -- and everyone gets along swimmingly. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/09/2009 11:12:07 PM I actually feel sorry for people who can't see beyond someone's skin tone. They are truly missing out on one of the greatest sources of wonderment there is today - children playing together without a care in the world. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 03:11:29 AM The children have mostly always gotten along just fine. Prejudice is a learned behavior. You learn it from the adults & your parents. Then it becomes 'second nature' for some unfortunates. Only then it takes some time & thought to 'undo' the damage done. Lest we forget. Chicago was MLK's 'toughest campaign'. Yankees have never been particularly immune to prejudice, they just express it a bit differently. I'd seen the story come across briefly, it looked genuine, but it's still hard to take in this day & age. Yeah, we're so advanced to be beyond the need & reach of the Civil & Voting Rights Acts! Thanks for the reminder Bernita. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: "Customers? We Don't Need No Stinking Customers!" BASENAME: customers_we_dont_need_no_stin STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/10/2009 10:13:15 AM ----- BODY: Folks, don't believe everything you hear about the bad economy. It seems that at least one sector of the economy -- insurance business -- is doing just fine thank you very much. That's right, it seems they have waaaay too many customers, and no longer need our patronage. Follow me below the fold for the whole sad story. ----- EXTENDED BODY: After five years of on-time payment and zero claims, our homeowners insurance policy has been cancelled. Just like that. No negotiation, no demand for higher premiums (which were already pretty dang high). After much conversation with Carl at the call center and the agent who sold us the policy, it seems that we just aren't their kind of clients. Or something. The stated reasons for the cancellation were "abnormal shingles", "lack of handrail on steps", and "garden hose across pathway". Right. It turns out that "abnormal shingles" is code for "has moss on the roof". OK, I'll cop to having been behind on getting the power-washing folks out here, but really? You're going to cancel us for a condition that can be ameliorated with a couple of hours of manual labor? I'm similarly perplexed by the handrail business. Our front step is literally less than five inches high. There is one step. I don't even know how we could install a rail. Both my 76-year-old mother and 1-year-old son can take the step with no problem. The back steps? There's a wall on one side and fence on the other -- not exactly a real hazard, folks. But, jeez, give a gal a chance to run to the hardware store for some railing if it's really a problem (I should add that the steps have been like that since the house was built in 1935 - it hasn't exactly a been a pressing issue over the years). And the garden hose? Again, mea culpa. I forgot to put it away. For like a day. It just happened to be the day the insurance guy was lurking around. My agent told me all the companies were cracking down. Fine, I'm all for running a tight corporate ship. What I don't get is dropping good customers (with stellar credit ratings, I might add) over penny ante stuff. I'll happily take my money elsewhere, but the second I hear any insurance exec whining about tough times, I think my head might explode. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 11:05:02 AM Oh good lord, I might be moving in with someone if State Farm starts creeping around my house. Which insurance company? Aren't you supposed to call John Oxendine's office when shady stuff like this goes down? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 01:52:27 PM It's called 'rescission' and it really hits home with the Health Insurance malefactors. That's when it can kill you. But yes, more and more insurance companies are doing it, just to save some money. Or 'projected'/imagined money. If you live in one of their newly invented & computer mapped 'redlined' areas? They'll try to drop your coverage. It's all in their algorithms now. So likely you did absolutely nothing 'wrong' or 'dangerous' or even 'actionable'. They just no longer seek to underwrite in your area or zip code, and suspect that it's going to be too 'risky', and generate 'above average' claims doing so. Ditto for the Credit cards companies. If you shop at Walmart say? Or use your card frequently at bars? Buy the cancer sticks every now & again? You're deemed downmarket, and they'll rise your rates (yes, I know this sounds illogical) or cancel your card outright. An estimated 1 Trillion dollars of credit has been withdrawn from the market by these companies pulling back on all sorts of credit lines, even to fully solvent businesses. AMEX did that to us, and for no earthy reason. They've done that to many, many small companies who used their corporate cards for a revolving credit lines. But it all works the same. It's a contract, and they can and will refuse 'service' to you at will. Anytime they like, for whatever (mostly business reasons), at any time. Again, with health care you might be paying into them for decades, and then get cancer, and they'll find a way to deny you coverage claiming any sort of 'pre-existing' conditions. Which is why we need to publicize their rotten & corrupt business practices, and to rewrite the laws to deny them immunity from prosecution, as they've enjoyed for decades. So no, you did nothing usual or wrong. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Keep Wal-Mart out of Stonecrest BASENAME: keep_wal-mart_out_of_stonecres STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/10/2009 10:48:13 AM ----- BODY: Phil Lloyd, President of the South Lithonia Neighborhood Coalition, needs your help with spreading the word to stop Wal-Mart from building a store in the Stonecrest Mall area of DeKalb County. Sign the petition here:
    The coalition of neighborhoods in the Stonecrest area in Lithonia, GA has raised serious question as to the need for a Wal-Mart store in the Stonecrest area in Lithonia, GA for the following reasons. .
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: Wal-Mart is not looking to become a better corporate neighbor with their attempts to move to the Stonecrest area. The exisitng Wal-Mart store at Fairington Rd is less than 10 minutes, surrounded by over 1,000 apartment units and condos. Many of those who live behind and near the Fairington Rd. store do not have private transportation and can easily walk to the existing store to purchase food for their families. If Wal-Mart opens another store in close proximity, we all know what will happen - the Fairington Rd. store will no longer have decent products, thus revenue will drop, and Wal-Mart will abandon that store into an empty shell. Property assessments will also decline when the Fairington Rd. store becomes an empty shell. So please take time to sign the petition for the reasons below and for all the reasons that we know why Wal-Mart is not a good corporate neighbor. Please send the petition link to your friends, family, and constituents. Link - ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TK EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/12/2009 09:45:48 PM The neighborhoods in Duluth, GA fought the giant and won. You can also win. Get organized and fight. www.wakeupwalmart Tasso Knight UFCW 1996 ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Howard Dean Live Blogging BASENAME: howard_dean_live_blogging STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/10/2009 02:50:35 PM TAGS: dean,howarddean,liveblog ----- BODY: 3:33 p.m. The cousin to the run-on question: the non-question lengthy comment. 3:29 p.m. Remember that a lot of the money that would go to pay for the plan is already in the system. It's saving other people in the system money, like small business owners and currently uncompensated providers. Rearranging the money in a more efficient way. 3:26 p.m. Should there be mandatory participation for public option? Probably don't need to have a mandate... Comes down slightly against it, but wouldn't fight it because the public option is so critical. In an ideal world, wouldn't have one, but it's not the worst thing. 3:24 p.m. Have to get health reform done quickly, while people understand that government can help them. Some things private industry does better, but government does better at certain things, like military and health care. Government isn't always the answer, but we have to stand up for it when it does work. ----- EXTENDED BODY: 3:20 p.m. We need to change the compensation system. Cost-saving measures aren't adopted because doctors and hospitals "lose" money when we avoid expensive procedures. The whole incentive system is wrong and needs to change. Need an investment in prevention. Everyone agrees it should happen, but it never does because the people who would invest in prevention don't end up saving from the investment. 3:16 p.m. The essential argument is that people should be able to choose. 3:15 p.m. Don't fall for the "fake public option". 3:13 p.m. Another rambling question... One minute, people! One minute! 3:10 p.m. Don't give up on emailing your congressional reps; tell them that you still expect them to stand up for real health reform. The majority of both Republicans and Democrats want a public option. 72% of the American people think there should be a choice, more than 50% of Republicans think there should be a choice between public and private plan. 3:09 p.m. Be sure to check out the chapter in the book that gives counter-arguments to the Republican myths about health care. 3:08 p.m. Q and A time! Yadda, yadda, yadda. Blah, blah, blah. We've already violated the "keep your questions to under a minute" rule. That's gotta be a record. 3:07 p.m. It's good to have Democrats in office, but they have to be "real" Democrats. 3:05 p.m. The nice thing about the Obama plan is that you can keep what you have if you like it. Not a perfect plan, because Single Payer would be more efficient. But, that can't pass, plain and simple. The real point of the book is that without a Public Option, it's NOT REFORM, and we shouldn't spend a dime on it. 3:01 p.m. Howie has taken the mike. Basic thesis of the book is that Obama's health care bill is the best he's seen, because it can actually pass. Even though other plans might be better in the ideal world, our country starts in a very different place than other places (give Catherine props - this is what she always says!!). 3:00 p.m. Tim's introducing the man. Taking us back in the time machine to 2003. Keep your questions to under a minute, people! 2:55 p.m. You gotta love Catherine! She's already gotten the Governor's ear, and told him all about her exorbitant health insurance costs as a small business owner. 2:50 p.m. Guv just got here. Place is already packed. He looks great, trim and tanned. All the Deaniacs are out in force. Overheard him say he could take MARTA to the airport. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 09:11:48 PM Good to hear you had a good crowd & turnout for Gov. Dr. Dean. Always a swell & very sensible guy to talk to, especially about this critical issue. I can report that tonight's visitation & viewing for Lance Corporal Seth Sharp, 20, late of Adairsville was also extremely well attended. The North Pointe Church in Adairsville was filled to overflowing with food, fellowship & friendship. I think they easily had about 2,500 people come though to show their respects to the family and to honor this hometown Marine's memory & service. He was killed in Afghanistan last week while on patrol serving with Co. E of the 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, literally weeks after arriving in country. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. The funeral will be held tomorrow, Sat, @ 2PM @ The North Pointe Church in Adairsville, 30 Orchard Rd. Internment will follow at the Eastview Cemetery in Adairsville. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/10/2009 11:52:09 PM Thanks Paula! Does Gov. Dean know anything about homeowners insurance? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/11/2009 01:59:41 AM Yay! A+ for both content and snide remarks - telling people to keep their questions under a minute would have been like telling Sheila Jackson Lee to NOT give a politician's speech during MJ's funeral. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Special live blog of Governor Dean BASENAME: special_live_blog_of_governor STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/10/2009 05:25:42 PM ----- BODY: Bloggage of a special chat with Governor Dean (and Paula, among others) on YDAtl's blog here. Consider this the "instant take", with a more measured and detailed take to undoubtedly follow from Tom later. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Just Roy BASENAME: just_roy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/11/2009 12:51:03 PM ----- BODY: Roy Barnes is on the Intertubes and on the YouTubes Website: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/12/2009 12:13:26 AM Question for Mel...Roy used "Barnes" in 2002 in a similar script but not in cursive. Is there a reason to go with just "Roy" now as opposed his original? Also, his persona seems to be hearkening back to a bygone era of governors (and ultimately him). Is that why he would use the calligraphy font? To get people thinking that there was a different time way governors used to operate and then be in favor of an ex-Governor? Or am I really over analyzing this? Much Love, The Thunder ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/12/2009 11:43:25 AM Dear The Thunder, Thanks for the softball. If memory serves, Mr. Barnes lost his bid for Governor in 2002. Perhaps to avoid fitting the colloquial definition of insanity, he chose to try a different approach this time. The other interpretation would be that he lacks originality and (possibly) an understanding of why he lost in 2002. Having once been defeated by a man whose campaign identity consisted of "Sonny", he figures that might be the ticket. And yes, he seems to be sucking the nostalgia teat, via Obama. Right back at you, The Design Diva ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/12/2009 03:14:04 PM Not a fan? With deepest (and sincere) curiosity, The Thunder ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/13/2009 12:59:31 PM Dearest The Thunder, I can't imagine anyone whose opinion matters less than mine regarding Roy Barnes, but here's my two cents. Unless he drops dead, he'll narrowly win the Democratic nomination over Thurbert Baker. And if the Republicans can't pull themselves together after their brutal primary, he might even win the General. That will probably be a good thing for Georgia, but somehow I just can't get all fired up about it. Everything about his 2010 campaign seems more opportunistic than ideological. He's not running because he's spent the last seven years in the wilderness crafting new ideas for Georgia. He's running because he sees a big open hole in the clouds. That's fine, but doesn't really send chills up my leg. Granted, I've only been involved in Georgia politics for about 6 years, but I've never met the man or even seen him at a Democratic event until he surfaced this year. He's a complete stranger and I'm happy to keep it that way. Absolutely nothing about him inspires me. Democratically yours, The Blog Bitch ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 01:16:38 PM My pal Mel, I just want to be on the same team as you, just once! :( With deepest sadness at this development, The Thunder ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 04:31:16 PM Darling The Thunder, I never said I wouldn't vote for Roy, because it's likely I will. With deepest affection, Mel ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: SCLC's fight for civil rights doesn't include Gay Americans BASENAME: sclcs_fight_for_civil_rights_d STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/11/2009 11:11:50 PM ----- BODY: Earlier this week I wrote a blog post on how black youths in Philadelphia encountered discrimination while swimming in a local pool. This story outraged me and others, including the mainstream media who normally discount racism still exist in this great country. Of course those who naively believed this country was in a "post-racial" phase were tremendously shocked that this could still happen since they voted and elected an African American as President of this great country. Members of the African-American Clergy no doubt are going to speak about this blatant discrimination in their services all across this country. According to the New York Times, it appears that some African American clergy members are also practicing discrimination. It infuriates me that the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) "is seeking to remove the president of its Los Angeles chapter in response to his support of same-sex marriage in California." Rev. Eric P. Lee fought alongside gay groups like the Courage Campaign to oppose the evil Proposition 8 bill.
    As Rev. Lee states "any time you deny one group of people the same right that other groups have, that is a clear violation of civil rights".
    What I don't understand is how Rev. Lee's belief differs from the SCLC's mission statement of:
    In the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr., the Southern Christian Leadership Conference is renewing its commitment to bring about the promise of 'one nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE' together with the commitment to activate the 'strength to love' within the community of humankind.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: I guess the difference is that the SCLC condemns discrimination against Blacks, but discriminating against gays is o.k. This must be so, since the SCLC directors summoned Rev. Lee to "Atlanta to explain why he had taken a position on same-sex marriage without the authority of the national board." When does a person fighting for civil rights justice need their national board to authorize them to fight for the civil rights of all Americans? The SCLC states on their website that "SCLC challenges all people of good will, of every persuasion, who believe in the principles espoused by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to join us in our mission." According to the SCLC's interim president, Byron Clay, the organization publicly took a neutral position on the Prop 8 issue. Seriously, Mr. Clay? Neutral? Do you not remember one of Dr. King's most infamous quotes:
    Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
    I guess the SCLC doesn't see that Dr. King's quote should be the tenet running through their organization and its actions. This is why the SCLC will remain an organization void of a progressive future. A future which has a young and vibrant membership and fights for all Americans facing any form of injustice. If organizations like the SCLC continue with their "some discrimination is acceptable" mentality then they will remain irrelevant as the world passes them. I challenge the SCLC to fight all injustices occurring in this great country - regardless of a person's race, color, creed, or sexuality. A beloved community begins and ends with inclusiveness. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/12/2009 04:16:43 PM I really hate to read this. I saw the the news hit in my "google" and honestly couldn't believe it. Strangely, Dr Lowery has been decent on this issue and has said, "you either believe in equality of you don't", I've been there when's said it. Isn't he in charge of this organization? I'll be following this story. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: A Plea to National Republicans BASENAME: a_plea_to_national_republicans STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/12/2009 04:50:09 PM ----- BODY: Please do not implode this early in the campaign season. We, Democrats in a red State, need your weekly debacles to feed our fervor that we will and can win in 2010. Carry on. This week's news stories feature the teh awesome Vice President of all time - Dick "I run the CIA my way and on my own terms" Cheney. Sincerely, A Red State Democrat P.S. Please continue to let Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas do media interviews. He's brilliant and so in touch with everyday Americans.
    The world according to Cornyn: "But to trot out the vice president and say he's the one that's at fault, this ... unfortunately sounds like a new theme where they still want to blame the Bush-Cheney administration for the economy and for other things."
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: ken EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/12/2009 07:44:48 PM Dick Cheney is obviously a very talented, hard working man. His only fault is that he NEVER read the U.S Constitution. Oops. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: ken EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/12/2009 07:45:15 PM Dick Cheney is obviously a very talented, hard working man. His only fault is that he NEVER read the U.S Constitution. Oops. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Profiling Atlanta Mayoral candidates: The Kasim Reed Edition BASENAME: profiling_atlanta_mayoral_cand STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/13/2009 11:45:52 PM ----- BODY: All this week, 11 Alive is profiling each of the top contenders for Atlanta Mayor. They will air a nightly piece on Kasim Reed, Mary Norwood, Jesse Spikes, Glenn Thomas, and Lisa Borders. I'm an Atlanta voter and am currently undecided on who will get my vote. I don't have a chosen candidate. My yard is void of any Atlanta Mayoral candidates' yard signs and I'm ready for a yard sign that I can proudly stake in my yard. I'm going to let the supporters of each of these candidates convince me why I should support their candidate. So if you're a Kasim Reed supporter, please tell me why he is the best choice for Atlanta Mayor. Money quote:
    "We have done well in the violent crime space, but in terms of property and quality of life crimes that have been on the rise -- destroy what we've worked to build," Reed said. "I think that we have a special obligation to people who live here and have built this city, and to people who have bet on Atlanta and who have decided to make their homes here to keep the city safe." The city council just passed a property tax hike to pay for public safety. Reed says he won't do it again, instead he'll find the money within the city's bloated budget. "I will simply be candid and tell you this: other items would go in order for me to make sure that we have adequate police, fire services and emergency management services," Reed said.
    Let's start the convincing. Please, let's keep the haters and trolls to a minimum. A healthy debate is good but pure nastiness will not be tolerated. I will boot your comments if you cross my tolerance threshold. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: clwoods EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 01:55:34 AM well it is now well after midnight and i am quite tired so please forgive my lack of eloquence. i wanted to post a brief comment about why i support state senator kasim reed for mayor of atlanta. the main point i would like to make (which should be the main point we consider in this race) is that kasim (yes i call him kasim) is the only person in this race who has a formidable record of leadership coupled with integrity. kasim began demonstrating his propensity for setting goals and achieving them early on as exhibited by his academic and business pursuits in college and law school. he later became one of the youngest members of the georgia general assembly where he honed his leadership skills and political acumen in order to work for the betterment of the people of georgia. in the georgia state legislature kasim sponsored and cosponsored legislation that not only positively impacted the city of atlanta but the state as a whole. kasim always made it a point to be educated on the issues, proactive and fair. he was elected to the state house before the age of 30 and diligently worked his way up to the state senate. kasim served on some of the most influential committees like judiciary and education in the house, and ethics, judiciary and state and local government operations in the senate. he worked across party lines to pass legislation in an often hostile political environment; and often the very things that made him feel embattled were the very things that motivated and emboldened him. he did not break under pressure nor did he back down when he pushed for ethics reform in state and local governments; fervently supported the hate crimes bill; vehemently opposed the restrictive voter ID bill; aggressively pushed against readding the confederate battle emblem to the georgia flag; supported green and environmentally friendly laws. these are just a few, and i mean few, of his important pieces of legislation. as someone who has watched him in action while working at the capitol and in the community for several years, i am constantly impressed with his ability to forge ahead, be progressive and take into consideration the needs of the diverse people and communities of this state. i am also inspired to push myself, as a young, african american female, to do more and accomplish more while not forgetting to honor those upon whose coattails i ride. kasim is a true atlantan in the best sense, representing the qualities that have placed us at the crossroads of fascinating african american history and civil rights; true southern hospitality and respect; international relations and diplomacy; commerce and exchange; education and art; perseverance and steadfastness. people can argue off-topic and off-issue until they are blue in the face but i encourage people to be astute in their assessments and political choices. it is not about who grins the most or who delivers rhetoric with no practical vision or substantive plans. we are smarter than that and should want more than that; and i haven’t even begun to talk about his vision yet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 08:52:27 AM Thank you clwoods. I'm a fan of Senator Reed's work in the Georgia Senate and agree with much of what you say about him. What's missing both in what you write, and on the issues section of his website, is any description of what he plans to do assure that Atlanta thrives. There is a lot what *needs* to be done, but no path to how it will *get* done. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 08:58:31 AM I'm guessing the only reason Glenn is getting air time is so they can do one of these every day this week. Kasim's jacket doesn't fit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 10:10:43 AM I'm so glad you all started this topic, because I am also a confused Atlanta voter who has no idea who to support. But after last week's escapee debacle, I think I can only vote for a candidate who pledges to fire Chief Pennington. The APD is a mess of furloughs, bad PR, mismanagement, and ineptitude. Getting it back on track needs to be the next mayor's highest priority, to win my vote. Kasim Reed and Mary Norwood have both talked a good game on dealing with Atlanta's crime problem, but I want to hear a real action plan for dealing with it that starts with a change in management at APD. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eric EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 01:23:00 PM During the Labor Council's screening process ALL of the candidates said they would fire the chief or that he was moving on so it wasn't an issue. I support Kasim because he not only answered the questions right at the screening, he gave a broad view of WHY he supported labor on the issues we asked about. His record in the Senate also demonstrated that he wasn't just a fair weather friend of Labor.Kasim has a record of being pro-working family.Non of of the other candidates that labor screened could articulate WHY they answered positively on issues we asked about which definitely left an impression that they just said what we wanted to hear. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Of foxes and hen houses BASENAME: of_foxes_and_hen_houses STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/14/2009 05:46:48 AM TAGS: healthcare,oxymoron,republicans ----- BODY: icon_fox_hen.jpgToday Senate Republicans will launch a new, live, online show called Senate Doctors, broadcasting every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. The topic of the show will be (what else?) health care proposals being debated in Congress. Tune in today, if only for the entertainment value. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Why Is It Always in Georgia? BASENAME: why_is_it_always_in_georgia STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/14/2009 08:59:00 AM ----- BODY: You must admire the tenacity of these people. U.S. Army Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, set to deploy to Afghanistan, has filed a federal lawsuit requesting an injunction against his deployment. He claims that
    Barack Obama was never eligible to be president because he wasn't born in the United States. . . . Cook's lawyer, Orly Taitz, who has also challenged the legitimacy of Obama's presidency in other courts, filed a request last week in federal court seeking a temporary restraining order and status as a conscientious objector for his client. In the 20-page document -- filed July 8 with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia -- the California-based Taitz asks the court to consider granting his client's request based upon Cook's belief that Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and is therefore ineligible to serve as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.
    I suppose you have to give the guy points for creativity with this one. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Scott EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 12:38:57 PM This is pathetic. And frivolous. I've seen and heard of a lot of excuses to get out of a deployment, but this is something special. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 07:39:50 PM Well if Obama ain't President, then why did Mel & I freeze our asses off on Jan 20th? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 09:38:35 PM In Georgia's defense, the case was only filed at the district court in Georgia. Maj. Cook is actually a Tampa, Florida resident attached to a reserve unit in Miami (I looked him up). And unfortunately, he seems to have scored a small victory as his orders apparently have been rescinded: Which adds another cavaet to this story. Apparently he volunteered to go to Afghanistan, requesting orders to go on 8 May. If that's the case, his reasoning doesn't seem to hold up. But whatever, I think he's a coward, and a poor example of an officer, Soldier, and American. Him and Lt. Scott Easterling both. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2009 06:32:26 PM The following is a comment posted on Jay Bookman's blog post about this situation. I can't decide if it's for real or a clever parody. The poster calls him/herself "Redneck Convert": "Well, we might of lost the election but we can make this Obama so miserable that maybe he’ll step down and let a Real American like Sarah take his place. Anyhow, I say let’s just keep raising cain the way we done since he took office. It can’t hurt nothing. We’re out in the wilderness anyhow, so what worse could happen to us? Maybe we can stop paying taxes too because this Obama ain’t our real President and they got no right to take our money. If we all done it they couldn’t put us all in jail. We need to give the Medal of Honor to this major. I know there’s some people that will claim he’s just a big coward for not wanting to go fight the Towelheads, but they’re just a bunch of crybaby libruls. Anyhow, I know there are some people that will claim My President wasn’t really the commander in chief on account of he was elected by the Supreme Court not the people. But they’re wrong. My President had a birth certificate showing he was born right here in the U.S. of A. This major is Right. We don’t need no foreigner that wasn’t even born here in the White House. If he was born here he would be able to show his birth certificate. He ain’t got none. I bet if you went to Africa you would find one for him. Probly in some tribal village. Now I ain’t got a birth certificate on account of I was born at home and you didn’t get one back then but I could get a whole bunch of people together that would say they remember my Mama having me. That’s more than this Obama could do. With this fat librul woman about to get on the Supreme Court we need to do all we can to put Conservatives back in power. Seems to me this major took the first step. Too bad they’re liable to court martial him and kick him out. Have a good day everybody." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2009 11:53:09 PM I vote parody. I wasn't sure until the born at home and fat librul woman comments. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Coaching Chambliss BASENAME: coaching_chambliss STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/14/2009 10:23:33 AM TAGS: Chambliss,scumbag ----- BODY: Imperial coached Chambliss on how to rebut whistle-blower witness at U.S. Senate hearing
    Imperial Sugar Co. prepped U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss to rebut testimony by a whistle-blower witness at a Senate hearing last year, a lobbyist's memo indicates. In addition to Chambliss being given hundreds of pages of documents, the senator, Imperial's CEO and its lobbyist discussed the July 29 hearing in advance of the session itself, a Chambliss spokeswoman confirms.
    Much of the hearing focused on the Feb. 7, 2008, explosions and fire that killed 14 people at the company's Port Wentworth refinery. During the hearing, former Imperial executive Graham Graham testified that Imperial Sugar hindered his efforts to make the plants safer, a claim the company denies. As Graham testified, Chambliss repeatedly interrupted him and twice questioned his sincerity.
    Thanks to Larry Peterson from the Savannah Morning News for lifting up this rock. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 11:10:57 AM This is indeed reprehensible, but I'm too distracted by the fact that the exec's name is "Graham Graham". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2009 03:13:46 PM Tagging Chambliss "scumbag" is being far too kind. Try "Satan" next time, and work your way down. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Profiling Atlanta Mayoral candidates: The Mary Norwood Edition BASENAME: profiling_atlanta_mayoral_cand_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/15/2009 01:13:14 AM ----- BODY: The second in a five-part series by 11 Alive features Mary Norwood, candidate for Atlanta Mayor. I'm an Atlanta voter and am currently undecided on who will get my vote. I don't have a chosen candidate. My yard is void of any Atlanta Mayoral candidates' yard signs and I'm ready for a yard sign that I can proudly stake in my yard. So Mary Norwood supporters, please tell me why she is the best choice for Atlanta Mayor. ** I personally don't think this is a good video clip of Mary Norwood. She's a lot more dynamic and personal. Money quote:
    She says her community activism will make her a collaborative, action-oriented mayor. "Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm all about action," she says. She says the challenges facing Atlanta are unique to each neighborhood, but concerns about city safety are universal. "The city has to feel safe. You have to be safe in your home. You have to be safe on the streets," she says. She says new technologies, neighborhood involvement, and code enforcement will be key to making this happen. "We have to give code enforcement teeth," she said.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2009 08:16:55 PM I'm sorry, will someone please explain how code enforcement will help with Atlanta's robbery and burglary problem. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: siri EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 01:38:07 PM Its not going to make a significant change, but it will help to an extent. A neighborhood full of dilapidated crack houses and knee-high grass (mostly due to absentee landlords) is going to have more crime than one with the same style homes that look like someone might actually be caring for them. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Profiling Atlanta Mayoral candidates: The Lisa Borders Edition BASENAME: post_5 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/16/2009 09:56:37 AM ----- BODY: The third in a five-part series by 11 Alive features Lisa Borders, candidate for Atlanta Mayor. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Sen. Sessions is all about the crack cocaine BASENAME: sen_sessions_is_all_about_the STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/16/2009 04:04:44 PM ----- BODY: The first step in recovery is to admit your addiction... h/t Firedoglake ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/16/2009 05:16:02 PM This dumbass sure is on a roll ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/16/2009 05:42:53 PM Is this just like the time for really big douchebags to bloviate as much as they can, knowing they can't do a thing to stop Sotomayor's confirmation? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/16/2009 06:33:43 PM Holy cow, I'm just floored that Sessions is in favor of reducing the unjust crack cocaine penalties! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/16/2009 08:00:46 PM Apparently, Sessions isn't the only one who is all about the crack: Really ZigZag, now is not the time to come off your meds. Bless his heart. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: travelindem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 10:42:32 AM are there any southern Senators as big a joke as the two from Alabama? I know Johnny and Zaxby(mmmm chicken!) are bad, but really? Get me some of that crack, baby. And maybe a side of young boy interns. I don't think republicans have learned from the past 8 years. Change is key. People are tired of the same partisan crap. And while I am on the rant, Zell needs to just keep talking. PLEASE. I hope he does a few endorements for some state wide republicans next novemeber. That would be fantastic. His old, tired self on television doing voiceovers talking about gorilla glue and those crazy spending democrats. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Healthcare Reform Bill passes out of Ways & Means BASENAME: healthcare_reform_bill_passes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/17/2009 01:09:44 PM TAGS: healthcare,johnlewis,reform ----- BODY: blog_icon_fistbump.jpgAnother step closer. Full release from Congressman Lewis' office below the fold.
    There are several hurdles the bill still must go through before it reaches the House floor and is signed into law.  The bill must still pass out of the Energy and Commerce and Education and Labor Committees.  Then the three committees will have to reconcile their versions of the bill. The final version will pass to the Rules Committee, amendments will be proposed and voted on and then the same kind of process is also taking place in the Senate.  The Democratic leadership is projecting that both the House and Senate will bring their bills to the floor this summer for a vote. 
    ----- EXTENDED BODY:

    CONTACT:  Brenda Jones
    July 17, 2009 
    In the wee hours of the morning, America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, H.R. 3200 was passed out of the Ways and Means Committee by a vote of 23-18.
    Rep. John Lewis, a senior member of the committee said this about the bill, "The rising cost of healthcare is one of the greatest strains on the family budget.  Because no one can predict when he or she will get sick, there is no way to really prepare if major illness suddenly strikes.  Even people with health insurance and a savings account, can still end up bankrupt simply because of the high cost of medical care.  The poor have no chance, under the current system, to get the kind of care and follow-up they need. This House bill will begin to change this picture.  It is a historic step toward a new approach to health care in America that can quiet the fear associated with healthcare costs.  It can relieve the significant financial stress on families, especially during this period where money is very tight, and provide coverage for millions of Americans who are currently uninsured or may have lost their jobs."
    According to the National Coalition on Health Care, in 2008 Americans spent $2.4 trillion on health care--four times the amount this nation spends on defense.  The Kaiser Family Foundation says that premiums for employer-sponsored health care are rising four times faster than workers' salaries since 1999.   And a Harvard University study shows that the average medical debt for people who have ended up in bankruptcy is $12,000.  In fact, every 30 seconds someone files for bankruptcy after experiencing a serious medical problem.  Health care reform is a vital part of economic recovery for the 46 million people without any health insurance at all, as well as for those who are already covered.
    America's Affordable Health Choices Act will help tackle many of these problems.  The Congressional Budget Office estimates 97 percent of Americans will be covered by the bill, and it will cost $1 trillion over ten years.  These reforms will be fully paid for through changes in the Medicare and Medicaid payment and delivery system reform that will result in substantial cost savings, as well as a surcharge that will affect only the wealthiest one percent of households, and only four percent of small businesses.  These are the key principles of the Ways & Means bill:
    It will increase patient choice and use competition to drive down prices.
    * If people like their current plan, they can keep it.
    * People who have no health insurance now or want to find a new plan will be able to participate in a health care exchange.  There they can choose from a menu of affordable, quality health care options: either a new public health insurance option or a plan offered by private insurers.
    * This new variety will reduce costs through competition that leads to better care for every American.  Patients and doctors will have control over health care decisions, instead of insurance companies.
    It will restore peace of mind.
    * This legislation makes health care plans portable and secure- so people can keep the same plans and the same doctors even, if they lose their jobs or their employers decide to drop their plans.
    * Every American who receives coverage through the exchange will have a plan that includes standardized, comprehensive health care benefits.  
    * It will end increases in premiums and no one can be denied care based on pre-existing conditions, race, gender, or age rating.
    * It will eliminate co-pays for preventive care, put a cap on out-of-pocket expenses, and guarantee catastrophic coverage that protects every American from bankruptcy.
    It will improve quality of care for every American.
    * The legislation will ensure that Americans of all ages, from young children to retirees, have access to a higher quality of care by focusing on prevention, wellness, and strengthening programs that work.
    * It guarantees that every child in America will have health care coverage that includes dental and vision benefits.
    * Every health care plan offered through the exchange will cover preventative care.
    * By growing the health care workforce, the proposal will ensure that more doctors and nurses are available to provide quality care as more Americans get coverage.
    * The proposal strengthens Medicare and Medicaid so that seniors, people with disabilities and low-income Americans receive better quality of care and see lower prescription drug costs and out-of-pocket expenses.
    Patients, employersand the federal government all share responsibility for a good, affordable health care system.
    ¬∑         Employers who currently offer coverage will be able to continue offering coverage to workers. Employers who don't currently offer coverage would choose to cover their workers or pay a penalty.
    ¬∑         Everyone will be required to get coverage, either through their employer or the exchange, or pay a penalty.
    ¬∑         The federal government will provide affordability credits, available on a sliding scale for low- and middle-income individuals and families to make premiums affordable and reduce cost-sharing.
    It will put the interests of consumers first and reduce waste, fraud, and abuse.
    ¬∑         The proposal provides complete transparency within the health exchange plans so that patients have all the information they need to select the plan that suits them best.
    ¬∑         It establishes Consumer Advocacy Offices as part of the exchange to protect patients, answer questions, and assist with any problems related to their plans.
    ¬∑         The proposal will identify and eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse by simplifying paperwork and other administrative burdens. Patients, doctors, nurses, insurance companies, providers, and employers will all encounter a streamlined, less confusing, more consumer friendly system.
    There has been some misinformation disseminated about the impact of this legislation.  One of the major misconceptions is that health reform will cost families more than they are already paying to cover the uninsured.  What most people do not realize is that they already pay nearly $1100 per year to help pay for the costs of uninsured and underinsured patients who need to use the health care system.  One major reason insurance premiums and hospital costs have risen is the need to cover the cost of caring for people who have little or no coverage.  Those costs are shifted to those who have insurance through premium hikes so that hospitals can make ends meet.  Containing these kinds of costs is vital to the economic stability of American families.  The Ways & Means bill has been crafted to take care of some of these concerns. 
    There are several hurdles the bill still must go through before it reaches the House floor and is signed into law.  The bill must still pass out of the Energy and Commerce and Education and Labor Committees.  Then the three committees will have to reconcile their versions of the bill. The final version will pass to the Rules Committee, amendments will be proposed and voted on and then the same kind of process is also taking place in the Senate.  The Democratic leadership is projecting that both the House and Senate will bring their bills to the floor this summer for a vote.  (more)
    Then reconciliation of the House and Senate bills will occur in the fall.  Both houses of Congress will vote again on the reconciled bill and once that bill passes, it will be signed into law by the President.  As the bill progresses, Rep. Lewis will be fighting for provisions to protect public hospitals, community health centers, and to deal with issues related to health care disparities.
                    Health Care For America Now (HCAN) which released a report today on health care disparities in Georgia.  says this about the bill, "In Georgia 1,660,156 people were uninsured in 2007 and that number has only increased," said Charity Woods, state coordinator. " Additionally, a recent report estimated that 62 percent of bank¬≠ruptcies were directly related to medical bills.   We also know that our broken health care system has not addressed the countless disparities that minorities, women and rural communities face. It is imperative that we support the public plan put forth by Congress as we believe, among other improvements,  it would guarantee affordable, quality medical care for all; provide subsidies to help people in need pay for insurance coverage; and cap out-of-pocket costs.  We should support this bill as well as those who are fighting diligently for the people of Georgia." 
    This bill is also supported by the American Medical Association, the Consumers Union, YMCA, the National Women's Law Center, the Service Employees Industry Union, and many others.
                    Click on this link for more comprehensive information about the bill--text, summary, and related materials:
    Brenda Jones
    Communications Director
    The Honorable John Lewis
    343 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    wk - 202.226.4673
    fx -   202.225.0351

    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 01:17:18 PM It's a little more messy and bureaucratic than it needs to be (obviously single payer would be better) but it's a step in the right direction and they're zapping the right people to pay for it. In one of the other committees they passed Kucinich's amendment to the bill that would allow states the leeway to use single-payer systems if they want to, which is good. I will say though, HCAN, which trained us to lobby on this a few weeks ago, which kind of abandoned the single payer folks in favor of this consensus-driven public option, was lobbying for the option to be available on day one. That's not how it's built into this bill. In my opinion, if that's not amendend, the progressives should fail the bill. Otherwise, what we'll see is tons of money going into the private sector while we wait a few years to get the public option, meaning we won't see much improvement in cost control, meaning that the GOP can campaign on the Democrats' huge tax hike without any meaningful reform. And then the GOP takes power and kills the public program before it becomes active. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 01:19:56 PM And the Senate is going to be a complete bitch to get this passed in. Bayh's office couldn't even committ to him not joining the GOP filibuster. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 01:48:57 PM Shorter Zaid: obviously single payer would be better ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 03:18:31 PM I had a sentence where I said that, but if you have those strange reading comprehension skills, I also talked about how even getting this bill through the senate is not looking amazingly good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 03:20:58 PM Yep. I ain't got none of that fancy learnin' ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 04:25:30 PM not a bit ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 04:55:26 PM Oh, snap! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Brittanicus EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 05:49:12 PM IF YOU WANT TO DEMAND HEALTH CARE REFORM, YOU BETTER MAKE THAT CALL NOW! CHOOSING THE USUAL PROFITING INSURANCE COMPANY, OR CHOOSING GOVERNMENT PLAN SHOULD BE UP TO AMERICANS? The deciding factor in implementing health care for everybody--LEGALLY--in America, is the Publics voice? Those who want to just follow the same old road, can do so with the profit taking commercial insurance. Those who would be satisfied with a government run health care program, can now start demanding it from the lawmakers. Those who see a Universal health care system, similar to most developed countries in Europe, should start informing every Representative and Senate politician starting today. Rationing in places like England, was caused by the major impact of uncontrolled immigration. I see--THE RATS--are coming out of the woodwork, using propaganda and downright lies about government run medical care? The Special interest lobby, status quo have very wealthy fingers in the pie and do not want Health care for everybody? It's a trillion dollar business like Cancer treatments. The pharmaceutical companies, AMA and others have very much to lose? Even many corrupt politicians are stockholders in this behemoth money machine. Most American working class can do--without-- high premiums, pre-existing condition clauses. deductibles, co-pays that is representative of the wealthy medical care insurers. CALL YOUR SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE ! Whatever pertains to your family, you should start ruffling the indifferent feathers of the people in Washington at 202-224-3121 Just like illegal immigration , we cannot afford anymore to subsidize the business that hire them or the millions of illegal families. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 07:52:18 PM Other than the strange and misplaced attack on immigrants, I wonder if the person who just posted realized that the AMA endorsed HR 3200 (which in itself makes me think twice about it)? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/17/2009 08:11:04 PM Is it just me, or does Brittanicus seem like he's channeling a Dr. Bronner's soap label? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Men we love part XXVII BASENAME: men_we_love_part_xxvii STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/19/2009 10:35:25 PM TAGS: "President Jimmy Carter","Southern Baptist Convention" ----- BODY: blog_icon_kiss.jpgJimmy Carter, for many reasons but most recently for saying this...
    So my decision to sever my ties with the Southern Baptist Convention, after six decades, was painful and difficult. It was, however, an unavoidable decision when the convention's leaders, quoting a few carefully selected Bible verses and claiming that Eve was created second to Adam and was responsible for original sin, ordained that women must be "subservient" to their husbands and prohibited from serving as deacons, pastors or chaplains in the military service. This was in conflict with my belief - confirmed in the holy scriptures - that we are all equal in the eyes of God. This view that women are somehow inferior to men is not restricted to one religion or belief. It is widespread. Women are prevented from playing a full and equal role in many faiths.
    Read the whole statement here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/20/2009 12:30:10 PM Jimmy Carter, as always, takes the road less traveled. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: We choose the moon BASENAME: we_choose_the_moon STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/20/2009 01:05:51 AM TAGS: apolloXI,moonshot ----- BODY: icon_apollo.jpgForty years ago today, on July 21, 1969 at 2:56 UTC, Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon. If you're too young to have experienced it the first time, or if you just want to relive the experience this evening, you can track the mission and listen to "real time" audio at we choose the (a project of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum), or at I've had the audio playing off and on in the background for the last couple of days and have found it oddly moving, static and all. You can also follow CapCom, Apollo XI, and Eagle on twitter. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Charlie's back... BASENAME: charlies_back STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/20/2009 06:10:44 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_bonehead.jpg... and again I say no! A few minutes ago I received a Facebook message stating that Charlie Stadtlander is running for Atlanta School Board District 3. Seriously? Really? You're joking, right? This is the same guy who launched a campaign to run for City Council, spent weeks defending why he was a gay man who didn't really support transgender folks, then spent time defending why he was once President of the Log Cabin Republicans but now is "fiercely Independent". Then Charlie miscalculated and used poor judgment and stepped away from his awesomely planned City Council race. Then he thought about getting back into the City Council race. Do ya really think that I'm willing to hand my school property tax dollars to this guy? That would be a resounding "NO". ----- EXTENDED BODY: District 3 covers the following schools: ELEMENTARY: Burgess-Peterson, Drew Charter, East Lake, Lin, Morningside, Toomer, Whitefoord MIDDLE: Coan, Inman HIGH: Grady, Crim I have a vested interest in who is representing this District because this is where I live. This District needs someone who is invested in the community. A person not running for the sake of gaining power. Someone who is going to do right by and for the children attending the District's schools. I think the current school board member, Cecily Harsch-Kinnane, is doing a fine job representing this District. Here's a bit of Cecily's background:
    Cecily Harsch-Kinnane has been involved in Atlanta Public Schools for nine years. She and her husband, Paul, have three children in APS and she has served as PTA president at Morningside E.S., on the PTA boards at Inman M.S. and Grady H.S., as co-president of the Council of Intown Neighborhoods and Schools and on the principal selection committee at several schools.
    Charlie pick another race...another District. We're fine over here in District 3. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/20/2009 10:47:03 PM what is it with this year's city elections that has people in, out, in, out...sigh. I'm dizzy, ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Part One. BASENAME: been_there_done_that_got_the_t STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/21/2009 06:29:08 AM TAGS: blogging,cbsatlanta,meta,splogging ----- BODY: Last night Catherine, Bernita and I attended a "Blogger Summit" hosted by CBS Atlanta (or Eye Atlanta, WGCL-TV, WGNX, Channel 46, CBS 46 or whatever they're calling themselves this week). Together with about 25 other "bloggers" from the Metro Area, we were treated to PowerPoint, pizza and a pedestrian pitch. But before I launch into what will certainly come across as a rant, I should report that Catherine and Nita had a much more positive reaction than I did, and even seemed flattered by the attention, or at least by the effort, put forth by Steve Schwaid, Director of News and Digital Content for the station. ----- EXTENDED BODY: In addition to receiving a goody bag of station SWAG, Nita took home one of the Flip cameras, even though she already had at least one in her purse. Note to self: Nita can be bribed with small electronic gadgetry. For my part, I just expected more. As someone who cares about the future of broadcast news, I've been waiting, watching and hoping for an idea that could pull this venerable profession back from the brink and into the 21st century. It doesn't have to be a big idea. A small one will do as long as it's in the right direction. Alas, a new idea couldn't be found within 50 miles of Studio B last night, unless something was brewing on the Georgia Tech campus three blocks South. It was difficult to decipher the exact goal of the meeting, but it seems to have been a solicitation to provide free content to the station's website -- either passively or aggressively. It was announced that would aggregate our feeds and repackage them under a "blog stew" brand umbrella. Since most blogs are aggregated by multiple services these days (this blog has a ping feature to notify aggregators), that's all good. Even Rusty Tanton, veteran of the infamous feed war of 2008 was unperturbed. Tessa asked for assurance that they wouldn't engage in splogging, but the question was either poorly worded or flew over their heads. Either way, there's no reason to suspect they will at this point. For those willing to play the home version of Who Wants to be a Journalist?, Flip cameras were offered on loan to anyone agreeing to shoot video to share with the station. It's a far cry from the tricked out kit Shelby got when he signed up to provide free content for MTV, but it was a very nice gesture. Grayson's first shoot was video of her dog eating a late night snack, so it can only go up from there. I'm not sure who Steve Schwaid had in mind when he issued the invitation to local bloggers, but judging from the pizza and pop, he probably envisioned people who looked more like his sons than himself. For his sake, I wish the 20 somethings had answered the call instead of our lot. Instead of bright young things with fresh ideas and time and energy to spare, there was a room full of people who (although diverse), were well beyond the age and skill level when working for free sounded like fun and being on TV sounded cool. The CBS Atlanta project, henceforth to be referred to as "Corporate Memo Item #4", will probably yield some interesting results, but is unlikely to offer much bang for the buck. I'll go out on a limb and predict Nita's video will be the most entertaining of the bunch and, if nothing else, that will redeem the project for me. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 08:53:22 AM It's nothing new for me to be the pollyanna in a crowd. I can be snarky and critical with the best, but this time I'm going to be optimistic. This was the first in the series of Atlanta blog v MSM events I've attended so I can't fairly compare, but from what I have heard about the previous meetings (held with Atlanta Press Club, GPB, and others that slip my mind) this one was somewhat more open and earnest. I know Mel would have preferred a fully-fleshed out project with deadlines and goals all set, but I appreciated the more experimental tone of the discussion. Mr Schwaid freely admitted to not knowing as much about the Atlanta online community as he does about broadcast news. I think he was interested in hearing what we had to say and then *perhaps* incorporating that into their project/product. While I don't think I will fall for anything just for a slice of pizza and a diet coke, I did attend last nights session with an open mind, hopeful that something good can come of it. I am still optimistic. Time will tell. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 09:15:58 AM Handing out Flip cams to a room full of people with partisan political agendas is a bizarre jumping off point for a local TV news station. They have no clue what they're doing. But we do. They're going to learn the hard way they were chasing the wrong content providers in that room. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rusty Tanton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 09:22:24 AM I guess if I seemed unperturbed, it was because I at least think their intentions are coming from a better place than Dave Mastio's appeared to come from. That's not to say I was impressed with the idea of Yet Another Aggregator/Portal. But I am impressed that they're reaching out and willing to experiment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 10:04:29 AM My comment got deleted! Will the ignominy never end here for me? :'( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 10:19:20 AM Dave Mastio was there? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 10:29:45 AM No Dave Mastio wasn't there. Not even in spirit. And IRE, what in the world are you talking about? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Catherine EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 10:30:22 AM IRE - I am so sorry! I inadvertently deleted your comment with the spam comments. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rusty Tanton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 10:49:22 AM @Jen, No. The local CBS affiliate is creating another aggregator. Mel mentioned last year's dust-up with Mastio in her post as a point of reference. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tessa Horehled EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 03:39:10 PM I agree... I'm not really what they were expecting or who for that matter. As a 20-something, I have to say my fellow youngins likely would have been smarter than to just agree with everything that CBS was pitching to us. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. At the very least, it may help all of us involved gain exposure from a new audience, regardless of whether it's one we care to have. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 04:08:17 PM I'm actually sorry I missed this last night, but I'm out of town. Since I'm new to these kind of events, I would have been very interested in hearing the guy out. Since I don't exactly see myself as "cutting edge" I'm not yet bored by the notion that other media is just now arriving at this party and wants to know what they've been missing. I really don't mind having that conversation, since it could work out to be mutually beneficial, and if not no real skin off my nose-I was at the party anyway. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: My Response to "Been there, done that..." BASENAME: my_response_to_been_there_done STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/21/2009 12:07:02 PM ----- BODY: In response to Melanie's post about last night's CBS Atlanta Blogger's Forum. Like Catherine, I can also be snarky and critical with the best - hint: my blog posts on political stupidity. But that wasn't my agenda last night. Plus, I thought it was rude of others to act so high and mighty when they were invited to a meeting. There was no need for that because Steve Schwaid seemed genuinely interested in trying to find a way to connect with Atlanta bloggers. I wasn't there to assess the fate of broadcast news. Not my interest. Or to be critical of his business plan. I was there to listen and to learn. I'm not naïve to think that Mr. Schwaid is doing this for the total greater good of blending new media with old media. Yes, he might be doing this to gain brownie points, increase his audience size, and even, oh my god, I must say it, to someday increase his profit line. Catherine nor I were not "flattered by the attention". This snide schoolgirl remark did not convey the fact we were impressed by a mainstream media person standing in front of us saying he did not know how to engage bloggers but was willing or how the project would exactly work. Including, the fact that Steve Schwaid made a lot of concessions to the bloggers throughout the meeting. It was refreshing to hear someone say "hey I don't have all the ideas but I'm willing to learn and become engaged". ----- EXTENDED BODY: I think it's disingenuous to insinuate that "Nita can be bribed with small electronic gadgetry." That's bullshit! When you get invited to the table, it doesn't mean that you have to eat the craps off the table. As I explained that very evening, I think it can only help BfD if there were a greater audience reading our posts. The CBS' aggregator may just do that - allow more of the general public to view our opinions on why Georgia should be a Blue State. I don't blog for profit so I make zero skins off this deal. Hell, I only blog when there is a gap in my schedule and I have some downtime. As I also mentioned last night, the aforementioned Flipcam that was in my purse was purchased by my nonprofit client. I don't record political events with their purchased equipment. Call me crazy but I try not to blurry the lines between a paying nonprofit client and political work. Let's think about all the community activities that we attend, both within and outside our Democratic circles, that are never covered or even mentioned by the network news. How many times have you seen the network news attend a Stonewall Democrats' event? How many times have you seen the network news cover a Planned Parenthood phonebanking session? How cool would it have been to tape Howard Dean when he had his informal session with only bloggers? Do you think the network news are going to interview candidates in a special election? So don't give me any shit about how CBS' idea is fatally flawed or that I have somehow sold out until 1. You can think outside of the box and see how to use it for our advantage and 2. Until it's been tested and proven a failure. The problem with so many "new media" folks is that they automatically place on their "new media" tinfoil hat and look for conspiracies at every angle. Do I know if this project will work? Nope. Am I willing to give it some time? Yup. Am I giving up my day job(s) for this? Nope. But I'm willing to engage CBS and see where this project goes. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 01:55:53 PM And here I was just browsing small electronic gadgetry for your birthday. Damn. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 03:43:52 PM I LOVE PAYOLA AND GRAFT! But nobody ever offers me any. :-( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 03:55:20 PM It's not payola if you have to work for it. And I saw a name tag for you, but you must have bailed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 04:03:08 PM I was bowling. Free beer and bowling trumps free pizza and coke. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: steve schwaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 06:24:18 PM Ok, if I may post my thoughts about this. The goal of this summit was several fold: 1. Understand something and learn something about the local blogger community. 2. Come up with a way for users to easily find local blogs. As part of this we would promote the site on air, allow viewers to search for blogs of interest and then let the viewser leave our site and go to the blogger's site. 3. Darkside motives. Honestly none. I'm trying to get my hands and mind around the digital world, look for new content for our viewers/users. 4. Paying for your content? Ok folks, I'll make a deal with you when someone starts paying for the content on our site I'll pay for the content on your site. 5. The flip cameras. Shame on me. I thought it would be an interesting and creative idea and allow us to develop relationships with bloggers. If we run the video on our air and then send them to your blogs for more information what's the downside? Sure, I get a few seconds of content and you get the page views. 6. I loved it when one blogger asked how we would check the credibility of other bloggers. Huh? Not to be snarky, but come on folks. This isn't the end of the world. I'm trying something new, or trying to try something new. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 08:01:07 PM Steve, I think all those things were accomplished. Looking around the other blogs, the reviews were generally very good. Mine was the only one that was less than flattering, only because I care much less about our traffic than I do about the industry as a whole. But it's probably not fair to dump all that at your feet. I'm not sure where the idea of "darkside motives" came from, other than Bernita seems to have taken issue with a joke I attempted to make. No one is paying for content these days, so why should you? Otherwise, as I wrote, I thought the cameras were a "nice gesture", as did others. But I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who had higher hopes for the "Summit", only because I'd read good things about you. But seriously, thanks again. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Part Two. BASENAME: been_there_done_that_got_the_t_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/21/2009 02:38:19 PM TAGS: blogging,Meredith,meta ----- BODY: So, in conclusion to my previous post about the "Blogger Summit", below are a few suggestions I would like to see CBS Atlanta consider. I don't know how this will shake out any more than the next person, but because I am concerned about the future of local broadcast news, I'll share a few ideas that might be helpful. But before doing so, I'd just like to say (for the record), thank you and kudos to Steve Schwaid and the folks at CBS Atlanta for hosting. It was an interesting evening that resulted in a good debate, both online and off. So here goes: ----- EXTENDED BODY: 1) Focus on females, both online and on-air. This makes sense within the corporate culture of parent company Meredith, whose slogan is "We inspire. She makes it happen." Meredith's media portfolio includes some of the most popular women's magazines and websites published in the US. In addition to gaining access to a mother load of content targeted to women, this market segment is, in the context of local online news, still relatively untapped. Women over 50 are the fastest growing demographic on facebook, and presumably online in general. Fifty one percent of the population is more than a niche, it's a business model. I know large media companies are basically a collection of fiefdoms joined by minefields, but if the artificial barriers could be broken down, much rich content lies within. This would supplement, not replace local content, since we all know both quality and quantity drive traffic. 2) Follow the WDIV model and work around the limitations of IBS. In other words, if all else fails, just build another site. When needed, WDIV has launched unique sites for weather, obits, lifestyle and a whole bunch of other content rich topics. The mini-sites are quickly becoming brands in their own right and all are managed in-house, with limited assistance from IBS. There is a dedicated sales force for online ads, which (as sales people tend to do), helps drive many of the site improvements based on advertiser and user feedback. 3) Related to item two, use third party solutions instead of open source options like YouTube. Here again, WDIV is smart. They employ VMIX to facilitate video and still uploads from ALL viewers' phones and camcorders, not just a few folks with flipcams. They call it iShotNews and I'm told this feature drives more traffic to the site than any other. Granted, the wildest traffic spikes tend to occur with video of disasters, not longer form content such as interviews or event coverage. 4) Go to school on sister company NMS. Everything you need to know about social media is probably right there in your own corporate backyard. I don't know, but am guessing here. 5) Hire some college kids studying journalism or computer science. Lots of them. Even just as part-time interns. If you can't hire them, at least talk to them. For obvious reasons. 6) As a news content provider, it's important to be device agnostic. While the on-air channel(s) will always skew older and have obvious time constraints, the online channels offer opportunities to narrowcast. With the growth of sites like EveryBlock and Examiner, it seems at least some percentage of hyper-local news content will, by necessity, be user generated. That's the content to be aggregated and/or enabled.
    Update: Recent Alexa rankings for local network affiliate station websites. The lower the number, the better the ranking: CNN - Cable News Network (reference only) Rank: 55 Atlanta Journal-Constitution (reference only) Rank: 2,264 WSB-TV Channel 2 Rank: 11,761 WXIA-TV 11 Rank: 41,278 Rank: 46,412 CBSAtlanta WGNX 46 Rank: 79,988
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 08:59:57 PM Love me some EveryBlock. Haven't explored Examiner too much, but I know some GA bloggers who are setting up shingles there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/21/2009 09:10:52 PM The roster at Examiner grows daily. It's a good model for user generated content, even though I'm sort of puzzled as to how they attract so many contributors. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Oh Sarah, we can see your slip hanging from your dress BASENAME: oh_sarah_we_can_see_your_slip STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/21/2009 05:15:34 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_ass.jpgAP NewsBreak:
    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- An independent investigator has found evidence that Gov. Sarah Palin may have violated ethics laws by accepting private donations to pay her legal debts. An investigator for the state Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as the "official" legal defense fund. In his report, attorney Thomas Daniel said his interpretation of the ethics act is consistent with common sense. An ordinary citizen facing legal charges is not likely to be able to generate donations to a legal defense fund, he wrote. "In contrast, Governor Palin is able to generate donations because of the fact that she is a public official and a public figure. Were it not for the fact that she is governor and a national political figure, it is unlikely that many citizens would donate money to her legal defense fund."
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/22/2009 12:30:48 AM Paid content? Worth every damn penny they ever spent on clothes for the lady and her family. Simply comedy gold. If she did not exist, we could scarcely invent her. A walking talking 'conflict of interest', and completely unselfconscious about it. Just marvelous. Caribou Barbie forever! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/22/2009 04:28:32 AM More awesomeness here: On the Palin resignation speech, corrected: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/22/2009 09:50:13 AM JMP that is fantastic.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/22/2009 05:04:21 PM Apparently Randy Evans set that legal fund thingy up. Hee hee. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/22/2009 11:29:59 PM I should credit Political Insider for that tidbit. Thanks Jim! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Wednesday Open Thread BASENAME: wednesday_open_thread_33 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/22/2009 09:06:11 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_thread.jpg The GOP is "Running on Empty" more than ever now that Jackson Browne settled. On Monday July 27th, Simple Abundance, the ACFB cooking class series features Chef David Craine of AquaKnox. Robert Williams at Like the Dew cautions readers on political assumptions. Spaceball! This is how I used to pass the time in the summer. How about you? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: JasonA TITLE: How heavy is that water you are carrying? BASENAME: how_heavy_is_that_water_you_ar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/24/2009 02:15:56 AM TAGS: Education,georgia,"Kathy Cox","Sonny Perdue" ----- BODY:

    In the latest case of sock-puppetry, the bad Kathy Cox, made comments after Sonny did what the Georgia General Assembly needed him to do... You and I both know that the legislature did NOT do everything they needed to do. They could have come back. They could have cut corporate graft, er, tax cuts. They could have <shudder> raised revenues! But they were bailed out by a lame duck governor for the second year in a row.

    Boooo! Hisssss! And screw you, as I look for my second job!

    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Just call him "Mr. Listener" BASENAME: just_call_him_mr_listener STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/25/2009 04:31:53 PM ----- BODY: Roy Barnes is back in his second YouTubez video. Roy puts it all out there all his faults. Guess he's been listening and heeding his messaging dude and polling dude.
    Listening is not something I did too much of when I was Governor before. I tried to do too much. Too fast. I've learned some lessons. I learned I should explain myself more.
    So now that Roy has taken away the "Roy never listened to regular Georgia folks" meme from his opponents, I wonder what they will throw at him now. P.S. to Roy's video dude: If you want Roy to seem like a regular guy, you need to get him out of that suit and tie. Roll up the sleeves and have him knocking on some doors or sitting at a lunch counter. But, please no kissing and holding babies -- it's too early in the season. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/25/2009 09:41:04 PM Fuck Roy. Seriously. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/25/2009 11:42:25 PM "So now that Roy has taken away the "Roy never listened to regular Georgia folks" meme from his opponents, I wonder what they will throw at him now." Are you being sarcastic? Can't ever tell on the internet. Cuz carefully managed PR tours =/= listening to regular Georgia folks. Actually, how about some regular Georgia folks run for office instead of the usual cast of clowns? Just a thought. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/26/2009 02:10:00 PM I don't think she meant he was actually a good listener now, but rather that he had spun that criticism into a positive through this PR campaign and thereby made it less effective for his opponents. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/26/2009 10:38:30 PM what Sara said. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: trga2009 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/27/2009 09:39:09 AM Here's somebody's response to it: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Candidate Round Up BASENAME: candidate_round_up STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/28/2009 09:17:20 AM ----- BODY: icon_cowgirl.jpg On Thursday, Mary Squires, candidate for Insurance Commissioner, announced an impressive list of supporters. As the only Democrat running for Commissioner of Insurance, I'm sure there will more endorsements to come. Bravo to Ms Squires for her hard work and commitment! Representative and candidate for Governor, Republican Austin Scott, was our special guest on Kudzu Vine Sunday evening. Listen to yours truly, Tim Shiftlet, and guest co-host Dale Cardwell as we talk with Representative Scott about his unusual approach to the Governor's Race. The Atlanta Mayor's race is getting some attention of late too. Look for more on that shortly. UPDATE: Grift has odds for the Atlanta Mayor's race. Remember: No wagering! What candidates are getting your attention? Tell us about them. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 05:42:58 PM You heard it here first (well really I posted it on facebook), Roymance will be used to pejoratively describe someone drinking the Roy Barnes Kool Aid ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Will the next Atlanta mayor be the "Crime Mayor"? BASENAME: will_the_next_mayor_be_the_cri STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/28/2009 11:20:54 AM ----- BODY: If you've heard Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin speak during her term, you've probably heard her tell of the nickname she was given not long after her election: The Sewer Mayor. When Ms Franklin took office, she faced horrific problems with the city's aging sewer system. Gathering support and funding for the necessary repairs has been a major focus of her two terms. What will the next mayors big challenge be? I'm sure it's unrelated, but it certainly seems like the closer we get to the election for Atlanta's new mayor, the more crime we face in Atlanta. Following the murder of boxer Vernon Forrest, all the candidates but one have made statements and/or beefed up the issues portions of their website. City Council President Lisa Borders even got current Mayor Shirley Franklin to join in the statement. Councilwoman Mary Norwood posted her 12-Point plan. State Senator Kasim Reed's statement reminded us that, while Mr Forrest's murder was a tragedy, it is just one of many in recent months. ----- EXTENDED BODY: You may be surprised to learn that, according to Atlanta Police Department reporting, the crime rate is down from 2008. You can download the report at Last week The Washington Post reported a drop in violent crime in the DC area and around the country. So, will the next Atlanta Mayor be "The Crime Mayor"? "The Green Mayor"? "The Transportation Mayor"? What do you think? ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/28/2009 12:16:28 PM I hope the next mayor is known as the Crime Mayor because he or she actually did something about the problem. I also have zero faith in APD's statistics. There, I said it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/28/2009 01:24:15 PM I want the next mayor to be The Traffic Light Synchronization Mayor. A one cent gas tax (or sales tax) should pay for itself- we'll all save a lot of gas if we stop and idle less. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/28/2009 11:04:45 PM Is there any evidence that the statistics are false? I don't know how much faith I should have in them, but I definitely do not trust the media to report crime. In any case, I can't think of anything I'd like less than a Mayor Giuliani for Atlanta. I'd prefer a Transit Mayor or a Housing Mayor, myself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 07:32:23 AM Drew - Even casual viewers of The Wire know that the stats are *always* juked. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 08:37:51 AM How is it, that in the 3rd district, there is an 80% drop in violent crime, an 85% drop in drug related crime, and no one is willing to take credit for it? I would love to be the Mayor of Hamsterdam. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 08:57:11 AM "The numbers reflect a drop in the city’s crime rate – according to the FBI, violent crimes decreased 8.3 percent in 2008 compared to 2007 (though property crimes rose 7.6 percent)." What people are touting is that "violent crime" (Armed Robbery, Aggravated Assaults" is down. However, property crime (Burglaries, Entering Autos, other Thefts) is up. In general, there are more property crimes than violent crimes.. so I'd say a 7.6% increase in property crimes negates an 8.3% decrease in violent crime. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 09:05:37 AM It's all in the game, yo ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: siri EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 10:05:39 AM And the crime numbers are why its important you always call the police and get a report filed, even in situations you know they aren't going to be able to really do anything, like when someone breaks into your car, etc. I've read that property crimes typically go up during economic downturns. Has anyone seen any statistics of what crime is like in Atlanta metro rather than just the city? What about nationwide? BTW 64% of all statistics are bullshit. I agree with Jen's point though. While I'm certainly glad fewer people have been victims of violent crime... crime is crime, one set of numbers should negate the other. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 12:01:02 PM I've read the same re: property crime and recession. According to this article The incidence of property crime is related to the average wages and unemployment rate among young men without a high school education. Of course, the best solution to a temporary problem caused by an economic crisis is a permanent expansion of police power. Ugh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 12:18:09 PM "The incidence of property crime is related to the average wages and unemployment rate among young men without a high school education." That's absolutely true. The vast majority of my clients are 17-21 and without a high school diploma. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 12:57:15 PM Nobody is necessarily proposing permanent expansion of police power. I'd really just like to see a less incompetent and more visible APD. That doesn't mean I want them to have any more power over the citizenry than they have now, but I do want them to be effective. There is middle ground between a fascist police state and the keystone cops. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2009 05:39:37 PM I wouldn't say nobody. Nobody in this thread, but the candidates for mayor, yes. Norwood has said she would "put the 'broken windows' theory of crime control to work," wherein even so much as an unkempt lawn is an invitation to murder. It's that sort of "Crime Mayor" that worries me: one that wastes money on draconian prosecution of nuisances to give the illusion of order, even as nothing is done to address the underlying cause of crime. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/30/2009 09:10:06 AM The next mayor needs to make taking down the members of the 30 Deep gang a priority. You know who they are, and where they are. Go get them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/30/2009 09:13:50 AM Again history here. There have been several scandals with the APD & 'cooked books' with regards to crime stats. The AJC reported on such incidents involved with a lawsuit some years back (it could be almost a decade by now). This especially affected the 'clearance rates' typically for non capital crimes like property crimes. Rapes in particular were affected & manipulated (or just denied & forgotten) if my memory severs me well. But it also affected the 'clearance rates' for even murder reporting too. Nearly everything was 'massaged' to make it appear better. So my sense is that crime was declining gradually due to the increased incarceration rates (& 3 strikes law) & some extra cops on the streets in the 90's, but clearly it's been on the rise in ATL for awhile now. But the stats? You've really got to examine them very closely to try and get an 'accurate' picture of what might be going on. And then know that plenty of crime is just not captured by the stats or never even reported adequately. That's been a persistent problem for years ('No snitches!') and it's getting only worse. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/30/2009 09:43:52 AM And 30% = 23% ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/30/2009 11:35:26 AM Those are my boys! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/30/2009 11:43:26 AM You google "30 deep gang" and you get their Myspace pages. wtf? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/30/2009 01:40:11 PM inorite? Who uses myspace anymore? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Political Scientist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2009 12:42:47 AM What will the next mayor be known as? The Crime Mayor to anyone who keeps up with politics, public policy, and/or contemporary issues within the general Atlanta area (or something with the same meaning). I have made a hobby, career, and life out of analyzing issues and what kind of theory/policy/action will result in the best outcomes. Crime is an issue with one of the broadest effects on an economy, a society, and local culture in general. Thucydides, arguably the first true historian and largely recognized as the father of history as we know it today, recognized that a sign of developing and truly advancing culture occurred when individuals no longer needed to carry weapons in day to day life. While Atlanta has not reached the point that everyone must arm themselves in order to get through the day (some might disagree), it remains clearly evident that living in the city is now significantly more dangerous than it once was. Kasim Reed is the only candidate with a plan to meet studies conducted by the Atlanta Police Foundation which found that Atlanta will need 750 police officers over the next 4 years in order to manage crime in the city. Furthermore, while talking about crime in Atlanta changing provides a convenient talking point, it is also the truth and Kasim is the only candidate addressing its sources, mainly gang activity and membership. More gang activity means more crime, particularly violent crimes. Kasim Reed has promised to reopen the 23 (out of 33) after school centers which provide a safe, fun, and even, with Kasim's plan, an educational haven for youth who are being targeted and exploited by multiple gangs that are establishing strong footholds in the city. With studies showing approximately 40% of kids dropping out of Atlanta Public Schools and 60% of those being convicted of a felony within only one year, a system has clearly been established that is feeding itself. This system is going to have to be broken whether we bite the bullet now or wait until the situation is even worse, wait until more damage and loss of life has occurred, and the costs to fix the situation are even higher. I would like to reiterate that Kasim is the only candidate who has a plan and commitment to specifically address the rising gang activity in Atlanta. I remember how crime in the Atlanta area seemed like something that was manageable, something that one could avoid if you wanted to. Now, within a year’s time, my own home has been broken into not once, not twice, but three times within three months as well as my car most recently while it was parked at my work. Within the past year almost all of my friends and colleagues now have a similar story of robbery or armed robbery they have been the victim of to share with me. Certainly it is nice that I no longer feel alone, but I hardly think that is truly a positive thing. The next mayor will have to one that is known for fixing Atlanta’s crime rates and Kasim is undoubtedly the best candidate, if not the only candidate, who will actually move the city in the right direction. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Jersey Girlz BASENAME: jersey_girl STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/28/2009 06:34:01 PM ----- BODY: Under the YAY column I'll put... Jersey Girls: Don't pump their own gas! JG: Are proud of where they come from ( Exit numbers and all) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Bill O'Reilly Is Gud at Maths BASENAME: bill_oreilly_is_gud_at_maths STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/29/2009 09:03:57 AM ----- BODY: This is possibly the dumbest thing ever said on Fox News, and that's saying quite a lot. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: On Wearing Two Hats BASENAME: on_wearing_two_hats STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/29/2009 08:50:22 PM TAGS: military ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgA lot has been going on in the military as of late, and I guess that means I owe y'all a post about it. But in the meantime, I wanted to highlight something that caught my eye as of late. The AJC had a story this past weekend about Air Force Lt. Colonel Stan Brown's recent tour in Iraq. He also happens to be Oakwood, Ga's city manager. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    Talk about multi-tasking: In Iraq, Brown managed to helped smooth the transition of British troops heading home, replacing them with American soldiers. At the same time, he kept tabs on a sewer project, land acquisition and a highway job back home. When he returned to his job June 29, city officials, friends and others in this town 40 miles north of Atlanta turned out for Stan Brown Day. To applause and clicking cameras, Brown sliced a yellow ribbon encircling an old pecan tree outside City Hall that had been placed there in his honor. Then he affixed a new one to commemorate those who still fight, eight time zones away, in a place far removed from the rolling terrain of North Georgia.
    It's an interesting piece, primarily because Lt. Col. Brown was able to barely accomplish what many of his peers could not. In fact, Chamblee city manager Jim Gleason had to resign his manager job in Woodstock for the very same reason. If anything, it underscores many of the sacrifices those who serve in the Reserves or National Guard face when they prepare to deploy, despite being unfairly ridiculed as "weekend warriors". In other words, it's much more than a part time job, and once you get the call, it becomes your livelihood. It's a disruptive process, and I often wonder how mentally prepared the families of those servicemen and women are when it comes time for them to deploy overseas, especially when they pay the ultimate sacrifice. Being a Georgia native, it's especially disheartening considering that the Georgia National Guard, only deployed since May, has already seen seven of her sons killed over in Afghanistan (Sgt. Brock Henry Chavers Sr. of Statesboro, Spc. Isaac Lee Johnson Jr. of Columbus, and Spc. Raymundo P. Morales of Dalton have unfortunately passed since I've last posted; condolences to their respective families). So if anything, take this post as an appreciation for our men and women who serve in the various Reserve components and the National Guard. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Clang, clang, clang went the trolley... BASENAME: clang_clang_clang_went_the_tro STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/30/2009 09:12:29 AM ----- BODY: Your Atlanta City Council has asked that some of their (our) stimulus money be directed to the Peachtree street car. Story from the Atlanta Business Chronicle. It is 12.6 million per mile, this streetcar. We could just pave the streets with gold for that price, (take that Pensacola!) And it probably will not link up with the transit of the Beltline (remember that ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Eric TITLE: Kasim Reed and Labor BASENAME: kasim_reed_and_labor STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/30/2009 11:02:36 AM TAGS: "Atlanta Mayor race",unions ----- BODY: The Kasim Reed campaign has released a video of the press conference where the Atlanta Labor Council announced the endorsement of Senator Reed for Mayor. I know the video is somewhat old news but it does offer a glimpse of Kasim's vision for Atlanta's working families and how and why Kasim was able to secure the endorsement. Full disclosure: I supported Kasim even prior to the council endorsing him (in fact i am in the video and I spoke at the press conference, although the footage is not included). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, one of 16, to receive a Medal of Freedom BASENAME: dr_lowery_one_of_16_to_receive STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/30/2009 03:45:22 PM ----- BODY: drloweryinagural.jpg
    Accomplished in fields ranging from sports and art to science and medicine to politics and public policy and representing a diversity of backgrounds, the White House announcement said the recipients were selected for their work as "agents of change." "Each saw an imperfect world and set about improving it, often overcoming great obstacles along the way," Obama said. "Their relentless devotion to breaking down barriers and lifting up their fellow citizens sets a standard to which we all should strive."
    Other names on the list are: Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, tennis legend Billie Jean King and retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. Race for the Cure founder Nancy Brinker, physicist Stephen Hawking, civil rights activist Rev. Joseph Lowery, and entertainers Sidney Poitier and Chita Rivera. Former Rep. Jack Kemp, who died in May, and gay rights activist Harvey Milk, who was assassinated in 1978, will receive posthumous awards. The award ceremony is August 12th. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/30/2009 07:00:20 PM Damn, looks like that thing means something again. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Caption this BASENAME: caption_this_3 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 07/31/2009 11:29:28 AM ----- BODY: beersummit.jpg Too bad it didn't go down like this. Instead it sounds like it was meh. Beer served: Bud Light for the President, Sam Adams for the Professor, Blue Moon ( owned by Coors) with orange slice for the Cop, and the VP goes non-alcoholic with Buckler. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/31/2009 04:19:12 PM it's 5 oclock somewhere ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/31/2009 04:51:02 PM How come the black guys have to straddle the legs? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/31/2009 06:23:41 PM 'cism! Seriously though, that seating arrangement looks extremely awkward. It's like they're sitting at the kiddie table on Thanksgiving. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2009 01:31:56 PM lul beer summit who let this guy write for them ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/04/2009 11:53:37 PM Welcome to the "squared" circle......" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gatormathis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/04/2009 11:54:08 PM "Welcome to the "squared" circle......" ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Allen Thornell Passes Away BASENAME: allen_thornell_passes_away STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/03/2009 01:34:27 PM ----- BODY: Sad news.
    Longtime gay political activist and volunteer Allen Thornell died this morning after suffering a stroke yesterday. He was 38. Thornell's family and friends released a statement moments ago confirming his death. "Last night community leader Allen Keith Thornell suffered from a stroke. It is with tremendous sadness that we inform you that his stroke worsened overnight and this morning he passed away," the statement said. "He was surrounded by his loving partner, Chad Prosser, and friends during his final moments. His death is a tragedy of tremendous magnitude. Concerned with the welfare of so many others, he was a tireless advocate for the LGBT community, and a loyal friend. Our prayers are with his family and for our community. His loss will create a void for so many. Arrangements are being handled by Fischer Funeral Care."
    More from SoVo. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TK EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2009 02:27:36 PM Allen will be missed. He was a great Lobbyist. It was a pleasure to work side by side with Allen as he represted SEIU and so many other groups he was a part of. Tasso ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2009 02:34:23 PM Sad day for Georgia Democrats and the Progressive Movement as a whole in Georgia. I worked with Allen in 2004 to come up with new ways to target voters to get out the message about the Constitutional amendment. Even when things seemed bleak he was always ready and eager to keep trying something new for a cause that was near and dear to his heart. He will be missed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2009 04:40:21 PM Very sad, we will miss you Allen! Thank you for everything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2009 05:11:38 PM Horrible news and a terrible loss. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/04/2009 08:49:39 AM Allen Thornell's memorial service will be Thursday, Aug 6, 3 pm, at St. Marks on Peachtree Street, NE, Atlanta. FYI ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/04/2009 03:23:56 PM just in - the time for the service has been updated to 2:30pm. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/07/2009 05:55:45 AM A very decent eulogy and appreciation of all of Allen's good works is here from Matthew Cardinale, News Editor, of The Atlanta Progressive News (August 05, 2009) Just a tremendous loss for many. I was sorry I was unable to make the service. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: A Post-9/11 G.I. Bill Primer BASENAME: a_post-911_gi_bill_primer STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/03/2009 08:52:00 PM TAGS: education,military ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgBack in January 2007 in his first act as senator, decorated Vietnam War veteran and former Secretary of the Navy Jim Webb, the then-junior senator from Virginia, proposed a massive and desperately needed update to what many have called one of the most important pieces of legislation ever to be enacted into law. Despite initial opposition from the likes of President Bush and and Sen. John McCain, the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act was overwhelmingly approved and signed into law in June of last year. This past weekend, the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill finally went into effect. ----- EXTENDED BODY: It certainly was a monumental feat for Sen. Webb. To get an idea of the magnitude of the program:
    The new benefit is available to people who have served a minimum of 90 days on active duty since Sept. 10, 2001 -- as little as 30 days for those separated or retired because of a service-connected disability -- who will be eligible for a combination of tuition, fees, living stipend, book allowance and other benefits based on their length of service. For those with three or more years of service, the program fully covers basic tuition and fees up to the maximum cost in each state for undergraduate education at the most expensive four-year public college or university for in-state students.
    In addition, the program pays out a yearly $1000 book stipend, as well as a monthly housing allowance based the cost of housing in the area of the institution. For instance, a veteran attending the University of Georgia on the new G.I. Bill would get $983/month in addition to the tuition and book stipend benefits. The only caveat is with private and graduate schools which usually are more expensive than public ones, and as such, won't have tuition completely covered by G.I. Bill benefits. However, those institutions have the opportunity to enroll in what is called the Yellow Ribbon Program, in which the institution covers the difference. Here is a list of Georgia institutions that have enrolled in the Yellow Ribbon Program (as an aside, Georgia Tech seems to be leading the pack as far as state schools are concerned). With almost half a million veterans eligible to take advantage of the legislation's benefits, the program is expected to cost $78 billion over the next decade. With that said, a quarter of those eligible have already had their claims processed by the Veteran's Administration. Earlier today, America 6 said:
    This generation of servicemen and -women has already earned a place of honor in American history. Each of them signed up to serve, many after they knew that they would be sent into harm's way. Over the last eight years, they have endured tour after tour of duty in dangerous and distant places. They've experienced grueling combat, from the streets of Fallujah to the harsh terrain of Helmand province. They've adapted to complex insurgencies, protected local populations and trained foreign security forces. So by any measure, they are the authors of one of the most extraordinary chapters of military service in the history of our nation. And I don't make that statement lightly, for we know that anyone who puts on the uniform joins an unbroken line of selfless patriots that stretches back to Lexington and Concord.
    Hear hear. Not since the days of antebellum America have our warfighters been an entirely volunteer force. And not since Vietnam have they and their families sacrificed so much. Congress certainly did right with this one. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Kyle Bailey to lead National Stonewall Democrats BASENAME: kyle_bailey_to_lead_national_s STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/04/2009 02:21:31 PM ----- BODY: kyleWEB.jpgHard work pays off!
    A rising star in Georgia progressive politics has been named interim executive director of the National Stonewall Democrats. Kyle Bailey, 26, has been tapped to lead the organization as Jon Hoadley steps down to lead One Kalamazoo, a new Kalamazoo, Mich., organization formed to protect the city's nondiscrimination ordinance in an upcoming ballot fight. Stonewall is a national organization with over 120 chapters that works to elect and support gay-friendly Democratic lawmakers from the local to the federal level.
    I'm thrilled for you Kyle! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Happy Birthday President Obama BASENAME: happy_birthday_president_obama STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/04/2009 02:39:15 PM ----- BODY: birthdaycard.jpg Image from Huffington Post. In other "birther" news: The President (48) and veteran reporter Helen Thomas (89) share a birthday, so naturally Obama dropped into the Press room, brought her cupcakes and sang to her. Obama posed for pictures with Thomas and said they both wished for world peace and an end to prejudice. And Obama cracked, a health care bill. I assume no one asked to see her birth certificate. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pieter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/05/2009 06:46:08 AM Mr. President, happy Birthday! I have supported your candidature for the Presidency and applaud you for your good work so far. Mr. President, in order to keep up the good work, however, please make sure that you are always properly informed. During your recent vist to Ghana you gave credit to a Ghanaian journalist for "telling the truth". This same journalist, however, is currently sued for libel and is, more generally, known for fabricating stories and evidence and unnecessarily harming innocent people for the sole sake of enhancing his own status. There is nothing wrong with publicly praising individuals, provided they deserve it. Mr. President, a next time please make sure you are properly informed so as to avoid doubly hurting victims of a journalist as the one in question. For the rest, good luck in your future work. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Big Dog to the rescue BASENAME: big_dog_to_the_rescue STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/05/2009 09:06:58 AM TAGS: bigdog,billclinton,clinton ----- BODY: Two US journalists pardoned in North Korea. Bill Clinton and Journalists Return From North Korea Leave a message for Laura Ling & Euna Lee here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/05/2009 10:25:20 AM This makes me so happy. A lot of people are spinning this as looking bad for Hillary and/or Obama, but it just makes me respect all the players all the more for putting ego aside and being willing to do what it takes to make it happen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/05/2009 10:27:44 AM How the hell does this look bad for Hill dog or our Half-Breed Muslin POTUS? They never negotiated for the release of the journos! Get a brain morans! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/05/2009 11:25:31 AM As someone remarked to me yesterday when this was starting to unfold...Bill Clinton truly does have nine lives. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: I just love "the google"and these interweb thingys! BASENAME: i_love_the_google_interweb_thi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/05/2009 04:33:00 PM ----- BODY: jumpingtheshark.jpg You too can have your own Kenyan Birth Certificate! Who knew I was the spawn of Rick & Ilsa and born in a hot tub! Sheesh I always thought I was a Jersey Girl. Love it! Hat Tip: Grayson on Facebook ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Eric TITLE: It's Time to Stand Up BASENAME: its_time_to_stand_up STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/05/2009 08:39:50 PM TAGS: healthcare ----- BODY: Unless you've been living under a rock, it's been a rough week for Democratic Congresspeople holding health care town halls

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    Now progressive have started to recover from being taken off guard and are counter mobilizing . Here in Georgia we have a chance to put the brakes on the trend of our Representatives getting bumrushed by the teabagger gestapo. Congressman Hank Johnson has organized a Health Care Town Hall Monday, August 10 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Georgia Perimeter College Clarkston Campus in the Cole Auditorium/FineArtsCenter555 North Indian Creek Drive in Clarkston. Organizing for America, along with several unions are encouraging people to attend to show support for healthcare reform and to testify for the need for reform NOW. If any of you would like meet our own homegrown right wing nutbags over at Peach Pundit up close and personal, they seem to be getting into the act. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eric EMAIL: IP: URL:,-Texas DATE: 08/06/2009 09:24:53 AM Hopefully this is a sign that the tide is turning ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/06/2009 11:03:01 AM I'm glad to see that people are starting to counter these idiots. Team Todd will be out of town on the 10th so we can't make it, but you can bet your butt we will be at the one for our district on August 18th in Covington. I never miss an opportunity to tell John Linder (R-Obviously) that he is an asshat to his face, albiet in a very nice way. 7th District people go here to find out when and where your chance to tell Linder your opinion on healthcare: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/06/2009 04:35:53 PM You guys see any evidence of official GOP in Georgia taking part let us know ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Hope for the future BASENAME: future_leaders STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/06/2009 05:15:36 PM ----- BODY: icon_thumbs_up.jpgToday we mourned for Allen Thornell, taken too soon, but recognized having lived life well and with tremendous purpose. Naturally I was sad and could have spent the day kicking my lower lip ahead of me, but instead, I took the opportunity to look to the future at some amazing young folks. Young people with spirit and sass, with just a little "Allen" in them. This 12 year old caught my interest and my attention pretty quickly. Twelve-year-old Eliza Goehl lives in Bloomington, Indiana, the home of Indiana University and she attends Harmony School. Eliza wrote this paper as part of her sixth grade graduation project on legislation and women in politics. She hopes to earn her college degree in journalism and hopes to attend Cornell for graduate school to earn a degree in law. "I wish that life was longer because I would like to be a journalist, lawyer, judge and senator! Hopefully, some of my dreams will come true," said Eliza. Eliza was inspired to write this article by the campaign of Hillary Clinton for president.
    Why is women's participation in politics an important issue to consider? Most people don't understand how few women are involved in politics. Here are some of the facts: only 17% of Congress is made up of women! Out of the one hundred members in the Senate, only sixteen of them are women. In the House of Representatives there are four-hundred thirty-five Representatives, and only 72 of them are women. This is in a country where women account for 51% of the population. The United States has never had a woman President or Vice President. The U.S. is ranked 84th in the world for women's participation. During the past 220 years, only 2% of Congressional seats have been held by women. At the current increase rate, it will be the year 2076 before women achieve equal representation in Congress!
    Read her whole essay, it's pretty damn great. More on Women in Politics go here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eliza Goehl EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2009 05:43:33 PM Thank You! I'm glad you liked it! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Heads up staffers, tips to avoid a Health Care "Town Hell" BASENAME: planning_tips_to_avoid_a_healt STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/07/2009 12:54:17 PM ----- BODY: icon_conversation.jpgWe've all seen the headlines, angry mobs shouting down Congressman at local Town Halls from Florida to St. Louis. One Dem Congressman's life has been threatened. I'm going to suggest a couple things that might help make these events go a little smoother. Do some research on the local activist groups- a quick search of this site will give you a well needed heads up if counter protesters are being organized. Make sure that everyone who attends is required to sign in. Set up enough tables, with staff and or volunteers to enforce this. If it were me, I'd have separate sign in's for constituents, and "visitors" and make sure that the constituents are given first priority for seating and entry. Have a few crowd control folks sprinkled about, it will not hurt at Hank Johnson's event, if they just happen to look like the front line of the McNair and Miller Grove Football teams. Do not allow any signs to be brought in, all in the interest of not impeding anyone's ability to see of course. Clearly state that the Town Hall will be conducted based on a posted/distributed agenda. Assign a time keeper. Begin the meeting on time-or if possible sightly early- this will minimize chair squirming and lessen any build up of tension. Video-tape everything, especially the crowd. Do not offer refreshments, and turn up the air slightly. Folks won't want to stay if they are hungry and a bit too warm. Start the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. If you want to include a faith leader, so be it. Immediately after that, if you have one, use the faith leader to announce the meeting "ground rules", no shouting, be respectful, only one person speaks at a time etc.. clearly state that those who violate the rules will be escorted out. Questions should be filled out on 4 x 6 cards. Distribute them as people arrive and while they are waiting. Have folks circulate collecting them and give them to one person to go through. That person can sift through the crazy and select about 8 or 9 questions to ask the Congress person. An open mic and free style question asking is an open invitation for problems. We've all seen what happens, the folks get up to the mic and ramble on about an article they read five years ago on an unrelated topic, how they were elected 3rd grade class president, something Oprah said... blah blah blah.. never having arrived at a relevant question. Ignore this advice at your own peril. ----- EXTENDED BODY: While it's always hard to tell elected officials to not speak too long- this is a case where you really don't want them to go on and on. They need to hit as many "talking points" in as few sentences as possible. Keep it simple and on message. Clear up any "misinformation" about the bill immediately. For example G-ma and Pop-Pop will not be interviewed and then "whacked" by the government, we're all not moving to the countryside to work in labor camps, undocumented workers will not be covered, small businesses will not close etc. Staff should be prepared with the phone numbers to police and sheriff in their speed dials. Staff should also have walked the event space and determined at least one if not two other exits, and be prepared to move their congress person out in a hurry. If you are in the planning stages now, select a room 1/3 smaller than you think you need. Don't book a place large enough for an unruly crowd. Keep the setting smaller and more engaging. Anyone who feels they didn't get a chance to "speak" can make a appointment with staff later. Those of us attending also have a role to play keeping the situation under control, don't encourage bad behavior-for petes sake don't laugh at them, or challenge them. When you take your seat greet the folks around you with a simple, Hi! I'm your neighbor- won't this be interesting! If they are friendly then great, if they are grumpy and wearing two different color socks, it might be best to chat about the weather or what they had for dinner. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/07/2009 06:06:44 PM Thanks Juliana, This is helpful in addressing the whipped up mobs. The key for Congress is to disseminate truthful information. Here are some of the salient factcheck sites that will help: From the DPG is this: Here's HCAN's thoughts via TPM: Hope this helps some. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/07/2009 06:19:29 PM And yeah, The Health Care Insurance Industry Is behind all the mob actions: Here via TPM: Industry-Backed Anti-Health Care Reform Group: Yeah, We're Packing And Disrupting The Health Care Town Halls By Brian Beutler - August 4, 2009, 12:59PM And this from the wonderful & effective & Newsy! Rachael Maddow from MSNBC: 'Pulling the strings of protest' Aug 5: She's got a bunch of decent vids up on the topic in recent days. Showing who's pulling the strings of all the mobs, threats and violence. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/07/2009 06:27:54 PM Here's the whole enchilada folks. Here from the Huffington Post is the ever helpful rebuttal, line by line of All the lies disseminated by the lying Rethug snakes. The infamous email you've all gotten from older relations & scared oldsters: Linda Bergthold Health policy expert Posted: August 1, 2009 09:18 PM : "So it Begins -- the August Attack on Health Care Reform" "This week I received a mass email that exhorted the recipients to pray for our country because of the disaster surely to befall on us if health care reform is passed. It is very important for all of us to understand what health reform is about because being able to respond to these distortions is important. So I went through every charge and answered it and sent it back to the huge email list to which it had been distributed. I wish I had seen the excellent rebuttal done by Politifact before I spent all this time, but it's encouraging to know we have multiple ways to toss this stuff back..." Here's the Politifact factcheck of the infamous & ridiculous lies & charges: "E-mail 'analysis' of health bill needs a check-up" By Angie Drobnic Holan Published on Thursday, July 30th, 2009 at 5:08 p.m. Hope this helps. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/07/2009 07:01:22 PM More info: These are the official Health insurance Reforms that are being pushed by the WH. This is what 'Obama care' means. Humanity. Care. Real insurance worthy of the name. A moral imperative & right to care. "Health Insurance Consumer Protections THE SECURITY YOU GET from health insurance reform: * No Discrimination for Pre-Existing Conditions * Insurance companies will be prohibited from refusing you coverage because of your medical history. * No Exorbitant Out-of-Pocket Expenses, Deductibles or Co-Pays * Insurance companies will have to abide by yearly caps on how much they can charge for out-of-pocket expenses. * No Cost-Sharing for Preventive Care * Insurance companies must fully cover, without charge, regular checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics. * No Dropping of Coverage for Seriously Ill * Insurance companies will be prohibited from dropping or watering down insurance coverage for those who become seriously ill. * No Gender Discrimination * Insurance companies will be prohibited from charging you more because of your gender. * No Annual or Lifetime Caps on Coverage * Insurance companies will be prevented from placing annual or lifetime caps on the coverage you receive. * Extended Coverage for Young Adults * Children would continue to be eligible for family coverage through the age of 26. * Guaranteed Insurance Renewal * Insurance companies will be required to renew any policy as long as the policyholder pays their premium in full. Insurance companies won't be allowed to refuse renewal because someone became sick." Here's the Official Myth vs Fact on the 'They'll Kill Granny/Gramps! Meme: And of course the excellent baselinescenario with: "You do Not have Health Insurance!" "The Baseline Scenario What happened to the global economy and what we can do about it You Do Not Have Health Insurance" "Right now, it appears that the biggest barrier to health care reform is people who think that it will hurt them. According to a New York Times poll, “69 percent of respondents in the poll said they were concerned that the quality of their own care would decline if the government created a program that covers everyone.” Since most Americans currently have health insurance, they see reform as a poverty program – something that helps poor people and hurts them. If that’s what you think, then this post is for you. You do not have health insurance. Let me repeat that. You do not have health insurance. (Unless you are over 65, in which case you do have health insurance. I’ll come back to that later.) The point of insurance is to protect you against unlikely but damaging events. You are generally happy to pay premiums in all the years that nothing goes wrong (your house doesn’t burn down), because in exchange your insurer promises to be there in the one year that things do go wrong (your house burns down). That’s why, when shopping for insurance, you are supposed to look for a company that is financially sound – so they will be there when you need them...." Again I hope folks pass this stuff around and that it helps. Cheers, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/07/2009 07:17:27 PM More facts, figures and numbers via the,000-People-Murdered,-$133m-In-Bribes-to-Congress Go to the link for the Complete Citations. ALL facts and figures & Stats are backed up. "18,000 People Murdered, $133m In Bribes to Congress by EmperorHadrian 18,000 People Murdered, $133m In Bribes to CongressTweet this submit to reddit Share This Mon Aug 03, 2009 at 11:08:54 PM PDT Let me just mention some simple numbers, to illustrate what is at stake, and what is so wrong about the current system. Before the recession hit, 18,000 people were dying every year due to lack of health insurance. The number is now beyond 22,000. During the second quarter of this year, $133,271,660 in "campaign contributions" (read: bribes) were distributed to congress. That is almost $1,500,000 per day. Polls show that most Americans are happy with their health insurance. That makes sense, since a majority of Americans with health insurance have government health insurance (mostly Medicare, Medicaid and VA insurance). Some more facts: 2,200 people died in a single month this year because they didn't have health insurance. Family premiums will almost double in the next decade, to $22,000 per year. While 52 million Americans are uninsured, another 25 million are underinsured. Meanwhile, as illustrated by the massive bribes they are distributing, the health insurance companies are doing pretty well. CEO of UnitedHealth Group- Stephen Hemsley (aprox. $13 million annual compensation in 2007) CEO of Wellpoint- Angela Braly ( aprox. $10 million annual compensation in 2008) CEO of Cigna- H. Edward Hanway ($23 million annual compensation) CEO of AETNA- Ronald Williams ( $30 million annual compensation) CEO of Health Plan that operates Kaiser Permanente- George Halverson ( $2.2 million salary in 2002-does not include full compensation) Meanwhile, health insurer Aetna recently reported their earnings, and their masters on Wall Street and at Goldman Sachs were not pleased. $350 million in profits for three months just was not enough. Aetna, who last year paid out $6,000,000 in dividends to Wall Street, found new, innovative ways of murdering people for profit. Citing higher-than-anticipated 'medical costs' that led the company to 'misprice' its health plans. Aetna said it is taking steps to address the rising costs...Aetna plans to raise prices on commercial health plans, likely resulting in terminations of higher cost customers, and to closely monitor health providers to make sure they comply with contracts And that $133 million in bribes paid out to congress in three months? It would have been enough to save 7,000 cancer patients. The for profit insurance industry: literally making a killing." Lack of adequate health care is Killing People Here & Now Hourly. The Insurance Industry does not give a damn. They want their unfettered profits. No matter how many bodies it might cost. And most of the people protesting? They're already getting Govt. Health care as most of them are already on Medicare & Medicaid! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/07/2009 09:59:38 PM Oh the 'They're coming to Liquidate your Granny meme' is going strong from the Rethugs over at Redstate, this from the head lying Thug hizself: Via Media Matters: [See link for several cites]: "RedState Is In The Business Of Spreading Disgusting Rumors 9 hours and 29 minutes ago by Melinda Warner RedState's Erick Erickson has posted a new piece on the support that AARP has given the House health insurance reform bill, but instead of using factual information in his column he stoops to using scare tactics and fear mongering. Erickson writes: Does the AARP's members know about the endorsement of a healthcare plan that requires seniors to get instruction every five years on assisted suicide - a fact the AARP calls a "myth"? Multiple sources have debunked this ridiculous, desperate rumor that has been spread with the intent to frighten the American public. It is vile that Erickson and his ultra-right cronies are propagating this lie. No Democrat - or any other politician/policy wonk/federal employee - wants to encourage euthanasia. The only people you hear talking about it are the Republicans. Erickson should take the time to actually read the legislation, instead of relying on the biased and false interpretations of the likes of Betsy McCaughey. If he did, he would see that it is clear that the provision ensures that senior citizens have access to professional counseling in the event they do not have access to someone or their own doctor is not available to answer the myriad questions that seniors report having unanswered. Any insinuation otherwise, any attempt to suggest that Democrats' plan to decrease cost is to kill people, is foul. The attempt to continue the spread of these lies is pathetic - and shows just how far the Republicans are willing to go when the facts aren't on their side. –Melinda Warner" Here's the independent non-partisan on the same Baseless Lie & fear mongering: Why Lie continually about this miserable yet vital end of life topic? Because EE & the rest of the goon squad have nothing of substance to contribute to any real debate, and only have sneering contempt for democracy and its normal practices & operation. Where's the GOP health care reform plan? Why pay, form up & send goon squads to shut down legitimate debate& questions from constituents? Is there any moral right for any insurance company to deny you care After you've paid into them for years for your health insurance? To only be denied care when you're sick & desperately needing care? For some bogus invented 'pre-existing condition' (like acne preventing you from getting cancer treatment)? (Yes, that's an actual case, of course!) Is this deeply cruel & immoral yet widespread insurance industry practice of 'rescission' for sick people a moral one? Is it the right Family Values? For who's family & when? Is making millions off of the needlessly sick, dead & dying a 'right' that the few Insurance CEO's possess that just happens to supersede the rights of oh say nearly a 100 Million other Americans with either No insurance or who are Under insured? [See above post & here for more numbers:]. Just asking. This is a fight we can & must win over the forces of yes, darkness & evil. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/08/2009 12:01:41 PM Of all the research we've been doing, we've been finding the mob thing is more of a conservative ideologue and Republican thing than it is a health insurer thing. The health insurers so far have held their fire on things like this because their tactic isn't to just kill any health care bill, it's to shape it in their favor. I wrote about that here: I encourage you to read the full businessweek article linked to. I included quite a bit more but it got edited out, and the names of some of the Washington insiders helping out with this might surprise you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/08/2009 12:14:04 PM And wear nice clothes and make sure your sign is spelled correctly because you'll probably be on TV. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/08/2009 12:31:48 PM Or have your picture taken by a wild eyed blogger ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/08/2009 12:36:49 PM As we coined last night, the "mob" is really the SwiftboatBirthbaggers come to town. Or the Teabirthers for Freedom.. you pick ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/08/2009 01:52:34 PM The health insurance industry may have little to do with this, but to the extent that the less hysterical conservatives argue that the health insurance industry is efficient, benevolent, and wrongly maligned by mean liberals, it's worth noting that the health insurance industry exists to take your money and deny you care, and that nothing short of reform will stop it. But yeah, the crazy seems to be funded by far-right conservative and libertarian foundations with few overt ties to industry. Which is probably why they have been so willing to embrace such reckless rhetoric and ignore the violence that has already resulted. Industry would be too concerned with their image to endorse that. But for the right it would be SOP. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/08/2009 01:58:51 PM I just think it's sad that one one side we have outright fanatics and crazies and on the other side we have a behind the scenes effort to kill any positive effect this legislation could have. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/08/2009 07:20:09 PM Again the industry is carefully 'greenwashing' their efforts, and yes, they're behind & paying for plenty of this BS. Look to the Rachel Maddow MSNBC clips for the last week. Geez, it's not like we don't have these people on tape. So no, I'll take some of what Biz weak with a few grains of salt Z. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/09/2009 12:41:21 PM It's funny you mention Rachel Maddow, because she used our memos and documentation to write that piece (my colleague Lee Fang's stuff in particular). It's not the industry, it's the ideological and Republican folks. The industry is doing lobbying behind the scenes. They're smart, in that they know they can't become the public face of opposition. They'd also love a "reform" bill to come without any kind of new public insurance plan, meaning we're basically taking a trillion tax payer dollars and handing them to the HMO/PPO's. That's the possibility few are talking about. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/09/2009 05:34:37 PM Thanks Z, Your constant quibbling has saved the day for America. Once again. I had no idea that your guys were helping to produce & do research for MSNBC & Maddow. If so Kudos to you! Do see that you get some line credits at the end of the show so we can confirm this too. This is also one of the reasons I liked, respected & admired the late ATL activist Allen Thornell. He did good. In many different venues & for various vital causes. You? Whine. Caterwaul. Piss& moan. Needlessly quibble over so much nit picking BS. Constantly. Now I know say, 20 years from now, we'll all know that your wonderful efforts here & elsewhere were the singular event that put Universal Health Care for the ~100 Million Un & Under insured people in the US over the top. NOT! So again for those following at home, this is what a classic 'Astro-turf' lobbying campaign looks like: "FreedomWorks advocates people being ‘aggressive’ at town hall meetings. This morning on MSNBC, The Wonk Room’s Igor Volsky and FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe discussed the astroturf campaign many right-wing groups (including FreedomWorks) are engaged in to disrupt health care town hall meetings across the country with members of Congress. Igor noted that these groups are “very good at tapping into that paranoid place in American politics that we saw at the end of the 2008 election when people were coming to McCain’s town halls and calling President Obama a terrorist, a socialist.” When pressed by host Alex Witt if his organization is encouraging people to be disruptive, Kibbe at first dodged the question, but said that “shouting is not the way to get this done.” He then, however, admitted that FreedomWorks urges people to be “agressive”: ...[More @]" Again it's good to have self proclaimed 'allies' lie yourself wanting to constently dispute this, and to deny reality in favor of, well Yes, mostly denying coverage to needy people. Because? Well it's just never 'good enough' for you. Ever. Without even knowing much about the end product. Because we already know that 'Obama failed'. Here & elsewhere. And you're telling us that all the time! Thanks Guys! We needed that! You Libertarians have always saved the day for us. When? And again who's supplying All the evil, biased stats to the Rethugs? The Lewin Group/Assoc. Again from "Gov. Dean Debunks Gingrich’s Health Care Falsehoods: ‘Nobody Is Forcing You In To The Public Option’ On ABC’s This Week today, former Republican House speaker Newt Gingrich claimed that most government-run health systems are disasters. He said that the Veterans Health Administration is “the one system that actually works reasonably well,” and dismissed Medicare as “basically a private system with a government funding.” Gingrich also claimed that Americans really won’t have any “choice.” “One estimate by Lewin Associates [sic] is 131 million Americans will lose their private insurance and be pushed into a government plan,” he claimed. Gov. Dr. Howard DEAN: Look, let’s be fair. Lewin Associates is owned by a health insurance company. So let’s — let’s — let’s — the CBO, which I think is a more reasonable organization, says 5 million or 10 million people are going to end up there. [...] Second of all, what the speaker didn’t tell you is, let’s just suppose you get forced out of your employer-based system, which I think is unlikely, but let’s suppose that you do. You’ve got a choice. The government will pay your subsidy to either go into — based on your income, either to go into the public option or a private option. Nobody is forcing you in to the public option..." [End cite] So yeah. We can waste time trying to argue the fine points of politics with you lovely lads over @ UGA. But really? We're in the fight of our lives, and you want to waste time at the back of the crowd loudly whining that the enemy we know and who are firing at us, are not really all that they seem. And that if we only did X, Y, Z, & Q, E & F & more to your liking, perhaps we'd be doing so much better. So you know better. Always. Cause like you're educated much better than the folks who've been fighting this battle for longer than you've been drawing breath. No matter. Again dear boy, what Other than your perfectly delicious and lovely whines do you offer? What are you going to DO? Just wondering. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/09/2009 10:57:08 PM I don't know why exactly you keep quoting my own website and team back to me, we know all about FreedomWorks as you show with your links, but the fact is that AHIP has almost completely held its fire, and PhRMA is actively supporting the health bills because Obama already made gigantic concessions to them. FreedomWorks is a general right-wing outfit, funded by a lot of corp. folks, but it's pretty fringe. The actual health care industry is sitting pretty with this health care bill. Robert Reich (no commie) has pretty good commentary on it here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/09/2009 11:02:22 PM And I don't know why you both called me Libertarian (?!?!) and a "UGA" folk. I don't affiliate with the Libertarians and I don't attend UGA. I currently write for ThinkProgress: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 02:37:50 AM Saints preserve us Z, You might actually be doing something useful. This is most gratifying to hear. And you're no longer a UGA student as in 'UGA Liberal', since you've *graduated*. (Still kinda making you 'UGA folk' however, right?). And Yes, you've identified yourself as a 'Libertarian' in the past. And admitted you did not actually vote for Obama, if I recall correctly too. So let's only hope that you're still capable of learning things from some of the fine staff @ ThinkProgress. And yes, as shown again above, despite the gratifying prospect that you're actually employed, you're still quibbling. Bob Reich meet Z: "Astroturf Along American Highways, and the Republican Plan August 5, 2009, 8:19AM "On our drive across America, my son and I have spotted spiffy white vans emblazoned with phrases like "ObamaCare will raise your taxes" and "ObamaCare will put bureaucrats in charge of your health." Just outside Omaha we drove close enough to take a peek at the driver, who looked as dutifully professional as the spanking new van he was driving. This isn't grass roots. It's Astroturf. The vans carry the logo "Americans for Prosperity," one of the Washington front groups orchestrating the fight against universal health. They're using Congress's August recess to heckle Democratic representatives when they meet with their constituents, stage erszatz local anti-universal health rallies, and fill home-town media with carefully-crafted, market-tested messages demonizing healthcare reform. The Republican party's fingerprints are all over this. FreedomWorks, another group now Astroturfing its way around America, is chaired by former House Republican Leader Dick Armey. Texas Republican Pete Sessions, who chairs the National Republican Campaign Committee, says the days of civil town halls are "now over.” Key Republican funders are forking out big bucks. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, whose ties to the GOP are legion, announced in June it would “develop a sweeping national advocacy campaign encompassing advertising, education, political activities, new media and grassroots organizing" to battle universal health and other Democratic initiatives. The Republicans' goal isn't ideological. It's power. Republicans smell 1994 all over again. That's when they defeated Clinton's healthcare plan -- and in doing so convinced large numbers of Americans that Clinton and the Democrats couldn't be trusted. This enabled the Republicans to retake control of Congress. From then on, they blocked Clinton's agenda. They even gave themselves a shot at the presidency in 1996." [The rest at the TPM link] So again, he's actually saying essentially what I'm saying. Now there's plenty of other 'stuff going on. Some you might confirm with your sources, some might be only suggested at. Having lived though the Clinton years my point is that our ideological allies need to keep the end goal in mind. That can be complicated. Especially for the many folks with little sense of political history. Ditto for getting accurate, timely & useful info out to the press & allies. There's plenty of 'inside baseball' to be had. Fringe actors can and have had tremendous impacts on our body politic. That goes way back well beyond Richard Hofstadter's famous 'The Paranoid Style in American Politics' (1964), and also involves a tragic legacy of widespread politically directed mob violence, especially in the South. So the yes, very sudden mass hysteria & violent rank hatreds being whipped up by various forces in this 'debate' presently is stuff we've largely not seen for almost 40-50 years. It's pretty heady & frightening stuff, if you've been paying much attention at all. How, when & why Obama may have made some side 'deals' to hopefully divide the opposition to reform is one thing. That's worthy of reporting. At the moment though your claims of what the industry writ large is up to is lacking in sourcing & wider understanding. And we've got enough evidence to show that the money is flowing readily from somewhere. It's almost certainly not just the GOP coffers here either. One of the most valuable things to know in any battle for reform is who the real larger enemy is. And to be able to successfully retain the vital focus on same when battling for the end results. Again, I'll insist that it's not really Rahm Emanuel or Obama, no matter how much you've expressed your evident distaste & distain for both in the past. It's the forces of darkness coalescing around killing off ANY reform of ANY kind, including but not limited to the Chamber of Commerce, the NFIB, Biz Roundtable, various allied industry groups, and of course their handmaidens the Rethugs. No one here or in DC should be forming up yet another of the same miserable 'circular firing squads' to ensure that these forces of evil are able to divide us from the decent end goals of reform. Now exactly how the industry is funneling money into these various yes, myriad hidden lobbying fronts will be probably yes, sadly, a question of history. We'll only later learn the truth possibly to our regret. Which is as planned and designed. They've done it before (there's very few reporting requirements here beyond Congress & DC), and they're doing it again. Quite successfully. Again, look to history for some guidance here. Good luck in your new post. And please listen & learn from the fine knowledgeable folks in the entire shop. It's the only way to grow anywhere. It's always good to hear that you're gainfully employed at something useful though. Congrats. Now can we get the rank bastards destroying our health & economy? They don't now live in the WH either. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 04:17:27 AM This is not hard to find either. An Anthem Blue Cross staffer protesting at a CT town hall, in his employee polo shirt. But yeah. Minor occurrence. Nothing to see here, move along. The goons? Have been partially bought & paid for a long time ago. Hat tip to the excellent: Original post from "...nothing sponsored by anybody" by: ctblogger Thu Aug 06, 2009 at 12:44:48 PM EDT JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 04:20:27 AM This is not hard to find either. An Anthem Blue Cross staffer protesting at a CT town hall, in his employee polo shirt. But yeah. Minor occurrence. Nothing to see here, move along. The goons? Have been partially bought & paid for a long time ago. Hat tip to the excellent: Original post from "...nothing sponsored by anybody" by: ctblogger Thu Aug 06, 2009 at 12:44:48 PM EDT JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 09:29:44 AM We knew that, but we didn't use that. A random BlueCross employee at one of these? So what? You think they're going to protest when they're about to get 50 million new paying (taxpayer dollars, mostly) customers? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JayT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 11:12:23 AM Many of the suggestions regarding how to maintain order are on target. However some I disagree with, but I will only mention one. The person making the code of conduct ground rules should be a very large police officer, not a pastor. The isurgents in the crowd are bullies and are not afraid of a pastor. Bullies only fear someone "bigger and badder" so the person making the announcement needs to be someone they know is not playing. Sad but true. I will be at the Hank Johnson townhall tonight, so wish us well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 11:16:27 AM We're asking people if they see anything at the town halls to go ahead and take video and send it to us. We will credit you We really want someone to go to Broun's this evening if someone's in the area ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 04:41:28 PM Somehow Z, You still don't get it. "A random BlueCross employee at one of these?" Yeah. That's the ticket. It's always random. Just a coincidence to rubes. Like Dr. Howard Dean perhaps? And of course former Industry PR flack Wendell Potter thinks the same: "WENDELL POTTER: "INSURANCE INDUSTRY HAS HIRED SCORES AND SCORES OF LOBBYISTS TO WORK ON THEIR BEHALF" [Insert Zaid typical quibble Here! They're Just all Lobbyists! But still Unregistered homely, hidden gunslingers...] Now do some real work on this group, which is yes, just One step removed from the industry principals I mentioned. One of many too! Via the DailyKos Link above: "Here's a quick education on a Washington outfit called the DCI Group. DCI is a big player in what you're seeing evolve across the country. In 2002, DCI helped kill the Patients Bill of Rights. Now DCI is behind the phony protestors, and they're undoubtedly being funded by AHIP and others." You guys should be on this. Do we have to do your jobs for you too? Geez. Please. PLEASE. Tell me that they're all not the same naive rubes as you've proven to be time & time again here & elsewhere up @ TP. Thanks. For your stalwart & self aggrandizing& self congratulatory & 'comforting' delusions. Again I'm sure it'll help mightily in the battle! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 04:49:05 PM That's a posting from DailyKos that someone put on the Dean site, not Dr. Dean himself. I'm actually trying to help you out here. I'm not saying PhRMA and big insurance aren't doing everything they can here, but they are distinctly seperate from what's happening at the mob riot-routines. The difference is that the Republicans want to kill any bill because that's who they are right now. They're the Party of No, so on and so forth. The insurance and drug industry are actually trying to game the legislative system so that they win at the end of all this. That's why AHIP and the rest are holding their fire. They haven't sponsored one single television commercial. PhRMA is running commercials in support of the plan because it will not touch them at all. It's important you understand your enemy, and not make up phantasms about them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 04:52:41 PM By the way, why don't you try actually reading what I write? The insurance lobbying campaign on health care is gigantic. It's 1.4 million dollars a day. They're "undoubtedly" being funded by AHIP isn't proof. Trust me, if you find evidence of that we would absolutely love it here at ThinkProgress because we'd take that story and run with it. But it's not true. Their strategy is to be behind the scenes with lobbying dollars and back room dealmaking. They do NOT want to become the public face of opposition, because they're incredibly unpopular. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 05:38:34 PM Amazing. Again the Queen of Quibbling. And not reading, Z. Here's what I wrote above: "Now exactly how the industry is funneling money into these various yes, myriad hidden lobbying fronts will be probably yes, sadly, a question of history. We'll only later learn the truth possibly to our regret. Which is as planned and designed. They've done it before (there's very few reporting requirements here beyond Congress & DC), and they're doing it again. Quite successfully. Again, look to history for some guidance here." And strangely enough, as you're actually watching the industry literally help strangle reform to death you and evidently your fellow colleagues (!?) want to yes, quibble that This Time They're Doing it Differently? It's not the full frontal assault that's no longer possible as it was before, but the sneak flanking attack by subversive 'irregulars', some, yes Paid, some volunteers'!? Z says: "Their strategy is to be behind the scenes with lobbying dollars and back room dealmaking. They do NOT want to become the public face of opposition, because they're incredibly unpopular". Quibbling! Are they No Less effective at destroying the chance for reform? Err No, actually. But this war is different & being fought differently and this leaves all you smart 'fellows' up in DC, well frankly mystified? That's it? You Know that they're at least spending $1.4 Mill a Day, and this does not add up to you? Not a 'significant enough effort'? Just about what's typically spent on media in a Presidential campaign pro-rated for a year? You claim you need tax receipts from some mythical insider accountant who might come forward on his deathbed when he's being denied coverage by the same firm for his chronic diseases? Some 20 years hence? Perhaps a forgotten small aspect of a ancient failed reform history. Is that the bottom line here guys? Heaven help us then. You're worse than useless. You evidently don't understand the problem, the politics, nor the need, or the urgency. By the time you do your NYT/newspaper routine (which BTW, NEVER was your style or MO before), it'll be years later. Count on it. We've seen it before. Not so coincidentally also about the CIA, another 'phantasm' that you were deeply deluded about too. Did your new employer ever see some of your sillier posts here on that score? They're not 'phantasms' if they exist, are active & are actively subverting Democracy. Again following the well hidden sources of the money will take many months. Then you and your crew can happily do the infamous 'post-mortem' on 'what went wrong' with the 'ill fated reform efforts'. Yeah that's the ticket. It's Much more satisfying & productive than say, actual reform. I'm sure we'll be all properly blamed for not being willing to listen to all your august 'wisdom' over the necessity of full & proper sourcing of super secret industry deals. It's not like we haven't all seen this story before either. Live & learn. Something. Please. If for nothing more than the sanity of future readers of history! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 06:00:06 PM Again, Not difficult to find. Via Sourcewatch: Not too hard... To like do research Z... So can I haves your job? Just wondering. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 06:21:47 PM Good grief get a damn room. No one wants to see this sh*t. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 08:29:27 PM AHIP =/= DCI group. There are 1300 insurers, I'm not suprised if a few aren't on message. You're being very abrasive, yet you and I want the same thing and the big difference between us is our understanding of the strategy of those who oppose what we want. Aren't you being a bit unreasonable? "Good grief get a damn room. No one wants to see this sh*t." I don't want to make out with him. Do you? O_o ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 08:43:53 PM Yep. That's the point. Way down in the ever confusing weeds of 'inside baseball', and yes Hopeless. Z says: "There are 1300 insurers, I'm not suprised if a few aren't on message." Yes, once again. We (you) hope to know what we don't know, and what we can't hope to know soon. And that makes us all feel nice and comfy about the wolf pack at the door. You'll hope to try and impute their motives with perhaps some 'proper' psychoanalysis. The rest of the world? Really already knows why they're there. But can we ask politely that all/some? of your smart colleagues care to Follow them & Investigate the Mobs? That might be helpful here. Thanks. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 08:48:35 PM We've been investigating the mobs for a week, and most people who are doing stuff on them are using our research. They're not AHIP or PhRMA they are Republicans and ideologically right organizations and some corp. outfits tied to Republicans. The health care industry for the most part is supporting neutered health care reform. PhRMA is openly running ads in favor of it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 09:55:33 PM Always nice to know. The money? Is really, really hard to trace now though. And it's being spent quite lavishly from every report I've seen. It's also important. But bottom line, this is the dynamic of what we're talking about here. Via Media Matters: MMFA The infamous 'Brooks Brothers Riot' in Fl that shut down the vote counting in 2000? It took time to ID those guys too. Longer still to actually realize that they were all being coordinated from a camper van specially brought to the scene by the national GOP. That only came about months later. We've got to do better. Mobs don't just 'appear' Exactly on time in a week. There's plenty of coordination, supplementation, transportation, & direction. And we've only seen part of it. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 07:16:51 AM More Data points here via TPM that folks should be aware of: Again Blue Cross/Blue Shield doing astro-turf lobbying using employees: "By Zachary Roth - August 5, 2009, 2:44PM It looks like Express Scripts isn't the only company that's pressing its employees to take action in opposition to health-care reform. Last month, as the Post Standard of Syracuse, New York reports, David Klein, CEO of the health insurer Excellus BlueCross BlueShield emailed employees to ask them to fill out postcards to New York's senators, urging them to oppose the creation of a public option..." And another Pharma one: "CEO Urges Employees To Send Emails Against Health-Care Reform By Zachary Roth - August 5, 2009, 11:49AM It's happened in earlier Washington battles where powerful business interests have been threatened: corporate executives pressuring their employees into taking action on behalf of the firm's perceived political interests. And now it's happening on health-care reform. Employees of Express Scripts, a St. Louis-based pharmacy benefit manager that's ranked 115 in Fortune's rankings of America's largest corporations, on Monday received an email from the firm's CEO, George Paz. Titled "Take Action: Your Voice Matters on Healthcare Reform," the email, obtained by TPMmuckraker, denounces the "rush to pass legislation that could fundamentally alter our current system without a full understanding of the costs and consequences of those changes." JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 08:28:31 AM I wrote about Express Scripts in the Progress Report last week. Do you know what happened? The Vice President of Blue Cross of California wrote to us to tell us that it is not an insurance company and isn't affilaited with AHIP (just incase we didn't know that, which we did) That's how tightly these people are watching this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 05:06:29 PM That's how carefully they're hiding what they do so no one can figure it out until it's too late. But no, I don't 'trust' them, no one does, and that's a very good thing & useful as well. We can and should use that as a rallying cry. 'Who do you trust more, your Government or your insurance company. That's where even the PO would win hands down! What's described is a very common practice BTW, and again rarely comes to light, unless someone is carefully looking for trends in emails & letters. And seemingly? Few staffers have much time for a careful analysis of same. So again, Information to allies & the Media is a very valuable commodity. Why we need to hold everyone to much, much higher journo standards than Fox, or indeed even the once august NYT is just beyond me however. I say we should have the guts to subpoena the lot of them after rescinding their tax exemptions & bulking up on present day lax regulations from states & feds alike. But the truth? Will ever remain elusive. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 05:35:26 PM The conversations around the office is that the public option -- which was itself a weak compromise -- is not going to be able to get through the Senate. Some people are falling back on "it'll find its way in through the conference committee." My personal opinion is that one might make it, but it'll be so weak that it won't have any real impact. Meanwhile, insurers and drug companies get a gigantic windfall of tax payer dollars. More people get care, but we further bankrupt ourselves and the people responsible for the problem get richer. A pyhric victory. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 05:57:29 PM Make it optional for the States, [Voluntary]: Via the Huff Post: Paul Abrams Posted: August 10, 2009 01:14 AM "To Dick Durbin: Before Surrendering the Public Plan, Just Make It Optional [Quoted at length, not in full] "This was first suggested ("An Offer on a 'Public Option' Republicans Can't Refuse: Let States Determine Whether to Adopt It", June 25, 2009) purely as a political strategy. But, making the public plan optional is not only better political strategy, it is better public policy in our federal system. Federal authority really should be exercised only when necessary, and the burden of proof ought to be on those who assert its necessity. Those states not wishing to partake of the public plan ought not to be provided any additional benefits as compensation, but ought not be treated as pariahs. The optional public plan can pass. There will no longer be any excuse for a member of the Democratic caucus to vote against cloture (and, if they do, they should be stripped of their seniority). We now know that Senator Byrd can make it to the Senate to cast a vote. That provides 59 votes for cloture. If Senator Kennedy cannot make it for the cloture vote, making the public plan optional ought to attract the Maine Senators to vote to allow a vote on health care reform. Deference to federalism is also good 21st century progressive politics. One does not have to subscribe to the Republicans' nonsense of government-as-ogre to prefer individual control over one's life choices. Progressives who assume that millennials, who shun the rightwing because of their lies and divisiveness, are naturally attuned to federal power do so at their electoral peril. Today's progressivism is not yesterday's. Progressives make a fundamental error, therefore, when they do not take advantage of opportunities to create policies that do not require the assertion of federal authority. On energy and the environment, for example, no such opportunity exists -- indeed, even federal authority is inadequate, world action is required. Health care reform, however, is different. It provides an opportunity for accomplishing the goals of reform, while enjoying the benefits of federalism. And, in so doing, enabling the reform to be enacted in the first place." [End cite] Just a thought. But if we can't do this with 60 votes now, we'll not be able to do it for another 40 years. Which is pretty scary to contemplate, and will cost us plenty. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 07:51:44 PM Optional public plan is so laughable I don't know what to think. Optional single payer at least made a lick of sense, when Kucinich had his amendment passed, because it wasn't being proposed by the leadership at the federal level. Optional public option state by state -- this is kicking this battle into a position where it never reach fruition or any level of prominence. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 08:31:45 PM I'm not saying it's an ideal situation either. Nothing ever is. I'm w/ Mr. K on the Single payer/Canadian plan, but that's not going to happen. Should it have been proposed? Sure. But woulda, coulda etc. That does not make the Congressional leadership strategic visionaries, or even very laudable on the issue, but they really seldom are. It's also kicking the issue right where it needs to be. In everyone's laps & inside every home. Right now? It's a vague but threatening abstraction for too many. Now turning that dynamic around might take too much time, (which is why the bullying tactics are often so successful). So here? You get the possibility of a fuller slice of what you want, and you get to work out the kinks on a smaller scale at the same time. And economically? It would probably work too. The problems would be easier to address & work out without overhauling the system every decade or so like they're probably going to need to do in MA. I'd have Dennis say that he'll now offer an optional single payer plan too. Hell even a 'single payer lite' for any state that want to take advantage of it. And those unfortunate 'retrograde states' offering just the status quo 'plus'? They'd suddenly have plenty of energized real life Activists bird dogging them asking for single payer or the public option in their states. They'd suddenly be much less competitive for industry & business relocation. They could have real troubles competing with those states with the added comparative advantage of good effective health care. And they might learn that it pays to do good. Now, Yes, this would take longer. I've found that people often are slow learners. Especially the ones who claim to be among the 'better educated' BTW. It would be a real life test of everything we're talking about. And I for one have the confidence to believe that it's another way we'd get what we'd want in the end. But if you want it done, it's a viable avenue to explore. Unlike what Ron Wyden is up to BTW. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 09:19:03 PM Here's the problem, we keep moving the goal posts back, the HMO's and big pharma keep thinking we're weaker and keep digging the knife in deeper. This is the sort of spinelessness these people love. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 09:56:49 PM But I thought you said that Big Pharma was 'on board' & the AHIP was 'standing down'? I've got little worry about goal posts. It's a nuclear war, remember? It needs a several pronged attack. One as a pure Moral Crusade BTW too. And it obviously needs mass mobilization, which has been slow in coming from the forces of light & progress. Again nothing much gets accomplished just sitting back and whining & 2nd & 3rd guessing. There needs to be serious re-engagement on several fronts at the same time. And yes, if that means flooding the airwaves with real life tragic stories about how the HMO's actually Did kill Granny/Gramps & sis & sonny, we should raise the moola for it. This is not 'moving the goal posts' It's getting control of the game once again to be able to score much of anything. And it's about looking at how to win differently and using more of what we've got and some of what we can hope to get. Again, think anew and think about the possible. Now. Before it slips away on the swords of yes, the barbarians that seek only destruction, greed, plunder & more death . You know, your fellows that are not 'doing the lobbying' with what? A half a billion dollars in one year for certain?! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 06:45:58 AM More thought on what's going on @ the Town Halls: Via Ed Kilgore & The Democratic JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 08:53:17 AM Big Pharma is fully on board, AHIP is trying to kill a public plan but other than that they are willing to support the bill. Why? You think they don't like having 50 million new customers? A few rules here and there don't make a difference. They've done guarenteed issue and community rating in other states and all it does is jack up the price of insurance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 09:32:23 AM MelGX: I would pay to have a JMP V. Z section of BforD. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 10:06:11 AM I feel you IRE. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Cong. Hank Johnson's Health Care Town Hall BASENAME: cong_hank_johnsons_health_care STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/10/2009 02:20:13 PM ----- BODY: icon_hank_johnson.jpgHere we are at the long awaited Town Hall Meeting! The line wrapped around the lovely campus here under a shaded walkway. Toward the back of the line (where we were until escorted to the front by a namelss friend ;-) there was little drama. A few "Fair Tax" posters and some Reform supporters hanging out in line. Once we got closer up we heard some "If you're against Obamacare you NEED this card". Congressman Johnson's staff is well organized and I'm thrilled to report that each attendee is handed a card on which to write questions! Nicely done! We're getting settled in now. Will be back once things get started. If you're reading this - we're in the back row! ----- EXTENDED BODY: 7:15 Things have gotten started. Congressman Johnson is making some introductory remarks before introducing the panel already seated on the stage. It's a full house here and we understand that the secondary locations are also full. Congressman Johnson is focusing on the high salaries of insurance company CEOs, high costs of health care, and his support of HR 3200. The audience is quiet and respectful. Audience claps for his criticism of "Bue Dog" Democrats and their interest in "gutting" the public option. OK. Now all the elcted officials stand up. Phew, at least they didn't all have to be introduced. Citizen Cathy McClure takes the stage. Also known as The Purple Bus Lady. Son has diabetes. She is telling us the costs of his care and that an individual policy is not available. Daughter has epiliepsy. Tales of delays and expenses of health care for ill children. First up,: Dr Sandra Ford, Dekalb County Board of Health. Mentions my favorite - our ranking National Infant Mortality rates. We should be ashamed at over 100. She's giving us a bunch of numbers about teen smoking and sexual activity. Numbers. More and more numbers. Reminds us of the importance of preventive care and wellness. She gets a big round of applause for mentioning personal responsibility. Next: Dr Patrice Harris, American Medical Association. AMA supports HR3200 as proposed. Emphasize doctor/patient privacy; shortage of primary care physicians; prevention and wellness; and other key issues. Now, Dr Arthur Kellermann, Professor of Emergency Medicine, Emory University (and Grady) No "wallet biopsy" in the any emergency room. Draw the best from both public and private systems. A blended system. We'll need courage and will. "We have to do it. Do it ths year." Dr Eric Norwood, President/CEO Dekalb Medical Center. Each American should be covered through a combination of public and private providers health savings accounts; Massachusetts bi-partisan approach; lower costs by covering everyone. Mr Jeffrey Taylor CEO, Oakhurst Medical Centers. Personal responsibility, healthy living, community health. Dr Todd Williamson, President, Georgia Medical Association. Represents 12 Medical Specialty Associations. Emphasize the importance of patient/physician relationship. He opposed HR 3200 and any public option. He's a red-blooded Conservative. Ohhhhh! Rationing! No one should tell you that you can't spend your own money on your medical care. And last, Michael Young, President of Grady Health System. Believes a national system will avoid individual states setting their own programs. Support for safety net hospitals such as Grady. Increasing numbers of uninsured patients due to unemployment. . OK! Now for questions. JT says "This is fixin' to turn into a circus". Turns out the cards are only for questons for which there isn't time to answer. We love you Hank, but you can't respond to every "What I want to hear myself say today" comment... Question about the Health Benefits Advisory Commission appeal process. Scott Goldstein, explains that the commission will define minimum coverage. Oh good lord. The lines are long and the questions are not really questions. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 10:01:26 PM Thanks for the report Bernita. It's always good to hear from one of the few Reps in Ga. who openly embraces the concept of reform. And of course no where in the world is this true: "No one should tell you that you can't spend your own money on your medical care". Anywhere. Even in China, the UK, Canada, France, or Russia. Another red herring. Thanks for being there. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Susan Oakes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2009 10:51:42 PM My husband and I showed up at the August 10, 2009 Town Hall meeting at Perimeter College prior to 6 PM. The lines were already beyond long, and grew even longer once we secured our polite place in the line. After an 1.5 hour wait, we were turned away as the gym was completely filled. The lines snaked around and were poorly drawn, and the folks at the end of the line managed to move ahead and secure a better position than the courteous folks who arrived earlier. The public would have been better served if there had been less police protection and more volunteers/ coordinators to manage the people flow/paths. Perhaps any future town hall meeting coordinators should anticipate a large turnout and plan accordingly. That would ease the disappointment to those that are unable to be accommodated. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 01:14:49 AM Thanks Susan, I think the priority was placed on security, so everything else was seemingly secondary. More volunteers always helps. Fewer police was probably out of the question given the level of threats & intimidation we've seen repeatedly at other venues around the nation. There were 'overflow' areas where you could hear the discussion though. This from a report via the,-GA-4.-We-came-out-in-force! Thanks for your participation & note. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 06:47:27 AM Oh BTW. Those infamous 'Medicare Death Panels' that Ex-Gov. Sarah Palin (R, Quitter)was twittering & lying about? Ga. Sen. Johnny Isakson helped & fought hard to have them included in the bill. No Really. No word from Isakson's office even trying to address the mass hysteria whipped up by his GOP colleagues. Naturally, the brave soul that he is. Facing South Blog has the story here: "Death panel" architect a pro-life Republican from Georgia? Last week former Republican vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin posted a statement to her Facebook page in which she warned that President Obama's health care reform plan would result in a so-called "death panel" with the power to kill elderly people and those with disabilities: Palin: The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their "level of productivity in society," whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil. U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) also recently accused the Democrats' health care reform plan of putting seniors "to death." But there is nothing resembling the alleged "death panel" in the health care reform plan. A spokesperson for Palin told ABC News that the former governor was referring to a section promoting advance care planning that appears on page 425 of the House Democrats' bill [pdf]. Advance care planning includes living wills and durable powers of attorney that allow individuals to make clear their wishes for end-of-life care, whatever they may be. And as it turns out, the cause of advance planning has been championed especially strongly by a pro-life Republican -- U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia..." Yeah. Call his office and ask why he's being such a 'Silent Cal', on this one of his signature issues. Here's the Contact info: Washington: United States Senate, 120 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 Tel: (202) 224-3643 Fax: (202) 228-0724 Atlanta: One Overton Park, 3625 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 970, Atlanta, GA 30339 Tel: (770) 661-0999 Fax: (770) 661-0768 JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Susan Leslie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 09:10:51 AM I attended the town hall meeting about the health care bill last night. I was totally embarrassed by the people who showed up who were rude and closed minded and mean. I was told these were Republicans, however they are not like any I have ever known. I am from an old Republican family - my great grandfather was one of the founding members of the party in fact. It was a very sad moment for me to realize the Republican party has fallen so far away from the values I remember. I do think the health care bill needs explaining in plain english to us and I suggest a work book or a coloring book style information book be written so that even children can understand something about it. I am a Democrat for sure and proud of it. It is about time someone tackled an issue as big as healthcare for Americans. We have suffered long enough - seen friend's die as a result of insurance companies controlling their care. We know that there are elderly and handicapped out there in the nooks and crannies of our neighborhoods that barely eke by - and some perish each year usually in the winter. We know people who have lost their jobs. People who have had breakdowns and lost their marriages. And the list goes on and on. If we can make progress on something as big as healthcare for a nation we are taking steps towards eliminating addiction and malnutrition and crime and ignorance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JayT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 09:36:31 AM I arrived early and was first in line. With me were some supporters as well non-supporters, but the conversations were civil. There were some "Fair Tax" proponents as well, spouting their usual nonsense. I don't think they were prepared for someone to actually have a clue, so that was an interesting debate. Off topic of health care, one of the Fair Taxers was having issues with people possibly cutting in front of her. She said "I've been here for a long time and they are not going to get in front of me. If they get behind me that's ok." I asked her if she thought that was FAIR to the people in back of her and she said she didn't care. And they wonder why we don't trust the "Fair Tax". Once inside, we were anxious but prepared for the worst. Georgia justifiably gets a large amount of bad press becausee of Congressmen like Westmoreland, Gingrey, Linder, etc., but even though there were a few hecklers, when the Congressman asked them to calm down, they did. Occasionally, members in the crowd also asked them to S-h-h-h and once again they did. This is what a town hall should be. We had a lively debate but it did not get out of control. The congressman and his staff should be commended, but, so should the people of Georgia. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 11:11:52 AM I was there and just wanted to give props to the organizers. Hank and Dekalb in general made us proud last night. Good event. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 05:42:38 PM From the last stats I've seen 2/3's of all bankruptcies have as their cause (partial or major) health care bills, even for people who are well insured. So it's a huge & vital Economic & moral issue too. Which is something we all forget at our peril. Thanks again for the reports from the scene. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Props to Jonny. BASENAME: props_to_jonny STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/11/2009 10:09:36 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_elephant3.jpg No, you haven't stumbled into Bizarro BfD. Yes, we are commending Georgia Senator Jonny Isakson for his advocacy for end-of-life planning and his recent comments about one former governor:
    I have no idea. I understand -- and you have to check this out -- I just had a phone call where someone said Sarah Palin's web site had talked about the House bill having death panels on it where people would be euthanized. How someone could take an end of life directive or a living will as that is nuts. You're putting the authority in the individual rather than the government. I don't know how that got so mixed up.
    He goes on to speak quite eloquently about the importance of making these choices ahead of time so that bureacrats don't make them for you. So, yeah, it's not so much bizarro world here, but out there... h/t: Donnie. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 01:40:33 PM Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston also spoke out against Sarah Palin's lies on Bill Maher last week. It's nice to see some southern conservatives still willing to call out the popular but crazy members of their party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 05:33:20 PM No props to Ezra Klein for trying to smoke him out on the issue. And as usual for Isakson, he's now always playing a double game. Oh so ever reasonable sounding when interviewed, but in his PR on the issue. Of course he blames Obama, Pelosi & the Dems for the problem. Via PP the Full statement from Isakson's office. Just a beaut of buck passing, whining & blame shifting. That's Johnny! "Isakson Denounces White House Comments Connecting Him To Terribly Flawed House Health Care Bill ‘This Is What Happens When the President and Members of Congress Don’t Read the Bills’ WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today denounced comments made by President Obama and his spokesman regarding Isakson’s alleged connection to language contained in the House health care bill on “end-of-life counseling.” Isakson vehemently opposes the House and Senate health care bills and he played no role in drafting language added to the House bill by House Democrats calling for the government to incentivize doctors by offering them money to conduct “end-of-life counseling” with Medicare patients every five years. Isakson also strongly opposed the House bill language calling for doctors to follow a government-mandated list of topics to discuss with patients during the counseling sessions. By contrast, Isakson took a very different approach in July during the Senate HELP Committee hearings on the Senate version of the health care bill. Isakson’s amendment to the Senate bill says that anyone who participates in the long-term care benefit provided in the bill – if they so choose – may use that benefit to obtain assistance in formulating their own living will and durable power of attorney. Isakson’s amendment, which was accepted unanimously by all Republicans and Democrats on the Senate HELP Committee, empowers the individual to make their own choices on these critical issues, rather than the government incentivizing doctors to conduct counseling on government-mandated topics. Isakson ultimately voted against the Senate health care bill. “This is what happens when the President and members of Congress don’t read the bills. The White House and others are merely attempting to deflect attention from the intense negativity caused by their unpopular policies. I never consulted with the White House in this process and had no role whatsoever in the House Democrats’ bill. I categorically oppose the House bill and find it incredulous that the White House and others would use my amendment as a scapegoat for their misguided policies,” Isakson said. “My Senate amendment simply puts health care choices back in the hands of the individual and allows them to consider if they so choose a living will or durable power of attorney. The House provision is merely another ill-advised attempt at more government mandates, more government intrusion, and more government involvement in what should be an individual choice.” [End Isakson statement] "I don't know how that got so mixed up." Yeah, butter would not melt in his mouth. Thanks for nothing Johnny. Why we even keep trying to negotiate with people who'll willingly and gleefully turn around & then kick you in the teeth to the evident delight of their own 'crowd' is beyond me. Really. He just made whatever decent progress made on his 'advocacy for end-of-life planning' suspect and poisonous. There was a simple way to address this. It did not even involve much 'courage' or strain. Just tell the truth. And Johnny/ Wants to spin it for his side's advantage. It's not his fault or the GOP's hysterical TV ads now showing on the issue. No he's 'unaware of all that'. It's always Obama's fault. Yeah. Priceless. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 05:45:14 AM I'm evidently not the only one who thinks so either: via "The REPUBLICAN who pushed for LIVING WILLS..and is now running like a punk." Sorry for the typos in the prior post. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 02:12:51 AM It's official: Johnny's too yellow to note again that ex Gov. Palin's either a craven liar (more likely) or nuts. Via AJC's Political Insider: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 01:10:36 PM Johnny is now backing off and attacking the White House. Why do Georgians have this stereotype of him as some kind of moderate nice guy? He's never been that. He's just less of an asshole than Chambliss. He still votes against health care for kids. What a useless tool. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 03:39:19 AM That's the AJC's standard line too, BTW. It dates from his tenure in the Ga. Leg about 20 or more years ago when he was *slightly* less hardline Rethug. than the nuts then up & coming in the Leg. He once had good media relations too. They did the same for the late Sen. Paul Coverdell too, and for the same reasons. But again, wholly lacking in any recent evidence for their skewed & biased opinions of them. So even if you're slightly less crazy than the nuts? The MSM regards you as a moderate now, but only if you're a Repug. That's the way the game is played. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Scenes from Hank Johnson's Health Care Forum BASENAME: scenes_from_hank_johnsons_heal STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/11/2009 01:27:50 PM ----- BODY: icon_hank_johnson.jpgCongressman Hank Johnson's Health Care forum was a let down for big media - there weren't too many crazies, the Congressman didn't provide them with any salacious soundbites (as Grift says "with a speaking tone the equivalent of vocal valium"), and the crowd (inside and outside) were very respectful to each other. The crowd's calmness can be attributed to the great planning of Congressman Johnson's staff surrounded the Congressman with health care experts. This made it very difficult for the crowd to vent all their anger and frustration at the Congressman - it was like putting a rat into a maze. Brilliant plan! I must give props to DeKalb county's elected Democrats because they came out in full force to support Congressman Hank Johnson. That was great teamwork. Although Congressman Lewis didn't attend the event, he sent 3 staffers who volunteered alongside Congressman Johnson's staff. I spent the evening volunteering for the Congressman and Catherine Smith did the live blogging. I had the opportunity to see all the faces that came through the main event area, the overflow room, and in those who waited in line. 800 folks were seated in the main event and the overflow room and at least 1,000 - 1,500 people had to be turned away. Yeah, that was crazy. Lots of groups were represented - Labor, Planned Parenthood, Health Care Reform folks (they were for single payer and some wore tape over their mouths), Fair Tax, MoveOn, Organizing for America, FreedomWorks, and lots more groups. As much noise as the media made (and the countless emails I received), they were no fistfights, screaming, or even cussing between these groups. I was impressed. The majority of the debate occurred with folks who were standing on line next to each other. Now those debates did get a little hostile at times - I think it was a combination of the summer heat, folks needing to vent, lots of very strong opinions, and let's not forget lots of misinformation. Here's my video of some of the voices at the health care forum: ** I'm no video editing person. Someone needs to teach me how to remove background noise (and do transitions). There's but so much one can do with a FlipCamera. All in all - A++ to Congressman Hank Johnson. I hope to attend a few more of these during the August recess. UPDATE from Catherine: Here are some great photos of the event from Josh D Weiss. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 05:50:04 PM Grift: [HJ] "with a speaking tone the equivalent of vocal valium". Yes. Amazing to contemplate. But evidently somehow more effective than imagined or even suspected. He's done us proud though. Which is an improvement in many, many ways. Progressives in Ga. Go figure! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jeff Blanks EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/11/2009 10:59:20 PM I was one of those left outside, and I met an old high school classmate with whom I get along very well. He told me the inability to seat everyone was proof of government's chronic incompetence! (As if Rep. Johnson's staff could've known this many people would show up.) Oh, and "Southside Steve" from Rock 100.5 (i.e., the "Regular Guys"' sidekick) was there. I got to tell a *rather interesting* story about 1988... ;-) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 08:15:20 AM Please get allies to use this valuable tool here: "H.R. 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, District by District Impact Publications Friday, 24 July 2009 16:24 The Committee has prepared, for each member, a district-level analysis of the impact of the legislation. This analysis includes information on the impact of the legislation on small businesses, seniors in Medicare, health care providers, and the uninsured. It also includes an estimate of the impacts of the surtax that is used to pay for the legislation." This will get you a great analysis of the impact of reform By Cong. Dist in the US & Ga.: State by state comparisons are also available here: There's some great tools out there to help! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 08:19:28 AM Please get allies to use this valuable tool here: "H.R. 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, District by District Impact Publications Friday, 24 July 2009 16:24 The Committee has prepared, for each member, a district-level analysis of the impact of the legislation. This analysis includes information on the impact of the legislation on small businesses, seniors in Medicare, health care providers, and the uninsured. It also includes an estimate of the impacts of the surtax that is used to pay for the legislation." This will get you a great analysis of the impact of reform By Cong. Dist in the US & Ga.: State by state comparisons are also available here: There's some great tools out there to help! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 08:24:20 AM Sorry for the double post there. The sites been buggy for me tonight. For Ga. here are the numbers the stats & figures vital for reform: via American "Why Georgia Needs Health Reform: By the Numbers Our broken health care system forces families and businesses to struggle with skyrocketing costs and puts millions of Americans at risk of losing the insurance they have now. Here is how our broken health care system affects people in Georgia. • 430 residents of Georgia are losing health insurance every day, and 14,000 Americans nationwide lose insurance daily. • The average family premium in Georgia costs $900 more because our system fails to cover everyone—and $1,100 more nationally. • Our broken health insurance system will cost the Georgia economy as much as $9 billion this year in productivity losses due to the uninsured—and up to $248 billion nationally. • In Georgia there has been a 18 percent increase in the uninsured rate since 2007. • 1,880,000 are uninsured today in Georgia. • In Georgia the combined market share of the top two insurers is 69 percent, limiting employers’ and families’ health insurance options as well as the care they receive. • The average family premium will rise from $12,471 to $21,280 by 2019 in Georgia without health care reform. • In Georgia, without health care reform, 248,160 will have lost coverage from January 2008 to December 2010. • In Georgia, 827,000 people would gain coverage as a result of the House health care reform bill by 2013, and 1,331,000 would gain coverage by 2019. • A typical Georgia family will pay $21,280 for health coverage in 2019 without health care reform." Great stuff, and we need to use it everywhere we can. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 08:27:11 AM Sorry for the double post there. The sites been buggy for me tonight. For Ga. here are the numbers the stats & figures vital for reform: via American "Why Georgia Needs Health Reform: By the Numbers Our broken health care system forces families and businesses to struggle with skyrocketing costs and puts millions of Americans at risk of losing the insurance they have now. Here is how our broken health care system affects people in Georgia. • 430 residents of Georgia are losing health insurance every day, and 14,000 Americans nationwide lose insurance daily. • The average family premium in Georgia costs $900 more because our system fails to cover everyone—and $1,100 more nationally. • Our broken health insurance system will cost the Georgia economy as much as $9 billion this year in productivity losses due to the uninsured—and up to $248 billion nationally. • In Georgia there has been a 18 percent increase in the uninsured rate since 2007. • 1,880,000 are uninsured today in Georgia. • In Georgia the combined market share of the top two insurers is 69 percent, limiting employers’ and families’ health insurance options as well as the care they receive. • The average family premium will rise from $12,471 to $21,280 by 2019 in Georgia without health care reform. • In Georgia, without health care reform, 248,160 will have lost coverage from January 2008 to December 2010. • In Georgia, 827,000 people would gain coverage as a result of the House health care reform bill by 2013, and 1,331,000 would gain coverage by 2019. • A typical Georgia family will pay $21,280 for health coverage in 2019 without health care reform." Great stuff, and we need to use it everywhere we can. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: "Don't back down." BASENAME: dont_back_down STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/12/2009 09:48:32 AM TAGS: astroturf,healthcare,racism ----- BODY: scott_sign.jpgCongressman David Scott talks about swastika left on his district office sign. Video from AJC. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 11:49:17 AM Sad... That should fire us up even more in our fight to ensure that all people are granted their right to health care. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 08:34:09 AM Seriously, WTF does Hitler have to do with providing health care / health insurance reform? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 10:21:29 AM I think it has something to do with the end of life consultations being compared to "the final solution". You know, because we're trying to kill grandma and all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 10:27:20 AM I think it was a (horribly misguided) reference to Scott's public meeting that turned ugly when someone brought up healthcare. A lot of locals were pissed at him for what they perceived to be shutting out dissent. But I could be wrong. (And no, I am in no way condoning/rationalizing it. Just trying to figure out the vandals' motivation.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 12:35:07 PM If any BFDers want to go to this and film crazies and pop it over to us ( we would love you forever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 01:20:13 PM It has everything to do with healthcare Jen B. I'm sorry this whole debate just reminds me of 1932... all I'm saying. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 04:00:57 PM So...any internal DPG politics to report on? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 04:12:48 PM Yes IRE. As I'm sure you already know, Andre is running for DPG Secretary. The current secretary Steve Leeds is stepping down to accept a position within the Obama administration. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 04:15:33 PM Not the biting commentary I was expecting... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 09:08:55 PM I've had my issues with Andre (haven't we all?) but he seems to be maturing a bit. This year, he's worked harder than about 9 out of 10 of the DPG State Committee Members. He's been chairing the Delegate Selection Reform Committee and is doing a very thorough job. One positive thing I can say about him is that when he's given a task, he takes it very seriously. I actually think he would make a competent Secretary. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 09:52:39 PM I support him because I support breaking gender roles. Right now I think only women can be secretaries. Andre, show me a man can do a woman's job just as good as she can! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: The SwiftboatBirthbaggers are coming to town BASENAME: the_swiftboatbirthbaggers_are STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/12/2009 10:44:41 AM TAGS: astroturf,swiftboatbirthbaggers ----- BODY: icon_crazy_cracker.jpgThe wingnuts are planning the "largest health care town hall to date" on August 15th at Centennial Olympic Park from 1:00 - 4:00pm. I'm not kidding. Full email from Ssssadie below the fold. More from the Right Side News here. Excuse me now while I go take a shower. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    Exciting News for America's Health Care Town Hall. Country Music Star John Berry has agreed to come and perform our National Anthem and his new song "Give Me Back My Country". The slate of speakers and panelists are set - join us on August 15th! HEALTHCARE rally on Aug 15th at Centennial Park NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS STAND UNIFIED IN LARGEST HEALTH CARE TOWN HALL TO DATE Key Note Speaker: Congressman Dick Armey Town Hall Moderator: Talk Show Host Herman Cain Signatory Host: Talk Show Host Joel Aaron It's YOUR health and YOUR life that's at stake! Dissent Is Not Un-American The Morning Bell - Monday, Aug 10, 2009 The Heritage Foundation Whether the source is Gallup, Pew, Quinnipiac, the Wall Street Journal, NPR, the Washington Post, or even the New York Times; every recent poll on the issue shows that either pluralities or majorities of Americans have serious doubts about President Barack Obama's health care plan. Reviewing the month's polling data, Gallup's Frank Newport sums it up: "The bottom line is a sense that, while Americans apparently favor some type of healthcare reform in the long term, they are in no hurry to see healthcare reform legislation passed in the short-term on a rushed schedule. ... A Pew Research poll released this week shows that those who are worried about new health care legislation are most likely to say it is because it involves too much spending and would increase the deficit." Wrapped in their liberal Washington cocoon, however, the leadership in Congress simply do not want to hear this message. Instead, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) have chosen to pen an op-ed in today's USA Today calling those who want Congress to hear their concerns about health care "simply un-American." Pelosi and Hoyer claim that opponents of Obamacare are disrupting townhalls across the country by "drowning out the facts" about health reform. However, it is not the townhall-attending Americans that don't have their facts straight. It is Pelosi, Hoyer, and Obama's allies that are doing violence to the truth. The Threat to Your Current Medical Care: Pelosi and Hoyer claim: "The first fact is that health insurance reform will mean more patient choice." This is simply not true. According to the non-partisan Lewin Group, under the House legislation about 83.4 million people would lose their current private insurance. This would represent a 48.4 percent reduction in the number of people with private coverage. Pelosi and Hoyer also claim: "Reform will mean affordable coverage for all Americans." But thanks to new price controls set in the legislation, yearly premiums for the typical American with private coverage could go up by as much as $460 per privately insured person. The Cost Explosion: Pelosi and Hoyer also claim their plan will "lower costs." But this has been thoroughly refuted by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In fact, the House plan significantly expands health care costs and it is Pelosi and Hoyer who have gamed the system to try and conceal this truth from the American people. The House plan delays any real spending increases until 2013 so that Obama allies like the Washington Post's Steven Pearlstein can claim the bill only increases government health care spending "by about $140 billion" In reality, once all of the House bill's spending takes effect, Obamacare will be spending $245 billion a year. And in the out years? CBO director Doug Elmendorf said this: "In sum, relative to current law, the proposal would probably generate substantial increases in federal budget deficits during the decade beyond the current 10-year budget window." A Government Takeover of Health Care: In his weekly radio address, President Obama again claimed his health plan would not: "bring about a government takeover of health care." Obama needs to check his facts with Pelosi's and Hoyer's colleagues in the Democratic Caucus, because Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) is on record saying that Obama's public "is the best way to reach single-payer." And Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) is also on record saying: "A public option will put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to single-payer." Do Pelosi and Hoyer consider Frank and Schakowsky un-American for contradicting the President? The raucous nature of some of the townhalls may sometimes be regrettable. But it should be noted that none of the confrontations turned violent until the White House instructed their big labor allies to "punch back twice as hard." Dissent and public debate are part of the First Amendment. People who seek to stifle public debate are the one's acting in contradiction to our core American values. Which is why it was so troubling to hear the President of the United States utter these sentences last week: "I don't want the folks who created the mess doing a lot of talking. I want them to just get out of the way so we can clean up the mess." Quick Hits: With the drug industry set to run ads in favor of President Obama's health care plan, President Bill Clinton's Labor Secretary Robert Reich explains "How the White House's Deal With Big Pharma Undermines Democracy." Bailouts for financial firms and billions in tax revenue lost because of the recession drove the deficit to a record $1.3 trillion in July. USA Today reports that the absence of the 750,000 vehicles destroyed by the Obama administration's Cash for Clunkers program will cause "already rising prices for used cars to head even higher." According to the Los Angeles Times, President's Obama's grass-roots team has slipped in the health care debate due to "core supporters' disenchantment and effective GOP resistance." President Obama's use of signing statements is provoking mounting criticism by lawmakers from both parties. Thank you for Keeping The Faith. Sadie Fields
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: ddreyer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 11:40:57 AM Any word on a counterdemonstration? It is an outrage that a supposedly Christian organization is against healthcare. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Solution to the illegal alien problem in health care... BASENAME: solution_to_the_illegal_alien STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/12/2009 02:42:09 PM TAGS: healthcare,immigrants,reform,undocumented ----- BODY: icon_idea_lightbulb.jpgOne of the chief complaints of the bitter masses about health care is that it will insure illegal aliens with the American taxpayers paying the bill. Well, illegal aliens, just like most uninsured Americans, go to the ER when they get sick, or want to have an anchor baby. This is a huge problem for hospitals, who then turn to the Federal and State Governments to make up the difference. So, how do we pay for those who we currently pay for, will have to continue to pay for, and don't want to pay for? Easy, keep paying for them, keep track of it, and then charge their home governments for it. Two ways to get that money without sending them a bill: The United States collects taxes on behalf of foreign governments already (and allows a set-off against our taxes for taxes collected abroad) for all kinds of things, property, income taxes, etc. Just add an additional offset to cover the price of medical care used by their citizens while they are here. Second: Tariffs. Goods that come into this country are taxed, either at the Most Favored Nation rate, or some country specific rate. Simply make the next year's tariff rate inclusive of the previous year's hospital bill. They are more than welcome to bill us for Americans who slip and fall on Macchu Pichu. This would solve the how to pay for illegal aliens problem, give the countries who are leaving an incentive to cut down on illegal border crossings, and protect American industry by making it slightly more expensive to import goods into the country. You are welcome Obama, use it wisely. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 07:31:17 PM Coupla things: We would have to figure out how to determine their nationality. Not easy with an undocumented person. Secondly, I think the vast majority of these people are here to work. I would think many of them have obtained fake documents, including social security numbers, so they can work. This means they are paying taxes with no real hope of ever getting to use many of the services the rest of us taxpayers expect. So I don't think we're paying for their health care anyway. The only ones not paying would be the guys hanging around outside the Home Depot trying to pick up a days work for cash. The guys in the pickup trucks hiring them should be very careful though... what happens if their hired help gets hurt on the job? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 07:51:40 PM "Easy, keep paying for them, keep track of it, and then charge their home governments for it." Did this blog get taken over for Free Republic? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/12/2009 10:32:55 PM Of course, none of the health care bills under consideration provide coverage to undocumented immigrants, again proving that the Republican Party is outraged over an outrageous outrage that does not exist. Anyhow, given that the sensible solutions are outrageously outrageous, I guess this crazy one is as good as any other. JerryT: The government could estimate the cost to cover every undocumented immigrant, then divide it based on the share of the undocumented population that each country contributes. It wouldn't have to be accurate to the penny, both because the number would be so large and because it would be important only to the extent that it would mollify the wingnuts. But they wouldn't be mollified, because this is more about the wingnut desire to see transgressors suffer than about money. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/13/2009 08:33:22 AM "I would think many of them have obtained fake documents, including social security numbers.." Yeah, about those social security numbers. In North Georgia, many of the illegal immigrants are working under actual stolen social security numbers. Yes, they're paying taxes. But, the person who owns the social security number gets dinged by the IRS come tax season for not paying enough taxes. This is an absolute nightmare to sort out. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Saxby Chambliss - Health Care Reform - part 1 BASENAME: saxby_chambliss_-_health_care STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/13/2009 08:37:08 PM TAGS: healthcare,reform,saxby ----- BODY: blog_icon_saxby.jpgYesterday, August 12th, I had the opportunity to listen to US Senator Saxby Chambliss speak about health care reform. Senator Chambliss held true to the Republicans' game plan on debating health care reform - dispense inaccurate information, allow no public debate, answer pre-selected questions, and blame the uninsured person. The event was sponsored by the Boeing Company for the Macon Chamber of Commerce members. (On a side note: I wonder if Saxby would speak at an event sponsored by the AFL-CIO for the Young Democrats of Georgia's members...I'm just saying.) The program opened with two representatives from Macon's hospital network, Coliseum Hospital and the Medical Center of Central Georgia, speaking about what should be included in the final health care reform bill. What was important to each of them seemed to be a reflection on the environment at their respective medical institutions. The gentleman from Coliseum Hospital, the more community oriented medical facility, hopes the final bill supports expanded coverage, is not a single payer plan, does not leave a burden on the economy for future generations, and continually provides high quality health care. The gentleman from the Medical Center, the 13th oldest medical school in the nation, does not want a rush of the process, wants a blue ribbon commission to study the reform policies before a bill is passed, includes reforming malpractice policies, and holds true to keeping the principles of individual personal accountability. Saxby opened his talk by admitting that he doesn't know much about health care and in fact he gets all his information from health care suppliers (i.e. health care lobbyists and the firms who have donated millions to his election campaigns). He didn't say he received his talking points from the Dept. of Health and Human Services, the CDC, the US Senate health committees - nope, his healthcare knowledgebase comes from the very companies that don't want health care reform. He later confessed that he hasn't read the current House bill, but amazingly he knew the exact cost of new taxes that are included in the bill. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Saxby then presented his first of four charts to the audience - debunking the 47 million uninsured figure that is stated by the Obama administration. Saxby reduced the 47 million uninsured count to basically 12-15 million people who really have no options for health insurance. According to Saxby, we should only really worry about providing health insurance to these 12-15 million people. Saxby Chart1_small.jpg Because: Saxby followed up his debunking theories by offering up some good old fashioned pandering. The worst part about politicians is their pandering to specific groups. The best part is capturing it on video! According to Saxby, we should use our current tax code and tax credits to provide health care insurance for all Americans regardless of income. Whoa Nellie, isn't this the same Senator who sponsored the Fair Tax Acts of 2007 and 2009? The Fair Tax Act which is "a bill to promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes...". I'm confused at how Saxby is going to offer health care tax incentive benefits to folks using our current tax system when he wants to repeal the current tax system and the IRS. So Saxby are ya with your Fair Tax contributors or are you against them? Saxby then goes on to vent how he will never vote on a healthcare bill unless it maintains that healthcare decisions are made between a doctor and their patient and not include the government. This is a total fear tactic since I have never heard any health care reform talk discuss stripping this basic principle away from patients. I think Republicans are forgetting that healthcare decisions are currently being mitigated by people who don't have medical degrees - health care insurance adjusters who can arbitrarily deny patients their rights to choose to a specific doctor, hospital, and medicine without any standardized guidelines. Saxby's strong stance would lead one to believe that he also supports the efforts of Planned Parenthood of Georgia since they provide licensed doctors and medical services to patients. Consequently one can also venture that Saxby is also for a woman's right to choose - he has to be - since a woman's decision for an abortion is a medical decision and performed by a license doctor. I would like to know why the media and general public are not holding our Republican representatives accountable as they are our Democratic representatives. The senior US Senator from Georgia is allowed to speak to a closed and private audience about his views on health care reform without any public outcry while our State is handicapped with only four Level 1 Trauma centers. The threat of Level 1 Trauma centers closing is real if health care costs continue to rise and the number of uninsured increases. Yet Saxby Chambliss can speak about health care reform to the Macon Chamber of Commerce at a "members only event". Members of the Macon Chamber of Commerce are not the ones that will be most affected if Macon's only Level 1 Trauma Center closes. In addition, Republican Congressmen Deal, Linder, and Westmoreland are all having "Tele-Town Halls" which in itself limits the conversation to a segregated audience. In order to participate on these "Tele-Town Halls" conference calls one first needs internet access and an email address to receive notification of the time, date, and phone numbers for the conference calls. This will limit many elderly people, low income households, the working poor, and not technically savvy constituents. Where is the "debate" when our Republican representatives are allowed to dispense misinformation to a pre-selected audience? My next post will detail how Saxby portrayed data from an insurance backed group as information from an independent and nonpartisan health care think tank. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 12:13:00 AM Thanks for the report Bernita, Much the same talking points were heard from Cong. Dr. Phil Gingrey (R, Marietta) last night in Rome, Ga. He had a 'fun vid' cued up in his computer, but happily Mr. Bill's curse would not allow him to run it. As most of the over flow crowd of some 400(?) or more could not hear or see it anyway. But their big point was largely the same. It's 'only' about 15-20 Mill 'uninsured' when 'you look into & disaggregated the numbers, many of them illegals or people who should be getting medical care 'else where'. No mention of course of the 50 Mill then Under insured either (See again Http:// for the details). But on the whole it was a much 'softer' presentation from Phil. Sure, he lied by omission by never answering the repeated claims by questioners of 'death panels', (which he surely knows about), and in general was pleased to tell the mostly senior audience, (hey it was @ 3PM in the afternoon), that Yes, their Medicare was at stake. He came back to that point repeatedly, 'they're going to cut 10% of your already inadequate Medicare payments' & 'Then they'll raise taxes to pay for all of this'. But on the whole, he was evidently the rare Ga. Repug who actually took the Frank Luntz memo seriously, and did talk about needed 'insurance reforms'. He did take open questions from the floor, which did include some from people clearly favoring the bill. But the misinformation and lies only came down a bit slicker. Always it was, 'this is not as serious a problem as they suggest' and 'this will detrimentally affect your medicare', and repeatedly 'this stuff about Govmint mandates frankly scares me'. Several times I noted in my notes he said, 'This frightens me' about one issue or another about the bill. So also seemingly he was better prepped by the Health Insurance lobby on the finer points of bamboolzement. And it showed. The crowd was mostly polite if sweltering in the 95 Deg heat, and we had an Oxtard out front handing out the 'Stop ObamaCare' cards for his slick & trick campaign website. Probably about 4-5 cops there present, but mostly up front. I've never seen Jackson Hill crowded with that many cars either. They were clearly well over capacity @ the Civic Center, but no one was turned away. It was fully staffed too, and the his big guys had to lug out the 200lbs some odd of worthless computers & projectors & such to their waiting hulking SUV's. Well worth the wait to see that. But I'm wondering if it was a House GOP Caucus produced vid, it looked pretty slick too, from what little of it was seen. Several references back to 'Hillary care' as a starting point, and guilt by association there. (Look how foolish this has all been!) Phil has another Town Hall scheduled for Cartersville's Zena Drive Senior Center on the 25 Aug. (same time, 3PM start). That's an even smaller venue too. But we maybe get A/C this time. Thanks again for the excellent report here Bernita. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 10:07:59 AM Whenever Republicans misrepresent the status quo - as here, where Saxby pretends that medical decisions are made by the patient and their doctor, or with EFCA, where they pretend to support workplace democracy - I wonder why Democrats don't call their bluff. Like, "Oh, you don't think that insurance companies should insert themselves into the patient-doctor relationship? Well, let's forbid that." Or, "Oh, you think that workers deserve a secret ballot vote? Okay, let's hold one every four years." ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Health Insurance Reform reality check BASENAME: health_insurance_reform_realit STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/14/2009 12:30:25 AM TAGS: healthcare,insurance,reform ----- BODY: icon_whitehouse.jpgFrom White, most of what you need to know about Health Care Reform / Health Insurance Reform may be found here. Pass it on. You know, in hindsight, it would have saved a lot of fuss to have simply branded this project as "Health Insurance Reform" from the get-go. Live and learn. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 03:47:25 AM Well it's quite a bit more than Health Insurance Reform. That's a good start, but the Insurance Lobby wants some small steps & voluntary goals towards that end, & that would be just fine for their handmaidens the Repug's & some of the BlueDogs too. Just trying for reform of the usual cruel idiocy of the repeated denial of care, the rescissions that happen when you're sick & needy, or anything much else also requires, yes mandates, & consistent watchful government oversight. Hence the real need for real Health reform. It could be that we get substantially less than hoped for, (He's Ezra Klein with a history of similar reforms under FDR inventing Social Security for example): But we've got to try. The whole system is a teetering house of cards that makes little sense economically or health wise, and is costing us dearly. Everywhere. Except for a small number of happily self-satisfied plutocrats & and others of the 'right' sort of people who are still happily getting rich off of the system, and will fight to the last wingnut to try and prevent anyone from much noticing their repeated windfalls at our collective expenses. (Health wise & economically). The talk of the much valued Insurance reforms of course has been drowned out by the mob actions and the media fascination of same. Policy? They just don't do policy anymore. Just the maddening pictures of gleefully angry madmen who'll try anything to 'shut it down!', just like the 'Brooks Bros' riot that stopped the Fl 'recounts' in 2000. So yeah, the WH/DNC messaging left a bit to be desired, but again who could have predicted that the Rethugs would again resort to mob violence to intimidate to get their way? Bueller? Anyone? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 08:01:15 AM It's throw a trillion dollars at the insurance companies and hope that rules that've failed in other parts of the country work reform. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 10:12:32 AM JMP, um I could have predicted this in April when Gingrey's health LA told a group of us lobbying for a Hate Crimes bill that nothing was more important than defeating the Health Care bill.. whaaa.. we were there for a Hate crimes bill sweets not HC. It was seriously bubbling out of the guy! We dropped the ball on this two weeks ago. Whatever happens now, we'll be lucky to get ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 01:44:14 PM "So yeah, the WH/DNC messaging left a bit to be desired, but again who could have predicted that the Rethugs would again resort to mob violence to intimidate to get their way? Bueller?" Hey all, what's happening? Personally, I think those town halls are the best thing that this August delay can give us. Sure, they are scary for a lot of the Congresspeople (and may ultimately push a couple of votes for that reason), but they are also showing that a lot of the opponents are bat-shit crazy. Straw men are great in debates, and it's even better if they are out there holding signs and doing stupid things. JMP, the Social Security experience is a good one to remember. In my mind, that's the core reason that the public option needs to be the sine qua non of the reform. I've liked the idea ever since it was publicized way back in the SEIU primary debate when there were still a bijillion candidates. It is an existence proof, the put-up-or-shut-up moment where private and public compete to exist. And both will probably have lessons for each other along the way as in all competitive solutions. And meanwhile, you have the 50-state laboratory to play with more progressive solutions. Once California isn't completely broke anymore, you'll probably see the SB 810 type solution moving forward. Places like Vermont, Washington state, or even a midwestern state might actually beat CA there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 02:43:22 PM Umm yeah Jules. Pretty predictable all around. A triumph of hope over experience perhaps. And in many instances? Just go with betting on the experience part, it's not only the better part of wisdom, but the way to bet. And it's proven out. I also think in the moderately long run that the yes, orchestrated mobs will detract from the 'argument'. It may firm up some votes. Never underestimate the forces of reaction in politics. And Z, lest we forget, it was easy to throw a trillion dollars, no questions asked by & for BushCo & the Repug Congress. A Trillion dollar 'war of choice' in Iraq (best estimates are it's going to be closer to 23Trillion by the time we're done). That's been 'off the books' budget wise (for the first time in US History, BTW) for the 8 years of BushCo. Not one Repug complained then. Not then, even when they were appropriating Billions that got pissed away into the sands, or helped to bankroll our former 'enemies' who we just paid off to 'keep quiet'. Then there were the 1.3 Trillion in needless tax cuts for the rich, further skewing the already miserably obscene income inequitable distribution. Again prorated over 10 years? That's actually closer to 2 Trillion dollars lost to the Treasury. Ditto for the drug makers/Pharma & AHIP on the Medicare Part D boondoggle. Another close to a Trillion dollar bill, 80% of the costs and benefits going right back to the underwriters, Big Pharma & Insurance Co.s. with nary a protest over those costs or any 'unfunded mandates'. They lied repeatedly about the costs of that dog, openly, proudly & illegally before Congress too. A Trillion dollars pissed away on a needless & reckless war that made us demonstrably Less safe worldwide. That was done and anyone who spoke out against it was demonized as a traitor. I say anyone who'll vote against making the needed reforms in the Insurance markets AND finally ensuring that every Citizen has needed & decent quality health care should be treated the same way. A trillion dollars was nothing for Bush & the Rethugs to spend for useless military adventures or tax break boondoggles for millionaires. We need to remind the public of that reality, daily too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 02:49:07 PM Joe Stiglitz says the war in Iraq, by best economic estimates will cost somewhere between 2-3 Trillion dollars, and that was a limited, conservative estimate too. Sorry for the confusion in the typo above. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 04:12:14 PM I'm not so sure it would matter much how we branded it. A program like this has the potential to undermine conservatism at is foundation. Or at least conservative strategists would see it that way. No matter how it is sold, they must fight it by any means necessary. They just can't let Democrats have a potentially successful government run system that touches pretty much everybody. Even if something like this passes, they will continue to find/create/invent perceptions of failure. This program is going to have to be pretty good out of the box to prevent being tarnished for another couple of generations. I think this is the right time, and these are the right people to get it done. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 04:51:02 PM Stepping away from the actual bill and just talking about the Democrats' tactics, let me run you through a strategy session I was privy to with John Podesta of all people: The GOP is saying people are going to go under death panels and people are sympathetic to the protesters! Hey I know, let's just keep trying to debunk that and the numbers will go back up! Yeah! -- You see the frame that we're entering. It's become more a debate about whether or not the bill will PUT PEOPLE TO DEATH than it is a positive argument about the bill. The GOP is already winning by kicking the debate into that field. The GOP always does this and the Dems. always eat it up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 05:24:50 PM No, I completely dissagree with the premise that it (the debate on health care) has ever been anything other than insurance reform. A secondary unfortunate meme is that health care is that it is a comodity to be bought and sold, instead of the vital service it is (like national defense, law enforcement, FEMA, dead animal pickup etc.) so the focus is on how we're going to pay for it. This began when the subject was talked about in terms of coverage, which is the laanguage of insurance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 12:31:12 AM THIS is how you make the argument for health care: I've pointed this out to people at CAP, but the mainstream democratic establishment is NOT willing to take on big pharma and the insurance companies. Pity, because it would be much easier to pass than this bureacratic mess. "Medicare for All" is a much better rallying cry than anything the mainstream Dems are pushing and much simpler and easier to gather public support for. In all of this, Obama has not established a single principle in the eyes of the public. What he should be making the case is that for-profit health insurance doesn't work. That profiting from people's illness is not only immoral but economically inefficient. But instead, he's been making wonky arguments about cost that don't make sense to most people and overarching argument for health care for all that most people agree with, but don't understand how practical it is. Unfortunately, moneyed interests and establishment liberals are why we can't have that. Daschle, Podesta, etc. are beltway wonks, and that's just not working. Of course, Daschle's gotten more money from AHIP than I've seen in my life, and Podesta took a couple of years off from the White House before starting CAP to lobby for the American Insurance Association. Haven't brought that up with either one of them, and I probably won't because I don't want to be fired. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 01:54:41 AM Well we're mostly in agreement here Z. And I might add, current & former WH staffers? (And I've met both Tony & John too BTW). Not as smart as either they think they are and/or as smart as they need to be. Ditto for most Thinktankers too. Mega dittos for the Senate too. And of course that goes back to our founding. On the Senate & Ga. comes this pithy quote via Tom Baxter formerly of the AJC's Political Insider: "My former AJC colleague Tom Baxter has this I-should-have-written-that opening on his Southern Political Report: Eulogizing the late US Sen. Herman Talmadge at his funeral in 2002, former U.S. senator Sam Nunn recalled a meeting with his state’s senator not long after he came to Washington. Nunn recalled that when he mentioned casually that he answered most of his mail, but ignored “nuts” like those who believed in flying saucers, Talmadge spit vigorously into the spittoon by his desk and gave him a solemn warning: “If you don’t get the nut vote, you can’t carry a county in Georgia,” the state’s senior senator said. Somewhere in the Great Beyond, Talmadge may have reached for his spittoon again this week after US Sen. Johnny Isakson invoked the “nut” word." Via Jim Galloway @ the AJC : SSDD. Repeat. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 01:08:14 PM If there's any better contrast on how the sides of this argument should play out I am unaware of it: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 01:22:39 PM Wait, you mean a juxtaposition of factual problems to the completely fabricated bullshit of talking heads? Naw, that's too much like journalism. We need to stick with that inside baseball speculation with the pretty people whose salaries consume what should be used for field work. Bill Mahr may be a good bit of a dick at times, but he does possess a powerful knack for analysis that he may not use often enough. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 03:22:19 PM I keep trying to convince my colleagues we need to stop giving so much press to people making wacko claims that it's counterproductive, but what can you tell a bunch of people who spent all their lives in the north and think the most effective thing to do is bash rural folks and think that'll win people over... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 08:07:17 PM MelGX: Name your base price to create a Z V. JMP section for BforD. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 05:41:30 AM More data points on the meaning of the polls on the TownHall disruptions, via the invaluable Democratic And IRE, on this thread I've got no great disagreements w/Z, who BTW, should hopefully be busy doing research & 'stuff' for a slightly wider audience. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 01:36:49 PM That's the latest: Yeah JMP and I are not actually arguing in this thread. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 01:41:31 PM That's the latest from me. And no, JMP and I are not actually arguing in this thread. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 05:09:18 PM Yes, the DailyMail caught elements what's part of a classic 'disinformation' campaign. So that's a decent catch, but again done by journo's overseas. We imagine that we might win the day with our supposedly superior command of facts & figures alone. But this has historically never been the case of any serious social movement nor large scale social change that necessitates similarly significant changes in interpretation & direction of the existing laws & newer attendant reforms. All such successful social movements have also historically been great moral crusades as well. And were fought as such. This is what's sorely lacking in force today. IMHO. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 07:31:10 PM I actually wanted to investigate CPR's ads myself but my editor was completely disinterested in the idea. ----- -------- AUTHOR: JasonA TITLE: Public Education needs something better than this BASENAME: i_was_going_to_give_you_a_pass STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/14/2009 10:48:24 PM TAGS: education,poythress ----- BODY:

    I listened to a speech by candidate for Governor David Poythress this last Saturday and I was impressed... until he said this: "teacher pay is on par... that is not the problem."

    I told his staffer, that ain't cool. But then I saw this today from about 17 days earlier and I am left wondering which side of his mouth to believe.

    So which is it, sir? Are you happy where teacher salaries are right now? If so, let me quote you: "It is no longer good enough to be better than Alabama and Mississippi..." That is what you said less than 3 sentences later when referring to performance. How about the direction in which salaries are headed?

    Educators, and education as a whole, has suffered over the last 8 years due to the lack of leadership provided by our Governor and Superintendent of School. Are you cut from the same cloth? Will you tell us you are the "education candidate," and then quickly forget what that means?

    Waffling aside, what kills me is the oblivious nature of the statement.

    In a year where some teachers have faced pay cuts, yearly step freezes, larger and almost unmanageable class sizes, an increase in health insurance premiums with a decrease in choices, and at least one, if not more, rounds of furlough days, you have the gall, to come into a room with democratic educators in it and say there is nothing wrong with our pay?!  We teachers are college educated professionals and should not have to supplement our pay by working at the local Pizza Hut!

    Clarify sir, because if you would like to woo us teachers, you certainly are not getting off on the right foot.

    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: DoubleM EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 09:47:02 AM I've also heard him say publicly something to the effect of "QBE works just fine." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 11:26:06 AM Politcally stupid. Never piss off the teachers. But I've said it before and I'll say it again, as a former non-teacher state worker, I'm having a hard time ginning up sympathy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 03:39:48 PM Salaries for all state employees, including every school district, can be seen on the Open Gov site. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 03:57:02 PM Yeah. And? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Franklin D. Roosevelt on my mind BASENAME: fdr_on_my_mind STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/14/2009 08:07:35 PM TAGS: FDR,"health care reform","Rural Electric Administration",swiftboatbirthbaggers ----- BODY: rea.jpgMaybe it's because I've quoted* him recently, or a couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit the Little White House in Warm Springs GA or maybe it's because of the comparisons in the media since the election last November. In any event, one particular program of the New Deal strikes me as an apt parallel to the Health Care "debate" we are witnessing right now. In 1935 the Rural Electric Administration (REA) was created to bring electricity to rural areas. At that time nearly 90 percent of urban dwellers had electricity by the 1930s, but only ten percent of rural dwellers did. FDR directly attributed this legislation to a 1924 visit to Georgia for treatment of his polio at Warm Springs. Staying at a small cottage, Roosevelt couldn't believe it when he saw his first month's power bill. Residents of Warm Springs were being charged approximately four times the rate per kilowatt-hour as charged in New York. Roosevelt credited this shocking discovery as the reason he became interested in power rates and the need to provide electricity to rural America. Privately owned utility companies, which provided power to most of the country, were not eager to serve the rural population. These companies argued that supplying rural areas with electricity was not profitable.
    Many groups opposed the federal government's involvement in developing and distributing electric power, especially utility companies, who believed that the government was unfairly competing with private enterprise (See the Statement of John Battle ). Some members of Congress who didn't think the government should interfere with the economy, believed that TVA was a dangerous program that would bring the nation a step closer to socialism. Other people thought that farmers simply did not have the skills needed to manage local electric companies.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: Sound familiar? Well it sure did to me. In the case of the Health "Scare" debates, it's still boils down to a tug of war between haves and have not's, big business interests vs that of the profit margin and ongoing rural vs. city meme. This selection of cartoons likely reflects the tone of Anti-WPA media coverage of it's time. It (Rural Electrification Act 49 Stat. 1363) allowed the federal government to make low-cost loans to non-profit cooperatives (farmers who had banded together) for the purpose of bringing electricity to much of rural America for the first time. Isn't this really what small business and some states have been asking for with health care? The REA also helped farmers develop assembly-line methods for electrical line construction with uniform procedures and standardized types of electrical hardware. The result was that more and more rural Americans could afford electricity. By 1950, 90 percent of American farms had electricity. How well our sisters and brothers know how hard it is to find health care in rural GA. In Bernita's post below, the Senator is dismissive of trauma care and affordable choices resorting to side trip on "personal responsibility", whatever the hell that really means. Being against the New Deal helped launch the career of none other than, Ronald Reagan. Hollywood film actor; strong New Dealer in 1940s; started opposing New Deal programs in the 1950s as a corporate spokesman for the General Electric company. His speech on Health Care socialism is making all the rounds-from Facebook to my mothers in box. No doubt some "swiftboatbirthbagger" has it, and a wet towel to keep him happy till Dick Armey comes to town tomorrow. When you have a minute, read this whole transcript of FDR answering reporters questions in Warm Springs, all the elements are there- education, big business, even a tip on where to buy corn liquor. Snark alert~It doesn't say if he faced jeering crowds, or cries of "we want our country back", no doubt the folks existed then, but they seem to be written out of this account. I can only hope the same will be done in typical arugula eating liberal media elitist fashion for readers/viewers of this burp in our history. This was my quote to a recent class I gave on lobbying. *"Okay, you've convinced me. Now go out there and bring pressure on me." President Franklin D. Roosevelt, (In response to a business delegation) ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/14/2009 11:49:02 PM Yep. And there's dozens of similar examples like this. But even in deep red territory, my MEAG (Municipal Electric Corp) glossy magazine hails their 'heroes', old time Ga. bureaucrats who happened to be small time business men who ran the first Electric Boards in their small farming communities. And did it & they quite well & serving efficiently for decades. This from fellows who today still find the time to offer snarls and not too subtle snarky comments over Obama & 'government take overs' too! As the late great Tip O'Neill would say, 'we've become victims of our own success', and those that benefited greatly from all this hard work are now so prosperous & able to do what their grandfather's never were able to, that they do not recognize what made such 'progress possible'! But another part of the REA story (and yes, many economic books have been written about it) was that the First thing Bush 11 did when he got in was to further allow deregulation of the Utilities & the creation of the highly precarious & regulation free 'energy markets', Just for Enron in CA & the far west. As per their specific requests actually. It was Dubya's First (Forgotten) scandal! Within a year they (Enron) were able essentially to bankrupt Calif. using criminal methods to cut power off to most of the state & carefully withdraw capacity just at the peak of pricing spikes causing rolling brownouts for the entire summer. This in a state with a then well known excess capacity for same! And Enron was able to play this game (err...ongoing criminal enterprise as it turned out) for months, creating a massive crisis that yes, then quickly bankrupted the 8th largest economy in the world, all for their Private windfall profits. All 'ill gotten gains' too. So an essential return to 'pre-REA' conditions. It was a test case in utility deregulation, and was all the rage (hence the boondoggle of gas deregulation in Ga. as a direct follow on), and it helped to stop the tremendous movement towards this long recognized idiocy. But Bush's Federal Regulators (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC) actually wanted to appoint Ken Lay, (Enron's Head) to the FERC board, but later settled on Lay's handpicked cronies. Lay and Bush were cronies from way back in TX (where Enron was based). As Paul Kurgan then noticed, FERC DID have the authority to regulate what games Enron was playing in the electric markets across the entire West, but absolutely refused to do so. Despite then Gov. Gray Davis' repeated appeals and entreaties to do so. He met with Bush several times to plead his case face to face. And was disappointed each time. Calif has never quite recovered from their nefarious crimes either. Again no one could have predicted that these criminals would go on to deregulate the financial markets with a similar sterling success, but only this time almost bankrupting the entire world, again just for the private profit of the few. Just a reminder. Thanks for the note & memory. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/15/2009 12:00:15 AM Again Sorry for the typos up there. This would now read: [On The first MEAG's in Ga.] "And they did it quite well & serving efficiently for decades" And of course this should have read: "As [Economist Paul Krugman] then noticed in the NYT, FERC DID have the authority to regulate what games Enron was playing in the electric markets across the entire West, but absolutely & repeatedly" refused to do so." I recall arguing this with the conservative fellow who runs our town's electric department way back in 2001. Once you've got the facts (even back then), they really have no argument or much legs to stand on. 'Why Yes, we want criminals gaming our electric markets, that's what Good Deregulation looks like!' Each & Every time. Over & Over... [Sigh] The Big SSDD from history. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Why citizen journalism will always have a downside BASENAME: why_citizen_journalism_has_a_l STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/15/2009 08:17:02 PM TAGS: healthcare,townhall ----- BODY: Because some people will always embellish, spin, lie or just screw up the facts about events and activities upon which they are "reporting". Say what you will about the AJC, but I'll trust their count of 3,000 attendees at the "America's Health Care Town Hall" event today over an obviously bogus report of 12,000 from the "Examiner". Even the inflated number falls far short of the anticipated 25,000 participants. The above Examiner report also claims "People of all ages and races showed up at the rally" but, (in addition to Herman Cain) I challenge you to find more than two people of color in the photos here, here or here. And the dude wearing the Obama mask doesn't count. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Skeptic Tank EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 11:22:55 AM The teabaggers used the same kinds of inflated numbers at their "rallies" back in April. A good rule of thumb when dealing with crowd estimates from self-serving promoters is to divide them by four or five -- you'll get a more accurate number that way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 12:02:49 PM Wait a second. One person screws up and entire industry can't be trusted? How in the world did the New York Times ever survive Jayson Blair? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 07:37:27 PM The stupidest bullshit about all this was that the mainstream press is treating it as grassroots at all. Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity are corporate front groups. Their agenda didn't come from outraged citizens, it came from K Street. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/16/2009 09:52:29 PM It wasn't just one person Grift, but it was one example. There was also this: and this: and so on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2009 09:32:44 AM It looks to me like the downside is with The Examiner more than with all citizen journalists. There don't seem to be any requirements to write for them and I have no reason to trust "The Examiner" right out of the box, so they will gain the reputation they deserve. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2009 01:21:01 PM I agree. After reading some of the bios of the "Examiners", I was sort of impressed by the people who were writing for them. But at the end of the day, it's just another free for all, with even less accountability than most blogs. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Saxby Chambliss - Health Care Reform - part 2 BASENAME: saxby_chambliss_-_health_care_1 STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/16/2009 04:57:50 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_saxby.jpgOn Wednesday, August 12, when US Senator Saxby Chambliss presented his health care reform views it was rife with misinformation. Saxby spoke to a closed door audience and did a great job of forgetting important pieces of information in the health care reform debate. When he presented his second chart, on the number of employees who would lose insurance if there was a public option, he failed to acknowledge that the data came from a group that is funded by the United Healthcare company. According to the Washington Post, who ran a story less than 1 month ago,
    The Lewin Group is wholly owned by UnitedHealth Group, one of the nation's largest insurers. More specifically, the Lewin Group is part of Ingenix, a UnitedHealth subsidiary that was accused by the New York attorney general and the American Medical Association of helping insurers shift medical expenses to consumers by distributing skewed data.
    Saxby Chart2_small.jpgSaxby used the Lewin Group's data to prove his point that a public option would move tens of millions of employees, who currently have employer health insurance, to the rolls of government-backed health insurance. He went for the "shock and awe" when he alerted the audience that all businesses would face a penalty if they did not provide insurance for their employees. What Saxby failed to say is that many small businesses will be exempted from any penalties.
    Under health reform, employers above a minimum number of employees will be required to provide health insurance or face a penalty. The amount of the penalty will depend on the size of the business. Under the House plan, H.R. 3200, most employers -- those whose annual payroll totals $400,000 or more -- would pay a penalty of 8 percent of their total annual wages. Smaller employers would pay less -- 6 percent for an annual payroll between $350,000 and $400,000, 4 percent for a payroll of $300,000 to $350,000 and 2 percent for a payroll of $250,000 to $300,000. Employers with a yearly payroll below $250,000 would be exempt.
    Instead of showing true leadership and providing information on both sides of the public option debate, Saxby chose to go with the doom and gloom tactics. He could have presented information based on the Congressional Budget Office analysis - a truly independent analysis. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities suggests "the total number of people covered under employer-sponsored plans will actually increase under the House reform, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis. That's because employers who do not provide insurance now will be forced to do so or pay the penalty." ----- EXTENDED BODY: Saxby continued his health care reform scare tactics when he presented his third chart to the audience. This chart illustrated the marginal tax bracket increases that a person would incur under the current health care proposals. Saxby failed to provide some critical information to the audience regarding how outdated his data was and the past leadership failures of the Republican Party that are contributing to increases in the tax brackets. Saxby Chart3_small.jpg Saxby's chart illustrated that a small business owner in the 33% tax bracket will move to the 50%+ tax bracket, in 4 years, if the current House bill is passed. Saxby tries to lay out that Democrats are going to be responsible for taxing the rich to pay for the poor's health care insurance. He fails to acknowledge that a large majority of Americans and economists agree that some form of tax is required. Seventy four percent (74%) of Americans believe it is a good idea to tax the rich. Clearly this group of Americans includes more than Democrats. According to a leading conservative economist, Bruce Bartlett, "Republicans vow to fight the surtax to their last breathe. But their hand is weak for several reasons. First, they virtually guaranteed a rise in the top income tax rate by refusing to expend any political capital on making the 2001 tax rate reduction permanent. At the end of next year, the top rate will automatically rise from 35% to 39.6% as a consequence." Bartlett also states "Republicans were responsible for a large expansion in the number of Americans who pay no federal income taxes. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, only 35% of federal tax returns had no tax liability in 2000; by 2008 that percentage had risen to 43%. According to the latest calculation from the Tax Policy Center, 47% of tax filers will owe no federal income taxes this year." When Saxby talks about how the bad Democrats want to tax the rich then he should also include Republicans' culpability with the increases in tax brackets. Saxby concluded his misinformation health care tour by ranting on how the health care proposals will do nothing to decrease the rising health care costs. Saxby's statements were based on outdated facts - he references the CBO analysis but he failed to acknowledge that the CBO's analysis was based on the initial June 15 CBO score and not the most recent July 2 CBO score. Here's the difference between the June 15 and July 2 CBO scores: CBO's June 15 score of an incomplete version of the HELP bill -- which Elmendorf made clear did not include a public option or an employer mandate -- found that under the legislation, 17 million fewer Americans would be uninsured in 2019 than under current law, at a cost of approximately $1 trillion over 10 years. Elmendorf, Director of the Congressional Budget Office, says of the July 2 CBO score that the House bill "did not have a substantial effect on the cost or enrollment projections, largely because the public plan would pay providers of health care at rates comparable to privately negotiated rates -- and thus was not projected to have premiums lower than those charged by private insurance plans in the exchanges." Sen. Kennedy and Dodd states "Congressional Budget Office has carefully reviewed our complete bill, and we are pleased to report that the CBO has scored it at $611.4 billion over 10 years, with the new coverage provisions scored at $597 billion" -- a cost they noted was a "significant reduction from earlier estimates." The preliminary score of the complete bill that the committee released stated that Title I of the bill would increase the deficit by $597 billion over 10 years." As long as Saxby follows the Republican talking points he will continue his mission of misinforming Georgia voters who voted for him to be their voice in government. I am so not shocked - Saxby reaps a lot from his friends in the health care industry. He will take care of their interests before Georgia voters. Saxby on Health Care Reform. Epic Fail. You can watch the entire event here at CBS46 Atlanta. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2009 02:50:14 AM Thanks for the note & the fine analysis Bernita, I had avoided watching the vids for fear of nausea but it was pretty standard fare. The NYT has a decent editorial with some of the vital facts & figures here: "Health Reform and Small Business", Published: August 12, 2009 The bottom line for small businesses, probably well in excess of 80-85% of them? If their payrolls are At or Under 500K, they'll be exempt from the provisions of the bill. Only businesses with more than 25 employees & payrolls in excess of 500k would pay any sort of additional 'fees' or taxes. This is why Saxby mentioned 'a million dollars', which is actually a fairly small slice of all such firms, probably less than 5%. Here's the ever reliable on that score: For Individuals or a couple filing jointly who are millionaires (or close to it) the additional tax would probably amount to an additional (OMG!!) 1.5-2K. That's it, $2000. What some of them might spend in an afternoon @ Nordstrom's or a campaign BBQ for their favorite fervid feckless right wing pol. Here's Families USA on 'Employer Mandates' & the logic behind them: "Why Employers Should Share the Responsibility of Paying for Health Care" Here's their bit on how small businesses would benefit: Here's a Positive story on small businesses being interested in health care reform from NB: [Via the excellent] More Great fun from Bruce Bartlett (a Reagan-Bush era economist who served in both administrations), in an excellent analysis econ piece from the Thanks again for your good efforts here & for the vids. If we don't call them to account, no one else will! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2009 03:06:38 AM Also from the Commonwealth Fund comes this excellent valuable analysis: "How Health Care Reform Can Lower the Costs of Insurance Administration" July 16, 2009 | Volume 57 Author(s): Sara R. Collins, Ph.D., Rachel Nuzum, M.P.H., Sheila Rustgi, Stephanie Mika, Cathy Schoen, M.S., and Karen Davis, Ph.D. Contact: Sara R. Collins, Ph.D., Vice President, The Commonwealth Fund, And this, which should be of interest to many audiences here & elsewhere: "Rite of Passage? Why Young Adults Become Uninsured and How New Policies Can Help, 2009" Update August 6, 2009 | Volume 64 Author(s): Jennifer L. Nicholson, M.P.H., Sara R. Collins, Ph.D., Bisundev Mahato, Elise Gould, Ph.D., Cathy Schoen, M.S., and Sheila D. Rustgi Contact: Sara Collins, Ph.D., Vice President, The Commonwealth Fund, "Overview/Abstract Young adults ages 19 to 29 are one of the largest segments of the U.S. population without health insurance: 13.2 million, or 29 percent, lacked coverage in 2007. They often lose coverage at age 19 or upon high school or college graduation: nearly two of five (38%) high school graduates who do not enroll in college and one-third of college graduates are uninsured for a time during the first year after graduation. Twenty-six states have passed laws to expand coverage of dependents to young adults under parents' insurance policies. Congressional proposals to reform the health system could help uninsured young adults gain coverage and prevent others from losing it. This is the seventh edition of Rite of Passage, first published by The Commonwealth Fund in 2003. " Most Repug's will just toss such populations to the wind, to be somehow lumped in with 'illegals' as seemingly unworthy of our interest, sympathy or action. Pretty standard fare & a valuable stat to know when they start to break out their numbers telling the crowd that the uninsured is 'not that bad/much of a problem'. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Nupek EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2009 08:30:22 AM health benefits offered by morning walk The secret of longevity for a major section of people who are ‘ octogenarians ‘ – That is People who are in their eighties would be morning walk which was done for decades. People have nowadays gradually started realizing the importance of morning walk in shaping the health of human body. But still there are umpteen number of people who do not unwind themselves from their mechanical lives. Technological advancements have made life more simpler in all respects but we humans must also pay the price for it if we do not allocate time in our hectic schedule for some physical work like walking or visiting Gym’s. Around fifteen years ago, TV remotes were rarely found in houses and hence we used to walk at least for changing channels. But now ? Sitting hours together in front of the idiot box, continuously feeding the stomach with snacks or sweets, leading to obesity. If you question a doctor on the health benefits offered by walking he would give you a long lecture. Let us see some of the benefits. 1) It is a stress buster which instills a feeling of freshness to the body as well as mind. 2) blood circulation is promoted, reducing greatly the chances of high blood pressure. 3) Checks obesity by burning unnecessary calories of fat in the body. 4) It makes the joints more strong and hence people would be less susceptible to Orthopedic troubles associated with old age. 5) Chases away neck pain and back pains. 6) If you go walk in a park surrounded by trees, you will inhale more fresh air, containing higher concentration of oxygen, thereby bringing down breathing problems too. 7) Keeps sugar levels under control. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Nupek EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2009 08:32:30 AM health benefits offered by morning walk The secret of longevity for a major section of people who are ‘ octogenarians ‘ – That is People who are in their eighties would be morning walk which was done for decades. People have nowadays gradually started realizing the importance of morning walk in shaping the health of human body. But still there are umpteen number of people who do not unwind themselves from their mechanical lives. Technological advancements have made life more simpler in all respects but we humans must also pay the price for it if we do not allocate time in our hectic schedule for some physical work like walking or visiting Gym’s. Around fifteen years ago, TV remotes were rarely found in houses and hence we used to walk at least for changing channels. But now ? Sitting hours together in front of the idiot box, continuously feeding the stomach with snacks or sweets, leading to obesity. If you question a doctor on the health benefits offered by walking he would give you a long lecture. Let us see some of the benefits. 1) It is a stress buster which instills a feeling of freshness to the body as well as mind. 2) blood circulation is promoted, reducing greatly the chances of high blood pressure. 3) Checks obesity by burning unnecessary calories of fat in the body. 4) It makes the joints more strong and hence people would be less susceptible to Orthopedic troubles associated with old age. 5) Chases away neck pain and back pains. 6) If you go walk in a park surrounded by trees, you will inhale more fresh air, containing higher concentration of oxygen, thereby bringing down breathing problems too. 7) Keeps sugar levels under control. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Randy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/31/2009 10:30:06 PM I attended a health care forum in Savannah on August 31st hosted by the Savannah Chamber of Commerce.The forum featured Saxby Chambliss who showed the various pie-charts including the the one about a public option moving millions of employees to the government-back plan. He stated the numbers came from "a group" that was well respected. I submitted a question in that portion of the event asking who that group was and who funded that group. He stated that it was the Lewin Group but that he didn't know who funded them. In reality, he knew as well as me that it's a front organization for United HealthGroup. I did confront him about this after the conclusion of the forum. I really dislike being lied to !!! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Amir Farokhi Nabs Labor Endorsement BASENAME: amir_farokhi_nabs_labor_endors STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/17/2009 01:27:20 PM ----- BODY: In case you missed the news from Amir "Chick Magnet" Farokhi's campaign...
    I am excited and honored to announce that I've officially been endorsed by the Atlanta-North Georgia Labor Council, AFL-CIO. Labor's support is a terrific boost to my campaign and validates our commitment to making Atlanta the most livable city in the country. Last week, a panel of more than 20 Labor Council representatives interviewed City Council candidates. Afterwards, the Labor Council decided that my dedication to Atlanta's working families deserved their endorsement over the other candidates in the Post 2 At-Large race.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    "Atlanta's working families need another strong advocate in the City Council, and Amir Farokhi has the commitment and knowledge to help make Atlanta a city that works for working families," said Eric Robertson, Political Director for Teamsters Local 728. I look forward to working alongside the Labor Council's 42 local affiliates, representing 87,000 union members across metro Atlanta, to build a city that supports working families with good jobs and benefits, while advocating for affordable housing and better transit options. Great cities make room for everyone at the table and Labor will be instrumental in helping Atlanta fulfill its potential.
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Zolitics BASENAME: zolitics STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/17/2009 01:38:29 PM TAGS: humor,politics,video ----- BODY: Can a-partisan political humor be humorous? That's what the (mostly right wing) creators of the soon to launch "network" are hoping. Even though, according to Politics Magazine, the target audience of the channel is decidedly liberal.
    With an initial slate of four shows launching this month, the Zolitics team hopes to follow the successes of the infotainment that powers "The Daily Show" and "Saturday Night Live." "There's a tremendous appetite for political commentary and news, so we're tapping into that," says Brabender, who spearheaded the project. "We wanted to create a network for people who enjoy politics but are not hard-core politicos," says Gromis-Baker.
    Here's the trailer for the first of the four shows, Moving Numbers. Sort of K Street meets The Office meets Primary Colors. Only the show is lily white and written by Republicans who seem unwilling or unable to give the game away. The result is a silly but superficial view of a fictitious Senate campaign.

    Moving Numbers "Idiot" - Trailer 1 from Zolitics on Vimeo.

    There may be "a tremendous appetite for political commentary and news", but Republican efforts at humor and satire usually fall flat. It's always more fun to laugh at them, than with them. Knowing this, the creators are shooting for the mushy middle, which is unfortunate. Anyone who's ever worked on a political campaign knows it's fertile ground for some crazy shit. It's tough to imagine that fiction could possibly be stranger or funnier than real life in this case. We'll see how it goes. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2009 11:42:34 PM Funnier, but slicker too, Cong Phil Gingrey, (R, Ga.) says come on down and yes, Bring your guns to public meetings. Even with the President! No Really! TPM cathes it on MSNBC: No matter how cynical you are you really can't keep up with these people! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: overeasy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/21/2009 02:13:13 PM Totally lame. Achingly amateurish level of writing, acting and production. And yea, simply not funny....but I bet they think it is :-) I wonder who is really behind this? These guys NEVER do anything that doesn't have another agenda... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Eric TITLE: Labor Gets Pissed BASENAME: labor_gets_pissed STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/23/2009 12:27:38 PM TAGS: "blue dogs","health care reform",unions ----- BODY: This from the likely next President of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumpka at the Sheet Metal Workers Convention. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/25/2009 12:22:50 AM Followed him from his old UMWA days. He's toned it down considerably. So PO'd? Yeah certainly. But that's only part of it too! Thanks for noticing though. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/25/2009 11:03:49 AM Interesting exchange with Tom Coburn and one of his constituents (someone posted it on DU): ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/25/2009 12:46:53 PM Thanks for the hint: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Acquires EveryBlock BASENAME: msnbccom_acquires_everyblock STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/18/2009 02:20:40 PM TAGS: hyperlocal,media ----- BODY: Smart move by MSNBC. Full story from TV Spy: joint venture of Microsoft and GE unit NBC Universal--paid several million dollars to acquire the micro-local news website EveryBlock, the companies announced today. The Chicago-based project for hyperlocal reporting has grown since its inception to provide local sites in 15 American cities. The EveryBlock project began in 2007, after web developer and journalist Adrien Holovaty won the annual Knight Foundation News Challenge, a contest that awards grants to digital innovators committed to improving news distribution at the community level.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Tuesday Afternoon Open Thread BASENAME: tuesday_afternoon_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/18/2009 03:44:43 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_thread.jpgWell it's been a while, so I thought I'd get one started... Anyone going to this event on Saturday? Hottie Aussie Rugby Players are fighting stereotypes & homophobia, good on you mates! US Catholic Nuns are being "investigated". Stupid boys at the Vatican. Tom Delay is going to be on DWS... eeeewwwww Dead Fiji water, bad. Yum. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/18/2009 10:31:23 PM I encourage everyone to attend the Georgia Association of Democratic Party Chairs Dinner this weekend. I have a ticket, but the birth of grandchild no. 4 will probably change my present plans. I especially hate to miss this year (assuming timing goes as Sally tells me to expect) because all of the politicians will be out in force I assure you. This is a great group, and a good time -- with a good meal and glass of wine to boot -- is always had by one and all. Humor is often on the agenda as evidenced by the following part of a post I did several years ago: If you missed last year's gala affair, you missed the following one-liners from the evening: Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond (attired in a white dinner jacket): "It's been a thrill getting to see so many of my friends and acquaintances tonight. And it's been fun meeting some of you I haven't met before, including that guy who looked me right in the eye and said 'Hey waiter, how about bringing me another drink.'" State Chairman Bobby Kahn was quick to pick up on Commissioner Thurmond's waiter remark and have some good fun with the good Commissioner by saying: "Commissioner, if you need to leave early tonight, we'll understand. We know you've got to get that rented tux back to Wal-Mart." And Secretary of State Cathy Cox, the recipient of the 2004 Richard B. Russell Award -- in addition to rallying the troops with a powerful stump speech -- noted that Michael Thurmond had endeared himself to her a couple of years ago when he said, "I'm talking about 'the' Cathy Cox, you know, the pretty one." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 07:37:48 AM The investigation is actually far less nefarious (in fact not at all) than the article presents itself. In fact if I dare say it, the writer of said article was fairly ill informed and ignorant of Catholic orthodoxy but not that has ever stopped people from criticisms before. For example one of the biggest concerns is that in America nuns are starting to focus a lot more on political work which isn't a problem per se except that ministries are suffering at its expense. The goal is to find a way to balance those two efforts. Surely I can't think of anyone who is going to suggest organizations shouldn't constantly review the way they operate to find most effective use of their time. But hey why concern ourselves with these things it doesn't get people riled up like an attack piece. One of the biggest questions not only Rome but American Catholics have had is why we manage to have such a dynamic lay community which is far more engaged than any other country's but vocations are so weak. I don't know the answer I don't think anyone does. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 09:06:44 AM Sorry for being particularly curt in that last post. I'm not a good ambassador for anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 09:20:28 AM I try not to succumb to conspiracy tendencies (much), but, sad to say, I would not be surprised to find that the CIA is capable of shooting focused microwave beams into Novak's bedroom while he slept. They don't like it when their agents are exposed. I guess that means I have to predict a heart attack for Armitage in the next couple of years. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Cong. Scott's Health Care Reform Town Hall BASENAME: cong_scotts_health_care_reform STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/18/2009 11:20:15 PM ----- BODY: david scott_good.jpgOne word can best sum up Congressman David Scott's (D-GA13) latest Health Care Reform town hall - Passion. Folks were passionate on both sides of the issue and the Congressman was equally passionate about why he supports President Obama's health care reform initiatives. Congressman Scott doesn't get much love in Progressive circles because of his membership in the Blue Dog Coalition, but I have to give him mad props for holding a health care forum which allowed a true debate of the issues. Congressman Scott answered one-on-one questions for 3 straight hours. He didn't take a break throughout the entire forum and answered over 65 questions. The questions ranged from specific health care issues, exemptions and pre-existing conditions, costs associated with the public option, a single payer plan, to National defense and the School of the Americas. Congressman Scott allowed folks to give testimonials (although the crowd did not like this) and to ask questions that were unrelated to health care. In every question and/or testimonial, Congressman Scott listened intently and thoroughly answered each question. Although he had a panel of experts, Congressman Scott walked the floor and directly answered every question. The crowd asked some tough questions, someone even asked if he had a backbone to stand up to the health care lobbyists, but Congressman Scott strongly held his own. From his opening statements, Congressman Scott tried to dispel the Republican fear rumors about the health care bill by making three points: no federal dollars can be used for abortions, there is no death panel - it is a voluntary decision to have doctors discuss end of life options, and the public option is not about the government taking over the private insurance enterprise. Public Option If President Obama and his team continue to waffle on the public option portion of the bill then I suggest the DCCC send Congressman Scott out on the circuit to talk about the importance of having a public option. Congressman Scott was pretty clear on why the bill must include a public option - because there are a lot of Americans who simply can't afford private health care insurance. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Single Payer There were a lot of single payer advocates in the crowd. Congressman Scott repeatedly said he wasn't for a single payer health care system mainly because there aren't enough votes in Congress to get the bill passed. The single payer advocates did not like his rationale. The Crowd All I can say is that Congressman Scott has a very diverse, lively, and animated constituent base. The crowd comments were the best. The forum rule was 90 seconds for each question. The crowd definitely let the questioners know when they went over their time limit. At times it was hysterical. They also let the questioners quickly know when they didn't appreciate their questions. At times the forum felt like an Obama for President rally. Lots of folks asked conspiracy related questions like health care being unconstitutional, it was a part of the government's takeover, and private enterprise would fail. I found out that there were several ways to get Congressman Scott to speak passionately - say that his actions aren't Christian or discount his patriotism. One lady suggested that Congressman Scott broke a federal law by saying a prayer before the meeting started in a public school. Well, let's just say that Congressman Scott didn't quite see it that way. The gentleman in this clip didn't quite understand that saying the United States was a fascist government would invoke Congressman Scott to bless him out. On being a Blue Dog Coalition member There has been a lot of media surrounding the Blue Dog Coalition's attempted hijacking of the health care reform bill. At the forum, Congressman Scott best explained what the overall mission of the Blue Dog Coalition is - to bring down the deficit and to pay as you go (PAYGO). I think the crowd generally supported him being with the Blue Dog Coalition because he was forthright with his affiliation and laid out on several occasions that it was all about deficit trimming. Interestingly enough, Congressman Scott also revealed that he is the only member of Congress who belongs to the Blue Dog Coalition, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the New Democrat coalition. Medical Liability My one disagreement with Congressman Scott is his views on including medical liability insurance reform into the health bill. Medical liability insurance is the new term for tort reform. I was with him on the PAYGO, on deficit reduction, but he lost me with his views on tort reform. Congressman Scott believes that one of the reasons why health care costs are high is because of expensive medical liability insurance that a doctor must purchase. He also claims that this insurance is the reason why doctors aren't choosing to work as general practitioners. Congressman Scott freely admits that if the health care reform bill included a reform of the medical liability insurance more Republicans would support and vote for the bill. I disagree because tort reform hurts the victims of medical malpractice. Overall, Congressman Scott had a very successful health care reform town hall. I'm not sure many folks were swayed any differently but their voices and concerns were heard. I think that is the purpose of these town hall meetings - to hear all opinions about reforming America's health care system. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 03:26:42 AM Thanks Bernita, You're right, he's done us proud on this score. And he understands the primacy of the moral argument here. It truly is is this generations preeminent civil rights battle. Here's Jonathan Alter of Newsweek on that score: Health Care as a Civil Right. And according to the latest statistics, close to 2/3 of all personal bankruptcies were caused in whole or in part by medical expenses, and most of those people were already insured! Thanks again for the excellent reporting here Bernita, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tom Crawford EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 08:41:08 AM David Scott has shown a lot of courage on healthcare reform and he's been willing to let both sides have their say (unlike the shouters and screamers from the corporate-supported groups trying to shut down the meetings). Thanks, Bernita, for your reporting on this issue. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Hitler Round-Up (Rhetorically Speaking) BASENAME: hitler_round-up_rhetorically_s STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/19/2009 10:15:51 AM ----- BODY: Folks, I sure hope that the summer heat breaks soon, because it's making people B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Crazy lady yells "Heil, Hitler" at a Jewish man at Town Hall meeting. Hilarity ensues: (True fact: As the good folks at Gawker point out, the woman in question is wearing an "Israeli Defense Forces" t-shirt.) Next up, Barney Frank (D-Mass) finally says what we've all been feeling: In actual substantive health care news, a Kos diarist tells us that CNN reports that the Dems are preparing to go it alone on health care. From your diary to God's ears, friend! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rusty Tanton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 11:31:59 AM That Barney Frank video is so awesome. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 11:47:08 AM Yeah, you really don't want to get Barney in a flap, he will fo'sure let it fly! What I "love" about the Hitler spewing crew is; they seem to be the very type that would have easily turned their backs and kept silent during the rounding up and shipping off of Hitlers hated targeted populations, Jews, Catholics, gay people, gypsies.... is some kind of delayed "never again" acting out? Doubtful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 12:41:10 PM I wish we could pick our reps and senators from a multiple choice ballot - Barney Frank and Bernie Sanders would definitely be speaking for me then. I'm also quite pleased to see that labor is dropping the not so subtle hint that if there is no public option, there will be no 2010 help. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tom Crawford EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 01:14:43 PM When you are reduced to calling the other side in a debate "Hitler," you are acknowledging that you've lost the debate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 02:59:09 PM This is so out of control. I'm ready to just ram this down their throats. The Republicans have made a strategic decision to put their political fortunes before the American people, and by so doing have lost the right to any consideration. Let's get this done before it's too late. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 03:35:47 PM It's not the Republicans' fault all this is happening, it's Max Baucus's. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 04:09:32 PM I wish someone would just say it, "Are you really comparing socialized health care to rounding up innocent citizens and their children and gassing them to death? Really?" Because frankly, all of this, "Are you insane?" is not cutting it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 05:04:57 PM What was really mature was her response to "8,000 dollars!" Biting my lip hard here, screw these people! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 09:03:17 PM I wouldn't say it's never appropriate to draw a comparison between a policy and fascism. But it's difficult to see, after a decade in which the government endorsed rendition, torture, and a war waged on the strength of an enormous lie, how a health care bill - whose most oppressive provision is a requirement to buy health insurance - could prompt a comparison to Hitler's Germany. It boggles the mind. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/20/2009 04:01:56 AM Profoundly wrong & nonsensical for any number of reasons. But their 'monster'/fear & hate rhetoric has never matched reality. Not even close. What Nazi Medicine looked like from Huff Post here: [Concludes]: "At the Nuremberg Doctors trial of medical personnel, the judges realized the need to enunciate ethical principles for physicians that would prevent them from ever engaging in such practices. The first principle articulated the universal right of individuals to make their own medical decisions, free from coercion. "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential," it reads. President Obama's health plan honors that very principle by entitling the patients to be reimbursed for consultations with their physicians to discuss end-of-life issues. That measure is the essence of humane and moral medical policy--the antithesis of Nazi medicine and Nazi practice. (We should also consult with clergy to ensure that decisions are compatible with both science and faith.) That is not to say there is no place for a Nazi analogy in this debate. The Nazis rose to power by mastering the art of propaganda, repeating lies so frequently and so widely that eventually people took them as truth. Hence the importance of seeking out the truth, and exposing those who would engage in such deceit. Freud taught us about projection: Those who would compare Obama to Hitler or his policies to Nazism ought to look in the mirror. [Authors Michael Berenbaum is Professor of Jewish Studies and Director of the Sigi Ziering Institute: Exploring the Ethical and Religious Implications of the Holocaust at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. He was the project director of the creation of the U.S. Holocaust Museum and is the former director of its Research Institute.] For an extended treatise see also the masterful and through treatment by Dr. Robert J. Lifton of Yale on the topic, something he's studied for more than 20 years. "The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide" by Robert Jay Lifton, Paperback, Basic Books, 2000 JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/20/2009 10:23:39 AM The video of the woman with the IDF tshirt calling the Israeli a nazi never gets old ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Bankruptcy Court to Cox: Not so fast... BASENAME: bankruptcy_court_to_cox_not_so STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/19/2009 02:11:50 PM ----- BODY: K_Cox_09smart.600.jpgThe million dollars she won on "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader" may not end up where State School Superintendent intended. Just months after winning, and pledging to donate, the $1,000,0000 prize, Ms Cox and her husband filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection (due to her husband's struggling home-building business). The AJC reports today that the Bankruptcy Court is working diligently to determine if her winnings can be applied to debts owe (cited in court documents at $3.5 million) or donated to the schools as she hoped. I don't know about all y'all but I'm rooting for the creditors left holding the bag... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/19/2009 02:52:55 PM I would think this should be pretty easy to clear up. Presumably most (if not all) of the creditors can show some sort of contractual relationship for which she is liable. As far as I know, the money going to the schools was just a statement on TV. More of a hope than a contract. I'm sorry for the schools, but I'm also sympathetic to all those people she owes money to, many of whom have real costs associated with the debt she owes. Now if the TV show has an agreement showing that they put her on the show with the understanding that any winnings would have a specific use, then we got ourselves a ballgame. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Fox News Changes its Tune BASENAME: fox_news_changes_its_tune STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/20/2009 08:30:35 AM ----- BODY: Shoe, meet the other foot.
    The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Healthcare "reform" explained on a napkin BASENAME: healthcare_explained_on_a_napk STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/20/2009 06:39:30 PM TAGS: "health care reform" ----- BODY:
    Healthcare Napkins All
    View more documents from Dan Roam.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/21/2009 03:32:43 AM Even shorter via Paul Krugman's blog: Thanks for the vid though, Funny! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Friday Open Thread. BASENAME: friday_open_thread_81 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/21/2009 12:41:57 PM ----- BODY: Brevity. Yuck. Yum. Ahhh... Oh no! Told ya. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/27/2009 08:34:39 AM Bill Richardson cleared by Federales. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Congressman Tom Price invites you to a Town Hall BASENAME: congressman_tom_price_invites STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/25/2009 06:03:10 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_elephant2.jpg
    Rep. Tom Price (GA-06) today announced two congressional town hall meetings open to the constituents of the Sixth District to attend and share their thoughts and concerns about pending issues before Congress. Rep. Price will be taking questions from constituents and the events will be open to press. The first event will be hosted by Rep. Price, and the second will be a joint-event with fellow doctor and Rep. John Linder (GA-07).
    The invitation really should read "Rightwing Dr invites you to a bought and paid for infomercial having nothing to do with "reform", sponsored by Resurgens. No refreshments served... they are bad for you and you know how we feel about personal responsibility. Really how do you come up with a catchy sign that says he accepted $ 2 million from Health "industries" and Health PACS in his elected career. Open Secrets did this analysis back in June. Kinda puts his "opposition" to any kind of reform into perspective. He's already raised nearly a half million with absolutely no one likely to challenge him. Dr. Price is part of the GOP Doctors Caucus, along with other GOP physician Congressmen. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Here is the list of members of Congress in the GOP Doctors Caucus: John Boozman (Ark.) Charles Boustany (La.) Michael Burgess (Texas) Paul Broun (Ga.) Bill Cassidy (La.) John Fleming (La.) Phil Gingrey (Ga.) John Linder (Ga.) Tim Murphy (Pa.) Ron Paul (Texas) Tom Price (Ga.) Phil Roe (Tenn.) Mike Simpson (Idaho) Sixth District Town Hall HOST: Rep. Tom Price WHEN: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 7:00 - 8:30 PM LOCATION: Roswell High School Auditorium 11595 King Road Roswell, GA 30075 Congressional Doctors Caucus Health Care Town Hall HOSTS: Rep. Price and Rep. Linder WHEN: Thursday, September 3, 2009 6:00 - 7:30 PM LOCATION: North Gwinnett High School Theater 20 Level Creek Road Suwanee, GA 30024 CONTACT: Jeff Hamling (Price) @ 770-565-4990 ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 01:58:29 PM Hey Left-Winger: Next time you get sick, make sure you contact a lawyer or the ABA. After all, you wouldn't want anything to do with Doctors, would you? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Fist Up Father Roy BASENAME: fist_up_father_roy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/25/2009 07:44:16 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_fistup.jpgFather Roy Bourgeois whose support for women's ordination has him in trouble with the Catholic Church ratcheted up his confrontation with the hierarchy yesterday, August 24, 2009.
    "If they choose to kick me out of the church because I believe that men and women are equal, so be it,'' Bourgeois said. "I will never be at peace being in any organization that would exclude others.
    Me either. Amen. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/25/2009 11:00:45 PM ugh... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 10:34:38 AM Just out of curiosity, was that an "Ugh, I can't believe the institution that I love so much and hold in such high respect would be so backward on this issue," or "Ugh, I wish Juliana would cut it out with crapping on the Catholic Church because otherwise my head may explode all over my keyboard"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 11:17:20 AM No it is because of the ignorance and stupidity both sides will spit forth on this "debate". Not looking forward to it. I don't really have strong opinions on it other than those in religious life take vows to follow the Bishops. (I mean I have more than that but you can't get me liquored up enough to wade into this debate outside of an academic setting). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 04:53:08 PM Yes, I suppose it is a top-down organization. However, there have been times in the past when it has responded to pressure from the rank and friar, I mean file. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 05:10:28 PM I see what you did there! :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: America loses a lion. BASENAME: america_loses_a_lion STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/26/2009 09:00:54 AM ----- BODY: ted_barack.jpgI've dreaded this day. Dreaded the loss for our country. Dreaded the loss for Senator Kennedy's family and friends. And dreaded writing this very post. I'm thankful that the following appeared in my inbox this morning.
    Rep. John Lewis Mourns the Death of Sen. Edward Kennedy I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of Senator Edward Kennedy. As a nation and as a people, we have lost one of the finest, most dedicated, and committed political leaders of our time. Senator Kennedy was a champion for equal justice for every American, but especially for those who have been left out and left behind. I have known Ted Kennedy for more than 47 years. In that time, it has been my greatest pleasure to work with him in the Congress to try to tackle many human problems, but I am especially gratified by his contributions to the cause of civil rights and voting rights. At some of the most tragic and difficult moments in this nation's history, Ted Kennedy gathered his strength and led us toward a more hopeful future. As a nation and as a people, he encouraged us to build upon the inspirational leadership of his two brothers and use it to leave a legacy of social transformation that has left its mark on history. But more than history can convey, Senator Edward Kennedy held an enduring place in all of our hearts. He was one of the warmest, most considerate, and understanding individuals you might ever meet. He was a wonderful, devoted friend--so caring, so sharing, so giving. I loved him like a brother. My heart goes out to his wife Vicky, his children, and the entire Kennedy family. He will be deeply missed.
    h/t: Leslie. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: America loses a lion. BASENAME: america_loses_a_lion_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/26/2009 09:00:54 AM ----- BODY: ted_barack.jpgI've dreaded this day. Dreaded the loss for our country. Dreaded the loss for Senator Kennedy's family and friends. And dreaded writing this very post. I'm thankful that the following appeared in my inbox this morning.
    Rep. John Lewis Mourns the Death of Sen. Edward Kennedy I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of Senator Edward Kennedy. As a nation and as a people, we have lost one of the finest, most dedicated, and committed political leaders of our time. Senator Kennedy was a champion for equal justice for every American, but especially for those who have been left out and left behind. I have known Ted Kennedy for more than 47 years. In that time, it has been my greatest pleasure to work with him in the Congress to try to tackle many human problems, but I am especially gratified by his contributions to the cause of civil rights and voting rights. At some of the most tragic and difficult moments in this nation's history, Ted Kennedy gathered his strength and led us toward a more hopeful future. As a nation and as a people, he encouraged us to build upon the inspirational leadership of his two brothers and use it to leave a legacy of social transformation that has left its mark on history. But more than history can convey, Senator Edward Kennedy held an enduring place in all of our hearts. He was one of the warmest, most considerate, and understanding individuals you might ever meet. He was a wonderful, devoted friend--so caring, so sharing, so giving. I loved him like a brother. My heart goes out to his wife Vicky, his children, and the entire Kennedy family. He will be deeply missed.
    h/t: Leslie. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 09:39:59 AM May our Liberal Lion Rest In Peace. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 09:44:07 AM "our country will be committed to his cause. The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on." - Sen. Edward Kennedy ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 10:14:31 AM Thank you Catherine for posting this, and as always thank you Congressman Lewis. In many ways Sen. Kennedy was a man a head of his time. His early unflinching support of so many Human Rights and Social Justice issues was inspirational. He supported LGBT folks from the start, was the go to guy on all things educational, rights of the disabled, and of course Health Care. While he now rests in peace, he will continue to inspire. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 11:13:17 AM I already miss him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 04:54:20 PM Vice President Biden on his friend Ted Kennedy. It's very moving. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2009 09:06:09 PM We had Teddy, they had 'ol Strom. We & the nation came out way ahead. And everyone knew that. Including Strom! We'll never see his like again in our lifetimes. However there's would be 'mini' Strom's littering the landscape all over the Sunny... South. Sad but true. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: 89 Years Ago Today, American Women Win the Right to Vote BASENAME: 89_year_ago_today_women_win_th STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/26/2009 10:23:15 AM ----- BODY: Women_suffragists_picketing_in_front_of_the_White_house.jpgToday marks the 89th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Ratified in 1920, the amendment gave women the right to vote. Women had been gaining suffrage, or the right to vote, on a state-by-state basis throughout the early 20th century, but the amendment granted all U.S. women full voting rights. It took 72 years to arrive at August 26th, 1920 and the final vote was dramatic, only passing by one. Do you know the story behind woman's suffrage in the United States? For many years my knowledge was limited to the few paragraphs that were written in my High School history books and the plaque outside the New Jersey home of Elizabeth Cady-Stanton in the town I grew up in. I didn't know much about the women who made this day possible, many who didn't live to see the 19th amendment passed. Such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Caty-Stanton. I didn't know about the arrest and imprisonment of 168 women, most from the National Women's Party. I didn't know about the hunger strike in prison and the forced feedings-earning them the name Iron Jawed Angels in the press. ----- EXTENDED BODY: I'm particularly drawn to women like Alice Paul, also from NJ, who lived long enough to also be involved in the ERA battle as well. This conversation is fascinating to me, because her comments and experiences could also be applied to current movements and struggles. The National Woman's Party emphasized working for a federal constitutional amendment for suffrage. Their position was at odds with the position of the NAWSA, headed by Carrie Chapman Catt, which was to work state-by-state as well as at the federal level. (where have I heard this before*cough*marriage equality*cough*) I love that Lucy Burns meets Alice Paul in a London police station after both were arrested during a suffrage demonstration outside Parliament. Their alliance was powerful and long-lasting. I think of the many women I've met in politics and activism, it's a bond to be sure. I can't imagine what I would do without them in my life. I thank my lucky stars to know that even when I'm tired and cranky they are there to encourage, prompt and support our efforts for equality and justice. Happy 19th Amendment Ladies! ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Have we really overcome? BASENAME: have_we_really_overcome STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/28/2009 07:47:09 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_fistbump.jpgThe Atlanta Mayor's race has heated up over the past 24 hours because of a memo written by a few grumpy old men who believe they can still control Atlanta's political arena. The "Black Leadership Forum's" memo to Atlanta Black leaders is riddled with many assumptions, misinformation, and untruths to be even taken seriously as a "Black Agenda". If the memo was a "Black Agenda" then it would have outlined how Black folks are faring less than other races, socially, economically, and politically, and would have offered concrete solutions. This memo did neither. Instead it imparted a less than stellar solution that Black folks should all support one Black candidate in the next Atlanta Mayor's race. The memo specifically says that Black folks should all unite behind Lisa Borders in order to retain the Mayor's seat with a Black person. This hypocritical and specious plan holds true to the stereotype that all Black folks vote and think the same. We do not. The crux of the problem with this group's memo is the suggestion that their expectations can only be met by a person's skin color. Not the content of the candidate's message. One of the many failures of this memo, is that it fails to offer any analysis on how their chosen candidate will address the issues facing both Black and White Atlantans. Instead they state
    An agenda, beyond just electing a Black Mayor, would allow us to move from the margins of the debate to controlling the expectations associated with gaining our support.
    I really would like to know what self serving expectations this group has and how their expectations can't be met beyond their endorsed candidate. Their endorsed candidate, Lisa Borders, emphatically stated that one of the memo's authors was wrong and that Atlanta needs a broad coalition of people. I think she should have gone further with her repudiation of this memo by refusing this group's endorsement. She did not refuse their endorsement. Instead she said she couldn't hold any of her supporters accountable because it is their first amendment right. Just because someone has the right to yell "fire" in the middle of a packed theater doesn't mean they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions. To characterize this group as overzealous supporters allows them to control the debate. A debate and conversation that they want to have which doesn't address the needs of all Atlantans. Throughout Lisa Borders' press conference she mentioned countless times how she wanted to have this debate on race since December 2007 but the City and media were not ready for the discussion. I agree with Kasim Reed, Mary Norwood, and Borders that having a healthy debate on race and class in the context of housing, crime, and the City's growth is necessary. But when divisive language takes center stage then the much needed conversation gets muddy. ----- EXTENDED BODY: As long as Atlanta leaders stay the same then Atlanta will continue much of the same. The "Black Leadership Forum's" cries that the Black community will fare worse if Atlantans elected a White person as the next Mayor. Seriously, really? Are you kidding me? How well has Atlanta blacks fared under the leadership of the last two Black Mayors? I'm not talking about Atlanta's Black middle class who have the potential to strive in any circumstance. I'm talking about Atlanta's poor folks - the folks who government should be helping so they can reach their maximum potential. How have Atlanta's most recent Black Mayors treated the poor, the homeless, the sick, and the uneducated? Poor folks haven't been on the agenda since Young and Jackson left office. So let's stop pretending that we have all "overcome" under the leadership of all Atlanta Black Mayors. We haven't. And we won't until Atlanta recognizes that a discussion on race must also include discussing the economic and social welfare of all its citizens. The three leading candidates in the Atlanta Mayor's race, Kasim Reed, Mary Norwood, and Lisa Borders should be judged on their agenda to move this City forward. Atlanta does not have the luxury to waste time by letting the words of a generation that have seen their glory political days past control the next generation's future. We need a Mayor that is focused on solving Atlanta's financial mess, neighborhood safety, and providing services to all its citizens. I don't care of the next Mayor is Black or White - I just want a person who is willing to tackle all the challenges of this City and to get her fixed. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/28/2009 11:53:03 PM Thanks once again for the excellent post Bernita. I liked the 'grumpy old men' line too. But yeah, idiocy. So hard to avoid. And somedays the entire universe is conspiring not only to add more entropy, but to seemingly suck all the true rationality our of some precincts. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/29/2009 01:21:40 AM Of course that really should have read "And somedays the entire universe is conspiring not only to add more entropy, but to seemingly suck all the true rationality out of some precincts." Other possibly non random thoughts here: 1.) Good to see you out & about on Thurs. Nite @ the Mary Squires campaign event. 2.) As Atrios (DB) might put it, 'you can't just unsh*t the bed'. Too true. 3.) Reason #692 why I'm now a fully recovering/recovered academic. 4.) More on how Number 2 might relate to the eternal topic of entropy is here: under the Landauer principle in quantum computing. Yeah. Had to throw in at least one obscure reference, right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tom Crawford EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/29/2009 02:56:25 PM This incident reminds me very much of the 1981 mayor's election when Maynard Jackson played the race card against a white candidate, the late Sidney Marcus, to help Andrew Young win. You are correct -- we haven't come very far in the past 30 years. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Farewell BASENAME: farewell STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/29/2009 10:45:17 AM ----- BODY: dead-kennedy-cartoon.jpg The program will open with an undated quote from Kennedy: "For all my years in public life, I have believed that America must sail toward the shores of liberty and justice for all. There is no end to that journey, only the next great voyage. We know the future will outlast all of us, but I believe that all of us will live on in the future we make." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/29/2009 07:17:19 PM What struck me about Ted Kennedy's funeral was how, I'm not sure what the right word is, but maybe "out of touch" or "non-normal" he was. I mean when you are a Kennedy you certainly lead a different life but few people will have eulogies saying how much you loved your yacht for example. Even more pedestrian activities like going to Mass everyday requires significant luxury and liberty to decide your schedule. That isn't a bad thing just an observation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/30/2009 02:18:41 AM Perhaps one of the last of our Great NE Liberal Reformer Patrician Politicians. Once a grand tradition that even extended to NY's other Teddy, TR, BTW. Yachting? For sure. Out of touch? Hardly ever where & when real policy & people's lives, concerns & cares were at stake. The myriad examples of exemplary & extraordinary 'constituent service' down through the decades are noted almost everywhere (NPR etc.). But here's where he played a stellar part in policy wrangles too. Just a small wonkish example: The Bushs' were true CT 'yachting' patricians too. They just played up to the 'know-nothing' RW 'populism' crowds and laughed all the way to the banks with their fattened corrupt & corrupting cronies. A far different grand NE political tradition to be certain too, but true 'blue-blooded' Rethugs, Always. There's true public service, and then there's self serving while pretending to serve the public. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: This could make an interesting race in LA. BASENAME: _ap_--_new_orleans STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/29/2009 06:31:30 PM ----- BODY: genhonore.jpg
    (AP) -- NEW ORLEANS - The general credited with making order of the chaos in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina says he's returning to Louisiana. Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honore (on-oh-RAY), was marking the fourth anniversary of Katrina in New Orleans on Saturday. He said his heart is in his home state and he plans to move back in the next couple of months. He said he does not plan to live in New Orleans. Honore wouldn't say whether the move was related to any desire to enter politics. He said for now, he wants to continue to focus on working with children and on ensuring that people are prepared for disasters and that federal officials live up to promises made after the storm.
    Read more about Gen. Honore at his website. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/30/2009 05:33:25 PM Too bad he's a committed Republican. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/30/2009 09:22:37 PM Too bad too, we're betting he never quite addresses this sort of unresolved rampant vigilantism during the episode either: Katrina's Hidden Race War By A.C. Thompson This article appeared in the January 5, 2009 edition of The Nation. December 17, 2008 JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/30/2009 11:26:52 PM MelGX: This appeared above the BforD banner, and was not contained in the borders. FYI. This could make an interesting race in LA. (AP) - NEW ORLEANS - The general credited with making order of the chaos in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina says he's returning to Louisiana. Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honore (on-oh-RAY), was marking the fourth anniversary of Katrina in... Juliana 2009-08-29T18:31:30-05:00 --> ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Juliana EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/31/2009 04:08:54 PM Dang... " The general who led military relief efforts in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina is denying a report that he may challenge Louisiana Sen. David Vitter in 2010, calling it "speculation and rumors" Sunday. Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, now a CNN emergency preparedness analyst, said he is moving back to his home state. But "No one's talking to me about running for Senate," Honore said. " ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/01/2009 11:43:33 AM And he's not even a Republican: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Eric TITLE: Kasim Reed Hits Back BASENAME: kasim_reed_hits_back STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/31/2009 03:03:33 PM ----- BODY: The dust hasn't even settled yet from the uproar over Lisa Borders being annointed as the only black candidate who can beat Mary Norwood in the Atlanta Mayors race, and Kasim Reed has responded with a poll that shows the race is much closer:
    The results, when respondents were asked who they would vote for if the election were today: Kasim Reed - 16% Lisa Borders - 19% Mary Norwood - 33% Jesse Spikes - 3% Other - 1% Undecided - 28% *580 likely voters were surveyed August 26 - August 27, 2009. Margin of error is +/- 4.1 percent.
    In a preemptive response to the "but the Reed campaign paid for this poll" arguement, the pollsters creds are included in the press release :
    The poll was conducted by Cornell Belcher of Brilliant Corners Research & Strategies, a well-respected, national pollster who conducted polls for President Obama's campaign. As the lead pollster for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from 2004 to 2008, Belcher helped to lay the foundation for the current Democratic political realignment and the stunning victory of the Obama presidential campaign. As message architect for the visionary 50 State Strategy, he helped to build a new Democratic majority nationwide primarily by picking up voters outside of the conventional battleground states. Belcher has helped to develop message-driven communication and mobilization programs for many of the most influential progressive organizations in our country, including: Emily's List, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), Democratic Governors Association (DGA) and numerous candidates and causes across the United States.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/31/2009 11:56:47 PM What's real nice is the way the 2 Clark Prof's have now injected their dubious study into the body politic all the while trying to appear as if they're 'above the fray' and were somehow not responsible for its 'leaking' to the press. Almost smooth, but not quite. As Tom C. was saying the other day, SSDD. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/01/2009 01:27:04 PM Sad to see that Rev. Tim McDonald was involved in writing that garbage. If they didn't mean what everybody thinks they meant, then it was a really poorly written thing, and that in itself is shocking from people this involved and connected. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: And they call us the new kids on the block BASENAME: and_they_call_us_the_new_kids STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 08/31/2009 11:54:04 PM ----- BODY: printingpress.jpgThere's been this long running debate about the ethics of bloggers versus the professionalism of old media outlets. Old media thinks that bloggers are reckless, border on the verge of being sued for libel, and are generally not worthy to be labeled "media". Some bloggers do fit this mold (see Red State), but generally we try to strike a fair balance between rumors, innuendos, and truth. We can be extremely opinionated, cranky, critical, and sometimes we are not fair or balanced. We have our favorite political candidates (and differ even often amongst ourselves) and we even write lots of positive posts about our favorite candidates. But one thing I can say is that at BlogforDemocracy we don't shill for any political campaigns. So when I receive a call from a political campaign whining that their campaign hasn't received a fair shake by the entire media, I take it with a grain of salt and don't respond. I don't think it's my responsibility or job to assist that campaign with their spin factor. Especially when the campaign doesn't offer any solutions, like "can my candidate write a guest blog post" but instead wants me to write a new post on how unfair this whole sticky and messy politic thing is. Puh-leaze with the "woe is me". Clearly the AJC, old media at its finest, doesn't agree with me. Instead they ran a sympathy blog post for the Borders campaign while their next blog posting labeled Kasim Reed's latest poll as a "sales pitch". Isn't this supposed to be the "old media" - where is the fair and balanced reporting? Note to other campaigns: If you're going to whine to me at least make it a debate about what I wrote. If I'm in the wrong or erred then I will make the necessary corrections. But BlogforDemocracy is not the AJC and we won't shill your latest talking points. If you want to have a relationship with bloggers then give us something to work with. There are lots of tools that bloggers can use to place your candidate in a favorable light, like guest blogging, live interaction via "cover it live", internet radio, and lots of other really cool stuff. It's new media. Not old media. A wise political woman shared this with me: Until you've been in politics you've never really been alive. It's rough and sometimes it's dirty and it's always hard work and tedious details. But-it's the only sport for grownups - all other games are for kids. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/01/2009 03:41:23 AM Meh, could be worse: Or funnier. I don't quite know which. But I do know that 'press sympathy' in the political realm is often synonymous for bias of one sort or another. The folks over @ the AJC well know this, but that's just how they roll. And yes, they'll reserve the right to be sanctimoniously deliberately blind about it all. Again, SSDD. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jasher EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/01/2009 02:21:24 PM I'm still undecided on who I'll vote for, especially with all that's gone on in the past few days. Borders, Kasim, Norwood...and now all this old media/new media's making my head spin! And now they're trying to spin blogs like they spin newspapers and reporters? That will only come back to bite them in the ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 08:47:36 AM "But BlogforDemocracy is not the AJC and we won't shill your latest talking points." That one statement pretty much sums up the whole Georgia political/media state of relations. And ties it up prettily with a we-are-all-THE-MEDIA-now-so-take-that bow. Brill! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Jane Kidd delivers healthcare insurance reform to Sen. Isakson BASENAME: jane_kidd_delivers_healthcare STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/02/2009 04:17:05 PM ----- BODY: janeheadshot1007_2.jpgToday, the Democratic Party of Georgia (DPG) and Organizing for America (OfA) planned a press conference to deliver a healthcare insurance reform petition to US Sen. Johnny Isakson. The petition was signed by 40,000 Georgians who support health care reform.
    But Georgia's junior Senator, or at least his staff, seemed less than excited to hear the call for health insurance reform. Dozens of constituents, including Kidd were prohibited from entering the visitor's parking in Senator Isakson's office building, forcing them to park across I-75, over a mile away.
    Sen. Isakson's building management almost ruined the event by refusing to allow healthcare insurance reform supporters from parking in their parking lot. This would not have been a problem if Sen. Isakson's public office was located in area with plentiful public parking. His office is in an isolated office park where the nearest public parking area is quite a walk away. After several dozen supporters were turned away, Jane Kidd, DPG Chair, called Sen. Isakson's office and was told that it was building owner's decision and that Sen. Isakson was not in the office. Fifteen minutes later, Senator Isakson magically appeared in front of his building. Magic. Jane Kidd was able to chatise Isakson about the parking issue and deliver the petition. Sen. Isakson said he has read the bill and doesn't support the public option. But, he is willing to keep an open mind. I'm not really sure what that means if he's not keeping an open ear to those Georgians who really need the public option in order to have health insurance for their families. We'll see how open Johnny's ears and mind are as Congress heads back to DC. This is video I captured of today's event. Jane Kidd did really well as the voice of Georgians who support health care reform.
    "As a U.S. Senator, Johnny Isakson has consistently ignored the million and a half Georgians who don't have affordable health insurance, and the millions more whose premiums are rapidly becoming unaffordable," said Jane Kidd, Chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia. "This is just more of the same." Kidd told Isakson, "The truth is, if we don't act now, this health care crisis will affect all of us."
    Tomorrow, don't forget to come to the Healthcare Insurance Reform Rally at the State Capitol. Location: Georgia State Capitol - 206 Washington St. Atlanta, GA 30334 Time: 12 noon ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/02/2009 05:14:08 PM Nicely done, ladies. Good job Jane for pushing the Senator on the bootleg parking situation. And, Bernita, thanks for capturing it and getting it up so promptly. I love the "we don't have any control over the parking..." Riiiight! Just a US Senator, is all. Gimme a break. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/02/2009 05:52:56 PM Thanks again Bernita, And I wanted to post on the rally tomorrow & I'll be trying to make it too. But Johnny I? Coward. And a liar to boot it seems. Can't even come out to take a simple petition from citizen constituents unless it was soon going to involve even More of the media to shame him into it. Yeah. Class act their Johnny! Geez. It's the simple things. The 'I'm busy, trying to look busy, trying to avoid my duty to my erstwhile constituents.' Where are the real adults here? Evidently there's just not enough of them supporting & representing us here in Ga. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/02/2009 06:05:22 PM Thanks again for the vid. You'd almost think well of him if you did not know him well enough. A true born Pol for sure. How about a suggestion for a follow up here? I'm betting dimes to doughnuts that most if not all of that huge 40K person citizen's petition hits their paper recycling/trash bin either today or soon enough. Perhaps someone might look into it. Just a thought. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 07:25:45 AM The parking deal kind of makes us sound petulant. I don't care who you are if you own a building and a convoy of cars far exceeds you lot's capacity of course you'll turn them away. For one--if nothing else--I believe it violates fire codes. At any rate the point of it is that this is such a minor thing to complain about. There is no need to mention it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 08:18:54 AM The parking thing isn't minor. It's an indication of how he views his constituents, as people to be protected from, rather than citizens to be served. Great video Bernita. And awesome job Jane! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 08:45:50 AM I would agree with you IF a) he was unresponsive to constituents which I can tell you with absolute certainty is not the case and b ) if all his offices were like that and c) he had some control over the parking situation around him. And let's be honest. How often do people go to visit their Senator, especially a junior senator from a minority party in a state that is getting no love from the WH. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 08:56:24 AM Sorry, IRE, you're not making sense. "And let's be honest. How often do people go to visit their Senator, especially a junior senator from a minority party in a state that is getting no love from the WH." If you're suggesting the Senator doesn't get very many visitors - then why would parking be restricted? Oh, and by the way, a friend went to visit Senator Isakson recently and was able to park in the deck that was restricted yesterday. This was not a capacity question. This was restricting parking in anticipation of the delivery of the petition. Plain and simple. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 09:28:20 AM No I'm saying parking would be adequate for the typical volume of visitors. Really? Parking was restricted because of the anticipated petition delivery? :facepalm: It is kind of arrogant to assume he's that afraid of us first. Was he notified ahead of time that that many people were there? I honestly can't believe we're still discussing this... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 10:18:09 AM IRE: a little background for you. Yes, the DPG did call ahead and tell Isakson's staff that they were delivering the petition and they would be holding a press conference. The parking garage was not filled at 10:30 in the morning. The building's security team was jacked up on some serious testerone that morning and kept referring to it as a "protest" although it was not. Jane questions to Isakson "that he couldn't allow 2-3 cars to even park there" was very relevant. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 10:59:34 AM Yep, 2-3 cars does not a disruptive 'convoy' make. If you're unable or in this case, unwilling to accommodate your constituents needs, you don't need to be in public office. And that's not even petulant either. It was planned that way. He was busy hiding out. SSDD. BTW? Most business locales Should be able to accommodate more than 4 cars in their lot @ 10.30AM. It's part of the design & zoning requirements typically. See ya soon. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 02:49:07 PM Ah. Still the owner/management has the right not to allow people there. At the end of the day seriously though...PARKING is what you're getting upset at Isakson about? SRSLY? lolwut. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/03/2009 06:16:11 PM Nope it was not really about Parking, any more than handicap parking is about parking. It's about Access & being able to do what everyone else is able to. Being able to be greeted & accommodated as if you actually mattered. No snark about it, that's part of his job description after all. Again, if Isakson is unwilling or unable to accommodate at least perhaps 45%+ of his constituents? He needs to get another job, and the MSM & press needs to report on his abject yet deliberate failures at accommodation & listening to his constituents. Not just pandering to the select few who 'pay' for his time with yes, handsome bribes. But the rest of us too, the Majority of Georgians who either don't (or can't) contribute to campaigns, and whom either don't (or typically find they cannot) regularly vote, or voted for the opposition. "Still the owner/management has the right not to allow people there." This would be easily argued in any court, given the fact that it's a Public Office, open for Public Business. Perhaps for those being riotously unruly, but hey we've got Townhalls for that now, right? And no one Dared remove those Rethugs folks in mass, right? I wonder why the difference? I get it! Again IOKIYAR. So Presto! Magic! The problem of access to a Public Office of someone purporting to represent US here in Ga. is Suddenly a Private Matter! But Only after Isakson's Senate office seemingly requested the 'extra security' for whatever reason or purpose for a Non Violent, requested meeting with the Chairwoman of the opposite party. It becomes a 'pesky parking problem!' Yeah. That's the ticket? Wanna Buy a Bridge in Brooklyn, Cheap? How about the exclusive quarry rights to Stone Mountain? Just asking... JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: What this movement definitely needs is more cowbell! BASENAME: what_this_movement_needs_is_mo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/03/2009 03:20:01 PM ----- BODY: cowbellhcan.jpg I knew something was missing! This gal (pictured left with cowbell) was in charge of warming up the crowd at today's Health Care Rally at the GA Capitol. The day started out none too promising, overcast, but cleared up beautifully for the rally that began shortly after 12:00. The rally was organized by a number of groups, and included speakers representing Health Care Reform groups, Organizing for America, MoveOn, elected officials, doctors, labor leaders and ministers. The crowd was couple hundred strong, holding "folk art" signs, printed ones from various groups and wearing a lot of stickers. Lots of Obama t-shirts and hats, that is one strong brand, the logo was everywhere. The speakers were quick to stress the following; ~we need to continue to press for the Public Option ~call Sen. Isakson and politely tell him you support Health Care Reform since he sits on the Health, Education & Labor sub-committee ~follow any of the links of the organizations listed above and sign their petitions ~learn more about the issue here, so when you speak to your family, neighbors and friends you are telling them the straight scoop, not the twisted rhetoric of the swiftboatbirthbaggers. Couple excellent quotes: "Senator Isakson, meet us with the right legislation, or meet us at the ballot box" Georgia Sen. Nan Orrock "You just heard about one to thank (meaning Cong. Hank Johnson) and now here's one to spank (meaning Sen. Isakson) " Larry Pellegrini representing Health Care for America Now (HCAN) "Health care costs are rising three times that of wages" Lee Goodall with OfA "I grew up with folks who didn't have a health care policy, they just had a burial policy" Cong. John Lewis. Bernita has some excellent video, which she will post later. More pictures below the flip. ----- EXTENDED BODY: conglewishcan.jpg This was the scene when Congressman Lewis was speaking. flemmingbutler.jpg Helen Butler & Charlie Flemming hcanrally.jpg Thanks to Leslie Adams for suggesting the title, I was joking with her that what this movement needs is more cowbell. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: A Prayer for Health Care Reform BASENAME: a_prayer_for_health_care_refor STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/03/2009 06:19:29 PM ----- BODY: Before all of the wonderful speakers at today's Health Care Reform Rally spoke, the crowd was graced by the linguistic skills of Rev. Tim McDonald. Rev. Tim gave the best prayer evah on the need for health care for all Americans. His words are not only thought provoking and spine tingling; they are RIGHTEOUS! Rev. Tim laid it down about what we need to do in order to build a beloved community. Just awesome! I will post videos of the other speakers later. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/04/2009 12:04:40 AM Thanks again Bernita, Good to see everyone out there. It was inspiring. And we need that & all the prayers we can muster too! Good to see some of the older hands like Larry Pellegrini out there too. Always a stalwart for change& reform. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: The Georgia Health Care Insurance Reform Rally BASENAME: the_atlanta_health_care_insura STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/04/2009 03:36:37 AM ----- BODY: Today's Health Care Reform Rally offered numerous great speakers who let the crowd know that they were not alone in this fight for health care for all Americans. The speakers sent strong messages that health care for all was needed NOW. Larry Pelligrini and Lee Goodall did a fabulous job emceeing the event. Rev. TMac was great, but it doesn't get any better than our very own Congressman, Congressman John Lewis. Congressman John Lewis...need I say any more. State Senator and Atlanta Mayoral candidate, Kasim Reed, was the voice of the generation that wasn't around fighting the causes in the 1960s. Sen. Reed was great. ----- EXTENDED BODY: State Senator Nan Orrock gave shout-outs to all the organizers and all the groups who have been fighting for health care reform over the years. Nan told the crowd that the voices of women were needed to fight this fight. State Representative Alicia Thomas Morgan brought the personal touch to the rally. She reminded us of why we needed to speak loud for those voices that are hidden in this fight for health care. Labor was in the house. Charlie Fleming, president of the North Georgia Labor Council, spoke for the 10 million union folk who support health care reform. Yeaahh AFL-CIO!! Jeff Graham, Executive Director of Georgia Equality, explained to the crowd why health care reform was needed in the LGBT community. And let's not forget the misinformed that were also in attendance. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: lifeforce EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/04/2009 08:22:56 AM I think insurance for all is what we need but Obama's plan will not work t will bankrupt the US. So come up with something else. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/04/2009 11:20:59 AM Put you guys in the blog watch today: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/05/2009 08:18:54 AM Thanks Zaid! That's very kind of you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/06/2009 02:26:39 AM Thanks once again Bernita for all your hard work here posting all the vids. I tried to write in yesterday (Fri), and there was some error that ate it. I wanted to mention that of all the fine speakers I was much impressed by the impassioned oratory of Jeff Graham, the Exec. Dir of Georgia Equality. Several Docs & nurses & small biz owners also spoke to the crowd too. A fine turn out and the weather even cooperated! Go figure for a sunny summer afternoon in Ga. Thanks again to every who turned out and made the great event possible. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/06/2009 10:27:48 AM The plans Congress are considering are similar to plans already implemented in dozens of other countries whose health care costs are half of ours. Probably the only way we could implement a bad plan is to compromise away the very things that make it efficient in order to get votes from insecure politicians who view 1950 as the ideal state of the nation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/06/2009 12:46:46 PM Then there's the larger group who actually think 1550 was the ideal state of affiars we should be driving at too. We know them as 'the Rethugs' for a host very good reasons... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/06/2009 01:08:24 PM No problem. I want to help out as much as I can as long as I'm in DC and TP. I don't know how long I'll stay, it's really killing me, but it's a good experience to have. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: douglasthompson EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2010 07:10:21 AM Health Care Reform Act-intent for Change For many years, America’s health brokers have been offering health insurance to individuals, small businesses and large businesses for decades, yet the enrollment statistics have revealed a steady decrease on an annual basis. The number of uninsured Americans is estimated to be as high as 30 million, and the Health Care Reform Act offers a solution. Not only will there be a higher enrollment number for America’s health brokers, but as of 2014, it will be required by law for every American to obtain health insurance. Every single American will be impacted by the New Health Reform Bill, making it one of the most important measures of the 21st Century. Businesses The main focus will be on businesses of 50 or more employees, in which they will be required to offer individual health plans, as well as family plans to all employees or face some stiff fines from the government. The amount comes to $2000 per uninsured employee, though there are exemptions to this fine. If you as an employer assist an individual with acquiring a personal health insurance plan through an open market called an exchange, then it would result in no fines. This only applies to an individual who makes a certain amount under the Federal Poverty Level, and the premiums are over 8% of his annual income. America’s health brokers can rest easy in the fact that there will be expanded coverage, though there may be more competition. With the rise in individuals who will have health insurance, there may not be as large of a risk as one may assume. Though the new bill will require America’s health brokers to enroll individuals with pre-existing conditions, there will also be a new population of young individuals who will be insured with fewer health problems. It is understood that larger companies already provide a group insurance plan (HMO, PPO) that covers all areas of needs for the population of employees. These policies will change very little, but there may be some changes in where the funding for the new health care plan will come. It is proposed that those making a certain amount of money, both individuals and couples, will be taxed at a higher percentage than others. This will provide money that can be used for the exchange and making sure that all individuals will be offered an affordable health plan. There are still a few years before the plan goes into full effect, though some of the measures will be enforced immediately. There will be plenty of time to sort out the details and iron out the difficulties. As for the plan, anyone who does not have health insurance as of January 1, 2014, will be penalized a certain amount of money, and this amount could become worse if health insurance is continuously neglected. There has never been a better opportunity for America’s health brokers in terms of acquiring a new customer base-a broader customer base. Also, there has never been a better time in history for individuals being provided with the resources for the necessary medical treatment. This is a very unique time, with history in the making. Finally, there will be health care for all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2010 03:18:19 AM Is this some sort of advert or simply the usual PR boilerplate something? Just wondering...JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Friday Open Thread BASENAME: friday_open_thread_82 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/04/2009 07:03:31 AM ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for blog_icon_thread.jpgLooking for something costumey this weekend? This is where I will be. Perhaps something literary is more up your alley? If you go, say hi to Tom Bell, the Festival's Co-director and Friend of BfD! Got any other weekend events you want to share? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/06/2009 09:16:22 AM It appears I missed International Bacon day yesterday... ugh... do you think it's not too late to partake? A day to celebrate America’s favorite savory treat (bacon of course!) has finally arrived and we want YOU to join us in celebrating International Bacon Day on Sept. 5, 2009! These days, the rasher is spreading beyond the borders of breakfast and into dishes as varied as bacon martinis and bacon ice cream. So, to honor bacon’s continuing rise in popularity and help you prepare for the big day, we’re providing all things bacon, including delicious recipe suggestions fit for a celebration. Let the countdown begin! more here ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/06/2009 10:13:18 AM I wonder if these kids were there? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/06/2009 06:53:24 PM dunno..but I bet she was ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/07/2009 12:09:15 PM By the way, I can hook you up with some bacon air freshener if you want some. Just email me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 03:40:55 PM Just thought I would share this from a forum I read... Dude is a conservative talking about the KSM trial... "We are pussies because we are affording him rights as any U.S. citizen would receive." God bless the USA. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: My Pet Goat...yeah it's still an upside down world BASENAME: my_pet_goatyeah_its_still_an_u STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/06/2009 09:50:26 AM ----- BODY: tumblr_kph9nifUrC1qzqygio1_500.jpg Wait, you mean the President is going to address school children about the importance of staying in school? Obviously, this message is much better left up to Lil Wayne. Not the President... duh. I think HuffPo nails it here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Your next Atlanta City Councilmember will be... BASENAME: and_the_next_atlanta_city_coun STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/08/2009 03:40:04 AM ----- BODY: The Atlanta Mayor's race has pretty much sucked the air out of this municipal election season. But, there are 15 seats that are up for grabs on Atlanta's City Council. Qualifying has ended and there are 42 candidates vying to be on City Council. Six incumbents skated by without an opponent, lots of repeat performers, and tons of newbies all wanting the glory of being a Councilperson. I was able to capture video of many of the City Council candidates who attended last week's forum by Georgia STAND-UP. Georgia STAND-UP and "its more than 160 neighborhood leaders, community based advocates, faith based leaders, and labor union representatives" developed a Community Issues Platform "in order to frame the key issues communities in Atlanta are facing" in the 2009 municipal elections. Candidates for City Council District seats 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12 and At-Large Posts 1, 2, 3 were questioned on several key issues: Good Jobs, Economic Development, Affordable Housing, Public Safety, Transit and Transportation, Vacant and Abandoned Housing, and Public Land. The absence of video for a specific candidate does not mean that they do not endorse/support the Georgia STAND-UP's platform. Please choose wisely on who will receive your vote because the City Councilmembers also shape this City. If you need to know what district you live in then view this PDF file. CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 Candidates: Carla Smith (Incumbent) CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 Candidates: Kwanza Hall (Incumbent) CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 3 Candidates: Darrien Fletcher, Kendal Richardson, Ivory Young (Incumbent) ----- EXTENDED BODY: CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 Candidates: LaShawn Hoffman, DeBorah Williams, Cleta Winslow (Incumbent), Sidney Wood CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 5 Candidates: Natalyn Archibong (Incumbent) CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 6 Candidates: Bahareh Azizi, Steve Brodie, Tad Christian, Liz Coyle, Miguel Gallegos, Alex Wan CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 7 Candidates: Howard Shook (Incumbent) CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 8 Candidates: Yolanda Adrean, Richard (Rick) Coleman Jr. CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 9 Candidates: Felicia A. Moore (Incumbent) CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 10 Candidates: C. T. Martin (Incumbent) CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 11 Candidates: Ray Abram, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Johnny Dixon, A. Reginald Eaves, Morris "MO" Finley, Silas G. Kevil, Edith Ladipo, Alvelyn Sanders, Juanita Smith CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 12 Candidates: Curtis Davis, Jr., Joyce Sheperd (Incumbent), Keisha LaShawn Waites CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE POST 1 Candidates: Michael Julian Bond, Adam Brackman, Dwanda Farmer, Chris Vaughn CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE POST 2 Candidates: Amir Farokhi, Weslee Knapp, Aaron Watson CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE POST 3 Candidates: Shelitha Robertson, H. Lamar Willis (Incumbent) ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Farmer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/08/2009 09:27:29 AM Thank you for recording and posting this video! This is excellent work you are doing. We need more strong committed citizens like you to move our city forward. God Bless ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Amir Farokhi on Kudzu Vine BASENAME: amir_farokhi_on_kudzu_vine STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/08/2009 01:29:48 PM ----- BODY: amir.jpgLast night on Kudzu Vine Amir Farokhi joined David, Tim and yours truly for a lengthy interview. Kudzu Vine is a weekly show all about Southern Politics on Blog Talk Radio. You can listen live every Sunday from 7PM - 8PM, or log on to Blog Talk Radio/Kudzu and listen online, or download to listen on your iPod, iPhone or other podcast device. If you are planning to vote in the November Atlanta Municipal elections you really should take a listen to Mr Farokhi, candidate for City Council At Large Post 2. He is smart, thoughtful and prepared to serve. You can also learn more about him from his website. In addition to talking with Amir, we discussed the Atlanta Mayor's race; The Kentucky Governor's recent judicial appointment; and other Southern politics. Check it out! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Meet the Bus...the Health Insurance Reform Bus BASENAME: meet_the_busthe_health_insuran STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/08/2009 07:56:00 PM ----- BODY: OFA_BUS_Picture.jpg RALLY & OUTDOOR VIEWING of the President's Address to Congress. The event is part of a National Bus Tour in support of Health Insurance Reform. Join prominent faith, community, labor and elected leaders alongside citizens with personal stories for change as we show the country we stand for reform.
    Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 Time: 6:45 PM Location: The Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site Peace Plaza 450 Auburn Ave NE Atlanta, GA (on Auburn between Jackson & Boulevard) Parking is free in the visitor's lot of the Historic Site Enter on the block of 400 John Wesley Dobbs Ave. NE (on Dobbs between Jackson & Boulevard)
    Program is free open to the public. RSVP is requested, but not required RSVP HERE Check out the OFA Bus coverage HERE ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Greg Greene EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/09/2009 02:35:14 PM Thanks for including the picture I -- er, someone -- took from the roadside in Arizona. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Matt John EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2009 05:38:59 AM Hello readers, Here we can find different kind of ways of insurance, the Health Insurance Reform Bus is the great example by which we can learn. great idea! thank & regards ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: The Atlanta Race memo lingers on... BASENAME: the_atlanta_race_memo_lingers STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/09/2009 01:34:23 PM ----- BODY: Just when the Lisa Borders' campaign thought they had put to bed the awful sticky and messy "Atlanta Race" memo, it comes back in the voice of a very angry and disappointed former supporter. Aaron Turpeau, former Borders supporter who was originally accused of writing the "Atlanta Race" memo pens an "Open Letter on Atlanta's Mayor Race". In his open letter, Turpeau expresses his grave disappointment with the Black candidates and their responses to the "Atlanta Race" memo and asks some really interesting questions that should frame the race debate. More interesting is that you get a glimpse of the way another generation thinks about politics. The generation that fought the horrendous Jim Crow laws, encountered fire hoses and wild dogs while marching for voting rights, and helped elect Atlanta's first Black mayor.
    But the real question before us is not my banishment or even the Mayor's race, but rather what is expected of Black People? Are we not to have the nerve to gather and discuss politics and issues as they affect our community and take these questions to the candidates? Are we not to discuss if a person of color has the qualifications and experience to best serve the community? Are we not allowed to ask each other which candidate will be more acceptable to the White community, able to work with diverse communities and able to get votes from outside the Black Community? Are we not allowed to request academic papers for discussions? Does Obama election mean we no longer should be advocates for our community? If so I am sorry but I did not get the memo that declared that we now live in a "Post Racial" era.
    In case you're wondering, Turpeau thoroughly denounces his once favorable support of Lisa Borders' candidacy.
    I have had no conversation with Lisa Borders since the day of her press conference in response to the memo. Though I personally informed her and her campaign manager that I did not write the memo and who in fact did, she still made the decision to say publicly that it was my memo and that it was racist. A day later a check was written to my company refunding my $500 donation to her campaign. Perhaps it was a response to the false indication by Kasim Reed that my company contribution was the motive for the memo. Whatever the reason, I was totally surprised to receive the check on September 3rd. I respect her decision and will not be supporting her candidacy.
    The entire letter is below the fold. ----- EXTENDED BODY: An Open Letter from Aaron Turpeau: There has been much discussion about Black racism in Atlanta politics recently. Strangely enough the charges come from Black candidates for Mayor. Since I was there and have all the facts, I want you to have an accurate understanding of recent events. The Atlanta Black Leadership Forum is an ad hoc group of Black Atlantans that hold leadership positions in civic organizations, who come together to discuss politics and issues that affect the Black Community. For the last eight or nine months, we have been discussing the Atlanta Mayor's race and prior to qualifying, we interviewed the five leading candidates. The questions asked centered around City Finances, Crime, Economic Equality, Criminalization of Poverty and their vision of the future for Atlanta. All interviews were videotaped and posted to the website for viewing. After thorough discussion and a review of agendas created throughout Atlanta for the next Mayor, we developed an agenda to help the Black Community to become Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. Because of the diverse opinions amongst our group, we decided not to vote to favor any particular candidate but to ask members to work in all camps and to pursue four specific items outlined in our agenda: • Economic equality; • Access to government leadership after the election; • Fair hiring practices that include men, women and ethnic diversity for high level jobs; and, • Hiring policies that favor qualified Atlantans for top jobs. Members were advised of this recommendation through conversation and a memo sent under my signature two weeks prior to the release of "The Struggle for Unity" paper. In that same memo, I disclosed that I would be active in Lisa Borders campaign. To further clarify, in response to an earlier request we received an academic analysis of the Mayor's race and the chances of unity considering our voting habits. "The Struggle for Unity" paper was an internal memo was for discussion purposes only and was distributed by me to former meeting attendees. It is a sad day in Atlanta politics when Black mayoral candidates publicly cryout Black racism without seeking information from the accused individuals or group about the facts, intent, or purpose of a discussion paper. The reaction by the two leading Black candidates was very disappointing. Candidate Kasim Reed, who the memo pointed out was far behind in the polls lead the charge by crying out charges of Black racism and was quickly followed by Candidate Lisa Borders calling the memo racist, instead of an opportunity for racial discussion. Both outcries are seen by many in the Black community as pandering for White votes and support. Neither candidate sought any clarity from any Forum member; all candidates had supporters as attendees at our regular meetings (including Norwood). It is an even sadder day when loyal supporters are not given the respect or courtesy of conversation, but are abruptly banished. I have had no conversation with Lisa Borders since the day of her press conference in response to the memo. Though I personally informed her and her campaign manager that I did not write the memo and who in fact did, she still made the decision to say publicly that it was my memo and that it was racist. A day later a check was written to my company refunding my $500 donation to her campaign. Perhaps it was a response to the false indication by Kasim Reed that my company contribution was the motive for the memo. Whatever the reason, I was totally surprised to receive the check on September 3rd. I respect her decision and will not be supporting her candidacy. But the real question before us is not my banishment or even the Mayor's race, but rather what is expected of Black People? Are we not to have the nerve to gather and discuss politics and issues as they affect our community and take these questions to the candidates? Are we not to discuss if a person of color has the qualifications and experience to best serve the community? Are we not allowed to ask each other which candidate will be more acceptable to the White community, able to work with diverse communities and able to get votes from outside the Black Community? Are we not allowed to request academic papers for discussions? Does Obama election mean we no longer should be advocates for our community? If so I am sorry but I did not get the memo that declared that we now live in a "Post Racial" era. Where do we go from here? We will continue to meet and try to find solutions for our community and try to impact political contest that affect us. While some may disagree with us, we need to respect our diversity and agree to disagree, and when appropriate learn from out disagreement. After all, we are all greatly concerned and care about the future of our city. Aaron Turpeau ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/09/2009 03:59:41 PM Thanks for this Bernita, As an aside, I can think of probably at least half a dozen major candidates I've contributed more money to that later went 'no where special' in the last decade. Most of them were totally worth it, if only for the entertainment value (in retrospect). Some went on to advance policy agendas that had heretofore been absent from the political landscape (JRE). Some certainly more deeply frustrating than others. Some with the extra added feature of trying to appear noble & ennobling when they saw themselves within a quixotic hyper quasi legal drama they could not overcome (Bush v.Gore, USSC). You pays your money and you takes your chances. Still again, we should all try to be adults here. Not too petulant like small children, but try to strive ever upwards to fulfill the larger destiny of those we seek to aid. It's very obvious that none of us are quite living in a 'Post-Racial' world. (Well except for some well known fabulists, the pig ignorant, indolent and inobservant & in the fantasy of some right wing academics). This may not still necessitate the very same tactics & political maneuvers that proved successful over a generation ago. Every age deserves its own polity & new organizational unity. Always wanting to put the same sauce back in the can might be seen as less than useful to many folks today. Always using the same frame to hammer the politics of today back into the shape of 1977 will necessarily have its limitations and increasingly limited ROI. IMHO. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Open Thread... You LIE.. no really it's an open thread BASENAME: open_thread_you_lie_no_really STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/09/2009 10:20:58 PM ----- BODY: icon_water_cooler.jpg What do you suppose they will be discussing at the water cooler, and over cubicle walls tomorrow? The joint session aka Congressional Town Hell ? Psst: I heard a rumor that one of our front page posters has property in the SC-02... forget that Draft Jane nonsense, lets draft um er.. someone else to run against Joe ( I hope his closet door is tightly shut cause a herd or reporters is headed your way) Wilson. Well dang, it looks likes Joe ( my mama said to just shout out when the devil was inside of me) has an opponent, Rob Miller. Nice looking guy too, and a Marine- oooh I just love our Fighting Dems, oh and his site crashed with all the activity.. Well, I hope the cash rolls in for ya Rob Miller. Mr. I -can't- keep- the- voices- inside- my-head, just made Rob a pile of money and wrote a fund-raising letter for the D-trip. I love politics, it's just so entertaining while I wait between episodes of Mad Men. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/09/2009 10:46:44 PM What the Obama Health Care Reform Plan looks like in 2-3 pages: and the Full text of the speech delivered tonight via PBS: And yeah, the crazier Joe Wilson (R, Buffon, SC) has evidently already apologized. For what it's worth. No word yet if he's a prospect for inclusion on the 'no fly list' as were the late Sen. Teddy Kennedy, Cong. John Lewis & other notable Libs were under BushCo. I thought it was a strong speech, and good for what ails us. It also seriously undercut the opposition. I can't see where anyone reasonable might object to the goals & means as he outlined them. But then again I've frequently found that I'm not often living in a 'reasonable' part of the country. But that's everywhere too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/09/2009 11:14:09 PM Think Progress' coverage of the 'wild disrespectful outburst': Noting of course that: "On Fox Business News, Karl Rove and host Neil Cavuto thought Wilson shouting at the President was hilarious. "Joe Wilson, good guy," said Rove. "Lovely," agreed Cavuto." FOX of course Only carried the speech on their tiny FBN channel, where possibly 300K were able to watch. So the argument I guess is, bigoted or merely racist? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/09/2009 11:25:14 PM OK apparently it's my self appointed job to bring some levity here too. This just in from Z over @ Think "Iraqi shoe thrower being showered by ‘offers and gifts’ upon his anticipated release from prison". "Last December, Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi [[No relation!]] made headlines across the world when he hurled his shoes at President Bush during a press conference in Baghdad. Although al-Zaidi was originally sentenced to three years in prison, Iraqi courts recently decided to release him on Sept. 14 for “good behavior.” Now, the Guardian is reporting that al-Zaidi is being inundated “by offers and gifts” from all over his country: From his prison cell, Zaidi has a sense of the gathering fuss, but not the full extent of the benefactors and patrons preparing for his release. A new four-bedroom home has been built by his former boss. A new car – and the promise of many more – awaits. Pledges of harems, money and healthcare are pouring in to his employers, the al-Baghdadia television channel. “One Iraqi who lived in Morocco called to offer to send his daughter to be Muntazer’s wife,” said editor Abdul Hamid al-Saij. “Another called from Saudi offering $10m for his shoes, and another called from Morocco offering a gold-saddled horse. For his part, al-Zaidi has told the press that he plans to leave journalism and open an orphanage upon his release". Aww, it almost sounds like a happy ending, right? And yeah, be really careful when you go out into those woods today too: "U.S. Forest Service warns against campers drinking Tecate beer, eating tortillas, and playing Spanish music." JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/09/2009 11:31:14 PM Rob Miller's website has apparently been slashdotted. Perhaps ActBlue? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 01:58:12 AM Holy Cow Batman, that man Rob Miller just raised at least 40K off of that idiots untoward remarks last night! 36K from the DailyKos alone! That's quite impressive. Openleft has some of the early reaction in the polls, and something about what Wilson may have meant. If he was a sailing cowboy. Or something. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 03:52:37 AM “I have seen every President address a joint session of Congress in the past 23 years,” said Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), “in good times and bad. I have never heard any member of Congress yell out during a speech and call the President a liar.” House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn said that his fellow South Carolinian “took our state’s reputation to a new low.” “I thought Mark Sanford had taken it as low as it could go, but this is beyond the pale." Clyburn further took the opportunity to air his grievances over Wilson holding a town hall meeting last month at the high school three blocks from Clyburn’s house, a perceived affront that has stuck in the Democrat’s craw for the last few weeks. “That's the kind of guy Joe Wilson is,” Clyburn said. “He loves confronting people. So he was confronting the president, just as he was confronting me." Read more: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 08:23:39 AM After I saw what happened, I was just happy it wasn't a Georgian for once. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 09:54:38 AM Our Georgia congressmen just held up copies of the Republican bill throughout the speech. I'm getting a sense that perhaps these politicians trying to live by the angry tea party sword might die by it instead. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 11:03:54 AM 100K, 100K Joe Wilson had a very bad day! Rob Miller's campaign has received 100k since last night. Wow those were two very expensive words ya numbnut Joe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 12:14:05 PM A pretty nice summary of the AAHCA (which I am now calling the Ted Kennedy Affordable Health Care Act): ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 03:02:14 PM I don't mean to sound naive here, but is it standard practice to hire hookers to "lobby" state assemblymen? "K-CAL’s Lopez relates that sources told him Duvall “loves to talk about his quote sexual conquests,” and “it’s very difficult to get him to change the subject.” According to the OC Weekly, one of the lobbyists Duvall is having sex with is Heidi De Jong Barsuglia, who became a lobbyist for a major California utility after Duvall became vice chairman of the utilities committee: In April — two months after Duvall became vice chairman of the Utilities & Commerce committee — privately owned California utility giant Sempra Energy hired Barsuglia as one of its top lobbyists, according to Secretary of State records." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 03:32:38 PM "Is it standard practice to hire hookers to "lobby" state assemblymen?" Why yes it is. And it not infrequently 'ensnares' 'conservative family values' politicians too. Or entire Federal Departments under BushCo: [Via TPM] Sex-for-Oil Scandal Rocks Interior Department By Justin Rood - January 4, 2007, 11:48AM Every year. So it's a grand & great tradition. Everywhere too. It makes you wonder if we'd not be much more successful in fielding our own team of 'lobbyists' to capture such moments with our own army of various 'honey traps'. You know for the future & good of democracy & liberty & all. And yes, there'd be hazard & combat pay etc. OK, now someone tell me that this just would not be wildly more efficient than trying to convince morons of some actual real 'facts' & of much needed reforms. Right? This has been another episode of relatively easy answers to almost complex questions. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/10/2009 11:29:59 PM Still more on this A-Hole: Via TPM's Live wire: Flashback: Rep. Wilson Also Had To Apologize After Attacking Strom Thurmond's Illegitimate Daughter Piece of work. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/11/2009 12:34:26 AM In Better news, Rob Miller's on his way to garnering at least 700K out of all of this. Just Amazing! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/11/2009 05:37:18 AM Yep, made it a bit after 5AM, to be announced by NPR's Morning Edition too. Sweet! So can we get some of our well known Ga. Crazy Congresscritters to step it up here? It would be enormously useful for fundraising! Shout for the camera please... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/11/2009 02:12:41 PM Paul Broun needs a halfway decent opponent people can get cash to everytime he says something insane. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/11/2009 05:52:27 PM Yep. One of the more egregious, obviously. Here's Craig Ferguson's take on Wilson's outburst: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Guest blog by Scott Holcomb BASENAME: guest_blog_by_scott_holcomb STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/12/2009 01:46:18 PM TAGS: aces,holcomb,operationfree,scottholcomb ----- BODY: I am a veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and I support Senate passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). Don't for a minute believe that I'm moved by some mushy thinking about the virtues of "going green". Whatever you might think about climate change, the plain truth is that global economic development is depleting energy resources. Competition over scarce energy resources will ratchet up the pressure in already volatile regions, increasing political instability, extremism and violent conflicts. The United States is the only country on earth capable of responding to large scale conflicts. Whether we like it or not, the world will call upon us to act when violence breaks out. In other words, inaction today on energy policy will cost American lives abroad tomorrow. The bill before Congress will reduce our dependence on oil and lay the groundwork for renewable, affordable energy produced here in America. It represents a huge step toward getting American business and American consumers weaned off of the oil that funds hostile regimes and, indirectly, extremist ideologies. Where America leads on energy, the world economy will follow. This smart energy policy is a powerful tool for defusing one of the deepest vulnerabilities that the United States faces in a complicated world. The effort to strengthen America's energy policy has long been characterized by big talk, followed by little action. This failure to act has hurt us in the past, and it continues to hurt us. Just recently, Richard Holbrooke, the special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, announced that Persian Gulf oil money is funding the Taliban in its fight against U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan. It could not be clearer that the time for more talk is over. It is time to act. The Senate should support ACES and send it to President Obama to sign. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Critics of the legislation, such as the American Petroleum Institute, contend that jobs could be lost and energy costs could rise. Don't believe these self-serving arguments. Some economists believe that the next economic revolution will be based on developing green energy. There is tremendous potential for job creation if we diversify our energy sources and build the infrastructure for clean, renewable, and affordable alternatives to oil. As for energy costs, the oil companies seem to think Americans have ridiculously short memories. Just last year, oil was racing toward $200 a barrel. It was only when the wheels came off the economy that the price of oil came down. Oil prices are notoriously volatile and there are some very unsavory characters with their hands on the supply spigot. It only takes one damaging hurricane, one shut pipeline, or one angry, oil-rich dictator to drive the price of oil sky high. We have the means to fix this situation. Now is the time to get started. Going forward, we cannot simply hope that oil prices will be affordable and stable. We cannot simply hope that there won't be a conflict in the Strait of Hormuz, a flare up in the Middle East, or a crisis in Central Asia. Right now, we need a smart, comprehensive energy plan that enhances our security by providing for renewable, affordable, and clean energy produced in the United States. That plan is ACES. The Senate has the opportunity to enact the American Clean Energy and Security Act. As Georgians, we understand better than most what happens when our leaders ignore resource issues and keep their heads in the sand hoping that everything will work itself out. We cannot afford such an approach on national security. Tell our Senators that they need to support ACES. It will be good for the economy and good for the environment, but most importantly, it is critical to our national security. Scott Holcomb is an attorney and a volunteer member of Operation FREE, a group of veterans advocating for renewable energy as a national security priority. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/12/2009 02:40:32 PM sigh, cute, caring, intelligent, and he's for the Clean Energy is just wrong sometimes :-) ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Packed show on Kudzu Vine tonight! BASENAME: packed_show_on_kudzu_vine_toni STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/13/2009 02:18:00 PM TAGS: "blogtalk radio","South Carolina","Stacey Evans" ----- BODY: kudzu.jpgBe sure to tune in live on BlogTalk Radio! First up we'll have Stacey Evans, candidate for State Representative, District 40. We'll talk with Stacey about her experience, activism, and commitment to service. Following Stacey we've got a new (to us, anyway) voice of southern politics joining us. With South Carolina in the political headlights so often these days, we're excited to introduce our listeners to Jennifer Read, from The Indigo Journal, a progressive blog out of South Carolina. Of course, we'll have our usual discussion of Georgia politics before, between, and after our guests. Please tune in from 7:00PM-8:00PM tonight! If you're unable to listen live, you can always listen online or download the show to listen to later. If you have questions or comments you can join the conversation by calling in at (646) 478-4503! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Extremists show their colors. BASENAME: extremist_show_their_colors STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/14/2009 06:26:47 AM ----- BODY: It's odd reading events backwards thru Twitter. First I saw this tweet: davidsirotaThanks for all the supportive tweets post-death-threat. These are dark times - but we cannot let extremists back us down. Uh oh, I thought and scrolled back to this earlier tweet: davidsirota Just received a full-on death threat for my CNN appearance discussing the racial undertones of the tea party protests. Not cool. Apparently this appearance on CNN Saturday (9/12) prompted an onslaught of hate-email and then last night, a death threat. Another tweet informed followers that the police are involved: davidsirota Police just came after I reported the death threat. They responded very quickly - and were helpful. Really appreciated it. We send our best to our friend David. UPDATE: David Sirota comments, On Racism, Death Threats & The Blindness of Those Who Will Not See. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2009 11:16:24 AM One of the finest progressive voices there is. Considering he used to have my job, I hope to try to walk in his footsteps if I can. Hope he stays safe, but he's a tough guy, I think he's OK. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Monday Open Thread BASENAME: monday_open_thread_21 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/14/2009 10:06:30 AM ----- BODY: Barack Obama is a Taylor Swift fan. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2009 02:29:57 PM Can Kanye just go away? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2009 03:32:58 PM He's a gay fish. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2009 07:20:15 PM I'd have voted for Single Girls too, but that was just too rude. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Campaign Kick-off & Fundraiser for David Wilkerson BASENAME: fundraiser_for_david_wilkerson STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/14/2009 04:47:57 PM ----- BODY: davidwilkerson.png David Wilkerson for Cobb Campaign Committee Cordially invites you to our Campaign Kickoff and Fundraiser for David Wilkerson Candidate State Representative, District 33 Thursday, September 17, 2009 Outback Steakhouse 2345 EW Connector Austell, GA 30106 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Suggested Contribution - $50 To RSVP or for any questions, please contact Penny Wilkerson at (770) 436-7241. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2009 06:41:21 PM There's a sucker born every minute I guess. No offense to any of his supporters, however. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2009 11:08:08 PM IRE: you a big fan of Don Wix, or just have a beef with candidate Wilkerson? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/15/2009 08:38:30 AM In a race where Don Wix did approximately zero campaigning, spent around zero dollars, contrasted with Wilkerson who spent and did a LOT more and still lost, I don't see why anyone would give again to someone trying to challenge House Democratic "Leadership" [sic] when there will be other challengers or open seats that need the money, but hey, that's just me. I'm also really pissed off at certain organizations raising a lot of money this year...when they didn't need it and other affiliated groups did. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/15/2009 09:16:55 AM From what I understand Rep. Wix is a bit distant from the community, and members of that community encouraged Wilkerson to run. Sometimes it's a good thing when folks get a challenger, regards of party or leadership status. Perhaps this is constructive for Wix that getting back in touch with the folks who have elected him before, hey all the better. No one ought to get a pass. The job title is the job description "Representative" if the voters don't feel like you are doing that, well then you take your chances of being challenged. As far as who raised what $, that reference was a bit too cryptic to comment on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/15/2009 11:52:03 AM Not disputing any of that nor that he should get a pass. Just saying...good luck I guess? You wouldn't get the reference I'm just expressing my frustration at people sucking up money when, to be honest, it could be better used elsewhere that is all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bill Adams EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2010 01:40:35 PM Anytime different ideas are presented by new faces, its usually a good thing. Because the existing incumbent takes his constituents for granted, & now more folks are willing to try a different approach? Not change for the sake of change, but our representation, & rights? I would like to know his thoughts on mandatory taping of court room proceedings, since cameras are everywhere; at lights, etc. , but not where it counts most for our individual rights? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Jody Powell, Press Secretary for Jimmy Carter, Dead at 65 BASENAME: jody_powell_press_secretary_fo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/14/2009 09:04:24 PM TAGS: carter,jimmycarter,jodypowell ----- BODY: Story here. Powell bio here. Update: Jody Powell, a true original, from Tom Baxter. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/15/2009 12:02:11 AM I just read that fmr. President Carter went to the nursing home when Powell's mom lives to tell her in person before she heard it on the news.. How decent, how like President Carter. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: NFDC's Macbeth BASENAME: nfdcs_macbeth STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/15/2009 02:32:33 PM ----- BODY: macbeth.jpg"NFDC closes their 2009 season with a decidedly different take on William Shakespeare's Macbeth. This Scotland feels like Louisiana in the 1930s. Its inhabitants conspire and carry-on with the occasional Southern drawl, their movements directed by revenge or dictated by voodoo. All these pieces fall into place to a rhythm born of the early blues. "Be bloody, bold and resolute," cries an apparition in Act IV, and NFDC can imagine no better advice for tackling one of Shakespeare's most challenging tragedies." The show opens this Friday on the lawn of historic Barrington Hall in Roswell. General admission is Free. Please see NFDC for more information. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Jimmy Carter on race, the South and President Obama BASENAME: jimmy_carter_on_race_the_south STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/15/2009 08:28:51 PM TAGS: jimmycarter,obama,racism ----- BODY: Video here, story here.
    In an interview with NBC's Brian Williams, former Democratic President Jimmy Carter attributed much of the conservative opposition that President Obama is receiving to the issue of race. "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man," Carter said. "I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that share the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans." Carter continued, "And that racism inclination still exists. And I think it's bubbled up to the surface because of the belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply."
    In related news, yesterday the US House of Representatives passed a resolution of disapproval against Rep. Joe Wilson of "You lie" fame. Thanks to the Georgia Blue Dogs for manning up. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/15/2009 10:29:51 PM Good on Ol' Jimmy here! I've been saying this for awhile now too. From the widespread personal experience I have with almost every other white male over the age of 50 I meet here in Ga. who express to me in one form or another a deep desire to harm the President or a profound, yet seemingly mindless hatred of same. Eventually they come to realize that although I can be fairly genial about it all, and listen carefully too, I'm definitely not of the same mind, so they don't often mention this egregious & violently radical approach to me a 2nd time. And if you've seen me do it, here it is again: I smile and slowly say, 'OK, that's your position. I completely understand it. So how do you spell you last name & 'report'?' And I smile again broadly. Surprisingly, this seems to work (superficially at least) for the more open announcements of this bubbling & seething yet often deadly hatred. See here: & here @ Dave Neiwert's blog for an extended discussion & treatment of this one of the oldest & most deadly & persistent social diseases of mankind, & how it relates to us Today. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/15/2009 10:41:00 PM BTW: Here's Markos' (Kos) take on it: And yeah. Anyone alive during the Clinton years of Media & GOP manufactured 'scandals' knew that this was coming. It's only a matter of time. It's the 1st cudgel they always reach for: Hate, Fear, Reaction & Lies. Depend on it. Always. Rethugs! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Heather Ross EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/16/2009 08:14:13 AM Jimmy, the accuser of the brethren. How is it that u know the minds and hearts of people, and suppose its those rednecks in the south causing all the problem again? So u hav talked to American Tea Party demos? They told u they hate someone? I don't think so. As CNN & u state, "race" it has to be, ooooo! Start trouble in America. Will u accept responsibility for increased tensions of races now or blame it on others? U makin' the claims over the USA. Hav u heard any tea partiers say anything derogatory? I don't think so. By the by, Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, hav also been apart of tea parties so u need to eat ur words and hav some tea! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jmk EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/16/2009 09:18:50 AM I attended the 912dc march. I did not see one instance of racism. I believe that the group of people that disagree are frustrated that they have not been successfull in rallying their troups to counter protest and they are attempting to insite them to challenge us. We simply disagree with excessive government spending, government policies that erode our liberty, and an overwelming level of corruption in Republican and Democrat politics. Please look at the over 8,000 posts of pictures on flickr. I challenge you to find ONE example of racism. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/16/2009 11:07:17 AM Yeah, if you post it here for the 1st time, but 4 times, it Must be true, right? The argument is not just with the organized teabaggers, but with Rep. Joe Wilson himself. Who DOES have a position on the Confederate Flag, (he voted to keep it flying over the State House, one of the last to do so), and has been known to be a racist boor in the past, as one of ol Strom's last hires. That's how he got ahead in SC Politics. And yeah, we’ve got a problem with that. Go figure. But spend 2 Trillion dollars for a useless & needless 'war of choice in Iraq' under BushCo? None of the Rethugs complained. Not on budget? Ever? In 8 Years? Unprecedented! Not a whisper from the right on the fiscal madness of that or actually Cutting Taxes irresponsibly while troops suffered in the field for lack of good armor protection. After Years of Parents Begging them to do so? Yeah. Not. One. Peep. (Save for Rep. Ron Paul perhaps). Again, that was evidently the 1st time in Recorded History that an administration Continued to cut taxes while engaged in a war of any significant duration. What does that spell Kiddies? Fiscal responsibility? Not hardly, it was Another 2 Trillion dollars worth of debt for our kids & grandkids to pay for the largess of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy & millionaires. Under Bush we had wars w/o end & w/o any questions. Never any questions asked by the GOP Congress. No oversight at ALL. Tons of Tax breaks for rich cronies & subsidies for inefficient industries because they were favored or connected to the Rethug 'vision for America'. A hugely inefficient Medicare Part D that was the greatest expansion of government spending since LBJ, and ALL of it, Yes again nearly another 1 Trillion dollars, paid out to Big Pharma Directly as a gift from the coffers of the US Treasury. And the Bill Demanded that there be absolutely NO 'shopping around' for the best prices (something the VA & the Military Tri-Care & Medicare systems do routinely with little problem). You want 'Market based solutions for health care'? Where the Hell were you when you might have made a difference under Bush? Yeah. I figured! Hiding under your bed cowering from the ebbil Tabbies. Or enjoying the show, from a distance. Now you want to talk about Freedom? Just too precious. Tell it to what ever Dick Armey who paid for it all. You're just a cog in someone else's noise machine. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/16/2009 11:25:13 AM Oh, OK, jmk, I'll play along. How's this one: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/16/2009 12:16:22 PM Also, just FYI, tonight is the Carter Town Hall at Emory. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/16/2009 06:40:46 PM wtf to the trolls and they seem to be finding bford a lot more now. Whats the reason/guess? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/17/2009 05:49:32 AM More racist teabagger lovelies here: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/17/2009 11:05:12 AM It took me three tries to watch this entirely - videoand interviews from the latest march in DC - ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/18/2009 11:24:48 AM yall might like these ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/19/2009 01:41:56 AM Thanks for the reminder IRE. Not for nothing that all this crazy talk often turns deadly. It's just that not enough of the right people notice, until far too late. But it's happening all the damn time. FYI: Follow some of the lesser known Glock intrigue here & with Bizweek: As if it would matter much, right? Again, great guns made by foul people. The Nazi's would be proud. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/20/2009 10:43:08 PM Again more really solid & sober professionals who think Joe Wilson's a not so closeted racist: (Via TPM) Just for the record, with historian Doug Brinkley. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Big Questions Still Linger In Atlanta Police Raid of Gay Bar BASENAME: big_questions_still_linger_in STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/16/2009 12:50:30 PM ----- BODY: My friend Jeff Graham over at Georgia Equality sent out two major press releases yesterday asking questions of the Mayor and City Council about the Atlanta Police raid of the Eagle last Thursday. While some of the questions are more, erm, operational in nature, I wanted to take some time to point out a couple that particularly vex me and other citizens of greater Atlanta. (Full Releases below the fold) "Why were so many officers needed to investigate non-violent dancing when violent crimes are occurring all over the city?" - does it take 3 Paddy Wagons and dozens of police officers to issue a ticket? "What specific evidence led to the initiation of the raid? What documentation exists detailing that evidence? Why has the reasoning for the raid shifted over time?" - it would appear that when one excuse didn't pan out, the APD shifted to another. First it was overt sex acts in public that weren't happening, then it was drugs, none were found, what next? ----- EXTENDED BODY: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Release September 15, 2009 Jeff Graham, Executive Director 404.523.3070 voice 404.688.2638 fax GEORGIA EQUALITY CALLS FOR MAYOR FRANKLIN AND CHIEF PENNINGTON TO ANSWER MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT ATLANTA EAGLE RAID ATLANTA - Following Monday's press conference by the Atlanta Police Department ("APD") explaining that the recent raid at the Atlanta Eagle bar was the culmination of a nearly five-month-long investigation, Georgia Equality now calls on Mayor Shirley Franklin and Police Chief Richard Pennington to address additional questions and concerns about the developing situation. "Members of Atlanta's LGBT community have frequently given Mayor Franklin the benefit of the doubt for the last eight years, and now we expect some candor and honesty about the heavy-handed raid that occurred last week," said Jeff Graham, executive director of Georgia Equality. "We call on the Mayor to come forward and explain how this raid makes the city any safer, and whether this was really a wise use of the city's scarce resources during a economic downtown." Georgia Equality noted that while violent crimes have plagued area neighborhoods and tragically claimed the life of a Spelman College student in recent weeks, Chief Pennington announced Monday that the city's police have been working since May, in part, to investigate men dancing in their underwear. "The APD needs to explain why it is that their leadership chose to focus on things such as Go-Go Boy dancing, while at the same time muggers were attacking Georgia Tech students, and drug deals and prostitution continued unabated outside City Hall East." Georgia Equality also noted with concern that Chief Pennington said Monday the initial complaints about activities at the Atlanta Eagle were funneled through the Mayor's Office. "Atlanta deserves to know exactly who in the Franklin Administration played a role in orchestrating this raid, and what evidence they purported to have," Graham said. Georgia Equality expressed its concern for the bar patrons and employees who lived through the raid on Sept. 10, noting that none of the 62 patrons present during the raid was found to be engaged in any sex acts, nor in possession of contraband. "Civil rights and common decency should not be thrown out the window over men dancing in their underwear and alleged non-violent conduct, even if criminal issues are possibly afoot," Graham said. "Atlanta, as a city, can do better than this, and should strive to be a leader in the area of public safety." Georgia Equality called upon Mayor Franklin and Chief Pennington to explain: • What concrete steps (such as written policies) will the Police Chief take to ensure that the APD's LGBT Liaison Offer Dani Lee Harris is notified in advance and involved in the coordination and execution of future police actions affecting the LGBT community? • How is the city any safer since the raid? • What percentage of the officers on duty the night of September 10 participated in the raid? • Why were so many officers needed to investigate non-violent dancing when violent crimes are occurring all over the city? • How much did this raid cost taxpayers? What is the cost per charge/violation? How many work hours went into the investigation leading up to and the execution of the raid? • What specific evidence led to the initiation of the raid? What documentation exists detailing that evidence? Why has the reasoning for the raid shifted over time? • What actions were taken and what language was used by police during the raid and how were patrons treated? • What training, if any, had the officers who participated in the raid received regarding LGBT community sensitivity and did they follow such training, written procedures, or policies? • Why were individual arrested and held in custody 19 hours for ordinance violations? • What guarantees will the APD make to ensure that the LGBT press, such as Southern Voice and Project Q Atlanta, are kept up to date as the investigation goes forward? "A full, unbiased, and objective investigation of this raid needs to occur quickly before the Mayor and Chief Pennington leave office in the coming months," Graham said. "Our public officials must be held accountable for their actions and decisions with regard to public safety, the civil rights of Atlanta citizens, and the allocation of precious city resources during an economic downturn. The raid raises questions and concerns in all three of these areas which have yet to be properly addressed." -- END September 15, 2009; Mayor Franklin: Last week's Atlanta Police Department ("APD") raid of the Atlanta Eagle raised a number of questions and concerns which are important, not only to members of the LGBT community, but to the citizens of Atlanta at large. The raid raises concerns about the city's commitment to public safety, the civil rights of members of the LGBT community, and the city and APD's management of scarce taxpayer revenue during an economic downturn. While all of the facts regarding the raid remain unclear, certain details have become known. Twenty-one police officers and a five-month investigation led to the raid. During the raid, no drugs or other contraband were found on any individual and no illicit sex was observed. Instead, staff members were arrested and detained for nineteen hours for alleged ordinance violations. In addition, it is also clear that in the last week of available crime data (8/30-9/5), the City experienced two murders, forty-two robberies, and thirty-eight aggravated assaults. In Zone 5, where the Atlanta Eagle is located, seven robberies and five aggravated assaults took place. While the crime statistics for the night of the raid are not yet available, it would be surprising if violent criminal activity was not occurring simultaneously with the raid. On Monday, the APD held a press conference which generated more questions than answers. Georgia Equality calls upon the Mayor and Police Chief Pennington to investigate and fully explain a number of issues. First, the APD's motivation, goals, and evidence that led to the initiation of the raid remain unclear and have had multiple shifting explanations over the past week. A full explanation of the events leading up to last week's raid is required. Second, eyewitness reports regarding how the raid was conducted are troubling on multiple fronts. Did police treat individuals with dignity and were all Fourth Amendment and other civil rights safeguarded? Why was the raid conducted with twenty-one officers when no violent criminal activity was suspected and why was the APD's LGBT Liaison not notified of the raid in advance? What level of force was necessary to conduct the raid and what level was used? A full examination into the manner in which the raid was conducted is needed to ensure that all APD policies were followed and individuals' civil rights were not violated. This investigation should also analyze whether internal APD policies, procedures, and/or training need to be changed going forward. Finally, the raid raises serious questions regarding the management of the APD with respect to utilization of scarce resources to safeguard the community at large. The APD and the City must explain to the citizens of Atlanta how much the raid and investigation cost taxpayers and justify those costs in light of current budget issues. Further, the fact that a raid was conducted at all when no violent crime was suspected raises serious concerns about APD management given the rise of violent crime and property theft throughout the City and the lack of police resources to properly protect Atlanta's citizens. In all, Mayor Franklin and Chief Pennington must account for the motivations and evidence that led to an apparently unnecessary raid, the manner in which the raid was conducted and the treatment of ordinary citizens, and the costs and benefits of investing scarce public resources to the raid when the APD, and the City as a whole, are dealing with dire budget shortfalls. Sincerely, Jeff Graham Executive Director Georgia Equality ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/17/2009 01:06:00 AM Predictably the Atlanta Progressive News had this 1st: Here: & Updated on their blog: Ed Matthew C was on the scene. Other random thought on this: 1.) Gay Guys in underwear, be dangerous! = 1 Atl Paddy wagon or 5 patrol cars & 10 cops. 2.) Guys in underwear & Dancing, be *Very* Dangerous! = 2 Paddy wagon equivalent Or a Total of 10 cars & Another 5-10 cops. Minimum. 3.) Serious crime operations need undercover officers. The mere prospect of Potentially Seriously Entertaining but clearly lesser & minor crime scenes evidently somehow warrant Several undercover officers. Go figure. 4.) When you really can't be bothered to catch the real criminals at large & terrorizing your citizenry or are consistently unable to investigate and 'solve' serious violent crimes? Evidently you can much more successfully go after the 'usual suspects' of yore for simple code violations using all the manpower in several sectors to make this point for the cameras. ('We're still 'kickin it!') For whomever is still paying attention to such things & frank diversions. 5.) Incompetent Is as incompetence Does. 6.) APD, Putting the Dis in dysfunctional since... 7.) I truly feel safer now, just knowing that such barbarians are off the streets. Dressage Gentlemen! Who knew that minor fashion crimes were going to be fully prosecuted in the Atl? Bueller? Zero Tolerance! Thanks for the note Tim. I'm betting you thought it'd go unnoticed too... JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: SwiftBoatBirthBaggers (for truth) BASENAME: swiftboatbirthbaggers_for_trut STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/17/2009 06:55:51 PM ----- BODY: sbbft_chart.doc ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: They may have wanted to wait till after football season... BASENAME: they_may_have_wanted_to_wait_t STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/19/2009 11:02:56 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_tv.jpg
    Reporting from Sacramento - Concerned that the growing popularity of big-screen televisions could make it harder for California to keep pace with electricity demand, state energy regulators are poised to crack down on energy-guzzling sets despite opposition from a powerful electronics trade group. The first-in-the-nation TV efficiency standards would require electronics retailers to sell only energy-sipping models starting in 2011. Even tougher efficiency criteria would follow in 2013. The California Energy Commission is slated to unveil the new standards today, followed by a 45-day public comment period. The commission is expected to approve the measure in early November.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/20/2009 12:46:12 AM Yep. Strangely enough people have been noticing this for oh, at least the last decade or more, right in tandem with the much more ubiquitous and massive computer usage draining the grid at all times of the day & night. It's a whole new world, but we really have to plan better for it. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Don't Like Socialism? Sign Here. BASENAME: dont_like_socialism_sign_here STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/20/2009 10:11:41 AM ----- BODY: I've seen this a bunch of places this week, but I think it originally came from Kos.
    The Teabagger Socialist-Free Purity Pledge I, ________________________________, do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of a socialism-free society and heretofore pledge my word that I shall strictly adhere to the following: I will complain about the destruction of 1st Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment Rights. I will complain about the destruction of my 2nd Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights by legally but brazenly brandishing unconcealed firearms in public. I will foreswear the time-honored principles of fairness, decency, and respect by screaming unintelligible platitudes regarding tyranny, Nazi-ism, and socialism at public town halls. Also. I pledge to eliminate all government intervention in my life. I will abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following: Social Security Medicare/Medicaid State Children's Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP) Police, Fire, and Emergency Services US Postal Service Roads and Highways Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA) The US Railway System Public Subways and Metro Systems Public Bus and Lightrail Systems Rest Areas on Highways Sidewalks All Government-Funded Local/State Projects (e.g., see Iowa 2009 federal senate appropriations-- Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!) Public and State Universities and Colleges Public Primary and Secondary Schools Sesame Street Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children Public Museums Libraries Public Parks and Beaches State and National Parks Public Zoos Unemployment Insurance Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, Stateor Federal Government (pretty much all of them) Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them) Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions) Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD's ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies If a veteran of the government-run socialist US military, I will forego my VA benefits and insist on paying for my own medical care I will not tour socialist government buildings like the Capitol in Washington, D.C. I pledge to never take myself, my family, or my children on a tour of the following types of socialist locations, including but not limited to: Smithsonian Museums such as the Air and Space Museum or Museum of American History The socialist Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments The government-operated Statue of Liberty The Grand Canyon The socialist World War II and Vietnam Veterans Memorials The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery All other public-funded socialist sites, whether it be in my state or in Washington, DC I will urge my Member of Congress and Senators to forego their government salary and government-provided healthcare. I will oppose and condemn the government-funded and therefore socialist military of the United States of America. I will boycott the products of socialist defense contractors such as GE, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Humana, FedEx, General Motors, Honeywell, and hundreds of others that are paid by our socialist government to produce goods for our socialist army. I will protest socialist security departments such as the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Department of Justice and their socialist employees. Upon reaching eligible retirement age, I will tear up my socialist Social Security checks. Upon reaching age 65, I will forego Medicare and pay for my own private health insurance until I die. SWORN ON A BIBLE AND SIGNED THIS DAY OF ____________ IN THE YEAR ______________. ___________________________ ___________________________ Signed Printed Name/Town and State
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/20/2009 11:48:05 AM I love this, but I must make on correction. So many seem to think that Velcro hook and loop fasteners were invented by NASA. Alas, this is not the case. In fact, the product was invented by a Swiss hiker. You can learn all about it here: So, all you anti-socialist folks can buy Velcro brand products freely! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/20/2009 01:35:45 PM Looks like Tang is in the clear too: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Cadillacs? Chevys? More like Yugos! BASENAME: cadillacs_chevys_more_like_yug STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/22/2009 08:43:03 PM ----- BODY: icon_health.jpgThere has been a lot of chatter about taxing "Cadillac" health plans. Most recently, the Max Baucus plan recommends taxing individuals or insurers paying premiums over $8,000 for individuals and $21,000 for families. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Apparently Senator Baucus doesn't have much contact with small business owners; unions; and entrepreneurs. If he did, he would know that those are low to average prices for health insurance premiums for small businesses. Add the proposed 35% excise tax to those premiums and thousands of people will start showing up at Grady and health "fairs" to receive medical services because the costs of offering health insurance will be prohibitive. The New York Times reported yesterday:
    About 14 percent of small employers, counted as those with fewer than 500 workers, now offer policies that would be subject to the excise tax, said Beth Umland, director of research for Mercer, a consulting firm that conducts an annual survey of employeebenefits. That compares with just 5 percent of large employers with 500 or more workers.
    Before we sock small businesses and union workers with these excise taxes, lets take a look at insurance company executive compensation. In 2008, CEOs of the top 8 insurers received $67 million in salaries and bonues. This is down from $123 million in 2007! Those are just the CEOs! There is something desperately wrong with a system that that generates this level of wealth on the health of our citizens. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Thumbs Down, President Obama BASENAME: thumbs_down_president_obama STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/22/2009 10:56:49 AM ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for blog_icon_jail2.jpgDear Adults, you are not longer allowed to light up a clove cigarette. Oh sure, you'll still be able to light up a nicotine laced cancer stick and puff till your heart's content, but clove cigarettes? No. It's all for the children, you see.
    The FDA says those products attract and appeal to teenagers. The U.S. market for clove cigarettes is about $140 million -- a big hit since the United States imported them in the 1960s. And data shows cloves are mostly smoked by people under the age of 30.
    And? I bet most people who drink wine coolers are under the age of 21, but you don't see the government banning those abominations. I'm a nonsmoker, but it's enough to make me want light up a cherry flavored cigarette right on the steps of the Capitol. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/22/2009 02:08:53 PM Problem is, ciggarettes are highly addictive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/22/2009 02:20:22 PM So? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/22/2009 03:10:03 PM OK, I'll take a swing. Let's say Astra-Zeneca was selling a little pill that everyone knew was poisonous and also was addictive, but it made your penis huge. OK, maybe a bad example. But at what point do we draw the line here? Is it about people having the freedom to make the rest of us pay for their emphysema treatments, or is it about companies having the right to sell us anything they want to make a buck, even if it makes us sick? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/22/2009 03:56:35 PM How come no one ever hates on alcohol even though it kills tons of people - directly and indirectly - every year? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/22/2009 04:55:53 PM It's inconsistent, but perhaps part of it that alcohol doesn't seem to be addictive to almost everyone like nicotine? There are lots of laws and restrictions on alcohol, it's just that everybody ignores them for some reason. The laws here in Georgia regarding alcohol are particularly absurd. You can go somewhere and drink on Sunday, but you can't go somewhere and buy booze to take home and drink? Asking for trouble. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: siri EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2009 01:14:24 AM Cigarette smoke doesnt bother me, but I want to gag when I smell someone smoking a clove. Not that that should be the reason (or should there be a reason) to ban them outright, but I just had to mention it. I could say the same thing about cigars but you won't see them get banned. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2009 08:23:52 AM The FDA's got a right to regulate poisons, it's definitely under their mandate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2009 12:00:22 PM Shit smells awful. Should be a f*cking crime to smoke them in my general presence. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2009 02:59:53 PM The FDA does not have a mandate to regulate "poisons," it has the statutory power to regulate food, drugs, cosmetics and other public health instruments such as medical devices. It was long considered completely antithetical to the FDA's mission to regulate tobacco. In fact, there was a 2000 Supreme Court case that said the FDA overstepped its authority when it tried in the 90's to regulate tobacco for the first time. This is why the warnings on cigarettes have traditionally come from the Surgeon General. It's also why there was an entirely separate government agency whose sole purpose was to regulate 3 inherently dangerous products: alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. The FDA never had the power, let alone the "mandate," to regulate tobacco until new legislation passed this summer that actually explicitly gave it that power for the very first time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2009 04:00:44 PM pwnt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2009 05:19:32 PM Nicotine is not addictive to everyone who smokes, just as alcohol is not addictive to everyone who drinks. It's all on a scale - some people are hooked right off, others can put them down with no problem. This country has a complicated relationship with tobacco, mostly to do with the making money and somewhat to do with class and tradition, but I really don't think that they get to tell me I can't smoke cloves. At least cloves have a history, having been invented in the 1880's, and as far as I'm concerned, they're more harsh than all but the cheapest cigs. However, that's a red herring, because the problem is not that kids want cloves - kids want to "look cool" and people (apparently) keep violating the law to sell them cigarettes. If the law we have was enforced I think we wouldn't be having this conversation at all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2009 09:23:51 PM "The FDA never had the power, let alone the "mandate," to regulate tobacco until new legislation passed this summer that actually explicitly gave it that power for the very first time." Yeah, I know, and now they're exercising the power. cry moar? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/24/2009 05:36:48 PM "It's all on a scale". That's right. We can buy some kinds of alcohol for drinking, but we can't buy ANY kind of alcohol for drinking. It just so happens that some forms of alcohol have other uses so it's easy to get anyway, but I don't think you are supposed to sell Sterno as a beverage. Cigarettes only have one use, so it seems more draconian to ban certain types of it. Having said that, I'm still not sure how I feel about this. It seems like adults should be able to do things like this within their own homes without becoming a criminal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/24/2009 08:54:51 PM Hm. If this merely bans the sale of flavored cigarettes and not their production, then there is nothing to prevent an enterprising fan from making their own, is there? It's not nuclear science. If so, then I don't see the issue. A person might have the right to consume whatever they please, but I don't think they have the right to sell whatever they please. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/25/2009 09:34:54 AM Apropos of nothing...Tondee's Tavern looks like it has activity again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/25/2009 02:10:14 PM Drew, Look up Wickard v. Filburn in Wikipedia. The problem if the Federal government doesn't really recognize that distinction. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/25/2009 02:14:08 PM And yes, Zaid, they are just exercising their newly granted power. But instead of crying moar, I'll just point out that if the FDA takes this new power to its logical conclusion, the total banning of cigarettes, you will see a black market and a rise in criminal activity in this country that will make prohibition in the 1920s look like a few teenagers drinking booze in the bushes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/25/2009 06:43:59 PM I don't think they're going to ban cigarettes, Obama will veto he's a smoker :p ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/01/2009 10:44:57 PM Enterprising fan makes her own flavored cigarettes. In re: Wickard v. Filburn: it's not that I don't think the government has the power to ban production for personal use - it does, of course - it's whether they exercise that power in this case. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Thinking Outside the Atlanta Democratic Beltway BASENAME: thinking_outside_the_atlanta_d STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/23/2009 05:13:26 PM ----- BODY: Some of you may not know this, but there are several races THIS November for State House and State Senate caused by the vacancies of sitting General Assembly members. One such race is in Milledgeville. Bobby Parham was the State House member, a Democrat, from Milledgeville (get to Macon and head 45 minutes northeast), but he retired to take a post with the Department of Transportation. That left the seat open, and a special election was called for November 3rd, 2009. Only ONE Democrat has qualified in this free-for-all, whomever gets the most votes wins election. Darrell has an event this week and here's your chance to meet this Democrat from middle Georgia who stepped up when his Party needed him. Thanks to Stephanie Stuckey Benfield for forwarding this event to me:
    Fundraiser for Darrell Black
    Thursday September 24, 2009
    Manuels Tavern
    602 N Highland Ave
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Suggested Contribution $100 but any contribution would be appreciated ----- EXTENDED BODY: From Sole Democrat Enters Race to Replace Parham By Travis Fain - It will be a four-way race to replace former state Rep. Bobby Parham in the statehouse. Angela Gheesling-McCommon, executive director of the Milledgeville-Baldwin County Development Authority, and local businessman Darrell Black filed for the race for state House District 141 on Tuesday, joining longtime lobbyist Rusty Kidd and 22-year-old Casey Tucker. District 141 encompasses Baldwin County and part of Putnam County. Black, 56, owns Flooring America of Milledgeville, according to paperwork filed with the Georgia Secretary of State's Office. He's lived in Baldwin County four years and lists himself as a Democrat, though technically the Nov. 3 special election to replace Parham, D-Milledgeville, will be nonpartisan. Black is the only candidate in the race listed as a Democrat, and he said his party "will be mentioned in all my ads and speeches." Gheesling-McCommon, 46, also has lived in Baldwin County four years, according to her candidacy affidavit. Attempts to reach her Thursday were not successful. She lists herself as a Republican. Kidd was the first entrant into this race, announcing shortly after Parham decided to retire from the House of Representatives to take a seat on the State Transportation Board. He hasn't said whether he'll caucus with Republicans or Democrats if elected and lists himself as an independent on his candidacy affidavit. Kidd, 63, is the son of the late Culver Kidd, a well-known and longtime Democratic legislator, and he's lived in Baldwin County most of his life, according to his affidavit. Tucker, 22, has also filed to run in this race. He lists himself as a Republican who has lived in Baldwin County two years. He is a recent graduate of Georgia College & State University, according to his Web site. State budget cuts have hit Milledgeville, which is home to Central State Hospital, the Bill E. Ireland Youth Development Campus and other state facilities, hard in recent months. Recent mill closures have meant a "double whammy" for the area, Black said. "Having to deal firsthand with the economy every day ... I'm hoping I can be in a position to maybe make things better for the community," Black said. Qualifying for this special election ended Wednesday. The election will be held in conjunction with municipal elections in Milledgeville and across the state. To contact writer Travis Fain, call 744-4213. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2009 10:56:25 PM Website or contact info for Darrell Black, Tim? Thanks that would be helpful here. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/24/2009 08:43:34 AM HAHAHA about Rusty. Dude's given (last I remember) a few thousand to Barrow and none to Republicans. Lulz. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: lel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/01/2009 05:11:36 PM Contact info for Darrell Black... These are the numbers of his campaign managers: Gail McDonald, 478 457 5601 Justin McDaniel, 478-454-7191 ----- And you're right Rusty has given to a few local Democrats, he has also given to McCain. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: CBCF - Day 2 BASENAME: cbcf_-_day_2 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/24/2009 08:57:24 AM ----- BODY: This week I'm covering the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Annual Legislative Conference in DC. This is Day 2 (I will get Day 1 events up as soon as I can). Today, there are about 100 different seminars focused on this year's theme: Reinvent, Rebuild, Renew. 9:00 pm: Attended the 2nd Annual Sisterhood Congressional reception. This was an event sponsored by: Cong. Donna Edwards and Marcia Fudge. It was great catching up with Cong. Marcia Fudge - she's an awesome lady. Marsha and Donna3.jpg They had a great DJ who kept the place jumping. 6:00 pm; Attended the AFLAC reception for the Georgia delegation. AFLAC put on a first class event. Lots of state reps showed up, Al Williams, Mickey Stephens, Coach Williams, Calvin Smyre, Billy Mitchell, Valencia Seay, and others. Five of our six congressmen were present...ooh let's take a guess at which congressman didn't make an appearance. Yeah, that was way too easy - Mr. Marshall (I'm a D In Name Only). congressmen_final.jpg This guy shows up to hang with the Dems...but not Marshall. Yea, what's up with that. Cong. Lynn Westmoreland: westmoreland.jpg and if there was any doubt why we love Cong. John Lewis, just hear him speak...speak about how to build beloved community. 4:00 pm: Man I was out the door for the day...until I ran into Cong. Hank Johnson who politely asked "hey are you coming to my forum?"...and now I'm at Cong. Johnson's forum. Here is Cong. Hank Johnson discussing why attending the CBCF conference is important. 4:10 pm: OMG Cong. John Conyers is here. Yes, he's not lost. And Mr. P-Funk George Clinton is here. Some funky politics are about to happen. pfunk_final.jpg 2:00 pm: Web 2.0 and Social Media This seminar opened with Donna Brazile (yes, thee Ms. Brazile) discussing the importantance of broadband to Black communities especially rural communities. 2:20 pm: Actor Robert Townsend is talking about moving the internets forward by offering not only entertainment but information and training where everyone can learn. He has a venture called which offers a websiode called the "Diary of the Single Mom". Great cast: Billy Dee Williams, Leon, Monica Calhoun, Valeria Ortiz. Townsend_final.jpg 2:39 pm: Lordy bee, the entire cast is here. Leon, is here - get your hustle on. and Richard Roundtree. and Billy Dee Williams. ooooohhhh. 2:56 pm: Cong. Clyburn says that the new economy can't leave out the Black children who live in rural America who are currently disconnected from the internet. Says that healthcare reform has to include healthcare IT in order to connect rural communities together. Second panel: our very own Midfulton Democrat, but now all grown up, Donna Byrd is a panelist. The panel is discussing why blogging is important to the African American community. 3:05 pm:Gina McCauley, founder of - an idea that helped shift the blogging community to social justice issues. Did a blogging bootcamp that involved activism and introduced folks into blogging on African American issues. Says that blogging can be a stepping stone for people. The key is adoption of the technology. It shouldn't matter what technology you are using - just get in the game. Social Media is the gateway to the internet. Must break technology down for people to un derstand. Bloggers are "human search engines" that filter the many layers of information. Carmen Dixon-Rosenzweig: Doesn't believe that Democratic legislators, especially on capitol Hill, are using social media tools very well. Believes that an effective use of social media can break down hierarcheries. Technology is just the tool, but relationships are the key to making social media work. (If only candidates would realize this before they start a Twitter account. If only...) Earlier this afternoon: Folks I ran into: Attorney General Thurbert Baker talks about why it is important to attend the CBCF conference: The Rev. Al Sharpton Rev. Al.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: This morning I'm at the National Town Hall Meeting:Economic Recovery and Opportunity Video_1.jpg 8:45 am: Speaker Pelosi spoke to the crowd. Encouraged the crowd to get engaged in the health care reform debate because getting a robust public option passed is critical. She also spoke about the need for green energy and the need for environmental justice (i.e. making sure all the plants don't end up in poor minority communities. 9:00 - Congressional Black Caucus Chair - Cong. Barbara Lee (D-CA) said the Congressional Black Caucus is the "conscience of the Congress". 9:02 am: greetings from Simone-Marie Meeks - chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation spouses - (I'm assuming that she's the wife of the chair of the CBCF Cong. Kendrick Meeks). Oh Jules they are having a "runway for the everyday fashion" show - fashion for everybody. 9:06 am: Dr. Elsie Scott - CBCF President and CEO - thanking everyone who helped planned the conference. She's introducing all the CBCF Fellows. Lots of smart young whippersnappers who will rule DC in a few short years. 9:14 am: Cong. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) and Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) - the co-chairs of the conference - introducing the moderators: Renee Chenault-Fattah and Ed Gordon (formerly of BET news). The question is whether the economic recovery will include those neighborhoods that have been hardest hit. There are 2 panels: Panel 1 - Corporatre/Non Profit Leaders / Panel 2: Executive Branch/Congressional Leadership Panel 1: John Hope Bryant (Operation HOPE, Inc.), George Burrell (PRWT Services), Johnathan Rodgers (TV One), Julianne Maalveaux (Bennet College for Women), L. Londell McMillan (Dewey and LeBoeuf), Carole Brown (Siebert Brandford Shank & Co.), Harvey Lawrence (Brownsville Community Development Corporation) The main question is how will financial literacy move our communities out of this recession: Burrell: says that we must circulate the knowledge in order to get out of this recession. Must help each other. Rodgers: said that the "digital divide" is no longer. The problem is getting folks to watch financial literacy programs. Really? Hmmmmm...I'm guessing not. Burrell: disagrees with Rodgers. Says the problem is that the media has dumb downed the financial literacy message. Says the message needs to be reframed and reshaped so that next generation is focused. Maalveaux: says an educated African-American is a dangerous thing to America and HBCU's are on the frontline of educating Black children. But HBCUs need funding because they are doing the "Lord's work". OK I moved on to the "Gullah Geechee Cultural" workshop. That's my people. Gotta go represent. The lead speaker happens to be a close family friend of my aunt Verta Mae Groversnor. Emory Campbell is talking about the cultural and on the Gullah Geechee's reliance on solitude mediation, the speech patterns, foods, the language, the family, and the land. Believes that we must preserve the family and the land because it is a part of the West African tradition. When families live together on the same land then they can pass on traditions. Brings about a kinship that needs to be preserved. Park Service guy says that they are working to preserve the culture. Hey now, First Lady Michelle Obama's people are of the Gullah/Geechee heritage. Check that out! Park Service guy says that for the last 10 yrs he has been working to preserve the Gullah Geechee heritage and says all the things that he has learned he never learned in schools. Never was taught or heard about the cultural in any school books. Congressman Clyburn (SC) just showed up...yeah!!! I'm dying laughing because Cong. Clyburn says that when Gullah folks are talking to each other their language changes into a different dialect that outsiders can't understand. So true, so true! Cong. Clyburn says that he is fully committed to making sure the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor is fully funded. Cong. Clyburn said that he was sworn in 18 years ago into Congress using a Gullah bible - saweet! This is gonna be a great day cause my favorite big cousin is in this seminar session with me. Yeah...that's how Gullah/Geechee folks roll. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/24/2009 08:32:41 PM Thanks for the reporting Bernita, Lots of interesting stuff going on there! Finding out where Julianne Maalveaux went off too. And yes, financial literacy Is for everyone, it's just getting quite a bit more complicated. (Beyond the 'Freshwater vs. Saltwater' disputes too). And Verta Mae Groversnor too, that's impressive. So did you ever get back to Cong. Hank Johnson's session & what was that about? (It suddenly occurs to me that these are 'Twitter' like questions too). I hope George Clinton was as funny as usual too, always something insightful to impart from the old man. And what about all the big hotels making the land grabs on the islands too? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/24/2009 09:00:45 PM Some notes on the financial literacy score, via CAP: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/24/2009 10:19:11 PM Amazing report. One of the best things I've read this week! Clearly you aren't one of those "human search engines". Deep bow. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/25/2009 05:36:47 PM Thanks Again for the added pics here Bernita, Good stuff & 8x10 prints are def needed for the Clinton & Townsend ones. The Sisterhood reception one seems a bit blurry here. And your restraint & good humor is obviously noted with Cong. Lynn for not smacking the cracker across the chops for his VRA (Voting Rights Act) oppo/shenanigans alone! Geez... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/25/2009 10:06:25 PM Forgive me I could not resist. It is somewhat relevant here, and there's no Fri 'Open' thread to put it into: In other news of Cracker interest, the 'Birthers' have a new vid/TV campaign, TPM picks up the SCTV highlights now playing in the South here: And just in honor of our very own Ga. Cracker Cong. Lynn, the very white news of the week the highlights: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: CBCF - Day 3 BASENAME: cbcf_-_day_3 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/25/2009 04:43:24 PM ----- BODY: Day 3 started out a little slow - had to take time to download and edit video, recharge equipment batteries, and refuel my extrovert level. 9:00 pm: Nikema and I went to a VIP reception at the Love club. Great food, 4 floors of music, and lots of people watching. Let's just say that Nikema and I were one of the very few conservatively dressed women at this reception. I think we had different agenda items from the other women - we had intentions of leaving the club with old friends and not "new" friends. After spending the afternoon in the presence of beautiful and poised black women like Dorothy Height, Susan Taylor, and Cong. Eleanor Holmes Norton...let's just say that this was a room full of polar opposites. We did enjoy ourselves cause we can make the most out of any occasion as long as we get to laugh and dance. Ran into CNN contributor, Roland Martin and radio personality, Tom Joyner. I will not be publicly posting any photos from this event - I did capture some of the fashion on video. Must make Jules a montage video so she can review it for DFI. 5:30 pm: Hung out with some former work colleagues from the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. Good times...Good people who fight for civil and social justice on the daily. 4:30 pm: Nikema and I were at the right place and the right time to run into the beautiful Susan Taylor. Susan represents all that is Black women beauty. Susan Taylor, was the editor-in-chief at Essence Magazine. During her tenure, Essence Magazine became the publication for Black women. She's as lovely and warm in person as she once graced the pages of Essence Magazine. Nikema and Susan Taylor: Nikema_Susan Taylor.jpg 3:30 pm: Stopped briefly in on a panel session led by Cong. Eleanor Holmes Norton. Fab-bo-lous! I love Congresswoman Norton. She's fiery, passionate, and is a great speaker. The session was on whether we are living in a post-racial society. There was also lengthy discussions on how to integrate new technologies with historic black institutions (like Black churches, NAACP). Once again the topic of the Democratic Party not using new technologies to mobilize its base voters was also discussed. In this clip, Cong. Holmes Norton talks about how to we must motivate and nurture the younger generations not with just using words and slogans from her generation. She is following up on a statement and audience member made about how Black folks need to revitalize the saying "Black is Beautiful". In this clip, Cong. Holmes Norton talks about why the CBCF weekend is important to the Congressional members because "it is about black members of Congress getting in touch with what black folks are thinking". Pretty much sums it up for me. 3:00 pm: Went to the convention center in search of 2 of my favorite Young Dems, Nikema and Leslie. After connecting with Leslie, I still couldn't find Nikema so I texted her. Here is the actual text message exchange: Bernita to Nikema: hey where r u at? Nikema to Bernita: I'm in 146c stalking Dorothy Height for a picture Sure enough, Nikema was really stalking Dr. Height. For those who don't know the amazing work and legacy of Dr. Dorothy Height, she:
    has given leadership to the struggle for equality and human rights for all people. For thirty-three years - (1944 - 1977), Height served on the staff of the National Board of the YWCA of the USA. In l957, Height was elected fourth National President of National Council of Negro Women and served as its chair until 1998. In 1960, Height was the woman team member leader in the United Civil Rights Leadership along with Martin Luther King, Whitney H. Young, A. Philip Randolph, James Farmer, Roy Wilkins and John Lewis.
    Nikema's stalking paid off and she was able to take a picture with the 97 year old Dr. Dorothy Height who remains the face of Black women social activism. Nikema_Dorothy Height.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/26/2009 11:51:37 PM Thanks again for the excellent reporting Bernita, Hope things went well @ the WH. Great to see stalwarts like Dorothy Height still able to make it to these conferences. Stylish too! We should all look as good @ 97. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: She's in! BASENAME: shes_in STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/26/2009 06:20:24 PM ----- BODY: Nitas_WH_Press_Pass.jpgAs I type this our own Bernita is headed into a special photo session with President and First Lady Obama. Hopefully, photos will follow soon. Bernita is super-nervous, but we all know she'll do us proud. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: The Fatigue-Patterned Multi-Billion Dollar Elephant in the Room BASENAME: the_fatigue-patterned_multi-bi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/27/2009 12:47:52 PM TAGS: iraq,military ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgWith the advent of President Obama's election came a forceful commitment to withdraw American forces from Iraq. However, during both the campaign and in more recent discourse, largely missing from that debate has been considerations from the logistical nightmare involved with such an undertaking. More to the point, counteracting six years of build up intended to supply and support 150,000 military personnel, roughly as many civilian contractors, and the hundreds of thousands Iraqi military, paramilitary, and police personnel that have supported our operations there won't be an overnight endeavor. With that said, we are now just beginning to take that monumental task head-on. If you're having trouble getting a sense of the scope of what we are dealing with here, the Army Times lays it out pretty well:
    As U.S. troops near what is supposed to be the final year of combat operations in Iraq, the military's top logisticians have quietly been working on the "monumental" task of removing mountains of war-fighting equipment from that theater. "We've been in that theater of war for [six] years. This is Ph.D-level stuff. It's literally millions of pieces of equipment," said Maj. Gen. Kevin Leonard, the G-3 for Army Materiel Command. Officials declined to discuss how much the drawdown effort could cost, but Pentagon leaders are debating the price tag, which changes depending on how much equipment is saved and whether gear bought to replace what's junked is included in the overall tab. One source has said the total will be tens of billions of dollars. The cost of the drawdown could be overshadowed by the complexity of the effort, which will include deciding what to do with each piece of gear and scrubbing certain pieces of equipment, such as those that will be transferred to Iraqi forces, of classified components.
    Considering that much of this equipment has been with our forces since we rolled over the berm in March of 2003, we certainly have our work cut out for us. Despite the fact that Iraq has seen a large number of high-profile mass killings in the last few months, American personnel have largely been unaffected by the death and destruction. Now it seems the hope lies not only in the safety and security of the people of Iraq, but in a safe and secure return home for the roughly 100,000 military personnel that will be back stateside next year. God speed to all. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: CBCF - Day 4 BASENAME: cbcf_-_day_4 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/28/2009 10:47:07 AM ----- BODY: Today was an awesome day!! 3:30 pm: Attended the Coca-Cola reception for the Georgia Black Caucus members. Ingrid Saunders Jones and the Coca-Cola crew put on a fantastic reception. Lots of food, open bar, and good people. The line to get into the reception stretched on to the sidewalk and down the street. Lots of folks were trying to get in to this party. Ingrid Saunders Jones, Coca-Cola ingrid.JPG Congr. David Scott and his wife scottandwife.JPG (will post video and later) 4:30 pm: Headed over to the Convention center for the media check-in. Media check-in for the Phoenix Awards dinner was at 5 pm. President Obama and the First Lady were addressing the crowd. The Phoenix Awards dinner is the pinnacle event for the CBCF weekend. When I arrived there were lots of media folks - when I say lots I mean at least 150 people. Media folks who I haven't seen covering any of the CBCF events this weekend. It was crazy. They divided the group into four categories - four very traditional media categories - photographers, video, broadcast, and print. Ummm...that would be a big fat no for any social or new media folks. Since I was the only blogger, I stood in the photographer line (I had a fancy still camera and 2 flip cameras). Then the CBCF staffers stood in front of our line and said "if we call your name then please move to this new line". We waited with anticipation for our names to be called without knowing if this was a good or bad thing. I heard them say "Bernita Dona Smith", so I followed the directions, still unaware and anxious about this new line. I asked the young CBCF staffer if this was a good thing and he said "welcome to the promise land. I can't tell you anymore than that." Now my anxiety is starting to ratchet up...but at least my first thoughts were not true. I originally thought they were calling names of people who didn't make the Secret Service approval list - whew, I made it. After they called about 18 names, we were moved away from the large crowd of media folks. And that's when they dropped the bomb! The 18 of us were now the official CBCF press pool who would have direct access to photograph the President. What!!! What!!! How the hell did this happen? Aw man, the sweat is pouring down my back now, I'm having crazy hot flashes, and I'm so nervous that I can't even dial my momma on the phone. I did manage to text my brother, Jules, and Catherine about the news. Thank God for texting...those 3 helped me to contain my excitement and nerves. What was really cool is that many in this crew actually covered CBCF events - we came to the sessions, went to the events, and reported on the happenings. We were not Johnny come lately. Now thinking about it maybe that's how the CBCF decided who should comprise their official press pool. At every session, there was a CBCF staffer who had the media folks sign in. They gave us the basic Secret Service instructions and moved us upstairs for our bags to be checked. We waited for the Secret Service canines to do their sniff test - woohoo we all passed. Standing in this line was very weird because I have always been on the other side - the side giving instructions on the do's and don'ts of the Secret Service. I have been on the advance team for President Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and sat in many meetings with President Carter. Yeah, it was very different being on the other side. A good learning experience. We were given our new press passes and then more instructions. presspass.jpg They moved us upstairs to the gala, led us to our seats, we left our bags, and they moved us again to the front of the room. More instructions and then they told us we would have 4 minutes to take pictures of the President. They divided us into 2 groups - somehow I was placed in the 1st group. Oh geesh, the nerves were at full steam now. They moved the 1st group out about 45 seconds before the President appeared on the stage. Then the President and First Lady appeared. Wow Michelle is really pretty up close. And the President looks good too! theobamas.JPG After greeting the hosts, Cong. Barbara Lee and Kendrick Meeks , the First Lady departed the stage and the President addressed the crowd. theObamas_2CBCFJPG And I started snapping photos. It was so surreal. Let me just say that 4 minutes goes by very, very quickly. I also managed to get some video. I was definitely multi-tasking. These may not be the most professional pictures. But they are mine!! Obama_CBCF1.JPG Obama_CBCF2.JPG Obama_CBCF3.JPG Obama_CBCF4.JPG After our 4 minutes were over, Secret Service rushed us out and the 2nd group was allowed to take pictures. We were all supposed to go another round but something got screwed up so we stood in the wings and watched the President. (Will post video later) After the President left the stage, the award ceremony began. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, Danny Glover, Cicley Tyson, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Wyclef Jean, and Georgia's very own Calvin Smyre received Phoenix awards. The Phoenix Award is
    awarded for efforts and accomplishments that have made significant contributions to society, and symbolizing the immortality of the human spirit and an eternal desire to reach its full potential.
    CalvinSmyre_CBCF.JPG This clip is of Calvin Smyre accepting his award. Check out the video because it includes a video about Calvin's lifelong work. I never knew he was the youngest (before Alisha Thomas Morgan was elected) legislator in Georgia's history. Calvin was dressed mighty sharp and represented Georgia very well. Big props to Calvin. 10:30 pm: Finally the dinner is over and I can leave the building to get something to eat. Ended up going to Roland Martin's party until 2:30 am and had a lot of fun. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/28/2009 01:04:51 PM Wow! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/29/2009 01:42:47 AM Thanks again for the excellent reporting Bernita, Congrats on all the great access too! Everyone looked swell & Calvin certainly did us proud. And yes, this is one of the most common refrains from similar events: "Finally the dinner is over and I can leave the building to get something to eat." Yep. About covers it. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: On My List BASENAME: on_my_list STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 09/29/2009 04:27:15 PM ----- BODY: Oh, don't look at me like that, you know what you did. Max Baucus (202) 224-2651 Kent Conrad (202) 224-2043 Blanche Lincoln (202) 224-4843 Bill Nelson (202) 224-5274 Tom Carper (202) 224-2441 ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JohnRose EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/29/2009 06:02:20 PM Carper and Nelson voted for the Schumer public option amendment. And what- do Republicans get a complete pass? Even Republicans representing moderate-to-liberal states like Iowa (Grassley), Maine (Snowe), and Nevada (Ensign)? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/29/2009 06:02:36 PM Thanks for the reminder Paula, Here I think Bill Nelson (FL) (202) 224-5274 Tom Carper (DE) (202) 224-2441 might be the best bets. They're running ads against Baucus (MT) as we speak too. But we all knew this was not going to be easy. Reason why Medicare never even made it through the Senate Committee process. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Hey Mackey! BASENAME: hey_mackey STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/02/2009 02:51:04 PM ----- BODY: John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods has argued that American workers do not deserve a health care system. We believe that heath care should be affordable for everyone, not just rich people. More on the folks boycotting Whole "paycheck" here. So Mr. Mackey, this video is for you!

    Operation Hey Mackey! - Whole Foods, Oakland from Jamie LeJeune on Vimeo.

    Performance by the Brass Liberation Orchestra Anyone younger than 40, here is the original video. FYI, I love this kind of stuff! Good humor always beats nasty attack ads and hate. Glad to see this circulating on the internets. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Women at the Table of Power conference - Day 1 BASENAME: women_at_the_tables_of_power_c STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/04/2009 03:02:18 PM ----- BODY: 2:30 pm - The Women at the Table of Power conference, a program of WiLL and WAND, opens with Congresswoman Donna Edwards. Georgia's very own, State Senator Nan Orrock, is the President of WiLL (the Women Legislators' Lobby). will_wand.jpg 2:45 pm:Congresswoman Edwards talks to the audience about rebuilding infrastructure, affordable healthcare, and international relationships. On healthcare, Cong. Edwards says "what we do on healthcare matters not just what it brings to America but what it brings to the rest of world." I think if many of our representatives had a more global approach to health care reform they would easily see that a public option would help more Americans stay healthier and more productive. US and the Middle East: Cong. Edwards agrees with the President that the Arab leaders have a major role in bringing stability and a responsibility to the Middle East. Believes women need to be engaged in the conversation on Peace. We have an obligation as Americans to understand what is going on in the Middle East, humanitarian, national security, and social issues. Peace relationships: Cong. Edwards says that for Peace to attain there has to be a give and take and the best role for the US is to be a facilitator. We can not use the historical issues as an excuse to stand on the sidelines. Cong. Edwards says that we as a public should hold our Congressfolks accountable, Point out how their relationships with lobbyists should be public. Public exposure will get results. 3:15 pm: Merle Cuttitta, President, Local 500 of SEIU Best quote evah: "If you are not at the table then you are on the menu" Says that America needs the Employers Free Choice Act so employees can negotiate their wages just like CEOs of major corporations. 3:30 pm: Staff Sergeant Genevieve Chase, founder and executive director of American Women Veterans Discussing about women serviing in Afghanistan. Also about the lack of care and assistance for veterans. Needs to address some basic VA issues which can help veterans - send emails to veterans along with snail mail, make enrollment to the Veteran Administrations mandatory prior to leaving the military, streamline the DoD and VA records, allow continuity of care between the VA hospitals by making medical records online, and create a counselor sponsorship program. Another great quote: "doing the right thing is always the most cost effective solution to everything" There are no real statistics on how many veterans need help because so many veterans don't come forward. Especially women veterans. 1 in 200 women have fought for America in the last 10 years of war. 4:24 pm: Notes from Celinda Lake:(Celinda is not here, stuck on a plane) - more women vote than men, women will vote more progressively than men, candidates speak to men when they should be speaking to women. Top 3 issues are health care, the economy, and the wars 7:00 pm: at our "dine around dinners" on new social media. Hosts are Jane Hamsher, of, and Shireen Mitchell, of Digital Sisters. Shireen is now explaining to the audience the difference between online communications and the percentage of Americans online with a social media profile: (folks that are a part of the social media networking) by the Pew Center on Internet and American Life Women = 35% 18-24 yrd olds = 75% 25-34 yrs. old = 57% 35-44 yrs old = 30% 45+= less than 10% White = 31% Black = 43% Hispanic = 48% Jane Hamsher tells the audience that every email address is worth $2.00 in online fundraising. Letting them know that collecting email addresses helps them control their message, fundraising, and communicate. "digital doorknocking". She is now explaining the tools: Twitter - the ability to communicate in real time and distribute it amongst a large group of people. Use their position in the community to help shape the message. Shireen is letting the women understand about "following" - you don't have to follow people who don't have the same interests. OK anarchy is breaking out now. We are now breaking the group into beginners and intermediate users. My brain is hurting now... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2009 05:09:01 PM Thanks Bernita, and to State Sen. Nan Orrock for representing us well there. This just in on why do 'Conservatives' hate us for our Freedoms... National Review’s John Derbyshire: "Women Should Not Have The Right To Vote" "John Derbyshire, a British-American conservative author and columnist for the National Review, has written a new book titled We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism. The book contains a section called “The Case Against Female Suffrage.” Yesterday on his radio show, Alan Colmes asked Derbyshire to articulate his argument." As Think also notes, infamous right wing harridan Ann Coulter has also advocated the repeal the 19th Amendment for years, precisely because how they imagine women Tend to vote. Go figure. No modern 'Liberal' voice has ever suggested something similar. Why do they detest Liberty so vehemently? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2009 01:08:20 AM Thanks again for the updates Bernita. Again the age grade is telling here. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Women at the Table of Power conference - Day 2 BASENAME: women_at_the_table_of_power_co STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/05/2009 07:53:11 AM ----- BODY: 7:30 am: Oh My do these women folk start conferencing early. I sooo need a nap already. 7:35 am: State Senator Vivian Davis Figures (Alabama) is speaking about women challenging incumbents so we can stop giving seats away just because of historical patterns. Senator Figures challend US Senator Jeff Sessoms because of his lack of communication and campaigning in the African American community. Her message to women: when it is put into you to run...women should not listen to never know when its your time to run. 7:45 am: Linda Tarr-Whelan, former Ambassador, UN High Commission on Women. Author of Women Lead the Way: Your Guide to Stepping Up to Leadership and Changing the World. -Rwanda has the largest number of women in its Parliment. - Says "if it had been Lehman Sisters, would it have failed?" - companies with the greatest stability have more than 30% of women on their board. When there are more than 30% women at the table of power - people at the power table set the priorities. When women are at the table, they shift the priorities so all can achieve maximum success. - style of decision making changes - more consensus, more team building, less instruction from top down. - family work policies get more attention. - opens lots of opportunities for more women to move up What you can do to shift the table of power: - press all Governor's about their appointments - press your political party - be a role model to help open the doors for more women. - reach out to younger women. 8:10 am: Michaeline Della Fera, author, Women at the Table, 40 Intimate Profiles of Political Women of the Northeast - Research shows that women don't just "wake up" and decide to run. They usually enter politics quietly. They become passionate about a cause and then run for office. Women are more often asked to be a "ballot filler" by Party Officials. - Women will write a larger campaign check to male candidates than to women candidates. - Once a woman make a committment to run for office they become fierce competitors. Qualities of women who run: - have a clear sense of self, willing to fight for what they believe, and will win. Women are more reluctant to pick up the phone and ask for money. Fundraising is hardest for women. Women have to walk the fine line of showing too much feminism and masculine qualities. "Women issues are all people issues". Women issues aren't soft issues - that's a term that male candidates attribute to women candidates. Women have strong need to get things done which is why they are more successful in politics. Women don't need to mark their terriority as much as men. The increase number of women in politics is directly correlated to an increase in funding for healthcare, schools, and children issues. 8:30 am: Dr. Rachel Kleinfeld, CEO and President of the Truman National Security Project - security issues can be complicated for progressives. especially with human rights abuses. Moral issues. Security is too important to leave to conservatives. We must know what we believe. And we must communicate it well. Polling by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner in May 2009 - Which Party do you associate with "too hesitant to use force" - Democrat - 59%; Republican 21% - Which Party do you associate with "patriotic" - Republican - 45%; Democrat - 28% Conservatives have spent years understanding and articulating the deep values they stand for. You can't lead anyone until you know what you believe. Your values are the core of your communication and messaging. 5 core values of Progressives: - Human rights and civil rights - We exist in a community and have a duty to contribute to the common good - Government should support social justice - equality of opportunity and some equality of distribution - Tolerance and help for oppressed or marginalized to gain equal rights - Together we can progress and create a better world 5 core values of Conservatives: - Property rights - individuals should keep what's earned - Law abiding individuals should be free and unfettered by groups or government rules - Human nature always the capacity to do evil, we need strong means of constraint - Exclusion and punishment to maintain a strong moral law - Tradition is good. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2009 12:10:07 AM Thanks again Bernita, Interesting stuff. And some of us can & do hold both most of those 'progressive' core values And some of the 'conservative' ones too. At the same time. Which is part of the problem. Me, I thought the issue might have been resolved by more people noticing that one national party had basically turned batsh*t crazy at its core, but hey that's been almost 20 years now. And it only keeps on getting worse. Go figure. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Wow. BASENAME: wow_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/09/2009 06:03:15 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_obama.jpgAnd the Nobel Prize for Peace goes to... President Barack Obama.
    ...for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.
    I think I heard the sound of Hannity's & Limbaugh's heads bursting. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 09:33:10 AM As much as I happen to like the President, I find this award a bit startling. I happen to know a whole lot of folks who have spent decades working for Peace. Granted they don't have his profile, but seriously. Someone like my friend Alice who walked 500 miles in the Witness Against War Walk from Chicago to St. Paul last summer, or many of the WAND Women who have worked for Peace for years. I'm kind of speechless, I know a rarity. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 09:40:55 AM It is a total headscratcher. I think even those of us who continue to support him will mostly agree with that sentiment. While we obviously expect great things from him, it's way too early for him to win this. It almost makes it into a joke. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 09:51:01 AM Saith David Sirota: "Obama winning Nobel prize reflects just how powerful celebrified politics has become - fame unto itself valued over everything else (BTW - Not saying Obama wasn't going to do Nobel-worthy things, just saying that IMHO he hasn't yet...well, other than becoming famous)." Yes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 10:29:37 AM I feel like I'm living last years season finale of Fringe ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 10:42:09 AM Some are calling it the "not George Bush award." I know it's a joke, but it made me realize, there needs to be a Not George Bush Award. Seriously. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 11:00:03 AM ah grift, the alternate universe thing, awesome. Me likey Fringe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 11:07:49 AM Judging strictly on the merits of his work (so far), it does seem premature at least. But within the context of following a militaristic, unilaterally acting, anti-social, sabre-rattling, "crusade" starting, fear-mongering, hate-generating machine, and viewed as a signal to us and the rest of the world that THIS behavior is what is expected of good neighbors, not the other, then it makes more sense. And looked at from the perspective of the Nobel Committee, given the stark contrast, there may be no better opportunity ever to promote that message. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 11:18:32 AM Morgan Tsvangirai was one of the finalists. I think he would have been a much more deserving winner. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 12:13:13 PM I'm not one to quarrel with the Nobel Committee - I tend to agree with what JerryT said (heheh, imagine that?) In addition, perhaps they believed that positive reinforcement might encourage the pursuit of diplomacy in the future. Jules is right, of course, the number of peacemakers and peaceworkers out there who go unacknowledged is staggering. In any event, President Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace today, and I congratulate him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 12:55:17 PM I congratulate the President in being awarded this great honor. I appreciate that he even acknowledged that he didn't feel that he deserved it but that he would do his best to live up to it. Not the least bit surprising is that I agree with President Carter, a Nobel Peace Laureate himself, who said: “It shows the hope his administration represents not only to our nation but to people around the world.” The US has rested on its laurels as being the only superpower left in the world for far too long. I personally don't believe that the US is a superpower anymore, but we have an opportunity to at least gain back the respect of the international community that was eroded by the numbnuts moron that occupied the White House for the previous 8 very long years. I now expect President Obama to work that much harder to achieve the things he promised to achieve for this country when he asked for my vote and I gave it to him in good faith. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 01:01:35 PM And one more thing - I'll give it to Obama that he's good, but he's no Jed Bartlett. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 01:03:47 PM and Gibbs, though i like him, is no C.J. Craig @Rubyduby ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2009 01:12:05 PM Amen to that Tim! It's kind of sad, but I judge all press secretaries by that standard and they all fail miserably! ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Why Is It Always in Georgia? BASENAME: why_is_it_always_in_georgia_5 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/09/2009 04:04:23 PM ----- BODY: Dang it, Georgians, would you quit it with acting like your stereotype already? Haven't we already suffered enough jokes about our backwards ways?
    When you walk into the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar in Paulding County, you feel like you've walked into a different era. Behind the pool tables stands a mannequin in a Klu Klux Klan costume, but it's what's outside of the Patrick Lanzo's restaurant that has some people angry. Lanzo put up a sign that reads "Obama's plan for health-care: N*&%*r rig it."
    Oh yeah, Mr. Lanzo says he's not a racist. He's been using the N-word "most of [his] life", and that's just how he chose to express himself. And if you think the national media isn't all over this, then I have some swamp land in Southeastern Georgia to sell you. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/11/2009 02:21:21 PM I usually end up asking why is it always where I live. This could be your commissioner - COVINGTON, Ga. -- A Newton County commissioner has been arrested on a battery charge, according to the Newton County Sheriff's Office. Commissioner J.C. Henderson, who represents District 4, was taken into custody Saturday by Covington police. Police haven’t released details of the incident that led to Henderson’s arrest. Henderson was booked into the Newton County jail, and was later released after posting a $2500 bond. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Mary Norwood's new spot BASENAME: mary_norwoods_new_spot STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/10/2009 11:02:51 PM TAGS: atlantamayor,norwood ----- BODY: Adorable and cheeky. More Mary on facebook and web. Anyone know who is doing her media? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Randomly Disoriented BASENAME: randomly_disoriented STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/12/2009 06:26:50 AM ----- BODY: The Atlanta Journal Constitution sheds another traditional role for local newspapers. Last night Kudzu Vine featured US Senate Candidate, Democrat RJ Hadley, you can find him on the Google. Equality March draws thousands to Washington to rally for LGBT rights. I love this photo. Most of us got our first introduction to Ardi last night. Check out the nifty Ardipithecus Handbook for even more details. Ashley Judd is attending Harvard's Kennedy School? She talked about that and more on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me this week.. What's on your mind? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2009 07:41:59 AM Good morning BfD'rs.. Thanks for linking to the Equality march. It was a thrill to be there and to march with the LBGT Community. Not sure of estimates, but it was the largest march I ever participated in. One of the best moments was when the folks who had run/walked for Breast Cancer Awareness stayed after at their event to cheer us on! Some very unexpected love from a couple hundred folks. Sign of the day from an older interracial couple "Our marriage was once illegal too". Made a couple people cry. Love DC, because after that most of us got on metro with the other tourists.. always an interesting mashup. A lady commented on my "Straight but not Narrow" button, and I gave it to her, she was thrilled. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2009 11:17:53 AM I love me some Alan Grayson. Go Dawg, um, Go Falcons! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2009 12:11:43 PM Oops, Rubyduby wasn't Rubyduby, it was me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2009 02:35:24 PM People marching in mass protests like the ones over the weekend are wasting their time. But hey, feel good about letting off steam and feeling like you're "a part of something." I've got some thoughts about the AJC's decision and I kind of agree with them. I don't really care one way or the other. But I am tired and CPH is a PITA so when I return stateside, I'll say more. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: GALiberalsExist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2009 11:05:43 PM Yeah, the civil rights marches of the 50's and 60's never accomplished anything... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 02:18:21 AM The reason they don't do anything is that Representatives have no idea if their constituents are in the march. If even 100,000 people march in something and let's say that all of those evenly came from every congressional district, that means only 230 constituents would be in a parade. Hardly a sizable voting bloc. As for the civil rights marches, a) that was a totally different era b) it was several years of much more than marches that made a difference, d) there were signs of violence against the protesters which led to terrible PR d) it wasn't just African Americans marching, I could go on. As Barney Frank said, the only pressure they put was on the grass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 09:14:22 AM Ripple of hope, IRE, ripple of hope. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 09:21:51 AM Hope? WTF kind of BS are you talking about? Hope? What is this hope you speak of. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 09:45:21 AM Why so cranky IRE? I reject the assumption that the folks who marched on Sunday were just one day activists. I met lots of folks marching in groups that I know are doing fine, thankless, tireless work in their communities and states. I saw folks from every conceivable community, Alaska, North Dakota, upstate NY and they came Sunday to lend their voice and spirit to something just a bit bigger than themselves. It was never an either or kind of deal, it was, as usual with movement politics a "I was there and here!" It takes working in lots of places, and putting pressure on many people to gain allies and make a movement. Don't get me started on Barney-he sold out his "gay" leader status long ago. I wished he was not the one folks quote. He shoved Trans people under the bus in 2007, and never bothered to look back. Barney needs to focus on his "day job" and the Financial institutions he's supposed to be regulating. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 10:07:23 AM Never said it was a one day thing. Just that the whole idea of if we have a big rally somehow it will change things that's all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 10:21:16 AM And re: Barney, maybe he did sell out his leadership although I doubt he was ever trying to have the gay leader title. The point is, his insight about the machinations of congress ought to be heeded. I think frankly speaking, he'd be in a better position to give activists advice on effective efforts than other folks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 10:36:01 AM IRE: apparently you have never heard his advise, which boils do to "sit down shut up write me a check and don't you dare disagree" Srly, not making that up. He likes his "gay" leader tiara only at certain occasions, like fundraisers for himself. When the group he helped found, went against him over the Trans community he bad mouthed them to his fellow congresscritters. Which I would exactly call nice, more bitchy and petulant. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 10:59:24 AM Again, his relationship to the gay community aside, don't you think a committee chairman with lots of seniority in the congress might have good advice to give on how to sway congressmembers? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 11:30:56 AM IRE: No. for many reasons, but mostly because he operates in a very small bubble and is very out of touch with his own community. If folks want a Congressional role model they should look to Tammy Baldwin or John Lewis. Not Barney. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 11:36:06 AM Ok..... O...K... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mike Newman EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 12:05:53 PM
    Sign of the day from an older interracial couple "Our marriage was once illegal too". Made a couple people cry.
    older?!? Glad you liked our sign. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 10:09:04 PM Oh Boy... Sorry Mike! I saw you all from a distance.. Correction, fabulous couple! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Atlanta Know Your Vote 2009 BASENAME: atlanta_know_your_vote_2009 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/12/2009 11:23:16 AM TAGS: atlantamayor,mid-fultondems ----- BODY: Join the Mid-Fulton Democrats this Thursday: Know Your Vote 2009 Thursday, October 15 Manuel's Tavern 602 N Highland Ave, Atlanta, GA 6:00-9:00pm
    Know Your Vote 2009 • Have you ever looked at a ballot and saw names that you do not recognize or know much about? • Have you ever voted for a candidate even though you were not sure of their stance on issues that were important to you? • Do you want to meet the people running for Atlanta's Mayor and City Council in 2009? If you answered YES to any of these questions, please join us from 6 PM to 9 PM on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at Manuel's Tavern, 602 North Highland Avenue, Atlanta, GA. All candidates for the City of Atlanta Mayoral and City Council races have been invited. This event is nonpartisan. Candidates will have a chance to introduce themselves and to host tables, where they can speak with constituents, answer questions and share their views. This is a unique opportunity to meet and talk to the candidates you are interested in and want to learn more about. We will be providing on-site assistance so you can learn which City Council candidates are running for your district. Please join us in this effort to help you know your vote!
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Early Votin begins today BASENAME: early_votin_begins_today STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/12/2009 12:21:46 PM TAGS: 2009,election,voting ----- BODY: Thanks to Larry at GRUS for the reminder:
    Monday, October 12 - Early Voting Begins. In-Person and Absentee for municipal and special elections scheduled for Nov. 3, 2009. Now, through Friday, October 23, you may vote in the Early Voting period. This is voting in person with a required photo ID. For absentee voting, you may request a ballot be mailed to you, you may print from the Secretary of State website an mail or fax in or apply in person at your local election office. You'll then be mailed your precinct ballot to be completed and returned to the appropriate county elections office by 8:00pm on Election Day to be counted. For more information, please visit For early voting or absentee application, please visit
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Roundup BASENAME: roundup STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/13/2009 06:48:27 AM ----- BODY: So, can any clown go into space? Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte has just returned from his 10-day space mission. Look at the solar homes constructed last week on the National Mall. Listen to the NPR story and you'll find out that "they have an app for that." It's baaack! The Large Hadron Collider, that is. More accurately, it will be back in December, if all goes well. We knew this was coming. Creationists not threatened by Ardi. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 08:30:07 AM I miss all y'all. Seriously I want to be home. :( BTW: Creationists scare me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 08:48:28 AM That's gotta be a tough call for a philanthropist: Spend $35 million on a publicity stunt to bring attention to your non-profit organization, or just dump $35 million directly into the organization. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: odinseye2k EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2009 09:08:48 PM All I can say is that I really wanted Guy to cut loose either inside or outside the station and show us what zero gravity art could really be. He might have been able to create something beautiful up there. I really wish they'd have cleared a rumpus room for him for a couple of hours. Especially with that one morsel where I saw him playing with the floating water drop. So many possibilities... Of course, all the public affairs folks could probably think of was the chance that some Senator or other might be afraid of making the Space Station a laughing stock. The future that we dare for is to *live* in space, not to shuffle around a tin can in the hopes of denting something. So, yeah, I'm disappointed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2009 11:05:19 AM This story just keeps getting worse. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2009 01:35:33 PM "There have been 113 calls made to the CPD from or in reference to the address on Puckett Street from 1997 to Monday of 2009," Holy crap! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: 'The Battle for Georgia' the movie! BASENAME: the_battle_for_georgia STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/13/2009 09:19:27 AM ----- BODY: Who knew they were making a movie! blog_icon_film.jpg
    'The Battle for Georgia' takes us on an eye-opening journey to the rural south in the final weeks of the 2008 Presidential election. Intimately exploring the politics of small town Georgia, the film follows a small team of local volunteers fighting to elect an African-American Democrat in a state with a long legacy of racial unease and deep-rooted southern, conservative politics.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Hey, remember when Chairman Steele promised us a "Off the Hook " GOP? BASENAME: hey_remember_when_chairman_ste STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/13/2009 10:44:21 PM ----- BODY: steele.jpg Well it seems that Mark Ambinder has found a few hiccups in their flawlessly planned implementation. Priceless. Flashback to original boast here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: This Weekend Walk for a Cause! BASENAME: this_weekend_walk_for_a_cause STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/13/2009 11:05:16 PM ----- BODY: aidswalk.jpg On Sunday, October 18, 2009, thousands of individuals, organizations and corporations will unite in the spirit of caring and giving by participating in the largest and most visible fundraising event for AIDS in the southeast, AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run. Your participation will make it possible for AID Atlanta and 8 other AIDS service organizations to continue the work to stop the spread of HIV and optimize the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS. Now in its 19th year, AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run, funds such programs as HIV primary health care, case management, HIV testing and counseling, as well as supports AID Atlanta's education program which provides more than 80,000 prevention contacts annually. Over 25,000 clients in the metro Atlanta area receive assistance as a result of the funds raised by AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run. More here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2009 12:00:34 PM Congrats to my friend Scott, did the 5K and ran a personal best time under 30min. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Georgia & Energy Savings - from Stimulus & Energy Bills BASENAME: georgia_energy_savings_-_from STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/16/2009 11:58:17 AM ----- BODY: The Center for American Progress (love them!) has some new reports out on the savings and jobs created from both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the American Clean Energy and Security Act. Some very interesting numbers - go here to click on your state and view the report. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/16/2009 04:14:44 PM Along those lines, I recently calculated that the Cash for Clunkers program is saving us 186,900,000 gallons of gas per year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/17/2009 07:05:54 PM Technically, ACES isn't passed yet, so it's a projection, but thanks for linking to us! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: There's a Rep for that... BASENAME: theres_a_rep_for_that STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/17/2009 11:01:47 AM ----- BODY: Walking Up Now has a great take on the now famous iPhone "app" commercials. h/t: ER ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Atlanta Stonewall Candidate Mixer-tonight! BASENAME: atlanta_stonewall_candidate_mi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/21/2009 09:19:35 AM ----- BODY: icon_political_event.jpgJoin Atlanta Stonewall Democrats and our Candidates Wednesday Evening! Wednesday, join your fellow Democrats at Las Margaritas on Cheshire Bridge Rd starting at 5:30pm and meet our endorsed 2009 Candidates for Atlanta Mayor, Atlanta City Council, Decatur City Commission and Georgia State House District 58. What: 2009 Stonewall Candidate Mixer When: Wednesday October 21st, 5:30pm-7:30pm Where: Las Margaritas, 1842 Cheshire Bridge Rd, Atlanta Who: Open to the public, membership strongly encouraged ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: The Public Option Wears Short Shorts BASENAME: the_public_option_wears_short STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/21/2009 12:42:01 PM ----- BODY: Well, well. MoveOn finally does something right for a change. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2009 01:57:06 PM I'm for Heather Graham! I mean, I'm for the public option! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: The end of the season is approaching... BASENAME: the_end_of_the_season_is_appro STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/22/2009 11:28:38 AM ----- BODY: You always know when the end of the political season is approaching because candidates will start to use terms and words that they have absolutely no meaning of. Their platforms start to change at a moment notice or they try to piggyback off their opponents' platforms. Some candidates have macca moments while others should STFU. Prime example of this phenom #1: Any mayoral candidate who makes a blanket statement like they would "use eminent domain powers to take land from owners who poorly maintain their property." doesn't understand basic city planning principles nor how to fix ailing neighborhoods. I'm sure this makes the developer community mighty happy but it will do very little for Atlanta neighborhoods. "Taking" someone's property does not fix a neighborhood, "taking" someone's property will not account for the City's lack of funding for its code enforcement program, "taking" someone's property will not account for the City's lack of funding for lawyers to try code enforcement cases. Since I can't find any clarification on Lisa Borders' website about her eminent domain program, I have a few questions:
    Just a few questions that one would assume the Borders' campaign has answers for since they rolled out such a controversial issue. Silly me, they might just be using the "eminent domain" terminology to gain points with a few voters. Not sure this "no depth" tactic really works for voters like me who live in and care about Atlanta neighborhoods. Epic.Fail. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2009 12:22:52 PM "If Borders' eminent domain program goal is for open space and parks, then will those properties along the proposed Beltline be "taken" first?" Excellent question. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/24/2009 02:17:44 AM Stupider Repug tricks noted by Amy Morton here picked by Z up @ : "Georgia Republicans Send Political Mailer Disguised As ‘Official’ Census Survey 11 Alive, a local Georgia news station, reports today that the Georgia Republican Party is sending out a political mailer disguised to look like an official U.S. Census survey. The news station learned of the scam when a voter called the station saying she was “upset” that Georgia Republicans would send out such a mailer, given that many Georgians, especially senior citizens, will not realize that it’s a political ploy and not an actual Census survey: “I got real upset ’cause I think a lot of people would just automatically fill it out,” [Anne Wilson of Smyrna] told us in a Thursday TV interview, “It’s their civic duty; by law they have to fill out the census. Turns out I and many others across the country have received the same survey letter which is titled the “2009 Congressional District Census”. The outside of the envelope is stamped “Do Not Destroy, Official Document”. The survey lists a specific congressional district and includes an individual “Census Tracking Code”, with the request, “Please Respond by: November 16, 2009″. [...] “I could see a lot of my neighbors that are older who would get something like this in the mail and fill it out,” she adds, “all the information, every little section, and send in money.” [AM] Amy helpfully put a scan of the offending & fraudulent mail piece on her blog here: Always something with these dirty tricksters, but the fraudulent Census form remains one of their favs, down through the years! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Cage Match: Alan Grayson v. Paul Broun BASENAME: cage_match_alan_grayson_v_paul STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/22/2009 12:09:54 PM ----- BODY: Alan Grayson of Florida goes after Georgia's own Paul Broun and totally schools him on the Constitution. h/t: DailyKos diarist MInistryofTruth ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2009 05:06:18 AM And to think Soupy Sales died for this dreck! Sorry stuff indeed... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2009 04:07:06 PM J.M.Prince, huh? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2009 08:54:10 PM A really fun guy to grow up with. Shame to lose him so young! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Bookman gets it right about Kasim Reed BASENAME: bookman_gets_it_right_about_ka STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/24/2009 02:08:28 AM ----- BODY: I still haven't decided who I'm voting for in the Atlanta Mayor's race, but AJC columnist Jay Bookman gets it right on why he's voting for Kasim Reed:
    The record of legislative consensus-building that he [Kasim Reed] describes is very real. Given that some of the metro region's biggest challenges cannot be solved without the assistance of state leaders, an Atlanta mayor with such connections would be a major asset.
    If anyone thinks that Kasim's 11 years of service at the State Capitol doesn't matter then they don't understand the politics of Georgia. Some of the biggest issues currently facing the City of Atlanta, like the interstate water wars, sewer deficiencies, and education funding, will be decided not only by the person sitting at the helm on Trinity street, but also by those occupying the Gold Dome. Unfortunately many Gold Dome occupants no likey the City of Atlanta; some view Atlanta as an island sucking up Georgia resources. In order to change this view and to increase regional and state cooperation, Atlanta is going to need a leader who can deliver concrete results. Concrete results that start and end by negotiating what is in the best interests of all Atlanta residents. Atlanta is going to need a leader who can convey that Atlanta also provides valuable resources to this State. As Kasim says in this clip the hard work is not done just in January, February, or March; the hard work of protecting Atlanta's interests is done by year round by working with the State Legislators. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/24/2009 02:41:55 AM Yep. No Time for Sergeants here. That's about a decent rationale as any I've seen so far. Someone who knows & is known to the 'rest of Ga.' is a valuable resource here. On another note of 'dirty GOP tricks' they're gaming the Census for partisan advantage (once again) here in Ga. [via Amy Morton]: Noted Here: & Here on Amy's blog: I wanted to make certain more folks are aware of this. Thanks! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/24/2009 04:34:40 AM OK this is seriously off topic. Find Decatur's very own Little Bill Clinton here: Via the New the latest installment is here: How did we all miss this one? It's very interesting & inspiring stuff indeed & great reporting too! (I know, all that reading for inspiration, go figure). JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/24/2009 06:32:50 AM The time for Sergeants here is allready over. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/24/2009 11:21:35 AM And Sen. Reed receives another endorsement.... Ludacris.... via Hip Hop Wired... Along with Shaquille O'Neal, they will be hosting a celebrity fundraiser to bring the political and entertainment communities behind their candidate of choice. The event is scheduled for October 25th, and will be held at Ludacris' restaurant Straits, from 8 pm - 11 pm. Speaking with Creative Loafing, they formally endorsed Kasim last week, stating, “We believe Reed deserves the edge for several reasons: his strong record of leadership as a minority-party legislator; his solid relationships with state lawmakers; and his clear-eyed, pragmatic vision of Atlanta's future.” An endorsement for Reed reads: “Leaders in Atlanta's arts and entertainment world have long been strong supporters of Senator Reed. He has worked closely with them for years to help make our city the premier center for creativity and culture in the southeastern United States. In addition, Kasim's focus on enhancing public safety, bringing jobs to Atlanta and improving our public schools have enabled him to build a large and diverse coalition of supporters. Atlanta needs new leadership and a new direction and Senator Reed is determined to provide both.” ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: It just never gets old BASENAME: it_just_never_gets_old STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/25/2009 11:36:17 AM ----- BODY: vampiredick.jpgCheney bashing that is. Rep. Grayson calls Cheney a vampire.
    Controversial freshman Rep. Alan Grayson, who has become famous for attacking the Republicans' health care plan, went on the attack again Friday night, calling former Vice President Dick Cheney a vampire for his recent criticism of the Obama administration's handling of the war in Afghanistan. "I have trouble listening to what [Cheney] says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he's talking," the Florida Democrat said on MSNBC's Hardball Friday night. "But my response is this: he's just angry because the president doesn't shoot old men in the face. But by the way, when he was done speaking, did he just then turn into a bat and fly away?"
    Just in time for Halloween too! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Why you should vote for Mary Norwood for Atlanta Mayor BASENAME: why_you_should_vote_for_mary_n STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/27/2009 02:27:19 AM ----- BODY:
    Over the past few days, I asked representatives from the 3 top polled campaigns to submit a 1,000 word essay on why Atlanta voters should vote for them for Atlanta Mayor. I will post the essays as I receive them from the campaigns.
    marynorwood.jpgFROM MARY NORWOOD: To make our city work for you again: that's why I'm running for Mayor of Atlanta. For eight years as a citywide councilmember and for years before that as a neighborhood advocate, I have met with Atlantans in every part of our city. The bridges I have built can bring our city together, and keep me informed of the issues and the concerns that really matter to you. ----- EXTENDED BODY: I have heard loud and clear the same message in every neighborhood I visit: you want Atlanta to go in a new direction. You want the city to work for you again. As your mayor, that will be my passion, day in, day out. That's the job I want to do for you. To make Atlanta great again, start with public safety, protecting you, your family, and your home. Nothing is more important than keeping you safe. We are in a crisis, with property crimes up 8%, burglaries up 13%, and thefts up 11% last year. As mayor, I will never allow police and fire fighter furloughs to happen again. And I'll end the fire station brownouts. We must expand the police force, and just as importantly, retain experienced personnel. I will work with Fulton and DeKalb Counties to ensure vigorous prosecution and ensure that repeat offenders are off the street and not terrorizing vulnerable communities. I'll beef up Code Enforcement so that our neighborhoods aren't full of abandoned buildings that attract crime. It continues with financial accountability, bringing transparency to city finances. For years I have fought for a full and complete accounting by independent outside auditors. Nonetheless, bank accounts have gone years without being reconciled, and money has moved from one account to another like a giant shell game. We simply do not know how much money the city really has and how much money the city really owes. We have only just begun to draw back the curtain. Until we get a firm grip on our finances, tax increases are off the table. As we move forward, we must eliminate waste and inefficiency. We must raise revenues by building a stronger tax base, too, and supporting our communities and our neighborhoods are at the heart of our future financial well-being. It's time to make our tax dollars work for everyday Atlantans, not for politically well-connected business interests. No less important are jobs and economic growth, and that means building on our community's strengths. Atlanta can be a great place to do business, and our neighborhoods continue to attract new residents. We are a regional retail, entertainment and cultural destination. For our local economy to live up to its potential, however, the city has to get the basics right: clean and safe streets, financial accountability and stable taxes are all important to a city that is a magnet for human capital and regional leadership. Jobs depend on it. By investing in our neighborhoods, by streamlining the permit process to facilitate redevelopment, by managing traffic to ease the gridlock on our streets, by aiding small businesses and entrepreneurs, and by making vacant or foreclosed homes attractive to first time homebuyers, we can continue to attract new residents, expand our tax base, and put Atlantans back to work building great neighborhoods and the businesses that follow. Getting the basics right means focusing on city services and city management. I will demand a businesslike culture at city hall: our residents should be treated like valuable customers. For eight years, my council office has functioned as a customer service window, solving problems on a daily basis, so I know how far the city has to go to enforce property codes, deliver quality services, bill accurately for water and sewer, promptly review applications for permits, pick up garbage and sweep streets, replace defective traffic signals, not to mention provide adequate police precinct and fire station staffing and a 911 call center that responds promptly and accurately to every emergency. These things make a city livable, and a well managed city does them well. To run city government so that we meet your highest expectations, I will recruit a proven professional experienced public manager as Chief Operating Officer. Good management will get better value for your tax dollars, too. No one else in this race brings the combination of bridges built connecting all our communities, a long and successful hands-on career in the business world, and a detailed understanding of the inner workings of city government that I offer to you. No one else brings this level of passion, this commitment and energy to the task. To make our city work for you again: this is the job I will do for you as your next mayor. Mary Norwood ( ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CitizenJane EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/27/2009 08:05:20 PM I support Mary Norwood because she is the ONLY person that has responded and taken action to address neighborhood infill issues, traffic issues and enforce city housing codes. I support Mary Norwood because she responds to resident concerns, regardless of race, gender, neighborhood, etc. I support Mary Norwood because she is HONEST, has a VISION and demonstrates INTEGRITY. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: thinkforyourself89 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2009 11:09:47 AM Mary Norwood only threw together her haphazard plan for crime after Kasim Reed presented a functional, comprehensive, & thoughtful address to crime in this city. Shame on Mary for her recent exploitation of crime victims for a political purpose. I will be supporting Kasim Reed. By the way, what is Mary Norwood hiding by not revealing ALL of her tax returns. What secret interests will she be serving if she hijacks this election? I think we have a right to know. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eric EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2009 11:14:02 AM I don't support Mary Norwood because she is willing to talk a lot about problems but has shown little to no results. I don't support Mary Norwood because she promises to repeal the 3 mil tax increase AND maintain city services with no furloughs, essentially guaranteeing furloughs. I don't support Mary Norwood because she has refused to support the right of workers to organize. To me the fact that Mary has attempted to hide the fact that she has voted Republican 70% of the time and served as a delegate to the state Republican convention makes it impossible to support her in good conscience. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2009 10:12:03 PM For Eric and the other poster. You both are just uneducated voters without the facts. He is just throwing anything he can to hide his obvious inability to run this city properly. He is just more of the same. How do you explain Kasim paying his own property and business taxes LATE 19 TIMES! If he can't even pay his own taxes on time, what makes you think he should be our mayor. And with the republican comment its just more smoke that Kasim is blowing out. I consider Mary a conservative democrat. One which is good with money and going to get our city out of debt and end this wasteful spending that Kasim and his other buds at city hall got us in. Clearly, the obvious choice is Mary unless you want to continue to pay the rediculous high property taxes and crazy water rates. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2009 10:15:06 PM Here is the link to the news story that Kasim didn't pay his property taxes until he ran for mayor. Wonder where he got the funds for this... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: President Obama to sign Hate Crimes Bill today! BASENAME: president_obama_to_sign_hate_c STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/28/2009 09:44:07 AM ----- BODY: icon_whitehouse.jpgThe hard work of many LBGTQ Activists will finally come together today with the signature of the President on HR2647. The new measure, attached to an essential military-spending bill, broadens the definition of federal hate crimes to include those committed because of a victim's gender or gender identity, or sexual orientation. It gives victims the same federal safeguards already afforded to people who are victims of violent crimes because of their race, color, religion or national origin. The law allocates $5 million a year to the Justice Department to assist local communities in investigating hate crimes, and it would allow the agency to assist in investigations and prosecutions if local agencies requested help. It includes provisions for mandatory training of local law enforcement. This will help in so many ways, and give local organizers a chance to interact with the police in a positive way. Eighteen states ( GA included) have no state Hate Crimes laws, so this provision to "step in" is critical for a proper investigation. Federal protections for people who are victims of violent crime because of their sexual orientation have been sought for more than a decade, at least since the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay Wyoming college student. Judy Shepard, Mathew's mother, is expected to be at the sigining along with many other prominent LBGTQ activists. I personally lobbied for Federal Hate Crimes bill six times in DC, honestly I had almost no confidence it would pass until I heard President-Elect Obama actually say the word "Transgender" in his Grant Park acceptance speech. As President he committed to signing a fully inclusive bill, and by george today it will happen.
    "This is a great day for America," commented Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, "as we make a clear statement that all lives are valuable and that no one deserves to be targeted for violence just because they are transgender. It is vital that we make it absolutely clear that violence motivated by bias is not tolerated in our country, because while this is a victory, the true victory will come when everyone is genuinely free from violence and discrimination. That's what we are working for."
    More on the bill here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2009 12:02:16 PM Hooray! 13 years is way to long for simple justice to prevail over ignorance, fear & hate. But here in the 'land of the free', it's pretty bloody typical. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jenjust EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 04:02:05 PM Thanks for your good work on this, Jules. I know it's been a long time coming. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Question for the Mayoral candidates. BASENAME: question_for_the_mayoral_candi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/27/2009 09:32:30 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_jail2.jpgAs Mayor, would you encourage the sale of the Atlanta pretrial detention center to Fulton County? Mayor Franklin has been dragging her feet since 2005 and in the meantime, inmates are being outsourced to other counties "costing the county $27,000 to $28,000 a day." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Sometimes it ain't easy to support your own Party BASENAME: sometime_it_aint_easy_to_suppo STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/28/2009 11:48:02 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_bonehead.jpgOr the title of this post could have easily been "Stupid is as Stupid does". Just so everyone is clear - I bleed Blue. I'm not purple or any other shade of blue - I'm a big ol' "D". I'm a State Democratic Committee member of the Democratic Party of Georgia representing the largest Democratic county in Georgia. I am political strategist who only works with Democratic candidates. So when I read this post on the AJC "State Democrats jump into Atlanta mayor's race against Mary Norwood", I became very pissed and irate. Seriously, DPG, this is what you are spending your time on - whether Mary Norwood is a strong enough Democrat or not? This ass backward thinking is the reason why Democrats consistently lose in the State of Georgia. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Let me try to get a grip on the Democratic Party of Georgia's illogical thinking: 1. The Mayor of Atlanta is a term limited position - so the DPG has known for 8 years that Shirley Franklin, one of the highest ranking Democrats in the state and most visible in the nation, would be replaced. For 8 years, the DPG did diddly, or not much visibly, to build a farm team in order to have a viable Democratic candidate run for this seat. 2. Kasim Reed, a very capable and strong Democrat in the State Senate caucus, has been running for the last 16 or 17 months, but the DPG has never communicated to Atlanta Democrats that he should solely be our candidate for Mayor. But now at the last hour, the DPG wants Atlanta Democrats to believe that they are really concerned that Atlanta must have a Democrat at the helm. I support Kasim for all that he has done in his 11 years in the State legislature on behalf of Atlanta Democrats, but where was the Party, before this stunt, when they should have been reminding Atlanta Democrats of all Kasim's good work? 3. The DPG wants Atlanta Democrats to believe that we can't fare well under Mary Norwood's leadership because Norwood isn't a strong enough Democrat. Norwood consistently "describes herself as neither red nor blue, but short and purple". When you examine the Votebuilder system, the system that the Democratic Party of Georgia and the Democratic National Committee uses to identify likely Democratic voters, it lists Mary Norwood as a "Leaning Democrat". The DNC uses a proprietary algorithm to allot "partisan" points to every registered voter. According to the Votebuilder system, Mary Norwood has a total of 150 points - Democratic points = 100 (66.7%) and Republican points = 50 (33.3%). Hmmm, not a strong enough Democrat or not a strong enough Republican? 4. The DPG wants Atlanta Democrats to believe that Mary Norwood will take us all down a bad Republican road trip because Norwood couldn't remember if she voted for George W. Bush. George W. Bush reigned terror over our country from 2001-2009 and now let's see how Norwood voted during those years during primary elections (in Georgia, during a primary election, a registered voters must either pull a ballot for Republican candidates or Democratic candidates) The registered voter's primary election ballot selection is weighed heavily into the DNC's "partisan algorithm: Primary 2000 - Norwood pulled a Republican ballot Primary 2002 - Norwood pulled a Democratic ballot Primary 2004 - Norwood pulled a Republican ballot Primary 2006 - Norwood pulled a Democratic ballot Primary 2008 - No record of voting Presidential Primary 2000 - No record of voting Presidential Primary 2004 - Norwood pulled a Democratic ballot Presidential Primary 2008 - Norwood pulled a Democratic ballot 5. The DPG has seen the polling numbers for the last nine months that all of their defined "strong Democrats" were lagging behind Norwood. This has not been a secret. But, the DPG waits until the ninth inning to turn on their bat light and broadcast a message in the clouds to Atlanta Democrats. Puh-leaze and I'm supposed to be all gung-ho for this last ditch effort. This "sky is falling" approach is why Georgia Democrats can't ever get themselves mobilized. One would think that the DPG would possess thousands of email addresses since the Obama election - email addresses that they could have used over the last nine months to get out their message that they want a Democrat as Mayor. Nah, that's way too easy. 6. Democrats want everyone to believe that their "tent is always open", but the DPG is closing down their flaps because Norwood is not overtly saying she is a Democrat in this nonpartisan race. Over the past election cycles, I believe a lot of our statewide nominated Democratic candidates have run on the same platform as Mary Norwood - "fiscally conservative and socially liberal". She supports gay rights and abortion rights. So what part of Norwood's platform doesn't square right with the Party? 7. I am the queen of burning bridges so I can declare that the DPG's stunt, cause it can't be considered a well thought out plan, is quite the bridge burner. The DPG's actions are a lose-lose for Atlanta Democrats. Let's just say that Mary Norwood does prevail as Atlanta Mayor, then what position does this place our Atlanta legislators? Ummm...that would be in the "kissing ass" position. Yeah, as much as the DPG wants to believe that Mary Norwood will have to come crawling to the Atlanta Democratic leaning legislative caucus to lobby for State money, I'm just not seeing how she won't remember their stupid last-minute stunt. Unless the DPG is planning a massive campaign to regain the House and Senate caucuses, which I highly doubt, then Atlanta Democratic legislators might as well start puckering up their lips if Norwood wins. Teh Awesome DPG! Just teh awesome! As I stated numerous times, I could care less about the skin color of the next Atlanta Mayor. I need a Mayor who can get Atlanta out of this troubling and deep financial hole that the City is in. I need a Mayor who supports my issues - issues like neighborhood improvement, equal rights for all citizens, ending the pervasive cronyism, and creating a viable and sustainable downtown. Atlanta needs a Mayor that can do the job required to move us forward. I don't need the DPG injecting partisanship into a nonpartisan race. I don't need the DPG, which serves as the voice of all Georgia Democrats and its State Committee members, to maintain its status as the "Johnny come lately" in every election. I don't need the DPG to serve as a tool for outside interests. If the DPG wants to say that Mary Norwood is not the best candidate for Mayor then compare her record of leadership to their defined "strong Democrats". Make the point to Atlanta Democrats that Mary Norwood can't do the job because of her past failures but not because she's a "purple" voter. I need for the DPG to stay focused and develop a well precision plan to win the Governor's mansion in 2010. Let's try not to piss off the White Democrats, who live in and outside of Atlanta and don't know the "inside political baseball" of this Atlanta Mayoral election. Instead of trying to curry favor from those on the inside, the DPG should be more concerned with gaining favor Statewide. Making the claim that Mary is no good as the next Atlanta Mayor because she is not a "strong Democrat" is asinine and doesn't help move the Party forward. Georgia Democrats will need all those independents and self defined "purple voters" if we have any hopes of kicking true hard core Republicans out of office in 2010. Think people. Think. The battle cannot be won if we are only looking 10 feet in front of us. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 01:36:19 AM DISCLAIMER: I would be one the folks who does not know the "inside political baseball" of the Atlanta mayors race. I am kind of surprised that the DPG would jump in. Not shocked though just surprised. Ballsy move. If Mary wins, that egg will be dripping off DPGs face for a long time. I know that in Chatham County the local party does not get involved in non-partisan races. Part of the reason why is that we would rather save our money and resources for candidates that are in partisan races (just a thought). Is Atlanta the only city that DPG will be involved in for their municipal races? I know that Pooler is having their elections on the same day should the good people of Pooler be expecting a mailer as well. How about Tybee Island? My personal thought would be this mailer was a waste of money. Let the candidates fight it out and then buddy up to whoever wins. To me that seems like a good idea but then again I don’t know the political baseball of Atlanta politics but I do know that if you just miss the playoffs it hurts more than not playing. Just ask the Braves. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: norwood EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 06:33:03 AM Bernita, you do good work, but I think you're being a bit of a contrarian on this one. Mary Norwood was asked if she voted for George W. Bush she said, "I can't remember", which leads any rational person to believe that she did indeed vote for Mr. Bush. She voted for Bush in an election defined by gay marriage and other polarizing issues (Thanks to Karl Rove). However, she's been running and pandering for Mayor for over 4 years so of course she's not going to take a stance on an issue that would automatically exclude her. Her response also begs the question, what does Norwood have to hide? The DPG understands that Norwood has done nothing to uphold their interests and wants to ensure that the electorate isn't fooled into believing that Norwood has Democrat leanings. They had to take the blue out of that purple impersonator. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: norwood EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 06:46:22 AM Furthermore, the bigger issue may be Norwood's lack of genuineness. She was a GOP delegate for God's sake. And have you ever paid attention to her explanation? Purposefully, unintelligible. Many would argue that this type of insincerity has become a theme within her campaign (i.e. saying one thing in Buckhead and another south of I-20). I agree that the DPG could have moved in earlier, but I think it was smart, aggressive move against a candidate who was betting on the fact that she wouldn't be exposed because it's only a local election. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 10:47:56 AM Berinta, interesting take on the DPG entrance in this race. However, I think you're being misled about Norwood's voting record. Votebuilder doesn't go back far enough to capture the REAL Norwood. As you state above, she has voted for both parties since 2000. However, when you go back as far as 1988 she has voted for Republican’s over 70% of the time. Furthermore, before she was elected to the Atlanta City Council in 2001, she voted for Republicans 90% of the time. She's clearly a closet Republican who is trying to do whatever she can to become mayor of a majority Democratic city. All is fair in politics, which means her real record should be exposed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 10:48:17 AM What about the candidate who has twice contributed to Senator Isakson ($1000 in 2004, $500 in 2006)? I don't have a beef with the DPG supporting Democrats, but how we define them is certainly a question. The only larger dollar contribution Ms Borders made in the last five years was to President Obama's campaign. Read it and weap: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 11:36:31 AM Ahh those cat like moves of the DPG are something to behold. The list of the people who could have pimped them into this is long. Unfortunately, none of them have the best interests of the DPG at heart. I'm voting for Mary Norwood, and so are all my family and neighbors. This bonehead stunt has now inspired me to go volunteer to help her campaign. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 12:08:21 PM I don't have a dog in this race, but I have had a number of interactions with the three top contenders. In all of these cases, asking for information, meeting the candidates, attending functions the one consistent campaign has been Norwoods. She has been working hard earning folks votes since last year in the Senior centers, responded promptly to endorsement applications, run the campaign LEGALLY ( unlike another with no "paid for by" disclosure) She attends everything, shakes everyone's hand and doesn't have a zillon handlers. If she's the "face" of the metro GOP, frankly they are just not that scary. Why the DPG did this escapes me and makes me question giving them any $$ in the future. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 12:38:53 PM "Ahh those cat like moves of the DPG are something to behold." That made me laugh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 02:05:14 PM And if Norwood wins, we'll get the epilogue saying that the DPG didn't do enough to help the pro-labor candidate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 02:22:11 PM I could sort of get it if they wanted to do something like this in the runoff. Sort of. Even so, the end result would be the same--a loss of credibility from yet another strategic misfire. At the end of the day, what does being a member of the DPG State Committee get you? We have ZERO input on these type of actions. My husband said earlier today, "It looks like the party of Bobby hasn't changed much." Sadly, I have to agree in this case. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 02:38:33 PM Norwood- Aggressive? Really? You think that ONE mailer is an aggressive move against a candidate? So what would a 2nd or 3rd mailer be considered? Violent perhaps? How about an entire mail program, is that considered Global Thermo Nuclear War? That wasn’t an aggressive move. That was a move of somebody wanting to play in the biggest game in town. South Dekalb Voter- so if we use your logic of looking back to 1988 I guess we are in good shape b/c that means the state house, state senate, gov., lt. gov, pretty much every elected office in Georgia is held by Democrats. So I guess that means that Sonny Perdue is really a democrat b/c we have to go back far enough to know the "REAL" Sonny (Should I call him and ask good 'ol Sonny how many tickets he needs to the JJ Dinner). Awesome. Thanks. I appreciate your aggressive tactics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 02:53:57 PM Gunner - Perdue publicly switched parties. Norwood is claiming she's independent, which I, and a lot of others, think is false, because she didn't really start voting for Dems until after she was elected to the city council. After her election to the council she began running for mayor and coincidently her voting pattern changed. And you're right, back in 1988 all the state office holders were democrat and Norwood was voting against them. What was your point again? Does the DPG really need someone at best neutral, and at worst working against them in the capitol city? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 02:54:37 PM I’m going to try and channel some of the DPG’s logic: There is no way their entrance into the Atlanta Mayoral race supports Lisa Borders. Because Lisa Borders supports the Georgia Republican Party. She is paying Landmark Communications, the largest Republican communication and mailing firm, in the State. Since the Georgia Republican Party also pays Landmark Communications then using DPG logic this means Lisa Borders supports the Georgia GOP. So in 2010, when the Republican Party is sending out hate and vile mail against our Democratic nominees, just thank Lisa Borders for funding Landmark Communications. Now see how using the DPG's logic makes so much sense in this race. It doesn’t. The bottom line is who can do the job. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 03:01:16 PM S. Dekalb Voter- If Mary Norwood was voting against the Democrats of 1988 and most if not all of those Democrats switched parties then perhaps Mary was ahead of the curve on progressive voting. You actually just made my point for me. Once again, I appreciate your aggressive tactics. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 03:06:55 PM Also, I find it funny that these opinions are coming from such a pro-democratic website. Moreover, some of the opinions are from folks running this pro-democratic site. I feel like I’ve wandered over to Peach Pundit or something. I've been in Atlanta long enough to know that most of the state takes the capitol city for granted. I wonder if Mary Norwood was running for a statewide post would you all have the same opinion? From her voting records, to her being a delegate at a GOP national convention, to her not remembering who she voted for in recent presidential elections - what other proof do you need to know she would be damaging to democrats. The mayor of Atlanta usually becomes a nationally recognized political figure and can help other democrats throughout the city, county, state, region, and nationally. Do we really want to lose this post to someone who at best is an independent? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 03:13:18 PM Gunner - If you call voting for Republicans "progressive voting" then I stand corrected. Also, most democrats didn't switch parties. Only a few traitors like Perdue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 03:18:36 PM I call voting against DINOs (I can't believe I just used that term) progressive voting. By the way what's your name? My name is Gunner Hall. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 03:20:42 PM "Do we really want to lose this post to someone who at best is an independent?" In this case, yes, please. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 03:25:24 PM My name is Julian Hill. MelGX, I hear you loud and clear. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jenjust EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 03:59:07 PM Thanks, Bernita, for saying exactly what I was thinking. I'm not as involved as I should be, but I've followed this race daily. I concede the point about the whole voting for Bush thing, but really... I'd rather have someone competent and organized step in at this juncture in our city's history, than someone who has been determined to be (by whatever methods) "Democrat enough". If the campaigns have been evidence of each candidate's competence and organization, I'll take Norwood every time. And it helps that some very smart women I know seem to feel the same way ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 04:01:16 PM Hey Julian, welcome. Let me just say that I am not saying that Democrats should support Mary Norwood, my point is that if you question Mary Norwood's Democratic credibility, you really must question Lisa Border's, as well. I am supporting Kasim Reed. I believe he is the bluest of the blue in this race. Besides all that, I think he's the best candidate, and has the best record of standing up for the values I believe in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 04:47:37 PM Thanks for the welcome Catherine. I happen to think you are right about Borders, but it’s not as clear with Borders as it is with Norwood. I think the DPG played it safe by just going after Norwood, but could have gone after Borders if they really wanted too. Furthermore, I'm not even saying that Democrats shouldn't support Norwood. All I'm saying is that she is a closet Republican and those Democrats should consider he effect on Democratic politics in the city, state, and nation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 04:50:32 PM Catherine- let me just say that my posting experience on BfD today has been awesome! Rarely if ever do I comment but look for more from me in the future. Julian (S.Dekalb Voter)- the back and forth we have had today has been great and I look forward to a lively debate in the future. So I think I want to change my handel here to be "Excuse me, do you mind if I tell you how we do things in Savannah? AKA Gunner" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 04:58:53 PM To me, sizable financial contributions to an incumbent Republican Senator during an election in which a Democrat was running is as clear as I need to recognize a Democrat- for-convenience-only. Funny, I was ready to forget about this but when I looked at disclosures today I saw that Ms Borders made a second contribution to Senator Isakson in 2006. He wasn't even running in 2006. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 05:01:10 PM I agree completely. I'm usually over at the Fresh Loaf site, but saw this thread and wanted to add my two cents. I don't mind the debate and trust that most people on this site are working toward the same common goal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 07:09:32 PM The DPG efforts should be pointed toward HD 141 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 08:07:44 PM I just don't think it's a scandal that the DEM Party would try to nick the "independent" front runner in order to help facilitate a runoff in which a more obvious DEM would be a part of. Are we really criticizing the Democratic Party for trying to promote their brand? If you like Norwood-or anybody else- fine, but the Dem Party is doing what I think many of us want them to do; trying to strengthen the brand. Perhaps many here are anticipating a Norwood win, which would make this an unfortunate exercise, but what if, say, Kasim Reed wins? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 08:50:05 PM JT - I don't think anyone thinks it's a "scandal" rather it's poor strategy engulfed in piss poor logic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 10:24:21 PM I'll go with the pretty piss poor logic here too. And it's a waste of money, when we've got precious little to waste. And it's done so late as to probably not make much of a difference. Again, as stated previously I've got my preferences here (KR), but I've got no dog in the fight. I've heard plenty about the candidates though, which is good. But yeah, the consistent DRG mushroom act as far as expenditures is something that's got to go. And that simple request will get you in far more trouble than anything Bernita had to say on this topic here, but it's just as necessary to examine, as Mel noted too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2009 11:51:24 AM We just got the Amir Farokhi mailer yesterday. Is that too late to make a difference too? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2009 02:11:24 PM I'm willing to bed the insider thinking on this was, we need a strong Democrat as mayor of Atlanta to drive turnout for 2010. Right or wrong, that's my guess, i have no opinion on it, other than to say, could we spend money trying to knock off the Republicans in other Atlanta seats? Also, there are two state house and state senate districts up on Nov 3rd, two of them have NO Democrat If ever we are going to pick off a seat, it should be in an open special election that has no primary and the GOP has multiple candidates running against each other. Sigh....whatever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: siri EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2009 07:48:22 PM If Norwood really is a Republican, then I guess it will be the 2nd time in 17 years of voting that I vote for a Republican for any position. The only other time was for the Governor of IL in '98 because I felt he was more progressive than the conservative downstate Democrat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Adams EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2009 11:54:38 AM Facts are stubborn things ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Now let's see if I can follow the DPG's logic on this Elephant mailer BASENAME: now_lets_see_if_i_can_follow_t STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/29/2009 07:58:50 PM ----- BODY: So the DPG sent a mailer to Atlanta Democrats informing them that Atlanta Mayoral candidate, Mary Norwood, was really a Republican and they should vote for a Democrat. Because you know "the DPG is in the business of electing Democrats." I received the DPG's mailer today, but now I have even more questions about their strategy to insert themselves in a nonpartisan race. On the top of the mailer it says this:
    Paid for by the Democratic Party of Georgia. Vote for Kasim Reed. Vote for Lisa Borders. Vote for Reuben McDaniel.
    Screech step on the brakes - vote for who?? Reuben McDaniel?? For all those that don't know of Reuben McDaniel, he's a very qualified candidate and great guy who is running for Atlanta School Board. What?? So the DPG has now inserted itself into 2 different nonpartisan races? Eh? Besides the troubling factor that the DPG now wants to control who is elected to the Atlanta School Board...the funniest part of their strategy is that Reuben McDaniel doesn't even have a damn opponent. Nada, zilch, Reuben is running all by his lonesome. As Mel so stated "those cat like moves of the DPG are something to behold". Now if the DPG was really in the business of electing Democrats and felt the strong desire to anoint themselves protectors of Democrats on the Atlanta School Board, then why didn't they add Cecily Harsch-Kinnane's name to their mailer. Cecily is an incumbent and a strong Democrat (according to the DPG's Votebuilder system) and is in a race against Charlie Stadtlander - a guy who recently headed the Log Cabin Republicans in Missouri and in Georgia. Now that's a seat the DPG should be protecting...but nah, let's get ol' Reuben more Democratic votes. I probably shouldn't even mention that both Cecily and Charlie are both white candidates so I guess they will be ok duking it out. DPG logic. Epic. Fail. Back to the mailer... Here's the front page: DPG_Norwood Flyer_front.JPG yeah that's one worn down circus elephant (* click image for larger view *) Here's the back page: DPG_Norwood Flyer_back.JPG * click image for larger view *
    Segment 1: Bankrolled by John McCain's money men - Norwood's campaign is financed by the same Republican money men who funded John McCain's hate-filled campaign against Barack Obama, and who have given to George Bush, the Republican National Committee, Sonny Perdue and the Georgia Republican Party.
    Stop the presses! Lisa Borders' largest contributor and major campaign backer Tom Bell not only maxed out to George W. Bush, but he also maxed out his contributions to John McCain, Fred Thompson, Saxby Chambliss, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Yes, the same Tom Bell who raised $270,000 for Lisa Borders' Atlanta Mayoral campaign. I guess Tom Bell raised all that money from his Democrat friends who never once donated to any Republican candidates. Now are we still calling a Republican a Republican?
    Segment 2: Voted for Republicans 70% of the time - Her television ads try to hide the real facts, but since 1992 Norwood has voted for Republican candidates 70% of the time. She was even a delegate to the Republican convention. We can't trust her as Mayor.
    I already discussed that the Party's own database lists her as "Leaning Democrat". But hey, you say potatoes and I say potato.
    Segment 3: Norwood's Republican "values" are hurting Atlanta - Norwood opposed putting police and firefighters back on the streets to protect our community - she didn't think we could afford it. But she had no problem spending $106,445 from a city council slush fund.
    Interesting though the Atlanta Professional Firefighters endorsed Norwood. I'm just saying that maybe the DPG knows much more about what the firefighters need instead of the firefighter unions. Seriously, DPG, ya'll can do better than this. This is amateur hour at its finest. Let's all say in unison "2010 - the race for the Governor's mansion" - now repeat this several times during the day whenever you feel the urge to jump in at the wee late hours into nonpartisan races. Now that the DPG has shown how irrelevant and silly their logic is, I'm back to flipping the coin over who gets my vote: heads it's for Mary Norwood and tails it's for Kasim Reed. We'll see who else would like to tell me who to vote for over the next 5 days. I'm all for the DPG flexing its mucles to promote Democrats, but was this really the right strategy? Does this hurt the Party in Atlanta and around the State? Would they have done this if this was a Democratic primary election and Mary was on the Democratic ticket? It makes me wonder if this is their logic to weed out "not strong enough Democrats" then will they use the same tactic during the Democratic primary season to weed out "you may be a strong Democrat but you will make a poor Democratic nominee" candidates. I would only hope that the DPG had the balls to reduce the clown cars. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 10:58:09 PM Fuck DPG. Not only did they trash one candidate and bolster two others, but they completely ignored the other Democrats running in the Mayoral race. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2009 11:58:52 PM Bernita, I have to question your motivation here. Are you trying to help the DPG with this? How would this help? Are you sure you are not just being critical because you can? The fact that it is a non-partisan race is irrelevant. Some of the candidates do have clear party affiliations, and many voters would like to know that. Nothing wrong with any of that. And if I am not mistaken, the "non-partisan" municipal election status was promoted by Republicans as a way to devalue the strength of Democrats, so it's inherently a partisan device anyway. But in any case, the DPG is a Party, of course they are going to try to promote their agenda. If it was the League of Women Voters who were promoting Dems, then it might be an issue, but what is the problem here? They're not following your Monday-morning strategizing? Dems are not the dominant Party right now. Redemption will come from the grassroots and it will take time. Unlike candidates, the DPG has to try to think in time frames beyond the current election cycle. Point by point: So what if it's non-partisan race? If a candidate is more Dem than others, the DPG should get involved. So what if they endorse an un-opposed candidate? It can be worthwhile to identify this candidate as compatible with Dem principles. What is wrong with the DPG wanting to "control" who is elected to school board? As long as it is an elected position, I would like to think the Dem Party would try to have some influence. Many of us identify with the Dem Party because we have developed a philosophical compatibility with them. So yeah, I want to know who is running that has the same philosophical perspective. I don't know why they didn't choose to promote Cecily. Maybe they think she's a shoo-in, maybe they think she has no chance. But I don't think the DPG's decision deserves public ridicule without more info. Mailer- It doesn't matter that they seem to be supporting Borders and Reed equally. I suspect the point is to force a runoff so that someone has a chance to beat Norwood. You may claim that Borders is no different, but others will disagree. Firefighters- Are you seriously suggesting that Kasim Reed would be less supportive of firefighters than Norwood? They made their choice for whatever reason, but as long as we are in the arena of innuendo, I might suggest that Norwood is pretty good at buying endorsements. "Clown cars"- It doesn't only take balls, it takes clout. I mean seriously, who is going to take the DPG's advice and NOT run for something they want? Talk about worthless strategy. The DPG doesn't have much leverage right now. How can you criticize them for not doing something they can't really do anyway? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eric EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2009 08:34:44 AM I think the DPG probably does knows what is best for the firefighters better than their union, considering Mary's stated policies will result in re -furloughing them (like repealing the property tax increase and at the same time maintaining the same level of city services). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2009 11:10:39 AM I think it's fair to say DPG should have been involved from the beginning in these races if they wanted to promote certain candidates as true Democrats and others as secret Republicans. But if they really want to take this route now, they should probably ONLY be supporting Reed since he has the clear record of running only as a Democrat in past partisan elections. However, the risk there would be that if Borders and Norwood made the runoff, DPG would be left without a candidate they could support. Two not-Democrat-enough candidates in the runoff would be a nightmare scenario for them. Which is, of course, why they should've stayed out of the race since it is supposedly non-partisan. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2009 11:47:29 AM Enough with the "non-partisan" talk already! It doesn't mean only "independents" get to run or all the candidates have to pretend to be independent. Just because they won't have an extra letter by their name on the ballot doesn't mean there couldn't be Dems or Repubs or Libertarians on the running, and there is nothing wrong with candidates identifying themselves (or others doing it for them) during the campaign. If a candidate wants to try to walk the tightrope of being an "independent", then fine; they can live with the consequences, but as long as there is another candidate who identifies as a Democrat they should expect the party to support that candidate. How can that even be a surprise or a controversy? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2009 11:56:45 AM If the DPG were truly interested in having an impact on this non-partisan race, they could have chosen a number of more strategic paths. Such as: -Canvass, phone bank, and mail for GOTV to the high Dem precincts. Most effective if started 8-12 months ago. -Work with county parties to sponsor candidate forums, meet & greets, and other events to get the word out about the election and to give candidates a chance to show their stuff. -Work with other groups (as permitted) to promote voter registration, voter engagement, and voting. In Atlanta, the more people who vote, the more likely that a Democrat wins. If only we could concentrate on the long term effort of mobilizing voters. If only... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2009 12:07:28 PM Catherine, I agree with your point completely. It seems like the party planned to stay out of the race, as usual, but then it became evident that independent Norwood might actually win. She has very strong Republican support and a fair amount of AA support that will likely amount to a victory on Tuesday without a runoff. This looks like a last ditch attempt to influence the election. It may not work, but in my opinion it was worth a try. I would guess that most voters, particularly AA voters, have no idea that Norwood is an independent or possible a closet Republican. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Norwood responds to DPG attack BASENAME: norwood_responds_to_dpg_attack STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 10/30/2009 08:48:19 PM TAGS: asshats,dpg,norwood ----- BODY: I admire a woman who fights back. In the Chicago way. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2009 08:04:08 AM Well at least the race had an interesting moment. And on a scale of one to 10, I'd give it a 4. I hope we have a runoff. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2009 10:46:18 AM No likey Mike Bowers, whatever GLBT cred she had, for me, just went screaming out the window. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: S. Dekalb Voter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2009 01:14:38 PM This site is losing credibility fast.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2009 04:33:05 PM SDV - what site is losing credibility? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2009 05:24:07 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2009 10:21:40 PM As long as we're posting links, here's another questionable one: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2009 05:34:49 AM I'm not voting for Mary and I don't really want her to win but, now, if she won, on a scale of one to 10, the awesomeness of her victory would be around a 12 or 13. BTW: Hello to all BforD pals from Brazil. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Cracker Squire weighs in on the Atlanta Mayor's race and the DPG, all the way from Coffee Co. BASENAME: cracker_squire_weighs_in_on_th STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/01/2009 02:03:24 AM TAGS: atlantamayor,crackersquire,norwood ----- BODY: A few choice quotes from a recent entry by Cracker Squire, Is it the GOP or Dems who eat their own?:
    Kidd then proceeded to go into full attack mode [against Norwood] at the campaign's eleventh hour (all apparently without first going to the party's Executive Committee, but even if such approval had been sought and obtained, this still would not have made this move any less foolish, ill-conceived and damaging to the post next Tuesday perception of the Democratic Party of Georgia).
    Kidd's hit ads have, in effect, allowed Norwood to have it both ways, even though this was Kidd's purported justification for her decision to go on the attack. Norwood is able to rattle off a list of Democrats she has voted for without proclaiming to bleed blue.
    This time last week one could have justifiably been thinking that it would be great that if she is elected, and with the 2010 governor's race approaching, Norwood just might want to become involved in party affairs and even attend party functions. Obviously, any such wishful thinking has been complicated if not trashed, and forgiving and forgetting will not be a given. And for what useful purpose I know not.
    And so it goes. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Funny thing BASENAME: funny_thing STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/01/2009 06:44:40 AM ----- BODY: Turns out Mary Norwood's media firm is Murphy Putnam. You might remember the name since they were part of the media team that produced radio and TV ads for Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign. But there's more. The company's client roster includes: Governor Phil Bredesen (Democrat), Governor Brian Schweitzer (Democrat), Governor Bill Richardson (Democrat), Senator Bob Casey (Democrat), and on and on. In 2008 in Georgia, their client list included: John Barrow, Jim Marshall and Jim Martin. In fact, this company works exclusively with Democrats. Hence, Norwood must be a Republican. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Andre EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2009 05:27:43 AM And now a local union affiliate has weighed in:
    ATLANTA’S FIRE FIGHTERS RESPOND TO DEMOCRATIC PARTY ATTACKS ON MARY NORWOOD The attacks on Mary Norwood by chairperson Jane Kidd on behalf of the Democratic Party of Georgia are both unjust and dishonest. At a time when Atlantans are struggling to solve issues critical to the city’s future, Kidd is attempting to divide the city for partisan benefit. Atlanta Professional Fire Fighters’ president Jim Daws responded, “Mary Norwood has worked selflessly for more than two decades to make our city a better place. In the best Atlanta tradition, she has built bridges between black and white, rich and poor, and sought only to make Atlanta live up to it’s best aspirations and ideals. Mary has been a champion for neighborhoods and the working families that the Democratic Party claims to represent. These divisive, manipulative attacks are unworthy of the Democratic Party and certainly have no place in Atlanta politics. “Atlanta’s Fire Fighters call on all candidates in this race to renounce these unfair distortions of the truth. Whether you agree with her or not, or think you could do a better job as mayor, Mary has always displayed good faith and she is one of our own.”
    The Atlanta Professional Fire Fighters union is the local affiliate of the International Association of Fire Fighters, a 290,000 member trade union representing the interests of professional firefighters and paramedics in the U.S. and Canada. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2009 11:56:49 PM Ghost in 'da house! ;> JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2009 07:49:09 AM Calling Mary Norwood a Republican is over the top, but on the other hand, I suspect the DPG would prefer that the job going to someone who calls themselves something other than a Democrat -for the first time since 1942- be delayed a while longer. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Just FYI BASENAME: just_fyi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/01/2009 04:13:10 PM ----- BODY: Whoever is robocalling Republicans in the City of Atlanta all over Georgia, claiming to be the GA GOP, and playing the clip from Mary Norwood's TV spot where she says she voted for Obama, should know that it's a complete misfire. After doing call time today at Norwood HQ, I can tell you firsthand that your little stunt is the electoral equivalent of poking a stick at a hornet's nest. Beyond that, it's both ironic and sad that one of the "true-blue" Democratic campaigns (or maybe the DPG), has resorted to claiming to be Republicans in a last ditch effort to dampen turnout. Whoever you are, you completely suck. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2009 05:01:10 PM Never accuse my friend Mel of trying to sugarcoat anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2009 08:43:48 PM I'm with you Sid - I hollered laughing after reading this line "Whoever you are, you completely suck." Thanks for making my night Mel. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2009 09:51:53 PM I hope Sid's enjoying the bump in the traffic. And all I can think to say is 'something wicked this way comes'. And to note too that confusion is rarely an invaluable or useful strategic plan or goal unless carefully crafted & calibrated. Evidently that's not what we've got here. But it's pretty bloody typical too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Flyer00 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2009 12:56:25 PM What was the actual transcript of the robocall? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2009 01:32:06 PM Peach Pundit has the audio here: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Election open thread BASENAME: election_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/03/2009 07:45:44 PM TAGS: election ----- BODY: icon_political_event.jpgPredictions? Thoughts? Whatever, put it here. As always, may the best candidates win. Twitter is abuzz with Mayoral candidates: Kasim Reed Mary Norwood Lisa Borders Update: This is interesting. It's a comparison of "brands" (in this case candidates) across all social media. Just enter two names and hit submit. Here are the results for Kasim vs Mary Lisa vs Mary And Kasim vs Lisa ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: election ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2009 08:23:39 PM I have a write-in campaign! Write-in my name against H. Lamar and any other race where you don't know who is running. Either my real name or innerredneckexposed will do. Much love. PS: Here is my campaign pledge--I support whatever you do! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2009 08:29:52 PM You got it IRE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2009 08:43:08 PM My constituency just grew by 20%!!!!!!!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2009 08:55:09 PM You've got to be pre-qualified to actually be a write in candidate, right? So why 'waste' the vote? Try to find out something about the candidates running perhaps? Just wondering... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2009 09:18:06 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2009 12:24:36 AM Worse still? It's a triple actually: Via Big Media Matt @ Wonk Room: "White Men Are Not Very Progressive A nice map from dreaminonempty at Open Left illustrates the vote share won among white men in the 2008 presidential election:" [Map shows Ga., along with TX, LA & SC as states where less than 25% of White males voted for Obama in 2008. Confirming something a local activist 1st told me on election eve/week, both 'Bama & Miss were well under 14% overall. Just incredible. Our sunny G_D South. In the 21st century. Believe it]. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2009 04:51:11 PM Voted a couple of hours ago and was number 219 at my precinct. That's reasonably high turnout for an off year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2009 05:39:48 PM Just got back from my Alma Mater (go Warriors!) and there were quite a few votes cast. Then again, Buckhead has many favorite candidates this years. Early exit polls show IRE with a ridiculously strong showing. In several races. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: siri EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2009 09:06:39 PM I'm not sure what the rules are, JM... I wrote my own name in when I voted for the US Rep for the 6th district in 2004, and for HD49 and SD56 in 2004/06 since no Dems ran for either seat. I wrote my wife's name in for Superintendent in '06 because I refused to support Majette. All in good fun I guess. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: daniel30307 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2009 09:33:42 PM i was number 496 at 7:50am in candler park at epworth united methodist. aint no turnout like a wealthy white turnout, because (apparently) the wealthy white turnout dont stop! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2009 10:46:48 PM Other than a pretty miserable night all around for Dems, I'm for calling a run-off in Atl. Let's play it again in Dec., right? [Shiver!] I hope we can survive until then. And with all the loud 24/7 hysterics on TV? I'd say we all need to put more work & efforts into real politics rather than merely watching this BS. And again, yes, you really do have to register as a write in candidate to be 'qualified' as one in any election. Otherwise the votes you may have gotten (including your own presumably), will not be counted. Sorry! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2009 06:09:11 AM JMP. We all know the rules about Write-Ins. I usually write in Page when there is an unopposed seat. It's all in fun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2009 08:12:08 AM Thank you to all who voted for me! We've been traveled down many roads, seen many highs, and been to many, many, many lows. I want to offer my sincerest and deepest thanks to the citizens of Atlanta who voted for me. Without you, your hard work and prayers, I would have given up a long time ago. To my parents who refused to vote for me, you have no idea how pissed I am at you right now. To my dogs, my steadfast companions who never said a negative word, thank you. I want to address a point I've heard from a number of my supporters. I know many of you have asked for a recount. However, I will not ask for one. Now is the time for unity--not division. Now we must show everyone what makes Atlanta great, and why, in the ATL, every day is an opening day. We must come together for make benefit glorious homeland of Atlanta. While I will acknowledge the system seemed rife with irregularities and problems that would trouble even Hamid Karzai, our problems are greater than anything we can do on our own, so we must all work together for Atlanta. After all, this race was never about me, or any individuals. It was about the city of Atlanta, this wonderful city. So I urge all my supporters, work for the city. Do what it takes to improve the greatest city in the world. Don't let tonight be a setback. Let it be a setup. I will be back and Atlanta will remain great. Thank you and God bless! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: indie_rock_elitist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2009 08:14:11 AM F*ck my opponents. Seriously. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2009 08:52:01 AM I'm a little teary. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Eric TITLE: The Closing Argument from Kasim Reed BASENAME: the_closing_arguement_from_kas STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/03/2009 08:23:36 AM TAGS: kasimreed,mayor ----- BODY: This was sent to me by Kasim Reed's campaign:
    I'm running for Mayor because I love Atlanta. Our city is a treasured place which gave me countless opportunities when I was growing up. But Atlanta is in a crisis right now and is at the most challenging point I have seen in my lifetime. We need tough, tested leadership to deal with these challenges. Atlanta needs new leadership for a new direction - not more of the same. What I offer is a solid record of delivering results for the city of Atlanta. For the last eleven years, I have had the distinct privilege of serving Atlanta in the Georgia Legislature, with four years in the House and seven years in the Senate. During this time, I gained an intimate and detailed understanding of the problems facing residents and have worked on issues important to every Atlantan, including public safety, transportation and education. When we had to overhaul our water and sewer system and it was on the verge of being taken over by the Federal government, I worked tirelessly to secure $500 million in low interest loans and passed the legislation to allow the city to levy a one penny sales tax that has helped us keep our water rates lower than they would have otherwise been. When the Atlanta Board of Education needed to rewrite and strengthen its ethics policy, I pushed through that legislation making it the most comprehensive ethics reform in its history. And most recently, when the Beltline was at risk of shutting down, I helped lead the effort to pass a constitutional amendment that got it back on track.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    When I have been asked to deliver for the City of Atlanta, I have and I will continue to do so if elected mayor. But to move Atlanta forward, we need to tackle three distinct challenges facing us. As your mayor, enhancing public safety will be the focal point of my administration. I have made fully funding and expanding our police force a central campaign issue since day one. The current City Council has raised property taxes by 42% and I will re-direct a portion of that revenue to add 750 police officers to the force in my first term. It is critical that we do absolutely everything we can to improve public safety, or we risk reversing the progress we have invested so much time and money to produce here in the City. In a Reed administration, I will empower law enforcement, as it has never been empowered before, to deal with these violent and organized gangs that are plaguing our city. More optimistically, I will turn all of Atlanta's abandoned recreation centers into Centers of Hope - - havens of esteem and education where our young people can be trained in science and technology as opposed to drugs and violence. Atlanta must restore sound fiscal policy. City Hall's troubles are certainly worsened by the economy, but they also follow some unsound prior choices. Addressing our financial woes must start with solving Atlanta's pension crisis. As a result of irresponsible decisions by the City Council over the past eight years, the city's pension obligations have ballooned to unsustainable levels. One of every five dollars in the general fund must now be allocated to our pensions. No city, or indeed any organization, can operate on sound financial footing when such a significant portion of its revenue is dedicated towards deferred benefits rather than current service delivery. Our pension funding shortfall is the single largest contributor to Atlanta's fiscal crisis, forcing layoffs, furloughs of public safety officers and cuts to vital services. During the 2009 legislative session we took the first step towards rescuing the City's pension funds. I was the Senate sponsor of HB 371, which will allow the City to invest pension funds in a more diverse group of asset classes - a strategy historically shown to improve performance. Going forward, I would assemble a team of experts in pension fund governance to develop reforms to be implemented during the first year of my term. I would also work with other mayors to lobby Washington to modify some of the onerous requirements that have been recently imposed. My relationships at the federal and state level make me uniquely qualified to pursue relief and assistance from those levels of government. With regard to economic development, the city needs to take an active role to ensure that we both maintain and preserve the economic development we have worked so hard to realize. There are a number of once-in-a-generation opportunities that currently face us - the Beltline and Ft. McPherson are two of the most exciting redevelopment projects that Atlanta has faced in decades. We have an opportunity for enormous economic development if we expand the airport into a twenty-four hour operation by enhancing Hartsfield-Jackson's mission as an international cargo hub. Because of its proximity to rail and the Savannah ports, expansion of cargo business will make Atlanta highly competitive with Dallas and Miami, and create opportunities for international business with Latin America, Mexico, Asia and Europe, as well as create countless jobs in the City of Atlanta--not just maintenance and warehouse jobs, but jobs for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Additionally, I would work with the federal government to develop high-speed rail lines throughout the Southeast, further cementing Atlanta's regional hub and leadership status in the vital logistics and transportation industries. The nexus of Georgia Tech, Emory, and the CDC give us an incredible base for leading in bio-technology research and development. Atlanta is blessed with many such assets and opportunities, and as Mayor I would actively partner with the private and non-profit sectors to leverage those assets and opportunities into growth and wealth for Atlanta in the 21st Century. As Mayor, I will address these issues currently facing the city. These are serious challenges. But like most challenges, this is a great opportunity for us to work together to find solutions. Our best days lie before us, not behind us. I am going to make sure that Atlanta is once again that city on a hill that Dr. King and so many others worked to create. Join me today to move Atlanta in a new direction.
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Vote Today, Celebrate Tonight! BASENAME: vote_today_celebrate_tonight STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/03/2009 01:58:18 AM ----- BODY: In no particular order, from my email... City Council President Watch party for Cesaer Mitchell Time: 6:00 pm -11:00 pm Where: Park Tavern Decatur City Commission-Kyle Williams 7:00pm, for food, fellowship, and to watch the returns. Kyle's Home at 923 3rd Avenue, Decatur Special Election District #58 - Simone Bell 7:30pm - 11:55pm Georgia Equality 1530 DeKalb Avenue NE Atlanta, GA City Council Post 2 at Large Aaron Watson 7:30pm - 11:00pm: Aaron Watson Campaign Headquarters 650 Ponce De Leon Avenue Atlanta, GA City Council Post 2 at Large Amir Farokhi 8:00 pm -1:00 am Shout Midtown Kasim Reed 7:00 pm till ? Hyatt Downtown If you all know of others please put in the comments.. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: joe.b EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2009 03:31:05 PM Alex Wan Bill Lowe Gallery 1555 Peachtree St NE Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30324 8:30 pm until ? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Congrats! Now back to work! BASENAME: congrats_now_back_to_work STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/04/2009 06:13:45 AM ----- BODY: Congratulations to the candidates who won outright. Nicely done. Fulton County results are posted. Come December 1, we do this over again for State Senate 35; State House 58; Atlanta Mayor; and more. If you're a candidate facing run-off, thank you for your hard work - you just have to giv a little more! The AJC is reporting that 24% of registered voters came out to vote yesterday. 24%. Surely we can do better than that. Do any of the results surprise you? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2009 08:19:45 AM So do they ever say who got the write-in votes? I can't tell you how much I was laughing writing in "indierockelitist". I'm sure it looked awful partaking in my patriotic duty and laughing about it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rusty Tanton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2009 08:38:03 AM Not surprised exactly since low turnout off-year elections are always weird, but I'm soliciting sales pitches for the District 58 runoff since my candidate didn't make it in. Haven't decided if I'll support Simone Bell or Asha Jackson yet. Why one vs. the other? Comment here or on my blog. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Clean Energy for Prosperity and Security BASENAME: clean_energy_for_prosperity_an STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/06/2009 11:36:53 AM TAGS: energy,holcomb ----- BODY: blog_icon_earth.jpgGuest post by Scott Holcomb, former Captain, U.S. Army (1998-2004), Veteran of Operations Joint Forge (Bosnia), Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Freedom, and a volunteer with Operation Free, and Emily Thomas, Energy Associate, Environment Georgia Military veterans and environmental groups are a few examples of a broad coalition coming together around one vital issue: clean energy. This fall, Congress is considering legislation that will overhaul our energy mix, put Americans back to work and set us on a sustainable clean energy path for the future. This summer, the US House voted to bring America into a new energy era by passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). Last week, the Environment and Public Works Committee held hearings on the Kerry-Boxer bill, the Senate's version of ACES. As this bill moves through the Senate, we draw nearer to our vision of a clean energy future. Right now, America is far too reliant on the dirty, polluting fossil fuels of the past that threaten our national security. Moving to energy that is clean, domestic, cheap, and safe will take some work but the payoff will be enormous. ----- EXTENDED BODY: The alternative to clean energy is to stay dependent on dirty fossil fuels. According to a recent report by Environment Georgia, between 2010 and 2030, Georgia will spend 3.9 times the total 2007 earnings of all Georgian workers on oil, coal, and natural gas. By 2030, we will spend as much as $39.6 billion on oil alone. Those funds are a direct transfer of wealth from our consumers to oil companies and often-unstable, unfriendly foreign governments. Our dependence on oil ties our hands in foreign policy, funds terrorists, and entangles us with hostile regimes. America has less than 3 percent of the world's oil reserves yet uses 25 percent of the world's oil supply. In 2007, America spent more than $360 billion importing fossil fuels, with the vast majority of that money spent on crude oil. Clean energy has the potential to create millions of jobs here at home. Investing in efficient and clean energy creates jobs in manufacturing, sales, installation, and servicing of wind turbines, solar panels, and super efficient buildings. Economists from the Center for American Progress recently calculated that investing in clean energy over the next decade could create 58,816 local, good paying jobs here in Georgia. Since Georgia has lost more than 250,000 during the recession of the last year, this legislation should be a no-brainer. When the choice is between paying to uphold a dirty polluting status quo and investing in a new direction for America, clean energy is the clear winner. President Obama wants to lead America to a clean energy future and has asked Congress to pass a bill that reduces our dependence on oil and shifts toward clean, renewable sources of energy like wind and solar. But President Obama and clean energy leaders in Congress cannot bring about this change alone. Environment Georgia estimates that Big Oil, Dirty Coal, and other polluters have hired 2,000 lobbyists to stop President Obama's energy plan - that's nearly four lobbyists for every member of Congress. To push clean energy plans past fossil fuel lobbyists, our Senators need to hear from us. Now is the time for bold and meaningful action on clean energy and global warming. The Senate has an opportunity to make us safer, kick start the economy and save the planet, all at the same time. Coal and oil lobbyists are trying to kill the bill. Tell our Senators that the bill needs to pass. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Charles Cone EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2009 03:58:31 PM I have emailed our Georgia U.S. Senators, Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson, urging them to support cean energy legislation. Charles Cone Soenso Energy - Solar Power Installers Marietta, Georgia ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2009 07:32:26 PM Georgia Power wants $6 billion to build a new nuke plant. In that scenario, we pay for the plant, and then we pay for the energy they sell us from the plant. Instead, why don't we take the $6 billion and offer credits for energy users to build their own wind and/or solar generating systems? Then they don't have to pay again for the energy generated. That nuke plant, if I am not mistaken, at max capacity will be capable of providing about 10% of projected state needs. I would like to think that with $6 billion we could develop 10% of our needs through home generation and obviate the need for a new plant. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Women of the Democratic Party - it's time to show your fierceness BASENAME: women_of_the_democratic_party STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/07/2009 11:14:06 PM ----- BODY: Here is the list of Democratic Congresspersons who voted for the Stupak Amendment - HR3962 According to Planned Parenthood:
    This amendment is an unacceptable addition to the health care reform bill that, if enacted, would result in women losing health benefits they have today. Simply put, the Stupak/Pitts amendment would restrict women's access to abortion coverage in the private health insurance market, undermining the ability of women to purchase private health plans that cover abortion, even if they pay for most of the premiums with their own money. This amendment reaches much further than the Hyde Amendment, which has prohibited public funding of abortion in most instances since 1977.
    Three Georgia Democrats voted "YES" - John Barrow, Sanford Bishop, and Jim Marshall. Jim Marshall - we knew you would vote for this. You're such a tool anyway in addition to always using your Catholicism as an excuse for always voting against a woman's right to choose. I'm Catholic and Pro-Choice and you are wrong. John Barrow - I should be disheartened but I'm not. You will vote whichever the wind is best blowing. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops must have promised you a fat check during the 2010 elections. Sanford, Sanford, Sanford - you definitely broke my heart with this vote. I am truly saddened that you don't believe a woman should have a right to choose her own healthcare. Would have never thought you would do such a thing. If you are a Georgia Democratic woman then call all 3 and voice your disappointment: John Barrow - DC (202) 225-2823 ; Augusta (706)722-4494 ; Savannah (912) 354-7282 Sanford Bishop - DC (202) 225-3631 ; Albany (229) 439-8067 ; Columbus (706) 320-9477 Jim Marshall - DC (202) 225-6531 ; Macon (478) 464-0255 ; Dublin (478) 296-2023 Here is the final tally:
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 12:11:56 AM Thanks Bernita, Just a miserable misbegotten vote on this convoluted, unneeded & unnecessary bit of uterine & sex control. Bishop though went on to support the final bill unlike our 2 preening 'premier' Blue Dogs. If they do not see fit to support the final bill (an all but foregone conclusion, actually), they'll lose Democratic support & votes in their districts. It's as simple as that. I've told their staff this, and they've got to know this too. But it's a tremendous historic accomplishment overall. Still we obviously have some house cleaning to do as well here. Votes do have consequences. If you did this to somehow support the sentiment in your district, you should have been willing to support the final bill. History does not come around twice. Barrow & Marshall will likely miss that train at their supreme peril. So be it. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Health Care, Health Care, Hell to the Yes! BASENAME: health_care_health_care_hell_t STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/08/2009 12:12:38 AM ----- BODY: icon_health.jpgWoohoo the Affordable Health Care for America Act passed - 220 - 215! Booyah!! And it passed with bi-partisan support (thank you Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao of Louisiana). The Dems win...The Dems win... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Congressmen: John Lewis, Hank Johnson, David Scott, and Sanford Bishop (Sanford, I'm still mad at you though) for your leadership, smarts, and the ability to put the millions of Georgians who need healthcare at the forefront. Your vote shows that you believe that every Georgian deserve affordable healthcare because you all know that a healthier community makes for a healthier workforce. Again Thank You for standing up for all Georgians regardless of party preference. Also big thanks goes to all the groups and volunteers who worked so hard, day and night, holding rallies, making phone calls, writing emails, writing letters to the editors, and doing what you do to move democracy forward. Great work. Now let's work the Senate. Well of course Georgia's resident congressional democratic idiots, John Barrow and Jim Marshall, voted "NO" for the Health Care Act. Puh-leaze with the "they are in vulnerable districts" - I wonder how vulnerable they will be without Democratic money or grassroots support. If Labor supports them in the 2010 elections then Labor deserves the continued poor votes from Barrow and Marshall. I better not receive any emails from the DNC or the DCCC asking for money for these yahoos - enough is enough! You can not keep voting against Democratic interests but continue to seek Democratic money and support. Georgia Democrats it is time to say "NO" to Barrow and Marshall. They do not represent us. Here is a list of the 39 Democratic yahoos who also voted "NO" for Affordable Health Care.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 12:57:16 AM Thanks Again Bernita, A true historic achievement in our time. Brought to you by many brave Dems. But just once I it would be nice to be able to live someplace else other than the 'bleeding edge' of idiocy. It's a peculiar dream, I know... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 09:25:06 AM Kucinich voted No? What's that about? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 09:40:11 AM Kucinich was swoll that Pelosi stripped his Single Payer language from the bill. Apparently she did it at the last minute. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 09:42:45 AM I think that Eric Massa also voted against this bill because it didn't have the more progressive single payer language. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Adams EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 10:13:30 AM Bernita, Thanks for the update on Kucinich. I spent half an hour scratching my head on that one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 02:03:59 PM Marshall might be able to use the Republican lean of his district as an excuse, but Obama won Barrow's district, and by as much as he won Bishop's; he really is chickenshit. He had a primary opponent last year, and he clearly needs another this year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 03:13:24 PM My bet is that this is also going to be the majority of seats we could/will lose in the mid-terms. Voters can smell weakness like bees can smell fear. Anyone remember 2004 in GA? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2009 06:30:55 PM This wasn't any show. This really was a nail biter here in DC. Kucinich had good reason to vote against, the leadership played it pretty dirty with him. Massa also had some pretty valid concerns. I imagine they both held the line on principle, voting against after leadership secured 218 on the whip count. Both are very good men who imagine a much better bill than what we received here. Barrow and Marshall should've been gone a long time ago. I've railed against them for a long time, and a lot of Georgians simply don't want to put up a fight to put any real pressure on them. It's really sad, because they are an embarrassment and can be real impediments to progress with close votes like this. Get your act together, Georgia, you're becoming very troublesome in the eyes of the capitol. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 03:50:18 AM Yeah, yeah Z. We'll 'get our act together' when either Nancy or Harry grows a pair. Probably not sooner. Georgia's Always been 'troublesome'. Learn some history here. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 09:58:48 AM Barrow and Marshall are nancy's fault? How is that? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 12:05:37 PM "Georgia Democrats it is time to say "NO" to Barrow and Marshall. They do not represent us." Well good thing the people of their congressional districts don't send them to DC to represent Georgia Democrats. In other words, they are doing their jobs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 12:54:24 PM "Well good thing the people of their congressional districts don't send them to DC to represent Georgia Democrats. In other words, they are doing their jobs." So in your opinion elected officials do not vote against the wishes of their constituents? I really, really doubt that when one of those two gave Obama the white house on double digits with the promises -- in a campaign commercial, no less -- that he'd support Obama's health care efforts, that they opposed the bill. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 01:11:33 PM "So in your opinion elected officials do not vote against the wishes of their constituents?" No of course they will. You can't take a stand on something and not be against someone. As to whether or not their districts are in favor of this healthcare bill, I have no idea. But that isn't my point with my comment above. It is that they don't represent Georgia Democrats. I have no idea what you are saying in your second sentence. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 02:07:04 PM I don't think they represent Georgia self-declared Democrats or their constiuents. They represent their own egos. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 02:16:22 PM Maybe. But I know I personally don't support this abortion of a healthcare "fix". YMMV. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 02:42:34 PM Might be closer to you than you think there. ----- -------- AUTHOR: JasonA TITLE: Will the next John Lewis please stand up? BASENAME: will_the_next_john_lewis_pleas STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/09/2009 05:33:46 PM TAGS: Democrats,equality ----- BODY: icon_crystal_ball.jpg

    Allow me to take a moment to worry about the future of the Democratic Party in Georgia. To tie the title of the article in real quick: Where are we after John Lewis rides into the sunset? He can't, nor should he, do it all and forever.

    Where are we on women's rights? 4 of 13 representatives voted for the Health Care Bill last night. 2 Democrats wouldn't, even after the outrageous Stupak Amendment was added. The fact that it had to be added for passage makes me wonder who would not of voted for the bill if it wasn't there.

    Where are we on race relations? As an outside observer to the Atlanta mayoral elections, all arrows point to the use of race as a wedge issue by some campaigns.

    Where are we on LGBT rights in the state of Georgia? My attempt to get the "Think before you speak" campaign added to my school's anti-bullying curriculum was met with blank stares. OTP, LGBT rights and issues are summarily dismissed.

    Where are our causes and changes that we hold so dear? The nation might be on the verge of change, but our state is facing an off-year election and a census. Redistricting can go either way, and right now, I would say the wrong way. I could go on, but you know the drill. So I ask you, with so much to be done, and so far to go, who is our next champion? Right now, I hear crickets when I listen for a unifying voice and vision for Georgia. Tell me if I am wrong.

    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 05:14:32 AM Think Before you speak? (I know this is an entirely different context, but...) Man oh Manischewitz... We'd not have a single politico left in the state. No, the Nation! If they all actually thought more, well thoughtfully before they talked. To anyone. About Anything. Anytime. Anywhere. We're going way back to Socratic dialog here too on the question. Wither Ga.? We'll manage & muddle along. We have to develop our champions among the masses & the heretofore unknowns. Just like the Repugs of the state have done before us. Any bright lights seen burning brightly over there? Err, no need to ask twice, right? This is why we justly celebrate our greats while they're still here to appreciate the honors too. I don't look or listen to the crickets much, but I hear the angry swarm of locusts currently. Which is somewhat troublesome, as they're mostly not ours actually. But there's always Hope! The swarms usually don't last long and are usually fairly survivable. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 12:52:41 PM When I come back to Georgia I want to work to emulate a lot of the center for american progress and thinkprogress's work in georgia. We do need it and we're actually quite ripe for change in my opinion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 01:17:35 PM That's just swell Z. But with this 'tude on display here? You're not likely going to go too far, right? Z says "Get your act together, Georgia, you're becoming very troublesome in the eyes of the capitol". We'd all love to know, what you swell folks up in the Great Capitol can teach us down here in the nearly forgotten 'provinces'. We're always ripe for a change, but not quite such as dictated on high from some imagined magisterial imperium. And BTW? That's been true in Ga, well since its founding. Try to find more permanent billets up there in the clouds Z, it might suit you better. No, really! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2009 02:36:21 PM I'm sorry, but the kookiness that eminates from our state at some point has got to have us taking some of our own responsibility on this. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Happy Veteran's Day! BASENAME: happy_veterans_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/11/2009 12:28:26 PM TAGS: veterans ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgI want to extend a special special thank you to all of the present and former Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines who have answered this nation's call to serve in every corner of the world. Georgians should be especially proud to know that this state is the home to over 100,000 military personnel, including six Army installations, three Air Force installations, two Coast Guard installations, and a Navy school. The Army's largest branch, Infantry, is trained almost entirely at Fort Benning near Columbus. Not only are all of Rangers, Snipers, and Airborne personnel trained there, but by 2011, Benning will be the Army's home for maneuver warfare (which means that our tankers and cavalrymen will also be trained there). Considering these facts, as well the historic efforts of Fort Stewart Soldiers at the outset of our war in Iraq, it's needless to say Georgia's military roots run deep. With that said, I wanted to share some resources for our veterans: Georgia Department of Veterans Service Veterans of Foreign Wars (GA) The American Legion (GA) The Georgia Veteran's Group, Inc. Georgia Vietnam Veterans Alliance Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 04:30:23 AM Things we need & ought to be doing to really honor & help our Vets: Via "Study: 2,200 Vets Died Last Year Because They Lacked Health Insurance On the eve of Veterans Day, a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School has released a study finding that an estimated 2,266 veterans under the age of 65 died last year because they did not have health insurance. That “translates to six preventable deaths per day” and more than twice the number killed in Afghanistan since the war began in 2001. Being uninsured raises a person’s odds of dying prematurely by 40 percent. The researchers found that 1.46 million veterans between the ages of 18 and 64 lacked insurance in 2008. While most veterans are eligible to receive excellent care from the Veterans Administration, those who were not injured in combat and whose income is above a certain threshold are often ineligible. Others are assigned low priorities, providing them with less consistent and more expensive access to care: “Like other uninsured Americans, most uninsured vets are working people – too poor to afford private coverage but not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid or means-tested VA care,” said Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, a professor at Harvard Medical School. [...] Dr. David Himmelstein, the co-author of the analysis and associate professor of medicine at Harvard, commented, “On this Veterans Day we should not only honor the nearly 500 soldiers who have died this year in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also the more than 2,200 veterans who were killed by our broken health insurance system. That’s six preventable deaths a day.” Unfortunately, health insurance is just one of many serious problems vets face. Up to one-in-five veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, while male vets face suicide rates double the national average. And, as the VA under President Obama recognized, veterans still account for up to a quarter of all homeless. The fact that even veterans cannot receive adequate health care demonstrates that the current system is broken and in need of dramatic overhaul. A robust public option will guarantee that vets and all working-class Americans will be able to afford quality health insurance. Still, the study’s authors warn that the health care legislation “would do virtually nothing for the uninsured until 2013” and would “leave at least 17 million uninsured over the long run when reform kicks in,” leaving many veterans without care. Update via: Politico reports, "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) 'illogical' for holding up a veterans care bill Tuesday, criticizing the Oklahoma Republican for supporting war funding while blocking health care funding for veterans." JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 04:34:51 AM Politico story: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) “illogical" for holding up a veterans care bill Tuesday, criticizing the Oklahoma Republican for supporting war funding while blocking health care funding for veterans. Coburn, a fiscally conservative Republican, has a hold on the bill, a legislative tactic to prevent its passage. He sent a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), saying that the Caregiver and Veterans Services Act of 2009 needs to be fully debated because it will cost taxpayers more than $3 billion over the next five years. The bill provides funding for families who care for wounded soldiers. Reid, flanked by a severely injured Iraq war veteran on Tuesday, hinted that Coburn’s tough stance on the cost of legislation was flawed — he supported the war in Iraq, which wasn’t paid for, but opposes the veterans care bill for the same reason. “Where was he when we were spending a trillion dollars on the war in Iraq?” Reid asked. “That wasn’t paid for. I didn’t hear him stopping the bill from going forward at that time. I think he should become more logical and understand we have people who are suffering.” John Hart, Coburn’s spokesman, shot back, saying that Reid thinks Congress doesn’t have to make tough choices while the rest of America does. “Dr. Coburn would have welcomed Senator Reid’s help in paying for the war,” Hart said in an e-mailed statement. “Instead, Senator Reid was voting for the Bridge to Nowhere and defending earmarks for contributors in Nevada.” also via the "For weeks now, Senator Coburn has been using his "holding" privilege to block consideration of the Veterans Caregiver and Omnibus Health Benefits Act - S. 1963. The legislation would help severely wounded veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars. Coburn wants to fund it by diverting unused stimulus funds. According to Army Times, the hope of many veterans organizations was to get the legislation passed by Veterans Day. The delay initiated by Coburn prompted a letter from 13 veterans organizations to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid a week ago Monday: Those signing the letter include the nation’s major veterans groups — The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, AmVets, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Blinded Veterans Association, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Vietnam Veterans of America, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and Jewish War Veterans, plus the Military Officers Association of America, National Military Family Association and Wounded Warrior Project. Steve Robertson, legislative director for The American Legion, said delaying the bill hurts families caring for severely wounded combat veterans who would benefit from the stipends, health care, counseling and respite care that would be provided to caregivers in the bill. "For a lot of family caregivers, delay is costing them their jobs and their savings. It’s having a big impact," he said. At a press conference Tuesday, Senate Democrats, including Reid, asked Coburn to release his hold. Back in Oklahoma, Jim Myers and Barbara Hoberock at the Tulsa World reported: "Devoted families caring for seriously injured service men and women are losing their jobs, their health insurance, their savings, caring for their injured family members," said Medrano, an Iraq War veteran. State Republican Party Chairman Gary Jones said in statement responding to the Democrats that Coburn has the courage to stand up for veterans, their children and grandchildren "by demanding that Congress not write another multibillion-dollar hot check that puts future generations in even deeper debt." Why didn't that debt matter when Coburn, first as a Representative from Oklahoma's 2nd Congressional District and then as Senator, was voting to pour money into the wars that put men and women into harm's way? Never mind. The answer to that question is all too obvious. A one-fingered salute to you, sir, and all who think like you" JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 06:47:07 AM DailyKos takes on Cong Tom Tancredo (R, Chickenhawk, CO): Via Jesus' General: "A veteran disrespects someone who chose to fight the Vietcong by getting a deferment so he could give pro-war speeches to Young Republicans". JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Here's what should not happen... BASENAME: heres_what_should_not_happen STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/11/2009 03:49:29 PM ----- BODY: An Open letter to Kasim Reed: While Lisa Borders endorses Kasim Reed at this very moment, we have an election that is teetering on a precipice, It can either be about our future, or about our past. From Jim Galloways blog on the AJC...
    During the next few weeks, I intend to do whatever I can to wake up those African Americans who have become "bamboozled" into believing that a moderately educated, southern white women will do something for them. Obviously they have forgotten what Atlanta was like for our people before we had a Black Mayor.
    That's Bunny Ransom writing in favor of Kasim Reed. That's fear of the past talking right there, and it is fine for people to feel that way, I suppose, but it cannot become a theme of the campaign. Because both candidates are off the air, they cannot define themselves or the election. Race may define it if they don't. Reed's Democrat thing is relevant in and of itself, but there is also some code there. That needs to be as far as it goes. No radio ads a la John Eaves , no memos a la Turpeau. But that's not all you need to prevent. No fliers with confederate flags. No surrogates fear mongering. You probably can win that way, if slimly, but it will make the city worse by dividing it. That's the real lesson of Bush and all hated politicians were victorious.Politics of division work, but prevent governmental progress. You want us to get what we deserve from the legislature? Change the way the city is viewed, and you cannot do that by running this race on race. Not on the past, but on the future. You are the better candidate. Win it that way. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2009 04:35:38 PM Absolutely. Great post. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2009 04:41:57 PM "Obviously they have forgotten what Atlanta was like for our people before we had a Black Mayor." This is such fucking bullshit. What exactly has Lisa Borders done to improve the quality of life for citizens of Bankhead? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2009 09:26:21 PM Feh. Kasim Reed could heal the sick, cast out demons, resurrect the dead, and walk on water, and he wouldn't be able to avoid the accusation of racism. Really, if even identifying oneself as a Democrat is "code", then what isn't? If he has to prevent any supporter from saying anything untoward - a requirement that has not yet been placed on Mary "Mike Bowers is one donor out of 5,000" Norwood, apparently - then he might as well concede now. Not that I think Reed should run a divisive campaign - who does? - but I'm hesitant to endorse the notion that the approval of the Republican state legislature is effectively the arbiter of whether his campaign is "divisive" or deserving of victory. You might as well leave the decision to Peach Pundit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 01:39:53 AM I luv this. You need a thumbnail history guide to play here. Is Valerie Jackson being heard from? I'm with Drew on the atmospherics here too. Yes, it would be nice, and we all dearly hope that it does not come down to the usual crap. But really? Yes, because the man is Black, some are going to assume that he's 'racial' 'racist' or perhaps even 'radical' as a common favored modifier here applied to both descriptors. We've seen it early & often enough with Obama, right? But No. You should never ever let the opposition define you. Or the Media. In any terms. It does you and your voters no earthly good and is largely detrimental to the democratic process. That's how we got 'swiftboated' by well known knaves & liars who told us again and again that a decorated courageous & wounded war leader like Sen. John Kerry was none of the above. And the media bought those transparent but deadly foolish lies and broadcasted them hook line & stinker. Again. And Again. With no real corrections offered. Ever. So it is what it is. We play it as it lies. Record vs Record hopefully. Partially invented/manufactured issues vs real issue concerns as needed and necessary. This? "That's the real lesson of Bush and all hated politicians were victorious. Politics of division work, but prevent governmental progress." IS the standard MO of the Repug's. Progress is their Enemy. Learn it. Live it. Work against it. They really don't want 'things' Especially Government to 'work or get better'. Not this generation of GOP. Not for a very long time. And that's where the Leg is today. So it'll be a long uphill slog all the way. They don't admire and want to emulate the Taliban for nothing! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 10:27:24 AM Anybody know who he's using for his mail media? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 10:42:10 AM Wasn't it the same folks as Obama? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 01:55:56 PM There were a few things I learned about the Obama campaign from this HBO doc: The most inspiring was Obama's steadfast refusal to go negative in any way. He's the best proof that positive campaigns can win big. Any idiot can smear, but it takes real talent to win on merit. The kind of talent that most politicians can only aspire to. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 07:17:15 PM Speaking of code, how should Atlanta interpret this: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 07:25:54 PM ATL: you bring the KY? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2009 11:09:47 PM Close IRE. Near as I can tell this means that the 'local host' is now again responsible for supplying a generous amount of food, liquor & hookers for their entertainment purposes, (just like old times). Then and only then will they see fit not to have Fulton & Atl wholly subsumed by Milton County. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: I stand with Kyle Bailey BASENAME: i_stand_with_kyle_bailey STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/13/2009 12:17:27 AM TAGS: atlanta,kasimreed,kylebailey,marynorwood,mayor ----- BODY: kyleWEB.jpgOne of the strongest, truest, and most tireless Democratic LGBT activist I have ever had the pleasure to know has recently become the subject of a smear campaign by supporters of Kasim Reed. A rumor is being spread that Kyle's support and endorsement of Mary Norwood for Mayor has been paid for either in cash or by the promise of a job. This is absolutely false. As Kyle writes:
    In a democracy, we all have the right to support the candidates of our choice without fear of intimidation and attack. It's unfortunate that my support and volunteer time donated to the candidate of my choice in the mayoral race has resulted in these slanderous accusations against me. But these attacks have only emboldened me to fight for the election of Mary Norwood as Mayor of Atlanta.
    More on the story from SOVO, (includes Reese McCranie's response from the Reed Campaign) and ProjectQ. Kyle's complete statement is included in the SOVO story and is also below the fold. As I said, any idiot can smear, but it takes talent to win on merit. Whoever is behind this lacks that and more. Going after one of the most beloved and well-known Democratic activist in Georgia is a huge, huge FAIL. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
    NOVEMBER 12, 2009 STATEMENT ON THE PERSONAL ATTACKS AND WHISPER CAMPAIGN AGAINST ME BY SUPPORTERS OF KASIM REED Last night, several respected LGBT community leaders and allies contacted me concerning a rumor that is now being spread by supporters of Kasim Reed suggesting that my personal endorsement of Mary Norwood in the Atlanta mayoral contest was "bought and paid for" and that I have been promised a job in a Norwood Administration. These accusations are complete lies intended to question my credibility and weaken my efforts to help elect Mary Norwood. Norwood is the only candidate in this race who is 100% pro-equality, who can bring about genuine change and who can restore the confidence of Atlantans in our city government. First, I do not lend my support to candidates based on any financial arrangements. I never have and I never will. That's sleazy and it's what is wrong with politics. I have worked for campaigns in the past, most notably for 14 months as Deputy Finance Director on Jim Martin's 2006 campaign for Georgia Lt. Governor. But I do not work on campaigns as a "general consultant" who adds little in the way of meaningful contributions to a campaign. I invite anyone to download Mary Norwood's disclosure reports. You will not find me in any expenditure reports now or in the future. Second, I do not know Mary Norwood beyond her public record and the several group meetings that I have had with her to voice concerns of Atlanta's LGBT community - all but one of these meetings has taken place since I decided to support Norwood's candidacy several weeks ago. Not only would I never have a conversation with a candidate to offer my support in exchange for a job, I have never had the opportunity to have a private conversation with Mary Norwood during any of our several group meetings. The truth is, I actually have a personal relationship with Kasim Reed, where as I do not have one with Mary Norwood. As the former Political Director of Georgia Equality, I lobbied State Senator Kasim Reed on issues important to the LGBT community. As a member of the Georgia and Fulton County Democratic Party Committees, an active member of Atlanta Stonewall Democrats and an activist in Atlanta's LGBT community, I have gone out of my way to help Reed build relationships with LGBT community leaders in Atlanta over the last few years. I have done so because I believe it is important for elected officials and candidates to have the opportunity to build personal relationships with LGBT people from all walks of life and become more informed about the discrimination we face so as to encourage their support for equality, regardless of whether I end up supporting these individuals or not. Accusations of pay to play politics and nepotism from the machine are laughable. Attacks on the personal supporters of Norwood by Reed supporters are divisive and reprehensible. It's the machine at work with their dirty politics as usual and it's got to stop. That's why I'm compelled to stand up and speak out about why I am supporting Mary Norwood for Mayor of Atlanta. I support Mary Norwood because she is a business owner with 8 years of experience on the Atlanta City Council. As an executive, Norwood knows how to balance books and manage staff to efficiently and effectively provide desired results. Norwood has solid financial and public safety proposals that will restore accountability to city government and make Atlanta work again for all of us ( I do not believe that Reed's experience as an attorney and a member of the Georgia General Assembly - representing a very small portion of the city of Atlanta in state government - makes him as well prepared as Norwood to be the executive of our city government. I am very concerned about the fact that Reed is the hand picked successor of Mayor Shirley Franklin, whose administration has been defined by a lack of transparency, fiscal mismanagement and questionable practices. I have a real problem with an elite group of powerful interests selecting their preferred candidate for mayor and then attempting to bully voters into supporting that candidate. This machine is not conducive to democratic government - it creates deep divisions among residents and a polarized government that fails to adequately serve Atlanta citizens. In addition, it is unclear to me how a mayoral candidate who is supported by those who have failed our city is able to turn right around as mayor and buck those supporters to address our city's problems. In politics, you dance with them that brung you, and in my opinion Reed has far too many questionable dance partners. This includes individuals and companies that have a stake in Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, who make up roughly 20% of Reed's campaign contributions. Liz Flowers, spokeswoman for former mayoral candidate and Council President Lisa Borders warned in a press release that this "should be a red flag for voters" ( During this campaign, Lisa Borders also questioned Reed on his failure to sign a no nepotism pledge ( "Kasim Reed was paid more than a million dollars as a partner at the law firm Holland and Knight. Today, the firm benefits from a lobbying contract at the Atlanta airport and another lucrative contract for MARTA. Tracy Reed, Kasim Reed's brother, works for the Mayor's Office of Contract Compliance, where he oversees minority contracts at the airport. To date, Mr. Reed has received more campaign money from airport vendors than all of the other candidates in this election combined. Nineteen airport vendors who might owe their contracts to his brother Tracy have given money to Kasim Reed's campaign." Finally, I have strong reservations about the center of progressive leadership and thought in Georgia electing a mayor who is less than 100% pro-equality. Norwood supports full marriage equality and has a progressive record on civil and human rights. Reed is opposed to marriage equality and cites religious reasons to deny LGBT Georgians full equality ( Our current mayor - for all her faults - at least supports marriage equality. I am concerned about the political implications for LGBT and progressive Atlantans - and Georgians - in taking a step backwards from a mayor who is pro-equality to one who is fairminded and the message that sends to current elected officials, candidates, our opponents and our youth who are struggling to find acceptance. While I like Kasim Reed on a personal level and appreciate his record in the Georgia General Assembly, when forced to choose between Norwood and Reed in the race for mayor of Atlanta the choice is clear for me. The overwhelming support for Mary Norwood within Atlanta's LGBT community, as evidenced by hundreds of supporters and attendees of the upcoming LGBT community rally for Norwood, suggests to me that I'm not alone: Sincerely, Kyle R. Bailey Fulton County Democratic Party, Post Seat Holder* Democratic Party of Georgia, State Committee Member* National Stonewall Democrats, former COO and Interim Executive Director* Georgia Equality, former Political Director* Atlanta Stonewall Democrats, Founder and former Chairperson* *Positions listed for identification purposes only.
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: norwood EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 06:06:19 AM hmmm...sounds like a slick move by the Norwood campaign that's had no good news since the runoff started. Is this supposed to motivate the LGBT community to vote for a person who has no record of assisting our community legislatively? A rumor? So there's no proof that this even came from Reed's camp? You can't be serious...this is all too transparent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Virginia EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 06:18:41 AM There was a rumor spread in a political campaign? Oh my lord!!! SMH. If it's not true then dispute it and move on, but all this righteous indignation is a little over the top. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 07:00:13 AM Mildly interesting, if for nothing else but to note the formatting 'discrepancies' contained within the above missive from Mr. Bailey. This said, I'm also of a mind to think that it's just a little bit of SSDD here, and not much to get excited about. It sure looks like an opportunity to just sling mud in the name of 'righteous indignation' on behalf of his own candidate. Which again is pretty bloody typical too. But this for all the world looks and sounds like a poor cut and paste PR job. Why is that? No, we likely know. I'd also like to stand with people with slightly stronger spines. But hey, we can all have our own dreams, right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 08:09:04 AM Well this race got real stupid real quick. BTW: I like Kyle, he's a cool dude. And for the record, The IRE did not start this rumor. Just throwing that out there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 09:10:12 AM I can't imagine Kyle endorsing anyone for anything other than his beliefs either, but for what it's worth, as far as the candidate is concerned, apparently she is paying people: What's the real story here; who is willing to take the money, or whether it's OK to pay it or not? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 09:56:27 AM I really don't think the "purchasing" if that is what you want to call it, of Able Mable means jack all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 11:53:08 AM It would explain why such a rumor might be considered credible - because of Mary Norwood's willingness to pay a supporter, not necessarily a supporter's willingness to accept payment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 12:49:23 PM I agree Drew. Paying Mable was a mistake. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 01:04:34 PM Virginia, this may seem like nothing to you, but for someone like Kyle, it's toxic. About all most activist have is their reputation, so it's understandable that he chose to take this straight on. And no, I don't believe this is some reverse ninja move. Kyle wouldn't do that any more than he would engage in quid pro quo. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Pappy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 02:11:36 PM No one cares about any of this! God this blog is terrible. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 02:46:18 PM We miss you anyway Pappy. That is, if you're our old Pappy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 02:58:04 PM I don't believe kyle would ever do the reverse ninja move, i do believe others would use him as fodder for it though. Kyle is a great guy, and a hard worker. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: What's this? BASENAME: whats_this STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/13/2009 06:06:17 AM ----- BODY: The RNC health insurance plan covers elective abortions for its employees? Hypocrites. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 11:30:51 AM I'd be more interested to know how many people took advantage of this. Heh. Of course, that would be a total invasion of privacy and oompletely inappropriate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 11:37:19 AM Which is why it would be awesome. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 12:40:38 PM Not to mention illegal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 01:06:02 PM Are you trying to make it more awesome. Cause ure doin it. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Glenn Richardson issues statement on recent suicide attempt BASENAME: glenn_richardson_issues_statem STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/13/2009 07:55:36 PM ----- BODY: House speaker admits depression led to suicide attempt
    "While depression often seems to be resolved on occasion, when personal trials or tribulations arise, it flares back up," Richardson said in the statement. "That is what occurred with me. My depression became so severe that I took substantial steps to do harm to myself and to take my own life. I am thankful that because of medical intervention I have instead been able to now receive help and support."
    No details regarding the suicide attempt were provided, and Richardson's spokesman declined to make further comment. WSB-TV reported at 6 p.m. that Paulding County sheriff's officials said they were called to his home Sunday evening and Richardson was rushed to a hospital. Cpl. Brandon Gurley, the public information officer for the Paulding County sheriff, would not comment when asked by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. While not directly addressing the issue, Richardson appears to be planning to continue in his role as the leader of the House of Representatives.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Trevor Southerland EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2009 09:46:25 PM Our thoughts are with him and hope for a full recovery. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2009 01:10:43 AM Yes, we'd all hope for a complete recovery. But still you've got to wonder about the 'story behind the story'. It sounds mighty peculiar. But then again it often does, sadly enough. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2009 09:35:41 AM Depression is a terrible disease, and I wish him all the best for a long-term recovery. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2009 10:52:28 AM The winter holidays are the worst for depression sufferers. I've lost two cousins to suicide, both happened around the holidays. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2009 11:00:11 AM yeah this has taken a while to digest. For someone with such a huge personality and presence, the roots of this one must be very very deep, and I too wish him a good recovery. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2009 08:39:02 PM The roots of this have to be the shittiest of all shithead moves possible. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2009 03:43:16 PM Just a reminder that depression is a serious illness, with just as much of a physical origin as diabetes or cancer. It can happen to anyone. There doesn't need to be a reason or a story behind it. The below link is a terrific lecture by a Stanford prof about the biology of depression. It's an hour long, but well worth the time. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: SOVO shuts down BASENAME: sovo_shuts_down STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/16/2009 01:36:32 PM ----- BODY: Terrible news. Creative Loafing has the story. And more here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2009 01:52:16 PM For those who haven't clicked on the stories, it's worth noting that it's not just SoVo that's gone - the parent company and all its papers are all history. I personally am surprised that CL and/or its parent company have survived so far and wonder when they'll be next. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2009 03:08:56 PM And some part of this (not sure what) is the worst aspect... The AJC sent a staff reporter to take a photograph of the letter and apparently had only a blackberry (or some cameraphone) and the AJC thought the grainy, lo-res picture would be acceptable for its Web site. Seriously, you can't even get a reporter with a point-and-shoot to grab the letter? Surely there is at least one pool photographer needing an assignment... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2009 05:59:00 PM Not good, and it affects far more folks than those here in Ga. and of course CL is always just hanging by a thread too. And oh yeah, Death & Taxes people: The Higher Cost of Being Gay: Life, Death, and Taxes JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2009 09:36:09 PM I would like to plug my friend Matt Hennie who is probably the only lgbt-news org of any kind left standing in GA - Sad news about Sovo and David, le sigh. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Atlanta Mayoral race a dead heat BASENAME: atlanta_mayoral_race_a_dead_he STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/16/2009 02:06:40 PM ----- BODY: Exciting stuff. Here's the poll from Survey USA. Via Galloway. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 10:27:35 AM 58% of the black vote and 38% of the white vote? I bet you three dollars that won't happen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 10:33:12 AM Nevermind, misread poll. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 10:34:33 AM Nevermind, misread poll. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Mayoral race tidbits BASENAME: mayoral_race_tidbits STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/17/2009 02:06:52 PM ----- BODY: blog_icon_vote.jpgA few worth reading today, if you missed them: The Morning Line - Atlanta Mayor's Race, from GriftDrift The Case for Kasim, from PeachPundit ATL Mayoral Doings, from Galloway Let a Lawyer Show You How It's Done, from SaraWara And here's your handy voting info:
    Early voting starts tomorrow, November 18, 2009, and runs through November 20, 2009. The hours of Early voting are 8:30am to 5:00pm. Advance voting starts November 23, 2009, and runs through November 25, 2009. The hours of Advance voting are 8:30am to 7:00pm. Find locations for Early and Advance voting in Fulton and Dekalb Counties here. Election Day for the runoff is December 1, 2009. The hours of voting are 7:00am to 8:00pm. You can vote in the runoff even if you did not vote on November 3rd.
    Ten runoff races will take place:
    Atlanta Mayor, between Mary Norwood and Kasim Reed Atlanta City Council President, between Ceasar Mitchell and Clair Muller Atlanta City Council District 6, between Liz Coyle and Alex Wan Atlanta City Council Post 2 At Large, between Amir Farokhi and Aaron Watson City of College Park, City Council Ward 4, between Charles E. Phillips Sr. and April Wright - Wyatt City of East Point Mayor, between Joe Macon and Earnestine Pittman East Point Council WA At-Large, between Greg Fann and Sharonda Hubbard City of Roswell Mayor, between David Tolleson and Jere Wood State House District 58, between Simone Bell and Asha F. Jackson State Senate District 35, between Donzella James and Torrey O Johnson.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/17/2009 06:47:05 PM More runoffs than what is listed. I know Rusty Kidd is in one and there are a few other municipal races (and I believe a legislative) runoff in Georgia's hinterlands. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/17/2009 10:51:03 PM Sorry IRE. I've searched AJC and GA SOS until I'm blue, and that's the best I can do. If you have other links, please post. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2009 07:57:35 AM Didn't mean to sound like a jerk. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2009 11:33:36 AM BTW: I see you've removed Tondee's Tavern from the blogroll. :( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2009 07:15:09 PM I think their RSS feed stopped, not sure what happened there, ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2009 08:50:31 PM The Tondee's feed stopped, then I grabbed the updated feed, now it's stopped again. Not sure what's going on over there. Thanks for the link IRE. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Jim Martin backs Clair Muller for ATL council prez BASENAME: jim_martin_backs_clair_muller STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/17/2009 10:59:40 PM ----- BODY: Interesting, from AJC:
    "Clair has the knowledge, skill, and integrity to be very effective in uniting all parts of our city," Martin said in a press release issued by the Muller campaign. "I admire her ability to get people with various points of view to work together for the common good." We were interested in speaking with Martin, but a Muller spokeswoman confirmed that the former state lawmaker departed today for the islands of Fiji. Seriously.
    Somewhat related: Joseph Lowery set to endorse Kasim Reed, also from AJC. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Social Media stats in 4 mins. BASENAME: social_media_stats_in_4_mins STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/18/2009 01:55:09 PM ----- BODY: If you are still not using one of the many social media tools, watch this video and seriously rethink that decision. Hat tip to BigD ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Reverse canvass FAIL BASENAME: reverse_canvassing STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/18/2009 09:00:45 PM ----- BODY: Here's how it went today. Ding dong (door bell). Me: Hello. Jehovah's Witness #1: Hello. We'd like to share with you the wonderful blah blah, blah blah blah...blah, Jesus Christ. Me: Um, that's great. Are you ladies planning to vote in the December 1st runoff election? Jehovah's Witness #2: We don't vote. Me: What do you mean you don't vote? Like, as a matter of religion or something? Jehovah's Witness #1: We already voted. Me: Yes, but you know there's a runoff for a number of races in Fulton County on December 1st. Jehovah's Witness #2: We voted for Jesus Christ. He is our lord and savior. Me (thinking): Did they write him in? Jehovah's Witness #1: We don't vote in earthly elections. Me: OK, well I can tell you right now this denomination would not work for me. Jehovah's Witness #2: May we leave you our brochure anyway? Me: Sure. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2009 10:57:38 PM HAHAHA...Mel, you crack me up. Love it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2009 11:02:03 PM It was actually a little worse. When she said "We don't vote in EARTHLY elections", I thought she said "We don't vote in EARLY elections". So I tried to convince her that voting on election day would be easy and quick. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 02:58:35 AM Ah, but they'd need to be actually registered for that, right? That's when I'd whip out my handy dandy voter registration sheets. But it's against their beliefs. As are celebrating Birthdays, etc. But mostly, it's easier to just avoid them. Saves time for everyone. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 08:44:17 AM ::chuckle:: -"We voted for Jesus Christ." - 'Are you sure your vote was counted?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 08:46:59 AM That is hilarious. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 09:26:37 AM The Saturday after the miserable election in 2004, my doorbell rang at exactly 8am. I was so looking forward to sleeping in after working pretty hard trying to get Mr. I Won't Give Up Without A Fight...But Not Really elected. I ignored it. The bell rang again. I threw on clothes and opened the door trying to hold back my ferocious guard dog - the mini dachshund Rusty. There stands an older gentleman and a few steps behind him his wife. She is looking down at the pavement. Now I know I look a mess with my disheveled hair and wrinkled clothes but to be fair they did wake me up. I finally am able to focus so I look at the man. Without so much as a hello, he yelled at me – yes yelled at me – “DO YOU WANT TO GO TO HELL?!?!” I’m so stunned I simply crooked my head and said “huh?” He yelled at me again “DO YOU WANT TO GO TO HELL!?” I know my mouth was wide open and I can’t believe I actually had the clarity of thought to say it, but I said “If it gets me away from idiots like you then yes I do!” and slammed the door in their faces. My door has frosted glass and I could still see them standing there after a few seconds. Rusty was also still barking his head off and if you’ve ever heard a dachshund’s bark it is pretty deceiving. They sound like pretty big dogs because of their little barrel chests. I yanked the door back open and said “You also have 10 seconds to get off my property before I release the hound!” I immediately ordered a sticker that has two people holding a bible and smiling with a big red circle and slash through it and put it right above my doorbell. ******* They voted for Jesus Christ? That liberal hippy. He'll never get elected to anything in this state. What a funny post Mel! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 11:35:02 AM the enemy of liberals is the United States of America. i'll give my fellow red blooded, gun loving, and God fearing America citizens aid and comfort. you and your pussified friends can move to China where questions will leave you dead in a rice field. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 12:04:31 PM Who are you and what have you done with IRE? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jenjust EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 01:19:33 PM Thanks for making me laugh our loud...and I love Rubyduby's point about JC. He was the ultimate bleeding-heart liberal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 03:24:16 PM Ummmmmm ire? You got a vote in the Atlanta election. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 08:21:45 PM Yep, I get to plug Rev. Ray's long time site once again: He had one of the earliest such sites I've eve seen on the net, but there's plenty others too! Here's another: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Judge rules Army Corps of Engineers responsible for Katrina damage BASENAME: judge_rules_army_corps_of_engi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/18/2009 10:29:43 PM ----- BODY: Huge.
    In a groundbreaking decision, a federal judge ruled late Wednesday that the Army Corps of Engineers' mismanagement of maintenance of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet was directly responsible for flood damage of homes in St. Bernard Parish and the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The decision by U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval Jr. could result in the federal government paying $700,000 in damages to three people and a business in those areas, but also sets the stage for judgments against the govenment for damages by as many as 100,000 other residents, businesses and local governments in those areas who filed claims with the corps after Katrina. If successful, the damage claims could total billions of dollars.
    Errin Vuley, a longtime activist for women's causes, was killed Tuesday morning in a multi-car crash in DeKalb County. Vuley, 35, had been a familiar face at the State Capitol for several years, working for the Feminist Women's Health Center and GARAL, the pre-cursor to Georgia NARAL Pro-Choice America, before serving as executive director for Georgians for Choice from 2001-2006.
    Memorial services will be held Friday, November 20 at 11 a.m. at A. S. Turner & Sons funeral home in Decatur. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2009 07:46:47 PM [Geez the sign in worked this time...] Thanks for this Mel, I knew Errin from her activism work during her tenure @ various pro-choice 'shops' GRAL etc.. She was always tremendously energetic, laughing, busy, busy laughing and trying her damndest to turn back the forces of darkness that pervade our visions of the future, here & elsewhere. She'll be missed by all who knew her & mourned by many more. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 12:50:24 AM An online 'Guest Book' of friends & remembrances is here: The family placed an obit here: It's amazing the number of lives touched in just a relatively short time. Godspeed Errin. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Regarding depression and suicide BASENAME: regarding_depression_and_suici STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/19/2009 11:20:59 PM ----- BODY: We know the Winter holidays can be especially rough for those who suffer from depression, but the current economic climate has also been a trigger for many. Perhaps prompted by recent news events, below are two links sent by readers. I can't vouch for the second (10 Common Myths), but am passing it along as a courtesy since it doesn't seem to contain any harmful info. The others are from Atlanta based WebMD. Depression isn't a disease anyone can or should try to fight alone. The key is proper diagnosis and professional treatment. If you think you might suffer from depression, no matter how mild, getting help can make a huge difference not only for you, but for the people you love. Trust me on this. Depression health check, from WebMD 10 Common Myths About Suicide, from X-Ray Technician Related: Myths About Depression Quiz, from WebMD ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: David Adelman nominated ambassador to Singapore BASENAME: david_adelman_nominated_ambass STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/20/2009 12:06:30 AM ----- BODY: How exotic!
    State Sen. David Adelman (D-Atlanta) has been nominated by President Barack Obama to be U.S. ambassador to Singapore, the White House announced late Thursday. Adelman, a member of Georgia's state Senate since 2002 served as a member of Obama's national finance campaign during the 2008 campaign. His wife, Caroline, served as spokeswoman for Obama's Georgia primary campaign.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 12:57:47 AM Thanks Mel, I was wondering when someone would notice all the news on the feeds in the sidebar! Looks like yet another special election and a loss for our caucus. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 08:38:23 AM Singapore is overrated. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Clinton to headline fundraiser for Attorney General Thurbert Baker BASENAME: clinton_to_headline_fundraiser STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/20/2009 12:33:21 AM ----- BODY: icon_bill_clinton.jpgWhat's strange about this is a) I almost forgot Thurbert was running for Governor and b) Big Dog isn't supporting the DGA's boy toy Roy. Here's the release from Baker's campaign:
    President Clinton to Attend Fundraiser for Attorney General Thurbert Baker's 2010 Campaign for Governor Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker announced today that President Bill Clinton will deliver remarks at a fundraiser to benefit his 2010 campaign for Governor of Georgia. The event will be held in New York City on Monday evening, December 7, 2009, at the residence of a Baker supporter. "President Clinton brought people together to build a strong economy and create a record number of new jobs. That's what I will do for Georgia as Governor, and I'm honored to have President Clinton's support and counsel as we work to bring a much needed new direction to our state," Baker said.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 08:42:20 AM Thurbert endorsed Hilldog in the primary. Makes sense. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 08:44:31 AM And I believe Roy endorsed Edwards. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Johnny Brown EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 09:02:39 AM Barnes supported Edwards. I do remember that. Who did Poythress and Porter support? Anyone know? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 09:41:46 AM Poythress was silent because he hadn't returned to the party then. Duh. DuBose was for Edwards. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: GrumpySmurf EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 02:51:35 PM When was Poythress not a Democrat? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: GALiberalsExist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 09:21:43 PM Well, lets see here... Poythress was on the ballot as a Democrat in 1982, 1992, 1994, and 1998... from 1999-2007 he was Commanding the National Guard... in 2008 he supported Democrats... in 2010 he's back on the ballot as a Democrat... Can someone check his voting record? My guess is that it should be pretty D heavy. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Submitted Without Comment BASENAME: submitted_without_comment STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/20/2009 11:37:21 AM ----- BODY: Click through to the entry to see the full image. photo2.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 11:49:31 AM No kidding. I was wondering if I was busy in the laundry room and missed the press conference where they declared war on women. It seems like it's really gone off the rails lately. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 08:40:45 PM Isn't that the truth. Now they're trying to kill us by suggesting those silly mammograms are a waste of time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2009 09:43:45 PM And that we don't need to be violated in the name of medicine every year - just every other year now. No one enjoys being papped down, but it serves a purpose. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2009 10:46:57 AM WTF? I dont understand any of this! I mean just look at this cartoon is makes no sense at all. Furthermore what are you women folk even doing reading? When did that happen? Cats must now be sleeping with dogs. Let me guess first yall wanna read next you will want to be able to vote. My head is now spinning. I need to lay down. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 09:13:47 AM This is absolutely absurd. Those women are hated not because of their gender but because they are either leaders of their party or (in Bachman's case) a loon who gets on TV and says sh*t opposed to the opposite party's beliefs. This is as stupid as the profile done on I think it was Nancy Pelosi that presented her ascendancy as some aberration because she wasn't nice and this was so weird (the premise was she and other female leaders got to the top by playing hardball). My immediate reaction was why didn't the look at the dove-like behavior or Chuck Schumer, Rahm Emmanuel, or Tom Delay for paradigms on how to climb the ladder while being nice. Seriously the media's coverage of women in politics is so egregiously pathetic. You either get patronizing tripe like this cartoon or generally ignorant shock that women can be cutthroat pols. Or you have sexist articles on how so and so is motherly and shows how things ought to behave. Argh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 10:45:51 AM I think the point is that female politicians tend to inspire over-the-top hatred from their opposition, as compared to their male counterparts. Perhaps it's because they stand out since there are fewer women in politics than men. Who knows? But the people you cite--Rahm Emmanuel, Tom Delay, and Chuck Schumer--have never been obsessed about by the pundits and the loonies on the other side they way Palin, Pelosi or Clinton have been. (Bachmann is a lesser player, though she's trying her best to reach most hated status.) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 10:56:48 AM I'm certain that if you are or have ever been a female GA political blogger you will understand the, er, inspiration behind this cartoon all too well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 11:54:33 AM Those women are also far more compelling and interesting characters than the ones I cited. Maybe they are the recipients of over the top hatred but I think its also that they are representative of the most contemptuous (for the opposition) politics or policies for their own party. If that makes sense. Can we just agree that coverage of female pols blows serious ass? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 12:17:02 PM Those women are also far more compelling and interesting characters than the ones I cited. Maybe they are the recipients of over the top hatred but I think its also that they are representative of the most contemptuous (for the opposition) politics or policies for their own party. If that makes sense. Can we just agree that coverage of female pols blows serious ass? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: 20 Year Anniversary of SOA Watch. BASENAME: 20_year_anniversary_of_soa_wat STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/21/2009 10:52:46 AM ----- BODY: Heightened terrorist threats, an open invitation to "tour" WHINSEC, and Father Roy's absence, won't stop tens of thousands of activists to converge on Fort Benning this weekend. The AJC reports:
    The Army Times is reporting exclusively that an anonymous note threatening a massacre similar to the Nov. 5 attack at Fort Hood, Texas, was discovered Thursday -- along with a box of 20 hollow-point bullets -- in a motor pool area at Columbus' Fort Benning.
    Heightened security is in place for the weekend. I've been to Fort Benning for the SOA Watch protests and I am unsure how they could "heighten" the security. With snipers on raised towers, armed guards surrounding the entrance, razor wire on the fencing, it's already a fortress. SOA Watch founder, Father Roy Bourgeious, is not expected to be on hand in Columbus this weekend due to the failing health of his 96-year old father. However, you can be sure that his presence will be felt with each marcher, puppeteer, and attendee. More information about this weekend's activities is on the jump. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Interview with Eric LeCompte, chief organizer with the School of the Americas Watch. Schedule and details for this weekends vigil. Father Roy Bourgeois and Azadeh Shahshahani on HuffPo. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2009 11:26:38 AM Somewhere Juliana is polishing her combat boots and I love her for it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2009 11:33:39 AM I will be there! This is year 10 for me. As much as I am there for the vigil-it's also one of the few places to see what the Social Justice movement looks like in this country. Every group you can imagine will be there, last year the movement to ordain women in the catholic church was there-strong! This is the 20th Anniversary of the murder of the Jesuit Priests in El Salvador, but this school is still very involved in the politics of the region. Hello Honduras! Yes, we are all caught up in that, not that you'll see much of in the corporate media. go here for more info. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Another step closer BASENAME: another_step_closer STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/22/2009 10:08:35 AM ----- BODY: Senate Democrats Advance Health Care Reform Bill
    Democrats in the U.S. Senate have united to push health care reform legislation past a key procedural hurdle, paving the way for full-scale debate starting later this month. President Barack Obama has made passing sweeping health care reform his top domestic priority.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 06:22:29 PM If Joe Lieberman effs this up for everyone, laser beams will shoot from my eyes all the way to Connecticut. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Newsflash: Some Latinos Here Legally BASENAME: newsflash_some_latinos_here_le STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/22/2009 02:09:43 PM ----- BODY: icon_idea_lightbulb.jpg"But, there are some very fine Latino people that are here legally. They work hard and I'm proud to call them friends and proud to have them in the United States of America." - Sue Everhart, Chair of the Georgia Republican Party The ignorance displayed by some people is astonishing. [h/t to Grayson] ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 02:10:52 AM Where do you even start with that rant? What a racist idiot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 03:25:28 AM You start at the top and work your way down: "Dobbs Calls Himself Latinos’ ‘Greatest Friend,’ Denies Tying Leprosy To Undocumented Immigrants Today in an interview with Maria Celeste on Telemundo’s Al Rojo Vivo, ousted CNN anchor Lou Dobbs denied ever erroneously claiming that undocumented immigrants are bringing leprosy to the United States. Instead he attacked Celeste for bringing up reports that he aired on his show in the past. From interview (translated from Spanish)": [Rest @ Link] But there's literally 100's of recent examples too. And Cobb Co.? Is ground zero for much of this too. They know that and so does everyone else. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: A glowing review and some harsh reality BASENAME: a_glowing_review_of_dubose_por STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/22/2009 11:25:47 PM ----- BODY: icon_porter.jpgFrom a DKos diary by EdinGA, submitted by a reader. GA's Next Governor: Dubose Porter (D)
    His website doesn't begin to describe the breadth of this man's knowledge or his overwhelming passion, especially when discussing education. It has to be experienced in person. Dubose knows the minutiae, of how things work. I think any truly dedicated person that devotes over a quarter of a century of his life to the betterment of Georgians is going to have a very thorough grasp of discerning need from pork, fairness from greed.
    Although this piece is a little over the top, Dubose is highly regarded within the Democratic community. Even so, it's difficult to see how he takes the nomination from Barnes next July. Ironically, Porter would probably fare better in the General Election, if only because he has less baggage, but that's not how primaries work. Porter also has less name recognition, less money and less national support that either Roy Barnes or Thurbert Baker. These are difficult hurdles to overcome in a few short months. For better or worse, I believe Roy Barnes has a nostalgic appeal that will be difficult to resist, especially for older Democratic voters. He represents a time when the economy was booming and Democrats still held the majority in Georgia. With the single exception of Obama, then was better than now for most of us, and Barnes aims to capitalize on that. Unfortunately for Georgia Democrats, he will probably succeed at nothing more than squandering another election cycle. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 03:08:04 AM Yep, but there's a clear caveat here. Even with the high name recognition, this is almost assured to need a runoff to get to the General. And really? Anything can and might happen. Nothing says that this is going to be a 'cake walk' for anyone. But we do have 4 highly seasoned politicos who have their own unique appeals & approaches. From what I've seen of most of them on the stump (Thurbert Baker has been a rare act to try to follow so far on the hustings), I'd have to say that Dubose has been the one who's clearly the 'most improved' when speechifying. He's clearly able to answer complex & particular questions on all manner of highly local issues, as he's been involved with many of them for decades now. It takes some time & practice to be able to do this in a fluid manner, and very few can do this on their feet for over an hour's time answering all comers. Most of our candidates clearly can do this and connect with voters with their specific knowledge of issues, debates & problems that we face. We should be proud of that level of competence at least. But for much of the last few years mere competence has not ruled the waves down here, (or indeed even many other precincts), so the message has to be not only attractively packaged, but inspiring to legions of needed volunteers & campaign workers. That remains to be seen. Still on the 'baggage' front, I could have never quite believed that Obama could be demonized so successfully as the Clinton's had been before him by the right wing forces of darkness & reaction. And stupendously & yet predictably, he somehow has been. Most Rethugs think Acorn 'stole the election' for Obama. Yep All 9.5 Million votes somehow 'programmed' into the 'black boxes' once wholly owned by yes, Repug leaning conglomerates (Diebold) & other fellow plutocrats. Most Rethugs think he's a 'socialist' without much evidence, and a 'racist' to boot, with even less to go on. Only a plurality think he was even 'born here' and even more suspect he's a 'secret Muslim'. So again, yes, a real problem. And at least some of it clearly media created, generated, manufactured, cultivated & maintained ignorance for their own devices & feeding their ever so important 'bottom line'. Controversy sells. Debate sells. Screaming and fights get the crowds riled up and wanting to read & comment more. But evidently not so much on the newspaper sties (although they are popular). It's just not really selling any more papers any more. So the media (MSM) has crashed & burned already as an 'accurate' and/or 'reliable' source of news or respectable/objective/balanced or fair commentary. So yews, if you've been in politics long enough & especially if you're a popular Dem? You'll be demonized. Count on it. And most of the so called 'liberal' media will typically not lift a finger to ever deign to correct it. Not now, not ever. And they'll only repeat the old lies over & over again to their hearts content. [Again see the & on that score]. So the question always comes down to some very complicated physics in the end. Is said politician really good enough to both make the case for himself & his program, while dodging said slings & arrows of the past/present/future some of which will be clearly invented by his opposition & the media And at the same time still inspiring a band of loyal followers who will yes, Work, actively to see him/her elected & successful once elected? That's some mad alchemy there as always. But baggage, we'll always have with us too. And no one should fool themselves about that either. Yes, some politico's are currently more 'unpopular' than others. With a few million dollars and any decent oppo research we could make Mother Theresa seem vastly unattractive & a clear shirker to her 'duty'. Hell Hitch did that way back when w/o breaking much of a sweat too. And yeah. I know no one much reads the long ones. But hey it's on local politics. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rusty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 06:25:27 AM Remember how inevitable it looked that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee when she jumped in the race? Barnes looks just as inevitable right now, but there's a lot of time left. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 01:12:44 PM Don't forget; they are running against Republicans- who are quickly self-destructing. Between the pandering and ethics problems, Deal and Oxendine are leaving the door wide open for Handel. I wonder how well she will hold up in the spotlight though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/25/2009 08:13:48 AM Three things in life are certain (although usually nothing in politics is certain): death, taxes and Barnes being Georgia's next governor (OK a fourth, without a runoff in the primary). ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: New Georgia Politics Podcast BASENAME: new_georgia_politics_podcast STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/23/2009 03:09:22 PM ----- BODY: Episode 23 is online now. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: I know you know... BASENAME: i_know_you_know STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/23/2009 03:27:54 PM ----- BODY: Advance Voting for the December 1 runoff starts today! And here's your handy voting info:
    Advance voting starts Monday, November 23, 2009, and runs through Wednesday, November 25, 2009. The hours of Advance voting are 8:30am to 7:00pm. Find locations for Early and Advance voting in Fulton and Dekalb Counties here. Election Day for the runoff is December 1, 2009. The hours of voting are 7:00am to 8:00pm. You can vote in the runoff even if you did not vote on November 3rd.
    Ten runoff races will take place:
    Atlanta Mayor, between Mary Norwood and Kasim Reed Atlanta City Council President, between Ceasar Mitchell and Clair Muller Atlanta City Council District 6, between Liz Coyle and Alex Wan Atlanta City Council Post 2 At Large, between Amir Farokhi and Aaron Watson City of College Park, City Council Ward 4, between Charles E. Phillips Sr. and April Wright - Wyatt City of East Point Mayor, between Joe Macon and Earnestine Pittman East Point Council WA At-Large, between Greg Fann and Sharonda Hubbard City of Roswell Mayor, between David Tolleson and Jere Wood State House District 58, between Simone Bell and Asha F. Jackson State Senate District 35, between Donzella James and Torrey O Johnson.
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2009 03:43:53 PM And you know who to write in wherever you can! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Virtual Mayoral Forum Today (Tuesday) BASENAME: virtual_mayoral_forum_today_tu STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/24/2009 12:11:36 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_keyboard.jpgThe Committee for a Better Atlanta (CBA) is hosting the first known "virtual" mayoral forum hosted live on CBA's online community at On Tuesday, November 24th from 4:30 - 7:00pm, bloggers, political aficionados and concerned citizens can log on to and speak directly to the candidates. By visiting prior to the event, citizen journalists who are not able to participate live can also submit their most pressing questions for the two Mayoral candidates. CBA is also featuring other undecided races, including those for City Council President, District 6, and Post 2 at-large. You will have the opportunity to speak with Ceasar Mitchell, Clair Muller, Elizabeth Coyle, Alex Wan, Amir Farokhi, and Aaron Watson. (Note: If you'd rather not go through the CBA site registration process to post your question(s), just leave them in the comments or on my facebook entry prior to 4:00pm and I'll post for you.) Update, Here is the approximate schedule: 4:30 pm Kasim Reed 4:45 pm Amir Faroki 5:00 pm Clair Muller 5:15 pm Ceasar Mitchell 5:30 pm Mary Norwood 5:45 pm Liz Coyle 6:00 pm Alex Wan 6:15 pm Aaron Watson ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/25/2009 11:19:48 AM I was able to catch part of it. I thought it was pretty cool. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: A Joe Biden Thanksgiving BASENAME: a_joe_biden_thanksgiving STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/25/2009 03:04:21 PM ----- BODY: JoeBiden.jpgI love The Onion.
    WASHINGTON--In keeping with a longstanding Thanksgiving tradition, Vice President Joe Biden ceremonially pardoned a 4-pound yam today at a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. "Under my authority as vice president of the United States of America, I hereby grant this yam full and unconditional clemency," a smiling Biden declared as he gently patted "Spud," a Beauregard sweet potato grown in Louisiana and selected from millions of candidates yielded by this year's harvest. "May he never find himself in a casserole. Right, little guy?"
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Happy Thanksgiving BASENAME: happy_thanksgiving STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/26/2009 09:15:50 AM ----- BODY: turkey-clipart-1.jpg Happy Thanksgiving to you all. It's a lovely day here in the metro Atlanta area, hopefully you will have a break in the cooking and football to step outside and enjoy it a little. I have 10 for dinner, but wish it could be more, couple friends out of town will be sincerely missed and some who have traveled to the heavens and await us there. A dear friend once remarked that even when you don't see someone-they are like the stars always there but sometimes not visible. I'm grateful for so many things not the least of which is this blog community! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/26/2009 08:57:38 PM Thanks Juliana, Wish you & all well after such strenuous efforts. We go for a Smoked turkey from the 'ol Sam & Dave's (now just Dave's), he did a fine job. Picked up some sides, and the job was done. Outsourcing never tasted better. Happy Happy & Cheers, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/27/2009 12:16:49 PM I'm happy that a random POTUS in the 1800s chose an arbitrary date in November to celebrate a holiday, 200 years ex post facto. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/27/2009 06:16:22 PM That 'random POTUS' being Abe Lincoln of course in 1863: (From the wiki:) "Lincoln and the Civil War Sketch of Thanksgiving in Civil War camp in 1861. Lithograph, Home To Thanksgiving 1867In the middle of the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln, prompted by a series of editorials written by Sarah Josepha Hale,[8] proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day, to be celebrated on the final Thursday in November 1863: The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle, or the ship; the axe had enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years, with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and Union. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-eighth." Proclamation of President Abraham Lincoln, October 3, 1863.[8] Since 1863, Thanksgiving has been observed annually in the United States. Also remarking that there had been periodic celebrations of Thanksgiving, well since Geo. Washington, Adams, & Madison. Most clearly a better grade of 'random' POTUS. But not just in the 1800's either. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/27/2009 06:42:37 PM Dude...seriously? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: To Hell With Tech! BASENAME: to_hell_with_tech STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 11/29/2009 05:48:39 PM ----- BODY: washaunealey.jpg What? We've been doing sports on the front page for months now.. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2009 06:35:12 PM Have fun at the Rustoleum Epoxy Shield New Orleans Bowl brought to you by Sizzler. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2009 06:46:16 PM Ha. The Rustoleum Epoxy Shield New Orleans Bowl brought to you by Sizzler-bound team just waxed your ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2009 06:52:04 PM Ill have you know I have several credible witnesses who can vouch that I was rooting for both teams last night (so I could shout more). Ergo, that means if they waxed my ass, they also waxed yours. Pwnt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2009 06:57:21 PM Speaking of ass waxing, I thought it was interesting that you categorized your game-watching party as an "erotic party." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2009 07:01:35 PM When do I ever not bring copious amounts of eroticism to something? The answer: never. So I just go ahead and cut right to the chase. In fact it turned into something resembling such a fete. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2009 11:44:14 PM Damn Jen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2009 08:39:32 AM I think everybody won. Tech had no serious injuries, and none of the UGA players got arrested over the weekend. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/04/2009 08:24:24 AM Alas... "Bulldog Montez Robinson arrested for second time in a week" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/04/2009 01:17:51 PM SEC players are awesome like that, though.. this dude Robinson seems like a total asshole. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Run-off Election wrap BASENAME: mayoral_wrap STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/01/2009 12:06:50 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_vote.jpgTomorrow Today is run-off Election Day and most of the races are going to be squeakers. If you didn't vote Early or in Advance, PLEASE vote today (Tuesday, December 1st), and help decide the run-off races in your districts. Here are a few links from over the Thanksgiving holiday: Galloway recaps Sunday's Mayoral debate, which reportedly got a little testy. Mayoral candidates go on attack in final TV debate, more from AJC. Black-white turnout key in Atlanta mayoral runoff, from AP. Who knew Houck was now a political strategist? Democratic Party Attacks Marriage Equality Candidate, DailyKos diary from VolvoDrivingLiberal. Reed, Norwood continue to battle for gay votes, Reed holds press conference at Outwrite Books, from Fresh Loaf. And be sure to read Tom's post below for historical perspective and current analysis. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/30/2009 10:52:38 AM VOTE FOR ME IF YOU ARE UNDECIDED OR REALIZE THE MATH PROVES YOUR VOTE DOES NOT COUNT. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Amani Channel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/30/2009 11:56:23 AM Thanks for this compilation of great links. I've been reading this blog for sometime, and enjoy the perspective. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Amani Channel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/30/2009 11:56:49 AM Thanks for this compilation of great links. I've been reading this blog for sometime, and enjoy the perspective. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Queer things BASENAME: queer_things STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/01/2009 01:43:49 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_film.jpgJOIN THE GFD FILM CLUB TONIGHT FOR A SCREENING AND PLAY What: Film Screening of Kinky Boots When: Tuesday 12.01.09 at 7:00pm Where: PushPush Theater 121 New St Decatur 30030 | 404-377-6332 Cost: Free ----- EXTENDED BODY: Kinky Boots is a 2005 Golden Globe Award-nominated British-American comedy film written by Geoff Deane and Tim Firth, about a traditional Northampton shoemaker who turns to producing fetishism footwear in order to save the failing family business and the jobs of his workers. The film is based on the true story of Divine, which was featured in an episode of the BBC documentary series Trouble at the Top. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What: Theatrical Production of The Secretaries When: Tuesday 12.01.09 at 9:00pm Where: PushPush Theater 121 New St Decatur 30030 | 404-377-6332 Cost: $5.00 for this showing only For mature audiences only! The Secretaries by The Five Lesbian Brothers: Shelby Hofer directs and leads the project in a stage comedy about five power tripping women at a sawmill. In this irreverent comedy, the action centers on a cult of Slim-Fast drinking, high-heel wearing, big-haired secretaries working to initiate a new recruit. The Secretaries unapologetically examines the ways in which women band together and act as the enforcers of sexism, turning sexist repression inward with behavior that passes for 'self-improvement'. For questions about the film or play, contact Susan Keith at ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Method for determining permanent disability of Speaker of the House of Representatives BASENAME: method_for_determining_permane STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/01/2009 12:35:07 AM ----- BODY: Glenn Richardson's ex-wife Susan cuts loose about the real reason behind his suicide attempt. And she's got text messages and emails to boot. Hell hath no fury indeed. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2009 10:00:44 AM I'm still of the opinion that a suicide attempt should no more warrant his removal than, say, a heart attack. But if what his ex-wife says is true, and this suicide attempt was part of a broader pattern of domestic abuse, including threats to use his authority as speaker to have her followed by the police, then he shouldn't just be removed as Speaker, he should be ejected from the House. Oh, and it's nice to see that Erik Erickson believes that a person who speaks out against an abuser is a bad parent and attention seeker. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2009 02:32:13 PM Yep, this is more like the Glennzilla we know & properly loathe. 'Controlling & abusive', who from a hospital bed will badger his ex wife to 'take him back' for the sake of his career goals. Nice that she also mentioned [several] GF's on the side too. I say he probably hangs on, but none too bravely or decorously and then slowly start to make an exit after this session. If he's fortunate. If not? He'll elect to 'fight on', and more GF's will come out of the woodwork perhaps, and he'll use whatever political capital he's got defending his indefensible actions for months if not years at a time. But yeah, Susan better watch her back too, I'd put nothing past these Rethugs in the way they'd seek revenge upon her. We've seen it all before too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Election Day - Turnout BASENAME: election_day_-_turnout STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/01/2009 10:57:45 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_vote.jpgTo say that I'm pleasantly pleased with the turnout today is an understatement. Voter turnout is rocking this morning. I'm tracking 45 key precincts for the Aaron Watson campaign (Post 2 At-Large). Northside: North Atlanta - 446 voters at 10 am; 509 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Brandon Elementary - 263 voters at 110 am; 163 at 10 am on Nov. 3 ----- EXTENDED BODY: Intown: Ormewood Presbyterian (Ormewood Park neighborhood) - 327 at 10 am; 335 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Parkside Elementary (Grant Park neighborhood) - 222 at 10am; 187 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Morningside Elementary (Morningside neighborhood) 360 at 10 am; 346 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Inman Park (Inman Park neighborhood) - 303 at 10 am; 229 at 10 am on Nov. 3 DeKalb: Epworth (Candler Park) - 366 at 10 am; 192 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Mary Lin (Inman Park) - 216 at 10 am; 190 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Burgess (East Atlanta) - 191 at 10 am; 205 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Southside: West Manor - 327 at 10 am; 217 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Bunche Elementary (Niskey Lake) - 324 at 10 am; 411 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Beecher Hills - 162 at 10 am; 177 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Cascade - 150 at 10 am; 195 at 10 am on Nov. 3 Work it out Atlanta voters. Just keep the voting up. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2009 12:00:51 PM When I voted at Inman this morning it definitely seemed busier than on Nov. 3rd. Glad to hear at least a few more people have decided to care! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2009 01:52:15 PM 9G at 1:00pm, I was number 216. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2009 03:58:53 PM My alma mater (GO WARRIORS) had a few folk there at around 3. They pushed us out of our lecture hall and into the (much smaller) former planetarium. There were some dudes who had clearly never voted before because they asked "what do i do" with the card and when they were done tried to give it to the wrong person. God bless our democracy.... Anyway I have no idea how many people had actually voted. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Today's turnout is gonna screw up the data geeks BASENAME: todays_turnout_is_gonna_screw_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/01/2009 05:48:29 PM ----- BODY: Like ME!!! Who would have thunk that the turnout numbers in today's run-off election would be similar to the general election numbers. Freaking freaky weird. Very weird. I'll write my assumptions about why this later...after I have some time to actually process and comprehend. So here are some numbers: Northside: North Atlanta - 1088 voters at 5 pm; 986 at 5pm on Nov. 3 Brandon Elementary - 725 voters at 5 pm; 752 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 ----- EXTENDED BODY: Intown: Ormewood Presbyterian (Ormewood Park neighborhood) - 775 at 5 pm; 823 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Parkside Elementary (Grant Park neighborhood) - 492 at 5pm; 483 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Morningside Elementary (Morningside neighborhood) 510 at 5 pm; 944 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Inman Park (Inman Park neighborhood) - 641 at 5 pm; 644 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 DeKalb: Epworth (Candler Park) - 612 at 10 am; 888 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Mary Lin (Inman Park) - 961 at 5 pm; 597 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Burgess (East Atlanta) - 512 at 5 pm; 510 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Southside: West Manor - 774 at 5 pm; 640 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Bunche Elementary (Niskey Lake) - 1053 at 5 pm; 1082 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Beecher Hills - 584 at 5 pm; 588 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 Cascade - 583 at 5 pm; 475 at 5 pm on Nov. 3 ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Reggie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 07:17:49 AM The turnout actually shouldn't be a surprise. In off-year elections like this one, those who turn out for the general election (it was 24% in the mayoral race) are the most involved voters. Those are the same voters who are likely to show up for a runoff in any year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 08:25:18 AM Overall 11,000 MORE voters turned out yesterday than on December it's not just that so many came back, it's that so many were engaged for the first time in the runoff only. That's amazing. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Why do I always feel hung over the day after an Election... BASENAME: why_do_i_always_feel_hung_over STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/02/2009 12:11:15 AM ----- BODY: Even though I've had nothing to drink? If there's anything left to say about the Election (or anything else), that you haven't facebooked, tweeted, texted or IM'd, feel free to put it here. And please hit POST just once. Comments are slow, but they do eventually publish. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 03:42:14 AM I dearly hope the results hold up and Reed's finally declared the winner. I also hope that the AJC pic of Reed they've got up now does not become the de facto one they run with for the paper in the morn. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 08:28:30 AM And we're one seat less in the House w00t w00t! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 09:07:11 AM That makes it 17 net seat pickups needed in the house to regain control, right? Two steps forward with the net gain of 2 seats last fall, one step back this fall. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 10:29:56 AM Well it actually still isn't known for sure. Rusty Kidd (AFAIK) hasn't said which party he'll caucus with. Now, going to a much larger point, there is only one candidate running who really has the balls and ability to take Glenn, and the other GOPers to task in 2010. And his initials aren't TB or DP. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 10:48:08 AM Lance has written a great blog post about the Simone Bell campaign- read it here ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 01:50:30 PM The most important facet has yet to be revealed. How many IRE write ins were recorded. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 01:59:49 PM NONE and let me tell you something that is ABSOLUTE BULL SHIT. The turdmunches in the City of Atlanta have deemed it "appropriate and necessary" to not allow write ins in a run off election. WTF kind of BS is that? So when I saw that, as I told someone else, I didn't vote for anyone. SUCK IT (THE) MAN! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 05:11:26 PM Not a bad showing for Amir. 45% for a rookie going against an established opponent is pretty impressive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Amani Channel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 11:17:21 AM Mel, Just wanted to share this link with you. It's an election wrap from yest. that you're mentioned in. What's the process for getting on the blogroll? Please email me if you have a moment achannel(at) Thanks! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Jason Carter campaign kickoff! BASENAME: jason_carter_campaign_kickoff STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/08/2009 12:01:07 AM ----- BODY: jason_carter.jpgTomorrow (Wednesday), Jason Carter will formally announce his intention to seek the Georgia State Senate seat, District 42. The seat was formerly held by Sen. David Adelman, who was recently appointed Ambassador to Singapore and is expected to be confirmed. Come celebrate and help kickoff Jason's campaign Wednesday, December 9th at 6:30pm Twains, 211 E. Trinity Place, Decatur, GA 30030-3414 Kids are welcome. Join Jason's facebook group (already over 300 800 supporters). Follow him on twitter. Sign up, contribute or volunteer here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2009 08:28:02 PM Welcome news too, thanks Mel. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2009 12:31:44 PM I hope if he wins that he'll attend more committee hearings than the current office holder. What? I'm just sayin'... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Tis the season.. for campaign ads? BASENAME: tis_the_season_for_campaign_ad_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/03/2009 12:52:39 PM ----- BODY: Ken Hodges just released a non-ad ad for the holidays. Love it, hate it or do we all just want a break till January? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 01:10:17 PM What up with the shaky, off centered shots of the baby? Was the baby also holding the camera? I guess it was supposed to look like a home movie, but it was obviously shot with the same camera as the rest of the ad. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:07:40 PM I like the concept, but the spot could use a little tweaking. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: See if you can spot what's wrong* with this mailer. BASENAME: see_if_you_can_spot_whats_wron STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/03/2009 01:43:13 PM ----- BODY: *Please see comments-it's not "wrong". Hint: look all the way at the bottom of the mailer. Does anyone know anything about this? Is it some kind of "photo-shopped" effort on someones part to discredit the candidates listed and the DPG? rustykidddpg.jpg If the candidates don't already know, someone please forward this to them. The DPG should also respond as well. Hat-tip to my new Facebook friend Keith M. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:03:40 PM Nah, it's just fulfilling a legal requirement that party expenditures benefit a "slate" of candidates. I wouldn't be surprised if the candidates mentioned agreed to be on there - not because it expands their name recognition with voters or anything like that, but because it curries favor with the party establishment. Literally millions of pieces like this will go out next year from both parties with a similar tag line. One twist in this election is that even though multiple candidates are listed, they are not all on the ballot for the same election. Apparently this has been dealt with in the past by picking some random small town city council race and using one of those candidates as the second candidate and sending the mail to both jurisdictions, no doubt causing the small town folks to wonder who it is they are getting mail about. Kind of nice to see the party trailblazing in this capacity, though in fairness, pretty sure the Republicans have already done it this way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Juliana EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:09:34 PM Chris-thanks for clarifying, I would wish that since this piece was so clearly targeted to women that the candidates mentioned would chime in if they had a choice of being on this or not. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:15:55 PM Kasim Reed's materials had vote for Vincent Fort and Nan Orrock, even though they aren't up for re-election until next year. I guess Angela Moore can't say they never gave her anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:22:10 PM Well, the irony is the candidates listed are actually doing the party a favor. Now, if you dig down deep enough I'm sure there's some candidate that would love to be on it no matter what, but you get my drift. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Juliana EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:24:23 PM I guess, but how does this stuff not end up on an "opposition" hit piece later on? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:36:44 PM It's probably too inside baseball for the average voter. I suppose one person could allege "how dare you be associated with this discredited hit piece" or something like that, but it's hard enough to get traction for a serious critique of someone that affects the actual voters that are in play, much less something hyper technical like this. In my opinion, the best thing to do would be to acknowledge that the parties are going to spend money on their candidates and let them do it without the restriction of it being a "multi-candidate" expense, but good luck having a common sense reform like that make it through the legislature and the risk of the legislature starting with a common sense reform like that and ending with something unintended that ends up restricting the rights of the parties is too great to make it worth bothering. So, politics as usual... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Juliana EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:41:23 PM Gotcha... as far as Mel's comment-as least those two folks were very vocal supporters of Sen. Reed's that at least makes some sense. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 02:58:00 PM Well yes, better than the Elephant mailer names I guess. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 03:11:57 PM I wondered about that, specifically if Reed and Borders being listed would be enough to satisfy the "slate" requirement (maybe not because you can't vote for both of them at the same time). Although honestly, while the tiny name in the disclaimer may be of interest to us junkies, I don't think anyone else notices it and if they do they probably shrug it off. I certainly don't think it either helps or hurts a candidate to be included in the tag line, though higher profile ones may wish to avoid it in line with their general desire to avoid controversy when possible. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: How to track yardsigns using google maps BASENAME: how_to_track_yardsigns_using_g STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/03/2009 02:22:45 PM ----- BODY: Shown here. Now if someone could just figure out how to lojack them. From Killer Campaigning. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 05:34:37 PM Can we start fining campaigns for leaving their campaign signs out two days past the election? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Christmas is coming early for some in GA GOP BASENAME: christmas_is_coming_early_for STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/03/2009 03:26:00 PM ----- BODY: icon_fox_hen.jpg
    WSB is now confirming Glenn Richardson will announce his resignation during today's 4 p.m. conference call. Sources tell WSB's Lori Geary the resignation will be effective December 31.
    The blogs and twitter have been all over this today, looks we will know fo'sure in about 30 mins. Oh, can I just say-I'm digging on the flashing cop light thingy they have at PP. Update: Glenn Richardson resigns as Speaker and his seat as 19th District Representative in Paulding County, read his resignation letter here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 05:21:31 PM Sic semper tyrannis. And yeah, I'll cath some hell for that too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: What we have to look forward to on Jan. 12, 2010 BASENAME: what_we_have_to_look_forward_t STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/03/2009 05:20:05 PM ----- BODY: Jan. 12th is the day the 2010 Georgia General Assembly will begin and I can guess what will happen during the 40 day session. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Nothing that will enhance the lives of everyday Georgians. Instead, there will be a lot of grown folks acting like a bunch of kids on the playground. Why so, because the majority party, the Republicans, are in complete shambles. First, Glenn "everyone knew his ass was shady" Richardson has finally confirmed what everyone under the Gold Dome always knew: he was a shallow and vindictive person who traded the passage of bills for sex with the pretty ladies. Now that Glenn has resigned, we will get to witness a full frontal pissing match between Glenn loyalists and Glenn haters. This will make for awesome blog posts but will take up so much time that all meaningful legislation to improve the economy, education, and housing will be lost. The good stuff will not have a chance to rise above the manure. Secondly, Perdue has been a lame duck Governor since he was elected seven years ago and I can't say that his "brilliant light" will automatically shine that the General Assembly is cracking. since to keep any hope alive that Perdue will display any signs of leadership. Lastly, all the folks running for Governor, many who are State Constitutional officers, will spend their time sucking up to Glenn Richardson's donors and lobbyists (the non sexy ones). They will make lots of promises to these corporate yahoos with the assurance that when they win they will be smarter at hiding their transgressions than Richardson. Yeah, so the average Georgian can you hear that sucking sound - yup, that's the sound of your tax dollars being wasted because your elected officials are more worried about protecting their political careers and power than whether you have a job, a roof over your head, and a safe place for your kids to get educated. Let's hope the Democrats can show some leadership and help Georgians remember that they are the more important than the mighty power trip. Hold on kiddies it's gonna be a long 40 days. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 06:21:25 PM Oh all the committee chairs must be in such a twist-will they still be "chair"? Who's a "hawk" etc.. ugh. I know at least 25 GOP legislators who are doing the happy dance tho. I pity the folks who thought they got elected to serve the people of Georgia. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2009 07:45:20 PM Amen Bernita! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/04/2009 12:47:05 AM No, I predict it'll be far worse & more miserable & unimaginably grueling. Easiest bet to make in Ga. politics, actually. But I just love the way the Press/Media & almost everyone else essentially covered for so long for this sick corrupt SOB. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: SoCon 10 BASENAME: socon_10 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/03/2009 08:23:01 PM ----- BODY: Am I the only one who finds it odd that the "Southeast's Premiere Social Media and Social Networking Conference" is not using social media to publicize the event? Just asking. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Carole Arnold EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/16/2009 10:10:18 AM Really, Mel? Where have you been? It's everywhere. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/16/2009 12:18:53 PM Really Carole, so why no link to Facebook, Twitter or others on your website? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/16/2009 08:37:24 PM What the hell is SoCon? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 09:01:34 AM I think it is where a bunch of bloggers circle jerk with a bunch of other bloggers about how to produce a better social networking circle jerk and everyone gets too excited about playing wet biscuit. I mean that in the best way possible. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Holiday gift guide: the political edition (part one) BASENAME: holiday_gift_guide_the_politic STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/04/2009 03:32:15 AM ----- BODY: gifts_one.jpgA) The new Michelle Obama doll from Jailbreak Toys. Not terribly flattering, but art vinyl rarely is. B) Print and frame high resolution images from The White House photostream on flickr. This one and this one are favorites. C) For the girl who has everything, it's a party crashing saree from Ladlee. If you'd rather shop in person, the store is on Jimmy Carter in Duluth. D) There's nothing like a Flipcam for catching those compromising campaign moments more discreetly, and in HD. E) Gotham font. Pricey, but priceless. F) Yes We Can customized sneakers from zazzle. And here's the slip on style. G) The ultimate in political DIY, button machines from USA Buttons. H) Amplify your guy or gal's blather in style with a Fender portable PA system. I) If you missed them last year, the Hillary Clinton nutcracker and Bill Clinton kitchen tool combo set are now priced to move! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/04/2009 12:20:45 PM May I add; The Inflatable Santa-On-A-Tractor yard ornament: OK, it's not political, but I couldn't resist. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/04/2009 01:33:50 PM The creator of Gotham is Tobias Frere-Jones, the brother of music critic Sasha Frere-Jones? Wow - I wonder what kind of pre-natal vitamins was their mother taking? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Holiday gift guide: the political edition (part two) BASENAME: holiday_gift_guide_the_politic_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/04/2009 06:06:30 AM ----- BODY: gifts2.jpgA) For the waffling DINO on your list, pick up a copy of Ballsy, how to grow a bigger pair and score extreme business success. If that doesn't work, try a membership to the Progressive Book Club. B) A random collection of things from the Netroots Nation Holiday Bazaar, featuring handmade gifts by geeks to benefit, well, I'm not really sure. (Auction runs between December 4-8 only.) C) Looking for cruelty free, organic, clay dyed, recycled, vegan, non sweatshop, union made, retro cool, made in the USA, progressive message t-shirts? Then check out Northern Sun. D) Always appropriate, Keep Calm and Carry On swag. E) Help your favorite out-of-state campaign staffer get acclimated with New Stories from the South 2009 Edition. F) Make the most of those endless hours of driving on the campaign trail with a laptop steering wheel desk. Really, I hope this is a gag gift. The comments on this thing are pretty funny. From Stefan who used to post here sometimes but seems to have lost the will to blog, I dunno. G) The Best Political Cartoons of the Year, 2010 Edition. Because Luckovich doesn't have a book out this year. H) Help a friend find a job with Alltop jobs (not Steve) aggregator. Thousands of jobs in all fields, around the world. I) For your Michelle, look no further than the Mrs. O. inspired holiday gift picks. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Opportunity Available. BASENAME: opportunity_available STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/07/2009 11:16:21 AM ----- BODY: shoes.jpgIt appears that the Georgia Republicans may need help procuring contract employees for discreet work in and around the Georgia Dome. Discretion and attention to desired details are essential. There is some urgency, as legislators are currently seeking work product from interns staff and lobbyists, that really should be performed by contract workers. Interested? Best to contact Lt Governor Casey Cagle. Note: This might be a great entrepreneurial opportunity for recently unemployed, Glenn Richardson. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ardent Citizen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 12:18:05 PM I can confirm that opportunities include attorneys for the legislative session. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 01:01:36 PM Everything's been in disarray ever since that Mansion Madam Lisa Taylor got busted. Which makes me wonder- how is it that the DA in Gwinnett still has a job there? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 02:43:23 PM Oooh, another Republican scandal brewing, just in time for Christmas! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Smitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 05:58:14 PM Can we just have our ineffective government back minus the hookers and whores. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 09:30:33 PM I love those shoes! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2009 08:25:19 AM What exactly qualifies those as being "shoes"? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2009 09:54:45 AM I'll bet she's hot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2009 01:51:02 PM Works every time evidently. The secret to the hooker heels. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Progressive Holiday Party tomorrow night BASENAME: progressive_holiday_party_tomo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/07/2009 01:32:41 PM ----- BODY: You are cordially invited to attend The Progressive Holiday Party! Hosted By: Atlanta Stonewall Democrats Mid-Fulton Democrats Planned Parenthood Action Fund Red Clay Democrats Young Democrats of Atlanta Young Democrats of Dekalb When: Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 7:00 pm Where: Amsterdam Café 502 Amsterdam Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30306 Attire: Festive There is no cost to attend ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 12:03:42 AM Saw everyone else there but Mel. But a good time had by all. Thanks to all the sponsors for a swell event. We've now decided that the best looking staff of the Congressional delegation is of course the John Lewis crew. And of course they show up reguarly too. Thanks again, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 12:30:58 AM Sorry JM. I can do rain, and I can do cold, but cold rain is too much. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 12:57:09 AM Not bad at all & I had a night cap of decent intown pizza too, so it worked out just swell. I think Catherine & a few others were working from party to party. 'Tis the season indeed. Met Jason Carter again too. Reminded him that unlike his granddad’s day, there's really no sense in trying to 'recount the boxes', as ours will always come out the same. One of the 'advantages' of the DRE era, & a distinction that's lost seemingly on the many. But there you have it. Few festive costumes, but plenty of festive & new people & candidates. And I got to mention this bit of good news to one of John Lewis' new staff: It's been a long time in coming for Elouise Cobell & thousands of other worthies who’ve been unjustly dealt with by the DoI for decades if not centuries. More of the story here: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 09:22:56 AM Ah, cold and rainy ain't so bad. But cold, rainy, and windy I can't take! It reminds me of a line Robert DeNiro says in Ronin: (paraphrasing)You have to be ready for an operation to take place at night, in the rain, and at the place that's right on the crease in your map. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 11:03:15 AM ooooh Jerry I love a day that starts with a Ronin quote! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 01:55:28 PM Love me some Ronin, i can watch the car chase scene over and over and never get tired of it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 05:18:13 PM I know. And I want one of those remote control thingies to change the traffic lights. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: ooh, ethics! BASENAME: ooh_ethics STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/07/2009 01:50:17 PM ----- BODY: Rob Teilhet (pronounced Tecum-seh) has decided that those under the Golden Dome might not be the best people to run the rule over themselves as we used to say at Eton (pronounced "e-TAWN"). Back in those days, boys were boys, and sometimes girls, but everything worked out in the end.
    "Allowing the legislature to police itself on ethics is like letting a criminal preside over his own court hearing," said Representative Rob Teilhet. "The resignation of Speaker Richardson is not enough. We must address the underlying culture of corruption that has allowed self-dealing and conflicts of interest to run rampant at our Capitol. It is time for meaningful ethics reform that will help restore the public's trust in government. Only then can we safeguard against similar problems in the future."
    ----- EXTENDED BODY: Teilhet's legislation will give the State Ethics Commission jurisdiction over complaints of conflict of interest against members of the Georgia General Assembly. Currently, such complaints are enforced by the General Assembly itself through a Joint Legislative Ethics Committee. In 2007 the Joint Legislative Ethics Committee dismissed a complaint detailing the facts that led to House Speaker Richardson's resignation last week. The complaint was dismissed immediately, without any hearing or investigation. If Teilhet's proposal sounds familiar, it should. It was a centerpiece of Governor Sonny Perdue's ethics proposals in 2005. Eventually an ethics bill passed in the waning hours of the 2005 session, but the conflict of interest provisions were removed at the insistence of the Georgia House Republican leadership.
    "Governor Sonny Perdue was right in 2005. But the House leadership gutted his legislation, and the result was an ethics bill with no teeth on conflict of interest. The embarrassment of last week is a direct result of the lack of any meaningful action by the General Assembly on ethics. It is high time we strengthen Georgia's ethics laws and get our public officials back to the business of serving constituents, rather than themselves."
    ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 08:13:14 PM why do I torture myself by clicking on Stefan's links? Whyyyyy??? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/10/2009 11:03:49 PM You know Stefan, we Southerners don't hold Mr. Sha-mun in very high regard. Perhaps you missed that whole scorched earth thing at E-tawn. Otherwise, ethics? Yes, please. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: A simple plan for a clean sweep in 2010 BASENAME: a_simple_plan_for_a_clean_swee STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/07/2009 06:52:52 PM ----- BODY: OK Georgia Democrats we can win the entire enchilada in 2010. A clean sweep! If we stick to one message: If the Georgia Republicans could care less about their own families what makes you think that they care about YOUR family. Easy as pie. The Georgia GOP's code of ethics is cracking by the minute. Every since the lead singer of the GOP Boy Band member faked his suicide and was waxed on tv by his ex-wife, the rest of the band is folding. Other band members, Cagle, Johnson, and Burkhalter, who once sold out shows to every tween aged staffer and lobbyist, are about to go down in flames. The time is now for Georgia Democrats to convey to the State's Independent voters that we have their family interests first and foremost in every legislative action. The time is now to tell them that Georgia Democrats and their vision for the State of Georgia cannot be bought and sold to the highest lobbying firm. ----- EXTENDED BODY: We can do without Georgia Democrats making cheesy videos declaring that they have never "stepped out on their wives". All we need is a simple message to convey to Georgia families that we won't screw over your families like the GOP does with easy and tawdry lobbyists. A simple plan. And for the love of everything that is holy, for all those Georgia Democrats that have lots of skeletons in your closets, please STFU and refrain from preaching any sanctimonious tales of how the GOP is so corrupt. We don't need you grandstanding. You will just muddy the waters. Please also take note on how to convict a wayward Republican legislator. Buh Bye to NY senate majority leader Bruno. UPDATE: Burkhalter pulls his name from House Speaker anointing. And the hits keep coming... UPDATE II: One last question, now that Richardson is gone, who gets Mike Jacobs as their bitch? ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 09:52:39 PM never happen, you used words like "plan" and "vision" bwhahahhahahahahha ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpokenJoken EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 11:25:53 PM Agreed, the time is now if there ever was one. I haven't seen a lot to give the Democrats in this state a lot to be hopeful about so far though... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2009 11:27:46 PM Fun post. But before the 'vision' thingy there was the title. 'A simple plan for a clean sweep in 2010'. I hear the echoes of 'a cunning plan' in a certain accent. But certainly one of my top wishes for the new year. BTW: The need for the actual recordings evidently is still vital. This from someone who still well remembers ole 'Tricky Dick' Nixon. That took a long time to come to fruition too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2009 01:43:15 PM Oh dear sweet Bernita...I'm sitting next to Jules snickering at the mere thought of the DPG getting it together to put a cohesive plan in place and implement it. You would think the proper course of action would be a no brainer and yet... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The narrow prism of "Choice" and much larger issue of Reproductive Justice BASENAME: the_narrow_prism_of_choice_and STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/08/2009 02:43:05 PM ----- BODY: As I watch the debate regarding Stupak/Pitts/Nelson and it's very hostile language targeting women I was reminded that I wanted to write a little about where the "movement" is regarding Reproductive Justice, or RJ for short. Pro-Choice advocates, while I love them, still tend to cling to the very premise that women have a "choice" prior to getting pregnant. This idea assumes that women sometimes girls had not only the access to appropriate medical information, the ability to pay for it. If you live in Georgia, access is probably the single most ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: It's official - Atlanta now has a new Mayor BASENAME: its_official_-_atlanta_now_has STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/09/2009 04:41:47 PM ----- BODY: kasim_reed_profile.jpgThe 59th Mayor of the great City of Atlanta is...drumroll...Kasim Reed. From the AJC:
    Kasim Reed won the Atlanta mayor's race by 714 votes, a recount of the Dec. 1 runoff results showed Wednesday. Reed won 42,549 votes while Mary Norwood won 41,835 votes, Fulton County officials said Wednesday. At 2:30 p.m. Norwood conceded. "Here we are at the end of a very very long two years," she said. "The recount results are final and now it is time to accept it. "
    Congrats Mayor Reed!!! We'll be watching and blogging. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 07:21:37 PM Thanks Bernita, Yes, congrats (finally) to Mayor Kasim Reed! I'll make another fearless prediction that they'll be newly invigorated efforts to disenfranchise more voters in Atl using any sort of pretense possible. Especially minority voters. SSDD. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpokenJoken EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2009 07:57:44 PM Yeah, I am so glad we have Karen Handel on the guard making sure no one makes the mistake of thinking we live in a democracy--especially people with darker skin tones. If she gets the governor nomination I think I would actually condone voter fraud to insure she loses, just for irony. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/10/2009 01:12:46 PM Well Mary just keep this in mind I actually mean no disrespect I just saw that and felt like sharing it with the world/ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/10/2009 03:31:18 PM I would have to be pretty hammered to click on one of your links. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/11/2009 08:37:45 AM So you'd have to have my standard level of sobriety then? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Another present from Georgia Republicans BASENAME: another_present_from_georgia_r STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/10/2009 09:57:39 PM ----- BODY: weddingbells.jpgI find it hilarious that Georgia Republicans need a piece of paper to tell them to keep their pants zippered. Zippered up cause so many of them believe that not only should they rule all the women of Georgia but that they should also be in their panties. Georgia Republican Jim Coyle wants Republicans to take a pledge stating that each legislator should "Be faithful to one's spouse and family". Seriously grown men (and women) who stood before God and made promises to the person whom they supposedly love need to now take a pledge? If they broke their pledges to God and to their spouses, what makes us voters believe that they will actually uphold this new pledge. I mean the piece of paper that should have instilled in them the need to keep their pants zippered was that silly old paper called a marriage license. ----- EXTENDED BODY: I'm not married so maybe I don't know all that goes with that entire marriage vows thingy. But I'm also not a farmer and I do know that planting roses in December may not yield positive results. So one would think that married Georgia Republicans would know that planting their body parts in persons not their spouses would also not yield positive results. Call me crazy for thinking that the Party of Family Values actually cared about their own families. Georgia voters already knew that the Georgia GOP didn't care about our families - but dang one would think that they cared about their own. I thought that was the first rule of evil empires - take care of your own. And the second rule was - no one matters but us. I wish I could be a fly on the wall at the Georgia Republican caucus meeting tomorrow. I wonder if they will all stand up and say they are adulterers..."Hi my name is Glen Richardson and I am an adulterer", "Hi my name is Casey..." and so forth and so on. Or will it break out into a dodge ball match where all the adulterers stand on one side and the 1 faithful person stands on the other side. Either way it's gonna be a very sad pissing match with the Georgia Republicans trying to figure out how to get out of this public relations nightmare. Keep the Christmas presents coming Georgia Republicans. Ya'll totally rock. Georgia Republicans' meltdown = Best Christmas evah. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: keith EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/11/2009 12:39:26 PM You're absolutely right that the republicans are continuing to give democrats gift after gift. But the problem is that the democratic party is not in any better shape than the republican party. Last I heard the chairwoman was out of town & haven't weighed in on the matter. If democrats run on ethics, corruption & families against the GOP, they stand a terrific chance of taking every office in 2010, but you know dems always drop the ball when it comes to capitalizing on republicans mishaps. Casey Cagle, the Lt. Governor has had his own charade, but with no democrat so far in the race, he can skate by without answering to the voters. Democrats better get either former State Senator Michael Meyer von Bremen (D-Albany), State Senator Tim Golden (D-Valdosta), or go with a wildcard, an unknown, an outsider like former Ray City Mayor & candidate for governor Carl Camon, who is a young up & coming democrat from south georgia who can run against the establishment & the ethical problems of the GOP & Cagle as well. All three would make great challengers to cagle, but the longer he goes without a challenger, the more likely he will win re-election regardless of the rumors that are swirling around him. As for the GOP, it won't matter who they elect as their new speaker, the stain will remain & with big issues like transportation, water, education on the horizon & with a balooning deficit & low revenues, they are going to pay the price at the polls in Nov 2010. I'm willing to bet that transportation, education, water does not get solved the majority next year. They have gone the past 3 years without doing anything on these issues, so why would anyone expect them to address them now? And if I'm the democrats, I would not help the republicans with these issues at all. It's an election year & they want something to show to their constituents that they have actually accomplished something during the session. Democrats in the house & senate need to remain united & let them (republicans) suffer & endure the wrath of the Georgia voters. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: keith EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/11/2009 12:39:57 PM You're absolutely right that the republicans are continuing to give democrats gift after gift. But the problem is that the democratic party is not in any better shape than the republican party. Last I heard the chairwoman was out of town & haven't weighed in on the matter. If democrats run on ethics, corruption & families against the GOP, they stand a terrific chance of taking every office in 2010, but you know dems always drop the ball when it comes to capitalizing on republicans mishaps. Casey Cagle, the Lt. Governor has had his own charade, but with no democrat so far in the race, he can skate by without answering to the voters. Democrats better get either former State Senator Michael Meyer von Bremen (D-Albany), State Senator Tim Golden (D-Valdosta), or go with a wildcard, an unknown, an outsider like former Ray City Mayor & candidate for governor Carl Camon, who is a young up & coming democrat from south georgia who can run against the establishment & the ethical problems of the GOP & Cagle as well. All three would make great challengers to cagle, but the longer he goes without a challenger, the more likely he will win re-election regardless of the rumors that are swirling around him. As for the GOP, it won't matter who they elect as their new speaker, the stain will remain & with big issues like transportation, water, education on the horizon & with a balooning deficit & low revenues, they are going to pay the price at the polls in Nov 2010. I'm willing to bet that transportation, education, water does not get solved the majority next year. They have gone the past 3 years without doing anything on these issues, so why would anyone expect them to address them now? And if I'm the democrats, I would not help the republicans with these issues at all. It's an election year & they want something to show to their constituents that they have actually accomplished something during the session. Democrats in the house & senate need to remain united & let them (republicans) suffer & endure the wrath of the Georgia voters. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: keith EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/11/2009 12:51:41 PM State Senator Tim Golden of Valdosta, former State Senator Michael Meyer von Bremen of Albany give the democrats the best chance of getting rid of the phony Casey Cagle. If democrats want an outsider to run against the ethically charged, corrupt republicans, then Carl Camon is your man. He is a moderately conservative democrat from South Georgia who's running for governor is about as far way from Atlanta as you can be. Young, energetic, charismatic democrat Camon would be a breath of fresh air for the party thats desperately needs to new blood inside the party. It won't matter who republicans pick as their new speaker, the stain will remain on the entire party. Everyone knew of the indiscretions of Richardson, Burkhalter & others like Cagle, etc. They won't get anything done in this session, they are going to go back to those tired, worn out wedge issues to get their voters out to the polls in 2010. I predict 2010 while a potential bad year for democrats across the country, will be a great year fort democrats here in Georgia. How many chances can the democrats let pass by before they begin to capitalize on it. I say next year dems will "finally" get the ball rollin' & begin their quest back to the majority. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/11/2009 01:07:13 PM I don't think voters "know" about a Cagle scandal. There have been rumors, but I don't see him as being very vulnerable... yet. However, there could easily be some vulnerable House seats because of all this and I hope some Dems who have been thinking about running take this opportunity. Also, I do not think this is the time for Dems to be jumping in front of a camera and claiming self-righteousness. No need to distract from the center ring of this circus. If/when we get some candidates to stand up and challenge some of these people, they will have some real ammo to use if they choose to, and probably a lot of voter discontent to capitalize on. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Happy Festivus BASENAME: happy_festivus STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/11/2009 10:21:50 AM ----- BODY: House GOP gathers following scandal, from Aaron Gould Sheinin for the AJC
    Georgia House Republicans on Friday will celebrate their version of Festivus. In the television show "Seinfeld, " the made-up holiday of Festivus was famous for its annual "airing of grievances." And nothing better describes what is likely to transpire Friday when the GOP caucus gathers in Atlanta after the worst month it could likely imagine. "A bit of self-reflection is a good thing," Rep. Ed Lindsey (R-Atlanta) said. Their speaker tried to kill himself and then announced his resignation in disgrace following charges he had an affair with a lobbyist for a utility that stood to benefit from legislation he was championing. The heir to the speakership said a week ago he looked forward to taking the job and then this week changed his mind and said he wouldn't seek the position on a permanent basis. Speculation over sex scandals and familial hang-ups permeates the majority caucus, and Friday's gathering is billed as an opportunity to discuss the fallout and the path forward.
    Related, Erick Erickson opines in the Macon paper: A political culture of corruption ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2009 07:07:28 PM What I always thought particularly funny about all this was the idea that the 'airing of grievances' did indeed (eventually) seem to happen at almost Every holiday gathering. Or the threat was clearly there overhanging everyone at almost every moment. (You too, eh?) There needn’t have been a single special day set aside for it all. Well not for most of the folks I knew at least. But for the GOP 'family'? Festivus only comes about perhaps once every 20-25 years. If that. They'd much rather blame everything & all problems on others. Which has mostly been unsurprisingly successful for generations as a matter of fact & happy self satisfied tradition. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: WABE misses an opportunity! BASENAME: wabe_misses_an_opportunity STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/11/2009 10:45:43 PM ----- BODY: A Lesson in Donor Relations. I have long been a public radio fan and supporter. And Saturday morning? Fahgetaboutit! Don't bother me between 8AM and Noon. I am glued to the dial. I follow Scott Simon, Peter Sagal, and WaitWait on Twitter. I'm an addict. So, the moment I learned Wait Wait Don't Tell Me was coming to the Cobb Energy Center I plunked down my credit card and bought the "Special Seating with a Meet & Greet" tickets. I can't even remember when I got the tickets, it seems like months ago! The live taping was fantastic. Sagal, Carl Kassell, Decatur's own Roy Blount Jr, Amy Dickinson, and Charlie Pierce were as quick witted and entertaining as any regular listener would expect. It was over 90 minutes of laugh-out-loud fun. Following the show and the acquisition of the free CSX tote bag off we went to the Meet & Greet reception. I've been to many of these types of events over the years - several dozen devoted donors willing to shell out a couple hundred bucks to rub elbows with quasi-celebrities standing around chit-chatting. What was different the other night was the complete lack of any acknowledgment from the WABE staff at the reception. ----- EXTENDED BODY: If anyone from WABE should pass thru these parts, here are some tips.
    1. I'm sure you were worried about unpaid guests trying to bust up the party, but a a big burly bouncer at the rope line checking tickets doesn't convey a warm welcome.
    2. Bottled water is nice, but when it runs out, a pitcher and plastic cups would suffice.
    3. This was your big chance to lasso donors, but hanging out with the Wait Wait folks (and hogging their time) isn't the best way to do so.
    4. A friendly smile, or even a "Thank You" for your generous contribution would have probably hooked this donor.
    5. Am I surprised? No. It's pretty much what I expected. It's too bad you didn't suprise me with a little southern hospitality. I guess I'll continue to support the stations that create the content I adore, instead of my local station. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2009 01:07:37 AM A perfectly old time cranky & elitist whine, but no less deliciously so for being true either. Yep. Again, SSDD. You should have got the T-Shirt too. 'I barely survived 30 years of wondering/drinking over & about Lois Reitzes!' Which of course is mean. Even when we've got the likes of Scott Simon (her special pal from HS!) & yes even the ever reliable & useful Wynton Marsalis calling in to offer her congratulations on her long endured tenure. We've even preferred the didactic wonders of Dr. Karl Haas over her in the past, but then again he's dead. (But still going in some markets). Our list of out of state favs that we've steadily acquired over the years are many & varied for Bluegrass/Blues/Americana: (Knoxville) Steady 'Mainstream' Jazz & Blues: (Seattle) Modern/updated & seasonal special programming of same: (Jazz 88, Newark) and Classical & Historical programming of same (Columbia Univ, NYC, 1st commercial FM station in the nation). WKCR, which I grew up on was simply amazing listening to growing up. Weeks long specials by the 'monster of the Jazz midway' Dr. Phil Schaap on everything Bird, Diz or Max played. A week on almost everything that Louie Armstrong ever recorded. Ditto for Duke & Coltrane. With few breaks too. It was like heaven. Schapp was then heard frequently on Newark's Jazz 88 too, but less so in recent years as they culled their 'oldies' from their regular play lists. Without a shadow of a doubt, for whatever complex & perverse reason WABE (90.1FM) is singularly successful in being the most miserable NPR Classical affiliate I've ever had the misfortune to bear to listen to for any protracted period of time. Ditto for their PBS (PBA 30) affiliate, which just happens to proudly broadcast about half of the public interest news & programming that 'Bama does too. Just too damn torturously distressing on so many different levels. But Catherine describes only some of the 'incidental' idiocies here. But hey, all this is so much liberal elitist twaddle. It's not like anyone has any real alternatives here, right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2009 07:21:44 AM JMP, If you're a blues & jazz fan you really must check out WEMU, an NPR affiliate from Ypsilanti, Michigan. It is a fantastic station. Weekday afternoons with Michael Jewett, Sunday mornings with Dr Arwulf Arwulf, and Brazilian Sol with Mary Catherine Smith (no relation) on Saturday nights. WEMU is a treasure. Listen live anytime: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpaceyG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2009 01:11:16 PM You give WABE way too much credit by claiming they were ever even awake in the first place. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2009 01:50:43 PM Every few a months, a white person will put on some Jazz and pour themselves a glass of wine or scotch and tell themselves how nice it is. Then they will get bored and watch television or write emails to other white people about how nice it was to listen to Jazz at home. “Last night, I poured myself a glass of Shiraz and put Charlie Parker on the Bose. It was so relaxing, I wish I had a fireplace.” ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: HomegrownDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2009 03:35:55 PM I take it that there is a longstanding feud between WABE and GPB which I don't fully understand. It's a shame that GPB radio isn't very available in Atlanta; a second NPR broadcast station would make it easier for one station to focus on classical music while the other focused on public affairs. For example, a few years ago I heard Georgia Gazette on GPB. I was impressed with the program, but it isn't available in metro Atlanta. For jazz fans, you're missing out if you aren't listening to WCLK at 91.9 They don't have a great signal outside 285 and their web player is balky, but the programming is great in my view. (But then again, some might say I have no standing to judge....) Catherine's post reminded me that I prefer GPB to WABE but wished I could receive their signal better. WABE needs to get their act together, or between the web and podcssts they will be increasinbly irrelevent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: HomegrownDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2009 03:37:31 PM I take it that there is a longstanding feud between WABE and GPB which I don't fully understand. It's a shame that GPB radio isn't very available in Atlanta; a second NPR broadcast station would make it easier for one station to focus on classical music while the other focused on public affairs. For example, a few years ago I heard Georgia Gazette on GPB. I was impressed with the program, but it isn't available in metro Atlanta. For jazz fans, you're missing out if you aren't listening to WCLK at 91.9 They don't have a great signal outside 285 and their web player is balky, but the programming is great in my view. (But then again, some might say I have no standing to judge....) Catherine's post reminded me that I prefer GPB to WABE but wished I could receive their signal better. WABE needs to get their act together, or between the web and podcssts they will be increasinbly irrelevent. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2009 06:52:56 PM Yep, the more the merrier I say. The financing & especially the licensing could be tricky, but I think it's still true that we're one of the most 'underserved' major radio markets in the US as far as real diversity in programming is concerned. It really is 'The Sahara of the Beaux Arts' as H.L. Mencken would have it. We can get WCLK @ our offices, but not at home, really. Frankly @ work we switch between KPLU (Seattle) & WCLK & various locals. But our crew of course all have their own iPods plugged in their cubes etc. At home our 'default station' locally is actually WUTC, (Chattanooga) which is also sitting on that 88.1 spot. But yeah, if you're going to be serious about culture & the culture of learning, discovery & history of both & same? You need more & better classical/jazz/music/news stations in any major city. We've just been falling behind in that, (along with all the papers) for quite awhile now. But that's a much bigger issue than the lack of programming success or excellence. Endurance it may be, and that's something of an achievement. But the starved emaciated minds & souls that depart from such a sustenance are thin, reedy & clueless indeed. Thanks for the h/t on WEMU Catherine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/13/2009 10:15:22 AM I know at least a dozen people off the top of my head who withhold contributions to WABE to protest the reign of Lois Reitzes. I can only imagine the bucks they could rake in if there was ever a coup d'etat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wes F in Hapeville EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/13/2009 10:51:29 AM I'm gonna say it. I don't have a personal beef with Lois Reitzes, though I do have a problem with that much music - and I even teach music for a living. I wouldn't mind if they throttled it back to 4 - 5 hours, especially if they got rid of John Lemley. City Café does the impossible and makes classical music stupid. (It's kind of personal here - Lemley once referred to the second movement of Tchaikovsky's 6th Symphony as "Tchaikovsky in 3/4 time." Anyone who is responsible for disseminating information about music to the general public should know that the second movement of Tchaikovsky's 6th is in 5/4. I turned off WABE at that point and will not listen to it during the hours that Lemley is on the air.) WF ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/13/2009 09:35:22 PM Kerist on a cracker! I thought I was the last bloke in Ga. who cares & complains about the tempo markings. You'll certainly win this round for liberal elitist whine however. But it's a fallen world seemingly everywhere Wes. And yes, making Classical music seem ever more stultifying predictable & boring is my main beef with the entire ethos down there. For days on end seemingly nothing much moves out of the 'safer' precincts of the 18-mid/late 19th century. With the ever popular brief breathless & deathless semi accurate intro's or ID's. It's been & being done better almost everywhere but here. We've got to wonder why finally. But like most other worthy hopeless causes, I still support 'em. If for nothing else but the perhaps 50% pick up in local news programming around& in ATC/Marketplace that Denis O'Hayer seems to have brought about. Which is a decided improvement. Every little bit helps, especially with busy & ever more fragmented 'listening' schedules. There, was that hopeful sounding enough? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wes F in Hapeville EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/14/2009 11:00:23 AM You don't know the half of it, JMP. I'm a composer. It would be nice if I could tell my composition students that "y'know, there's a show with exciting new music on WABE every (whatever day and time). Check it out." Instead, we get The Western Canon (But Nothing Too Dissonant), Obscure Pieces That Sound Like Unthreatening Movie Soundtracks, Oh, And About 15 Billion Guitar Quartet Arrangements Of Pieces Never Meant For Guitar Quartet all day, every day. WF (who has no problem at all with arrangements and transcriptions, but has never heard anything *but* guitar quartet transcriptions on WABE) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/14/2009 11:26:52 AM But guitars is soft Wes! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: HomegrownDem EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/14/2009 01:25:58 PM Good point on the shout-out for Dennis O'Hayer.... The multple online streams is a nice idea and effort, but of course if I want to listen online I have many outlets. The sad truth is that I most often listen to NPR in the car, and more often than not find myself listening to NPR on XM Radio than to WABE. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/14/2009 02:56:11 PM It reminds me of race car drivers. Now they have to bring their own sponsors to a team. Lois must have some big sponsors. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/14/2009 08:34:54 PM While I'm not going to put all the onus all on one individual for their subpar performance, (as I think it's a collective, corporate decision), still we've got to wonder. How much does the slowest racing team on the NASCAR circuit make? For how long? And hey even Vandy has other teams that do reasonably well in SEC sports too. And yes, she may be an enduring institution here, but things do change a bit in 30 years, right? Literally anything interesting, progressive or 'forward' thinking or sounding in Classical music programming you might hear on WABE is bound to be coming from a national NPR network feed. Including the Opera. Which is actually saying quite a bit. It's like walking into a newsroom and hearing the clack of typewriters still. Under performing as ever, but yet somehow responsible for 'getting the job done'. And apparently just barely of course. Thank goodness for the network shows or we might as well be Missoula. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Not close to close BASENAME: not_close_to_close STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/14/2009 11:13:12 PM ----- BODY: icon_puzzle.jpgInteresting blurb from the NY Times Sunday Magazine about Georgia based polling firm Strategic Vision's alleged propensity for making stuff up. After The American Association for Public Opinion Research censured Strategic Vision in September, Nate Silver of wondered if there might be a way to check the legitimacy of polls after the fact. Turns out there is. Silver and others have developed methods for checking the veracity of polling data and, in the process, spawned a new field called Forensic Polling Analysis.
      Wondering if the company had anything to hide, Silver stayed up all night keying all of Strategic Vision's poll results over the last four years into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To test the polls, Silver made use of a statistical truism. As he puts it, "Tell a human to come up with a set of random numbers, and they will be surprisingly inept at trying to do so." They unwittingly fall into nonrandom patterns.
      Silver concluded that the firm's data were not random. "It's not close to random," he wrote. "It's not close to close."
      Related: Background on the Strategic Vision censure here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2009 04:41:04 AM I saw that come across on his (Nate's) site, and I also suspect that it's far from uncommon in too many contexts. But there's several high level mathematical tests that can be used to 'check' on such data and just how 'non random' they may be. But thanks for the notice. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Democratic cannibals BASENAME: democratic_cannibals STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/15/2009 12:25:46 AM ----- BODY: icon_hank_johnson.jpgThomas Wheatley has picked up a tidbit from Dick Pettys about an attempt by a "shadowy group of dignitaries" to recruit Vernon Jones to run against Congressman Hank Johnson in 2010. Johnson, who recently revealed to the AJC that he's battled hepatitis C since 1998, has voted with his Democratic colleagues 97.9% of the time during the current Congress. He's had very few missteps since 2007, and those were usually a result of leaning too far left, which is fine by me. Rumors have swirled around Vernon Jones for years that he's a closet Republican who is a mole within the Democratic Party. Given that Republican conservative Dick Pettys (wasn't he supposed to retire last year?), "broke" this story, maybe those "shadowy dignitaries" are actually Republican operatives. The alternative explanation is that some dumbass Democrats have gone rogue and are attempting to eat our own. Which, considering the complete lack of leadership within this party, is not only possible but probable. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2009 01:44:25 AM Consider me a first volunteer for Hank! Volunteered for him in 2006, glad to do it again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2009 04:46:36 AM One of the most welcome changes in our beleaguered Democratic Congressional delegation, actually. Competent & well liked, a work horse not a 'show boat', Hank will be tough to beat. Tougher now that he's got a record of performance too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2009 10:39:19 AM "Shadowy dignitaries" = Vernon himself planting the story. Vernon needs to go away. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2009 09:34:13 PM cause yeah, wooo there's nothing "shady" about ole Vernon... I'll volunteer for Congressman Johnson as well.. these folks don't know a good thing when they've got it.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Travis Fain EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2009 10:06:16 PM I have no idea what Dick's political affiliation is, but let's not pretend like he's not still the best political reporter covering state politics, even if it is from semi-retirement. Travis Fain The Macon Telegraph ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/16/2009 11:57:26 PM "Republican" Dick Pettys? What's that about? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 10:56:19 AM Travis, you'll discover some at BfD are highly suspicious of anyone who floats near the orbit of Insider Advantage. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 12:31:32 PM Grift, six years of reading Insider Advantage and James Magazine justify my suspicion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 01:19:16 PM Love ya, Mel! When do I get to see you out and about again? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2009 09:37:33 AM Mel and James: It does not take six years of reading Insider Advantage and James to know their political bias (and bias is a weak word; affiliation or spokesman might be more accurate). Six weeks or less will do. But I do not paint Dick Pettys with a brush of association. I followed Dick's writing while he was with the AP and now do so with InsiderAdvantage and, until about a year ago, read his work in James; I correspond with him fairly regularly; and also I talk with him both in person and on the phone from time to time. I have never detected even a slight hint or sensed any vibe that would lead me to conclude that he was a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter, whether liberal, moderate or otherwise). He is first and foremost a damn good and experienced reporter. Travis is not in left field to note that he is "still the best political reporter covering state politics, even if it is from semi-retirement." My same comments, personal associations and impressions also apply to Tom Baxter who also is now associated with an InsiderAdvantage publication (Tom of course has different prior employment affiliations than Dick). Tom is noted in a post I did yesterday on my blog. Mel, I am glad you did a strikeout of the word Republican in front of Dick's name. If either he or Tom Baxter are Republicans, they are closet Republicans, and damn sure have had me fooled me for a long time. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Delinquent dozen Democrats BASENAME: delinquent_dozen_democrats STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/15/2009 12:31:04 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_assclown.jpgOn December 1, Atlanta Unfiltered (not to be confused with Georgia Unfiltered which seems to be publishing again), reported that twelve elected Democrats and two Democratic candidates had failed to file required financial disclosure statements in 2008. Yesterday, the site reported four of the twelve legislators have filed 2008 financial disclosures -- 5 months late. Those that remain to comply are: State Senate: Valencia Seay (D-Riverdale) Steve Thompson (D-Marietta) State House of Representatives: * Roger Bruce (D-Atlanta) Bob Bryant (D-Garden City) Ron Dodson (D-Lake City) * Winfred Dukes (D-Albany) * David Lucas (D-Macon) William Quincy Murphy (D-Augusta) Jay Shaw (D-Lakeland) Al Williams (D-Midway) * denotes delinquency for 2007 as well as 2008. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2009 08:14:03 AM The penalty is a $75? Good grief. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2009 12:57:37 PM Come on Dems! This is the one major issue Ralston has! Just hire an accountant, note, it should not be a relative if you plan on paying this person out of any type of political fund. ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: You Tell 'Em, Howie! BASENAME: you_tell_em_howie STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/15/2009 03:05:22 PM ----- BODY: Howard Dean says kill the Senate bill and start over. Amen.
      This is essentially the collapse of health care reform in the United States Senate. Honestly the best thing to do right now is kill the Senate bill, go back to the House, start the reconciliation process, where you only need 51 votes and it would be a much simpler bill.
      Personally, I'd also like to see Dr. Dean take on Joe Lieberman in a Ultimate Fighting-style cage match. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2009 04:01:50 PM Huzzah! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 10:50:44 AM David Sirota on why the Dems in the Senate are now terrified of Howard Dean....again... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Georgia fails to hear Gideon's trumpet BASENAME: georgia_fails_to_hear_gideons STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/15/2009 10:39:45 PM ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for blog_icon_jail2.jpgOn the same day Donald Gates was released from prison after DNA exonerated him (28 years too late), the Southern Center for Human Rights filed suit against the State for "its failure to provide counsel for nearly 200 convicted indigent defendants who do not have lawyers to represent them in their appeals."
      "The Constitution and state law require that indigent defendants in Georgia be provided with counsel at every critical stage of a criminal prosecution, including the motion for new trial and direct appeal. Appeals are a critical safeguard to ensure that convictions are constitutional and the right to counsel is no less important on appeal than it is at trial. It is inexcusable for some of our plaintiffs to have been incarcerated for years without counsel when the law could not be clearer," said Lauren Sudeall Lucas, staff attorney at SCHR. "The Constitution has to be a line item in the State's budget."
      For those who think post-conviction appeals aren't important, tell that to Donald Gates. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/18/2009 10:05:14 PM 'Cause I hate these 'orphan' posts, and it's a universal problem. Some relevant discussion heard here earlier today on Valerie Jackson's 'Between the lines' Program: December 18, 2009 Amy Bach, author of Ordinary Justice: How America Holds Court Macmillan Books "From an award-winning lawyer-reporter, a radically new explanation for America’s failing justice system. The stories of grave injustice are all too familiar: the lawyer who sleeps through a trial, the false confessions, the convictions of the innocent. Less visible is the chronic injustice meted out daily by a profoundly defective system. In a sweeping investigation that moves from small-town Georgia to upstate New York, from Chicago to Mississippi, Amy Bach reveals a judicial process so deeply compromised that it constitutes a menace to the people it is designed to serve. Here is the public defender who pleads most of his clients guilty; the judge who sets outrageous bail for negligible crimes; the prosecutor who brings almost no cases to trial; the court that works together to achieve a wrong verdict. Going beyond the usual explanations of bad apples and meager funding, Bach identifies an assembly-line approach that rewards shoddiness and sacrifices defendants to keep the court calendar moving, and she exposes the collusion between judge, prosecutor, and defense that puts the interests of the system above the obligation to the people. It is time, Bach argues, to institute a new method of checks and balances that will make injustice visible-the first and necessary step to any reform. Amy Bach, a member of the New York bar, has written on law for The Nation, The American Lawyer, and New York magazine, among other publications". JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Why MoveOn sucks: BASENAME: why_moveon_sucks STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/16/2009 07:42:16 PM ----- BODY: I got this email from MoveOn today:
      Dear MoveOn member (ah the lure of a free bumper sticker), It's outrageous: Joe Lieberman is single-handedly blocking our best chance at strong health care reform in years!
      Above they list the problem. And here, drum roll please, is their "solution":
      In less than 24 hours MoveOn members have donated an astounding $650,000 to send Lieberman home for good. That's awesome--thank you! Now we're aiming to raise $1 million together. If we can hit that goal, we'll have the resources to make sure every voter in Connecticut knows that Senator Lieberman has been standing in the way of reform and to push Senate Democrats to take away his chairmanship.
      That'll take at least 86 donations from Atlanta--can you chip in $5? [deleted histrionics] Thanks for all you do. -Nita, Carrie, Wes, Steven, and the rest of the team
      Why this is idiotic, after the jump. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Just so we are all clear, Moveon wants to "make sure every voter in Connecticut knows that Senator Lieberman has been standing in the way of reform and to push Senate Democrats to take away his chairmanship" in order to stop Lieberman from "single handedly" blocking health care reform. Lieberman ain't my favorite Nutmegger, (obviously Prudence Crandall, why are we even discussing it?), but he was reelected in 2006 after a well funded Democratic challenger beat him in the primary, and so he is not up again until 2012. That's three years from now and after the mid-terms! So letting people in Connecticut know Lieberman is blocking a bill in 2009 does nothing towards that election, and puts no pressure on him at all. The second half of that sentence has to do with putting pressure on the Senate leadership to remove him from his chair. How the hell is that going to make him less likely to vote against the health care bill? And what does telling "every voter" in Connecticut do for that? Oh and also, there are 3.4 million people in Connecticut, how are you going to reach them, not by mail, 1 million cannot even pay that postage. TV? There are at least 4 major media markets in Connecticut, and the one that reaches the most people is *&^%*&%$*&*()& New York City. How much air time you think you are going to buy in NYC, MoveON? And if you do, who is that really going to benefit? Only you; it will just stimulate more people to contribute, so what you really want to do is have these poor 86 people in Atlanta fund your advertising campaign to get more Northeastern Contributions, while we suffer under Chambliss, who thinks he lives in Mississippi, and Isakson (who IS up for reelection). 1 million dollars they want. Keep in mind that Connecticut has tons of money since all the high paid insurance company people with their million dollar bonuses live there, but they want 86 folks from Atlanta to fund this project. This is a Connecticut discussion about which DEMOCRATIC Senator they want, because they aren't going to elect a Republican (none in Congress from that State). If MoveON wanted to actually move the needle, they would take money from Connecticut, super safe Democratic Senator, and put it into States where there are Republican Senators which could be Democratic ones. Because Joe ain't "single handedly" blocking health care, there are 40 other people along there with him. Two of whom are here in Georgia. Consider this my unsubscribe email. I will be sending your free bumper sticker back another way. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/16/2009 11:50:47 PM Our glorious 'teaparty', and a decade or slightly more on about as relevant, petulant & logical as ever. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Something to do while we wait for the election results for Speaker BASENAME: something_to_do_while_we_wait STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/17/2009 10:58:13 AM ----- BODY: UPDATE: Rep. David Ralston wins contest for Speaker of the GA House of Representatives. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: Lady Gaga, silliness, Christmas songs ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 11:11:48 AM LMAO, awesome Jules, thanks! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 11:29:33 AM A copy editor is so needed at the Gold Dome liveblog... "Update 11:15 a.m. Rep. Wendell Willard (R-Sandy Springs) is offering a few words in nomination of Wendell Willard. “He’s a man of great honor.”" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Juliana EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 11:33:09 AM Wendell- really...he was involved in fistacuffs during his committee meeting at the end of the session.. a "man of great honor" indeed-that is until Mike J has to break it up... lol ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 11:35:52 AM ugh, already bored with the speaker liveblogging - YAWN ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 12:14:01 PM Not nearly as entertaining as Nita's live blogs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 12:36:46 PM Oh look, they're doing it too, only with more mentions of God. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 01:19:30 PM Status copy from FB. So Georgia Democrats mis getting a great target for Speaker of the House and I'm kind of sad about that. And then I realized, wait a second, the Democrats wouldn't have been able to do anything with it anyway. So on the whole, I remain apathetic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 02:37:25 PM The DPG just sent a press release that actually resonates, for a change: House Republicans' new choice for Speaker doesn’t pay his taxes, but wants to spend yours ATLANTA - With their choice of David Ralston as their nominee for Speaker of the House, Republicans have shown the taxpayers that for all of their talk of ethics, the House Republican Caucus is only interested in preserving the status quo. Ralston's nomination should bring a host of new questions about his record and interests to the forefront. Like millions of Georgians, David Ralston does not like April 15th. However, unlike Ralston, most of us do the right thing and pay what we owe. Ralston doesn’t pay his taxes, but he wants to spend yours. In 2003, he was forced to pay more than $35,000 in unpaid taxes dating back to 1999. By 2006, the problem had become so bad that the IRS placed a tax lien against him for more than $400,000 in unpaid taxes dating back ten years. As recently as last year, he still had not learned his lesson and was forced to pay nearly $12,000 in unpaid taxes from 2006. Lucky for Ralston, he had friends in high places. When calls for him to be stripped of his seat as Chairman of the House Non-Civil Judiciary Committee reached now-discredited House Speaker Glenn Richardson, Richardson said "…I am going to do everything I can to help him be successful." That, of course, included letting Ralston keep his spot as Chairman. "What the House Republicans seem to be banking on is that just about anybody's record will compare favorably to Glenn Richardson's," said Democratic Party of Georgia Chair Jane Kidd. "What this election proves is that Glenn Richardson wasn't the only rotten apple in the Republican caucus. Indeed, they seem to have a hard time finding a good apple." "This is just more of the same from Georgia Republicans," said Kidd. "It shows their dedication not to reform, but to sweeping their ethical problems under the rug and moving ahead with their dangerous special-interest agenda. The leader may have changed, but the culture of corruption remains the same." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2009 05:11:49 PM Speaking of corrupt, Jim Trafficant wants a comeback. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/18/2009 04:56:31 AM Better vid here: Hayden Wright: Drunk, Cross Dressing 4-Year-Old Steals Neighbors Christmas Presents: Perhaps in attempt to break into Jail to see dad. (VIDEO)//Chattanooga, TN. The kids obviously got a future in politics. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: PaulaG TITLE: Go, Howie, Go! BASENAME: go_howie_go STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/18/2009 10:53:16 AM ----- BODY: David Sirota, Friend of BfD, says:
      I want to take a moment just to recognize what has been recognized before, but needs to be recognized right here and now one more time: Howard Dean is a genuine hero. In coming out against the Lieberman-gutted health insurance "reform" bill, Dean is leveraging every shred of power he can muster to create the political space for the final bill - whether passed now, or later after going back to the drawing board - to be better and more progressive. He has made a compelling case that the bill "would do more harm than good," as he says in his Washington Post op-ed today - and in doing that he has made the power struggle between Joe Lieberman's Palpatinian forces of insurance/drug industry darkness and the progressive movement far more symmetrical.
      Besides being right on the money, I love that David uses the adjective Palpatinian. Nerd Power! h/t Tim! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/18/2009 12:39:36 PM How the fuck is dude a hero? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/18/2009 12:52:10 PM I love it that now when you google "Palpatinian", this site pops up on the first page. Thanks Paula for raising our nerd stock. Seriously, it's a shame Howie had to be the one to call it out, but he's right. Better to start over than polish the Lieberman turd. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/18/2009 12:57:03 PM IRE - I respectfully suggest that you, as they say on the internets, RTFA. If you still disagree, then go ahead and explain why. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/18/2009 01:20:44 PM Because it is hardly heroic for someone who commands a following of liberal donors who very likely don't support this bill to speak out against it. I might, *MIGHT* give him credit if his employer was saying "speak out or we will fire you and pursue legal action etc" or if people being beaten in the streets for speaking out against it (you know, what would constitute acts of heroism) but neither are happening. So no hero. Issuing a press release needs to be something truly above and beyond ordinary to be even classified as heroic. Now hero worshiping, that's a different topic and this thread has it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2009 05:26:06 PM I had to look up Palpatinian. Apparently Star Wars has passed me by. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2009 01:43:02 AM Yep, Sirota proved right here as did Duncan Black & Digby who predicted that Lieberman would do anything to PO 'liberals' backing the bill, even if he had previously backed the exact same provisions for years. Cause that's how the game is played. 'Holy Joe' probably not only double crossed his Senate colleagues on his prior commitments, but probably went further and triple crossed them. And yes, that's possible. So there literally was nothing left to do but try and push back hard from the left. The result? Strangely enough, we got our first coherent, clear & honest appraisal of the bill as a work of policy in the entire, oh nearly long debate. Thoroughly adult & wonky as it was nasty & ugly at times. But mostly? It was respectful & actually edifying & instructive. A rare peek at some vanishingly rare rational debate in an age of screaming invective. And yes, that was desperately needed, and probably for a very long time too. Now successfully dodging bullets in Fallujah is not the only path to manly courage, and some days going up against Rahm & the whole dizzy WH crew might do it, but it really, desperately needed to be done by someone. And by someone with enough cred to 'get it done' too. I think it hurried things along down the path. That and the slipping time limit. So yes, people can describe you as heroic for doing something inherently useful against the tides of the opinion of the day. Especially when it's up against the 'official' opinions of the Village/Beltway elites who'd dearly want this thing either killed or 'failed', again. Proof positive that BHO 'isn’t all that' and he really should have listened to them & 'been more humble & respectful'. (Whatever that actually means, but I've heard it oh so many times by the 'opinion elites'). And yes dear hearts we've come close enough to death to realize that there might be an advantage to even 'somewhat living'. Optimal solutions? Don't exist in politics mostly. Not down here & not in DC. Successful policies & programs might take decades of hard work to carefully craft & hordes of active & involved supporters to defend them against the forces of reaction & hate while the edifice is being built & occupied. It is ever thus. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2009 01:48:16 AM In the 2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph that should have read: "Strangely enough, we got our first coherent, clear & honest appraisal of the bill as a work of policy in the entire, oh nearly 2 year long debate". Sorry for any confusion. And yes, I know I'm actually off by about 100 years too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2009 01:26:24 PM Howard co-wrote a book with my CAP colleagues faiz and igor basically declaring that any bill without a public option is not worth passing. Now that he's come out with this stand, everyone at CAP (which has fallen to supporting the bill) and the White House and the DC circuit has turned Howard into a pariah. It very well is heroic. You guys aren't here in the beltway and seeing the stuff Dean is facing for this. It's very heroic, whether you agree with him or not. As for speaking out and they'll fire you, well that's what I'm doing right now oddly enough isn't it? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2009 02:05:17 PM No Z, you're reporting on how & why Howard Dean spoke out. Which is a bit less heroic. But the 'public option' as included had its severe problems too. The simple Medicare buy in was actually a decided improvement here. But when seen as needed perhaps several years down the road, after the evidence of the operation of the whole system comes into better focus, it'll be hopefully more acceptable to start anew & with a much stronger conception of the concept. Giving them (AHIP) the room to fail might be the better part of wisdom here, when dealing with the results. But yes, that was much less acceptable than a real public option, which was really unlikely to pass the Senate with the 60 votes now needed. Reconciliation should have been the 2 track solution here, but we'd probably still be at this way into the next year too with that track. And you'll likely need to be piloting some drones to get the same quality heroics as Dean as fast. But hey, there's an escalation on for the Hols too! Merry Merry & all that! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2009 02:48:22 PM I never have any idea what you're talking about. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/20/2009 11:53:59 PM Zaid, I am surprised that someone is employing you. I am not surprised you think you are heroic. I would be surprised if anyone else thought you were. It is always the easier thing to not support a bill like this; just like the stimulus, all the risk is in supporting it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 10:26:26 AM "You guys aren't here in the beltway" No and I'm probably better off for it. Later dudes, off to a week in the redneck riviera. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 11:32:57 AM MOTS I always know what that guy's talking about, on the other hand. I also know he's an ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 11:35:26 AM Um, comparing this to the stimulus is kinda lame. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 11:46:38 AM To clarify, I called you an ass because I've spent the last 6 months of my life working about ten hours a day to get a good health bill passed, so I don't want to be lectured by some monday morning you know whats ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 12:43:08 PM I'm just wondering how many times and in how many ways will Howie have to be proven right before someone asswipe in Washington (yeah I'm talking about you Rahm) has an epiphany and thinks maybe we should do what he says because he's always right and we always end up having to do what he says when we're correcting our mistakes that wouldn't have happened if we had just listened in the first place. Wow. That sentence is so long... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 06:44:14 PM There is important protections for working people in that bill. People need the support that bill provides to get health insurance. I think it is pretty clear you will not be able to do better this session or maybe at all in the near future. There are people without health insurance and this will help that. Of course, many more people die from medical negligence than not having health insurance... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 07:10:07 PM Hey MOTS I'm really happy, and Imma let you finish, but there's this thing called conference committee that produces a bill that can't be filibustered that is the best thing ever! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 08:53:41 PM you think you will get the public option in through the conference committee? I doubt that, but if you do, then fair play to you. Well done. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2009 09:42:30 PM Yeah I'm with Ruby D here. Dean's a prophet w/o a proper audience inside the beltway evidently. Always has been actually. It's amazing he's lasted this long in the deep miasma. And if Z thinks he can find a way to magically smuggle in the enchanted racing ponies & the public option and Not have it all blow up when it needs to be voted on again by the Senate? That would be a fine trick indeed. And something no one has evidently seen as a likely possibility. Despite many many folks outside the beltway also 'thinking hard' about getting a better HCR bill enacted. You know all those evidently lesser minds & folks who might know some real legislative history here & have worked in past 'activist' administrations? The ones who've studied the issue for longer than you've been drawing breath? The ones who were fighting these battles while you were blissfully napping in a crib someplace? Yeah, all those multi-degreed, talented, smart folks who just happen to not get paid for their political opinions? Yeah them. They'll still want to lecture you. Then there's the Uninformed lot too! Get used to it. And oh, BTW? Most of those self same DFH's who were prescient & mostly right about the Iraq war? Yeah, decidedly Non Beltway denizens. But surely, they're also to a person certainly less heroic and 'knowledgeable' that yourself. Because why? Remind us again. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2009 04:11:52 AM News Note: 107 yo Ann Nixon Cooper from Atl passes. Via the DailyKos & CNN. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2009 04:32:28 PM Am I an evil beltway insider or am I a wild-eyed DFH who realizes the obvious truth that there's two chambers of congress, a conference committee, and a reconciliation process for a weak-ass public option (the best we can seem to get)? Make up your minds dudes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2009 04:39:16 PM I don't know. Maybe you're a proto-bourgeois counter-culture elitist urban farmer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2009 06:17:51 PM probably heres my christmas present to Obama ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/25/2009 03:52:12 PM I'm quite serious, they are going to instigate a genuine civil war! This is freaking treason and they are freaking traitors! I think many of you have never believed it possible, but it is now not only possible, it's becoming dare I say, "likely!" I'm seeing the things that they have snuck back into this bill including the death panels, they know that this thing will kill seniors, and not just a few here and a few there, but across the board! They of course are exempted from having to comply with their own law.... This is a coup de'tat ... MOAR! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: John Barrow 2009's 2nd Least Valuable House Democrat BASENAME: john_barrow_2009s_2nd_least_va STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/23/2009 09:40:24 AM ----- BODY: I can hear you saying, "2nd least valuable? Is there a list of these people somewhere?" In fact, yes, there is - Nate Silver has been at it again. Through some complicated math-like stuff I'm glad I don't have to personally understand, Nate scored reps on ten key votes versus what we should expect given the performance of the district. GA-12 is only D+1, but the numbers support what a lot of people here already believe - we're entitled to more party loyalty from Congressman Barrow than we get. (David Scott is also on this list, but that's because GA-13 is D+15. 'Nuff said.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2009 04:34:36 PM I remember IRE hilarious argued that he was more liberal than his district once. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2009 07:23:38 PM I did? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2009 07:24:47 PM Even if I did there are still several reasons that this doesn't prove or disprove how liberal he is in relation to his district. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2009 08:13:57 PM I just want the mf'er gone and people to stop rationalizing his behavior. At a time important legislation keeps squeaking by with 3 or 4 votes, we really can't have people behaving like this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2009 10:16:23 AM Barrow is a timid, self absorbed little man. I should start publishing his fund raising emails here. He thinks the earth revolves around him and that he's the "number one targeted Democrat in the Country". If only. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/24/2009 11:00:27 PM Barrow, you are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity! Oops, sorry, been watching one too many Pixar movies! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/26/2009 10:17:46 AM Two points: 1) Attack Barrow, fine, but fail to laud Marshall? He is the 17th most valuable democrat on that scale and not a word of praise? 2) Zaid, above, complains about "squeaking by with three or four votes". I am with him, but where is the attack of Kucinich? He voted against most of the bills studied, but Silver decides to omit him because they are liberal protest votes. But votes are votes, same from Kucinich's district as they are from Barrow's, but that's a solid blue district who should be helping us but is not pulling in the right direction. If fact, were he listed, Kucinich would be the LEAST valuable democrat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/26/2009 10:24:54 AM Oh, and in addition, voting against something that passes is pretty much fine, the legislation that does not pass would be more informative. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/26/2009 11:51:04 PM " If fact, were he listed, Kucinich would be the LEAST valuable democrat." The big different is that Dennis's no votes on big Dem. legislation are typically lefty protest votes. Before they even call a vote Pelosi makes sure they have all the votes that they need, so Dennis knows he can safely vote no in protest. Whereas Barrow is ideologically opposed and openly sides with the Republicans. Also, Dennis votes with Dems about 92% of the time, I believe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/27/2009 12:37:52 AM So what you are saying is that if Kucinich's vote were needed, he would vote the party line. I am not sure that's true. I assume you are also saying that if Barrow's were needed, he would not, and that's what they are measuring. I think that's strained reasoning. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/27/2009 07:24:05 AM *shrug* I didn't look closely at the "most valuable" list, and I didn't realize GA-8 was as bad as R+10. Go Jim, I guess. He's lucky SCHIP wasn't one of the test votes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/27/2009 04:53:04 PM "So what you are saying is that if Kucinich's vote were needed, he would vote the party line. I am not sure that's true. I assume you are also saying that if Barrow's were needed, he would not, and that's what they are measuring. I think that's strained reasoning." Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, and it's generally true (like when he voted for SCHIP the 2nd go round to override Bush's veto after voting against the first time because of the last-minute ditching of immigrant protections) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2009 09:22:54 PM One of the best things about this blog is Mel's comments. I do love 'em. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: THE WHITE IS A BASE COAT BASENAME: the_white_is_a_base_coat STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 12/26/2009 02:13:35 PM ----- BODY: Either two days (if you count the Poulan Weedeater Bowl) or Nine months, nine days, until kickoff (if you don't). Go Dogs, Sic'em! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/27/2009 12:13:45 PM I saw this guy at the Auburn game and yelled, "Yeahhh!!" at him and he looked at me and gave a depressed "Yeahhh!!" Look dude, if you don't want people recognizing you.. stop painting yourself like that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/27/2009 08:37:36 PM This now the top site on google for "white base coat". Congrats. Now DIY homepainters worldwide will be confused. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Kudzu Vine - Tonight! BASENAME: kudzu_vine_-_tonight STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/03/2010 01:36:45 PM ----- BODY: Welcome to 2010! Please join David, Tim and yours truly for the first Kudzu Vine of 2010. Tonight from 7PM-8PM we will talk with the two Democrats running for the special election for Senate District 22. Plus a brief discussion of the news that Judge Michael Johnson is launching a run against Congressman John Lewis. There may also be some predictions about the coming year. So, be sure to tune in live, or download later for a listen. That's Kudzu Vine on Blog Talk Radio. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2010 08:04:42 PM Sorry to have missed it live once again. Perhaps someone might comment on this recurring Ga. oddity: [Via the],-GA. "Obama effigy found hanging in Plains, GA. by joy sinha Obama effigy found hanging in Plains, GA. Sun Jan 03, 2010 at 01:54:02 PM PST According to Atlanta Journal Constitution, secret service is agency is investigating an effigy of President Barack Obama found hanging from a building in Plains, GA. Plains also happens to the hometown of former President Jimmy Carter. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan told The Associated Press that the large black doll was found Saturday morning along Main Street in the small town of Plains. According to footage from WALB-TV, the doll was hanging by a noose in front of a red, white and blue sign that says "Plains, Georgia. Home of Jimmy Carter, our 39th President." A witness told the television station that the doll wore a sign with Obama's name on it." Another thrilling start to the new year in Ga. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Steven Reed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2010 10:53:07 AM The news report Breaking News: New decade brings new book: Democracy it Don't Come Easy can be found at Please read , copy and send to others, blogs and media if you can! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2010 11:51:23 AM New decade and spammers still suck while having all the subtlety of a marching band. BTW: Stevie, good job listing losing as your top accomplishment. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Searching for nuance and balance in 2010. BASENAME: searching_for_nuance STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/04/2010 06:53:23 PM ----- BODY: Today my good buddy David Sirota tweeted a link to this piece, The Obama Disconnect: What Happens When Myth Meets Reality, a very thoughtful and well-crafted analysis of the first year of the Obama Presidency in relation to the Obama Candidacy. There is a lot to Micah Sifry's piece, and further insight in the comments. On the surface, Sifry seems critical of the Obama administrations abandonment of the hope and change themes of the Obama campaign.
      The truth is that Obama was never nearly as free of dependence on big money donors as the reporting suggested, nor was his movement as bottom-up or people-centric as his marketing implied. And this is the big story of 2009, if you ask me, the meta-story of what did, and didn't happen, in the first year of Obama's administration. The people who voted for him weren't organized in any kind of new or powerful way, and the special interests--banks, energy companies, health interests, car-makers, the military-industrial complex--sat first at the table and wrote the menu. Myth met reality, and came up wanting.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: To be fair, I have had my moments of despair over some of the actions President Obama has taken (or not) in this first year. But, ultimately, I believe that President Obama is on the path to better government. That path requires all of us to join him. I had hoped that the incredible support Candidate Obama received would not end once elected, but would morph into ongoing engagement in the poltiical process. In many ways it has. The Organzing for America groups brought some strength to the healtcare debate. Alas, not enough to secure the type of change many of us hoped for. The fact is, that unlike Candidate Obama, President Obama must represent and advocate for all Americans. Even the Uber-Righty with the "NoBama" bumpersticker and the Uber-Lefty who wants a complete end to all war. Politics is truly a game of compromise. Does the left feel like we were over-compromised? Sure. But, the right does too. This is where nuance and balance become the things to search for in which to find solace. Millions of government documents, never before revealed were released last week. For the first time, a sitting US President attended talks about global environmental impact (albiet with disappointing results). Health care reform (or whatever you want to call it) is likely to pass both chambers in the coming weeks. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is making the international rounds in an effort to re-establish our reputation on the global stage. Has the reality met the myth? Probably not. There is still work to do. Thus begins 2010. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Who loves you now Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed? BASENAME: who_loves_you_now_atlanta_mayo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/05/2010 01:16:24 AM ----- BODY: icon_kasim_reed.jpgYesterday, Kasim Reed was sworn in as the 59th Mayor of Atlanta. I didn't attend the ceremony, but several people texted to let me know our new Mayor promised to reform the broken permitting process! The full transcript is here, but here's the bit that made me swoon:
      While the challenges that we face are unprecedented, so are the opportunities. We will make sure functions like the permitting process in this City are not a source of frustration, but rather a source of growth. That is why in my first year in office we will completely reform the City's permitting process once and for all. It will be more efficient and easy to use. By embracing business and giving business the opportunity to embrace us back, we will take responsibility to continue the legacy of our past.
      Throughout his excellent speech, our new Mayor said all the right things:
      Second, I want to acknowledge that the city government has a responsibility to its citizens to perform the business of government, in an open, ethical and professional manner. We must also create a culture of customer service that competes with the service quality of those stellar companies that call Atlanta home. It is not enough to say we must do better, we must actually do better. Whether it is taking care of that pothole in your street or answering your questions when you call, every encounter with an employee or official of the City of Atlanta must be one that inspires confidence and gets results.
      Best of everything to you Mayor. We're all counting on you to be great. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Lucy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 03:18:56 PM MY BELOVED MAYOR I DID NOT KNOW ANY OTHER WAY TO CONTACT YOU, BUT I LOVED THAT SOMEONE ON THE NEWS (A REGULAR PERSON LIKE I) HAD REQUESTED THAT YOU LOOK INTO WATER BILLS IN ATL, YES I THINK THEY ARE WORSE THAN THE CREDIT COMPANIES NOW. THE BILLS ARE SO HIGH AND ONE SUCH COMPANY CALLED ONE POINTE TECHNOLOGIES CHARGES A LATE FEE OF 20 DOLLARS IF A BILL IS PAID LATE, THIS IS SOMETIMES MORE THAN 50% OF OUR BILLS. PLEASE HELP US THEY ARE RIPPING US OFF AND WE DO NOT KNOW WHERE TO TURN ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Failing upwards BASENAME: failing_upwards STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/05/2010 12:15:16 AM TAGS: douche,gagop,"whitey whiterson" ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2010 05:03:41 PM Teehee. Being an asshole makes you famous. Can you imagine if erickson were actually funny how much press he'd get? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2010 07:11:05 PM I can't bear to watch. Someone please tell me that Colbert takes him down. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2010 07:15:16 PM Colbert doesn't really take people down, he just points out their shortcomings and agrees with them. Erickson is sort of boring but Colbert points out his idiotic twitter comments. You can watch it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2010 12:10:02 PM The "douche" tag doesn't work. Which somehow makes it even funnier. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2010 12:46:44 PM I do appreciate him bringing up EE's comments on Justice Souter twice. You know that Mr. Redstate was expecting it once, but I think Colbert said it twice just to rub it in. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: A Semester Later, G.I. Bill Still Backlogged BASENAME: a_semester_later_gi_bill_still STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/05/2010 07:18:16 PM TAGS: "GI Bill",military ----- BODY: GIBillStamp.jpgAlthough I still believe that Jim Webb-sponsored Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 is one of the greatest bills passed this past decade, it's painful to see such a good program so mired in delay and inefficiency. Rep. Harry Mitchell of Arizona says enough is enough, especially considering the revelation that apparently some of the service members that are getting paid aren't getting paid the right amount.
      Rep. Harry Mitchell, D-Ariz., chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee's oversight and investigations panel, said he is "disappointed" with VA's performance in the fall semester, which left 26,000 people still waiting for benefits when classes ended. VA officials said most of those 26,000 veterans have now been paid. But VA's Jan. 4 report on pending benefits claims shows that more than 48,000 Post-9/11 GI Bill claims are still being processed. Some of those could be for the spring semester. "With a second semester only weeks away, I believe the situation remains unacceptable," Mitchell said in a letter to VA, in which he noted he continues to get complaints about long waits. "The confusion and uncertainty about when checks will arrive, coupled with the need to meet immediate expenses, is adding stress to veterans at a time when many are already struggling with [post-traumatic stress disorder]," Mitchell said. Mitchell, a former high school teacher, said one of the most worrisome things he has heard is that some veterans are talking about not attending college because of benefit problems.
      Ambitious programs aren't always problem-free, but considering the cost of higher-education, I hope that the Veterans Administration et al. is able rectify this as soon as possible. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2010 08:20:27 PM Frustrating. really everyone (and by everyone, I mean most people, and by most people, I mean people that score highly enough on standardized tests) should be able to go to college for free, but at the very least we should allow for veterans to go. I have guest taught some college classes and the ex-Army people are on point and prepared. They really deserve to be there, and we should encourage that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2010 12:01:32 AM Thanks Jason, Still more frustrating on the underlying economics lately: Via Felix Salmon's Reuters blog: "The costs and benefits of grad school Jan 7, 2010 15:43 EST academe I’m a great believer in the benefits of an undergraduate education when it’s done right (which is rarely). But grad school is a different matter entirely: the opportunity costs are much higher, the amount of debt involved rises substantially, and the range of jobs you can do at the end of it in many ways goes down rather than up". Follow the link for the disturbing graphs & stats. Not anything new to many. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Chris Dodd is out... BASENAME: chris_dodd_is_out STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/06/2010 12:35:36 AM ----- BODY: Chris Dodd, Senator from Countrywide, will not be running for reelection. Grand. Did you know he used to date Carrie Fisher, like, before she went insane? It's true. dodd_fisher.jpg Maybe it just wasn't fun anymore without Teddy. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2010 12:57:56 AM Beat New York Times by 25 minutes. Boom goes the dynamite. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kyle Bailey EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2010 07:05:35 AM Dodd was cleared of any wrongdoing by the Senate Ethics Committee regarding the Countrywide mortgage. He made a few additional missteps lately, but he's also been behind the passage of almost every progressive piece of legislation for the last 30 years along with Ted Kennedy. He should be commended for this move to retire, which gives Democrats the upper hand in this year's Senate race. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2010 10:27:53 AM Back in the day Carrie Fisher was hot. And I think we all (should have) learned a lesson here recently about getting cleared of wrongdoing by a Senate Ethics Committee. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2010 04:32:20 PM Polling shows that what was an upside down race for Dodd (losing by 10 points to three potential challengers) is now a 20+ favored retention for Connecticut's AG who has been waiting in the wings forever for a promotion. He did this for the good of the party. The dream scenario for Democrats would be for Dodd to potentially come back against Lieberman in 2012, when Dodd fatigue will have probably subsided (and maybe like Kyle people will look back at all the good things he helped accomplish). ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Me-ouch BASENAME: me-ouch STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/07/2010 09:28:45 PM ----- BODY: DuBose Porter statement on Roy Barnes' latest campaign disclosure
      Dublin -- "No one has ever questioned his ability to raise money. While he has been dialing for dollars, I have been out working and listening to the voices of the people. I have been asking Georgians for their concerns while he has been asking for their cash. We have already seen what happened between a big money versus a grassroots campaign and I have choosen to run a grassroots campaign," said DuBose Porter, candidate for Governor.
      Porter's statement was in response to Roy's (who's gone all Madonna this cycle and now only uses one name), announcement below the fold. ----- EXTENDED BODY:
      ROY 2010 RAISES OVER $2.7 MILLION DURING RECENT REPORTING PERIOD Over two-thirds of Roy 2010's donors are first time contributors to Barnes Marietta, GA - Roy 2010, Roy Barnes' campaign for Governor, announced today that it raised over $2.7 during the last half of 2009. Over two-thirds of Roy 2010's donors are first time contributors to Barnes. Even though he joined the race late, during the last several months, Barnes has visited more than 60 counties throughout Georgia as a part of his listening tour of the state. He has heard from local officials, teachers, and business and labor leaders about how they want to change the direction of the state and reestablish a clear vision for a better Georgia. As a result, more than 90% of Barnes' contributors are in-state donors, with more than half of those donors having contributed less than $500. "The enthusiasm that we are seeing as we travel across Georgia is incredible," says Roy 2010 Campaign Manager Chris Carpenter. "Folks in every corner of the state are excited about our campaign and about Roy's message - and I think it shows in our fundraising numbers and level of interest in Roy's campaign. "Over the course of this campaign, Roy has met many friends - old and new - and has had the opportunity to learn about the multitude of issues that Georgians are facing in these tough times. He is energized, inspired, and ready to keep the momentum going in 2010." When he started the campaign, Roy said he would not accept contributions from registered Georgia lobbyists. The $2.7 million raised includes no such money.
      ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2010 07:28:12 AM you think the "Roy" thing is to distance himself from the Boot Barnes thing? Poor DuBose...he can't become Speaker so he runs for Gov...which he won't win either. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Disclosures, Disclosures, Disclosures BASENAME: disclosures_disclosures_disclo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/09/2010 03:37:29 PM ----- BODY: UPDATED: Included All loans received this reporting period The latest campaign disclosures are slowing coming in. Buzz Brockway is doing a great job compiling Google Docs for competitive districts for the State Senate and State House. I will pull out some of his data for some key races, but will list disclosure amounts for the Statewide contests. Total Raised to Date/Total Raised in 4th quarter 2009/Expenditures to Date/Cash on Hand Governor: Democrat: - Thurbert Baker - $1,382,547 / $670,022 / $495,408 / $874,564 - Roy Barnes - $2,719,028 / $2,719,028 / $470,624 / $2,230,595 - Carl Camon - $3,403 / $3,403 / $3,390 / $12.84 - DuBose Porter - $387,423 / $155,673 / $69,629 / $303,807 - David Poythress - $679,437 / $207,429 / $398,911 / $264,353 (* $50,000 loan) Republican: - Jeff Chapman - $79,090 / $79,090 / $61,256 / $17,833 - Nathan Deal - $1,875,666 / $638,479 / $898,453 / $940,275 - Karen Handel - $1,000,611 / $559,976 / $506,974 / $439,998 - Eric Johnson - $1,695,683 / $726,362 / $343,589 / $1,300,032 - Ray McBerry - No 4th quarter report yet - John Oxedine - $3,008,044 / $1,550,562 / $767,293 / $2,202,422 (* $250,000 loan) - Austin Scott - $432,562 / $232,442 / $244,131 / $159,052 (* $110,000 loan) Libertarian: John Monds - $21,234 / $10,077 / $19,811 / $1,423 ----- EXTENDED BODY: ******* Lt. Governor: Democrat: - No candidates have filed for this seat Republican: - Casey Cagle (Incumbent) - $6,810,214 / $579,601 / $5,842,668 / $783,079 - David Shafer - $173,365 / $0 / $26,381 / $142,634 Other Party: - Michel Weeks - No 4th quarter report yet ******* Attorney General: Democrat: - Ken Hodges - $376,304 / $251,981 / $93,574 / $271,016 - Rob Teilhet - $357,554 / $150,023 / $101,823 / $249,773 Republican: - William Ligon, Jr - $33,819 / $33,819 / $30,151 / $3,667 - Sam Olens - $449,495 / $262,986 / $142,276 / $305,289 - Frank Wood - $66,035 / $66,035 / $16,029 / $49,255 (*5,000 loan) ******* Secretary of State: Democrat: - Gail Buckner - No 4th quarter report yet - Darryl Hicks - No 4th quarter report yet - Gary Horlacher - $280,319 / $112,690 / $12,120 / $266,358 (* $100,000 loan) - Michael Mills - $15,031 / $15,031 / $12,924 / $305 - Angela Moore - $20,164 / $20,164 / $7,985 / $11,179 (*$15,000 loan) Republican: - Brian Kemp - $271,234 / $271,234 / $11,509 / $255,660 - Doug MacGinnitie - $815,894 / $555,021 / $104,131 / $704,592 (*$430,000 loan) ******* Insurance Commissioner: Democrat: - Mary Squires - $103,868 / $50,776 / $45,879 / $50,357 Republican: - Seth Harp - $78,585 / $54,685 / $33,403 / $45,181 - Ralph Hudgens - $362,952 / $281,161 / $74,937 / $285,422 - Thomas Knox - $116,556 / $116,556 / $9,081 / $100,843 (* $78,000 loan) - Harold Logsdon - $55,035 / $33,772 / $33,180 / $14,979 (* $6,436 loan) - Stephen Northington - $64,960 / $13,490 / $41,227 / $3,361 - Gerald Purcell - $116,421 / $20,959 / -$44,941 / $73,206 (* $82,500 loan) - Frances Maria Sheffield - $106,254 / $106,254 / $18,464 / $86,995 ******* Agricultural Commissioner: Democrat: - No candidates have filed for this seat Republican: - Gary Black - $217,205 / $62,815 / $102,902 / $110,692 - John Wilkinson - $38,183 / $9,526 / $38,183 / $0 (* $9,526 loan) ******* School Superintendent: Democrat: - Beth Farokhi - $37,280 / $37,280 / $5,984 / $30,903 (* $16,500 loan) - Brian Westlake - $12,630 / $6,966 / $5,854 / $5,302 Republican: - Kathy Cox (Incumbent) - $89,001 / $53,047 / $36,212 / $38,856 - Roger Hines - $20,935 / $20,935 / $17,418 / $3,516 - Richard Woods - $5,705 / $1,511 / $2,558 / $2,932 ******* Labor Commissioner: Democrat: - Michael Thurmond (Incumbent) - No 4th quarter report yet Republican: - Melvin Emerson - $42,993 / $16,229 / $19,353 / $21,901 ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: GALiberalsExist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2010 09:28:47 PM Looks like you pulled Cagle's Gov. campaign numbers, not his Lt. Gov. campaign... he has far more. Poythress and Porter have filed too now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2010 09:31:41 PM thanks ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Jill Chambers destroyed in most recent disclosure filings BASENAME: jill_chambers_destroyed_in_mos STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/09/2010 11:39:21 AM ----- BODY: From the Elena Parent for Desuckifying House 81 Files:
      Parent raises $80,200 in House District 81 bid Ashford Park Democrat outraises entrenched incumbent Chambers by $73,290
      Atlanta - Ashford Park resident Elena Parent reported $80,200 raised late Friday in her first financial disclosure since launching her campaign to challenge State Rep. Jill Chambers, R-Dunwoody, in House District 81. "I'm so grateful to all the people who have stepped up to support my campaign," Parent said of her 332 individual donors. "Successful political campaigns need to have both the ability to raise money and spend it wisely. I will continue to run a campaign that does both." The 34-year-old leads all non-incumbent Georgia House candidates in both total money raised and cash on hand, with hers standing at $74,208 at the end of the Dec. 31 disclosure period.
      Suck it, Jill. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Tonight! Live from the Wild Hog Supper. BASENAME: tonight_live_from_the_wild_hog STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/10/2010 11:03:04 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_pig.jpg Tune in to Kudzu Vine tonight for reports and interviews live from the Georgia Freight Depot. Kudzu Vine host, David McLaughlin and co-host, Tim Shifltett will be strolling the Wild Hog Supper with reports from legislators and other attendees. Between live reports we will also discuss the recent year-end financial disclosures from Georgia; the departure of party-switcher Parker Griffith's staff; Harold Ford's NY Senate dreams; and other hot topics. Tune in tonight at 7PM to the Kudzu Vine on Blog Talk Radio. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Tonight! Live from the Wild Hog Supper. BASENAME: tonight_live_from_the_wild_hog_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/10/2010 11:03:04 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_pig.jpg Tune in to Kudzu Vine tonight for reports and interviews live from the Georgia Freight Depot. Kudzu Vine host, David McLaughlin and co-host, Tim Shifltett will be strolling the Wild Hog Supper with reports from legislators and other attendees. Between live reports we will also discuss the recent year-end financial disclosures from Georgia; the departure of party-switcher Parker Griffith's staff; Harold Ford's NY Senate dreams; and other hot topics. Tune in tonight at 7PM to the Kudzu Vine on Blog Talk Radio. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Live Blogging from the Gold Dome BASENAME: live_blogging_from_the_gold_do STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/11/2010 10:43:02 AM ----- BODY: 11:17 am: Burkhalter talking about Richardson resigning his house seat - "he's getting better". 11:19 am: Burkhalter says "thanks" for letting him serve as speaker for 10 days. 11:20 am: Burkhalter calling for the election of the Speaker Pro-Tem Republicans nominate: Jan Jones Democrats nominate: Kathy Ashe 11:30 am: Rep. Carolyn Hughley nominated Kathy Ashe 11:40 am: dozed off a bit while Jan Jones was giving her speech 11:42 am: Kathy Ashe brought up Milton County -- hmmm....Jan Jones not so much. Best Quote today from Ashe: "What would happen if we thought of our opponents as our creators beloved instead of hopeless idiots" Jan Jones wins 113 to 61... Jan Jones is the highest elected woman in the Georgia House history. So 13 Dems couldn't even vote together for this easy vote...ahhh unity. 11:53 Nominations for the Speaker of the House: Republicans nominate: David Ralston Democrats nominate: Calvin Smyre 12:00 pm: Dubose Porter is nominating Calvin. 12:04 pm: Very weird - David Ralston has decided not to speak and has given the remainder of his time to State Rep. Penny Houston to talk about David Ralston. Very weird. 12:06: Calvin Smyre has decided to speak cause you know he is running for House Speaker and doesn't need a sock puppet to tell why he should win. Calvin is quoting Mayor Kasim Reed 12:17: Ralston wins 116 to 58: Democratic unity is a big fat lie. 12:25: Ralston giving his 1st address. Saying we (politicians) should never forget who they serve - the constituents. Says that Georgians need to know that their working government belongs to the working families of Georgia and not the special lobbyists. Talking about change and that "business as usual" in the House will no longer be the same. says he is reaching out his hand to the Minority Caucus. Says he's a "friend". Session ended for the day. Will post video soon: ** VOTE TALLY FOR SPEAKER PRO-TEM Democrats who voted for the Republican nominee: 1. Ellis Black (Valdosta) 2. Amy Carter (Valdosta) 3. Mike Cheokas (Americus) 4. Ron Dodson (Lake City) 5. Bubber Epps (Dry Branch) 6. Gerald Greene (Cuthbert) 7. Bob Hanner (Parrott) 8. Kevin Levitas (Decatur) 9. Allen Powell (Hartwell) DID NOT VOTE: 1. Toney Collins (Conyers) 2. Jay Shaw (Lakeland) EXCUSED: 1. Pat Dooley (Marietta) 2. Sistie Hudson (Sparta) ****** ** VOTE TALLY FOR SPEAKER Democrats who voted for the Republican nominee: 1. Ellis Black (Valdosta) 2. Bob Bryant (Garden City) 3. Amy Carter (Valdosta) 4. Mike Cheokas (Americus) 5. Ron Dodson (Lake City) 6. Bubber Epps (Dry Branch) 7. Carol Fullerton (Albany) 8. Gerald Greene (Cuthbert) 9. Bob Hanner (Parrott) 10. Kevin Levitas (Decatur) 11. Allen Powell (Hartwell) 12. Jay Shaw (Lakeland) DID NOT VOTE: 1. Pat Gardner (Atlanta) 2. Howard Mosby (DeKalb) EXCUSED: 1. Pat Dooley (Marietta) 2. Sistie Hudson (Sparta) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2010 12:09:06 PM I am either more amazed that with all the unrest in the GOP, they didn't have 20 folks who sided with the Dems for their own SotH, or that DuBose couldn't get it together. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TBS EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2010 01:13:59 PM So when we can see the list of turncoats who couldn't be bothered on a party unity vote? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kyle Bailey EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2010 11:43:50 PM Republicans dominate the General Assembly. It would have made more sense for the Democrats to negotiate a deal to provide Ralston with a unanimous vote for his leadership - a real Hallmark moment - in exchange for more opportunities to bring Democratic bills to the floor for up or down votes. Democratic lawmakers who cast votes for Republican leadership when there is no potential for Democratic leadership are strategic and arguably more likely to be effective lawmakers for their districts and the issues that matter most to them. That's this liberal Democrat's thoughts on the matter. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2010 11:49:26 PM Thanks for the updates Bernita. Rumors have it that B-B-Burkhalter's looking for housing in London (UK) and may give up his seat. Go figure. And truly? I'll take 'hopeless idiots' for opponents any day over what we've got. That sounds pretty damn near benign by comparison! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: So here's what happened... BASENAME: so_heres_what_happened STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/11/2010 03:47:15 PM ----- BODY: Georgia put in caps on Medical Malpractice damages in 2005. That means that no matter what the scenario, non-economic damages were limited to 350k. Well, a woman recently had a botched face lift and because this was elective surgery (and thus outside the purposes of the statute) the statute as applied to that case was struck down. The case is now at the Georgia Supreme Court. So, insurance companies and their supporters, like people whose negligence hurts people, are looking for other ways to make it more difficult to sue hospitals, medical device manufacturers and other folks when their negligence seriously injures someone. One such option (pre-screening of suits by Doctors and Insurance Companies - really) was floated in the AJC last week. This is the response to that piece. In Georgia, Middle Ground for Victims of Medical Wrongdoing? How many hoops should you have to jump through to get justice? It's a fair question that many people struggle with. On Thursday, the CEO of a Georgia medical services company suggested - in an opinion piece submitted to a GA newspaper - that to be sure that Georgians who have been harmed by negligent medical care are worthy of justice we should subject them to one more hoop. Not coincidentally, it's a hoop that benefits only medical professionals and insurance companies - the only two interest groups that profit when injured patients are prevented from securing justice. What the author of the opinion has proposed is that, instead of allowing victims of medical malpractice the same Constitutional Right to Trial by Jury enjoyed by all other Georgians, people harmed by medical wrongdoing/malpractice would have to get permission to have a jury trial from a "screening panel" comprised of members of the medical and insurance industries, the same industries that want to avoid compensating injured patients. This approach is wrong and adds an unnecessary, ineffective layer to our civil justice system. The fact is all medical malpractice cases brought in Georgia have already been through multiple screening hoops. The first hoop is that you have to have had something very bad happen as a result of malpractice. Your next hoop is that you have to find a lawyer willing and able to take your case. That lawyer will tell you that there is another, special hoop that protects only professionals charged with negligence. In order to pass through that hoop, the patient must find a medical professional willing to publicly criticize their colleague and sign a document swearing that malpractice happened. So far your case has been screened three times: Something bad happens. You find a lawyer who will invest in helping you find justice. And, you find another doctor who agrees that there was malpractice and is willing to say so. Then there's a fourth screening before you can have a jury hear your case: the judge must screen the case, too. Our Founding Fathers created the world's best independent screening panels when they imbedded the right to a trial by jury in our Constitution. You are entitled to a jury of your peers, not a two step process, the first of which is a trial by jury of the defendant's colleagues. We trust the people of our communities to fairly resolve our disputes when we are unable to resolve them ourselves. The CEO cites an approach tried in Maine as being the right fit for us here in Georgia. He fails to mention that this approach is regularly criticized by the Supreme Court of Maine as being inadequate and harmful to the people of Maine. He cites, as a reason for needing "screening panels," a Georgia case involving a plastic surgeon who carelessly destroyed the blood supply to a woman's face and left her horribly disfigured. He suggests that this woman - who was horribly injured through no fault of her own and who successfully navigated all of the legal hurdles to hold the wrongdoer accountable for herself and other patients - has not done enough. He says she needs to clear yet another hurdle to prove herself worthy of a jury trial. The suggestion is outrageous and it serves no purpose but to deny those who have been harmed their fair measure of justice. Why should patients who have been harmed by medical malpractice have to go through two trials when everyone else only has to go through one? Why should medical professionals get special treatment? It's a question with an obvious answer: They shouldn't. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2010 11:32:02 PM As they say in the biz, It was a chronicle of deaths & tragedies foretold. Brought to you by fantastic yet fatalistic lobbyists. When the GOP do 'health care'? You really Do get 'Death panels'! And they'll vote against you almost every time too! How's that for 'social engineering': they get the money, little to no regulations or accountability, & you get screwed with no redress. Is this a great nation or what? And yeah, ALL our health insurance rates are Much lower, just as promised, too, right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2010 11:47:40 PM I wrote a whole response to this, I swear I did, but then it got eated. Maybe I will try again tomorrow. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Connie Stokes Still Wants to Go to Washington BASENAME: connie_stokes_still_wants_to_g STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/11/2010 09:38:28 PM TAGS: congress,"connie stokes","hank johnson" ----- BODY: Too bad she'll have a bit of an uphill battle ahead of her as it so happens that the incumbent she's challenging is an orthodox liberal in one of the most Democratic districts in the state.
      Commissioner Connie Stokes will announce later this month her campaign against U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson. Stokes declined to give specifics about her campaign, but told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Monday that she is planning to seek the Democratic nomination for the 4th Congressional District.
      Unfortunately, the major take away here is that Stokes, chair of DeKalb County's budget committee, is running at a time when the county is experiencing major budget shortfalls. And if DeKalb commissioner Lee May runs as well, conventional wisdom would hint that these campaigns would be detrimental to the efficacy of DeKalb's government. There are only seven commissioners after all. I should note that the AJC et al. is reporting that former-DeKalb CEO Vernon Jones is also mulling a run. For a race that as of yet doesn't have a candidate named Cynthia, the GA-4 is looking pretty interesting right about now. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/11/2010 11:24:47 PM As they say, 'Don't quit your day job...'. But the more the merrier here. And with Lee May in? We'd have that much less chance of having VJ survive a competitive primary. But 'orthodox liberal'? He must be the only Buddhist who's made it this far, right? And is anyone keeping tabs on where Cynthia is & Why? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2010 08:36:11 AM Well, At least now I know what I'm doing this summer! - Volunteering for Hank Johnson. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2010 09:42:35 AM Haha, after I posed that, I wondered if my wording would get the screw face considering his Buddhism, but I was referring to his ideology, not his personal background. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chris D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2010 09:50:11 AM Lee May and Connie Stokes are running from a county budget mess, and Vernon is just looking for a job. Hank Johnson has voted consistently to protect the environment, brought hundreds of millions in federal funds to the district and passed legislation that helps the common man and woman in the face of greedy corporate fat cats. Enough said. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2010 10:33:52 AM I signed up today - ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Sights and Sounds from the 2010 Session - Day 1 BASENAME: sounds_and_sights_from_the_1st STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2010 03:06:56 AM ----- BODY: Listen to State Rep. Kathy Ashe's speech for the Georgia House Speaker Pro-Tem:
      Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA
      Listen to State Rep. DuBose Porter, Georgia Democrat Minority Caucus leader, nominate State Rep. Calvin Smyre for Georgia House Speaker.
      Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA
      Listen to State Rep. Calvin Smyre's, Minority Caucus Chairman, speech for the Georgia House Speaker
      Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA
      Watch: New House Speaker, Ethics, Rule Changes, Hawks, Hope, and Newbies ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2010 04:02:03 AM Thanks for the updates Bernita, I think job 1 for the Leg & the new Speaker is to get rid of that miserable undemocratic Stalinist innovation of Richardson's: the utterly contemptible Hawk system. It was a despicable, discredited and thoroughly corrupting concentration of unchecked power in the prior Speaker's wheedling greasy lusty hands & evidently seen no place else outside of the old Soviet era politburos. And yes, this was noticed commented upon elsewhere: [Ht: Ga.Liberal & ThinkProgress] Oh & BTW? Evidently the last vid was mixed in with this guy's stream too: I'm betting he wakes up surprised... JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Atlanta part of US World Cup Bid! BASENAME: atlanta_part_of_us_world_cup_b STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2010 04:18:39 PM ----- BODY: world cup.jpg Atlanta beat out a list of cities including Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Jacksonville, Oakland, Orlando, St. Louis and San Francisco. Get hyped up, A-town! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Big Booty Hoes? Health with it! BASENAME: big_booty_hoes_health_with_it STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2010 09:02:55 PM ----- BODY: So your caboose may come with a special benefit: better health! According to International Journal of Obesity. "The protective properties of the lower-body fat depot have been confirmed in many studies conducted in subjects with a wide range of age, BMI and co-morbidities," That's right, the lower body fat depot. When asked for comment Sir Mixalot said: "Hells yeah." sir-mix-a-lot-baby-got-back.jpg More information after the jump. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Clayton County Schools Breathe Sigh of Relief BASENAME: clayton_county_schools_breathe STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/12/2010 11:23:26 PM TAGS: education ----- BODY: icon_schoolbus.jpgClayton County certainly is no stranger to negative press when it comes to it's school system, especially these last few months. Between teachers threatening Soprano-like violence against students, teachers fighting each other over highly public love triangles (exacerbated by Facebook, of all things), to public missteps in its attempt to cover its blemishes by playing dress-up, the school system there no doubt has seen better days. Apparently it's somebody else's turn in the spotlight:
      For the second time in as many years, a regional agency intends to revoke the accreditation of a Georgia school system. Monday's announcement by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools that Warren County could lose accreditation follows a November review. It also comes two years after the association pulled its affiliation from another system, Clayton County, making that suburban Atlanta system the nation's first school system to lose accreditation in nearly 40 years. Warren County is a rural system located about 40 miles west of Augusta and serves 800 students in three schools: elementary, middle and high school. It previously was put on probation for governance issues the agency summed up as a school board in a state of "perpetual paralysis."
      Though this, of course, doesn't bode well for the image of the state. It's bad enough considering that we're consistently in the bottom ten no matter which benchmark you look at, but to have two systems hold that dubious but rare distinction is certainly dispiriting. And yeah, Clayton County *did* finally regain it's accreditation last year, but it has a long way to go before it shakes that negative image. Hell, so does the whole state of Georgia. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2010 02:42:04 AM The laughingstock of the nation no doubt. How do you screw up a system with only 800 students? In Ga.? Seemingly easily enough! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2010 09:29:11 PM ok - so i just read that article about the teachers fighting, why the hell did the principal take one of teachers into a classroom full of students to calm down?!?! they cant even do the right things correctly ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: "All-Americans" Stand Ready to Deploy to Haiti BASENAME: all-americans_stand_ready_to_d STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/13/2010 11:00:29 PM TAGS: haiti ----- BODY: In the aftermath of the terrible tragedy in Haiti and the humanitarian disaster left in its wake, the Department of Defense has started to spin up personnel and equipment in order to help facilitate relief efforts and help reestablish certain key elements of infrastructure there. Though this support is mostly Naval and concentrated amongst small, specialized units, it should be noted that two active duty units based out of North Carolina, a brigade of 2,200 Marines from Camp Lejuene and a brigade of 3,500 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne at Fort Bragg, have been notified of possible deployments to the decimated nation. However, deployment orders have not yet been issued, though that probably has to do with the elephant in the room here:
      "If you put additional forces on the ground, how will they operate? What will their rules of engagement be?" said a senior defense official, noting in particular the need for vehicles and helicopters to move the troops around.
      The last time American ground troops set foot in Haiti was during 1994's Operation Uphold Democracy where American forces helped restore Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide to power after a short coup. During that crisis, the 82nd's "All-Americans" were set to spearhead the invasion of Haiti with the goal of disrupting and destroying the regime and infrastructure there, only to be turned back at the last minute. If all goes as planned, this time they'll be rebuilding it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Please Give to the Haiti Earthquake victims BASENAME: please_give_to_the_haiti_victi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/13/2010 11:53:54 PM ----- BODY: redcross.jpgWith a heavy heart, I ask that everyone contribute something to the victims of the Haiti earthquake. The damage is so severe that there is no accurate count for the number of lives lost, but the American Red Cross estimates that 1 of 3 Haitians are affected. So give what you can. Do it from your cellphone: • Text the word "Yele" to 501501 to donate $5 on behalf of the Yéle Foundation, the leading contributor to rebuilding Haiti founded by Wyclef Jean. • Text the word "Haiti" to 85944 to donate $5 on behalf of the Rescue Union Mission and MedCorp International. • Text the word "Haiti" to 25383 to donate $5 On behalf of the Internal Rescue Committee. • Text the word "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 On behalf of the Red Cross in the U.S. • Text the word "Haiti" to 45678 (in Canada only) on behalf of the Salvation Army in Canada. Or donate directly to an organization. Here is a list of organizations from the Haiti Relief Fund: • American Red Cross  • Americares  • CARE  • Catholic Relief Services  • Direct Relief International  • Doctors Without Borders  • International Medical Corps  • International Relief Teams • Lambi Fund • Medical Teams International  • Mercy Corps  • Operation Blessing International  • Operation USA  • Save the Children  • Shelterbox  • The International Committee of the Red Cross  • The Salvation Army  • UNICEF USA  • World Concern  • World Food Programme  • World Vision  • Yéle Haiti  You can follow the news on Twitter at Yele Haiti and at Huffington Post. Let's do our part to help those in need. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2010 12:33:00 AM Thank you for this. I'd also like to suggest the Lambi Fund: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2010 01:17:42 AM I just tried to donate again to the Red Cross via text message and received this "Service is temporarily down. Please, try again later". At 12:48 am, the Mobile company said they had raised $2 million dollars in 1 day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2010 05:13:46 AM Thanks Guys, Really sad stuff via Atrios some more info: "The U.S. State Department Operations Center set up the following number for Americans seeking information about relatives in Haiti: (888) 407-4747. The department cautioned that because of heavy volume, some callers may hear a recording. The State Department said those interested in helping immediately may text 'HAITI' to '90999' and a donation of $10 will be made automatically to the Red Cross for relief efforts. The donation will be charged to your cellphone bill. The department also suggested contacting agencies such as the Red Cross or Mercy Corps to help with relief efforts." JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2010 09:17:46 AM You can donate to the Red Cross on their website. It's a little slow, but it's working. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Congressman Johnson announces bid for third term BASENAME: congressman_johnson_announces STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2010 03:43:31 PM ----- BODY: Just in case the haters were wondering... *** icon_hank_johnson.jpgCongressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) will announce his plans to run for a third term as Georgia's Fourth District representative at his Lithonia campaign office on Saturday, Jan. 16 at 11 a.m. I ask my supporters to stand with me as we face new challenges." said Johnson "I will run on my record." Johnson, chairman of the Judiciary subcommittee on Courts & Competition Policy, has delivered more than $150 million in federal funds for Fourth District schools, transportation, public safety, health care and job training for the District in 2009-2010. He passed laws that cracked down on price-fixing and streamlined the U.S. court system. In his capacity as Southeast Regional Whip in the House leadership, he continues to work to ensure that meaningful health reform passes Congress. "Serious times call for serious representation, and the Fourth District will be well served by a vigorous, positive debate that presents a diversity of views. I look forward to a vigorous campaign and re-election to a third term." WHO: Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) WHAT: Announcing his run for a third term in Congress WHEN: Saturday, Jan. 16, 2010, at 11 .am. Media are advised to arrive at 10 a.m. WHERE: The Burroughs Building, 6440 Hillandale Drive, Lithonia, Ga., 30058, Suite 262. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2010 10:27:00 PM Wow. What a concept, eh? "I will run on my record." A novel take for many in Ga. no doubt. VJ's now says he's in too. Where's ole Margaret Hamilton to cue when we need her most? An exciting time indeed. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: "But we paid for the endorsement!" BASENAME: but_we_paid_for_the_endorsemen STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2010 08:53:07 PM ----- BODY: full_disclosure.jpgSo when you are a PAC, you have to disclose all contributions with the State Ethics Commission. And when you are a candidate you have to disclose all expenditures. So when you see this, you expect to see a corresponding line on the candidate's disclosure. And when you don't, there's either a fuckup or a story. Here there's both. For those that don't know latin, quid pro quo in politics mean caveat emptor. And when you pay for an endorsement, and then don't get it, it must leave you seething. That's why when giving to PACs in exchange for their endorsement, look for this seal: money_back.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2010 11:03:26 PM Stefan, that's a screw up...those shouldn't be listed as "contributions" from those organizations; it should be listed as "expenditures" to those organizations. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 02:14:17 AM First, WIN doesn't engage in "pay for play", and even if they did, it's a PAC for women. Duh. Beyond rookie. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melissa EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 02:29:27 AM Stefan, First, the Georgia Association of Democratic County Chairs is also known as the GADCC, which is listed as a campaign expenditure by Hodges for $175.00. This was for a ticket to their Dinner and Ad in program. Teilhet paid for the same ticket to the GADCC dinner yet he listed it as a personal payment to Angela Knight, who is the chairman, but the money did not go to her, but to the GADCC - another mistake of the Teilhet campaign. If you want to look at ethical violations, Teilhet listed two credit card reimbursments without listing what the expenses were for, which is an actual problem. Second, Hodges was on the host committee for a fundraiser for Nikki Randall. They were told to write the check to WIN for Nikki. When they realized it was a PAC, they were reimbursed the money. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melissa EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 02:40:08 AM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 09:24:39 AM I am not being picky. If I were I would have said GADCC is not an appropriate abbreviation under Georgia Campaign Disclosure law and is, strictly speaking, a violation. I do think it is impressive that you guys have some sort of gas pump in your office so you can make an IN KIND contribution of gasoline. Also, I was not referring to the GADCC line in the disclosure. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 10:55:36 AM Stefan's just mad that Hodges outraised Teilhet during the last cycle. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 11:04:43 AM Nah, I mostly think it's amusing. Hodges was ahead, but they are mostly even overall. Problem for Teilhet is that he cannot raise during session and Hodges can. My problem with Hodges has more to do with how he seems to view the office, and how he may choose to use it. That behavior with Pheobe Putney has a lot to do with it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melissa EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 01:15:58 PM Hodges outraised him significantly - by almost $100,000 this period. Teilhet was scraping at the bottom of his donor barrel - otherwise a donation of $4,000 from Bobby Kahn would not be there - since he tends to upset many Democrats. And let's not forget that almost $48,000 of Teilhet's money came from two people - Tim Santelli and Fred Orr - Both good friends of Teilhet (and part of a lunch group that Stefan attends as well). I also noticed Teilhet's name was not a bill recently dropped by Rep. Porter and Rep. Ashe that would prohibit donating in the aggregate for the primary and the general before the primary is over. He would not want to bite the hand that feeds I guess. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melissa EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 01:19:05 PM *was not on a bill ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 03:50:12 PM I thought the case on hand numbers were close, 250 to 270 or something like that, am I wrong? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2010 02:28:50 PM Just for clarification, both Melissa and Stefan are right. Hodges raised 251 to Teilhet's 150 in the fourth quarter; however, Hodges only has 271 on hand compared to Teilhet's 249. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2010 12:56:52 PM sweet! i totally forgot that this being a big georgia election year meant that its a year where the marietta girls duke it out with bfd! where's the popcorn? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2010 01:26:54 PM Probably going to get some weird looks for this, but I like the Marietta sisters. Politics is a contact sport, and there are few girls that play in the league. Shannon particularly is the exception. The sisters are not afraid to get in and do some heavy lifting and push their candidates to the top. But even more than that, one thing I like most about the Marietta sisters, is that even though I'm not sure the three of us have EVER been on the same side of a Democratic primary contest, they are always kind, always say hello, and are always polite. To me that says a lot about their character more so than the campaigns we back. I wish Shannon well, and hope it's a spirited and exciting race. Oh, and Shannon if you're reading this - Team Jacob! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melissa EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2010 01:46:37 PM Tim, Thanks! And I am team Jacob too! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2010 05:22:49 PM The Mariettas also talk to and are respectful to me. Which I'm not sure if that questions their judgment or is a testament to their character. You decide. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2010 09:58:26 AM I actually like the Mariettas, this does not have anything to do with liking or disliking one or both Mariettas. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2010 11:59:15 AM Damn. I think we've lost our foil. The Mariettas are just too popular now, and that's a good thing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2010 01:04:59 PM i wasnt saying it in a disparaging way - i enjoy the debate between the marietta's and the bfd crowd a lot because they tend to be opposed on everything, yet all are huge super dems thats why georgia election years on bfd are my favorite :-) ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: More Disclosure Fun! BASENAME: more_disclosure_fun STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/14/2010 09:29:44 PM ----- BODY: So maybe you saw on Peach Pundit about Ralph Hudgens and the ethics complaint. Here's what they said the violations were:
      * Using Senate Letterhead to ask previous donors for permission to transfer prior contributions to his Insurance Commission campaign account. * Not actually returning the $106K in donations, but instead directly transfering them to the campaign account. * Illegally catorgorizing the return as refunds instead of expenses, and cites OCG 21-5-33, and * Illegally accepting 126 donations in violation of 21-5-30.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Labor Politics BASENAME: labor_politics STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/15/2010 10:35:53 AM ----- BODY: icon_puzzle.jpgThe 7th Annual AFL-CIO King Holiday Interfaith Human Rights Prayer Breakfast (yes, that's a mouthful) was this morning and while all four Democratic gubernatorial candidates were in attendance, only Roy Barnes spoke. Not even Thurbert Baker, the first African-American Attorney General in Georgia, got to speak. Of course, it's completely possible that the three other candidates declined speaking invitations, but let's be serious - has labor already anointed their candidate? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 02:55:08 PM Hasn't everyone already anointed the "Jay Leno" of the Governor's race? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 04:40:56 PM Too bad there isn't a Conan O'Brien. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2010 08:44:42 PM "the "Jay Leno" of the Governor's race" Ha! That is awesome. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2010 10:12:38 AM Wow, it didn't take the Herritage Foundation to see the bright side of catastrophe! "In addition to providing immediate humanitarian assistance, the U.S. response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti earthquake offers opportunities to re-shape Haiti’s long-dysfunctional government and economy as well as to improve the public image of the United States in the region." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2010 07:46:22 PM Not sure where to put this, but figured here was as good as any: Via the DPG for US Senate candidate Martha Coakley: [Via email]: "Football and Phone Banking! We are having a phone bank TOMORROW (Sunday) at the Democratic Party of Georgia to call Massachusetts voters and encourage people to vote this Tuesday for Martha Coakley. We will have a 1-4pm shift and a 4-8pm shift. Any time that you can give- from a half hour to all day- will be extremely important to getting Martha Coakley elected to the US Senate. We will have both playoff games (Vikings/Cowboys and Chargers/Jets) on and will provide refreshments as well. Feel free to come wearing your NFL gear, no matter what team you support. Even if you don't care about football and just want to make should still come! Click here to register for Football And Phone Banking TOMORROW (SUNDAY) between 1p- 8p DPG Headquarters 1100 Spring St. Suite 408 Phone Bank from Home! Call Massachusetts voters and encourage people to vote on Tuesday for Martha Coakley from home. We give you the script and the phone numbers, and you can make a difference in this CRUCIAL race from your own living room. Click here to register to call from home": Please forward this along. Health care hangs in the balance. Did my packet (25 calls) from home and it was great to hear those delicious old NE/Boston accents alone. Took all of an hour or less. Do it for Teddy, and do it for Health Care Reform! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2010 07:52:03 PM Here's more on the MA Senate race via the DailyKos:!-RedState-trying-to-jam-Coakley-phone-banks! "ACTION ITEM! RedState trying to jam Coakley phone banks! by pinback Digg this! Share this on Twitter - ACTION ITEM! RedState trying to jam Coakley phone banks!Tweet this submit to reddit Share This Sat Jan 16, 2010 at 11:57:01 AM PST Erick Erickson has posted the addresses of Coakley phone banks at * pinback's diary :: :: * From Erickson's diary: Here is what I’m being told if any of you want to go by tomorrow and laugh: Organizers are asking for volunteers to be at the IBEW address before 9 am to hear from Coakley and Vicki Kennedy tomorrow morning... He then proceeds to list the various headquarters and meeting times. It's pretty clear why he would do that, and it's not so all the redstaters can go "laugh" or volunteer to help Coakley GOTV. The redstate denizens are taking the hint, and in the comments make various suggestions to show up and disrupt the phone banks. A couple of examples: Jot down there callback number… put it on autodial… Reminisce about “the good old days”… Ask about their grandkids and family and ask if they’re voting for coakley… are any of them in the military? Why not? What’s wrong with that… when they eventually hang up start calling them back on autodial to talk… Anyone have access to any robocall setups? just a thought… Off to conventionland again in AM… Good luck up North next Tuesday-don’t forget to be ready to call shenanigans etc... and Post callers numbers so we all can call them back. We can tie them up more! Anybody need any more evidence of why we need to be getting out the vote for Coakley? If you haven't made calls for Coakley, yet, do it today: Call For Coakley If you haven't donated to the campaign, do it today: Donate For Coakley" JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2010 07:55:14 PM More on Redstate efforts to jam Coakley's phonebanks: Via the DailyKos: "Should Erick Erickson go to jail for this if the law was broken? by MinistryOfTruth Should Erick Erickson go to jail for this if the law was broken? Sat Jan 16, 2010 at 01:23:49 PM PST First off, I strongly encourage anyone who is reading this to go recommend this article titled RedState trying to jam Coakley phone banks by dkos user pinback for more information on this story. So, as for the title of this article, my question is, should Erick Erickson of go to jail the same way the last Republican hack who pulled this phone bank tampering scam did? Federal law prohibits making interstate calls ``without disclosing the caller's identity and with the intent to annoy . . . or harass any person at the called number." Jan 10, 2006 A hat tip to dkos user inland for the link. More below the fold . . . * MinistryOfTruth's diary :: :: * For nearly a decade, Allen Raymond stood at the top ranks of Republican Party power. ~snip~ Raymond, 39, has just finished serving a three-month sentence for jamming Democratic phone lines in New Hampshire during the 2002 US Senate race. The incident led to one of the biggest political scandals in the state's history, the convictions of Raymond and two top Republican officials, and a Democratic lawsuit that seeks to determine whether the White House played any role. The race was won by Senator John E. Sununu , the Republican. Jan 10, 2006 Bold added by the diarist The story of the Sununu election and Republican criminal activity leading up to that election are well known, and people have gone to jail for it. I would have assumed Erick Erickson knew that, being a forrealsy serious blogger as he claims to be". [More @ link]: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2010 08:25:09 PM While waiting for dinner: The Who is Scott Brown (R, MA) eve edition: Via Think Progress & Washinton Monthly's Politcan Animal: "GETTING BY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM RIGHT-WING FRIENDS.... Massachusetts is obviously right smack in the middle of the political world this weekend, with Bay State voters poised to decide on Tuesday whether legislating will be possible for the foreseeable future. To help Republican Scott Brown secure a victory, some pretty unsavory characters are investing considerable resources in his campaign. Mike Madden reported this week, for example, that Brown has received the backing of far-right anti-immigration and anti-gay organizations. As Madden noted, "[S]upport from fringe groups does underscore the point national Democrats and labor groups have been trying to make about Brown over the last week, as they leap to rescue Coakley's campaign: he's far too conservative for Massachusetts voters." Lee Fang added yesterday that it's not just far-right culture warriors rallying behind Brown's candidacy -- the corporate/lobbyist wing of the conservative movement sees Brown as someone who'll stand in the way of accountability for Wall Street, especially after he announced his opposition to a financial crisis responsibility fee on large banks. Brown's defense of the financial industry has not been ignored by Wall Street. Wall Street's two largest political enforcers are also out fighting to elect him: * The Wall Street front group FreedomWorks is mobilizing get out the vote efforts for Brown this weekend. FreedomWorks organized the very first tea party protests, and has used its extensive staff and resources to mobilize rallies and advocacy campaigns on behalf of corporate interests. Dick Armey, who as a corporate lobbyist represented AIG, Lehman Brothers, and Merrill Lynch during the bailouit, is the leader of FreedomWorks. FreedomWorks is also funded and chaired by Steve Forbes and Frank Sands of Sands Capital Management. * The Wall Street front group Club for Growth is strongly "boosting" Brown and is expected to run ads in support for him. According to recent disclosures, the Club for Growth is funded by a $1.4 million dollar donation from investor Stephen Jacksons of Stephens Groups Inc, a $1.4 million dollar donation from broker Richard Gilder, and $210,000-$630,000 donations from at least 10 other investors and financial industry professionals. The Club is also supporting a slate of candidates to repeal health reform, while its other endorsed candidates have opposed a financial truth commission. I'm not in Massachusetts and have no idea if voters are aware of who's helping Brown and why, but it seems like the kind of details that might have an effect on the outcome. —Steve Benen 9:10 AM Permalink | Trackbacks | Comments (17) " And yes he actually voted against the 9/11 Rescue workers: " WHO VOTES AGAINST HELP FOR 9/11 RECOVERY WORKERS?.... It's a little late in the game to introduce a game-changing issue into the Senate special election in Massachusetts -- the election is Tuesday, after all -- but this revelation nevertheless tells voters something pretty important about Republican Scott Brown. One month after the September 11th attacks, Scott Brown was one of only three Massachusetts State Representatives to vote against a bill to provide financial assistance to Red Cross workers who had volunteered with 9/11 recovery efforts, we've learned. The Brown campaign acknowledged the vote to us, claiming the measure would have taxed already-strained state finances. [...] On October 17th, 2001, Brown voted against a bill that would authorize "leaves of absence for certain Red Cross employees participating in Red Cross emergencies." The bill gave 15 days of paid leave each year to state workers called up by the Red Cross to respond to disasters. At the time, state workers called for such emergencies were required to use sick and vacation days. This suggests an almost-stunning callousness. It's all the more galling that Brown knew it was going to pass -- 148 to 3 -- but opposed it anyway, just to make a point. I shudder to think what Republicans would say about a Democratic lawmaker who cast a vote like this just a month after the 9/11 attacks The Brown campaign has said the vote was about fiscal responsibility -- Massachusetts couldn't afford assistance for Red Cross workers who had volunteered with 9/11 recovery efforts. That's not a bad line, I suppose, but here's my follow-up question: why, then, does Scott Brown recommend tax cuts now that the nation can't afford? Why would tax cuts for the wealthy be more important than help for 9/11 recovery volunteers? DSCC spokesman Eric Schultz told Greg Sargent, "On a day with Scott Brown bringing in Rudy Giuliani, he ought to give the people of Massachusetts an explanation as to why he voted against relief for 9/11 workers. We knew Scott Brown was a shill for Wall Street and corporate interests, but I cannot imagine what excuse he comes up with for this vote. He ought to be ashamed of himself and he ought to apologize to the Mayor of New York." It also reinforces the fact that Brown, a favorite of the Tea Party crowd, isn't even close to being a moderate. He's pretty far to the right on everything from torture to taxes, health care to the economy, Wall Street accountability to global warming. But this 9/11 vote may lead on-the-fence voters to wonder whether Brown represents "a new day," or the worst of yesterday. Update: On a related note, if the media is making a big deal about a DSCC ad that inadvertently showed the World Trade Center (the ad was pulled), Brown's vote on 9/11 recovery volunteers is at least as important, if not more so. —Steve Benen 4:10 PM Permalink | Trackbacks | Comments (21)" Add to that that he's also a well known pissant & bully of children: (Via the AP): Lawmaker Reads Crude Web Posts at School Friday, February 9, 2007 More to come as time allows. But go to for details too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2010 02:19:18 AM More on Who is Senate candidate Scott Brown (R, MA): [Via the DailyKos]: "MA-Sen: Globe Explains What Brown Stands For by Laura Clawson Sat Jan 16, 2010 at 03:16:04 PM PST In endorsing Martha Coakley, the Boston Globe makes the case for Coakley: Voters who want to cast a critical eye on Washington without destroying the Democratic coalition should go for Coakley. Her quiet diligence in pursuing some of the most thankless, but deeply important, tasks in prosecuting child abusers, scouring the fine print of Big Dig contracts to bring back hundreds of millions of dollars, and securing $60 million from Goldman Sachs for its subprime mortgage abuses, contrasts sharply with Brown's five-year record of voting no in a state Senate run by the opposite party. She is by far the more qualified candidate, in experience and judgment. She has prosecuted hundreds of criminals and helped coordinate plans to protect the state from terrorist threats. As attorney general, she's returned $1 billion to state coffers. And they make the case against Brown: A vote for Brown is hardly a symbolic protest against congressional gridlock and the ways of Washington. It's a vote for gridlock, in the form of endless Republican filibusters, and for the status quo in health care, climate change, and financial regulation. That's what will happen if Brown gives the Republicans the additional vote they need to tie up the Senate. But two of the Globe's columnists take on Brown's record even more directly. Joan Vennochi: He is allegedly for health care reform, except he doesn’t support the historic health care reform legislation that is on the brink of passage in Washington and was Kennedy’s life quest. He supports Roe v. Wade, except that a prominent anti-abortion advocacy group backs him as a "pro-life vote in the Senate." He dispatched his 21-year old daughter to attack Coakley for stating the truth: In 2005, Brown sponsored a legislative amendment that would have allowed medical personnel to deny emergency contraception to rape victims if it "conflicts with a sincerely held religious belief." The amendment didn’t pass, but Brown owned it. It was attached to a bill that he ultimately voted for, which required emergency rooms to provide contraceptives to rape victims. Yvonne Abraham details Republican response to that anti-emergency contraception amendment: "I can’t believe what we’re doing to this bill," said then-minority leader Brian Lees, who called it, "a poison pill amendment. . . . I can’t believe that you’re going to say [this] to your constituents who’ve been through a traumatic experience." Senator Richard Tisei said: "I can’t recall another instance where we’ve basically said, ‘This is the law, and it’s OK not to follow it.’ . . . It doesn’t make any sense." Now, you’d think a state senator would remember being publicly reamed by members of his own party, right? Or recall his own shaky defense of his proposal, which he said he put forward "just for conversation." Nope. On Tuesday night, When Janet Wu of WCVB-TV asked him if he’d sponsored the amendment, Brown said: "I have to check. I don’t know. It was so long ago." Give him points for taking enough of a break from hiding behind his daughters to say that much, I guess, but it would help if it had been anything other than an obvious lie to cover for pushing unpardonable legislation just 5 years ago. Race tracker wiki: MA-Sen Permalink :: Discuss (129 comments) JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2010 01:50:44 PM More on Who is Scott Brown (R, MA), Birther: See the Vid Clip! [Yes, he was a birther before birthers made the MSM, via]: "January 17, 2010 BASTARD.... As the Senate special election in Massachusetts has intensified over the last couple of weeks, voters have learned some unpleasant things about Republican Scott Brown. Yesterday's revelation, however, is probably the ugliest. As was first reported by Blue Mass Group, a Massachusetts-based political blog, Brown did an interview in 2008, around the time of Republican National Convention, to defend Sarah Palin as a candidate for national office. The interviewer raised the issue of the Alaska governor's family, so the conservative state senator decided to go after Barack Obama's parents. "Barack's mom had him when she was, what, 18 years old?" Brown asked, drawing a parallel between Obama's mother and Palin's pregnant teenage daughter. When the interviewer noted that Obama's parents were married, Brown replied, "Well, I don't know about that." The context is important here -- around the time of the interview, unhinged right-wing activists were pushing the line that Obama's parents weren't married, a claim that became central to the bizarre Birther conspiracy theory. Brown wasn't just attacking the future president and his parents during the interview; he was also lending credence to fringe right-wing stupidity. For the record, there's ample documentation to show that Obama's parents were, in fact, married when he was born in Hawaii in 1961. As for the Senate race, this clip has the potential to be damaging to Brown, in large part because it makes him seem like a nut. As Jon Chait noted, "By showing Brown endorsing a fringe right-wing pet theory ... it's more evidence of the fact that Brown is anything but the good government, uniter-not-a-divider moderate he pretends to be.... [O]n a visceral level, to watch him chortling as he calls Obama illegitimate is just gross and offensive. To me it exposes the man far more deeply than Coakley not knowing who Curt Schilling is." Much of yesterday was spent discussing Brown failing to offer health care coverage to his own staff. That's interesting, I suppose, but defending Sarah Palin while attacking Barack Obama's parents and endorsing a fringe right-wing conspiracy theory seems to be far more devastating in showing who Scott Brown really is. —Steve Benen 8:00 AM Permalink | Trackbacks | Comments (28) Lovely character this Multi-millionaire Brown is! Make the calls for Coakley! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: Celebrating the Dream BASENAME: celebrating_the_dream STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/18/2010 11:19:09 AM TAGS: "martin luther king jr." ----- BODY:
      It's a little overwhelming when you really think about it, but Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born a little over 81 years ago. If not for that fateful day in April, he could still just easily be amongst us today. Considering the amount of work that his former aides and lieutenants (the likes of which include Rep. John Lewis, Hon. Andrew Young, Rev. Joseph Lowery, and Rev. Jesse Jackson) have achieved over the years, one can only wonder. The capstone of President Obama's election only shows how far we've come since Little Rock, Birmingham, and Selma. With that said, there are a number of events going on around town today (listed after the jump). Please feel free to add on to the list or even share your thoughts. ----- EXTENDED BODY: From Access Atlanta: Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's 18th Annual "A King Celebration" Concert The concert features the world premiere of Wynton Marsalis's new symphonic work, "Blues Symphony," plus performances by the Morehouse and Spelman Glee Clubs. 8 p.m. $25. King International Chapel at Morehouse College, 830 Westview Dr. S.W., Atlanta. 404-681-2800, Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration This kid-friendly event features a reading of "My Brother Martin" by Christine King Farris and a puppet show, "A Dream Shared by Two," birthday cake and more. See more January events at the King National Historic Site. 10 a.m.-noon Jan. 15. Free, reservations required. Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site Visitors Center, 450 Auburn Ave. N.E, Atlanta. 404-331-6922 ext. 3625, The 14th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Day Jr. Birthday Celebration Pulitzer Prize winner and former U.S. Poet Laureate Rita Dove speaks during the King Day celebration. She also will record an episode of WABE's "Between the Lines" at 9:45 a.m. at Georgia Perimeter College's Clarkston Campus Cole Auditorium. 7-9 p.m. Free. Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, 2340 Clifton Spring Road, Decatur. 678-891-2555, Martin Luther King Day Jr. Celebration The Georgia State Defense Force Band presents a musical tribute to King at 11:30 a.m. inside the Visitor Center Auditorium. That's followed at 2 p.m. by a presentation by Alveda C. King, King's niece, and a performance by the U.S. Naval Academy Gospel Choir. 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Jan. 16. Free. King Historic Site, 450 Auburn Ave. N.E., and Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, 407 Auburn Ave. N.E., Atlanta. 404-688-7300, Dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Mural Mayor Kasim Reed and other speakers will dedicate a 125-foot mural designed by artist Louis Delsarte and painted with the help of volunteers. The dedication will be followed by a reception. 2 p.m. Jan. 17. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Natatorium back wall and Peace Plaza at Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, 450 Auburn Ave. N.E., Atlanta. Martin Luther King Jr. Annual Commemorative Service Princeton University scholar Cornel West gives the keynote address at this service, along with guests Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson, Mayor Kasim Reed, King Center Vice Chair/Treasurer Christine King Farris and Elder Bernice King. The service will be broadcast live outside on a 12 by 19 foot screen. 10 a.m. Jan. 18. Free. Ebenezer Baptist Church, 407 Auburn Ave., Atlanta. 404-526-8911, Open house for Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birth Home Tour King's Old Fourth Ward birth home. Meet with National Park Service rangers at the steps and walking through the house where King lived for the first 12 years of his life. 10 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Jan. 18. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Birth Home, 501 Auburn Ave. N.E., Atlanta. Annual King Summit Freedom Rally and Service Day The annual Hands on Atlanta service summit features a conversation between Congressman John Lewis and Doug Shipman, executive diretor of the Center for Civil and Human Rights Partnership. The summit is followed by a day of volunteer projects hosted by Hands on Atlanta. 8:30 a.m. summit Jan. 18. Free. Morehouse School of Medicine Auditorium, 720 Westview Drive S.W., Atlanta. For more info or to sign up for service projects, visit Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday March and Rally The annual March is held on Auburn Avenue from Peachtree Street to Jackson Street. The rally is held on Auburn Avenue around the King National Historic Site. The parade route will be closed to traffic. 1-4 p.m. march and rally. Auburn Avenue, Atlanta. 404-589-4843 , ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2010 12:12:44 PM The video is awesome. YouTube was made for clips like that. Great post. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Local YD recovering from surgery BASENAME: local_yd_recovering_from_surge STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/18/2010 03:37:03 PM ----- BODY: I think many readers of this blog will be familiar with Daniel Fullerton, a Young Democrat who has been active with the Atlanta and DeKalb chapters as well as the state organization for many years. Those of us who know him on Facebook have been following his recovery from heart bypass surgery last Monday. YD Katie Milway has been keeping us updated - he's spent most of the last week in the ICU but is off the ventilator and talking now. As Daniel might say, "I'm still better off than Rush Limbaugh, at least I have a heart." I'm hoping someone will comment with information about how to get cards and well wishes to him, but in the meantime, please feel free to have hateful thoughts about Jill Chambers - he's a week behind on those and needs help catching up! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/18/2010 05:37:13 PM I think I read they are trying to let him rest and in a few days cards etc can be sent. Could be wrong. And Katie is not just a YD, she is Executive VP of YDG. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Katie Milway EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 08:39:11 AM At the moment, the best way to get well wishes to him is to post them on his facebook wall- he should be getting his phone back either today or tomorrow. Because he's still in ICU, they won't let us bring in any cards or flowers. He'll be moved to a room soon, and I'll post his address when we get it for anyone who would like to send a card. Thanks! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: It's Time to Reevaluate Our Haiti Policy BASENAME: its_time_to_reevaluate_our_hai STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/19/2010 01:21:25 AM TAGS: "foreign policy",haiti ----- BODY:
      In the last week or so, we've been presented with many harrowing stories of the disaster in Haiti. Though the situation is bleak (with the Haitian government estimating up to 200,000 dead) there have also been a number of stories showcasing the compassion and generosity of the more fortunate. Of particular note, the American government's immediate response to the crisis is laudable. As we speak, our men and women in uniform are taking the lead in the recovery efforts, quickly bringing food, water, and supplies to the distraught nation. Because of these efforts, the Haiti's main seaport is even poised to reopen in a couple of days. Obviously, our experiences in Indonesia in 2004 and the painful lessons learned in New Orleans the following year have conditioned our response, but what's next? Despite our monumental efforts to heal the infrastructural and physical wounds caused by the earthquake, our answer to that question has not only been lackluster, but atrocious. ----- EXTENDED BODY: The AJC reports that the United States will maintain it's unfair policy concerning Haitian migrants and refugees:
      Between 250 and 400 immigration detainees are being moved from South Florida's main detention center to clear space for any Haitians who manage to reach U.S. shores, according to the Homeland Security Department. The Navy base at Guantanamo Bay could house migrants temporarily -- far from suspected terrorists also being held there -- and the Catholic church is working on a plan to accept Haitian orphans. The mass migration plan, known as "Operation Vigilant Sentry," was put in place in 2003 because of previous experiences with Caribbean migrations, said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Chris O'Neil, spokesman for the Homeland Security Task Force Southeast that would manage any Haitian influx. "There is no new incentive for anyone to try to enter the United States illegally by sea," O'Neil said. "The goal is to interdict them at sea and repatriate them." Raymond Joseph, ambassador of Haiti in Washington, recorded a message in Creole over the weekend, warning his countrymen: "Don't rush on boats to leave the country." "Because, I'll be honest with you: If you think you will reach the U.S. and all the doors will be wide open to you, that's not at all the case," Joseph said, according to a transcript released by the Pentagon. "And they will intercept you right on the water and send you back home where you came from."
      Why? We are squandering an opportunity to reevaluate a policy that is backwards, wrongheaded, and arguably racist. If we must keep that godawful policy, why not do so after some semblance of government and order is reestablished in Haiti? Or we could grant temporary visas which could ultimately allow migrants to transition into permanent residence, or even citizenship in the long term, depending on what comes of the situation in Haiti. Considering what they've been through in the last week, this seems callous. We have a chance to do right by history and we're throwing it away. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: MA Senate predictions open thread BASENAME: ma_senate_predictions_open_thr STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/19/2010 09:59:46 AM ----- BODY: Ted Kennedy's Senate seat will be filled today. Ataru's prediction is that it won't be filled by Martha Coakley, who has tried very hard to lose what should have been an unlosable race with such startling gambits as misspelling 'Massachusetts' and calling Red Sox hero Schilling a Yankees fan. The weather forecast is bad, meaning only the Republican base is guaranteed to show up. I predict Brown wins 54-46. What are your thoughts? Does Choakley pull it out somehow? If she doesn't, do you think health care is toast? Does Ted Kennedy cheer or smite her from the grave? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 10:30:48 AM Coakley loses by 4. I wish I were wrong about this, but having lived in MA for 8 years I can tell when someone is about to go down in flames. Also, female candidates almost always underperform there. Only 4 women have been elected to statewide office in MA ever, 1 of whom is Coakley in the AG slot. No woman has ever been governor, Senator, mayor of Boston, and Niki Tsongas very recently became the first female Congresswoman elected in MA in 25 years. The state's "Democratic" voters are uniformly fairly moderate and largely unionized, and many anecdotal reports and polls have the unions bleeding heavily to Brown. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 11:44:06 AM DSCC poll has Coakley winning by 1.2 after Obama's visit. I don't know though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 12:20:59 PM Coakley wins ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Voice for Votes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 12:45:31 PM Special Elections for Massachusetts US Senate Today you can compare the candidates at the video wire page ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Voice for Votes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 12:47:58 PM Special Elections for Massachusetts US Senate Today you can compare the candidates at the video wire page ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 02:01:24 PM "The weather forecast is bad, meaning only the Republican base is guaranteed to show up." Uh, do realize it is Massachusetts where bad weather is the norm and expected in the middle of January? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 02:36:44 PM And can I say this? F*ck the Democrats. They couldn't get shit done with 60 seats, why the hell would I care if they have 59? Fuck them seriously we deserve to lose Congress this year. And don't bitch and whine about it either how much has changed since we took over in 2006? Ain't shit as far as I can tell. We capitulated to Bush, then capitulated to Republicans and now are just capitulating to ourselves. Fuck it dude, I mean Republicans get whatever the fuck they want with 50 seats and we can't do fuck all we deserve to lose. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 07:43:10 PM Since I started working on the inside, I have become less critical of the Dems, but it's funny that IRE has basically become the old me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 07:46:16 PM IRE = the new Zaid. Only in America! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 08:05:21 PM So, how many votes did the Democratic Party have in the Senate when they began drafting the health care bill last year this time? 58. Franken was not yet seated. How many will they have if Coakley loses? 59. When Brown is seated, which may not be for a week or more. I'm just sayin'. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 08:45:19 PM They had 60 they've already voted several times and gotten 60... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 08:54:45 PM Caokley wins in a squeaker, and she's basically got team OFA to thank for it. Late breakers for her, and the wave momentum towards Brown was stopped. And really IRE = the new Zaid? We'd lose IQ points on both sides of that, right? Just saying that on NPR a MA Voter also mentioned specifically about being called from ATL for the GOTV. I was still being called late this afternoon on same too. So it'll hopefully all work. This is what you have an organization for. I mean other than the usual nuclear level whinging & all. They had about 100K calls into the state via OFA per day. That's some work, it's got to help. (That via Kos). JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 08:57:11 PM Latest seems to be Brown 52%, Coakley 47% with 36% reporting. Larry Sabato and others are essentially calling for Brown. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 09:09:24 PM I am either apathetic about the loss or happy we are about to get what we deserve. I'll let y'all decide for me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 09:10:02 PM Chokely is down 7 with 60% reporting. Major network calls are thought to be imminent... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 09:19:02 PM Scattered tweets that Chokely has called Brown to concede. Can't get to load for me but seems like a reasonable bet. Sigh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 09:36:11 PM Epic Fail. We suck. OFA to the rescue? Seriously? Please. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 09:41:35 PM OK, I've been wrong before. But in the words of the immortal Al Franken, health care will pass no matter what. Me? I want to see the rotten misbegotten filibuster broken for good. And I want candidates who actually actively campaign for the office. And yes, Massholes are always hard on their women. Everywhere. That's all for now. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 09:48:42 PM Ok. Let's just go nuclear and blow up the 60 vote cloture rule. Make it simple majority. Enough of this mamby,pamby mealy-mouthed bipartisan crap. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 10:12:14 PM I'd be ok with *threatening* to go nuclear if it makes a compromise happen, but I'm against actually doing it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 10:36:45 PM Jim Webb says no to health care vote before Brown is seated: That was the best hope for making this not destroy us. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason D. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 10:41:41 PM Democratic failure in Massachusetts goes beyond Coakley though. Lest we forget. Key passage: "Republicans have attacked Mr. Kennedy’s proposal as flagrantly partisan, and indeed, the state’s Democrats are in the awkward position of being asked to reverse their own 2004 vote to keep vacant Senate seats empty until a special election. Until that year, Massachusetts law had called for the governor to appoint a temporary replacement if a Senate seat became vacant. But when Senator John Kerry, a Democrat, was running for president in 2004, the Democratically-controlled State Legislature wanted to deny the Republican governor at the time, Mitt Romney, the power to name a successor if Mr. Kerry won. The resulting law requires a special election 145 to 160 days after the vacancy occurs." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 10:50:37 PM OK, I said 4 and she actually lost by 5, but I was close dammit! Jim Webb and anyone else who wants to act like everything gets scrapped now because we went from a 20 vote majority to an 18 vote majority can KISS MY ASS. It passed 2 damn houses of Congress and if you weren't willing to sell HCR as a good thing when you return to your constituents, then what the hell were you voting for it for? *facepalm* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 10:54:57 PM The land of Dukakis, Kerry & Coakley. We'll never learn evidently. Uninspiring candidates mean uninspired voters. I got a fundraising letter from Webb just today. I've always liked him, but this? Is sheer idiocy. Plays up on all his 'hot headed' shoot from the hip tendencies. Sorry Jim, not this month, until something moves & you earn your keep. And yes, I wish all of them would keep off the TV. But than again I belong to no organized political party... But hey we got Tim Kaine coming for our JJ! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2010 11:06:52 PM I don't know, I've toned down a lot since I started working at CAP, but at the same time I see the anger out here as you guys sound exactly as I did a year ago. So whatever, I think we're doing our best but it's not good enough is my takeaway. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2010 11:48:38 AM You think you aren't doing enough? Really? You think that's the problem? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2010 03:46:02 PM You're writing for CAP? Why haven't you mentioned that before? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2010 06:06:04 PM He did. Several times. No one much noticed. It's even on the top of their tiny masthead if you look closely enough. But hey, part of the problem is that no one reads much anymore. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2010 09:02:47 PM After action report via OFA conference call: In 4 days, 2.3Million phone calls were made into MA. The likely voter gap was closed from a chasm of 14% 10 days ago to 3% the day of the election. Still? About 900K-1Mill votes short comparing Obama totals in 2008 vs 2010. Plenty of former Obama supporters voted for Brown: Like I've said, uninspiring candidates do not inspire voters. Especially if you're only campaigning part time. It was largely a chronicle of a death foretold too. Evidently they'll try for reconciliation now. Still be obviously need stiffer spines & more resolve. And really? We need Dr. Howard Dean back. He was literally the only one making much sense today. Which is nice but sad at the same time. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Redefining Republican? BASENAME: redefining_republican STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/20/2010 02:13:59 PM ----- BODY: mccain2.JPGYou can add Cindy McCain to the list of people I never thought would participate in the NOH8 campaign, which promotes marriage equality by taking semi-glamour shot photos of celebrities with duct tape over their mouth. In related news, Meghan McCain is due to speak at George Washington next month under the topic of, "Redefining Republican: No Labels, No Boxes, No Stereotypes." However, the College Republicans pulled their support when they learned it was for Marriage Equality Week. Way to fit a stereotype.. And let me also say that I think of marriage equality as a non-partisan issue because there are many many elected Democrats who do not support it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2010 08:21:02 PM Megan McCain once hit on me. True story. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2010 11:16:47 AM I don't know, the more that things change the more they stay the same. "News that the state insurance commissioner’s 13-year-old son fired the shot that wounded a member of his hunting party last Sunday was broken by my AJC colleagues Aaron Gould Sheinin and Cameron McWhirter." Maybe you'd drink a beer with them, but no way in Hell am I going near them when they go on one of those country club hunts. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: I'm not a pundit. BASENAME: im_not_a_pundit STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/21/2010 10:17:33 AM ----- BODY: But I play one on the internets. I suppose it's easy to look back and find all the faults with the way health care reform was handled by President Obama, Congress, and The Senate. So, here's my perspective. I believe the focus that they chose was completely off-base. Sure, it's staggering how many citizens of this country are without any type of health care coverage, and if you only had to appeal to me and my bleeding-heart liberal friends that would be an excellent point to make over and over. But, the choir of bleeding-heart liberals is not who President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader Reid should be preaching to on health care reform. If true health care reform was their goal, they should have had a laser-like focus on the plight of small business in the health insurance maelstrom and the economic ramifications of not fixing the current broken health care system. In my relatively diverse circle of friends I know of at least a dozen talented, capable, and smart people who have the ideas and abilities to start small businesses. Few are willing to take the risky leap to entrepreneurship largely due to navigating the even riskier landscape of health insurance for small business. With rates already out of control, threats of fees for "cadillac" plans (don't even get me started on this); and annual rate increases double and triple that of inflation why would anyone give up affordable coverage provided by their employer? Starting a business is enough of a challenge without fat-cat insurance executives reaching deeper and deeper in your pocket every year in order to fund their mcmansions, yachts, and private jets. There seems to be a universal understanding that as the post-WWII generation (baby boomers, if you must) ages the demands on and costs of health insurance will become a larger and larger piece of the US economy. Trimming costs and improving the health of my generation are win-win solutions to the coming crisis. The predictions vary on what percentage of our retirement income will got to health care, but no matter who you listen to, they are shocking. Sadly, the past year has given us a round-up of individuals who lost their life savings and homes because of an illness; families with desperately ill children unable to afford treatment; and endless stories of wealthy executives getting rich off the suffering of the ill. These examples are powerful - and my choir responds to them every time. But, hey, President Obama, you don't need me - you had me at "Hope". ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2010 03:17:39 PM Absolutely ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2010 04:11:10 PM Bingo, and thanks! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2010 07:18:57 PM I'm not a pundit but I've been working at CAP for the past 6 months watching the entire health care fight go down behind the scenes, and the biggest mistake was letting jackass Max Baucus negotiate between insurance companies and Republicans for months on end, killing any progressive momentum and even Sen. Kennedy, thus making the final bill one massive f'up. And that's Obama's bad, who we desperately needed to support us but played hands-on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2010 07:19:50 PM off* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 12:31:09 AM Time for "hope" is long past. We're well into disillusionment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 08:49:49 AM Democrats have a lot of structural problems with the caucus that they need to work out (as I've said many times now, something resembling party discipline would go a long way). At the end of the day though, Democrats have shown themselves to be absolutely incapable of governing, impotent to the point of being criminal, and entirely untrustworthy of the American people's support. And the worst part is that they are only marginally better than the Republicans. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 02:03:58 PM My thoughts exactly Catherine. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: The Sounds of Ka-Ching coming from the Barnes HQ BASENAME: the_sounds_of_ka-ching_coming STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/21/2010 05:42:31 PM ----- BODY: REB.jpgPrepare your wallets for a fundraising email from the Roy Barnes' campaign. Barnes is going to be asking for some funds because Rasmussen continues to report that he is the leading Democrat in the Governor's race and now "Barnes attracts 42% or 43% of the vote when matched against any of the top Republican hopefuls." Jan. 21, 2010 results: Maybe this latest poll results are all about "buyers' remorse" rather than "National Dems are bad". Georgia voters might be having buyers' remorse for voting for the Georgia GOP's version of change. When they voted Roy out of office, voters naively believed that Perdue and his gang of merry reform Republicans would actually improve the State. Not so much after 8 years of letting the wolves mind the hen house. So now Roy is back and voters might be thinking "well, he wasn't that bad when he was in office, my family prospered, and my kids received decent education". I think a lot of people are looking for change but a change in leadership that will provide stability to their families. It's gonna get interesting. It's gonna really suck for the other Dems in this race when Roy Barnes trots out his litany of successes that have directly impacted Georgians. The only Democratic candidate running who can't tie his successes with Roy Barnes' successes is Carl Camon. I'm guessing that the other Dems have better get their press folks to outline what successes they have had during Perdue's 8 years of ineffective leadership. Maybe the ride won't be such a bumpy ride for Democrats if all candidates involved run on their record of successes instead of tearing each other apart. Ahhhh, a woman can dream... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/21/2010 07:15:21 PM I don't dislike Roy Barnes, but I think the trend of Dems coalescing around an establishment candidate that makes nice nice with the party bosses and them catastrophically losing as they alienate independents should show us something here. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 10:04:19 AM Much better idea to go with the guy who polls show gets thumped by double digits by candidates as strong as John "blue light special" Oxendine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 10:28:16 AM So were DuBose, David, or Carl even offered as choices? I mean if the polls were asking people about Bill Richardson in 2008 all through the NH race but they aren't asking about you now, that must be quite the blow. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2010 03:06:37 PM I doubt he'll be asking me for money. Guys like Barnes prefer wholesale, not retail, fund raising. And for the love of God, can someone please convince one of these Dem Gubernatorial candidates to run for LG? Anyone? Please? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sid Cottingham EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2010 10:58:17 AM Bernita: As you know, I am now and always have been a big Barnes supporter. But we must qualify your statement: "When they voted Roy out of office, voters naively believed that Perdue and his gang of merry reform Republicans would actually improve the State." As you know, voters weren't voting for Perdue, but against Barnes. And rest assured, mistakes made in his first term will not be repeated during his second, and for more good reasons than just Barnes says they won't. He is going to be a great governor Mel: This time more than in his 2002 campaign Barnes is much more engaged in what you call retail fund raising, and doing a dern good job so far. This was evident in his recent fund raising report. I'm going to count on you. Page two. Months ago I begged one of the other candidates to consider the second spot, without success. I plan on having this conversation again and with a second candidate (not David; he won't get out regardless). But even back then I was advised (and not by the candidate with whom I addressed the topic) that it was a bit early to press the issue, and that this is a decision that events must control rather than contacts from the Barnes camp. I still consider it possible that, regardless of public statements, with at least one of the other candidates this is possible unless Thurmond jumps in. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2010 02:01:30 PM Where Barnes stands on Merit-Pay will largely determine his success or failure in this bid for Governor. 110,000 strong teacher-voting block is not going to look kindly on Barnes if he joins the Republicans in blaming the teachers yet again and now hitting their wallets for test scores. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/25/2010 12:20:20 PM Because throwing a tantrum worked out so well for both sides last time. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Cong. Hank Johnson's Greatest Hits - Vol. 1 BASENAME: cong_hank_johnsons_greatest_hi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/22/2010 03:53:53 PM ----- BODY: icon_hank_johnson.jpgOr Congressman Hank Johnson gets crunked. Jules has alerted me to Cong. Hank Johnson's campaign song for his re-election campaign. Hear it here. Not bad. Not as crazy as the worst political campaign song evah. So how ya gonna top that Snuggles? Here are the lyrics to Cong. Johnson's campaign song: Hank Johnson - Taking Care of Home (Music playing) Voice Over (Hank Johnson) Do you want a Congressman who represents your values? Who understands what's important to you? Who cares about your security and your safety? Someone who will take care of home first! Singer Someone who's able Someone who cares Someone who's willing, Who'll always be there at the table Solving the problems for you and for me A strong reputation for taking the lead A brand new direction That's what we all need To be able To start building a better---- community With all of the issues concerning our kids We need strong representation And things like our healthcare, our safety and bad transportation Vote For Hank Johnson For Congress Cause he's just better than the rest He's the answer, the solution For Taking Care of Home Bringing together all of us Cause a new direction is a must Vote Hank Johnson, the solution For Taking Care of Home Voice Over (Hank Johnson) Hi, I'm Hank Johnson We live in a great country and We deserve new leadership and strong representation In Georgia's 4th Congressional District So on July 18th - Vote Hank Johnson For solutions, not politics. Vote For Hank Johnson For Congress Cause he's just better than the rest He's the answer, the solution For Taking Care of Home Bringing together all of us Cause a new direction is a must Vote Hank Johnson, the solution For Taking Care of Home Voice Over (Announcer) Better Schools Better Education Enhanced Healthcare Safer streets for our citizens Better Transportation More Green space No politics, just solutions For taking care of home Paid for by the Committee to Elect Hank Johnson For Congress ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/24/2010 09:00:14 PM Tim and I discussed this and even used it as our outro music on the Kudzu Vine . Forget campaign season, I am glad he released it in time for prom season, what a slow dance classic! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: There *Is* a Senate Race In GA This Year Right? BASENAME: there_is_a_senate_race_in_ga_t STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/25/2010 11:09:29 PM TAGS: "georgia election 2010","rj hadley",senate ----- BODY: icon_ga_flag.jpgAnd by "this year", I mean in, like, nine and a half months. I mean, yeah, I've got it, we've put a few too many of our eggs in one basket, but still... Have we straight up conceded this race? I mean no offense to Mr. Hadley and the work he's been putting in (though the fact that that URL doesn't even spell his name right is telling), but it seems like that loss to Chambliss two years ago straight up knocked the wind out of the DPG and any enthusiasm to take on Isakson from the party as a whole. Where do we go from here? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2010 04:09:42 AM I like RJ and I've met him & heard from him a few times out on the 'hustings'. He's a personable, smart impressive guy and he well knows it's an uphill climb too. For recognition, for almost anything. We can all imagine more favorable scenarios, but at the moment, all we hear are crickets, besides RJ. And in my mind? Something always beats nothing. Always. So I almost imagine we might be hearing from someone else soon. Snuggles... who knows? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2010 08:25:49 AM Maybe people should stop jumping into the SoS race and find someplace where we need more candidates. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2010 03:47:03 PM I find it hilarious how one minute Progressives are claiming they want "new candidates" and no more to the "old establishment" and retread candidates but when a "fresh and new" candidate comes around they still want a daddy figure to come save them. RJ is a good guy and can motivate this lackluster Party if we rally behind him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RJ Hadley EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2010 04:37:42 PM LOL! Tough crowd! I respect your right to accept the status quo and believe that nothing will ever change. Please respect my right to believe that Georgia deserves better representation in DC and fight with those who would agree. I guess the view is pretty clear from the sidelines. - RJ4US ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Hodges Plans New Civil Rights Division for AG's Office BASENAME: hodges_plans_new_civil_rights STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/26/2010 03:51:11 PM ----- BODY: I guess I never realized that our State Attorney General's office didn't already have a separate Civil Rights division. Good campaign pledge by Hodges. kenhodges.jpgPress Release from Democratic Attorney General candidate Ken Hodges:
      A NEW CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION IN HODGES' VISION FOR AG'S OFFICE Campaign Proposes Civil Rights Division Upon Election Ken Hodges' campaign for Attorney General has announced a plan to create a new Civil Rights Division within the Attorney General's office upon his election, the campaign said. "For the first time," Hodges said, "the Attorney General's office will have its own, separate legal enforcement division, with its mission trained solely on guarding the civil rights of all Georgians." Hodges' planned Civil Rights Division will tackle investigations and litigation on a host of civil rights violations, with a focus on fair housing, employment, disabilities, religious freedom, racial profiling, and stopping predatory lenders. Currently, the Attorney General's office handles civil rights cases through the broader General Litigation Division, and serves a defensive role protecting state agencies. "We've got to give Georgia's Attorney General the tools to protect all Georgians," Hodges said. "This new office will be a great step forward in keeping Georgia safe." Ken Hodges served for 12 years as Dougherty County's District Attorney. A proven prosecutor, Hodges earned distinctions as the Chairman of the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia, the President of the District Attorney's Association of Georgia, and as the state's District Attorney of the Year in 2002. A board member emeritus of the Civil Rights Institute in Albany, Hodges believes in prosecuting public corruption, cracking down on gangs and urban crime, and supporting law enforcement in its efforts to protect all Georgians. For more on Hodges' campaign, visit
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2010 11:48:04 PM Is this a joke? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 09:13:04 AM Can we have an open thread? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 01:09:53 PM re ire, done. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: WARNING! FAKE JOB POSTING FOR ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL JOB IN NON-EXISTENT CIVIL RIGHTS DEPARTMENT! BASENAME: warning_fake_job_posting_for_a STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/27/2010 11:11:55 AM ----- BODY: Everyone! Thurbert Baker is a scam artist! He claims to have a job opening in Civil Rights when we were just told in the below post and by Ken Hodges that there is no Civil Rights department section at the AG's office! Here it is! Don't be fooled! civil rights job posting.PNG View image Also, to further perpetuate the scam our Attorney General also has this flowchart on his website. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: If you wish to apply anyway, be prepared to answer questions in your interview about Civil Rights, because that is all that position, and and all the other positions within that section, do. ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 11:22:20 AM Yes, there are Civil Rights attorneys, but there is no civil rights division dedicated to it. If you notice in your posting it says "Division: General Litigation" Gosh Stefan, between being obsessed with Teilhet and threatening to sue me over amended returns and not saying...and law offices, when do you sleep or work??? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 11:24:47 AM Yes, there are Civil Rights attorneys, but there is no civil rights division dedicated to it. If you notice in your posting it says "Division: General Litigation" Gosh Stefan, between being obsessed with Teilhet and threatening to sue me over amended returns and not saying...and law offices, when do you sleep or work??? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 11:35:12 AM Awesome ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 04:20:51 PM Clearly someone skipped the RIF class - Reading Is Fundamental. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 04:41:21 PM You don't think it is weird to send out a state wide press release making a huge deal of renaming a section to a division that does the same thing? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: What's Going On? BASENAME: whats_going_on STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/27/2010 12:55:21 PM ----- BODY: TM_Hula_fr.jpg A little World Soccer for you, here are your links:
    6. Football infrastructure and relief versatility. (The Global Game)
    7. The future of 6+5 may lie in Finland. (Nordic Football News)
    8. Everything you need to know about the Copa Libertadores. (Avoiding the Drop)
    9. Mohammed Zidan could use a speech writer. (Dirty Tackle)
    10. The dilemma of a football moralist. (When Saturday Comes)
    11. Sweden are the nicest guys in football. (uefa)
    12. Patrick Vieira finds ways to occupy his time at City. (Fisted Away)
    13. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 01:44:51 PM HEY! I LIKE THAT ALBUM! (Mainly for its name). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 01:47:43 PM Chosen for you... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 02:02:29 PM THIS IS WHY I ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 04:17:30 PM I was actually saying it in surprise, because you're NOT an asshole in person. :-p ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 04:36:25 PM This O'Keefe/bugging scandal keeps growing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 05:08:47 PM AWwwwwwwwwww...Is everyone trying to steal my heart lately? PLEASE FORM AN ORDERLY QUEUE! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 04:55:55 AM Shhh... the SOTU: A-Hole version: (Bobblespeak translations): [Via Atrios] JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 10:22:18 AM The Prince link displays the difficulty of conveying the multiple question mark when speaking. Speechwriters really shouldn't include it, or the triple exclamation mark. You pretty much have to fake an aneurysm at the end of the sentence to convey that level of excitement. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: State of the Union Open Thread BASENAME: state_of_the_union_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/27/2010 09:06:09 PM ----- BODY: So what do you think? Weigh in here.. Pundits welcome. Full Speech below the flip. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Madame Speaker, Vice President Biden, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: Our Constitution declares that from time to time, the President shall give to Congress information about the state of our union. For two hundred and twenty years, our leaders have fulfilled this duty. They have done so during periods of prosperity and tranquility. And they have done so in the midst of war and depression; at moments of great strife and great struggle. It's tempting to look back on these moments and assume that our progress was inevitable - that America was always destined to succeed. But when the Union was turned back at Bull Run and the Allies first landed at Omaha Beach, victory was very much in doubt. When the market crashed on Black Tuesday and civil rights marchers were beaten on Bloody Sunday, the future was anything but certain. These were times that tested the courage of our convictions, and the strength of our union. And despite all our divisions and disagreements; our hesitations and our fears; America prevailed because we chose to move forward as one nation, and one people. Again, we are tested. And again, we must answer history's call. One year ago, I took office amid two wars, an economy rocked by severe recession, a financial system on the verge of collapse, and a government deeply in debt. Experts from across the political spectrum warned that if we did not act, we might face a second depression. So we acted - immediately and aggressively. And one year later, the worst of the storm has passed. But the devastation remains. One in ten Americans still cannot find work. Many businesses have shuttered. Home values have declined. Small towns and rural communities have been hit especially hard. For those who had already known poverty, life has become that much harder. This recession has also compounded the burdens that America's families have been dealing with for decades - the burden of working harder and longer for less; of being unable to save enough to retire or help kids with college. So I know the anxieties that are out there right now. They're not new. These struggles are the reason I ran for President. These struggles are what I've witnessed for years in places like Elkhart, Indiana and Galesburg, Illinois. I hear about them in the letters that I read each night. The toughest to read are those written by children - asking why they have to move from their home, or when their mom or dad will be able to go back to work. For these Americans and so many others, change has not come fast enough. Some are frustrated; some are angry. They don't understand why it seems like bad behavior on Wall Street is rewarded but hard work on Main Street isn't; or why Washington has been unable or unwilling to solve any of our problems. They are tired of the partisanship and the shouting and the pettiness. They know we can't afford it. Not now. So we face big and difficult challenges. And what the American people hope - what they deserve - is for all of us, Democrats and Republicans, to work through our differences; to overcome the numbing weight of our politics. For while the people who sent us here have different backgrounds, different stories and different beliefs, the anxieties they face are the same. The aspirations they hold are shared. A job that pays the bills. A chance to get ahead. Most of all, the ability to give their children a better life. You know what else they share? They share a stubborn resilience in the face of adversity. After one of the most difficult years in our history, they remain busy building cars and teaching kids; starting businesses and going back to school. They're coaching little league and helping their neighbors. As one woman wrote me, "We are strained but hopeful, struggling but encouraged." It is because of this spirit - this great decency and great strength - that I have never been more hopeful about America's future than I am tonight. Despite our hardships, our union is strong. We do not give up. We do not quit. We do not allow fear or division to break our spirit. In this new decade, it's time the American people get a government that matches their decency; that embodies their strength. And tonight, I'd like to talk about how together, we can deliver on that promise. It begins with our economy. Our most urgent task upon taking office was to shore up the same banks that helped cause this crisis. It was not easy to do. And if there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, it's that we all hated the bank bailout. I hated it. You hated it. It was about as popular as a root canal. But when I ran for President, I promised I wouldn't just do what was popular - I would do what was necessary. And if we had allowed the meltdown of the financial system, unemployment might be double what it is today. More businesses would certainly have closed. More homes would have surely been lost. So I supported the last administration's efforts to create the financial rescue program. And when we took the program over, we made it more transparent and accountable. As a result, the markets are now stabilized, and we have recovered most of the money we spent on the banks. To recover the rest, I have proposed a fee on the biggest banks. I know Wall Street isn't keen on this idea, but if these firms can afford to hand out big bonuses again, they can afford a modest fee to pay back the taxpayers who rescued them in their time of need. As we stabilized the financial system, we also took steps to get our economy growing again, save as many jobs as possible, and help Americans who had become unemployed. That's why we extended or increased unemployment benefits for more than 18 million Americans; made health insurance 65% cheaper for families who get their coverage through COBRA; and passed 25 different tax cuts. Let me repeat: we cut taxes. We cut taxes for 95% of working families. We cut taxes for small businesses. We cut taxes for first-time homebuyers. We cut taxes for parents trying to care for their children. We cut taxes for 8 million Americans paying for college. As a result, millions of Americans had more to spend on gas, and food, and other necessities, all of which helped businesses keep more workers. And we haven't raised income taxes by a single dime on a single person. Not a single dime. Because of the steps we took, there are about two million Americans working right now who would otherwise be unemployed. 200,000 work in construction and clean energy. 300,000 are teachers and other education workers. Tens of thousands are cops, firefighters, correctional officers, and first responders. And we are on track to add another one and a half million jobs to this total by the end of the year. The plan that has made all of this possible, from the tax cuts to the jobs, is the Recovery Act. That's right - the Recovery Act, also known as the Stimulus Bill. Economists on the left and the right say that this bill has helped saved jobs and avert disaster. But you don't have to take their word for it. Talk to the small business in Phoenix that will triple its workforce because of the Recovery Act. Talk to the window manufacturer in Philadelphia who said he used to be skeptical about the Recovery Act, until he had to add two more work shifts just because of the business it created. Talk to the single teacher raising two kids who was told by her principal in the last week of school that because of the Recovery Act, she wouldn't be laid off after all. There are stories like this all across America. And after two years of recession, the economy is growing again. Retirement funds have started to gain back some of their value. Businesses are beginning to invest again, and slowly some are starting to hire again. But I realize that for every success story, there are other stories, of men and women who wake up with the anguish of not knowing where their next paycheck will come from; who send out resumes week after week and hear nothing in response. That is why jobs must be our number one focus in 2010, and that is why I am calling for a new jobs bill tonight. Now, the true engine of job creation in this country will always be America's businesses. But government can create the conditions necessary for businesses to expand and hire more workers. We should start where most new jobs do - in small businesses, companies that begin when an entrepreneur takes a chance on a dream, or a worker decides its time she became her own boss. Through sheer grit and determination, these companies have weathered the recession and are ready to grow. But when you talk to small business owners in places like Allentown, Pennsylvania or Elyria, Ohio, you find out that even though banks on Wall Street are lending again, they are mostly lending to bigger companies. But financing remains difficult for small business owners across the country. So tonight, I'm proposing that we take $30 billion of the money Wall Street banks have repaid and use it to help community banks give small businesses the credit they need to stay afloat. I am also proposing a new small business tax credit - one that will go to over one million small businesses who hire new workers or raise wages. While we're at it, let's also eliminate all capital gains taxes on small business investment; and provide a tax incentive for all businesses, large and small, to invest in new plants and equipment. Next, we can put Americans to work today building the infrastructure of tomorrow. From the first railroads to the interstate highway system, our nation has always been built to compete. There's no reason Europe or China should have the fastest trains, or the new factories that manufacture clean energy products. Tomorrow, I'll visit Tampa, Florida, where workers will soon break ground on a new high-speed railroad funded by the Recovery Act. There are projects like that all across this country that will create jobs and help our nation move goods, services, and information. We should put more Americans to work building clean energy facilities, and give rebates to Americans who make their homes more energy efficient, which supports clean energy jobs. And to encourage these and other businesses to stay within our borders, it's time to finally slash the tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas and give those tax breaks to companies that create jobs in the United States of America. The House has passed a jobs bill that includes some of these steps. As the first order of business this year, I urge the Senate to do the same. People are out of work. They are hurting. They need our help. And I want a jobs bill on my desk without delay. But the truth is, these steps still won't make up for the seven million jobs we've lost over the last two years. The only way to move to full employment is to lay a new foundation for long-term economic growth, and finally address the problems that America's families have confronted for years. We cannot afford another so-called economic "expansion" like the one from last decade - what some call the "lost decade" - where jobs grew more slowly than during any prior expansion; where the income of the average American household declined while the cost of health care and tuition reached record highs; where prosperity was built on a housing bubble and financial speculation. From the day I took office, I have been told that addressing our larger challenges is too ambitious - that such efforts would be too contentious, that our political system is too gridlocked, and that we should just put things on hold for awhile. For those who make these claims, I have one simple question: How long should we wait? How long should America put its future on hold? You see, Washington has been telling us to wait for decades, even as the problems have grown worse. Meanwhile, China's not waiting to revamp its economy. Germany's not waiting. India's not waiting. These nations aren't standing still. These nations aren't playing for second place. They're putting more emphasis on math and science. They're rebuilding their infrastructure. They are making serious investments in clean energy because they want those jobs. Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America. As hard as it may be, as uncomfortable and contentious as the debates may be, it's time to get serious about fixing the problems that are hampering our growth. One place to start is serious financial reform. Look, I am not interested in punishing banks, I'm interested in protecting our economy. A strong, healthy financial market makes it possible for businesses to access credit and create new jobs. It channels the savings of families into investments that raise incomes. But that can only happen if we guard against the same recklessness that nearly brought down our entire economy. We need to make sure consumers and middle-class families have the information they need to make financial decisions. We can't allow financial institutions, including those that take your deposits, to take risks that threaten the whole economy. The House has already passed financial reform with many of these changes. And the lobbyists are already trying to kill it. Well, we cannot let them win this fight. And if the bill that ends up on my desk does not meet the test of real reform, I will send it back. Next, we need to encourage American innovation. Last year, we made the largest investment in basic research funding in history - an investment that could lead to the world's cheapest solar cells or treatment that kills cancer cells but leaves healthy ones untouched. And no area is more ripe for such innovation than energy. You can see the results of last year's investment in clean energy - in the North Carolina company that will create 1200 jobs nationwide helping to make advanced batteries; or in the California business that will put 1,000 people to work making solar panels. But to create more of these clean energy jobs, we need more production, more efficiency, more incentives. That means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. It means making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development. It means continued investment in advanced biofuels and clean coal technologies. And yes, it means passing a comprehensive energy and climate bill with incentives that will finally make clean energy the profitable kind of energy in America. I am grateful to the House for passing such a bill last year. This year, I am eager to help advance the bipartisan effort in the Senate. I know there have been questions about whether we can afford such changes in a tough economy; and I know that there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change. But even if you doubt the evidence, providing incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy are the right thing to do for our future - because the nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy. And America must be that nation. Third, we need to export more of our goods. Because the more products we make and sell to other countries, the more jobs we support right here in America. So tonight, we set a new goal: We will double our exports over the next five years, an increase that will support two million jobs in America. To help meet this goal, we're launching a National Export Initiative that will help farmers and small businesses increase their exports, and reform export controls consistent with national security. We have to seek new markets aggressively, just as our competitors are. If America sits on the sidelines while other nations sign trade deals, we will lose the chance to create jobs on our shores. But realizing those benefits also means enforcing those agreements so our trading partners play by the rules. And that's why we will continue to shape a Doha trade agreement that opens global markets, and why we will strengthen our trade relations in Asia and with key partners like South Korea, Panama, and Colombia. Fourth, we need to invest in the skills and education of our people. This year, we have broken through the stalemate between left and right by launching a national competition to improve our schools. The idea here is simple: instead of rewarding failure, we only reward success. Instead of funding the status quo, we only invest in reform - reform that raises student achievement, inspires students to excel in math and science, and turns around failing schools that steal the future of too many young Americans, from rural communities to inner-cities. In the 21st century, one of the best anti-poverty programs is a world-class education. In this country, the success of our children cannot depend more on where they live than their potential. When we renew the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, we will work with Congress to expand these reforms to all fifty states. Still, in this economy, a high school diploma no longer guarantees a good job. I urge the Senate to follow the House and pass a bill that will revitalize our community colleges, which are a career pathway to the children of so many working families. To make college more affordable, this bill will finally end the unwarranted taxpayer-subsidies that go to banks for student loans. Instead, let's take that money and give families a $10,000 tax credit for four years of college and increase Pell Grants. And let's tell another one million students that when they graduate, they will be required to pay only ten percent of their income on student loans, and all of their debt will be forgiven after twenty years - and forgiven after ten years if they choose a career in public service. Because in the United States of America, no one should go broke because they chose to go to college. And it's time for colleges and universities to get serious about cutting their own costs - because they too have a responsibility to help solve this problem. Now, the price of college tuition is just one of the burdens facing the middle-class. That's why last year I asked Vice President Biden to chair a task force on Middle-Class Families. That's why we're nearly doubling the child care tax credit, and making it easier to save for retirement by giving every worker access to a retirement account and expanding the tax credit for those who start a nest egg. That's why we're working to lift the value of a family's single largest investment - their home. The steps we took last year to shore up the housing market have allowed millions of Americans to take out new loans and save an average of $1,500 on mortgage payments. This year, we will step up re-financing so that homeowners can move into more affordable mortgages. And it is precisely to relieve the burden on middle-class families that we still need health insurance reform. Now let's be clear - I did not choose to tackle this issue to get some legislative victory under my belt. And by now it should be fairly obvious that I didn't take on health care because it was good politics. I took on health care because of the stories I've heard from Americans with pre-existing conditions whose lives depend on getting coverage; patients who've been denied coverage; and families - even those with insurance - who are just one illness away from financial ruin. After nearly a century of trying, we are closer than ever to bringing more security to the lives of so many Americans. The approach we've taken would protect every American from the worst practices of the insurance industry. It would give small businesses and uninsured Americans a chance to choose an affordable health care plan in a competitive market. It would require every insurance plan to cover preventive care. And by the way, I want to acknowledge our First Lady, Michelle Obama, who this year is creating a national movement to tackle the epidemic of childhood obesity and make our kids healthier. Our approach would preserve the right of Americans who have insurance to keep their doctor and their plan. It would reduce costs and premiums for millions of families and businesses. And according to the Congressional Budget Office - the independent organization that both parties have cited as the official scorekeeper for Congress - our approach would bring down the deficit by as much as $1 trillion over the next two decades. Still, this is a complex issue, and the longer it was debated, the more skeptical people became. I take my share of the blame for not explaining it more clearly to the American people. And I know that with all the lobbying and horse-trading, this process left most Americans wondering what's in it for them. But I also know this problem is not going away. By the time I'm finished speaking tonight, more Americans will have lost their health insurance. Millions will lose it this year. Our deficit will grow. Premiums will go up. Patients will be denied the care they need. Small business owners will continue to drop coverage altogether. I will not walk away from these Americans, and neither should the people in this chamber. As temperatures cool, I want everyone to take another look at the plan we've proposed. There's a reason why many doctors, nurses, and health care experts who know our system best consider this approach a vast improvement over the status quo. But if anyone from either party has a better approach that will bring down premiums, bring down the deficit, cover the uninsured, strengthen Medicare for seniors, and stop insurance company abuses, let me know. Here's what I ask of Congress, though: Do not walk away from reform. Not now. Not when we are so close. Let us find a way to come together and finish the job for the American people. Now, even as health care reform would reduce our deficit, it's not enough to dig us out of a massive fiscal hole in which we find ourselves. It's a challenge that makes all others that much harder to solve, and one that's been subject to a lot of political posturing. So let me start the discussion of government spending by setting the record straight. At the beginning of the last decade, America had a budget surplus of over $200 billion. By the time I took office, we had a one year deficit of over $1 trillion and projected deficits of $8 trillion over the next decade. Most of this was the result of not paying for two wars, two tax cuts, and an expensive prescription drug program. On top of that, the effects of the recession put a $3 trillion hole in our budget. That was before I walked in the door. Now if we had taken office in ordinary times, I would have liked nothing more than to start bringing down the deficit. But we took office amid a crisis, and our efforts to prevent a second Depression have added another $1 trillion to our national debt. I am absolutely convinced that was the right thing to do. But families across the country are tightening their belts and making tough decisions. The federal government should do the same. So tonight, I'm proposing specific steps to pay for the $1 trillion that it took to rescue the economy last year. Starting in 2011, we are prepared to freeze government spending for three years. Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected. But all other discretionary government programs will. Like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we don't. And if I have to enforce this discipline by veto, I will. We will continue to go through the budget line by line to eliminate programs that we can't afford and don't work. We've already identified $20 billion in savings for next year. To help working families, we will extend our middle-class tax cuts. But at a time of record deficits, we will not continue tax cuts for oil companies, investment fund managers, and those making over $250,000 a year. We just can't afford it. Now, even after paying for what we spent on my watch, we will still face the massive deficit we had when I took office. More importantly, the cost of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will continue to skyrocket. That's why I've called for a bipartisan, Fiscal Commission, modeled on a proposal by Republican Judd Gregg and Democrat Kent Conrad. This can't be one of those Washington gimmicks that lets us pretend we solved a problem. The Commission will have to provide a specific set of solutions by a certain deadline. Yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission. So I will issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward, because I refuse to pass this problem on to another generation of Americans. And when the vote comes tomorrow, the Senate should restore the pay-as-you-go law that was a big reason why we had record surpluses in the 1990s. I know that some in my own party will argue that we cannot address the deficit or freeze government spending when so many are still hurting. I agree, which is why this freeze will not take effect until next year, when the economy is stronger. But understand - if we do not take meaningful steps to rein in our debt, it could damage our markets, increase the cost of borrowing, and jeopardize our recovery - all of which could have an even worse effect on our job growth and family incomes. From some on the right, I expect we'll hear a different argument - that if we just make fewer investments in our people, extend tax cuts for wealthier Americans, eliminate more regulations, and maintain the status quo on health care, our deficits will go away. The problem is, that's what we did for eight years. That's what helped lead us into this crisis. It's what helped lead to these deficits. And we cannot do it again. Rather than fight the same tired battles that have dominated Washington for decades, it's time to try something new. Let's invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt. Let's meet our responsibility to the citizens who sent us here. Let's try common sense. To do that, we have to recognize that we face more than a deficit of dollars right now. We face a deficit of trust - deep and corrosive doubts about how Washington works that have been growing for years. To close that credibility gap we must take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to end the outsized influence of lobbyists; to do our work openly; and to give our people the government they deserve. That's what I came to Washington to do. That's why - for the first time in history - my Administration posts our White House visitors online. And that's why we've excluded lobbyists from policy-making jobs or seats on federal boards and commissions. But we can't stop there. It's time to require lobbyists to disclose each contact they make on behalf of a client with my Administration or Congress. And it's time to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for federal office. Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests - including foreign corporations - to spend without limit in our elections. Well I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that's why I'm urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong. I'm also calling on Congress to continue down the path of earmark reform. You have trimmed some of this spending and embraced some meaningful change. But restoring the public trust demands more. For example, some members of Congress post some earmark requests online. Tonight, I'm calling on Congress to publish all earmark requests on a single website before there's a vote so that the American people can see how their money is being spent. Of course, none of these reforms will even happen if we don't also reform how we work with one another. Now, I am not naïve. I never thought the mere fact of my election would usher in peace, harmony, and some post-partisan era. I knew that both parties have fed divisions that are deeply entrenched. And on some issues, there are simply philosophical differences that will always cause us to part ways. These disagreements, about the role of government in our lives, about our national priorities and our national security, have been taking place for over two hundred years. They are the very essence of our democracy. But what frustrates the American people is a Washington where every day is Election Day. We cannot wage a perpetual campaign where the only goal is to see who can get the most embarrassing headlines about their opponent - a belief that if you lose, I win. Neither party should delay or obstruct every single bill just because they can. The confirmation of well-qualified public servants should not be held hostage to the pet projects or grudges of a few individual Senators. Washington may think that saying anything about the other side, no matter how false, is just part of the game. But it is precisely such politics that has stopped either party from helping the American people. Worse yet, it is sowing further division among our citizens and further distrust in our government. So no, I will not give up on changing the tone of our politics. I know it's an election year. And after last week, it is clear that campaign fever has come even earlier than usual. But we still need to govern. To Democrats, I would remind you that we still have the largest majority in decades, and the people expect us to solve some problems, not run for the hills. And if the Republican leadership is going to insist that sixty votes in the Senate are required to do any business at all in this town, then the responsibility to govern is now yours as well. Just saying no to everything may be good short-term politics, but it's not leadership. We were sent here to serve our citizens, not our ambitions. So let's show the American people that we can do it together. This week, I'll be addressing a meeting of the House Republicans. And I would like to begin monthly meetings with both the Democratic and Republican leadership. I know you can't wait. Throughout our history, no issue has united this country more than our security. Sadly, some of the unity we felt after 9/11 has dissipated. We can argue all we want about who's to blame for this, but I am not interested in re-litigating the past. I know that all of us love this country. All of us are committed to its defense. So let's put aside the schoolyard taunts about who is tough. Let's reject the false choice between protecting our people and upholding our values. Let's leave behind the fear and division, and do what it takes to defend our nation and forge a more hopeful future - for America and the world. That is the work we began last year. Since the day I took office, we have renewed our focus on the terrorists who threaten our nation. We have made substantial investments in our homeland security and disrupted plots that threatened to take American lives. We are filling unacceptable gaps revealed by the failed Christmas attack, with better airline security, and swifter action on our intelligence. We have prohibited torture and strengthened partnerships from the Pacific to South Asia to the Arabian Peninsula. And in the last year, hundreds of Al Qaeda's fighters and affiliates, including many senior leaders, have been captured or killed - far more than in 2008. In Afghanistan, we are increasing our troops and training Afghan Security Forces so they can begin to take the lead in July of 2011, and our troops can begin to come home. We will reward good governance, reduce corruption, and support the rights of all Afghans - men and women alike. We are joined by allies and partners who have increased their own commitment, and who will come together tomorrow in London to reaffirm our common purpose. There will be difficult days ahead. But I am confident we will succeed. As we take the fight to al Qaeda, we are responsibly leaving Iraq to its people. As a candidate, I promised that I would end this war, and that is what I am doing as President. We will have all of our combat troops out of Iraq by the end of this August. We will support the Iraqi government as they hold elections, and continue to partner with the Iraqi people to promote regional peace and prosperity. But make no mistake: this war is ending, and all of our troops are coming home. Tonight, all of our men and women in uniform -- in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world - must know that they have our respect, our gratitude, and our full support. And just as they must have the resources they need in war, we all have a responsibility to support them when they come home. That is why we made the largest increase in investments for veterans in decades. That is why we are building a 21st century VA. And that is why Michelle has joined with Jill Biden to forge a national commitment to support military families. Even as we prosecute two wars, we are also confronting perhaps the greatest danger to the American people - the threat of nuclear weapons. I have embraced the vision of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan through a strategy that reverses the spread of these weapons, and seeks a world without them. To reduce our stockpiles and launchers, while ensuring our deterrent, the United States and Russia are completing negotiations on the farthest-reaching arms control treaty in nearly two decades. And at April's Nuclear Security Summit, we will bring forty-four nations together behind a clear goal: securing all vulnerable nuclear materials around the world in four years, so that they never fall into the hands of terrorists. These diplomatic efforts have also strengthened our hand in dealing with those nations that insist on violating international agreements in pursuit of these weapons. That is why North Korea now faces increased isolation, and stronger sanctions - sanctions that are being vigorously enforced. That is why the international community is more united, and the Islamic Republic of Iran is more isolated. And as Iran's leaders continue to ignore their obligations, there should be no doubt: they, too, will face growing consequences. That is the leadership that we are providing - engagement that advances the common security and prosperity of all people. We are working through the G-20 to sustain a lasting global recovery. We are working with Muslim communities around the world to promote science, education and innovation. We have gone from a bystander to a leader in the fight against climate change. We are helping developing countries to feed themselves, and continuing the fight against HIV/AIDS. And we are launching a new initiative that will give us the capacity to respond faster and more effectively to bio-terrorism or an infectious disease - a plan that will counter threats at home, and strengthen public health abroad. As we have for over sixty years, America takes these actions because our destiny is connected to those beyond our shores. But we also do it because it is right. That is why, as we meet here tonight, over 10,000 Americans are working with many nations to help the people of Haiti recover and rebuild. That is why we stand with the girl who yearns to go to school in Afghanistan; we support the human rights of the women marching through the streets of Iran; and we advocate for the young man denied a job by corruption in Guinea. For America must always stand on the side of freedom and human dignity. Abroad, America's greatest source of strength has always been our ideals. The same is true at home. We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal, that no matter who you are or what you look like, if you abide by the law you should be protected by it; that if you adhere to our common values you should be treated no different than anyone else. We must continually renew this promise. My Administration has a Civil Rights Division that is once again prosecuting civil rights violations and employment discrimination. We finally strengthened our laws to protect against crimes driven by hate. This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are. We are going to crack down on violations of equal pay laws - so that women get equal pay for an equal day's work. And we should continue the work of fixing our broken immigration system - to secure our borders, enforce our laws, and ensure that everyone who plays by the rules can contribute to our economy and enrich our nations. In the end, it is our ideals, our values, that built America - values that allowed us to forge a nation made up of immigrants from every corner of the globe; values that drive our citizens still. Every day, Americans meet their responsibilities to their families and their employers. Time and again, they lend a hand to their neighbors and give back to their country. They take pride in their labor, and are generous in spirit. These aren't Republican values or Democratic values they're living by; business values or labor values. They are American values. Unfortunately, too many of our citizens have lost faith that our biggest institutions - our corporations, our media, and yes, our government - still reflect these same values. Each of these institutions are full of honorable men and women doing important work that helps our country prosper. But each time a CEO rewards himself for failure, or a banker puts the rest of us at risk for his own selfish gain, people's doubts grow. Each time lobbyists game the system or politicians tear each other down instead of lifting this country up, we lose faith. The more that TV pundits reduce serious debates into silly arguments, and big issues into sound bites, our citizens turn away. No wonder there's so much cynicism out there. No wonder there's so much disappointment. I campaigned on the promise of change - change we can believe in, the slogan went. And right now, I know there are many Americans who aren't sure if they still believe we can change - or at least, that I can deliver it. But remember this - I never suggested that change would be easy, or that I can do it alone. Democracy in a nation of three hundred million people can be noisy and messy and complicated. And when you try to do big things and make big changes, it stirs passions and controversy. That's just how it is. Those of us in public office can respond to this reality by playing it safe and avoid telling hard truths. We can do what's necessary to keep our poll numbers high, and get through the next election instead of doing what's best for the next generation. But I also know this: if people had made that decision fifty years ago or one hundred years ago or two hundred years ago, we wouldn't be here tonight. The only reason we are is because generations of Americans were unafraid to do what was hard; to do what was needed even when success was uncertain; to do what it took to keep the dream of this nation alive for their children and grandchildren. Our administration has had some political setbacks this year, and some of them were deserved. But I wake up every day knowing that they are nothing compared to the setbacks that families all across this country have faced this year. And what keeps me going - what keeps me fighting - is that despite all these setbacks, that spirit of determination and optimism - that fundamental decency that has always been at the core of the American people - lives on. It lives on in the struggling small business owner who wrote to me of his company, "None of us," he said, "...are willing to consider, even slightly, that we might fail." It lives on in the woman who said that even though she and her neighbors have felt the pain of recession, "We are strong. We are resilient. We are American." It lives on in the 8-year old boy in Louisiana, who just sent me his allowance and asked if I would give it to the people of Haiti. And it lives on in all the Americans who've dropped everything to go some place they've never been and pull people they've never known from rubble, prompting chants of "U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A!" when another life was saved. The spirit that has sustained this nation for more than two centuries lives on in you, its people. We have finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But a new year has come. A new decade stretches before us. We don't quit. I don't quit. Let's seize this moment - to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more. Thank you. God Bless You. And God Bless the United States of America. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 10:08:00 PM A lot of people seem to be clapping. It must be good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 11:03:16 PM Wonderful speech, all things considered. On a related note, I can't help but wonder how the citizens of Virginia feel about their State House being used as a stage set. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2010 11:05:45 PM blah blah blah... Obama gives good speech, nothing to see here move along. However the BIG news is DFI is vindicated with the Vice President and Speaker coordinated by wearing purple/lavender. Clearly, they got the memo. USA USA USA ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 12:13:00 AM I didn't watch it (couldn't, actually). At this point I don't care what he said anyway. He's said a lot of things since 1/20/09 and I'm ready for him to DO things. I want something to make me glad we won all these seats, and I haven't seen much to make me believe it was worth it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 03:01:32 AM Well it was good stuff. Light on the usual high flying rhetoric and more heavy on the actual details of 'what's to be done' and yes, 'putting Washington back in service to the middle class'. If we're fortunate to walk out of the war with health care reform and some better jobs program, it'll have been a successful venture for this misbegotten Congress. The mirage of 60 Senate votes? Were always largely an illusion, kept alive by hubris and unenlightened dreams. Ben Nelson said earlier today that he had planned all along to hold up the bill's final reconciliation once in conference to do a more stricter 'Stupak' amendment. That would have been a nice touch after a full year of work, right? Me? I'd much rather lose the super majority to an charming liberal shiny new GOP Sen. from MA. than to put up with such Quisling back stabbing BS from our own caucus. And we would have gotten it in spades from others too, no doubt. Now we have a chance to take a breath, do it right, and remove all the wildly Unpopular garbage that was required to get to the magic 60. Been there, done that. Now for a different track. What I always come away with is how utterly unlike most recent Presidents he is with his rhetoric. It's not all about the battle with endless enemies real or imagined (be they Commies or 'terraists'/ 'waste fraud & abuse'). That helped him in getting here, now he has to do more for the rest of the country to dig out all of various the holes (budgetary & fiscally, employment, trade & even morally) we find ourselves in. It is ever thus, but that's why he was elected. It's never an easy task, especially now with Fox TV essentially providing 100's of millions of dollars worth of yes, brilliant propaganda running solidly against him 24-7. That's never really happened here before either. All in all? It was so good & comprehensive that shiny new neo-conner Bob McDonnell had not much to disagree with, actually. But the optics were nice, paid for by all the big banks that we've kindly bailed out. That's gotta change soon too. More taxes for freeloading millionaire miscreants! Now & Forever! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 08:19:19 AM Didn't watch. Can't say I care. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 08:30:21 AM I hated Michelle's dress. Not flattering on her at all. (Though she clearly also got the "purple is for power" memo.) Overall my feeling was that Obama went to the Clinton 94 playbook, but he went there before the midterm slaughter instead of after. He served notice to Congress that they are on their own if they keep acting like idiots, he's saving his own hide, and he's moving to the middle. Probably a smart move for himself, but I don't think it will discourage the current panic and paranoia that has paralyzed Dems in Congress. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 11:39:58 PM Wonderful speech, all things considered. On a related note, I can't help but wonder how the citizens of Virginia feel about their State House being used as a stage set. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2010 07:19:13 AM Let's be honest...they don't care. They probably don't even know about it and if they did...they still wouldn't care. And let's continue the honesty...Had we done it, I wouldn't be reading this self righteous indignation from Democrats about the use of VA House (not singling you out Mel, I've read it a lot). ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Now for the "Real" State of the Union! BASENAME: now_for_the_real_state_of_the STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/28/2010 05:58:56 AM ----- BODY: Mark your calendar! Georgia WAND presents the 8th Annual Real State of the Union featuring AJC editor & author, Jay Bookman and The Reverend Dr Joseph Lowery. Always sure to stimulate and entertain, Mr Bookman will give us his perspective on the state of our union, and Rev Dr Lowery will respond. A brief Q & A will follow. Be sure to come early for the reception hosted by your friends at Georgia for Democracy! What: The Real State of the Union When: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 7:00 PM (Reception 6:00 PM in Tull Fellowship Hall) Where: Central Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington Street SW, Atlanta 30303 Admission is free! (A love offering will be taken.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: Real State2010.jpg ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Want me to not try to disable a US Senator's phone system? Teach me to farm. BASENAME: want_me_to_not_try_to_disable STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/28/2010 10:30:17 AM ----- BODY: [promoted from comments, h/t Bezerko, TPM] Senator Mary Landrieu's district office was the subject of some type of attempted interference with her telecommunications equipment. Not clear exactly what happened, but the alleged doers of whatever mischief include the below gentleman, Stan Dai. Plotting to disrupt communications, wiretapping etc, are arguably terroristic activities, so let's listen to Stan Dai explain how to prevent the very activities he was involved in. Hint: It involves teaching him to farm: I pretty much agree with everything he says. - the author was a former hill staffer of Sen. Landrieu ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 01:17:56 PM ALso heard from a friend in SD that Herseth-Sandin and some other legislators' sites were hacked to say "Fuck you Obama". No link, too lazy to verify. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2010 01:36:30 PM nvm. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Abomination BASENAME: whats STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/30/2010 12:34:15 AM ----- BODY: CBS has refused to grant advertising airtime for the gay dating website, but will allow an evangelical Christian group to air an anti-abortion ad during this year's Super Bowl.
      The ad reportedly will feature the University of Florida's superstar quarterback, Tim Tebow, and his mother, Pam. She will describe how, while working as a missionary in the Philippines and seven months pregnant with Tim, she contracted dysentery and fell into a coma. When she awoke, according to her account, doctors said the drugs they'd used to treat her virtually guaranteed a life-threatening stillbirth. They advised an abortion. She declined out of religious conviction.
      Those of you watching the Super Bowl will see the Tebow ad, but here's the one you won't see: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2010 11:27:05 AM Also, there is some talk about some of the "facts" that Pam Tebow recounts in the story. Apparently, the story is very unlikely to have happened the way she tells it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2010 04:40:46 PM "Based on a true story", apparently. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Amazing Obama BASENAME: amazing_obama STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 01/30/2010 01:14:06 AM ----- BODY: Everyone is raving about the President's "Open Discussion" with Republicans yesterday, and for good reason. Related: The White House has partnered with YouTube to give everyone an opportunity to ask President Obama questions here on Citizen Tube. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2010 02:40:08 PM Great. Tort reform is the branch he is offering. Other than that it was wonderful to watch. Apparently the mastery of talking points and aggressive, leading questions is the basis of Republican Congresspeople selection. They all say "Democrat" as an adjective, full of pejorative venom. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Democratic Gubernatorial Debate -- tomorrow, Feb. 2 BASENAME: democratic_gubernatorial_debat STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/01/2010 02:17:50 PM ----- BODY: Georgia Democratic Gubernatorial candidates will have their second debate at the University of Georgia tomorrow, February 2.
      WHO: Thurbert Baker, Roy Barnes, Carl Camon, Dubose Porter, David Poythress. WHAT: Moderated debate hosted by WNEG-TV and carried unedited on TV stations WGCL (Atlanta), WALB (Albany), WTVM (Columbus), WRDW (Augusta), WTOC (Savannah) and WMAZ (Macon). WHEN: Tomorrow, February 2. Seating must be completed by 6:30 pm, with live debate scheduled from 7 pm - 8 pm EST. WHERE: PJ Auditorium, located in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia, Athens. Due to space limitations, tickets must be acquired through the Clarke County Democratic Party to guarantee seating for the event. Media credentials must be acquired through Eric Gray of the Democratic Party of Georgia. Traditional and new media are encouraged to request credentials immediately to guarantee access. Please call 678-278-2108 for information or to request credentials.
      Let me know if anyone will be liveblogging the event. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: And we wonder about the state of the media... BASENAME: and_we_wonder_about_the_state STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/02/2010 11:04:29 AM ----- BODY: Alas, I did have hope for Atlanta Progressive News when they first arrived on the scene. I believed then (and do still) that editor Matthew Cardinale had good intentions to bring a progressive voice to the Atlanta media scene. I usually read APN releases with a lot of skepticism and a little bit of hope. I'm skeptical because it often seems to me that their reports are a conclusion looking for a hypothesis. I'm hopeful because I would like very much to have a non-biased, respected, influential progressive voice in Atlanta (and across Georgia). APN's latest antics dash most of my hopes and boost my skepticism. Last night in response to proposed limits for public comments at the Community Development/Human Resources Committee meetings Mr Cardinale presented his comments to the Atlanta City Council in the form of a rap song. Some will surely disagree with me, but I think five minutes is sufficent to present an articulate and organized comment about anything in front of an Atlanta City Council Committee meeting. Five minutes is a long time... Just try listening to Paul Anka's, "(You're) Having my Baby" twice. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Matthew Cardinale EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 12:58:29 PM Dear Catherine, A certain part of my rap seems appropriate to this response: Don't hate the people Don't hurt the people Don't squash the people Don't slight the people There's so much going on in your post, responding will be a challenge. First you attack APN for (implicitly) being a biased, progressive--as opposed to "non-biased... progressive"--publication. Then you simply say that my rap song has dashed all of your hopes (implicitly of us being "non-biased, influential, progressive") without explaining why. It seems like your composition is the one with no connection between hypothesis, data, and conclusion. I'm just saying, since obviously the scientific method is so important to you. You know, if there's one thing I've come to understand over the last almost FIVE years of APN, it's that there is a connection between media on one hand and society and social institutions on the other. The difference between APN and most other publications is that we acknowledge and embrace that difference. When a media outlet reports on something, it has an effect. That effect influences the next article written, which also has an effect. My point is that we at APN are a part of the community we serve. I am proud to have a distinguished history of making copious presentations before Full Council and numerous Cmtes. Typically, APN's reporting on various issues--from public housing to the Atlanta Eagle--have formed the substance of my speeches. Why shouldn't I take extra steps to ensure our elected officials are aware of what we're reporting, and what our analysis is? As far as the rap, it was a special case. Again since you didn't explain your objections, it is unclear- is it the rap format itself that offends your lily white sensibilities, or do you object to me speaking at all instead of just sitting there taking notes, or do you object to the content? Maybe all 3? Well, I'm proud of the rap and my mad rhyme skillz. I'm also proud to have set a strong record for APN as a defender of democratic rights, participation, and protections. I've said this time in time again, but one of the main reasons behind APN is to empower readers to make a meaningful difference in the democratic process. If I sit by and allow public comment to be curtailed, that could hamper the democratic process, effecting so many issues and limiting efforts by our readers to make that difference. APN has a history of objecting to open meetings violations, engaging in FOIA and ORA struggles, and protecting the public's right to speak. If you doubt that, I have examples. As far as the time limit itself it is arbitrary and serves no compelling city interest (none has been articulated). I've made speeches that were 9 and 15 minutes long before--as noted in our press releases--and absolutely every minute was necessary. Frankly, I'm disappointed that you would be on the other side of this issue. But alas, I've always been more left/left-left, and you've always been more left/center-left. APN has always been driven by principles, whereas let's face it, the worldview of BFD is more entangled with politics, specifically, the interests of the Democratic Party of Georgia. But guess what? That doesn't mean BFD is unbiased, progressive; and APN is biased, progressive. As I've said also a million times before, there is no such thing as objectivity. So plz let me know when you find it. I repeat there is no such thing as objectivity. I want that word banished from the dictionary. You could say, well, there should be a balance between the two sides. Well, we disagree on what the sides are and how the balance should operate. But objectivity has nothing to do with it. You also made reference to your hope of having an "influential" unbiased, progressive news service. I would say that we are growing more in influence every day. Our stories get picked up all the time, and we're getting referenced in even corporate outlets. Our readership and advertising base is growing every day. What gets me though is the apparent two-faced-ness of our friendship. I have always been genuine and open with you. You? Apparently not so much. But at least now I get to see what you really think. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 01:27:57 PM All I know is that response took way more time than an Editor/Publisher of a legitimate publication should have. Also being an Editor/Publisher is an inherent conflict of interest. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Paula EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 01:46:07 PM I don't know about the rest of you, but I would consider myself firmly left/left-right/center-left/left-left/left. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 01:54:51 PM Are these dance steps or political positions? I cannot even tell. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 02:02:46 PM Two-faced? So someone cannot like you as a person and also criticize your work (or at least your behavior)? If you are going to put yourself out there in the public eye, you are going to get criticism. Sometimes even from friends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 02:18:09 PM Where to begin? You're right. Non-biased/objective reporting is not really possible. If APN really wanted to influence the time-limit proposed I would imagine that an articulate, well-thought out, comprehensive two-minute speech about why this "could hamper the democratic process" could have been very effective. Do you really think your rap performance had more (or even equal) impact as a succinct two-minute comment? I heard the council members chuckling at the end - is that the lasting impression you hoped to leave? I find it endlessly entertaining that you seem to enjoy comparing APN to BfD whenever we criticize you, but the rest of the time you adamantly insist that you are a news source, and we are a blog (with an implied sneer). And, that, my friend, is the whole point of my piece today. If you want to be a news source that is taken seriously and has an impact on policy, I suggest that you steer away from the rap songs and concentrate on well crafted comments, comprehensive reporting, and gaining a thicker skin. You can accuse me of having "lily white sensibilities" and of being "left/left-center" all day long. I have had my "left/progressive card" taken away so many times that it doesn't even give me pause anymore. I know what I believe, the values I hold dear, the issues and candidates I support, and other peoples' labels don't mean much to me. As for BfD being entangled with the Democratic Party of Georgia, I can only assure you that the DPG probably isn't feeling that right about now. As for our friendship, I am sorry if you believe that I have been hypocritical or "two-faced". I have criticized APN before, and try to keep from making the criticism personal. Apparently I have failed, and for that I am sorry. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 06:10:39 PM I wouldn't mind APN if it made it clear what you were reading was an editorial. If you are going to claim to be a news site, you need to use some sort of journalistic ethos when you cover or comment. That is gone AWOL at APN. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 07:24:08 PM Agreed with Stefan, APN is an editorial site, not a news site. There are glimpes of news in the emails / releases etc from time to time, but nothing I can't get anywhere else in a LOT simpler, less talky form, more concise and just better overall. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2010 09:16:16 AM I think it just sorta confirms we commented on this thread. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Please Atlanta Media lay off John Oxendine BASENAME: please_atlanta_media_lay_off_j STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/02/2010 06:01:17 PM ----- BODY: oxendine.jpgDear Atlanta media folks, Ya'll need to lay off Republican Governor candidate John Oxendine. The continuous spinning of corruption conspiracies is just out of control. The Ox has served brilliantly as our State's Insurance Commissioner and has
      championed policies aimed at protecting the interests of Georgia consumers and promoting a competitive market place.
      The Ox deserves to be the Republican nominee for Governor. In May 2009, when the AJC wrote about how he used his office as the State Insurance Commissioner to pimp money from those he regulated and the donations were illegal because they came from 2 insurance company executives who set up fake PACS was not very helpful with making sure the Ox wins the Republican nomination. Everyone thought the Ox would fold up his tent, but instead he responded to the AJC's frivolous attacks by saying:
      Oxendine told the AJC that he wasn't sure who gave him the PAC money, but said it was from business people, mostly in Alabama. "It's not like an oversight or I didn't know what the law was," he said. "We received it from completely different sources, and they are not common." Oxendine added later, "I don't want you to think we had the intent of doing anything inappropriate."
      That my AJC friends is true Republican leadership - Oxendine was victimized by shady campaign contributors. He had zero knowledge that all the money came from the same address. ----- EXTENDED BODY: In September 2009, Jay Bookman's calling Oxendine "delusional" for wanting to build a tunnel through Atlanta's neighborhoods also didn't help the situation. C'mon those are strong Oxendine voters who live in the proposed tunnel's path - voters in Virginia-Highland, Candler Park, Inman Park and East Atlanta neighborhoods. Why does the AJC think that Oxendine will hurt his own supporters? No way! Oxendine is proposing the tunnel idea "because no one's really had the vision." until he came along. Under Ox's astute vision my home in East Atlanta will be bulldozed so Atlantans can reduce 5 minutes off their morning commute. And what is wrong with that? I can see the halo of light around Ox's head as the transportation gods smile upon him. In October 2009, WXIA broke the story about Ox's daddy "retiring" from his position as a Gwinnett County judge. Something about his daddy not realizing that he couldn't be the lawyer on a land deal for well connected folks who were selling land to Gwinnett County. Yeah somehow the Ox's daddy didn't remember that he couldn't practice law on the side while he was a sitting Judge. Hmmm...who knew about that crazy and outdated stipulation? A few days later, WXIA continued their pile on and the Ox's daddy was forced to resign his board seat on a nonprofit because of another quid pro quo deal gone bad. Oh what's that saying...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Right before Christmas 2009 when the Ox was ready to spend some quality time with his family, the pesky reporters over at WSB squealed about the Ox taking lavish trips with a campaign contributor who just happened to also ask Ox's state office to help with him a personal matter. C'mon WSB why ya'll gotta be all up in Ox's trips and stuff? I mean the Ox's staff did say that he returned the travel expense money back to his State office although they lost the paperwork to show proof. But hey we can trust the Ox's staff because they are following the orders and actions of the Ox himself. As soon as the new year began, the AJC is back again reporting on the Ox and the "accidental" shooting that occurred while he was hunting with his boys. Geesh AJC it was just a hunting trip set up by the Dick Cheney travel agency. Seriously, did the AJC really need to get all mighty and force the DNR to actually investigate the incident? That was so not necessary. Once again the AJC just had to make the link that the Ox was actually hunting on land owned by the insurance company guy that he swore he didn't really have a relationship with. Coincidences people...move along...nothing shady happened. And now the AJC is reporting that Oxendine is strong arming a fellow Republican politician. Seriously AJC, the Ox wasn't putting any pressure on Congressman Westmoreland, he was just offering some friendly advice "just in case" the media got wind that Westmoreland was being investigated about a failed Georgia bank. That doesn't sound like strong arming to me. Can we really trust a GPB reporter who says the Ox gave him the tip about the Westmoreland investigation? C'mon with the trusting of GPB, for pete's sake GPB has to beg to the public to fund their programming and are held accountable by the people. As the Ox says "If anyone is trying to Monday make politics out of this, it's not me, it's the congressman". Yeah, it's the Congressman who is the trouble maker, I mean that dude doesn't even know the Ten Commandments and the AJC and GPB are taking his word about the conversations. So I'm asking the Atlanta media to please lay off of John Oxendine. Stop insinuating that he's not ethical or is pandering to the crazy right wing of his Party. As the Ox said in his most recent email to supporters:
      In case you think we are getting ahead of ourselves, Rasmussen finds that "Oxendine holds a wide lead in the 2010 Republican Primary."
      The people of Georgia need John Oxendine to become the Republican nominee for Governor. Viva Oxedine. And when this happens, we Democrats, will gladly trounce his ass in November. Democrats need Oxendine to win the Republican nomination because he is the poster child for poor leadership and questionable ethics which embody the Georgia Republican party. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 07:18:08 PM omg this post is too long lol, funny, but too long. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2010 08:04:18 PM I have been storing up my thoughts for a while. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2010 06:37:56 AM The funny stuff was that you kept it clean and hell, you also missed all of his driving infractions and direct abuse of office allegations that have dogged him for years. There's got to be a Part Deux, right? JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Cover It Live-Georgia Democratic Governor Debate BASENAME: cover_it_live-georgia_democrat STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/02/2010 06:18:49 PM ----- BODY: Please join us at 7:00 tonight while we watch and discuss the debate between the Democratic Governor candidates. The debate begins at 7PM and will be broadcast live on CBS Channel 46. It's fun, it's fast, and it's free! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Wednesday's View: Rep. Debbie Buckner BASENAME: wednesdays_view_rep_debbie_buc STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/03/2010 12:37:40 AM ----- BODY: Every Wednesday, Blog for Democracy and the Democratic House Caucus will provide views from Georgia's Democrat State Representatives. bucknerDebbie.jpgThis week we hear from State Rep. Debbie Buckner (D-Columbus). She was first elected to the Georgia General Assembly in 2002. House District 130 consists of parts of Talbot, Harris, and the eastern part of Muscogee County. BILL SUMMARY: HB 1039 provides a state-wide outdoor watering schedule during certain time periods. It bans outdoor irrigation between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. except for commercial agricultural operations, irrigation of personal food gardens or new landscape installed by licensed professionals for a period of 30 days following installation. REP. DEBBIE BUCKNER COMMENTS: Georgia has enjoyed plentiful rainfall the past several months, but if we have learned anything from the most recent drought, it is that we cannot take our water supply for granted. Taking into consideration the "water wars" with Alabama and Florida and last year's federal court decision restricting metro Atlanta's use of water from Lake Lanier, it is more important than ever that we do a better job of preparing for future dry spells. This is why I have introduced legislation that encourages all Georgians to conserve our water resources by providing a consistent schedule for outdoor watering on a statewide basis. Under HB 1039, watering would take place only from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m. This is a cost-effective solution because during the heat of the day, as much as half the water used outdoors is lost through evaporation. Horticulture experts also say that daytime watering is more likely to cause problems with fungus, particularly in lawns. The consistent schedule would be easier for residents to remember than the odd/even day alternation that some communities utilize. Agricultural operations, personal food gardens and new landscaping would be exempt from the restrictions, and local control would be protected as implementation and enforcement would be left up to local governing authorities. Abiding by a statewide outdoor watering schedule by all Georgians would show our neighboring states we are making a good-faith effort to conserve our resources and have a very positive effect on being prepared for future drought conditions. HB 1039 has strong bipartisan support, and I am hopeful it will be quickly approved. TAKE ACTION: In addition to encouraging you to conserve water and other resources, I ask you to contact your local representative and voice your support for this bill. We must all do our part to conserve our natural resources. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2010 05:27:17 AM A generally good idea. But Lawns in general and the water they constantly require for regular maintenance make them just about the most wasteful 19th century invention we can think of. Besides coal fired plants I guess... I've not watered my lawn for about 10 years now. Sure it looks like hell in spots, but I don't care, and I still think the better part of wisdom is to let them be tended with the most minimal upkeep you might be able to get away with. This may mean dirty looks from your neighbors too. But hey, that comes with the Obama & Democratic signs that regularly adorn the house too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2010 12:41:12 PM I'm all for conservation, but I just don't understand where the water goes. Is evaporation the problem? So the water evaporates and goes... where? Augusta? South Carolina? Out to sea? The rest, that doesn't evaporate, goes back into the ecosystem, right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2010 10:38:23 PM About 1/3 of the water is lost under your feet Jerry. The ATL system is that porous & leaky, almost everywhere. There's got to be some better solutions & some new tech & monitoring processes to try and 'capture' all that wastage. Otherwise it's literally lost forever, eventually to the oceans, if we're lucky. But lost to most productive human uses almost immediately. As with everything else the most & best we can do is to manage what we've got better & conserve what we've got now. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Illegal and improper abuse of power? BASENAME: illegal_and_improper_abuse_of STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/04/2010 06:00:29 AM ----- BODY: Well, this goes way beyond the average blog post. If this is what they're rolling out pre-primary on Ken Hodges, what in the world are they saving for the General? I don't want to jump to conclusions, but am completely freaked out by these allegations. The curious case of Ken Hodges: your Democratic candidate for Attorney General, Part one, Part two, and Part three, from PeachPundit. Related: Do No Harm, the documentary:
      DO NO HARM is a documentary film that tells the story of two reluctant whistle blowers in a small Georgia town who endure relentless attacks as they struggle to draw national attention to hospital corruption and the plight of the uninsured. At the center of this story is Phoebe Putney, a non-profit hospital in Albany, Georgia whose influence is felt by most residents - everyone knows someone who works at Phoebe, owes Phoebe money, or who has been to the hospital for treatment. In 2003, Dr. John Bagnato and accountant Charles Rehberg stumble upon evidence that the hospital is overcharging uninsured and indigent patients and is using aggressive collections tactics to recover costs. Their subsequent investigation uncovers millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts and lucrative for-profit businesses under the control of the non-profit hospital - not only at Phoebe, but also at non-profit hospitals around the country. And shockingly - this is all entirely legal. When these discoveries become public, Bagnato and Rehberg become the targets of threats and intimidation, and are eventually prosecuted by local authorities for blowing the whistle on the hospital. With their reputations and livelihoods on the line, Bagnato and Rehberg must confront what they're willing to sacrifice to bring about justice.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2010 05:20:19 AM Big Problem, and one that PP actually fairly summaries from the 'Do no harm' vid, which I've seen. In Ga. BTW, just not broadcast by GPTV. It's available from their site (listed above) for about $25. This would be a very huge issue to hand to the GOP opposition, and one that would indeed probably 'taint' the entire field if the press ever got interested in it. It's a complex story though, but KH not only did not 'cover himself in glory' in it, he's one of the blacker hats in the documentary. Never underestimate the power of revulsion towards Hospital health care lobbyists with the public today. This is a serious concern & a viable issue that either needs to be addressed or considered as a point of 'negative comparison' that will prove to be quite telling in the race. One way or another. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Cotton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2010 12:13:56 PM The Hodges story gets stranger and stranger,is this the best we can do? I think it's time for Ken to just stay put in his law practice and give the rest of us a break. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: richie.rashad EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2010 10:45:20 PM Ken Hodges is the defender of the innocent and the prosecutor of the guilty. He defends Phoebe a non-profit hospital that has served the black community since the 1870's. There were racists who attacked Phoebe using KKK imagery and Ken investigated these anonmyous attacks. He was elected and re-elected a total of 3 times and greatly loved by South Georgia. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2010 12:43:07 AM See the movie. See the Doc. And decide for yourself. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: leah frog EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2010 12:19:20 PM after reading those posts, it seems like these people are obsessed with hurting ken hodges and a lot of what they say is "alledged" i think what is worse than alledged accusations is actually being in the middle of criminal investigations like teilhet and seus! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: leah frog EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2010 12:42:07 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2010 05:13:32 PM We welcome newish blogger 'Leah Frog'. I've read the mostly disjointed post you put up, and frankly really don't understand it. Is it supposed to be some sort of guilt by association deal? Because if it is? It's got nothing on what's on the record about what went down with the case cited above with the monopolistic power of Phoebe Putney Health systems in & around Albany. It was tres ugly. Read some of the supporting documentation. Not fun, and not much of a proud 'record' to run on. Although truth be told? It may play well enough down state for awhile at least. But don't take my word for it, read & investigate it for yourself. But it's trouble no doubt. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2010 02:37:38 PM The reason they are rolling this out right now is because the case is about to be dismissed by the 11th Circuit (an extremely good possibility), who has seen and heard all the unbiased information. Then it will be a lot harder to make the case. Right now, it is easy to take the completely biased and unproven allegations and try to make it seem like they are true. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: richie.rashad EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2010 09:51:54 AM I agree with Melb, what other purpose to Rob Teleit's bloggers have than to undermine justice and run down the "people's hospital"? Taking Phoebe aside, Ken Hodges was a great District Attorney who has the experience to be a great Georgia Attorney General. The fact that he is a tenacious defender of the poor and African-American civil rights should be apparent and commended! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2010 04:28:13 PM I've got no idea of who's doing what & why. Me? I'm not a 'Rob Teleit's [sic: sp] blogger'. Phoebe's got plenty of problems, not the least of which is PR. And no, I'd really not describe them as being a or 'the people's hospital'. They're a monopolistic corporate giant that was used to throwing their weight around in a smallish pond to get their own way. Was that illegal in the strictest sense of the law? Perhaps not, but that remains to be seen. It's a complicated case and the terms of the argument may indeed be narrowed down by the courts. Why would the Rethugs delight to see all this? Well for the usual reasons actually. Me, I'd really like to avoid having folks who are more difficult to defend (say wife beaters, prostitute batterers etc. Elsewhere) in general elections. It really does get tiresome. And it's tremendously draining on everything we do & hope to do also. Just a thought. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2010 07:18:28 PM JMP, Are you from Albany/Dougherty county? Do you have a personal experience with Pheobe? You have made a lot of comments about them so I am wondering if your experience is the video pushed by the plaintiff or if you have first hand knowledge of the issues you are concerned about? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2010 07:21:10 PM i.e., monopolistic corporate giant who is not "the people's hospital" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2010 11:17:16 PM Melb, If you don't know me, and I you, then you might guess that I'm not from 'the area'. I've seen the documentary, which was independently produced, from years of ongoing strife involving yes, just some of the more vicious aspects of the 'monopolistic' tendencies & operations of Pheobe P. Make no mistake about it, all the regular & usual corporate malfeasance will & do apply to the corp, whether or not they are indicted for any particular crime. The AJC finally was covering the story, as was the local Albany press & media by the time the controversy had somewhat subsided. I've also heard from health care professionals familiar with the scene on the general state of play with the corporation. So again, don't take my word for it. Investigate for yourself. It's the modern age, that's pretty easy to do now. I'm just one opinion here. But again I'd suggest to everyone to please read & inform yourselves on the basic issues involved here. In no sense does any 'people's hospital' behave in such a manner as has now been documented by numerous sources. And that's at a bare minimum here. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2010 11:26:46 PM Just was wondering. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2010 10:36:22 AM So J.M., that would a "no"? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: A Love Poll for the Democratic Governor's Race BASENAME: a_love_poll_for_the_democratic STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/04/2010 06:22:31 AM ----- BODY: hearts.jpgAttend the Atlanta Stonewall Democrats 2010 Love Me, Love Me Not Valentine's Day Party and participate in our "Love Poll" for the Democratic Governor's race. Our Love Poll is similar to a straw poll. For just a small $5 donation to Atlanta Stonewall, you can send a beautiful Valentine Heart, signed by you, to your favorite Democrat or Elected Official. On the flip-side, for a $5 donation, you can also send a Broken Heart to a public official who is NOT so fair-minded. Atlanta Stonewall Democrats will hand deliver you hearts to the elected official. If you send at least 5 hearts ($25) your 2010 membership to Stonewall is included! And you will receive a very special gift. So join us and meet some great fair-minded folks.
      When: Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010 Where: The Phillip Rush Center - 1530 DeKalb Ave, Atlanta, 30307 * next to Radial Café and Georgia Equality Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
      If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Tim Cairl - timcairl(at) If you can't make the event and still want to send a heart, please Contribute here ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: House Dems announce Transportation Job Development Act BASENAME: house_dems_announce_transporta STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/04/2010 02:56:11 PM ----- BODY: In a press release from the Georgia House Democrats:
      House and Senate Democrats today announced new transportation legislation that will help ensure Georgia receives its fair share of federal stimulus money and create a mechanism for a regional transportation SPLOST. The legislation dedicates the fourth penny collected on motor fuel tax to any general transportation purpose. As of FY 2009 the motor fuel tax generated over $137 million. "House Democrats have been working on this for over three years," said Minority Leader DuBose Porter. "Georgia's Republican leadership refused to act, costing Georgia jobs and federal money. We are losing jobs and money to surrounding states because of their failure to act on transportation. " The Democrats' proposed legislation allows for the formation of special transportation districts, giving local jurisdictions the power to decide whether or not to levy a local tax. It also constitutionally dedicates the fourth penny of sales tax generated from motor fuel to "any transportation purpose" to leverage federal dollars and help with economic development through state aid and LARP for local communities. "There is $87 million in federal stimulus money for high speed rail systems up for grabs and all Georgia needs to do is raise $15 million to access the federal money," said Rep. Calvin Smyre. "The fourth penny will ensure leverage for Georgia to enable us to receive some of that money instead of watching as it goes to North Carolina or Florida." "There is an urgency to act now. Republicans want to create legislation that starts acting in 2012, which means the money won't be on the ground until 2014. Georgia can't wait until 2014 to start fixing our transportation problem. That's why House Democrats are acting now," said Minority Whip Carolyn Hugley.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2010 10:29:41 PM Lovely, serious & vitally important to the future of the state & our economy. And w/Sonny & his Rethug wrecking crew in charge? Anyone have a 'dead pool' on this and any other brilliant suggestions? Yeah I know... JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Your Panda Travel News Update! BASENAME: your_panda_travel_news STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/04/2010 05:06:25 PM ----- BODY: Oh yes, today was International Panda Travel Day, complete with VIP send off and FedEx playing chauffeur! At the Atlanta Zoo Mei Lan was up two hours earlier than usual to catch her flight to DC to pick up Tai Shan who, I guess, got to sleep in.
      Atlanta's new mayor Kasim Reed acknowledged Mei Lan's impact on this community while she was here ...but also expressed hope for her future. He said she would always be remembered. And with a laugh he wished that she would be fruitful and multiple. Then the Panda Express taxied to the runway under a ceremonial water cannon salute...and off she went...first to Washington D.C. to pick up another giant panda cub, Tai Shan.

      Both Pandas are headed to the Chengdu panda reserve for breeding. Although born at the Atlanta Zoo, Mei Lan is still the property of the Chinese government. Bye bye kids, don't forget to write! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2010 10:25:31 PM Wait! 'The Panda Express'?! Yeah, we know where they're heading don't we? JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: John Murtha open thread BASENAME: john_murtha_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/08/2010 11:08:42 PM ----- BODY: John Murtha's dead, victim of what sounds like surgical error while he was having his gallbladder removed. Do we miss him? Are we merely glad he left before he got himself indicted? (This blogger thinks he spent as much time being part of the problem as he did being part of the solution, for what it's worth.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2010 11:37:23 PM Could have let the body get cold first. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2010 02:23:04 AM "(This blogger thinks he spent as much time being part of the problem as he did being part of the solution, for what it's worth.") So on the whole a rather neutral assessment? Much like many Congresscritters he was busy most of the time trying to get jobs & pork back into his district, and happened to be pretty good at that trick as a senior member of both the delegation & the House (see also: Sen. Byrd, etc.). He'd been there long enough to be an old moss back, but his bravest moment was actually in his later years standing up to the Bushites and their endless wars. Here's Huff Post's coverage of same: "Remembering The 'Murthquake': When John Murtha Took On The Iraq War Posted: 02- 8-10 06:09 PM digg The passing of Rep. John Murtha (D-Penn.) on Monday from gall bladder surgery complications brought to an end one of the most dynamic careers of the political generation that emerged from the Vietnam War. The 77-year-old lawmaker and warrior, who remained an officer in the Marine Reserves for the first eight of his 18 terms in office, was a classic blue-collar Democrat. He was a consistent and effective advocate of local working-class issues, as well as a supporter of gun rights and an opponent of abortion rights. His extraordinary talent for bringing home the pork made him legendary among insiders -- and landed him in ethical hot water. But the Johnstown native forever cemented his legacy during a mid-November afternoon in 2005 when he went public with his skepticism about the course of the Iraq War. "The war in Iraq is not going as advertised," he declared in a speech. "It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion. The American public is way ahead of us. The United States and coalition troops have done all they can in Iraq, but it is time for a change in direction. Our military is suffering. The future of our country is at risk. We can not continue on the present course." [More @ Link]. So in other words? Probably a good fit for his times, about average for a 'conservadem', and certainly brave in his last years by taking on the needless wars. Everything else was pretty secondary, including the whispers of nepotism & corruption. Pretty common stuff, and the rumors of his imminent indictment were always a perennial fav among the chattering classes. But none came despite yes, years of such 'talk' (and certain trouble with & by ex-staffers etc). He was certainly our SOB, and I'll claim him. If he was a Rethug? He'd be getting a state funeral & wall to wall weepy coverage from Fox news. You Betcha! There's the difference between the party's. A 'meh' over here, a full blown state funeral over there. Believe it. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2010 04:54:57 PM Murtha voted for cap and trade, health care reform, and financial industry reform. He is thus less part of the problem than every Georgia Republican and at least two Georgia Democrats. I think it's a mistake to look at his behavior otherwise as a personal flaw. It should be considered part of the institutional corruption that Congress has as yet refused to check. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: When was the last time you stood up for, or sat down for; a cause? BASENAME: when_was_the_last_time_you_sto STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/10/2010 05:24:21 PM TAGS: Activism,"Cobb PFLAG","Edmund Pettus Bridge",johnlewis ----- BODY: icrcm-stand.jpgLast week I had the great pleasure to run into Congressman John Lewis ( D-GA 5th) at Atlanta Hartsfield Airport. I chatted with him for just a few minutes and thanked him for his comments on CNN regarding Black History month, and the recent opening of the The International Civil Rights Center & Museum in Greensboro, N.C. It was February 1st, 50 years ago to the day that the four young men sat down at the segregated F.W. Woolworth lunch counter.
      Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair Jr., David Richmond and Joseph McNeil took a seat at the segregated facility and politely, but steadfastly, refused to leave. Eventually joined by others, they returned day after day to stage a sit-in that would continue until late July, when at last, the eating area was de-segregated. Their protest sparked similar sit-ins throughout the South, enlivening the civil rights movement.
      The congressman was on his way back to DC, and while I could have chatted him up for hours! I thanked him again and we parted. However, it really got me thinking about the all too many times he put his body on the line for something he believed in, and when was the last time I saw others make that commitment? Well, as it turns out, I didn't have to look far. ----- EXTENDED BODY: For 7 years Georgia Wand Stands for Peace every friday on the corner of 14th and Peachtree from 12-1 pm. As they say "We will continue to stand every Friday until the war ends in Iraq and the troops are sent home from Afghanistan". More about the ongoing action here. Later that week one of my favorite daily read blogs, Joe.My.God posted a great video from a group of students staged a sit in during a recent John Carroll University basketball game. The group Singing for our Lives posted the video and says the following about why they took this action.
      In light of the recent decision by the John Carroll University administration to not specifically include the protection of Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexuals, Transgendered, and Questioning students in its Anti-Discrimination Statement, we, the students, faculty, and alumni of John Carroll University choose to voice our support for those the university leaves without protection. John Carroll's mission is to create people for others. That means support, protection, love, and understanding for all people without regard to color, creed, sexual preference, gender, age, or other personal factors. That's the goal of a Jesuit institution. By not explicitly voicing its support of LGBTQ students, faculty, and alumni, John Carroll's administration is breaking those unspoken bonds of trust that make JCU a community. It's time for those who have called Carroll home in some capacity to speak up and demand of the President, Board of Directors, and Administration the words that promise safety and security to those whose rights are so tenuous and often unprotected. In short, we expect better of John Carroll University. We demand better. We are a gentle, angry people and we are singing, singing for our lives!!!
      I watched all 9 +mins of the video, and was really disappointed to see it appeared no other students joined them, and the players just kept warming up. Sad. Huh, I've never met a protest that I didn't want to be part of! Certainly one that I didn't have to organize and came ready made to my gym! So it's fair to ask, "what are YOU doing Ms. J..." As it so happens this Valentines Day at 2:14 pm on the dot I will be joining the Cobb PFLAG chapter to "stand" in a heart shaped show of solidarity for the rights of LBGTQQ citizens. It's no Edmund Petus bridge, but if you'd like to join us... At 2:14 PM on 2/14, there will be an OUTright Love-In held at East Cobb Park. The purpose of this love-in is to support love of all kinds, with emphasis on marriage and adoption rights for LGBT couples. Where: East Cobb Park Address: 3322 Roswell Rd Marietta, GA 30062 When: 2:14 PM on 2/14/2010 (Plan to arrive a little early) Dress: Red, pink, rainbow, whatever. Sponsored by the Emerson Unitarian Universalist Congregation ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Tom Tancredo is... BASENAME: tom_tancredo_is STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/10/2010 10:05:22 PM ----- BODY: tom_with_animal.gifI suppose I could let you all fill in this thought, but nah, I'll use my vaulted Front Page status to let you in on a little plan I have. Tom " I like it when my gun matches the dead thing in my cold dead hand" Tancredo made a huge impression at the Teaboatbirthbagger ho-down this weekend in Nashville with talk of a "voting literacy test" (no link, too disgusting to see more than once, thank-you-very-much) The fact that anyone would applaud such a suggestion is well beyond the pale, but aside from that, don't'cha think it's a wee bit ironic? Half of them can't spell "literacy" as evidenced all summer long and doubtful they could pass such a thing. Oh that's right the Tea Party crowd wouldn't have been given the test in the first place.. doink, now I get it. But I digress, back to what Tom is.. Tom Tancredo is: - A former Congressman from the Colorado 6th District with famous local town Littleton. - The chairman of Rocky Mountain Foundation an "application pending" 501 (c) 3 org. Website with lots of eagles and policy statements written like multiple choice questions, yay. Complete with a scary TT screed/blog - The co-chairman of the anti-illegal immigration Team America PAC, other co-chairman Bay Buchanan, yup.. I'll just leave it there. - Honorary chairman of Youth for Western Civilization, way scary college organization. How do I know? I shall quote them that's how. YWC "is a supremacist group that's a relative newcomer to the right-wing student scene, though its founders have roots in more established reactionary groups". Don't know where I'm going and why? Hang on it's coming. Even with all those fancy titles, and scary ass organizations what Tom Tancredo really, a man badly in need of an education about civil rights and more specifically Voting Rights. Now, I suppose I could lure him to a fake, brown shirt wearing, red kool-aid drinking YWC meeting and tie him up and force him to watch Rachel Maddow break it down for him. Or... ----- EXTENDED BODY: now bear with me here, we could take up a collection and sponsor him to accompany Evelyn Gibson Lowery, and the SCLC Women on their Civil Rights Heritage Tour. Come.On.Wouldn't.That.Be.Fabulous? Mrs. Lowery is every bit the icon her husband is, and I have no doubt the rest of the SCLC women would loving show the dear confused draft dodger all13 historic markers, and explain in graphic detail exactly what it was like down here in 'ol dixie before 1965. Now we don't have much time, the bus leaves Atlanta on Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 7:00 a.m. If we act now, and get him registered for the spring tour, he won't feel so alone in his super celebrity status since Winnie Mandela is joining the tour this March. Can't you just see the tete-a-tetes between Ms. Mandela and Tommy, swoon. Just imagine the witty reparte' Him: all "illegals gotta go to jail" Winnie: "been there done that" (bitch slap upside Tom's head)... Wouldn't you just love to be a fly on that wall? Now this sounds like a joke, but I had this idea that if nothing else someone from the SCLC Women should send him a note inviting him along. Hum, maybe this should be a Facebook Group. "Sponsor Tom Tancredo to Join Winne Mandela in Alabama to visit 13 historic Civil Rights monuments, with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Women" Oh and the correct answer to the original question: Tom Tancredo is not fit to wipe the shoes of the SCLC Women. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 12:57:44 AM Just in fine form there Ms Juliana, I just had a few immediate thoughts here. 1.) Whatever he was hunting? (It looks to be some pheasant from the surroundings & coloring). It was about the most innocent thing he did that week. Believe it. 2.) If somehow we can get him liquored up some and get married to the redoubtable Ms. Winnie Mandela, I believe we'd have solved some of our problems, however briefly. But then again I've got all sorts of strange hopeful ideas too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Get Yer Tickets BASENAME: get_yer_tickets STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/11/2010 02:37:40 AM ----- BODY: dpg logo.jpgThe Democratic Party of Georgia is holding its annual fundraiser, the Jefferson Jackson dinner, on March 22, 2010. The event will be held in Atlanta at the Georgia World Congress Center. Tickets will be $200 per person and $300 per couple. Contact Tim Alborg ( for more information. Tim Kaine, former Governor of Virginia and now DNC Chair will headline the event. According to the DPG:
      Tim Kaine is an example of Democratic leadership at its best. From his early role as a Richmond city council member, Kaine rose through the ranks of governance, serving as mayor, Lt. Governor and eventually the 70th Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. "His core ideals- economic stability, smart growth, improved transportation planning- are all issues Georgians want addressed," said Matt Weyandt, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Georgia. Kaine now serves as the Chair of the DNC. His speech at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner will be the closing event at the Democratic Party of Georgia's premiere fundraiser. The event will also honor Ambassador Andrew Young and longtime Agricultural Commissioner Tommy Irvin with individual "Georgia Giant" awards.
      Recently, another former Virginia Governor, Gov. Wilder, took Tim Kaine to the woodshed based on the numerous losses the Democrats have experienced while Kaine leads the Party. Gov. Wilder opined this:
      a spate of recent losses in races that Democrats should have won underscores what has been obvious to me for a long time: The chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee is the wrong job for him.
      and he followed up with this:
      Kaine's recommendation to the Justice Department to transfer one of Virginia's inmates to a federal jurisdiction, and ultimately to Germany, for possible parole in two years was almost immediately withdrawn by the incoming Republican governor and Republican attorney general. Because of the serious nature of these heinous murders and the clearest evidence of guilt, many are still asking why. Is that who this president wants to be arm in arm with as we enter a pivotal election year? For his sake, it shouldn't be. The president has enough to worry about and defend without this detracting sideshow as to feckless party leadership.
      Party on Democrats...Party On. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 08:42:55 AM Oh no they DIDN'T! Different price for singles than couples. I thought this had gone out of style ages ago. Really. I'm stunned. Just don't get it. Does one person of the "couple" get a smaller dinner? No seat? Guess it makes sense with a keynote like Tim Kaine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 09:25:12 AM Oh brother... is this supposed to be some kind of nod to the state of the economy? If so I can really think of better ways to do that. BTW has anyone else noticed that our JJ seems to curse whomever comes to speak at it? Seriously when was the last time the key note speaker was "energized" by this event, mostly seems like they leave politics, lose the next major election they run for, drop out or fade away. If I were invited to speak I sure wouldn't accept- me or my date...snark. After the Rahm Emanuel appointment, the coronation of Tim Kaine has to be the second biggest disappointment I had in Pres. Obama. EPIC Fail is right. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 12:15:01 PM Wilder is a dick, yes? He never misses an opportunity to ride his personal hobbyhorses. He's not arguing that Kaine has proven to be a poor choice for chair because of how Democrats have fared since Obama's election, he's arguing that Kaine was a poor choice because he was, you know, a Democrat: supporting an income tax increase to cover a budget deficit and showing mercy to a criminal, in part in the interest of comity with our allies. I could care less about Kaine, but those aren't reasons for him not to be chair. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 01:40:38 PM I guess Snuggles can get him and his two closest friends in for $100 each? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 04:08:11 PM They are not defining "couple" are they? :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 06:05:06 PM Well Drew, umm, yes, he is calling him out for poor elective performance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 06:39:47 PM Can I take Dr. Dean for $100? Just asking... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2010 07:52:03 PM Um, what does his support for an income tax increase or for the transfer of a criminal have to do with that performance? Wilder is an ass; he doesn't care whether the Democratic Party is well-run; he's merely doing what he's been doing forever, which is trash every other Democrat in Virginia who has ever done anything but stroke his ego. He pulled this on Mark Warner, trashing him after he supported a tax increase, and he pulled it on Deeds, too, refusing to endorse him - and as much as endoring McDonnell - after Deeds had the audacity to tell the truth about the need for a tax increase. He's worthless except as a Republican tool, and I see no reason to take his criticism seriously. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 12:20:57 PM OK fine. Forget about Wilder. I will take Kaine to task. He better start helping us win some elections. We're not even winning the ones we are supposed to win let alone get any surprise wins. Whatever he is doing ain't working. If he is going to be an effective Party chairman he better figure out a successful strategy pretty damn fast. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 12:25:28 PM I mean, what's-her-name in Mass. was 30 points up 3 weeks before the election and lost! The Repubs were able to see the swing happening and take advantage of it and we weren't. That is pathetic. I know it's a mid-term thing, but that was Ted Kennedy's seat! OK, so maybe you lose some close ones in mid-term years, but fer cryin' out loud! That wasn't even supposed to be close! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 02:36:17 PM Jerry- she was a terrible candidate, and no one but the voters seemed to notice that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 04:22:26 PM And the DNC has no responsibility/control/influence over that? She was 30 points up! How bad could she be! And if she was that bad, how did she get to be the candidate? The DNC has to take some responsibility for this. The RNC sure was able to take advantage of whatever weakness she showed. Why wasn't the DNC able to get the message straightened out and get her back in line? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kyle Bailey EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 04:23:52 PM Democrats have a significant problem placing otherwise qualified and capable leaders in positions that aren't right for them given their experiences and talents. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: starcomed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 06:28:07 PM Oh, come on guys. The couple deal (any 2 people) is a way to encourage more people to come at a cheaper, per person price. The lowest table sponsorship is $2500. Also, tickets through a County Party are $100/person. Kaine is really a great guy who is supporting our President. He's good on the stump, too! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 06:30:25 PM Fair enough, JerryT; I trust your sincerity over Wilder. I suppose the DNC could have done more, but I don't know what more they could have done - they can't be blamed for the choice of candidate, because the primary electorate was responsible for that in every case. Should they have run the campaign for them? Could they have? Is there some set of best practices that the campaigns should have followed but didn't, and that the DNC should have required in return for support? I know nothing about campaigns, so I don't know - but from what I've observed, there aren't a lot of campaigns that seem to have lost in spite of being well-run or won in spite of being poorly-run, which says to me that the difference between a "well-run" and a "poorly-run" campaign has less to do with the process leading to election day and more to do with the result on the day itself. Which is a bit scary in and of itself, because the people who run those campaigns also run our government. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 06:48:24 PM Tim Kaine should not have taken the job, and frankly, Obama should not have asked him. What did we expect would happen with a part-time chair? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 06:52:52 PM If the DPG wants to encourage attendance at their ONLY major fundraiser, discriminating against single people is not really the best way to go about it. County party ticket discounts are fine, well, except for the county parties that do everything in their power to discourage participation. Yeah, Kaine is a great guy, all right. Anti-choice, against gay marriage and gay adoption, claims to be against capital punishment but oversaw numerous executions while Governor of Virginia. Great guy, you betcha! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 07:08:46 PM To follow up on Catherine's point, political fundraisers are very often the one thing folks will go to alone. Almost no other social event compares in attendance by singles. The message this sends is very negative-it penalizes folks who normally go to these events alone (me-significant other not interested) and also makes the single person feel stigmatized in process, just by opening up the invite. Is this really what was intended? Doubtful, however, there are about 20 people I know of they could have run this by. In fact I know more than that, but you get my point. Not attending this year due to a "scheduling conflict". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 08:07:11 PM A Public Service Announcement: No one is really anonymous on the internets. I'm just saying... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 09:48:57 PM Starcomed's profile link: Smooth move. Just saying, best way o get people to pay top dollar for your event IS NOT to spend time here. Fucking ay work is slow right now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 12:00:29 AM Well if we're not telling tales here, 'tickets though a county party are $100', but ONLY if someone is fronting for a full table. Or perhaps a very complicated arrangement of 'fractional tables' that drove many a DPG intern mad with the 'marrying details'. It was & is not pretty. And NO, we do not currently 'have' such magical $100 tickets, we'd still have to front for them with real cash money in advance. So weeks later you might be collecting some cash from poorly strapped neighbors who happened to be fans of Mr. Kaine, (perhaps former Milledgeville residents all no doubt). But yeah, good cause, great prospects, etc. Still @ $100 a ticket? Frankly in a Depression? I might just be drinking alone once again. The people who can afford it, are all retired and need to 'get back before dark' to care for even more aged & ailing relations. I can't think of the last time I went to any event that cost a C note for entrance. Other than the JJ dinner. Some one please send me the details on the county table roulette deal, I need to present it to my folks soon too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 12:01:12 AM Well if we're not telling tales here, 'tickets though a county party are $100', but ONLY if someone is fronting for a full table. Or perhaps a very complicated arrangement of 'fractional tables' that drove many a DPG intern mad with the 'marrying details'. It was & is not pretty. And NO, we do not currently 'have' such magical $100 tickets, we'd still have to front for them with real cash money in advance. So weeks later you might be collecting some cash from poorly strapped neighbors who happened to be fans of Mr. Kaine, (perhaps former Milledgeville residents all no doubt). But yeah, good cause, great prospects, etc. Still @ $100 a ticket? Frankly in a Depression? I might just be drinking alone once again. The people who can afford it, are all retired and need to 'get back before dark' to care for even more aged & ailing relations. I can't think of the last time I went to any event that cost a C note for entrance. Other than the JJ dinner. Some one please send me the details on the county table roulette deal, I need to present it to my folks soon too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 12:10:11 AM Sorry for the double posts. My computer has been on the fritz. And Catherine, if you can? You might gather all the single folks you're aware of and try for a table, I think you might be able to swing that deal. If not, we can make some of you (I don't know the numbers per table) honorary members of my county. But I well understand the frustration. Now recall how many have ever seen the mythical wife at one of these? Not happening. I'm always going alone! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 08:14:17 AM We tried that in 2008 J.M. and we ended up with no reserved table- ten randomly assigned seats apparently, despite assurances to the contrary- and when we finally insisted on a table, we got one just outside the service door and behind a column. Maybe this time there will be a mechanism for a group purchase that isn't a recognized "group". I know there were planning issues that year, but nevertheless, somebody else will have to organize that table this time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 12:56:14 PM Don't think my county party is offering a table $ discount since they lost their shirts on the GADCC dinner last summer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 01:09:40 PM Yeah, all just lovely, and the typical & customary CF's. I can't tell of the times we've been done in by the same 'dynamic' too. But I'm unlikely to be getting 10 folks interested in going, so if all else fails, J&J you guys can become honorary members of our county. Of course for that eve only, you'd lose an unspecified portion of your income, become somewhat older, more ambivalent & crankier. So in other words, a pretty typical outcome for the night perhaps. But it's still a standing offer. And we're not adverse to 'commandeering' tables that otherwise appear empty too. And everyone knows that by now. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 03:54:12 PM I expect I'll find some way to support the party, but I don't think that event will be it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 06:39:31 PM Thanks Jerry, I had several non PC and unprintable thoughts along those lines. I'm almost certain I can come up with a Top Ten... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2010 12:54:07 PM I'm attempting a table through my county party with the Young Dems, but not sure if we have enough to fill a table. If we do, or if anyone wants in on the DeKalb YDs table, just give me a shout. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The Book BASENAME: the_book STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/12/2010 01:05:11 PM ----- BODY: gamchange.jpgI was given a copy for my birthday ( thank you, Melanie), and lawdy I swear I didn't put it down till I'd read all 448 pages. It was so grippingly good I lugged it on a plane. When was the last time you traveled with a hardback book? Is it gossipy? You betcha Is it insider baseball? Heck ya! Did I already know most of it, kind a.. but the way it's written filled it in with a larger context that would have been impossible to see in the middle of the campaign. Will it bring you right back to the thrills and chills of 2008- well it sure did for me. My copy went out on loan last week and I doubt I'll see it back for some time. If you are not in line for my copy, and headed off to get one, please shop responsibly and purchase at a independent book dealer in your neighborhood. In the metro Atlanta area, we love to shop at A Cappella Books in Little 5. If you've already read it... what did you think? If you haven't, will you? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 09:19:35 PM I think you're the only one who couldn't put it down. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 09:46:42 PM The only good thing from the earthquake was its knocking these assholes and their book off the airwaves. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 11:21:49 PM Nice hate on you two ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 12:30:37 AM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 12:32:08 AM Pretty silly & largely unsourced & unsubstantiated gossip. So I'm in agreement with the others here too. BTW: Same offer I made to Catherine on the JJ post applies to you or folks you know who need to go solo, if needed. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 09:11:58 PM Am about 3/4 through and so far it's confirmed all my worst fears about the Clinton campaign. Anyone who had "skin" in the 2008 Presidential race won't be able to read it without wincing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/13/2010 10:46:58 PM "Nice hate on you two" This book did nothing but fuel gossip-based hate. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2010 12:48:36 PM I'm starting it today, and I'm perfectly happy knowing that it's gossip. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2010 03:38:50 PM Why would anyone have had doubts about Hilldog's campaign? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Atlanta Stonewall Democrats Straw Poll results BASENAME: atlanta_stonewall_democrats_st STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/12/2010 05:36:03 PM ----- BODY: or rather our "Love Poll"... Last night at Atlanta Stonewall Democrats "Love Me, Love Me Not Valentine's Day" party, attendees participated in a straw poll for the 2010 Democrat candidates for Governor. StonewallDems.JPG The results: Roy Barnes - 44 votes David Poythress - 25 votes Carl Camon - 13 votes Dubose Porter - 13 votes Thubert Baker - 2 votes Undecided - 3 votes (which means write in "Page Gleason") Thanks to State Rep. Simone Bell for showing Atlanta Stonewall Dems some love. Also shout outs to the following candidates: Steffini Bethea, Jason Carter, Elena Parent, and Brian Westlake and for coming to the event. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 06:00:12 PM Thank you to the Rush Center and Jeff Graham.. it was a lovely place to hold an event.. perfect size, great parking! Made a bunch of Valentines Day cards for legislators.. Only a couple of "broken hearts" were sent. Be interesting to see if Roy seeks ASD's endorsement. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/12/2010 08:17:36 PM LOL PWNT! Is there any doubt Roy will win easily? And even more LAWLz that almost 20% have no interest in anyone (hence the votes for Carl Camon and other, because seriously, does anyone think Camon's pulling that much genuine support). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2010 12:52:12 PM was a blast! Shout out to our hosts - Radial Cafe and State Rep. Stephanie Stuckey Benfield. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Listen up tonight! Tim's back. BASENAME: listen_up_tonight_tims_back STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/14/2010 01:35:51 PM ----- BODY: Host, David McLaughlin and yours truly are thrilled to welcome our co-host Tim back to Kudzu Vine tonight. Tim missed the last two shows so we're sure he's fired up to be back on tonight's show. We'll be talking with Ricky Whaley, candidate for Alabama State House District 40 in a special election. The election is this Tuesday, February 16. We'll also talk polls and other southern politics. Tune in live from 7PM-8PM on Blog Talk Radio or listen later. And if you have questions... call us up at 646 478-4503! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2010 07:41:56 PM Sorry, couldn't make it through the Sanford stuff. Seriously aren't their 15 minutes up yet? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2010 08:23:44 PM Jules, Thanks for letting us know. Unless, Sanford goes on another "walk about" we are likely done Gov. Sanford. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Dear Reporter Man: Snuggles pimped you BASENAME: dear_reporter_man_snuggles_pim STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/14/2010 02:28:14 PM ----- BODY: Vernon Jones is back and he's pretending to be kindler and gentler. Snuggles claims he's a "a bridge builder, a fence mender." Umm...yeah right. I'm just speechless about Snuggles' new discovery. So here's an open thread on the two best quotes of the article.
      Jones still insists he would be in Washington now as a U.S. senator if the state's Democratic Party had stayed out of the race and not supported Martin. And he dismisses contentions he shot too high running for the Senate.
      He often refers to himself in the third person. "Abraham Lincoln was controversial. Mahatma Gandhi was controversial. Jesus was controversial," he said. "If you call Vernon Jones controversial, then that is a badge of honor. He didn't want to be liked. He had a vision and did what was needed."
      h/t Amy ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2010 03:50:01 PM Awe...fucking...some. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2010 04:29:42 PM I think I just threw up a little just reading it a bit. And Billy T's been there for years too, no 'wet behind the ears' kid either. Reason #629 why the AJC sux, & can't & won't cover real politics, and even when they do can never seem to get anything much right. As long as it's in print? It's unreliable coming from the AJC. Case in point. Geez, it's almost like some set up here. Agendas being pushed? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2010 06:26:50 PM they're trying to setup the election as a paper-seller...shocker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Angel Gray EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/15/2010 04:11:41 PM The financial contributions of the candidates have recently been released. Contributions to Congressman John Barrow far exceed those to his challenger Regina Thomas, at this point in the campaign. However, the information released in The Savannah Moring News fails to mention the fact that Barrow received almost $250,000 from the financial sectors of Health and Lobbyist, nearly $100,000 from the finance and insurance companies and a mere 10% from people within his district. Let me also include that Mr. Barrow received large donations from the Blue Dog PAC, AFLAC, Pfizer, and the National Assn of Retail Druggists. You can view all of this information for yourself at Therefore, when one reviews Barrow's votes on Healthcare and compares this to his donors, it becomes very clear why Mr. Barrow voted against Health Care Twice! We cannot afford to have our Congressional seat for sale! This Year, let’s Wheel Barrow OUT!!!! Angel Gray ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Bill proposes splitting pennies for arts and culture BASENAME: bill_proposes_splitting_pennie STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/16/2010 01:53:46 PM ----- BODY: This is a good thing.
      A groundbreaking bill to support the arts, economic development and quality-of-life initiatives was introduced Feb. 1 in the state House of Representatives. House Bill 1049, introduced by Rep. Ron Stephens, R-Savannah, and Stacey Abrams, D-DeKalb, would transform the local option sales tax by allowing counties to pass a fraction of a penny sales tax. It would be the first time that Georgia would permit the splitting up of a penny sales tax -- a tool that has been successfully applied in states across the country. The proposed enabling legislation would allow each county the flexibility to pass a sales tax (be it a full penny or a fraction of a penny) to go toward supporting arts and cultural organizations, economic development incentives and quality-of-life initiatives.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kyle Bailey EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2010 03:54:14 PM Smart. I don't like more taxes, but even a half a penny sounds reasonable to me and adds up to a lot of cash for important initiatives, especially economic development and smart growth. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2010 07:51:01 PM I think this is a great bill. I think Stacey Abrams is one of the best new legislators we have had in a long long time - D or R. She is a hard worker and I have been very impressed. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Springston out at APN BASENAME: springston_out_at_apn STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/16/2010 06:34:49 PM ----- BODY: Gawker, Slate, and Romenesko pick up the story. Creative Loafing has the the skinny. Here's the money quote from commenter, APNEditor:
      "because he held on to the notion that there was an objective reality that could be reported objectively, despite the fact that that was not our editorial policy at Atlanta Progressive News."
      And so, Senior Staff Writer, Jonathan Springston, is no longer writing for APN. According to comments from APNEditor, Mr Springston was let go because "It just wasn't the right fit". It's really a shame, too. Springston is a good writer. Today Gawker lead with the APN news: Reporter Fired for Belief in Realty. Kudos to Andisheh Nouraee for catching this and posting over at CL. And, just as an aside, if you Tweet, and are not following Andisheh, you are missing out on some great tweetifying. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 02:09:07 AM The comments on the CL entry are awesome. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 06:05:05 AM Yes, the parodies almost write themselves. Got the usual long winded, self satisfied and generally cluelessly dense APN 'clarification' & update in my inbox. What can we say? Some days reality favors your existence, some not. Not one of those days eh guys? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Matthew Cardinale EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 09:38:36 AM Here is our statement explaining our position on objectivity and news further (although we've already discussed much of this on here previously): #### Editorial: Notes on Objectivity and News By Matthew Cardinale, News Editor, The Atlanta Progressive News (February 17, 2010) (APN) ATLANTA -- From time to time, Atlanta Progressive News has received questions from readers and other interested parties questioning the "objectivity" of our reporting. To be sure, we published several statements on our Frequently Asked Questions page over four years ago making it very clear that (1) we believe objectivity in news reporting does not exist, and that (2) we report news from a progressive perspective. In addition, we have made a number of statements responding to various blog posts and commenters on other websites as well. In anticipation of APN's major website redesign--currently in progress--Atlanta Progressive News has released the following Editorial to readers refining and expanding upon our position in reference to issues of objectivity, inter-subjectivity, and the news media. This programmatic statement will likely be the first of several essays on these subjects, and will serve as a more detailed reference point for our readers and others with related questions. BASIC STATEMENTS FROM OUR FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS PAGE The following statements appear on APN's original Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page: "Our goal is providing news of concern to the working people and working families of Atlanta." "Progressive news is news that brings us closer to universal health care, living wages, affordable housing, peace, a healthy environment, and voting systems we can trust." "We provide news of concern to working families, and therefore, our writing is geared toward a specific audience. Fortunately, our audience--working families--comprises a majority of people in the United States who are largely ignored by corporate media sources." "We believe there is no such thing as objective news. Typically, mainstream media presents itself as objective but is actually skewed towards promoting the corporate agenda of the ultra-wealthy. APN, on the other hand, does not pretend to be objective. We believe that our news coverage is fair and that our progressive principles are fair. We aim when possible to give voice to all sides, but aim to provide something different than what is already provided by corporate sources." NO SUCH THING AS OBJECTIVITY IN NEWS "You can't be neutral on a moving train." - Howard Zinn So, the first point is, as already stated on our FAQs page, there's no such thing as objectivity in news. The premise of objectivity is literally to remove the observer from what it is that is being observed and simply to report what "is." However, that is an impossibility. It cannot be done. In fact, there is nothing that "is," separate from the observer or multiple observers who construct and interpret what that reality is. One could argue that the only one who's really objective is God, and that's because God is omniscient or all-knowing (that is, if you believe in God). This talk of the observer and the observed may sound philosophical and abstract, but it will become much clearer as we consider examples. Now, the first way we know that there is no such thing as objective media is that we have no evidence, no examples, of objective media outlets. (if you find one, let us know right away!) Every publication has an editorial perspective which shapes and constrains the way its reporters cover the news, which in turn affects the way its readers view reality. However, the difference between APN and most publications is that most publications pretend to be objective--and maybe even convince themselves that they are--while we have never pretended to be objective. Take the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper, for example. AJC reporters might consider themselves objective, and there may be some readers whose worldviews are so much in line with that of the AJC that the publication seems objective to them. But take note- many Atlantans on the left consider the AJC to be the newsletter of corporate and real estate interests, while many Atlantans on the right consider the AJC to be a liberal rag. How can that be if there's an objective reality and the AJC is objective? And who is correct? Who gets to decide who is correct? We could create a panel called the Committee on Objectivity to judge who is objective and who isn't, but undoubtedly there would be disagreement with their decisions (and who gets to sit on the panel, who gets to vote for who sits on the panel, etc.)! Nor is Creative Loafing objective. Even less, they are constantly mixing facts and opinions in the same articles. For example: "What is Michael Bond smoking these days? Since he rejoined the Atlanta City Council last month after an eight-year hiatus, Bond has seemingly been trying to make up for lost time by churning out attention-getting resolutions — to create a penny sales tax for public safety, to apologize to the victims of the Atlanta Eagle raid, etc." How is that objective? Again, objective means removing the observer. So you mean to tell me that anybody looking at Michael Julian Bond's legislative record would also inevitably question whether the Councilman was smoking? No, that is a clear opinion. Most publications--including APN--do not regularly mix facts and opinions in the same articles. However, the perspectives of APN and other publications come through in other ways: (1) the choices of what stories to cover and what not to cover, (2) defining what a story is or is not in the first place, (3) deciding how to cover the story, (4) assessing what the "sides" are to be balanced, (5) deciding how the "sides" should be balanced, (6) deciding what facts to include and what not facts to include, etc. At Atlanta Progressive News, we have a transparent editorial perspective that shapes which facts get included and which facts are given priority over others. Most other publications--on the other hand--have a hidden, sometimes insidious editorial perspective that shapes the same. My point regarding the non-existence of objectivity in news has to do with which facts get included and which don’t– which “sides” get included and which don’t. Every publication has to make choices about this, which are unique to each publication and to each situation being written about. Now most people's basic understanding of objectivity is: balancing the sides. Okay, let's talk about the sides for a minute. How many sides are there? Well, there are approximately six billion people in the world, and to the extent that everyone's perspective is slightly different, there could be potentially six billion sides. So what journalists do is construct what they see as key themes or narratives that seem to define the major sides. Well, again, how many sides are there? What if paper A includes two sides, but paper B includes three? What if paper C includes five, but doesn't include one of the sides paper A included? What it means is, again, that there is no such thing as objective reality or objective news, and all news stories are constructed. Here's an example: the Grady Hospital dialysis treatment scandal. As APN has reported, several patients were left without life-essential treatment options after Grady closed its dialysis clinic. You could do a content analysis and you will find that APN gave much higher priority to the views of the patients and their advocates than we did to Grady officials, while the AJC did just the opposite. In part, our mission is shaped by the void left by other media outlets. Some publications did not even cover the Grady dialysis scandal. Well, if there's an objective reality and the Grady situation is part of it, surely all news agencies would see it as newsworthy? Now, if we at APN wanted to, we could have sought out some activists in Marietta who believe that immigrants do not have a right to dialysis care in the US and deserve to die. But that's not a view that we would validate at APN. It's a view they might include at the AJC, but to us it is so inhumane that is outside the realm of what we would consider reasonable or even worth mentioning. Before I get to other examples, I want to clarify- this is not the same as saying there are not facts. Everyone can look at the Grady situation and see that there are dialysis patients, that they are undocumented, that the clinic has closed, etc. (Yes, there are facts within a socially constructed, inter-subjective reality; not quite objective facts.) However, beyond those basic facts, people have very different opinions. Some look at the Grady situation and see a human rights crisis, others see an economic question. But that doesn't mean one view is objective and the other is not, or that one is true and one is false. It means there are different perspectives. And each publication has to decide which perspectives to include or exclude, and those decisions are based on the editorial perspectives and priorities of that publication. Okay, another example: nuclear power. Atlanta Progressive News conducted extensive research on nuclear power, including literally weeks of reading the US government's environmental impact statement on proposed Plants Vogtle 3 and 4, in addition to conducting interviews and reviewing secondary data, to determine that (a) nuclear power plants appear to be correlated with increased cancer rates in nearby areas, and (b) nuclear power plants are draining our water supplies at extreme rates, contributing to drought. Now, once we came to those conclusions, that influenced everything we reported about nuclear power ever since. So, again, back to the sides- what are the sides? Read AJC articles on Plant Vogtle and you'll barely, if at all, see any concerns about health, the environment, and water usage. If you read the AJC you would think nuclear power is simply an economic issue that affects our electric bills. However, at APN, we found many activists who see nuclear power very differently- they see it as a grave threat to our health and safety. So, if reality is so objective--and if reality will always be seen the same way no matter who the observer is--then why didn't the AJC interview any of those people? Oh, that's right: there is no such thing as objectivity. But even more than that, after all our reporting and research on nuclear power, our editorial position at APN is: nuclear power is bad, there's too many questions about it, and we shouldn't continue to take these risks. We don't take stands on every issue we cover, but this has certainly been one of them. (more on this in the next section) Why shouldn't all the facts and research add up to a conclusion? We, the APN Staff and Board, live on this Earth too. We want clean air and water too. So, we're supposed to just say, well, some people say nuclear power is good, others say it's bad; the jury's still out? Well, no, the jury is not still out! Another example: public housing demolitions in Atlanta. At APN, we brought you the residents' perspectives, updates on residents and advocates' efforts to prevent the demolitions, and again, did extensive research including FOIA requests and struggles for public documents--where very little or none of this was available in any other media outlet. Does it mean the residents didn't have perspectives? No, just that they were largely ignored by most other publications. Does it mean the residents didn't undertake advocacy efforts? No, just that we were the only ones who cared enough about them to report about it. But, again, that doesn't mean the other news agencies were objective. What it really means is that the reporters and editors were so convinced that the demolitions were a good thing that they didn't see the need to include very much of the other sides. And if you don't think other news outlets had an opinion on the demolitions, take our word for it. Some of them were quite open about it. Also, the majority of Atlanta publications make very different decisions about which facts or positions to include based on the readership they serve. Atlanta has several Black papers, Hispanic papers, and GLBT papers. The business community has a paper; the legal community has a paper. Creative Loafing is an "alternative" paper, which implies some perspective. Each makes very different decisions about what to include, because they're each operating under the notion that they're serving an under-served community. For example, the Black papers will include Black people's perspectives and discuss Black community issues more, because they believe they are being under-represented elsewhere. Many of these publications continue to believe that they're objective, though; and that's the mistake. We can strive for balance and inclusion but we all have different audiences and priorities, and values that shape what "sides" are included or even recognized. So, to review, there is no such thing as objectivity. Some publications pretend to be objective, but they're not. Moreover, in our experience, objective reporting has really been used as a synonym for being sure to give priority to the corporate, bourgeois ideology and making sure not to offend the powers that be. Seriously: most reporters seem to think the best way to show they're objective is to marginalize the populist view and, again, give priority to the view of the power elite. The subjective slant of the vast majority of media outlets in Atlanta tends to be so inline with the bourgeois, corporate ideology, that all of these media outlets--from the AJC, to corporate TV news, to Creative Loafing--kind of reinforce and reify each other to the point where one can easily become deluded that this corporate ideology they propagate is somehow an objective truth. But it's not. Who knows why media outlets gravitate to the right? Some of it may be a capitalist conspiracy- and if you don't believe in conspiracies, please revisit your US history. A lot of it has to do with the belief that progressive news content will sit poorly with advertisers. A lot of it has to do with these same outlets wanting journalistic access to the powers that be; often that means not publishing negative information about someone in power to ensure access to them later. So most corporate media outlets are in a tenuous position. They have to low the line the majority of the time, and in return they get to occasionally dish the dirt. Also, many people, when they think of objective reporting in their mind, conjure up the notion that there is a "left" and a "right" and that objective reality must be somewhere in between. Well, most issues that are covered are more complicated than left and right, but let's address it for a minute. The "left" and the "right" don't exist in objective reality either. These are socially constructed, historical context-specific "viewpoints" that seem to make a lot of sense but in fact condense many, many issues into two sides. Even so, even if the goal of objective reporting was to balance left and right, each publication has to determine what the left and right positions are in relation to the issue they're covering. Well, while many in the US have come to believe that the Democratic and Republican parties are the respective representatives of left and right, that is only a small part of the spectrum of ideas. APN, for example, frequently finds itself to the left of both the Republican and Democratic Parties. And in most of the world, the mainstream US notion of left and right is, again, a small part of the spectrum, particularly a center-right part of that spectrum. Think about how CNN reports the news quite differently to its US and international audiences. What has happened is that the "balance" has drifted further and further to the right to the point where the progressive point of view has become almost completely left out of the majority of corporate news outlets. This trend may give the impression that progressive thought exists outside the realm of objective reality, but that's only because so many journalists see their job as balancing the two sides, left and right, which when seen from a wider perspective, are really just center-right and right. In the next section, we will discuss more thoroughly APN's mission. ATLANTA PROGRESSIVE NEWS OPENLY REPORTS FROM A PROGRESSIVE, WORKING FAMILIES PERSPECTIVE "We exist because we want to make society better, not because we want to 'objectively' document it all as society goes to hell in a hand-basket." - Atlanta Progressive News So the second part of this is, we take a progressive perspective. Sometimes that means taking stands on issues. One cluster of issues we take stands on frequently are issues involving democracy, free speech, open records, open meetings, open government, public input, public consultation, and public comment. We previously challenged the Atlanta Housing Authority on open meetings issues, and we may soon be doing the same with another entity. Many of you know about the impromptu rap song performed recently by APN's News Editor before the City Council of Atlanta in opposition to public comment restrictions. To be sure, the rap format was a bit out-of-the-box and that was the intention. But some have raised the question, why should a reporter or editor be testifying before City Council anyway? Well, that's how we're doing things. As to why, the short answer is, life's too short to be boxed in by a socially constructed role and be silent, when issues are at stake that affect people's lives and our communities. Make no mistake: we exist because we want to make society better, not because we want to 'objectively' document it all as society goes to hell in a hand-basket. We've tried to be as transparent and consistent about this as possible since our founding, but I just want to make sure that people don't misunderstand our mission. When we said we report news that brings us closer to "universal health care, living wages, affordable housing, peace, a healthy environment, and voting systems we can trust," we really mean it. These are goals we have as a publication and we think they are not progressive, but basic, reasonable foundations for humanity. And we want to achieve them in our lifetime, not later. And we worry that if we keep messing around with nuclear power and unrenewable fuels and an unsustainable economic system, there may not be a later. The issues that come across our pages are serious, much more serious than objectivity. When APN's Editor made public presentations to City Council on the public housing demolitions, it was because our publication had done so much research, why shouldn't we share it with concerned elected officials? We also shared our research with residents, involved residents in our coverage, and worked with residents to come up with constructive ways to address their concerns. We made presentations to resident association meetings and very much helped shape their effort to preserve their communities. And we also had an opinion. We had so many concerns about the lack of housing opportunities, and the apparent fraud and fabrication by AHA, that we definitely believed the demolitions were wrong, and we told people this. How can we get closer to having affordable housing while demolishing public housing? It's inconsistent with our stated principles. Now, it's fine to report on AHA's side, but not as if their side is unproblematic. AHA continues to mislead people when they say 97% of residents want to move. That is based on a misleading one question survey to residents asking if they want a voucher--after telling them they plan to demolish the buildings. What were they supposed to say, no, I don't want a voucher? So we reported their side but also reported that their side was misleading. No other publication in Atlanta examined their claims that deeply, and of course we had a public records struggle to even review the evidence. It's fine to balance one side with another. But you don't balance the truth with lies. And part of what we do is ask difficult questions about the assertions made by those in power. Objectivity doesn't exist, but even if you accept that balancing sides is a worthy goal, too many corporate media reporters present one side and then another as if both are equally valid; sometimes, they're not. And there is a larger point. There is a connection between media on one hand and society and social institutions on the other. The difference between APN and most other publications is that we acknowledge and embrace that difference. When a media outlet--any media outlet--reports on something, it has an effect. That effect influences the next article written, which also has an effect. Some of the tell-tale signs of good journalism are policy and practice changes as a result of an article. My point is that we at APN are a part of the community we serve. We may not fit people's preconceived notions of what news agencies are or should be, but what we are is what we are. We will continue to fill a void that was left by the corporate media, and we will do it as an active, subjective part of Atlanta's progressive community. (END/2010) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 11:52:01 AM APN Editor, first, no I didn't read that whole comment. second, as I understand it, the very definition of the word communication is the result you get. If your result is to be called out by major publications and other "communicators" you really might want to rethink your own communication. Taking shots at us, or other publications really isn't going to help you or anyone learn about progressive issues. It simply tell all of us about you and your dynamic needs, apparently. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 12:43:21 PM blah blah blah how do you over come the inherent conflict of interest in being an editor and publisher? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 03:06:44 PM He'd have to care first. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 03:22:45 PM Matthew is an embarrassment to the Progressive Community in Georgia. This story is all over the web now, and he's not the only one who looks like a complete fool. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rock Roswell EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 04:34:38 PM "The premise of objectivity is literally to remove the observer from what it is that is being observed and simply to report what "is." However, that is an impossibility. It cannot be done. In fact, there is nothing that "is," separate from the observer or multiple observers who construct and interpret what that reality is." Right straight out of _1984_. How many fingers am I holding up? According to this guy, that depends on whose hand is on the electroshock switch. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 06:09:30 PM Can we get a DisLike for certain people's comments. Or maybe a Disagree. It's the STRIVING for objectivity that we appreciate. The fact that APN doesn't even try makes them irrelevant in my news world, no matter what they report. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2010 07:33:56 AM I seriously doubt that "objectivity" is the real issue here. There are plenty of respected and influential publications that report from a certain perspective. The better ones however, do it with some journalistic standards, i.e., separating researched information from unsupported assertions, for example. Or avoiding stories that shamelessly support the current paying advertisers. No, this sounds like a made up excuse. I am going to speculate that Sprinston thought he was writing for something other than someone's personal blog, and when it became clear that wasn't the case, a stressful condition ensued. The H.R. Department at APN needed a performance measurement they could fail him on, and, voila; Insufficient amateurism while writing the boss' blog posts for him. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Hypocrisy thy name is... well 111 different names apparently BASENAME: hypocracy_thy_name_is_well_111 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/17/2010 12:42:32 PM ----- BODY: icon_chicken.jpgThink Progress has opened a can of wupass on the 110 GOP ( 1-Dem) Congressmen who voted once sometimes twice against the stimulus, and yet quietly sought millions of said same for their districts. Hold on while I clutch my pearls, GOP misleading voters- no freaking way, you are kidding me! Highlights include:
      Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) Hands Out Giant Stimulus Check In Georgia. Gingrey appeared in the city of Cedartown, Georgia, to present a giant check of $625,000 in stimulus funds to the city commission to help fund the the city's Streetscape project, which will install new sidewalks and infrastructure. [Think Progress, 10/13/09] -Congressman Gingrey Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70] Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) Asked Defense Secretary To Steer $50 Million In Stimulus Money To Georgian Bioenergy Project. Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "And The Associated Press reported in August that the state's Republican senators, Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson, asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates to steer $50 million in stimulus money to a constituent's bioenergy project. Gates didn't do it, the AP reported." [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 10/18/09] -Senator Isakson Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Record Vote 59; Record Vote 60] Rep. John Linder (R-GA) Slammed The Stimulus As A Failure While Requesting Stimulus Money. The Washington Times reported: "Rep. John Linder, Georgia Republican, posted a blog item on his Web site on Oct. 21, stating that recent unemployment figures 'only reinforce the fact that the $787 billion 'stimulus' signed into law eight months ago has done nothing for job growth in this country.' Two weeks earlier, Mr. Linder had sent a letter to Mr. Vilsack backing an application for stimulus money by the Elauwit Community Foundation, records show." [Washington Times, 2/9/10] -Rep. Linder Decried The Recovery Package Because He Said It "Levees Our Economic Future On The Backs Of Our Children While Spending Billions On Projects That Will Do Little To Stimulate The Economy." [Herald Tribune, 2/13/09] Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) Issued Pres Releases Bragging About Bringing Stimulus Jobs To His District. On July 28th, Kingston's press office fired off two releases bragging about a $106,901 grant for the Alma Police Department and a $138,286 grant for the Jesup Police Department in Georgia. These grants, distributed by the Department of Justice for the "hiring of new police officers, to combat violence against women, and to fight Internet crimes against children," were fully-funded by President Obama's Recovery Act. [Think Progress, 8/4/09] - Congressman Kingston Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70]
      What amazes me is, really do you think no one will notice and report this stuff.. Really? Really? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2010 06:48:59 PM It's cool the Dem. Party basically decided to take all our thinkprogress material and finally use it to call out the Republicans, but I'm not sure why they waited like six months to do it when a lot of people have kind of let the stimulus pass in their minds. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Really Mathew? Really? BASENAME: really_mathew_really STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/18/2010 02:15:47 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_bonehead.jpgI wasn't go to weigh in on the fiasco at Atlanta Progressive News because a lot of people had already focused on the fantasy that Matthew Cardinale wants to call a "newspaper". But damn dude, your craziness made it to the Huffington Post. Here's a bit of objective reality: You are the laughing stock of the real journalism world. As Jason Linkins says:
      People who work tirelessly to properly advocate for things like health care reform accept that they have a challenging case to make, that making that case is hard work, and that the case is best made when you are operating within the constraints of objective reality. Cardinale would do himself a lot of good if he spent some time reflecting on the origin of the phrase "reality-based community." In the meantime, advocates of universal health care and the like will have to note that citing the Atlanta Progressive News is going to undermine their efforts.
      Your purple haze twisted logic is causing more ridicule to the word "progressive" more so than Sarah Palin or another right wing nutjob sputtering the word. I clearly won't be voting for any candidate that wastes campaign contributions by placing ads in your fantasy newspaper. Georgia Progressives thank you Matthew for sullying all their hard work. Epic.Fail. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2010 10:13:36 PM While I think Matt's gotten himself into a tizzle here, everyone getting around and congratulating themselves about sticking it to him and making fun of him isn't really getting anywhere, either. There is a serious point to be made about partisan media. When you think that there is objective news, well there's more relatively objective news and more relatively subjective, but the truth is you are choosing what facts to report, and if you uncritically report statements of people that could be false, you're note being objective. This is something new media like us in the blogs have stressed a lot. Now, Matt took that concept overboard and used some rhetoric that he probably shouldn't have, he also canned what looked to be a pretty good reporter, which sets his own cause back. But we need to be having a constructive dialogue about that, not the kind of bomb-throwing im seeing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2010 11:18:07 PM No Z, this is not precisely about anyone's 'point of view' or the desperate need for yes, more progressive media. Or even more decent & good media outlets. But we get less. Always. This really has to do with reality and how you come to grips with it. How to recognize it, how to organize it, and finally how to faithfully & usefully report on same or impart 'what went on' to an audience. So let's take it from the top with Lesser Media Matt's Big thoughts: "NO SUCH THING AS OBJECTIVITY IN NEWS" "You can't be neutral on a moving train." - Howard Zinn Fine. Let's construct a little thought experiment here. I'm riding on that train with you, Z & big/little Matt, myself & a few others. It's the Acela Express leaving South Station in Boston @ ~6.15Am, due in Washington about 12.50Pm or so. It's mostly an uneventful trip, but somewhere right around Trenton a large slightly blue tinted burly man with a strange handle bar mustache & curiously sporting a black top hat & matching cape & looking suspiciously like this man: suddenly gets up and wildly gesticulating in a bad accent happens to crowd over your seat, then succeeds in bodily removing you from same and suddenly & violently hurling you & your effects out of the open cabin door and off of the train & onto the embankment below as the train was slowing into the Philly station. As the train rounds the bend we can look out the window and see that your not too badly hurt, and that you're standing up & brushing yourself off and probably wondering how to get your laptop back. The stranger who assulted Z, (possibly SW), then slowly gets back to his seat, quietly cackling to himself, again in some sort of ancient foreign accent and resumes playing solitaire. Z having managed to find his phone calls ahead to the Philly station and gives an accurate description of said strange suspect, the train he was riding and the police are indeed waiting at the station to search the train when it finally stops. They come to our cabin and ask: 'Ok who saw what went on?' We know 3 things. 1.) Yes, you really can't be neutral on this train as a crime has been probably committed, and the police are asking questions. And 2.) There may be many views to this probable crime, but there remains some real objective facts that can and should be reported to the authorities. 3.) If this were not so, no one would have been able to phone the police & provide an accurate description to report on the alleged crime. So when questioned: Rider A insists that the crime was committed by a 'dastardly Canadian' of her acquaintance, and is willing to testify against him, as soon as the RCMP is informed. She calls herself Nell F., and can recall in great detail the event as it transpired. Rider B, myself, after laughing my butt off and recovering some minutes later, essentially agrees with Rider A's description & account of the event. The police then catch up with Z, who is breathlessly brought to the cabin to personally id his attacker and to retrieve his lap top, which just happens to be in suspect's possession. Sadly, it's then confiscated as evidence. They next come to Matt, who declaims wildly in no uncertain terms that 'there's no objective reality' and then demands that the police should interview each & every passenger on the train to gain a better understanding of what may have gone on. The police grow suspicious of his behavior, but when he begins a rap about protecting 'innocent foreigners' against unjust persecution, he's promptly arrested. Crying police abuse all the way he and the original suspect, now positively ID'd as one Snidley Whiplash are brought to the station for processing. Sitting in his cell he's now sharing with Snidley, (sadly now shorn of both distinctive cape & hat), Matt laments on the tragic psycho-sexual history of Mr. Whiplash that compels him to do such dastardly & stupid things over & over. Snidely is bailed out shortly thereafter. Matt & the authorities could never quite agree on 'reality' or 'meaning' well enough to come to terms, but he's finally bonded out after some weeks & desperate negotiations by distant family relations. Z never did get his lap top back, and wanders the corridor still looking for lost pieces of debris and vital papers that were violently thrown out after him at the scene of the crime. Long story shorter? There IS objective reality. We can & should be able to report on same, simply & reasonably. And at least try to do so. That's basic journalism & reporting & has been for yes, thousands of years. Can it get complex? Sure. Here you can argue about Why Z might have been thrown off the train. You might even be able to argue that he was not precisely 'thrown off' but Invited to jump, as any good defense attorney might. But the elements of coercion & assault would clearly be present from most 'honest' observers. The facts remain that Z was no longer on the train, and seemed to have been removed unwillingly. He wanted to remain 'neutral' but was done in by some 45 yo cartoon character. The RCMP declined to press charges, but Snidely soon disappeared and jumped bail in the company of one Nell F., and are thought to be frequenting various B&D scenes wherever train buffs gather. Reality may suck, it may bite, but it's the job of reporters to report on it all the best they can, with common sense, perspective and their own insights. Sorry for the length. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2010 01:03:46 AM More on that strange B&D angle here: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/21/2010 02:17:14 AM that was a very psychadelic way to make your point ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/21/2010 03:02:17 AM And it was well & good that I used you as a foil and that the scenario has you basically unhurt too. Matt's now claiming that he's getting 'death threats', even though they (mostly, at least the ones he quotes) sound pretty non specific. He's now informed the authorities about this peril too. Still, obviously, then & now we need more critical thinking, more thought, and perhaps even more basic philosophy for the media set. But even if I'm ever hopeful of the accumulative beneficial effects of education, it seems sometimes that virtually nothing overcomes one's own cherished self delusions. And increasingly that seems to be a widespread problem everywhere. As ever. But as a basic philosophical issue? It's a few 1000 years old, even if Matt seems & remains self satisfyingly & spectacularly ill informed on the basic outlines of the question. But I'm glad someone appreciated the effort. And all those strange voice actors for plenty of those old cartoons were almost always old radio hands too. Hence the very unusual & now 'antique' accents & language. Some of them even came up in Vaudeville & the NYC stage scene too. And the whole Dudley shtick is of course a play on some of those older silent films and even older 'Nickelodeon' action shorts. So about 100 years of history there w/o working too hard. Just don't make me teach cosmology, logic & epistemology to the clueless. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/21/2010 12:38:44 PM Good god JMP get a blog or write pithier comments. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/21/2010 04:26:36 PM You need not read them IRE. And on most other blogs? It's mostly a non issue. But thanks for the whine. Again. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/21/2010 10:49:11 PM takes 10 minutes to scroll through your posts and I don't read them because they are too long and filled with non sequitors. This still isn't a letter, IRE ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/21/2010 11:26:34 PM Time to upgrade from that old 2300 baud modem then? I've still got finer whine @ home BTW. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 02:07:58 PM Mary Karr discusses objectivity (briefly) in the Paris Review. Made me think of this post. Purchase the PR to read it. Lieve Joris' piece is great as well and you have to read that in the hard copy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 09:55:30 PM The Paris Review? Isn't that French or something? Hasn't been the same since ole what's his name died... And yeah the whole MC/APN ordeal, (including the last bits I was trying to patiently explain to Z on another post)? Reminds me of this:[Wittgenstein's poker]; But the man (Ludwig) had his reasons too: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2010 07:23:50 AM No it isn't French actually. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: For your listening pleasure this evening: Angela Moore BASENAME: for_your_listening_pleasure_th STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/18/2010 02:38:26 PM ----- BODY: square_sticker.jpgIn an email I received today from WomenCount:
      Tonight we welcome to the show candidate for Georgia's Secretary of State, Angela Moore. A Washingtonian by birth, Georgian by choice Angela Moore is running to replace incumbent Brian Kemp who stepped into the seat this year when he was appointed to replace former Secretary of State Karen Handle. Handle stepped down in 2010 to make a bid to become Georgia's first female Governor. If Moore unseats Kemp in 2010 it will make her the third woman in a row and in Georgia's history to be elected to the important position of Georgia's Secretary of State. Moore's background is both broad and eclectic. She studied Science and Biology at the University if the District of Columbia, received substantial training in healthcare, has been a teamster, attended the Georgia Tech School of Business and has been involved in politics since she was a teen. She served as chair of the 92nd House District, the Senate advisory chair of the 43rd House district and as the Communications Director for the Democratic party of DeKab. Join host Meghan Harvey and guest Angela Moore on WomenCount Radio tonight at 7:30PST/10:30EST PM.
      That's 10:30 pm for you Atlanta folks. Call-in Number: (646) 716-9381 Listen here ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: A movement is afoot...Draft Carol Porter BASENAME: a_movement_is_afootdraft_carol STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/19/2010 03:34:44 PM ----- BODY: carolporter.jpg14 hours ago, some industrious lads moved traditional media's wet dream to social media. In one week, Galloway posted 2 entries (here and here) about the possibility of Carol Porter running for Lt. Governor. Carol Porter is the wife of DuBose Porter, a candidate for Georgia Governor and the Minority House Caucus Leader. Today, I received this via facebook:
      [name deleted] became a fan of Draft Carol Porter for Lt. Governor of Georgia 2010 on Facebook and suggested you become a fan too.
      After clicking through the link, the facebook page says this:
      Sound off! Let us know your opinions on Carol Porter running for Lt. Governor of Georgia. We know that Carol is the only democrat who can defeat Casey Cagle in the 2010 General Election.
      So far, 40 folks have joined this movement. Click here to join. Will Carol Porter run for Lt. Governor? I don't know. Will she win the Democratic nomination? Who knows. Stranger things have happened on the Democratic side. I remember not so long ago a candidate ran for State School Superintendent because her qualifications included having a sister and other family members with Ph.Ds in education, although she didn't have one. Hell, she even won the Democratic nomination. It's a crazy political world down here in Georgia. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2010 09:55:53 PM I like & respect them both. Both Porters are smart & savvy folks with a deep passion and concern for bettering the lot of Georgians everywhere. But I really don't see this as happening, for a variety of practical reasons. And besides that? It's probably & generally a bad idea. Something from 'Bama's history that would likely not be a welcome innovation. But who the hell knows? It's hard to beat someone with no one in politics. I'm still betting it's just more of something for the press to much on. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/19/2010 10:02:51 PM Well you know in the minute or so it takes to post, you still can't correct the errors you pick up in the last seconds here. So above that should now read: "I'm still betting it's just more of something for the press to munch on." And yes, why are we or the press surprised to find our good candidates with equally smart articulate wives? Hmm? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2010 01:18:46 AM I saw this on the news the other day (yes, I still watch local news), and after an initial chuckle, it didn't seem that crazy. This thing started after an appearance she made on behalf of Dubose found its way to YouTube. I don't know Carol, but given that no one else has stepped forward, she should go for it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2010 01:52:39 AM Any conflict of interest here? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2010 09:43:39 AM No, I think they get along pretty well with each other! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2010 10:20:16 AM They do indeed Jerry. We're also trying to avoid some of the pitfalls of the N. Kirchner/ C. Fernandez [Cristina Elizabet Fern√°ndez de Kirchner] dynamics here too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jason TITLE: The Boys Are Back in Town BASENAME: the_boys_are_back_in_town STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/21/2010 04:19:54 PM TAGS: afghanistan,"georgia national guard",military ----- BODY: icon_military.jpgThis week, Soldiers from Georgia's 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team will begin returning home from a 12-month deployment in Afghanistan, though the fighting is hardly over. The seemingly overnight transition from a mild-mannered civilian occupation to the front lines in arguably one of the most definitive conflicts of this generation certainly isn't an easy one, so once again, a hat tip to those men and women who serve as citizen soldiers.
      A first batch of 175 soldiers is expected to arrive at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah on or about Feb. 23. The rest will return in groups through March and early April. Families will be reunited with their loved ones at Fort Stewart. Starting in February of last year, about 3,200 soldiers from the brigade deployed to train Afghanistan's police and security forces, a key part of U.S. plans to stabilize that country. "These soldiers represent what our National Guard is about, ready to serve whenever called and ready to return to their lives and jobs when their duty is complete," Maj. Gen. Terry Nesbitt, Georgia's adjutant general, said in a prepared statement. "I cannot be more proud of these soldiers, nor more appreciative of the sacrifices made by their families and loved ones."
      Though it will be a time of celebration and homecoming for roughly 3,200 families throughout the state, it unfortunately won't be as joyous an occasion for some. Seven members of the 48th fell in combat during this tour. An eighth died from injuries sustained during a vehicle rollover. With that said, deepest condolences for the families of 1st Sgt. John D. Blair of Calhoun, Sgt. Raymundo P. Morales of Dalton, Sgt. Brock H. Chavers of Bulloch, Spc. Isaac L. Johnson of Columbus, Maj. Kevin M. Jenrette of Lula, Sgt. 1st Class John C. Beale of Riverdale, Sgt. Jeffrey W. Jordan of Rome, and Staff Sgt. Alex French IV of Milledgeville. We are forever grateful. Please show some love for the men and women of the 48th. On March 13, the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation is hosting an Army National Guard vs. Air National Guard basketball game at Phillips Arena as a fundraiser for the foundation. All Soldiers of the 48th should complete their re-deployment by May 1. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Where are they now? BASENAME: where_are_they_now STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/22/2010 12:10:16 AM ----- BODY: In case you were wondering, Trust, via Nita. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2010 02:00:06 AM Man's got to eat I guess. The site's pretty thin about now though. And since I'm known for non sequiturs, I'll leave this on logic: But thanks for finding Dale! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Oxendine and ethics BASENAME: oxendine_and_ethics STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/22/2010 08:51:19 AM ----- BODY: Ox, Towery, And The Rest Of The Story, from Peach Pundit
      But whether it is setting up PACs in Alabama to illegally launder campaign funds, or using the investigative authority of your office to silence a political critic, Oxendine has demonstrated he believes he is above the law. He is unfit to remain as Insurance Commissioner, and any reasonable voter should disqualify him from consideration as our next Governor.
      Towery's statement reprinted below the fold. Related from PI: Towery the pollster was also the fixer ----- EXTENDED BODY: Boy, Can I Be Stupid ... By Matt Towery
      (2/22/10) Contrary to the blogs, I did, indeed, nearly meet my maker about a month ago when my vertigo hit and my face crashed on the tarmac in Grand Cayman. Weeks later, I was asked to represent a client - not against John Oxendine but with his office. Guess what, folks. I get paid good money from my law firm to deal with legal issues. I'm a lawyer! And since I was the senior member of the insurance committee for many years, I sort of know the laws. But I made a mistake. John Oxendine is running for governor. I am the pollster for InsiderAdvantage and WSB TV. Seemingly I could have compromised myself even as I did understand it , So the record will reflect John and I got nothing accomplished. During the meeting, I made it clear that discussions would have no impact on my polling or analysis of the race for governor. To be fair to John, he immediately agreed and never tried to use the race as a wedge. But he was obsessed with Congressman Lynn Westmoreland's comments. Lynn and I have known each other since we were five years old. I called Lynn on my own cell phone, not asking him to retract what he had said about John; only to ask him to quit talking about it for a while. It was not unethical or illegal but in retrospect looked wrong. On Saturday, I recused myself from the case. John accepted this to his credit and said thanks. I also called every candidate for governor I could reach. Karen Handel was a peach; she understood and forgave. Same for Roy Barnes. Same for everyone reached. Our company is based on being nonpartisan. Do you think Saxby loved it when we had a runoff? We do our job. I have every right as a lawyer who wrote most of the modern insurance code to represent a client. But I handled it like a guy with a concussion. Trust me, others in our firm will now handle this matter and I won't bill a dime of this.
      ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2010 11:05:52 AM Some of those people over there are quick to forgive Towery for his lapse in judgment, but just a few days ago they were in a frenzy to see who could come up with the most severe punishment for a school principal who changed test scores to protect his school (and it's students) from some dumb law. Anyway, this doesn't sound like nearly as much of a problem for Oxendine as it does for Towery. Unless MT is going to say that Ox promised him some ROI for his client for making the call to Westmoreland, all Ox did was stand there while MT used his cell phone. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/22/2010 09:28:17 PM I'm thinking that Ox has slightly more problems to worry about, but it's nice the way everyone's so well connected in Cobb Co./ & w/MT It's not what you know, but who you know & how you're willing & able to use that. If that's really not at the base definition of corruption, we've only left off the obvious money parts, but definitely not the 'undue influence' bits. Interesting just the same, and yes Ox really should be doing one or the other; either running for office, or running his office. This is yet another blatant example of that essential conflict of interest. But then he's made his entire public career on this foundation too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Found: TeaBagger Lunacy BASENAME: found_teabagger_lunacy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/23/2010 01:18:10 AM ----- BODY: Apparently the TeaBaggers are chipping in their Social Security money, oh wait no, they are using their US savings bonds, to place billboards like this up in Lake City, Florida: lunancy.jpg According to the leaders, their message is:
      The cost of 10 months rental of the billboard and doing the artwork was $6500. The folks responsible for the billboard say they feel it's a reasonable cost to reach out to 1,000,000 vehicles per month to motivate participation in the electoral process to get our country on sound footing and VOTE OUT everyone in Washington.
      What are they gonna do when they find out that Republicans are now touting how great stimulus dollars are to America's economic recovery. Or that Scott Brown, the latest to win the Tea Party Idol contest, voted for the Jobs Bill. Oh the lunacy of folks who think that "liberuls" are destroying the fabric of America. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 08:18:03 PM you're making a huge stretch that Tea Baggers are actually political activists. They don't care about actual legislation or votes, they just want DC to burn. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: We need a message now BASENAME: we_need_a_message_now STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/23/2010 01:59:47 AM ----- BODY: Rasmussen is out with a new poll on Georgia's Governor race. Roy Barnes' numbers have dropped and he's polling behind three of the top four Republican candidates. That doesn't bother me so much because these numbers will just invigorate Roy to crank it up a notch. What does bother me a lot, a whole lot, is this statement:
      Voters not affiliated with either major party prefer the Republican in all four contests.
      WHAAATT???? How can that be? Seriously, the Georgia Republicans are the new version of the "The Bad Girls Club". Dysfunction runneth over. The hell with ethics and family values, they continue to behave like that the Gold Dome is Spring Break 2010. How is this message being missed by independent voters? What are Democrats not doing to get this very clear message out that the Georgia GOP has bankrolled their lavish lifestyles off the backs of Georgia's working families? Is it not enough that the State is furloughing teachers - Georgia is at the bottom of the education barrel but we are laying teachers off - yeah, that's the best way for our kids to excel? Let's not even discuss the Republicans' failure to keep jobs in this State. Democrats can turn Georgia Blue; but we need to get our message to the voters. The countdown until Election Day begins now
      Time until Tuesday, November 2, 2010 251 days 6,045 hours 362,700 minutes 21,762,054 seconds
      251 days people...251 days... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 03:00:21 AM Yep. Tell the truth. And I was saying the same about the Stimulus & on Tom's post awhile back. He who shouts loudest, evidently gets the most notice. We've got few platforms to shout from, and fewer are listening. But it's always an uphill climb. Even with the stars aligned. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 03:57:57 PM We still have no narrative. No voice. We do not push our alternatives. Democrats are defined by the propaganda of the right, which talk about Pelosi, Reid, and Obamacare. Most people aren't really sure of the difference between the state house and Congress; is it any wonder Democrats in this state don't attract the independents? Is it even surprising? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 05:19:14 PM Didn't someone on here post about Game Change? Or did I imagine it? Anyway, I've heard Roy at a couple of events, but I'm not sure what his message is, other than Republicans gone wild. He needs a new message and message discipline, but message is just one of many problems for Roy. If he had a great message, even one that I liked, he'd still have a steep road to victory, though not insurmountable. The Republicans have a communications infrastructure that is overwhelming at times hardwiring not just the minds of conservative and biconceptual voters but even the brains of liberals believe it or not. This is obvious, just ask yourself what their beliefs are then ask yourself what we believe. They get their talking points together, then repeat them on tv, radio, pring, internet, and so on and pretty soon more people are talking about it at the watercooler. And because nearly all of the consultants on our side tend focus on following poll results, our way of listening to what the people are saying, then formulating agendas based on those results for the campaign (their legislative agenda, their "issues"), we wind up following public opinion instead of trying to change public opinion. We wind up following the conservatives lead reacting to their ideas instead of pushing our own. With respect to my friend J.M., he's not the only one I've heard this from, telling the truth is not enough. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 05:27:45 PM As for "Voters not affiliated," it's too early to worry about them. Get the support of people already on your side first, shore up the base, get them motivated and excited. Then get just enough of the biconceptual voters to win. Obsessing over unaffiliated voters is the surest way to wind up with 38% on election day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kyle Bailey EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 08:37:14 PM Are we still limiting our canvassing campaign to fund-raising? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 10:14:38 PM Nope B, "telling the truth" is Never enough. You have to dress it up, tart it up, make it Simple, Stupid, and then give it enough cash money to do a smart & credible multi-media campaign. Then move onto the next truth. We have plenty of messages & plenty of truth. We need to focus in on those that not only resonate with the public, but might soon prove moderately useful as far as policy supports. The much vaunted public option is a fine example of that dynamic. Where it's going is anyone's guess about now. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 01:31:19 AM You know JM, on the health care reform thing, I wondered the other day why some organization with resources, moulah and expertise hasn't just put together a commercial where a lady or dude in pjs and houseslippers standing outside of a burning house tells someone getting off a fire truck 'Thank God you're here, I thought you'd never get here. It's done some dammage, but if you guys jump on it now, you can save the house.' And the guy starts asking the lady for proof of insurance gives her some forms, asks for her copay and starts calling to see how much her insurance will cover. Then the firemen stop working and watch the house burn to the ground after learning her insurance company won't cover it, or maybe they only put out eighty percent of the fire because that's all it will cover. The campaign could be called "stop the insanity" or "this is crazy." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 01:43:08 AM They had a similar ad actually, ready made. I've seen it & it was good. Kos has it someplace. The Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog did too. I'm trying to find it presently. Me? I'm constantly hearing Casey Stengel-isms here too. Still searching... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 01:51:26 AM Here's one of the references B, you might also try to search the Huff Post too. But we had it. Why it's not been used more is a mystery to me too: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 02:19:18 AM Yeah, I didn't know about this article. We could give this meme more legs writing about it to our local small town newspapers. But I really wish someone would put out this commercial. What's visualized sticks in the memory better than what's read and what's read is easier to remember than what's heard, but, combine all three... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: kevin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2010 02:59:34 PM i made up a shirt to tell what i think here it is ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2010 09:49:24 PM Ah I see a slight infestation of trolls here. We must be doing something right. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Obama's Health Care Proposal BASENAME: obamas_health_care_proposal STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/23/2010 06:44:08 AM ----- BODY: Is finally here. If Thursday's Health Care summit goes as expected, and the Republicans pick up their toys and go home, the Democrats may still have one last chance to get this done. Hope springs eternal. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 04:08:25 AM Evidently I too am commenting from the future. Where are the racing forms when you need them? But never mind. Can we smuggle a public option in here, Please? That would be very useful to & for everyone. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 06:17:25 PM They need to find a clear way to explain how it is that the reform plan will cost $1 trillion over the next decade and yet reduce the budget deficit by $10 billion. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 07:54:49 PM I dunno Jerry- looks like you just did a pretty good job saying it! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 08:11:40 PM um, no public no likey. Allowing private insurers to handle my insurance for what's going to be a "subsidized, low-cost premium for them, means I'm not on the bottom of the barrel for their plans. Obama Plan - EPIC FAIL ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 08:52:14 PM Ditto! I mean me too! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2010 10:17:33 PM Not a failure as much as pretty disheartening, which I realize to many amounts to the same thing. But it's still real progress, and we need to push for everything we can possibly get NOW. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 06:03:34 AM Facts & comparisons of the Obama bill are here via TP's WonkRoom: "White House Unveils $950 Billion Health Bill To Bridge Differences Between House And Senate Legislation" JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 09:15:45 AM Still not buying it, this is Obama NOT leading, but being Led by the worst possible place - corporate insurance...he's attempting to keep them all from opposing the plan so he can get it passed without huge advertising and lobbying opposition. Whatev, i'm over it. I'll continue as I have most of my life, sans insurance b/c it's still too expensive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 10:52:38 AM Well, apparently the Cornhusker Kickback" is gone. That's something! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Georgia GOP - I got nothing but love for ya BASENAME: georgia_gop_-_i_got_nothing_bu STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/23/2010 11:06:51 PM ----- BODY: stout.jpgSo guess who is the newest Republican State Representative -- Daniel Stout. Tonight, Stout won Glenn "I had lots of sex with that woman" Richardson's State House seat in Paulding county. Daniel Stout beat two opponents with 59.5% of the vote. You're probably wondering why I'm cheering for this bit of news...well Galloway posted this little tidbit about Mr. Stout this morning.
      Daniel Stout, a 29-year-old banker from Dallas, has been compelled to address a personal incident from 10 years ago: he had an affair with his first wife's mother while his first wife was pregnant with their daughter. Stout and his first wife subsequently divorced. Stout confirmed the incident in a telephone interview with Crawford. "It's not something that's a beautiful thing with me," he said. "I hurt some people."
      So let me understand Stout's "family values" - the dude was 19 years old, got some chick knocked up, was probably coerced into marrying her, and then he CHEATED on her with her own mother. EWWWWW..... Let's all say in unison EWWWW. It gets even better when Stout offers this lame ass explanation:
      Ten years ago I committed adultery that led to a divorce from my first wife. While the relationship was stopped short of "sex", I recognize my mistake as adulterous and unfaithful nonetheless. I own the reality of the pain I caused to my first wife, my daughter and others. This humbling experience changed my life dramatically.
      Oh I'm calling bullshit on the "stopped short of sex". Ummm yeah right dude. What kind of an "affair" does a horny 19 year old have with an older woman which doesn't involve sex? Yeah right, keep this story line so believable. I mean why wouldn't we believe this explanation since Stout did invoke God into his statement when referring to his relationship with his second wife.
      The Lord has blessed us with a wonderful marriage, and through God's strength we remain faithful to one another.
      Daniel Stout is a perfect fit for the Georgia GOP. We now have a new poster boy for the Georgia Republicans. So Georgia families here is another legislator who is going to dictate how your family lives when he didn't even have good common sense or morals to know that having an "affair" with your mother-in-law is wrong. You just can't make this stuff up even if one tried very hard. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 01:15:32 AM Umm Wow. Creepy Newt slide on over. We can and will get creepier from the Ga. GOP! And our man Tom C. was on top of the story too. We the people deserve to know what sort of sick creepers we're electing. And in Ga.? Better lock up your mommas, daughters, livestock & pets when the party of family values comes calling. For certain. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: David EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 06:48:55 AM I can NOT believe this guy won?!?!? This really is the essence of the reflexive Republican. For some Georgians ANYBODY with an R behind their name is "good people". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 10:08:31 AM Three Republicans in that race and not one Democrat. It's almost like we need some kind of person who would go out and find someone to run for that know like other states do in the Democratic Parties. What's it called again??? Candidate Recruitment? Yeah, that sounds vaguely familiar. It's sad that this is no longer a WTF DPG??? moment for us, but a typical 'no business as usual' day for the Democratic Party of Georgia. FAIL. Sigh.......... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 10:27:29 AM As I said in Tom's post.. they'll probably put him on Human Relations & Aging committee and not even see the irony. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Health Care Summit FAQ BASENAME: health_care_summit_faq STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/24/2010 11:52:12 AM ----- BODY: torcida-Canada.jpg What: Potentially interesting live broadcast of meeting between Republican & Democratic leaders from House and Senate regarding stalemate over Health care bill. President Obama will moderate the discussion, which will take place with 37 members of Congressional leadership (20 Democrats and 17 Republicans) around tables set up in a hollow-square in the 42-foot by 36-foot Garden Room. Latest news from the Republicans on the bill here, and the chorus from a herd of cats on the Dem sides, here here and here. When: Thursday February 25th 2010 Time: 10:00 am EST Location: Blair House - the presidential guest quarters across from the White House. Coverage: Not one of the 37? Mere mortals can watch on CSPAN. They've announced "gavel to gavel." coverage on CSPAN-3- TV, and CSPAN radio live throughout. Don't have CSPAN 3, According to Scott Wilson the "White House website will likely be streaming it". Likely-really.. can't tell us for sure? Oy. Picture above from Vancouver-Canadian hockey fans upon learning the US Team beat them. I love their humor! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 01:03:23 PM And guess who has scheduled a press conference right on top of the Health Care summit?
      Media Advisory Who: Carol Porter, Spouse of Gubernatorial Candidate DuBose Porter What: Press Conference When: Thursday, February 25th, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Where: South Wing of the State Capitol
      ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 01:08:48 PM Cause really- isn't always all about Mrs. Porter? If she decides to run, who will twitter and FB for her husband? That's what I want to know. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: The Dems AG Race has me confused BASENAME: the_dems_ag_race_has_me_confus STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/24/2010 01:37:29 PM ----- BODY: confused2.jpgFirst off, I'm being really genuine...I am really confused about the 2010 Democrats Attorney General race. I'm confused about which of the two candidates to support, State Rep. Rob Teilhet or former Dougherty County District Attorney Ken Hodges. What usually sways me early on in primary elections are what strategies the candidates are taking to reach out to the Black community. Yeah, I'm biased that way...must have something to do with me being Black and all. I am so over candidates who think that they don't have to touch or appeal to the Black community until the last 30 days of a campaign season. Normally, like anything on the democratic side is ever normal, candidates are either permanent ticketholders on the crazy train or sane enough to let them babysit your kids. Let's take Hodges, all that Phoebe Putney stuff is definitely a high speed rail pass on the crazy train. But then his campaign today releases yet another endorsement by a Black politician I trust. On top of Hodges receiving endorsements from Ambassador Andrew Young, former Chief Justice Leah Sears, Hodges now has DeKalb County Sheriff Tom Brown's support. Sheriff Brown is quoted as saying this:
      "If anyone in this race is the best pick to be Georgia's top prosecutor and chief law enforcer, it's Ken Hodges," Brown said. "I've worked with Ken firsthand on prosecuting public corruption. He's a veteran of the courtroom. His record of working with state law enforcement and getting results is impeccable."
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: I have been a staff member on eight Georgia statewide campaigns, including Chief Justice Sears, and let me tell you folks that a.) Sheriff Brown doesn't give his endorsement out nilly willy (neither does Justice Sears) and b.) Sheriff Brown is a big deal in the largest Democratic voting county in this State. This is a big deal. Let me break it down even further: University of Georgia political scientist Charles Bullock, an expert in Georgia politics, says that "African-Americans cast about half of all votes in Democratic primaries." Hodges has now secured the endorsements of three Black politicians that an overwhelming percentage of Georgia Blacks folks, those engaged enough to vote in a primary, actually know in their own community. If Hodges' parlays their endorsements into a serious ground game strategy this could be a cakewalk. He could literally spend all his money touting these 3 endorsements and not once have to go negative on his opponent. Georgia Black folks don't really care so much for the negative campaign just really pisses them off and they will vote for whomever you are attacking. Or rather that is how this one Black voter I know votes. State Rep. Rob Teilhet is gathering a considerable number of endorsements from Black politicians on a more localized front. His endorsements are coming from Black legislators who are entrenched and committed to their Districts. Legislators who are in direct contact with the same voters that Teilhet is trying to appeal to. State Senators Vincent Fort, Emanuel Jones, Lester Jackson, and Hardie Davis have endorsed Teilhet. State Reps. Gloria Frazier, Henry "Wayne" Howard, Sistie Hudson, Quincy Murphy, Bob Bryant, Craig Gordon, and Tyrone Brooks have also joined forces to endorse Teilhet. Now can you see why I'm confused because both candidates are doing their due diligence by seeking support from Black politicians. Both candidates also have strong "tough on laws" backgrounds. I guess I'm just going to have to wait this one out and see who promotes the better policies. Right now Hodges is up 1 point for his idea about adding a full Civil Rights division in the Ag's office and Teilhet is down 1 point for his craziness to create a DNA database of all people arrested for felonies. It's a long, long season and may the best Democrat candidate prevail. Georgia can't afford for the AG's office to go into Republican hands. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jac1975 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 03:48:05 PM Color me ignorant for being SHOCKED that Georgia's AG department doesn't have a CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION. That's shameful. Agree on Sheriff Brown. Man's got some serious cred here in DeKalb. Be interesting to see how that shakes out when he sues the county for not fully funding him :) Still pissed at Sears for having us work our tail off to get her re-elected only to have her quit and let the douche who tried to defeat her name her replacement. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 04:13:56 PM I just threw away a box of 2004 election lit...including Sears stuff...ah the memories! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 06:06:52 PM Dude...Jules, I collect that stuff. Well some of it anyway. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 06:17:42 PM Dude, she collects it too. We all do. But even with a nice big house you've got to chuck some of it. Especially if you're moving. But yeah, on Bernita's original post, I'm hoping the campaign helps to resolve some of the issues here. Dueling endorsements typically do nothing much to aid that. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 06:33:31 PM @IRE... honey I got plenty for both of us. Come shopping in my house sometime soon, k. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melissa Marietta Sams EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 01:36:09 AM Of course my opinion is biased, but I have met and know a good deal about Ken Hodges. Hodges is a great prosecutor and has the experience needed for the AG's office. He has argued before the Supreme Court of Georgia, Georgia court of Appeals and many of Georgia's trial courts. Hodges has the experience and proven record of protecting Georgia's families and children that is necessary for a candidate running for AG. This is the reason that Hodges has continued receiving endorsements and is leading in fundraising (even before the session). I have met him and his family. They are hardworking and considerate people. Ken, being new to the Atlanta political scene, has been reaching out to many people here, working 12+ work days that many who have the passion for working in Democratic politics know all too well. One conversation with him will assure you that he is no where near the "crazy" spectrum in the democratic party, but has a genuine concern for the state of Georgia, its people and a willingness to move Georgia forward. I encourage everyone to go to his website and find out more information about him, and his record on protecting Georgia. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Dave Bearse EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 01:36:13 AM The Phoebe Putney stuff indicates Hodges isn't trustworthy, and I can't support Teilhet because of what his support of legislation that would have capped sales taxes on automobiles at a level that maximizes middle class taxation says about his priorities. Given this pair of duds, let's hope Baker reconsiders. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 02:38:28 AM Dave, Hodges is a trustworthy and genuine guy. I would encourage you to talk to him about the issue. You should at least hear both sides before you listen to a political attack that has been exaggerated grossly out of proportion. I know Baker is not going to back out of the Governor's race and I would hate for the Democrats to lose an informed and educated supporter. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 01:16:23 PM Ken wouldn't offer to take me hunting. Lost my vote... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 02:11:50 PM haha - your inner redneck exposed, eh? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 02:53:01 PM Who aren't I? I am what I am and that's all that I am. Blows your mind huh? BTW You are slacking soo much lately.:( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 07:14:19 PM Slacking isn't a word in my vocabulary! :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: JasonA TITLE: Keep picking your nose and blaming teachers... it becomes you. BASENAME: keep_picking_your_nose_and_bla STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: richtext ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/24/2010 01:31:59 PM TAGS: cnn,education,Obama ----- BODY:

      So why is it that teachers are constantly getting the short-end of the stick? Tell me if you can see which way the winds are blowing when it comes to society's view of teachers.

      Here is the front page of the U.S. Section of Click on it to see the full-size as it appeared to me.

      The problem with education.JPGThe link, which was visited in the image above, titled "School shooting suspect identified" led to this story. The headline, "Mass firings at Rhode Island school, led here.

      So let me clarify for you... the story about how an unarmed teacher subdued a lunatic armed with a gun and saved the lives of his students is 'under the fold' within 24-hours. Super Bowl coverage lasted twice as long. To summarize an AP video, David Benke (Dr. if you did your research and had a little more respect you graphic toting jackhole), the mild-manner middle school math teacher, was called a hero but was still remorseful because he couldn't get to the gunman fast enough before he got off a second shot. Good lord, this man isn't just heroic, he's a damn role model. Humble, well-educated, serving the public. But that is soooooo... ewww. I mean really, those who do, can. And those you can't, teach. And besides, it doesn't fit in the public's perception of how teachers really are.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: But the story about how 88 teachers were fired because, even though the school was improving, the school as a whole had failed, gets top billing! That's what people want! I, too, remember my worst teacher, and because she sucked, they all must have. My logic is flawless.

      But let's dive deeper (since your not getting tested on it and I don't have to race to the next piece of meaningless dribble). Notice how the caption reads "Dozens of teachers at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island fired over poor performance," lumping all of the teachers in the same boat and completely ignoring the issues at the school. Don't mind that a school can fail as a whole with as little as 20-25 kids messing up, in CNN's eyes, all teachers at this school stink.

      I love the picture of the union picketers. It adds a certain Fox appeal to the story. Because, after all, it is "the union" that is to blame. Even here in Georgia, "the union" is the source of our education woes. Don't let facts get in the way (there are no teachers unions in Georgia). For good measure, the added populist appeal of the poll in which only 19%, at last count, said 'No' to the question if ALL teachers should be fired when a school fails. All, really? Any kid in middle-school knows that absolute questions with 'all, always, and never' are dangerous...

      It gets worse... a further examination (god forbid) reveals that the school board in question is in a district of one square mile! From the WJAR website:


      Central Falls High School, the only school in this tiny and impoverished city of one square mile just north of Providence, is persistently one of the worst-performing schools in the state. Only about half its students graduate, and only 7 percent of its 11th graders were proficient in math in 2009.

      The (firing) plan was developed because of a federal effort to makeover failing schools. Those schools can select one of four options to fix themselves, which include requiring a longer school day, turning management over to a charter school, firing the entire teaching staff and rehiring no more than half, or closing the school.

      Sarcasm aside, never has there been more clear evidence that schools do not exist on islands, but are a part and more accurately a reflection of the community itself. Central Falls High School is not the cause of the problems in the community and the school board knows it. But they can't just go out and blame parents, now can they? After all, they vote. Notice how nowhere in the 4 options is the choice to send added resources to the school and/or community. Additionally, it takes a special caliber of teacher (above and beyond) to teach at a failing school. Turnover rates in failing schools are incredibly high. Teachers want to teach students who want to learn. True, they did get rid of those just biding their time, but they also threw the baby out with the bathwater. People who go into situations like that and stay are few and far between. Teachers like Ron Clark don't grow on trees.

      I saved the worst for last... click here.

      The Obama administration approves and I feel dizzy. If he's out in '12, the brilliant minds behind vouchers and NCLB take over. If he sticks around, it's more of the same. So to anyone with kids in public school, it is going to get worse, a lot worse, before it gets better. For the next 7 years, teachers will be worked harder, longer, for less pay, at great personal cost and the public either doesn't get it or give a damn. In the end, it's your child's education that will suffer. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 05:02:00 PM Great post Jason. I'll never forget when I made the logical connection that GA has about the same ranking for voting participation as we do school rating.. upper 40's. In other words, we suck at both, no surprise that for some folks both must be demonized. While I have no one to send to school, it certainly behooves me to care what is going on in the schools, and pay attention to the folks we elect who ultimately call the shots in them. Keep us posted on your thoughts on the folks running for State School Super, really would like some more perspective on this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 06:20:35 PM It seems like people WANT to be pissed off. You know how there's a period during adolescence when you begin to understand some things enough to be able to be critical? Before that you just accept everything because it's all new. Well we seem to be collectively at that adolescent stage as a society. People in general feel like they are supposed to be critical of stuff, but they don't pay attention enough to do it for themselves, so they respond to others who ARE critical of whatever. Supporting anything is so immature. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 06:47:35 PM I have been watching the RI school debate on CNN and both sides are doing poorly at informing the average viewer about their opinions. Where were all the business and nonprofit leaders in this community been at? How could they allow the children to be swept under the carpet for so long...oh yeah that's right we are talking about children who are living in poverty. America is just so darn awesome to those without money to choose their own schools. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 07:28:24 PM Funny story. Arne Duncan was at my workplace and one of our interns was a chicago school teacher. He said he knew arne duncan and he's protested arne duncan ... Duncan praised the RI firings today or yesterday. Obama's put the target pretty squarely over teacher's unions with the charter school push. They're pretty convinced on the charters, let's hope they're right because they're being very right wing on this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2010 07:45:10 PM Fun and telling rant Jason. As discovered earlier, I've got mine. Forgive the length, and IRE? Stop reading Now. Me? I blame the Parents first. Always. Mainly? Decades of research tells us that the single most vital & consistent component to student achievement, success & advancement is Parental Involvement. Everywhere. And BTW? This has not changed for over 100 years. Parental concern & involvement was critical for student advancement & future job success in the teeming immigrant tenements in NYC in the early 1900's as it is for this heavily minority & immigrant community today. Period. It's all about inculcating & even enforcing a culture of learning & respect for same. This includes naturally enough a respect for teachers and the process of learning and the necessary discipline for success. And sad to say, now even CNN is part of the problem. Not with the story, but how they tell the story & others. And this? Is likely the definition of a failure in parenting: "Shantel Joseph, 42, who lives just a block from the school, worries her 16-year-old son might not graduate because he struggles with low grades and appears to bring home little homework. She opposed mass firings in a state that already suffers from nearly 13 percent unemployment. “It’s a bad idea, because I know they need a job,“ Joseph said. “They need to work. Maybe they should talk to the teachers.“ [End Quote] I'm sorry Ms. Joseph, but that's not quite good enough. Sure, you might be a hard working dutiful citizen of Central Falls, but you're failing your 16 YO son. And have likely been failing him regarding his schooling for sometime. He 'appears to bring home little homework? Why is that? Shouldn't you know? Who gives him homework, why & when? Does he complete these assignments? When was the last time you attended a parent teacher conference? Talked to any of his teachers about ways to improve his poor grades & encourage his success? All of this, every last bit should start in the home environment. But in low SES/income areas, sometimes it does not. And then teachers have yet another task to add to their assigned duties. To provide kids with the mentorship, supplies and even the food & yes the love they're all too often missing at home. Sure plenty of this 'dysfunction' goes on in high income & middle class areas. We've got quite the impressive crop of undisciplined underachievers there too. But they typically have better & deeper social supports. But getting back to NCLB. It's a type of socialism of course, and not the good kind either. The slower miserably evil, 'we know better' and 'let us decide from Washington', with the half baked ill-formed ideas about 'national standards'. It might be nice to have some, but this is not it, and functions like some 'Brazil' inspired crazed testing regime where plenty of 'garbage in' equals 'mandates out'. Me? I'd want it repealed. But sadly enough, it's the law. So, yes eventually they'll show up to enforce it. And it's ugly & unseemly and even crudely stupid. But then too, they've probably got plenty of lackluster (and worse) teachers who are demonstrably failing these kids and this community. It may not even be wholly their fault, just a collection of short time (or 'lifers' waiting retirement), & some misfits thrown against the wind and hopes to stop the tide of ignorance & indifference. But it's never quite enough. Probably not half the staff, but just enough to make a difference. And the Government says we need to fire some of them due to their failures. Because it's less costly than firing the parents & raising the kids wholesale. Because everyone loves the concept of a good public scalping. Because something's got to give. Because we're all failing them, collectively. And no one wants to take responsibility for this abject & tragic failure. But the teachers? Are the ones they spend the most time with, excepting the time they spend with the media. And gawd knows we can't fire the media right? But Psst? Momma? Poppa? Want to raise your kids IQ by a Guaranteed average of 100 pts.? Get rid of the TV in their room. Better? Get rid of the TVs everywhere except your bedroom, and lock it up when you're not home. Reading is the natural & universal path to learning & love of same. Again, the world over and throughout time. Some things are eternal. But they too are forgotten at our extreme peril. Not to be seen ever on CNN either! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 01:48:55 AM I'm not going to do a screen capture, as the site's updating but here was the CBC's take on the 'hero math teacher story from CO'. They played it up big & adding more details than CNN will ever get around to: "U.S. teacher 'a hero' for subduing gunman Last Updated: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 | 2:00 PM ET Comments48Recommend60 The Associated Press" It was the top 6-7 'World story' on the day. Going for the Big pic and the non sequitur prize: The day's reporting @ also brought a reminder of what the prior generations 'liberal imagination' held for the education of poor & disadvantaged kids from the UK: "British PM apologizes to 'home children' Children from London's slums sent to work in colonies from late 1800s to 1939 Last Updated: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 | 12:31 PM ET" Read more: "British Prime Minister Gordon Brown apologized Wednesday for a government program instituted in the 19th century that sent poor children from London's slums overseas to do hard labour in British colonies, including Canada. [Pic] 'Home child' Marjorie Skidmore, left, with her daughter Patricia Skidmore, talks with reporters on her way to Britain's Houses of Parliament, in London, on Wednesday. (CBC) "To all those former child migrants and their families, to those here with us today and those across the world, to each and every one, I say we are truly sorry," Brown said in Parliament. "We are sorry that instead of caring for them, this country turned its back. And, we're sorry that the voices of these children were not always heard, their cries for help not always heeded. And we're sorry that it's taken so long for this important day to come and for the full and unconditional apology that is justly deserved." "It's an apology, it's a beginning, and I think it's a beginning to put together the missing stories that are not there," she continued. "Theyr'e not in the history books and they need to be there." Marjorie Skidmore, née Arnison, is one of the more than 100,000 juvenile migrants sent to Canada from Britain between the 1860s and 1939, when the program officially ended. Many of those migrants ended up in rural communities, where families "welcomed them as a source of cheap farm labour and domestic help," according to the Canadian Genealogy Centre. The churches and philanthropic organizations that sent the orphaned, abandoned and pauper children, usually between the ages of nine and 14, to Canada were "motivated by social and economic forces," the centre's website says. [Pic] More than 100,000 children were sent from London to rural areas in Canada between the 1860s and 1939, when the program ended. [CBC] But the working and living conditions for the migrants could be atrocious, some former home children have said, and many of the children were exploited or abused. "They told us we were going to the land of milk and honey," Elsie Hathaway, who was six when she was put on a ship after being given a Bible and a vaccination shot, told CBC News in 2001. "But I never saw it." [End Cite] Bottom line? Governments have been dealing with these vital issues of poverty & the education & 'moral enlightenment' of the children of the 'lower classes' for a very long time. Way back in the 'good old days'? They were sent out on 'orphan trains' from the big overcrowded cities in the east to provide cheaper farm labor to the sparsely populated West & Mid-west. Or overseas colonies if you were in the UK. And more than 100 years on, we're still not getting it quite right, but now we'd mostly like to ignore & deny the problem. SSDD. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Page Gleason EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 11:27:42 AM I was beside myself when I saw the RI article yesterday and have feared for a long time that NCLB would lead to some very rash decisions, such as this. There are many things I would like to say about all of this, but will do my best to stay focused on just a few. I did my masters work in Educational Policy, focusing on a few key points: 1. girls and education/gender equity in education/sexuality education. 2. School reform, especially urban educaiton. 3. the travesty that is NCLB. First, and this is a bit off the trend of the article and this discussion, but it is something I find deeply troubling. Let's compare the failure of the banking industry to the "failures" of public education. We had (have) top execs and other employees at these financial institutions who got greedy, preyed on consumers, made unsound decisions, and ultimately tanked our entire economy. Not in an attempt to do good, but for the sole motivation of greed and greed alone. How did we solve that problem? By flooding them with taxpayer money and requiring nearly no accountability. And what did they do with that money? Very little of what they were supposed to - and in some cases, gave themselves outrageous bonuses and funded extravagant corporate meetings. Did the government go in to individual branches and fire everyone, including tellers and secretaries? Of course not. We were told these industries were "too big to fail" so must be saved without too much burdensom government oversight. We all know this story so I won't dwell on it too long, but wanted to bring up the point. With education, on the other hand, the government's wholesale approach to education reform has been laughable at the very least and tragic, in fact. NCLB is rediculous and deeply harmful. The punishing "failing schools" approach has always seemed to me to be a completely backwards way to approach fixing education. Which, of course, I do not think NCLB is designed to do in any real way. Again, don't want to rant too long on NCLB, most of y'all who've talked to me about this know my thoughts on the real goals behind NCLB. The federal government gives very little actual money to states and school districts across the country, yet has these rediculous testing and accountability requirements that it imposes on said districts. Enter the "unfunded mandate" rant we've heard so much about when it comes to NCLB. So, here we have the exact opposite approach by our government in dealing with schooling as we did in the approach to the financial institutions. One was free money with no strings, the other is almost no money and an entire spider web worth of strings. Apparently, public education, in the eyes of the federal government, is not too big, or too important to fail. And that is dsiturbing. The whole "school reform" push by the Republicans can be said to have started with the publishing of "A Nation at Risk" which blames America's failures (back when Japan was kicking our asses and buying up the entire country, including Rockefeller Center) squarely on the shoulders of American public education. If you haven't read it, I encourage you to do so. And when you're done, read "A Manufactured Crisis", a wonderful rebuttal to the rediculous arguements set out in "A Nation at Risk". What it all boils down to is the fact that institutionalized education, public or otherwise, is extremely complex. If the problems were as easy as most Americans would like them to be (just test the kids more and blame the teachers, for example) we would have fixed public education years ago. When examining education, one cannot ignore a whole trove of societal issues/problems that deeply impact so many aspects of school performance and student performance. To Joe's point, parental involvement is important, but blaming the parents alone suffers from the same shortsighted problems of blaming the teachers. There are many factors that go in to parental involvement. One brief example is a law we have been trying to get passed in Georgia that would allow parents to take off 24 hours from work in a given school year to do such things as attend parent/teacher conferences other child/school related activities. Many parents work jobs that do not allow for them to take this time during the work day to be a part of their child's education. The Republicans have blocked this bill every time it has come up. And will continue to do so. Many children live in single parent households where the parent works more than one job in order to provide for her/his family. This often leaves precious little time to oversee homework, pick the kid up from extra-curricular activities (another influencer of student achievement - in schools that have not completely decimated their extra-curricular programs because they provide "no value"). Lack of parental ecuation and the resulting lack of appreciation for the importance of education is another factor...and on and on and on. To RI in particular: I am curious to know why this RI school "district" is separate from the Providence school district and is a district of one school. Seems troubling to me. With such a small district, where do they intend to find a whole crop of exceedingly competent teachers, who have so far aluded their grasp? Do they really think that removing the workers will make the operation run more smoothly? I have news for them, it won't. And of course, at the end of the day, this situation in RI boils down to one thing, it seems, fair pay for teachers. The article states that all of the reforms were agreed to by tachers and the school board. The one point of contention was compensation for the extra work. When teachers wanted fair compensation, the board switched tactics and chose to use NCLB as a blunt instrument to smack the teachers down with. It is deeply troubling that the school board believes that this kind of disruption and chaos could possibly be in the best interest of reforming that school. I am deeply disturbed by the Administration's response to this situation and hope they change their stance on this in the future. The RI piece is getting a fair amount of new coverage, let's hope that coverage leads to real discussion about fixing failing schools and doesn't form a larger bandwagon of "blame the teachers". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Graham Balch EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 12:25:40 PM As a teacher, I can share a few insights from the classroom. First, as Jason says it is a LOT harder to work in schools in low-income communities, but not because of the students. When I ask teachers from our high need schools who have left teaching why they left, the answer I always hear is: "I am sick of working as hard as I do and achieving great results while getting yelled at by the administration, disrespected by teachers who have been there forever and had my time I need to grade and lesson plan sucked up by useless meetings where nothing gets done." Organizational management in education is poor because we have set up a failed certification process that keeps talented people from being educational leaders. Additionally, those who work incredibly hard to help the students most in need are significantly under compensated for what they do. Together, they create an environment in which high performers leave education. Attrition of teachers is not necessarily bad, but attrition of our best teachers is alarming. The quality of our education is an early indicator of so many facets of our society such as voting participation as Jules pointed out above or economic opportunity or safety of our neighborhoods. Prison construction in Georgia is based on 3rd grade test scores and if we are smart enough to figure this out, we should be smart enough to fix the problem. Everyone says that good teaching and good school leadership are the most important factors that impact a child's education. However, for years we have tried to do everything but address this 800 lb gorilla in the room. Worse, NCLB created accountability for improved performance, but no real changes in education and as Einstein said "insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." If we want to change education, we need to have accountability for results, but we also have to make the changes that allow us to achieve these results. To do this, we need to have a certification, evaluation and compensation system in education that attracts, retains, rewards and promotes our highest performing teachers and leaders. To do this we need to evaluate educational leaders and teachers based on results. And, we have to do it in a way that includes state tests but goes well beyond state tests to create a holistic evaluation that is not susceptible to cheating. Personally, I think we need educational reformers and teachers unions to do a whole lot less complaining about each other and a whole lot more working together to create this solution that the 1.75 million children in Georgia public schools are waiting for. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 10:47:46 PM I'm just going to go REALLY generic and say "What Page said" I make it a point never to argue with Ladies of Passion ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 03:36:30 AM All good & fine points from Graham & Page. I'll apologize for the length with a small obscure joke at the end. Following along almost as long as Page, you get used to the various serial waves of reform, but if you examine the history (as Page did) you can try and learn from these past efforts going back decades & current 'interdisplinary' research. In a perfect world, we might be actually gaining on the problem. Throw some of the usual politics into it, and you've got a recipe for unacceptable stasis, deep frustration & anger, and gaming to see who might be able to better mobilize said anger to their own short term political benefit. The Rethugs as always seek to break the system (whatever it is) to then turn around and declare triumphantly 'See! It's Broken & Government can't help!' Rinse & repeat. In every sector of American life. They seek to privatize the schools for fun & profit, but after more than a generation, the stats just don't support the contention that 'vouchers' or other privatized ventures will consistently or regularly produce the results claimed for it. Still that's the meta game being played here. Education & schooling is a central function of government affecting nearly everyone's life, and hence of paramount importance to most & having a high symbolic value in public life. Hence the need for sacrificial scape goats. It makes for better TV. It 'fits the narrative' better, people come to expect it. Hence the nasty politics surrounding it all. Are all or even 'most' of our kids failing? No, just certain lots of them mainly in deeply deprived communities. Me? I think we're 'all in this together', but the bottom line? Teachers can not raise your kids, nor be expected to. Yes, I understand how silly this distinction may be in real life in many circumstances. But again? The main responsibility lies with the parents. Yes they're stressed & harried as never before, and probably have less family & social supports than ever before. But there are limits to the educational enterprise. This is one of them. Ergo we get the doubly strange moral configuration that the banksters are yes, now being held to lower standards than most grade school kids, and certainly most of their teachers too. Worse they know it too. Every banker over the age of 20 knew that 'no doc' loans were a disaster waiting to happen. Ditto for the infamous 'NIJA' loans. But don't get me started there. For the record though, I wanted the top banksters taken out tried & possibly shot for treason, grand theft & spectacular malfeasance. You don't lose Trillions of dollars in semi-transparent scams w/o any accountability or consequences. At least to my mind, so far of course I've been proven wrong. And the banks should have been shuttered & reorganized if they were bankrupt, which most of them (the largest) happened to be at the time of Obama's inaugural. Many still are to this day. But I really do come to expect "[politicos who] chose to use NCLB as a blunt instrument to smack the teachers down with. It is deeply troubling that the school board believes that this kind of disruption and chaos could possibly be in the best interest of reforming that school". Again, SSDD. What part of the Shock Doctrine (writ small) do we not understand? These 'crises' manufactured or not will always be looked upon as presenting an opportunity for political theater, for whatever crass advantage. It was probably part & parcel behind the unique 'design' of the entire district as a political entity too. So I agree with every thing being said against NCLB. It was the perfect Bush tool lying around in wait to blow up at some ill defined later date. And it was designed to do this. But at the end of the day we still have to contend with the heavy weight of politics. Poor districts need more resources. Naturally. For many myriad reasons. Rich districts (sometimes next door) refuse or are greatly reluctant to pay for this. Many will continue to cite the 'failure of the schools' as they do this, as if perpetuating failure would be an acceptable option for upwards of 30% of our future citizens & neighbors. Hence the unusual 21st century race between the fiscal needs to build ever more prisons or properly fund schools. Me, I think there needs to be 100's of reform experiments to suit the needs of the unique communities & kids we have today. Many are doing fine with the tremendously difficult yeoman's work of demonstrably improving the lot of kids in their districts. But for all too many of the 'opposition' it now sometimes comes back to a deeply if covertly racist cast of biologically determined IQ & 'intelligence' as the 'new' [old] 'conservative' critique. We can't or won't spend our good money & tax dollars on those horrible, undisciplined, strange [insert ethnic minority/racial epithet here], it's just no use, they're failures at birth. Again, this really does take us back to days of the old reformers like John Dewey who were battling the same kind of 'social Darwinist' [Actually Spencerian, after Herbert Spencer] social sentiments in the early 1900's. OK now for the obscure joke. My 'hometown' library, before they rebuilt, it was a smallish place, filled with kids after school doing school work & yes running around. They might occasionally wonder about the only statue [actually a bust] in the place, which had a prominent place on the reference shelves, right next to the check out counter. It was clearly a near 19th century creation, it's old plaster painted to look bronze, of some ancient military figure. Lee? Jackson? Hood? Gordon? No. He was indeed a 19th century figure, as his dress & naval cap suggested. With one word adorned the bottom of the bust, it proudly proclaimed the gent famously as 'Dewey'. To my knowledge I was the only person to ever inquire after why our library was honoring yes the famous VT born Admiral George Dewey instead of the now obscure librarian, Melvil Dewey, for whom the then used Dewey decimal system was named. Our librarian knew not. And the bust soon disappeared into storage and did not make the transition to the new library. We don't need our kids to all be geniuses, just hopefully marginally more competent than the prior generation. This should not be such a horribly difficult prospect, right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 05:50:08 AM Still more nose picking, but with a few more facts: via the NYT: High transient population, 70% Hispanic, "41 percent of children live in poverty and 63 percent of the high school’s students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch". And :"This former mill town of about 19,000, where unemployment is 13.8 percent", with the requisite kicker: "Teachers acknowledge that change is needed — the school’s graduation rate is 48 percent, and only 7 percent of students are proficient in mathematics by 11th grade — but they say they are struggling against difficult odds." Yeah. Adrift. At sea. Waiting for deliverance or destruction. As ever. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 07:04:26 AM Yes a glutton for nose picking, actually: Also noted by the AJC & HuffPost here: "The No. 1 finding -- and it came out on top regardless of whether the analysis focused on one-year or longitudinal data or the predominant demographics of the student population served by the school -- is that higher performing middle grade schools demonstrate an intense focus on improving student academic outcomes and preparing their students for a rigorous high school curriculum. They set measurable objectives and hold everyone in the system responsible for student learning. That includes superintendents, principals, teachers, students, and parents. Indeed, the findings reveal that educators at every level play a crucial role. Led by the superintendent, districts are essential to providing user-friendly student data and emphasizing improvement of all students. The principal is a hands-on leader who orchestrates every aspect of school improvement. Teachers work collectively to identify school needs for instructional improvement and students who need extra help. Not only are these practices consistent through a variety of lenses, but the report shows that the highest-performing low-income schools are performing at the same levels as high-income middle grades schools when these practices are commonplace. "This helps us crack the code about what works at the middle school level," said Robert Balfanz, advising consultant to the study and principal research scientist of Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University. " Something Mrs. Crabapple from a million years back would agree with, right? Sounds almost sensible. Who are these fools? They all look like commies I bet. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2010 04:47:22 AM I was waiting for someone to question what economic treason looked like. It's mostly about this stuff: "February 28, 2010 Fair Game It’s Time for Swaps to Lose Their Swagger By GRETCHEN MORGENSON “USING these instruments in a way that intentionally destabilizes a company or a country is — is counterproductive, and I’m sure the S.E.C. will be looking into that.” That’s what Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, said last week when lawmakers asked him about credit default swaps during his Congressional testimony. Concerns are growing about such swaps — securities that offer insurance-like protection and helped tip over the American International Group in 2008 when it couldn’t pay mounting claims on the contracts. Now, there are fears that the use of these swaps may also help propel entire countries — think Greece — to the precipice. First, Greece employed swaps to mask its true debt picture, with the help of Wall Street bankers, of course. And now it appears that some traders are using swaps to bet that Greece won’t be able to meet its debt payments and will face a possible default. Mr. Bernanke is undoubtedly an intelligent man. But his view that it’s “counterproductive” to use credit default swaps to crash an institution or a nation exhibits a certain naïveté about how the titans of finance operate now. " [More @ link]. Still more thoughts on education there too: A tribute to a famously cranky & very demanding teacher with impeccably high standards, still recalled fondly by most decades later: "Op-Ed Contributor And the Orchestra Played On By JOANNE LIPMAN Published: February 27, 2010 The other day, I found myself rummaging through a closet, searching for my old viola. This wasn’t how I’d planned to spend the afternoon. I hadn’t given a thought to the instrument in years. I barely remembered where it was, much less how to play it. But I had just gotten word that my childhood music teacher, Jerry Kupchynsky — “Mr. K.” to his students — had died." [More @ link] JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2010 11:11:04 PM Still more from the NYT on Diane Ravitch 'getting off the train': "March 2, 2010 Leading Scholar’s U-Turn on School Reform Shakes Up Debate By SAM DILLON Diane Ravitch, the education historian who built her intellectual reputation battling progressive educators and served in the first Bush administration’s Education Department, is in the final stages of an astonishing, slow-motion about-face on almost every stand she once took on American schooling. Once outspoken about the power of standardized testing, charter schools and free markets to improve schools, Dr. Ravitch is now caustically critical. She underwent an intellectual crisis, she says, discovering that these strategies, which she now calls faddish trends, were undermining public education. She resigned last year from the boards of two conservative research groups. “School reform today is like a freight train, and I’m out on the tracks saying, ‘You’re going the wrong way!’ ” Dr. Ravitch said in an interview." [More @ Link] She also had an interview with in recent days. But that train keeps moving along... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 02:06:13 AM More fresh commentary from Dr. Ravitch @ Huff Post on this issue: Diane Ravitch Historian, NYU professor Posted: March 2, 2010 05:45 PM "First, Let's Fire All the Teachers!" Ends thusly: "It would be good if our nation's education leaders recognized that teachers are not solely responsible for student test scores. Other influences matter, including the students' effort, the family's encouragement, the effects of popular culture, and the influence of poverty. A blogger called "Mrs. Mimi" wrote the other day that we fire teachers because "we can't fire poverty." Since we can't fire poverty, we can't fire students, and we can't fire families, all that is left is to fire teachers. This strategy of closing schools and firing the teachers is mean and punitive. And it is ultimately pointless. It solves no problem. It opens up a host of new problems. It satisfies the urge to purge. But it does nothing at all for the students". Diane Ravitch is the author of The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education (Basic Books). [End Cite] It's a good solid read with much sense, and hence will most likely disappear w/o a trace into the political maelstrom. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2010 12:32:42 AM Shhh, more stuff on my comment way up there on 2/24: "We've got quite the impressive crop of undisciplined underachievers there too. But they typically have better & deeper social supports". Also from the CHILD PSYCHOLOGY Melanie Barwick Underachieving kids: no quick fix. Last Updated: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 | 4:31 PM By Melanie Barwick, Special to CBC News Begins: Melanie Barwick is a registered psychologist with a primary role as a health systems scientist in the Community Health Systems Resource Group at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. "If my friends and colleagues are anything to go by, underachievement is rampant. Kids who have the intellectual wherewithal to succeed in school, but who seem bent on bypassing homework and assignments in favour of more interesting pastimes, whether they be computer games or, well, computer games. I have observed their frustration as they grasp at any solution, trick, or manipulation that might motivate their "lazy and unmotivated" children and put them on course for school success. This situation is far too common, and it isn't new. An arsenal of strategies has been thrown at the problem. Parents have rewarded, punished, entertained, pep-talked, tutored, threatened, role modeled, changed schools, changed programs, and so on, often with discouraging results. Upfront, I can tell you there is no quick fix — sorry folks — but we do understand some things about underachievement that may help you and your kid get to a better place. Underachievement defined 'The problem often appears in middle school, when kids start getting homework that requires planning, disciplined work and follow-through' Underachievement is defined as performance that is below what is expected given normal intellectual potential. These are kids with high IQs and low school marks. The problem often appears in middle school, when kids start getting homework that requires planning, disciplined work and follow-through. This is also when kids begin to assert themselves more and make more of their own decisions. These are normally bright kids, and it is not uncommon to see underachievement among the gifted. Much of what we know about underachievement, its causes and potential solutions, comes from the work of the late psychologist and renowned expert Dr. Harvey Mandel. Mandel studied underachievers for more than 20 years and concluded that, contrary to popular belief, underachievers are highly motivated. They just happen to be motivated about things other than getting good grades. Knowing this is the first step to turning things around". And Ends thusly: "As I said, there are no easy solutions for underachievement. We know some things about why kids underachieve, and that does help in figuring out what approaches may work best. However, in the words of one parent who has struggled with an underachiever for several years, "Sometimes, you have to let your kid learn his lessons the hard way. After failing three out of four courses last term, (Tom) is now on probation. The principal told him that if he wants to go back to (this school) in the fall, he's going to have to bring his marks way up and take three summer courses. It was a huge rude awakening for him. He admits he put himself in this position and can't blame anyone but himself. In one course, he aced the final exam but he handed in none of the assignments so he ended up with a 30 per cent, which really showed him that the assignments are really important. " Read more: Just another data point. And no, the political winds never look especially all that favorable to directly or adequately address many of these issues. But hope dies last. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2010 01:48:28 AM Shhh,(2), Bill Maher evidently agrees with me too (well almost): [Via Huff Post]: Bill Maher Host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" Posted: March 12, 2010 06:44 PM "New Rule: Let's Not Fire the Teachers When Students Don't Learn -- Let's Fire the Parents". JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Health Care Summit Stream BASENAME: health_care_summit_stream STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/25/2010 10:00:02 AM ----- BODY: UPDATE: The White House feed has been spotty today. If the window below is black, go to the MSNBC stream here or C-Span steam here.
      UPDATE: The Sunlight Foundation is posting political contributions of each speaker next to the stream. Fascinating. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 01:00:50 PM They are finally taking a break, after nearly 3 hours and I still have no idea what is the R's plan, other than no. Obama is 4 for 4 smacking down, Mccain, Camp, Cantor, Boner. He really should get extra credit for the Mccain bitch slap. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 02:47:50 PM Our buddy Zaid has a great post over at Think Progress read it here. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 05:29:39 PM Ok, so I only saw the last 10 minutes of the whole thing today, but I will give the President credit for being smarter than anyone in that room. The R's got schooled, then chastised for being jackasses. Meetings with Republicans: Obama 2 Republicans 0 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 11:51:31 PM If they're slowing the train, they're winning. Always. So I wish someone had the guts to just look over and declare: 'This is the most filibustered Bill in American history & you clowns have no new ideas, no good reason why to thwart the desperate needs of the public or the majority, hence we're going to blow up your Unconstitutional use of the filibuster.' But no, it has to be all decorous & 'stuff. But otherwise largely a snooze fest. Even for the policy wonks. They win by showing up and playing. We win in the 4th quarter with some solid & bitching plays after the fans have largely left. So IMHO? More wasted time. This should have been already done in the Scott Brown 'interim', but our chickens were well... I'm hoping the train gets moving again. And oh yeah, the Senate is the most undemocratic, unrepresentative legislative body in the free world. It too needs fixing, desperately. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 11:55:12 PM Except for the President, was that not the whitest white guy event? a cream cheese convention has more diversity. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 12:34:04 AM Well, the Republican's idea of diversity is John Boehner. It's not clear to me yet what was accomplished today. I watched most of it, and learned quite a bit about the proposal, but there didn't seem to be any movement on either side. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 04:30:03 AM Oh yeah, CNN is the problem too: via DailyKos: "Breaking: CNN's Stunning One-Sided Coverage of Health Care Summit by mediapolitic Digg this! Share this on Twitter - Breaking: CNN's Stunning One-Sided Coverage of Health Care SummitTweet this submit to reddit Share This Thu Feb 25, 2010 at 10:30:21 AM PST In a stunning display of one-sided coverage, during the first three hours of coverage of the Health Care Summit televised so far, CNN only interrupted, whether for commercial or comment, Democratic speakers. * mediapolitic's diary :: :: * Yes, I could have watched the first three hours on C-SPAN, but I was interested in the balance of coverage. I was stunned. In the first three hours televised so far, CNN interrupted: 1. Pres. Obama (D) for a Chantax / Pfizer commercial 2. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D) (entire speech) for a Liberator medical device ad as well as an ad by American Future Fund featuring a lipstick-wearing pig which advocated "Tell Congress Start Over and Get Health Care Right." 3. Pres. Obama (D) for ads (including an ad by the Oil and Gas Industry) 4. Sen. Max Baucus (D-sorta) for ads 5. Rep. Robert Andrews (D) (entire speech) for comment 6. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D) for ads 7. Pres. Obama (D) for ads including another one by Pfizer 8. At this point, they did cut into the very tail end (couple seconds) of Rep. Charles Boustany's (R) comments but only to go to Rep. Anh Cao (R) for comment while not showing a couple moments of Pres. Obama (D) and several minutes of another Dem (didn't even see who he was!) But oh, they came back straight away for Sen. McCain (R)! 9. Then they cut away from Kathleen Sebileus (D) for commentary which they then interrupted their own commentary in order to catch all of Eric Cantor's (R) comments. 10. Then they cut away for the entire Rep. Louise Slaughter (D) comments. I could understand a slight imbalance, but a total, complete one-sided coverage needs to be called out." Hometown Asshats. Not a single consistent worthwhile difference from Fox. Quislings & losers, All. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 07:38:36 AM My assumption is that Prez O saw two possibilities here: Repubs would commit to some things on camera that would create some possibilities for a bill, or, more likely, anyone watching would see that the Repubs are unwilling to consider anything at all. I thought the President did a good job repeatedly trying to find "areas where we agree", but even after identifying some of those areas, now Repubs say they can't even agree to them within a comprehensive plan. Can we assume that David Plouffe was brought back in to help with the messaging on this? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 12:47:21 PM Now Republicans can't bitch and whine that they lost the election by several million votes and by even more than that in total votes cast in congressional races so they are being shut out. Well I mean they can. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joby Pollard EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2010 05:41:04 AM There are irreconcilable differences since the liberals foremost want a government encroachment into a large part of the private economy. Conservative republicans can’t let this happen. But the democrats have the votes, for now. Texas breast reduction ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Carol Porter is in BASENAME: carol_porter_is_in STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/25/2010 08:36:47 PM TAGS: carolporter,dubose,duboseporter,governor,lg,porter ----- BODY: Carol Porter to run for lieutenant gov, creates husband-wife ticket
      Carol Porter will seek the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor, joining her husband, DuBose Porter, as a potential husband and wife team at the top of the party's ticket.
      DuBose Porter, the House minority leader, is one of five Democrats seeking the gubernatorial nomination. Should they both become Democratic nominees, it sets up a potentially historic one-two punch. But Carol Porter said it's not a gimmick aimed at boosting her husband's campaign.
      It might not be a gimmick, but the dual campaign is already generating National buzz. Congrats and best of luck to Carol Porter. If her announcement is any indication, Casey Cagle's life just got a whole lot more complicated. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 09:34:28 PM She should probably drop the Google Buzz profile...I'm just saying. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2010 11:41:23 PM Wow. My brilliant track record of predictions continues. I wish her & Dubose the best. I'm still not certain how it might work well, but I can be convinced. Good thing she did a news conference while everyone was otherwise desperate for some coming out of the HCR 'conference', right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2010 10:33:09 AM Anyone else find it funny that on FB DuBose only became a fan of Carol today? Like, shouldn't that have been an immediate thing? What was he doing, weighing his options? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Does.Not.Mince.Words. BASENAME: not_mincing_words STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/26/2010 09:51:37 AM ----- BODY: Hang with all 5 mins, it's pretty good. Rep. Anthony Weiner represents the NY 9th district, and my new hero. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jenjust EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 12:27:43 PM Loved this guy when I saw him on the Daily Show the other night. He makes good sense -- a rarity. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 12:37:30 PM Outstanding. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2010 09:13:44 PM My man Weiner! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: open_thread_4 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 02/26/2010 03:55:07 PM ----- BODY: olsenhaus-fall-winter-2010-4.jpg It's been awhile, and maybe some of you need to vent. I've have a busy day. First was shopping for Spring shoes, and aren't these fabulous, made out of recycled TV's. From OlsenHaus vegan Spring 2010 collection, more here. After that bit of exhaustive research I learned a little about Nikola Tesla. Why? Do I really need a reason? Ugh, alrightPrincess Sparkle Pony made me, that's why. Just a reminder on this day in 1848 Marx & Engels publish "Communist Manifesto", and Republicans begin immediately to misquote it. Oh yeah, yawn...The Patriot Act is renewed without any civil liberties protections and it appears no one cares but the ACLU and Boing Boing. Interesting combination to say the least. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 05:33:37 PM I've found myself becoming a Marxist (in terms of how work defines us as humans) but that's about it. Still makes me LOL that he thought USA was going to be the first Marxist state. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 05:54:34 PM i'm usually not the biggest fan of vegan shoes - not because i hate animals (though, really, i have no issues with leather), its usually because they are usually bad designs. cant stand stella mccartney and most others that i have seen out there have just been pretty weak. that being said, some of these are pretty good. adore these ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 06:57:15 PM You really should have warned us about the vegan shoe link. I'm off my dinner now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2010 08:38:51 PM Big fan of Tesla. Here's another bio: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2010 04:19:19 AM FYI: If you're not angry, you're just not paying attention... Republican Roadmap=No Taxes for Oprah, Pelosi, Soros Posted by Bruce Webb | 2/25/2010 09:33:00 AM republican roadmap, tax reform 69 comments by Bruce Webb "Well I doubt that will be the slogan on the signs at the next Teabag Rally but it is an accurate summation of Rep. Paul Ryan's Roadmap to America's Future tax reform plan. From the website (bolding mine): [See link] Further: "Some attention has been paid to the Roadmap's plan to privatize Social Security and voucherize Medicare but little to this aspect. Under Ryan's Roadmap billionaires don't pay taxes. At all". So: Lemon Socialism: Privatize the gains: Socialize the Losses from Billionaires. That's what the modern economy looks like. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2010 04:30:55 AM OK One more Econ Number: Why you might be a Democrat: [Stolen from Prof. Mark Thoma, wholesale]: "Physiological Evidence of Brain's Response to Inequality" A quick post between classes -- the desire for equality appears to be hardwired: [See also Link:] [full text removed by MelGX] JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2010 11:34:57 AM I don't know about the shoes, all I know is the Norwegian Men Curling Team's pants are fabulous!] Oh yeah, I SAID IT! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2010 11:49:58 AM Looks like Congressman John Linder is retiring.. I don't suppose we have anyone to run in that seat... Unless Doug Heckman is thinking about it again.. Thoughts? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2010 12:23:43 PM Olympic fashion from the Vancouver Sun: They had a story I looked at in today's paper (but didn't read) about wearing too much of your fandom on your sleeve (literally) but I can't find it online. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2010 06:41:49 PM I liked Doug! I hope he runs again. Is he back from deployment? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2010 03:44:41 AM Angie the Atheist is on TV for blogging & tweeting about her abortion: Just an amazing story all around. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2010 09:54:21 AM unfuckingbelievable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2010 11:58:35 AM Rumors abound that Jon Smoltz will get into the 7th race.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2010 02:40:36 AM Psst... just a reminder: You do Not have health insurance! Here's the details, again: "The Baseline Scenario What happened to the global economy and what we can do about it "You Do Not Have Health Insurance" Right now, it appears that the biggest barrier to health care reform is people who think that it will hurt them. According to a New York Times poll, “69 percent of respondents in the poll said they were concerned that the quality of their own care would decline if the government created a program that covers everyone.” Since most Americans currently have health insurance, they see reform as a poverty program – something that helps poor people and hurts them. If that’s what you think, then this post is for you. You do not have health insurance. Let me repeat that. You do not have health insurance. (Unless you are over 65, in which case you do have health insurance. I’ll come back to that later.) The point of insurance is to protect you against unlikely but damaging events. You are generally happy to pay premiums in all the years that nothing goes wrong (your house doesn’t burn down), because in exchange your insurer promises to be there in the one year that things do go wrong (your house burns down). That’s why, when shopping for insurance, you are supposed to look for a company that is financially sound – so they will be there when you need them. If, like most people, your health coverage is through your employer or your spouse’s employer, that is not what you have. At some point in the future, you will get sick and need expensive health care. What are some of the things that could happen between now and then? * Your company could drop its health plan. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (see Table HIA-1), the percentage of the population covered by employer-based health insurance has fallen every year since 2000, from 64.2% to 59.3%.* * You could lose your job. I don’t think I need to tell anyone what the unemployment rate is these days.** * You could voluntarily leave your job, for example because you have to move to take care of an elderly relative. * You could get divorced from the spouse you depend on for health coverage. For all of these reasons, you can’t count on your health insurer being there when you need it. That’s not insurance; that’s employer-subsidized health care for the duration of your employment. Once you lose your employer-based coverage, for whatever reason, you’re in the individual market, where, you may be surprised to find, you have no right to affordable health insurance. An insurer can refuse to insure you or can charge you a premium you can’t afford because of your medical history. That’s the way a free market works: an insurer would be crazy to charge you less than the expected cost of your medical care (unless they can make it up on their healthy customers, which they can’t in the individual market)." [Much More details @ Link]. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2010 01:36:50 AM No where to put this: Southern & MS writer Barry Hannah died Monday: One more MS All Star gone. More here: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Parliamentary Procedure Nerd Alert BASENAME: parliamentary_procedure_nerd_a STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/01/2010 01:43:50 PM ----- BODY: All this talk of "reconciliation", up and down votes, majority rules- boys drool.. ok I added last one to see if you were paying attention. This is important to stuff to understand, and will likely be the way the vote goes down after last Thursdays utter deadlock on any compromise. Please note, this procedure has been successfully used as a tactic for the Republicans-many a time. Although I heard a lot of whhhaaaaammmmmbulance calling since Friday about it being so unfair from our "friends" in the opposition. Meanwhile the Republican's are setting some sort of filibuster record! Yay obstruction-just what the American people need more of! Ezra Klein takes a look at reconciliation on his blog this morning, noting: "Reconciliation has, in general, been a Republican endeavor. Political scientist Joshua Tucker looked at the 19 times reconciliation was used between 1981 and 2005, and found that 14 of them were Republican initiatives. If you extend that analysis out to 2008, then 16 of 21 reconciliation bills were Republican." Seriously though, we haven't gotten into the nerdy part yet- it's in the clip below, which is worth six minutes of your time.

      Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy How do you get this gig you ask? Well here you go, from our friends at CSPAN.

      The Senate Parliamentarian serves at the pleasure of the Senate Majority Leader, and functions under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate as a non-partisan employee of the Senate. The House Parliamentarian serves with the consent of the Speaker of the House, also in a non-partisan capacity, advising Members of both parties. The complexity of the job requires years of apprenticeship, and the leaders of both chambers have respected the institutional experience necessary to perform the job well. Sitting Parliamentarians hire their own assistants, and for decades, those assistants have advanced to the position of Parliamentarian when a vacancy has occurred.
      I hope you all caught the part about Vice President Biden really being the one to yield the big gavel, if you get my drift. Said Dove: "The parliamentarian only can advise. It is the vice president who rules. Good times people, good times. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2010 08:43:30 PM Some of the more relevant info on this via is here, (with plenty of linkage too): Principally proving nuclear hypocrite Lamar! wrong: Again: Here's the bit about Biden being the ultimate decider: Oh Joy! Think of it. If we'd only listened to the DFH way back when they first suggested reconciliation as the most favored route to use? It would have been done by now. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Baby Face Reed is planning a comeback BASENAME: baby_face_reed_is_planning_a_c STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/01/2010 09:54:20 PM ----- BODY: ralphreed.jpgCan we say "YEEAAAAHHH"?? Teh freaking awesome Georgia Republican Party - your leader is returning to save ya'll - woot!woot!! According to The Hill:
      Ralph Reed (R) is "seriously" contemplating a run for the House seat being vacated by Rep. John Linder (R-Ga.), according to CBN's David Brody. Reed has made his interest known to key grassroots leaders and local elected officials around the district, but has not yet made a decision. Reed was the first executive director of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and later ran for lieutenant governor of Georgia. His political downfall came from his close ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
      Yeah baby, Ralph Reed might make a comeback. Ralph Reed, Nathan Deal, and The Ox - the royale battle of political egos. As the other GOP political ego maniac says "Bring It On"!! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/01/2010 10:21:48 PM I wish I could be as sanguine Bernita. But never fear, the crazy always gets crazier in Ga. Now is this a good thing for the GaGop? Only if they spend & waste all their money on it. It's very hard to game actually. So that's almost a smile, even if it looks more like a grimace. It's my Ga. face. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2010 08:59:06 AM so we're back to 2006 with the chamber of commerce against the georgia right to life crew... so special. I thought it was bad when the anti woman homophobe Smoltz was thinking of running. Glad I'm leaving. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2010 12:09:02 PM The political gods just keep giving us presents. First Glenn Richardson, and then the OX as the Republican nominee for Gov. Now, Ralph Reed on the ballot!!! Let's watch the money fall from the skies. Thank you Political Gods, thank you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2010 06:04:50 PM It's not presents! Remember these guys recover very quickly. The Ralph Reed / Cagle matchup was over and done and won while the Dems were still making Unity buttons....sigh.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2010 05:12:24 AM For those who've forgotten, here's some of the goods on Ralphie: Again, Fun? Perhaps. Effective with today's Ga.GOP? Who knows how deep the crazy goes? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2010 06:26:04 PM The good news is, a lot of Dems would look forward to claiming this normally Republican seat. The bad news is a LOT of Dems would try to claim the normally Republican seat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2010 11:09:14 AM As of just now, reports are he's NOT running... slim proof of a higher power- I dunno but this Georgian is grateful at any rate. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Sign this petition to stop college tuition hikes BASENAME: sign_this_petition_to_stop_col STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/02/2010 07:35:13 PM ----- BODY: From the Democratic Party of Georgia:
      TO: Georgia politicians that advocate college tuition hikes, We, concerned citizens and students within Georgia, strongly condemn the attempt to balance the Georgia budget on the backs of college students, faculty and staff. The attempt to violently cut $385 million from the higher education budget for the 2010 calendar year will result in dramatically higher tuition rates, could bankrupt the HOPE scholarship, and will result in drastically reduced college services. State Senator Harp's encouragement of a 77% tuition hike is unjust. All college students begin school with the expectation that tuition will remain relatively stable over a four year time. A one-year increase of 77% is clearly beyond any sense of fairness. Over 4,000 jobs will be lost, and core services of our educational system will vanish. We sign this petition with the understanding that it will be delivered to the appropriate decision-makers in our State Capitol, and that our voices (and votes) will be a crucial commodity in this November's elections. Don't raise the fees on our degrees!
      Sign Petition here ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2010 09:36:52 PM I really don't understand this petition..Are they planning on doing one for all the programs across the state that will be cut? What about public school cuts? Metal Health care cuts? State employees that haven't gotten a pay increase and have furloughs? Do the Dems have a solution for our desperate budget problems? Can I see some action instead of constant reaction? Or what.. hello.. crickets. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Democrats Live: Talking Taxes with Rep. Virgil Fludd BASENAME: democrats_live_talking_taxes_w STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/03/2010 02:20:31 AM ----- BODY: Tune in tonight at 9 pm to talk with State Representative Virgil Fludd (D-Tyrone). Rep. Fludd will talk live with BfD viewers for 1 hour. Sign up now on Ustream so you can chat live and ask Rep. Fludd questions. Recorded U-Stream video is here. Representative Virgil Fludd represents the citizens of District 66, which includes portions of Fayette and Fulton Counties. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 2002, and currently serves on the Banks & Banking, Regulated Industries, and Ways & Means Committees. As Georgia faces an unprecedented budget deficit, due to 7 years of poor Republican leadership, there are Democrats in the State Assembly fighting for Georgia families. Rep. Fludd is one of those Democrats offering solutions that can help Georgia families. Solutions that can prevent Georgia college students from facing a 77% tuition hike, that can improve our education system by preventing teacher furloughs, prevent critical health, social services and public safety programs from suffering deep budget cuts. Rep. Fludd introduced HB 1066 -
      legislation that would generate approximately $220 million through a temporary one percent surcharge for married couples who have a total income of more than $400,000 and single individuals with an income of $200,000. The additional income tax surcharge affects less than one percent of Georgia taxpayers. "As we all know, the state of Georgia is facing tough times so we have to do everything we can to maintain a balanced budget without laying off teachers or eliminating important programs," said Representative Fludd. "No one likes tax increases but these are very unusual times. We need strong leadership because spending cuts alone will not solve our problems. HB 1066 will help prevent these devastating cuts, while only affecting less than one percent of Georgia taxpayers."
      According to Rep. Fludd, the state of Georgia has not adjusted income tax rates in more than 70 years and currently has a top income tax rate of six percent beginning at $10,000. Other states have recently issued similar surcharges, including North Carolina and Wisconsin. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Tonight, Rep. Fludd will discuss why passing HB 1066 is an important piece in the budget puzzle. Rep. Fludd will also discuss the policies proposed by the Working Families Legislative Caucus. Rep. Fludd and the Working Families Legislative Caucus has identified 6 policies to promote Government Transparency, Fairness in Tax and Budget Policy and Corporate Accountability. 1. Collect the Taxes that are Due: - Georgia has failed to collect nearly $1 Billion in tax revenues that are due and unpaid. - Support HB 356 (Rep. Virgil Fludd) and HB 1137 (Rep. Dubose Porter) to increase sales tax collections by authorizing local city and county governments to share databases with the DOR and vice versa. 2. Transparency for Special Interest Tax Breaks that do not Serve the Public Interest: - Georgia "spends" hundreds of millions of dollars every year on special tax breaks and credits without gathering information as to what those tax breaks cost, whether they are fairly earned, and whether they meet their intended purpose. - Support SB 206 (Sen. Greg Goggans) to have Georgia join 39 states that gather information to define the cost of special tax exemptions and credits and evaluate whether the preferred tax status serves its intended public purpose. 3. Reduce the Size of Existing Tax Credits: - Apply a 15% reduction (roughly equal to the cut in state program spending) to all existing tax credits for the next two years. (HB 1065, 1067 and 1068) 4. Impose a Temporary Tax Surcharge: - A temporary 1% surcharge on income over $400,000 per year would raise $225 Million and impact fewer than 1% of taxpayers. (HB 1066) 5. Raise the Georgia Tax on Tobacco: - Georgia has among the lowest tax levels on tobacco in the country while public costs associated with smoking and related illness soar. Increasing the tobacco tax reduces the number of people who smoke and deters young people from taking up the habit - $1 increase in Georgia's tobacco tax would raise $300 - $400 Million per year. (HB 39) 6. Eliminate the Sales Tax Exemption on Lottery Sales: - By eliminating the exemption of sales tax on lottery tickets, the state would collect an additional $80 Million per year to fund needed programs. (SR 939) So Join us live tonight with State Rep. Virgil Fludd. If you are near Maunel's Tavern then come up to the Eagle's Nest and catch the show. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2010 05:18:22 AM Sounds eminently sensible to me. Long overdue too. But I fully expect that the wealthy elites who run the place will start to mobilize immediately against it. Which, BTW? Means the AJC too. So expect them to come around sniffing for some 'scandal' story soon on Rep. Fludd. You heard it here first. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2010 12:17:56 PM The sign-up process isn't very friendly, but I was able to skip all the steps after email, username, etc. and was still able to log-in to comment. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Dave Bearse EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 12:58:11 AM I disagree with item 6 given that currently 45% or more of the cost of lottery tickets is tax. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 12:21:23 PM What percentage of gambling money in Las Vegas is profit? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 07:26:54 PM I don't think the AJC is going to be in on a conspiracy to off people who want to increase taxes on the wealthy, I think there's just too much anti-tax zealotry to be found in leadership to move on this, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. If anything it lays the groundwork for some more just policies int he future. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 09:29:05 PM Z, That sounds as 'defeatist' as anything I've ever heard coming from Washington. If not now, when? We're at the apex of recognition, disgust, outrage & involvement from citizens. And if you think the AJC and/or Cox Ent. would sit still for a 1% surtax on their income, you've been indulging in some pretty fine smoke up there too. Case in point? Their lobbying to repeal the Estate tax a few years back. They did some stories on it too, it was a bit 'sotto voce', but it still went down. This is a huge multi-billion dollar corporation run by an exclusive uber-wealthy family clique with their hands in plenty of industries (including car auctions, BTW). So Conspiracy? No, just protecting their interests as always, & it comes down to their bottom line. Not 'democracy', 'truth' or even 'searching for answers/truth in the public interest'. Just following the filthy lucre all the way. Watch for it. You're supposed to be getting smarter up there, right? Listen well. But Don't Drink The Water! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 10:28:02 PM If anything can make you defeatist it's being in Washington where a handful of senators can end life on earth (killing serious climate legislation, basically same thing) I've reached out to some georgia students on this issue though, trying to teach them about lobbying and whipping votes. Georgia activists are way into waving signs around, which is good, not so much into following the legislative process. Once we connect the two we've got a shot to at least move somewhat in the direction of raising revenues. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/04/2010 11:24:42 PM No. #2 & 3 are key here. Eliminate all the 'special interest' tax breaks (and there's 100's of them), and we'd make some good headway. Educating 'Ga. students' well about the legislative process & history & political economy of same? Well I suppose we've got to try, but it's still a work in progress with people employed to 'know better', right? JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Live with State Rep. Virgil Fludd BASENAME: live_with_state_rep_virgil_flu STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/03/2010 08:58:18 PM ----- BODY: Free TV : Ustream Chat: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2010 10:04:38 PM Hey that was super fun! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: It's Friday (and not a moment too soon)! BASENAME: good_lord_its_friday STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/05/2010 05:48:27 AM ----- BODY: Open thread because it's been a tough week. Since raising them seems to be all the rage here are some answers to your questions. If you aren't reading this or watching this you probably don't realize how dysfunctional your state government really is. First we heard she was running. Then she did her first "radio" interview on Kudzu Vine. 3D or no 3D? Opening weekend? Wait a week? What's a fan to do? Must see. I love y'all, but I'd rather be here. What's up with you? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2010 07:14:25 AM Interesting recent article in the NY Times, a report on studdies which seem to confirm George Lakoff and Mark Johnson's ideas about the embodied mind in Metaphors We Live By. Also this from the n.y.tim The wording of the question proved to make a difference. Seven in 10 respondents said they favor allowing “gay men and lesbians” to serve in the military, including nearly 6 in 10 who said they should be allowed to serve openly. But support was somewhat lower among those who were asked about allowing “homosexuals” to serve, with 59 percent in favor, including 44 percent who support allowing them to serve openly.z . ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2010 09:44:05 AM This is why people shouldn't vote. They don't even freaking know what they support. I think this is worth a post. BTW: Anyone else see Megan Mcardle's claim in The Atlantic that not having health insurance might not put people at greater risk of dying? There is something to be said for the points she raises BUT, if you have cancer and no insurance, you likely won't be able to afford hundreds of thousands dollars worth of chemo (or if you are my cousins who have insurance and can't really afford chemo but that is a different story) you are probably going to die. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2010 11:04:37 PM One of my coworkers once said megan mccardle is an authority on nothing. Should ask yglesias, he used to work with her. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2010 12:21:23 AM Yep, she's an ideologically driven idiot. So you did not hear that here first. Some other portions of the relevant argument are here w/ plenty of linkage: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2010 12:30:13 AM Oh yeah, introducing the Eglu, the clean(ish) new urban/suburban way of the chicken, from the Brits naturally, (well all plastic): They also do new style urban rabbit & beehives for the whole 'survivalist meets self-sufficiency' crowd. But neat stuff. Certainly beats the [much] older style of 'stoop' chicken houses too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: catcodemo1 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2010 10:17:45 AM How can Blue Cross or Aetna sleep at night knowing they are raising rates 39% and/or effectively kicking 600,000 people off of medical coverage? On a similar note, Celgene Corporation, the company who developed Revlimid, the cancer drug used to treat Multiple Myeloma, just increased my mother-in-law's prescription, which has kept her cancer in remission for 2 years now, from $6,000.00 per month to $7,000.00 per month for only 21 pills. Her insurance company, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, will not pay a dime toward the cost. Fortunately, the Rx company has some kind of program that helps with the costs. She said she didn't know what she would do if she wasn't receiving some kind of help. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for any senior citizen, or anybody else in this country, to have to worry about whether they can afford the medication or medical coverage to stay alive! It's GREEDY, COLD-HEARTED, and LOW-DOWN. But, all in the name of the mighty dollar. Isn't it funny how the right-wingers wear their little Christian Hats when there is any mention of abortion or homosexuality, but suddenly become sacrilegious when someone mentions helping the poor or middle class? And, gas prices are inching back up over $3 per gallon by summer. When it does, we're going to witness a Wall Street crash like no other in our lifetime unless Washington does something quick. And, there is nothing you or I can do about it but watch and pay higher prices for everything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2010 09:26:35 PM There was a DFA training today, part of a two day seminar, with tomorrow being the last day. Sarah showed me the booklet they gave everyone, it's concise and it looks fantastic. Not like the encyclopedia we got about five or six years ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2010 09:44:59 PM I tried to send one of our erstwhile candidates to it, I'm not certain he made it there. Is there anyway to get the booklet? just wondering... Thanks. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2010 09:52:05 PM IRExposed, there's a lot of work out there that supports the idea that the way you frame poll questions affects the way people respond to it. For example: Tversky and Kahneman (1981) demonstrated systematic reversals of preference when the same problem is presented in different ways, for example in the Asian disease problem. Participants were asked to "imagine that the U.S. is preparing for the outbreak of an unusual Asian disease, which is expected to kill 600 people. Two alternative programs to combat the disease have been proposed. Assume the exact scientific estimate of the consequences of the programs are as follows." The first group of participants were presented with a choice between two programs: Program A: "200 people will be saved" Program B: "there is a one-third probability that 600 people will be saved, and a two-thirds probability that no people will be saved" 72 percent of participants preferred program A (the remainder, 28 percent, opting for program B). The second group of participants were presented with the choice between: Program C: "400 people will die" Program D: "there is a one-third probability that nobody will die, and a two-third probability that 600 people will die" In this decision frame, 78 percent preferred program D, with the remaining 22 percent opting for program C. Programs A and C are identical, as are programs B and D. The change in the decision frame between the two groups of participants produced a preference reversal: when the programs were presented in terms of lives saved, the participants preferred program the secure program, A (= C). When the programs were presented in terms of expected deaths, participants chose the gamble D (= B). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2010 10:06:16 PM Sarah said she was told it is ok to reproduce it, make copies of it, if needed. I'll make a copy of it for you Monday or Tuesday. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2010 02:43:30 AM For B& IRE: Recent Kos Diarist on 'Framing': [Follow the tags & links too]:,-Framing,-and-that-War-of-Words Thanks B, Tell me if you need my email, but it's Bartow Co., so I'm listed. Thanks again to you & Sarah! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2010 09:19:44 AM I'm aware of framing and all the problems with poll questioning. All it shows is people are fucking dumb and don't even know what they support. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2010 03:02:05 PM No argument there. And if you're talking about a proportion of the electorate who are 'well informed'? There's a good argument that it's not changed much in a few 100 years either. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2010 09:44:34 PM Any word on the availability of that DFA manual Berzerko? I thought I'd ask... Thanks again, JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Kudzu Vine: Arkansas, Doug McKillip, and Oscar Fun. BASENAME: kudzu_vine_arkansas_doug_mckil STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/07/2010 04:25:48 PM ----- BODY: Tune in tonight at 7PM. David McAvoy of the blog, Blue Arkansas will be on for a discussion about politics in Arkansas. Kentucky, Florida and Georgia are on the list tonight too. Georgia State Representative Doug McKillip will call in to fill us in on his proposals for solving the higher education funding problems in Georgia. And, finally, David, Tim, and I will offer up some suggestions for films based on current political stories. I've got some good ones - casts and all! Tune in from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Or download from BlogTalk Radio or iTunes! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Georgia GOP, racist much? BASENAME: georgia_gop_racist_much STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/07/2010 04:35:48 PM ----- BODY: allen_racist_500.jpgCandidates and elected officials please take note on why you should not be at the helm of your social networking. I can count maybe one or two campaigns that successfully used Twitter or Facebook but I can count a whole lot more candidates who's campaigns failed horribly by incorrectly using social media. Here's an example of Twitter gone bad: Aleq Boyle, who filed his paperwork on March 4, 2010 to run for Georgia's Lt. Governor as a Republican, has a Twitter account. When you google Aleq Boyle, you find such pleasantries that he has tweeted across the internets, like this: boyle1.jpg Seriously? Seriously? This guy is running to become a State Constitutional officer. Does he think tweeting this utterly racist statement will make voters believe that he will represent all Georgia citizens? I'm thinking that the 1,685,282 Black registered voters in the State of Georgia, which represents almost 30% of all registered voters, might not think Aleq Boyle will represent them if he is ever elected. You might think I'm getting my panties in a bunch over one tweet. Nope Aleq Boyle seems to have a history of tweeting racist thoughts. Here's another precious gem from the Grand Wizard himself. boyle2.jpg Aleq, it might be ok not to speak in political correct terms when you are sitting by the campfire warming your sheets by the burning of a few crosses, but you should really get a clue when you a) have an open twitter account and b) want to run for public office. This might be appropriate twitter chat if Aleq was running for Mayor of lily white Mayberry (although I think Andy Griffith would kick his ass), but he's not. This dysfunctional wannabe Grand Wizard is trying to run for Statewide office. Once again, the Georgia Republicans have another poster boy candidate to represent them. h/t Jason Pye ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2010 10:46:10 PM Yeah, I was readily seeing this dynamic play out early in the process last year. And especially right after the election & the inaugural. Mostly commonly from almost any elderly white male you'd encounter in my county. And yes, it's systemic, party wide, and they're quite open, out & proud about it: If it was at all embarrassing to the GOP on any real level? It would be & have been stopped. But it's the central reality of mainstream hate filled dynamic of the opposition. Not a thoughtful critique on any merits, just racist catcalls & hate mongering derision based on same. Pretty simplistic actually. We know them by their acts. Truly. Thanks for the catch Bernita. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 12:47:52 AM It seems that this guys campaign address is also being used by another campaign. Michael Gaster who is running against Sen. Lester Jackson shares a P.O. Box with this guy. I know Gaster and am surprised at this. Very surprised. Someone has some explaining to do... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Aleq Boyle EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 02:28:05 PM Thanks for all the hoop-la, I have had many friends and a few foe's share thoughts on the topic; twitter. As you may or may not know it is customary in some cities to "Black Out" it has at the core the meaning to Cover an area for security which by the way is always high when a President comes to town. Our President, yes he is mine too. This accusation is a first as people like to look for anything because they are loosing on the liberal agenda so the best thing to do is paint it in any kind of negative light. I digress, now for the record I am exploring options on the political front and Jason you did good, you may get some real play with what you now have charged the air and web with. To bad any one who knows me knows far better than the accusation you suggest. But hey you have to have some buzz going. The good news is I now know people read some of my tweets... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 03:21:30 PM Jason ain't posting here. Reading might help you. In life, not just on your campaign. Now one serious question, how is "Re-Nig" not at least, inappropriate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 07:36:26 PM Aleq? That's French isn't it? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 09:40:18 PM Aleq, Silly racist explanation: Fail! Renege vs. 're-nig'? Yeah. Easy to confuse. Like a coon hound & vicious little no account moron like yourself. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: Dear Georgia GOP your candidate's racism cup runneth over BASENAME: dear_georgia_gop_your_candidat STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/08/2010 02:11:05 AM ----- BODY: Georgia GOP's candidate for Lt. Governor, Aleq Boyle, fails yet again with social media. Boyle's recent tweets gives us a birdseye view on how he feels about Georgia's Black voters and now his Facebook page lets us in on how he feels about voters who worship the Islamic faith. A cursory look at Aleq's Facebook page finds this: boyle3.jpg What is the Stop Islamization of America? (I refuse to give them any link love) According to their Facebook page:
      SIOA is determined to prevent (and reverse where necessary) the implementation of sharia law in the United States. SIOA does not consider it a crime to criticize mohammed and islam; it considers it a duty. SIOA intends to keep the U.S. and the West the most prosperous and free part of the world and it will do this through action. Wherever islamism rears its ugly head SIOA will be there. Its members are undaunted by the criticism SIOA receives from all sides. The self-styled anti-fascists brand us right-wing fascist nationalists and racists. SIOA will support having regular anti-islamist demonstrations and intends to up its activity in the future.
      Just so we are clear, the Stop Islamization of America isn't a random group you can click and join on Facebook. SIOA is pretty secretive and selective on who they let in their group. According to their Facebook page:
      This is a CLOSED group for now. Please send a request to join and we will get back to you asap. Thanks!
      Just an awesome and welcoming group to join when you are running for office to represent all Georgia citizens. Wow, Georgia GOP ya'll have outdone yourselves on this year's candidate recruitment. h/t Gunner ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 02:36:59 AM Thanks Bernita, For crawling to such places that we might have missed or dared not go. But again it needs to be said, over & over again. Many of these folks are just simply mean as hell & Bat Sh*t crazy. It's a marvelously useful combo and of course a thoroughly 'Christian' innovation in politics. Here & elsewhere. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2010 03:01:15 AM And because it's marginally useful & somewhat relevant I'll also include some data here too: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Bernita TITLE: The end is nowhere in sight BASENAME: the_end_is_nowhere_in_sight STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/09/2010 05:14:53 PM ----- BODY: Nancy Badertscher, over at the AJC's Gold Dome Live, is reporting that
      The Legislature is temporarily moving to a three-day work week and now expected to end the 40-day session in mid- to late April. Lawmakers had planned to meet this week through Friday, but voted to end the week on Thursday and then go to a three-day week for two weeks, or through March 25.
      Mid-to Late April means the general session will probably end pretty close to this year's qualifying period. There's going to be a lot of grumpy legislators who won't be able to start fundraising for their re-elections. But, they are doing the people's business so I guess it's better that they stay and get the budget fixed so the people can get on with their business. So if you're sitting on some dough and want to give it to a good Democratic candidate, then pass some change over to Mike Freeman who is the only Democrat running in the 9th District (Flip Flopper Nathan Deal's seat). Freeman is running against like 8 bazillion Republicans and can use your support. Contribute here. If Perdue gets his act together there will probably be a special election sometime in May. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2010 05:53:45 PM I know what the problem is. There's a lot of trade shows in town this month. All the hotels are filled up. Hard for the leadership to arrange a "meeting" with a lobbyists right now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2010 08:25:24 PM Ah, perhaps you give them too much credit Jerry. As someone else might have said in a different context; Are there no carparks? Out of town City/County/State Parks? BTW: I met Mike Freeman during last year's GADCC, he's a decent & impressive guy, and certainly deserves our full support. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Ken Hodges lawsuit dismissed BASENAME: ken_hodges_lawsuit_dismissed STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/11/2010 05:29:20 PM ----- BODY: AG candidate Ken Hodges has been granted immunity in the ongoing litigation stemming from the aftermath of "the" hospital case we probably all know about by now (Googling is left as an exercise for the reader). The opinion issued by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is worth a look - to be clear, the prosecutor who eventually filed the charges after Hodges recused himself from the case is still facing a lawsuit. As an aside, it should be noted that this isn't exactly an issue the candidate has been running away from - he was in attendance at a Young Democrats of Atlanta meeting last Wednesday and was happy to answer a question about his handling of the case in detail. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2010 06:33:54 PM I agree. Hodges spoke at a Gwinnett breakfast a few months ago and took about 20 minutes on 'the' case. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/11/2010 08:17:02 PM Well the ruling's unsurprising, but it's good to hear from reports of Hodges starting to address these issues of the Phoebe-Putney mess. I suspect this will not end it all either. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melissa Marietta Sams EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2010 01:25:21 AM I think that certain people will try to not let it drop, but an argument that has been dismissed doesn't hold much weight. Hodges acted properly and is willing to discuss the facts with anyone who wants to talk with him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2010 05:32:15 AM Again, I for one am glad of the latter part of that 2nd sentence, Melissa M. The court ruling was pretty predictable, and it remains to be seen what the general political effect it might have. I imagine that's where your hard work comes in too. Hopefully. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2010 12:43:51 AM Testing comments because IRE is having a hissy fit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2010 12:45:11 AM BTW, did I mention we're moving web host next month? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/14/2010 04:02:50 PM IRE having a 'hissy fit'? Tragic. Really. Umm do we have any pictures anyone's willing to post? I know... it's a slow day in the sticks. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Stupid Candidate Tricks BASENAME: stupid_candidate_tricks STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/15/2010 02:36:45 PM ----- BODY: bushturky.jpgFor those of you who are fans of "Stupid Pet Tricks" on the Letterman show, I thought it would be fun to call this little blog space "Stupid Candidate Tricks". Our first contestant is World Wrestling Entertainment millionaire Linda McMahon (R), who is running for the U.S. Senate in Connecticut, owns a 47-foot sport yacht named "Sexy Bitch," according to the Stamford Advocate. Ok, you clicked on that picture right...anyone think she's sexy? Two words... John Edwards Which Georgia GOP candidate, with more campaign drama than an episode of The Jersey Shore, said this?
      "We are here to empower and ignite the second Revolution for God-ordained, individual Life and Liberty here at home in Georgia. Your future and your liberty await"
      If you guessed Ray McBerry, you'd be right. Extra credit goes to the Carly Fiorina's recent crazy video hit on Sen. Barbara Boxer called Hot Air the Movie. You got examples? I'm sure we'd love to read them in the comments! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2010 03:32:17 PM Umm read it and wonder: I quote in part from this far out missive: [Via TPM]: "TPMMuckraker: GOP Gov Candidate Admits Refusing To Salute Flag -- Denies Hitting On Campaign Manager, Sex With Underage Girls Zachary Roth | March 15, 2010, 12:22PM 32Share Ray McBerry, Republican candidate for governor of Georgia Read More Ray McBerry, Right-wing extremism, Sex A far-right Republican candidate for governor of Georgia has issued what must be one of the most counter-productive -- and flat-out hilarious -- denials in the history of modern political campaigning. On Saturday, Ray McBerry sent out a lengthy statement denying that he "attempted to have an affair" with his former campaign manager; had sexual relations with under-aged girls; stole custody of his son from the son's mother (who, he noted, had tested positive for meth anyway); is no longer allowed to teach in the state; and is unpatriotic, just because he refuses to salute "the current federal flag which represents the present unconstitutional leviathan in Washington," and instead salutes the flag of Georgia and the "original Betsy Ross American flag." McBerry -- who now works as a producer of radio and TV commercials, and is polling around 2 percent in the race -- is the chair of the Georgia chapter of the League of the South, which describes itself as "a Southern Nationalist organization whose ultimate goal is a free and independent Southern republic." (You can watch McBerry explaining his view that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery here.) The group's website is currently promoting McBerry's candidacy. And McBerry's own website declares: "NOT Atlanta, NOT Washington... but GEORGIA FIRST!" Some of the rumors to which McBerry was responding appear to come from an email entitled "Ray McBerry The Monster," which was sent out recently by a woman claiming to be McBerry's ex-wife, and was obtained by TPMmuckraker. In the email the woman writes: I have read what Ray has said about me, and how I left one day, out of the blue when our son was one year old, because I simply wished to no longer have the obligation of wife and mother. Let me first say, this is not true. I loved Ray McBerry with every bone in my body, and believed he felt the same way. I could have wished for no greater day than when I gave birth to his son. But not long after my son was born everything fell apart. A woman from our church came to me and expressed concern about Ray's actions while in the presence of a young girl in our church. I had already seen this, and begged daily for him to reassure me that this was nothing. He told me I was being foolish and should not speak this way to him. Shortly after, the girls parents took Ray to court for disorderly conduct around a minor. At this time he was teaching at an alternative high school. Because his father was the Assistant DA, all charges were dropped. But, not before he was ordered to resign from his teaching position, and never to pursue the career again. ... Ray promised that if I ever got my life back together that he would let me be a part of my sons life and this was a lie. Above anything else I am a Georgian, and I do not wish that a man such as this lead my state. Neither McBerry nor the woman responded immediately to a request for comment. In December, McBerry fired his campaign manager, anti-abortion activist Jenny Hodges, saying that she was "preoccupied with efforts that promote life and liberty but are not, in my judgment, the best use of her time and energy in running our campaign as campaign manager." (Hodges herself explained it at the time by saying, "the product which I had signed on to sell no longer existed.") Hodges, a conservative Christian, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. An aide to a rival gubernatorial campaign told TPMmuckraker he had seen McBerry decline to salute the American flag at candidate debates and forums. "He literally steps back ... a foot or so," the aide explained. The front-runners for the GOP nomination are State Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, former Secretary of State Karen Handel, and Rep. Nathan Deal". Amazing. Really. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2010 04:45:45 PM Does this really surprise anyone? This is what the Republican Tea Party has been saying for a while."Hate your govt." is pretty much the message they give. This guy isn't crazy he is just a Republican. When he shares the stage with other GOP candidates remember that they all share the same values. This business about not respecting the American flag makes me want to vomit. I can show you over 700,000 veterans in Georgia what they think about this guys thoughts about the U.S. flag. But let's remember this guy is a Republican. He comes from the same Republican Party that our current Gov. does You remember ol Sonny. The guy who closes War Veterans Hospitals in Milledgeville. Ladies and gentleman I give you Republican party. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2010 05:03:16 PM Yep, crazy & Rethuglican, it's the Ga. way. Except it's mostly that way now all over the US too. But we really need to shout that from the rooftops too. They be crazed berserkers hell bent on the destruction of the Republic that they've been sworn to 'protect & preserve'. SSDD. Rinse & repeat. Me? I'll blame the MS media for their hand in this. Everything is 'balanced & fair' as long as you vaguely & superficially present the 2 sides. The highly colorful & ever telegenic wacko crazies, vs the small band of 'good government & technocratic' Dems now occupying the place of the once & forever beleaguered Eisenhower Repug's of yore, at best. The current HCR bill? Something RI's late moderate Repug. Sen. John Chafee could & did produce some 15 years ago. That's the political spectrum that we've been living with for decades now. Rationality & real political debates also ended literally decades ago. The wackos & the ruthless barbarians are not at the gates, they're now running the show, and the MS media? Are always too bored or distracted or incompetent to notice much. But this is the way empires & republics end too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2010 05:09:17 PM My 69ft yacht is called Sexy Ride. The mast is huge. Anyway John Edwards also said "Falling in love with you could really fuck up my plans for becoming President." F.T.FUCKING.W. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2010 05:26:24 PM And where the hell have you been IRE? Reading up on the all tabloids? Evidently from what little I'm able to understand, JRE was not too advanced in his thoughts there. So are you going to make the JJ so you might reenact a hissy fit for all your fans? Just wondering... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2010 05:43:47 PM WTF are you talking about? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2010 05:54:30 PM It's a joke. Here's the ref: And you know? Overall that comes in a close 2nd to the typical questions I usually get. However, the take away winner is still, 'You're not still supporting that 'so&so' Obama, are you?' But not all that unsual, and sometimes it takes some time in translation too. Hope you make it though. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 04:52:08 AM On the Media, just for sh*ts & giggles: Via the CJR: "The annual State of the Media report by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism was released this morning. The report looks back on how every part of the media fared in 2009, including newspapers, magazines, network news, cable television, and online sites. It’s not the most uplifting bit of news about the news—but in a year that saw the most massive financial crisis since the Great Depression (on top of that whole broken business-model stuff), you already knew that. Here are some of the report’s more eye-popping numbers: 1) To put all those tiny little papercuts into perspective; each round of newspaper layoffs, here and there, equals one big gushing head wound: We estimate that the newspaper industry has lost $1.6 billion in annual reporting and editing capacity since 2000, or roughly 30 percent, which leaves an extra $4.4 billion remaining. Even if the economy improves, we predict more cuts in 2010." So essentially a loss of 30% in the last decade, and probably a cumulative 50% from the last 15 years or so. Certainly in the last 20. Look at a paper from the 1990's. Then 1980's. You'll be stunned. It's like a different world populated by different people. Democracy can not long survive w/o an informed & engaged citizenry. And here at the bottom of the heap? We wind up with the 'Highlights' version, at best. We're still mostly entertaining ourselves to death. And then there's this WTF moment too: Via Lapham's Quarterly: "How the "Lively Arts" Became "the Media": Yeah, reading. Whatever became of all that stuff way back there? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nicolette EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 10:59:49 AM i like how McBerry claims to be patriotic and then uses the "our" spelling for behavior (behaviour). what kind of limey crap is that?! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Some BS happening somewhere BASENAME: some_bs_going_on_somewhere STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/16/2010 12:54:58 AM ----- BODY: Sorry, I couldn't resist. This bullshit NSFW.
      Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 05:11:20 AM Yep. The modern TV& cable way of news explained to you in under 2min. I know someone who writes for them, and they're constantly forever running behind reality with Palin too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 05:45:21 AM Ha! Perfect. Dennis Kucinich is to Congressional Dems as Terrell Owens is to whatever team he's played for or is going to play for. With all due respect of course. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 02:36:58 PM More Congressional BS here via TPM: TPM Editors Blog CODE RED! David Kurtz | March 16, 2010, 9:43AM Dick Armey of FreedomWorks speaks with a tea party enthusiast "Tea partiers, Republicans, and Republicans masquerading as tea partiers are rallying against health care reform this morning on Capitol Hill at an event they're billing as "Code Red." This rally is being organized by the more establishment side of the tea party movement -- or co-opted side, depending on your point of view. The sponsors include the Tea Party Express, founded by Republican operatives in California, and FreedomWorks, the corporate-funded outfit run by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey. Accordingly, the list of speakers is dominated by elected Republicans, albeit some of the more whacked members of the GOP caucus: Reps. Michele Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, Joe Wilson, and Phil Gingrey". JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 02:42:11 PM Better & more useful BS from the final push for HCR: [Also via TPM]: TPMDC White House Releases Final Talking Points: Reform Good For Average Person, GOP Good For Average Insurer Christina Bellantoni | March 16, 2010, 8:42AM Here it is as a Power Point slide presentation: TPM Photo Galleries White House Gives Capitol Hill Health Care Talking Points Thought someone might be interested. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 08:42:02 PM Sorry, bigger Media BS here: CNN hires yet another vitriolic hate filled Rethug for their lineup to add to their plummeting 'cred': Mm..Guess who? The Goods on 'Mr. Heavy Puffy thug 'entitled but outraged': JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2010 12:46:50 AM Thanks Mel, now I can't watch the local news any more with out hearing this in my head! ARGH.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2010 09:20:59 AM you still watch local news!? kidding, i can stomach it sometimes, national news i now treat like entertainment tonight since they're not that different anyway. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: State of the Judicary BASENAME: state_of_the_judicary STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/16/2010 12:22:09 PM ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for icon_us_flag.jpgHere's a snippet courtesy of Galloway:
      Ladies and gentlemen, the state of Georgia's judiciary stands at a crossroads. There is no question that we all have to do our fair share to help balance our state's budget. However, it has become increasingly difficult to do our constitutionally mandated duties. And that is due to budget reductions.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY:
      In 2009, the judicial branch received less than eight-tenths of one percent of the total state appropriations. That represents the judiciary's smallest share of state appropriations in recent history, even as we have watched our state's population and needs grow. We have not resisted sharing the burden of bad economic times. Our judges have volunteered to take furloughs. We have eliminated positions and laid off people whose livelihoods depended on them. We have stopped hiring and giving salary increases. We have closed down law libraries. At the state's highest court, our operating budget has shrunk so low that we had to return a copy machine that we desperately needed. Just as Georgia's courts have received national praise, today we are receiving national attention of a different sort. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal began like this: "The wheels of justice in Georgia are grinding more slowly each day." Cuts in state courts, the article says, have led to a growing backlog of cases, with months-long delays for many civil and domestic cases. Those hit hardest are already our most vulnerable citizens - abused children, battered women, the elderly, and others who turn to us for justice. The consequences of these cuts, though, hit everyone, threatening the basic constitutional rights of civil litigants and criminal defendants as core court functions go by the wayside. And, according to the Wall Street Journal article, while judiciaries are being squeezed nationwide, "Georgia's situation appears particularly severe." With cuts in county budgets, the crisis is compounded across the state, putting some court systems on the edge of an abyss. Gwinnett County District Attorney Danny Porter recently said that a 9 percent funding cut his county commission was considering, would require his office to stop prosecuting cases for five weeks this year. He asked: "Which 9 percent of these victims do you want me to tell, 'I can't prosecute your case'?" The unthinkable has already begun in Hall County, where the courts now close one day a month. One superior court judge recently told me she has 16 death penalty cases pending**. That backup can be blamed in part on the elimination of funding for senior judges. Senior judges were one of the best bargains this state ever had because they helped process cases through the system, enabling elected judges to spend time on critical cases. We cannot talk about our court system without acknowledging the Judicial Council - our policy-making body, which is made up of leaders of every class of court. The Judicial Council includes the Administrative Office of the Courts, which provides critical research, technical and administrative support to our state's courts. In the last five years, the Council's budget has decreased by more than 20 percent. Our Constitution guarantees the right to a speedy trial in criminal cases. That means that if the demand for a speedy trial is not met, that criminal defendant could go free. Due to the speedy trial requirement in criminal cases, some judges have been forced to put civil cases on hold. One judge had to suspend all civil jury trials for six months. In some parts of the state, it now takes up to two months to get a hearing in a temporary child custody case, when it used to take a couple of weeks. The precedence that criminal cases must take threatens the civil justice system - one that is critical to the health of our businesses, which depend on the courts to enforce contracts. The reality is this: Our state's largest court system - Fulton County's - said earlier this year that it could face the surreal prospect of having to shut its doors some days of the month. Right now in Fulton County, there are 183 murder cases waiting to be tried; half are more than a year old. That county's three domestic judges each [get] 160 cases a month. Chief Judge Dee Downs put it this way: "This isn't justice," she said. "We're losing the rule of law."
      ** I doubt Justice Hunstein would include this if it weren't true; however, it seems quite unbelievable. It's possible she was referring to having 16 capital cases in one county as opposed to one courtroom. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 01:55:39 PM Maybe one of the lawyers can help me out here but, last time I was in court, several court rooms were empty and the docket was done by 11. Why can't the judges work all at the same time/work until 5 like the rest of us battlers? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 02:03:18 PM You were in State Court, which according to some people, is not real court. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 02:06:51 PM Nah...federal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 02:11:43 PM Federal is an entirely different system. Justice Hunstein was only addressing Georgia courts, with the bigger problems being in Superior Court. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 02:17:33 PM Well state courts were also pretty quiet. I guess my question is why can't every judge hear cases all day? What do they do when in their chambers (THANKS LandO)? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 02:30:59 PM I can't speak for all judges or courtrooms; however, I will say that there are certain judges in Fulton County who are routinely on the bench at 7, 8 or even 9:30 at night handling cases. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of witnessing this firsthand. These same judges routinely respond to email requests late at night and on the weekends. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 03:17:49 PM So what you're saying is I shouldn't make broad, sweeping generalizations based on really REALLY casual anecdotal evidence just to have something to be self-righteously indignant over? Well that sounds like no fun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen B. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 03:34:59 PM *shrugs* There are definitely some people who are adverse to work. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2010 07:35:20 PM In a word? Shambolic. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2010 08:36:32 AM In addition to hearing cases, federal judges have to issue orders on all the many many motions filed in their cases. Even if they have clerks who research the issues and write draft opinions, they still have to review the clerks' bench memos and decide how they want to rule on every motion, and review and revise the (often lengthy) orders explaining their rationale. It's not like they hear 2 hours of motions and then go home for the day. (Usually.) ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Health Care Bill Myth Debunked BASENAME: health_care_bill_myth_debunked STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/17/2010 04:31:53 PM ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for icon_health.jpg
      [If] anyone tells you that Harry Reid and the Democrats are trying to pass healthcare reform that can never be amended or repealed no matter how much of a disaster it might be, you deserve to know what the bill really says.
      Sara explains it here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2010 05:25:09 PM Thank you Jen for posting, and heartfelt thanks to Sara for researching this for us. Appreciated it, owe you both drinks! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2010 06:29:46 PM Thanks Sarah, This is very useful. I got this nonsense in my email just hours ago. I was going to tell them it was pretty bogus, but thanks for taking the time to suss it all out for us. BTW: On another issue entirely, you're not the Sarah with the DFA candidate training materials? I'm trying to get a hold of same. Thanks again! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Do.Not.Want.To.See.Here. BASENAME: donotwanttoseehere STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/17/2010 05:03:44 PM ----- BODY: capt.photo_1268684756233-1-0.jpg
      ROME (AFP) - Around 50 left-wing municipal officials dropped their trousers at Rome's city hall on Monday to call for the speedy passage of the Italian capital's 2010 budget.
      As much as I love Left of center politicians, I repeat-I don't want to see any of ours try this! As TBS noted in response to my Twitter of this last night-it appears at least the underwear was clean! Psst-person third from left-are those really bloomers? Really? They must have stolen them straight from great Aunt Giovanna's chiffonier. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2010 06:35:24 PM If I did it you'd want to see it. And by "you" I mean a general "you" not a specific "you". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2010 06:37:40 PM I really don't see why not. Semi-nude Italian men are a staple of almost every fashion mag I've ever seen. So..wait. Municipal workers. Gaaaak. But trou dropping, reasonably well dressed (well partially) Italians! And municipal officials. [ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz]. OK where were we? They almost look good from the waist up, that counts for something, right? And you think most newscasters wear pants too, eh? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/17/2010 07:59:14 PM yeah, there's no one at the capitol i want to see drop trow ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Stay Classy Ohio TeaBaggers, Stay Classy. BASENAME: stay_classy_ohio_teabaggers_st STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/18/2010 07:30:02 PM ----- BODY: Gee, for a minute I thought maybe last summers town "hells" would finally be over. Oops my mistake. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2010 10:17:27 PM Hell never ends. Only inhales & exhales. Differing rates of respiration, seen from slightly different angles. But yeah, saw the vid, thanks for posting it. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/18/2010 10:57:43 PM Classier: State of the health care debate: Talk radio attacks an 11-year old Les Blumenthal | McClatchy Newspapers last updated: March 18, 2010 08:28:46 PM "WASHINGTON — Conservative talk show hosts and columnists have ridiculed an 11-year-old Washington state boy's account of his mother's death as a "sob story" exploited by the White House and congressional Democrats like a "kiddie shield" to defend their health care legislation. Marcelas Owens, whose mother got sick, lost her job, lost her health insurance and died, said Thursday he's taking the attacks from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin in stride. "My mother always taught me they can have their own opinion but that doesn't mean they are right," Owens, who lives in Seattle, said in an interview. Owens' grandmother, Gina, who watched her daughter die, isn't quite so generous. "These are adults, and he is an 11-year-old boy who lost his mother," Gina Owens said. "They should be ashamed." Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., told Marcelas Owens' story to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden at the White House health care summit last month. Murray also has spoken about it on the Senate floor. Last week, Owens was in the nation's capital to speak at a health care rally and to meet with Senate Democratic leadership. Limbaugh, Beck and Malkin are skeptical about the story, saying there were other forms of medical help available after Owens' mother, Tifanny, lost her health insurance. They lambasted Democrats for using the story. [Cut...] Malkin dismissed Marcelas Owens as "one of Obama's youngest lobbyists" who has been "goaded by a left-wing activist grandmother," promoted by Murray and has become a regular on the "pro-Obamacare circuit." Malkin also suggested there were other programs that could have helped Tifanny Owens, adding, "It's not clear that additional doctors' visits in the subsequent months would have prevented her death." Tifanny Owens died in June 2007 of pulmonary hypertension, which is described as high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs that can lead to heart failure. The disease is considered rare. While there's no cure, it can be treated. The treatments can cost as much as $100,000 a year and must be "consistent and constant," said Katie Kroner, the director of advocacy and awareness for the Pulmonary Hypertension Association. "It's extremely important to have health coverage," she said. Owens was an assistant manager at a fast food restaurant when she became sick in September 2006. As she became sicker, she missed work and was eventually fired, leaving her without health insurance. She was treated twice in an emergency room and died at age 27 after a week of unconsciousness. Gina Owens has custody of Marcelas and his two younger sisters. Gina Owens said her daughter didn't qualify for Medicaid. State officials said that without knowing the details, it was impossible to speculate on whether Tifanny Owens would have qualified. Tifanny Owens might have been eligible for Washington state's basic health care plan, which is aimed at the working poor. The plan has had a long waiting list for some time, said Sharon Michael of the Washington state Health Care Authority. "Right now, we have 100,000 people on the wait list," Michael said. Limbaugh has gone after young people before. In 2007, he told listeners that Democrats were exploiting an 18-year-old Yup'ik Eskimo and that her congressional testimony of global warming made him want to "puke." Murray said she was appalled at how vicious the health care debate has become. "The mom in me is getting really mad," she said. "You don't tear apart an 11-year-old because his mom died." Marcelas Owens said he'll never know if his mother might have lived if she had health insurance. "At least if she had it she would've had a fighting chance," he said. Just about 120 per day dying needlessly w/o any real resort to adequate care. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2010 02:56:16 AM Tweety does an update on the Vid for MSNBC: UPDATE (posted by HuffPost staff): Hardball grills the president of Americans for Prosperity over the incident at the rally they promoted. See the NEW video: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 04:30:50 AM More of an update & a now a name via TPM here: "TPM LiveWire Man With Parkinson's Who Was Berated By Tea Partiers: 'I Embody The Controversy' (VIDEO) Justin Elliott | March 19, 2010, 4:43PM 292Share An anti-health reform protester yells at Bob Letcher (right). "The man with Parkinson's who sat down in front of a group of anti-health reform rally in Ohio this week, only to have dollar bills thrown at him by an angry protester screaming about "handouts," tells TPM in a phone interview that he was aiming to present his own body as a powerful symbol of the debate. "I feel I embody the controversy that was being fought out," Bob Letcher, 60, tells us. "No one was engaging, everyone was screaming. I thought, I don't have to scream, I just have to be there. I walked over and sat down ... I sort of presented myself as an argument by myself." The episode took place Tuesday outside the Columbus office of Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH), where hundreds supporters and opponents gathered for dueling health care demonstrations. Letcher made his way over to the anti-health care crowd bearing a homemade sign asking, "Got Parkinson's?" I Do and You Might. Thanks for helping! That's community!" "I scribbled it -- it's not so neat because I can't write very neatly," says Letcher, whose voice has been slowed by the disorder. A former college teacher, he tells TPM he was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2000, but he believes he had symptoms of the disorder since 1996." [End Cite. More at link]. This always was & remains as ever a deeply moral issue. RTL? It's right there, lying on the ground as you curse him and berate his mere existence. And you know? Sad but true, life's costly. Death's always cheaper. Kilroy's now a yes vote for HCR too. Sure enough, Kilroy was there when needed! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: yay_its_friday STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/19/2010 06:22:55 AM ----- BODY: He's just a modern guy. Finally. After seven tries one of my heroes makes it to The Hall. You may be surprised by what's on his iPod? Good lord. Just once can Georgia make The New York Times for something good? Many scrimp and save so that one day they can go to The Olympic Games. Not me. I want to go to this "game". Oh yeah, there seems to be a lot of talk about this. Sunday is the day, they say. And finally, if they pull this off will their logo be along the bottom of our screens, too? What's on your mind? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2010 03:52:25 PM The war of northern aggression continues according to Cong. Paul Broun (R, Nutso & oh so Ga.) esp. when providing health care. Somethings never change: "Rep. Paul Broun Compares Health Care Reform To "The Great War Of Yankee Aggression" 5 hours and 30 minutes ago by Matt Finkelstein Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) is a fanatical opponent of health care reform, who has suggested that President Obama might "declare martial law" and rule as a dictator. In recent days, the right-wing congressman has made Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) the target of his fury, calling her arrogant, ignorant, and incompetent. Last night on the House floor, Broun continued his streak of combative statements by comparing health care reform to the American Civil War, which he called "The Great War of Yankee Aggression." Also noted here: & here: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2010 06:22:41 PM Bishop and Barrow have decided how they will vote on health reform: yes and no, respectively. Barrow really, really wants to be the least valuable Democrat in America. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2010 06:51:44 PM Yep. Seems so. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2010 07:17:50 PM Hopefully this time Obama won't make the same mistake Regina Thomas is running against barrow again. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2010 09:00:54 PM Unequivocal good news to get rid of that BS aftertaste from various & sundry idiocies: Via "Student Loan Reform in Health Bill Would Save More Than $60 Billion and Invest in Access to College By Gillian Brunet and Chuck Marr “The health reform legislation heading for a vote in Congress within the next few days includes major reforms to the student loan system that would save more than $60 billion over ten years and invest more in educational opportunity for millions of aspiring students…. While critics have branded the proposed changes in student loans a ‘government takeover’ and claimed it would cost jobs, both claims are inaccurate.” View the full report: 4pp. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2010 10:23:09 PM Report: Podcast: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 01:13:33 AM Yes. Quite. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 09:44:24 AM "Hopefully this time Obama won't make the same mistake" Yeah because it is a a "mistake" to endorse a national co-chair of your presidential campaign when the guy was potentially losing his seat over the move and is running against a weak candidate running a quixotic campaign in the primary. Right. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 11:41:26 AM Congratulations to Ambassador David Adelman! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 12:15:44 PM IRE, you never tire of making counterfactual excuses for conservatives. Barrow's district is more Democratic than the nation as a whole (PVI D+1), and less than 1% shy of being majority-minority (51% white, 45% black). Barrow's endorsement of Obama was not an act of bravery on his part; it was necessary for his political survival. He needed Obama much more than Obama needed him. He's returned Obama's support for him with opposition to much of Obama's agenda. He's ungrateful, a coward, and hopefully, a fool. Really, if Sanford Bishop can vote for this or any other bill, then John Barrow can. The composition of their districts is similar; Bishop's district may be more conservative. Yet it's Barrow who cannot find the strength necessary to support something as fundamental to Democratic values as health care reform. He's worthless. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 04:00:51 PM ""Hopefully this time Obama won't make the same mistake" Yeah because it is a a "mistake" to endorse a national co-chair of your presidential campaign when the guy was potentially losing his seat over the move and is running against a weak candidate running a quixotic campaign in the primary. Right." Yeah, it was, considering that douchebag hasn't backed Obama on anything. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 05:43:29 PM It's nothing I've not spoken about to his campaign workers either. Repeatedly. 'Find a way to support this bill'. Simple. Direct & true. It's the most important vote of their lives, no doubt about it. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 05:55:46 PM Lots of facepalm in this thread. Keep it up boys! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2010 07:45:23 PM ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 12:50:12 AM Slightly more useful. Which one will our Dems (yes, I'm assuming 2) use to justify their yes, cowardice? "GOP Lies To Watch For March 19, 2010 10:10 am ET As the debate over health care reform enters its final stretch, Media Matters Action Network compiled a brief memo highlighting and correcting the six most common Republican lies." [Series @ MMFA Link] JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 05:39:06 AM I've got yer facepalm right here too: Via McClatchy News: Cong. John Lewis (D, Hero, Ga.) called a despicable racial slur for supporting health care for all, & other Teabaggers spat on fellow Congressmen: "Posted on Sat, Mar. 20, 2010 Tea party protesters scream 'nigger' at black congressman William Douglas | McClatchy Newspapers last updated: March 20, 2010 11:57:12 PM WASHINGTON — Demonstrators outside the U.S. Capitol, angry over the proposed health care bill, shouted "nigger" Saturday at U.S. Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia congressman and civil rights icon who was nearly beaten to death during an Alabama march in the 1960s. Protesters also shouted obscenities at other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, spat on at least one black lawmaker and confronted an openly gay congressman with taunts. Capitol Police escorted the members of Congress into the Capitol after the confrontation. At least one demonstrator was reported arrested. "They were shouting, sort of harassing," Lewis said. "But, it's okay, I've faced this before. It reminded me of the 60s. It was a lot of downright hate and anger and people being downright mean." Lewis said he was leaving the Cannon office building to walk to the Capitol to vote when protesters shouted "Kill the bill, kill the bill," Lewis said. "I said 'I'm for the bill, I support the bill, I'm voting for the bill'," Lewis said. A colleague who was accompanying Lewis said people in the crowd responded by saying "Kill the bill, then the n-word." "It surprised me that people are so mean and we can't engage in a civil dialogue and debate," Lewis said. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., said he was a few yards behind Lewis and distinctly heard "nigger." "It was a chorus," Cleaver said. "In a way, I feel sorry for those people who are doing this nasty stuff - they're being whipped up. I decided I wouldn't be angry with any of them." Cleaver's office said later in a statement that he'd also been spat upon and that Capitol Police had arrested his assailant. The statement praised the police, who Cleaver said escorted the members of Congress into the Capitol past the demonstrators. "The man who spat on the congressman was arrested, but the congressman has chosen not to press charges," the statement said. "This is not the first time the Congressman has been called the 'n' word and certainly not the worst assault he has endured in his years fighting for equal rights for all Americans," the statement said. "That being said, he is disappointed that in the 21st century our national discourse has devolved to the point of name calling and spitting." Protesters also used a slur as they confronted Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., an openly gay member of Congress. Frank told the Boston Globe that the incident happened as he was walking from the Longworth office building to the Rayburn office building, both a short distance from the Capitol. Frank said the crowd consisted of a couple of hundred of people and that they referred to him as 'homo.' A writer for The Huffington Post said the protesters called Frank a "faggot." Disgraceful & despicable. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2010 03:45:53 AM Updated: Clyburn: Racist Faxes, Image Of Noose Were Sent To Office (VIDEO) "House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) received racist faxes Monday in the wake of Sunday's House vote approving health care reform legislation. Clyburn, a veteran of the civil rights movement, told Keith Olbermann Monday that faxes sent to his office had racist images including a noose. "If you look at some of the faxes that I got today, racial slurs, nooses on gallows, and I'm telling you, some very vicious language. This stuff is not all that isolated. It's pretty widespread. I hope it's not too deep." JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: New video from Rob Teilhet BASENAME: new_video_from_rob_teilhet STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/20/2010 08:39:20 AM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 12:57:08 AM Ah for radio days, eh? JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The Twisted Energy of Today. BASENAME: today STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/21/2010 11:38:52 AM ----- BODY: TeaParty1.jpgIt's a beautiful spring weekend here in DC. Trees are blooming, daffodils are poking their heads up and folks have finally not had to deal with snow. However in spite of that, yesterday was a dark day- a day that those of us who work in the political arena will likely remember for a long time. A day that brought the worst of the worst behavior I've seen in quite a while. As soon as I saw the news feed about what happened to one of my personal hero's John Lewis, I was livid. An entire organization came to DC with one mission, as they say "kill the bill". So right off the bat they use the language of violence, is it any wonder the weekend then devolves to this? Spitting on Congressman. Calling a National Civil Rights Hero a "Nigger". Calling the first openly gay Congressman Barney Frank a "Faggot". I rode the metro up to the Capitol Hill South stop-with quite a few of the "opposition". It's always funny to be these classic DC mash-ups. The rookies never count on the journey to get to the protest-yeah you have to wear all that stuff on the metro! I wore an Obama button-it's all I had at the bottom of my purse! As I arrived at the south corner of the Cannon building facing the house-all you could hear was the chant "Kill the Bill" with all the emphasis on Kill. I'd guess they had about 200 folks there. Their signs were home made, or as we call it "folk art". Lots of folk art and costumes. They like their funny hats it seems. Their tactic was to line both sides of the road to the House chamber with their chanters-forcing the Congress members to run this gauntlet when going back and forth to the chambers and their offices. It's easy to see what happened yesterday with the haters. I stood on the stairs near the entrance to the Cannon building, watched their tactic-anyone who they deemed a supporter got followed and chanted at with "Kill the Bill" or vote NO! I doubt very many members have ever had that experience-at least not on their own turf. The "nast-tea" crowd also had folks in the tunnels chasing folks down as well. Once I understood the lay of the land-it was time to wade into their midst. As I was heading across, I saw that Rep. Donna Edwards was walking back and alone. I asked her if she wouldn't mind if I walked with her-just in case. I told her I could throw and elbow and she couldn't, she laughed and said "oh don't do that".. humm well fortunately none of that was necessary since they didn't recognize her. For most of the time I was there, I stood with a handful of Pro-Reform supporters, mostly a faith based group. After about 2 hours of this, repetition isn't really my thing- I decided to head back. equalityltchoi.jpg On my way back to the metro, I had the sincere pleasure of running into Lt. Dan Choi and Robin McGehee who were arrested on Thursday for attempting to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell. I thanked them for what they did, and got a really nice hug from Lt. Choi. So all in all, weird.. I was loaded for bear when I left home and came back elated and inspired. All in a days action here in DC I guess. Oh yeah-and we won the vote! SUCK IT Bitches. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bernita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 01:24:39 PM good job Jules! You are braver than most people. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 03:47:27 PM Yes, thanks for the fine report Juliana. Some Rethugs are of course complaining (whining actually of course), that the whole thing was 'made up', and no one spit on anyone. (They don't have clear enough pics evidently). Except Fox news radio was actually reporting on this all day yesterday, strangely enough. (And yes, it's now the only AM news we get up here in the sticks...) And Lt. Dan looks spiffy in civvies! Thanks for the pics. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Big day today BASENAME: big_day_today STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/21/2010 12:04:39 PM ----- BODY: Fingers crossed for the Health Care Reform vote. Even MSNBC is live today, and that's saying something. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 01:11:05 PM MSNBC on the weekends is the biggest waste of space. It's all, "check out the inside of this prison." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 04:13:21 PM It was a major freak show on the corner of New Jersey and Independence Ave ( south corner of Cannon bldg) couple hundred swiftboatbirthbaggers chanting "Kill the Bill" over and over again. Any Congress person who needed to get back and forth had to run this gauntlet, protesters thinly veiled taunts and spew was unlike anything I believe I've seen on the hill. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 07:47:28 PM Yes, all lovely, and 'we know them by their acts': TNR on the 'Ugly Scene': Huff Post has a lovely pic in a montage of pics on the day showing Nancy Pelosi, Steny, Cong. John Lewis & other supporters locked arm in arm as a front line moving across the Capitol (someplace). But just damn lovely. When they go berserk, we know the magnitude of the achievement. Yes boys & girls, we may just pass a national Romney-care Bill yet: [Via E.J. Dionne] It was thoroughly bipartisan in approach, content & intent. But in the space of a year or less the Rethug side just managed to go so nuts as to be now far to the right of where Romney is & certainly was. Now that's quite a remarkable achievement. But we can and should build on this. It's a decent start. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 09:10:24 PM TNR's middle east coverage is the closest thing to an ugly scene I know of. Not to diss their health care stuff, which from jon cohn is excellent, but.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 09:33:35 PM Which is why I post the Health care stuff Z and ignore MP's well known histrionic ravings. If you've been around the block a few times you know this & the players. It's why their circulation has largely cratered too, only consistently good solid & useful reporting will likely get you 'returning' readers. Rinse & repeat. You want readers to return? Give them something useful, true & interesting to read. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: #hcr Open Thread BASENAME: hcr_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/21/2010 10:56:35 PM ----- BODY: Setting aside the package of fixes (bed time here), HR 3590 just completed a Tolkein-esque journey to a 219-212 victory in the House. Are you happy? Sad? Just glad that the political discourse will FINALLY shift to something else? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/21/2010 11:19:06 PM Exhausted. Dumbfounded. Glad, happy & Fired UP to take out a few more R's. And I can finally start writing checks again too I guess. Progress = More Hope. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 10:41:01 AM We still have a broken system, albeit one that will (conservatively) cost $94 billion more every year. I'm not sure how I feel that $94 billion a year is kind of *meh* now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 03:38:15 PM The system's being fixed, albeit very slowly. It's not the way I would have done or preferred it, but it's some definite progress & the first decent steps at reform. Social Security & Medicare started out this way too. I'm unfamiliar with the $94Bill per year claims, so please do provide a cite if possible, IRE. The figures I've seen do not net out to that. Be that as it may? We've spent that much & more in Iraq for the last decade on a 'war of choice' that was unneeded, unnecessary & probably in the end illegal. This effort? Will kill far less people. That's our government doing 'better things' with our tax dollars, IMHO. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 06:16:36 PM Dude, the system is COMPLETELY UNSUSTAINABLE. A "very slow" fix is not good. Sorry bro but you just earned a HUGE facepalm. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 06:57:27 PM I am happy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 10:05:09 PM The bill really isnt that good as far as where it should be, but weren't you defending barrow who wants to reform it even slower? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 12:24:41 AM I say a lot but my simple response is that means I am defending his stance on the bill? TBH not having to spend $940 billion to not fix a system is better than spending $940 billion to not fix a system, at least in my eyes. Hey, tomayto tomahto. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 07:43:17 AM False equivalency. It's $940 billion to not fix a system (HCR) vs. $1.2 trillion to not fix a system (no HCR). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 03:58:24 PM Yeah, I'm not seeing a Net cost per year of close to $100 Bill. It will vary greatly year by year. Which is very important. But you want to know more about unsustainable systems? Try this on for size for higher ed: Just a peek into the fractured drug mfg & production systems: Want more examples from all over? Try here too on our malformed & supremely wasteful power distribution & energy systems: How about our crumbling national infrastructure? and here: We got lots of broken, malformed, wasteful, & decrepit, illogically & poorly adapted for the coming century systems here. All over. Take your pick. All will cost plenty of crazy cash. Sadly, most citizens will remain reluctant to pay for what we desperately need to meet the demands of the future. We can sit back and whine about it all, wring our hands about the tragedy & enormity of it all & maybe even try to hide & ignore it all for a while longer. But eventually? We've all got to get off our collective asses, wipe the tears away, perish the persistent doubts of abject failure & actually start to do something to try and adequately address the problems we have in abundance. To meet the needs of the citizenry. Like adults used to do way back when. Well at least more of the time. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2010 07:55:53 AM Unsurprisingly Krugman also covers some of the same territory recently: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Live blog from DPG 2010 JJ dinner BASENAME: live_blog_from_dpg_2010_jj_din STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/22/2010 06:22:26 PM TAGS: "liveblog jj" ----- BODY: 6:22 P.M. Hello again, ye of the blogoverse. I'm hoping there's a "y'all" out there to say hi to - it would certainly be sad if I were the only person who really didn't feel like paying $100 to see Tim Kaine. It's still very sparse here, no doubt the VIP reception is where the action is at, but Gail Buckner is out here working the small crowd so far:
      Rep. Marin is also here. You'll have to forgive me for this snarky comment, but as much as I (and probably everyone else) loves Beth Farokhi...
      ...this is not acceptable campaign material. It looks terrible, there's no union bug, it's laminated for crying out loud, and please, Beth, spend the $10 and get something other than a Bell South address. We love you and we want you to win - that's why we say these things. ----- EXTENDED BODY: 6:32 P.M. While I'm on the topic of campaign stuff I don't like...
      When I first saw this I was like "Huh? Who the hell is Ray?" Obviously it's our presumptive gubernatorial nominee, but really, no cursive on signs. It needs more pizzaz, and as cliched as the swooshiness is, it could use something other than a solid blue background IMHO. 6:58 P.M. Ha, well as usual I have merely managed to miss where the action was. There are actually the usual throngs of people here, just nowhere near the candidate tables. Is that indicative of the general lack of enthusiasm for our 2010 candidates? Anyway, to start with YD emeritus extraordinaire Emily Schunior (in addition to other luminaries) is running for Sally Rosser's DPG position, and you who know her KNOW she deserves and needs your support against whatever creature wriggles its way out of the tool shed:
      Also spotted was (I have heard) our emcee for the evening, CCDC chair Will Fowlkes:
      I present Alex Wan, hopefully soon to rock the city council:
      And finally the obligatory YD photos - Trevor Southerland, Demishia Wright, and Amy Phuong. Youth power!

      And last and least, a dishonorable mention to Dr. Burks, a personage YD's are sadly all too familiar with. 7:17 P.M. Folks have moved up to where the drinks are (as well they should) and are making the slooow trek to where the food is. Gen. Poythress is here (surprise) as well as all sorts of other VIP's (to me at least). Amir "Shoulda Won" Farokhi met my next representative in House 34, Stacy Evans:
      Jason "Awesome" Carter met our friend Rep. Stuckey-Benfield:
      And YD Shannon Marietta had a nice chat with Buddy Darden, a personage those of us (un)fortunate enough to live in Cobb know and love:
      Really going to try not to miss the food this year. 7:33 P.M. We're underway. Jane has given the usual "we're doing great" speech even though we're not, and now we have a Jewish invocation the rabbi humorously summed up as "They tried to kill us, we won, let's eat". I feel like I take a photo of Mike Berlon and his wife at every event, but here they are again in their glory:

      7:49 P.M. We're on to the food, which I really am for sure going to eat after this post. Both our next attorneys general are in attendance:

      We also have at least a couple of the Titans of Labor with us (Richard refused to allow me to leave without taking his picture as well as Tasso's and Angelia's! Y'all all look great.)

      Our friend David Wilkerson, aka our next state rep after "Representative" Wix is relieved of his duties:
      The ever-jovial CCDC table (as opposed to the one that has four people, which is where I am):
      And of course, our entertainment that our donations are so generously providing:
      8:08 P.M. Don't know how the food was last year (except the bread) but it was pretty good this year. Not gonna win any Martha Stewart accolades but it looked like it had some herbs and such in it, and the beans and polenta with our dear comrade the rubber chicken were pretty tasty too. The program has started up again and we just got done listening to some pre-recorded pap from our Senate and and House officers. Now we have my BFF Winifred Dukes up to introduce our state constitutional officers, probably as much "work" as he's done this whole year so far. While we're on this subject, Thurbert came to the CCDC breakfast this month and actually gave a pretty good speech - like I wouldn't mind voting for him, actually. 8:14 P.M. Oh please, Winifred, can I sign up to be a candidate and get this magical support from the DPG? THAT sure sounds like a productive use of my time. </snark> Commissioner Thurmond is up here introducing a tribute to Tommy Irvin. 8:22 P.M. Tommy is one of the few guys I think can safely be called an uncontroversial choice for one of the "Georgia Giants" awards. It's always a little awkward listening to him speak, but hey, if I'm still alive at that age, never mind that sharp, it'll be a freaking miracle.
      Sally is up here introducing Andrew Young as our other "Georgia Giant". I'm cool with giving him an award for his life up to the last five years - let's just not go into that Wal-Mart stuff, I guess. 8:30 P.M. Ambassador Young wasn't able to make it tonight, so his wife accepted his award on his behalf.
      Congratulations to BFD commenter Stephen Deak (I assume that was you?) as a recipient of a lifetime achievement award. Now Hank Johnson? I don't dislike him, but a lifetime achievement award? Huh? Kasim is up introducing Tim Kaine. Time for another drink? 8:36 P.M. Oh, with our friend Tim Kaine leading our efforts in November, what have we to fear? (wait, don't answer that...) Chairman Kaine is opening his speech with the usual "rah y'all rock" stuff.
      Apparently after the "Why I/you/we are Democrats" stuff we are going to indulge in a little "sweet, we/I/you passed health care reform", which is fine with me - a little gloating when you win never hurt anyone. 8:51 P.M. Tim is predicting that #hcr will be great for us politically - I hope he's right. The nice thing about this speech being primarily about events of last night is that I don't actually have to say much about it, since it sounds like the rhetoric of oh, only the last YEAR OF OUR LIVES. 8:58 P.M. While Tim is now talking about the general awesomeness of our president - we don't need promises anymore, by the way, but more action would be nice - I point out that the Georgia House today failed to pass an opt-out of #hcr, just like the Senate did last week. Tim's talking about 2010 again. He says the "other guys" are "energized", by which I can only assume he really means "whipped into an orgy of rabid hatred characterized by open calls to assassinate the President". Tim is claiming that our gubernatorial race is on the DNC radar, to which I say "Really? Show us the money, Tim." If he's excited he might be one of the few people in this room who's really enthusiastic (the applause he just got notwithstanding). 9:11 P.M. The Chairman just finished up and actually got a sizable amount of applause and partial standing ovation. I bet he had that #hrc vote set up just so he'd be able to give a decent speech tonight (which he did). Jane is delivering the concluding the remarks, but it seems a lot of people aren't particularly interested in the benediction based on the people heading for the doors. 9:16 P.M. Well that's it. Quite a benediction/sending forth to set us on our ways. I will admit that Gov. Kaine left me feeling better about the world than I did after Evan Bye Bayh did a few years back. And with that - good fight, good night. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 06:52:02 PM Wow. Matthew dressed up for the gig! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Daniel Fullerton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 08:09:50 PM Thank you, sir, from those of us that couldnt/didnt make it. You always have great photos and a perfect mix of information and commentary. Yall enjoy the after party! -daniel ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 08:31:22 PM I know you are trying to avoid him, but I think that is Brian Westlake behind Stacy Evans. I can like Amir and Westlake too, right? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 09:50:59 PM I miss you guys, but I can't say the same about the main speaker. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/22/2010 11:55:31 PM I think Jerry's right about Brian W., but the one pic with Rob. Teilhet also has Rep. Pat Dooley of Cobb Co. (Right,Bottom) probably speaking to ex-Sen. & previous Ga. Giant award winner, Max Cleland, (Left on bottom). But thanks for the updates & pics. And dude, that's you(?) up there on top in the T-shirt & 'party beads'? And you're whining about a Bellsouth email addy? Srsly? And if that was Cobb Co.'s Will Fowlkes. doing the emcee work, he did a fine job too. I had trouble making it around to schmooze due to the packed in tables, especially in the back though. Hardly any lanes. Tim K. was better than expected, which is nice for a change. We were trying to recall how old Tommy Irvin is, and I was coming up with a bit over 90. But we're not going to see his like again, sadly. Thanks for the reporting. And my props to your haberdasher. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 12:00:10 AM I think Jerry's right about Brian W., but the one pic with Rob. Teilhet also has Rep. Pat Dooley of Cobb Co. (Right,Bottom) probably speaking to ex-Sen. & previous Ga. Giant award winner, Max Cleland, (Left on bottom). But thanks for the updates & pics. And dude, that's you(?) up there on top in the T-shirt & 'party beads'? And you're whining about a Bellsouth email addy? Srsly? And if that was Cobb Co.'s Will Fowlkes. doing the emcee work, he did a fine job too. I had trouble making it around to schmooze due to the packed in tables, especially in the back though. Hardly any lanes. Tim K. was better than expected, which is nice for a change. We were trying to recall how old Tommy Irvin is, and I was coming up with a bit over 90. But we're not going to see his like again, sadly. Thanks for the reporting. And my props to your haberdasher. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 12:11:33 AM On further reflection, I think Brian Westlake appears to be speaking to Rep. Tyrone Brooks just behind Stacy Evans too. And Beth's campaign sign does look sort of 'homemade' which might explain both the lamination & the lack of a Union bug. But who knows? Certainly a capital crime, no doubt. But sorta like having a French wife too? So they might be even up in that race? All in all a better than average production. We hope they make some decent money off of it. Take it and run. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 12:15:32 AM On further reflection, I think Brian Westlake appears to be speaking to Rep. Tyrone Brooks just behind Stacy Evans too. And Beth's campaign sign does look sort of 'homemade' which might explain both the lamination & the lack of a Union bug. But who knows? Certainly a capital crime, no doubt. But sorta like having a French wife too? So they might be even up in that race? All in all a better than average production. We hope they make some decent money off of it. Take it and run. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 12:17:19 AM Did you see that picture of Shannon Marietta? She sure is looking sharp! :) Great job on getting folks out for Hodges! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 12:22:10 AM Did you see that picture of Shannon Marietta? She sure is looking sharp! :) Great job on getting folks out for Hodges! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 12:54:33 AM I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to get a double post here. I'm uncertain what's going on. Me? I was hit on by that sharp looking SM... But good to see her out there too. Just to be very certain here of my intent, I think we've got 2 great School Superintendent candidates. I just don't think that anyone gives much of a thought as to who has what sort of email 'homes' in most campaigns. (Recall how people hung on to Mindspring' for the 'prestige' factor? Now you've got to explain it?) Now for hiring? Sure, we try to avoid the cuties with the graphic sexual innuendos as part of their email (both M & F). But beyond that? Not much of a concern. And yes, there's plenty of 'less than sterling/professional' campaign materials out there. They probably constitute the majority of the stuff too. So you either learn slowly or hire the pros to screw it up for you too. And I've met both State Schools Superintendent candidates & spouses and they're all fine folks too. For the record. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 01:01:38 AM That isn't me at top - it's Matt Cardinale of APN. The BellSouth address is a problem because it takes away credibility from the campaign. Imagine if a recruiter from Coca Cola told you to contact It really matters more than you think. The lack of a union bug isn't a capital crime on ordinary campaign literature, but at a DPG event it really stands out to people who matter. These problems are easily remediable for a comparative pittance in a statewide race, which is why I really hope Beth fixes them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 01:14:35 AM I was afraid of that AA. But thanks for the clarification. Care to try and explain what your beef is with Dr. Burks? (In abstract/short form perhaps)?? If not here, you might try email, which is my name run together @ bellsouth. And is 'dishonorable' mention any worse than clubbing someone with a brolly, (yes, the one pictured actually), like the lovely self same SM did to me? I know all these unanswerable questions... But a successful outing nevertheless. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 01:56:58 AM Perhaps another clarification is needed. I'm probably just jealous here. If getting assaulted by the campaign manager of one of the AG candidates does not qualify me for a 'dishonorable mention'? I really don't see why Dr. Burks outranks me here. Other than seniority. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Will Fowlkes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 03:15:40 AM Thanks for the live blog, Benson - always great to read your personal color on the events you cover! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 03:51:42 AM Who knew you had a budding 2nd career under the big top & the big hat Will? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 11:15:49 AM I agree with Will! Thank you Benson for all the pictures and commentary. Great job! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: 100 years, 20 pens and one F'bomb BASENAME: _the_young_man_next STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/23/2010 03:49:40 PM ----- BODY: The young man next to the Vice President (who had best quote ever) is 11-year-old Marcelas Owens of Seattle, who became an advocate for health care reform after his mother died without health insurance. Other special guests were; Connie Anderson, the sister of Natoma Canfield, the Ohio cancer survivor whose struggle to pay skyrocketing premiums became a touchstone of Mr. Obama's campaign to overhaul the system. Full NYT article here. The President used 20 pens-here is who will receive them. {UPDATE} You can buy the T-shirt here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 04:07:49 PM I'm with Joe Biden here. Thanks for the post Juliana. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2010 09:41:27 PM And here too: 'Bill' from Schoolhouse Rocks! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2010 10:33:30 AM An editorial in the local paper by T. Pat Cavanaugh, GM of the Covington News and publisher of the Rockdale Citizen, warning, it's a real piece of shit. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: "Anger is only one letter short of danger" BASENAME: anger_is_only_one_letter_short STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/24/2010 05:38:15 PM ----- BODY: tea-party-sign-toter.jpgIt's likely you have already seen the headlines about recent events involving Congress people and their families being preyed upon by the angry and disgruntled. In case you have not-here is a smattering of the most recent ones: Threats linked to health votes prompt security Rep. Slaughter: FBI Investigating Vandalism at NY Office, Incident was "Dreadful" Vandalism at Gifford's office after vote In no way am I surprised by these events, and nor should you be. The wave has been building since the GOP Convention of 2008. Since then the Southern Poverty Law Center reports the following;
      The SPLC documented a 244 percent increase in the number of active Patriot groups in 2009. Their numbers grew from 149 groups in 2008 to 512 groups in 2009, an astonishing addition of 363 new groups in a single year. Militias - the paramilitary arm of the Patriot movement - were a major part of the increase, growing from 42 militias in 2008 to 127 in 2009.
      Anyone who thinks the actions of the swiftboatbirthbaggers is in any way unrelated to these statistics is smoking something we ought to be taxing. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: George Wells EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2010 07:52:12 PM Speaking of crazy, did you see over at Peach Pundit that the Repugs in the legislature want to impeach the AG for not suing Obama? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2010 08:53:07 PM I can't even imagine what it is going to be like IF congress takes up Immigration reform anytime soon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2010 09:33:05 PM Good to know the GA Legislature hasn't anything better to do-like balance the budget and sort out the mess that is under the Gold Dome. Hey good luck with that I say. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/24/2010 11:26:22 PM Other links on the same miserable disgrace via TPM: First an update from violence days ago in OH: More from the OH scene (Rep. Dreihaus gets house surrounded by proesters): More on Rep. Slaughter: And a heart warming "Letter to Conservatives" by An American Dad: Chock full of good stuff there! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2010 12:34:08 AM More linky love on the disgrace & shame the Rethugs won't dare name: Kristallnacht: First a quick overview: Specifics, again: "Go ahead, Blow up his house! Wrong house? Oh well!" Liberty U's finest Journo major speaks!!:,-collateral-damage- More background & overview & Pics on threats & mob violence here: How bad can it get? We've got history for that too. They cheered in certain precincts when Kennedy was shot down in Dallas, but esp. in TX. (they warned him not to come too, BTW): JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2010 04:09:16 AM Yeah, the eternal question; does he ever stop? Err, no. I now present The return of the Public Option (might be coming here): {cue incredulous screaming wingnuts}: And this lovely from (seen on Kos 1st though): "Why George Washington would disagree with the right wing about health care’s constitutionality. Yesterday, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli announced that he would join a growing list of right-wing attorneys general who are suing to have health reform declared unconstitutional. According to Cuccinelli, the new law’s provisions that require individuals to carry health insurance violate the Constitution because “at no time in our history has the government mandated its citizens buy a good or service.” The truth, however, is that the Second Militia Act of 1792, required a significant percentage of the U.S. civilian population to purchase a long list of military equipment...": [See list @ Link]. Original intent? George Washington saw no problem with it. Game. Set. Match? We'll see. Game On! Once again into the breech... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Supersteve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/28/2010 05:22:03 PM So let me get this straight, Being lied to about sending their sons and daughters off to war didn't bother these people. Neither did finding out that the guvviment is spying on them illegally. Nor did finding out that a senior official in the Bush administration outed a CIA agent rile them up. But trying to help out people who need health care - that's what makes these people rise up in anger? I don't get it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2010 01:13:41 AM Neither did the FT's Ed Luce here: [Just the Money quote]: "The third consequence, and in some respects cause, of Mr Obama’s healthcare victory is the at least temporary capture of the Republican party by its radical wing. At a dinner in Washington this week, Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker and likely 2012 presidential candidate, described Mr Obama’s bill as the biggest threat to the “American way of life since the 1850s” when the country was heading for civil war. Others, perhaps only sketchily aware of Adolf Hitler’s career, which is not remembered for efforts to extend healthcare to the uninsured, continue to toss around words such as “Gestapo” and “fascist”. John Boehner, the House Republican leader, saw the passage of what by normal standards should be seen as a centrist bill as “Armageddon”. Meanwhile, according to a Harris poll this week, 24 per cent of Republicans think Mr Obama “may be the anti-Christ”. Update on days of Rethuglican rage: Tea-partiers claimed this a.) Did Not happen and/or b.) was wholly 'made up for propaganda purposes'. So here it is again so everyone can view it in all it's crowning crazed racist & gory glory: Congressman Spit On By Tea Party Protester (VIDEO) First Posted: 03-28-10 01:30 PM | Updated: 03-28-10 01:46 PM JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: "Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame." Benjamin Franklin BASENAME: whatever_is_begun_in_anger_end STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/24/2010 06:27:14 PM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: What would you not wish on your worst enemy? BASENAME: what_would_you_not_wish_on_you STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/28/2010 02:00:35 AM ----- BODY: This is not a hypothetical question, since one of our actual worst enemies, former Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer, was reportedly killed by her husband in what is being described as a murder-suicide. Sen. Schaefer was hateful, bigoted, and at times downright nuts, but even she deserved a better end than this. That's about as charitable as I can bring myself to be about someone who worked hard to deny rights and dignity to women, LBGTs, atheists, and anyone else who didn't fit into her pal Sadie Fields' hyper-dogmatic interpretation of Christianity. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Bobby McFerrin demonstrates the power of People BASENAME: bobby_mcferrin_demonstrates_th STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/28/2010 09:51:43 AM ----- BODY: ...and their ability to learn.

      World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo.

      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/28/2010 12:38:03 PM Absolutely beautiful. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Crazy is NOT the new black BASENAME: crazy_is_not_the_new_black STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/28/2010 11:29:58 AM ----- BODY: lady_gagas_crazy_fashion_being_awarded.jpgSigh, where to begin with all the K-razy this week. Eric Cantor- nope you are not a victim, even if you do keep calling the whammmmbulance. I had to giggle at this remix, but really it's a sad commentary on the -big-ass air quotes "loyal opposition", end big-ass air quotes. Sarah Palin channeled her inner Leather Tuscadero aka Suzi Quatro at a McCain rally, wearing black leather and claiming that the bulls eye targets and gunfire rhetoric is just a "ginned up controversy invented by the lamestream media." So, we can't say the "R" word but she can use anti-ablism language? Idiot. Your Tea Party Leaders, one in total denial, the other a big sad mess. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2010 01:52:40 AM The crazy? Lives everywhere in the US: [Via TPM] 03.28.10 -- 7:05PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (76) FBI Conducts Raids in Mich, Ohio, Indiana "An FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force has conducted a series of raids on a Christian militia group called 'Hutaree'. Seven have been arrested so far and will appear in U.S. District Court in Detroit tomorrow. More Fun Where That Came From Update: Gawker digs up the Hutaree militia's page on MySpace." --Josh Marshall JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2010 02:11:19 AM And of course our fav via TPM: The Rethug ugly loser beat: TPMDC Nooses And Broken Windows: A Week Of Threats And Vandalism Rachel Slajda | March 26, 2010, 5:37PM "As the health care debate came to its conclusion this week, the high-running emotions of many finally crested, taking the form of threats and acts of vandalism at the offices of several lawmakers, most of them Democrats. Here, a roundup:[See Link Below]" And again, where did this come from? Rethuglican Party central, Congress: TPMDC Living Dangerously: Republicans' Most Incendiary Rhetoric on Health Care Reform Rachel Slajda | March 26, 2010, 5:23PM "RNC Chairman Michael Steele, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) Anti-Health Care Violence, Democrats, Republicans, Threats to Congress "Yesterday, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor accused Democrats of exploiting threats against them for political gain and "dangerously fanning the flames" by suggesting Republicans were behind the anger and violent rhetoric of the right".[Examples @ link below]: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2010 02:18:34 AM Again whither the Crazy? Thy name is Rethuglican: TPMDC Steele Declines To Sign DNC 'Joint Civility Statement' Christina Bellantoni | March 26, 2010, 5:57PM 319Share "The Democratic National Committee says that Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has declined to sign on to a joint statement written by DNC Chairman Tim Kaine that condemns threats made to members of Congress from both parties. The draft text of the statement says that while Steele and Kaine disagree on the health care bill, they would "together call on elected officials of both parties to set an example of the civility we want to see in our citizenry" and ask "all Americans to respect differences of opinion, to refrain from inappropriate forms of intimidation, to reject violence and vandalism, and to scale back rhetoric that might reasonably be misinterpreted by those prone to such behavior." DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse told reporters that Kaine sent the letter to Steele today and then phoned him asking the chairman to release a joint bipartisan statement "condemning the threats and acts of vandalism over the past week, calling for an end to such tactics and urging a more civil tone in our politics." "This afternoon, Chairman Steele, through staff, declined Chairman Kaine's offer," Woodhouse said." [The Rest @ link including full statement from DNC's Tim Kaine]: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/31/2010 04:54:53 AM Seen in passing on the nets: a new vid with a really creepy & yet touching feel: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2010 03:34:07 AM Still more on the real background to the crazy that afflicts us: Ex Fundie minister Frank Schaeffer tells the tale: "The Evangelical "Mainstream" Insanity Behind the Michigan "End Times" Militia" JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Oxendine releases first state wide advertisement BASENAME: oxendine_releases_first_state STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/29/2010 01:24:30 PM ----- BODY: It is a little unclear, but I think Barnes is the yellow guy and Georgia is the girl. Or maybe Atlanta is the seafood milk and Eric Johnson is the yellow guy? Maybe Oxendine is the girl and the woods represents the confederate army? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2010 06:14:59 PM Nope the yella guy? Is the excessive salt content. He's battling it out with the pepper guy to get the minimum salt content exposure per Nissan meal up to & beyond the maximum daily intake suggested, 2500-3300 mgs per cup. The white woman? Obviously a non resident Japanese and hence not too high a priority, right? Hence her obvious terror throughout. More terror here on Ox's campaign. [OK, it's a poor spoof too]: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/30/2010 09:06:14 AM I don't follow your logic. Clearly in the original, the yellow guy is cheese, so to discern the meaning as applied to the 2010 gubernatorial race, you must decide who is the most likely to add cheese to the race, and that could be Barnes in the general, or Eric Johnson in the primary. I think this ad is brilliant as it works all campaign long. Another theory, the girl is Nathan Deal and the yellow guy is the House ethics committee. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Hank Johnson is awesome, but what the flip is he talking about? BASENAME: hank_johnson_is_awesome_but_wh STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/01/2010 12:29:01 PM ----- BODY: As long as the people are evenly spread over the island it shouldn't tip. ----- EXTENDED BODY: I think he has confused rising sea levels with island flipping, which is my favorite TLC show. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2010 02:23:32 PM Fresh in my email inbox: CONGRESSMAN HANK JOHNSON Georgia's Fourth Congressional District Rep. Johnson’s statement on Guam comments in an Armed Services Committee hearing April 1, 2010 The Department of the Navy is reviewing the impacts associated with the Marines’ relocation to Guam and has initiated an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). A study indicated a peak impact would be reached in 2014, which includes almost 80,000 additional personnel beyond the current Guam population of 180,000. In assessing the ability of Guam to support this peak expansion, the Environmental Protection Agency was very critical and rated the DEIS as Environmentally Unsatisfactory because: (1) the project will result in unsatisfactory impacts to Guam's existing substandard drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, which may result in significant adverse public health impacts; and 2) the project will result in unacceptable impacts to 71 acres of high quality coral reef ecosystem in Apra Harbor. “I wasn’t suggesting that the island of Guam would literally tip over,” said Johnson. “I was using a metaphor to say that with the addition of 8,000 Marines and their dependents – an additional 80,000 people during peak construction on the tiny island with a population of 180,000 – could be a tipping point which could adversely affect the island’s fragile ecosystem and could overburden its stressed infrastructure. Having traveled to Guam last year, I saw firsthand how this beautiful – but vulnerable island – could easily become overburdened, and I was simply voicing my concerns – albeit with a dry sense of humor – that the addition of that many people could tip the delicate balance and do permanent harm to Guam.” ### Andy Phelan, Communications Director Office of Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04) Cell: 404-593-9126 | Office: 770-939-2016, ext. 12 Fax: 770-939-3753 3469 Lawrenceville Hwy., Ste 205 Tucker, GA., 30084 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2010 02:40:58 PM He's right of course, and it's been that way for years on Guam btw, but this still won't get the likes of the HuffPost and some the press to stop snickering here. But global warming & excessive population impacts on islands can be very dramatic, sudden, and ultimately fairly deadly in their overall effects. And that's been well known, gosh, for centuries now. Witness Easter Island. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2010 04:47:05 PM Yeah I got that, too. He certainly seemed serious. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2010 05:11:00 PM When did Easter Island Flip? Are the stone giant heads okay? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/01/2010 11:54:03 PM The giant stone heads were being 'disappeared' & toppled for a variety of reasons, but the population crash came more than 100 ya. Now that the tourists come in larger numbers, the statues are being resurrected. But yeah, I was hearing about Hank's thoughts all day today about town. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2010 09:15:35 AM what a boring news cycle we must be in in the blogosphere is this is the hot sensation. Anyone who knows Hank, knows his humor is extremely dry. The fact that anyone took this seriously means they don't know Hank. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2010 12:15:52 PM Island sinks... New Moore Island, also known as Purbasha island, is located on the confluence of the Ichhamati and Rai Mangal rivers near the mouth of the sea but remains almost perpetually submerged now, occasionally peeping out during low tides. This startling fact emerged from satellite images in 2009 that were studied by a team led by Sugato Hazra, director of Jadavpur University's school of oceanography studies. "There is no trace of the island anymore. After studying satellite images, I reconfirmed this from fishermen," said Hazra. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: 5 Ways to Justify a Trip to a S&M Club on your RNC Expense Report BASENAME: 5_ways_to_justify_a_trip_to_a STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 03/30/2010 09:09:42 AM ----- BODY: 1. I thought S&M stood for "Sarah and Mitt's 2012 Roadshow" 2. Michael Steele was performing live. 3. I just went in to make a phone call, and I got tied up for hours. 4. Thought it was an ACORN sting operation (confused by nut references and James O'Keefe's presence) 5. I'm trying to convince myself I'm not gay, what better way than lesbians! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2010 12:22:50 AM Well not a justification, just an explanation perhaps: Via Dan Savage of Savage Love fame: Naturally, not quite, but still NSFW: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2010 09:06:38 AM I also like their definition of "office supplies" - "The RNC told the FEC that it spent $982 of its donors' money on "office supplies" from the Boyden Valley Winery last December. "We do not sell office supplies; we are a legal winery operating since 1991 in Cambridge, Vermont," co-owner Linda Boyden told AlterNet. Between December and February, the RNC bought over $700 worth of so-called "office supplies" from Congressional Liquors, a booze and sandwich shop on Washington, D.C.'s Capitol Hill." I could totally work for these people, ya know except for them being batshit crazy and diametrically opposed to everything I stand for. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2010 07:58:18 PM Yep, if wine & liquor are not you idea of office supplies, you're in the wrong business! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Hypocritical Oath in full effect... BASENAME: hypocritical_oath_in_full_effe STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/02/2010 10:23:31 AM ----- BODY: from the Orlando Sentinel... doctor go away.JPG A doctor who considers the national health-care overhaul to be bad medicine for the country posted a sign on his office door telling patients who voted for President Barack Obama to seek care "elsewhere." "I'm not turning anybody away -- that would be unethical," Dr. Jack Cassell, 56, a Mount Dora urologist and a registered Republican opposed to the health plan, told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday. "But if they read the sign and turn the other way, so be it." The sign reads: "If you voted for Obama ... seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2010 09:10:34 AM Speaking of health care reform, T.R. Reid explains how the wealthier nations have solved the problem of how to provide care for their citizens. He talks about four models, The Bismarck model is employer provided insurance with heavy regulation, The Beverage model which they use in England with the NHS, the National Health Insurance model used in Canada where the government pays private providers, and the out of pocket model which is used in poorer countries. None of the countries using the Bismarck model, the model we seem to be on track for, have a public option. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/05/2010 10:39:53 PM The bismark model folks all have nonprofit insurers (that are private but nonprofit). I think a public option is much more likely than getting that thru congress. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2010 10:08:49 AM Right, I was just trying to say that not all hope was lost, when they killed the public option. In Switzerland, they are private and nonprofit. Their politicians ran against the insurance companies. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/06/2010 07:35:44 PM The DC crowd is more into working with insuerers right now to get everyone covered than taking them on anytime soon, the public can change that but who needs the public we've got the beltway set to set the agenda. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2010 03:55:23 PM I checked that guy's town out. Mount Dora, Florida (how can anyplace in Florida be called "Mount" anything?) has higher than average poverty, higher than average age, and a higher than average (for Florida) African-American population. You would think he would be setting himself up for hurting his business. But, they voted 56% for McCain in 2008, so maybe not. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Is your name Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? BASENAME: is_your_name_kareem_al-jabbar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/02/2010 03:14:27 PM ----- BODY: You might want to get to the airport early. Homeland Security says you are more likely to have bombs in your underpants. From CNN. Among the new questions, "Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?" And don't even pretend your name is Roger Murdock.
      Sports Videos, News, Blogs
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2010 03:53:09 PM "And don't even pretend your name is Roger Murdock." The Police Chief? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2010 04:37:07 PM Watch the clip. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2010 06:08:12 PM We miss him too. Now more for the non crazy: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2010 09:21:05 PM One of the TRUELY GREAT MOVIES! You hear that? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: PSA for Queering the Census BASENAME: psa_for_queering_the_census STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/06/2010 11:10:50 AM ----- BODY: Featured here is my number one political girl crush, Mara Keisling Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. What Box Do You Check? Details below the flip. ----- EXTENDED BODY: More at
      If you are in a relationship and you live together, you have two choices. First, one of you will be designated as "Person 1." If there is no clear favorite for who should be the head of household, perhaps you could flip a coin, wrestle for it or hold a lip-synching competition. Whoever doesn't win will be designated as "Person 2." This person is asked how they are related to Person 1. There are 16 choices, but the two that concern you are "husband or wife" and "unmarried partner." This is the important part: You do not answer based on the actual legal status of your relationship, you answer based on how you personally categorize your relationship. If you are legally married, you will probably mark down "husband or wife," though if you are in a civil union or domestic partnership, yet you still feel married, than you should also mark "husband or wife." If there is no legal recognition of your relationship where you live, but you still consider yourself married, it's also important that you mark "husband or wife." If this box doesn't accurately represent your relationship, you have the option of the "unmarried partner" box. If this sounds like a vague catch-all, that's because it is. The Guide to the American Community Survey says "An 'Unmarried partner,' also known as a domestic partner, is a person who shares a close personal relationship with Person 1." If this better describes your relationship, than please mark the "unmarried partner" box. If you are not in a relationship, unfortunately there is no way for you to officially come out to the U.S. Government on this Census, but there are still some important steps that you need to take if we are going to change this in the future. The campaign to get a question on the 2020 Census that asks about sexual orientation and gender identity is well underway.
      ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: How Women Will Benefit From Health Care Reform BASENAME: how_women_will_benefit_from_he STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/06/2010 11:35:04 AM ----- BODY: icon_conversation.jpgJoin the National Womens Law Center and the Coalition on Human Needs Webinar.
      During the webinar, we'll provide a summary of the key provisions impacting women and their families and outline what to expect with the new law in effect. We'll also explain what the restrictions on abortion coverage mean for women and talk about the fight that lies ahead to fix these dangerous barriers.
      When: This Thursday, April 8, 1:00- 2:00 pm ( lunch time) Register today and submit your questions for the webinar. All questions will be reviewed in advance so that answers can be given. Note to legislators, being a woman is not a pre-existing condition. Hat Tip to Larry at the Georgia Rural Urban Summit ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Feds are cracking down on unpaid internships! BASENAME: feds_are_cracking_down_on_unpa STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/06/2010 12:47:44 PM ----- BODY: casa31.jpg
      With job openings scarce for young people, the number of unpaid internships has climbed in recent years, leading federal and state regulators to worry that more employers are illegally using such internships for free labor.
      Wait, stop the presses, you don't mean for profit companies are taking advantage of people during tough times! Rick, I'm shocked to find gambling going on in here! Your winnings sir! Read the whole article at the "Uptown Daily Worker " aka NYT. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2010 03:27:50 PM Good thing there is a government to crack down on this because I don't think the "free market" would correct it by itself. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Georgia Safe Schools Coalition making progress in Cobb BASENAME: georgia_safe_schools_coalition STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/07/2010 12:40:39 PM ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Disclosure Open Thread BASENAME: disclosure_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/08/2010 09:41:10 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_money.jpg Barnes has lots, DUH Karen Handel's gamble seems to have paid off, although still probably not enough to run statewide in a clown car. McBerry reported raising $56,000 this quarter and said he has $28,000 on hand. Which is just enough to buy yard signs for me to see posted to trees. His staff and volunteers must have gone to the same "yard sign" placement school as the Ron Paul people. Some of these burn rates seem kind of high, but I'm no math wiz. Haven't found any bondage club dinners or liquid "office supplies" but it's early still. Please chime in if you find anything interesting. I'll be hitting the refresh button the rest of the day. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2010 10:40:01 AM IB4Hodgesfolkmentiontheyoutraisedeverybodyelse. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2010 10:37:57 PM The Hodges campaign raised 172,000 this filing period!! Their campaign raised more than both republican candidates combined!! That is extremely impressive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2010 11:16:27 AM Yep, Scott Gale is amazing. Of course, it helps if a ton of people have an economic interest in your election... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Fascinating, Whigs here in Georgia! BASENAME: fascinating STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/08/2010 01:24:46 PM TAGS: "Cobb Whig Party","Modern Whig Party","Rob Madayag III" ----- BODY: MWP.jpgDid you know that Georgia has a functioning Whig Party? I did not, that is until today. Please note they call themselves the "Modern" Whig Party, not to be confused with this crowd-I guess. They have "Tenets" They have a blog... They have a website.... HQ in Marietta They appear to have a Chairman....Rob Madayag III. They even appeared to have had some kind of "politics of politics" drama, just like the rest of us! Yay. Based on what I read, they seem to be moderate Republicans than Libertarians, but heck we sure could do with more moderates around this state. So, is anyone else wondering if Roy will join them, heck they're in his backyard in Marietta? I'm kind of curious, and would love to meet them some time. Anyone else? Cause, seriously I wouldn't go all alone... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2010 09:13:09 PM Aww come on Jules, what's the worst that they can do to you? Get all whiggish on 'ya? But this guy Ray Bouy might apply for that 'line' as in NY, but he seems to be also steaming along for the teabagger vote though. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2010 09:15:22 PM That should have been Ray Boyd up there, and the news is he's lent his campaign about $2Mill so he's Guy 'serious' too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2010 10:33:47 PM Found: Why there might need to be Whigs: [The fashion Ed]: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/08/2010 11:45:44 PM Still more on why we need the Whigs to return: Palin-Bachmann, 2012! Campaign slogan is... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 08:14:24 AM Was this what inspired your search? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 11:21:10 AM An ancestor of mine was a Whig. He ended up vetoing a lot of their stuff though and got thrown out of the Party. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Rumors, Moving, Shaking and Fun BASENAME: rumors_moving_shaking_and_fun STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/09/2010 10:40:20 AM TAGS: candidates,fun,Georgia,"georgia election 2010",madness,"madness without method" ----- BODY: O hai guise! Things will never be the same around here. workshop-democracy.jpg Spoke with a top Democratic elected official the other day about the races that currently have gaping holes where Democrats need to be... Let's go to the big one... Michael Thurmond is "looking at the Senate last I heard" my source said. So who would replace Thurmond at LC? Darryl Hicks apparently. That would set up the first race between two African Americans for a statewide office in Georgia. Did we have someone running to replace Melvin Everson? A quick Google search finds only Republicans running. Terry Coleman needs to make up his damn mind. Not a direct quote but the sentiment was there. Lots of Democrats are getting antsy over Coleman's indecision. Most notably J.B. Powell who will run if Coleman doesn't. I had heard rumors about Coleman switching parties but apparently that was the first my source had heard of that. Not sure if Powell has a replacement in mind for his seat. No news about any of the PSC seats but somehow I doubt we'll contest any of those and if we do, I have more doubts that we'll have strong challengers. I know nothing about any candidates for either of our special elections. The venerable John Lewis also has two challengers, one is an independent, the other a Republican. We've only got three weeks now for moves to be made. What do YOU know? EDIT: One thing I forgot to add is I know Tim Golden wanted to run for Lite Gov (although this was back when it was an open seat). Anyone know if he's changed his mind? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 11:35:28 AM WTF is this sh*t? And who the hell is this tool? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 11:54:09 AM Dammit. The Thunder can't hide behind The Thunder's suckpuppets anymore. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 11:58:48 AM Or can he... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 12:00:33 PM Is the question about Terry Coleman that he can't decide to run, or that he can't decide to run as a "D"? Also, where do these characters think they're going to get the time and money to run if they wait till qualifying to decide? Seriously, a statewide race in 2 1/2 months? Seems a bit of climb to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 12:11:12 PM There will be one and maybe two seats open on the Fulton County Commission in 2010. Rumor is that at least one of our intown State Reps might jump over to fill Nancy Boxill's shoes. I've been hearing for months that Tom Lowe will also retire this year, but he hasn't announced. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 12:57:39 PM Steffini Bethea is running for Everson's seat. The soon-to-be-cluster that is the Fulton Commission race needs a separate post. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 01:18:29 PM Welcome to BfD, Ed! So glad you've joined the fray. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 01:23:26 PM I thought Hicks was going for SoS? Whatever he does, he better start raising money for it. Otherwise, this post sucks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 01:27:21 PM OK, it doesn't suck. Welcome Ed! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 01:50:37 PM Some Gwinnett Updates.. Of course we may end up with more candidates that we have never heard of during qualifying. HD 103 - Allan Burns IS running again. yea! He got 45.6% against Casas last time. If this is an open seat, we have a great chance of picking it up. HD 106 - Yes, Steffini Bethea is running. Tough race but we can take this open seat too. Still wonder if Melvin gets cold feet and falls back into this race. BOC District 2- Rob Byars running in an open seat BOC District 4 - Mark Williams. Obama got 49.7% in this district. Our best shot at getting a BOE seat. Congressional District 7 - Just waiting for the official announcement from Doug Heckman. I'm about 90% sure he is running again. Still looking for some strong candidates for SD 9 and HD 102. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Daniel Fullerton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 02:21:30 PM Welcome, Ed. Will you be liveblogging the YDG Convention this year? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Daniel Fullerton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 02:21:56 PM Welcome, Ed. Will you be liveblogging the YDG Convention this year? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/09/2010 11:47:05 PM Ed, Is that an old flip top can opener for your avatar? In any case with short of a week's notice we got up our usual kamikaze squad to run for Tom Graves vacated HD12 in that Special Election for Bartow, Gordon (mainly) & Pickens; he's Jerry Nally of Rydal Ga. [ PO Box 25, Ga. 30171]. We may well have another candidate to try and take out Sen. Bill Heath in SD 31 too. But over all not a particularly friendly year as everyone's broke or near to it. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2010 09:21:16 AM 102 has been tough, 103 - alan will be a great candidate, we have a very decent shot of picking that seat up along with Melvin Everson's seat (Steffini Bethea). Yay Gwinnett! We did manage to field a candidate for the special election in HD 12, yeah i know it's a strong GOP seat, but it's also a special election and Jerry Neal is going to run tough with a lot of family support. I could go on and on, but i've literaly spent dozens of hours over the past 45 days making phone calls into the known or suspected Open seats in the State House this year. It is NOT easy finding potential candidates, getting them to trainings, and then getting a campaign ramped up. But we are trying, and by we I mean Rep. Benfield, Don Weigel (ED at the State House Caucus) and Rep. Dukes, and moi. I'm on most of the major Democratic group email lists for campaign trainings, but if you see something that I might have missed, please feel free to forward me training opportunities, i'd greatly appreciate it as we can promote to our new recruits. Onward and Upward... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chris Huttman EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2010 05:39:55 PM sndeak, curse you and your county that reports absentee and early voting by precinct, giving you such precision! only slightly kidding with my gwinnett jealousy, next year will be awesome when every county does it this way. props to gwinnett, one county where they always have a candidate in every winnable seat and even those that aren't winnable. now if only henry (hd 109) and douglas (hd 67) get their act together this year, that's two more potential pickups in quickly trending districts. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2010 08:04:01 PM Tim, That's Jerry Nally going for HD12 from our sliver of it here in Bartow Co.. So how might 'newer candidates' get trained up outside of webinars? My guys are constantly MIA on those due to work requirements. And yes, as I tell everyone we need more amenable retired millionaires running, but they seem to be mostly Rethugs. Thanks, JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/11/2010 02:39:27 AM Dixie Carter, TN born actress, dead @ 70. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/11/2010 04:06:40 PM JM, running for state house is not to be taken lightly, it's a huge time committment, Many of the trainings offered by groups are on the weekends, so candidates will have to make the effort to go to where the trainings are. Most are in Atlanta, but not all. The House Caucus is working on trainings around the state for qualified candidates after May1, the extra extra long session is making it difficult to get planning done. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/11/2010 08:24:17 PM Thanks Tim, Nothing I've not told all of 'em time & time again, but I work with the materials that I'm sent too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Keith EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 10:20:27 AM I spoke with Terry Coleman when he appeared with Roy Barnes up in Taylor County back in Feb & he st this point in time says he will "NOT" run for Ag Commissioner. J.B. Powell (D-Blythe) is rumored to be looking at running for Ag if Coleman doens't run for AG. Coleman will not switch parties, so let's put that rumor to rest. I'll keep an eye on DuBose Porter for Ag Commissioner. He may or may not qualify to run for governor & the legislative session is hurting porter's hcnaces for governor. Darryl Hicks would run for Labor if Thurmond does jump to a higher office. Hicks, himself told me at the same event up in Taylor County along with Roy Barnes says he will jump to Labor if Thurmond does run for Senate or congress. It makes sense if Carl Camon would run for State School Superintendent since his background is in education, or State Rep. 176 seat down replacing Jay Shaw. Jason Shaw, who is Jay's son will run as a independent & then in 2010 switch to the republican party, so that race, as well as the State School Superintendent makes sense for camon right now. As for Mike Thurmond, he should stay at Labor Commisisoner. If not then he should aim for Paul Broun's seat. He'll beat Broun head to head. Broun is a arch-conservative, outside the mainstream republican that can be had depending who is the candidate up there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 07:45:14 PM Poor Tommy Irvin. The man is the longest serving elected official in the country, and is tied with Castro for longest in the world.. Seriously we can't find ANYONE to run in this seat.. Paging Rand Knight.. oops can't believe I typed that. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jon TITLE: In other news, water is still wet. BASENAME: in_other_news_water_is_still_w STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/11/2010 10:19:35 AM ----- BODY: State Senator Chip Pearson (R - Dawsonville) and the art of self-dealing:pearson.jpg Step 1. Get appointed chairman of an Economic Development committee in the legislature. Step 2. Form a company that consults on Economic Development issues and projects. Step 3. Write legislation to create an Economic Development panel, on which you become an automatic member. One can imagine how this "consulting" work could go down:
      Business Leader: "I'd like to hire your company to get a sense of how we can get more visibility to Project X. We believe our company can really add value to the project by bidding on its completion. Sen. Chip Pearson: "First, I think our consulting group would be a perfect fit for your company. You see, we have a remarkably huge rolodex, and we can set your company on a path to success. So, do we have deal?" Business Leader: "Yes, I think your rates are a little high, but your knowledge of the issues and players on project X are just too good to pass up". Sen. Chip Pearson: "Great! Now, my first bit of consulting on this matter would be to contact State Senator Chip Pearson. He is the chairman of the Senate committee on Economic Development, and I happen to know him pretty well. Senator Pearson is holding a hearing next week on this very issue." Business Leader: "Um... well, isn't that you?" Sen. Chip Pearson: "Yes, of course. As I mentioned, our consulting company has great access to the legislature. Now, please pass by Wendy's office on your way out. She has your first invoice ready."
      No need to worry about a ban on emailing or texting legislators when you can hire one to lobby himself. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2010 03:13:07 PM More awesomeness from Dawsonesss... JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Prayers for Poland BASENAME: prayers_for_poland STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/11/2010 01:07:55 PM ----- BODY: PolandFlag.jpgAs I'm sure you've heard by now Lech Kaczynski died in a plane crash Saturday on his way to pay tribute to the more than 22,000 Poles who died at the Katyn Massacre in Russia. It wasn't just Kaczynski and his wife who died, it was the entire top military brass, numerous government officials and some of the brightest Polish minds. There were no survivors. Unfortunately, and I say this as a Pole, Poland may never recover from this tragedy. It is hard to think the country isn't cursed. Ian Traynor of The Guardian has a much more optimistic outlook than I do. Kaczinski's obituary from The New York Times. Some brief reactions on the BBC's Web site. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/11/2010 10:54:16 PM Another Polish president, Ryszard Kaczorowski, 90, died on the flight too. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/11/2010 11:04:12 PM On History & curses: "God's Playground: A history of Poland, Vol 1&2", Norman Davies: And right there on the 1st page of this very scholarly & definitive tome is a joke. It goes downhill from there. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Sears Shortlisted for SCOTUS BASENAME: sears_shortlisted_for_scotus STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/12/2010 09:15:53 AM ----- BODY: Sears2.jpgA "senior White House official" "tells" ABC News that former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears is one of the "fewer than 10 names" on Obama's shortlist to replace John Paul Stevens. That is kind of cool. Plus all the pundits were saying on Sunday Obama wants to go with someone from outside of D.C. and the "judicial monastery", preferably a woman as well. She fits the bill. I think she also fits Obama's style too. I don't know, she looks rather Justice-like to me. H/T: Peach Pundit. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Cecil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2010 01:17:44 PM I'm not thrilled about Sears for the Supreme Court. Yes, she was fairly liberal in her opinions while on the bench, FOR GEORGIA. But I have not forgiven her for having us work our butts off to get her re-elected only to retire and HAND her seat to Sonny Perdue (who tried to unseat her!) to fill. Yes, she helped overturn Georgia's sodomy statute way before Lawrence v. Texas... but I'm not convinced she'd be the consistently liberal voice we need on the court. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2010 02:30:09 PM She'll get confirmed quickly, which would be the reason to nominate her (or Merrick Garland.) A "consistently liberal voice" is liable in this Senate atmosphere to result in a filibuster that lasts into the midterms. That would be a political disaster and could result in the defeat of the nominee if the Senate drops to razor thin margins of control. Also, I think Sears would be a safe liberal vote on most issues. I think she resigned and let Perdue appoint her replacement because she finds election fights over supreme court seats to be distasteful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2010 03:33:43 PM Well there's that, and the fact that if they decide to filibuster the nominee, it'll basically destroy the device for all time. So I think it's a head fake. No doubt they'll oppose any nominee, (that's now to be expected), but that's no reason not to try and get someone in there who's *almost* as 'liberal' as JPS. Which is to say a 'normal', run of the mill, GOP moderate in the mode of fashion of Gerry Ford. You know the now extinct whiggish progressive kinds of folks. So me, I'd want to get someone with a stronger track record, which of course means that we'll wind up with somewhat of a cipher like EK, as that's yet another path to greatness it seems. Hide down low so no one much notices. Don't ever publish much so no one will suspect. That's how we got Alito & Roberts too. But again, someone outside the sphere of the 'Eastern establishment' would be nice too. All too many on the court gravitate that way. So in addition to being the most reactionary court in perhaps 100 years, they're mostly now from either the East or West coast, and a plurality of Catholics as well. Which is yes, pretty 'queer' for a court trying to represent the entire US. I know. Sue me. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 07:49:22 AM The court isn't supposed to be representative of the U.S. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 12:33:46 AM From what I have read, Elena Kagan may be more moderate/conservative than many realize. Particularly on executive power issues. We might like that during a Dem presidency, but what about the next time a Republican gets elected? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 12:54:22 AM Precisely my point Sara. We really desperately need someone immediately more reliable. We can not wait like JPS for his views to 'mature' or his/her opinions to firm up in the face of revanchist opposition. And yes IRE, they're all supposed to be white male WASPS (mostly) like they were prior to 1980. Bearded & Ivy league & clubbable preferred no doubt. It's the 21st century. I want robots too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: ed_is_awesome STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/12/2010 10:24:19 AM ----- BODY: open_thread.JPGThe fine and friendly folks in your friendly federal government have determined that the quality of care provided by Georgia's hospitals is "weak". Awesome. Our legislature is back in session today. They took a break from all that break taking last week. HB 307 is still causing problems. As is that little thing, oh what's it called. That's right, the budget. Now I don't think there is anything wrong with this per se, I mean does it matter if Deal's campaign or he himself personally pays for his legal fees? No not really, unless you are a donor and you wanted your money to go to say, GOTV efforts or you know, anything at all that would win an election. However, a smart candidate--and a smart governor which is really at issue here--would do everything in his power to avoid even the slightest hint of impropriety. At any rate the Republican candidates for governor are nothing short of an embarrassment of riches as it were. Some big news from GSU. I have a simpler suggestion for improving the school. Cut the number of students. I was in senior level classes with kids who could barely write. Ugh. This looks tasty as heck. Going to order two for lunch. Now I just have to find a KFC. Turns out conservatives just like to say stuff for the sake of saying stuff (can one of the mods give me the policy on profanity in posts? Thanks). A little brouhaha has erupted in the literary world (or something as close to a brouhaha as you can get in the literary world). In February, Toril Moi wrote a review of the latest translation of Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex for The London Review of Books. A series of back-and-forth letters have been published in recent weeks. The first was critiquing the writer of the critique. A critique of the writer critiquing the critique was published in this week's Review. I hope it continues! Sinatra's I'm a Fool to Want You. Probably my favorite from Ol Blue Eyes. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: indie_rock_elitist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2010 10:57:29 AM What the hell is this crap? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Cecil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2010 11:49:38 AM Oh, Ed, will you always have a Multiple Personality Disorder conversations with your own posts? :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/12/2010 03:16:21 PM Yes. And then there's this too: Via TPM: "Ga. to skip premium help under new health law SHANNON McCAFFREY AP Features Apr 12, 2010 13:12 EDT Georgia's insurance commissioner says the state won't participate in the first phase of a new federal health care law that would offer subsidized premiums to people with health problems. Republican John Oxendine said Georgia should not take part in the creation of an insurance pool, backed by $5 billion in federal money, that would help high-risk people who have been uninsured for at least six months." JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 06:25:21 AM Buildings fall down & the PO slowly disappears : Garbage in~ Garbage out takes on a whole new meaning: 25-Story Apartment Tower Built in 2001 Now a Teardown: GAO: Postal Service business 'not viable': JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 12:09:25 AM Still more interesting than any 40 something YO stale argument over SDB/JPS: The LRB Personals: [Scroll down some]: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 12:59:17 AM Best take down of the dolt Megan McArdle of The Atlantic. evah: by the master, Michael Bérubé: Via Crooked Timber: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Just a Reminder BASENAME: just_a_reminder STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/13/2010 09:02:47 AM ----- BODY: Convention.jpg If you are a Democrat between the ages of 14 and 40 you ought to register for the Young Democrats of Georgia Convention this weekend. It is taking place in Athens with a slew of fun activities and great speakers. Details here. PS: If you fall outside that age group feel free to donate to the YDs. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 10:48:43 AM Speaking as an "aged out expired Democrat" I've always enjoyed attending the dinner. Wish I could this year, but I know folks of any age will have a good time if they do. Have a great convention. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 07:14:02 PM I still think Democrats should age out at 35. As I have stated before, if you're old enough to have kids in Young Democrats, you are not a Young Democrat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 07:36:58 PM Nothing is stopping you from registering and coming to propose an amendment to our by laws proposing such a change. FYI YDAmerica has people aging out at 36. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 08:31:18 PM Eh. I'm too old to be hanging out with college students. Besides, I spoke out against it at the '02 or '03 convention when it was originally proposed moving the age to 40. Nobody listens to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 12:16:02 AM I was way too old when I was in college, but I've gradually come to see the utility of it too. But I'd love to see some mash up throw down of 'our drugs/drink vs yours', which evidently can only be arranged at these confabs. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 10:52:08 AM Jen, I'm self-imposing my retirement at 35 :-) This will be my last Convention as a participant. Sigh, maybe one day I'll get to be a donor instead. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Reality Check BASENAME: reality_check STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/13/2010 11:37:27 AM ----- BODY: dempoll4810-x.gif The anti-Roy sentiment has never been able to break 30%, let alone 50%. Not sure we ever really had a race but this joke needs to end. Unfortunately Thurbert can't really go anywhere else, DuBose can't raise money and General Poythress would be a great candidate for a lower profile office. Such is life I suppose. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 05:54:36 PM I'm surprised that Baker didn't pick up a bigger bounce from the "I'm not your lapdog Sonny, and won't join other whack jobs in HC lawsuit". Not sure what they can do to get closer to King Roy's numbers.. I suppose it all hinges on the debates now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stefan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 06:30:44 PM I think Thurbert's numbers will go up once he goes on television. Roy's are probably around the max right now. Do you really think thurbert won't pull at least half of the AA vote? I really want to know what y'all think. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 07:05:11 PM I think there is still lingering distrust/unhappiness in the African American community over Mr Baker's lack of leadership in the Genarlow Wilson travesty. He may have to talk about that in order to get over it. I think it will be difficult for anyone to beat Mr Barnes. With his name recognition, money, and support from big names (though maybe quietly now). I, too, would like to see General Poythress run for something else. Lt Gov would have been ideal, but now those waters are clouded. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2010 07:22:51 PM Gen P.. could probably get his old gig at SOS back.. Roy, ugh.. really? Really? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 12:30:56 AM Alas & alack people have been mentioning & suggesting the same to/of the principals mentioned to little or no avail. Like at many early open forums by audience members. So no matter the logic, or the supposed 'gaming' side bets, we'll just have to wait until the primaries most likely. And yeah, you never know what happens in a campaign. Jack Ryan implodes in a Il Senate race, so Obama cruises to a Senate seat early. And with our squirrely Rethugs? Who knows? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 08:05:18 PM Again, anything can happen: Mike Freeman Out of the 9th CD race: "From: Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 3:56 PM Subject: Important statement about the 9th CD campaign To: Dear Friends, It is with the deepest sadness that I announce today that I am withdrawing my candidacy for U.S. House of Representatives in the May 11 special election. I will also not be running in the November general election. This is not a decision I have made lightly, but recent events within my family demand that I leave the business of politics aside and focus on my duties as a husband, father, and grandfather. My family has always come first, and that has not and will not change. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many committed citizens who have supported my campaign with their time, money, and hard work. I apologize deeply that I will not be able to continue this magnificent effort. Sincerely, Mike" I for one was sorry to hear of it. He's a good guy, and this has to be serious. HT: David Robinson, Pickens Chair JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: More Endorsements for Hodges BASENAME: more_endorsements_for_hodges STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/14/2010 10:28:43 AM ----- BODY: sheriff-custom.jpgKen Hodges picked up some more endorsements in his campaign for Attorney General. It seems like this is a race I should be paying more attention to. What is happening with Rob Teilhet's campaign? I keep hearing about Ken's race but nothing really from RT. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: DoubleM EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 09:46:37 PM I dunno... I'm getting emails/FB stuff from Teilhet pretty regularly. Obviously, he's got a little less time on his hands, what with being in the House and all. And then there was the now-legendary piece the Teilhet folks handed out at the JJ dinner. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Ultimatums BASENAME: ultimatums STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/14/2010 10:46:57 AM ----- BODY: agriculture.jpgA certain, "unfiltered" blogger has issued an ultimatum to Georgia Democrats w/r/t to the Agriculture Commissioner's race. Either get someone to qualify or Andre Walker will run. Well dude, there you have it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 01:33:44 PM I hope he runs. That would be hilarious. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 04:27:58 PM Seriously, it would serve a certain group of people right. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wes F in Hapeville EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 08:42:59 PM I grew up on a farm. I'll do it. Besides, they may be cutting my college gig anyway, so I might have a lot of time on my hands. WF ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Four Days BASENAME: four_days STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/14/2010 11:18:30 AM ----- BODY: budget.jpgAccording to my Facebook feed, the House adopted a resolution to schedule the last four days of the calendar. No word on whether or not the Senate adopted the resolution making April 20, 21, 27, 29 the final days to approve our budget. Cause, you know, multi-billion dollar budgets can be drafted quickly and with ease. One has full confidence they will approach this with the diligence, seriousness and importance it deserves. I seriously wonder how those folks at the Gold Dome can draw their paycheck in good conscience. Something tells me they don't really care. (Something of an aside here: I'd be in favor of budget negotiations being done in private with the details only being announced after the fact. Why? Because especially in times like this, something has to be cut, and we all know that everything is a sacred cow and can't be touched. Consequentially, whenever cuts are announced, someone is up in arms and we're right back where we started. Reminds me of the episode of The Office where Michael Scott had to fire somebody and as soon as he did they all responded "you can't fire me" and continued working at Dunder-Mifflin. Yeah that was funny. A lot funnier than how we create the budget for our state -- which is also a joke.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SpokenJoken EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 10:24:46 AM I agree that something has to happen with the budget, and that often there is a problem with not wanting to cut any programs at all. In the 2010 GA Legislature, however, I really see this as secondary to keeping the public informed. I mean usually the programs that get cut or that are proposed to be cut, are essential programs that those on the left traditionally champion (higher education, medicaid). What about Sonny's outdoors/hunting/wildlife programs? In other words, are we really valuing some programs more than they should be and others less than they should be? I think these guys running the show actually benefit from more privacy. I will say that its not like the public can't get a sense of whats going on with budget negotiations, its just that I don't think we need to make them more secretive. The Office analogy doesn't work because the difference between employees isn't nearly as extreme as some of the choices are representatives have to make. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Actually Important News BASENAME: actually_important_news STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/14/2010 11:45:26 AM ----- BODY: seay.jpgSenator Valencia Seay is out of Emory's ICU. Unfortunately she is still in the hospital for a nervous system inflammation but she "will likely be released in a few days". As the title says, Republican, Democrat, or other, the health and well-being of people is what is actually important news. God bless Sen. Seay and her family. Hopefully she recovers soon. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 07:24:48 PM Yes, let's hope she doing much better soon. In other important news: Mike Freeman withdraws from the 9th CD race; Via Press Release: "From: Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 3:56 PM Subject: Important statement about the 9th CD campaign To: Dear Friends, It is with the deepest sadness that I announce today that I am withdrawing my candidacy for U.S. House of Representatives in the May 11 special election. I will also not be running in the November general election. This is not a decision I have made lightly, but recent events within my family demand that I leave the business of politics aside and focus on my duties as a husband, father, and grandfather. My family has always come first, and that has not and will not change. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many committed citizens who have supported my campaign with their time, money, and hard work. I apologize deeply that I will not be able to continue this magnificent effort. Sincerely, Mike" [End cite. Sent via David Robinson, chair of Pickens Co.] I was really sorry to hear this. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Squires Blasts Oxendine BASENAME: squires_blasts_oxendine STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/14/2010 03:00:27 PM ----- BODY: ms_mast01.gifSo John Oxendine refused to implement high risk pools in Georgia. Except Georgia already has high risk pools. "Taxpayers are already paying for the administration of Georgia's limited high risk pool alternatives and Oxendine's misrepresentation of facts are an attempt to continue keeping Georgian's from getting access to the pools" Squires said. "This should come as no surprise given the millions of dollars Oxendine has received from Insurance Companies to fund his campaigns." A CTRL-C, CTRL-V of the press release (NOW INCLUDING THREE PAGES OF GEORGIA CODE!!!!!!!!!) below. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Mary Squires Questions Oxendine's Refusal to Implement High Risk Pool (Atlanta, Ga) Mary Squires, Democratic Candidate for Georgia Insurance Commissioner, responded today to current Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine's refusal to implement the first phase of the federal health care legislation, stating Oxendine is purposely misleading Georgian's for political and financial gain. "Georgia already has two limited high risk pool alternatives. The "Georgia Health Insurance Assignment System" was passed by the Georgia Legislature in 1997 creating both pools and the rules and regulations were promulgated by Oxendine in the office of the Insurance Commissioner. Taxpayers are already paying for the administration of Georgia's limited high risk pool alternatives and Oxendine's misrepresentation of facts are an attempt to continue keeping Georgian's from getting access to the pools. This should come as no surprise given the millions of dollars Oxendine has received from Insurance Companies to fund his campaigns." Squires was elected to the Georgia General Assembly in 1998. Squires served two terms in the State House (1999-2003) and one term in the Georgia State Senate (2003-2005). In addition to her legislative experience, Squires served ten years in the Georgia Army National Guard. Mary Squires currently is the Executive Director of the Georgia Society of Professional Benefit Administrators, Inc., a self-insured health care trade association. Squires and her husband Tom West of Augusta currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia and have four children. XXX Georgia Assignment System Intent O.C.G.A. § 33-29A-1 (a) It is the intention of this chapter together with Code Section 33-24-21.1 to provide an acceptable alternative mechanism for the availability of individual health insurance coverage Condition to Licensure O.C.G.A. § 33-29A-3 Each health insurer and managed care corporation which is licensed to and does offer health insurance coverage in the individual market in this state shall as a condition of such licensure agree to participation in its respective assignment system provided by this chapter. This Code section shall not apply to an entity which offers only excepted benefits as specified in Section 2791(c) of the federal Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C.A. Section 300gg-91(c). Georgia Healh Insurance Assignment System-one of two assignment systems O.C.G.A. § 33-29A-4 (a) Each eligible individual in this state whose most recent creditable coverage was provided by an entity other than a managed care organization shall be entitled to participate in the Georgia Health Insurance Assignment System (sometimes referred to as GHIAS in this chapter) created pursuant to this Code section. Each eligible individual in this state whose most recent creditable coverage was provided by a managed care organization shall be entitled to participate in the Georgia Health Benefits Assignment System created pursuant to Code Section 33-29A-5. (b) The Commissioner shall develop the GHIAS system which shall provide for the equitable assignment of eligible individuals who are entitled to and desirous of participating in the system to health insurers offering coverage in the individual market in the state. Such assignment shall be based primarily on the pro rata volume of individual health insurance business done in this state by each such health insurer. The system may include other factors for equitable assignment, as determined to be appropriate by the Commissioner, including but not limited to the geographic area or areas in the state normally served by a health insurer. (c) Upon assignment of an eligible individual to a health insurer, the eligible individual shall have the right to purchase and the health insurer shall have the obligation to sell either of the standard health insurance policies provided for in subsection (d) of this Code section at a premium not to exceed the maximum specified in said subsection. Georgia Health Benefits Assignment System-two of two assignment systems O.C.G.A § 33-29A-5 (a) Each eligible individual in this state whose most recent creditable coverage was provided by a managed care organization shall be entitled to participate in the Georgia Health Benefits Assignment System (sometimes referred to as GHBAS in this chapter) created pursuant to this Code section. Each eligible individual in this state whose most recent creditable coverage was provided by an entity other than a managed care organization shall be entitled to participate in the Georgia Health Insurance Assignment System created pursuant to Code Section 33-29A-4. Commissioner Oxendine's Responsibility to Develop the System and Oversight (b) The Commissioner shall develop the GHBAS system which shall provide for the equitable assignment of eligible individuals who are entitled to and desirous of participating in the system to managed care organizations doing business in the state. Such assignment shall be based primarily on the pro rata volume of individual business done in this state by each such managed care organization and the geographic area or areas in the state normally served by a managed care organization. The system may include other factors for equitable assignment, as determined to be appropriate by the Commissioner. No managed care organization shall be required to provide coverage outside the geographic area or areas normally served by that managed care organization. However, where this geographic limitation makes it impossible to assign to a managed care organization its equitable share of eligible individuals, a managed care organization may be required by the Commissioner to contract for provision of coverage of eligible individuals, as provided for in Code Section 33-29A-6. (c) Upon assignment of an eligible individual to a managed care organization, the eligible individual shall have the right to purchase and the managed care organization shall have the obligation to sell enrollment in either of the standard health benefit plans provided for in subsection (d) of this Code section at a premium not to exceed the maximum specified in said subsection. (d) The Commissioner shall develop two standard health benefit plans to be provided by managed care organizations to which eligible individuals are assigned pursuant to this Code section. The actuarial value of the benefits under each such health benefit plan shall be at least 85 percent of the average actuarial value of the benefits provided by all health benefit plans issued in the individual market by all managed care organizations in the state. Except to the extent specifically provided to the contrary in this chapter, all laws of this state relating to the normal provision of such coverage in the individual market shall apply to the provision of such coverage under this chapter. The Commissioner shall fix a maximum premium to be charged for each such standard health benefit plan which shall be not more than 150 percent of the average premium which is or would be charged by all managed care organizations in the state for the same or similar coverage issued other than under this Code section, as determined by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may authorize a managed care organization to charge a premium in excess of said 150 percent maximum if and only if the managed care organization demonstrates to the Commissioner that the application of the 150 percent maximum would endanger the financial solvency of that managed care organization. (e) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to require a managed care organization to offer to an eligible individual any coverage other than one of the two standard health benefit plans developed under subsection (d) of this Code section. Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to prohibit any managed care organization from offering to any individual any otherwise lawful coverage. Contracting Between Managed Care Organizations O.C.G.A. § 33-29A-6 Any combination of one or more health insurers and one or more managed care organizations may contract with each other for the assumption by one or more health insurers of the obligations otherwise imposed by this chapter on one or more managed care organizations. Under any such contract the responsibility for providing the coverage required by this chapter shall be with a health insurer licensed to do business in this state. Where the obligations of a managed care organization are contractually assumed by a health insurer, the assuming health insurer may substitute coverage under a standard policy of health insurance for coverage under a standard health benefit plan, and provision of such substituted coverage shall satisfy the obligation otherwise owed to an affected eligible individual. Moratorium on Required Issuance of Coverage O.C.G.A. § 33-29A-7 The Commissioner may impose a moratorium upon the required issuance of coverage by a health insurer or managed care organization, if the Commissioner determines after public notice and hearing that the continuation of such required issuance by that entity will endanger the solvency of that entity. Rules and Regulations; Compensation to Licensed Insurance Agents O.C.G.A. § 33-29A-8 (a) The Commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations for the implementation of this chapter. Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 2 of this title or any other law to the contrary, such rules and regulations shall be adopted in exact compliance with the procedures specified in Article 1 of Chapter 13 of Title 50, the 'Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.' In addition to any other materials submitted under subsection (e) of Code Section 50-13-4, there shall be so submitted the full text of the Georgia Health Insurance Assignment System, the Georgia Health Benefits Assignment System, the standard health insurance policies provided for in Code Section 33-29A-4, and the standard health benefit plans provided for in Code Section 33-29A-5. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 09:06:20 PM Well done Mary. You too Ed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2010 09:24:52 PM Yep. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Happy Birthday BASENAME: happy_birthday_ed_rocks_my_world STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/15/2010 09:30:19 AM ----- BODY: I've got stuff worth posting and writing about but this is what y'all need to focus on. Why yes I am this much of a megalomaniac. Mia_happy_birthday.gif ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 09:51:31 AM You can go to hell. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 09:56:35 AM So what does someone like you do to celebrate? Stay sober? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 10:00:46 AM You should have reminded me of that about three hours ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 10:11:05 AM Well happy birthday. Not that you'll remember it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 10:20:17 AM I'll be listening to a lot of Jorge Ben today I can safely say that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 10:49:48 AM Ed, Happy Birthday... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CatherineAtlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 12:32:58 PM Damn. I was away from my 'puter this morning - I was planning on posting a Happy Birthday greeting to you! But, you know, I always have the most fun at the birthday parties I throw for myself. Have a great day, Ed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 02:45:07 PM Happy B-Day Ed. In other good news, ENDA is moving forward: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2010 03:18:16 PM OK some more good news we can all celebrate today, Tax Day: (You're likely getting a tax cut): Again, most tax bills are in Fact Lower for this year: Thank a Democrat & that Obama fella. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2010 01:13:56 AM Comes too late for B-Day celebrations, so next year perhaps? Your own still! Cheers! JMP "Chasing the White Dog: An Amateur Outlaw's Adventures in Moonshine (Hardcover). Max Watman. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Endorsements for Teilhet BASENAME: endorsements_for_teilhet STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/16/2010 09:21:13 AM ----- BODY: endorsement.jpgAsk and ye shall receive! Got an email from Rob Teilhet's campaign touting a list of "nearly 40 endorsements in the metro-Atlanta area alone, putting him far ahead of the competition." The list appears to be most, if not all, of the metro Atlanta delegation in the legislature. Also included in the list is Jim Martin. Not really surprising considering Ken Hodges (for whatever reason) gave money to Saxby. Read the release and the complete list of names below the fold. If anyone has any news of who has endorsed who please share them in the comments! I'd like to get a running list going of all the races and the endorsements. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Rob Teilhet Builds Extraordinary Support while in Session Forbidden by law from accepting financial campaign contributions during session, Attorney General candidate Rob Teilhet builds powerful ground game Smyrna, GA - As state law prohibits any seated legislator from raising campaign dollars between January 11, 2010 and the end of the legislative session, Representative Rob Teilhet has worked on raising a different kind of support--building a powerful ground game in his bid to be Georgia's next Attorney General. In addition to the $370,000 + he has raised in monetary contributions, Representative Teilhet has amassed nearly 40 endorsements in the metro-Atlanta area alone, putting him far ahead of the competition. "I'm honored to have the support of so many great Democratic leaders, organizations, and elected officials," said Teilhet. "Because of my public service, my opponents in this race will have about four more months to raise funds than I will. Yet my support on the ground, in communities across the state, has been enormous. Having these longtime leaders--who truly know their voters--standing beside me is priceless." Adding to the dozens of previously announced endorsements from Augusta, Savannah, Midway and Sparta and the endorsement of the IBEW Local Union 613, Representative Teilhet unveiled today nearly 40 endorsements from the metro-Atlanta area, spanning Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale Counties. They include: Senator Curt Thompson--DeKalb and Gwinnett Senator Doug Stoner--Cobb Senator Emanuel Jones--DeKalb and Henry Senator Steve Thompson--Cobb Senator Nan Orrock--Fulton Senator Vincent Fort--Fulton Senator Steve Henson--DeKalb and Gwinnett Senator Ronald Ramsey--DeKalb and Rockdale Senator Gloria Butler--DeKalb and Gwinnett Representative Don Wix--Cobb Representative Terry Johnson--Cobb Representative Pat Dooley--Cobb Representative Sheila Jones--Cobb and Fulton Representative Rashad Taylor--Fulton Representative Pat Gardner--Fulton and DeKalb Representative Margaret Kaiser--Fulton Representative Ralph Long--Fulton Representative Joe Heckstall--Fulton and Clayton Representative Tyrone Brooks--Fulton and Douglas Representative Roger Bruce--Fulton and Douglas Representative Virgil Fludd--Fulton and Fayette Representative Mike Glanton--Clayton Representative Glenn Baker--Clayton and Henry Representative Mary Margaret Oliver--DeKalb Representative Karla Drenner--DeKalb Representative Michelle Henson--DeKalb Representative Billy Mitchell--DeKalb and Gwinnett Representative "Coach" Williams--DeKalb Representative Howard Mosby--DeKalb and Henry Representative Rahn Mayo--DeKalb and Henry Representative Dee Dawkins-Haigler--DeKalb and Rockdale Representative Hugh Floyd--Gwinnett Representative Brian Thomas--Gwinnett Representative Lee Thompson--Gwinnett Former Representative and U.S. Senate Candidate Jim Martin-- Fulton Holli Cash--Cobb County School Board Councilman Bob Roche--City of Doraville Solicitor General Robert James--DeKalb Elder Bill Harris--Albany native now in Atlanta "It's been inspiring to receive so much support from across the state," said Rep. Teilhet. "Both old and new friends alike have been so helpful with their time, advice, prayers and their aggressive support. They know that preventing crime, protecting our children and fighting corruption isn't just a job for me--it's my life's work." Teilhet's campaign for Attorney General focuses on protecting Georgia's children, crime prevention, ethics in government, and consumer protection. Teilhet is widely known as a champion in the General Assembly for protecting Georgians from rip-offs and con artists. He has been a reliable supporter of law enforcement and crime victims as a member of the House Judiciary Committee. Teilhet has also consistently fought for stronger ethics laws. Rob Teilhet (pronounced tuh-lay) has represented Smyrna and Marietta in the Georgia House of Representatives since his election in 2002 at the age of 28. He is the Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus and serves on the Judiciary, Education, and Industrial Relations Committees. He is a partner in the Marietta law firm of Rogers, Strimban & Teilhet. More information about his campaign can be found at his website, . ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Ideas for Reform BASENAME: ideas_for_reform STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/16/2010 09:42:36 AM ----- BODY: main-image.jpgAs I mentioned earlier there are four fun-filled days left in the legislative session. Now it is too late to introduce legislation for the year but I'd like to make some small suggestions for saving some money that could be introduced next year. I used to blog over at Tondee's Tavern (still do technically) and I made a suggestion a while back. Don't remember it exactly but it went something like this:
      "On any day when the legislature is in session, any legislator who receives any food, drink, or other item typically considered to be sustenance must repay that amount of his or her per diem. All receipts for the expenditure in question must be disclosed by both the lobbyist and the legislator. At any large scale event put on in such a way that individual meals or beverages or other items can not be disclosed, the legislator must repay a proportional amount of the event.
      So basically a lobbyist pays for food or drink, you don't get to keep that amount of your per diem. Go to a party/big lunch put on for 20 legislators, you repay 1/19th of the total cost. If you go over your per diem suck it, you have to repay out of your own funds. One I was thinking of the other day (and may have mentioned before) goes like this:
      Any legislator who resides or represents a district within the metropolitan Atlanta area shall not receive any state funds for transportation.
      Look, if you represent Hahira or Parrot or Montezuma I can understand forking over a little dough. I mean there are places in Georgia that are a five hour drive to the Gold Dome. It is reasonable to pay for that kind of travel to ensure representation for those citizens but come on, does someone who lives 15 minutes from the capital need reimbursement for travel? I'd also be in favor of making it tougher to receive reimbursement for travel done "on official business". Fortunately for you I have to actually work today so I don't have time to write out more dreck. On this topic at least. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2010 04:00:28 PM I can make it even easier than that. No legislator can take any gifts or anything of value. Period. I mean, why stop at food? The problem is, gifts from whom? Lobbyists? They'll just give it to someone else to give to them. Only during the session? Seems weak. So it's a sticky problem. Surely someone somewhere has a pretty good system that we could look at though ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2010 04:23:07 PM I'd be okay with this if they would change the salary to a living wage of some kind. Maybe tie it to the state minimum wage? Pre-Reconstruction, being a Legislator was considered a full-time job (and it is) and was paid accordingly. Not crazy, just normal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2010 05:05:22 PM I agree with that too, but unlikely to happen in our lifetimes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2010 05:34:11 PM At first glance, I thought this was a decent idea, and I was thinking about how you could campaign on this idea, how to get away from the language of the bill and communicate what this idea is really about. It's about being able to trust your government, representatives being honest and up front about what they're doing and being accountable to the people who elected them. And if that's what it's about, then it should be called something like the public official accountability act or the honest government act or the anti corruption act. But after taking a step back and looking at the big picture, maybe this isn't the right approach. What do these guys make? I know it's only for four months of the year, but isn't it like 22k a year? Sometimes it's smarter to pay more to avoid corruption. A decision was made years ago by conservatives to make private sector work higher paying than public sector. That way the best and the brightest would seek out work in the private sector. This trend should stop and reverse course. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2010 10:46:26 AM It isn't so much about being honest as it is saving the state money. If they can't seriously tackle the issue of what amounts to probably less than $1 million a year, there is no way they will deal with anything of true substance. Baby steps I figure. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: This Stinks BASENAME: this_stinks STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/16/2010 11:05:35 AM ----- BODY: GAME-OVER.gifTravis Fain will leave The Macon Telegraph.
      With yesterday's announcement of a final schedule for the 2010 legislative session, I think it's appropriate to announce my own plans. Shortly after the session ends I will be leaving The Telegraph after nearly 10 years. I'll be moving to North Carolina to join my girlfriend, and we plan to marry. Just what will become of this blog, I am not sure. It may end, or I may not be able to resist the urge to comment here.
      He is one of the best political reporters in Georgia. The style and tone of his stories are (were?) awesome. The New York Times also has a story about a departure of sorts in the Georgia journalistic world. I was going to write about it but I don't have time today. Maybe in an open thread on Monday. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2010 12:39:44 AM From le Sidebar: "Political Insider Michael Thurmond to make Senate run against Johnny Isakson 1:12 pm April 16, 2010, by Jim Galloway State Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond, a Democrat, on Tuesday will announce his entrance into the U.S. Senate race against Republican Johnny Isakson". JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Benson TITLE: Who needs consitutional officers anyway? BASENAME: who_needs_consitutional_office STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/17/2010 01:21:05 AM ----- BODY: Political Insider is reporting that Commissioner Thurmond will announce his candidacy to challenge Johnny Isakson on Tuesday. Apparently whoever's doing this courting feels like sending our last remaining statewide incumbent on a suicide mission is a good way to maintain our relevance. I'm forecasting a 60% chance of bupkis on November 3. Upchuck bags can be found in the seat pocket in front of you. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2010 11:11:16 AM I suppose the good news is that Darryl Hicks will run for this office. That's about all the good news in this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2010 11:58:11 AM Mike thurmond isn't that strong of a labor commish anywhere. The weakeness of Georgia Dems is astounding and makes our entire state look stupid to the rest of the country. PPP finds Isakson to be the 3rd weakest GOP incumbent. Need to run someone against him and hard if we ever want to win against anyone. No way around that, stop whining. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2010 12:25:05 PM And before people start whining about how, let my boss show you: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/18/2010 10:53:06 AM Isakson is not going down. This is beyond foolish. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/18/2010 01:31:58 PM I'm ok with Thurmond running, long as he runs as hard as he can i think he helps the entire D ticket. The biggest concern i have is the cost. To run a full campaign statewide he'll need about 3.5million. Of that, he'll likely have to raise a huge chunk in 2nd QTR before DSCC will chip in. No idea what their bar is, but prob 500K? maybe 1million? on his own first? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/18/2010 02:44:26 PM Isakson is really sick. A line from this weekend--politicians will ALWAYS lie about being much healthier than they are. Thurmond also has (IIRC) $1 millionish in his LC account. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Zaid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2010 12:11:36 AM "Isakson is not going down. This is beyond foolish." The GOP sens .are never going to go down if Dems are back asswards enough to not run strongly at top ticket races. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2010 01:09:43 AM The difference between the Democrats having won zero statewide offices and having won Labor Commissioner is what, exactly? I don't see the value in Thurmond running for re-election. If it's a good year for Democrats then Thurmond misses his chance for advancement. If it's a bad year for Democrats and Thurmond nevertheless prevails, he will face an even more hostile climate against an incumbent Republican during the midterm election of Obama's second term. If it's a such bad year for Democrats and Thurmond loses re-election, he's lost an opportunity to raise his profile for any future candidacy. This is the best choice. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Live-Blogging the Young Democrats Gubernatorial Debate BASENAME: live-blogging_the_young_democr STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/17/2010 03:58:45 PM ----- BODY: We are about to start at 3:59pm at the Zell Miller Student Center on UGA's campus. So far we've got Attorney General Thurbert Baker, and former Gov. Roy Barnes, the other candidates are in route. Outside the forum we have Democratic Congressional Candidate (D-10) Russell Edwards with a strong campaign presence. Also, Atty General Democratic Candidate Ken Hodges, and Secertary of State Candidates Gail Buckner & Gary Horlacher. Let the show begin... This forum is put on by Young Democrats of Georgia and moderated by AJC Political Reporter Jim Galloway. I'm going to go ahead and link in the live-debate box from ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: Democrat, Governor ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Save the Georgia Council for the Arts! BASENAME: save_the_georgia_council_for_t STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/18/2010 11:16:55 PM TAGS: "rednecks strike again" ----- BODY:
      A few days ago, the House Appropriations Committee voted in a budget for the 2011 fiscal year that cuts funding so drastically for the Georgia Council for the Arts that the organization would likely cease to exist entirely. This would give Georgia the distinction of being the only state or territory in the country without an arts agency.
      Georgia Council for the arts (GCA) is a state agency with the mission to provide access to the arts for all Georgians. The agency strives for 100% statewide coverage in the support of arts programming through grants, which are competitive applications for funding that are adjudicated by peers. The GCA provides a range of grants and funding opportunities for nonprofit arts organizations, individual artists, as well as acting as advocates for access to state art funding by under served, small communities. Please sign this petition if you are against the proposed budget cuts and wish to support the arts in the state of Georgia.
      At this writing, 358 people have signed the petition. The goal is 1,000 signatures. Please take a minute and add your name today. Update from GCA (Tuesday):
      Clients, Colleagues and Supporters: The Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman, Senator Jack Hill, made a statement this morning that included this announcement: the Committee is restoring the Governor's budget recommendation for Georgia Council for the Arts ($890,735), which will allow GCA to match its federal grant. We have downloaded the Senate budget and can confirm this action by the Committee. The arts industry of Georgia has two more hurdles: the full Senate Vote the Conference Committee vote Everyone, thank you for your support thus far!
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2010 11:01:56 PM Thanks for this Mel, Of all the stupid, counter-productive assine stunts the Rethugs have pulled in recent years, this one takes the cake. Once again leaving Fed matching money on the table just to 'prove a point'. If anyone was actually following along and who could tell the tale... But thanks for noticing. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jack Sartain EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2010 09:50:56 PM The Arts Are Small Businesses – Let’s Help Them Succeed Jack Sartain – A Voice for the Arts in DeKalb 770 856 1377 About 700 of us “marched on” the Capitol on Monday, April 19th, to draw public attention to the short sighted decision of our “enlightened” legislature to wipe out the State Arts Council. Without the State Arts Council, Georgia loses the grants in total from the National Endowment for the Arts, notwithstanding insistence that the Department of Community Affairs can handle the grant. Not so, according to the partnership requirements of the NEA. As one who knows, the grants are small yet important to arts groups and schools in attracting private and foundation funds. Most artists and arts groups do generate revenue from their efforts but many times not enough to offer sustainability. This is especially true of the “grassroots” variety where children and adults are honing their talent and learning about the business side of the arts.. Perhaps the grants can be managed in some way by the only state or territory without an Arts Council. But what does that say to industry and businesses which ask about that kind of thing before considering moving to a location. Any business recruiter will admit that they are always asked about quality of the schools including art and music, theatres, art museums, schools for the arts, and other cultural opportunities. Quality of life issues bear heavily on their relocation decisions. Corporations do inquire of the State Arts Council about such amenities and community supports for their officers and employees. Somebody down at the Capitol evidently doesn’t get it! Study after study has proven that the arts are economic generators. Artists are entrepreneurs, own small businesses, are great community builders and attract visitors and tourists.. Bring a critical mass of artists into the center of a village or town and that town changes and improves profoundly. The City of Stone Mountain is about to embark on just such an effort. Under the leadership of the Mayor and City Council, the Stone Mountain Downtown Development Authority, ART Station, the DeKalb Council for the Arts, Inc., the Historic Society, Mainstreet and a large number of citizens and the merchants are anxious to get the program started. This catalyst to jump start the local “microeconomy” of Stone Mountain will be made possible under the microeconomic development program funded by HUD and administered by DeKalb County. Five artists and their studios right on Main Street will provide the nucleus which will attract other creative businesses which will draw people to spend their money in the City. This effort, along with the new Streetscape Project, now underway, should prove very effective in demonstrating that arts are a viable part of the economy of any locale. Since the arts are a key driver of many city and regional economies, some local and state governments and their arts and economic development agencies have begun to engage in coordinated efforts to foster the growth of the arts industry. Georgia can do the same if the political leadership, which controls the budgets and organizational structure, would simply consider coordinating (not integrating) community development, economic development, cultural tourism and the arts and humanities programs it now oversees. Perhaps our own local governments can demonstrate this new trend through the model created by Stone Mountain and DeKalb County. Bring back the State Arts Council! It’s good business! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2010 01:18:00 PM Thanks Jack, Well said. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Quote of the Week -- Thurmond Edition BASENAME: quote_of_the_week_--_thurmond STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/19/2010 09:01:52 AM ----- BODY: Thurmond.jpgSpeaking at the Young Democrats of Georgia Convention in Athens on Saturday, Labor Commissioner (and soon-to-be Senate candidate) Michael Thurmond said:
      Sometimes I want us to take a step back and look at us the same way our enemies see us...I want us to look at each other "the same way al Qaeda sees us".
      Now I don't remember the exact wording of the first sentence but the al Qaeda line is correct. Thurmond of course wasn't saying he wants us to walk down the street and see potential pawns to murder for political ends. He was saying he wants us to see each other as Americans and Georgians, not black or white, rich or poor, Southerners or traitorous carpetbaggers. I also asked him if Galloway was correct with his reporting and Thurmond responded: "he will be". An attendee remarked Thurmond's drawl seemed thicker than it had been before. I have no idea about that. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2010 11:19:17 AM Oh, good, it must be guaranteed loss week. The entire theory of putting an African-American candidate at the top of the ticket to drive turnout is depressing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2010 12:19:34 PM I suppose I should be happy that at least we have folks who are willing to run against the incumbents. However, it certainly a measure of just how thin our bench is. RJ still has my vote. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: open_thread_5 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/19/2010 11:19:25 AM ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for blog_icon_thread.jpgMary Norwood is running for Fulton County Commission Chair as an independent. Meh. Eaves is weak enough to be picked off. Wonder if the DPG will re-use the "Mary Norwood is a Republican" mailer. Just the name "thermal inversion" sounds like no fun. Anyone know if other counties are at risk of this? No mention of the most serious risk from driving mopeds. Damage to your dignity. Pure speculation here but all this reminiscing at Grift Drift sure reads like he is preparing to turn off the blog-lights. This is my favorite one FWIW. Book your tickets today! Airlines and hotels give huge discounts if you make reservations 19 years in advance. Once you get 18 years out, rates skyrocket. Joe Queenan has a hilarious essay in the New York Times Book Review. Sure made up for a terrible NYTimes Magazine. An oldie but a goodie: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries. YES PLEASE. The American Library Association announced the most challenged books of 2009. From the release: "Lauren Myracle's best-selling young adult novel series "ttyl," the first-ever novels written entirely in the style of instant messaging, tops the American Library Association's (ALA) Top Ten list of the Most Frequently Challenged Books of 2009." OMG WTF? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2010 12:47:32 PM I see Norwood made the announcement at a "Johns Creek GOP event." Shocker. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2010 03:44:46 PM Noted in passing, Dr. Dorothy Height dies @ 98: "Dr. Dorothy Height, the matriarch of the civil rights movement, died today at the age of 98. Dr. Height stood with Dr Martin Luther King during his "I have a dream speech" and worked tirelessly as an activist until her last days...." And this valuable piece of advice from an economist we should all love & read more: [Dean Baker @ CEPR.Net]: "Do You Have to Be Clueless About the Economy to Talk About Fiscal Responsibility?" Read More Commentary here: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2010 01:12:36 PM Another loving tribute to the late Dr. Dorothy Height by Marian Wright Edelman: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: It's all the buzz... BASENAME: its_all_the_buzz STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/19/2010 06:31:29 PM ----- BODY: On this blog, on other blogs, and around the news... Georgia Labor Commissioner jumps into the US Senate Race. Or should I say "will jump"? It looks like Wednesday is the day that Michael Thurmond, currently serving his third term as Georgia's Labor Commissioner, will announce his candidacy for US Senate. He'll run against Senator Johnny Isakson, currently in the final year of his first term in the US Senate. The AJC has a three-point analysis of the challenges and opportunities Commissioner Thurmond faces. And, for a change, the comments on the AJC Political Insider offer some thoughtful considerations, as well. However, to me the most curious comment over at the AJC ends with this: The thing I still don't understand is: what's in it for Thurmond? Seriously? What's in it for Thurmond? Ah, I don't know, perhaps the opportunity to serve in among the most respected and influential bodies in the world? I like Mike. I think he'll be a terrific US Senator. I suspect this race will be tough but we don't know what the future holds. What I do know is that having a viable, enthusiastic, capable candidate is certainly a good place to start. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2010 10:10:30 PM I like Mike too, and I think he's a solid & good campaigner & would make a decent candidate, and I think this is a plus for us. I like RJ too, and I think they could both 'tune each other up' profitably for various purposes imaginable too. May the most successful candidate win. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Boob of the Week BASENAME: boob_of_the_week STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/20/2010 09:43:17 AM TAGS: answers,"Boob of the week",boobs,"Marsha Blackburn","Meet the Press",questions,"stuff that is stupid","stupid answers",stupidity,Tennessee ----- BODY: A loyal fan of mine who eagerly awaits my latest post suggested I start a new series called: "Boob of the Week". Within said series I would highlight the work of a boob of the highest degree. There is no rest for the weary so I present to you, the first winner of the prestigious and esteemed "Boob of the Week", the one and only congresswoman from Tennessee's 7th Congressional District: Marsha Blackburn! Her amazingly stupid answer on Meet the Press to David Gregory's question: "What did freedom get the American people during--that led to the financial collapse? Is that not a fair question about the limits of, of the free capitalist system?"
      "We know, we know that if you let free markets work--there is no expiration date on the free market. There is no expiration date on the American economy."
      Couldn't have said it better myself! Honorable mention goes to Michael Thurmond. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2010 02:23:08 PM Nomination: The argument I guess is over the deranged vs. just merely idiotic. Here? Both, and certainly every last person involved in the enterprise. Including the space aliens running the DoD. Every time you think they've not plumbed the depths of corruption, dysfunction, uselessness, mendacity and well crazy, they burrow ever deeper into that diseased rectum of a Rethug. fantasy world they'd want us all to live in. Just amazing. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2010 03:25:13 PM Honorable mention, juvenile division: "Protesting at Senator Barbara Boxer's Event Was a Step Backwards for Equality" Dive bomb Boxer, w/a 100% rating from the HRC, just to 'get back @ Barry'. Smooth move. The next week after he advances the ball of equity down the field really for the 1st time in yes, decades. Gotcha. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2010 03:52:58 PM BTW there are many directions this series could go. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2010 07:55:43 PM Loyal fan is an interesting way to describe me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2010 09:00:56 PM Vs 'alter ego' or 'nemesis' here: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Sinton on septuagenarians and scumbags BASENAME: sinton_on_septuagenarians_and STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/21/2010 12:11:58 AM ----- BODY: Atlanta-based, self described "serial media entrepreneur" Jon Sinton, founder of AirAmerica Radio and brother of former 6th District Congressional candidate Steve Sinton, has a post up at Like the Dew that you might enjoy. Some Things are More interesting and Complicated Than You Think
      I was listening in the Fall of 2008 when Mr. Boortz blamed the economic crisis that was unfolding in the form of a crashed stock market and a frozen credit market on the poor who, he opined, had no business taking out all those subprime loans. I mention this because character assassination is Mr. Boortz's stock-in-trade (along with an irrational hatred of liberals). And, it's a bit personal. A few months ago Mr. Boortz chose me as his target. He took grave offense at an interview that I gave Vanity Fair where I stated the factual case that conservative talk hosts like him and Rush Limbaugh preach to an aged crowd. I made the point, using Arbitron statistics, that the average conservative talk radio host is addressing an audience of septuagenarians.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Once more with feeling... BASENAME: once_more_with_feeling STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/21/2010 01:19:46 PM ----- BODY: Gay ATL restaurant owner tries to unseat gay-friendly GOP lawmaker
      After being disqualified for not meeting residency requirements in 2008, gay business owner Keith Gross is making a second attempt to unseat state Rep. Mike Jacobs (R-Atlanta) for the District 80 post in the Georgia House of Representatives.
      Keith's website is here. Via Jules. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2010 01:32:53 PM Oh for Gods sake. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Cecil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2010 02:43:08 PM I'm sure this time he's qualified. With all the oppo that the Log Cabins did last time around, Keith can probably expect a bumpy-Jill-Chambers-inspired ride. But the day that Mike Jacobs goes down will be one of great rejoicing, and I will personally pee on his political grave. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2010 02:46:32 PM Hope springs eternal ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/21/2010 06:03:02 PM Well bless his heart. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2010 01:23:56 PM Hell no. In fact, I'm still waiting on my donation refund from two years ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2010 01:26:05 PM For those who don't remember, Keith Gross cashed campaign checks after he was disqualified and didn't give refunds. Fuck that guy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2010 09:45:12 PM Yeah, I'm still wondering what might have happened to Mike Freeman too. But hey, you spin the wheel & you takes your chances. And the sad thing is, I like Mike too. So we're just left wondering. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2010 09:55:51 AM Any sort of way to reclaim your money? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2010 03:14:11 AM Unlikely at best. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason O. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/27/2010 02:20:15 PM ... Did anyone look at Keith Gross' campaign finance disclosures? ... It shows that all of the donated funds were not spent. It looks like of the $20,000+ that was spent, only $4,000 was donated (not enough to cover even one of the mailers he sent out) and that is still shown as cash on hand. The only money he spent was his own money last time. I don't think we'll find many candidates who are willing to accept the financial burden of running a campaign with their own money. Anyone willing to take on Jacobs deserves our vote. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Save the Georgia Commission on Family Violence BASENAME: save_the_georgia_commission_on STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/21/2010 04:41:14 PM ----- BODY: From my friends at the Georgia Commission on Family Violence... As we enter the final days of the session, our future continues to be uncertain, and we need your help more than ever. While the House budget recommendation is a great way to protect our Commission, the Senate budget recommendation that was just released shows us that our Commission is still very much in danger of having its funding zeroed out, which means that the Commission would cease to exist as of July 1 of this year. Our fate now rests in the hands of the 3 Representatives and 3 Senators on the budget conference committee that will work out the differences between the House and Senate. We urge you now to call and email these conferees, as well as the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of House, to ask them to Agree with the House's FY 2011 Budget Recommendation for the Commission. The talking points and contact info are as follows (note that the talking points are slightly different for the House and the Senate): House: Rep. Jerry Keen: Phone: 404.656.5052 Rep. Jan Jones: Phone: 404.656.5072 Rep. Ben Harbin: Phone: 404.463.2247 Speaker of the House David Ralston: Phone: 404.656.5020 House Talking Points: Thank you for working to preserve the Commission on Family Violence, by moving its funding to the Judicial Council. Please stand strong on this position in the conference committee - maintaining this position is vital for victims of domestic violence in Georgia. Senate: Sen. Jack Hill: Phone: (404) 656-5038 Sen. Chip Rogers: Phone: (404) 463-1378 Sen. Tommie Williams: Phone: (404) 656-0089 Lt. Governor Casey Cagle: Phone: (404) 656-5030 FAX: (404) 656-6739 Senate Talking Points: It is crucial that the Senate agree with the House recommendation for the Commission on Family Violence in the FY11 budget -- to move the funding for the Commission to the Judicial Council. The Commission on Family Violence is the only state agency committed to this issue, and has helped to dramatically reduce Georgia's domestic violence homicide rate. If the Senate's recommendation were to prevail, the good work of the Commission would be lost. We urge you to preserve this vital agency by agreeing with the House recommendation for the Commission on Family Violence for FY11. Again, polite and friendly calls and emails are what we need - that will help the most. Last, please let us know what response you get. Thank you again for everything you do - it will take all of us to make this happen! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: All the best to Kyle Bailey BASENAME: all_the_best_to_kyle_bailey STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/23/2010 12:48:20 PM ----- BODY: If you haven't heard, Kyle is moving to Maine! He writes:
      I have accepted the position of Development Director for EqualityMaine -- to lead the development team through the upcoming legislative and ballot campaigns for marriage equality. Marriage equality narrowly lost at the ballot box in 2009 -- only by about 30,000 votes. Thus, the work continues and Maine represents the best hope to become the first state where voters approve of full equality. I am excited about the opportunity to play a leadership role in this historic effort in our journey for full equality.
      We'll miss you Kyle, but it helps to know your odds of winning just increased by a factor of about 100. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Educators Make Endorsements in Georgia Superintendent Race BASENAME: educators_make_endorsements_in STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/23/2010 09:32:16 PM TAGS: 2010,election,schools ----- BODY: *side note: Brian is a friend of mine for about 8 years now* This past weekend the Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) met in Atlanta for its 2010 Spring Conference and Representative Assembly. During the conference, the GAE Democratic Caucus voted unanimously to get behind Brian Westlake and his campaign for State School Superintendent. The treasurer of the caucus, Brenda Bryan, presided over the meeting and said, "Brian has the full support of the caucus. We are excited to have the opportunity to vote for a fellow teacher and GAE member in the upcoming election." "A major focus of this campaign has always been about empowering teachers as professionals." replied Westlake. "It means the world to me to have support from such a politically active caucus." "Brian has demonstrated a commitment to this organization and what it stands for. We are ready to support his campaign and get out the vote," added LaNelle Holland, who served as chair of the caucus at the time of the vote. The Georgia Association of Educators is dedicated to improving the public education system in Georgia. With over 40,000 members statewide it is one of the largest grassroots organizations in the state. Former U.S. Marine and current classroom teacher, Brian Westlake is seeking the Democratic nomination for State School Superintendent. Brian holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and a Master of Science Degree in Sociology from Florida State University. He also received a Juris Doctor from Georgia State University's College of Law and a Master of Public Administration from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2010 12:03:43 PM They aren't educators they are ****ing teachers and trying to spread anything other shows why we will be in the bottom of all education rankings (and I'm not even joking). Stupidest, most overwrought, useless synonym ever. Perhaps even worse than "tea and coffee making facilities" for "kettle". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2010 08:31:19 PM Gee Ed, We're warming to your crankiness but please, that particular descriptor for teachers seemingly does warrant likely nearly a dozen (or more) prosecutions state wide, year in & year out too. But I also imagine that part of the genesis of the division or dichotomy here was behind the original NEA/AFT 'split', the AFT being the more 'classically' union based organization, started by Samuel Gompers in Chicago. But on the substance of the post, I imagine we'll have to wait to see what the entire GAE does as far as endorsements (maybe), but it does seem like a leg up for Brian. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: why_is_ed_so_awesome STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 04/26/2010 10:33:54 AM TAGS: Atlanta,"commonwealth club","ed is awesome",Falcons,"jerry weintraub",kasimreed,Mayor,"Mayor Reed","open thread",qualifying,sports,stuff,"stuff that is stupid",thread ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for blog_icon_thread.jpgQualifying begins today! Why am I dreading what we will find out? Rhetorical question by the way. We've already got one seat lost, Jason Shaw qualified as a Republican. Stop me if you've heard this one before--the Falcons' draft was terrible. Mel Kiper gave it a C-. Sorry Jeff Schultz, but you are wrong about this. The draft is about selecting players who will fill gaps/improve your team. We may not know how they turn out but we can predict what will happen, which is what drafting comes down to. Pretty much anytime I hear or read anything Archbishop Gregory says I am reminded how blessed the Archdiocese of Atlanta is to have him as our shepherd. He needs to become a Cardinal! Not even 12 months in to his term and Kasim Reed is shaping up to be one of Atlanta's greatest mayors. Who has two thumbs and isn't shocked? This guy. I said to myself yesterday I wouldn't link to the entire New York Times' Week in Review section, but clearly I have failed. This is cool, this is lulzy. A-Rod is a tool. Jerry Weintraub was at the Commonwealth Club recently . He sounds like an interesting fellow. Told a great story about drinking with George Clooney that is worth a listen. It is rare that the Club doesn't put on an interesting discussion. A ridiculously BAMF apartment I was just informed of. Nothing wrong with a little comment etiquette reminder. Nothing at all. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2010 11:21:47 AM BTW: to borrow a line from my brother, thank god the Patriots didn't draft Tim Teblow, otherwise I'd have to find a new team. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2010 09:05:25 PM On Newspapers: The AJC does not crack the top 25 in circulation. But that's OK, there's only a select few in the South that do. But mostly? The newspaper readers seem to be Yankees, transplanted (retired) Yankees, or Westerners. Especially New Yorkers evidently. Go figure. And oh yeah, circulation continues to plummet for most too, down 8.7% on average: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 12:45:49 PM as of today at Noon: Number of unchallenged Republican Incumbents or unchallenged open seats in the State House: 73 Number of unchallenged Democratic Incumbents or unchallenged open seats in the State House: 64 Those numbers should improve for the Dems by Noon tomorrow. Number of unchallenged Republic Incumbents or unchallenged open seats in the State Senate: 29 Number of unchallenged Democratic Incumbents or unchallenged open seats in the State Senate: 19 Big gap there in the Senate...oy. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Would you pledge allegiance to the party? BASENAME: would_you_pledge_allegiance_to STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/26/2010 02:39:58 PM ----- BODY: icon_ga_flag.jpgGood for Ray Boyd.
      Boyd said he objected to the loyalty oath, which says the signer pledges allegiance to the GOP, because the party is far from perfect and he wouldn't swear to always support the party's actions. He tried for a compromise by producing three variations of the oath, all of which elaborated on the original by declaring his independence from party dogma when appropriate. As Boyd laid out his documents on a conference room table at the Capitol, party chairwoman Sue Everhart was standing over him. "No," was all Everhart said.
      But, we'll see if he gets very far as an independent. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2010 06:05:03 PM In answer to the question, no. I will however be happy to sign Boyd's petition for Independent ballot access. I hope that he will reach out to all manner of folks to help him with getting the signatures. Now Mr. Boyd, about those awful black and white yard signs.. dear me they are dreadful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/27/2010 11:08:39 PM Yes, if I wanted to run for office in GA as a Democrat and they said sign this loyalty oath - I would just do it. That may seem lemmingish, but I would probably just consider it some boilerplate crap I had to do. However, I see Ray Boyd's point and do not think he should sign it if it goes against his conscience, but really what is the republican party going to do? Unelect him if he doesn't toe the line? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2010 03:58:33 AM It's good that it's a pretty simple & yet utterly meaningless (operationally) oath, as it's legal standing is likely quite dubious. So if Boyd did elect to sign it, they really could not do much of anything to him if for example he actually deigned to dare vote say ~15% of the time with Democrats. Or ever so occasionally, (more than once?) against his caucus. You know, like most 'conservatives' were able to do merely less than a generation ago. When they were slightly less nuts. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 04:57:59 PM I probably would sign it too, given that it's a pretty vague statement. We do have to sign something that says we will abide by the RULES of the Dem Party. That makes more sense. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Decisions BASENAME: decisions STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/28/2010 09:00:20 AM ----- BODY: decisions-thumb-365x556-33701.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 01:29:00 AM I can't resist, Decision Points... 1.) To Failure! 2.) 'Be very sharp for me' 3.) All went South. 4.) Into the Dumpster, really. 5.) To me taking up a life of drinking again. Ah, retirement! 6.) To Laura's book being a better read & outselling this one. 7.) To naming that decade the Bushed years for the infamous double W 'back to back' recessions. But hey the first since Nixon to have 'em! 8.) To Unka Dick Cheney for actually doing most of the critical 'decisions'. Sorry 'bout that. 9.) For me to finally do some good at rehabing Poppy Bush's good name. Hey I did something right! 10.) To the country 'moving on' and almost forgetting I ever existed as a infamous & most unfortunate 'mistake of history'. Hey, being a drunken lout does have it's advantages too. I hardly recall anything either!--- Dubya Bush, proud son, failed patriot, owner of 2 simultaneous failing wars and a Depression economy by the time he left office. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: LGBT DEMOCRATS HOST MIXER FOR NEWLY-QUALIFYING DEMOCRATS BASENAME: lgbt_democrats_host_mixer_for STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/28/2010 11:26:30 AM TAGS: Democrats,"election 2010",LGBT ----- BODY: For those of you who remember this from 2006 and 2008 (we were at Front Page News in 2008), this is going to be a fun time. Links to the events pages here, and here. Press release follows:
      ATLANTA - Atlanta Stonewall Democrats, Georgia's largest Democratic LGBT organization, is hosting a mixer for all the Democrats who qualify for state and local offices this week of April 26-30, 2010. The Mixer is open to Democrats who qualified to be on the ballot for the July 20th Democratic Primary and the November General Election. This main event will be held at Manuel's Tavern, 602 N Highland Ave in Atlanta, on Friday April 30th from 5:30-8pm in the main event space. "This is our first look at our new and returning field of Democratic candidates and challengers for 2010, and it's also a chance for our members and friends to talk one-on-one with candidates about equality issues in our state", says Atlanta Stonewall Democrats Chair, Tim Cairl. Other co-hosts for this event include several Young Democrats chapters around the Atlanta area, the Red Clay Democrats, Planned Parenthood of Georgia Action Fund, and State Representatives Hugh Floyd of Gwinnett County, Margaret Kaiser of Atlanta, and Stephanie Stuckey Benfield of Decatur/DeKalb County.
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2010 12:23:44 PM Hugh Floyd seems like one of the least likely sponsors of something like this, what gives? His son is REALLY conservative FWIW. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2010 05:07:29 PM b/c Hugh has been a good friend of mine for several years. He does listen to his constituents about issues, and this is not one (LGBT) that he veers to the right on, he's quite moderate and thoughtful about any human rights issue. This is from my experience with him. He's also a big supporter of Young Democrats locally, so it's not surprising that he would sign-on to an event they are helping to host. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: New Governor's Race Poll BASENAME: new_governors_race_poll STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/28/2010 12:57:38 PM TAGS: "2010 governor race",Democrats,"election 2010",governor,poll,rasmussen,Republicans,"roy barnes","thurbert baker" ----- BODY: Poll.jpgBlah blah blah, Barnes is within striking distance of all the Republicans, Thurbert doesn't get above 36%, no point in even polling for other candidates. Nothing on the primary from what I saw. RB vs Ox: 43 - 45 RB vs Deal: 39 - 46 RB vs KH: 41 - 42 RB vs Eric: 42 - 37 Full results. H/T: Peach Pundit. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: polls, governor ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2010 10:58:39 PM I am beginning to think obama is not going to bail us out of our Thurbert Problem. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 01:42:18 PM The Deal with Deal? Evidently perhaps some 'residual Democratic memory' is worth some points too. Strangely enough, even today. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Campaigning for a Not-Yet-Existent Seat BASENAME: campaiging_for_a_not-yet-exist STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/28/2010 01:19:25 PM ----- BODY: Word on the street from a reliable Party insider is Emanuel Jones* has already announced he is running for Georgia's new congressional seat. And we don't even know where it will be. Stay classy my friends. *To be fair to Sen. Jones, multiple other members of the Black Caucus have also announced their candidacy. However, he is the biggest name of those who have "announced". ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2010 02:15:06 PM Yikes. It's definitely off-putting for anyone to campaign for a not-yet-existent seat, but it seems a little much to call Jones out like this (especially if you aren't naming the others). What's worse is the horrible trend of U.S. Congressmen not living in their districts. I know what the law is on residency, but I would be plenty pissed if I lived in Clayton County and was "represented" by someone in Inman Park. Let's not send a message that the only Democratic political talent is from within Atlanta/Fulton/DeKalb. Campaigning for the new Congressional seat should not take place before we even know where the district is. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2010 04:48:15 PM If I had the other names I would so post them. That is an act of such great arrogance and stupidity it needs to be rewarded. And I say that as an arrogant and stupid guy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2010 06:44:15 PM Really? I don't see the problem. I do think it's a bit much for a politician to live outside their district, but David Scott's constituents clearly do not agree. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/28/2010 10:50:02 PM If David Scott's constituents cared at all who represented them they wouldn't vote for David Scott. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 01:36:49 AM From time immemorial we've sent Senators to Washington where they've disappeared into the corporate morass and were almost rarely seen outside of it's depressing miasma & corrupt Stygian depths until they either retired from public life entirely or died. Since forever. Look it up. Ditto for plenty of 'regular' Congresscritters too. But especially Senators. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Cecil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 12:06:08 PM People have tried and failed to make a big deal out of David Scott not living in his district. People apparently don't care. Personally, I would care if I lived in such a district, but I don't. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 12:35:16 PM Well, Scott has attracted a primary challenger. This guy won't do much, but there's always hope that at some point in the future a person of substance and fundraising ability who lives in the district will bite the bullet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: ATL-GA EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2010 08:30:46 AM Rep. Scott has two fake Democrats running against him this year. Mike Frisbee ran on the Constitution Party platform in TN two years ago and was going to run as an independent Tea Party candidate up until March. He has stated he rejects progressive values, but thinks a Republican can't win the district. Mike Murphy ran as a Republican in Mass in the 1980's and was Republican Deborah Honeycutt's campaign manager for the last two cycles. He has called himself a life-long Republican in several articles. He and Honeycutt ran a fake Democratic group in 2008, which is still under investigation by the FEC for failing to disclose their financial backing. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Stefan TITLE: Fire Mike Woodson. BASENAME: fire_mike_woodson STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/28/2010 10:36:16 PM ----- BODY: It is time. woodyopen.jpg Yes you. No in game adjustments. Joe Johnson his only answer, no matter how much defense is set up to stop him. Milwaukee Bucks go on a 15-0 run on our home floor, no ideas, no thoughts. Just confusion on the bench and on the floor. It is time for him to go. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 04:18:26 AM Better? Fire Fabrice Tourre! The Fabulous Life of Fabrice Tourre: “The whole building is about to collapse anytime now … Only potential survivor, the fabulous Fab … standing in the middle of all these complex, highly leveraged, exotic trades he created without necessarily understanding all of the implications of those monstruosities [sic]!!!” —Tourre’s e-mail on the coming downfall JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 08:04:47 AM Who the hell are you going to hire to replace him? IF the Hawks lose the series then yeah I'll probably agree with you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 04:50:04 PM So it's Woodson's fault that Joe Johnson fouled out and everybody else missed their shots for four minutes? Joe was 6 for 16. Bibby 1 for 5. Jamal 4 for 18. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 10:12:25 PM Geez, that's depressing to contemplate Jerry. Again, better: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 07:44:01 AM This is more like it: I don't know who you move out to make room. Probably Horford? ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Randall Mangham Running for Governor? BASENAME: randall_mangham_running_for_go STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/29/2010 10:18:55 AM ----- BODY: He has apparently announced his candidacy. I will put a call into his office shortly. And there it is. Edit: His office told me: "I believe so, he just announced it". And there it is. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 10:27:58 AM What is wrong with people? Are there really that many delusional people walking around us, looking normal? When is Thurbert qualifying? Any surprises in store there? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Cecil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 11:27:12 AM I say "Praise God! Halleujah!" That homophobic P.O.S. is gone! And the person who was running against him is progressive! This is a positive move, I think. Who cares if Mangham's delusion led to it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 01:15:07 PM There's the well known 'delusional' problem in politics, but there's the lesser recognized inhibiting factor I call the 'rationality problem' too. If you're not just a bit delusional, why do it at all? That's a huge boulder to try and remove or justify for folks. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/29/2010 03:55:05 PM Georganna Sinkfield for Secretary of State? WTH? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Where We Stand Before The Last 4 Hours of Qualifying BASENAME: where_we_stand_before_the_last STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2010 05:02:11 AM ----- BODY: Below are some numbers for the General Election Only, I've included my "races to watch" below the fold/after the jump...w/e. Here's hoping we have an Agg Comm candidate soon and a few more House challenges, and I have no idea why the Senate has fallen to the wayside. State-wide Seats with NO Democratic candidates - 1 (Ag Commissioner) Congressional Seats with NO Democratic candidates - CD 1 (R-Kingston), CD 6 (R-Price), CD 7 (Open), CD 9 (Open), CD 11 (R-Gingrey) State Senate seats with NO Democratic candidates (totals only) - 26 (um, WTF?) State Senate seats with NO Republican candidates - 17 State House seats with NO Democratic candidates - 75 State House seats with NO Republican candidates - 65 District Atty seats with NO Democratic candidates - 5 District Atty seats with NO Republican candidates - 3 ----- EXTENDED BODY: Some of my personal pics to watch, note that if I didnt include links, it's because there are too many, look up the websites for the candidates that bothered to post them here. If I didn't include a race you think should be in this list it's because I don't have any personal knowledge on it, but please, knock yourself out in the comments! Intra-primary contests (and I aint touching the statewide races sorry): 1. the Hank Johnson vs Vernon Jones & Connie Stokes in CD 4 2. the combined Republican CSFs that are CD 7 and CD 9 (i'm cheering for anyone but Graves) 3. Senate District 17, formerly John Douglas' seat, this has contests on both sides and should have been a D pickup in 2008. 4. Senate District 39 - Vincent Fort vs Graham Balch, apparently Graham has raised a lot of money...I look for Vincent to put a John Lewis-style smackdown on this one 5. Senate District 40 - Three Republicans running, two of them are Dunwoody big-hitters. Only one Democratic candidate and he appears to be mounting a strong campaign...this district went 45% for the Democratic candidate in 2008 who was quite ill throughout the campaign. 6. Senate District 42 *disclaimer-I work for Jason Carter* - Jason Carter v Tom Stubbs. No Republicans in this race to replace Senator Adelman in DeKalb County. 7. Senate District 44 - former State Senator Gail Davenport who was knocked out in 08 by Gail Buckner is attempting a comeback against State Representative Mike Glanton - beware these Clayton County races can turn bizarre quickly. 8. Senate District 47 - 4 Republicans running and only 1 Democrat who ran in 08 for this partial Athens/Clarke County Seat 9. Any of the North Georgia Republican only Primary fights. The mountains are littered with them this cycle. Please guys, knock each other out! 10. State House District 20 - Anyone running against Charlice Byrd deserves a medal. 11. House District 33 - incumbent Democrat Don Wix versus David Wilkerson...they say all politics is local, and I'm betting this one's going to be close. 12. House District 65 - ah, the memories from south Fulton...George Sneed is challenging Sharon Beasley-Teague. Have nothing but good things to say about George, he was a faithful GOTV volunteer over and over in 2008. 13. House District 75 - Again, Clayton County, but Yasmin Neal is spirited and good with the Press (former Young Dems of Georgia Press Secretary), running in this open seat against H. Shawn James in the D Primary. 14. House District 89 - Coach Williams is fending off a challenge from Victory Church Pastor Ken Samuels...This is a fight I'd rather didn't happen. 15. House District 114 - Democrat Holly Ward is attempting to unseat incumbent Keith Heard. Met Holly at the Young Dems Convention this year, seems like a nice lady. 16. House District 143 - Bunch of Dems and one Republican running to replace DuBose Porter in the state house as he leaves to run for Gov. 17. House District 117 - Mark Hatfield who went off the crazy-cliff ala Bachman style this year has a fight on his hands in the R Primary. Now for the fun part! General Election Races to Watch: 1. House District 8 - Democrat Jack Lance is challenging freshman-Republican Stephen Allison. Going to be a spirited fight in the mountains! 2. House District 19 - Democrat Will Avery is taking on the Got-Caught-Cheating-With-My-Mother-In-Law Republican Freshman Daniel Stout who replaced Glenn Richardson of all people...OH the Irony. 3. House District 28 - Irvin of Tommy Irvin, family member Chris Irvin is mounting a run in a district the Irvins have carried since about 1968 when Tommy was elected Ag Commissioner. 4. House District 34 - Former Beauty Pageant Queen who beat Sarah Palin in Alaska, Maryline Blackburn is running against Rich Golich. I think Rich is about to get beat by a very attractive lady. 5. House District 67 - former speaker candidate Bill Hembree has a good Democratic challenger in Kimberly Alexander for this Douglas County seat. 6. House District 81 - Elena Parent has done a stellar job of fundraising and working her grassroots connections in a first ever girl-girl matchup with incumbent Jill Chambers and her one-note Marta-anti-Marta-Marta campaigns. 7. House District 102 - Democrat Porter Deal is going to make a very cool run that could flip this rapidly trending open seat. There are way too many Republicans running to list. 8. House District 103 - Democrat Allan Burns is going to attempt to unseat the I'm-Running-I'm-Not-Running David Casas, also another trending Gwinnett Seat 9. House District 106 - Not to be left out of the Gwinnett seats about to go Blue - Steffini Bethea is running strong in this open Gwinnett Seat. 10. House District 109 - Steve Davis is in for a fight against Democrat Matt Roberts in a very likely pickup district. 11. House District 125 - Two 67-year-old candidates are going to duke it out for this open seat, both retired. Interesting demographic challenge huh? 12. House District 153 - My favorite of all the raced - John Tibbetts is running again for this open seat that Republican Austin Scott is vacating to run for something up-ticket. I think John could take this Tifton/Turner county seat. 13. House District 176 - Democratic State House Rep Jay Shaw abandoned this seat to his Republican son, who has a primary challenge. Democrat Debra Tann is going to try to put the smack-down on this "switcheroo" of a race. 14. House District 179 - Jerry Keen left some back wake in the retirement-ish district that includes St Marys & St Simons. Expect retired teacher Audrey Stewart to make this 40% in 2008 district a top-tier race for the Democrats. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 03:38:05 AM Thanks for the helpful rundown here Tim, I tried all day & week to fill HD14 with a solidly good candidate, but sadly he had this rationality problem previously spoken of. We're likely to qualify someone by noon for the SD31 seat however. At the moment SD52 is also going to be uncontested in Bartow/Floyd (Preston Smith's vacated seat), but we've filled the HD12 spot (Tom Graves'vacated seat) for qualifying for both the 'Special Election' & the general. Other minor notes: having met Maryline Blackburn @ a NW Ga. Democratic event (thanks to Bob Barton), I know she's a very smart, milti-talented, successful singer & entertainer, and no one should under estimate her. And just a lovely woman too. I've got other favs in other races, but suffice to say not all incumbents deserve to win & this is likely the year a few of them are going to be picked off in primaries. Everywhere too. 'Nuff said. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Cecil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 10:21:25 AM I'm pretty excited that Haley will carry the Dem banner in HD 173! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 10:38:00 AM Do I need to go qualify for Ag Commissioner? I was a member of FFA in high school... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 10:40:29 AM I don't know what the numbers were last time, but it "feels" like we are challenging in more races, no? And Keith Kaylor is in! And it's an open seat this time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:01:05 AM Horacena Tate gets a Republican challenger?? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:12:44 AM Donzella James has two primary challengers, Torrey Johnson and a woman I've never heard of before. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:15:01 AM "Miss Angela" jumped in the SOS race. What a mess. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:18:52 AM Hey Jerry, it does feel like we are challenging more. If we get more State Senate candidates today this will be our best showing in a long time in my memory. (Where's ChrisH when you need him to just tell you these things?) lol ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Cecil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:21:00 AM Haley being Haley Shank! She's official! Another YD putting themselves forward. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:27:10 AM Wow. Joe Martin is running for School Sup. He'll be the Dem frontrunner. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jason Cecil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:27:20 AM Wow, Joe Martin has come back for another go at State Superindentent of Education. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:37:49 AM Now Horacena has a Dem challenger too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:40:04 AM Michael Addams looks like the most pretentious twat ever. I'm glad to lose the title. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:50:31 AM Would just one of these numbnuts go qualify for the damn Agg Comm seat?! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:09:48 PM They are showing JB Powell qualified for Ag Comm. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: politicalaka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:19:39 PM You should add Rashad Taylor vs. Able Mable to your races to watch. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:22:59 PM Yeah no you shouldn't. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 01:15:17 PM One of our candidates listed this as his campaign web site. Why do I get the feeling it isn't his? FFFFFFFFFfffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 01:16:01 PM Glad to report that we've been able to contest the widely detested Loudermilk in SD52 in Bartow/Rome-Floyd, & also that HD14 seat he vacated. Tracy Bennett qualified with '5 min to spare' again for SD31 too. And despite the crazy? I for one am appreciative that Andre went ahead with his threat to qualify for the Ag Commission race. Always. Contest. Everything. Possible. Thanks to everyone for all the help to make it all possible. Now we've got to get out there & Fight! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JimNichols EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 01:38:19 PM Add Dawn Randolph to Sen. 44 Matt Roberts is gonna clean Davis' clock in the 109 as lots of Republicans don't like Davis... Rudy Cox was recruited at the last minute for HD 110--he ran against Douglas last go around here in the 17th but he raised $500 and had no GOTV. And the Sen. 17th? We're gonna flip that district this year--count on it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 02:01:08 PM And good luck to you Jim. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: There was Only One? BASENAME: there_was_only_one STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2010 09:51:59 AM ----- BODY: Rep. Chuck Sims (R - Who?/Ambrose) was arrested for DUI yesterday. Just to be clear I am not passing judgment. In fact allow me to say: DUI sucks dude, sorry. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Great BASENAME: great STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2010 10:36:59 AM ----- BODY: J.B. Powell qualified for re-election today which means either Terry Coleman has decided 12 months of personal trauma isn't enough to keep him out of the race or Andre Walker is our Ag Comm candidate. Great. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 10:52:29 AM This is crazy! Maybe Randall Mangham should switch his qualification to the Ag. Comm. race. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sarawaraclara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 11:44:18 AM It's not even like Andre has the $$$ to qualify. Sad. Grim. Pathetic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:03:15 PM JB Powell has qualified for AG Comm ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:08:54 PM Insanity. IN-SAN-IT-Y! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:13:52 PM Did ya'll see that Terry Coleman is running for Commissioner of Labor? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:15:24 PM its actually quite brilliant. JB qualified for his Senate Seat which is only a Democratic district b/c he held it as a D and the Obama lift in 08. oTherwise A Republican would be likely to hold it. Another DEmocrat qualified to run in the primary against JB but was actually his replacement. At the last minute, JB goes in and switches to Agg Commissioner and his primary opponent becomes heir-apparent for his senate seat and JB has no primary in the Ag/Comm race....niccccccccccce. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:16:22 PM lol @ Baxter Garvin and Jesse Stone CLEARLY waiting for JB to move on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 12:19:35 PM SD-23 is almost exactly 50/50. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 01:21:56 PM More tricks like that please! We've got to be craftier, smarter & all working harder to try & beat back the tides of idiot barbarism. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Crazy Season Begins BASENAME: crazy_season_begins STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2010 01:20:40 PM TAGS: ads,barnes,crazy,"crazy stuff","david poythress",election,"election 2010",governor,OMG,poythress,"roy barnes",television,"this is crazy" ----- BODY: Qualifying is done so now we get to crazy times--CAMPAIGN SEASON! In my inbox this morning came a press release from Gen. David Poythress. It contained a quote resting on an objectively false premise and way too many name drops of one of his opponents, informing the world that Gen. Poythress is airing his first ad. As campaign manager Wendy Davis said: "We're up on TV when most people thought we'd receed into the shadows." Couldn't have said it better myself. Governor Roy Barnes just sent out an email a few minutes ago saying "today is the day - Roy 2010 is launching our first commercial of the campaign". The ad will be unveiled at 4 PM on the Gov's Facebook and Twitter page (you can find them on your own). And so it begins. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 02:44:05 PM Ed, meet 'Taffy 3', Wendy. Wendy, you'll know Ed... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 02:50:01 PM Feel free to write something that makes sense. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 03:40:09 PM Google dear boy is your friend. Top 10 results say... JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 04:04:03 PM I know, it's all so obscure & so long ago, it might have been Battle of Thermopylae. But the top 20 Google hits would have gotten it, easily. And a neat thumbnail description of the action here includes: "How the Tincan Sailors of Taffy 3 Beat The World's Largest Battleship in the Battle off Samar" That largest battleship ever built? The Yamato alone displaced as much as all units of Taffy 3 combined. Guess who came out on top? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/02/2010 05:34:03 PM More ancient history here: "Outnumbered, Outgunned: How Underdogs Prevail:, via NPR: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Tim TITLE: Final Wrap-up from Qualifying: Let's Get Ready To Ruuumble! BASENAME: final_wrap-up_from_qualifying STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 04/30/2010 03:42:59 PM TAGS: "election 2010" ----- BODY: Sorry, couldn't resist a little WWF opener. Here's the update from this morning's Post: Come to Manuels tonight from 5:30-8:30 if you want a look at a few of these candidates! State-wide Seats with NO Democratic candidates - 0 (finally!) - but Terry Coleman didn't qualify for this seat, he went to Labor Commissioner instead...what-ever. State Senator J.B. Powell moved from his Senate seat to run for Agg Commissioner...uh we may have just lost a seat in the Senate. Congressional Seats with NO Democratic candidates - CD 6 (R-Price), CD 9 (Open), CD 11 (R-Gingrey) State Senate seats with NO Democratic candidates (totals only) - 21 (better than 26, but seriously Senate Dems...WTF) State Senate seats with NO Republican candidates - 13 - down from 17 yesterday. State House seats with NO Democratic candidates - 61 - down from 75 yesterday! State House seats with NO Republican candidates - 61 - down from 65 yesterday. District Atty seats with NO Democratic candidates - No change - 5 District Atty seats with NO Republican candidates - No change - 3 ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Cherokeedems EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 05:05:16 PM Let's not forget that Cherokee has qualified four Democratic candidates for State House and Senate races, as well as two local school board races. This is an unprecedented number of Democratic candidates for Cherokee county. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2010 07:55:10 PM I for one am mightily impressed by that accomplishment in Cherokee against tall odds in an decidedly hostile environment. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: lovebug EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 11:01:58 AM Why is Randall Mangham running for governor??!!! Wasn't he just sued for malpractice and lost for over $600,000??? Wow, republicans are gonna eat him alive.... what a waste of time AND money. sigh ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 05:08:12 PM Evidently Mike Freeman is back in the CD 9th race. Which is a good thing: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: If It's Monday, It's an Open Thread BASENAME: if_its_monday_its_an_open_thre STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/02/2010 07:28:06 PM ----- BODY: Borrowing a phrase for this week...the new set for Meet the Press looked pretty BAMF. Although the library seems more like an affectation than anything else. David Gregory is also coming into his own and is now a not-bad MTP host. Sometimes the level of stupidity at the DPG never ceases to amaze me. HYPERLINK WIN! I'm debating if I want to write about their current exploits. Suffice to say they are hilarious. How's the rain treating you today? Sine Die came, and Sine Die went. Not sure if Georgia is any better or worse off than it was on Thursday. 5,000 turned out for an anti-Arizona immigration law rally at the Gold Dome (is there a better way to phrase that? Please advise). That crowd is roughly the same size or larger than the Tea Bag Orgies that have received fawning press coverage yet barely a peep heard about this. For example that story is an AP wrapup of nationwide activities. No I'm not saying the MSM is conservative, just maddeningly inconsistent. Hawks win, Braves still stink. GO ROYALS! More sports... can Money just fight Pacman so we can put to rest any notion that the former is the greatest boxer of our time? Thanks. Phase one: have Calvin Borel jockey your horse. Phase two: hug the rail. Phase three: ???? Phase four: profit! No Triple Crown here though, sorry. If you haven't picked up A Perfect Rigor, do yourself a favor and legally acquire it somehow. New York City is now without a Catholic hospital. Without doubt, the city is worse off for not having any, and the Church also suffers for not being able to adequately support them, among other woes inflicting Her at the moment. This wonderfully vulgar car from the Stutz Motor Company will serve as my next automobile. I think my open threads are too long. DISCUSS! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 08:35:43 AM Yeah these are too long. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 02:44:53 PM Ed, what is up with the link you attached about the DPG? I understand it doesn't work, but what should it be a link to? The link to the DPG's website works: Is it something the DPG was trying to promote? and 5,000 Strong Turn Out at Gold Dome to Rally Against Arizona's Anti-Immigrant Bill ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 03:14:22 PM Hmm I guess it was a problem with the HTML, just tried to hyperlink to the DPG's site. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 04:41:42 PM Of course you missed the better Stutz, the Bearcat: (I know, more ancient history) JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 09:00:20 PM On a serious note: "State Income Taxes Push Many Working-Poor Families Deeper Into Poverty" via report by the excellent By Phil Oliff and Ashali Singham April 29, 2010 "Thirteen states taxed working-poor families deeper into poverty last year. In some of those states, poor families faced several hundred dollars in state income taxes — a significant amount for a family struggling to make ends meet." More from the report: "Summary State income taxes affect working-poor families in different ways. Some states’ tax codes help working-poor families lift themselves out of poverty. Others push them deeper into poverty. An analysis of state income tax systems for the 2009 tax year shows that: * In 13 of the 42 states that levy income taxes, two-parent families of four with incomes below the federal poverty line are liable for income tax; * In 11 states, poor single-parent families of three pay income tax; * And 25 states collect taxes from families of four with incomes just above the poverty line. These findings are based on the federal poverty line for 2009: $21,947 for a family of four and $17,102 for a family of three. Some states levy income tax on working families in severe poverty. Five states — Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Montana, andOhio — tax the income of two-parent families of four earning less than three-quarters of the poverty line ($16,460). And three states — Alabama, Georgia, and Montana — tax the income of one-parent families of three earning less than three-quarters of the poverty line ($12,827). In some states, families living in poverty face yearly income tax bills of several hundred dollars. In 2009, a two-parent family of four with income at the poverty line owed $468 in Alabama, $266 in Hawaii, $225 in Iowa, and $225 in Montana. Such amounts can make a big difference to a family struggling to escape poverty. Other states levying tax of more than $150 on families with poverty-level incomes were Georgia, Illinois, Ohio, and Oregon." " Read more: Yeah, I know, lots of facts & figures. So best Stutz Bearcats? The 1930's: And yes, seems to be the same series: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: There's an app for that BASENAME: theres_an_app_for_that STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/02/2010 08:11:00 PM ----- BODY: Say you're canvassing for your favorite candidate and land at the door of of a voter who not only loves your guy or gal, but wants to make a contribution. Right now. There's an app for that, and not just for the iPhone. In addition to "bump processing", small credit card scanners that plug into cellphones now enable anyone to turn a phone into a credit card processing terminal. Cellphone Payments Offer Alternative to Cash, from NY Times phone_scanner.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 10:18:25 AM Yeah, I'm not giving my credit card number to some dude who shows up on my doorstep. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 10:31:00 AM Good to know Jen! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 05:03:28 PM You mean some green covered dude who's done some side walk art outside your home, and somehow seems to be charging you the handsome sum of $62 for the privilege? Gee that almost seems tragically unsporting, right? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 09:14:30 PM OK, so how about a campaign house party or picnic scenario? Focus people, focus. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 10:23:22 PM Better perhaps than giving it to the Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons who might come to the door too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: WIN Corps BASENAME: win_corps STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/02/2010 08:52:56 PM ----- BODY: Are you a recent college grad with a passion for politics? Do you know one? If so, Georgia's WIN List has launched a new program called WIN Corps that aims to politically empower young people while helping elect progressive Democratic women. Selected applicants will attend a nine day training session in Texas before returning to Georgia in August to work for Georgia's WIN List. These trained staffers will function as a full-time member of WIN's campaign team - filling whatever role is needed to support WIN's endorsed women through Election Day. After Election Day, Georgia's WIN List will help you find your next job in progressive politics. All the info and application can be found here. Pass it on. win_corps.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Who is J.B. Powell? BASENAME: who_is_jb_powell STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/03/2010 04:47:47 PM TAGS: Bubba's,"J.B. Powell","Tommy Irvin" ----- BODY: Seriously, who is this guy? Yeah, yeah I get that he's the only Democrat running for Ag Commissioner, he's conservative, and he served as a State Senator since 2004, but after that....crickets. It's four days after qualifying and I can't find anything more than a handful of links telling me what I already knew; Terry Coleman decided at the absolutely last frigging minute to run for Labor Commissioner and Powell qualified. His qualifications appear to be thin at best, and this cringe inducing video certainly doesn't inspire much confidence. His likely opponent on the other hand, is as slick as slick gets. Last time I saw him his tie cost more than most folks car payment. Trooper that he is, Tommy Irvin will no doubt campaign hard for this guy. Of all the races this one really should have been our strongest but now if you're looking for Hee-Haw candidates he's your guy. I am not. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/03/2010 08:01:19 PM When I was a member of the Young Democrats of Augusta. J.B. was a big supporter of us. He is a very likable guy. The right wing local media in Augusta hates him with a passion. He raised a ton of cash for his reelection campaigns. I think it was around 100K for his state senate seat. I don't know for sure but I do not think that he is a part of whatever is left over from the Walker machine. He is a good guy and is heading into a tough race. I hope that the Democrats can keep this seat. It will be interesting to see how much Mr. Irvin hits the campaign trail for this guy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 10:10:04 AM Gunner, that's nice he's friendly to the YDs.....but not so supportive of the Black Caucus considering he voted against them in 2009 with HR 673 the resolution to make President Obama an honorary member of their caucus. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 10:52:01 AM If he's part of the Walker machine I doubt he's really "not friendly" to the Black Caucus. Just saying. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 11:17:30 AM Ed, well his voting record certainly doesn't reflect that. This resolution was about as hot of a topic as you could get in March 2009. It was talked about for days before it even came to the floor, and then debated for awhile. If he was/is a supporter of the BC then he sure didn't get their backs on this one. Just saying. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gphooligan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 11:18:50 AM It's hard for me to take you serious if you have met the guy and you were impressed. He gave the single worse talk I've ever seen at a local chamber of commerce meeting. It even included a joke about sex and a young girl that was completely inappropriate. He has ZERO chance of winning statewide. And go back and check your sources. He is a horrible fundraiser - the party has had to fund his campaigns. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 11:27:41 AM My recollection is that's a pretty conservative district. I am not defending his vote on the BHO honorary member thing, but was and is a terrible way to waste our media time as a party and a caucus. Stage a walk out on transportation, education, anything that resonates with people. making someone an honorary member of something most people don't even understand, I mean really. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 11:55:24 AM MoS... it actually was a tad bit bigger than that. The Chair of all the state Black Caucus is Rep. Symre who also was Obama's GA transition team appointee for GA. The Gov would not meet with him till Feb 2009( yeah a little after the fact) and since GA has largest BC of all states, the resolution was introduced first in GA then supposed to be done pro forma in rest of states. This defeat was designed to be humiliating, and it was. Any Dem who voted with the GOP that day is really pretty scummy. When the GOP made their speeches they were insulting to the President and the rest of the caucus. While "most" GA voters don't care or get this-I can tell you that Powell as a Dem will have a hard time convincing folks outside his "conservative" district to support him. Frankly he needs our money and connections to run statewide. I don't care that he likes his guns, but I do care that he only gets a 64 from the league of conservation voters- the man's wants to be in charge of AGRICULTURE! Instead of a close election this will be a cakewalk for the GOP, all because we can't get our shit together any better than this. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gunner EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 12:00:48 PM Jules- That vote against the black caucus sucks plain and simple. gphooligan-His money came mostly from PACs and law firms. I don't know how that translates to the party raising him money. Perhaps what he was talking about at the chamber meeting was the current Republican members. His district is pretty much 50/50. I would hate to lose this seat (Ag Commish) to the GOP after it has been held longer by Mr. Irvin then most of us have been alive. And Mr. Walker (Inmate# 16346-171) was no friend of the black caucus, the Dem Party or the people of GA in general. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 12:04:48 PM LCV doesn't really focus on agricultural issues in terms of what an Ag Comm does. If that makes sense. At any rate... tempest, welcome to the teacup. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 12:13:25 PM IRE: You are wrong about the tempest- this may not be a big deal in next two days-but without support of of the DEM base this guy is toast. Burnt toast. Here it is day 6 and still NOTHING from the candidate, no press release, no website, no positive pr anywhere. Biggest stumble out of the gate I've seen for statewide candidate since Majette. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 12:19:38 PM Yeah, the Dem base is huge in Georgia. Huge. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 12:22:38 PM IRE... and running nitwits like this helps to build it? No, no it doesn't. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 12:46:28 PM Jules, I am correct on this one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 10:08:01 AM I understand the point about the Black Caucus, and they should have been steamed. However, this makes no sense to people outside of those that closely follow the legislature and worse than that it seems like a temper tantrum. What they should have done was wait until the GOP wanted to get something passed that was not popular and then walked out en masse and brought attention to that. Lost in the wilderness are we, but mostly because of the way most people in Georgia think and feel about Democrats. That walk-out only strengthens that which keeps us weak. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 10:25:20 AM Um that's not how things worked under Speaker Richardson's tenure. In fact he tried to lock the doors during the walk out the next day-yes that's right lock the doors. Rep. Teague quite rightly told him this wasn't the plantation anymore and he couldn't do that. I guess as "lost" as we are, I can't see us gaining any ground by being complicit in letting someone constantly kick you in the teeth. At some point we just can't keep rolling over and playing their game- we need to play our own. As far as voters not understanding, whatever, I understand, my friends understand, we won't be supporting this guy-with time, money, connections etc. Maybe that's not much-but it might be the difference between losing big and just close. Oh and it's coming up on a week and the candidate still has nothing up for anyone to see/read about him. Also duly noted besides Gunner, no one has told me one nice thing I didn't know about him.. Not one.. it's all been defended as some kind of "you need to support him cause" crap. No I don't, not until someone gives me good reason, otherwise this is just another case of someone failing upwards. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 11:30:15 AM How about after six years of serving on the Agriculture Committee he's pretty knowledgeable about the regulations he'll need to enforce (a lot more so than LCV for example) and unlike the leading GOP candidate isn't a lobbyist and direct shill for the people he's supposed to oversee, even worse than Oxendine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gphooligan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 02:28:05 PM As for his fundraising - his initial campaign for state senator was almost entirely funded by the party. Since then, he has picked up the low-hanging donations from PACs and lawyers that every Dem gets, but that is it. As for the joke - it was not a political joke. It was a politically incorrect joke that even Glenn Richardson would have known better than repeat. And Jules - he has never had a webpage. His campaign strategy has been to put up billboards and buddy up to the good ole boy Democratic sheriffs in his district and get them to work for him. It worked for state senator - for statewide race, I don't think so. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 02:30:41 PM Not a bad thought there IRE, considering minimalist expectations. But once again we seem to be in a stunningly familiar place in Ga. politics. And once again we're thrown back to the wisdom of Casey Stengel. 'Can't anybody here play this game?' Again. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 02:59:35 PM Why Jules is right, Here: TPMMuckraker Right-Wing Extremists Take On Local Law Enforcement, Lose Zachary Roth | May 6, 2010, 11:54AM [Look for the Ga. Angle here too!] We've got to nip this mindless, racist claptrap in the bud. When & where we can, but especially when dealing with & for Governmental entities. It's disgraceful otherwise, and yes, is an affront to the Rule of Law that actually invites these attacks on same. And everyone really ought to know that by now. No excuses, no back sliding, no fooling. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Franklin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 10:25:06 AM Ms. Jules - as for the idea that JB voted against the Black Caucus resolution, let me put that to rest. First, the resolution was a HOUSE resolution that failed to gain passage, making it impossible to be voted on in the Senate. The roll call vote is linked below. Note that while there are two reps named Powell in the House, one voted yes (that would be Alan Powell), and one did not vote at all (Jay Powell). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Juliana EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 06:05:18 PM Ok thanks... Your guy got a website up yet? ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Stop Me if You've Heard this One Before BASENAME: stop_me_if_youve_heard_this_on STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/04/2010 10:24:21 AM ----- BODY: images.jpgStay classy John Kyl.
      "So Obama, Pelosi and Reid are in a row boat, and it springs a leak and starts to sink. Who gets saved? The American people."
      Yes there were lib-tards who made jokes about GWB dying when he was in office and yes it was just as disgusting as this. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 11:00:42 AM Which Democratic members of Congress made jokes about Bush dying? I'm drawing a blank. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 11:38:49 AM Re-read bro. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 11:50:37 AM So you intended to say that there is no difference between a member of Congress joking about the death of the president and, say, a person with a blog (lib-tards?) joking about the death of the president. I don't agree with that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 11:57:16 AM You're right when someone makes a joke about someone else dying, all that matters is who said it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sndeak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 11:57:23 AM I'm with Drew on this one. You cannot compare the comments of a sitting US Senator to those of a political activist. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2010 01:09:19 PM Eh. It's a joke and I'm not "digusted." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 08:39:47 AM Dick Yarbrough has opened his mouth about Jason Carter and showed his ass ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 01:29:00 AM Wow B, That was a perfectly hideously odious hit pice from Dicky Y, who looks about that in a color pic @ the MDJ. But yeah, this is how the old crew did it way back then. Gun down the innocents to tech the rest of the 'rabble' what for & who's really in charge in Ga. Just stunning in it's mendacity & perfectly willingness to plumb the depths of fomented hatred against anything Carter. Still amazing to watch after what? 30-40 years? Give it a rest folks! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Smooth Move BASENAME: smooth_move STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2010 09:33:41 AM ----- BODY: J.B. Powell's handpicked successor doesn't live in the district.
      "Let me apologies to my family, to the state Democratic Party, to those who were supporting me in this endeavor it's totally my responsibility it's my fault I failed to cover first base," said [Leon] Garvin. Garvin is apologizing because last week he qualified as a Democrat for the 23rd District State Senate seat... But Garvin lives in the 22nd Senate District, and has contacted the state Democratic Party to withdraw as a candidate.
      Garvin and Powell are apparently very close politically. The mistake came on Garvin's end. He claims he didn't look at the district map properly, and thought he lived in the 23rd district. Here's a tip to all potential candidates. Just go here to find out which district you live in. I guess Juliana has a partial answer to her question. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 09:59:34 AM This really begs a different question... Who the hell was he voting for that he never noticed? It's not about a map! Seriously these two are claiming they want to be political leaders and they didn't notice that one hadn't ever seen the others name on a ballot cause it's the wrong district? This is a bungle of gianormus implications. Let me get this straight, no one can qualify, we lose the Sen seat, we likely lose the Ag commish and look seriously stupid doing it. Nice. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 10:41:38 AM You can have signatures to get someone on the ballot. REMEMBER this is almost a perfectly 50/50 district, it is completely winable, as is Ag Comm. That and AG are probably the two best shots we have along with Gov once Roy wins. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 10:42:31 AM Wow. This is the second most ridiculous thing I've read all day. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mouth of the South EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 11:21:39 AM I think Chuck Pardue qualified in that race so we may have someone yet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 06:04:15 PM Well with redistricting every other year or so during the 1st years of GOP rule, it's a small wonder that many folks are seriously confused about the issue. But isn't the SoS' Office supposed to check via the self same website as they're registering down there? If not, what's the use of them being there and requiring candidates to show up there to qualify? It was supposed to act as a 'double check' on qualifying, and seemingly it just rarely works anymore. Wonder why. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 06:21:34 PM Because the parties are responsible for qualifying candidates not the S0S. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 06:38:47 PM Yeah, yeah, but Someone's supposed to be there to check this stuff at the last minute, right? Geez, again with Casey Stengel. I know, ever more ancient history. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Baker's First Policy Announcement Today BASENAME: bakers_first_policy_announceme STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2010 10:52:21 AM TAGS: "2010 gubernatorial election",election,"election 2010",governor,policy,"thurbert baker" ----- BODY: Thurbert Baker's first major policy announcement will come at a 2 PM press conference today, dealing with "economic development". Your intrepid correspondent will not be able to make it, as he has to do something at work that justifies his continued spot on the payroll. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 11:01:54 AM If the announcement was about immigration, serious lulz would have been delivered. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: The Golden Sleaze Awards! BASENAME: the_golden_sleaze_awards STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2010 12:40:12 PM TAGS: "Creative Loafing Golden Sleaze 2010","Simone Bell","Stacey Abrams" ----- BODY: coverFINAL01.jpgI love this annual recap of the Georgia General Assembly! Creative Loafing always does a hilarious job of making the inside baseball fun and informative. I'm glad they gave shout outs to Representative Simone Bell and Rep. Stacey Abrams, these ladies make me happy. Thanks, I needed that! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 08:24:46 PM Missed one... [National HeavyWt. Div] JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 09:59:59 PM "Taint that wacky?" This might be the greatest thing I've ever read in CL! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 01:31:45 AM heart heart heart both these ladies! they make me proud ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 02:55:25 AM Dittos, Tim obviously. Nice to see, especially here. More details from the link I sent above. I'll send this along via the incomparable Dan Savage on the 'Slog/the Stranger'. The very funny but definitely NSFW title alone is worth the price of admission, but here it is: (And again, Yes Hide the kiddies!): Kudos for anyone who might sing the ancient 'LumberJack' refrain from MontyPython too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: CAT FIGHT!!!!! BASENAME: cat_fight STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2010 01:28:08 PM TAGS: 2010 ----- BODY: Thurbert Baker, you might recall, is scheduled to have a press conference today to 2 PM. It turns out, Roy Barnes will as well. Someone isn't happy about that.
      To members of the media: I was just informed that the Barnes campaign has this morning called a press conference for 2:00 pm today. As you may recall, I sent out the first notice of our event (which is also today at 2:00 pm) on Monday afternoon so that you would have time to plan to attend (that email is forwarded below). We have obviously made arrangements with our site days ago, so we will be going forward. While I will not ascribe a motive or intent to our colleagues in Marietta, I would hope that to accommodate our media members and in the interest of ensuring that the voters of Georgia have the opportunity to hear the ideas of their various choices for Governor, they will move their press conference to some other time.
      I'd like to give the Georgia press corps a little credit and say, they can adequately cover two candidates' press conferences in one day. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: CAT FIGHT!!!!! BASENAME: cat_fight_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/05/2010 01:34:17 PM TAGS: 2010,"election 2010",governor,"gubernatorial election",Media,policy,politics,press,"roy barnes","stupid campaign tricks","thurbert baker" ----- BODY: Thurbert Baker, you might recall, is scheduled to have a press conference today to 2 PM. It turns out, Roy Barnes will as well. Someone isn't happy about that.
      To members of the media: I was just informed that the Barnes campaign has this morning called a press conference for 2:00 pm today. As you may recall, I sent out the first notice of our event (which is also today at 2:00 pm) on Monday afternoon so that you would have time to plan to attend (that email is forwarded below). We have obviously made arrangements with our site days ago, so we will be going forward. While I will not ascribe a motive or intent to our colleagues in Marietta, I would hope that to accommodate our media members and in the interest of ensuring that the voters of Georgia have the opportunity to hear the ideas of their various choices for Governor, they will move their press conference to some other time.
      I'd like to give the Georgia press corps a little credit and say, they can adequately cover two candidates' press conferences in one day. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 04:47:51 PM Roy is such an ass. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 05:53:19 PM I'll take it as a hopefully better indication that he's taking the race seriously. But simple stuff, and they're both big boys. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 06:17:39 PM You say "such an ass" like it's a bad thing. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 06:40:51 PM Exactly... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 06:53:12 PM If I liked Roy, I would probably approve of this because sometimes dick moves are required; however, I'd rather vote for Button Gwinnett than him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2010 08:18:11 PM I'm sure we could get ole Button some votes too. Something's never go out of style, whether we approve or not. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 07:59:11 AM Where's Jonathan Springston when you need him? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Rally for Jason Carter this Saturday! BASENAME: rally_for_jason_carter_this_sa STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/06/2010 01:34:31 PM TAGS: "District #42","Jason Carter","Jimmy Carter","Special Election" ----- BODY: This Tuesday one of the special elections being held in Georgia is to replace Sen. David Adelman who left us to join the diplomatic corps as Ambassador to Singapore. Jason Carter, yes "that" Carter is running for that seat in District 42. Here's your invitation to the rally.
      I'm really excited that my family is going to be in Atlanta to campaign with me on Saturday, including my Carter grandparents. We are all going to go out and knock on doors, and I hope you'll be able to come out and join us. There will be plenty of activities. Here are the details: What: GOTV Kick-Off! Activities will include canvassing, visibility, and dropping campaign literature. When: Saturday, May 8th. Volunteers meet at 10:00 a.m. to pick up t-shirts, signs and walk-lists for canvassing. At 1:00 p.m., we'll meet back at the park for food and good company. After the picnic, we will have a public event at 2:00 p.m. in the park. Where: East Lake Park, 2617 Memorial Drive, SE
      Can't attend Saturday, but like to help.. go here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2010 07:08:33 PM Thanks Juliana! This is going to be a LOT of fun. Weather is Sunny and in the 70s and we'll have food and t-shirts for our canvassers! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Jen Brock TITLE: Newsflash: Senate is full of ignorant jerks. BASENAME: newsflash_senate_is_full_of_ig STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/06/2010 04:20:45 PM ----- BODY: icon_us_flag.jpgThis needs no introduction:
      To get around the inconvenient fact that Mr. Shahzad is a citizen, Mr. Lieberman is even calling for a law allowing Americans accused (not convicted) of unspecified crimes to be stripped of their citizenship and retroactively deprived of due process under the law. This is not Mr. Lieberman's first foray into this dark territory. He is co-author with Mr. McCain of a bill that would require that anyone arrested on any terrorism-related charge, including American citizens, be declared an enemy combatant and tried in a military court.
      Seriously, what the hell? ----- EXTENDED BODY: First, let me introduce y'all to a bit of the Declaration of Independence:
      The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury: For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses:
      Next, the 5th Amendment of the US fucking Constitution:
      No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
      Finally, the 6th Amendment:
      In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district where in the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
      But you know, who cares? The Constitution is just "a goddamned piece of paper" after all. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 11:57:14 PM The good news here is: "Nobody's Showing Up To Joe Lieberman's TEA Party" [Via TPMDC] JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: open_thread_6 STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2010 09:08:31 AM ----- BODY: pedicure.jpg Summer is coming... -Since Juliana has not yet asked for our pledge, I do so today. -Last night "the Mr" and I went out to Abdullah the Butcher's House of Ribs for dinner. Yes, he's the same Abdullah you remember from Big Time Wrestling. -This summer I'd like to see BBQ Cook-Off between Abdullah and this... -Hey all you lawyerly types, do we like her? -He's the man, and I finally get to see him tonight. What are y'all up to this weekend? What are you doing to get ready for the warm weather? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: open_thread_7 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2010 09:08:31 AM ----- BODY: pedicure.jpg Summer is coming... -Since Juliana has not yet asked for our pledge, I do so today. -Last night "the Mr" and I went out to Abdullah the Butcher's House of Ribs for dinner. Yes, he's the same Abdullah you remember from Big Time Wrestling. -This summer I'd like to see BBQ Cook-Off between Abdullah and this... -Hey all you lawyerly types, do we like her? -He's the man, and I finally get to see him tonight. What are y'all up to this weekend? What are you doing to get ready for the warm weather? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 10:05:25 AM Pledge- check. Please note that men who like to wear flip flops are also asked/encouraged to take the pledge as well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 10:05:34 AM I should really look at what is posted before I write something. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PaulaG EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 01:59:06 PM Kagan is whip smart and super connected. And more so than probably any other previous SCt. nominee, she is something of a cypher. She is masterful at the non-answer answer to questions about her judicial philosophies and policy stances, which perhaps makes her an ideal nominee (not necessarily an ideal Justice!). The conventional wisdom is that she's probably an Obama/Clinton-type moderate. Certainly unlikely to be a John Paul Stevens-type liberal. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 11:12:25 PM Hoping for a head fake to Judge Diane Wood. Agree with everything said about Kagan, I just don't see how we'd not come out disappointed in the deal in the end tho. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Open Thread-like Entity BASENAME: open_thread-like_entity STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2010 09:43:49 AM ----- BODY: ceasar.jpgGet your Caesar Salad's while you still can. E coli was found in Romaine lettuce sparking a recall in Georgia and 22 other states plus D.C. Fred Orr has passed away (can only find a story in the Daily Report so no link). It appears Elena Kagan will be Obama's next SCOTUS Justice nominee. And no I did not bury the lead there at all. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: And then there were none... BASENAME: and_then_there_were_none STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/07/2010 04:19:58 PM ----- BODY: Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. State Representative Kevin Levitas is not seeking reelection in House District 82. Just got this in my email box minutes ago... (no link available yet).
      After a great deal of deliberation, I have decided not to seek re-election to the Georgia House of Representatives for a third term and will withdraw my name from consideration for the General Primary Election. It has been a privilege to represent the 82nd District for the last four years, during which time much has been accomplished for the betterment of our community and for the State of Georgia. It is now time for me to focus more fully on my family and on my business. I remain deeply grateful to my neighbors for allowing me the opportunity to serve them and especially appreciate the great sacrifices that my family has made during this time. Given the immense talent and dedication of those in our community, I know that our area and our state will be well-served by my successor. Sincerely, Rep. Kevin Levitas Georgia House District 82
      Apparently all this "deliberation" couldn't be done prior to qualifying deadlines. If the SOS qualifying information is correct, this announcement leaves no one running for this seat... not Republican or Democrat. I repeat, WTF? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 04:43:04 PM I've lost count of all the FAIL this year. I know there were some who worked really hard to find folks to run, and I seriously applaud that effort-but I can't help but think that their is a serious leadership problem when we can't even count on seasoned elected officials to give the heads up to the caucus leadership. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 05:15:25 PM There were fears he would qualify as a Republican. I guess this is better. FWIW: I think Sonny gets to appoint someone now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 05:22:03 PM IRE... um not exactly if I read the AJC right. Libertarians can still field a candidate and some can run as an independent w 1250 signatures. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 05:27:31 PM My twitter feed is full of encouragement for one of our fellow bloggers to run, as an independent. No better year, no better guy. Would so LOVE that. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: page EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 05:53:45 PM that's true, get the 39,000 signatures that you need, and you can qualify as an independent with no dem or republican challengers. That's an interesting trick. And my question is...does this force a special election since Levitas technically holds that seat until the beginning of the next legislative session...? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: page EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 05:54:11 PM that's true, get the 39,000 signatures that you need, and you can qualify as an independent with no dem or republican challengers. That's an interesting trick. And my question is...does this force a special election since Levitas technically holds that seat until the beginning of the next legislative session...? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: griftdrift EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 05:56:34 PM 1250 ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 06:02:06 PM @grift... I'd walk the streets for you, but not in that icky hooker kind of way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chris Huttman EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 07:36:24 PM Grift, if the new Secretary follows the law like the old Secretary did, there will be a special qualifying period for Democrats. Check Peach Pundit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2010 11:04:31 PM "Been in this game one-hundred years, but I see new ways to lose 'em I never knew existed before." Casey Stengel BTW, is there any possible way for someone to think of to try and do some of the signatures online, and later be fulfilled in person? That might help, who knows? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Greggjocoy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2010 12:19:40 AM I did a brief write-up of this story at Green Party Watch. I pointed out that this creates a golden opportunity for the Green Party to elect a state Representative. If several parties and several independents run it will make it possible for every voter to be visited by a candidate or supporter who is almost always a member of a smaller party or an independent. It's an almost once-in-a-lifetime set of circumstances that gives alternative voices a shot at showing what they can do in a legislative body. One example of such a circumstance was a couple of years back when Richard Carroll ran for state House with the Green Party in Arkansas. The Democratic Party found that it's only candidate after the filing period ended was a disgraced former legislator. Rather than run him, the Democratic Party opted to run no one, and Mr Carroll won because he was the only candidate on the ballot. Write-in campaigns were mounted, but being on the ballot is hard to fight off. Carroll changed registration to Democrat last year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2010 12:30:44 PM Greg- Thanks for tipping us to the Green Party. I was talking about this issue this morning with a bunch of Dems who couldn't believe it when I told them. of course in politics, like life, truth is always stranger than fiction. We really need to remember these lessons- Senate seat vacated by Powell, same thing the guy didn't live in the district and had to withdraw. Lighting can strike, illness, disgrace, family event.. it can all happen. Heck, if not for a major scandal in IL, Obama might not have been a Senator... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2010 06:08:07 PM hm, i wonder where Sally Harrell that held this seat late-90s is? I know she left to raise children, but that was 10 years ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/08/2010 08:21:29 PM Hey, does anyone remember what district Scott Holcomb lives in? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2010 11:26:32 AM he's in 82 as well Jules ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2010 10:07:12 PM Scott would be a good choice. Anyone know if he's so inclined? ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Mother's Day BASENAME: mothers_day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/09/2010 09:29:41 AM ----- BODY: blog_icon_kiss.jpgMy friend Leslie said it best, "Thankful for all the mothers in my life, but also the friends and family for whom this is a bittersweet holiday" President Obama issues proclamation that acknowledges gay Moms, and the many nurturing women in our lives.
      Whether adoptive, biological, or foster, mothers share an unbreakable bond with their children, and Americans of all ages and backgrounds owe them an immeasurable debt. Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by two parents, a single mother, two mothers, a step-mom, a grandmother, or a guardian. Mother's Day gives us an opportunity to celebrate these extraordinary caretakers, mentors, and providers who have made us who we are. As we honor today's mothers, we also reflect upon the memory of those who have passed, and we renew our commitment to living the values they cultivated in us. The Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 8, 1914 (38 Stat. 770), has designated the second Sunday in May each year as "Mother's Day" and requested the President to call for its appropriate observance. NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 9, 2010, as Mother's Day. Let us express our deepest love and thanks to our mothers and remember those who, though no longer with us, inspire us still.
      Enjoy this beautiful day! I'll be treating my Mom to Dim Sum and Iron Man 2, no corsages will be worn at either. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2010 08:04:20 PM FYI mine is best, FACT. I'm not sure if you could say she "loves" me per se but she certainly at least tolerates me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2010 08:11:02 PM IRE: I'm thinking that it's huge she tolerates ya. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/09/2010 09:08:28 PM I'm stretching it by calling it "toleration" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/10/2010 08:43:26 AM IRE: I'm thinking that it's huge she tolerates ya. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Blah Blah Open Thread BASENAME: blah_blah_open_thread STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/10/2010 09:21:47 AM TAGS: "ed's stupidity","mothers mothers' day","not more of this","one more tag why not","open thread",stuff,"stupid stuff",stupidity ----- BODY: Trying to keep this thing short. "Elena Kagan Tapped", can we have a less--evocative--headline? Thanks. How did you celebrate Mothers' Day? I showed up four hours late to my parents' and had a good dinner/did laundry. It was a great day for all. Really good news for Grady. Still a long way to go. Nothing unique to Georgia here. Bit of a nationwide problem. Arlen Specter hopefully will be bye-byes soon. This is nothing to do with having "a real Democrat" in the seat, just that party switchers always deserve to lose. Man PA is going to be SCREWED in the Senate if Arlen loses. People are dumb. Reminds me when I was a Freshman in college I would always hang out with this pediatrician at my favorite bar who in recent years started to hate his job. He would tell parents 95% of the time when kids are sick, "a gallon of water and vitamin C pills" is all it would take to cure kids. Parents hated that and he lost tons of patients but he was rarely wrong. Literary Theory delivers some serious lulz. I freaking love small-town newspapers. What do you know? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/10/2010 12:12:14 PM My little home town had a goat race last week: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Four Special Elections held Tomorrow! BASENAME: special_elections_held_tomorro STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/10/2010 11:51:46 AM TAGS: Fringe,"GA 9th Congressional","GA Libertarians","May 11th","Special Election" ----- BODY: blog_icon_vote.jpgTuesday May 11th, there will be four Special Elections held in Georgia. One House seat, two Senate seats and one Congressional seat. Let's start with the Congressional Seat- GA-9th Held by Nathan Deal until his resignation the day of the Health Care vote, March 26th. We joke about races with lots of folks in them as "clown cars", but in this case it truly is a clown car. Eight Candidates, six republicans, one democrat and one independent. I will be very curious to see what percentage Mr. Moon gets. Probably no better year to run as an independent. I find Mr. Moon fascinating because as he says "he's the first person in 40 years to have gained ballot access as an independent" ( he must mean for Congress). A quick review of his site tells me he's fringe, with statements like this 'A child born in the United States to non-citizens is not a citizen" but wants us all to believe he'd vote NO! on anything that's "unconstitutional", I'm no constitutional scholar head can't wrap around the contradictions. Next up is House Seat in Dist 12, vacated due to "clown car", highlights here: Jerry Nally- Democrat: Looks like Santa and presents himself as a "reluctant" candidate. Oh dear. Jasperse- Republican who worked as a County Extension Agent for 29 years "gets" that water is a huge issue for this state and addressed it- yay Rick. Moss -Republican dropping the Regan bomb inside of two sentences and allusions to violence with this statement on front page of website "I want to be your conservative linebacker in the State House. I will defend our conservative values at all cost". Seriously back up just a little-the Gold Dome is bare knuckle enough without this kind of language. Senate District 42. This solidly Democratic seat was held by now Ambassador David Adelman. Four folks in this race, two Democrats, one Independent and one Libertarian. But all the focus has been on the candidate with the famous last name, Carter. I'm a friend of Jason's and wish him all the best, but will again be keeping my eye on anyone calling them self an Independent. Senate District 49 highlights, three candidates, 2-R's and one Libertarian in a seat vacated by Lee Hawkins R-running in the 9th Congressional clown car. No Dems running but the Libertarian intrigues me since I remember him from the PSC race in 2008. Again, do the "other" party candidates peel off votes from the GOP? It's a question we'll get a partial answer to tomorrow. All the names, all the races listed below the flip. You do your own "Googling".. I got stuff to do. I'm curious if anyone has had any interaction with any of these folks, if so what was it? ----- EXTENDED BODY: Qualified Candidates for House District 12 Candidate Rick Jasperse 89 Apple Valley Farm Lane Jasper, GA 30143 Republican Truett Moss II 3662 Dews Pond Rd. Calhoun, GA 30701 Republican Jerry Nally 28 Bagwell Lane Rydal, GA 30171 Democrat Senate District 42 Jason Carter 562 Clifton Rd Atlanta, GA 30307 Democrat David Montane 862 Wheatfields Place Decatur, GA 30030 Libertarian Steve Patrick 1367 Sheridan Rd Atlanta, GA 30324 Independent Tom Stubbs 607 Avery Street Decatur, GA 30030 Democrat Senate District 49 Brandon Givens 1381 Longview Dr Gainesville, GA 30501 Libertarian Butch Miller 4618 Windsor Dr Flowery Branch, GA 30542 Republican Jimmy Norman 6551 Tahiti Way Flowery Branch, GA 30542 Republican 9th Congressional Clown Car Chris Cates 11 Timber Grace Court Blairsville, GA 30512 Republican Mike Freeman 5194 Glenstone Ct Gainesville, GA 30504 Democrat Tom Graves 475 Craig Rd. Ranger, GA 30734 Republican Lee Hawkins 4710 Jim Hood Rd. Gainesville, GA 30506 Republican Bert Loftman 8249 Cox Mountain Dr. Jasper, GA 30143 Republican Eugene Moon 3407 Lake Ridge Place Gainesville, GA 30506 Independent Bill Stephens 6730 Waterbury Way Cumming, GA 30040 Republican Steve Tarvin 778 W 12th St Chickamauga, GA 30707 Republican ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2010 02:05:38 AM I've known Jerry Nally up here in Bartow for years. He's from a large politically involved family. Still, most of our candidates are typically a bit reluctant, it's a very tough district. Jerry's got some good ideas for making the county work better & more efficiently, & has some good & unique thoughts on the water situation too. He also really does play Santa for the Hols too. So if you're in HD 12, Please vote Democratic & For Jerry Nally! I know & have met Mike Freeman, the only Democrat running in the CD 9, and I think he's an honest stand up guy who'd do well by the district if given the chance. I think his fellow Dems in Pickens Co. think the same, despite the last minute troubles. That clown car of Repug candidates can be toppled with a decent thinking Democrat! So I'm for Mike Freeeman in the 9th CD & urge anyone to vote that way. Thanks for the opportunity. JMP (PS Dear Mr. Moon, meet the 14th Amendment to the Constitution: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2010 07:57:25 AM Jerry is a very cool guy, he and his brother Paul are YellowDog Ds and extremely down-to-earth and funny. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2010 12:18:20 AM Congrats goes out to Jason Carter, garnering an impressive 65% of the Dekalb vote, and overcoming some last minute campaign nastiness too. That of course was the highlight of the night. We were wiped out in NW Ga., and no, I'm not even going to check the numbers again. In other news, Alan Mollohan's 28-year in the US Congress was also ended in a Democratic primary last night in WVa., and we get a wildly More conservative candidate to replace him. Likely for daring to vote for that debbil Health Care reform act, at least in part too. So drink 'em if you've got anything nearby, it's likely going to be another bumpy ride this season. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Bunch of Endorsements for Teilhet BASENAME: bunch_of_endorsements_for_teil STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/11/2010 08:02:33 AM ----- BODY: From the Macon area • State Representative Bubber Epps (HD 140, Dry Branch) • Former State Representative Robert Ray (Fort Valley) • Amy Morton (President of Georgia WIN List) From the Columbus area: · State Representative Carolyn Hugley (HD 133, Columbus) · State Representative Debbie Buckner (HD 130, Junction City) · State Representative Mike Cheokas (HD 140, Americus) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Dueling Press Conferences BASENAME: dueling_press_conferences STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/11/2010 09:28:59 AM TAGS: "2010 election","attorney general",campaign,Columbus,"Ken Hodges",NAACP,"Press Conferences","Rob Teilhet" ----- BODY: About 30 minutes ago, Ken Hodges kicked off his campaign for Attorney General at the Gold Dome (unless something came up that caused it to be postponed). He is traveling the state today, making a number of stops with press conferences to kickoff his campaign. One of those stops is in Columbus at Noon. Immediately following Hodges' conference, the Georgia and Columbus NAACP will hold a joint conference in Columbus with Edward DuBose. Why?
      President Edward O. Dubose will be addressing the subject of Ken Hodges coming into the very community he failed and robbed of justice subsequent to the December 10, 2003 shooting and killing of an unarmed African American male with an Mp5 submachine gun by a Muscogee County Sheriff's deputy while face down in the southbound lane of I-185. Kenneth Brian Walker was shot twice in the head ... Ken Hodges on November 23, 2004 failed to secure a grand jury indictment, failed to recommend the grand jury return a True bill in the homicide death ... and allowed former Deputy David Glisson to give unsworn testimony at grand jury ... Subsequently Ken Hodges failed to convene a second grand jury in the Walker case when Attorney General Thurbert Baker made it perfectly clear the decision was Ken Hodges' to make. Ken Hodges justified not convening a second grand jury claiming there had to be new evidence in the case. Hodges' never produced any law, statue, or code supporting his claim or the requirement for new evidence. The shooter in the death of Kenneth Walker never faced a judge or jury in a criminal trial.
      Ouch. I have no doubt the Hodges' folks will have a response and when I get it, I'll post it here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2010 11:23:21 AM Yikes. Send a couple of faxes that this guy doesn't like and he'll go back to the grand jury multiple times and even get his friends to do it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2010 03:45:58 PM 1. You cannot force the Grand Jury to indict. 2. He only got subpoenas requesting information for the Grand Jury in the faxes case. He removed himself from the case before it ever went to GJ. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2010 12:41:44 AM A really disturbing case: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Boob(s) of the Week BASENAME: boobs_of_the_week STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/11/2010 09:44:51 AM ----- BODY: The Obama administration.
      The Obama administration said Sunday it would seek a law allowing investigators to interrogate terrorism suspects without informing them of their rights, as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. flatly asserted that the defendant in the Times Square bombing attempt was trained by the Taliban in Pakistan.
      Hell, even Bush didn't have the audacity to suggest this. Just to review with Obama... Change we can believe in folks! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Boob(s) of the Week BASENAME: boobs_of_the_week_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/11/2010 09:44:51 AM TAGS: "being worse than bush","being worse than W","Boob of the week",boobs,constitution,miranda,Obama,"Obama administration",rights,"stuff even W didn't do",stupidity,"the long path to losing my vote","this is crazy" ----- BODY: The Obama administration.
      The Obama administration said Sunday it would seek a law allowing investigators to interrogate terrorism suspects without informing them of their rights, as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. flatly asserted that the defendant in the Times Square bombing attempt was trained by the Taliban in Pakistan.
      Hell, even Bush didn't have the audacity to suggest this. Just to review with Obama... Change we can believe in folks! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2010 10:28:27 AM Jeez, those guys must get up there and get some really bad-news briefings. It's scary. The story line must go something like this: - There's a bunch of nuke material unaccounted for, especially from Russia. - We have no way of tracking it down since our intelligence in most of the parts of world that would use something like that is pretty much non-existent. - There's apparently some pretty substantial funding behind some efforts to acquire a nuke. - N. Korea will sell ANYTHING to ANYBODY for a price. - We only control something like 10% of our border. I'm not justifying these decisions, just trying to imagine why everybody seems to panic once they get top secret clearance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2010 12:28:54 AM Dreck. But hey, those pesky & very crazy NoKoreans may have just been responsible for sinking the SoKorean 1,200-ton naval corvette Cheonan, which rapidly sank March 26, killing 46 sailors & ripping the ship in half. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: And then there was one. BASENAME: and_then_there_was_one STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/11/2010 01:30:59 PM TAGS: "GA Democratic House Caucus","GA House Dist #82","Scott Holcomb" ----- BODY: holcomb080919b022.jpgFront page of Insider Advantage ( subscription)
      Dems Want Scott Holcomb To Replace Levitas By Tom Baxter InsiderAdvantage Georgia (5/11/10) Scott Holcomb, the 2006 Democratic candidate for secretary of state, appears to have emerged as the leading candidate to fill the position left open by the surprise resignation last week of Rep. Kevin Levitas. While several names have reportedly come up in party discussions, Holcomb's name was the one being mentioned Monday by Democrats familiar with DeKalb County politics, as they waited for word from Secretary of State Brian Kemp's office on how it will fill the Atlanta-in-DeKalb seat. The office reportedly will announce its decision Tuesday.
      Peach Pundit has the details about qualifying from SoS Kemp's office.
      Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp announced today that he will call a special primary election to fill the Democratic nomination for State House District 82 upon the withdrawal of State Rep. Kevin Levitas. Since no Republican candidate qualified for State House District 82, there will be no Republican primary for this seat. Accordingly, the special primary election will be held only for the Democratic nomination as provided for in the law. The special primary election for the Democratic nomination will be held on Tuesday, July 20, 2010. A run-off election, if needed, will be held on Tuesday, August 10, 2010. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 20, 2010. Secretary Kemp set the candidate qualifying dates for State House District 82 as Monday, May 17 through Wednesday, May 19, 2010. Qualifying on Monday will run from 9 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.; on Tuesday from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.; and on Wednesday from 8 a.m. until 12 noon. Qualifying will be held in the Elections Division of the Office of Secretary of State, 1104 West Tower, 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30334-1505. The qualifying fee is $400.00.
      Independents can still qualify with 1250 certified signatures, and the Libertarians can also field a candidate since their qualifying hasn't happened yet. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Melb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2010 03:52:33 PM I think Scott Holcomb will be a great candidate! Hopefully we can keep 82 and pick up 81 this year!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ataru Atlanta EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2010 07:07:56 AM Agreed, this is outstanding. Little Kev really did us a favor. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Congrats to Jason Carter BASENAME: congrats_to_jason_carter STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/12/2010 01:48:31 AM ----- BODY: On a very clean win! Now on to July and then November. Whew. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2010 08:40:28 AM Jason was informed by his opponent Tom Stubbs that he would ask the SoS to remove his name from the July Primary ballot. It's doubtful that anyone will run against him in Nov. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2010 09:42:17 AM Whew, I was panicking for a second there. I was curious about the turnout numbers on that 9th congressional race in '08 but I looked up the 49th state senate by mistake. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Old-fashioned Barbecue BASENAME: old-fashioned_barbecue STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/12/2010 09:15:49 PM ----- BODY: southern_charm.jpgHow charming does this look? From our friend Patty Payne:
      Meet the Candidates Barbecue Downtown Commerce, GA (450 Little Street, Next to the Post Office) Sunday, June 6th, 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm State and Local Candidates Bake Sale Entertainment Barbecue $11 in Advance, $13 at the event Children $5 in advance, $6 at event Five rural counties are pooling our efforts to bring Democratic state and local candidates to our area, giving voters a chance to hear their message in person. Barbecue, hot dogs, and hamburgers will be served on the grounds of this lovely old Southern home. Spencer Park, which has a children's playground, picnic tables and extra room for a large crowd, is conveniently located directly across the street right at the railroad tracks on the main street of Commerce. Order Tickets: Sponsored by Coalition of NE Georgia Democratic Rural Counties: Banks, Barrow, Franklin, Habersham and Jackson
      ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2010 10:59:47 PM I'm planning on going.. it's the day after wedding and I'll be in town... car pool? Last time NGA had a sin-dig we made Will drive us.. hummm who will be the victim this year? Anyone.. Bueller? Bueller? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2010 11:24:09 PM Something going on sooner, this weekend from Carroll Co. Dems: "The Carroll County Democratic Party will be hosting its 7th Annual Spring Democratic Picnic Candidates to speak include: Governor: Thurbert Baker, DuBose Porter and David Poythress US Senate: RJ Hadley US Congress: Frank Saunders (3rd CD) Lt. Governor: Carol Porter Attorney General: Rob Teilhet Secy of State: Gail Buckner, Michael Mills, Angela Moore Labor Commissioner: Darryl Hicks Insurance Commissioner: Mary Squires St. Superintendent of Schools: Beth Farohki, Brian Westlake State Senate: Pat Rhudy (30th) State House: Herbert Giles (18th) All Democratic candidates have been invited Saturday, May 15 12:30 – 4:00 Lakeshore Park Pavilion, Lumpkin Dr, Carrollton We will provide food and beverage For information, call Ken Spitze 770-639-1711 Sorry for the length & Thanks. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Open Thread BASENAME: open_thread_8 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/13/2010 07:31:01 PM ----- BODY: x610.jpgCould not resist pimping this picture of the President, kissing a baby in a Buffalo restaurant. Yes he had the wings, duh. Oh and got hit on. I don't know if I should laugh or cry over this. I'm already sick of the Democratic primary, especially the AG race. Seriously. At least none of our candidates are looking for running mates on Craigslist. Note, if you click on this guys site, you might get some of the crazy on you. Summer is almost here, and you might be tempted to want this Mosquito-zapping gizmo, featured at TED recently, but it's being developed to prevent the spread of malaria. Yes, I know Nathan needs DFI. Iron Man 2 was great, but I'm miffed that AC/DC refuses to make their music available on ITunes. Back in Black and Highway to Hell have been stuck in my head since Sunday. Annoying. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2010 12:39:42 AM One of my favs for the week: "Red Families v. Blue Families Legal Polarization and the Creation of Culture Naomi Cahn and June Carbone" Turns out once again that most of those 'lib' Blue states have more conventionally'conservative' family values than the wild & woolly Red ones. And oh BTW? This has been true for a long time as well. They don't call it Southern Gothic for nothing JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2010 12:53:42 AM The other hidden fav of the week: Economics in 1-4 easy lessons. Lesson 1: Deregulation=Money flowing upwards to the credit holding classes & the rich in general. And 30+ years on? That's quite an effective 'industrial' & 'political-economic' policy, that works to the advantage of mainly wealthy Repug voters. All the time. Everywhere. Simple graph here: "Explaining Inequality Trends: Pretty Simple? May 7, 2010 by Scott Winship" Economics in 4 easy Graphs: Via James Kwak in the Huff Post: "James Kwak Co-author of The Baseline Scenario and of 13 Bankers Posted: April 15, 2010 '13 Bankers' In 4 Pictures: Why Wall Street Profits Are Out Of Whack": JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2010 05:02:44 PM Hey, somebody gets it. ' one of the most pointless and annoying labels ever invented' ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/14/2010 08:16:05 PM FYI: The Chattooga County Democratic Party will host their annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on Saturday May 15th. This year's keynote speaker is Roy Barnes. Tickets are $15 and include dinner. If you don't have a ticket yet, contact party chairman Tim Shiflett at or call 706-857-4605 The dinner will be held at 7pm at Pop's Buffet House on Commerce Street in Summerville. Please make plans to attend and forward this email to anyone who might be interested. Our website is back up! Please visit it and keep coming back as we update it. Please look for us on Face book! Tim says: "Pop's is located almost directly across the street from the courthouse. Look for the big red sign". JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EPXblog EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2010 12:07:59 AM Love your site! I've got my own that focuses on local city government called East Point Examined. Check it out sometime: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2010 03:11:01 AM The work of moderate Rethugs here: "Maine GOP Forced To Apologize After Convention-Goers Vandalize An Eighth-Grade Classroom": [This was after a caucus in the King Middle School in Portland] JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/16/2010 03:35:45 AM The Party of Thuggery & Vandals strikes again: Why we know them as the Rethugs: Still More on the amazing arrogance, willful ignorance & proud vandalism of a Maine middle school classroom: "May 12 Nemitz: Call it class struggle: How politics went too far By Bill Nemitz Never. EVER. Trust any Rethug to actually 'oversee' Public education. Most simply don't believe in it as a 'human value' or even as a 'right' of citizenship. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Oh, it's Monday alright! BASENAME: oh_its_monday_alright STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/17/2010 03:02:35 PM ----- BODY: icon_conversation.jpgThe GOP has apparently found a new job for Kathy Cox, I suspect they caught a whiff of something unpleasant in Nov and decided to move her along-to DC no less! So many candidates, so little time to check to see if they live in the district they want to represent. Grift's Out... kind of a bummer but I respect his decision. File under if Bull Connor was still running for office. I loathe this ad. Is he planning on shooting the crops? File under, "Yes, we will discriminate against you even in death" ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2010 12:31:14 AM Stengel's all around for this too: I'll be meeting with the gent tomorrow (Tues). JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2010 03:02:16 AM In more sad news, the jazz great Hank Jones, Grammy winning pianist extraordinairedies @ 91 in NYC: Fantastic Musical tribute ongoing by WKCR here on the aptly named Transfigured Night: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2010 10:44:47 AM That guy Peterson is running for Ag Commish? Jeez, I'd hate to see what the sheriff ads look like over there! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2010 10:55:42 AM It's just an evolutionary change for Kathy Cox. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: A Good Event BASENAME: a_good_event STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/18/2010 10:19:38 AM ----- BODY: The Young Democrats of Atlanta are having our annual Future is Blue fundraiser at Einstein's Thursday. We will give Tom Houck our Mayor Shirley C. Franklin Award. Free valet will be provided. Tickets are $25 for YDAtl Members $40 for non-members. If you want to be a host (levels start at $75) let me know. Oh yeah, and The Thunder will be in a three-piece seersucker suit with white bucks. That alone is not to be missed. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2010 11:19:37 AM I'm going to miss this one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2010 11:29:25 AM IRE I believe I speak for all of BforD when I say--good God do you suck. Go to hell. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Daniel Fullerton EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2010 12:03:36 PM not sure which is more frightening: the multiple personalities of a single poster or the the two page comments of another. :) that being said, this is always a great event and i hope to see many of you there! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2010 12:36:22 PM Can't wait to see the seer sucker suit! See you thursday! ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Not-Quite-Super Tuesday Election Thread BASENAME: not-quite-super_tuesday_electi STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/19/2010 08:13:06 AM ----- BODY: So glad Arlen Specter is gone. I've said he always seems like someone who was beat up everyday at school, finally got some power, but was still afraid of a bully. Democrats hold Murtha's seat. Best Democrat and GOP candidate (for us) in Kentucky win. Bland Lincoln seems all but dead in Arkansas. We didn't do too poorly. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: BEZERKO EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 09:37:57 AM Man, the Republicans don't show up for the primaries in Kentucky do they? Not sure how the economic anarchist/market fundamentalist candidate dude will do in Kentucky. Don't buy into the extremist BS, it's a meaningless label. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 09:41:36 AM I think we're going to be ok in the House; however, the DSCC needs to get it's act together. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 10:13:11 AM I wonder if the folks over at Team Roy are retooling?? Seems like they need to move to a "was an insider, but long enough on outside to see the problems" message. Does anyone view Thurbert as an insider? Apart from the folks running the campaign that is? Should be interesting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 10:24:27 AM One of the things I've been thinking about for a while (and REALLY wish I had written it before) is that I fully believe we will lose seats because we have a HUGE advantage, there is no real way to sustain that. However, I strongly doubt a major tide will come for Republicans, we have enough decent candidates to where we will be at no less than 57 in the Senate and probably around the same in the House. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 10:48:24 AM Ed, What I've been thinking about and keeping my eye on-is that up until just 4 days ago the undecideds are still a huge number. Nov, imo will boil down to the last 2 weeks of October. Economy, jobs, international incidents, local issues/crime, energy bills for the winter, if the voter thinks they will be better off. Till then, it's a crap shoot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2010 12:14:21 AM Had to put this somewhere: "THE GRAHAM RULES! Lindsey Graham was judged by one set of rules. Richard Blumenthal must play by another": via the irreplaceable DailyHowler: WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2010 What's at stake in all this idiocy, yes brought to you by the august NYT? Let's quote their sometime reporter here: May 19, 2010 1:51 pm ET by Jamison Foser" JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Vote for me, the biggest, dumbest, shit-kicker in the state BASENAME: vote_for_me_the_biggest_dumbes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/19/2010 10:35:53 AM ----- BODY:
      ATLANTA (May 18, 2010) - Georgia Bio late Monday decided to cancel Democratic and Republican gubernatorial forums at Kennesaw State University based on a lack of interest among most of the primary candidates to attend and discuss life sciences related issues. "We sincerely thank Kennesaw State University officials for agreeing to host these events. However with so few candidates agreeing to participate from both the Democratic and Republican Parties, we felt the expense was too great to justify holding the events," said Georgia Bio President Charles Craig. "We commend Democratic primary candidates Attorney General Thurbert Baker, Mayor Carl Camon and General David Poythress, and Republican primary candidates former Congressman Nathan Deal and Otis Putnam for their willingness to attend the forums and discuss issues critical to Georgia's future." The Democratic forum was scheduled for May 20, and the Republican forum was scheduled for May 27. Mayor Camon was forced to withdraw from Thursday's forum because of a car accident Monday afternoon. The topics for discussion were the significance of life sciences economic development, importance of K-16 science education and the impact of federal health care reform in Georgia. The candidates were sent three questions in advance covering these topics. All 14 candidates who qualified for the Democratic and Republican gubernatorial primary elections were invited.
      Full story here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 11:08:14 AM Geesh, it was even an open book test. The pinheads who wouldn't attend get this is about jobs too? The economy? The fact that our bond rating in in the dumper because we're starting to look like a throw back state... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 12:29:18 PM They should have thrown in a question about immigration and how it relates to life sciences. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 09:22:45 PM This is nothing short of disgraceful, really. Here we've got a ready made event to highlight the importance of education & economic development to the future of the state and evidently Most of the Gubernatorial (pronounced: Goober & stressed heavily) candidates could not have been bothered. Despite all the claims to the contrary from their campaigns that such things are 'really important to the future of Ga.'. Really? Prove it. Give a damn. Show up and tell us your plans for the future & the future jobs that this sector represents. Which BTW? Includes much of the agricultural research going on over @ UGA. Geez just looking sad & pathetic all around. Thanks & kudos to all the candidates who agreed to participate. This was a simple 'gimme' & a win/win for all involved. If you can't show for these, how do we know you can show for the harder stuff? Amazing. Sterling Stengels all around for all those who refused to participate. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 09:41:42 PM Yes, we need More of these. Desperately. And reading their PR on this I'm even more PO'd. If that's possible & under my 2page limit. It really was an 'open book test!' They telegraphed their 3 questions in advance! None of them too hard particularly, all allowing for even expansive 'digressions' that some love to indulge in. And no I don't get what's the problem here really with the other campaigns. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2010 04:31:41 AM As luck would have it, I had the occasion to talk to team DuBose yesterday and I asked about this. Evidently GeorgiaBio sent an initial very confusing email, which was late, and they likely did not consider the needed lead time for planning & scheduling for such an event. At least according to their campaign. So definitely not as clear cut, and yes, everyone needs to do better & more consistent PR. Everywhere. So at least a Bronze Stengel for them too. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Our friend Scott Holcomb makes the following announcement... BASENAME: our_friend_scott_holcomb_makes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/19/2010 05:09:59 PM TAGS: HD82,"Scott Holcomb" ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for holcomb080919b022.jpg
      SCOTT HOLCOMB QUALIFIES AS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR GEORGIA HOUSE DISTRICT 82 ATLANTA, GA --- May 19, 2009. Today, Scott Holcomb qualified as the Democratic candidate for Georgia House District 82. No Republican has qualified for the seat left vacant by the resignation of the current officeholder. Holcomb, an attorney and instructor at Georgia Tech's Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, has pledged to be a tireless advocate for the people of the 82nd District, particularly on issues relating to the economy, transportation and public education. His decision to run was borne from a desire to bring pragmatic and creative policies to improve the quality of life for residents of the district, DeKalb County, the metropolitan Atlanta region and the State of Georgia. "I look forward to representing the people of District 82 and being a strong advocate for the issues that will determine whether our district and state are attractive to residents and businesses," said Holcomb. "It's time to focus on improving public education, bringing back local jobs and economic investment, improving our transportation options and operating state government transparently and responsibly." Holcomb is a military veteran who served six years in the Air National Guard and six years as a Captain with the U.S. Army's Judge Advocate General's Corps. While in the Army, he deployed three times -- for Operations Joint Forge (Bosnia), Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Holcomb earned numerous awards for his military service, including the Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, and Army Commendation Medals. In 2004, he left active duty and devoted substantial time to representing veterans and their families on a pro bono basis. Holcomb is married to the former Kathleen Oh of Reidsville, Ga. They are the proud parents of a son, Carter. Holcomb was a candidate for Secretary of State in 2006 and has remained active in Georgia politics. He has represented Georgia as an American Marshall Memorial Fellow, a Manfred Wörner Fellow and a Truman Security Fellow. In 2006 and 2007, he was named a "Rising Star" by Law and Politics Magazine. Holcomb is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a Principal with the Truman National Security Project. He also serves on the Board of Directors of HOPE Atlanta and is a member of the State Bar of Georgia's Pro Bono Committee for Military Veterans & Service Members. A triathlete, Holcomb completed Ironman Florida in 2009.
      I'm assured that a website is forth coming! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 09:33:34 PM The good news on the day, obviously. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2010 09:47:06 PM SUPER-like ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2010 08:34:40 AM Fist up! Someday maybe I will get to vote for him too! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MelGX EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2010 10:39:44 AM Thank heavens. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Boob of the Week BASENAME: boob_of_the_week_1 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/20/2010 10:52:07 AM TAGS: "Austin Scott",austinscott,"Boob of the week",boobs,congress,election,"election 2010",GA-8,"Jim Marshall","stupid campaign tricks","stupid stuff","stupid stuff you say to get elected" ----- BODY: This week's award goes to Austin Scott, currently running against Jim Marshall. Now Scott is a candidate I would otherwise like, but he made such an idiotic statement about why he was running for congress instead of for Governor, I couldn't let it pass. In the words of Jim Galloway, Scott claims "his family can survive the next gov, whether R or D, but can't survive 2 more years of Jim Marshall."
      "My family can survive whatever governor is elected to lead Georgia, whether Republican or Democrat, but I'm not sure my family or yours can survive another two years with the way things are in Washington. In the end it was a decision between proving a point and making a difference. I chose to make a difference."
      Yeah because a family will be able to survive if their rep is .23% of congress and also likely in the minority party rather than the lone chief executive who decides what policies are implemented in the state of Georgia. And let me touch on another subject related to this. We're in a supposedly anti-incumbent mood when at least 75% of congress will get reelected and it is highly unlikely one branch will have a change in leadership. Yeah. Really anti-incumbent that's for sure. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2010 03:36:21 PM Ed, if you were a betting man, I could wager you some cash money that about 85% of all incumbents running would be re-elected, even in this year. Indeed, if it was only 85%, it would be quite a stunning departure from historical precedent. This is not to say that none or even one of the Houses might flip, but the way to bet is always with incumbency, as long as they've got any sort of cash to keep them competitive. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: So, it's Friday. BASENAME: so_its_friday STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/21/2010 08:40:29 AM ----- BODY: Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for blog_icon_thread.jpgKudos to Leslie Small, YD Atl President, for a terrific event last night. A good sized crowd gathered to honor the "Future is Now" Award Winners - Amol Naik, Erin Glynn, Eric Robertson, and Tharon Johnson and Tom Houck, recipient of the Mayor Shirley C. Franklin Award for Outstanding Service & Dedication to the City of Atlanta. Nicley done, YD Atl. Nicely done. Looking for a little entertainment this morning? Check out Rand Paul not answering George Stephanopoulos' questions on Good Morning America. Sorry, video isn't up yet. There's a lotta brouhaha about privacy on Facebook. Privacy? It's so 1970's. Last night The Senate passed the financial overhaul bill. Whadya think? Is it an overhaul bill? Will it help avoid future catastrophes? Discuss. Everyone who is anyone will be here on Sunday. It's always a terrific event. And for a good cause. I heard about this movie last night. Sounds fascinating. Has anyone seen it? Dang, if I'd known this I would have considered restaurant work! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2010 10:55:53 AM That movie looks totally dope ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Willie Stark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2010 11:28:52 AM The folks at YDATL now how to put on a party. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Heads Up MondoHomo Atlanta May 27-31st BASENAME: mondohomo_atlanta_may_27-31st STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/21/2010 05:30:57 PM TAGS: "MondoHomo 2010" ----- BODY: n72887483435_1381.jpgYes, it's fun to say it... MondoHomo Even better to attend. What is it? The South's queer art, spoken word, dance party, hip-hop-electro clash, politics, film, BBQ, circus arts, theater, music, burlesque, social action diversity-lovin' festival of fun queer space Where is it? Eyedrum Gallery - 290 MLK Jr. Drive SE, 30312 Check it out . Complete with a must read Manifesto! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2010 06:40:06 PM Read the manifesto, there's not much there that might be objectionable to even Rand Paul. I'm betting it's even interesting BBQ though. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Slaytana EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/23/2010 07:37:51 PM Really, JM? How bout: "We seek to support and embolden all those who oppose corporate takeovers of our cities and cultures, and our country’s pervasive and systemic racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, and denial of equality to all those considered ‘different’." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 01:21:41 AM Nebulous, generally non specific, and but for a few words, I'm betting we'll be hearing the same from Randal next week perhaps. Just remove those pesky 'pervasive & systemic' and we're good to go with the new charm offensive & PR campaign. Mondo it might be, La Marseillaise it's certainly not. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Summer Reading BASENAME: summer_reading STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/24/2010 02:14:01 PM TAGS: Kim,Kipling,"Mao's Little Red Book","Rosalynn Carter","Summer Reading" ----- BODY:
      Ladies of Liberty, but I only care about the Dolley Madison chapter. My friend Martin recommends Trust Agents as he says "really good if that's your kind of thing", hum don't know but will check it out. First Lady Rosalynn Carter has a new book, "Within Our Reach: Ending the Mental Health Crisis." This is her second book about mental health, and no doubt this is something we all should understand better. Barbara Kingsolver, notable author of great murder mysteries is taking on the environment and the industrial food pipeline in several books. Check them out here. Ed, ever the pest, suggests War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, yes I am linking to the Cliffsnotes! Ed and his many personalities leaves cranky comments in 3...2...1... Looking for less intense socially significant beach reading...well you can't do better than this series by Stieg Larsson. The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest Or you could go old school with the The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. In addition to the Cokie Roberts book and the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, what else is on my nightstand? Grave Goods by Ariana Franklin, third in a series about a 12 th century doctor solving crimes for Henry II.. enjoyed the first two... expect to enjoy this one as well. The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty, Delhi 1857 by William Dalrymple. I picked them up at BahriSons in the Khan market in Delhi, along with Kim by Rudyard Kipling, it seemed appropriate somehow. I know, I know.. Kim is horribly un-pc. Actually this whole post was just an excuse to use the picture above. I figure that after being called a socialist and a communist for over a year-the least I could do was pimp Mao's "Little Red Book". Please note, with one exception, I've not linked to the big internet booksellers-please try to purchase at a local independent book seller. The exception, The Little Red Book... of course, cause what's not poetic about buying that from Amazon! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 08:37:42 PM I was just saying it really is the perfect summer read. Love, drama, excitement, etc. To give a real recommendation I'd need to be pointed in some direction. Although when it comes to fiction I may not be particularly useful. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 09:03:48 PM Along the same vein: 'The last Wali of Swat': And of course still very much in the news: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 09:56:23 PM Iranian author Roxana Shirazi's 'The Last Living Slut' chronicles her hot sexcapades with rock stars Rush & Molloy Sunday, May 23rd 2010, 9:47 AM Roxana Shirazi engaged in some risky sex while hanging with rock's raunchiest hair bands. But the unrepentant groupie is courting bigger danger with her memoir, "The Last Living Slut: Born in Iran, Bred Backstage." Yeah, nobody expects the Inquisition either! JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 09:09:38 AM Girl With the Dragon Tatoo is also a good movie! playing at Midtown Plaza now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 06:40:51 PM Ok, I'll recommend my old standbys - anything by Laurie Notaro. Her first was The Idiot Girls' Action Adventure Club. It takes me back to my youth. Ride the Wind - a fictionalized account of Cynthia Ann Parker and the last days of the Comanches. If you're not crying and bitching about stupid white people by the end then there is something wrong with you. And anything that David McCullough has put on paper. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 06:51:53 PM Ok, I'll recommend my old standbys - anything by Laurie Notaro. Her first was The Idiot Girls' Action Adventure Club. It takes me back to my youth. Ride the Wind - a fictionalized account of Cynthia Ann Parker and the last days of the Comanches. If you're not crying and bitching about stupid white people by the end then there is something wrong with you. And anything that David McCullough has put on paper. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 06:52:40 PM Ok, I'll recommend my old standbys - anything by Laurie Notaro. Her first was The Idiot Girls' Action Adventure Club. It takes me back to my youth. Ride the Wind - a fictionalized account of Cynthia Ann Parker and the last days of the Comanches. If you're not crying and bitching about stupid white people by the end then there is something wrong with you. And anything that David McCullough has put on paper. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 09:46:19 PM Not a book recommendation, but I still nearly wept when I saw Max S. mention it. Deep in the recesses of the debris fields of the home-place are perhaps nearly a dozen of these. Of differing vintages. Some of them not quite going back to IBM punchcards too. But yes, almost WW11 era relics to torture the innocent. Unfailingly effective. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: When the Lights Go Down BASENAME: when_the_lights_go_down STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/23/2010 09:46:16 PM ----- BODY: Trying something new, a nightly wrapup for an open thread, like what Matt Yglesias does. I promise to never link to another Journey song again. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 01:43:28 AM Why the NYT still sucks at journalism, Part 695, vers. 27: [Scroll down for the Blumenthal story they're still mangling & manufacturing]: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 04:03:04 AM Economics in 2 easy lessons: Why Ga. is screwed. Now with Graphs! "States: U-6 Unemployment Rate vs. Mortgage Delinquency Rate" And how bad is that delinquency rate? Again, Above 15%: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 04:11:47 AM Economics for the post literate set: Max Keiser explains it all for You! And Paul Krugman, (only a part timer @ the detestable Times), explains why yes, Jimmy Carter was good for you, via another great graph: Things went in the crapper, oh about the early 1980's. Wonder why? JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 07:45:47 AM I think a better indicator of the Times' current sad state of journalism is this: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 06:59:53 PM "I call shenanigans on this law. Can someone tell me how this isn't double jeopardy?" Is this a real question? Sounds like a question from one of my clients. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 07:56:05 PM It seems to me, and I'm no lawyer, that if you do crime A, then crime M, then crime Z, no matter what Z is, you are being punished for A and M, and w/the theory behind 3Ss, you are on trial for A and M as well. Like does that make sense? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 09:35:09 PM No. And more on 'journalistic integrity' or the stories we/they love to tell to amuse ourselves & the audience here: A Book by By W. Joseph Campbell May 19,2010 "Getting It Wrong: Why Many of American Journalism's Most Cherished Stories Are Exaggerated or Apocryphal" More on the now spreading Blumenthal blunders from another NYC outfit here: It's like the local Emmys. Everyone's a winner, eventually. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2010 04:31:33 AM The NYT still sucking, badly, after all these years: "CLARK HOYT PLAYS THE NUMBERS! The public editor is a big liar too, if judged by his own paper’s standards": Two (2)! clear instances of a misstated military record in 20 Years means Scandal! But only if you're a Dem. Yep, our so-called-liberal Media strikes again! JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: If They are Coming After You BASENAME: if_they_are_coming_after_you STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/24/2010 10:31:03 AM TAGS: Abortion,dubose,"dubose porter","election 2010",governor,"gubernatorial election","pro choice","pro life","roy barnes" ----- BODY: DuBose is pro-life but won't make an issue out of it. He makes sure to point out, we don't know where Roy Barnes stands. If they are coming after you, you must be in the lead. Seriously, does anyone expect a legitimate statewide candidate in Georgia to be pro-choice? Anyway the really interesting question is what is Carol Porter's position. And will someone please tell me why we STILL have a three person clown car for this race? I'm getting ready to write off DuBose as a legitimate contender (I suppose I should do that now considering I don't give Thurbert a chance). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Mel TITLE: Georgia Newspaper Partnership BASENAME: georgia_newspaper_partnership STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/24/2010 12:17:37 PM ----- BODY:
      In an unprecedented move to combine journalistic resources, Georgia's 12 largest daily newspapers announce the formation of an historic partnership to deliver comprehensive political coverage across the state. The combined group, working as the Georgia Newspaper Partnership, will provide deep reporting found nowhere else in the Southeast. Sunday readership of this group alone exceeds 2.2 million. "This partnership helps put an end to the idea that there are two Georgias," said Bert Roughton Jr., managing editor of the AJC. "The work that these partner newspapers do will go a long way toward providing the state's voters a more unified voice." Over the next several months the partnership will deliver coverage of the gubernatorial and congressional races and support three statewide polls conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research.
      Full release here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 05:33:14 PM Interesting. I wonder why only political coverage though? Would they be getting into anti-trust or collusion territory if they collaborate on too much stuff? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: innerredneckexposed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 06:15:01 PM I'm guessing the AP has something to say about sharing too much as well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 08:45:47 PM The 'we've fired most of our staff that could have done any sort of adequate job here' plan. We hope no one will really notice our self inflicted wounds. And no, we're not really increasing any coverage, it's just going to look like it a bit. Until election time. Just to sell more political advertising space in our papers. That's the real plan here, most likely. JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: How Are they to Know? BASENAME: how_are_they_to_know STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/24/2010 08:12:56 PM TAGS: "blah blah blah",centrism,convention,DPG,"DPG Convention","eric massa",hawks,"mike brown","open thread","stupid stuff" ----- BODY: Another day another dollar. I'm a fool and yeah, I'm rushing... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/24/2010 09:12:01 PM More stupid teacher tricks here from a Lumpkin Co., AP history teacher who wanted to 'recreate history' on film with her students. Yeah, they dressed up in cute but authentic seeming Klan outfits & as they say, the rest is history... Another Ga. mention in the WTF moment of the day: Ditto here (almost!): JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 09:20:13 PM News from the Great ReDepression: Always good for a chuckle. Brought to you by The Funny Times. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 09:31:34 PM If Ed can go with an alter-ego/ doppelgänger, so can I. I'll claim this gent, who was also born in NJ & is about the same age & size (just about): Fun stuff always: (Even from a widely detested economist); JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Poll for your Morning BASENAME: poll_for_your_morning STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/25/2010 08:01:47 AM TAGS: campaign,"delusions of grandeur","drop out please",election,"election 2010","gubernatorial election","how can we be this ****ing stupid?",poll,rasmussen,"roy barnes" ----- BODY: I bring you a good poll for your morning. Rasmussen (I know I know) says our one candidate for Governor, Roy Barnes, trails the top three Republicans, with a MOE of +/- 4.5% (!). Matchups: First, there is no way Ox and Deal's numbers will stay that high with all their ethical problems. Second, I think Karen will be the GOP nominee. So that Roy is polling this well against her is good news IMO. If we could get a poll of the primaries we'd see Roy will win by double digits. I'm now convinced we have enough delusional candidates that that will force the most unnecessary runoff ever. The race is done. People need to drop out. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: Julianal TITLE: Weird, sad or teachable moment? BASENAME: weird_sad_or_teachable_moment STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/25/2010 05:33:13 PM TAGS: "crazy stuff","Tea Party","Tim Crawford" ----- BODY: blog_icon_dread.jpgMore likely... a "only in politics moment" Tim Crawford, running as a Tea-Party Democrat in the Indiana 5th, is a 28-year-old first-time candidate who, not to put too fine a point on it, cough, hates the Democratic Party. From Facebook comes this missive...
      Changing the democratic party starts here. The more socialist this nation becomes, the more corrupt and lazy it's citizens will be. I want a chance to be wealthy, not equally poor.
      YAY Democrats.. This is the guy who won the primary! You must be soooo proud! But it gets better. Over the weekend he attended a Hamilton County Democratic Women's event and had such a bad time during the " Q&A" he announced he was "quiting". Dang, those gals must have really roughed him up! But now we hear, he's "un-quittting"... wait whahhhahhha Read the letter he sent, below the flip. Once you've read it.. please weigh in on when you think the wheels came off this particular bus. Oh, where did I get the letter you ask.. why FaceBook naturally.. I need a drink... you just can't make this up! ----- EXTENDED BODY:
      O ERR IS HUMAN, TO FORGIVE DIVINE To whom it may concern, My name is Tim Crawford. I am a 28 year old conservative American running for the United States House of Representatives in Indiana's 5th district. I am writing this letter to provide voters and the media with knowledge, explaining what happened from my point of view. This is a chance for people to get to know me and make judgment righteously. On May 22nd, 2010, I attended a meeting at the Fishers Public Library with the Hamilton County Democratic Women. I will be honest in saying I was not prepared. My mishap, in turn, has offered me a valuable and humbling lesson. I have taken some time to step back from the situation that arose, thinking about it with calmness and logic. This group of women invited me to their gathering to meet me. Eventually things got out of control, forming into a one sided show for disapproval of me. After being bombarded by disagreeing group interjections, I was flustered and felt bullied. This led me to make an irrational and provoked response that I was dropping out of the race. I believe this was their agenda all along. Due to the situation, and my personal circumstances, my emotions had been building for a while and got the best of me on that day. After talking to friends, family and supporters, I am not dropping out of the race. This group did not support me personally or befriend me until I told them I would step aside. Why should I let their will and influence override my dream for our country? As I grow, while continuing to learn politically and personally, I must follow this candidacy through. I left college without a degree and it is more important to me to finish what I have currently started. I will not give up on the fight for a fair and noble existence. I am taking a strong stance against quitting and I pray this stand will not be in vain. We all need to be reminded that politicians are only human, mistakes will happen, and no one is perfect. I want the people who agree and disagree with me, to go through this campaign learning that the grass is not greener on this side. Then people might think before they bash, allow truths to prevail, and eventually bring media spin to a screeching halt. We have to start working together to achieve common goals, without breaking the vows of the United States Constitution, and stand up for the principle ideas the founding fathers have set before us. First, I am hesitantly bringing a very personal fact to light. I hope it explains my recent lack of preparation and concentration, as well my emotional actions. Recently, my mother was diagnosed in the final stages of pancreatic cancer. This cancer is usually found in its advance stages, often inoperable, and spreads, as it has in her case. Pancreatic cancer is terminal, painful, and she could have less than a year to live. During the downturn of the economy, in July 2008, I moved in with her after being let go from my job. I currently live with her now and I have become her caregiver. In the recent weeks, I have been driving her daily to radiation treatments at the IU Medical Center, helping her pick up prescriptions, and handling miscellaneous tasks such as grocery shopping, cooking, etc. I thank God we have family and friends that have also stepped in to assist in comforting an amazing women, and a great, loving mother. She has both good and bad days that fill our daily routine. The Saturday morning of the meeting, she was having one of her bad days. While hovered over the sink vomiting and in pain, she stated she'd be fine and encouraged me to go to the meeting. My departing vision and emotional state, as I walked out the door that day, was obviously focused on my mother's well-being. There have been few moments of joy for my mom since our family has received news of this diagnosis. One was watching me win the democratic primary in early May. Another was finding out that my brother Jacob and his wife Megan are expecting a child in November. Lord willing, I hope my mother lives long enough to see her first grandchild and hopefully, me winning a position in Washington. I am asking everyone to pray for my mother. She and I both believe in miracles. Mothers are typically the biggest supporter of their children. In this case, it is so. She is the first person I talked to about the scenario that happened at the HCDW meeting. The first thing she said was, "You can't quit!" "Quitting is giving up on the people who voted for you, support you, and believe as you do." And I totally agree. My personal situation was something I originally did not want to bring into the mix of this election. I am not telling the public about my mother's illness so I can achieve or obtain voters through sympathy. I find it to be unfair to the opposition. I just want people to understand my predicament. I am not a pity party person and I strive not to live a woe is me lifestyle. I want to run a clean campaign where the voters decide based upon character, intent, and beliefs. I want to be as bipartisan as I can be without jeopardizing morals and our American fundamentals. Next, I would like to address the people I met at the Hamilton County Democratic Women meeting. I hope you can find forgiveness. I am setting aside ego and apologizing for going against what I told you. It was something I should have never said, and I hope we can all learn from this. I feel that dropping out of the race would be turning my back on the people who do support me and may support me in the future. Quitting is not the noble thing to do. I will take your advice and learn more of what your group stands for. Either common bonds will be found or evidences that point to the latter will be offered. Expect an update to the website soon. We may not always agree, but I wish you would continue your involvement and keep searching for the truth as well. Everyone should keep in mind that there are times when people can get set in their ways. We must focus on the repercussions of our actions, as I have learned through this experience. As I try to keep an open mind, I implore others from all parties to do so as well. My ongoing mission will be to diligently investigate and gain all the knowledge I can. My duty is to prepare for this position and seek the best possible solutions for this nation's recovery. As an ex-republican, in order to voice the possibility of compromise, I am running under the democratic ticket to serve as a medium between parties. This is supposed to be the position of the President, Vice President and the Speaker of the House. I feel they, as well as many of our current elected officials, have failed in this task. The best way to battle failures in government is to keep the tree of liberty refreshed. A new generation of politicians needs to be voted into office now, and from time to time. This should help correct errors and overturn any wrongs that have been set before us. I hope God's grace is with us all, as we move forward as a nation, and in our individual lives. I thank you for your time. Regards, Tim Crawford
      ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2010 08:52:05 PM Where'd the wheels come off the bus? Right at the top with the idiotic 'mission statement' : "Changing the democratic party starts here. The more socialist this nation becomes, the more corrupt and lazy it's citizens will be. I want a chance to be wealthy, not equally poor". You do not run for public office thinking it will make you wealthy. That's Repug. thinking! (Ditto on dropping out of college to do so as well). And if you call your constituents 'corrupt & lazy'? They're not going to be especially too pleased to vote for you. At least not often. So definitely an honorable mention on the crazy, but certainly not fully up to Ga. standards. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rubyduby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2010 12:33:30 AM I offer a tip of my hat to the Hamilton County Democratic Women! They sound like my kinda people! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 11:48:19 AM That bus never should have had wheels. How did that guy win a Dem primary? One thing is for sure: that district will have crappy representation yet again, no matter who wins. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Write-On Carol Porter! BASENAME: write-on_carol_porter STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/26/2010 05:54:17 AM ----- BODY: Twitter was aflutter yesterday with 140 character responses to Carol Porter's written submission to the AJC regarding abortion.
      The real question we as Georgians need to ask is, "Do we want to truly decrease abortions or just turn out the vote on it?" To run under the banner "pro-life" and to legislate in a way that creates the very factors that lead to abortions is baffling. Because of poor leadership, our state does not have a reliable water source and our major city sits in gridlock. We are dismal in our rankings on educational achievement and have an excessive dropout rate. The thing we are now becoming known for is being number one in the percentage of our population in the correctional system. Small business in Georgia is struggling and unemployment is high. Law enforcement has been reduced to unsafe levels and our population is in the top ten most unhealthy. Yet the Georgia leadership who allowed these statistics are all "pro-life." Saying you are "pro-life" and then creating the conditions in which abortions increase is disingenuous. In Georgia, the label "pro-life" has become among politicians a label used not to decrease abortions, but to increase votes. Take for instance this past session: the elected Republican leadership let a "pro-life" bill, SB 529, pass the Senate but only with a backroom agreement it would not make it to the floor of the House for a vote.
      Would I prefer a more strident Pro-Choice statement? Absolutely. But, this is Georgia. I am satisfied, for now. As a friend tweeted: The real question for her is if she will promote any agenda. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2010 10:52:31 AM I said to a couple folks yesterday, this actually raises the level of debate on this complex issue. For the last several years we've seen the GA legislature take a very anti-woman stance all the while claiming to be all about "life". Dubose, while not ideal also brought a few issues to light-speaking about where Federal law, Roe v. Wade, isn't what gets decided in the states. Carol takes it from there speaking to what the states have done to erode sex education, support systems, shame and blame women and the intersections of overall heath and economic conditions for women. "Choice" is a very outdated word and assumes that you had one from the beginning, many women don't, without access to medically accurate sex education, contraception, medical services, ability to say no to the sex partner really, where was the "choice".. it's more russian roulette. The word choice in many circles now equals privilege. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ericalong404 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2010 11:31:26 AM Carol Porter's response is one of the most thoughtful statements I've read from a politician in a while. It's great to know that our candidate for LG is an adult. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 08:24:26 PM see, we get a woman running for a top spot, and we get a response that's correct on a woman's issue...just sayin. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: The Cream of the Crop BASENAME: the_cream_of_the_crop STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/26/2010 01:12:06 PM TAGS: "best of the best",campaign,"cream of the crop","Darryl Hicks","delusions of grandeur",Democrats,disclosures,election,"election 2010","JB Powell","je suis la creme de la creme","Michael Mills","Michael Thurmond",stuff,"stuff that is stupid","stupid stuff" ----- BODY: Dammit Mike.
      Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond... hasn't disclosed anything whatsoever since 2007. Thurmond, who's running for the U.S. Senate, filed no financial disclosure forms with the State Ethics Commission in 2008 or 2009, a check of the commission's online look-up shows. Elected officials in Georgia are required to report on basic details of their personal finances every year by July 1.
      We've got a Grade A class of candidates this year. In addition to Thurmond, six other Democratic candidates failed to properly file personal finance disclosures. Three are gadflies and I don't care about them, but JB Powell, Darryl Hicks, and Michael Mills kind of messed up. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2010 08:29:00 PM These guys are full of fail. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 09:03:15 AM I'm voting for RJ ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Unemployment Down Throughout Georgia BASENAME: unemployment_down_throughout_g STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/27/2010 08:06:54 AM TAGS: "department of labor",Georgia,jobs,"Michael Thurmond",unemployment ----- BODY: jobs.jpgPreliminary figures are good throughout the state. Atlanta did particularly well. From the GA Department of Labor:
      [T]he preliminary unadjusted unemployment rate in metro Atlanta declined to 9.8 percent in April, down six-tenths of a percentage point from a revised 10.4 percent in March. Meanwhile, the number of unemployed workers in the metro area decreased to 261,748 down 14,975 from 276,723 in March. The state's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate declined to 10.4 percent in April, down one-tenth of a percentage point from a revised 10.5 percent in March. This is the 31st consecutive month Georgia has exceeded the national rate, which is now 9.9 percent. The state's April jobless rate was up 1.2 percentage points from 9.2 percent at this same time last year. The jobless rate in metro Atlanta in April 2009 was 8.6 percent.
      Good news. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: An Explenation BASENAME: an_explenation STATUS: Draft ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/27/2010 08:55:37 AM ----- BODY: Thomas Wheatly observes at Creative Loafing:
      [T]he race to become the chief executive of one of the fastest growing states in the country just doesn't feel like it's happening.
      Well, it will, soon I think. The thing is unlike 2006, there isn't a combined total of more than $30 million between the three candidates for governor. Roy has no real primary. The Republicans are so split with money that they can't go after each other. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: The Race is Done BASENAME: the_race_is_done STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/27/2010 10:08:15 AM TAGS: campaign,candidate,"clown cars","drop out please",election,"georgia election 2010","gubernatorial election",InsiderAdvantage,poll,polling,"races that were over before they began","roy barnes","shooting ourselves in the foot","stupid clown cars","stupid stuff" ----- BODY: We have another poll showing the Democratic primary for governor is done. Roy has 64% of the primary vote, with an MOE of +/- 5%. I am inherently dubious of InsiderAdvantage polls and a 5% MOE is huge. However, these results jibe with everything else we've seen. That said I doubt Roy has 64% of the vote, but almost certainly he has a commanding lead. Regardless, people need to start dropping out, you know, "for the good of the Party". One thing that begs the question is this line from WSB's report: "The numbers also show this could be the lowest turnout ever for a Democratic primary in Georgia." Is that because it will be a depressed turnout or is it a shrinking Democratic Party here, or both? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2010 10:42:43 AM In answer to the question of voting... besides the obvious, because it's our civic responsibility... why should I show up? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2010 10:48:33 AM I say your vote doesn't matter so don't ask me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jules EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2010 10:50:53 AM In answer to the question of voting... besides the obvious, because it's our civic responsibility... why should I show up? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2010 01:46:19 PM I had a chuckle yesterday. Dubose is making lemonade by sending out emails saying he's in second place. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Top Kill May Have Worked BASENAME: top_kill_may_have_worked STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/27/2010 11:08:31 AM TAGS: BP,Environment,"environmental disaster","Gulf of Mexico","Obama. Obama's Katrina","Oil spill","Top kill" ----- BODY: Video looks promising. BP says it will know for sure tomorrow. Oh and the spill is "several times worse" than originally thought. I don't care who you are,the magnitude of the spill is completely incomprehensible. And yes this is, and should be, Obama's Katrina. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Catherine EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 12:08:51 PM I don't get how this is "Obama's Katrina". Why isn't in BP's Katrina? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 12:28:56 PM False dilemma. NVM that the point of calling it a "Katrina" isn't to show that it is a major problem, it deals with the commander in chief failing to show any initiative whatsoever to take the lead on a major disaster. Buck stops somewhere and tough shit if it stops with the POTUS. Let's do a thought experiment. It is 2007. Bush hasn't responded or shown any proactive leadership in what is probably the largest environmental catastrophe ever, that also happened to take place within U.S. territory. What would be the Democrats' response? Seriously, imagine if it took over a month for Bush to address the media about this. The left would be apoplectic. Please don't try to deny that, you'll make yourself dizzy with the spin. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 02:42:38 PM ED, I'll call BS on your BS. And MMFA has the tale of the tape: Not difficult to find. And no more of this Repug thinking meme, 'Oh the Dems would have done this or that given X, Y'. That's Silly. Stupid in too many ways to count. I was around for the Exxon Valdez too. And Poppy Bush moved even slower. Demonstrable circumstances. Watch less Fox too. And you might actually listen to the Prez's response here too: And yeah, I love it when all & sundry are caught up in a silly TV/Fox generated meme & then repeat it back endlessly to frame the debate. We've got plenty of Katrina refugees in Ga. Go ask them about the debacle of a Federal non response for a week while people lay trapped & dying all over the place in NOLA. Then ask about the yes, 2K dead from the most miserable Federal disaster response ever. We did better in the 1906 SF earthquake & fire & in the 1927 MS Floods. Read more & listen to the Fox whiners less. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 03:01:35 PM Never let the facts get in the way of a 'good media meme'... Ver. 12009.7: JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 07:37:01 PM Two things: - We saw Katrina coming a few days in advance. Preparing was a possibility. Michael Brown had no business being in the job of First Responder. - If, as it appears, there was a decision made on the very day of the explosion by a small group of executives to ignore warning signs, oversight becomes problematic. Elizabeth Birnbaum seems to have the right resume for the job, but she just got the job in July of last year. With no immediate crisis to respond to, it can take some time to change the culture of an organization. The new person will be able to do pretty much whatever s/he wants as far as reforming the MMS. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 07:59:51 PM "Seriously, imagine if it took over a month for Bush to address the media about this. The left would be apoplectic." True. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JerryT EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 08:13:41 PM It's just a totally false comparison. There is no doubt about who is responsible for this and who SHOULD BE responsible for fixing it. There was no private corporation responsible for Katrina. The only possible responder was the government and they didn't. This oil thing is a somewhat technical problem that requires technical expertise to fix, not just massive manpower. Team Obama is- and has been- consulting with experts since day one, and the path we are on is the consensus path. Yes, we are finally bringing the military/National Guard in on the shore cleanup, but that doesn't solve the root problem. I can understand why many want something different to happen, but no one seems to have an idea of what that something should be. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2010 01:06:27 AM Aw, Ed. Do you think your conservative friends will give you a cookie for repeating their spin? I'm curious to know what you think Obama should have done that he didn't. What would have qualified as "proactive leadership" and how would it have sealed the leak any sooner? If Obama should be blamed for anything it's for his continued willingness to endorse "Drill Baby Drill" in spite of the fact that it will yield little more than further environmental destruction simply because it is the "moderate" position. But that would require that he concede that the left is correct and, well, we can't have that, can we? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2010 03:22:09 AM Yeah, and we all need to Read more too. This is what the real conservatives were reading yesterday in the WSJ: WSJ, May 27, 2010 "BP Decisions Set Stage for Disaster" Synopsis here via another Ga. 'micro' blogger, Impishparrot over @ TPM Cafe: JMP ----- -------- AUTHOR: Catherine TITLE: Thank you, Rob Teilhet BASENAME: thank_you_rob_teilhet STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/27/2010 12:59:49 PM ----- BODY: Yesterday in a candidate forum, a striking difference between the two candidates running for Attorney General came to light. (Press release below the jump.)
      At a question and answer forum hosted by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, Hodges stated, as recorded by Andy Peters with the Fulton County Daily Report, "Certainly there was a need for [the law] originally. If there is evidence of discrimination [it should still be enforced], but I have not looked at that [law] to give an opinion on that now." Rob Teilhet, Democratic candidate for Attorney General, provided a much different answer. In his closing remarks, Teilhet stated there was no "if" about it--discrimination still occurs every day in Georgia. The people of Georgia deserve an Attorney General who stands up against discrimination and who is willing to protect voting rights. "This is not some obscure law. The Voting Rights Act was landmark legislation designed to protect every American's right to fully participate in the electoral process," said Teilhet. "Georgia needs an Attorney General that understands that we still need this law, and will fight to see it enforced. We've come a long way since 1965 but the work is not done. The Voting Rights Act ensures that our progress is maintained and it protects the right to vote for all Georgians."
      Well said, Mr Teilhet. Well said. ----- EXTENDED BODY: Voting Rights 1965 Media Release.pdf ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: J.M. Prince EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 02:29:22 PM Yep. A perfectly boneheaded response from Hodges. And yes, especially here in Ga.? That's a very important distinction. You've simply got to know that critical information as AG. It's been affecting the lives of everyday Georgians, well everyday, actually. JMP ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TimC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/27/2010 08:18:00 PM what? was Hodges channeling Paul from Kentucky on that one? lame. ----- -------- AUTHOR: edhula TITLE: Greta van Sustren Relies on the Internet's Wisdom BASENAME: greta_van_sustren_relies_on_th STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 0 DATE: 05/28/2010 10:02:08 AM TAGS: answers,"ask a question get a good response","blah blah blah","Fox News","Greta van Sustren",questions,stupidity ----- BODY: And the Internet is never wrong.
      Fox News' Greta Van Susteren received an email from a viewer, "Brian," saying that her "brain is empty." Naturally, she started a poll on her blog: "Who is dumber? Greta, or Brian." Guess who's winning.
      340x_results_01.jpg ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen Brock EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/28/2010 02:52:05 PM Duly voted. Greta's now to 70%. HA. ----- --------